Newspaper Page Text
-! f'- I rVfl r- .wca... will 1'11'il'll' rf rt? Fair and continued -warm weather; vaii able winds, becoming soutlieasterly. Circulation yesterday ;39,r462 XO. 1,395. ONE CENT. L fU4&gg)jumittinnmMttBsaBKHttMm in otiih'-, - v nt C7 cy - WASHINGTON, FRfDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1898. THE HEMIC ON TRIAL Injustice of Ihc Present Regime Shown in Zola's Case. TRUTH MUST BE INFERRED Direct Testimony Tlmt Might Vin dicate the Defendant Suppressed Thevenet's Eloquent Plea for Fail' XMoj- Anti-Zulu Demonst rat ions Are Indulged in Hy the Mob. Paris, Feb. 10. The hopeless struggle to dras the truth to light, despite the resistance of all the authorities of jus tice, went on todayiin the assize court, but 11. Zola and his associates had little succsss-beyond furnisning a fresh dem onstration of the injusJce of the present regime of the French Republic, which Is-the real defendant in the present trial. The proceedings were not so exciting today as on previous days. It is the pol icy of Mailie Labori, who is conduct ing M. Zola's case with consummate skill, to bring out the truth by inference and otlKr-indirect means form unwilling witnesses or those whom the court for bids to speak freely. He is succeeding remarkably well, so far as effect is pro duced on unprejudiced minds. For in stance, at yesterday's examination the testimony given by Gen. Gonse, who, while 'he answered some questions, point edly refused to say ir he had communi cated to Dreyfus's judges the secret doc ument en which Dieyfus was condemn ed, has -convinced most people that this infamous thing was done. The amazing fact remains that, de spite their belief that this was an il legal proceeding, a majority of French men continue to regard Dreyfus as guilty, and deny his light to a revision of the judgment condemning him. There "was an eloquent plea for justice, which the court was unable to suppress, near the close of the session by ex-Minister Thevenet. When he was foi bidden to answer a question regarding the secret Dreyfus document he cried: "Why, why not disclose it? Is there a single man who hears me, lawyer. Juror or magistrate, who can admit for an instant that a man can be condemn ed upon n piece of evidence he knows not of? 1 protest, in the name of lib erty, of free defense, in the name of human dignity. AVhat could be the dan ger of disclosure or fresh agitation? This troubled country will not rest until this thing is done, a thing so simple, Which cannot touch the respect due the army or the interests or national de lense." But this and all other appeals will avail nothing against the Inexorable re btriciions of the magistrates, which are applied more strictly every hour as the trial advances. Gen. Pcllieux, who conducted the in quiry into the charges and counter charges made in the Dreyfus affair last fall, and who reported that there was no evidence to warrant the prosecution of Count Esteihazy, took his place on the witness stand. He declared that lie was proud of the action of the court-mai tial in acquitting Esteihazy. There was only one traitor in the French army, lie said, and that miserable man was ex-Cap:. Dreyfus. Gen. Pallieux occupied the stand for some time and testified at considerable length. He explained that Col. Picquart had fabricated the bordereau published in the newspauers. with a view of ob taining the conviction of Count Etter hazy and showing the innocence of Drey fus. This bordereau, he said, differed absolutely from the original. After Gen. Pallieux had left the stand several members of the Dupuy cabinet were called to testify in reference to the alleged secret evidence against Drey "77e Great Providers." COMFORT. A -woman knows thnt a Hocker sives mor! actual rest and comfort than any other kind of c-hnir. nils is n particularly comfort able and -well-balanced one, and at this price is a bar gain indeed. 3railc ol solid polished oak or nuiliogain' finish Cane Scat A. $3.00 value lor Friday only .25 Even our most startling bargains carry the same privileges of credit as our regular prices. You enn make your own terms of payment. MAYER & PETTIT, 415-417 Small Street Finett hats we've shown yet the new fcprfcig styles. J. Aucrliach's. Frank Libbey Jfc Company, Sixth fctrceCsand New York avenue; u liiTTii -vS U l . rs? r S 0' 0 0 V I ihII fus, but the president refused to allow them to reply to the questions. There was a sufficient force of police and soldiers present today to prevent a repetition of yesterday's violence. At the close of the session the crowd was greater than ever. When al. Zoia drove away the ciowd marched across the Seine, increasing in numbers at every moment. At 7 o'clock this evening a mob of 3,000 persons invaded the Grand Boule vard and went to the otlice of the Au rore, the only newspaper which cham pions M. Zola, where they amused them selves by shouting the usual cries of "Spit on Zola," "Down with the trait ors" and "Death to the Jews." if. Labori told your correspondent to- .night that ha does not expect to finisli before Tuesday. KISSING IX GEORGIA. .Tudge Scvoi uiy Upbraids n CanluaU erons Father. Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 10. The kissing epi demic which has been raging in society circles has reached the courts, and the vital question of kissing or not kissing has been passed upon judicially. D. A. Engesser lias a pretty fourteen-year-old daughtcr.Mary, and Mary lias a seri ous beau, Louis Cacolo. who, while ard ently wooing har, indulged in the lux ury of kissing her ruby lips. Papa 13n gueser, belongs to the anti-kissers, and also believes that Maiy Is too young to permit such familiarities on the part of her "steady company." But Mary had a different view of the matter and permitted her lover to in dulge his propensity for kissing. Where upon he was cited into court by the irate paient, Mary not only defended her lover against the charge that he had insulted hu admitted liis right to kiss her and claimed a right to be kissed. Cacolo de clare.! his intention of marrying Mary, and Judge Calhoun, after soundly up braiding the father for his intciference, advit-ed Cacolo to go ahead with his'klss ing and love-making. IS'NO LONGER MINISTER Diipur De Lome's Resignation lias Been Accepted. Ilis Snece."w)i' to He Promptly Ap- pointed by the Spanish Government. Madrid, Feb. 10. Senor Dupuy de Lome, having admitted the authen ticity of the letter addressed to Senor Canalejas, in which lie indulged in low abuse of President McKinley, the cab" inct has accepted Ids lesignation. as minister of Spain to the United States, which he tendered, and ordered the sec retary of the Spanish legation at Wash ington to perform the duties of minister. The Queen Regent today presided at the meeting of the cabinet Prime Minister Sagasta notified her majesty that as soon as the government had heard repoits of the publication by the newspapers of the letter ascribed to Senor de Lome, Senor Gullon. minister of foreign affairs, cabled to him asking lor an explanation. It is understood that Senor de Lome's sucessor will be promptly appointed. LONDON" PKESS COMMUNIS. The Times and Standard Are Severe on De Lome. London, Feb. 10. The Standard's Madrid correspondent telegraphs that the government was equally .surprised at and displeased with the De Lome affair. Prime Minister Sagasta and several other ministers have publicly intimated that the relations between Spain and the United States will not be affected by the incident. A new en voy competent to continue the commer cial negotiations will be selected. The dispatch adds that the event has excited much public interest, Senor d Lome being popularly regarded as hav ing ably leprsrntid his country. The Standard's correspondent pays that lie did not receive Senor de Lome's letter and was surprised to hear that it was addressed to him. The, Standard, commenting on the subject, says: "The expressions In the letter show that the writer is destitute of th2 qualities required in his profes sion. A Spaniard should be a man of too much dignity to descend to vulgar personalities, even in confidential cor respondence." The Times says it is from every point of view deplorable and lamentable that so useful a career as Senor de Lome's should be terminated by an act of bas est treachery. The Morning Post, which is never de terred by a sense of delicacy in its can did criticism of the affairs of the United States, says it thinks that the letter of Senor de Lome to Senor Ca nalejas a natural communication lor anybody in his position at Washington to send. It adds: "Amid the breakdown of his fiscal policy and gloomy prophecies of the coming elections, this supposed insult to the Presidential office is a happy discovery for Mr. McKinley. enabling the Cabinet 1o assume an air of out raged dignity. The impetuous, high handed proceedings of the Government at Washington form another illustra tion of the total contempt for good manners which characterizes the De partment of State. In this particular case energy has been stimulated by tla opportunity for pleasing tire rabble of their party, without actually provok ing Spain to declare war." CARDS. FOR SENOR 1)1) BOSC. Several Diplomats Puy Formal Calls at the Spanish Legation. M. Jules Cambon, the Swedish minis ter and several other diplomats called ysl i day at the Spanish legation and left their cards, not for Dupuy de Lome,, but for Senor Juan Du Bosc, who is in charge of Spain's interests in this city. Ir. Dah's Lecture. Mr. John Daly, the Irish patriot, who will deliver a lecture on "Tortures in British Prisons" on Sunday night at the New National Theater, will arrive in this city at 5:35 p. m. on Saturday. Mr. Daly lias Pctmed In the principal cities cf the East and has received enthusiastic le ceptions. Don't miss Elks' Beiicrit today. Doors open at 11 o'clock. Mr. Sam. J. Adams, ttie celebrated comedian, has also volun teered liis services. --Performance com mences promptly at noon. All Higns point to Lower Prices, iu all kinds of lumber tulsfryear. THE IMPENDING CRISIS Diplomatic Relations With Spain May Be .Severed. M. M LOME'S RESIGNATION Its Acceptance liy the Madrid Government- Displeases Our State De partment The Disgraced Diplo mat Given Ilib PasuportH Yester day A Cablegram From Minister Woodfoid Agitates Judge Day It Is Not Relieved That u Formal Apology Has Heeii Made. The United States Government is on the verge of a severance of diplomatic relations with Spain. While the devel opments of yesterday told in a circum stantial way do not justify-the absolute announcement that Minister Wcodford will be recalled from his post, there seems to be little doubt that the Ameri can Slate Department is displeased with Spain's effort to save Dupuy de Lome's reputation by acccpfng h!s res ignation. "" There is reason to believe that the Administration has asserted itself at last, and that it will stand on the prop osition that the gossiping minister must bear the odium attached to a dis missal. At precisely S o'clock last night a messenger from the State Department look to Judge Day's house the trans lated copy of the cipher cablegram from Minister Woodford, at Madrid, that the President and State Depart ment had been expecting since noon. Judge Day received the dispatch, read it and was visibly affected by Its con tents. Whatever it contained, the message so affected his nerves that when, a minute or so later, he picked up a newspaper, the trembling of his hands was plainly noticeable, and his manner of speaking had changed from the courtly and pleasant manner so natural with him to almost harshness, and the pitch of his voice was raised an octave. . In reply to a question by a reporter present, the Assistant Secretary of State said that the dispatch was from Gen. Woodford, and that it corrobo rated the statement published in The Times, that the Spanish -government had "accepted the resignation of Djpuy de Lome." He was pressed for some further in formation as to whether the dispatch contained a disavowal by Spain of the gross insult offered by Dupuy de Lome, or as to any other particulars contain ed in the message, but in an unusually short tone he replied that he Avould not make any further statement last night. From Judge Day's agitation it ap peared apparent that Spain had delib erately added to the insult offered by Dupuy de Lome, but in what respect the Assistant Secretary left the report er to conjecture, and he became con vinced that Spain had not humbled herself by any apologies. The Assistant Secretary left hip house five minutes after receiving the message, and hurried down T street and disappeared from view. He so completely disappeaied that the most diligent search could not find him, and repeated inquiries at his house met with the same result, the servant mere ly saying that Judge Day had gone out and had not returned. Late In the night it was learned that the Assistant Secretary of State had gone to the home of Chief Clerk Michael, of the State Department, and that he dictated a message to be sent instantly to Gen. Woodford. The con tents of the dispatch expressed the great indignation of the Administra tion and the American people over the action of Spain in accepting Dupuy de Lome's resignation, and demanded of Spain a disavowal of the sentiments of ! her disgraced minister. As a further evidence of indignatibn the passports for Dupuy de Lome were sent to him immediately. Early yesterday morning Judge Day entered his office at the State Depart ment. A cablegram from Minister Woodford was awaiting him. A few minutes later ire issued a statement, as follows: "Washington. Feb. 10, 1S9S. "Gen. Woodford was telegraphed yes terday afternoon in substance as fol lows: , "There has appeared in the public prints a letter addressed by the Spanish minister to Mr. Canalejas. This letter, the minister admits, Was written by him. it contains expressions con cerning the President of the United States of suoh a character as to end the minister's usefulness-as a repre sentative of his government in this country. Gen. Woodford was, there fore, instructed at once o say to the Minister of State that the immediate recall or Mr. Dupuy de Lome is expect ed by the President." Although Judge Day would not ad mit the fact, it was believed that the cablegram- from Gen. Woodford con tained the information that the resig nation Dupuy de Lome, had wired had been accepted by the Spanish gov ernment, notwithstanding;, the request that had been made by this Govern ment that the Spanish minister should be recalled in disgrace. It is understood that Gen. Woodford's message was not sufficiently clear on this point, and that The outlook; for buildings every w here is bad. Wc are thefirsHSntprlces. he was cabled for a more complete ac count of "the situation in Spain and a positive answer as to whether Spain proposed to disavow Dupuy de Lome's .sentiments. It was the answer to this message that Judge Day received last night. There was a general feeling about the State Department yesterday that the disgraced but wily Spanish minister had, witli his customary shrewdness, outwitted the Administration. He had forestalled action on the part of the Government by cabling his lesignation, and liis friends had caused its immedi ate acceptance, which, diplomats say, prcventsTthe Spanish government, if it were so inclined, from recalling him. The only redress, it is said, that this Government now has is to force Spain to explain her feelings in the matter and compel her to disavow Dupuy de Lome's letter and that if this is not done Minister Woodford may be re called by the Administration and the Jong expected crisis relative to Cuba become apparent. Judge Day waited patiently for a re sponse from Gen. .Woodford, and while so ocupied 'he went over to the White House and conferred with the Presi dent. This consultation was essentially a private one. for no person was per mitted to intrude while-it lasted. It is known that the President" expresssed surprise and annoyance at the condi tion and complications that the Dupuy de Lome affair was asstimine and that a possible severance of friendly rela tions with Spain might result, although there were many reasons why Spain should not force, such an issue. When Judge Day left the President, each ex pressed a hope that Minister Wood ford's reply to the last message would prove satisfactory, and that the con troversy would end with it. It trans pired later that Gen. Woodford's roply was more than unsatisfactory, as has been related, mnd some stirring news from Minister-TVoodford is expected to day, as an answer to the midnight dis patch. A report reached the State Depart ment yesterday that the Spanish gov ernment had not only accepted the res ignation of Dupuy do Lome, but had made Senor Juan du Kosc charge d' af faires at Washington. This report was discredited until the message from Minister Woodford was received by Judge Day last night. This ' Govern ment will not recognize the charge d' affaires in diplomatic matters until the controversy over Dupuy de Lome is ad justed to the satisfaction of the Ad ministration. Until this is accomplish ed all diplomatic affairs must be ar ranged between the Spanish govern ment and Gen. Woodford, who will, as heretofoi-e, act ifrfder the immediate di rection, of the AcTministration. It is- expected that the disgraced Spanish minister will leave this coun try for Spain at the earliest possible date, now that he lias nractically been ordered out of the country by the Ad ministration, having received liis pass ports. In an interview oh Dupuy de Lome Senator Hale yesterday said: "There was nothing left for Mr. de Lome to do but resign after acknowl edging the geijtiinenfs.s of the letter. Still, the incident is a melancholy in stance of a man's injuring his own for tunes and possibly destroying a bril liant career by one unfortunate mis step. "With yds exception Mr. de Lome's career here; as- the representa tive of liis country at a critical time has been entirely creditable, and he has done much to. maintain amicable rela tions between'tUe two nations. "He lias been wise, prudent and con servative, and has done much to pre serve peace when many a less cautious man would have been apt to commit an offense lhatnvould have resulted In hostilities. It was certainly indiscreet on Iris part to write sucli a letter and commit it to the mails, and he should have known better. I have not conferred w'ith Mr. de Lome since the letter was made public, but 1 feel confident that the translation given out gives it the harshest possible tone, and I believe that -a proper translation would soften it very much. Personally, 1 feel the deepest, sympathy in the mat ter, and am srry that Mr. de Lome is to retire, but.1 do not allow myself to thinlc for a '.moment that the inci dent will be tiie, cause of straining the - , i TheVPeather. Fairi,.?aridJrcbiiHbued -warm. r . IUUX A.'UlAVaS& ' - mm i liMHflsr . . v . i EmiIIfM JiHlVNOW.V if msSsA MiNwieSil ' ."'- -' - Sv' ' ; SCAT ! relations between this country and Spain. The Liberal ministry will, of course, send us as minister a man of its owrfparty, a"nd I have no doubt Ave l shall secure an acceptable and compe- ! tent man as Mr. de Lonu's succassor.'' I SKNATOKS CONDEMN DE LOME. j They, However, Credit Him With Playing a Shrewd Trick. "Mr. De Lome," said one of the lead ing members of -the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations yesterday, "can- ' not be reached by the Secretary of State nor the President. He has played his cards to perfection, and if his pass pcrts were sent to him lie would simply return them with a polite note saying that lie had no need for them, inas much as lie was a citizen of Spain spending a few days here for his own I pleasure. And Secretary Day would be compelled to gnash his teeth, swal low his chagrin, and see De Lome leave the country like a gentleman, not in disgrace, but with the knowledge that his government had tacitly ap proved of what he had done. "The mistake the President made was that he did not act promptly and send De Lome his passports before he had received any ociffiai notice of the res ignation of the offending minister. Had he done that the displeasure of the Ad ministration would have been made public and De-Lome could' not ha-e got out of it so easily as he has.- Those passports are fcaid to have been made out, but If they were they were held too long. There is good reason to believe that in his cable De Lome told his gov ernment the condition of affairs and pleaded that his resignation be accept ed before a demand could be made for his recall, and this is the reason for the prompt action of the Spanish min ister of foreign affairs." The talk at the Capitol was largely directed at the unlocked for faux pas of the Spanish minister in connection with the great work that official has been able to accomplish since the out break of hostilities in Cuba. He has been unceasing in his labors and has accomplished wonders. Through liis di rect efforts the whole revenue cutter service and half of the Atlantic squad ron have been turned into patrol boats guarding the coast for Cuban expedi tions, and it required only a hint from the legation to set the whole machinery of the customs service at work looking after allleged violators of the neutrali ty laws- Nine times in ten these ru mors have been groundless, and in many cases foolishly misleading, but the Government has run them down all the same. Enormous sums of money have been expended and the slightest wish of Dupuy de Lome has been a command to the Treasury officials. In the face of these exertions on the part of the Government and despite the most courteous of treatment both by offlclals and the public generally this man lias been guilty of the grossest impropriety in criticising tiie head of the nation with which Spain claims to be at peace. Attention was yesterday called to the fact that at the time the letter was written the then minister was being made the recipient of unusual social attentions, and that he was given particular courteous treatment at the AVhite House. There is a difference of opinion as to the accuracy of the charges made against the President, but that differ ence of opinion is due to the differences in parties. As Senator Bacon said, the differences of Americans end at the water's edge, and it is not becoming that foreign representatives should do that which they themselves may with propriety do. Senator Tillman said he would agree witli the minister that President McKinley had been pretty ac curately sized up, but lie did not pro pose that outsiders should say so. "This difference of opinion," he said, "as to the qualities of the President constitute a family row, and we will settle it in our own way. De Lome has been caught doing something that de serves censure, and lie ought to have been summarily treated. The mistake was made in giving him a chance to re sign." 'The Spanish minister should have been given his passports the moment it was learned that he was the author of that letter," said Senator Foraker. Senator Hale, always the friend of Spam and the mouthpiece of the min ister on the floor of the Senate, has steadfastly refused to be interviewed, but in discussing the incident with his colleagues yesterday he said that the resignation or recall of De Lome at this time was the worst blow that had yet befallen Spain. He believes that De Lome is a diplomat of consummate skill, and that it will be impossible for that government to send here another man who can accomplish such results as have been secured by the man who now leaves under this cloud. Senator Allison, usually very con servative, said that De Lome, having confessed to the authorship of the let ter,, had no alternative but to leave the country, and that the cause of Spain would be enhanced by his early depart. No matter what Prices are given you come right here. Our prices arc lower. f!&3&&tfl t urc Senator Jones, like all the Demo crats, is more bitter In his denuncia tion. He characterized the personal at tack on the President, as unjustifiable, and said that the Administration should have given him his passports without asking Tor his recall. After he had been dismissed then it would have been time enough to notify the Spanish gov ernment that such action had been taken. Chairman Davis, of the Committee on Foreign Itelations. in a cautious manner says that De Lome, having re signed and signified his intention of re turning to Spain, the incident is prob ably closed. Mr. Turpie differs from some of his colleagues on the committee, and holds that notwithstanding the resignation of the minister, it still reste v.Jth the Presirirm tN Ooveramfnt shall do. Mr. Turpie believes that the Presi dent can ignore his resignation and dis miss him, sending him out of the coun try in disgrace. There is a general hope that if this can be done that course will be pursued, for the states men on the hill hope that this diplo mat will not be able up to the last to outwit the American Government. Senator Lindsay calls attention to one phase of the letter Which has been overlooked in the indignation expressed at the personalities it contains. He looks upon it is a revelation -to the whole world of the true situation In Cuba, It is notorious that since the war began Spain has in its official an nouncements claimed every battle that has been fought. In his letter Dp Lome made the unusual statemtnt that Spahi could not hope to succeed unless it met with political and military success. His reference to political success, of course, means, the Senator says, the successful inauguration of its plan of autonomy. "The letter, coming as it did from the best posted man in America on the Cu ban situation," said Senator Lindsay, "shows the helplessness of Spain and the utter inability of that'government to cope with the situation and suppress the insurrection. As a contribution to the history of the present strmrsrle. it ought to open the eyes of the Adminis tration and point out the pathway that should be followed." DE LOME GIVES A DINNER. It Is Not Attended by Ambassadors or Envoys. Dupuy de Lome is no longer in AVash ington society. He is as much an out cast from friendly intercourse with re spectable American men and women as it is possible for a man to be who has proved himself a trickster and a slan derer. And yet Dupuy de Lome gave a din ner last evening. It was not the dinner he expected to give, for which invita tions had been sent some time ago. The ex-minister had made elaborate arrangements for a reception and din ner in honor of the French ambas sador, M. Jules Cambon. With the hope of eclipsing all previous receptions to an ambassador. De Lome had been excedingly exclusive in liis invitations, asking only the foremost of diplomats and the most exclusive of American society to honor his affair with their p.-; scno. The invitations were recalled a few hours after The Times of Wednesday morning had informed the good people who held them that the man whom they proposed to honor by sitting at his table was a sneak and a hypoerite. No American, therefore, not even the New England Senator who has bean De Lome's faithful ally, apppeared at the legation last night. No true American wuuld have apppeared, even if Dupuy de Lome had not canceled his dinner with the same alacrity with which he cabled his resignation. And yet, as has been said, he gave a dinner party. It was an informal affair. No ambassa dor, no envoy, no charge d'affaires graced the event with his presence, but it is reported that there were secreta ries and other members of the diplo matic corps present galore. To this no possible objection can be made. Americans have nothing to do with the social movements of foreign ers. If they wish to accept the hospi tality of a fellow like De Lome they liave a right to do so without let or hindrance. They perhaps have a. right to do what they are reported to have done. The report comes to The Times on creditable authority and without criti cising the incident it is given for what it is worth. Wine usually flows freely at a dinner of the sort referred to, and last night's affair was no exception to the rule. It is said that at a late hour Dupuy de Lome was toasted by his guests and complimented for the manner in whicii he had treated the incident of Wednes day. It is also stated that lie was told by more than one of the company that his estimate of the American Presi dent's character was correct. The party broke up shortly after mid night, the lights in the Spanish lega tion were extinguished, and Dupuy de Lome was left with his own thoughts. If j-ou can pay cash yonMl find everything far lower than last year. ft TRICK OF AUTONOMISTS They Will- Banrjnet the French Naval Officers. RETALIATING FOR A SLIGHT They Are Displeased IJeeanse the Americans Did Not Call ITuon Them A New Scheme to Stttitlim the Patriots Disagreeable Inci dents of Biauco'.s Trip. Havana, Feb. 10. When the. qUCk of the Maine upon their arrival net did not go ta pay their respectst t jiaeh of the autonomical ministers, VKWsCOM sider themselves at the head. of the government, it wounded the susceptible feelings of these worthy gentlemen Wishing to show the Americans hr deeply they have felt the slight, they asked Dupuy de Lome to prevail on the French legation at Washington to order the officers of the Dubourdieu to call jti them on their arrival; as they did. The visit was returned with great pomp by the ministers, who will give a banquet to the French officers as a mark of their gratitude. Spain is resorting to all sorts ot ways to influence the Cubans to )y d.i-.n their arms and accept vhat t.'vey call autonomy. Several ladies, wives of prominent Spaniards of the city, have prepared a petition, which they curry from house to nous", begging the most prominent Cuban young girls to sign it, and especially those who have rehtfvea in the field. The petition reads: "We, the undersigned, in the nam of God and humanity, beg the Cubans to lay down their arms and stop this de vastating war and blcoJshel, aecettn? the generous and liberal conefAitofta of Spain." It isneedless to say that the veqtpsc for the signatures has been Hatly ire fused in many houses. It is said in Spanish circles hew fekaS the son of Gen. Galixto Garcia, Caniwa Garcia Valez. died from wouiwJ re ceived at the recent engagem at Guamo. Blanco had the misfortune to bar a few disagreeable things coincide1 with his trip to the east. The first was tlwt when he arrived at Manzanillo, efcar ishing the hope of embracing ItaW afetl Rios, he learned that they were having a terrific fight with the combined col umns of Linares and Luque, in whteh fight the son of his great friend, Qett. Luque. was mortally wounded. On arriving at Santiago ?e Cttt)tfi tmf- ty young men of the best-SnoTWBr-Awa-:1 ilies, instead of waiting to receive nin. left the city on the quiet the same, day ,to join the insurgent forces. ills, Barton Arrives. Havana. Feb. 10. Miss Chira Barton, of the Red Cross Society, accompanied by Mr. Ehvell. arrived this morntngv No members of the Spanish Red Cross went to meet her. She drove to tfce Hotel Inglaterra. where she has se cured rooms on the same floor as i'&n sul General Lee. GARMENT MAKERS STRUCK. 3,000 Men Out on the East Side' in New York- New York.Feb.10. Nearly S.000 cloth ing operators on the East Side sw on strike to-day, demanding about twiee the amount of wages they hare been receiving. The trouble began yesterday with the strike of the trousers makers. On the refusal of the nmnufnetitrem to grant a new schedule of wages or even to consider the demands of their employes as a union, S.OCO members r the Pants Makers I'nion immediate? quit work. Mayer Shoenfeld. the leader of the Brotherhood of Tailors, says the strike is not an important one. and will prob ably end the labor difficulties of tt tailors in 1S9S. "There are only about X.WW strikers. among the tailors now," said he. - There are 2.000 pants makers, 700 eluakmakers and 300 miscellaneous workers In volved." FEEDING DESTITUTE UiriUNS. Letter From Gen. Lee to the Cen tral Relief Committee. New York. Feb. 10. In a letter front Consul General Lee, dated February !, to the central relief committee. IUe con sul general says that the supplies re ceived thus far have been dfctilbuteri lit Havana and outlying towns, over 7.GOT of the destitute people being daily fed. As soon as ample provisions arelve. It is Gen. Lee's purpose to send them to Matanzas, Sagua. and other rffenant points on the island that can be reached by the railroads, which agree tt transport the articles at half-price. The committee will send a large quantity of supplies direct to Matanzas on the next steamer. RACE TKCnUI.ES IN OELOIIOMA., White Residents of Ulnckwell Ob ject to Colored Settlers, j Perry, O. T., Feb. 10. Blarkweli. a,). town of 2,000 inhabitants, thirty mttesi, north of here, is on the verge of a race war. The people of Bladen ell have never allowed a negro to live In the town. The town was built by Col. i. J. Blackwell. the noted Cherokee In dian town builder and boomer. Some days ago Co!. Blackwell pro cured a colony of negroes to settle hu Blackwell and gave eaeh family a resi dent lot and sufficient land on which to build a schoolhouse and church. The colored families have begun to arrive at Blackwell. The whites declare thac they will stay in the town hi pite of. the whites. Handsomest of sprins neck f-carf : axrots, GOc. AuerUactTs, G2IJ Pa. avc. IVY BUSINESS COLLEGE-Sth am! K" None better. 323 a yeai; day or niglic. We keep Hardware, Mill work, lumber, oxul the prices on ail are falling.. jggssg.3&1jta&jagfe'aiiw- ;f.R,i;,, s.-ifea o-ftu j --i .,