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Farmer Wants Justice, Not Advice, Says Martin situation is entirely different to that [ of the United States. Canada, as we all know, with no tariff in mind, is pooling to get the best price through ; co-operative marketing in the world's markets for the greater part of its crop and as a member of this pool 1 contend that with only 52% of the producers members of the pool the percentage of efficiency falls far 1 short of what it would he with an 100% membership. As a member I rweive about S0% of the market price at the time of marketing, a further j payment in the course of three or four months and the balance within a year, less the cost (really an Eiiual ization fee) whereas my neighbor, one of the 4H%, not a member of the pool, receives 100% of the market price at the time of marketing, thus receiving every benefit for which he | pays nothing. It should he an easy | matter to make the Canadian wheat pool 100% efficient in every wav and j it is merely justice to compel every beneficiary to pay his share, no more no less, for beside the regular tax | provided for various purposes in Can-1 a,la we find such taxes as the surtax, j the wild land tax. hail tax on raw ] land, the latter equivalent to paying j fire insurance on a vacant lot to pro tect the neighbors' building; thus legislation making every bushel pay its wav should find little opposition and so', as you can readily see, could he made 100% workable. All govern ment is forced co-operation. The Equalization Fee, as you are aware, really becomes a bounty tax payable to the exporter who finds a market for the surplus wheat or nro ducts, a very simple process. Act ually, Mr. Jardine, if you and I own ed and controlled all of the wheat in the United States we would co-oper ate and would need no legislation to get the benefit of the tariff on what is consumed at home. If this is true of wheat it likewise is true of the other five basic commodities mention ed in the McNary-Haugen Bill and would also be true of all non-perish able commodities that are relative to those mentioned in this measure, which takes in practically everything, Certainly no hair lines should bo drawn questioning the constitution ality of the bill. Even the perishable commodities should be benefitted and the Equalization Fee being paid by the beneficiary of the commodities named in the measure only, no one would be harmed by this method of organization and co-operation. There fore, practically all producers ot anv commoditv would be benefited. The tariff on the statute books is there presumably to benefit the producers ami the McNary-Hau K en Bill accom plishes what you and I would do to make the tariff fully effective, or what any small group who could easi ly cooperate would do, wthout ques tion, in the marketing of not only the .surplus hut all of any product. One can hut question the sincerity of pur pose of those opposed to a plan that ariKsse e i-Äj-rirs really a stabilizer of the necessities reany a siauuizer oi xne necessities of life, a regulator of prices, produc tion and orderly marketing, the equal ization fee fluctuating aAcordini to surplus with an elimination of violent fluctuation of prices, of no benefit to producers or consumers such as oc curred February, 1925, when wheat dropped 17c in one day and advanced 15c the following day in our market. In other words, any legislation pass ed must require each marketed unit •(Continued from pane One) in the Drainage Act and also in tho Federal Reserve Act that has forced all national banks, some unwillingly, into the Federal Reserve system, which, apparently, is now well thought of by those in control and which "be cause of its compulsory membership (Equalization Fee plan) "is the bul wark of the Federal Reserve system' , according to the statement of the Federal Legislative Committee of the American Banker? Association in con ventio at Houston, Texas, October 24 1927. , You frequently refer to the bene fits of the Canadian Wheat Pool and ; suggest that plan as a solution to the present farm problem. The Canadian j Different in CanaUa Again, 93% of the Canadian wheat, all hard wheat, produced in the three prairie provinces is seeded, harvested and marketed at the same time and easier to pool, whereas here in the United States we raise wheat from i Texas to the Canadian border,—win ter wheat, spring wheat and macaroni wheat,—planted, harvested and mar keted at different times and under en tirely different conditions, and are endeavoring to get an American price by making the tariff effective on what is consumed at home by making the beneficiary pay an Equalization fee on every bushel marketed. A Traders' land Bankers' Measure The so-called Debenture Plan sug gested is in reality a subsidy paid out of the United States treasury and is in effect a traders and hankers meas ure and not a producer's measure, to control the marketing of and take out of the hands of the producer the in alienable right to handle his own business through recognized legiti mate channels, and it would open the way for speculators to gamble in not only the scrip but the entire produc tion with little or no benefit to th.? farmer who does not want the gov ernment nor the so-called "big busi ness" to take charge of his affairs under any circumstances. The De benture Plan further is not a stabiliz er or regulator and presumably templates protection on the surplus only of the various exportable pro ducts. About 8% is surplus and the Debenture Plan would he of little no benefit to the 92% consumed at home. The same would be quite true of the other plans and the loaning of money to various co-operative cerns, really putting the government into business, with no protection to the government whatsoever and not workable until all were forced one co-operative body, demands the McNary-Haugen Bill. Each commodity to pay its share the cost of its stabilization and con o» con into The farmer in pro tection on all of the products named in the measure. the United The commission reported after a thoro investigation that it cost 42c per bushel more to produce wheat in the United States than in Canada, which resulted in tho tariff being raised from 30c, the schedule tariff, to 42c per bushel, but the tariff was not effective then and is not effective now either on wheat or the other grains, barley, rve and oats, the prices of which are all high er in Canada as the preaviling mar kets will show. Undoubtedly the commission was sincere in its purpose to benefit the farmer who demands the tariff he made effective to that end. The tariff is nothing new to this country, having been known and in effect these many vears, and condi tiens now will not* peimita change The dollar is practical! J stabilized^at about 16s% of the 1913 dollar with little or no fluctuation for Hie pÜt I six years, according to reports of the government and enormous debts of every kind have been contracted on an inflate,! dollar bafis; con sequent W cannot he paid back with a deflated dollar. The tariff and kindred legis lation may he likened unto the prairie fire. We do not like it hut our pro tection is in starting another fire to prevent our being wiped out Voluntary Co-Ooerafion 1' T , . y P Impractical \ he ™ r ls r * y 4 ° rep:uIate acre ' a £ e Production imismuch as the a . nd °, n , e ' half m . llllo, i farmers scat 4 1 as they are in competition witli one another, each with his own plant and individual problems to meet, be sides climatic conditions, pests, etc., I to contend with absolutely precludes the possibility of effective voluntaiy | cooperation which you can readily see must be a forced co-operation. It was far easier for , the less than fifty thousand manufacturers pnloucing °v t- ?°V a the 11:00,18 made in the United States and for organized! la bor to . K' et the benefits of the tariff i and kindred legislation, such as the Adamson Act, th elmmigration Act, 1 the rederal Reserve Act, and others. It is easy for the few who can co-op erate to exploit the farmer through pr|ce depressmn The labor on the farm w'hich is not organized is surely entitled to the same measure of protection as is ac orgamzed labor in in'lustry in? 1 ,s / ef l. ul PP ed to restrict its pro duction (a laudable plan if not over done The McNary -Haugen Bill in direct ,y proves this protection. Tm dmnH An \ eridan standard of living should apply to all. In The Satur day Lvenmg p ° st Hilary 29, 1927, f ! nd \ N,I l ,a ^ 1 Green, President of the A^nencan Federatum of Labor, old President Coohdge at a White House luncheon that labor must have shorter working hours in order to rw A 16 %° ndltl0 ° of ove r-production. Christian G. Norman, Chairman of the Board of Governor of the Builders Trades Em p lo y ers of New York City, lustHnf îf L mee X n * °? tbe State In " D*al Survey Commission, August 1600 .'jTvm 1 s v ® ra ^ e . bricklayer 1«U Ä *6» «WS»" d Si y When . he "-i ceived $5.50 or $6.00, whereas at pres -no r h<> !; 'll Kets $14 00 h * toys only fiVe Hm« greater* thUS beinK alxM " f ^h a i„'' suggested solution of the present farm problem you fail a?.ri" ke mt ° . ac e° unt , th * tact that all acreage producing farm commodities of every kind is relative and must he oMofaVt'bT"* W#Ato * a solution as the acreage producing wheat only is but a small part of the Canllifn ea Li YOUr i re /r^ t0 the e-ivino- th* P ?.?ù^ fa llf„7 bort , of tie if anv protection Dîvprcîr 68 ** 11 ' without a stabilization nolicv «ÎSh?« the MrN«™!?! Poli cy _such as simnlv me-iri« f. Provides, harder produce more and^eB f° ?° rK Under'vour plan there wouhl ly follow^ in iÄÄf 111 ; wheat at the expense of detriment of irdxed fLüdn * n farm acreage i? ? e lltive the greater nart of the ,y far much so is moducimr w? ' Very corn oats harlev -,mi r«-^i pastura ^ e * various kinds that i J?- w P i of meat animals on tL^hnnT you certainlv must h! wolf d whlch cannot he marketed unde? , orderly or co-oncritiv, a S °7 a . ed pl an such as Secretary Sther X-cate for the reZn ÆS these meat ani'mils must I? ? ed wh?n they a?e re?Z if they are so'] at i lo s àn.I if rV flt held ataToss MntS S® farmer's hands as meat i are prepared fo? cTneî.mX^ "1 "Aid £ meTr 1? ""l'Aîlï 1 ™ . and i n various forms thev ^ ïh* Ur ^ d held indefinitely and have the* worn for a market. This fact has not been re f„ted and apparently^ ouraosete avoided by the opponent? to P the mZ Nary-Hauuen measure and thov ten well known that th"* vast acreage production would receive no protêt tion under anv other nl m Anv nl-m that provWes for the boAro^nv' Aî money and piling up of surplus^does not e]i f 5. *1^ ao ® sHSSSTVS« itässvsk i n n u m P rodu Ç ts and bis bed fellow, the money-lender, who 'n ^vp., f,- nnTw .p C Q „,i A u tivitv Hrrptnfnr Hi \ S b t bls ac_ be- Ä» haS d UC p r ; n fu p nr Hp r i pfu , to . tbe P« S«t" h marketing of his of a commodity to pay its share of the costs of its own stabilization anil protection, call it what you may. t'osts Moro to Raise Wheat Here Before the War the tariff on wheat was 10c per bushel. During the War it was not taken into account. Fol lowing the War the need of raising the tariff generally became apparent and included the various farm com The E'ordney-McCumber Act which is a flexible tariff, enables the Lresident oi the United States on advice of the Tariff Commission lower or raise the tariff any amount to the extent, of 50% of the schedule. Early in the summer of 1925 a com mission of which you were a member was appointed to make a thorough in vestigation as to the cost of produc tion of wheat both in States and Canada. modifies. to "They Planted a Mine" Secretary of State Hughes, in the campaign of 1924, referring to what took place in 1920 and 1921, stated "They (those in control) proceeded to a drastic deflation (farm products) which brought on a smash", "it is literally true that they planted a mine under our economic system and blew it up." The following testimony of Dr. John R. Commons makes the reason and method very clear. Testimony of Dr. John R. Commons of the Univer sity^of Wisconsin, on February 4, 1927, before the House Committee on Banking and Currency at a hearing r the Strong Bill, House Bill No. /o95, to amend the Federal Reserve Act Dr. Commons quoted a speech by W. A. Day, then Deputy Govern or of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, November, 1920, be fore a meeting of bankers of south em California, in which he told the liankers there assembled that, they were not to loan any farmers any money to hold any crops beyond bar vest time. If the-- did, ho said, the federal Reserve Bank would refuse to rediscount a single piece of paper taken on such a tiansaction. He de dared that all farmers should sell all of their crops at the haivcst time unless they had money of their own to finance themselves, as the Federal veserve Lank would do nothing to wards helping the farmers hold back an > of their crop, no matter y -, the . condition ot the market, hi"lï a V n f trU i C » 0ns W€ « ' s , en l fort ! 1 Î/V h Federal Bese ™e Rank through out . the country, (Jou cant co-op f rate a,ld market orderly when credit , and .^ arkct l n f L foice '| re ' k . JJ p ° J c '° htl ?? °L tb f. ™ a !; ket > p lii l,!!!! l aU,: - 1 tbmk 1 wa8 | kZJI'T per ^ 0 {{ present who was not qSn a ? d . thl ? ™ as ,n . a way ' ,on - 1 R ad '' lc * b » ln Ç ? 1Ve " by l . h t e Scl nf /° r ^ f uul ' •nimittr ifi ti say that was Federal Re«l'rvn RnfJ i ^ °\! the officer of tho nf,.,? i / made by an j nu, no«e .d m-Sn J dcleRated for th e | ?" The informs if, a " , annoancemen J }?[ {he mfoimation and guidance of " lk ® rR , of ^ district. No one i Ji t th ' ^? r one minuute as ? th 5 nat 1 uml and lo ^ ica coa ' Zr SUCh a F°ll Cy would be * JîrSl® « ÏÎ Crop w th , e ^ oun . try ls fc f the markot at tbe tln ? e of ^pressed You'can beTf ^ f "W ' or vou can bull the nnrfIi h Ti, r k f I eîaî Reseive B-irk .S?; ^ k„„' ,, ik deliberately set out | „ft Now if they j Z 1 1 Î "U* 18 îi. t,n,e * have they 1 and nnn i n 1 ° bei commodities, | ^taWHze monetTnd H be ^ sale prices''" OuesHn^fn Ar W p° e ' I mnnJ <S ' U ' u n Jr - Com- - to be* e-iven in Jj peecb . J"pposetl fhj V f ?°YT bt ' r ' l 920 ; Su P J pose that at that time the Federal I wWch th^v ïn had | bn ^o these things I ^ cb they } eara ed in 1922 and 1923 ?" | 3 yid f a of w, ? a t they have done is { b jf- If t**ey did not want prices to ! tan as . ra P ld1 / as they did from $2.47 | ow . n to $1.38 they could have started i ,u >! n g securities, which they did start: y ,v ' nî j , n . They could have j s { arted bayin g securities in 1920. In : Lt>a<l °' keeping the discount rate up i ^ e V en P® 1 * c° nt .they could from 1 K " u d( { w n to the middle of 1921 have ! r '!'* iuced that discount rate gradually, i * noy co { ,h, not have stopped the de hut they could have put i. cus . ni :? n an They might have stop p . e<1 11 a { one sl ^ty by buying securi ,** *V, ey , held U P the rediscount l 'j le untl * , e ^^squeezed the blood out 01 eve rybody. They might have short tw ^at dmcount rate much earlier Fhey might have prepare,l for it by > ng securities. VVOU d u, dd , a 80 the presidential ! ' } Ve * u had 1° have prosperity it '. 24 a J{ d they brought on pros-! I, u '.. bej?a . n buying, began 1 r k tbe rates, increasing the vol .S° ney j sent prices up from '' 1 «w/ 1 " 1 . a Kru;ultural prices " 7 L up industr >al prices went . { ', and th e average was from 145 to 161 ' Fn . .. . . . Th - J Liquidation , ,' , p . ol,cy 0 f. enfored liquidation . n affecting prices and values 80 { bat «turns obtained for livestock J?""** 1 were + practically nil, »a f a ^, . ca8e T 8 n jt being enough to pay | n f 1 : Ia Minnesota corn sold at J' P f bus , h , e1 ' s ? me usln *f corn » 01 }?®l' ?. sold as ,aWas 14 cents LLf bî ce . nts J P? r ivn nno y ^ Hie carload, hay raised in | ^ ™Xt Äth^E ,y 'Ä the freight ÄÄtt , , . r * J ne, with the enforc ed 'L efl 5 tl0 ^ e,l,ct of , thc Adorai Re ., how im^s^ible 5 "" 6 is tô"orgMizc'a tem b wh«i^he' J Fe le ^1^' MUration for the nnwll^a ° f sU ; * ,°»Æf P" bl ' lc K °'"l 1 '' on J a nd a ,1 p to a P rlce Dxmg Si TC'ftSÄ*!''"«: • anc l d intereRts to gj ? r Tab® not ° f any - 2? UB " -^-^ b -° r n0t Wel1 or g anized ! _ ~ T" ! A TT/ rr/- I . n "7 .. : --—-—— ^ War WltflOUt A PllbllC Debt — - By Albert T Reid ----_ oy AlOert 1. Held " ' ■ ■ 1 - ■ . " i v 'il \ 1 - KAPd BACK / 1 ! THOT / J__ UWt.THtlff. , _ l|l> fa 1 V _1 t— _ 7 i SßtmtJi 1 VSSSS&k 1 ll tfffL %£v j 7 uHn I ■ ß I WwS&VTA I A^h | I | K' ■JfèSà/lm ÊiM "SI — ß L w /jib J ^ III I / K OuJ II Wfl/ô À 1 1 il I II il Æ L\SniSi *C \ ^ rVw ï M>/WÆ f (M Œ "V H||ll 11 $STAR \ \ AttSp A ^ W ' i Mrtjl I iAnd I (Hill VU I ïÆHZLl lÊtÆ\Æk ^«SMw Til — » ' L UPl \ liryT , V f Ml Wh V \ V- l JL « - JMh/A ÈM I I L IwZ Ml LjJ JM ^ .^ ^ ----- L ftküT JSS /PATjhk X Can ^l ^ ' • , éA CaLk &k ^^TilJrStOWS dmÊÊM X^JIA l&) ' tjÇ&ZmtM / < ? v / JE«, , ,1, gt&Mp. s abS^RjiSsih. - i / \ *> v (i % XuToCA«rt^ capable of being organized as is the case with the farmer who has never ; been able to Put a Dr i ce on his pro duct and has never benefited from patents, brands labels advertising, etc.,which com e 'into play immediately his products are in the* hands of the manufacturer a nd the farmer lacking organization and he only has practic ally been forced to carry the burden J of the war to the extent of twenty billions of dollars which is a matter of record. I n ot ^ er wor ds, to the ac- j turn of the Federal Reserve Bank in j its policy can be attributed the plight 1 and misery 0 f the farmer who has ; been consistently advised to "organ ize, co-operate and market his / stuff orderly", which is an impossibility un '!® r prevailing conditions. The farmer has every reason to have lost faith in the advices given him from sources so closely associât ed with and dominating the policy of the Federal Reserve Bank. His dis heartening experience has convinced him that he must take the matter of co-operation and orderly marketing into his own hands and in older to make it 100% efficent he finds no thing better than the McNary-Haugen Equalization Pee Plan paid by tho beneficiary only that will make a just and true co-operative orderly market body with a hoard made up of an . <ler i stan <] 1 ng am! sympathetic f nends of by f ar the biggest business ot the nation, one that creates the. new wealth every year that contnh-1 ut f es n to the happiness and prosperity of all f, .. f ^ . * Evils ,,f iho McFadden Act Again, the action of the Federal Reserve Bank through its control of T ney an< Cre<lits ci,use<l the 5 losinK cauntry banks an<1 ° u ther I d ^ p ®y d ® nt , lndu stry which have been j zaCnn nf' n by - the rapidly centrali Ration of all industry, i.e., the cnam , mail order houses, and now ' t cbal " bank brou K ht mto existence oy the McFadden Act which also jje {ends the life of the Federal Reserve ' a 'J k an d which Representative Me Fadden within two months of its eu- 1 ? ctment # ' « or « ly deplores aS a vicious ; -° rm of cha . ,n banking through hold-, ,n K companies and a menace to the j neSed îo tf/r nit ^ r haS ^ MHnUwï ^ 1 Camptrolle 1 r , of ^u^rency , nor ChrL?f d U ® serve S oard .?, ovef /: ^ Chns.inget to use all possible e,-. forts to prevent the new law hecum mg the nursery of a gigantic credit • trust until the next congress shad Pie-idem M / S - S1 ? all T W ,° nder AmenV m îf u" a' ay l° r -° f t,ICf 1 American Banker Association in con at Houston, Texas, October , ? 4 ' 1927 ' stated: "That nothing coula | be more unfortunate than either agi ta -«? n f ° r actual fui ' ther legislation with respect to our banking system for some time to qpme and that most of all that anything should be done to change the fundamental structure of the Federal Reserve Act." I Certainly he wants no change in a system that through its interlocking directorate, control of finance and centralization, is taking into its own hands the merchandising of the entire country to the detriment of the need-, ful local merchant and local hanker, that means so much to every commun- j 'ty. Such a pernicious system must jbe stopped forthwith by drastic meus- 1 ures, if necessary, and banking limit- 1 to its proper place with no intru- ' into other lines permissible. 1 The need of the bank, the merchant i and any. other business and the mer changing of the community with all | their profits req3gm,oing there to build : up and mainlairma community center and spirit is essential to the welfare happiness and contentment of a j people and it should become the im mediate duty of the government to bring this about. { w e want no legislation that con templates borrowing money by the farmer whose predicament os due largely to the action of the Federal Reserve Bank . ystem bringing about deflation of prices on farm products an d enforced liquidation at a tremen dous and lira,t-breaking sacrifice lo the farmer borrower which started in 1920 and 1921 (when the Ninth Fed eral Reserve Bank made an unwar j ranted profit of *126% for the year ! and some of the large New York City | banks u made 1o ea ? r, ? 0US profits > *' ome i as high as 123% for the yean when i drfU,ti S? an< ' li< "?. datio " M h "» 1 " r the country • banker and the country merchant, and has graduelly developed into the cep ! knd'whieh T* S'îfW* 1 lne o^th^New York'sto'dc , '•»change, the membershb, of which ^ aS "l» em U n P nn ar<ls of t300 - 00ft a"' 1 j 'he. curb $40,000. Agam eariy in 192<, the governor ÄÄÄ C- ed f ra l RwerV ? His-1 tnct (Roy A. >oung) appearing he i°li tbe Ba '? iness Meo ' 8 Commission both Chicago and Minneapolis, stressed the tact that in the past few years the member and other banks of this district nad liquidated an indebt edness of approximately two hundred million dollars down to less than sev e-n millions which we know was unex plainably and selfishly unwarranted and contributed very largely to the plight and misery of the farmer, the local banker and merchant and should not have been heralded as evi dence of prosperity. The Greatest Power In the World. The Federal Reserve Board with power to create a "spurious prosper ity" by inflating prices, or a business depression by deflating prices, has the greatest power of any government bony in the world. Further, with the control of three-fifths of the gold supply of the world in the United States and the liquid tax-exempt se curities displacing the farm mort gage and the home, a dangerous and vicious situation has arisen. Form eily, the farm mortgage and the home was litjuid but now is frozen, even though secured by the land itself, than which there should be no better security. So it is obvious that equali ty legislation must be enacted to stabilize an industry that feeds and clothes the nation. It has now reach ed a point of self preservation with the agriculturist who demands imme diate action and who is not to be pia cated with talk of tariff adjustment, waterways, barge lines, lower freight rates and other so-called remedies not pertinent to the main issue. In the control of finance, laboring. railways and public utilities through the various boards, the Department of Commerce (Secretary Hoover) in k,s . zcal to capture the world trade " u Oft tied condition following the M orld War, has actually indus tnahzed the United States at the ex pense, detriment, and misery of agn culture which is borne out by his own statements March 30, 192G, | farm values shrink 17 billions—or 25%." The government conceding three billions more since then. In a letter to the St Paul Dispatch, March ! 23, 1925, his only idea of relief to the 1 agriculturist is, "To wait ten years for the increased population to ah n V\ th -* ^ Department of Agriculture Sept. 12, 192i, says: j , Iarm 'î uIues continued to shrink duung the crop year just ended." Adding, "That there are plenty of j fauns for sale with buyers few and, cautious. Oct. L9, 192,, Mr. Hoover i Say8: " 1 be Bett . er of Am( ' r,ca J"°'T e ment was founded in the belief that our national strength and wel- j faie are sustained by high ideals and i sturdy character." "The first essen tial for wholesome home life is a good house in which the family may hve in privacy and comfort." In j Child Welfare Magazine, April, 1927, he says: "It is a tribute to the thrift of millions of our people and to their will to own their homes and improve their living conditions. There can be n <> sounder guarantee of the stability | an 'l progress of our nation than that in every child there should be implant led the ideal of an owned home as the I center of a happy family life." To 1 the farmer everything on the farm I n «t only the house, every building'! the orchard, livestock, equipment and acreage means home to himself and family. S'urely he should he safe guarded equally with his city cousin in the enjoyment of the sacred rights in his property and home, The farmer faces a condition not of his own making or because of any caielessness on his part, hut <lue en tirely to the overnight enforced dc Dation. Had he have had the beriet of a 100%r membership with an un derstanding Farm Board in a co-op erative organization in 1921 his dol lar would be on a parity with the do - lar of industry and labor. Using President Coolidge's own words in a Lincoln Day speech in 1924, in New York City, he say? "Agncuiture is distinctly a national que.-tion *' It is the primary source of sustenance, enterprise, industry and wealth." "The farmer s not receiv ing his share, the average price of his product is a little abov e P pre-w a r L'd wheieas that of manufacturers arc about 50% higher." The result has b, en a decrease in the value of farm land » the choking of tho ave r.ues of erdeit with obligations which »,<« worths or <loubtfîl The fore closure of moa^ges and the suspen sion of a large number of bank«'' The same thing is Hue today I *♦■«•*»«« and Propaganda. 1 ai(T b H , 'imn ln Uei S ier^ , appears 0 to*the or dinary person as only a camouflage , a"' 1 propaganda to distract attention (from the real issue. The various ; heads of railways centering in the Twin Cities as self-appointed "auth onties ' on agricultural comfitions 1 with a story of their own to te\l They know better than anyone the true farm situation and that the farm er cannot change his business or pick up and leave even though he pays the full freight both ways and tney would no doubt espouse the cause of the farmer for much needed legisia tion if the matter of railway financ ing from time to time did not come from the East where policies are die tated. Their pointing out that there no need of Equality legislation for the farmer is not in keeping with the increase of 57% in railroad rates ov er 1913. Likewise a group of officials of the American Society of Agricultural En gineers, of which the International Harvester Company (whose stock more than doubled in price in sixteen months); the J. I. Case Threshing Machine Company; and the Iowa ; Railway and Electric Company, a puh- 1 He utility, were represented, visited j the Black Hills with their panacea for the farmer's ailment, I The first two are a group having monopoly of the implement busi ness and price their own products. ! The latter groups up and promotes light, power, etc, properties under! franchise on which a friendly coni mission places a valuation, a return on which frequently becomes an un- j due burden to the using public. The suggestions from these people are ! very misleading and purely propa ganda. Arthur Huntington, of the I lowa Railway and Electric Company, said: ".Many farmers are so ineffi-1 cient they can't possibly earn a They are the ones who produce I the surplus that muddles the entire I agricultural situation." Thh, is aM tommy-rot. Even some of our supposedly friend l y farm magazines published in the industrial East are filled with mis leading articles on agricultuie which s m ore propaganda to befuddle the m | n ds of their readers. A long the pa id writers contributing such arti c i cs are: James E Boyle Professor 0 f Rural Ficonomv Cornell Univer Lsii,\ ; Kaufmann and Gai"*t Garrett and even Patten, in the Saturday Evening Post-all propaganda Ï our attention is caLed to s UC h caS es as in Collier's April 9 1927 ! editorial: "GWe the faf"i, his due 1 or he'll take it" (Farm legislation), Here legislation is advised. October 22, 1927, editoriirl in Collier's* "His Ovation lies not in law but in ai- ^ plying t " his wiik the marveleils p^w- ! er which in every fif'1,1 science is 1 making available." Apparent!-; the I purchase of more big powered ma- 1 chinerv is intended. This does not! substantiate the story of the man en glgedin an^ intensified farming on SL i £() acres so frequently nohited out •/« ; a crowning success in agriculture a sholt time ago 6f cours- th far'n. 1 e r know? thlf is some more nropa-an d a ' ' " " n , .. r „. Quotes The Journal The Minneapolis Journal, July 2G, 1D23, says, evidently with the tariff ln mind: " If th is can o».> done for th e manufacturer, he (the farmer) does not see why B cann,) t be done, for him on his Pr° duct - Congress has provided him with a uaiff on grain but tb,s tarlff is non-effective, be cause there is a sur Pl us to sell in the world market - Liverpool fixes the price of th is surplus, hence the farm cr K ets no benefit. There snr.u'd ho ; a way ou L Joes not war.» to he treated any differently than his fel lows ' n business are treated, hut ho want * to be treated as well a. they are treate,?." For some time past tho Minneapolis Journal has fought this very thing above advocated 1 A surplus should be a blessing, not ! a curse - There is no such thing as a wor l<l surplus or destruction of non Perishable products now or in the years past. It is not only common sense but good business to have a Pl cnt y and to thank the good Lord ^ same, and as in the past market the surplus in the countries of the w °Hd to a people who cannot and do n °l produce sufficient to take care cf their own needs so will gladly buy wh at we mav have to sell and this would not be dumping either. °ne hundred leading stock com Panics in the Unite,! States havei gained $1,754,000,000 since January L 1927, for a nine months period, Some of the profits of 45 industrial companies at least, is duo to he >»»ther1y care which noverr m e"t throws around such little chicken« as the United States Steel Corporation and Internatoinal Harvester Conîpa i-arm^s 6 are merely °asking* legislative act to combine them so ll 'ey. too, may obtain the benefits of a" effective tariff. 'Distressed lands amounting to two billions of dollars, according^ to the K°vornment, in the hands of absentee aad unwilling landlords siSi S the State, the Farm Land Bank, Life In surance Companies, Trust Companies, ;{°.. 8a Y not hmg of the unfortun mort??™ 113 Wb u bouffht a farm 7°Ä a 5 e a " a edge investment, k tru y a deplorable situation. The wfT7 Wer bavm » I° R t his all and the ?nnt r Rettlnpr something he does not Wa J, t ' . . melit nf Î W0 . ye * Ts a ^° the Depart Agriculture made the state SSÎ th ® val ue of farm fc îîr 6 United States is 20% be i a i V ^ rage> the New En 8* and Btate s holding their own and in v«?? la ^tances showing a slight ad van Ce (due no doubt to small farms n^n i r6ady *u ° cal marke * for their L 1 ; ducts ln the big market centers). of X . e ' ° n I ands in the United lO?? 8 T are n, 12 xr higher than 1913 {S 14 ;. the Ninth Federal Reserve ° n farm lands have in E d * 146% ® v f r 1913-1914 taxes, ! s J ru ? °f the Middle West and on ? 1S b ? S1S , the Middle West values ,,l a ™ ,ands mus t have dropped to approx.mately 70% of the 1913-19H aV l, Pa| ?f- . . tbe d °Har inflated to tht % r w ? th . llfct,e or no fluctuations in tahilSp t | S ?*? e ? ra ' tbus prac tically 70 ^ A tha ' Kotat, with land at ZL 1 ^ 0 , taxes U P to 246% ?? Çî l!| 13-1914 levels we find a bT^JSÎ dW ° n is anything No^TTr iA h ...„1%' M ' J l rdln o, you know, with ÎKÏ I' CTres s,a ™K Mm in the face MM„itr' fnr"' h? faM .r see the necessity for immediate remedial ! » v™ "■ W-ari: sä- — «• >•" ■ 1914. District taxes on farm lands' have ln Th?s S T« t 46% ,°rr 1913 ' 1914 taxes. L fv? u rU - °S the Middle West and on farm fV he Mid<He West values on farm lands must have dropped to aSge mately ?0% ° f the ^ 16^ rt Z r v. rîît 1 the dollar inflated the Z«?* 1 • ltt 6 ° r no Aquations in stehiC« .Pfartically with land at up to 246% we find Losses of Farmers. So much has been printed in re cent weeks about the alleged current prosperity of th farmers that a new dustri J al S Confü ed by ? he Nation al In dustrial Conference Board sunnlies a 2°ï of widespread interest ■ states that farmers, allowing them work 8 suffereM^ employees for their Tn TliiZ" j l 08ses of $881,000.000 nn ?n iv, an i $960,000,000 in Mis TW? i« i,-iî he - fl \ e years ending 1925. . likewise true of other sections. It 77 The United _ Agriculture Au uu .t Poultry and Eg* ' 6 > 19 2? severe drop in n ri ports Point?, purchasing power #' hs pre-war normal tk 0nl V 5"* of hogs showing a , Posent • hundred within * ' rop of so? 0 * shows relatively JL-, Weelt rece a chase power Br -k log s in scale machine f irm- ban kint, p . Ur - chandising, central! k ' chain ing, combined nm «L Zed ma nuf»? N consolidated traiKn >r * of . dis tnb? N centralized govern m atlon faciHr* do these innovation 1 contr °l~-wi! 8 ' future of the inder^ 8 i Promise for c for the independent 1 i, nt far me r s ltle First, last and .,n >Us ' n ess n, 3 "' 1 we have a tariff . 'i 0 ) 6 .' don't fJ r '' tive acts. N ow in.i ^ ln '* re d le.j^ and it labor and Z. e a "riculh ure of protection \ ? ^ e . sa me ms jiff effective in ma king the t*** sav . ry way. ***• when in reJit C0 V nt . r y is n ro benefiting n „i. y d * s sectional ^ n ess is •> ,p \ *' c<rt ain lines n f u an ? situation d Rcrous and unK , Reslor„t; Intelv ncp,.?*! ° f c ® n Cdence k , nrosneritv VT, *" y *'i Du» pr 0 p a »' McNarv-Ho.' * be op l M 'nent< the thnmrM ffen I l neai ' u re is to a: • The fartî " £i |UaIity' 1 for farm lh 5 re is no ^V since rfeflLïï <>r farm *and ran hr : con sequentlv' R ly i n rK)intino- ) ?.°f P f L rity The PwJl* liv-.centlv «tZ«?Z th 8ale of f ar ' m he i n the RedRk s ?! e of kota (1-m, fl. X alle >> North i? the fertile compared a «um L d ° f the Nile) ^^ an amount if^i about ^ Per me.Us am ^ - C0Rt of Tl?*' peritv' Thi« i« °f ln - d,cati °n oU? 6 * tained now »M typu ' aI of DÜcefî a s compared wîti, er Mi »W ' * ognizST x th . establiah ed deflation pnor ta the will ♦ ,,f t |, " questioning the sin«,«, V-n v H < ! , !f ) ° n< nts the plan thp V' is the ?[* ft "wl V' S °° per <*nt efflLS w? r f J by ,ts 100 Per cent m, 1 " hl lhf Ï co-operation made noS nor'h a w'7, fee beneficiarv uiti 1 ant0< 1 paid ' tte oLrt nf tiî "° subsi(, y v,,», * °1 the government. V ° f ^ ri ^ure and the Ù hav . e continuously Ad ' h *'tenUj advised co-oporatiim anj wê orderl . y ^arketin d realize thî v ° U the i,le a; 7, u 1Z . e f bat you ai 'c having a Hiffi £ ; Ut f aRk 111 att(;m P ting to get in« S" f ° u r your Department in the W 1 y , cab,net when practically pvZ ° lh n r Department, because' all l w f el A 0, » anized ' bave taken acha i? f the Department of AgricutluredS to its lack of organization " The various Cabinet Denartm#., within the last few days with ? exception of your Department In continuing reports of increased perity, where as the Deoartmert » Agricultlre has had nothing to mJ! but misery and discouragement T, the past seven years and hunomi !! ■ thousands of farmers are fast " to the end of their resource* a J to the unfortunates that have' " been wiped out. Now, Mr. Jardine we depend um« you to stand up for the right« 7/ your Department, ami we will «tomi by you, for after all government! nothing more nor less th in fom,I m operation and this iT UssfclÄ the Equalization fee nlm it» ^ Nary-Haugen Bill the nnlv wav £ bring about the lust «ïïinÂÏ six and one-half million farmm scattered throughout tho wholp try. The farmer doe« not want .A vice and so cSled^ llT! £ public but he does demand i u «tire Aga ; n it is nieielv brine-in? int« effect the process that vou and I * any small gîoun wfmld do itlî legislation I , I - Helena—"A maioritv of the na lion's 22 million motor car owners are now faced with th, nécessité of ic USTri^jw | 'mA u ! Breiteostein, seaelan af' th^ Hct- tana Automobile-»««opiation who sur- gests' that 'the indSÄÄ » save himself considerable trouble od | h^" " The^ autanubilé assSat oJ urp county and city Sto i*.S lead of Cascade courdvwhichta «< 1 E'ebruary 1 a« the last date on whick 192« plates mSt be on diem « cause the owner'« in-p«t The pro ceeÄofthnüLmobnrpWs ^ turned to the ToZf inated and this distribution is made monthly to the county commissioners and appIie(1 to the road fund. Man) counties are low on their road fund balances and the receipt of motor i cenR e fees allows the counties to make tbei r road budget promptly and start this work early in the season, 4< "Every year," say Mr. Breiten*«. motordom goes through the sane trying days merely because mw* car owners defer the purchase of tfco new tags - New plates are inevitable. One must have them to use a can Wh y not acquire them well ahead oi <>f the last minute. , "In connection with the purchase o( n ew tags, the car owner would d to check over his registration or title to determine that the official record of it is straight. It frequent ,y happens that serial or engin« noj bers are registered incorectly, tho»(J clerical or other error, and then, case the car is stolen, recovery« made that much more difficult. "It is a wise precaution to <K* over this information every )«%" doing so the car owner almost im • ably will come across marks and J hers which remarkably facilitate . tification of the car in case the "J ever arises, as for instance, when 1 most prominent numbers are renu or defaced by a thief. „ " 0r > 'ho whole the season «"„j. which the motorist has an opwr ty to benefit himself in several « if only he will take advantMS ^ and at the same time will help !, — —.* " of iu ^ a «a n Of fp TKl TA OF In the ailfl Hesi the ing to voui firs said woo f I'll'! -i,. Of thh 41 K. th re TK re A iF and r-Y. Period of ;r< :< the |W( or risk on ou as ^ .ird lid l loi M already '■"T H Respectfully yours, J. E. MARTIN. GET YOUR CAR LICENSE TAGS EARLY THIS YEAR « « * « am Indians Shooting Canadian Antelope 1 hat Escap Antelope es in Canada Helena, Jan. 18.— from the reserve ?n snow drifts covered ff. nces ». shot by Montana J ndiaaS c fate cinity of Cut whd* bring an 1 vi .. S —. Bank, the warden is advised. Cam apply to Indians huntn l ervations. rr Ass 0 Sf> Sun River Poultry $10,000 worth of turkeys