SOCISTy jr> ~ OF MONTANA County Court House Bond Authonzatîon^î*i yy YES « % on Vote uesday , Juty % 2ht % RAISE the BANNER for FARMER-LABOR PARTY THE WIVES and CHILDREN HOLD the FIRST MORTGAGE o Producers News Official Organ of Far mer« Holiday Association Plentywood, Sheridan County, Montana, Friday, of Montana VOL. XIX. NO 17. July 17, 1936. PUBLISHED WEEKLY Five Hundred at Drouth Meeting *************** . . J n . *************** *************** Military Police Arrest Pickets at Fort Peck freedom of speech and petition DENIED BY ARMY OFFICE CLIQUE Bedbug Barracks Still Com pulsory— Army Officers Ride Ruff Over Workers— Wage Scales Broken— Meetings Prohibited. Politicians Pass Buck BY HAVEN PERKINS FORT PECK, Mont., Special to The Producers News., July 13,— The police yesterday prohibited a peaceful protest picketing of one of the messhalls. The Federal Union organizer and his wife were arrested when they tried to start the picketing in defiance of police orders. The organizer was also ar rested Tuesday when he tried to charge the place of meeting to the shade of a building. (The admin istration has refused to rent a hall on the project for these meetings.) Notices posted on the outside of the messhalls—where lots of other notices are posted, including some by the government —have been torn down by the order of the chief of police. Now the rule is that no way, but that the mass meeting notices may be placed on bulletin boards—if approved. Nothing that is untrue or unseemly will be ap proved, it was stated. When ask ed to approve an announcement of the investigation of Fort Peck which has been brought about by the mass meetings Captain Plank ■ »jd he would have to "sleep* on it." He said some parts of it were not true. He was apparently refer wigto the statement in the notice that said, "Men who are receiving o0-65 cents an hour for doing semi-skilled or skilled work will ^ve a chance to testify. Some carpenter's helpers are using car penters' tools and doing the work fContinued on page two) Callahan Case Continued Until August the Third faring on the petition for Permanent injunction filed by Corn» * on C en î ra l Life Insurance * Way Cincinnati against aS? H - Callahan of ' Redstone hereby mortgage brokers seek ^hahan from entering own farm and moving CS 0w ji home, was continued (L., Tuesday, July 7th to Mon the i^ st 3rd > at 10 o'clock in Felt D?' hy Judge Stanley ed.L T - aker w ho had been call Paul to hear the ^ffadivt r Ç a hahan had filed Judge Felt prejud i ce against a an of com 4 . sat on the contempt £e found rJ 11 ? June 21st, when aical com*™ ^ an ^ilty of tech ln . disobeying the aQt unin J T nj j nction issued last ^laharTf udge Pau l restraining the Peaopf i int erfermg with , Ca!1 ^an LL posse ssion jof the fat Life, if m b v the Union Cen S ne d him ^n rance com P aiîî y and lne upon r ? nd suspended the 9 the ordpf a ^ an s observation ÿahan fi?^ Because of this p *judi ce î e affidavit of ^hich automatically ******* ****** ♦ * * * VOTE YES « t In 1935, Sheridan County * * reduced its indebtedness more * than $304,009, of this amount * * $204,000 was a reduction in * bonded indebtedness. The * * county warrant indebtedness * * wag «educed nearly $100,000. • The small additional indebt- * * ednees is asked to' build * Court House for ' a ♦ Sheridan * * County is but a small item * * when compared to past heavy * * indebtedness. * And the Federal Govern- * * ment at this time will pay 45 * * per cent of the Court House * * cost. ♦ Vote in favor of a New * * Court House for Sheridan * * tion, Tuesday, July 21. * County at the Primary Elec- * t Î **************** 4.H FAIR IN CITY NEXT WEDNESDAY Members of all 4-H Clubs in Sheridan county are preparing ex hibits for the 4-H Fair to be held Wednesday, July 22 in Plenty owod. The exhibits will be on dis play in the county fair building. All exhibits must be in by Monday, July 20th in order that the judge may make the placing on Tuesday, July 21st. 4-H clubs will compete in judg ing and demonstrations to deter mine who will represent the coun ty at the north Montana Fair at Great Falls. A representative to represent the county in the state (Continued on Page 6) ♦took the jurisdiction out of Felt's hands. ^ The case had been set by Judç® Paul before Judge Stong of Bill mgs, but Judge Stong was taken ill at Miles City, Monday, July 6, as a result of the terrific heat, and turned back to his home at BH1 mgs, whereupon he notified Judge Paul bV phone, who then called Judge Felt. Judge Stong has again called to sit on th case August 3rd. in been The action, trial on the merits of the case filed last fall restrain ing Callahan from interfering with taking possession of his farm, now operated by Art Blose under a lease from the Union Central Life Insurance Company. In this case, the right of possession of the Callahan farm will be in question. If it is found that Callahan is en titled to possession of the faç* 1 the injunction must be denied. Witnesses for the Insurance outside : F. M. Swanson, Fargo, N. — company present from were: F. M. Swanson, Dak., C. E. Spurgin. Billings, Mont. C. J. Espy, Portland, Ore., (Continuai on Page 7) Primary Near Candidates in Final Efforts Big Primary Vote Anticipat ed In Tuesday Election in Sheridan County. BIG INTEREST IN COURT HOUSE BOND Only a few more days intervene between now and Primary Election day, Tuesday, July 21st, when the polls will open at eleven o'clock a. m. and close at seven o'cock in the evening. On that day, the voters wil nominate national, state, and county candidates on the republi can and democratic ticket, and vote on the Court House Bond Authorization in Sheridan coun ty. With the day of doom so close the candidates with opposition took to the busting in a final effort to gamer the votes necessary to win a nomination, resulting in the campaign taking on increased and renewed interest. . All signs point to a very large primary vote. Even tho many of the candidates on both tickets are without opposition, the contestants there are more spirited than usual, which very likely will bring out the largest primary vote in years. And the Court Bonding proposal will bring out the tax payers en mass, for there re almost unanimously in favor of building a court house at this time when it can be constructed at a reduced cost to the taxpayers, and when the federal stands ready to shoulder almost half of the cost, and they realize that the building of the court house will actually reduce their House government taxes, because the interest charges and upkeep and rent on the pre sent shack used for a court house, is more yearly than the interest and payments on the new court house will be so they want to make sure that the bond issue is auth orized. This factor alone will bring out a huge vote. It appears that there will be a bigegr vote than ever for the candidates on the democratic tick et. This is disclosed by the number of candidates on the democratic ticket, for candidates are always aîso'from^the^smitjment 4mong fb workers There is the fanners and workers, inere is no ™P« bb can m th,S section of Montana. On the republican there is only one local contest, and that is for sheriff; Robert Smith and former county treasurer, Paul Kurtz are contesting for the nomination. Be cause Kurtz has been in public office for a number of years, and is whispered as the Harry Polk machine candidate on the republi can ticket who will be used to de feat Hans Madsen if he wins the nomination on the democratic tic ket, and because Smith is making a straightforward independent can vas, it looks is if Smith would win the nomination. It is said that Smith will receive the vote at Medicine Lake this year. If he does it will insure his nomination, (Continued on page 5) * * * ♦ ******* * * * * * * BUSINESS HOUSES * WILL CLOSE ON ELECTION DAY * * * * All business houses in Plen- * * tywood will be closed next * * Tuesday, July 21. election day, * * from 1 to 6 p. m. * * At a mass meeting of the * Plentywood business men on * was unani- * * Tuesday night it 18 mously decided that all stores * * would remain closed that af- * * temoon, and it ..expected^* * that all business places will * * comply with the decision. * ************ * * Gov. Elmer Holt Visits Plentywood Gov. Elmer Holt was in Plenty wood an hour or so Tuesday ev ening, chatting with residents ' of the city. The Governor drove over from Scobey on his way to Pop lar where he was scheduled speak at a mass meeting. The governor was accompanied by Sen. Ted Danielson of Roose velt county. Wednesday he was present at an all day drought meeting at Havre when and where reports of the drouth condition in the counties in the northeastern quarter of the state was made Friday he back at the office at the capital. The Governor's visit, he said, was not just for campaign pur poses, but he was also touring northestem Montana to get first hand information regarding the drouth situation. While in Plenty wood he held a sort of an infor mal reception, meeting and shak ing hands with many Plentywood people. The Governor in answer to in 10 was County Board Rejects Project at Comertown „ . ™he sponsors for all work pro-* J ects are expected to stand 20 per cent of the cost of the project.. Sheridan County Commissioners h d t . , possible through ™ad and b y ridge P levies . ^ that ln order ft mak \ w< ï* fo 5 , as many as posslble rt should not be necessary t0 use th heavy motor ' z ®d road machinery, but use her ses. The WPA has expected / the County Commissioners to do this by supplying as many teams as the WPA will pay for, which has been closely figured, but the commissioners feel that this is waste of money. They want all they can get for what the county puts into the job, which i s plenty | cheap. This may be good business j if the present crisis did not exist. They feel that heavy machinery should be employed. a few days ago a group of Com- ! ertown farmers appealed to the commissioners to allow them to set 1 U p a project in their home vicin it y so that thefy would not have f rom five to ten miles to go to j work on the nearest project. j The commissioners readily a- < Elect Rank and File Planning Committee Member From Every Com munity To Be Elected By Precinct Mass Meetings To Plan Projects And Handle Complaints. Sen. James E. Murray Represented Pv Sons Over five hundred citizens, men and women, from every commun ity in Sheridan county, and from many communities in Roosevelt and Daniels Counties, attended the three county Drought Mass meet ing sponsored by the Holiday As sociation and the Farmers Union at the Farmer-Labor Temple, Wednesday, July 15th, and mani fested a spirit which showed that ■ail are alive to the serious famine situation confronting this area as a result of the torrid temperature and long continued drouth. The meeting elected Andrew Dahl of the Farmers Union, Chairman of the meet, and A. N. Wankel, secretary of the Holi day Association, secretary. The meeting was called to or der by .A N. Wankel, who sta ted its purpose and called for the election of a chairman. The proposal to elect a County Committee of three to represent the farmers and workers in pro posing work projects, to attend to wage scales and work conditions, and attend to complaints and grievances, was made. This proce dure caused considerable discussion bringing out a report of the ac complishments of the old griev ence committee. Finally the motion was carried and Marinus Ibsen, Gonius Laurisen, and Roebrt Lar son were appointed on this com ( Continued on page 8) greed to this and sent some of the farmers to the WPA administra t1on °" lce *9 have Mr. Olson pre f ? ^ wi n A ^ co . rdan .<; e with the h HXld te2 hire bv' county in the sZierltio L the WPA which is plenty cheap. When t!r s was presented, the conunis sioners balked and refused to siim it, saying they would have to the heavy machinery, and later a g ->ed to put up $800 in the form o' heavy machinery and raise the grade this way. By doing this th© cr ^missioners stopped a lot of work, and appear to interfer with the requirements of the WPA. , By using horses these farmers would get money for feed and ccu'd carry their horses through th e winter with this additional money, but the commissioners would sooner buy gas and oil and grease, and use the big machines, and let the farmers horses starve to death, as it is a certain tiling that with the small wages paid fer manpower by the WPA, it will be impossible to save the horses from starvation as there is little or no (Continued on Page 7)