THJE MORNIK& TIM E, TUESDAY, JtJIiY 6, I89T. imc5 iMORRTNG. EVEHBIG AUD STJHDAY.) IHEfMMTONfflES COMPJfflY, CTIISC5 HUTCEETS. President. KTJTCHINS BOILDINO. Sew Ycri; Offics: 2OT0 Tract Building:. SUBSCRIPTION HATES. Movm-tr. nr Cake eu : Morning, Evening aud Sundav.. Fifty Cents 3roming auu Sandajr ..Thlrty.flve Cent Xvening and Sunday ....Xlilrty-five Cents BY MAIL. Oae Year.Mornln, Evening and Sunday. $3 50 Six Month. " 3.00 Three Mouths, " " J.75 One Tear, Moraiugand Sunday... .......-J.tO Six Months ' " ... .2.25 Thre&Montbs. " " " ...........J.25 One Tear, Evening and Sunday.. ......4.0 Six Mouths, - ., ; 2 Three Months, ' M J.25 Sunday only, one year ......................IJOO Orders by mail must be accompanied by sub ecriptiau. price. Telephones: Editorial Rooms, iSG; Busi ness Office, 1010. Circnlation Statement. Tie circulation. oTue Tries for the vtck ended Saturday. July 3, 1807. tcw as Sunday, June 27 ....23,874 Honcay. June 28 40.00S Tvetday, June 29 ......40,755 ir7n cftfay, June 30 40,094 Thursday. July 1 41,700 Friday, July 2 40.C90 taturday, July 3 40.8C0 Tojal, ,2G7f9Sl Heuy arerage iSunday 23,874, ex. erpiaT) ...40.GS4 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JULT 6. Btforc leaving XTa&ldnglon for tlie Summer subscribe for. TEE TI2TES. The Morning and Sunday Editions trill be mailed to you for tliirlu-jice. cents a monilitlie 2Torning, Evening and Sunday Editions for jiftu. Ad dresses clianged as often as desired. The Rebuke Autocratical. .We really must confess amazement at the 'strange and Incomprehensible ef frontery of former Confederate Lieut. Gen. Wheeler, a member of the sup pressed. House of Representatives Only yesterdaj. while squibs and crackers in fnli hearing were celebrating the triumph of Thomas Brackett Reed of Maine over the Constitution of the United States, Gen. Wheeler bad the bad taste to move the introduction and public reading of a document that the Autocrat could not fall to consider as a personal reflection, upon lib. august sdf. Gen. Wheeler had the audacity to In terrupt Tbomns Erackett Reed while tlie latter was trying to count a majority, by calling for the. reading of the Declaration of Independence! This was a bad accion and -was sternly punUhcd. Iiamcdialely tbereafter, it appearing that a quorum was not present, the Autocrat declared the House "in reeeEs" until Wednesday. The Constitution docs not allow less than a quorum to adjw.rn for more than one -day; but "what is the Constitution between friends," or in the eyes of usurping Autocrats who rcfUhe to listen to the Declaration of Independence on the anniversary of its adoption-, or to any other reasonable thing at any time? The- IJipxets of Mr. Ilnnnn. The New Tort Journal quotes Senator Hanna as tajing: "I regret that the coal mining troubles should come at this time." Tills is a very proper sentiment, bat one hardly calculated to excite sur 'prise In the minds of the business man ager's friends, "at this time." Neverthe less, it is a sad confession. Indicating loss of Confidence In Ohio, as well as in '"McKlnley prosperity" generally. But be is good enough to observe that, "as Goon as business revives," the rights of the miners should have early attention. .Like other prosperity preachers, Mr. Manna has abandoned his confidence In the actual, present existence of the pros perity he would so much lite to see anyway "until after the Ohio election." But it Cometh not; be is aweary! Small blame that is to Mr. Haima! It must be bighly inconvenient for him to start his life and death campaign for .Re publican oppression in the Buckeye State simultaneously with the inauguration of the biggest labor disturbance in its his tory. "Well may be "regret that the coal mining troubles should come at this time " We should say so! The Greclc Capitulations. Although on frcveral occasions The Times lias been at pains to explain the meaning of the expression, it Is very piobablc that many leaders have been puzzled by refer ences in oar European dispatches to the repeated effort of tlie TurklEb government to have the "Greek capitulations" vacated, as one of the terms of peace between the countries. In the July number of the Forum Prof. A. D.F. rinmlin has an inter esting paper on the subject of extra territorial rights enjoyed by foreigners In the Sultan's dominions. Be says: "The capitulations of the Ottoman empire are a series of grants of privilege and Immunity accorded by various Sultans to those Christian uations with which, they have deshed to maintain commercial or polit ical intercourse." Mohammedan Jnrispru dcnccrecognizes lietween Mobaiamedanand non-Molinmmcdan nations butonecategory of relations, and that is a condition of "holy war." Strictly speaking, the Koran only penults to infidels the right of convei-slon to the faith, with the alter native of death at the bands of the true believer. The exigencies of government and inter course, a well as the natural objections of non-Mohammedan powers, have ren dered the absolute exercise of plain Moslem duty la tlie premises difficult and generally Impossible The invading Turks conquered a maritime position In Europe which they had neither the commercial enterprise nor the seafaring ability to utilize. Hence sacceedtng Sultans, in order to supply I their realm with the fruits of commerce, liaye granted extra-territorial rights to ( resident snbjects of various nations, anj, jjr modem tlmES, these rights have been 53)c extended to all civilized unions, under the "most favored nation" clause of Inter national treaties. The system is identical with that Im posed upon China, and until very recently, upcu Japan by the Western powers. Un der It foreigners are subject to the laws of their own country, aud entitled to the protection of Its diplomatic and con sular officers. If accused of crime they have- the right of trial in the consular court of their nation, and they cannot be brought Into native courts under any circunibtances, unless accompanied and the proceedings supervised by their own repieseutattvc. Their domiciles only can be scaiched by permission of their consul, and. In many such ways, they are prac tically exempt from local control; In Turkey being even exempt from all taxes excepting customs duties. It Is this state of things, as far ns the Greeks are concerned, that the Sublime Porte Is determined to end If it can. In that case the 200,000 Greeks resident in and around Constantinople would be left absolutely without protection against Mos lem hatred and the fanatical fury of tho Turkish lower dosses. It ir not a mat ter for wcouer that their government should strenuously appeal to the conscience of Europe to avert such a doom. Yet It may prove to be the portion of the unfortunate Gieeks. The German Em peror has been understood as actively sup porting the demand of the Sultan in this regard, and it is not certain that Russia is not favorable to the samedclgn, though we hope It may not prove to be s at last. A vacation of the Greek capitulations would be a crime against humanity. Molnsses for Flies. What! Are we to have another Iiou tail-twisting manifestation from Mr. Mc Kinley, similar to the Venezuelan warines sage of Grover Cleveland? Reports are current that the present Ad ministiaticn is preparing us for just Mich a melodramatic surprise. It appears that a strong note has been sent to the British foreign office complaining of England's at titude and conduct In connection with the Bering Sea seal fisheries question. This note, it is said, while not directly charg ing Great Britain withbad faith, does charge exactly that by Indirection and inference. Turther, It is alleged that a message, just bristling with fighting Americanism, shortly Is to appear at the bar of tlie Sen ate, and that Messrs. llanna and McKln ley will avail themselves of the oppor tunity to show their admiring country men everywhere, but particularly in, that patriotism is their regular beveruga and British blood their favorite food. We may be forgiven for regarding the whGle business with suspicion. If there is anything in it, the purpose is a Eiltiah arbitration treaty, and not gore. It Is ex actly like the gameot Cleveland and Olney, and weare astonished that the united wis dom of Foster, Hamlin, Day and Rockhiil, not to mention "Uncle John" Sherman, could not have evolved something mure original. In the former case, the Venezuelan war message, which was a genuine surprise to th!s country, was not at all so to the British government. Indeed, it came as much from Lord Salisbury's office as it did from the American State Department. It was a thrcwd bit of Machiaveliaa diplomacy lc was defcigned to scare the business Interests and women of the Tnited States with the prospect of a sanguinary war. It accomplished that purpose, end then the way seemed open for springing the main object of the con spiracy, which was a general treaty of arbitration, providing for the extinction of the Monroe doctrine, revival uf the Qlayton-Btilwer treaty, and to bring under the Jurisdiction of a European monarchical tribunal the question of our liability to pay the rorcign holders of American na tional bond in gold coin. The last and most important of these designs Is alive and kicking today, and the Administration is firmly committed to the idea of fastening it upon the na tion while yet the government of the gold and bond syndicates, the trusts and monopolies. Is in power. Any assumption, nominally made by Mr McKlnley, that the powers represented by him are ready to defy Great Britain will be accepted with doubt and perhaps ailarity. "We have been too often told that he, or his principals, could not take the risk of a reacef ul, legitimate act of com mon humanity, like recognizing Cuban bel ligerency, forfear that Spain might go to war with us! Now to tell us that the Ad ministration will assume the chances of active hostlitles with a first-class po'n'err in consequence of differences about the fast-vauishlng seal herd, Is a little too much for popular credence. Hut we need not worry ourselves Into any state of dog-day madness or even nervous exhaustion. The first Salisbury Cleveland war scare failed to work suf ficiently to land the scheme of which it was the advance agent. If the high Joint contracting powers of the present think they can work a bigger oner there can bs no reason why they should not try it on But the American prople have about reached the point where they neither will scare nor arbitrate! According to a recent and, as reported, an expert estimate of the Wilson, the Dlngley and the Senate bills, based on Wilson results in 1SSG, would show about the following comparisons: Ad valorem Specific duties. imports. amies. Pei cent Wi!on bM..S3S'J.57D.lE" S155.C00.SS2 40.25 House bill.. 473,1,5,118 SrtiOl.OTO 5S.fil btnate ullL. JSj,0.3,30J i(5i.71&,i93 5T.C2 Now wonld be a good time for Mr. Wellington to make a speech on the debt we owe to China for discovering the firecracker. If the Senate Committee on Foreign Re lations were to ask Mr. Barker, our consul at Sagua la Grande, about some of those Rockhiil letters, and could guarantee him protection, a partial light perhaps might be shed upon a great mystery of state! To vary the amusements of his "pacifica tion," a number of prominent ladies of Guanabacoa have been seized and carried away from their homes by "Weyler's orders and their friends are warned not to make any f nsa about it. Within, a few days he has captuied another Cuban hospital, butchered fourteen wounded inmates, witn tbelr nurses and surgeons, and five children, ThlB is tlie "McKlnley prosperity" Cuba, gets. Prince Bismarck's organ, the- "Nncht nchtcn,trexpresses anxiety over the alarm ing growth of the United States, but. comforts Germany with the reflection that it Is more likely to operate to the disad vantage of Great Britain than of anyother power. There is considerable sense In Prince Biniaick'8 organ. Well, renlly! If the Japanese are going to begin their reprisals against the United States by beating American young ladles In the Ktrects of Honolulu, It is time that we were offering apologies. The -Jap1 arc quick to recognize tlie precedent of our "protection" of American citizena In Cuba! WAHNER AWAITS ACTION'. Id the Meantime Mr. Wellington Is by No Means Tdle. A well-known member of the Senate Committee on Commerce, before which the nomination of B. II. Warner, Jr., to be consul at Lclpaic, Is pending, is authority for the statement that a favorable report will be made, and that Mr. Warner will be confirmed. Mr. Wellington, on the other hand, is quite confident that he can secure the youug' man's defeat. The case was taken up by the committee yes terday along witti several other nom inations, in the course of the rou tine business, and would hava been disposed of exeppt tor a suggestion from vMr. Vest that the committee postpone ac tion until Mr.Gornian was able to be present. "I have said all there is to say regard ing tlie subject,' said Senator Wellington, when questioned "It is simply preposter ous to talk of sending this young man to Leiptic, and I do not believe the Senate will -ouseiit to the appointment.',' Messrs. Dudley andMichener. well-known Republicans, have joined In a letter to the Senate Committee on Commerce, teotifylng to thescrvtces rendered the Republlcau party in the last campaign by Mr. Warner. All the pressure that can be brought to bear uponthecominittce by Mr. Warner sfrlend3 is being used in the Interest of young Warner. Mi. Warner, while he would say nothing about the pending rontroveroy, has pre pared tlie following statement: "The statement contained in feme of the papers regarding my visit to Annapolis dur ing the Senatorial campaign is Jurwrect. I never visited Mr. Mudd'B house with Mr Fcaga nor without hlrn, nor went with Mr. Mudd and Mr.l eaga to callupon Mr. Well ington, No money was used by me or by nuyone else with my knowledge to Influ ence or bring about the election of Mr. Wellington asUnitcd States Senator. "Mr. Mudd knows why he was Induced to postpone Ids Senatorial aspirations, and caursc.kiiowthesamething. Mr-Mudd and I understand eacii other, and several others know about the matter. Great In justice been done me as well as Mr. Mudd aud Mr. Wellington by the intimation tnat there was any improper Influence eitited by us, or to which either of us was a party." Mr Warner states that he and Mr Mudd understand each other, but Mr Mudd Is not at all certain en that point He says that Mr Warner may understand him but he does nor, exactly understand Mr. Warner. Senator Wellington, referring to Mr. Warner's claim that he made the Senator's election possible, said: "Mr. Warner came to Annapolis after the fight was over and made a allow of great activity "lie called men oft to one side andtalked to them In a mysterious manner, which might have created the impression that he was Tcally doing something, but as a fact be did not affect a single vote, and could not have affected one had he been In An napolis during tlie entire session of the legislature. It was merely a case of pre tense upon his part, which should not have deceived any one." A TRIO OF TRAGEDIES. Old Farmer Suicide.-, aud Two Per mods Jump From Trains. Kenton, Ohio, July 5. Kenton had three sensations today. Peter Pfeiffcr, aged sixty-five, fanner, living In Goshen town fchip, committed suicide by hanging. Ill health and financial reverses were the causes. An unknown woman boarded the wrong train and Jumped off while It was in motion. She will die. An unknown man, having a tlcta't Tram Cincinnati to Detioit, Mich.. Jumped from a Big Four train shortly after midnight. The train was stopped and backed up, hut no trace of the man could be fcund. ATTACKED BY MASKED THUGS. A Chicago Saloon-Keeper and Hit Wife Fatally Shot. Chicago, July 5. Patrick Grace and h!s wife were fatally shot last night In t'ont of their saloon by three masked men, who tried to hold them up. Grace grappled with one of the robbers, where upon the other two opened fire ou both the saloonkeeper and his wife. Grace was hit In tlie right temple by one of tho bullets, and the other entered the fonr head of his wife. After the shooting the robbers ran into the stock yards and made their escape. A NEW ENGEAND HEGATTA. Coxswain Sadler Drops Dead at the End of the Race. Boston, July fi. The eleventh annual regatta of the New England Amateur Row ing "Assoc'ation was rowed over the old CharJee River course today. The principal Interest centered In tlie senior eight-oared shf-11 race, won by the Riversides, of Cam bridge, with the Millstruams, of Chelsea, second. The cockswain of the latter crew, Sadler, dropped dead as he stepped from the boat from heart disease, brought ou by the excitement and heat. DRAPER GIVES A RECEPTION. Entertains His Countrymen In Honor of the Day. Koine, July 5. A reception in honor of the Fourth of July was given at tlie Grand Hotel by Gen. William F. Draper, the American ambassador. About 250 Americans attended, as did also SirFrancis Clare Ford, the British ambassador The affair was a brilliant success. There was a MirnpUioua buffet lunch and the music was good. Queen Marghereta will receive Gen. and Mrs. D raper tomorrow. Celebration at Hagerstovvn. nagcrstown, Md . July 5. Over 5,000 people were present at the dedication of Doubleday's Hill, Williamsporfc, Washing ton county, today. Addresses wore made by Judge Louis E. McComas, Washington; Hon-. John Findlay, Baltimore, and State Senator Norman B. Scott, Hagerstown. A feature of the exercises was a shain battle between Maryland and West Virginia troops. CAPITOIr NEWS AND GOSSIP. Senator Ctil'um yesterday Introduced a bill previously" Introduced In the Housfc authorising interested. persons to Intervene in tlte equity eailse of the- United States against Morrte and othersrnow pending iu the District 8upemu court, and to share in such awards as may be made by the court. In accordance with the terms of the highway act, the United States Treasurer yesterday submitted" to Congrew a copy of the decree of tho jsuprenie court of the District in the case Involving the anb division known as Dennison and Lelgh ton'.H subdivJsionoCa partof Mountrieas ant ami Pleasant Plains. Assistant Secretary Roosevelt has gone on one of these "inspect'on" trips that form sueli deliglitrul outings for naval offi cials. He is looking after the naval re serves. Altera tour of the East Mr. Roose elt will start for Mackinaw, where he will Join the Detroit, Saginaw and Bay City militia on bourd tlie Michigan, July 17. The Assistant Secretary will make the trip from Mackinaw to Detroit with thu reserves. This is delightful weather iu which to "inspect" the reserves of the Northern States. The speed with which the end of the tarirf bill Is reached depends upon tho result of the caucus this morning It Is hardly expected, in view of the chreatT the Democrats, liave made on account of the proposition to revive the bounty scheme, that' the caucus will insist upon Mipportlng the proposition. If It should so decide, however, there is no telling what tlie outcome will be. The Democrats are utterly opposed to the idea of a bouncy on anythttig and will resist the proposition to give a bounty ou beefi sugar to the last ditch. The scheme Is full of hidden pitralls for the Republicans It cU;.y give a bounty on bei-t sugar how areihey to make themselves solid with Mr. Mc Enery, of Eouisiaua, who, mindfuL or the interests of the Louisiana BUgar planters, favors a protective tariff, and must needs see that If a bounty is good for the be-it sugar people It Is equally good for the Louisiana cauo sugar growers. It is understood that if this bounty scheme goes tnrough and Louisiana cane sugar is lcrt out, Mr McKnery will not give the bill his support. If the caucus gives the scheme its sanction it ia probable that Sf-veral Senators will do as Mr Teller did four years ago bring their winter clothes with tlif-m. There are too many daugers in the pathway of this bounty Idea, and if tho Republican caucus Is sensible it will promptly and emphatically reruse to have anything to do with it. If it docs not, President McKlnley will have Congress on his hands for several weeks to come. HACKED WITH A HATCHET. Brutal Murder of H1h Mlntreww by Henry jShover. Easton, Pa., July 5. Mrs. Sarah Doden dorf was fatally-cut with a hatchet this morning by Henry Sliover, a retired farmer, with whom she vas living. Cries of "Murder' from the Shover house attracted jtficcrs and led them to an upstulrs room, where they found the woman in bed and Shover tcantlly dressed sitting on her and hacking at her with, a hatchet. The men sprang at Shover, and after a flcrce-'con-test put the handcuffs on him. Mrs Doden dorf was found to have a fractured skull aud f rlirhtful cuts and gashes In her head, face, shoulders and arms. She lived until 2 o'U-iek this afternoon. Siie was fifty years of age and besides her husband leaves two adult children. Shover, the murdcrt'r, has four grown children. Ills brother committed suicide several years ago Sliover declared alter being in Jail some hours that a big black, man attacked the woman aud ho went to her assistance. He says he was not In the room when tlie officers arrested hlm Thls afternoon he was told the woman was dead. He was greatly arfectcd by the announcement Shover says his financial affairs have troubled him for some time. TURKS CAPTURE ICALARAKA. Horrible Outrutjes Said to Have Been Committed hy Them. Athens, July 5. Two thousand Turks and Albanians besieged the town of Kala baka last Thursday. The Greeks defended the place until they were overpowered, several of the attacking force being killed in the fighting. A majority of the Greeks fled to clip mountains for safety. The remainder were massacred or imprisoned. It la alleged that the Turks captured all the yuung women in a village near Kar ditza, and that they were violated by their captors. It is stated that, in consequence of the protests of Greece, the ambassadors at Constantinople have been instructed to Inform the Porte that the powers are determined to terminate the Insupportable situation. FEAR TROUBLE AHEAD. Uneu.siness Among: Europeans on Account of the Chitpnr Riot. Calcutta, July G. -The uneasiness caused by the recent killing of officials and the rioting of the natives at Chltpur con Unues, although outwardly everything is quiet. Spies inform the police that further outbreaks are being organized. Isolated assaults, especially upon Euro pean ladies continue. The native casualties during the recent riot are said to have been very large. A low estimate places the number killed at 600. MOY'S PATRIOTISM COSTLY. Burplnrs Break Into His Place While He Is Celebrating. Three colored burglars broke Into the laundry of Moy Gop Sou, at No. .112 Third street northwest, about 10 o'clock last night, while the Celestial was celebrating Independence Day With his countrymen in Chinatown, and stole 23 ftcm Moy's trousers. Entrance was effected by forc ing a window In the rear of the place. Tho robbery was committed, evidently, by persons familiar with the place, but in their haste the housebreakers overlooked a considerable sum in the Iaundryman's till. A colored woman residing in tho rear of the place saw tlie men as they were making a hasty escape over the fence in the back yard, and notified the pol'ce. Detccfhe Weedon made a careful in vestigation of the circumstances, but no clews to the robbers could be discovered. Fractured His Daughter's Skull. During a family row In Mills' court southwest yesterday afternoon John Bax ter, colored, struck hia step-daughter, Eliza Chirley, on tlie head with a stove lid, fracturing her skull. The woman was brought to the Emergency Hospital An operation was performed later in the evening by the home surgeon, and It is expected that Eliza will pull through successfully. Pension Committee Needed. A resolution of fered in theHouso yester day by Mr. Ridgely of Kansas seta forth, the fact that 2,000 "pension bills have been introduced and requests the Speaker to apikjtnt the Coirimlttee on Invalid Pen sions, o tliat It can sit during the recess and putits business Intoshape in order that Conjrress can act upon the bUla when it meets in December. 9 Saks and Company. I ! We Blaze Away Agai s t s t this moTHing with another volley. Small-money andblg-Yalus Salt opportunities for men who ride wheels and men who don't. You know us and our ways well enough to know that the qualities are safe and sound no matter how low the prices. TODAY Choice ot ZOO warranted All-wool Cheviot Sack Suits, iu two differ ent shades of giuy.cutondnr regular patterns that are a suie fit, and made In our own workrooms. For comparison put 'em aiongKtueot tne best you cau find lor $7.00 and. maybe $10. They're , grand, good Suits, our special price t S5JH). f TODAY ? Wo- snail have on sale fully 800 Suits of All-wool cneviots, Cassl meres, Tweeds and Homespuns in tne latest pattern- lagle breastedaacks Worth $10 and $1X0, for t t t t $7,00 SAKS AND SAKS1 CORNER.5 JOY AMONG THE ORPHANS. A Happy Day for Children iu the City Asylums. While tho petted, feted child of luxury, with bis quantities of expensive fireworks and the sturdy little street gamin forced to be content with one pack of firecrackers, were mating merry yesterday, each in his own peculiar fashion, the friends and direc tors ot the several orplian asylums in the city bad seen to It that the Inmates were provided with all kinds ot glmcracks will which to celebrate the glorious day. The Fourth comes but once a year, for which the directors of these institutions aru devoutly thankful. On such occasions iroun'-asi rules are set aside In honor of the period, aud if noise counts for auythlug thetw homeless little ones are the most ratriotir citizens we have. It was a clejr cas? of tic in some of the places as to who madcthc greatest amountor noise, the boys or the girls. Exhaustiou and want of more material with which to celebrate forced the young sters to subbide at last, aud It was with a sigh of relief that the matrons saw each little one once more safely at rest, and if x-ias could have been used last night and the dreani3 of each happy sleeper pho tographed, the poster signs of Btardsley would have sunk into oblivion beside them. The matron said that it would be nei-es-sary to t earch each pocket at bedtime to g.-eif matches and l.recrackers had not been preserved for today. When the reporter rang the bell at St. Joseph's Male Orphan Asylum on G fctreet it was answered by a d minutlve lad not mauy Kizes larger than a g ant firecracker, and the welcome, meant to be cordial, was. given with one eye ou the reporter and the other on a group of lads on the back porch, arul ran something like this: -Walk in, lady, till! there. Jim; stop stealing my firecrackers.) Walk in the parlor. (That's raj punk: you let it alone.) What's your name, lady? (Jim, I Let I'll fix you if you don't keep your bands oft those tIJngs.)" And so on, unt:l finally the sister in charge relieved the anxious little dooriwper from bis task, and be scurried l:ackto bis companions with wrath wtitti-n on his brow The large, shady yard In tlie rear of the asylum looked, at first glance, like a miniature battlefield. One urchin reached gravely up to the sister aud pie sented tier with a yellow firecracker, some times found among a package of these cotnhue tlbles, and remarked that she might have it, as he didn't want any yellow kid firecrackers red was what he wanted. Mr. William Gait recollected that once he was a boy himself, and evidently ap preciated that happy fact, for it was thiougb his generosity that the ninety-five boy." at St. Joseph's were provided with firecnirkers, roman candies, sky rocKets and lb'' hundred-and-one other exploMves that an- so dear to the heart of the juvenile patriot After the pyrotechn-aI display at night, an Ice cream feast was in order, and the boys did full justUxs to the good things provided for them. At St. John's Church Orphanage Asso ciation each child was provided with fire crackers, flags and candy, and Mrs. Dr. Chntard furnished ice cream for tliriu at night Through subscriptions by the Vanderbills, ex-Secietary Whltneyand Rev.Dr. Mackay Smtth a beautiful country home has been built foi the inmates ot the asssocialion, near Alexandria, Va. One of the boys, George Washington by name, was presented some time ago by a fiirud With a number of packages of fire crackers and hid them, as be supposed, beyond the restless fingers of the other children and betook himself to the coun try home with a calm, self-satisfied spirit. Yesterday he returned and the rest of the day he spent in mourning for his c-x- ploded tieasures for they were not. When last seen, or rather heard, Miss Lucy, a diminutive maiden, was seated In an up stairs window, cnlmly lighting them and dropping them dowu in a delightful, hut dangerous manner, among a sea of up turned, admiring faces. Fortunately Miss Lucy's aim was bad and no damage re sulted. Yesterday was the regular visiting day at the Washington City Otpliau Asylum, and relatives and friends helped to make the occasion one of keen enjoyment to the children. Boys and girls alike were each given two packages of firecrackers, and iu the evening the grounds around the .building were kept brilliantly lighted with a continued and varied assortment of fire works. The large concert hall was decor ated with flags and bunting, and In the evening an impromptu musical and literary program took place. After the display at night the children were treated to ice cream andcake.andweatto bed, ttoroughly happy, but tired, wishing that the Fourth of Jnlr was of weekly occurrence At the House of Mercy, 2408 K street, the day was observed more quietly, but with quite as much enjoyment. At the rear of Jhehousa is an Immense yard, the length of it bpanned by a grape arbor, which affords shade Just now, but later on the purple fruit will appear as the vine is loaded with the green fruit. Jt was under this cool, green canopy that a long table was spread, and from every conceivable point the American Stars and Stripes were displayed. The table was beautifully decorated with sweet peas and trailing vines, and tho bright, Binding factBot those seated at the table testified tc the fact that patriotism is a virtue held by even this unfortunate class. In the evening Sister Dorthea.the sister In charge. wa- given an entertainment by thegirls.fn which, a play was skillfully rendered. Saks and Company. t t t t t t t t t t TODAY We can duplicate tne offer or a week ago and give you tbie great choices in three gteat lots of Wool Bicycle Suits LI gnt -wel gbt Al L- wool Suits, in neac plaid pattern, made intuelateststyie Suits that are worth 53.75 ol terea at $2.50 Ait-wool .brown .English Plaid Suits, regular ?5 value. Sizes aa to 38 $3,50 Lot looo and 1BOS Nobby Brown Plaid Ail-woul cnev iots, made in tnelateststyie nearly all sizes a S4.C0 Suit for $3.25 t s COMPANY, A FLAG FOR FIRE'S FOES. The Formal Opening of tho Eck iugtun Engine-House. The new Eoklngton fire engine-bouse. No. 12. at the corner of North Capitol and Quiucy streets northea&t, was for mally aud very auspiciously opened yes terday. About 1,000 enthusiastic citi zens assembled In honor ot the event A temi-orary platform, was erected for the occasion on the large vacant lot adjoining the new engine-house. Here the crowd was gathered to listen to the oratory, to enjoy the music, to witness the flag presentation, and to view the testing ot the apparatus. Arranged on the platform weie Presi dent Henderson, ot the North. Capitol aud Ecklugton Citizens Association, Chief Parris, of the local iiie department; Rev. Dr. Duncan, pastor ot tne North Capitol Street Presbyienau Church, and a nuuilwr of invited guests and prominent citizens. Mr. Williams, chahniau of the fire and police committee ot the North Capif.I and Eckington Citizens' Association, opened the celebration with a few brief but appropriate remarks, staring the pur pose of the meeting, namely, thepre1 tion of a stand of colois to the engine company by that association. It was through the activity of the citizens' asso ciation that Uie question ot the need of an engine-house in that section was agi tated and fcteps taken toward the securing ofthcaame. Tbatassociationwasnownot content to lie Idly by, but having before them a vUible result of their labors, would work yet even harder In the future for the accomplishment of the good of tr.e community. He said that through the same association a handsome new public bchool building will soon be erected at the coiner ot First and Qulncy streets northeast, at a cost of about 530.000. The honor ot presenting the colors de volved upon Mr. Henderson, president ot the association, who iu a neat and well wor.led addres-S made the presentation to Chief Parris. He responded with a few wurds suitable to the occasion. The stand or colors consisted ot a large American flag, a torra flag and a pongee inscribed with the name ot the company. The next event, and one which was -sn-thuJastlcally received was the hoisting of the" banner to the top of the flagstaff. As soon as this had been done Rev. Dr. Duncan, th' orator ot the evening, paIJ an eloquent tribute to Old Glory, dwell ing at leuglh upon the significance of the Stars and the Stripes to the ropulace. It was altogether an appropriate thing to do this hoisting ot the nation's emblem over the home of the fire Iadd'es, the men who go out and right for the preservation of homes and municipalities in the time of peace. Chief Parris then had the firemen draw the new engine out ot its new home and give it a public test For nearly half an hour the crowd were given an exhibition of fancj as well as effective throwing of water. The firt event was what is technically known to local "neve rsw eats'' as "slaml 6ng cf two lines Into one." The second was the using of the single line with a one and c-ne-eighth-lnch nozzle, and this was followed by two single lines from the same engine. During the ''twin stream" throwing act the hose was turned up North Capitol street by order of Chief Parris. It r.eems that tlie purpose of the chief was tugive the assemblage a le&son in hydrastatics as well as patriotism, but In the execution of that conunand it seems that the people were given a drenching. Of course, it was all a mistake on the part ot the chief, who was on Qulncy street when he gave the order, and unaware that he was ordering the hose to be turned upon the crowd. "Turn tlie hose up rforth Capitol street and show the people how far you can squirt," eaid the chief to the men at the nozzle. The crowd did not hear trie exact words of bis order, but when the water came their way they soon under stood the full import of the same How ever, the fireworks were not soaked or damaged in the least, and tins was all that saved the chief from incurring the displeasure ot the unfortuuate ones. Ac dusk, following the water display, the crowd was treated to an assortment of all kinds of pyrotech nlcal displays given by Messrs. T. B. Kane, Humphreys and Waters, the committee in charge ot fireworks After this the new engine-house was thrown open for public Inspection. It was well worthy of more than a casual glsncc, being one ot the largest and most thoroughly equipped In the city. It Is three stories high, constructed of Venetian brick and stone, and Is the most roomy structure of its kind in the District. It has a hose tower, hot. water apparatus, dressers, foreman's room, library, sleeping aprittrocutH and other rooms especially adapted for tlie comfort and convenience of the men during their leisure hours. The roster of tlie men at the new engine-house, all of whom have had thor ough experience in battling with fires, having scon long service with the other 'local companies, is as fallows: Howard W. "Wright, foreman; Timothy Brown, as sistant foreman; F. C. Dodge, engineer; B. L. Hunter, fireman: C. T. O'Brien, hostler, and privates J. V. Lewis, P. McGarry, P. It- Davis. W. E. Boyle, B. F. Shngru, and Harry Thomas, watchman. The commi ttee o f ar rangemen ts was com posed of the following members of the North CnpJtoI and Eckington Citizens' As sociation: T. B. Kane, Bernard Water. M. Tingley and T. F. Moore. n WOODWARD ikLOTHROP, 10th. nth and F Sts. N. W. Following our annual cus tom, beginning- today and continuing until September, store will be closed at 5 o'clock; Saturdays at 1. July Opens the Outing Season and we were never so well equipped to meet any de mand that might be made of us in the way of Outing Re quisites and Sporting Goods and Clothes to wear when using them. Clothes for trav elers, helps to travelers' com fort and convenience. The very best of every sort and the prices were never quite so low. Navy Blue Fabrics, Suitable for street and -travelin; dresses, for seashore, mountain, and general outing purposes, and es pecially desirable for business women's wear. Harper's Bazar says: "Serge and Mohair are in great favor for Bath ing Suits this year. The reason for this is that they do not retain the water, and consequently do not cling to the figure when wet, which, is certainly a great advantage." Our assortment of these fabrics is now splendidly complete. Navy Blue Storm Serge. 43-racn. 4u-inch. Per Per yard yard .S0o .75o . Navy Blue Cheviot 5C-inch. Peryard 75c, Sl.OOand $1.25 Navy Blue Marine Serge. Manufactured In England; fine twiH;k rough surface 43-inch. Per yard ............Too1 46-inch. Peryard $1.0O oL-inch. Peryard ....Sl.25t Navy Blue Mohair Sicilian. 44-inch. 5-i-inch. Per yard ..........6u& Per yard Sl.00 Navy Blue Mohair Brilliantine. 44-incn. Per yard 45-incn. Per yard Gt-inch. Per yard .. First floor. 59o . ..75c .$1.00 Black Mohairs.- Fashion calls for the silk-like Mohairs for street and traveling dresses, separate skirts, bathing suits and bicycle skirts. We have a complete line of these goods in the best English makes, and they are finished with a very rich and high luster. Black Mohair Brilliantine. 3a-inch. Per yard 37 1-2o 43-inch. Per yard ...50a 4-inch. Per yard 75c 4C-incn. Peryard $1.00 Black Mohair Sicilian. 40-inch. 47-inch. 4s-.nch. 54-inch. Per yard 50c Per yard -75c Per yard $1.00 Per yard $1.23 and $1.50 Blaok Mohair Grenada." 54-Inch. Peryard $1.23 and $1.50 First floor. Housekeeping Departments. Today we offer a number of unusual values in Table, Bed and Toilet Linens, Muslin Sheets and P.llow Saps, etc, and name in part the following at prices which should prove of interest to all con cerned: Linen Department. Heavy Cream Damask Fringed Clothu, with red borders 2x2 yards, $1.15. Regular price... .51.50 2x2 1-2 yds.. $1.50. Regular price.. $2.00 2x3 yards, $1 HO. Regular price... .$2.50 Fringed Doylies to match $I.00doz. Fine Bleached Damask Pattern Cloths, extra wide, at a third less than regular prices 2 1-2x2 1-2 yards $2.50 2 1-2x3 yards $3.00 72-inch Cream Table Damask, extra heavy. Per yard 60c Hemmed Huck Towels, all linen and a very superior quality. Size 22x36 Inches. Each 23a Cotton Bedvear Dept A special purchase ot ready-to-use Muslin Sheets aud Pillow Cases at the following exceptionally low prices: Sheets. 1tx2J2 yards. 2x2J4 yards. 2x2K yards. 2j4x2j4 yards. Pillow Cases. Each 33c Each. Each. Each. 37jc 42c 50c 10c lie 12c 45x36 inches. 50x36 inches. 54x36 inches. Each. Each. Each. White Goods Dept- 500 yards Silk and Uncn Batiste, very fine and sheer; natural flax color, with greenplnk, lavender a nd black silk stripes. A very beautiful fabric for waists and full aults. Special price, 37jc yard. Reduced from 75a Second floor. Woodward & Lotlirop.