Newspaper Page Text
THE TJMES, WASHINGTON. ;ONDAY, OCTOBER 10. 189a - IIKLl' WANTED MALE. WANTED Collators, watehm-n, cok-, waiters an h ua'nvr.f.s. BUSINESS BUREAU, 71S I2Uict. nv. It WANTED Th roughly competent mec an cal draughtsman; pennanint -work, for sati&fjcto y tnan. Address, stating references, esnerbnee art aliry.des5r d. MECHANICAL ENGINEER, lhl' o7 ficc ocl0-3t WANTED Dor who understands scouring and eloanirg. SOU E st nw. tcl0-3t WANTED Four pnperhairgera; also thrc? good painters. 20 Dili it. mv. oclO-St WAJfTED Porters, drivers, cosks, waiters. hoy. butlers, flmncn. ftablnnen. dichwaahert. CITV INTELLIGENCE OFFICE, 427 lllh st nw. oolO-St WANTED White coachman with private fimily; references. C14 13th tt, nw. oc!0-8t WANTED A feWgord agents. HARPER 4: CO., photographer?, 450 pa. ave. oc0-3t WANTED Young man to manage lunch roam and oyster bar; only reliable man need an swer. Address II. P., tlii office. cc9 3t SHfTITlM 811 "st'lT nr l,Jr. Artc t.H 4 16 cents. CO-OPERATIVE CLOTHING CO., J 707 G et. ocOSt I WANTED SO good Fewer men, and 6 or 7 gacd cart drivers; good wages; none but good men need apjAy. il. F. GUINpY. 22d and Water s.s. J nw. ccS-3t,cm WANTED Two tailcrs at once at BELLEVIEW EXCHANGE, 715 11th ft, nw. ccS-St WANTED Cirpct layers. Apply to A. E. KEN NEDY, 1704 G tt nw. oc7-3t,era . WANTED--Middle-agrd man that knous how tt handle outers from the shell to the frying pan; abo 1 cake baker. Call at 824 7th st. sw. WANTED Rovs for messenger jervice. Applv after ! p. m., MUTUAL DISTRICT MESSEN- CER COMPANY, 1401 F st. nw. oc0-4t.ciii WANTED Br a cornpanj' manufacturing a very useful household a'ticl", raintcrs to pa-nt ad vertising signs .n fences, etc; part payment Jo be made in products of our factory. Addiess U. H. A., this o'Hee. " ocO 6t,em HEL1 "WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Good cook, charoleimaid, nuTe, and general housework, imme-diatelv; references. C04 Sth .nvr. " It WANTED At once, a reliable girl for general housework; mutt stay nights. 1529 C.h st. nw. WANTED A colored cook and laundress; also a ' ettkd nurse; references. 1747 Oregon ave. w. It WANTED A white nurse to take care of two years' old child and do chamber work; wag's $K; must bring recommendations. Applv 14S3 Oafarabia Road. It WANTED A young lady to teach English. Call 816 Oth st. nw., between 1 and 2. It WANTED Typewriters, office clerk, chamber maids, and nurses. BUSINESS BUREAU. 71S ISth et. nw. It WANTED White or colored cook and chamler ihW; :J. 1702 1-2 10th tt nw. celO-St WANTED Five colored cooks, $12. $14, $13. $16. $1S; also number of other colored help for pri rate families. LADIES' EXCHANGE, G14 13th st sw. oc!0-3t WANTED White general houseworker; two in familv; $15; no washing. 014 13th st. nw. ocI6-t" WANTED General boussworkers, cooks, chamber maids, seamstresses, ro-m cleaners, laun-. dre'sca; iibM-cs, furnished till suited. SHACKLE FORD'S. 427 11th st. nw. ocl0-3t WANTED Bright young woman, to asist g'ntle man in studies ctenings. Address BRIGHT, thi ffice. oc9-St WAJCTED By a German girl, a positien as gen ial houseworker. Address B. E. B., this office.- - oc9 St WANTED Young lady as asjistant to !ookkeepsr tlnilry goods store; state where employed and' alar- wanted. Address DOX 14, this ofliee. oc9-St WANTED Expert waist -finishers and trimmers t once. Address FINE WORKER this efficc. OCS-4H WANTED Woman for general housework. Call Igg XIA St. c9-3t WANTED A waist and coat hand at 1221 II -st. nw. Call at once. ocO-4t WANTED White girl to wait in lunch rwra; mn le quick. 1001 F st. nw. oc9-3t WANTED v white woman, to do washing at hatp Addrcw ERGO, this office. oCJ-2t WANTED Woman to cook and do general house work, in a family of three; stay nights. 2il7 Q Et. oc3-3t,em WANTED A German girl for general bouse work; In private family; no waging and iron ing; go d iKy to right party. Call at 412 II s1.. nw. ocS-St.em WANTED Apprentices at the National Institute of Drcsscutting for Colored American Girls. Call or send for circular; trial lesson free. 310 A 1-2 st. nw. ocS-3t WANTED Golorsd girl or woman to cook for small private family. Call immediately, 227 B st. nw.. corner 3d and B. ocS-St WANTED A white cook, at 301 East Capitol street. oc7-3t,em WANTED Pearl II. to call at MRS. MASON'S. 381 East Capitol St. oc7-3t,em WANTED Ladies' hair dresser: alo manicure. Address MME. EMILE CAYE, 313 N. Charles tt.. Baltimore. Md. oc4-7t WANTED White girl to do light housework. 919 K st, nw. ocS-St SITUATIONS WANTED 31 ALE WANTED Situation as engineer, watchman or janitor; can give best city reference. Address II. iL. this office. oc!0-3t WANTED By young man; 20; heavy work at nights; from about 6 to 10; good references. Address WORKMAN, this office. oc9-3t WANTED By expert wine maker, po-ition in hotel, restaurant or corporation; references. P. A1TGESTINE, 1207 E st. nw. oc9-3t WANTED By colored man, place as waiter in private family. 110 Pierce st. nw. oc9-3t WANTED Br young colored man, position as twter or driver; personal references. Call or addrew 2029 Sd st. nw. oc9-3t WANTED Waiting in private family. Address RIVERS, 1S29 D St., city. ocfl-3t WANTED Position as cook in hotel or reatau--ant; lifetime experience; best city refs. Call 4Lullt: ocS-3t WANTED By colored man, situation as watch man or waiter man; first-class city references as te .honesty and ability. Apply to THOMAS J. BANISTER. 1S02 ISth st. nw. ocS-3t SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE WANTED By first-class cook, situation. 913 11th et. nw. ocl0-3t WANTED By expert of 12 years' experience, posi tion as cutter and fitter in hign-grade dress making establishment; can furnish reliable city references as to ability. Address CUTTER AND FITTER, this office. oc!0-2t WANTED Stenographer, owning machine, will pay party 10 per cent of proceeds to secure work fer rcr to do at home. Address SECRE TARY, 2520 13th st, nw. oc9-3t WANTED By capable colored woman, washing and ironing to do at home. Address 2210 11 Ui st. nw. oc9-3t WANTED By experienced dressmaker, work in families; good work. Address B. S. N., this office ocS-3t.em WANTED General house work and good wages. Call 429 Ridge st, ocS-3t,ern WANTED By colored woman, place as cook or chambermaid. 2255 Cleveland arc, nw. oc-3t SITUATIONS WANTED MALE AND FE3IALE. SIRS. MOORE'S SOUTHERN AGENCY, 303 G st, nw. EMPLOYMENT oclO 3t WANTED LOTS. WANTED For building purposes, ten lots, nicely located; on easy terms. Address SUCCESS, this office. oc9-3t WANTED BOARDERS. WANTED Boarders; first-class- accommodations, with or without board; fine location; conven ient to Sth st, car.; near the Pollock "Kindergarten chool; terms reasonable. 1549 Columbia, corner Q st, nw. ocS-St WANTED HORSE. WANTED Horse for its keeping for a few months, or will keep him all Winter, for light driving; will give the best of reference. Address W. A. M-, this office. ocS-3t "VANTED AGENTS. WANTED-cTc ri -.agents on salarj. AMERICAN HOME LIKE INSURANCE COMPANY, 907 G st. oc7-3t,cm WANTED ROOMS AND BOARD. WANTED Room and bcaid within ten blocks of Pnnion Office, for man and wife and one boy of twelve. Address, giving; lecatien and terms, 2317, this office. It WANTED HOUSES. WANTED To rent, a small house with stable; conveniently located. MAURER'S ?1 HAT STORE, Oil 7th st. nw. ocS-3t- WANTED Ry reliable party with full stock of ladi(-s' and cents' clothing store property at from 2,000 to $4,000; jttyab'e in monthly install ments, with privilege of paying full amount at any time. LANDOW k CO., Roon 3, Pacific Building. ocS 3t WAATED ROOMS. WANTED Three unfurnished roon:s for light hout-cVrcping; Capitol Hill preferred; state; price. Address F. J. F.t this oflice. It ' WANTED Two rooms for light hou-creeping within radius cf 7 to 8 squares from Western Union Tslrgraph Office; prefer furnished; second floor. Address J. D. V.. tin's office. It WANTED Throe or four, unfur. rooms; heat iinl gas; for light housekeeping. Address L. C. H this office. ocS-3t,cm WANTED By single lady, two communicating rooms; second flocr; 3 story house; one fur nished, one unfurnished; 1. h.; between 12th and 20th sts. nw., $12; lessons in Latin and French in partial payment if desired. S., care of carrier 153. otS-3t WANTED SUHURI1AN HOUSES. j WANTED To buy, suburban home; will give city pn-pertv in part payment or will pay cash. ; Address G." W. B., this office. oc9-3t WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTOVOak Hat desk; also table; strong. DAVID L. GITT, C23 F st. It WANTED Gas range and ice chest. Address HOTCOLI), this office. oc9 3t WANTED Furniture for parlor and 4 bedrcoms, including nice carpets and curtains; pjy monthly. A. B. C, this office. ocS-3t,eni WANTED Old feather beds fcr eish. G. T., thii office. ocS-3t,em ARE YOU about to insure life or property? You can save money by sending name 1 advertis er, who is not an insurance agent. ECONOMY, ttits office. oc5-3t,em WANTED Hammerless gun stock HEMPLER'S. Opticijn. Oth and Pa. ave. ocS-3t,em WANTED Few second-hand carpenter's tools; cheap Address R. P. C, this office. ocS-3t WANTED Second-hand flooring, window sash, and doors clieap; quick. J. W. C., this office. oH3-dt.cin HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for second-hand clothing, firearms and musical instruments. 905 D st. nw ; call or drop ltostal. jy2S-tf-em WANTED To buy or sell, machinery of all de scriptions, such as steam engines, boilers, iron I girders, elevator?, electric motors, platform scales, i-auicr ueiungs, rep 's, puurys, gas nxiurta, old harness steam, water nd gas pipes; also old iron, brass, copper, lead, zinc, liooks and paper stock, for which I par highest market prices. II. BEHNT1EIMER, 930 C st. nw. mhS-tf-cra IIOOMS A"D BCAIID. FOR RENT Large furnished front room; also good table board; home cooking. 917 12th st. nw. oc!0-3t WANTED Two lioarders for nicely furnished room; with first -clas board; bath, gas, heat; ?4 per week apiece. 2037 II st. nw. oc9-3t WANTED Boarders; gentlemen preferred; nwiy furnished rooms steam heat. 1017 12th st. nw. oc9 3t A REriNED lady can obtain finely fu'nished rocm, with or without board: nice nrightor hood; nw.; with privileges, by addre sing PRIVI LEGES, this office. oc9 3t FOR RENT First-class roonw, with board. 213 3d st. se., ne-ar Capitol and Xibrary. oc9 3t ROOMS AND BOARD Pleasant rooms and board at S05 Mt. Vernon Place. ocS 3t,em ROOMS AND BOARD Beautiful parlor suite; 2d floor front room; southern exo-ure; ako othr roams; first-class board; reasonable rates. Call 1313 H st. nw. oc5-3t,cm WIDOW lady having a comfortable home would loard a child for small compensation. Ad dress C. D. B., this office. ocS-3t TABLE BOARD SIC per month, at the Vinton Cafe. Sll 14th st. nw. oco-7t,cm MISCELLANEOUS. LACE CURTAINS laundered for 35c. TENTH STREET LAUNDRY, 72t 10th st. nw. cc9-3t PIANO TUNING 1.50 Factory expert; works re novated; drop postal. J AS. R. DURITY. 305 12th st. sc. oc9-3t DORCAS handkerchief; send 10 cents; nothing like it- Address DORCAS, this office. oc!)-3t LATROBES, ranges and furnaces cleaned out and repaired. GEORGE E. 5TR0REL, JR., 731 Oth st. ne. oc9 3t YOU'LL never mis3 the little mony you pay us for papering rooms our prices are so small. Only ?"- "i 'op papering roams with our rich, handsome, stylish pajer. Finest work. All kinds of Painting at equally low prices. F. G. NOLTE, S10 Oth st. No branch. ocS tf THE GREAT EASTERN PORTRAIT CO.. located Metzerott Bldg., Rooms 51-p3, is making a specialty of French pastel portraits. All their work is guarantetcl to be satisfactory. Our reception-room is open to inspect the work. iL SOLO MAN, manager. oc7-3t,em OYSTERS, A NO. 1 Wholesale and retail; COc per qt.; 75c per gallon; delivered free. LACEY'S, 007 N. Y. ave. nw. se27-tf-cm BIG ROAST DINNERS With the best in the market and plenty of it, 15c, at MILLER'S, 625 Louisiana ave. sc25-25t SHELDON'S DANCING ACADEMY, n.iw cpin" for the season; call cr send for circulars; ail the latest dances. 100J F st. sel7-'f-em PRINTING AND BOOKBINDING. Printing 500 cards, 75c; 500 envelope!, 75c; GOO notchcids, 75c, 500 statements, 75c; binding mag azines, 53c; miscellaneous books rebound. Q. E. WILLIAMS. 615 7th st, nw. fe3-tf FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE New lG-ft. bateau, white pine boat, 45S N st, sw. oc9-3t FOR SALE Range; cost $14; $5; two oil paint ings, fruits, $5 each; go-cart, $3. 1240 7th st. nw. o'c9-3t FOR SALE 25 fcr 100 parlor suite. NORTH WEST STORAGE HOUSE. 31S Sth st. nw. cc9-3t FOR SALE S3 will buy a good 10-ft. counter. Call at 1222 C st. sw. ocS-3t FOR SALE At a bargain; diamond stud ticket; pawned for ?150 Oct. 7, 1S93. Address BOX 150, this office, oc8-3t FOR SALE Bed lounge, $4; oak bedstead, $3.50. Call after 5 p. m., 615 Spruce st. nw. oc3-3t FOR SALE Cheap; two landaus, one coupclcite. Inquire B. II. SHAW LIVERY STABLE, rear of 56 C st. sc. ocS-3t FOR SALE Family, leaving for Cuba, will, sill furniture of 0-room home. 1009 12th st, nw. oc7-3t,em WE'RE STILL TALKING about papering rooms for ?2 up and we'll keep on trlling you the same old story until wc convince you that we are the only people in town who ought to do your papering. Finest work. F. G. NOLTE, 810 Oth st. NO BRANCH. ocl-tf FOR SALE Books on poultry, pigeons, dogs, and pet stock, etc.; also parrots, canaries, dogs and pets of all kinds; incubators and brooders. SCHMID'S BIRD STORE, 712 12th st, nw. au24-tt FOR SALE Good quality opaque shades, fitted to your windows, only 5 cents, the best quality oil opaque shades, 50 cents; good quality Ccor cilcloth 20c and 25c square yard; laid free by experts; will call with samples. KLEE BLATT'S. 11th and n sts. ne. - au21-tf AUSTIN'S AND SPRATTS DOG OAKES; Olorerg dog medicines; pamphlet on dog and bird diseases free; birds mounted by expert taxider mists. SCHMID'S BIRD STORE, 712 12lh st. nw. mh25-tf-eni FOR SALE $2J8 for C-ft extension table; lounges, $2.50; refrigentore and gasolina stoves, parlor and bedroom suites; $1 per week; cheap; cash and credit. REDMOND, 313 7th st. P. oc30-tf-era FOR EXCHANGE. SEND FULL description of your property; I handle city, suburban, and country; im proved and unimproved. ABRAHAM FISHER, 512 E st nw. sc23-lm SALESMEN. SALESMEN Mining, telephone, and o'.her stocks; winning plan; millions in if. G. I.. Iowa City, Iowa. oc8-0t,em f"H-K K-H"H"HH"I"H-H-IKH"H WH'teH - H4 - K - l - i - H T - - nniU'T Forget to take a glance, U J I N 1 . r d thjnrrs asked DON'T MISS A GOOD THING. 4-M-H"I-X"I,H4,HHH,4 FOR RENT ROOJIS. FOR RENT Large, nicely furnis'ud f-ont ro;m; well heated; a. in. i.; private ftmily; central location; terms moderate. 223 4 1-2 st. nw., op posite Met. M. E. Church. It FOR RENT Second and third floor front rooms; running water in every room; furnace heit; gas; meals if desired. 717 12th st. nv ocl0-3t FOR RENT Two liands mcly ftnTshcd rooms for hou-ekceping; heat, gas and water on same floor. 120 C ft. nw. oclO 3t FOR RENT 1110 Pa. ave., har.dsrmcly furnbhed rooms; bath on same Hoor. oc9-7l FOR RENT Large, pleasant, well-kept third story roms. 723 11th st. nw. ocl0-3t FOR RENT 1C07 15th st. nw., furnished second btory ro:-m; gas and heat; 7.50. ot9-3t FOR RENT Large second floor front rcom to gentleman roomer; 3. 1113 Columbia r, nw. oc9-3t FOR RENT Two back roams (water); second floor; suitable for one or Ino persons. In quire leforc 10 a. m. or after t p. m.; price 1. 1022 7th st. nw. oc0-2t FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished, large, beautiful and airy rooms; newly papered and painted; single or en suite. 2010 G st. nw. oc0-3t FOR RENT Furnished rooms ?1 and $2 a week; Iward $3.50. 17 E st. nw. ct?l3l FOR RENT Ons largo second story front room; furnished; suitable for three young men; cor ner house. S01 12th st. nw. - oc9-3t FOR RENT Furnished and unfurnished rooms. 1122 11th St. oc0-7t FOR RENT Niecly furnithed large alcove second story front rcom; all conveniences; one block of electric cars; private family; adults; rent moderate. 2137 L -st. nw. oc9-3t FOR RENT Furi; ?0 per month, with gas and liath. 1313 22d st. nw. oc9-3t FOR RENT 123 H st. nw., furni-hid front roam? on second and third floors; also back ro-.m on first floor; a. m. i. oc0-3t INVALIDS can find best care by addressing LEN OX, this office. ocU-St FOR RENT Fine room and board for two; ?10 per month. Address 1IRET. this office. ocO 3t FOR RENT Three or four desirable rooms, on 2d floor; bathr corner house. 201 D st.- nw. OLS-3t,cm FOR RENT Large, well-fur. rooms, on 2d and 3d floors; also large back parlor; place f'r wheels. 19 Grant Place nw. ocS-3t,ctn FOR RENT Large. 2d floor frcnt room; also oth ers; with board. 1000 I st. nw. ocS-3t,em FOR RENT Two cozy, communicating rocm; rent $15, including heat, light, attendance. 1433 Q st. nw. oc3-3t,cra FORRENfFur., 2d-story rooms; ?6 to $15. 1212 N. Y. ave. nw. ocS 3t,cm FOR RENT One fur. room on 2d floor; luth on same. 21S I st. nw. - oc8-3t-,em FOR RENT One large, fur. front rocm, with heat and gas; also ha'lroom adjoining; tu:tab!e -for housekeeping if desired. 300 I t. nw. ocS-3t,cm FOR RENT Second floor; south front; newly-fur. rooms; desirable. 221 E st. nw. oc3-2t,tm FOR RENT 20(5 Sth st, se., large fur. room; clos ets; two gentlemen; table b ard given; term very moderate. oc3-3t,e;n FOR RENT Two hall rooms, one. Urge front room; to gentleman cnly. 1011 Sth'st. nw. ocS-3t,-m FOR RENT 123 A st. ne.. 2d floo-; fm-7; house keeping permitted. oc8-3t,em FOR RENT Elegantly fur. front room., 3d ,flxr,. $10; with hall room for light housekeeping, $12. 438 1-2 II 5t. nw. cc3-3t FOR RENT Furnished; desirable second floor; four rooms; separate cr together; mcar Library. 211 A st. se. oc3-3t FOR RENT One large front roim; furnished; one back room; unfurnished; also stable; heat, gas and bath. No. 42 F st. nw. oc3-3t FOR RENT Four nicely furniahed front rooms for gentlemen; corner house;, southern ex posure; convenient to cars and departments. 159 .Mass. ave. nw. oc8-3t FOR RENT Second and third floor, furnished or unfurnished, single or en suite. 010 5th st. nw. ocS-3t . FOR RENT Lovely back parlor; room below; housekeeping; office ladies preferred; adults. 1123 Cth st. nw. oc7-3t,ciri FOR RENT Three large communicating ro ms; $7 per month. Call, after 5 o'clock, 51 Myrtle st. ne. oe7-3t,em FOR RENT A nicely-fur. room, in a private fam ily; suitable for two agents; terms reasonable. 427 P st. nw. oc7-3t,em FOR RENT Large, light rocm; fur. 2d floor; ref. 903 Ml st. nw. oc7-3t,em FOR RENT One nicely-fur. room; bath and gas; $4.50 per month. 1539 Columbia st. nw. oc7-0t,em FOR RENT S23 12th st. nw., room; fur.; lt floor; central location. oc7-3t,em FOR RENT One large fur. front roam, for light housekeeping. 119 C st. ne. oc4-Ct,em FOR RENT Three large rooms; 3d floor; one east front acd two in rear; with or without board; heat, gas, and cupboards; no children; also front (east) and rear parlors; suitable for a doctor, dentist, or dressmaker; very convenient to cars, market, etc. 1500 Cth st. nw. oc4-Ct,em FOR RENT Neatly furnL-h;d room; $C pT month. 713 I st. nw. oc9-Gt FOR RENT Front and other rooms; newly" fur. bright, cozy, heat, gas, bath; $5 up. 512 E st, nw. oc3-5t,cm FOR RENT Desirable rooms; with or without board. Apply C04 3d st. nw. ocS-3t FOR RENT One large, nicely furnUhcd room; second floor; suitable for man. and wife or two gentlemen, with board; large closets; private family; heme comforts. 1437 Cor. st. oc8-3t FOR SALE HOTELS. FOR SALE A chance for a hotel man in L-iurcl, Md.; large hotel; furnished; only one in town; others destroyed by fire; will sell less than half cost. JOHN S. SWORMSTEDT, 913 F st. nw. oc5-Ct FOR SALE LOTS. FOR SALE A fine corner lot. with water, in Rrookland; sacrificed if bought at once. 2415 Pa. ave. nw. oc8-3t,cm LOST AND FOUND. LOST From a stick pin, a gold horse shoe set with diamonds and rubies. Reward PARK MARKET, 12th and Mass. ave. nw. ocl0-3t LOST Knight Templar charm; person seen pick- ing it up will receive reward by leaving same at GORDON k CO.'S, 1009 E st. nw. ocS-3t FOUND. FOUND An opportunity to sccure-a $15, midc-to-measure, suit or ladies' dress goods for 15c Call or write; see samples; open 8 to 0, THE CO OPERATIVE CLOTHING CO.. 707 G st. .oe9-3t OYSTERS, A NO. 1 Wholesale and retail'; 0c per qt.; 75c-per gallon; extra sclecU, 25c-per qt.; delivered free. LACEY'S, 007 N. Y. ave. se29tf - H,r n.- r o .v I for and offered) in the Columns, In the Business Opportunities Columns. In tha Rooms And Board Columns. In the Help Wanted Columns. In the Real Estate Columns. In the For Sale Columns. In the Bicycle Columns. In All Sorts of Columns. Read and Be Convinced- : ' "'Y" There's Nothing Slow About " "" The Times Classified Columns, FOR KENT UNFURNISHED IIOOMS. FOR RENT Two beautiful unfunii'hed iifirn with light and heat, 2000 F st. nw. oc9-3t FOR RENT One or two second floor back rooms; good location; terms moderate. 123512th st. nw. cc9 3t FOR RENT Two unfurnished room with heat, gas and bath, $12; good neighborhood. 1313 22d it. nw. oc9 3t FOR RENT Unfurnished, two beautiful fatie rooms; water in rooms; large hall; every con venience; no children. 700 I st. nw. oc9-3t FOR RENT 1320 9th st. nw., two unfurnished lay window alcove rooms; second floor; four on third floor; with or without board; also pleas ant furnished rooms; suitable for two; with board $30. oc93t FOR RENT Two communicating second flocr rooms; 3 third floor rooms; rant reasonable to desirable tenants. 1217 II st. nw. oc9-3e FOR RENT Three unfurnished rromr bath en same floor; lor light housekeeping; no chil dren; adults preferred; $0 per month. C23 10th it. ne. oc9 3t FOR RENT Three unfur., cne fur., or any di vision of house to suit. 915 Fla. ave. ocS-3t,cm FOR RENT Two beautiful unfur. front rooms; heat, gas, and bath; 3d floor; also 1 fur. front room, 2d story, for gentleman; with b:ard 710 3d st. nw. ocS-3t,em FOR RENT Three unfur.rooms, for light house keeping; modem house. $15. 1131 fith st. nw. ' C ocS-3t,cm FOR RENT Unfurnikhrtl, two prct:y cord story rooms; light housekeeping, cr with board; private family. 1205 11 st.' ne. oc3-3t FOR RENT l'nfurniie'4 fcoms on Capitol Hill, C2S C st. ne., two or three rooms for light housekeeping. ' ocB-3t FOR RENT Unfumislir'd, two or three communi cating rooms, second floor; heat, light, bath, closets; terms reasonable. 522 2d st. ne. oc7-7t FOR RENT FLATS. FOnffiSrFlaTofvTram housekeeping; bath, ,cn same floor. J. W. KOOU. S03 lit Ft, nw.' . ' oc9-3t FOR RENT The prcttjtjst-, and cheapest flats in the- city; steam heat; gas range; 5 and 6 rooms and liath; also .very desirable hou ei far rent and sale; appl qiiiekly. KENT CO.. 1314 F st. nw. -t-t oc3-3t,e-m FOR RENT Two fjur-joam flats; private bath?; 2d and 3d floors; near Capitol and Lib'aiy- R. M. J. ATWELL, 201 E. Capt. st. oc3-3t,em FOR RENT Party taking large hou--e wojld like to rent second floor; f. or unfur., to d s'rable people; references exchanged. Addre-s DOX 1C02, this office. oc3-3t FOR RENT SUDURI1AN. FOR RENT Eight-ioom house; a. m. i.; Rright wood Park; one square from electric cars. Apply at Brightwocd P. O. oc9-3t FOR RENT Seven-room cottage, with stable; high ground; good water; three minutrs walk frcm West End station; terms reasonable. Apply to W. L. GORDON. Falls Church, Va. cc7-4t FOR RENT STUJLES. FOR RENT Stable place for three horses and carriage. 330 Mo. ave. oc7 3t,cm FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT at spcctal price- Willi privilege 01 ii-iut-., .,. aiiu iij uuc NEWMAN'S, 611 7th. se6-lmo-em FOR RENT OR LEASE. FOiTrENT OR LEASE With or without stable: 2012 II st. nw.; the celtbrated French bakery j Store ana uwetuog; iicwi rcfaircu. xditi'is aim grocer?, attention I se2S-lm FOR SALE BICYCLES. RIDERS, ATTENTION This change in the weathir means a change n our already Iov nric?s rn high grade wheels; new and slightly m used '97 and '93 wheels mut be sold at a sac rifice; look the field over; take notes of other grades and quote prices of otlier dcalcrsthen come to us. Keystone Bicycles, $29; binglt&tube tires, mechanically put en. $1.50. NEW YORK CYCLE CO.. 434 9th st. nw. o9 7t FOR SALE '97 Crawford bicjcle. Call 614 A st, oc9-3t FOR SALE High-grade 1S93 bicycle; good as new; cheap for cash. Apply FERD NOFF SINCER, B. k O. Hotel. cc9 3t FOR SALE $30 for gent's '93 Barnes White Fly er bicycle; 22-inch; used three months. NORTHWEST STORAGE HOUSE, 31S 8th st. nw. oc9-3t FOR SALE Spalding Credenda, $3.50; Holliday, $9; Fowler, $13; World, $13; Diamond. $13; Kankakee, $19; bicycles remodeled, repaired; factory prices. KANKAKEE FACTORY. 637 Massachusetts ave. oc3-3t FOR SALE as prize; ocS-3t Gentleman's new 1S93 Niagara; won 22-inch frame; $25. 1217 N. Y. ave. FOR SALE $123 March bicycle, in splendid run ning order; frame unmarrcd; good as new; tires perfect; a bargain at $25. 2021 9!h st. nw. ocS-3t WALL 'PAPER- ROOMS papered $2.00 up; the cnly paperhanger in the city giving written guarantee with each job; samples brought; lowest prices for best painting; Ecnd postal. --WM.- V. MAHONEY, 1230 E st. se. Anacostia branch, 113 Pierce st. ocl-lmo-exSu 7 ( ROOMS papered $1.75- up; latest Fall patterns; gocd work and prompt -attention. LEPREUX, C27 Va. ave 1 cc9-3t DROP POSTAL to J. T. SMITH & CO. for cheap, flrst-clais paperhangingfor painting; samples brought. COS 6th st. nw. ' oc3-6t ROOMS PAPERED; window shades; picture frames. GEORGE C. GJVYNN. 507 4 1-2 st. ew. - se2S-lra FOI HIRE. FOR HIRE Fine saddle unci ilrivincr hnrs9. hii!- gies, surreys, traps, and daytonj, at reason able rates; cheapest rates in city to drummers. PRESTON'S STABLES. Sth and I sts. nw.; phone 01"-2- se20-lm FOR SALE HORSES AND VEHICLES. FOUR horses and mares, '$20 up; gcod workers; also cne Essex trap; no reasonable offer re fused. 10C9 10th st. nw. oc9-7t FOR SALE Ch;ap( one-horse daytcn and harness at 751 13th st. sc. ccS-3t,em FOR SALE Firit-class high arm sewing ma chines; $7, $12, and $15; 5 years' guarantee. FUNK'S, 327 C st. se. SIDE BAR BUGGY in go:d order. $25. 405 N. J. ave. se. ocS3t FOR SALE One Hackney mare, 8 years old, 18 hands high; very styluh; perfect driver; one saddle and driver, 7 years old, No. 1 driver; can be seen on farm of J. W. MUTERSBAUGH, near Langley, Va., 8 miles from city. ocS-3t FOR SALE At 1210 Ohio ave. nw., w.-gons, car riages, buggies, and harness; great bargains; also lot of old wheels. WASHINGTON WAGON CO.; 1st floor. oc7-7t,em FOR SAT.F Hfa( IIO T nna nhnninn three horses, surrey and buggy harness. oc4-7t ! ,4 -'irifi ? FOR RENT HOUSES. FOR RENT Onlv Sift? Iffil f t no - p. i,r rooms; a. m. i; large lot; side yard. Key 1255- ocl0-3t WANTED To buy, five cr six-room brick house; a. m. i. in Rrookland or ne.; $230 down, rest in monthly payments; must be cheap. Addicsj E. R. W this office. It FOR RENT Bricks Ncs. 4009 and 23 Sth st. cxt., 8 rooms and ltath; range; hot and cold water; gas, latrolxsj, electric bells, etc., on line of elec tric railway; 15 minutes' ride to city; interior house, $18.50; corner house, $22.50 per month. LOUIS P. SHOEMAKER. 020 F st. nw. ocflCt rOR RENT FURNISHED 13th st., Columbia Heights, 7r and bath, stable, Kplrndid condition, only $33 17th st., near U, lOr and bath, 20 feet wide, new handsome carpets, piano, etc 73 IGth St., near U. Sr and luth, excellent order. 85 B tt, opposite Capitcl, 13r 03 No objection to Iwarders. oc3-3t,tm A. M. GORMAN, 704 14th st. nw. FOR RENT To a colored family, 1821 13th st. nw.; 7 rooms; fine condition; reasonable fig- nre. ocS-3t.em FOR RENT Finely-fur. house, 142S Q st. nw.; very reasonable figures; family leaving city; call. ocS-3t,cm FOR RENT Fur. hous?. facing Capitol ground'.; 13 rooms; excellent location for renting rooms; will rent cheap. R. M. J. ATWELL. 201 E. Cap, st. ocS-3t,em FOR RENT 140 Q st. nw., nouic open; 0 rojms; hall, range, bath, gas, new papering, back building; parking; large luck yard; arranged for two families; improvements finished; $13.50. ocS-3t FOR RENT $20, worth $30; new house; north west; north of boundary. OWNER, 510 10th sL oc3-3t FOR RENT FURNISHED 1761 It st. nw., 11 rms $225 00 Cll Md. ave. ne., 11 rms 50 00 457 M st. nw., 11 nni 50 00 UNFURNISHED. 1922 3d st. nw., 7 rms $22 50 133S 13th st. nw 0 rms 20 CO 1019 Cth st, nc, 0 rms 18 50 Call at office for full list. COLLINS & CADDIS. se22-tf-em 511 11th st. nw. Telephone 1008. FOR RENT Only $13 per month; 8-room brick house; a. m. I.; near ML. Pleasant and Soldier's Home, on Brigntwood ave. car line. Apply S. P. SHOEMAKER. 820 F st- nw. ap26-ti BUSINESS CHANCES WANTED A thoroughly competent aoriate in a commercial exchange and employment agency. Address EXCHANGE, thii office. " It BAD Mils collected or no charge. H. D. GOR DON, Attorney, 1335 F st., basement. oclOOt FOR SALE This is an exceptional opportunity; small, nuat, clean business; reasonable rent. 1233 G st. "nw. oe9-3t FOR SALE Cheap; dining and lunchroom near new po-3office: lest location; a fine oppor tunity. Addresi GOOD SNAP, this office. ot9 3t FOR SALE Cheap; patent right for combination bicycle lock; requires no kejs; nothing to compare with it on the market; will sell itself; fortune for right man. NEW YORK BUSINESS , BROKERS, 1000 F it. nw. oc9-3t $175 WILL buy cigar store on prominent busi ness corner; rent only-$10. DUNLAP, 905 F St. oc9-3t SECURE our list of grocery stores; prices ranging $140 to $1,500. DUNLAP. 90G F st. oc9 3t ROOMING HOUSE 20 rooms completely furnish ed; all occupied; clearing $100 month; cen tral; northwest. DUNLAP, 900 F tt. oc9-3t "COLLECTING AGENCY BUSINESS Clearing 5 week; excellent opportunity; young man; price $100. DILAP, 906 F st, cc9 3t WANTED Position as secretary, clerk, or ship ping clerk. ENTERPRISE, this office. oc7-3t,em HAVE cash buyers for grocery store, drug stores, shoe store and confectionery stores; see us. NEW YORK BUSINESS BROKERS, 1003 F st. nw. ocS-3t FOR SALE Dining-room; near large Government k building; sales for month of September $1,500;. owner going to Porto Rico; price $o50r; investi gate. NEW YORK BUSINESS BROKERS, 1006 F st. nw. oc3-3t FOR SALE Grocery store; paying stand; price only $200; a great bargain. NEW YORK BUSINESS BROKERS, 1006 F st. nw. ocS3t FOR SALE Two cigar stores; rents $12 and $10 month; daily sales $6 to $8 each; prices $100 and second $00; bargains, as owner is compelled to leave town. NEW YORK BUSINESS BROK ERS, 1006 F st, nw. oc8-3t FOR SALE Milk route; 30 gah.; 2 horses; 2 wag ons, and all equipments; must be sold at once on account of other business. Addres S. W. R this office. oc7-3t,em FOR SALE Well equipped coal yard; good busi ness and very low rent; owner cannot attend to it. 22S 3d st, sw. oc7-6t.em LUNCHROOM: prominent location; clearing $23 week; rent $20; price, $323. DUNLOP. DOG F st, oc7-3t,em FOR SALE Cheap; one of the finest grocery stores in southeast; selling on account of other business. Apply to owner, C. E. GER NER. 1101 C st. se oc6-7t FOR SALE Dining-rcom. avenue. 1229 Pennsylvania oc4-fit,em FOR SALE. LEASE OR RENT With or without stable, 2012 II st. nw., the celebrated French Bakery Store and J dwelling; ccwly papered; ba kers and grocers, attention! se26-lm-em HIGHWAY EXTENSION NOTICE. EXTENSION OF HIGHWAYS IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. To whom it may concern: The Commission created by Section 2 of the Act of Congress, approved March 2, 1S93, entitled "An Act to provide a permanent system of highways in that part of the District of Columbia lying outside of cities," has received from the Commis sioners of the District of Columbia a certified copy of a map showing a proposed permanent sstem of highwajs in the District of Columbia within the area known as "Section one," revved and corrected as required by the terms of the Act of Congress, approved June 28, 189S. This map and plats showing in detail how each lot and tract is affected by the proposed system of highways, are now on exhibition in Room No. 49, fourth floor of the District Building. All per sons interested are invited to examine the maps and the plats. The Commision will consider any suggestions or protests concerning the location of any highway or portion of a highway as shown on the map. The suggestions and protests must be in writing, and must set forth clearly the reasons for the changes and show the property owned jpr controlled by the objector. All pro tests ar d so forth, must be submitted on or be fore tits SEVENTH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1833, and bei iddressed to the Chief of Engineers, U. S. Armyr,-JVar Department, Washington, D. C. The Commission will meet November 17, 1893, at 10 o'clock a. m., in the office of the Secretary of War, to dispose of all objections, and will then hear orally from those who desire to thus sup port their written objections. R. A. ALGER, Secretary of War; C. N. BLISS, Secretary of tna interior; iiuii.1 ji.iuhcu.i, imui vi uiimius, U. S. A., Highway CommLuion. ocl-30t,exSu i-H-H-H- FOR SALE HOUSES, FOR. SALE Small cahTrraent; balance month, ly, about the same as rent. I can sell the fol lowing houses upon the most easy terms. Why not stop paying rent and- own your own home. They arc all in fine condition and are offered at LOW CASH PRICES. Call and see me. NORTHEAST. Sth st., near H. Or and bath, cellar, fur- nace; lot J9xl0o; alley... $5,500 D st., near 1st, 3 stories and cellar. Or and bath; lot 18x80 5,500 F St., near 2d, 2 stories and cellar, Sr and bath; lot 17x90; furnace 5,(00 Sth st., near C, 2 stories and cellar; Cr and tiled bath, porcelain tub, furnace 4,500 F st., near 8th, 2 stories and cellar. Or and tiled bath, furnace, very fine 4.C00 G st., near Sth, 6r and tiled bath, porcelain tub, cellar, furnace 3,500 12th st., near II, 2 stories and cellar, 6r and bath, bay window 3,500 K St. near 0th, 2 stories and cellar, 6r and lath, furnace, lot 10x112 3,500 6th St., near O, 2. stories and cellar, lot 20x 90, hay window, alley 3,500 Florida ave, near 10th, Cr and bath, 25 feet front 3.300 D St., near 4th. corner, Cr and bath, large side and front parking 3.2C0 4th st., near E, 2 stories, 6r and bath, lot 10x35. to alley 3.1QQ y st.. near 6th, cornet, Cr and bath, wide parking, bay window 3,250 7th st., near F, 3 stories and cellar, Sr and bath, bay window 3,000 Cth St.. near L, 2 stories and basement, Cr and bath 3.0TO Ut st, near Mass. ave., 6r and bath 2,700 Acker st., Cr and bath. ceUar. 2,500 M s;., near O. Cr. bath, frame 2.400 M st., near P. Cr, bath, frame 2,500 G st., near 8th, Or brick 2,000 12th sf.. near P. Cr and bath frame 2,000 16th St., near G. Cr and bath frame 1,530 O St., near 11th. Sr and bath, stable, lot 25x 150, a. m. i.. , 2,000 NORTHWEST. Kenesaw ave., near lltb St., 9r, bath, cellar, furnace, lot 17x156 $7,500 22d st., near R, 7r, tiled hath, porcelain tub, cellar, furnace, very fine 6,000 E st., near 3d, 9r and bath, lot 20x100. half square of Pension Office and City Hall.. 5,500 13th st., near T, 8r and bath, cellar, lot ISx BO, fine neighborhood 5,000 Elm st., Le Dreit Park. Cr and bath, lot lOx 90, nice home and neighborhood 3,500 SOUTHEAST. 11th St., near B, 7r and cellar, store and dwelling, side alley $5,000 S. Cap. st., near C, Cr and tath, cellar, lot 17x91 3.750 8th st,, near B, Cr and bath 3,500 E st., near 2d, 7r and bath, cellar. 3.200 D st,, near 1st, 6r and bath 3.000 3d st,, near G, 6r and bath 3.0W 2d st near E, 7r, bath, cellar 2.S30 Heckman st., 6r and bath 2,250 I have a number of houses not on this list. A. M. GORMAN, ocC-lw.em 704 11th st. nw. FOR SALE Attractive comer residence. Bear Lin coln Park, 1001 Mass. avu. ne.; location is very Inst; convenient to Capitol and cars; house well built of press brick; grounds large and beautiful; terms, 'p.SOO: part cash, balance mort gage oc9-7t FOR SALE COLORED HOMlTSEEKERS C-room brick and frame stable; Oth, near H ne.; on ca.y terms; $1,300. 0-rocm frame; Rigga, near 19th nw.; $2,200. 1-room frame on Grant ave.; $1,200. Call, 1 liave them all over city on easy terms. oc96t ABRAHAM FISHER. 512 E st. nw. FOR SALE 10-rrorn brick; K st. nc; one square from St. Aloys i us Church; lSxSO; on easy terms; $3,2C0. 6-ioom, bath, bay window brick; one square from electric cars; on easy terms; $2,000. 9-room, bath and stable brick: 17.6x93; on 3d, near F ne.; co3t owner $5,500; $3,630. 0-room; a. m. L: 12th. near East Capitol st. se-; on easy terms; $2,300. oc3-6t ABRAHAM FISHER, 512 E st- nw. FOR SALE A fine residence near U. S. Capitol; H rooms; first-clas; cost $18,000; $11,000 has been loaned on it; price now $10,030. C. BOYER & SON, 214 7th st. sw. oc9-3t FOR SALE A 13 per cent net investment; 7 lit tle brick bouses, near Lincoln Park; will sell separately or as a whole; if you have a few hun dred dollars come and see me; every house rented and in best order; will ell for only $900 each; $200 or $300 is all you need to buy one. A. M. GORMAN, 701 14th st- nw. . ocS-5t,em FOR SALE Nice 0-room brick, near City Hall; all improvements; $300 cash; balance same as rent. Inquire 200 F st. nw. ocS-3t,em FOR SALE Great bargain; lot 40x106 feet to paved alley; 0 room and cellar; frame dwell ing and frame stable; 10th st, ne., near cable cars; onlv $3,400; pavable $900 cash and $25 per month; worth $1,730. RICHARD P. EVANS. At torney, Room 20. Wyatt Building, 11th and T stJ. nw. ocS-3t FOR SALE Two lots, A st. ne., between 17th and ISth. both for $300; only $200 cash: one lot E st., near Sth ne.. 20 feet front, only $300; 6-rocm brick, N. J. ave. se.. always rented, $10.33; only $1,200; fine lot. IS ft. front; 4th st, ne., onlv $800; all snaps for small investors. S. M. JONES. 1006 F st oc3-3t FOR SALE One or two houses in the se.; cheap if taken at once. Apply 54 Bates st. nw. ocS-3t TRUSTEES' SALES. C. G. SLOAN & CO., Aucts., 1107 G st. TRUSTEES' SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY AT LANIER HEIGHTS. By virtue of a certain deed of tni't, dated May 2C. 1S33, and duly recorded in Liber No. 1S31, folio 103, et seq., one of the land records of the District of Columbia, we will sell at the request of the party secured thereby, at public auction, in front of the premises), on WEDNESDAY, the NINETEENTH DAY OF OCTOBER. 1S03. at 5 o'clock p. m., the foRowing described land and premise?, known and distinguished as and beinj; lot numbered one hundred and fifteen (115) of Perkins' and McLachlen's subdivision of lots in Elizabeth L. Dunn's subdivision of Linicr Heights as per plat recorded in county subdivision Book No 0, page No. 37, in the office of the Surveyor of the District of Columbia. Terms: Half cash, balance in one year, secured by trust, at B per cent interest, payable semi annually. A deposit of-$l' will be required at time of sale. Terms of sale to be complied with within ten day3, otherwise the property wrill be resold at tne risk and cost of the defaulting pur chaser. Conveyancing, recording and revenue stamps at cost of purchaser. JOHN B. WIGHT, ALBERT L. FOX, ocS-10t,em Trustees. C. G. SLOAN & CO.. Aucts., 1407 G st. TRUSTEES' SALE OF A VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND. CONTAINING ABOUT FORTY-FOUR ACRES MORE OR LESS. ON THE BEN NING ROAD. IMPROVED BY A SMALL FRAME HOUSE. By virtue of a certain deed of trust, dated June 13, A. D., 1S93, and duly recorded in Liber No. 1S36. folio 214, et seq., one of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the pjrty secured thereby, we will sell at public auction, in front of the premises, on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER TWELFTH, 1S9S. at half past four o'clock p. m., all that piece or parcel of land lying and situate in the District of Columbia and known and designated as and being part of a tract of land called "Fo-tune En larged," contained within the following metes and bounds, to wit: Beginning at a stone at the southeast corner of S. B. Scagg's part of said tract, and running thence north on the public road on the east of and adjoining Scagg's land until it intersects the Marlboro Road, north 9 degrees 50 minutes, cast one hundred and eleven and three-quarter (111 3-4) perches, thence north 51 degrees, west thirteen and one-half (13 1-2) perches by and with the Marlboro Road, thence north 57 degrees 30 minutes, west forty-four (44) perches still on the Marlboro Road to a cedar tree; thence south 11 degrees, west eighty-eighc (S3) perches to a chestnut tree, thence south 20 degrees, west forty-nine and one-half (491-2) perches to a cedar tree; thence south 79 de grees 55 minutes, east seventy-one and one-quarter (71 1-4) perches to said stone and point of beginning, containing 44 acres 1 rood and 32 perches more or less, excepting always the land conveyed to the District of Columbia by deed re corded in Liber 1G3S, folio 294, being the land embraced within a continuation of Forty-third Street cast extended by full width thereof con taining -three acres, tcgethcr with all the im provements, ways, easements, rights, privileges, and appurtenances to the said described tract of land bslonging or in any wise appertaining. Terms of sale, one-third cash and the balance in one and two years, the deferred payments to be represented by the notes of the purchaser, bearing interest at the rate of 6 per centum pir annum frcm day of sale, payable in equal semi annual instalments, and secured by first deed of trust on the property sold, or all cash at the option of the purchaser. All conveyan ring, re cording, and notarial fees at purchaser' co-t. A deposit of $250 will be required at time of sale, and if terms of sale ate not complied with with in fifteen days frcm day of sale the tmstees re serve the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser, after such public advertisement as they may deem proper and necessary. GEO. F. APPLEBY. Trustee. 314 D st. nw. WM. E. EDMONSTON. Trustee. se30dA-ds,ex su 500 5th st. nw PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS for grading Michigan- Avenue Offie of the Commissioners D. C, Washington, Octcb r S,1E93. Sealrd proposals will be receiv d at this office until 12 O'CLOCK NOON". SATURDAY, OCTORER 22, 1808,- for grading Michigan Avenue. Blank forms of proposals, specifications and all neceary information may be obtained -at taw oflice. JOHN B. WIGHT. JOHN .AV. ROSS, LANSING H. BEACH, Commissioners D. C. oclO-Ct FOR RENT OFFICE ROOMS. For Rent Office rooms in tncHutcnins Buil ing corner JOtit and D Sts. N. W.; Beat and electric light. Apply to Room 33. FOR SALE AND RENT HOUSES. THOS. E. WAGGAMAN, Heal Estate Broker ana Auctioneer?, 917 F Street N. W. FOR SALE SOUTHWEST. 8635 O h h Ar r,-.K -.,.! . I r s. r.-ws S627 to 3633 O, 8r, bath and a. m. L (each). ZJOi 1109 to 1413 ?Mh Br hatt, ,! , I 1 i. vnan 82 and 84 Defrtes, b. h.. 7r, a m 1 (each).! 3J2S0 201Q 2d. 1 b, 6r, large "prch!"""""""! L7M SOUTHWEST. 333 N. b h. 6r and bath $2,500 41S 10th. b b. 4r and back building 2,700 342 and 344 M, t h. 5r each, stable (both).. 2,500 NORTHEAST. 301 K. I h, store and dwelling. 5r $3,503 .. na bu, 1 a, or....................... l,sij 113G 5th St. h K 2 stortM 2 mnm. T4l 28 O st. f h. 4r. 1.0OJ w ISth st. I h, Cr 1,008 SOUTHEAST. i 203 A. b h, llr. bath and a ra i $10,000 218 N. J. ave., b tt, llr, bath acd a ra 1. 7,0011 Intersection of Virginia ave. and I aU., 5,574 sq. ft of ground, with improve. ments, renting for $42 per month 6,003 119 to 117 N. C. ave., b Vs. 6r. a ra i fMrM it eni 433 to 439 2d, b'h'il'cr"" m!Y"(eeb)"" 5.'5tVi 1217 B. b h Sr h-h n,t -, n, t 1 9m 233 E. b h, 6r and a m i "'....'.'.'.'. slow szi ana ia u. t n's. Or each, ami (each). 3.0O, 415 L. f h. Cr J...... 1.CCO 1112 K st, t h. 5r 1.500 1124 JT. J. ave.. b h. 4r. 1.5W " FOR RENT. Stors? and nn, rrt- ... ITlf T. r w. on isft Store, 1102 Pa. ave. nw. 40 00 Store and dwelling; 1529 7th st. nw., 5 rms.. 33 GO Store and dwelling, 401 K st ne., 7 rms.... 25 0 Store and dwelling, 201 M Bt. sw., 4 rms.... 20 00 ""'" i"u a"up. rear iii.4 a. ST. nw........ it lJ Stable, rear 1C29 O st nw 15 SO Stable ami fsllii- oor ft - w 1;: tin Offices In Gnntem Building. unices in central Building IttMTSFS 2008 Q st, 7 rms 530 0V 524 2Ut st, 0 rms 20 50 1313 10th st, S rms 20 50 130 Florida, ave., G rna 20 50 172S L st, C rms ;.. 0 03 1S25 12th sr,, 6 nra "13 81, 1243 31st st.. 5 rm.1 is ii 314 Elm st. 6 rma "." 17 50. 1213 2ath st, 8 rms 1550 1S03 L st, 5 nra .18 50 Call for semi'monUilj Bulletins. oc9-U FOR REXT PIANOS. FOR RENT $5 per month; new upright piano. Inquire 111 Maryland avei ne. ocl0-3t POSTOFFICE NOTICE. WASHINGTON', D. C, POSTOFFICE NOTICE. Should be read daily, as changes mar occur at any time. FOREIGN MAILS are forwarded fo the porta of Bailing daily, and the schedule of doongs is ar ranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit For the week endinjr October 15, the last connecting closes will be nude frem this oflice as follows: Truiijfatlniitlc ITnllM. MONDAY (b) At 9:20 p. m.. for EUROPE, per a. sl Kaiser Wilhelm der Crosse, from Sew' York, via. Southampton and Breraro. j TUESDAY (b) At 9:20 p. m.. for EUROPE, ptr B. a. St Louis, from New York, via South-' amptcn. Letters for UtELAXD mest be di. rected "Per St Louia." (c) At 11:10 p. ra.. for EUROPE, per s; s. Majestic, from New York, via Queenstown. (c) At 11:10 p. m., for BELGIUM direct. per s. . Southwark. from New York, via Antwerp. Letters must be directed "Per Southwark." FRIDAY (b) At 9:20 p. a., for FRANCE. SWIT ZERLAND, ITALY, SPAIN. PORTUGAL, TURKEY, EGYPT, and BRITISH INDLt, per s. s. La Champagne, from New York. via. Havre. Letters for other parts of EUROPE mUit be directed "Per La Champagne (c) At 11:10 p. m., for NETHERLANDS di rect, per sC s. Statendam, from New York, via Rotterdam. Letters must be directed "Per Statendam." . (c) Ar 11:10 p. m., for ITALY, per 3. s. Aller, from New York, via Naples. Letters must be directed "Per Aller." (c) At 11:10 p. m., for EUROPE, per s. 3. Campania, from New York, via Queenstown. (c) At 11:10 p. m., for EUROPE, per 3. 8. Rhynlacd, from New York, via Southampton. Letters must be directed "Per Rhynland. (c) At 11:10 p. m., for NORTTAY direct, pr a. s. Thingvalb, from New Tork. Letters mu-t be directed "Per Thingvalla." Malls for Sontb. anil Central Ameri ca, West Indies, Etc. MONDAY (d) At 10:05 p. m.. for COSTA RICA. BELIZE, PUERTO CORTEZ. and GUATEMA LA, per steamer from New Orfe-. (c) At 11:10 p. m., for JAMAICA, per steamer from Baltimore-. (e) At 11:10 p. m., for MEXICO, per sl s. Matanzas, from New York, via Tampico. Let ters must be directed "Per Va lama sl' TUESDAY (d) At 12:05 p. ra.. for NEWFOUND LAND, per steamer from North Sydney. "(b) At 9:20 p. m.. tor JAMAICA, per steam er from Philadelphia. WEDNESDAY (c) At 11:10 p. ra., for NASSAU, N. P., per 8. s. Saratoga, from New York. (c) At 11:10 p. m.. for JAMAICA, per s. s. Jason, from New Yoric THURSDAY d) At 10:05 p. m.. for TRUHLLO, per steamer from New Orleans. Cc) At 11:10 p. m., tor LA PLATA COUN TRIES direct, per s. 3. Kaffir Prince, from New York. FRIDAY (c) At 11:10 p. ra. for SANTOS direct, per s. s. British Prince, from New York. (c) At 11:10 p. m.. for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. SAYANILLA. and GREYTOWN. per g. s. Athoa, from New Tork. Letters for COSTA RICA must be directed "Per Athoj." (c) At 11:10 p. m.. for HAITI, per s s. Alps, from New York. (c) At 11:10 p. ra., for NORTTt BRAZIL, per s. s. Benedict from New York. SATURDAY (d) At 12:05 p.m. for NEWFOUND LAND, per steamer from North Svdney. (d) At 12:05 p. m.. for ST. PIERRE-MI-QUELON, per steamer from North Sydney. Mails for NEWFOUNDLAND, by rail to Halifax, and thence via steamer, close here daily, eicept -Sunday, at 12:05 p. m., and on Sunday only at 11:35 a. m. (d) Mails for MIQUELON. by rail to Boston, and' thence via steamer, close here daily at 3:20 pi m. (a) MaiU for MEXICO overland (except ' those specially addressed for forwarding from New York), close hero daily at 7:10 a. rn. (d) Mails for CUBA, close here daily at 3:05 p. m. for forwarding by steamers sailings from Port ' Tampa, Fix, Slondays and Thursdays, (d) Transpacific Malls Mails for HAWAII, per a. s. Australia, from San Francisco, close here daily up to 6:40 p. m., October 13. (d) Mails for AUSTRALIA, (except West Australia) NEW ZEALAND, HAWAH, and FIJI ISLANDS, per a. s. Warrimoo, from Vancouver, close here daily up to 0:10 p. m., October 13. (d) Mails for CHINA, JAPAN, and HAWAII, per 3. 9. China, from San Francisco, close here daily up to 6:40 p. m.. October 14. (d) Mails for CHINA and JAPAN, per a. 3. Tacoma, from Tacoma. close here daily up to 0:40 p. m.. October 17. (d) MaiN for the SOCIETY ISLANDS, per ship City of Papeiti. from San Francisco, clcse here daily up to 0:10 p. m.. October 25. (d) MaiU for AUSTRALIA (except those for West Australia, which are forwarded via Europe), NEW ZEALAND, HAWAII, FIJI, and SAMOAN 1SL- ANDS, per s. s. Mariposa, from San Francisco, close here daily up to 6:40 p. m., October 25. (d) Mails for CHINA and JAPAN, per 9. s. Empress of Japan, from Vancouver, clcse here daily up to 6:40 p. m., October 31 (d) (a) Registered mails close at 10 a. m. same. day. (b) Registered mails close at 1 p. ra. same day. (c) Registered mails clrse at 6 p. m. same. day. (d) Registered mails close at 6 p. m. prevroas dav. JAMES P. WILLETT, Postrrustsr. LEGAL NOTICES. (Filed Sept 10. 1S9S.-T. R. Young. CUrk.) IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. THIS 16TH DAY OF SEP TEMBER. 1S03. THOMAS E. BROWN vs. FRANCES A. BROWN. In Equity, No. 193S0. On motion of the complainant, by Joseph A. Burkart, his rolicitor. it U ordered that the de fendant, Frances A. Brown, came her appearance to be entered herein on before the first rule day occurring forty days after this datef other wise the cause will be proceeded with as in case of default The object of this suit is to obtain an absolute divorce from the said defendant on the ground of willful desertion and abandonment. . , This order shall be published la the Washington Law Reporter and The Washington Times-.once i week Tor three successive weeks. '.'i By the court: J J (Seal.) ' W. S. COX, Justice. A true-copy Test: .? , J-R. YOUNG, Clerk. "" By R. J. MEIG3, JR., Assistant' Clerk se2C-oc3.10 " :