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The times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1897-1901, August 21, 1897, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85054468/1897-08-21/ed-1/seq-3/

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Dr. McCoy Wishes to Make This Notice Em
phatic Under No Circumstances Will the
Opportunity of the Nominal Fee Be Ex
tended or Renewed After September 1.
The $3 rate ends -with the laRl day of
August, and It wllKnot be extended or
renewed under any circumstances, or to
any Individual.
Doctor McCoy has Riven full and em
phatic notice that, beginning -with Sep
tnnber 1, all those "who do not begin
treatment or renew their treatment be
fore that date, mutt pay his regular fee.
Only those who begin treatment
or reoew their treatment during:
the next ten duy& that is, before
ii wlC" 51
Rev. Mr. Smith,
Of Ringing Noises
And Deafness.
Jtev. I.. L. Smith, COO Sixth nt
southwest, clergyman of the Church of tne
Dnited Brethren: "I most heartily recom
mend Doctor McCoy's treatment. I have ex
perienced its wonderful benefits, aud it is
because or personal knowledge that 1
speak as 1 do-
"For eightecu mouths I had suffered
from dull headaches, accompanied by
rumbling noises in my head and partial
deafness. I became so hard of hearing
that I had difficulty In attending to my
every-day duties, and I could not mule.'
Etand ordinary conversation.
Doctor McCoy's treatment has given me
complete roller from the headache? and
from the distressing, unnatural noises,
ond iry hearing has been completely re
stored 'I also, when I Went to Doctor McCoy,
had been troubled with a catarrhal condi
tion of the nose and throat, which caused
me to hawk and spit continually. In the
morning I would have a bad tai-te In the
mouth, -and a gagging sensation My -sleep
was not refreshing, aud I would -wake in
the morning feeling tired and unrefrei-bed.
"I have been completely cured of all my
troubles. I sleep well, have no more dis
charge frum nose or throat, and feel re
freshed and" vigorous in the morning The
Improvement in my general health ha
been wonderful, as well as the restoration
of my hearing."
"The above Interview was published In
DccensDer, 1890. I have had no trouble
with my hearing 6lncc. Today it is as
acute as? the day I was illscharged, cured.
"L. .. SMITH "
Chosen Commander-in-Chief of ilic
Union Veteran Lesion.
Convention at Springfield Disre
gards Gen. Dlllou'f, Charge.
End of a X.ung Contest.
Gen. HarJow L. Street, commander of
John A. .Logan Camp, No. 2, Union Vet
erans' Union , and pi ominent in Grand Ar my
circles in this city, was yesterday elected
commander-in-chief of the national organ
ization of theUnion Veterans'' Union, which
has been in session the past three days
at Springfield, Ohio. ,
"While Gen. Street's election to this im
portant position is in itself pleasing to his
friends in this city, it is doubly interest
ing because it marks theend for a time at
least of a quarrel which began seven years
ago, when Gen. M. A Dillon, of this city,
Impeached the war record of Gen. Street.
Since that time the two men have con
ducted a very orderly, but very bitter,
fight in the camps of the local Union Vet
erans' Union. Charges and counter-charges
have been made ever since Gen. Dillon
first charged, In August' of 1890. that
Gen. Street's war record was not what it
should have been. Gen. Streetlmmedlately
secured affidavits and sworn s'atements
front prominent generals, and secured a
certificate from the War Department atr
testing his honorable career. Since then
things have not been running easily In the
District union, and only a week ago Gen.
Dillon charged that Gen. Street and sev
eral others had been suspended from the
These changes, which caused much com
ment at the time, were repeatedin the con
vention by Gen. Dillon, but were thrown
out Gen. Dillon was chairman of the
committee on credentials, and he refused
to recommend that Street and the other
"Washington delegates be seated. Col
Strattou, another "Washington delegate,
then moved that they be seated, and the
motion being carried, Gen. Dillon at once
resigned As be was tjie only opposing
candidate for commander-ln-chb-f, Gen
Street had a walk-over for the election.
The convention practically ended yester
day, but Gen Street will not return home
until the latter part of next week. He
wUl probably be given an enthusiastic re
cepitoa when he arrives, u he has many
He has extended the opportunity in order
that all might have ample opportunity
to take advantage of it, and he has
readied the point where, if for no other
reabon than because of the limit of his
office facilities and his time, It would
be necessary" to withdraw this nominal
rate, which he has so long given to the
people of "Washington.
September 1 will be trented until
cared nt the rute of S3 iv month.
TJWs offer positively clones Taes
duy, AugUbt 31, ut 8 p. m.
Mrs. iSmith, of
Asthma of 19
Years' Standing.
3Irs. Jenny Smith, fi06 Sixth ,t.
fcV.: "I don't think an one ever had
Asthma wor&e than I had it, especially
during the latter part of the nineteen years
1 suffered from it. It begaTi first during
the whiter, and for .several years troubled
me only at that season. Later, it came on
at any time, summer or winter. The lease
exposure to draught, after being over
noated, was. sure to precipitate an attack.
"I became so sensitive to draughts that
I Could noh ride in mi rmpn car in ir.frl-
! summer Without being wrapped up. I
coughed incessantly, and was so short of
1 hreaUi that I could not lie down at night;
1 have spent night after night Bitting up
iu order to get my breath.
"Of late years my breathing was never
clear, and the least cold would bring on
the whe-eing and awful shortness or
j breath.
J "My shoulders and chest ached fear
fully from the effort iu breathing.
"I was so feeble when I began treatment
with Doctors McCoy and Cowden tiiat I
could scarcely walk.
"That was in August, just a year ago
' My condition began to Improve after I
had been under treatment hue a fhort
while, and in December last I gave it up
"I felt that I was cured. But I wished
to test the permanency of the cure, -ind
told the Doctor that if, for a year, there
was no return of the trouble, I should
be glad to testify to myiure.
It was a year in July since I had mj
last attack, and I feel that I am com-
j pletely cured."
McCoy System of Medicine,
Doctor McCoy's National Practice.
7i5 13th Street Northwest.
Oflice Hours 9 to 12 a. m.. ltoDp. ra.,
C to 8 p. in. daily. Sunday, 10 a. ui. to 4
p. m.
friends in Grand Army circles. lie at
first Intended to go to Buffalo with theG.
A It., but was unable for buslnss reasons
to be absent from the city that long.
Gen. Harlow L. Street is now fifly-rour
j ears of age He served with distinc
tion In the civil war from 1861 until
peace was declared, and since that time
served for a while in the regular army
He -was born In Carthage, 111, but while
he was very young his parents emigrated
to California during the '49 gold craze.
He grew up with the country, and at the
outbreak of the war enlisted as a private
in the Spcond California Cavalry. Ho
speedily rose to the rank of first ser
geant, and on January 31, 1863, he was
commissioned a second lieutenant. He
was promoted to first lieutenant March
9, 1SC4, aud to captain, May 9, 1865.
He was honorably mastered out of the
servlc on tue consolidation of .the arniy
in 1866, but the following year, Janu
ary 22, 1S67, he was again commissioned
in the cavalry branch as a second lieu
tenant. He was again promoted to first
lieutenant February 22, 1869, and was
finally mustered out of the service July
15, 1870. His service during the war
was in California, Nevada and Utah.
For a. number of years he has been a
cleik In the record and -pensions division
In the War Department. He has been
for years a prominent memberof the Union
Veteran Union and of the Grand Army, and
for the past three years has successively
been elected commander of John A. Logan
Camp, No. 2, Department of the Potomac.
Death of Bishop Hopkins.
New York, Aug. 20. The Rev. Bishop
Perry Hopkins, a negro preacher, died
suddenly this morning at No. 217 West
Sixtieth street, known as the Cuckoo
Fiats, where he lived with his son. He
was seventy-five years old and belonged
to the Afiican Union Methodist Protestant
Church. He had been a slave In Maryland,
and when he first came to this city, forty
five years ago, he was a hodcarrier.
Strangled by False Teeth.
"Wichita, Kans., Aug.20.-O.T. Simmons
died here yesterday in a fit or strangula
tion, caused byswallowiuga platcof three
falte teeth four years ago. He basbeen
able to eat butlittle on account of a seem
ing contraction of his throat, and grew
weaker until he became a confirmed in
valid. G. A. It. Civic Tnrude.
Buffalo Club No. 1, leaving via B. & 0.
at 10 p. m. Sunday, reach Buffalo 2 p. m.
Monday, in time for Civic Parade, and
first session "W. R.C. Monday evening.
Thomas Lloyd, a Former Em
. ploye, Caught in the Act.
Discharged for Intemperate Habits,
He Visited the Library requeut
Jy Carried the Boolcs A-way Under
His Coat A Lawyer mid Son of u
Former Hoa.se Clerlr.
Thomas W. Lloyd, aged Torty-one, well
dressed, educated, and the son of a man
op.ee well-known to statesmen and poli
ticians, was arrested jestorduy by Capitol
Detective Slnnott for stealing books
from the law library at the Capitol. It
was not because Llojd -wanted the vol
ume wholli for the purpose of eulurglng
his library, for he Is now a lawyer, but
the more likely reason is that he took
the books for, tbe purposo of selling
them as several were yesterday recovered
by Detective Slnnott from a tecoud
hnnd book store, where Llojd had sold
them for a Email sum.
A number or years ago Llojd's father
was for several successive sessions chief
clerk, and again reading clerk of the
House of Representatives. He was well
known In AVashlngton. For a number of
years also ThomaB "W. Lloyd, his ton, has
held a position in the miscellaneous de
partment of the Congressional Library,
lie lm?, however, been rather dissipated
In his habits and addicted to drink, and
frequently played the races. Uecuuse Li
brarian Srofford had known nis father he
tolerated the young man's actions, but
jeproaehed him. Under the new librarian,
however, Llojd's career was soon cut
short,. A few sprees were overlooked, and
then his iclgnatlon was asked for by
Librarian Young.
Thl was about a month ago, and his ef
forts tu get a reinstatement failed Since
that time he has nearly every day visited
the law library, wh'ch laon the groundfloor
of the Capitol.
Shortly after books began to be missed,
No one could tell where they were. There
are no persons save members of both Houm.s
of Congress, heads of departments and
a few o' her by permission, allowed to take
books from the library. Lloyd -.vas not
one of these. In all about forty books have
gone astray since the beginning or the ex
tra cession or Congress, but it Is, notcharged
that Lloyd has secured all or them Last
Wednesday a week ago, he came Into the
reading-room and aked for "Schouter on
Domestic P.elaticns," fifth edition.
This was procured for him by Acting
Librarian John N. Wilkinson, the oldest
employe of the library. That night when
the bookb were puton theshelves thnt vol
ume was found to be missing.
The next day "Phillips on Mechanics'
Liens" whkh Lloyd called for, disap
peared in the same manner.
Mr. 'Wilkinson thought who hnd called
for the looks and remembered Lloyd. Then
he watched him. Succeeding days he
came in, but no books were missed, ns
the library was crowded. Yesterday Lloyd
entered and asked for two Pennsylvania
reports, "Clark on Criminal Law," and
"Mackey's District of Columbia Re
ports." In a few moments he went out
and the latter book went with him. care
fully tucked away under his vest, so that
Lloyd looked as if he had just partaken
of a sumptuous dinneror have been blown
up by a pneumatic pump.
Mr. Wilkinson followed him, and directed
his son. who works In the Library, to go
for Detective Slunott, and the latter over
took Lloyd in the Capitol grounds just as
he had taken the volume from under his
est and carried it under his arm.
He finally admitted halng taken the
two other books and others, which he had
Detectives Slnnott and Horne searched
Lloyd's rooms, at No. 17 C streot, and
found several other books which he had
Lloyd was locked up in No. 0 station, and
refused to say a word upon the subject-
Ills case will come up In court today.
Mr. F"Ioyd Corrects a Statement
Abont the Knights of Honor.
Mr nenry Floyd, the grand dictator of
the local branch of Knights ot Honor, de
sires to correct through the columns ot The
Times the statement which appeared in a
press dUpatch to the efect that a receiver
for the ordsr had been applied for through
Chancellor Pitney, of Jersey City, N J.
From Mr. Floyr.'s Statement it appear
that the dispatch relates to the Legion of
Honor cf America, and not to the Knights
of Honor.
The New York papers bear Mr Flovdout
In his correction concerning the above
mentioned dispatch, and bis statement, are
herewith given-.
It appears that the Legion of Hongr
asked the New Jersey court for a re
celver in order to test the legality or the
by-laws of that association, which have
been in operation for a year, and not be
cause the association was insolvent. The
bill also asked that the association be en
joined fiom separating its members in
The bill is returnable In the United
States court at Boston September 7.
Henry Oettlnger Claims Ownership
In Fnblic Hlghwny Land.
Suit against the District was entered
yesterday by Henry Oettlnger to set
aside the condemnation of part of lob
291, squire 1301, In part of Beatty and
Hawkins' addition to Georgetowu, ot
which the officers of the District took
possession to hold as a public highway.
The plaintiff states that he held the lot
in question for six years and that In
1895 the District, through its officers,
entered into possession and have since
graded and guttered the same without
proper condemnation proceedings and
without awarding to the plaintiff proper
The plaintiff further sets out that
iu 1897 heereefcedafenceupontheproperty
taken, for which he was prosecuted in
the police court, which prosecution is
still pending. This he claims is an unlaw
ful interference with him In the enjojment
of his property and he asks for aninjunctlon
to prevent tho defendant fiom further
molesting him In this wise.
A Town Shaken TJp.
Petersburg, Ind., Aug. 20. The town
was shaken yesterday by the most ter
riric explosion that ever occurred here.
The plant of the Petersburg Electric Light
Company was blown to pieces, causing a
loss of .$10,000. No one was injured.
Excursion to Dnffnlo via B. & O.
Account G. A. R. National Encampment.
Tickets sold August 21 to 24, good to re
turn until 31st, but may be extended to
September 20 by depositing with joint
agent at Buffalo; B. & O. and Lehigh Val
ley. Best and most picturesque route.
A marvelous care far
can bo iriven secretly at
noma, at is Harmless.
All drnmrkta or vrrifA
I Henovn Chemical Co, 60 Broad-vjiv, New York.
Burglars Iuvnde tho PremlHes uf
uu Aged Man and Torture Hun.
Painesville, O., Aug. 20. Charles Lace,
an aged resident of Confcord.iwas cruelly
tortured by burglars last night. Four
maskpd men entered hlshouse and threat
ened to kill him if ho would not hand over
his money. Lace declared that he had none
to give them. The robbers then bound him
and gt-gged him, and started to ransackthe
house. Finding nothing of value they burn
ed the feet of the old man with a lamp
In an effort to make him tell' the wjiere
abouts of his money. Lace reiterated his
statement that la had no money, and the
robber.s left the house. They nailed a caid
up on n neighboring tree with the words:
"Man lied iuslde, go and release him"
upon it.
Lace was not discovered until morning.
Foreign Houses Are Cousidcraule
Buyers of Securities.
ReportH of Damage to Spring "Wheat
und Corn Cropn Affect tho
Gralu Market.
New York, Aug. 20, Total Bales of
stocks, -J03.883 shares, anu Loiuis, $1,
980, BOO par value.
A general and rapid decline was In
progress in the stock market during the
greater part of the day. The market de
velop3dltHiuostpr'jnounced weakness rather
singularly also, on the first day In ,vhich
foreign houses were considerable buyers
of wuritles, their purchases extending Into
a Jiumbei of different stocks. "While the
dcllnc In the market was still clearly
referable to the technical conditions of
speculation, the traders found a motive
for Increased aggress' veness In further re
ports of damage to both the spring wheat
and corn crops through unseasonable weath
er In the central, Western und northwestern
States 'Jheso reports poured In from
Chicago, and were most Industriously dls-i-cmluntcd
throughout,the street.
To some extent the reports of damage
to the corn crop were confirmed by the
Government weather maps, as tempera
tures below 60 degrees were noted through
out tne central West, indicating weather
undoubtedly too cold to favor the rapid
growth ot corn and any delay now in
creases the danger of Injury through
froft. An advance or over 6 cents a
bushel In wheal reflected both the re
Irts of damage In the spring wheat
States and "also a remarkable advance
on the Liverpool market Tor that cereal.
The disetuslon In regard to the crops
gave the granger shares the niost promi
nent place in the market and the gross
declines In those stocks and la the hareg
or the corn-carrying roads exceeded onj
point, but partial recoveries were scored
iu the last hour of business. tThe excite
ment In the grain market detracted from
ili activity of the dealings In stocks, but
a fair day's business was nevertheless
effected. , .,
liAhe New Yoik market thetSpptember
wheat option reached the cjapslcal figure
of $1 a bushel, and In the cash grain
markets of the West thp samf price was
reported. The market oupjjde of the
granger group was rather dull, and it
took its tone mainly rrouijtl) course of
those shares. In the oarly, dealings the
anthracite shares showed, a firm tone and
the pressure was less severe In thair cases
than elsewhere In the market. The Read
ing stocks paiticularJy reflected some
measure of support. There were no ottier
features of particular interest In thp market
or noteworthy changes In thesituatlon.
New Yorlc Stuck alnrltet.
Corrected dally by W. B. HIbbs &
Bankers and Brokers. Members of
N. Y. Stock Exchange, 1427 F street.
On. Hlzli. l.nr.
American Spirits 14 HJ 13
Americii Sbulrlt. nfd... S3 31 33
Am. Mijrar Hennery UW, H9J4 tjj;
American Sugar, pfd... llOjj 118s no
AinortcAii Tobacco 92 92 ,, GO
Mchi30ii Tou. & K K.. 15 15U 11,'
Atch..Top.nnu -.r.pfu.. SI; 31?; 20,
Baithuoro Ohio U li M
Baj Mate .as Htf M li
Canada Soutlio n 63 bi J3
Umad.i I'acilio
LlieaapeakcfcOhlo 'Si 23 'HX
C.,1. U. J.C. L :, 3: 314
Chicago. Uur.rt. limncy 9o 9,Ji' VAX
Clilcijro i NorihWn.... I1S, -K U71
UUic.ioHas- lOi 10Ji Uili
C. M. Jz St. Paul U3i iiti lfi
0., it. i. .mJ If Sjtf ba,S ol
Coiibollil'vtcil tas lbili ISj i US
Do!., Lack, & West. lot'', u HI
DeUw.iro it UuUson.... UU IU IUJ4
Lrlo - loi tax 1(j
Ucnoral Electric 5j :,by, 'dih
L.ike alioro 177 17o 75
Louisville A. Nashvillo.. 5H.V 5jJi oaf
Met. lractiou 1.3 IU m
.u.uiliSUtan luiJi lUoK 101
Mlclilg.iu Ceu
Mo. iicMc 31 Gl?S BO,','
M lv & 'J . utU 3ji Jav ZIH
..iUon.il -Lead Co v6 3o !,,
.sow Jerso Ue11tr.it...... 1'5 .. tj, UlA
.ow 1'orb Central, hOf ItO.t it5i
.Northern 1'aciUc 17; l)i 17
ISortncni 1'aoiuc uid.... 4ai i'S$ -,&,,,
Ont.no &, W estem lo.i, luft Ida
i'.ieinolall I3;s hi Sh
1'hil.i. S. KeaUiug. 'UyA ' l!oH
aoai.n-.lti Uamiay.iUU.. Silt VA'A at
Texas Pacific I6u lih U
enn.Ooalilrou '.7?j MS J7,f
Union 1'ucinc i- Zi U?
U.o. Leather pta 67 US7 v
u .touah ilu 18 lo 11
Wiiealing V Lake Erlo. 'J-Ji '.. -',
Wu3t. biiiiin'lul. Co 'J- dl VU;a
Ex-Jiv, 1 percent.
H .
l .
It seems probublethat prices in the stock
market have touched low for the present
All day jesterdayou rumors of bad wheat
and corn yields, railroad stocks were weak
and declining, and Sugar, for no particular
reason, went down rapidly to 14G 7-8
Eveiybody is hopeful that today there will
be a stroug reaction, and the evidences aie
good that such will be the case. Speculative
excitement was principally In the grain
market yecterday. The September option
for wheat went up with a rush In New
York to beyond $1.00, and the Chicago and
the European markets werje.wlld On the
curb wheat In Chicago was 95 5-8 at 4.
o'clock. Corn was also stronger. This
feature of the situation continued to be, as
for several days past, a causefor hesitation
In the general stock market, and for the
bearish attitude of traders there.
As for thp particular case of Sugar
everything is in favor or un immediate
rally, and neaily eerybody who Is specu
lating In the stock of the trust will" buy
today. Rumors continue that an extra
dividend will be declared for the disposi
tion of some of the large surplus, and this,
of course, mast have its effect on the price
of the stock. Tho bears have now given
lip their cffoits to show the impossible to
be the fact -with regard to the tariff, and
it is generally conceded that the Sugar
schedule is immensely favorable to tho
Dow, Jones & Co. say of Sugar: The
predictions that Sugar weuld sell ut 150
have been fulfilled, and the people who
talked 150 for it when that seemed to
be an impossibility are confident that it
"Will sell close to 200 before long. All
sorts of rumois are current in regard to
the next dividend, which should be de
clared some time next month. It is prob
ably safe to say that nobody knows at
present what the dividend will be, and
Mr. Havemcyer's absence in Europe may
prevent any other action than tho declara
tion of the regular 3 per cent, although
Mr. Havemeyer may return in time to
participate in the directors' meeting. That
some distribution of a part of tho surplus
will be made in the next twelve months
is believed to be certain, but whether it
will take the form of Increased quarterly
"dividends or an extra dividend In u lump
sum, no one is. probably, yet in a posi
tion to definitely state.
All that is positively known is tint the
company has r. very large surplus, which
will bo materially increased by the sales
ot refined sugar made from the enor
mous quantities of raw sugars imported
under the duties of tue "Wilson bill. This
surplus, moreover, is in cash and is prob
ably the largest tangible surplus which
any Wall strectcompany has ever possessed.'
Standard Oil could not properly be called
a Wall Ltreet company. Big railroad sur
plusos have generally been on paper and
absolutely unavailable, except as they
furnished an opportunity to issue collat
eral tiuat bonds or fresh btock.
The amount of Sugar held in WalUtrcet
at the present Urns Is a large factor in the
problem. It Is said that not since the re
organization tt the trust has there been
so little floating stock. The number uf
slimes of Sugur common, which is not
large, becomes very easily handled under
such conditions as tho present, when im
mense nmount-'i have been withdrawn for
Investment accounts. It Is under these
conditions that the great demand for
Sugar must force up the prioas.
Burlington looks best of the gi angers.
Reading will b3 an exrellentpurchase, ac
cording to the best-Informed people. There
was a slight ad'anc.jln Reading on Thurs
day night on tho purchase or a large block
of stock by Ladenburg, Thalmann & Co
It Is said that Mr. Morgan is aH largely
interested in the soft-dial negotiations
The business outlook for Reading Is most
foruh'.c. It is said that tho Reading
freight tonnage In July increased about
100,000 tons over 1896.
Ilousman is buying Leather preferred,
and it la piobable that Weil intends to
move 1 1 up.
The London I'all-Mall Gazette contrasts
silver at 2 shillings per ounce with wheat
at $1, saying that both prices are quite
beyond legitimate limits.
Bradstrcet's today will say: Special
telegraniB from trade centers throughout
the countrj emphasize the growing pros
perity or the farmer, due to higher prices
ror almost all agricultural produce still
in his hands, and point to a continuation
or the demand which has been conspicuous
within the past few weeks. The volume
or trade continues to increase and prices
are hardening.
Another extraordinary ravorable bank
clearings report is round in the total $1,
140,000,000 this week, which, while it is
1 per cent less than last week, is 40 per
cent larger than in the third week or
August, 1S9G; 2C per cent heavier than
in 1895; -10 per cent larger than in 1894,
and fully r5 per cent larger than ia the
like week of 1S93.
Prices for staples continue the favorable
movement of the past few weeks, with ad
vances for wheat flour, wheat, new pork,
butter eggs, cheese, corn aud oats. There
have been a large- number of resumptions
among iron and steel conceras this week.
Bessemer pig Is 25 cents higher and the
outlcok isf orlmprovement. Thereare SCI
business rallurcb reported throughout the
United states this week, against 214 last
week, 264 a year ago and 192 two years
The New York stock market is less
active and has shown reactionary ten
dencies. Public interest is less prominent
and large speculators have taken profits
and arc waiting. London maintains its
unfavorable attitude toward Americans,
but tlf supply of our stocks there is small.
Exports of wheat (f lourlucludedas a heat)
from both coasts ot the United States and
Montieal this week are tin largest in any
week since September, 1893, amounting
to 5.213,000 bushels this week as com
pared with 4,160,000 bushels last -week,
and 2,991,000 bushels in the week a year
There are 41 business failures reported
throughout the Dominion of Canada this
week against 31 last week.
R. G. Euun &. Co.'s Weekly Review of
Trade will say:
Not Tor several jears have the tele
graphic reports from various cities in all
parts ot the country been as encouraging or
shown as unirormlmpneimmt.isthlsweeh
The markets are called crazy by some, but
fairly represent the people whose confidence
in the future is strong and increalng.
The one temporary hindrance is the
strike of the bituminous miners, which in
terfercs as yet little with industries, and
seems likely to terminate within a week.
Fluctuation in the stock and produce markets
dp not alter the fa"t;4 on the whole, they
are still tending upward.
The greatest gain has "been for agricul
ture. Wheat has advanced about 11 3-8
f'ents ror the week on actual transnotuins,
with heavy purchases for export. The of
finnl estimate ot yield is entirely disre
garded, except sis an admission that the
crop will be larger than that of last year,
and it is commonly assumed that the yield
will be 5.-0,000,000 bushels or more. The
aerage for the sixty active railway stocks
IsGl cimts per shaie lower than last Friday,
but trust stocks are practically unchanged
The confidence of holders Is sustained by
earnings, which, for August, thus far ex
cenl last year's by 10.8 per cent., and are
only 5.3 per cent smaller than In 1892.
Many additional establishments have
bpgun work during the past week.
In the woolen bunness a constant In
crease appears in the number of estab
lishments at -work and the demand for
goods has much Increased.
Failure for the -vveek have been 223 in
the United States against 280 last year,
and thirty in Canada, againsttwenty-seen
last year.
Wusliiiicton Stoeli Exchange.
Sales -Washington Gas "A" bonds, $300
at 1111-1; Washington Gas, 22 at 44:
American Graphophone, preferred, 5 at
11: Tneumitic Gun Carriage, 300 at 60c
After Call Mergenthaler Unotype, 20
at 122.
nia. Ask.
U. S.4'8. 111907 Q. J. in; in-'-
U. f. 4'sj C 19"7 Q. J H2 ll"
U-S.4's.l92S 124 l2lG
U.S.o'8.1001Q, 1? nii llj
5s 1E99 "SO-year Funding" i')lj ...
Bs 1902 XO-j ear Funding" gold.... ll( ."""
ts iswi, Mvater oiocu" currency. . 113
73 190-1, ''W atcr Stock" currency. US
"Funding" currency 3.65'a IU
Mer.R.llos.1925 115 .
.Met.lt It Couv. Gs U94 123 ""
Mot. It R Cert. Indebtedness.. A.. 112 130
Met. RIt Cert.Indebtodnes3..B.. 110
belt It It is. 1921 so
Eckincton URti's 90
Columbia RRb's. 19U 118
Wash Gas Co. Ser A. 63. 1902-'27... 1U4
Wash Gas Co. her K.b's. 190I-'2J... 112 '.'.'"..
U. S. Elec. Light Debenture Imp.
M.&N 103
ClicsanUPotToIS's. 1S&.T-1931 lMli .
Am Sec cfc Tr 6's. 1 and A. 1903.... 100
Aw Soc fc J r .-a, A and O, 190.3 103
Wash, Market Co 1st 6's, 1902-1911,
7.010 retired annually 109
Wash Market Co imp u's. 12-27 .... li 9
Wash MarkotCooxfn ffa, lH-'27 110 .""""
Masonic Hall Association o'iiyfld. 104
WashLtluf 1st b's, 1901 .".'."
'national bank stocks.
Bank of Washington 207 310
Bank of Republic
Metropolitan H7 "sio"
Central 2ao
Farmers' and Mechanics'. 175
Second 13JJ4 ','.'.'.'.'.
CitUons 152 ,'..'."
Columbia 128
Cmita! 115
West Und lui
Lmcolu 101
uino ;
Ndt. Sale Deposit and Trust .... "
Wash. Loan und XrUBt....... imx
i .-
As .we predicted tbe&e last days of onr great
most nttrnctlvo of tho entire ,nle.
Far-Lighted shoppers in iintiolpntlon of the early
termination of this hnle ure hnving all their full Shoe
supplies now. Shoes may cost ynu double of our pres-
ent prices Inter on. Hero are more money-aaviiig
elmucL's for today:
Chlld'n Tan Snrine Heel
Button Hoots, 5 to 8;
Lxceitjnt-wearlng t,tioe3,
Child's Shoes uud SHnners.
btouc mack and Brown Kid, e
1-or hoys and glrla, nVP
TODAY .... J7W
Men's nnd llovs'
Cuheo Calf Shoes.
Sore and durable, laced
nnd gaiters, O hhapcb,
Men's 2.50 HtiHHct Shoes.
Or good Rufcsia Leather, tm tr
Laced on the com toe, A
TODAY... tpi.tJ
Men's Hmi(t-Miide Blnclc Shoes.
With flexible Oa Leather soles.
0 styles, laced and gaiters
930 and 932
1914 nutl 19 IG Pa. Ave.
Vmor.Sccurity and Trust HI
Wash. Safe Deposit ol
Capital Traction Co 65'4
.Metropolitan HhX
Lcluiubia ... 3
Georgetown tfcTenmlljtown
Va8bin;:ton GasH 37
Georgetown Gas H
U.S.. i-.lcctnc U.rht 10 C
ueriu.iu Aiuericau
National Lniou
Real Estate Title
Columbia Title
.1 adliiiiKtou 'iitlo
I'ennsylvanla ,
Chesapeake and Potomac.
American Grapuopboue
American Urapuojihone, pfd....
1'ui.uuiaucUuu crriae
Mergenthaler Linotype
Lmston Monotypo
WasUiuclon ilarkot
Groat Kails Ice ,
lb I
12! 123
Ion 16K
Chicago, .Aug. 21. The wheat market
was active and excited agAln today, and
to hay so is ancient history. The advance
from yesterday's close was G cents per
bushel. The range for December, now
the active option, was from 90 1-4
to 03 l-'J cents, with a reaction of 7-S
cents- at the finish. Liverpool came higher,
adancing 1 1-2 to 4 0-4 cents per bushel
Notw lthstandlng the decline here yesterday,
such an advance would oruinnuly bring
the cash buIuess to a standstill, but New
iork reported acceptances of over 100
loads Today's clearances were 717,000
bushels, making a total of 4,000,000 bush
els for the past five days. Receipts at
primary markets were 839,000 bushel,
while shipments were 931,000 bushels. The
dollar mark wa- passed at New Vork.Bal
timore, St. Louis and .Minneapolis.- The
viable looks as though It would decrease
1,000,000 bnhels. The decrease in the
Xorthwctt will be J, 100,000 bushels.
Th advance today waslargely on further
confirmation of decreased crop prospects
in the Northwest and the confident belief,
based on the most conservative infor
mation to ho had, that the total crop yield
of this year will but hlightly exceed that
of last year, andthatthe amountofourex
portablp surplus will be less than that of
189G. The serious deterioration in quality
of a large portiouof the Xorthwehtcr jp.uf
itself, in view of the reduced estimate ot
the total yield s a very bullish feature
Uigh price3 seem to be an assured fact.
Corn was active aud higher.
St Louis, Aug. 20. Dollar wheat was a
fact on the St. Louis market today. Cash
wnent sold for SI a hnshel on sample, and
the farmers' dream wab realized. Only one
cat load was sold at SI a bushel. It was
cIiqIcc grade and bought from the Brinson
Judd Grain Company for seeding pur
poses. It was raised in Sedgwick county.
Kan. Dollar wheat cut a ligure In the
trading a second time on the call, when
5,000 bushels of May wheat sold at that
price. It w ns bought by the D. It. Franclo
Commission Company from C. II. Albers.
It was the first option trade made at the
price in six years. After the sale May
wheat was held at SI. 00 1-2.
Chicago Gth'n uud 1'rovLs'on Mnrke!.
Corrected daily hy W.B. Ilibbs & Co.,
Bankers and Brokers. Members of the
N. T. Stock Exchange, 1427 J? street.
CI os.
Spare Bins.
8 70
New York Cotton Mar-hot.
Open. Hiir'i. Low. CI03
September 6.SS C 93 8.S8 6JG
ti.7o C79 0.7i (J.7'1
0.6 1 G.G7 6.61 (1.67
bu7 6.69 6.6"! ts.r9
.Members of the New York Stoci Ex
change, 1410 F St., Glover Huildins.
Coirespondentsof Messrs. Moore i Schley,
Xo. B0 Broadway,
Bankers and Dealers in Government Konda.
Deposit Exchange. Loans.
Railroad stocks and Bonds and all
securities listed on the exchanges of
JSew York, Philadelphia, Boston and Balti
more bought and solo-
A specialty made of Investment securi
ties. District Bonds and all local Rail
road, Gas, Insurance and Telephone Stock
dealt In.
American Bell Telephone Stock bought
and sold- mhlS-tx
Open. High. Low.
90 93W 89
au ux , yoa
29 -9.J-?a 29
31 3llA 30f
18 SX !7,V
19 19, 19
S.C7 8.75 8.55
iS.bO 3.S5 S.t7
Si 1.69 4.50
L&5 1.7.2 1.62
5.10 5.22 5.10
Ladles' Splendid Oxfords.
Tan, ana Black Kid ft
Or urass Linen, nvT
Ladies Unnd-ewed Oxfords.
Regular 52 grades.
Both liUick and tan kid,
Ladies Hnnd-IVelt Ties.
finest chooolat2 or t4 C
Black kid, a.50 qualities, .T)I.Dj
TODAY - v '-''
Ladies S4 lloots.
Hand-sewed. button and laced:
.fines: cnocolate kid,
Ladles' Best Dress Boots.
iiand-inade,latent.Leath3rtj f
Ot tec black kid, n S
Seventh Street,
233 Pa. Ave. S. E.
Brokers and Dealers,
Stocks, Coiton, Grain and Provisions,
Eooms 10 and U Corcoraa 3ulliiax,
Corner 13th and P streets and 635 7th sr. rnr.
W. B. Ilibbs & Co.,
BA2.KnK3 aai BUOKUria,
Mea.berj KVr Vork Stock Escianj,
1427 F Street
Correspondents ot
2ew York.
Loan & Trust Co.
Loans in any amount mafl? oa
approved real estate or collateral ao
reasonable rates
Interest paid upon deposits on
daily balances subject to check.
'I ills company actsas executor, aa-
niluistrator, trustee.agent.treasurer.
registrar and in all other fiduciary
Boxes for rent in burglar and flre-
proor vaults for safe deposit and
5 storage of valuable packages.
JOHN A STVOPE Vice President
U. S CUMMINGS 2d Vice President
I!oney to Loan.
This company has money to loai
S on listed collateral securities as
w lowest rate or interest. 3
C. J. BELL, President 5
FOR RENT The best way to help your
business or profession is to moveinto the
Iirget and best-known office bmldinc la
the city,
A Tew choice rcomsnow available; mod
erate rental; no extras; perfect janitor
service; fire-proof surroundiugs; 3 ele
vators; 10 stories; commodious bicycle stalls
and free telephone service
Money to Loan
At 5 Per Cent.
on real estate In D. C; no delay; terny
JjO-tf 100S F st.nw.
Penies Thnt the Odor From Grnce
Inutl Cemetery Produces Typhoid. t
There arc no typhoid germs in the at
mosphere arouud Graceland Cemetery,
says Dr. "William C. Woodward, health
officer of the District, and if any cases
of typhoid are to be brought home agalnss
the cemetery and its newly-opened graves,
they were caused in all probability by
surface drainage leaking into the well on
Twentieth street and otter wells In the
That is the explanation made yesterday
ro The Times reporter in refutation of the
claim made by residents of the vicinity
that the cases of typhoid are due to at
mospherical contamination. The simple
reason for this opinion is the established
scientific fact that tphold germs cannot
be transmitted by air, but are usually
taken into tho sjstem through impure
water. These odois; If odors there are,
nmy be unpleasantly prominent to the
nUiotory nerves, but they are not in them
selves ilangeioue. It iveie decidedly bet
ter, in Dr. Woodward's opinion, that a
temporary odor be borne in patience In
order that a perpetual source of tjphold
be removed permanently. He ya? very
dfiubtrul, however, If there tvus a suffl
cient odor to be detected a quarter of a
mile away.
A RemmUublo Cure of Chronlo
"In 1SC2, when I Eerved my country
as a private in Company A, One-hundred
aud sixty-seventh Pennsylvania Volunteers,
I contracted chronlo diarrhoea. It has
given rac a great deal of trouble ever
since. I have tried a dozen different
medlciaes and several prominent doctors
withont any permanent relier Not ions
ago, n friend sent me a sample fcottla
of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy, and after that I bought
and took a PO-cent bottle; and now I
can say that I am entirely cured. I
cannot be thankful enough to you for
this great remedy, and recommend it to
all suffering veterans. It in doubt, wrlta
me- Yours gratefully, Henry Steinbcrger.
Allcntown, Fa ' Sold by nenry Evans.
"Wholesale aud Retail Druggist, 038 F
street; Connecticut avenue and S Btreec
northwest, und 1-128 Maryland aveana
Don't iliss Onr Next
Special present for today, Saturday,
August 21. Large 12 quart Galvanized
"Water Pail, or a'1-l-quart Dlb Pan free
to buyersof one pound of Tea, one noundof
, Baking Powder, or one dollar's worth of
uimvt.-, fiavoriuj r-xiractii. ana .uiiK-mam
Brand Condensed Milk. The Great At
lantic anu Pacific Tea Co.. 501 and 303
' Ten st. my. " if
,r& .A
tpfs, 3v S JL tw

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