OCR Interpretation

The producers news. [volume] (Plentywood, Mont.) 1918-1937, November 03, 1933, COUNTY EDITION, Image 4

Image and text provided by Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85053305/1933-11-03/ed-1/seq-4/

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14 Strikers
Arrested in Los Angeles
LOS ANGELES, Calif.—Police broke
up a demonstration of striking women gar
ttuont workers in the downtown district.
TJey arrested 14 persons and charged
them with using abusive language and
lawful picketing.
Steel Production
Drops From 42% to 32%
YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio.—Steel produc
tion in the Youngstown district has drop
ped this week to 32 percent of capacity,
compared with 42 of last week. The num
ber of active open-hearth furnaces have de
fined to thirty of the 83 in the district,
against 39 last week.
y -
PITTSBURGH, Pa. — The rising cost of
living has so affected the buying power of
■ Orphan's Court Judge Termble's $14,000
salary, that last week he reduced the pay
of the cook who has been working for him
ÄÄTS no e used t0 * * 5 a week '
0 v
Wealthy Judge ^ T
Cuts Cook's Pay
» t
Mooney Defense
Committee Maps New Fight
SAN FRANCISCO Calif.-The defend
ers of Tom Mooney, wiU carry his fight for
freedom to the United States Supreme
Court next month.
Tom Mooney a fighter for the working
class before he was put in jail, still depends
on the workers and farmers to help him
get out of prison.
* *
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.—Deaths from
starvation and freezing were more num
erous in Minnesota in 1932 than ever be
Another Victim
of Lynch Law
BALTIMORE, Md.—Another feather
has been added to the cap of a Southern
state when on Friday, Oct. 27, the state
of Maryland executed Euel Lee, a Negro
farm hand. For two years the Interna
tional Labor Defense has put up a hard
fight to save the innocent Negro, framed
on a charge of murdering a farm family.
There was no evidence against him, but he
was the first Negro to hand. No attempt
was made to find the real murderer.
High Death Rate
From Starvation and Freezing
fore, figures from the state health depart
ment show. Four persons died from star
vation compared with two each in 1931 and
1924, the only other two years such deaths
were recorded.
From excessive cold, 25 persons died in
1932, compared with 17 in 1923, the pre
vious high mark of such deaths.
U. S. 'Talk»" Peace
But Builds More Planes
LOS ANGELES, Calif.—The navy is
seeking immediate funds to build two giant
dirigibles, larger than the Macon. This was
told by Rear Admiral Ernest J. King. Be
sides this, the navy will ask for funds to
build several squadrons of huge long dis
tance bombing seaplanes.
The admiral also said the bureau of
aeronautics is making an effort to have
1,000 planes actually operating with the
fleet at sea or available at costal air sta
tions within the next year.
Auto Strikers Act
Against Strike Breakers
DETROIT, Midi.—After a month of
striking against speed-up and low wages,
thousands of tool and diemakers organized
into cavaran of 300 automobiles and went
from factory to factory trying to atop the
scabs from breaking the strike. Thousands
of police were mobilized to prevent the
^rikers from approaching the factoirea.
(six arrests were made and a few were in
jured. In one factory a foreman fired six
«hots at the strikers.
, •
Prisoners Released
YAKIMA, Wash.—The four Criminal
Syndicalism defendants in the Yakima case
have been released on personal recogniz
ance a» a result of an Intense campaign
carried on in their behalf by the Interna
tional Labor Defense with the support of
other working class organizations.
Three of the defendants were of the
Goold family, father, daughter and son,
and the fourth was Jones,
Thirty-five other workers are still in
jnfl in connection with the Yakima case.
The Army Leads
in the New Deal
BUFFALO, N, Y.—An objection to
supporting the NRA movement appeared
at a pacifist meeting here under auspices
of the Evangelical Brotherhood. One
speaker declared:
"The reforestation program has given
us a sample of militarism in the NRA,
Young men in reforestation
camps are un
der the supervision of army officers. Gen
eral Hugh S. Johnson, the NRA executive
is an army man. I do not believe that the
fèhurch should endorse any movement
which comes under army supervision.
» >
DENVER, Colo.—Accordin g to a
jort survey made by the U. S.
Dept, of Agriculture and the Colo
rado Agricultural experiment sta
tion, tax burdens for the Amer
ican farmer have increased
trage of 152 percent in the last
20 years.
An increase of 150 perce', t was
shown for the New England states;
140 percent for the east north
central states; 151 percent for the
west north central area; 214 per
çut for the east south central
area; 162 percent for the west
south central area; 155 percent for
the Pacific coast states; and 90
percent for the Rocky Mountain
an. av
ST. PAUL, Minn.—Nearly 7,000,
000 acres of land will be confiscat
ed by the state of Minnesota in
1^35 because of tax delinquency,
unless the legislature takes tax re
lief action again.
The land would have been taken
tver by the state 11118 year * exce P t
j, the * ast legist ^ ure wasforted
Or, 6,989,268 acres of land in
Minnesota, there were no taxes
; paid in 1926, 1927, 1928, 1929,1930,
1931, 1932, or 1933.
Most c-f the tax-delinquent land
jü £ JÄrtThl tn
: others with 796,132 acres delin
Iquert. Other counties with large
j Koochiching, 514,920 acres; Aitkin
! 466,920 acres; Oass, 450,ooo acres;
!îf sc f' SI 4 , 6 ,. acres; K e 0f Oi t ï e
1 Woods, 438,745 acres.; Lake, 316,
000 acres, and Pine, 266,906 acres.
delinquencies are Roseau, 600,000
acres; Beltrami, 701,678 acres;
, Ä Ä . _try
! AliliV 14 v w A14 0l41U
|tt\ n itm i im pii pi
Lll KAN IV ANU r I ■.r
J11 \IIVCl WlTllfll 1 1 LE
DTUPD «■ ^
> ItlVLK, Mum., Oct.
"• The local Farmers Holiday
Association held a strike meeting
at the high school with about 76,
j farmers present. The principal
, speaker was George Anderson of
I «e Minnesota United Farmers
j League state committee. He also
pointed out that under the NRA
; and the AAA, the crisis has grown
I steadll y won&€ as far as P° or farm '
ers and city workers are conceived,
and he urged the eecltion of dele
gates to the farmers Second Na
1( ÿ Confen^nce
help extend the strike all wer
Pine county. Thev also decided to
be represented at the Chicago Cor,
of ttnd
r? s
farmer's DrowanT of taî.
demands ^ f nd
By G. O. A.
. . ... .
No More Pots
and Pans
cow early this year, a delegate
from the Ukraine was telling an
American reporter about his ed
lective, "What have you to show
for three years of collective farm
ing?" he was asked. He produced
sheet of paper from his coat
pocket and read some figures.
A T THE Soviet Congress of Col
lective Farmers held in Mos
In 1929, the collective farm
started with 20 horse*. Now it
has 90 horses. During the past
three years, the collective farm
built up a dairy farm and a hog
farm of 80 milch cows and 290
breeding sows respectively. Out
of its profit* of the three years
of collective fanning, a new pigsty,
two cow bams, a stable for horses
a~d two grain sheds were built.
Also an apartment house for six
teen families. The collective farm
has a commuanl kitchen and din
ing room. For something like 12
rubles, an adult gets three square
meals a day. There is a special
kitchen for children. The meals
may be eater, in the common din
ing room or taken home.
. . .
wny no! Anybody who cares
to can cook meaU at home. But
very few do. Why bother? Our
women would much rather get an.
equal share of the income by work
ing around the farm and spend
»«ü» I90JC a * * be duh than to
5° tte f|T^ J POte , and pans. Even
the old-fashioned women-folk have
Ik f ™ arre l with the public kitchen.
with tL v „ SOTWtimes qnarrel
with the cook."
To the question whether com
munal feeding was compulsory, the
Ukrainian replied laughingly:
12 I nraU Havi»
IZ Locals Have Member
snip or lOOj Sena Dele
gates to Chi. Conference
BRITTON, S D —A farmer meat
, ®
By BL P.
ing was held in the court house
here on Oct. 21 to consolidate the
Marshall county United Farmers
League organization. About 80
were present, including- State Or
ganizer Julius Walstad of Skse
ton and State Secretary John
Sumption of Frederick.
The first speaker was C. H.
Sharp of Brown county. With his
usual thoroness he analyzed the
crisis. He showed it wa^ rot due
to lack of technical development,
for we have far more flour and
textile mills and other manufac
taring plants to process our super
abundant raSv materials than are
needed for our home and foreign
markets. He exlpained the role of
capitalism in producing the crisis
and of the Communist party as
the leader in the farmers strug
gles for decent standards of liv
ing. In closing he urged the farm-,
ers to read their newspaper, the
Producers News, regularly and to
keep it Informed about conditions
in their own communities and
what their organization is doing,
Julius Walstad then gave a
rousing speech showing that the
farmers who developed this coun
are now just fighting to keep
their homes a^ the Indians before
them did when the whites came.
His talk sparkled with wit and he
! was con ti r ually interrupted by ap-j
j plause. Behind his pleasant ex
terior is a fighting spirit that carJ
: not be dampened. He has just re
: turned from an organizing tour
i that took him as far south as
j South Shore, Codington county. He
: sa ys the farmers down that way!
j like the United Farmers League
(program. Now he is going to
! spend some time consolidating the
pains made in the territory where
j he has been working.
After these talks the farmer»
proce edtd to elect five more mem
| hers to their county U F L. com
|mitteef nàkkm nine in alL ■
j Tha following delegates to the
I Farmers Second National Relief
| Conference in Chicago were
elected: Ed Impecoven, Gilbert
; Gronseth, P. J. Olson. Several
more delegates will represent the
i 0 f the Product News a^d s^b
Marshall county now has U F
1 * ° Sw ls C °ü'
j on tbe Ipb/igning «p sub
scribers to the Producers News.
I •
THA1 ^° BAD -
Newark, S. D.
Dear Editor ;
^ I waa elected delegate to the
Chicago Conference, Nov. 16 to 18
but oa account of the serious ill
î" 683 °* m r dear mother, I don't
ha ^ y think I can make it.
. 1 am on ly woman delegate
^ m m r county. My husband, Ed
I^P^coven, will go in my place,
. ana panning on contributing
ar idcle to the Producers News soon,
* think that the woman's page will
prove interesting a^d juet what
—Mrs. S. L
p ar | q B(
Dagmar, Mont.
1 cup sugar
% cup butter a: Ni lard
1 egg
y» clip sweet milk
2 cups flour
Mix these in order
Add Part Two
% cup sugar
2% heaping tablespoons
2 squares chocolate which has
been mixed and boiled in H cup
of water.
Last add 1 level teaspoon soda
and 2 teaspoons vanilla.
Bake 30 minutes.
1 cup sugar
1 cup melted butter
2 eggs
% pound
tablesoons of water
2 cups of rolled oats
2 cups flour
1 cup nuts, if you have them
Vi teaspoon soda
tablespoons of water.
Mix bntter - sugar and well beat
en eeg». Bofl raisins 8 minutes
cocoa or
rakins, boiled in 6
u ro R ^Gf?ow^Hip
— !
a temporary U. P. L. organization
was set np. C. F. Engle, who
moving to Portage from Liberty
j township, was elected delegate to
|'^Farmers Second NaUonal Con.
When the delegatee from the
west arrive here Nov. 10, we plan
I to get one of them to give us a
I tallc and a Permanent organization
will then be formed. ** j
A 4m ft CI AV rwmr '
/Ull/ HIM .A Y 111 Ylrtu !
A _____j
III II \ N Rr I ÎPh i
UUI J. I/», lliilii l i l I
; _ j
Beadle County Relief Meet
Heman/lc Immwliato !
. . I
Action j
| By Edwin Pfutzenreuter
' „.. D ™ « i
* HURON, S. D., Oct. 21 A mass
! m ^ e ting representing farmers and
! workers of Beadle county,
' both employed and unemployed,
1 was . held here recently to protest
' agamst the starvation policy of the
State Relief Director W * L * Eales *
A united front committee from
these groups sent a resolution to
Eales demanding immediate
V 011 in Providing food, fuel and
livestock feed. Copies of th*
resolution were also sent to Gover
?°f ^°. ra ßerry and H. L. Hopki's,
edera l relief director.
A dangerous situation is facing
the impoverished farmers and
j workers of the county, the resolu
tion points out; many "are not
getting sufficient food to retain
their health." Due to lack of feed,
livestock is being sold off below
^äsic necessities.
Relief Director Eales k. accesed
[of resorting to "too much red tape
i and delay." I_ _ __
been promised again and again by
j Eales ard then withheld in whole
■ °r in part," the resolution states.
'demands that Eales comply with
i th * honest demands of the people
for «Hef or resign.
The Farmers Union of Beadle
county was well represented at the
meeting as was also organized la
i bor cf Huron.
i When asked to comment on the
i demands Governor Berry said he
had "nothing to say." Eales Would
crue,t y c»
St tî 6 **"
l!! f de P artmert J hat thoroughly ex
i ™v! !?* aT,d
iudgi " g by Ws remai *s at the re
.cent Blue Bonard parade fa Ab -
I erdeer.
. , .
■■ y
This Soviet woman has advanced to a high' position in her
factory. She is the form an of a department and Is inspecting
of the machines.
During working hours her youngest child is taken care of hy
trained nurses in the' factory creche (nursery). After work she
does not have any cooking or dishwashing to worry about
■mall cost her family's meals are supplied to hfer by the huge
factory kitchen. All her leisure time i* devoted to study and
and pour water over soda, mix in
flour ard rolled oats and extracts.
Drop and bake in a quick oven.
Outlook, Mont.
Dustless Duster
To one cup of water take four
tablespoons of kerosene, wring out
cheese cloth, hang on line to dry.
Keep in closed ca r '. It is very
good for dusting aid in xpensfve.
, T/ , „ 0 _ K!
It Won t Be So Easy Now
to Put Things Over
On Small Farmers

Julius Wals tad.
Tte Unit ed Farmers League,
^ recently organized in Grant
County, South Dakota, demon
strated what can he accomplished
through ma*s action when a num
Alfred Tiala, secretary of the
United Farmers League and Juli
us Walstad, South Dakota, state
organizer ' wlli * e bolding a meet
ing at Marvin, learned of a case
where a Mrs. Margaret Krenger,
a rich widow living at Watertown,
through the aid of her son and
others had seized a number of cat
tlo belonging to a small farmer,
Charles Gabert of South Shore,
and was holding these cattle,
claiming they had caused $800 of
damage to her pasture,
This case was taken up by the
United Farmers Local in Osceola
township. Prank OTarrell,
rctary of this local, used very
good judgment in this case. A
committee of nine farmers was
elected to investigate the case.
In their investigation they
found that Gabert was pasturing
three quarter sections of prairie.
Previous to this year he had pas
tured the whole section but this
year the widow Mrs. Kreuger re
futed to rent him the one quarter
which happened to belong to her
although he offered her $100 rent
for it which wa* $60 more than
b f* r done and there waa hardl y
sl S n of cattle having been there
^ th ® da 5 mÄ f^ W&S estimated
• ^ 5 ° c€nts * ? abert
neighbor8 w . ere approached in re
ga ^ d to their opiai °® on the ease
™ ^
The committee tKeri a v«l
mohiliTe tv.e f J
a S ° H ° f & Valley by the widoVs
so n and a deputy sheriff who was
71,6 fHTmeT * drove *
a to
' damage and von have no ririd
1 hold them,
1 —
It happened, off and on during
the summer, that Gabert 's cattle
would break out of his pasture
and get or. the widow's lard, due,
a great extent, to the fact that
her pasture fence was poor.
At no time were the cattle al
lowed to remain in the widow's
pasture. She had no other cattle
in her pasture.
The U. F. L. committee walked
all through thif pasture where,
the damage was supposed to have
men saw
The sheriff saw that the farm
Take equal nart* ^ ^
and gasoline Heat nar-o wax **
add gasoline
«n Sh ïdrSS^,' W haS
** ° 0nger '
• *
Floor Wax
Th^se contributions
come from
county, Montana. But is
bhendan county the only place in
the United States? Come on, farm
women. Send in your contribution
to the Women's Department
| similar deals in the past but she
i will soon learn that she cannot get
I by with these tricks inthe futme.
! There is R ü. F. L. here now.,
NEWARK, s. D.—Mr. Hansom,
from Roberta county and I with
the help of two members of
Committee of Action of Dayton
township put on a membership
drive there. In half a day we
signed up 98 per cent of the farm
ers in that township. Now, if that
can be done there, it can be done
AlfSey^d ™
get them started. So I say every
member of the United Farmers;
League all overt the county, let's
ero and give the farmers a helping 1
hand and build the U. F. L. into
the largest and str on gest farmers
fighting organization of the j
United States. „
—Ed Impecoven.
_ j
U. F. L. Organization Now !
Ä ,
« 14 ' f meetir * of ^« j
United Farmers League was held
at the Grant county court house!
here for the purpose of setting up 1
a county organization. 1
Julius Walstad of Roberts coun
ty, State Organizer of the U. F. L.
was speaker of the day and ex- ;
plait ed the purpose and Works of j
the League and the desire to unite ;
the various, groups under a united !
front * !

By a Farm Woman
MILBANK, S. D.—On the after
. . _
1 ^ Council at Sxsseton, gave
stimng address on the corditions
of the unemployed and expressed
their wish to cooperate with the
The committee of action for
Grant county wa s then chosen con
sisting of the following members:
Raymond Rowe, Strandburg; E.
R. Nelson, Milbank; Frank O'Far
rell, Marvin; Emil Court, Twin
Brooks; Jack Sorenson, Twin
Brooks; Geo. Larsen, Strandburg;
Harry Hicks, Marvin; Mrs. Harry
Hicks, Marvin; Mrs. D. O'Shaugh
neessey, Twist Brooks.
Mrs. Harry Hicks was chosen
county secretary.
C. Clausen was elected delegate
to the Chicago convention to be
held Nov. 15-18. ^
elect two more later.
Mr. Magnas son, of the Unem
We expect to
So Say the Commissioners
of Potter Co., S. D.
By a Farmer Reporter
live in this county (Potter) and
are fortunate enough to have lost
your job or farm a~d you are
broke because you obeyed "the buy
now command! of the government
or because the banker grabbed
your money before you could get
it out, yea» are going to be fur
ther penalized if you have nerve
enough to ask for ceunty aid.
A recent regulation of the coun
ty commissioners provide* that
persons getting relief may not
have cars or radios and must get
along without parties and paid
amusements. 1 suppose this is the
standard of living Roosevelt had
in mird for us when he said In
his radio speech Oct. 22 that we
are "headed in the right direc
Unless we put up a stiff united
fight against his cruel "planned
scarcity" program that Is certainly
the direction in which we are
headed ard getting there fasti
0 _ BERLdN » Germany. — At least
' 1 anti-fascist workers lie
ler's dungeons,
death by the
in Hit
condemned to
_ - executioner's axe.
e names of only 24 are known,
ta regard to the others, the Ger
man Red Aid, (sister organization
uf the International Labor De
. tense), functioning illegally in
I Germany, has bean unable to dis
COver any details. The German
r*** R P eaks onl Y of "so many
C ™ Unlsts condemned to death."
P 18 <3w ""«' R «i Aid has sent
W a« appeal to the workers of
world to save these anti-fascist
vvorkers from the axe of the Brown
Shirt murderers, by joining in
proteste and demands for their
release, and by contributing ma
terial aid to the victims of Ger
man Fascism, through the
mittees set up for that
Hospital Staff Strikes
Against Arrest of Comrades
HAVANA, .Cuba—Because 12 -* «
colleagues were arrested on £***
Communist activity,, almost th***
staff of the Emergency Hospital hÜ ***»
out on a strike of protest. ^
26 Dead and Many
Hurt in Albanian Floods
TIRA NA Allwnia.-Tvrent^
sons were killed and many injured
as floods swept over lower Alvank^' I
greatest damage was done in th** J*
Permeti, where hundreds of worin« i
families were left homeless and dXÄ*
Communication facilities were d Jf ^ -
the_Z___^ eBtrQ N
Soldiers Want
]U. ra p_„ w - r_ I
MEXICO.^— Immediate reormi i
0 f the army and navy, reduction
low^ rankf o? 1*® u- m
. , an H S s °Idiers and sajU.
' vere the demands of the soldiers and
group of officers. 1
Japan Fears U. S.
Recognition of U. S. S. R.
MONTREAL, Canada.—The spread à
communism m the far east would!*
* rated by American recognition of
why such recognition would
Hunger Strike
in Jugoslav Jail'
BELGRADE, Jugoslavia—In the pris#
at Split, 87 Communist political prisoner,
hunger strike, demanding eitu
to be brought up for trial or to be relaud
The strike lasted five advs
s f r iir P fUo nnuoc j- , L ^ nn ? K
p nro-oni-io/T 1 t5Σ? mi pria»
., ® organized a collective mterrentioi witt
the authorities, and were supported in th#
,)y large masses of workers.
— ----
Police Km 30
A __L_ ;• r* .
8 ln L>,ernOTls fnation
JERUSALEM, Palestine—Thirty Aral*
were killed in Jaffa and many hundreà
were wounded: as British police attempt*
to break up demonstrations of Ani»
agamst the Zionist campaign to drive tb
Arab farmers from the land.
^upportf'd by the British imperial!®,
the Zionists are buying up land and dm.
ing away the Arabs.
f> Dead, 15 Hurt
m Spanish Strike
MADRID» Spain.—Heavy polio- à
tachments attacked a construction vod
ers' strike here. Three were kilted and 1»
were badly hurt. This was the bliodkl
of all outbreaks in a day of fightings
many quarters as a result of Socialist ofl*
sition to the strike.
Later in the day two more works
were killed in a fight between strikers ri
came on
235 Mutineers
Sentenced in Indonesia
BATAVIA, Indonesia.—Up to tk# p»
ent 235 seamen and soldiers hare b*
sentenced in connection with the
on the Dutch warship, "Seven Promo
in 1932. Of these 58 Europeans «ri 1"
natives have been sentenced for "inan*
tionary disobedience," and 11 EuwpJ
and ten natives for "offenses aga
tary discipline.

Mussolini Gets
Ready for War
ROME, Italy.—The Ministerial
has altered the law on the organi»^-.
the army for the purpose of enssrief '!
more efficient grouping of the Alpiw ^1
ment», also enabling these to be reripj
war at an instant's notice. Further,
sponse to a proposal from the air
minister, the establishment of as tb
cil was resolved «pou.
France Has
a New Premier
PARIS, France.—Widespread ^
of civil servants, teachers, and otn^ j
eminent employees are expected *
newly-approved premier Albert San*» ^
preparing to call for sharp slashes ® ,
pay of government workers to maw |
?333,000,000 deficit in the budget .
He also announced that he w° u
out his predecessors' policy with rest** J
debts to America, and would als0 . 1 '
enter into any separate discussions^ i
Germany on the question of disarm»" 1 ^ |
Chinese Red
Continue to Grow
SUX KIN, Central Chine«JjïJ,4
public.—Under the slogan, a Army ;' ^
soldiers for the Chinese
Chinese Soviet districts
recruiting drive to smash tn ^ ^
Communist campaign, and
territory for the Soviets. f 0 ur
Already in this city al • ^ t
divisions, of 10,000 ea f\ T intis
cruited. The Red Troie Un»" »
cruited two divisions fr°*J , ocricul^
other division is composed *
workers, and the fourth of VP

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