« BANNER for
Producers News
Official Organ of Farmers Holiday Association of Montana
Plentywood, Sheridan County, Montana, Friday, May 22, 1936
XIX. NO. 9.
piENTYWOOD seniors are
busy with commencement
alaureate Sermon Will be Preached by Rev. Orval
Schmidt at Auditorium Sunday Morning, Com
mencement Wednesday Evening
He seniors of the Plentywood
a ,h School are busy with 'work
Sms for their Commencement
JJSs. Final examinations for
not exempt from the semes
.. tests will be taken on Thurs
Z Md Friday of this week.
flight was held on Wednes
(uTevening and proved an enjoy
"kf affair. Novel names for the
imbers and the use of a loud
roeaker were features introduced
foi* first time. The special
numbers given on Class Night in
cluded: *' •
piano duet by Bernice Erickson
ud Charlotte Benson.
Class History by Barbara Kjel- (
itrup and Lloyd Stenmark.
Class Poem x written by Lloyd
Stenmark and read by Marvel
Points. ■. •
Vocal Duet by Ellen Taylor and
Bernice Erickson. -a
C lass Will, written by Dick
Koike, George Robinson and Char
lotte Benson. Read by Lloyd Stem
-■ Presentation of the Senior Key,
■ i, Clarence Kollman.
M Acceptance of the Key, by Grif
I fith Collins.
Medley of Senior Songs, by the
I Gas- of 1936
Baccalaureate services will be
I m in the High School Auditor
•■w Sunday morning at 11 o'clock.
I to. Orval A. Schmidt of the
Æ Plentywood Lutheran Church will
I conduct the services. He will be
(■ *»»ted by Rev. Lindlev of the
I Evangelical Church and Rev. Clif
I M of the Congregational Church.
■ .H» Commencement Exercises
I tethe Class of 1936 will be held
*■«8:00 o'clock on Wednesday ev
^ James T.
Avilie Win
Sparling of
Make the
fi ne program
Wil1 observ e Meni
k °ccasio n D & manner befitting
i 1 * bv tKfJ? *? as been arrang
S *8 be M? Can ^s* 011 post
Si AhL • at the High
D av ° nU ? , at . a - m.,
y> whlch
ri 50th. 18 Saturday,
Wie S e * T- Sparling of
Sen I e lver the Memorial
\S Sparli «g is a fluent
iV^tice orator ' 'who will
Ja* folio*!* e occasion.
for tl pro ^ ra ni has been
he, Hich o occasion:
S. "Arîîc School Band.
^mander lca
i ^ FYarL Announcement,
lotion V
Quart r* H. Lindley.
I reliction * n
iVfC of Shaker,Howard
?,7>rial Da,, . ,,
Jyiing. ^ Address, Hon. J
îSS Quart**
K/ 1 * 6 to th* n
^National a
î>i 0û , R*v tî en î*
k tvj^orial A. Clifford.
>eterv ^l Ce V l] be held
WW* exerpîaÜÎ 111 ^ 1 ?^^ fol
num. at the school
ening, May 27th. The outside
speaker this year is Dr. Albright
of the State Normal College. He
will speak on the subject, "Let
Us Remember". The subject deals
With life as Business Proposition.
Six members of the graduating
(Continued on Page 7
Mary Jane, Sixteen-Year-Old
Daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Forman, Passed Away
Mary Jane Forman, just sixteen,
"f- ***
Fo ™ a "> ^ d onl V a A e *
a at the Memorial
hospital, Monday evening.
°f ¥ a î y f ai ? e
came as a surprise and shock to
everyone Many did not know that
the m " ch laved i ltt,e , '? as
j Vea . ' ' ", n the ndws of her
death P assed «"e"*. ° ver the
t ? wn - The news ins P ired expres
slon3 , of ® orrow and r <*f et m ev '
fP heart - and especially among
those of h « r own a S e - her P la y
mates and companions, among
w "° m sh ® was especially loved.
ill last
Mary Jane was
Fnda y. but it was not considered
serious. But she grew worse. Mon
day she was taken to the hospi
tal where in spite of all that could
be done, the illness worsened. But
Mary Jane wanted to live and
clung to life to the last. At 6:40
that evening in the presence of
her devoted father and mother
she expired.
Funeral services Were held this
morning from the St. Joseph's
' Catholic church at 10 o'clock. The
funeral was very large. Interment
(Continued on Page 5)
There Will be a Hot Time,
And a Good Time in the
' Old Town
There will be a big time in
Plentywood tonight—its Amatuer
Nite. Artists from all over the
county are coming to toWn to com
Pete m the American Legion Am
atuer Contest, which will occur
at the High School Auditorium,
starting at 8 p. m.
And you will have to come early
if you expect to get a seat for
there is going to be a crowd,
There Will be tweny-eight num
hers and about thirty-eight parti
cipants presenting a wide variety
of taient. •
.A ballot will be given with each
ticket to the preiormance which
tIle holder may use to vote for his
favorite performer, and the P re "
former who gets the most votes
wil1 ^ et the prize,
After the performance there
Will be a dance, with music by the
Village Troubadours. The contest
winner will be announced during
the dance.
of Daniels County
! I
Senator Sparling of Flaxville,
Montana, will be the Memorial
Day orator at Plentywood, Mem
orial Day Celebration.
* «
Plentywood Calendar
Saturday, May 23rd, Legion
Auxiliary Poppy Day,
Sunday, May 24th, Baccalaur
eate Service, Plentywood High
School Auditorium, 11 a. m.
Wednesday, May 27th, Com
mencement Exercises, Plentywood
! High School, at the High School
Auditorium, at 8 p. m.
I Thursday, May 28th, School
! Friday, May 29»th and Saturday
May 30th, Glen Rice and his Hill
Saturday, May 30th, Lions
Club Benefit Dance.
Project Would Cost $476,000 and Would Require 96
Mile* of Canal Along Muddy Bottom, and
Would Irrigate 15,000 Acres
A revised report on the propos
ed Big Muddy project-which has
been submitted to the State Water
Conservation board by Fred E.
Buck, chief office engineer, has
reached Plentywood.
Embodied in the report are facts
of interest relative to he propos
ed dam which would harness the
waters of the Big Muddy River
through Sheridan county for ir
rigation purposes.
The total cost of the project Is
estimated at $476,000. Fifteen
thousand acres would be irrigated
at a minimum one acre foot per
acre of water duty. The cost, ac
cording to the report, would be
pef acre foot (15,000 acre feet)
: The project storage facility ac
cording 'to Mr. Buck's report is
20,000 acre feet and that 5,000
acre feet of water will be in re
serve for dry seasons which in
sure crop protection and increase
revenue during such periods.
The project is located in north
and extends
Sheridan coun
below the dam
eastern Montana
practically across
ty. Irrigable lands
extend for some 50 miles along
the Big Muddy creek bottom.
According to the report 'it 13
proposed to construct an earth
filled dam to create a storage res
Organized Campaign Being Conducted for Purpose of
Foisting Agent Again on Taypapers of County by
Agents of Department of Agriculture
There is a movement on foot, I
well organized and underway, to
re-establish the county agent in
Sheridan county.
A couple of weeks ago, J. C.
Taylor, Chief County Agent for
the State of Montana, connected
with the Agricultural Extension
Department with head-quarters at
Bozeman, was in Sheridan county
with the board of county commis
sioners, and organizing such ele
ments as may be in sympathy with
the county agent idea, to persuade
the county board to vote a budget
the sum of $2,000, as an enter
ing wedge, for the maintenance of
the county agent's office.
Since that time, a representative
of the Agricultural Extension De
partment has been here steady,
organizing sentiment from every
angle, to put pressure on the coun
ty board, and apply pressure them
selves directly. When one agent
leaves another one comes to take
his place. The representative here
now is a very persuasive lady
working with the 4-H clubs, mo
bilizing as a final effort, as usual,
the parents of the club members,
actively behind the county agent
proposal. In this instance the 4
H parents will write letters, lots
of letters, to the county board,
urging the employment of a coun
ty agent so as to properly carry
on the 4-H club work, and the
Clerk & Recorder is receiving a lot
of these inspired letters for the
So far the commissioners have
delayed action. But the matter of
ervoir of 20,000 acre feet capacity.
A canal on each side of the
creek will divert from the reser
voir and irrigate lands along the
valley down as far as the town of
The proposed dam is located
about one-half mile north of Dale
Also embodied in the report
along With the maps of the pro
posed dam, spillway and outlets
are construction feature of the
The dam contemplated would be
earth-filled, riprapped on the up
stream side with gravel. The total
fetch would be about three quar
ters of a mile with a maximum
height of 21 feet. The spillway
and outlets are constructed of con
crete, bedded on sandstone forma
The project Will require 96
miles of canal, the same extend
ing from the dam to the town of
Reserve," the report states. "Two
canals will be constructed, having
a total capacity of 190 cubic feet
of water per second."
A copy of the report is now
available at the office of Judge S.
E. Paul and a second copy is avail
able at the Plentywood WPA of
the county agent budget Will be
taken up Monday, June 1st, the
first day of the regular meeting
for June, and disposed of at that
Many of the supporters of the
county agent will be present, and
no doubt there will be a large del
egation opposing the idea. All
those against the proposal should
be present.
The county agent budget in
Sheridan county was abolished af
ter a hard fight against it by the
farmers. The farmers of Sheridan
county by a large majority are
against the idea. They fëel that
in these times, when county offices
are being consolidated with the
idea of economy, the office of
county agent is one they can get
along just as well without. The
county agent performs no useful
function in these days of the pol
icy of scarcity—it requires no
special training to produce noth
The $2,000 county agent appro
priation can 'well be saved. There
are farmers in Sheridan county
well qualified to perform all the
duties that the county agent is
called upon to do, and can per
form them just as ably and effi
Farmers opposed to county 1 ag
ent budget appropriation should be
at the commissioners chambers
Monday, June 1st. Those for it
will be there.
The hearing on the order to show
cause why he should not be pun
ished for contempt of . court for
the alleged violation of a restrain
ing order issued last November,
out of the District Court signed by
Judge Paul, restraining Callahan
from "trespassing on his own
farm" has been continued from
Tuesday, May 19th, until Friday
May 29th, at 10 o'clock in the
morning, at the court room at the
court house in. Plentywood.
Judge Paul has disqualified him
self in the case, and called in Jo
seph Felts of Miles City to sit in
his stead.
The case was first continued
from Tuesday, May 19th tp Fri
day, May 22, but upon the repre
senstation and request of Buxschel
Callahan, the case was reset for
the 29th so that Callahan could
employ legal aid, and prepare for
the hearing. The attorney for the
Union Central life Insurance Co.,
opposed the granting of the exten
sion of the time vigorously.
A large number o f farmers,
members of the Holiday Associa
tion and others, came to Plenty
Wood, Tueday to attend this hear
ing. It is expected that large num
bers of farmers will be at the
court room for the hearing on the
29th, as there is going to be a le
gal battle in the matter. Callahan
expects to be well represented by
able attorneys.
The case i s one of great politi
cal importance, as it will veryHke
ly have its political repercussions
in the fall election. For this rea
son the farmers are .coming out to
, themselves what is' don*
and how and why.