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PEOPLE QUAL iTO TAS K, SAYS ARTHUR ROGERS Ninth Federal Reserve District Will Buy Any Amount, Says Liberty Loan Chairman. DRIVE BEGINS SEPT, 28 Selling in Northwest to Be Completed in Five Days-Local Organizations to Carry Out Details-Work. ers Behind Fighters. "The people of the Ninth Federal Reserve District will buy the amount. of Fourth Liberty Loan Bonds allotted to them, whatever that amount may be. They would buy these bonds even if they did not bear any interest." This strong statement was made by WA. R. Rogera, chairman of the Liberty Loan Executive Committee of this dis trict, after careful consideration. In explaining his confidence in the loy alty of the people of the fIorthwest, be said: "I am thoroughly convinced that the AMERICA'S TASK IN FRANCE. The above pieture of a Premeh town is typical of what the Americans are ading as they drive back the destructive hordes of Kaiserism. It is to prevent more of this cruel waste and help these who have suffered by it to regsin their freedom that America's men are Eghtiag in France and Americans at home are asked to provide the money. These objects cannot be obtained umless everyone does his duty during the Fourth Liberty Loan, September 29th to October mad. people of this great part of the coun try will do whatever their Govern ment asks them to do in this crisis. I[ believe this after working with these men through two Liberty Loan cam paigns and having pretty well learned their processes of reasoning and their inclinations. "I do not have this faith in the people of the Northwest because I think all of them are patriots, or are anywhere near perfect. "I do know, however, that a large majority of the men in these North west states understand what this war means, what part the United States Government must take in this war if it is to be brought to a successful conclusion. "They know that the people of the united States, individually and collec tively, must stand by their Govern nent if it is to accomplish its great ambition and bring harmonious peace to the world. "They know that America must finance her Allies and that if America furnishes the money it means victory. Every American must do his full Share. I know that the men and women of the Northwest appreciate their duty to their Government and will perform it at whatever cost to themselves. They have learned that everyone in America must get under the load which America is catrying for the dqmocracy of the world. "Realizing all this and feeling strongly the righteousness of the cause, we are soldiers, and whatever the Government in which we are stock holders asks us to do, we will do. "The actual work of selling bonds in the Fourth Liberty Loan drive in the Ninth District will begin Sept. 28 and will be completed just five days later. The work of organization throughout the district is being done now. The county chairmen in all counties are perfecting local organlma tions, maring the allotments and ar ranging all the details that will make the cu '' . .bnd 9Q " r 7 1 tively impk n1a .greet many a ties, probabl in the marity of them, ladividuar will be aotifed where sad at what time to buy the bonds allotted to them and their subscriptions will be promptly made without solicitation. "How ever a county committee de cides to carry out the details of its campaign will not be material so long as the results are obtained.. All any county has to do is to subscribe the amount allotted to it and to secure it properly and without resor to any methods that cannot be justified. "We have a great big task in front of us, but the people of these states are equal to it. They are not going to fail to loan the money necessary to their Government when millions of our young men are gladly giving the 'service which may mean their lives." WHERE THE MONEY GOES. Billions ere big. The average lay man finds a million hard to compre hend. As an aid to understanding why your Government must have so many billions of its people's dollars, Pay master General McGowan, of the Unitqd States Navy, gives the follow ing list of the costs of various kinds of supplies and equipment in the Navy. There are only about a million men in the United States Navy now. Estimated Cost of Various Types of Vessels Now Under Construction. Battleship ............ .$28,075,000 Battle cruiser ... ...... 24,900,000 Scout cruiser ............. ,220,000 Destroyer ................. 1,590,000 Coast submarine .......... 850,000 Sea-going submarine ...... 1,430,000 Cost of Various Kinds of Ammunition. 1-pounder cartridge ............ $0.72 6-pounder cartridge ........... 1.70 3-inch shell ................... 3.00 4-inch shell ................. 8.00 6-inch shell .............. .. 13.00 6-inch shell ............... 18.00 14-inch shell, from $80.00 for common shell to $580.00 for armor piercing. Torpedoes, $f,000.00 to $10,000.00 each. Cost of Various Guns, Based Upon Late Contracts. Gun and Mount Complete 8-inch (23 calibre) ....... $4,000.00 8-inch ....... ........... 15,000.00 4-inch ................. 22,000.00 6-inch .................... 33,000.00 6-inch ................... 40,000.00 8-inch Howitzer ......... 22,000.00 14-inch (50 calibre) ....... 166,000.00 16-inch (45 calibre) ...... 215,000.00 16-inch (50 calibre) ....... 256,000.00 Airplane machine guns .... 560.00 Issuing Price of Various Items of Clothing. Rubber boots, pair............ $2.45 Blankets, each ................. 6.50 Jerseys, each ................ 2.75 Jumpers (blue), each .......... 4.00 Jumpers (dungaree), each...... 1.00 Jumpers (dress), each........... 1.70 Jumpers (undress), each........ 1.00 Leggings, pair ............... 1.00 Neckerchiefs, each ............. 1.20 Overshirts, each ............... 5.50 Overcoats, each ..,...........18.00 Shirts (blue P. 0.), each........ 4.50 Shoes (high), pair ............. 5.00 Shoes (low), pair ............. 4.00 Trousers (blue), pair........... 6.00 Trousers (dungaree), pair....... 1.10 Trousers (white), pair........... 1.10 Undershirts (heavy, each....... 1.50 Undershirts (cotton), each. .r... 40 The cost of the Navy per man per day dirtig the frst.sit months of the scal year 1018 vaued frea $0.49, on Lb 1e4mr toes of vesels, tw 0.e ea "JO Al' rp·tj~L- :::-;'1Poc.-i: COUNTY 10 Iteresting Coty Items From Our Exchaga and Readers RESERVE NEWS NOTES (By Our Correspondent) Quite a few from here took in the dance Saturday night. Miss Midstock, of Sharon, N. D., is visiting here with her brother Os car for a few days. Minnie Sidsness, of Williston, N. D., is visiting with her brother, Nor nn and family. Mrs. Dahl, who has been stopping with her daughter, Mrs. Gunderson, returned to her home at Antelope Sunday. Mr. Hydle, who has been sick with the grippe, is much improved. Mr. and Mrs. Overby and the Whitish family are on the sick list. According to symptoms it seems to be Spanish Influenza. Martin Nelson, Mrs. Sealander and the children spent Sunday in Comer town. Ethel and Marie Singleton, of Madoc, Mont., spent the week end with home folks here. Mrs. O. L. Hydle entertained a few of her friends Tuesday after noon. The time was spent in knit ting and refreshments were served. The Misses Flora, Joice and Iva Carpenter, who are attending school at the Lake, spent the week end with their folks here. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Williams and daughter Ruth motored to Plenty wood Thursday. People are buying liberally of Liberty Bonds here. John and Ray Kallak and Nels Hagen were in Medicine Lake on business Monday. iirs. Gust and Ingebert Strand en tertained the R. C. Thursday. Miss Mildred Faille spent Sunday with her parents at the Lake. Real Estate Transfers U. S. A. to Albert Foote, patent, E 1-2, 25-30-48. SAlbert Foote to David E. Parks, warranty deed, SE 1-4, 25-30-48. Albert Foote to John B. Tyler, war ranty deed, NE 1-4, 25-30-48. Gustav Oie to H. P. Hanson, war ranty deed, lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, block 12, lots 5, 6, blockz 19; lot 3, block 1; lot 7, blocl 30, Oie's Add., Scobey. U. S. A. to Forrest Main, patent, N 1-2 N 1-2, SW 1-4 NW 1-4, NW 1-4 SW 1-4, 13, SE 1-4 NE 1-4, NE 1-4 SE 1-4, 14-37-48. U. S. A. to Maud V. Erickson, pat ent, SW 1-4, S 1-2 NW 1-4, SW 1-4 NE 1-4, NW 1-4 SE 1-4, 15-37-48. U. S. A. to Floyd Main, patent, S 1-2 SW 1-4, 13, SE 1-4 SE 1-4, 14, E 1-2 NE 1-4, 23, N 1-2 NW 1-4, SW 1-4 NW 1-4, 24-37-48. U. S. A. to Louis Cray, patent, S 1-2 S 1-2, 11, N 1-2 N 1-2, 14-34,50. Eastern Mont. Sec. Co. to Paul Johnson, warranty deed, lot 11, block 15, North Wolf Point. L. G. Lasater to Anna Lester, war ranty deed, lot 8, Lasater's Gardens. J. W. Schnitzler to Libby Yards Co., warranty deed, lot 20, block 11, Froid. R. D. Miller to R. G. Ferguson, warranty deed, lot 15, block 17, North Wolf Point. U. S. A. to Maurice Bighorn, pat ent, lot 3, block 5, Poplar. Maurice Bighorn to Chas. R. Trin der, warranty deed, lot 3, block 5, Poplar. Mary F. Rowan to T. V. Rowan, warranty deed, lot 8, block 7, Dooley. U. S. A. to Tilda Shipstead, patent, S 1-2, 4-33-47. U. S. A. to Gunda Negaard, pat ent, SE 1-4, S 1-2 NW 1-4, N 1-2 SW 1-4, 22-37-57. Tri. St. Land & Loan Co. to Otto Fiskum, deed, lot 6, block 3, White tail. Otto Fiskum to E. S. Lee, warran ty deed, lots 5 and 6, block 3, White Afraid of His Track to Izzie P. Arthur, warranty deed, SW 1-4 SW 1-4, , SE 1-4 SE 1-4, 6-27-49. F. D. Morck to Edward Arneklev, warranty deed, E 1-2 NW 1-4, 20-84 56. John Grenwald to Myritle K. Lid gard, warranty deed, lot 9, block 88, Wolf Point. AbrmP. P Penaer to, . T. Miller, awrraty deed, lot 5, block, 45, Wol * Cita Wi . S :Co.. to Smuwel ý..ý sj, Ilkab 41 1" ~~ rt- X,,i U. S. A. to Sumse Strapc"an, patent, lot 4, block 7, Wolf Pot,. U. S. A. to Paul T. Harper, patent, lot 6, block 38, Wolf Point. U. S. A. to Susie Strachan, lot 5, block 7, Wolf Point. CARD OF THANKS Through the columns of this paper we desire to return our warmest thanks to the citizens of this commu nity for kindness and sympathy ex tended to us during the sickness and death of our beloved little children. MR. AND MRS. JULIUS VANCE, Dagmar, Mont. * YOUR SUBSCRIPTION- * WHEN DOES IT EXPIUE? * W DISCONTINUE SENDING PA- * * PERS AFTER DATE OF EX- * * PIRATION UNLESS SUB * SCRIPTIONN IS RENEWED * * AND PAID FOR." * * The Producers News readers * * should look up their date of ex * piration and zenew at once,\* * thereby not missing a single is- * * sue. The new order goes into * * effect October 1. a * S * a S * * * S * , "The Fourth Liberty Loan Is Here- Get Busy." OUR AIM AT ALL TIMES IS TO DEAL WITH YOU SQUARELY TO SELL YOU HONEST AND RELIABLE GOODS AT THE Lowest Price Possible WE WANT TO STAND BACK OF EVERY ARTICLE WE SELL YOU--IF IT ISN'T RIGHT, OUR DESIRE IS TO MAKE IT SO. SEE OUR COMPLETE AND BEAUTIFUL LINE OF WALL PAPER SAMPLES. Suggestions Gladly Given on Home Decorating and Furnishing M. M. JOHNSON FURNITURE, UNDER rAKING, R UG S, LINOLEUMS, DRAPERIES' AND CURTAIN MATERIALS. EMBALMING PARLORS AND HEARSE SERVICE PLENTY WOOD, MONTANA ZTh e .fect Kerosene BuRner PRICE OF MODEL F $1075.00 F. 0. B. FACTI REASONS FOR THE NEW PRICE-The advanced price is made necessary by the greatly b creased cost, both of material and labor. Nevertheless, with all its superiority of desipn Ad * struaction the MODEL F HAPPY FARMER TRACTOR still remains the lowest standard TrS d its class. M t -- im ..port. t - ttuae ic h sde t .Model B. Lo popular have been r ' •a" . Pralect *t~ . .oel Shet Ta~. ., ight or Left; Correct Desigln, bt Perfect Balace, AcssiblMty, Self Guaiding Isa the Furrow, etc. Tme amfacture of Models A aud B has beea disamntiued, because The La CrOe.. im tvMy alp i lts~k pol"c ·L aitiays bUaildlg the Best Tractor on Earth, and Of Doa't buy a tanso t atil ryes ha. le over anmd considered a "HapPY Farmer. e#l 1s very est, and i Tracss "msta~eP' is hard to get rid of, ilt s. the PH. at e ,·at the aCir Stonr" ihrm or talk with your ie s e m . , CASTONI SAVE MONEY AT HARVEST TIME AND AT THRESHING ON YOUR GENERAL SUPPLIES The quality, price and service mean everything to you during har vest and threshing. Our supply of groceries is complete in every re spect, our prices are right, and our services will please you At The Cash Store Karl J. Karlson, Prop. Outlook. Mon I