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Image provided by: Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT
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On this page your ballot will be found, just as is will be handed to you by the election judges next Tuesday, Nov. 5. This sample ballot has been marked with an "X" before all league candidates' names. Vote For Every League Caiididate Every voter who enters the election booth should vote for EVERY LEAGUE CANDIDATE. Don't vote just for one or two and then stop. Vote the FULL LEAGUE TICKET. Show This Copy of The Producers News to Neighbors Carry this copy of The Producers News in your pocket and see that every one of your neighbors who are not League meuibers mos a chance to look it 'ver. .,And Don't For get Totk ithis page with you when you vote to ai4 you. in marking the ballot given you on election day. Study This Ballot Until You Know It By Heart LOiCAL NEWS Henry Eri.ksmo, of Antelope, was a visita , : P lentywood Sunday. * S S o *;. Vezina, of Dooley, motoired here last Thursday for a shott shieas.. visit. ' * * S Charles Barnstad, farmer from the Reserve vicinity, paid a business vis it to the county capitol last Friday. * ** Miss Mtuth Kjelstrup left on Mon day for Wolr Point where she will care dor E. J. Haugen's little boy and girl. * * * Hans Harderson, farmer from the Aai aitty came to the coqnty sea4 I ra Fhdky to attend to : busi ness' ltters. * ** Ole A. Selvig and Alfred Bakke, progressive Outlook farmers, made the Producers News a pleasant call while in the city on Monday. *** J. P. Larson, farmer from the Mc Cabe vicinity, was a visitor here last Saturday. Mr. Larson remained in the city over Sunday. * *S* Mrs ~ n Searls, of Comertown, has beef assisting with the work of caring for influenza patients in this city during the past two weeks. Epllriam Fawcett, one of the many progressive farmers from the Out look community, was in town attend ing to business matters last Thurs day, * * s Reuben Seaberg and G. C. Bantz, Outlook farmers, called at The Pro ducers News office Wednesday of this week while at the county seat on busi ness matters. *"* s W. A. Deaney, who is-located at Williston,. I. D., engaged in the land and loan business, visited with his sister, Mrs. I. A. Oakes and family, Monday and Tuesday of this week. -* * S -Dooley Esn--Mrs. Lenfest arrived here from flantywood Saturday to take charge of the influenza patients at the hoqital. Mrs. Lenfest is be ing assisted by the Misses McNeely and Franey. Mrs. C. B. 1ompson, assistant cashier of te st National Bank at Scobey, w last Sunday.1 While peon made at as a Red Cross nurse for ovwms service. Clai Stasenr, ewe of the many sue cesathe Outlook dis trict, 4h =the city last 8.a the ea the Na son al ,=. a~dit la Ibs W. Clavier, a iLeagau speaker, wan a visitor here last Saturday., * a *. , enza and died £ week before last. The L deceased is a brother to Mis. Karl Hoviand, at Outlook. . e Nels Levang, farmer from the Homestead eommnqity, was in Plen tywood Tuesday on business matters. * *a S - Miss Forrest, one of the local 1 school teachers, is keeping books at I the Bolster hardware store terp rari-. ly. 3 The first snowfall of the peason r was recorded a Pipese1 Mind., and - vidnity last IdaI j lirjy two incdes feal. {Arthur Laciambe, aged 98 years, a a homesteader tnorthwest of Whitetail, I died the latter part of last week. He was unmarried. * * a, - Westby News-Miss Deitlein, a b trained nurse, arrived Tuesday and i is nursing at the home of her sister, Mrs. Schloesser. * a** While at Westby attending his I father's auction sale, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Effinger, who was located at Plaza, N. D.,. contracted the influ * ** The Producers News failed to men tion that a bouncing farmer boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zimmer man, who live about 3 miles north of Plentywood, on October 10th. a a * Miss Killem, the local domestic science teacher, who has been attend ing influenza patients in the Archer vicinity during the past few days, re turned to the city Tuesday. s s Jack Leonard, a merchant from Wolf Point, and the democratic can didate kor county commissioner, was a business visitor in the city the fare part of this week. ** * Erik Melgaard and Radolph Nelson, farmers from the Raymond vicinity, called at The Producers News ofte Wednesday of this week, while they were in town attending to tiose matters. Little Clinton Ford, w ying in one of the local iumber yardse ands brke his of weqk. A doctorAv led the little fellow was ad= arm dressed and placed in a cast * .* . Lewis Rasmusen, Jo n $*'huh gAelMA A.J a Outlook farmers, were A. eJ S Leader, a farmer from the Madoc vicunity, was a business visitor in the city Wednesday. Andrew Anderson, farmer and member of the Outlook school boards was a visitor in the city on Monday. ** .* Mr. And Mrs. Wmi. Weiss, Outlook farmers, came down to the county seat on Monday to attend to busi ness matters. * S * Mr. and Mrs. Chas. F, Kazeck wilt leave for the coast Friday morning, where they will spend the yintel. They are as yet undecided as to where they will %eate. John Aalbu, who resides north of 1 ayhnond on the Canadian side, vis ited with Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Olson at their farm- tiear Plentywood, the fore part of this week, *- -0 Harry D. Loucks, prominent farm er and owner of the Review, the weekly newspaper at Redstone, was among the many business visitors in the city last Thursday. ***\ Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Knudson and childze4 of Antelope, were in the city da Se visiting with their daughter 3s. E. R. Munsen, who is nursing'at the Leland Hotel. * *S Fred lbson, manager of the Plen tywood Implement Co., and Peter Marron, the sheep rancher, left last Thursday via the Soo line *ith a carload of livestock for Chicago. * * Henry Paulsene, well known Well! ver farmer, reported for U. S. Army examination here last Friday and vis ited with his sister, Mrs. (. L Burns and family, over Sunday., * * * John Schmid and Jacob Meyer, Westby farmers, were county seat visitors Tuesday of this week. While here, Messrs. Meyer and Schmid sub scribed for The Producers News. * .** Ray White, the local G. N. depot agent, who is enjoying a vacation, re turned here from Wolf Point ot Tuesday and left on Thursday morn ing for Minnesota points to visit with friends and relatives Mrs. Jack Murray left last Sat yudy' tra f i, from w be eho e to go *u .; t$ the Veen on rge hashamp s. witlje entpispt a cook for a short time. t ist all Use **aib. ieft hett ~' ~ 1~LOT o Asapetd 'oar whom the electohe _ aemot of th people by markingour I - - V! ýý` 'i.' '' 1ý' -,, 11" ý. ."°" a te bs pkraes, or Past Ovr as~ ...... . iý . ..... t h e . . - - - - - -- - - - - Fe e'eO e o the square before tsuc na t tic - ýkp em Co.r is aar m !..r ............. . .......... uprme, .c~tw T i *ýl~fj t Scait Ticket Nationlc Eft AL - . .. .. . . . . . . .. .. .. . .. , . . . .. .. ,.... .. .... .......: . ...». ..._ .» .. .. .. I .. 'f .. .M.I S.S.. . . .. . . .. . . J.. .A d t SUOur StaFo rut For States SeraThre JOrt KIRSCH ( - .- MISS I For Ae eJuWAce Of Th Jnai Of The - Supreme Cour - o ne.C.r. . .......... e l I I .JOHN A. MATEHEWS DCH LES H. COOPER f f . For State Aitor ý ký - For State "..ato f- - -4 - . - --- --...........«..:....»,. «...b ..« ---- .».. . .. ....« ..-.»«. y-...«.»............... Second Con tesi l For State Auditor For State Auditor F R Public Service X j o rIRaUSG G.POLAND S oGEORGEP.PORTER JOH. X«.:.,» .. .................». ....... ... . . % - ----------........- -- ......... .«. For Repre e sntative In Congress, For railroad and Public Service For Railroad and Public Service Second Congressional District CAIS - Commssioner. -oCmissioner - i I I ....................... .... ... .r. .r.e t. .v ea T r - - F SJBLL jLEE DENNIS J I ....-" _. FSt t For Representative X _... .HN I ._.. F-- t S Second CongrQ I . For Aepreseutav n, Cougress, For Representative In Count. ICmo ____nd wiiteoGo d tct 1IA JOSEPH POPE BE...-ARL W..IUDDICK I. »»..._.. .«.r... ».... ....... s y For Coet Co misonr- o 8 - -- - ------- - -- . ........2.............. ..For»Repres.tative For State Sh For State Senator ! I SeatrOLE YAEGER X CLAIR STONER .: .:.:;.. «y ' . irº I HENRY LOWE 1e INELS A. LEVANG -" 1r .- I I ..-...--_.w...«-«--.-.-.---"-"-»_. I I..........1 .............. .. . For County CotCmmissioneer-For Si For R-epresent .. Year~~ea TermON NERO ,d Clorr FrRpeettvatr F epresentative JOHNS. NYQUIST I S ES AL ý"I I A. J. JENSEN CHS W.WET For County Comnuissimon N kI I ........................... - Year Tern yI 1* For County Commisoer-For S' I I ............. y...I......_ . ........ ..........«.". . ................ Fo Ye ark Tn eerm I --- - --------- -- -------.. I_ For County Commissioner-For Sia For Clek and Recorder .AJR....reaer....... I I- - ; M. Year Term JN JOHN ANDERSON JMLEONARD I GUYB.ME N I I II -1 EDWARD EUGENE y~j ~' I I Fo Clrk ad Rcordr I 1 ......... . .. ...............* ForClerkand Recorder A X- ForTreasurer I ---...........----_ I I1 I I ( I FRED UMBRIET For Treasurer MRS. BEN B. JOHNSON I -............ - . _ . Y Treasurer................ »------ »»For.dito Forr ....................................NN. e For Treasurer R- For Sheriff For Sheriff e o AdtoForAdi tor For AFortAuditor r o udtrFor Superintendent Of Schools j ............... I II JIMES ..REDMOND Forr SurveyorO For CounteyorB - uvyo o........__... __ ................ ~ .......-.--. ANWNE I I-.. - ' I ForoCountytyAssessor For.Cunty.sor H. or HI rvLL o II .. (................................................. ....- C.E. CO-YE. For PublcAmnhtyUtt o For County AssessorFoCroe -1 I........-. -.........-........ ... ....~ ~~~ ~~ ~- - - - --A .W N E IC . V. DE ITER _..___________-_--__--------- ...-.. .....---- - For County Attorney For County Attorney .ID. E. McLAUGRIUN 1 Ij T. W. GREER X J. J. GUNTHER FrJsieO hP I ~ I.........................................Plenty wood Judicial W ____ ___ ___ ____ __ or uM~c A~i g~~(Vote for Two) .......................-.-r Pubi..Adm--...rat. Fqr Public Admiaistrator For Public Administrator 1I IIE. E. BET5AN8KI 1W. A. WHEELER I X .JHNONFocoroner oroerFor Constable I...-. ..................(VoefrTo Frastle) Of The Peace Judicial TaWp PlntwodJaiia Twaip(Vote for Two) 1(Vote for T o - - --- ...--. E.wo i . L NS IFor Ja 'ea ftheP .eace BA ONfPlent bownshi G GE BOLSTE