Newspaper Page Text
PAGE TWO THE PRODUCERS NEWS Paper of the people, by the people, for the people By Peoples Publishing Company, Publishers CONTINUING—The Outlook Promoter, The Out look Optimist, The Dooley Sun, The Antelope In dependent, The Sheridan County News, The Pio neer Press and the Sheridan County Farmer. CHARLES E. TAYLOR, Editor an»J Manager FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1928. FARMERS, SUPPORT YOUR PAPER At this time of the year many papers put on vigor and offer huge prizes to induce girls to This is an old ous campaigns solicit subscriptions for their paper, time method of boosting weak subscription lists or cov ering a new territory. In the race to win the prizes offered the candidates often persuade th unwary person solicited to subscribe for a paper they neither are in terested in nor care about but wish to help the candi date win the high honors. There are, at this time in Sheridan county, two in dividual contests being staged; one by the farmers' pa per, and one by the paper recently purchasd by Mr. Polk of Williston. Both of these papers are published in Plentywood, stands for the farmers' interests and the other stands for private gain and supports those who are fighting the farmers movement. The Producers News has a circulation of 3,000 at the present time, which speaks well for the popularity of Another thing to be remembered is that the Producers News is owned by 600 farmers. That the money you send into this paper is spent right here in Sheridan county and does not go to a publisher who There is no reason why the one this paper. lives in another state, farmers' paper should not stand up for the farmers' interests at all times, and with the board of directors made up entirely of farmers, that policy is assured during the existence «f the Producers News. At the time the Producers News belives in a square deal same for all and the small business man is just as worthy of protection from the big interests who are slowly throttling him as are all other producers. But in look ing at the other side »f the publicity which might be received in your home the coming year, you are first getting a paper published by a private enterprise for profit. His interests are in direct connection with the men who are looking for private profit like himself. The county is filled with men who are always cast ing greedy eyes on the county treasury figuring out some means by which they can get their fingers into the golden coffers. These men naturally have to line up with some one in the newspaper business to put men across that they can reach by their influence. Already this can be seen in the offing. While the — of rworlp pTjy great PO" x icfrfCj w wil ilèTalU hftto T litical splurges, everyone knows where it stands and its attack on Taylor and Salisbury has already put its brand on that paper as a catspaw for the old gang, that has always fought the farmers' movement. If the farmers and taxpayers wish to give up their mouthpiece and go back to the old days when the| knew nothing of the affairs going on over the county they can do so by assisting the opposition in this cam» paign by subscribing for their organ and refusing t4 again subscribe for the Producers News. But the residents of Sheridan county do not want this to happen. They went through the mill once and they have had a taste of publicity that has put them wise to county and state government, and they will nev er go back to olden times when the selfish interest of a few people ruled this county and the gang that ruled also saw to it that they received only the publicity X nr . they wanted them to have, until the treasury of the county had shrunk to worse than nothing through the drains made upon it by the gang in power, when the farmers and workers rose up and with their paper, broke up the ring and have been gradually reducing the indebtedness ever since. Farmers and workers support your paper. You may be sure the opposition will support theirs. INSURING LOW WAGES AND ECONOMIC SERFDOM In the effort to prevent organization the General Motors Corporation has insured all its employees. The plan provides a $2,000 life insurance policy for each employee and $15 a week sickness and accident insur ance benefits. There are 200,000 workers employed by General Mo tors and the insurance will cost the company 5 cents a day for each worker. If the General Motors employees believe they are re ceiving a gift from the company, comparison of their wages and conditions with what they would be if Gen eral Motors was strongly organized will prove quite the opposite. Workers who trade the right to organize for the life and accident insurance are as foolish as the Indians who traded their vast domains for strings of glass beads. Insurance is a splendid thing, but the worker who is fairly paid is in a position to buy his own insurance without sacrificing his independence. In fact insurance bought by the individual worker increases the inde pendence of himself and family. When that insurance is paid for by the employer is makes the worker more dependent. ~~ The rate at which the Metropolitan Insurance Com pany has written this insurance for General Motors is a very low one. This very fact may result in the pub lic inquiring, "if a private insurance company can in sure 200,000 workers at this rate how cheaply could the government insure all workers?" Trade unions have their own insurance compapy fur nishing group insurance at very reasonable rates. In suring in this company gives not only protection, but added independence to the individual and greater strength to organized labor. Too much of the money paid to private insurance companies in one way or another comes to be used to impede the advance of organized labor. Anything so necessary as insurance should rightly be made one of the functions of government. Insur ance should not be permitted to be used to rob workers of their economic freedom. This is usually what hap pens when great corporations like General Motors furnish insurance for their employees. The General Motors company is buying this insur ance at an exceedingly low rate. The employees will find that for them it will probably be the most pensive Insurance ever writen. In reality these work ers will find that the insurance plan insures that they will continue to receive the infamously low wages they are now obtaining and continue to work under the in human speed-up conditions now existing at the General Motors plant. ex V the county fair Plentywood this to be the biggest event Sheridan County. Each and 1 £ The Sheridan County Fair held in year October 10 to 12 promises of its kind ever held in help to make it a bigger and better The stock every citizen can Fair by placing exhibits or by attending, demonstration train will be an extra drawing caid bred animals will be of all raisers of stock either and many ideas regarding pure gained by the presence for the market or for breeding purposes. charge expects your co-operation. , tal Do not ri n ,, r hundred and sixty-three thousand men, work Four hundred and y enough ing for $2,000 a year each, earn in a year jusi * s tn nav the interest on our national debt says a status- L to pay me inter tlcian * . , That tells the real story of the cost oi war. A war debt doesn't mean much, expressed in long a A war deot does labor money figures. Translated into te its evil is clearly seen. Human labor is the only rea It pays for every war, long after the cannons . , . . j . 1 rustea mto dust. | . , , . f over I Competition for the dollar in the pocket ot me aver age man makes advertising an indispensable element ot successful business. It is not merely the competition between Smith's and Brown's grocery storeso,'betw Ford and Chevrolet; it is the grocers against the au tomobile dealers and both of them against the thous ands of others who are after the same dollar. Business today is in the most gigantic competition The various trades are studying The com mittee in fail them. COSTLY wealth. are COMPETITION AND ADVERTISING it has ever known, the consumer with intensity, and in detail. They are seeking to discover his needs, to satisfy his wants, and to arouse his desires. Each industry is after a larger share of the consumer's dollar. Advertising is vital to a successful quest. Modern business has launched many search of the* golden fleece of public patronage and profit; and advertising is the oar the steersman has to use. Without judicious and intelligent advertising, the broad stream of modem business would shrivel to puny thinness. Attractive, consistent, honest advertising is an indespensable adjunct of successful presentation of meritorious services and industries today. argosies in MR. KELLOGG EXPLAINS THAT PEACE" MEANS WAR u There is something genuinely appropriate in the fact that the repository for the official documents of the imperialist Kellogg Paca is in the capital of the country w h#vra Viai-p thp wori' 4 '* o»nM supply is—the United Stated ^5' ..lUhy bourgeois newspapers in European countries already interpreting the Kellogg maneuver as one which takes the wind out 0 f the sails of the League of Nations, tending to transfer from Great Britain to the United States the leading role in the imperialist struggle for world domination. Kellogg's trip to Ireland on a United States warship immediately after signing the Pact is explained by his longing to play on the "beautiful golf grounds" of the American legation at Dublin and his wife's deatre to visit a lady friend there, but diplomacy is not such a game as can be explained with such Gopher Prairie motives. The formalities of visits on warships by heads of departments of state to heads of foreign states are invariably taken seriously in capitalist dip lomacy. When the U. S. warship Detroit takes Kel logg to Ireland without touching at an English port we do not suddenly lose our memory for the fact that the antagonism of English and American imperialism is the pivot around which all the contradictions within the capitalist world revolve at the present time. The lead is forced out of the hands of England and into the hands of the Wall Street clerk in the White House. Not that England is paid nothing in the deal. She is given, what will be called in the coming world war, a legal sanction for military action to carry through her imperialist program as against the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics and in a certain field of colonial depredations. So is France given concessions as represented by the French reservations. But the hegemony is taken into the hands of Wall Street gov ernment. The Kellogg Pact altogether marks a sharp push x- . ., , , " , ,, « forward in the development of the world situation of alignment and intrigue for war. (That is the only sense in which it is a "forward step.") Several capitalist correspondents have pointed out that it is absolutely certain that all nations of the world will be involved in the next war. The fact that a larger number of governments have signed the Kei logg Pact than signed the League of Nations covenant is only another expression of such a situation. There is no doubt that the central point of the international relations of the whole world is the policy of the imper iahst nations of encircling the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics. A series of treaties establishing alliances for hostile action against the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics, is the central point iof what is called the "status quo" in international relations. Bear this in mind when thinking of Kellogg's assurances to France and England that there is no inconsistency" between the Kellogg Pact and previously existing treaties. Re member that the Pact just signed at Paris is qualified by a preamble declaring its purpose to perpetuate the "exislin^ relations I*t T „ nations. Then take a look at Kellogg « letter to the 48 na lions (running from Albania to Venezuela hut exclud ing the Soviet Union) conveying the ivitation to sign the already fixed terms of the Pact. Kellogg explains, perhaps more clearly than he intended, the reason why the 15 governments exclusively were picked as Privileg ari __ ... „ , ^ P ed to form the terms of the Pact and to be the original signatories. The choice of the same nations that sign ed the imperialist treaty of Locarno is explained part by Kellogg's letter which says: "• • • it also settled satisfactorily the ques tion whether there was any inconsistency be tween the new treaty and the treaty of Locar no, thus meeting the observations of the French government as to the necessity of ex tending the number of original signatories." Unless one is so naive as to think the Locarno treaty was not a part of the imperialist war maneuvers of recent past, Kellogg's own words written just before sailing on the warship to visit his lady friends in lin are convincing. The "peace" pact is a step in preparations for imperialist war. The necessity of defense of the Union . Soviet Republics by the working class and farmers of all countries becomes by these living reality greater than ever before. of Socialist exploited events V Economic Articles By Leland Olds, Federated Press Industrial Warfare is Permanent In America £ * The constant friction between capi tal and labor under the wage system reflected not only in big strikes but in countless minor engagements reported to the U. S. department of labor conciliation service. . On Aug. 18 Kirector Kerwm of the conciliation service renprts, there were 44 strikes before the department for settlement. Sixteen^,other controver Lies had not reached the strike stage. "Eight pressers and cutters were on tld ke a g a inst the Wilson Shirt Co. New Y:0 rk City because of work sent to non-union shops. The B® d * ford ghirt Laundry of tf e w York had a strike qf_8 jroners while the Green point Shirt Laundry faced a strike of g laundry workers. In both cases the demand was f or union recognition and a s ig n ed agreement. In Newark, N. T 92 widow washers were on strike £ » extra holiday with pay. Proceeding west we find 360 min ers on s^i'ie at Dupon. Pa. At Can ton, Ohio 500 shippers and grinders struck against the Central Alloy Steel Corp struck against a wage cut aTld demanded $6 for an 8-hour day and recognition of the mil c °™ Andmson, 1^100 £* increase of $10. . There were 400 building trades workers on strike at the Grand Union _ Slot Puts Clerk in Street ! 1 Coin in Cashiers, sales clerks and depart ment store employees, watch out! The robots are coming to drive you out of your jobs as they have driven thousands of factory employees into the street. They are the perfect ser vants of capitalism—they don't or ganize, they don't demand shorter hours and more pay, they don't de mand social legislation, they mèan in creased profits. The robot invasion of the field of distribution began yeans ago with the penny-in-the-slot machine for selling „um'and candy. But this was unpre fenTious compared with the movement forecast in a circular from F. J. Lis man & Co. Lisman offers the in vesting class shares of common and preferred stock in the Consolidated Automatic Merchandising Corpora tion "Cameo" as it is nicknamed by j Sb promoters. There has beer, unusual public in terest," says Lisman "in the an nouncement that robots are ^work^ all Schulte-United S • V making decision to.establish automat ic divisions in all Ihen department stores has been m ? 1 d v , e " d r a „ " liSt has been closed with the Uonsolid ed Automatic Merchandising Co P ■ tion to equip the stores with Taltoig Merchandising Machines a Automatic and Changes Making Machines, decision marks the first application of the automa tic jn erchandising prin ciple tp a natioDWlrtr chain of depart ment stores." Cut-Rate Wheat Flour at the lowest price, in recent southwestern wheat years. New crop flour nearly $1 a barrel under a year Bakers and flour distributors ago. _ .. x x x buying record quantities at cut rates. This market news doesn't get It is too significant the head lines. . of the failure of capitalist politicians to give a fair deal to the food produc er. To the wage earner in the industri al centers this may mean cheaper food during the coming year. But to the farmer it means that wheat is selling below cost of production. The last three months wheat prices have dropped 50 cents a bushel. Commenting on this situation Pkfs. B. J. Rothwell of the Bay State Mill ing Co., of Winona, Minn.^ says: 'The whole world realizes that wheat is now selling below its average cost ot production . We are likely to wake up some morning to the fact that foreign operators have quietly bought futures heavily and are calling for delivery wheat. It is now the cheapest has com to buy without delay." The farmer is getting 70 to 90 cents a bushel for wheat that costs an av erage of $1.18 a bushel to produce, The bureau of agricultural econom ^ Cs ^ e . department of agriculture, the 1924 harvest. Attributing this to the large supply of wheat on hand, 1 the bureau says: "Taking into account the old crop w ^ ea ^ remaining on the farms and in ^ aan . els e J 1 ? ia ^ ed I f or the 1928-29 season is approxi mately 1,008,242,000 bushels. This is about 25,500,000 bushels in excess of season>s estimated supply from ÄÄÄ?" Canada is produeing a huge export j surplus while the leading Euroyean countries are harvesting a slightly lar S er wheat crop than a year ago. America is drawing near, the end f- y® ars " which the dominant cap italist political party has been in con trol. In that period the grain farmer has not come nearer to controlling in his product or its price in the world market. All the talk of farm relief has been brought to nothing by the the the 50 HURT WHEN N. Y. SUBWAY CAR JUMPS TRACK IN RUSH HOUR New York, Aug. 24.—The rear car of a subway train was derailed under Times Square at the height of the aft ernoon rush hour today and police re ported that about 50 persons were in jured . Ambulances, fire department! wrecking crews and police emergency squads were rushed to the scene. On the strength of reports from po lice at the scene police headquarters ordered all reserves in Manhattan to Times Square and sent out orders for every ambulance in the city to report for emergency service. a building, Fort Department Store Wayne, Ind., demanding recognition and a signed agreement. In Sacra mento 40 building tradesmen struck aginst the SÄell Oil Co., for the clos ed shop. In Los Angeles 245 carpen ters were on strike against a cut from $8 to $7 a day. These are typical of the strikes in progress. A str ike of 1600 miners at Pi Us burgh> p a ., over the question of dues was compromised. Musicians asking the Chicago Orchestra Association $90 a week for the coming took a 3. year contract providing $84 tbe f j rst year, $87 the second and $90 the third . sixty carpenters at River g j de Calif., won the prevailing $8 a day. Other adjustments reported include the settlement of a strike of 2,000 barbers employed by 800 shops _ in The issue was non-union New York, shops. Most of the strikes sound insignifi cant. But underlying all of them is chronic dissatisfaction with labor's status in the economic order. This is not necessarily recognized by the strikers but it is none the less a part of the constant pressure which is working for the modification capitalism. m , The attack 0I * ? J , back . clerks is to be onJ* r K® * c . e ed by Wall United Inc ' Lisman say 8 - Schulte-United inc. contempiates establishing up ^ department stores of the 5c * l D nety. It is estimatedl that the total aato ™ at *® equl .P m 1 ^ frAm t o than 50,000 units, ranging f 0 100 units P er store. J^enty-f the ? e sto £; s wdl be ready by i hanks pvmg. and ly sold include candies, groceries d toilet articles. agminate Cameo was established t the automatic merchandising field. It conBohdates the G."gjentog which distributes Wngley an e Saver products and °P r ' 0 automatic scales; Autom chandising Corp which controls the latest selling automaton, tary Fostage Bervice ^rp ; the Sher ^: veaF fiX . provides for 100,000 g atterieg 1 (10 mits each) of automatic merchandisincr and change machines, me ç wd h ? fcales , 99.0Ü0 sani ■ sta machines and 250,€00 gum and life saver vending machines. ;„ man c u e p the estimate of Di , Julius Klein of the U S bureau "/^^"^'^"„Xu commerce ^"uatei dSbutTon means an annual waste of 8 billion dollars, Where the displaced workers will find jobs when the .«t»».«. ... • swing does not v. r orry Lisman. silent determination of capitalist oli garchy that agriculture shall not free itself from the bonds of exploitation which hold the capitalist system to gether. THE WORLD HAS A NEW AND FINER MOTOR CAR Ml ï 'I Vj A .y — - I S3»..* . We'll leave it to you —just look the body designs of the other new cars, then look at the Nash "400" Salon design. The eyes" will be for Nash. at ft NASH 400 Leads ike World in Motor Car Value OTHER IMPORTANT FEATURES —NO OTHER ÛW HAS T8SM& Twin IgoMoo motor tt Afcerah typo Bpaali pftaji Bljor* •Boy pit to*» (IbMrAMé lubrioâtloa BUotrle «kok* Maw doubla drop ht na "2Ä SmtSm The Farmer's Garage M. E. HILL, Prop. 192§ .... ... . ""--a WASHINGTON GOSSIP : By Laurence Todd, Federated Press ; è i Washington.—Certain "very gravel defects" and "very menacfcig feat ures" of the American industrial sys tem^rom the standpoint of the wage working class, are frankly pointed out by Dr. John A. Ryan, director of the| social action department of the Natl, Catholic Welfare Conference, in a statement he has issued in advance of Labor Day for consideration of wage workers and employers alike. Feuct alism, he says, is growing in industry, Wages are inadequate. Employment is insecure. Workers have no real voice in management of the tools with which they toil. Ninety per cent of i Americans must live and die in the wage working class. Labor unionism is weak and has ceased to grow, Company unionism is expanding. Father Ryan, known as the first in fluential sponsor of minimum wage legislation in this country, notes strikes have become relatively infre quent, class feeling has apparently diminished and 'socialism, which a few troubled us so greatly, has Yet he finds years ago all but disappeared.' the outlook for American workers anything but. reassuring. Taking up wages first, he says that all competent authorities pre agreed that $1,500 a year is the minimum in which a husband, wife and three children may be supported in this country. He condemns the smug ness of persons who calmly assume that "these underpaid workers are somehow made of different clay and therefore can readily get along with less than the normal requisites of ! ployment remains a great evil, which 1 should be met by a universal high . wage to restore the purchasing pow e r of the masses. He demands m ' durance, also, against both unemploy men£ ard sickness and old age . come on He then declares that unem But the heart of the problem, says D r. Ryan, is the status qf the work er himgelf The tradition that any one could, if he wished * ri?e from the rankg to the maternent or owner ship of a business, he challenges as ^ Qutworn theory « Honest and re . alif ^ ic students of our industrial con ditions » be says> "know that proba bly ninety per cent of those who be g j n j.f e gg em pi ovees will e nd it oc * upyinR the same status. This is a necessary outcome of our indutsrial I orgaTdzat i OT1 w ith its large, costly and relatively few business concerns, out side of agricu lture. Hence, our indus ^ ?y?tem is divided into t wo class small group which performs all ^ fuT1ctiona of owne rship. control and dlrçrtiop, and a very large-groun wWch neither owns c0T1tr0,s ' but ... ^ # . • New Scobey Minister - Scobey, Aug. 22.-The Rev. Ru dolph Simonson and his family have arrived here by motor and have taken up their residence in the Lutheran Paronsagc The Rev. Mr Simonson is filling the place vacated more than a ye ar ago by the retirement of the bPran ûf Zllon i-iUtneran enuren. 1 A telephone girl is discovered who is said not to have given a wrong number in 25 years of service. Per haps the line was always busy. Premier Mussolini says that women change their minds frequently. We hope the Premier doesn't think he has discovered a new truth. ■••■-I •••»»»„ performs subordinate tasks und? direction of others." r This class system does not „i Dr. Ryan. He finds that it e\vl workers little i nterest in th J lves prevents the development of theîr S> a tive and directive faculties and Cre ' them of human dignity. This "industrial feudalism," he dec! must be remedied by the sharing 8 * the workers in actual manage™ an d j n profits ,and finally in own* ship. Ownership may be securà through stock purchases or throuSl collective enterprises—cooperative in dustrial societies. He admits that th i as t is more difficult, but it is not impossible to groups of workers * have resolution, energy, altruism patience, Trade unionism, however, is his im that.mediate and chief recommendation for safeguarding the status of the worker Company unions are useless to the worker so long as they remain under employer control. "No amount 0 f employer benevolence, no diffusion of a sympathetic attitude on the part of he public, no increase of beneficial legislation," he concludes, quately supply for the lack of robs of who and can ade . . organ ization among the workers them selves." This declaration, coming from the j most liberal of American Catholic clergy dealing with working class problems, and timed for Labor Dar discussion in a year when a Catholic is running for the presidency of the United States, has more than ordi nar y relevance. Gov. Smith's mana ger is Raskob, likewise a Catholic, who has been the most conspicuous of anti-union managers of giant in dustry in this country since the war. * ., ♦ JORGEN C. JENSEN Painting & Paperhangin§ Dagmar, Mont. h|h}» »fr «î» -fr-** »fr -fr -x— fr FOR i| Protection AGAINST FIRE, LIGHTNING, CY -.CLONE, WINDSTORM * GET A Policy IN THE ■f ' Northwestern National t. FOB RATES THE LITTLE SEE "JERRY i t i ' | . » - • AGENT Call or Addreaa G. G. POWELL Montana 1 ; Plentywood