Newspaper Page Text
: .".-- -? . Ka?-8-, WASHINGTON, SUNDAY, JULY 23, 1S99 -SIXTEEN PAGES. Number 191S. Price Three Cents. fJtri ite mlr iT i 'li-r-- - r.-.. gjjs.. Vyr-Ty riirprg Elihu Root Appointed to Succeed Russell A. Ahrcr. A Sneepliiir ChniiRc of l'ollc Now Impeded In the Department 31 II ltar IfTalrt" to He Controlled 1 the Major General CoiniiianditiK the Ami The Passing of Algrerlnm The appointment f Elihu Root, of Ken York, to be Secretary of War, was an nounced from the White House yesterday afternoon. His acceptance of the proffered portfolio had been received bj the Presi dent In a brief telegraphic message, -which was not given out for publication. Before Mr. Root's appointment had been formally announced, Mr. Alger addressed to him the following message: My Ilear Mr. Hoot: All I know U what the liewepapera wy, that yon are to succeed inc as Secretary d ar. Should it come to you, I mof-t eamestlv urjre ou to male the sacrifice and accept the position. With jour Eitat knowledge ot law and our excellent health ou can serve the cuuittr in a wa) pinn to few men. Sincerely jours, Ik A. AkCLH. Later when his successor had been for mally proclaimed the retiring Secretary in dicted another message to Mr. Root, say ing: "Accept my best congratulations and thanks." Senator Piatt left Washington In the morning on the 10 o'clock train over the Baltimore and Ohio for New York. Speak ing of the selection of Mr. Root he said that the President desired an able lawyer for the Secretaryship. Had Mr. McKinley agreed to appoint a military man. Senator Piatt said he felt sure Gen. Francis V. Greene would have been the choice. As It was. President McKinley was anxious to have a. man who would be able to handle the many legal questions that might arise In the c!ie government in the new colonial possessions. He considered it more nec essary to have a great lawyer than a great military man. Senator Piatt came to Washington with the assurance from both General Greene and Mr. Root that either would accept the office if offered to him. Although his pref erence was undoubtedly for General Greene, Senator Flatt said he considered Mr. Root the equal of an lawjer In the country and felt sure that he would be of great value in the Cabinet. Mr. Piatt was asked last Thursday to make the offer to Mr. Root. He Informed the President that Mr. Root had signified his willingness to accept the appointment and then a telegram was sent Mr. Root formally tendering him the War portfolio. Elihu Root has recehed the appointment as Secretary of War, and that ends the matter, as far as he is concerned; but It docs not mean that his selection Is alto gether satisfactory to Senator Piatt, al though that eminent "bess" will be the Erst to frankly admit that the whole thing was his doing. Never since the da when Judge Noah Davis excoriated Mr. Root for his determined and somewhat "ruse" de fence of William M Tweed, has the new Secretary been regarded as quite persona grata by New York Republican politicians of the machine variety. It should be said that the gentleman in question was never successfully accused of transcending the bounds of professional propriety. In that or In any other cause, but the effect in certain quarters was the saine. Moreover, as President cf the Union league Club, Mr Root represents an ele ment which Mr. Piatt does not. The latter is by no means a "haeed," but he is not of the swell set, and, by association at least, Mr. Root is. The two quantities have never mixed, and it Is rather ludi crous for Piatt to crow over the appoint ment which, it Is alleged In New York, he tried every way in his power to prevent The man he wanted, and Theodore Roose velt wanted, was Francis V. Greene. Mr Root was the Got ernor's second choice and therein he got the better of the Sena tor, who Is now In a situation where he dare not say anything Aside from these local political consider ations the selection of Elihu Root Is be lieved to give general satisfaction to the country. It is understood that both the appointing power and the appointee expect the War Department under the new regime to be conducted on anything but Algerian lines. Secretary Root, as a civilian and a lawyer well versed In business affairs, will devote bis attention to the civil and colo nial affairs ot the office and leave the strictly military end of it to the Major General Commanding the Army. Certain advocates of Algerlsm have bsen heard to u v .,., m. ...(,.-- ....... ....... ...t. ... , say that all authority over our Array at home and abroad will be continued In the hands of the staff bureau which exercised complete control under Alger. But thoe who know Mr. Root, and Governor Roose velt Is one of the best Informed, are re garded as believing that be would not con tent to accept the office If any salient fea ture of Algcrism were to be preserved in the department President McKinley is said to have re cently shown a disposition to conduct bis wars with trained soldiers rather than with contractors and their department asso ciates, and the consensus of opinion last night was that a most radical change in policy and methods would come with the advent of Secretary Elihu Root. ELIHU ROOT'S CAREER. nintlnanUlirfl um u Liivv)er. III-. Trouble With Senator I'latl. Elihu Root is the son iof Oren Root, who for many years was professor of mathe matics in Hamilton College, New York, and was born at Clinton, In Oneida county. New lork, on February 15, 1S15. By teaching school he secured the means of paying his way through Hamilton College while hU father was still a professor In that Institu tion, and was graduated in ISG3, as valedic torian of his class He also studied law at Hamilton, and completed bis preparations for the bar, to which he was admitted In J666 at the Universlt Law School, in New Tork, and in the law office of Mann . Parsons. His first partnership was formed with John H Strahan, and the next with Wlllard BartletL He attained prominence at the bar at an uncommon! early age, an! by the time he was thirty years old had al ready attained euch a standing In his pro fession as to be counsel for a number ot large corporations, the Bank of North America and the Hannibal and St. Joseph juuroaa compan among others. Mr. Root early became Interested In poll tics, first attracting attention In that field by his connection with the municipal re form movement In 1S71 In 1S79 he was nominated by the Republican county con vention for Judge ot the court of com mon picas, but was defeated. He was appointed by President Arthur United States District Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and held that losi tlon for two years, when President Cleve land's appointee succeeded him. In lt$6 be succeeded Hon. Levi I Morton as chilr xnan of the Republican county committee, in which position he served for two years Meanwhile he had been chairman of the executive committee of the Republican or ganization of the Twenty-first Assembly district, and re,nrtirm a - .-.-i fa the executive committee of the county committee. From this position he was deposed in February, 1S30, b Senator Thomas C. Piatt because of the decided stand which he had taken against the latter's onslaught upon the Chicago World's Tair. He still continued to antagonize Mr. Piatt, and in the famous triangular contest for the maj oralty of greater New York in 1S37 was one of the most actlv e supporters of Seth Low. In Januarv. ISIS, he was elected to suc ceed Gen. Horace Porter as president of the Union League Club of New York city. This position was glen to him, it was un derstood at the time, in the expectation that he would ue all his influence to bring about union and harmonj among the dif ferent factions of the party in New York City, so as to pave the way for the tri umph at the; polls which resulted In the election of Col. Theodore Roosevelt to the governorship the following autumn Mr. Root's career at the bar has brought him into intimate relations as counsel with many contradictor interests. TIils ears ago he actd as counsel for Tweed and Ingersoll at the time of the exposure of the frauds perpetrated by the Tweed ring As counsel for Jav Gould he effected the arrangement by which the enormous claims of the Erie Railway against that bold speculator were compromised. He also acted as. counsel for Judge Henry Hil ton in the Stewart will case, for the execu tors in the Hoyt and Havemejer will cases, and for the contestants in the Ham ersle will case. He was also counsel for Police Commissioners French and Wheel er, for Fire Chief McCabe, and for Com missioner Post, and other dock commis sioncrb In the proceedings to remove them from office. He has also been one of the counsel for the Sugar Trust in its various litigations, and has been concerned as counsel also in the aqueduct litigation the actions arising out of the Bedell forg eries, and in numerous electric light, bank, railroad, and other corporation litigation. Mr. Root is a member of the most prom inent clubs of New York city, including the Union League and the Metropolitan Club, and ranks next after Senator De pew as an orator in demand on public oc casions. CANADA'S BELLIGERENT MOOD. Arlif trillion or Anr In the Alnnkn Houudar flatter. Ottawa, Out, July 22. In the House of Commons today Sir Charles Tupper brought up the question of the Alaskan boundary. He said that the United States, in refusing to submit the subject to arbitration, veil Justified the decision Great Britain and Canada had reached in declining to allow the question to again go before the Joint High Commission. He believed that ie Government and the Commissioners of the United States had lost confidence In their own claims to this strip of disputed ter ritory. Sir Charles suggested that the Govern ment introduce into this Parliament two bills, one providing for a railway from Kitelmat Arm, by Teslln Lake, to Dawson, the other providing for the protecting of British and Canadian Interests b) enacting that no license to mine in the Yukon shall be granted to an other than a British sub ject. Premier Laurler, In reply, sympathized with much that Sir Charles Tupper had said. He stated that he had little hope now of a compromise, and was sorry to say the negotiations had not advanced the position one iota from that of January last. Alternatives, he gravely stated, were ar bHratlon or war, but nobod for one mo ment could seriously entertain the opinion that the latter would ever by any possl bilit arise. Arbitration, he emphatically declared, must come, and although an agreement on the terms of arbitration had not yet been reached, he thought Canada's wisest course to pursue was to cxercisj further patience and forbearance. The proposition advanced by Sir Charles Tup per, however, would be seriously consid ered by the Government. BRYAN UPHOLDS GOEBEL. Cannot Make a Speech in Kentucky, Hut A rltcx n Letter. St- Louis. July 22. William J. Bryan arrived this evening from the Chicago ctn ference and gave out a letter he had writ ten to Urey Woodson, of Owensboro, Ky., Democratic National Committeeman for that State, stating that pending engace- Tn0ni, mail. It ImnncclKlA fn. din. .. ........I w....., ........ .. itUjUA;iuit; ,, UIUI LU CiCUlV n Kentuck or take any part In the guber- natorlal campaign. He expressed regret over the bitterness engendered b the nom ination of Senator Goebel for Governor and urges that he is entitled to and should receive the support of all Democrats; that he has ever been a consistent and per sistent advocate of the Chicago platform. In answer to tne objection that Goebel is receiving the support of gold Democrats, Mr. Dnan sas: "Permit me to say that it Is not a valid objection to Mr. Goebel that he Is support ed by some who opposed the ticket In 1S96 We desire that all gold Democrats shall return provided the will accept the Dem ocratic platform and support candidates pledged to that platform. We desire to have all gold newspapers return to the party if we can secure their return with out surrendering party principles It is not the policy of the party to drive people away from it, but rather to invite people into the party. The party stands comniiw f ted to the doctrines set forth at Chicago, and while it will not turn its back upon these doctrines in order to gain the friend ship of gold Democrats, yet It does not and should not reject the support of any wao are willing to aid in vindicating the prin ciples of the platform by electing candidates- who represent those principles. "Certainly n victory won upon the plat form adopted by the State convention can do no harm, but what shall we say of a defeat If the Republican State ticket Is elected the Republicans In Kentuck and elsewhere will le encouraged, and the fight of 1500 raudc harder. If the Democratic State ticket is defeated a Republican Sena tor may be elected from that State. I can net look with unconcern upon the possible defeat of Senator Blackburn. He his been so loyal, to courageous, and so devoted to the principles, of Democrac, and has de fended them with so much ability and elo quence, that I cannot remain silent when silence might be construed t mean indif ference to his successor. The Senator elected by the next Legislature will serve j throughout the next Administration. What shall It profit us If we elect a President and House of Representatives nd have a hostile Senate to obstiuct legislation "In answer to those who ur that Mr. Goebel's election would be detrimental to the cause of bimetallism and to me per sonally. I deem It my duty to say thit I have no personal or political interests that deserve to be considered when D-mri. atlc lprlncipks are at stake, and that in my Judgment the cause of Democracy would be Injured by the defeat of a Democratic ticket nominated upon a platform which unqualifiedly endorses the Chicago slift- farou" THE TRANSVAAL DISPOET France and Germany "Withhold Friendly Offices. nilKlni"!'" lteiiueHt Tlint Tlies Hl lOiiniKc the Shipment or ArniH to South Afrleil I'olltcl HefiiNcd ItinuorN of n llrltixli Ilonl " Ith I'ortuKiiI Diplomacy With Kriicer. (Special Cablegram Cop righted ) London, July 22. Mr. Chamberlain's statement in Parliament that tho mere granting of the seven-year franchise will not settle the Transvaal crisis excited no new apprehension. It is evident that the struggle will possibly be prolonged and will take place on the question ot guaran tees. This will probably take the matter over tho prorogation of Parliament. There Is the best reason to believe that Cham berlain's object is to obtain the guarantees In black and white from the Boer Govern ment, and at the first violation of any of tbem to hurl an ultimatum at President Kruger. One of the guarantees will be an under taking not to initiate legislation altering the franchise and representation laws without a previous notice to the paramount power. The Boer executive and Parlia ment, in all probability, will detect in this the abrogation of the Republic's inde pendence in International affairs, and it Is upon this that the decisive fight may take place. It is not yet generally known here that the British Government has ad dressed friendly enquiries to the French, German, and Italian Governments respect ing the shipments of arms and ammuni tion to the Transvaal, and has received polite or friendly protestations of their Inability to interfere, seeing that the Transvaal is an independent State at peace with the world. It is strange that the Government should lay itself open to Euch snub3, for a brisk business Is still done at Italian ports In the shipments of munitions to South Africa en route to the Transvaal The German steamer Koenig is loading at Naples a miscellaneous cargo consigned to Delagoa Bay by an Austro-Italian trad ing company, which includes several hun dred mules, surgical Instruments, and med ical comforts, in addition to several mil lion cartridges. It is Impossible to pre vent the ship from sailing. Whether the cargo gets beyond Delagoa Bay is quite another matter. England at present Is on particularly good terms with Portugal and there is not much difficulty In arranging matters so that the Portuguese local authorities will be able to indefinitely delay the business at Delagoa Bay without implicating the Lisbon Government Moreover, It Is known that negotiations for the British purchase of the Portuguese possessions In Africa, which were commenced nearly two jears ago, have not been dropped, and It Is quite on the cards that one of these dajs there will come the announcement that the deal has been completed. German consent was secured long ago, and that of France is not considered Indispensable- In these post Fashoda days. ITALY'S NEW BATTLESHIPS. l'uur Great Veneli That Are to Uiii hoil All Modern AthnnlilKCit. (Kpetial Cablegram Copyrighted ) London, July 22. Admiral Bettolo has Just completed the designs of four Italian battleships, the building of which will be commenced as soon as possible, and will occupy not more than twent-four months. The Italian military Journals claim that the admiral has solved the problem of uniting In one vessel of great size all the advantages offered by battleships and cruisers, namely, high speed, twenty-two knots at least; the most powerful artillery, and the most complete protection The speed is to be obtained by an alleged en tirely novel form of water tubo boilers The armor plating Is to be about one third that of the present heaviest plating on any warship afloat, while It will be more powerful, owing to some remarkable improvement In the Krupp-Harvey harden ing process The displacement ot these battleships will not exceed 8,000 ton3, bul they are speedier and carry bigger guns than any existing On the whole their de fensive capabilities are greater. Such at any rate is the claim by Italian experts. BLUE-BLOODS SHOCKED. L.iitlleH-In-'vValtluK nt the IrtiTtlau Court (lul Doiuentle Servant, (p cial Cablegram Copyrighted.) Berlin. July 22 The Court of Appeals for taxes has decided that ladles-ln-waiting at the Prussian court are domestic ser vants. "A lady residing in Dresden appeal ed against the income tax, on .the grpuud that she had already paid It to the Saxon Government. The Superior Court found that the right to tax retired Prussian civil officials Irrespective of their nationality or residence did not apply to pensions. La-dlcs-ln-waltlng who belong to the house hold officials come, according to the Prus sian law, under the schedule of "common servants." Considerable amusement has been caused as the ladles are invariably from the most aristocratic families of the country. Tho question arises whether the regulations of August. 11, 1810, riving Prus sian emploers the right of corporal pun ishment in the correction of servants ap plies in tho case ot these blue-blooded do mestics. THE DREYFUS COURT-MARTIAL. Morle of Torture JuereiiNe luhllc S lupnth) for the I'rlMoner. (cpecial Cablegram Cop righted ) Paris, July 22. The latert stories of the fiendish mental tortures Inflicted on Drcv fus at Devil's Island, despite the official denials, have considerably aroused public smpathy In his favor, even among thoe whoe only sentiment has been one of un reasoning hate and detestation for the pas., five years. It is etill Impossible to get j definlto idea of tho scope and length of the trial which begins In tho second week of August. The Government naturally insists tha lt must be confined within Wio original charges, according to the decision of the Court of Casation. Dreyfus himself, wlih the natural desire for the most complete vindication, begs that the enquiry bp un limited If the Government sticks to Its lnstruct'ons the trial will scarcely occupy threo das. but if a dragnet Investigation is allowed full a month will be required. I nut $10 n&etirlon to ChituttltHiun Ia 1'eniiH lvnnln Italtroad. T!fl. nn ciIa for 7 U . m r.fn lul. OD j goud to return when properly 'validated, ur'tii Aucmt 20, KjO. flO round nip. THE PEACE CONFERENCE. A Protocol Chief! Imposing In Vol nme nnil I'liraHcoloK. (Special Cablegram Copj righted.) The Hague, "July 22 Thursday next the Czar's Peace Conference will probably reach tho solemn conclusion of Its labors. The members of the Conference are con vinced that they have reaUy a good deal to show for ten weeks' work and certainly the reports which they wilUmake and the protocol which they will sign will be quite imposing in volume and) phraseology. As a matter of fact, the rjxsult of tho few dajs' interval of consultation with the homo Government- was itho still further curtailment of the meagre) hcheme for peace promotion. The only interesting feature of tho past week's revision of the work has been the further examples ot the clos est co-operation of tho American and Eng lish delegates. j Tho third comraitteo jot the arbitra tion commission todayj continued the debate on the draft ;pf the conven tion for pacific regulation ot Interna tional conflicts. The delegates of Ser via and Greece declared that they were authorized to adopt1 clause 3. which they had formerly opposed) Roumanla accepted clauses 10 to 13 and proposed a new text of clause 9, modifying tho original text. The deslro for unanimity caused the adoption of this amendment, Servia and Turkey dis senting. Mr. Low-, of the American dele gation, on the consideration of clause 36, proposed a reserve In regard to the Incom patibility of an arbitrator and the repre sentative of a litigant party before a court of arbitration. This reserve will be pro posed to tho Conference for further consid eration. The clause was adopted. A vote of thanks was rendered to the committee of enquiry. THE VENEZUELAN DISPUTE. Mr. Alallct-I'revONt ARaln Hefore the Trlhnnul nf I'nrlM. Paris, July 22. Mr. Mallct-Prevost con tinued his argument of Venezuela's case before the Venezuelan tribunal to lay, proving Spain's right ot occupation of tho Essequibo prior to the first lodgment of the Dutch in 1625. If the tribunal accepts to days argument, the Scbomburgk line is defeated. Venezuela contends that the Dutch secured the Essequibo by right of conquest and the treaty ot Munster, not by right of occupatlou of a terra nullins., Consequently they were entitled to keep the conquered territory, but not to expand it. Mr. Mallet-Prevost's argument was delivered with great clearness and force, and held the closest attention of the trib unal. Lord Chief Justice Russell highly complimented the Venezuelan advocate. A CRISIS IN BELGIUM:. The Cabinet Liable to split Over the Franchise Question. London, July 22. A Central News de spatch from Brussels says that a minis terial crisis has arisen over the franchise question, and several ot the members of the ministry have offered to resign. BANQUET TO DEWEY. The Admiral PraiHes AiiMtrin for Her Action at Manila. Trieste, July 22. United States Minister Harris gave a banquet 'o Admiral Dewey at 8 o'clock last evening in the town hall. The banquet hall was brilliantly decorated with the' Stars and Stri, os and a profusion of flowers, Those prr("it included Minis ter Harris and the stai. of the Legation, the American and other Consuls, Congress man G. E. Foss. Admiral Dewey, and tho officers of the Olympia. The banquet was over at 10 o'clock, when Admiral Dewey returned to his flagship Despite tho Intimation that there would be no speeches at theibanqaet, Mr .Harris spoke and Admiral Dewey replied. Mr. Foss made a speech to which Lieutenant Commander Bechler replied, and Secretary Herllcka also addressed the company. The chief topic was America As Admiral Dewey said that he did not find a more loyal neutral flag before Manila than that of Austria, Mr. Harris said that he felt sure that the United Stales had no better friend than Austria. This morning Admiral Dewey, accompa nied by Minister Harris, visited the Em peror's castle at Mlramar, which was built by Emperor Francis Joseph's brother, Fer dinand Maximllltan, who was for- a brief period Emperor of Mexico. The magnifi cent castle and park excited great admira tion on the part ot the visitors, and tho numerous mementoes and reminiscences of the Prince which were scattered about in the rooms he once inhabited moved Ad miral Dewey deeply. AFFAIRS AT HAVANA. Vn Order Stoned for the Appoint ment of CentiuH OfUcinlH. Havana, July 22. General Brooke today signed an order appointing census In spectors for Cuba. The- Inspectors are Pe dro Piquero for the Plnar del Rio province. Manuel Pasco for Havana, Claudio Dumas for Matanzas, J. B Jomenez for Santa Clara, A. H. Aguero, for Puerto Princlps, and Sabas Meneses forfiantiago They will leave on Thursday for-Washington to get their instructions from! the Census Super intendent. The Bishop of Havana visited General Brooke today and objected to the Inspec tion of the convents by Major Davis, the chief sanitary officer. General Brooke re ferred the Bishop to General Ludlow. Major Davis has already finished bis re port, in which he will say the burial of bodies within the convents is highly In jurious to health He objects to the prac tice on this ground and recommends an or der forbidding it. Colonel Moile, of the Paymaster's De partment, is about to 6tart on board the transport Ingills for Puerto Padre and other ports in the east where there are many Cubans awaltli g their pa. The Secretary ot Justice has conferred with General Brooke as to the best means of obtaining the liberty of Luis Oteiza, who is now at Ceuta serving a sentence of fourteen ears' imprisonment for fraud against the Spanish treasurj while he was treasurer In Havana in 1810. Oteiza was extradited froTi New York after a long legal fight upon the petition of General Salamanca, who was- then Governor-General of Cuba He has Jurt been pardoned by the Audencla but It is feared that Spain will not deliver him to the Cuban authorities. The Secretary of Justice im poses that Oteiza be Sent here as a con vict to be sentenced bytn Cuban court to serve his term here Tills being done It Is the Secretary s intention 10 reie-ise mm The protest of the Arfideni of Sclencp against General Urookes allowing pnsi clans to tike examinlOon and pra-tice here with the aid of interpreters. In which It was declared that all qhanges In the law here by the Americans! since January 1 were mil and void, was met toda by a counter petition, presented to Secretar of Justice L-.ntiza, which asked th-t the orig inal remain unchanged. The petition was signed by over 100 cltUcns, many of whoii are members of the Academ ot Science, and were also prominent In, the revolution The petition also obreefs to the lan?ua;e used In tho original protest as being un warranted and unusual. KIO to M n-a FalNand lt turn SHI via I'enslviiull. Hiillronil. epeiial train cf parlor An aril day roath-i will leae Mxlli Street. Wation S 00 m , .'ill F TltVt bockI inr t i dj. ao t.!o .er at 11 ilTalo, l..i0.reter, inai..aigiu slid Ualkiiu, reluming wltlmi lb'"'- '"St "cu-suu vu,rust Iff. TERROR AT GLHTBLABD City Under jlartial Law and (lie Community Greatly Eicited. MrlkerH Ihjiiic a Statement Jostlf IliK Molent Method The Life of J'reIdcnt Ilverett, of the IJIfl Con Holidatcil lload. Threatened Mil itia Armeil nnil Head for Action. Cleveland, Ohio, July 22. This city Is under martial law tonight and the entire community is on tho tip-tee of expectancy for violent developments. The strikers Is sued a statement today Justifying violent methods in dealing with the forces that aro arraed against them, and from threats made by individual strikers, a state ot ter ror Is anticipated. Threats ot personal violence were made to President Henry Everett and other officials of the Big Con solidated today. President Everett was warned that his residence was to be blown up. Tho strikers are frenzied beyond de scription because the company has secured men enough to operate Its cars during the day time and has refused to recognize the union. The situation appeared so gravo this af ternoon, that Mayor- Farley calleJ out the Fifth Regiment of the National Guard, which saw camp service In the Spanish war, and the three Cleveland troops ot the First Ohio Cavalry. With the Naval Re STves, who were called out yesterday, the 'orce of military now on duty comprises C'O men. The Naval Reserves have 110 msn, tho four Cleveland companies of the Fifth, 300 men, and the cavalry, ISO men mounted. The police on duty tonight comprise 200 men. Ma or Farley took personal com mand of the military and police forces. At 6 o'clock this evening the mayor proceeded to the office of the director of police and assigned the various commands to stations. "I want you to understand," said be, "that your duty is to protect property and life. You are on guard duty and must use good Judgment. Your men are armed with rifles, and are to use them If necessary. The good order of this city must be preserved. Undue violence must not be used, and you are only to use bajonets and rifles when it becomes absolutely necessary in order to protect life and property." Forty rounds of ammunition were issued to each man. At 9:30 o'clock the first trouble occurred. A Cedar Avenue car was held up near Caso Avenue, and the windows smashed. Po liceman Harry Fisher, who was on the car, fired into thevcrowd and hit Tred Snider, the bullet going through the arm. Snider was taken to the central police sta tion. Tor nearly an hour the cars were stalled in Cedar Avenue. Almost simul taneously a riot occurred in another part of the cit. A mob held up a car at Wilson and Lexington Avenues and smashed its windows. A policeman shot into the crowd and it scattered. At 10 o'clock" two Broadway cars, ac companied by forty cavalrymen, rt,arted from the Miles Avenue barns to go down town through the most dangerous part of the city. At the Broadway market house several hundredgreeted the car and caval rymen with ashawer of rotten egg3 and vegetables Some shots were fired but did no damage. . The cars passed but crowds continued to gather and they promise to prevent their passage. The Big Consolidated this morning placed In operation all Its lines except the Union Street line. While none of them had full complements ot cars, the operation was moderately regular on some of the lines. A gang of forty men arrived at tho Lake view barns last night from Pittsburg. The huge iron spool used to carry conduit wires was left on the tracks, and It toofi eight men to man It The obstructionists were busy all night and few. If any, lines escaped. Wires were cut at a number of points. Tblrty-fivo more non-union men arrived from Chicago today. They were largely men who have recently been discharged from the Army and found themselves out of Jobs. A westbound car on Euclid Avenue was fired upon from the. bushes cast of Lake View Cemetery at 10.30 o'clock tonight, several bullets striking the car. No one was injured. Two cars, accompanied by forty cavalrymen, were stopped by ob structions at Canton Street and Broadway at 11 p. m When the troopers started to remove tho obstructions .they were at tacked by a mob of 300 with rocks and club3 The non-union conductor and mo torman fired seven shots into the crowd. Several windows In adjoining buildings were broken. Three persons are reported shot. The police had a battle with a mob at the Holmden Avenue barns before midnight A score of men were clubbed and thirteen were arrested Tha battle at the Holmdn Avenue barn lasted two hours, from 9.30 to 11 30 p m. The military and police were very lenient, tho former not using their guns and tho latter their clubs only sparingly. Dynamite was placed on Eu clid Avenue tracks at Cass Avenue, but it was discovered in time. NEW YORK NEWSBOYS' STRIKE. The I relilni C.'lHiili AiriireKxIv and the Poliee Av ntt llful. New York. July 22. The striking news bos still hold out, and their tactics have become so aggressive up town and down town as to attract the close attention of police captains of the different precincts Tho newsbovs today declare that their ranks are swelling every hour the strike continues. "We's got de fresh guys on de wagons seared now." said "Kid" Blink, "an' de man'gers can't find no one to cirkelate de papers Say, we's winnin' easy. We's" pointing with his thumb over his shoulder at his gang behind him "de kids, de bosses said, couldn't get de strike on no morn 'n wo could tie knots in a. pall of water!" Scenes of disorder were not so frequent about Printing House Square todaj. There vere parades, however, and oceasionall a good deal of noise. It was hard to buy one of the tabooed papers the Evening World and Journal In thl3 locality, but it was an easy matter up town. Last night the boys ran riot, and several were arrested. sponKed, and set free Several strikers attacked a oungster on Frankfort Street this morning, accusing him of being false to the union They ,-;avi him a severe beating with sticks and clubs. He was rescued by a policeman and taken to a drug store, where a few wounds on his head and face were dresstd rmally he was put on a Third Avenue car and sent home The attacking strikers were loo quiCK tor me ponce, jvs rviu iiunie said- "De cops couldn't run fast enough." One newsboy, who said he was twenty one ears old, was fined $5 in Jefferson Market Court this morning for taking part in a disturbance at Greeley Square last night. t ist' '." Iliiltlmore and lie- Kljir. turn via leniiN lvnnln Itailrond. Tickets en sale fc-atrrtliiv and Sundai, 7uh. 22 and J3, pood to iftiirn until Mondi. July 21. All trailw except Congressional Limited. I. to Hnltiiuore and Heturn in 1J. A. O. iSnturda and tSiiadu, July 22 ard St. gcod for return until following j. Momlu. GV.)d on all tram except lto;al Llni lieu TALL BUILDINGS ROCKED. Lom Aneelex H-cperienrCM One of Il Henv let Kiirlh.imike Shock. Los Angeles, CaL, July 22. The heaviest earthquake shock experienced here for years occurred at noon today. The vibra tions were from north to south and lasted fully ten seconds. Tall buildings rocked and a heavy rumbling noise was heard while the shock lasted. Several pieces of stonework in the ornamental facade In front of the city hall, on Broadway, were dislodged and fell to the pavement. Pass ersby had narrow escapes but no one was Injured. No serious damage bad been e'one so far as known, A FATAL TRAIN WRECK. Two I'erMnm Believed to Have Ileeu Killed and Several Injured. Nashville, Tenn , July 22. The Chesa peake and Nashville train which left Galla tin this evening for Scottsville, Ky., was wrecked at a point seventeen miles east of Gallatin. Two lives are believed to have been lost, several persons received Injuries of a serious nature, and the damage done to the railway property is large. The train consisted of six cars, three of which contained freight. As a trestle was being crossed a portion of the structure gave way and the train fell sixty feet to the ground. The eneine had nnimed nwr when the cars fell, carrying the engine I with them. There were a number of pas- , "bo iu uwm mo train, una most ot them were Injured. A Mr. Bird, whoue place of residence Is not known, but who Is said to be a repre sentative of a show, was pinned in the ruins and burned to death. Charles Speak man, a brakeman. Is missing, and it is supposed that ho perished. A number ot others were seriously hurt Tho cars caught fire immediately after going through the trestle and were destroy ed togetner witn freight valued at several thousand dollars. TWO Y0US0 3IEX DROWNED. boitH of Arthur A. Dlrney, Former Dlntrtct Attorne). Laurel, Del , July 22. Arthur and James Blrney, two young men. sons of Arthur A. BIrney, former United States District At torney for the district of Washington, were drowned off tho Isle of Wight this afternoon under very pathetic circum stances. Mrs. Blrney and her three boys are summering at Ocean City, Md. The threo boys went for a sail In Synpuxant Bay. When off the Isle of Wight, Jame3' hat blew off and in his efforts to get it ho fell overboard and was sinking when Arthur plunged to his assistance. He suc ceeded in keeping the drowning brother above the water until within two feet of the boat, when, with a cry of anguish, both went down. Harry, the remaining brother, sat in the boat crying for help. When he realized ! that bis brothers had gone down to rise no more, he tied a hatch to a rope and sunk It. To the other end ho fattened a piece ot wood. He then departed for home to In form his parents of the accident. Up to this hour, 11 p. m , the bodies have not been recovered. The drowning occurred within a few feet of whero a boat was cap sized and a family of seven drowned In 1S93, The rows of the accident wts recelvel by Mr. Birney at his home. 1516 Twenty second street yesterday afternoon about 4.30. Mrs. Birney telegraphed him that an accident had happened to one of tho boys t and asked him to come to Ocean City at qnce. As If b intuition Mr. Birney con cluded that something very serious bad happened, and telegraphed Mrs. Birney to send him full particulars ot the accident In a very short time Mr. Blrney received another message from hi3 wife, acquaint ing him with the distressing truth that their two boys, Arthur and James, had been drowned. Mr. Birney Immediately prepared to go to Ocean City, but unfortunately cojld not make railway connection for that place until 2 o'clock this morning. The train on which he left took him no farther than Baltimore, and from there he will go thi3 morning to Ocean City. The boys w ho were drowned. Arthur and James, were sixteen and fourteen years of age, respectively. Arthur was a pnpil at tho Western High School, and was con sidered a boy of unusual attainments for one of his age Ho took a high stand in all his studies and was a favorite with all his schoolmates James, too, was a bright little fellow, and beloved by all who knew him He also was a pupil in the public schools. Mrs. Birney and the children went to Ocean City about the first of June, and took a cottage, intending to remain there until fall. It Is understood that esterday morning the three bos. Arthur, James, and Harry, went gunning on the bas in a flat-bottomed boat and were out of view of an one when the accident which resulted fatal 1 to the two elder occurred THE SMELTER STRIKE. V ii H and Hitter I nhor AVnr Uv peetetl in Colorado. Denver, Col, Jul 22. The anticipated trouble between managers and men in connection with the resumption of bus iness by the trust smelters Is now on. A labor war ot huge pro portions Is promised. Despite the fact that the Supreme Court declared the eight-hour law unconstitutional and tho managers ar ranged a new scale advancing the wages about 23 per cent all along the line, tho smelter men's union has Isaued an ulti matum demanding an eight-hour day and the old scale that was paid for a ten-hour shift. The result Is th-it the smelter com bine and tho union are now hopelessly apart, and a long struggle is believed to be unavoidable. The smelter managers intimate that they will attempt to start up with non-union crews and reiterate that under no circumstances will they officially recognize the union Much ot the skilled labor at the smelters Is union anl the man agers confess that the will hive diffi culty In filling the of these men The shut-down has had a ver noticeable effect on the bullion product and the Jul gold and silver output will be wa below tho average MESSENGER BOYS RESTLESS. Those on the New Icirk stork. H-v-ehmie Mav strike 'tomorrow. New York, July 22 American District Messenger boys on tho Stock Euchange section of tho cit have threatened to strlko on Monda b?cauc, as the sas, the are charged by the comranv 50 cents a week the whole ear roand for the same uniform, and 10 cents a week f They demand, also, an Ircr.j- i 4 They are trying to make the strike general In this borough, where about S 500 boii art employed. The boS are paid either b salary or message: If by salar) they get $3.40 a week If by message, 2 cents each and 2 1-2 cents If there is an answer Thev demand 2 1-2 cents for each message, an swer or not. A In an Informal Rice She Aaia Outfools the Defender. AVenther nnil AVntcr Condition VVholtj Lnfnvnrnhle to a Content of Merit l'lie New Hunt' snperlor lt Full) HMtnlllUhed The l)e fender .Mcctx "With an cclileut. Newport, It I., July 22. Thcro was no formal yacht race today between the big: sloops Columbia, and Defender, bat things happened outside the harbor ot Newport that yachtsmen would have traveled rules to see had they known that exciting ma rine epl30de3 would take place. There was, for Instance, a lively ten minutes In the shadow of Fort Adams when the DefenJer ran aground and for a time threatened to do herself severe Injury. There was a spell ot calm after which, for a wind-up, the two yachts raced home against an Im pending squall. With them went all the wind in the neighborhood and by the time the famous yachts had found their moor ings a flat calm prevailed. It was a day in which the skippers were not bothered by gold-laced regatta committees or their starting signals, guns, whistles, and stop watches, but it was a day never to be forgotten by those who witnessed the In formal spin In the stretch of sea extending from this port nearly to Point Judith. There was a question early ths morning whether the yachts would or would not race. Early thU morning Hcr-sshoffs sent down a link ot steel to replace the broken chain under the Defender's boom, and In a very tew- minutes the cause of the boat's withdrawal from yesterday's contest was as good as nsw. Mr Duncan boarded his launch and put oft for the anchorage of tho Columbia for the purpose of learning the wishes ot Mr. Iselln. Ten minutes later he returned and it was soon apparent that, despite the slack wind.. the two yachts would endeavor to beat oat ot the harbor against the tide and have a set-to in tho open. The Columbia and the Defender were evidently billed to play to empty benches, for not one of the big fleet of steam and sail craft anchored In the harbor made play to follow the big sIoop3 as they tacked slowly around Fort Adams. Defender In the Unit So dead wa3 the wind that the De fender had not got clear ot the frowning fortress after being under sail for half an hour. Finally, at 11.50, she put about on the starboard tack while oil what used to be called Fort Dumpling, on Connecticut Island. Nearlng Fort Adam3 on this hitch she ran close to the shore and put her helm down to come about But hardly waj her head straight up to the wind when her keel stuck in the mud and the hull became motionless. 2C0 yariU in tho rear ot Fort Adams. At the time she grounded she was less than fitt feet from a frowning cliff ot rocks upon which the long rollers from the open sea were sullen ly breaking. The tide was against her, and worked the boat in rather than out The naphtha launch Aggie took a line from the sloop. For a while the best she could do was to hold the yacht as she lay, bat at last she swung her bon around so that it was pointing from the nearby shore. Then for a while things remained in status quo. At last the incoming tide and a fresh breeze coming to her rescue, she slid out of the mud into clear water. No damage was done. While all this was going on the Colum bia had been hauled up, and both boats stood out past the Brenton s Reef light ship toward Point Judith on a long tack. A tedious run of three-quarters of an hour came to an end when the Defender tacked at 1 o'clock. The Columbia immediately followed suit. The correspondent's tug be ing close to the Defender, was asked by Mr Duncan to find out the wishes ot Mr. Iselln. who requested Mr. Duncan to stand off to the whistling buoy, off Point Judith. The Columbia then went in stays and was coon close to the Defender. Oft for Their Spin. Both boats monkeed around for a Ions time. Thev drifted anart until a distanca of half a mile separated them. Final y, at 1 4i the Ueienaer went acout anu crossea the Columbia's bow. The new boat wheeled and made after the Defender with cased sheets. The Defender accepted the defi, and. going in stays at 2 o'clock stool for Point Judith Captain Ran- crossed under the old boat's stern and came up into the wind a hundred ards to windward. Just at tbl3 time a good breeze sprung up, and the Defender went o3 like a race horse. Her rival was s'ow In getting start ed, but when she finally gathered momen tum she wore down the Defender. The Columbia set the biggest Jib topsail she had in stock. All the time tho wind was piping up, and it loola as though the would round the Whistling Buoy off Toint Judith, but the sky in the northwest as sumed so threatening an aspect that both beats wore around The breeze at this time was blowing a good twelve knots an hour. This was at 2 15. Within fifteen mlnuts the wind had doubled, and before the boats had reached the protecting lanl at the entrance of the harbor, both toati had deemed it wise to shorten sail. Columbia Gains. When the race again3t the squall began the Defender had the lead b half a fur long. The Columbia had gained In the brush nearly half a mile in a four-mile run. They squared away from home with the new boat to the windward by a hundred ards, and a pretty piece of sailing It was. As the wind Increased the yachts heeled more and more. In a rushing, slashlns race tne Columbia overhauled the DJfender and passed her. The elements looked dark and angry and things seemed almost at a snapping point a3 the yachts heeled and tore through the water Both shortened all, but the Columbia's sailors worked-slow- and by the time the Columbia bail squared away ag-iin there was a difference ot nearl a mile between them While tbey had full sail up and the breeze lasted tho new boat had shown herself to be the faster, but when the gaff topsails were taken in the racers wsre about entering the harbor and there was no further .h.n.. Ar .AmnflHnp thMr merits. Still. on "every point of sailing and In every kin I of wind during the past two diys the Co lumbia has proved her superiority over tho Defender The Defender has reached her limit, but the Columbia with now sails, bard rigging, and a green but wllliJS crew, has beaten her every time and will con tinue to do so ever time they meet The wind came down almost to a flat calm be fore the two boats had come to anchor. There will be no race tomorrow and wlta the exception cf Informal spin like today the boats will not come together lu & reg ular race until net Saturda. when the Newport Yacht Racing Association will grasp the reins again. II. .v. O. "t.l to Frederick. Ilacern tovvu rod Winchester Dr Fpetlal tra n I aiinjr Wajtiinjlon 7 a m., Jul 23 tWiptm; at tut-mediat-" station. He turning, leave lia?ersinvn and WiiKheiter at T and ereilerkk 7 Jj p in. lane da. SL'orl Contrrct. Jam; F Koe lun I m award I t c contract for turnlih lis i-ual ! the Hnnsi of lleinesenta tives, luliicgUn, Navy aid, and Naval Museum of Higicne. .- -