Newspaper Page Text
I IXUP CAUSE MESS; WORST IS OYvh 'rancisco, Oct. 28.-The dstea present Spanish influenza ept. which he said was now in de. and the semblor which sheoo an archipelago on Octobei 11 Gre accurately forecast by Pte. Albert F. Porta, an Oakland 0eptist, it developed here today. The influenza epidemic was relat. a certain conjunctlion of Jupiter pt other planets, according to the fasts and explanations of Profes fo porta. This planet arrangement r passing, indicating that the epidemic is on the wane, he said. JUDGE SIDNEY SANNER QUITS SUPREME BENCH Associate Justice Sidnef Sanner resigned from the supreme court accept the office of judge advocate the army, with the rank of major, and Governor Stewart has accepted his resignation. In his letter of ac ceptance Governor Stewart pays Judge Sanner a tribute upon his ef iency as a member of the Supreme court. Judge Sanner is to report to Wash g within a few days. The Gov. error will wait till after the election t appoint a successor to Judge Soner. ,IN WILL BE SUMMONED YEFORE JULY NEXT TEAR Washington, October 29.-Draft aul for men who have passed their hirty-seventh birthdays are expected to begin about March 1. The ap to date of the first call was disclosed today by publication of-tee. imony by Provost Marshal General Crowder before the house military comuittee. General Crowder told the commit a 2,399,000 newly registered men between 18 and 45 will be called be fore July 1. The calls for general Revice will be divided as follows: October, 345,000; November, 204, 8; December, 197,500; January, 147,0O; February, 244,000; March, April, May and June, 344,000 each auth. These men will supply both fr army and the navy and marine 'aps In addition 20,000 men for limited levice will be called each month. MONTANA MEN ARE ORDERED OUT AT ONCE Adjutant General Greenan has roe a call from the war depart t for 5,535 drafted men from latana for general military service, ad local draft boards are to be se l of their quotas at once. Those will be from the class between 18 aid 36 years. Gemeral Greenan also has been no that all registrants qualified for rat service before September 12, 1,750 in lumber, are to be ea for camps at once, and this adr is to be complied with within The orders apparently take os N+ t of the influenza situation, and Wised upon the need to supply numbers of men to the western t to keep up American strength. YOU "SNOOZE" EXTRA HOUR SUNDAY MORNING? 14 you sleep an extra hour on y morning? If you didn't you be of schedule, for all the clocks the United States stopped an hour 2 o'clock on Sunday morning, and took up the procession of the The country is now back up a 8 time basis and finished with ist seren month of daylight sav eerience. td of stopping the clocks for r, most people solved the prob by setting them back an hour they retired on Sunday night. oY didn't the only way they will of starting it again on the cor tjj~ will be for dad to make a to town and bring the hour home tis watch, for the telephone 1o longer tells the time of IST OF 145sREGIMrMr g is a continued list of tem raymen who fei.s br12th under the seletive this heading you w a a list of the n ~e of whom Will be Il~rtly, until wM1 t'5 entyreIltf ere',G i ` .,Aloe ( j ; jý "uJ i* t481; ý 481 PCha"r Cornaj Gor , Wit= 483 Jama" h Be, ettrer 485 Aa An, eP rroid 486 John Pet y Ml metre, ro ole 495 Gbert . I erl, Frase 487 Peter suerhn Goqirs, Volt 498 Sioey JD d o Dorothy, Froid 489 azxe~, ughBell, Weliver 490 Earl Edward Cosper, Outlook 491 Edward Lirno, Frohd 492 Richar~d Heated, Plentywood 493 Aalag Midthon, Froid 494 Gordon Leroy Searles, Dooley 4950 Gilbert L. lewry, Fraser 496 George Elaworth Boyd, Madoc 497 Roy David Belly, Froid 498 Edward George Cheoey, Froid 499 James Johnq~u, Dooley 500 George Anton Lelbaeh, Dooley ,01 Fred Stephen Sleight, Froid 502 Peter Peterson, Caniridge 503 Charley Wesley Place, Sas. tohn, Toaw 504 harley Udwaed Fough, Home stead 505 Joha Fiend.s Van der KkkoI. Reeerv 506 Hlramu Curtis Saunders, Wasps 57John Mann, Kable 508 RGalp Eugene Ford, Plenty 50 Christian Udwia Wagaed, Ray mend . 510 Elmer Jeqeph Armeson, Tribune, Sask., Can. 511 Theodore Thorsen,,Culbertson 512 Andrew Jeterson Todd, Julian 513 Howard Norburn Isaacs, Poplar 514 George Fredrick Reinlander, Dooley 515 Isaac Nutou Ruggles, Dooley 516 Carl Albert Hanson, Raymond 517 Henr Edward Westra, Poplar 518 Carl e*a, Coalridge 519 Aler4 Forsyth, Culbertson 520 Clans Alrick -Ruthberg, Froid 521 Nels Sundvold, d 522 Martin Walseth, Wolf Point 523 James Burke, Wolf Point 524 Christian Fritzler, Culbertson 525 Adam Bucanan Yuill, Madoc 526 Louis Clyde Hitchcock, Scobey 527 Thomas Edward Smith, Scobey 528 John Manning Helmer, Poplar 529 Thorwald Arnold Hansen, Dag mar. 530 Charles Hewett, Westby 531 Harry Fowler Godfrey, Plenty wood 532 Gustave Amaidus Lundeen, Poplar 538 Henry Bott, Froid 534 Julius August Johnson, Peplar 585 Henry Oskas, Westby 536 James Wilbur Tyler, Poplar 537 Gilbert Bakke, Scobey 538 George Stewark Ross McLeod, Dooley 539 Anthony Mervyn Holt, Dooley 540 Dennis Patrick Olaughlin, Conm ertoww 542 Homer Snyder, Scobey 541 Melvin Edward Rhoda, Froid 543 George W. King, Medicine Lake 544 Hans J. Olson, Scobey 545 John Gunderson, Outlook 548 Clarence Albert Brechbiel, Seips 547 Joseph Julius Dietrich, Westby 548 Herman Frank Schaefer, Madoc 549 Paul Jennings Raish, Home stead 550 Claude Merrill Smith, Plenty wood $51 Alfred Peterson Skjevlund, Pop jar 552 Frits Jensen, Bredette 553 Hans Christ Hanson, Bredette 554 Frederick Jacob Miller, Ante lope 555 Ernest William Mack, Cog*er town 556 Lawrence Sweboda, Kable 557 Sjur Tjon, Kahle 558 Fred Erasmus Herman, Ante lope 559 Charles Deis Ermatinger, We atby 560 Aral eal Olsou, e a. 561 .U y Kerd Wr ltAey 564 Perr 0eesson 58 Geo.rgT - AIi . *I .M ) l l Wolf Ms~jj;: J*RSSkFu, U* Klos Cr..,Woli Point` 0Z Oe' Athu ~h~thWolf Poln 598 Touead McGovern, Madjc 4 iaJam Henry Durkin, Madec 595 Dan Ferguson, Williston, N. D. 596 ost Nikolet, Mon k 597 Chris Jensen, Poplar 598 George Mead Randall, Wolf Point 599 Sever Ekholm, Wolf Point 600 Axel Johannus Gottlieb Wald hansea, Culbertuon 601 Charles Ira Grimes, Soobey 602 William Henry Rogers, Minne apolis, Mimin. 603 Clifford Wilson, Wolf Point 604 - Harvey Roy Steason, Seobey 605 Ernest Henry Klakken, Dooley 606 William Alexander . McClure, Brockton 607 Wilhym Herron, Raymond " 608 Walter Raymond Flack, Wolf Point 600 Julius lisser, Scobey 610 Emil Skglund, Plaivlle 611 Juliuq diver Strand, Kable *1a Psa Seladt, Calbertes. 618 Auglstes Hugk Hively, Soobey 614 Walter Rodgers, Naafi 615 Henry Arthur Do. ley 616 Olaf Theodore Carloan, Welliver 617 Peter N. Pederses, Poplar 618 Carl Ludvig Johabon, Dooley 619 Frederick Betatn Lousing, WeI liver 620 Carl Robert York, Pleatywood 621 Daniel Julius Olson, Plentywoed 622 Sever Hogenson, Bainville Your Opportunity To. Save Money You hdve an opportunity to make a big saving if you visit our store and take advantage of our Pre- War Prices Made possible only because ofthe fact that we bought our large stock of goods at pre-war prises, and instead of taking a huge pro ft ourselves, we are giving our patrons the benelt. This is the / reason w iy we esa o*fer you quality goods at lower prioms. Complete Stock Our stock is complete in practically every line in our store and your so lection is not limited. Our goods Ctr of ` the best quality and always give satisfaction. Our Fa riek Mackinaws for aes , " and beyo ean't be beat for the price. we have Boys' Sheep Lined ' Coats at $5 and ups als. Men's, in eluditg leather vest-cold weather wearing, apparel, woak ishow and @t dress shoes, four-buckle overshoes, sad areties. . Ready Made Honor Built Suits For Men and Boy. OUR STOCK OF READY MADE HONOR BUILT ALL WOOL SUITS FOR MEN AND BOYS JU8T ARRIVED AND RANGE IN PRICES PROM $18 TO $3e. HERE IS A CHANCE TO GET A GOOD SUIT OF NOBBY, GOOD WEARING CLOTHES AT RIGHT FRIC S-DON'T FAIL TO SEE THESE GARMENTS. ALSO` OtEacTeS JOB MEW AND BOYS. See Line of Farm 1EE8 CALL YOUR AT'URSTON 10 62~ ~wArdIt Ai D ºa. Wflstqp 62V Auss 3.. Jensen, Wed e Lake 680 John Alfred Johnsom, Westby. 631 MaptaIs Issaueo, Dooky 632 Delbert A. Palmer, Bainville 683, Fedp .G. diegeler, Broektm 6v4 William &r~s Barney, Seobey 686 Richard 3ruvold, Comrtmown 686 Emil Alfred Stenmark, Plenty wood 637 Sam Fal nburg, Bainville 688 John Woranchns Nelson, Westby 689 Herbert Julfas Schuig, Volt 640 Gregor Wampach, Wolf Point 641 Lars E. Johnson, Plentywood 642 Timothy James Murphy, Wolf Point 644 Thomas Joseph Carroll, Wolf Point 644 Ole Harson, Culbertson 64t" Garabed Sarkisian, Wolf Point The Butte Daily Buletin 101 S. Idaho, Butte, MDntaua AN INDWENDWNT NEWSPAPER PUULISH*D IN THE INTERESTS OF ALL WRO TOIL A PRODUCE. SUISCUIPTION RATES 3 i *m ts .......... ....- .............W.A 6 me o ths .....................................6.75 y ye ar . .............. .. .............. .... #.. 0 7. 647 lfli 0 Ot, Wefllve 68 m1s O Gumber**n ?!emtywood 4 Gc :. Arthur Jackson, Pleaty wood 650 Osard Astley Benson,'Plenty. 661 Gast Marans Hatges, Bainville 6t, Roy Btxdei t Bookes, Bainildle 653 Glenn Milton Hall; Bainvilae 664 Van Cleve iassll, Dooley 685 Stilman Clayson Moore, Poplar 666 Ernest Richard Rutheford, Flax fille 657 William Leonard Ross, Welliver 658 Albert Bealka, Flaiville 659 Henry Sears, Poplar 650 Selmer Hanson, Dooley 661 Mortimus Anderson Solberg, Plentywood 662 Henry Robert Harold, Volt 663 John Herman Heon, Koplerville 664 David Burke, Plentywood 665 Martin Olsen, Culbertson 666 Knut Urdahl, Flazville 6E7 Ole Chresten Berg, Dooley 66? William Quam, Westby 669 Frank Anderson, Bainville AMERIC IA4Im That'. t e name of a*e niet,Yw e brightest North Daosta Daily. GRAND &os AMERICAN Your neighbor reams it-that's why he is so well Informed. Th e People's Paper The corporation-dominated dailies of the cities give you only one side of the big public questions. The AMERICAN is owned by a thousand public-spirited citizens of the Red River valley. They have banded together to get the pure, unadulter ated news for themselves. You can get the benefit of their in vestment by sending in your subscription for one year at $5. GREAT REFORMS ARE COMING IN NORTH DAKOTA If you wish to keep up with the procession, you'll have to read the AMERICAN. Send that check for $5 today to the Grand Feore Amerlesa, Bez 7Y1, Grand Feirk, N. D. Have Your Broken Castings Mended By Johnson & Root (Successors to) Homestead Acetylene Welding Co. HOMESTEAD, MONTANA If castings should brea in the WELD OIR NOT FIT MO REFUNDED A GUARANfEE That Means SOMEHINC In very nearly all cases castings will be very much cheaper and just as strong as new ones, most cases not costing over a third or half as much. Plenty wood Bakery Groceries, Butter, Eggs, Cream, Ice Cream and Cold Drinks LIGHT LUNCHES SERVED ALL DAY ED WEISS, Proprietor Attention Producers! Small individual store co-operatles a thing of the past. The Montana Stores Co., a Cor poration, is co-operating en a plan where the power of co-operation will be of mutual beneft to the esamuni ty and state. Anyone interested in co-operation should acquaint them selves with the principkh and work ing plan of the Montana Stores Co., now operating in Sheridan County, Montana. All inquiries and dates far explena tion op these principles will be cheer fully attended to by Gus W. VahI Wh-tB Mo