OCR Interpretation

The producers news. [volume] (Plentywood, Mont.) 1918-1937, January 08, 1932, COUNTY EDITION, Image 3

Image and text provided by Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85053305/1932-01-08/ed-1/seq-3/

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Thumbnail for PAGE THREE

Local Brevities
Tuesday from his
the valley.
and Frank Schilling
callers in the
was a
in town
geo. I^bo
0 f Comedown
r c
Paul and Ed. Koser, l.ö.,
^e la they M e°xp«t " spend
'«k ° r ,w ° wi,h '° Ur '
E.-peland of McElroy at
the meeting at the court
Tuesday which concerned
proposed firing of the county
Charlotte Bennett, daught-j
Postmaster and Mrs. Jack
retmned from a visit in
•hh Harriett Bail in time
' i„.. of school Mondav.
Archie Marken, nee Mollie
Thursday for her home
for the opening
bland, left .
in Cut Bank after visiting
her parents, Mr. an< * J^ r f'
Island "k° | ive ea ' '
the holidays.
an(i Bo ij Zeidler left
^ H "for Bozeman and Missou
M°nda> where the former
la ret pec ^ ^ gtate QoHegg ant
^ at fif U«« will resume his
w ^, re ; e fli ; TTnivpr.itv
wcr ^ 3
and Mrs. Otto
Bom to Mr.
Grantham, who live three miles
east from Raymond, on December
loth, a son, weight iVz pounds.
A coincidence is that the child was
the father's birthday aii
Those directly con
bom on
cemed are doing nicely.
01, Jarsaw ot McCabe visited
friends i nPlentywood Tue^
While here he dropped in at
W Producers News and put the
4,.arv wherewithal on the desk
rieces. ary „ 0 „ eßc v: c
:t"vi anoth-M
Whiie in town he attend-1
er year.
ed the fanners meeting at the
court house and spent what he as
iert? was the most interesting day
in his life with the farmers of the
county who were there.
Just after the sun had bid the
world a last adieu for the year ol
1931 and had sunk beneath the
western horizon and the light
from the myriads of celestial
bodies scintillated in the dome of
night, a happy young couple, Mr.
and Mrs. Athol Markell (nee Ro
wena Stewart) became blessed
with a winsome 7% pound daugh
ter at thc Sheridan Memorial Hos
pital. Mother and babe are doing
nicely and since Athol is a musi
cian of some note his friends an
ticipate that he plans to spend the
greater portion of his waking
moments endeavoring to synchro
nize the ooba dooba of his tuba
with the lusty sputtering of the
embryo diva. The young lady has
been named Patricia Joan,
^_ i
id* in this column are charged for
»t the rate of two cents for each
word each week. No ad taken for ;
than 85 cents. Remittance
•tould accompany copy for the adv.
10Ä SALE — I'ure Bred Bronze!
Young Turkey Toms, weight 20-26
rrice J5.00 each. MRS.
C. E. STAHLBERG. 3 miles S. E.
of Archer. 39-3t-p
*08 SALE— American School, gen
eral high school correspondence
course. Cost $170. Sell for $20.00.
«-ester Johnson. Dooley, Mont. (41)
A nearby Wat
, r , ouîe L now open for a good
•enable man with car. Permanent
and a real future. No
capital or previous selling
m.?i e ne yessary. I pay postage on
. coders. Henry Norby, Home
«cad. Mont. (41-2t)
Pfen* 119
Plenty w ad
l t!?***«'«i iiiiiiiii
Practice in all Court«
"entywood Montana
hhnson THE Abstractman
T pTl? e8t Abstract« of TiUe
^f'lentywood, Montana
8414 Service
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Donaldson
of Culbertson visited with rela
tives in Plentywood the first of
1 the week.
J. A. Blodgett of McCabe
was a
visitor in Plentywood Tuesday
The News office acknowledges
pleasant call.
Raymond Erickson is employed
at Ingwalson's, taking the place ol
Robert Zeidler who has returned
to Missoula.
Mrs. Ed. VanHee and children,
of Antelope, spent several days
this week visiting with relatives
and f r } en( j s i n Plentywood. She re*
/ lttrMd to her home ^nesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hans Rasmussen
and family spent New Year's vis
7 th lrie " ds at Dagmar The
; aerator on the car went blooey
«• ' he retu ™ t"p neMasitatrçg
» ^op over night at Antelope The
! I°Bowmg day they returned home
; on the tram. The next day Hans
j and Simon Swanson returned to
! Antelope and brought the car to
! Word has been received from
' j Jim Popescu who is still in the old
j country disclosing the fact that he
: apparently having the time ol
trying to get started for
country. The depression has
j struck Rumania hard and many
1 hanks have gone to the wall, the
government stepping in and tak
ing over control of the finances.
With the restrictions of various
kinds put on by the government
and the conditions existing due to
the depression Jim has had to
postpone his departure. However,
his steamship ticket 1», been pur
chased and he expects to leave a
bout February 9th for New York.
. The meeting of the
American Legion was held at the
E1 e'" 6 T " sda Y 'T""*
" thcr matters taken up wm
tl> a ' <*. Papering for the district
convention of the Legion which
held in Plentywood Satur
J* ^ Z
rangements. A good tum-out is
reported there being some thirty
odd Legion men present. At the
next meeting th© matter of insur
ance will be discussed as well as
other timely subjects. If you are
and er-service man, whether a
member of the Legion or not, you
have a standing invitation to at
tend any of these meetings,
boys want you there.
« Roebuck Is Not
Oears, KOCDUCK is imoi
the Only Book, Jack
Postmaster Jack Bennett ap
peared before the county commis
sioners to find out on what terms
the county would be willing to dis
post of tho Library building, with
the intention of turning it into a
post office.
What stand the commissioners
took we do not know, hut we do
know what stand the farmers are
going to take in this matter. We
have a good library in a nice
building and we are not going to
stand for having this library mov
ed into a shack in some hack al
Suppose Jack Bennett,
government, would buy the build
ing and even pay a big price for
it, and pay in cash, what good
would it do anybody in the county
outside of the few who are eating
up the funds?
The Library belongs to the peo
pie and the people are not going
to stand for haviing it handed oy
t j ac k Bennett by any county
er u .
Outlook News
The United
| will hold its regular meeting
the even
T amiarv 15th at 7:30 in
J anuar > _ invited to
j mg. All farmers are invitea
Hans Rasmussen,
the National Hunger March will
be the main speaker at a meeting
of the United Farmers League on
Saturday afternoon, Jan. 15.
meeting which will be held at the
Dahley school is open to all farm
ers in the neighborhood and they
urged to attend.
annttax stockkoudsks
Ä."a ara H 1 ®
Temple. Plentywood, Montana.
Hth day of January, 193-, at
o'clock P. M.. for the election
Directors and the transectlon o
such other business as may proper
ly come before the meeting.
40-t2 EMMA THOMAS. Secy.
Can or Addrcaa
a a Powell
M m k ■
Plentywood Mayor and Fire Chief Resign. Cal Peterson
Assumes Mayorship and Martin Nelson Is New Chief.
Hr. J. C. Storkan has decided to
get out of politics and has resign
ed as mayor of the city of Plen
Many were the things he
going to do for our little burg,
and few were the things he djd.
He had his councilmen travel
hither and thither investigating
municipal power plants and report
back to him. He called special
elections and we all voted with
him. He was our champion. He
was the one who was going to
save Plentywood and give us
cheaper light and power. He got
j up as a roaring lion and laid down
as a little lamb. Probably he.
found out that really doing some
thing for the people takes a lot
of backbone. Probably he found
The members of the Plenty
wood Fire Department held their
annual election of «officers Mon
day evening. Martin Nelson was
chosen chief, succeeding Lew Hein
who has hel dthe office for many
years and who resigned. Leo
Zeidler was chosen assistant chief,
R. E. Gustafson captain of the
hose company, Frank Fishbeck
captain of the chemical company |
and Art Langer secretary and
Two new members were taken
mto the orgmiiaation: Spike
Knutson and Dean Moore filling
the vacanciea m the department
made by the departure from Plen
tywood «of Frank Guenther and
Fred Grawe.
A room will be fitted up in the
fire hall for the convenience of
one of the members, Spike Knut
son, who will take care of night
calls for the department.
Chief Nelson wishes bo impress
upon the public that when turn
ing in a fire alarm thru the local
telephone central that they be sure
and give the location in the city
and tho name of the person resid
ing in or owning the property,
thereby doing away with much
needless confusion in answering
the alarm.
Officers were also chosen for
the Firemen's Relief Association
for the coming year. They are;
Leo Zeidler, president; Carl Peter
son .vice-president; Art Langer,
secretary and Paul Kurtz, treas
ers News.
Church School for all ages, 9:46
a. m. Morning worship service,
11:00 a. m. Four Square meeting.
Intermediate choir practice, 4:00
Character Builders, 4:15 p. rn.
High School choir practice, 7:00
C. G. Tjomsland, Pastor.
At Wanso, 11 A. M. and at Red
stone , 2:00 P. M., on January 17.
Provided we have car roads.
7:30 p. m.
p. m.
Four L. Club, 7:30 p. m.
p. m.
Senior choir practice, 8.00 p. m.
Gale A. Anderson, Pastor.
O. M. Simundson, Pastor.
Services at Plentywood at 11
Communion service at Ar
a. m.
cher at 2:30 p. m.
Sunday, Jan. 17th
Services at Antelope at 11 a. m.
and at Dooley at 2:30 p. m.
The Plentywood Aid will meet
at the Raess home on Thursday,
Jan. 7. All are invited to attend.
The Outlook Aid will meet at
the church «on Saturday, Jan. 9th.
All are invited.
Memorial Meeting
in honor of
at the
at Eight O'clock P. M.
ifiXjjii -■—-—
Under Auspices of Y. C* L.
Edward McCone of Westby was
lout that it pays for a city mayor
1 to keep people from getting cheap
Lew Hein, who for years has
been the city fire chief, has also
resigned, and Martin Nelson has
(taken his place. Lew has always
: done what he could to prevent
people from collecting their fire
insurance. Probably there have
1 not been fite enough lately to
make the job worth while.
With few taxes and lots of
trouble and no graft ahead, slid
ing out from under is the easiest
way out of it and that is what our
former mayor, Dr. Storkan, did.
Cal Peterson is sliding into the
empty chailr and will be the boss
of the city until next election.
found dead in his shack last Sun
| da Y about two p. m. by Ed. Nord
; hagen. The coroner was cal ed
j and found that the cause of dea
w ^ s a se ^ in gunsho woun
whether by accident or mtention
was Nef
» Mortuary °iu PleMywood En
venl ' Mr. McCone's sons
ar ;, vetJ Tuesda {rom Minot and
took fte bod aew where it was
,j !nterred
McCone was an old timer in
Westby. For the last five years
he had been managing the livery
stable there.
He is survived by his sons Fay
and Clair and his aged mother, all
residing in Minot.
Hansen had been invited to the
Marius Ibsen home for New Year«
dinner and when he did not appear
they called him up and asked hum
when he was coming over. He re
plied that he was not oommg and
that he was geing to end it all.
then went to Hansen's home
John H. Hansen of Dagmar
committed suicide at his home sev
en miles southeast of Coalridge at
about ten o'clock New Year' Day
by cutting his throat with a razor
blade. H elived about an hour..
and found him m the garage with
the doors closed trying to start
the car in an effort to commit su
icide in that manner. Ibsen talk
G(1 nini into going into tn0 nOUSG.
Ibsen asked him what was wrong
and Hansen «plied that he wim
going to commit suicide. He told
Ibsen to leave the place. On Ms
way out Ibsen saw a shot gun and
three shells. He took the shells
with him. He went to Dahl\ a
nearby neighbor to get help. When
Dahl and Ibsen returned they
found Hansen on the floor with his
throat cut. When they asked him
why he had one it he repiied : 'T
had It coming. I am the worst kind
'of a criminal." They then called
Dr. Weeks of Grenora who did all
he could but Hansen only lived
about five minutes after the doc
tor arrived.
• a • a j i i
The coroner investigated but
could find n«o apparent reason for
the suicide as deceased was well
fixed financially, owning consider
ble property in Los Angeles and
Sheridan county. It is thought
Hansen was mentally deranged.
The body was taken to the Ful
kerson-Nelson Mortury in Plenty
wood where it was prepared for
burial. The funeral was held at
the Hansen brothers farm Thurs
day. The body was afterwards in
. , _ , t at
terred in the Emanuel Lutheran
. « i • j
cemetery at Coaindge.
It is reported Frank French
went on one of his usual sprees
after the commissioners' meeting
with the farmers to fire the coun
ty agent Tuesday. He did not
show Up before noon the next day.
Frank is getting worried. The
lunds are getting low. There IS
not much graft in the job any
more. It.is enough.to^driv* any
body to drink. And then , there
are the turkey feathers too! But
Temple Friday, January 15th,
8:00 o'clock. There will be two
, , , __ _ T
speakers from the Y. C. L. Editor
Eric Bert will speak and a short
... , r . t»
program will be given by the rio
neers. This meeting will be held
• i , . » .. „
m honor of three of the greatest
I leaders of the working class and
„1 „„ „ orroincf the arm
also as a protest against the arm
ing of the nations for another im
perialist war The young people
mu?t he awakened to the fact that
the profiteers are setting the
stage for a new gigantic worm
Frank is managing to keep his
daughter on the payroll. It get
too hot in the Superintendent's of
fice so she moved into the Assess
or's office where a little female
company is appreciated.
There will be an anti-war and.
Lenin-Liebnecht - Luxemburg Me
morial meeting put on by the lo
cal Young Communist League
Unit held at the Farmer-Labor
wide slaughter that will
,, ... Up.
other war that has gone oe
There will be a dance after the
red-hot orchestra will
furnish the music.
„ „„ . , , m Tipppmhpr
At V cf r n „ntv Com
7th, 1931, the Board of session
missioners met in r ^gru •
all members of the B
Clerk present. r>,,„ r mat
The Board co.sidered l oor mat
ters during the aftornoo . V 3 n „ rd
At 5:00 oc,ock .f' k a M
adjourned uitU 1 9.00 o •.
December 8th
At 9:00 o clock A. M., •
the Board reau "? ed 'f)J,. 7
the Board and the p _ '
Representatives of th ® y the
Association appeared
Board In regards to b i v B •
ment made with the Medicine Lake
Wave on the disputed
claims. The Board a £ reed J° ap
point a committee to meet with Mr
Dolln for the purpose of trying to
reach an agreement as 1to the dis
puted claims. Appp J p , t ® d H th i
committee w ^ rp Th
2' *î? v î n OT^tn^nv set
Board decided to to _a y
H e î? ent comTnlttee
a "lengthy dtecussion was ateo had
- xt the ye ^ n f d or V SÄent°
The Board agreed that the recom
byThe® Boland 0 present
d to the Board on June 16th. 1931
be used witb th® ex ception that
"«* ftafSÄtffiß
ance in same proportions. ,
nd t! nrn J° nnUl^wo oF.loeh p m
ad i° urned , until two o clock p. m.
At two o'clock p. m. the board re
sumed. all members of the board
was the time appointed by
the board for considering bids on re
t«jS.^ h '£ k £
ceived, the following resolution was
introduced and^ ado^ted^
WHEREAS, The board of county
commissioners of Sheridan- County.
vember. 1931, which resolution au
^ a ° n riz ; t d ate th 0 c f
foliate, and sell coupon bonds on
the credit of said county, to the a
Soüars the purple
of enabling Sheridan county to re
" d d f ^ n sl9t °" K * "ont? warran«
lawfully issued against the County
P ™* a ~ ln j u ?oir Ä of skid ^ouS
ty as follows:
nJi« 1 r« cen f nnI in 1 ? t und r^
Dollars ($13,200.00) against tnc
General Fund, Fif.y-scven Thous
® nd , D 2l ai 'f against the
Strf (Âo'o^aga JsÆeBrlSS
Fund, and Fifteen Thousand Eight
p^rFUnd^ I^d 00 ' 00) asa nS the
wffl&ilud» resolution was
pa ^ d y a f th app p r r 0 0 v v ed i0 ^ d ® r f chap^
188 of the laws of the 22nd Legis
^ S ™
not sufficient money in the fund
drawn to pay and retire such war
St ^ pîy anT^tire suTwar'
^ ith A n a
K ea Iü w °u ld > in t J ie judgment of the
board of County Commissioners,
work & hardship and l>6 an undue
burden upon Uie taxpayers of the
_ T ...
WHEREAS, Such resolution di
reeled the County Clerk and Record
er of Sheridan County, Montana, to
give notice of the sale of said bonds
in the form and manner provided by
la * o mv ~ „ .
WHEREAS. The Cbunty Clerk and
Recorder of Sheridan County, Mon
tana did give notice of the sale of
said bonds in the form and manner
provided by law and pursuant to
said resolution, and the said Notice
of Sale was duly published in the
Plentywood Herald at Plentywood,
Montana, the official paper of Sher
idan county, Mohtanfe, a 1 newspaper
of general circulation, printed and
published at Plentywood, in Sheri
dan county, once each week for four
(4) successive weeks immediately
preceding the date fixed for the
sale of said bonds, and also sent a
copy of such notice to the Secretary
of the State Board of Land Cora
missioners. and furnished to the
said Secretary a transcript of the
proceedings had for the issuance of
said bonds; and
WHEREAS, The Board of County
Commissionens of Sheridan County,
Montana, met in regular session at
the county commissioners chambers
at the county court house in the
City of Plentywood, in Sheridan
County, Montana, at the hour of
o'clock p. m„ on the 8th day of De
cember, 1931, for the purpose of re
ceiving and considering bicte pursu
ant to «said notice of sale, and
WHEREAS, The said Board of
County Commissioners found no
bids had been filed or delivered to
the County Clerk of Sheridan Coun
ly, Montana, either by the State
Board of Land Commissioners, or
any other prospective purchaser of
fering to purchase said bonds .and
WHEREAS, The said Board of
County Commissioners, upon receiv
ing both oral and written informa
tion that said bonds could be sold,
if the same were Issued, and believ
ing that a sale of said bonds can
be nego tiated, and
WHEREAS. Thesald Board
County Commissioners, believing,
from such information received,
■ that serial bonds wir be more ad
j New Years Duy Mr. and Mrs. D.
j Danielson entertained at dinner Mr.
j Grenolai Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hass
I and tamiiy. Wall and Emil Hanson,
j ™ %g~ w £"2g£| a t
obert Dahl's home by Mr. ana Mrs.
c . , Dahl > J - D ^ 1 : . Ann f Dahl,
and Mrs. Ed. Dahl and sons, Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Danl and daughter
and Mr. and Mrs. G. Hovitt and
children. New Year's Day.
Wednesday Miss Ho Danschroeder
and Lote Clark went to Great Falls
tor a pleasure trip .returning Sun
Mrs. Jesse Clarke met them with a
car at CCulbertson.
Obert Dahl returned Thursday to
his home after spending some time
in Minneapolis.
Ed. Christianson was a visitor at
Fred Merman's a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Glaae and
family of Welliver were Saturday
visitors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Tatchell.
Grandma Stevens and Mrs. Nellie
Saxton were hostesses at a New
at Years diner to Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Hx K at * r i Mr and Mrs Claus Strand
and baby. Geo. and Murray Hunter,
Mrs. J. Clark, Velma Clark, Carol
Vog*r and Don Richardson.
Miss Williams spent New Years
day with Mra Geo> Hunter.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Grayson were
Sunday visitor sat G. W. Grayson's
Anne Powney of East Coaindge
called at the j. Stewart home Mon.
A big crowd enjoyed the carnival
dance at the hall New Years.
From Saturday to Mônday Mr.
"" vi8iled
Mrs. Archie Morgen of Cut Bank
Ja visiting for a few weeks with
Christ Island left for Rochester
see son
there doctoring,
Mrs. J. Stoen was in charge of the
cafe while the Berg family visited
several days at Albert Lindquists
and ateo with floks at Grenora ana
January 4th school began after
Christmas vacation.
Sven Larsen celebrated his birvu
day, Dec. 28, by inviting a group of
his friends for a good lime with
games folowed by a lunch.
(Too late for last week.;
The special business meeting held
by the Luth. Aid members at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Hoven
on Dec - 17 resulted in the election
Mrs. Ed. Iverson, president; Mrs.
*). Danielson, v-preeident; Mrs; Ras
musst , n> secretary, and Mrs, H
Thor esc n. treasurer. On Jan. 14 Mrs.
Bestland entertains at her home
^ regular meetinj ,
Twenty-seven ex-service men were
entertained at Berg's Cafe by the
^ n t e i ope t, 0 yc, Dec. 22. A short bus
inese meeting, social time and lunch
were the diversions of the evening,
Several new members were scured
( by th Legion post.
I Thc Misses Schultz and Epperson
departed for Hillsboro. N. D. Wed.,
to spend the holidays at the home
p ro f. Gottenberg and Mr. DeWitt
and T. Brekke left Saturday for the
Teach „ rs . 0onvention a t Butte
delegates .
Gordon H ovcn is home for hte va
cation from the University,
' aMny parents and friends greatly
en J°Y ed the Christmas programs
the school. One was given by Mrs.
Hedges' and Miss Epperson's pupils;
aS^the "îrd ***'
Mrs Oscar Chris
tiaason and Ruth accompanledMr.
wfkanïer homf" îeîSrning lunday
g ome G f the numerous Christmas
Gust Aakus and Gunder Hovitt fam
illea; Mr - and Mrs - "• Lauritzen
and Ceo Lauritzen and Knute Hov
M S"TcliUun Tre Tien"!?' u?
and ' Mrs j S Murray Dale Murray
Mr. Nellie
Sa x[on d Herbert and■ Cr^lg Mr^ Ind
^ Ge " Hunter. Murray Hiinter,
^ n r d a ^ d ^ gro^jfÏÏ"' Clark and
L 0is and Velma .
.Æanâta"^ "ranumà SSToS:
e ; t and Anna Dahl, Mr. and 'Mrs.
»» * n a d r ^ a Sk, posed
famll'lM of P R Orarï.n? EÎncst Gmy
son, J. Stewart. Ed. VanHee,
nrpkkp and Mr and Mrs Art Gray
J o rpkk ^ a a n n d d Dave Bertilson, Wm.
Grayson( g ue Meador, DeWitt and
^nnes enjoyed^dinner attetome
f M " g ; Florence Richardson ' and
family and Miss Damschroeder were
of Mr and Mrs - Bob Rich
. T ^ e Lindquist family
A * Th ; We f do ' n Richardson family
»ÄÄ «-Or a.
hoine of Mr _ and Mrs. Edw. Iverson.
m "o red to Watford City to spend
g br J s S h urt S her son ' s h ° me '
Leo Templeton, Mrs. Nellie Crohn
and Dewis Crohn visited at Oscar
T orstenson\s in Dagmar last Satur
hqv IjPwIa remained a Tew days,
T he ^5fe Siu?ch was filled
and audience that enjoyed the Xmas
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Clark enter
tained the Bob Clark family. Win
Clark and Walt Hanson; Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Hess were hosts to D.
Danielson and Berneau families and
Emil Hanson.
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ho
ven, were Mr. and Mrs. Ford and
Jackie of Scobey and the families of
Art Olson, T Modahl and Alf Ho
serv i ces by Rev. Simundson and the
muslc by the girls chorus and solo
by Mrs F , Richardson the evening
Q j> Christmas day
A chrtetmas tree fesitval was
held at the Sons of Norway Hall by
the memb ers of the lodge and their
f am iiies. A splendid program, vari
ous ga mes and a good Junch enter
tainde all
Mary c'hrlstiansea was pleasantly
surprised the -ivea.ng of her birth
day> Dec. 28 when numerous friends
and neighbors gathered at her home
to celebrate.
G arl Brandon has done a little fe
modeling at the mill by building an
office and tearing down an old shed
between the mill and the engine
Wednesday afternoon visitors of
Mrs. O. B. Hoven were Mrs. Harry
Larson of Plentywood and Mesdam
es Art Olson, Ern Grayson and
Jesse Clark.
Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Trn Gray
son entertained at a six o'clock din
ner, Art Olson and family, T. Mo*
dahl and family, Mrs. and Mrs. O.
B. Hoven and son Gordon.
Mr and Mrs. Axel Rome tad were
hosts at a 7 o'clock bridge dinner
Saturday. Ell Sorvick and Mrs. Alf
Hoven were winners of first prizes
and O. B. Hoven and Mrs. Mickel
son, second. Three tables were in
Monday Gordon Hoven was host
at a six o'clock, three table bridge
dinner. Olaf Arneklev
prize and Anne Ator, lady's prize,
Mr. and Mrs. Forest Ford and
Jackie spent Xmas at the O. B. Ho
ven home.
vantageous, and that serial bonds,
will sell more readily than amorti
zation bonds, and
WHEREAS, The hoard of county
Commissiqpens of Sheridan County,
Mbntana, deems It for the best In
terests of the county to sell said
coupon bonds at private sale,
BE IT RESOLVED, By the board
of county commissioners of Sheri
(Continued next week)
won gent's
Olaf Gunderson and children were
dinner guests at the Ole Galgerude
home near Alkabo New Years.
Ole Metvedt of Pleasant Valley
wa«s a shopper in the city Wednes
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Erickson en
tertained Mrs. Hamilton and daugh
ter Dorothy and Charley Wicklund
on New Years Eve.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Kittelson, Mr.
and Mrs. Anton Nelson, Mrs. Henry
Jensen and Marjorie Enger motored
to Crosby Wednesday.
Mrs. Otto Enger entertained a
number of friends and relatives on
Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs Carl Sorenwon of the
south country were shopper in the
town Thursday.
Edna Eaton of Dooley was
guest at the McCallister home dur
ing the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Evan Rogstad and
daughter, Martha, Oscar Bjorgan,
Kenneth Smith, Severt Ekness. Vir
gil Bakke, Laverne Petersen and Ol
af Kaugen of Elkhorn district were
Westby shoppens Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson and
family were entertained at the Ed.
Hass home at Pleasant Valley on
Eunice Madsen of Daneville is
spending a few days visiting with
her cousin, Evangeline Jensen.—
A number of the old and young
the Lutheran
people gathered at
church and Pentecostal mission to
watch the old year go out and the
New Year come in. Lunch was serv
ed after midnight.
Ruth Vandemark has been on the
sick list this week.
Garnette Lindel is busy helping,at
Mrs. Art Hetland during the holt
Frank Anderson and family from
Comertown wore dinner guests at
the Oscar Helseth home Sunday,
Mrs. Andenson Is a sister of Mrs
Mr. and Mrs. John Sather were
guests at the Severt Hammer home
on New Tears day.
Miss Martha Rogstad called on
Miss Carol Hoeck on Friday.
Francis and Lloyd Andei*son
v r v»c. P H n n n « t WnLÄ
their holiday vacation at the Oscar
H M S .. eth »Jî 0, vr e w Œ Miiior and
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Miller and
family were entertained at the t -
Ne*ss home on New Tears Day.
Mr. and Mrs Louis Finn and son.
Junior. Mr and Mrs. Brrny Schul«
and son Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. George
Weiler and son Laverne, Mrs. Me
snns^Eddle^and^Bud * Bdna^Eafon
sons Eddie and Bud Edna Eaton,
^ rtl „ e Johnson, and Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Stordahl were entertained at a
New Tears dinner at the home of
Joe Wirtzberger, southwest of town.
Aurelia Deal of Saskatchewan vte
ited at th# Martin Nereson home on
Saturday ,_
Miss Mary Hudson has been on
the sick lise this week
Young people during the holidays
this vicinity. The 31st there was
a party at the David Nelson home.
Mrs. Andrew Whlpplenger, a for
mer resident southeast of Dooley
but who now lives in Minnesota, is
reported to be very sick.
Services were held in the German
Lutheran church in the English
language New Tear's Day.
The Rocgy Spring «school started
its school January 4th.
Joseph Marsh had the misfortune
to break the wheel of his truck near
Doolèy while on the way home with
a load of barley Monday the 28th.
He was lucky to escape without get
ting hurt very badly.
Mr. and/ Mrs. Peter Jensen south
of Comert^wn are the happy parents
of a son bori Dec. 30th. No one
should wonder why Pete is wearing
a smile as this is his first 'son.
Many parties were held by the
All rejoiced at the departure of the
old year and hope the coming year
will be better for all. The evening
of the 1st a party was held at the
H. O. Heppner home. The evening
of the 2nd at the Frank Heppner
home and ol the evening of the 3rd
at the H. R. Heppner home.
The Ole Boe family were visitors
at the Solheim farm home northeast
of Grenora on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Morken, Hen
ry and Edgar Syverud took part in
the Sons of Norway Christmas fes
, The a Edw r f„ n Dth 1 as srs«
SSÄFS& sasî sa
tragedy, the death of a well known
and respected citizen, John H Han
sen. Despondency got the better of
him whic hcaused him to commit!
suicide. Funeral services were held
is d cr.,™ c rc e g a ;i'h r sf ves •• a
«Ä* «s-ssÄÄ. M o,f ■ ä
the Volmar community and Dune.
M i C fv! nn r Dako £ wa | ? al !f rs
AÏ'tSÏÎJS.iïïrfÂS Saturday
All the neighbors of tbe commun
ity assembled at the Andrew Dahl
rangements aiv3 assist with the fun
eml of John Hansen On Sunday
choir rehearsal was had at the M.
School re-opened on Monday after
a two weeks' holiday. The teacher
Miss Agnes Johnson, returned Sat
CoulL e N ni D g fr ° m her h ° me at
Andrew' Dahl and Marinus Ibsen
Mondav bUS ' neSe trlp t0 Plentywood
Monday.^ ...
-, . . -
Mr. and Mrs. Al Schrupp and sons
Alfred, Francis and Russell return
ed Sunday evening after spending
their Christmais vacation In Great
T ,
Mr. and Mrs. Joe McGowan and
sons Roger and Jack were dinner
guests at the A. J Markuson home
New Years day. They spent a very
enjoyable time.
Several young folks from this vi
clnity attended the dance in Out
look New Tears eve.
Isabelle 1'qrter and Winnifred
Anker of Plentywood spent a few
days with Agnes Fink.
Evelyn Symee of Plentywood was
a visitor at the Lena Wilson home
a few days this week.
Mr. and, Mrs. Bert Herron and
son Garfield were dinner guests at
the Jack Stewart home New Years.
In regard to the accident Clair
Mathlason; The hoys were walking
along the road. A team of horses
came running up the road. The drlv
er thought the boys would cross the
track and the boys thot the honses
would cross the track and as a re
suit they both went the same way
and apparently the driver couldn't
hold the horses. The child got
the way of the horses and was
knocked down with the result that
one side of h<? head was cut open
and his collar hone broken. The lad
claimed the wagon did not strike
Mr .Holland «stopped the team
and went
took him home. He is reported
be getting along nicely and will
soon be able to return to his home.
(Correspondent: This is better.
course we had no way of telling
whether Clair was a man or a boy.
Mr. Holland might have been alone
in the wagon or he may hav had
others with him. Prom the wording
°ne might Infer the horses were
running away. Was a doctor called
and 'which one _and where from.
the boy In the hospital and where?
This is not meant for criticism
merely as a suggestion on what
bring out in a new item.—Editor.)
as quickly as possible
back and picked the child up
Nella Corkery of Outlook and her
sister, Mrs. Cross of Burlington, N.
D. and daughter Pauline visited at
the Hannah home. From there they
went to the Carl Stadstad horn*
where they will visit with her sis
ter and family for a few days be
fore returning home.
Bert Herron finisher putting up
ice last Saturday.
A dance and meeting was held at
the Mankel school last Saturday. It
was put on by the United Farmers
League and some of the graduates
from the Y.C.L. school,
well attended.
derson home Tuesday night,
time was spent playing cards.
! Alice Syme returned to her home
; Thursday after spending a few days
visiting with Marcella Wendt,
j A dance was given at the Corkery
j school last Saturday night. James
! Symes and George LaGrange furn
: ished the music for the small ga
thering present.
| Evelyn Symes returned to her
home Sunday after spending the
past week visiting at the Lena WH
eon home.
j Many of thp young folks from
Raymond and vicinity attended the
dance given at Outlook New Years
It was
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kowskl and M".
and Mrs. Charles Ross were pleav
antly entertained ,at the G. A. An
1 Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Eveneon and
daughter Alice were supper guests
! jt the W. G. McCrady home, New
1 Tear's Eve.
I Joe Henricksmeier was a caller
the Herbert Blair home Surday.
Ruth Holland was a^ist-ng at the
Leo Hysler home Saturday
Mrs. Adolph Hovdey and her sls
ter in law, ^Irs. Melvin Nelson,
spent an enjoyable afternoou visll
Ing at the Carl Hovdey home Mon
Mrs - Claude Mills entertained ths
R ay Morris family 'ast Sunday.
Mteses Edna Hawbaker and Alite
Tronnes returned to Outlook Satur
day their homes.
Misses Louise Or«i«r > n d leer
Watson left Wed ne sdfv
i " ^ th.
Droud no rent a n f , ' K „r' J"**
ho rn t P e first of j anu S y 193 o b ° T
n Miss Buckneberg returned from
Ray North Dakota, last Saturday.
Mildred and Stanley Tooke spent
the Christmas vacation with their
moth er In Raymond.
Harold nn
! have been* vtaltto» wl*? TÎÎS
Mrs. Donald Trowed a* Scobey re*
turned to their home Wednesday
.. Slim> . and Pete Garrlok ac< £ m .
panied by their father, Ë. É Garrick,
motored to Culbertson Sunday
which place the latter took
train for his home in Iowa. He _
called# there on account of the ill
ness of his mother.
Mrs. Lloyd Deck and family speit
New Tear's day at the N. Deck
Miss Effie Desonia who has been
working in Outlook was called to
her home in Dale view because ot
the illness ot her mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Ole Garrick
family were guests at the
Ladd, Jr., home Thursday.
Harry Prescott and son Richard
returned from Noonan, Monaay.
Max Deck was a Fxaxvuie caller
The New Tear's dance- was- at
tended by a large and lively crowd.
Miss Leone Deck was a visitor at
the Alfred Beckie home a tew days
the past week.
Mr, and Mrs. John Ladd, Jr., en
tertained Mr. ana Mrs. Jjohn
Sr. at six o'clock dinner Tuesday
evening. . •'
A number of Raymond folks at
tended tbe New Year's dance in Oui
in ; nnH
m,, o .. uru ,—-, —
T • ^Harold
»elvig, Joe Billet, Annie, Katnerine
and Ethel Selvig and Arnold Fred
Matt Wirt*
were visitors at the AHrea
Beckie home Wednesday evening.
A number of Flaxvllie folks
callei« in Outlook Friaay. "fat (Jav
anot was among them. He stayed
and is visiting at the Homme home.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Seivig, Ethel
Selvig and Arnold Fredrickson mo
tored to the home of Arnold in Med
icine Lake .Tnursday.
Arnold remained there where Ethel
Will visit until Sunday
will leave for Havre to finish this
year's term at college.
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Anderson en
tertained at cards at their home on
Tuesday evening. Four tables were
occupied. The head prizes were won
Ethel and
then she
j by Joe Kosky and Mrs. Dun Egger
w " 1
| R Homme was a dinner guest
of Viole t Boyd at the Cafe last ari
. day
M ' isses Leone and Wilhelmine
, Tv., k nnri imhiw vmw irnTm " S
raoior,id « Ä
. w **~
N w y'ear s guests ^at 'the^Georee
2u^ard home S 8 ^ ^ Ge ° rge
Harry and Ruth motored
Outlook Monday from where the
latter U took fhe trein to nTnot
Mis6es Velma Goodlaxon and Em
ma w 0 u an i e f t s unday f or Ha vre
a ■ where they will in ^ °
; duties of college b glrls .
! Loucka^o to ne °° w "
they wil^vislt a few days with Mr*
BiÄr PredrickSjn ew days with Mrs -
i Mre. C?cere k D?yden has been on
■ ^Mrs^RMv h
1 Bridge las?' Tuesday evening
| Mr and Mrs N j Ne i SO n and
Lucille, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nelson
and Marjorie and Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Kowskie spent New Tears, at
Frank Koester home.
up their
Mr, and Mrs. Roy Morris and chil
uren, Mr. and Mrs. Koturba and
family and Mr and Mrs Vic Anker
were guests at the Jens Tange home
last Friday.
Roy Collins and August Westphal
I of Raymond called at the Thomas
; Clawson home Monday
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Egger, Mr. and
Mrs. John Ladd, Jr., and Ha*el Moe
and Mr .and Mrs. Thomas Clawson
and sons were guests at the William
Weiss home Sunday
T , , _ ,
Borvig entertained a group
ot ^ is fri ends at his home last Wes
ne f? a X, ®vening.
, • " Hagen is spending a coupla
Weeks at the Ryder Leer home
re«servation. ,
-, Harold Everson returned to Grand
^ last Tuesday morning after a
®hort vacation at his home here,
. Several car loads of young people
„5°'!? over to the New Year's dance
Sr Grenora last Thursday
ey r eP° rt «a very enjoyable
n l n *C' Several of them
Jac °h Petersen and a sumptuous
aiI î? er wa sserved them at midnight
, ~ r : a P d Mna. N. J. Tvensen
ne ? a num her of friends
PJi., e last Thursday evening.
werc Played apd after
card / ame a delicious
sel ' ve d.
to p, A r ?, ee V n ? °f lease holders of
• 1 eck lands was held at the
- 8rdwar ^. stpre on Monday after
the object of protesting
. st ® om e of the new regulation«
EM* , ln by the Indian Denart
Bi, at Washington.
. of livestock,
. leases from the L.
was adopted tu ,
. Th« 1 to tll e capjtr-l.
Is , a f oI a "7 aa y_meetlnK of the Com
( b Was he,d Tneshay nlte
A wa ? re-elected president*
to vlce-prealdnt and Nor
I man Nlson . secretary.
were guests
re vtivo to the
r. s\ a

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