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The times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1897-1901, July 26, 1899, Image 1

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SV3" -3?V!S-W"i "
Price One Cent.
Number 1922.
OhioXaHonnl Guards Fast Invading
Turbulent Cleveland.
Adjutant Genernl Axllne Assumes
Commnud Mobs to lie Suppressed
nt An Cost IHhop Ilorstmnnu Is
nuph fin Appeal for Order Violence
Still Helens TlironKhout the Cl.
Cleveland. July 25. The strike situation
here was marked by three things the gen
eral quiet at the forenoon and early after
noon, the arrival of troops from the central
part of the State under command of Adju
tant General Axllne, and the tumultuous
rioting tonight. The second fatality of the
strike was recorded today when. Sirs. E. C.
Martin, of 73 Alanson Street, died as the
result of Injuries received in the blowing
up of the Euclid Avenue car on Sunday
At dusk crowds began to gather at Pearl
and Clark Streets in such force that the
guard of policemen and patrolling soldiers
were unable to cope with them. The
crowd grew until the whole street vas in
a tumult. The police found tbemseles
practically helpless and a call was sent
In for help. The police reserves from two
precincts were hurried out and Company
T, Fifth Regiment, and forty men from
Company G, were sent out to assist. When
the soldiers and police arrived they com
bined their forces and charged the mob,
which, althojgh armed only with clubs
end stones, resisted the attack. The sol
diers charged the crowd with fixed bajo-
nets and the crowd broke and fled. Several
persons received slight wounds, but only
one was so badly Injured that he had to
be taken to a hospital. The police and
soldiers succeeded in arresting thirteen of
the rioters and locked them up.
After the soldiers retired another crowd
collected, but was dispersed by the police.
Simultaneously with the riot on the South
Side, about 1,500 persons collected around
the Qulncy and Bolton Avenue barns. The
soldiers stationed there ordered them to
move on. No beed being paid to the de
mand .a charge was made and fifteen pris
oners taken. Three of the rioters were
clubbed into insensibility. At about 9 p.
m. a crowd of EDO collected on Broadway
between DUIey and Forest Streets, and
stopped a Broadway mall car. They pulled
the non-union crew off. Four or five other
cars came behind and were blockaded. A
detachment of Naval Reserves came up on
the double-quick and dispersed the crowd.
More dubbing was done here and ten ar
rests were made, some of the arrested men
having to first be clubbed Into submission.
Store Violent Scenes.
A serious riot occurred on Orange Street
at 10 p. m. A Big Consolidated car was
stopped by a heavy rail which had been
placed on the track. In a short time a
crowd of 4,000 persons surrounded the car.
Paving blocks, stones, and clubs were
hurled at the car, breaking all the windows
and shattering the framework. Tbe lew
policemen neat were unable to cope with
the crowd, which made a grand rush for
the car. The police would have been over
powered had not a car with about twenty
colored soldiers arrived during the heat
cf the fight. The Infantrymen charged the
crowd with fixed bayonets, shouting that
cnless the crowd dispersed they would fire.
The rioters turned and ran, the troopers
giving chase. The people were followed
to the doors of their houses by the excited
A party of six of the colored soldiers
chased James DeMooy, seventeen years
old, one of the alleged rioters, into bis
home. The boy was followed Into a rear
room, where his brother blo:ked the way.
The brother ordered the soldiers out of
the 2scsc One of the soldiers ordered
his comrades to charge. DeMooy was in
the act of drawing a revolver when one
of the soldiers placed a revolver at his
temple and told him if he moved he would
shoot. Toung DeMooy was captured and
was marched back to a street car. He was
charged with throwing stones at a car,
which, under the statutes of the State, is
a. felony.
Hardly had the militia left before the
crowd began to reassemble. Open threats
that! they would kill the crew of the next
car that went by were made by the leaders
of the mob. The police telephoned for as
sistance and three full companies of mili
tia were hurriedly sent to the scene. Be
fore the soldiers arrived tho streets were
Another Klot lleportcd.
Reports of other riots are coming and a
message from Colllngwood says that a
crowd of strikers there had a battle with
soldiers and won a Ictory. taking the
militiamen's guns away from them and
beating tbem badly.
Adjutant General Axllne, In com
mand of seven companies of the
Fourth Regiment and one of the Fifth
Regiment, O. N. G . arrived In Cleveland
at 2:15 o'clock this afternoon bn a special
train 'over the Big Four Railroad. Other
companies in the State are now in readi
ness for a call to Cleveland at a moment's
notice The eight new companies now In
the city will be commanded by Captain
Joseph L. Walsh, of Columbus, and com
prise about 400 men. Adjutant General
Axllne will be In command of nil the
troupe in the city. Immediately on their
arrival the troops formed Into battalions
and marched to the Central Armory. Ad
jutant General Axllne, talking of the con
dition of the soldiers, said "Nearly all
these bos have seen active sen ice and
are fine soldiers. I could put nearly 4,000
more men into this city at twenty-four
hours' notice. We are receiving equip
ments rapidly and are In a position to
equip all the men. I cannot say how long
I -will remain in the city."
Ten thousand rounds of ammunition w ere
hlpped here today. Eight companies
from the- Fifth and Eighth regiments- and
two unattached win go out under a second
call for troops for Cleveland Bhould one
be made. The soldiers that arrived today
were tired and the first intention was to
have them rest tonight but outbreaks
after dark necessitated their going into
Immediate service. The entire force of
soldiers and police on duty is 1,500 men
Late today the Scots Guards and Cleve
land Grays, Independent military compa
nies, were ordered under arms and later
assigned to duty.
Bishop Ilorstuinnn's Appcnl.
Blthop Horstmann, the Catholic Bishop of
tbis''dIoccse, issued a proclamation this af
ternoon 'n which be says- "No matter
what may have been the grievances of the
employes of the Cleveland Electric Rail
way Company, no matter what may have
been jour sympathy for the strikers, after
the outrages that have been committed,
after the terrorizing of the Inhabitants ot
Cleveland and its suburbs; after the danger
tcvlif e and property which has follow cd. It
Is our sacred duty to remind you all of yout
solemn obligations to Almighty God, as
Christians, and to your city and country as
D. S. O. Wcet-End Cuuntr) Excur
sions. Tickets fold Saturday! and Sondiji, jood to
return until Uobda) (ollowl-i-, at creatly re
duced rale- Jroni Wbkiiirton to Cbcrteitown,
Frederick, Annapolis Junction, sad Intermediate
. points.
FrnnU Lllibey A. Co. Lumber
Dcalcnv Gth ft. and X. T. tc. tw.
citizen? in this emergency. It has alwnys
been our proudest boast as Americans thai
we have shown the world we are capable
of self-government, but now, alas, what do
we witness' Anarchy reigns. Riot and
rebellion prevail. The civil authority is
defied and opsnly resisted. The city is ter
rorized by the mob and the militia must
ba called out to preserve order."
Bishop Horstmann clo.es with an appeal
to the laity to avoid violence, to uphold the
civil authorities, and to Keep away from
crowds, and directs the clergy what por
tions of the service should be used durlns
the continuance of the trouble.
Eleven of the fourteen lines of the Big
Consolidated were In operation today. The
ones not started were the Union, Burton,
and Clark Avenue lines. The soldiers, dep
uties, and police were all on duty, but the
day passed quietly.
The linemen ot the Reserve Construction
Company, who are on a strike, are passing
around cards requesting business firms to
desist from patronizing the Cuahoga Tel
ephone Company.
Auu-t nlou Men Disunited.
Wbjn cars bgan running to South
Brooklyn vUlage today the marshal met
them at the town limits and demanded
that the crews satisfy him that they were
not carrying concealed weapons. This was
in accordance with the orders of Mayor
Phelps, that no street car man carrying
firearms should be allowed In the village.
The marshal found no weapons, however.
Tho non-union men left them at the barn:
and got them again when they came back
on their trips into the city. The marshal
remained on duty all morning and every
crew was compelled to submit to a search.
A similar search was made by the mar.
ehal of Colllnwood, who boarded all cars
when they entered the precincts of tho
President Everett, of the Big Consoli
dated, says that he hopes to have all his
cars running on their schedule time and
without interference in the very near
future. He further said that the company
has all the men It needs to run cars, and
that it is their intention to keep these men
as long as their work was satisfactory.
Harry Br) an, of the strikers, gave out
a statement as follows: "We take this op
portunity to contradict the stories that
are being circulated to the effect that our
organizalon Is responsible for the dyna
miting and destruction of property. We
deplore these acts as much as anybody,
and have warned all our members to have
nothing to do with any such acts, and to
stay away from all assemblages where
trouble may occur. We claim the right
to strike and to ask our friends to refrain
from patronizing the company. These are
our weapons and we will use them in the
defence of our position."
A collision in which several passengers
were severely shaken up occurred In East
Cleveland this afternoon. No one was
seriously injured.
Onirics Mnok Tied to an Oak, Slutll
ntetl, and Mruw; Up.
Brinscn, Ga., July 25. Charles Mack,
the negro captured near Iron City early
jesterday morning, was taken to SafTold
yesterday. After identification the men in
charge started to Bainbridge Jail with him
through the country in order to evade tho
mob. On nearing Bainbridge last night
they were met by a mob of several hun
dred men and the negro was taken away
from them. He was then taken back to
SafTold for further Identification, after
which ho was dragged to thesame spot
and tree where Lewis Sammlns was
lynched on Sunday morning and he suf
fered death in a similar manner.
Mack was tied to a big oak tree, and
members of the mob took out their knive3
and mutilated and tortured him as much
as possible. As the mob pulled him up
to be hanged several hundred shots were
fired at the body. Mack's body was cut to
pieces after part of the mob had dispersed.
A negro woman was with Mack jesterday
morning when captured and although she
was not molested she has since told that
she knew the whereabouts of all the rest
cf the gang. A posse is looking for her
and for tho other negroes.
Governor Candler Orders Troops to
the Turlinlcnt Georcln Town.
Atlanta, Ga., July 23. The troubles at
Bainbridge, Decatur county, growing out
of tho Ogletrce outrage, which have al
ready caused four lynchings, resulted to
night in the following message from
Sheriff Patterson, of Decatur county, to
Governor Candler:
Town in the hands cf a mob; fend aid quick.
Governor Candler has ordered two com
panies of State mlltia to Bainbridge.
A Church Burned, Three AVhlte lien
Shot, nml ji .Veitrii lynched.
Dallas, Tex., July 25. Serious race trou
bles are reported irom Grimes county. A
band of negroes last night burned a coun
try church belonging to tho white people
and a race riot took place as a sequel.
William Fuqua, Randolph Wright, and
Lockroy Moody, white men, are reported
shot. The three wounded white men will
recover. The negro leader, Henry Hamil
ton, who caused the burning of the church
and precipitated the riot, was captured
today about seven miles from Navasota
and lynched by hanging. Several hun
dred white men pursued him all l.lght
nnd overtook him at 10 o'clock today. He
showed fight and was shot twice before
being overpowered. A posse of peace offi
cers from Navasota spent the afternoon at
the scene of the trouble and returned to
night They report everything quiet and
apprehend no further trouble.
The Hero of Manila Ilnv to He Given
ii Itojnl Itceeptlfin.
Norwalk, Conn., July 25 Citizens of
Norwalk and West port arc planning to give
Admiral Dewey the biggest kind of a re
ception upon the occasion of bis visit to
Admiral Schley. The admiral refuses to
discuss the details of the visit of the hero
of Manila Bay, but is quietly making plans
to give him a royal welcome. The plan.
as near as can be ascertained, is that
Admiral Dewey, on tearing himself freo
from New York, will start for Vermont
by way of the New York, New Haven and
Hartford Railroad, stopping at South Nor
walk and from there will be driven to the
residence of Admiral Schley's daughter,
Mrs. M. Stuart Wortiey, at HcnJrick
Point, where Admiral Schley is spending
the summer. How long he will remain
the guest of bis fellow officer is a prob
lem, but it will probably be two days
at least. Mr. and Mrs Wortiey usually
return to New York about September 15,
but they have arranged not to leave their
summer home this vcar until after Dewey's
Lnnt SIO Excursion to Clitmtnuiiun
In reiiugj Ivnnlfi Iliillroinl.
Tlcktis on Mlc for 755 a m. train July 23,
fiKl to return when properly validated, uotil
Auguat 20, 1899. (10 round trip.
1Ti,0O( Ml n lire feet of Hext Boards
at SliSO per 1,000 feet, just arrived.
France Visits Her DispleasurcUpun
Drevfus' Detainers.
Pel.leiix TlcRrnded for Ljlnrr Ahont
iMcfinnrt'H I.oic Letters Ue c
Brlcr Itetlreil for Itnsh "Words
About the Hermes Court-Martial
1'Iot Moinjers In a State of Terror.
Paris, July 25. General Pellicux's re
moval from the important command of the
Paris garrison to an infantry brigade at
Quimper is one of the severest measures
the Minister of War has taken, and it prac
tically closes Gegenal Pellleux's career. It
lbs report Is true that General Pellleux has
demanded that he be placed on the retired
list rather than to accept the command as
signed to him it is probably the wisest
course for him to pursue.
It seems that his offence, which has called
for such severe punishment, was lying to
General de Dalllfet, in reference to the love
letters written by Madame M. to Colonel
Picquart. When General Pellleux reached
Picquart's house be found the letters which
whatever question or morality was Involved,
did not concern the enquiry with which
General Pellleux was charged. It appears,
however, that the latter maliciously mailed
the letters to Madame M.'s husband, who
is a Judge, with the result that he sued foi
and obtained a separation from his wife.
General de Dalllfet asked General Pellleux
whether it was true that he bad mailed
the letters to the husband and General Pel
lleux gave his word of honor that he had
not. Proof to the contrary was subsequent
ly furnished to the Minister of War.
Whether this story is true in all its de
tails cannot bo asserted, but it is generally
Dc eRrler's Retirement,
No less sensational than General Pel
lleux's degradation is the compulsory re
tirement of General de Negrier. which Is
announced This evening General do Ne
grier was a member of the Supreme Coun
cil of War and an army Inspector. He
sect a circular to the officers in his dis
trict savlug in effect that when the Rennes
court-martial was concluded the Supreme
Council of War would take steps to bring
before Piesldent Loubet the necessity for
ending the attempts to defame the army.
It Is stated that General de Galllfct,
learning of this, summoned General de
Negrier and asked for an explanation.
General de Negrier's reply was evasive
and unsatisfactory, but he said that the
army was entirely with him. His re
moval attracts much attention. M. Jaures,
one of the Socialist leaders in the Cham
ber of Deputies, In a letter to the "Petite
Republlque," applauds Ceneral de Galll
fet's decision, declaring that General de
Negrier's conduct was tantamount to ex
citing the officers of the army against the
Government of the Republic.
Happily the ministry has struck this
principal conspirator in a manner that
indicates that it will break all plot mon
gers. Slgismund Lacrolx, in the "Radical,"
says that eGneral do Negrier was punished
for criticising before army officers the at
titude of the existing Government. To
foreshadow reprisals by the Council of War
was to incite the -officers under his orders
to revolt.
The "Echo de Paris" publishes a state
ment in'wbich M. Mazeau, President of the
Court of Cassation, i3 represented as de
claring that the Government's instructions
to Major Carnerc, the prosecutor at the
court-marflal, were entirely out of place.
Their publication was another mistake,
the only result of which will be the stir
ring up ot polemics, which there is every
reason to avoid. Moreover, tho instruc
tions are useless, inasmuch as it is legally
Impossible to circumscribe the enquiry at
Rennes, -which is in no way limited by the
decree of the Court of Cassation.
1'ovier of the Conrt-Mnrtinl,
The military Judges have the fullest lib
erty to call out evidence tending to es
tablish tho guilt or Innocence of the ac
cused. Irrespective of the fact that the
court's judgment is only required on the
question of the bordereau. This is so far
true that the court will be completely Jus
tified in enlightening itself as to the other
accusations against Drevfus, even the ac
cusations bearing on his personal morality,
and will have a perfect right to confront
Captain Lebrun-Renaud and Dreyfus. Tho
foregoing rests at present entirely on the
"Echo's" authority.
Tarls, July 25. The official list of the
seventy witnesses summoned by Major
Carrlere to testify before the Dreyfus court
martial Include all the former Ministers of
War, former President Casslmlr Perler and
all the generals, officers, detectives, and
experts connected with the Drejfus affair.
Including M. Lebon and M. Hanotaux.
According to the "Petit Blue," the widow
of Colonel Henry, who committed suicide
in prison, after confessing his forgery of
documents In tho Dreyfus case, will be a
witness at the trial of Dreyfus at Rennes.
A guarantee of f conduct will be sent
to former Major Esterhazy to enable him
to come to Rennes to appear as a witness-
at the Drevfus court-martial
M. lie Ilcnurciililre's Letter.
M. Quesnay de Beaurepalrc has written a
letter to the "Echo de Paris" sajlng that
Colonel Jourauest, the President of the
Dreyfus court-martial, has refused, to hear
his statement in regard to the new proofs
of Drejfus' guilt, which he has obtained.
M. de Baurepatre declares that he will pub
lish th evidence which he possesses
Tho officers who are replacing the dis
missed and superseded generals nearly all
belong to the military household of tho Into
President Sadi-Carnot, whoso brother,
Adolphe, was one of tho first to befriend
Drcj fus.
Former Judge Beaurcpalro and Captain
Lebrun Renaud, to the latter of whom it
was alleged Drejfus had made a confes
sion of guilt, have not been summoned to
testify before the court-martial at Rennet.
M. Beaurcpalro is consequently indulging
In a customary screed against the Dreyfus-
ltes and the authorities. j
London, July 25 The Paris correspond
ent of tho "Mornlng'Post" vouches for the
following- "On tho evo of leav inrj-Paris
on his vacation a day or two ago Judge
Mazeau, President of the Court of Cassa
tion, called at the Palace of the Elysee to
bid farewell to President Loubet. The lat
ter asked directly for Judge Mazcau's per
sonal opinion as to Dreyfus' guilt "or inno
cence. The judge replied: 'Amid all the
evidence submitted to ub we did not find
sufficient proof to establish guilt.' Judge
Mazeau has alwavs been regarded as a
strong anti-revisionist."
Captain Gujot de Vlllaneuvc, who sent
4.S00 francs to Prof Syveton. of the
Rhcims Ljcee, who was recently suspend
ed for a year for denouncing the Dreyfus
ltes to the pupils, has been placed uuder
sixty dajs' arrest by the military authori
ties. Mildnme AInin's leiirnile,
London, July 2C The "Chronicle" savs
that Madame Alma, an Ameripan prima
donna, while on a holiday' trip in Morocco,
disguised herself as a man for the purpos
of entering a particularly sacred mow-ue
She was discovered and narrowly escaped
being killed. The police rescued her, how
ever, and she was kept in prison for ten
dais, when the Sultan, at the request of
the American Consul, liberated her.
-L.... ,!-.,. ,kf 4I,,1M- St.I? llOst llllfll-llu
1 tnglit, drv, kilndrkd.
Brief anil Simple Service nt the
Demi Arrnnstlc'n lllcr.
New York, July 25; People enough to
fill a large bedroom In a1 country bouse
assembled in the southwest room of the
second Etory of Col. Robert G. Ingersoll's
summer home at Dobbs Ferry this after
noon to listen to some brief extracts from
tho dad agnostic's writln'gs, in lieu of
the usjal funeral services or ceremonies.
The reading of these short hits, three of
them, made up the funeral observances,
which Colonel Ingersoll's family decided
to hold over his body. Perhaps forty
friends shared with the mourners in these
last respects. No word ot eulogy was
spoken. No prescribed form -was adhered
to. Only those who knew him best and
a few of those who loved him best gath
ered to listen, while three! of his friends
each read a selection,, which had been
made by his famly from Jthose writings
of his which dealt with or! bore upon the
question that has never bven answered.
Tho hour for the funeral had been set
for 4 o'clock, but the friends and neigh
bors began to gather before that time. The
last of these to arrive had reached the
house soon after the hour' fixed and the
assemblage moved Into the room of the
dead, which was the room Colonel Ingersoll
had occupied at the highlands home. The
body had not been put in a coffin, but
rested, clothed only in linen, upon a bier
that was banked by flowers, almost engulfed
In them. These were piled upon chairs and
banked up from the floor' around the cata
falque, surrounding It completely. Other
flowers were hung upon pictures about the
room. Wreaths overlay the bier and palms
rose in the corners of the room. Back oJ
Colonel Ingersoll's had were pink sweet
peas and on his breast lay a single red
The room was darkened, only one window-
Bhado being drawn to permit the light
to enter and fall upon a wreath near his
head and on his face. The friends filed in
and took places which lined the foremost
ones In a semicircle about the bier. Mrs.
Ingersoll and her daughter, Mrs. Brown,
and a woman friend" occupied three of the
only four chairs in tho room. Mrs. Inger
soll sat on a sofa with a woman friend. On
the fourth chair sat the blind agnostic,
Charles Broadway Rouss, back of him
standing his attendant. The others stood
on either side of the bed at a respectful
distance from the bier. At the head ot tho
bier stood Dr. John Clark Rldpath of Bos
ton, Major Orlando J. Smith ot Dobbs
Ferry, and Dr. John Elliott, who Is an as
sistant to Dr. Felix Adler n his school of
ethical culture. Dr. Rldpath said-
"My friends: It is my sad duty to read
in the presence of the. dead the last poem
written by Col. Robert O. Ingersoll, 'The
Declaration of tho Free."" Without other
preliminary he proceeded to read the lines
which were published for the first time
less than two months ago.
There was weeping In the death chamber
when Dr. Rldpath finished reading. With
out a word of Introductory. Majpr Smith
stepped into the light Irom which Dr.
Rldpath had retired and read "My Reli
gion," by Col. Robert G Injersoll.
With only a short pause Dr. Elliott re
placed Major Smith, and In turn read
Colonel Ingersoll's funeral oration over
his brother, concluding as fd!16ws: "And
now to jou who have been chosen from
among the many men ht lfciea to do tt)o
last sad offices for the dcd we give the
sacred dust. Speech cannot contain our
love. There was, there is, no gentler.
stronger, manner man.
With these words the funeral of Robert
G. Ingersoll ended. The uu'imnker, after
a moment's pause, made tie formal an
nouncement that any frUnds who desired
to look for the last tlm upon the- face of
the dead were invited to itep forward. Alt
in the room who could fulfill the conditions
of the undertaker's call did so, filing slow
ly past the bier. When they had passed
out Mr. Roues was led by his attendant Up
to the bier, where bo passed his hands all
over Colonel Ingereoll s face.
"Well, perhaps hs's better now," he said.
"No one can understand it,"
Mr. Rouss was about to depart when
Mrs. Ingersoll stepped up and took him by
the arm.
"The colonel wanted you to have your
hand on bis heart," she said. She turned
back tho linen covering irom tho colonel's
breast, and the blind man placed his hand
against the chest where his friend's heart
had beaten.
"What are sou going to do with him?"
Mr. Rouss asked after s moment.
"I can't give him up." Mrs. Ingersoll
replied. "I can't put him in the ground.
I can't bear to think of it. We are going
to bring him back here," and she began
fanning the colonel again as she has done
so much since Friday.
It had been the Intention, arrived at
only on Monday, to have the cremation ot
the colonel's body tako place earlv to
ihorrow morning at Fresh Pond. L I. It
was decided today to postpone this last act
until Thursday, at what hour was not made
known. The cremation will be absolutely
Several Persons KHItil nnil Crops
Ilmll Dnmuireil.
Paris, July 23. ETtremely heavy storms
prevailed today in the, provinces, causing
extensive damage, particularly in the de
partments ot Marnc and Aube, in the
northeastern part of tb? country. Hail
stones the size of nuW fell there, cutting
down tho standing crops nnd doing othet
damage. Many partridges were hit by the
stones and killed. The harvest In those two
departments Is prncticallv ruined. Light
ning struck a number of churches and other
buildings and several persons were killed.
Telegraphic and telephonic communication
his been interrupted. The atmosphere ot
Paris Is surcharged with electricity,
i L
The lope Appoints n Commission of
Cnrilluiils to Inv estlpnte It.
Rome, July 23. The Pope has charged a
commission ot Cardinals with the dut) of
studying the doctrines ot Christian social
Ism, in order to prevent bis being misled
through imperfect understanding of the
question. In the mean time His Holiness
has forbidden Father Semeria to continue
his lecture favoring the movement.
On Their Mill-Summer Outlu-r.
London, July 25. Mr. Henry White, Sec
retary of tho United States Embassy, and
MrB. Whlta havo gone to the Vofgcs Moun
tains on their midoummer vacation Mrs
White is still very weak The Continental
rallwas conveyed her in a special invalid
carriage without mal.Ing a change. Mr
and Mrs. Choatc have discontinued their
AHeBeil Jiir-Ur!!-rr Arrested.
Chicago, July 23 State Attorney Dinen
received a cipher despatch last night from
Seattle, Wash , announ-lns that William
Armstrong, bartender for "Big Dan"
Coughlln, of Cronin murder fame, and In
dicted with Coughlln for attempted jury
bribing, bad been arreted in that city.
Armstrong was plentifully supplied with
money, furnished. It is presumed, hj the
officials of a railroad far, whom it Is al
leged he was an agent IP the bribery of
jurors He was joined at,Seattle bj a wo
man whom he represented as bis wife, and
It was -through her act in going to him that
ho was arrested.
I'll im's lllislness Clijjelve, Mil nml IC.
Buincs, fliorlhand, lypcwrjtni $'-5 a jear.
IIcut of Hoards nt flr. per lOO
1 feet for all the carji-ntcrs In town.
She Is Offered a Port of Entry on
the Lynn Canal.
An Old I'ropoNltion Renewed
Ilrlffhter Prospect for n Tcnipn
rnrj Arrnjigvmrnt CoeriiiB' the
llouiulurj DlKimte Mr. lln nml Mr.
Toner Conducting: cgotlntlonN.
A very gratifying change in the Alaska
boundary situation has taken placo within
the last twenty-four hours and tho Secre
tary of State was able to assure the Presi
dent and the Cabinet at their regular meet
ing yesterday that he was very hopeful
that an amicablo arrangement with Great
Britain would be made shortly. While tho
State Department officials will not go fur
ther than to say that a temporary arrange
ment Is In sight some of the Cabinet of
ficers obtalnedjthe Impression from Secre
tary Hay's explanation that he was very
hopeful of settling the entire difficulty on
a permanent basis without recourse to ar
bitration. The existing status ot the negotiations
centres around the proposition of tho
United States to grant Great Britain a so-
called free port, on the Lnn Canal, where
British vessels may take on and discharge
cargoes without being subject to the cus
toms laws of this Government. The repre
sentatives ot the two Governments have
not come down to details, however, and no
statement can be made at this time of what
the probable outcome will be. Tho nego
tiators have been consulting on the basis
of permitting Great Britain to use one of
the ports on the Lynn Canal in considera
tion of the payment of a rental to thn
"Unlted States, Tho proposition to grant
the British Government harbor privileges
was originally advanced by the United
States, but was rejected at the time by
Great Britain on account of the opposition
ot Canada.
A More Conciliator- Spirit.
Since the two Governments came to the
conclusion that the situation could not be
Improved by another meeting of the Canadian-American
Joint High Commission,
the Canadian authorities have shown a
more conciliatory eplrt, despite tho
rabid utterances of Sir Charles Tupper In
the Dominion Parliament It is evident
that Canada has reached the conclusion
that the patience of the United States has
become exhausted and that nothing was
to be gained by an adherence to the pol
icy of opposition to every proposition ad
vanced by this country looking to a peace
able adjustment ot the dispute.
The negotiations are now being con
ducted In a more direct way than hereto
fore. Instead of pursuing the roundabout
course of carrying on the negotiations be
tween London, Washington, and Ottawa,
Secretary Hay and Mr. Tower, of the
British Embassy here, arc endeavoring to
come to an understanding which will be
agreeable to the three parties concerned
without being subjected to constant In
terruption through the reference of every
point advanced to London and Ottawa.
Sir. Tower Is so well satisfied apparently
that an agreement is in sight that he will
leave here today for Newport, where the
British Embassy will bo transferred for
the eumnier months. It is not unlikely
that within the next twenty-four hours
some arrangement for a settlement wi.l be
A Temporary Arrangement.
It Is clear that this concession of a port
ot entry for tho British in the Lynn Canal
would be only temporary. Precisely how
long the license for in diplomatic circles
the concession Is admitted to be little less
than that will bo given the British, cannot
now be determined. It is thought that It
will surely continue until all other ques
tions in dispute are settled. It was pointed
out esterday by one high In official cir
cles that other problems In the controversy
could not bo solved so long as the unhappy
temper produced by the radical utterances
ot Sir Charles Tupper prevails in Canadian
centres. It was with the view of allaylni;
all unpleasant feelings and ot approaching
the questions soberly, that the United
States Government, alter mature consid
eration, decided voluntarily to offer again
that which the British Government baa
once arrogantly refused to accept.
Tho suggestion that the boundary dis
pute might be submitted to arbitration can
find much to support it In the developments
of jesterday. The fact that active nego
tiations are now- progressing in Washing
ton and that each side seems more hope
ful of possible concurrence In some mu
tual satisfactory proposition, would seem
to Indicate that the delicate and difficult
questions in the controversy may jet be
settled amlcablj. That such was the feel
ing In the State Department yesterday
tbcro could be little doubt. The proposed
port of entry concession was pointed to as
convincing evidence that the United States
was willing to act not only with justice,
but. under the circumstances, with gen
erosity. Mr Churles Tapper's Speeeh.
It transpired during the day that the real
purpose of Sir Charles Tupper's vehement
speech was to strike at Sir Wilfrid Laurler
over tho heads ot the Americans. It is
known that Canadians generail) have for
some time claimed that Great Britain seem
ed to love Canada the less in the effort for
an Anglo-American alliance It was suspect
ed by certain factions In Canadl n politics,
not in love with the present Dominion Gov
ernment, that Sir Wilfrid Lauricr had be
come a victim of the British policy already
alluded to, and that ho would not be in
clined to insist so rigidly upon Canada's
claims before the Joint High Commission,
as he might have had the opponent in ths
controversy been any other country than
tho United States.
This suspicion was said jesterday, by
one who Is well Informed of Sir Wilfrid's
attitude during the negotiations, to be
cmlnentlj unjust. Sir Wilfrid was not
only alert and active but also rigorous and
aggressive In sustaining the Canadian po
sition. Sir Charles Tupper's speech, there
fore is regarded as furnishing an illus
tration of theatrical orator' as well as
nolltical injustice to one who has tried
earnestly to execute the desires of the
Canadian people even nt the risk of his
own personal popularltj-, and, perhaps, of
his personal convictions.
Sir Charles Tupper's Speeeh Ilellev
eil to Hnve Heen l'rearrniiseil.
Ottawa, Ont., July 23 The excitement
over the latest phase of the Alaskan bound
ary dispute continues unabated. There Is,
however, a marked reticence In official and
parliamentary circles here In discussing the
subject Senators nnd Commoners decline
to cipress opinions upon the situation open
ed by tha violent speech of Sir Charles Tup
per and Its practical endorsement by the
1'remisr Public unrest is now being allayed
by pooh-poohing the more serious aspect of
Ilohtou ! en."
L,. V. IV. National Meet.
Speelal n-ieurslou.
Baltimore to Uoiton. August II. For particulars
andr(ti Passenger Department, M. k M. T. Co f
lljltlinoie, II J.
Slr, per too feet for Boards
I and plenty of tbem; Uln dried.
tho case nnd the press has evidently been
cautioned to guard its utterances and pour
olt on the troubled waters.
The opinion which now seems to prevail
Is that Tupper's attack upon the attitude
of tho United States was a pre-arranged
incident, the character of which was not
unknown previously to the Canadian Gov
ernment. The reply ot Sir Wilfrid Laurier
showed that he was fully prepared for
the propositions advanced by the leader ot
tho opposition. The whole discussion Is
now generally understood to have been ex
ploited for the purpose of declaring tho
policy of Canada to be the unalterable de
termination to maintain her contention in
respect to the disputed territory.
The hint of war, while used by the
Premier without thought of menace, is
taken as having been uttered to Tarn
Canadians ot the ugly possibilities which
might arise and prepare popular opinion
to endorse such concessions to the United
States as the Government might propose
to be made. Members of the Govern
ment, while unable to speak for publica
tion, are known to sympathize strongly
with the proposal of Sir Charles Tupper
to exclude aliens from the possession of
mining claims, although the adoption of
this proposal may be regarded by the
United States as an act ot coercion or
It Is now considered probable, unless the
present situation is materially altered,
that before the Dominion Parliament Is
prorogued the Government will Introduce
with unanimous consent and secure the
passage of a bill providing for tho con
struction ot an all-Canadian railway Into
the Yukon and will also secure power from
Parliament to exclude American miners
from the gold fields of that region.
Xleslrrnation of the Transvaal
Presidency Withdrawn.
Pretoria. July 25. It Is now stated that
owing to his difference with Volksraad
President Kruger threatened to resign, but
harmonious relations between himself and
the legislative body have been restored
and the resignation bas been withdrawn.
The charges of conspiracy and treason
that were made against the men who were
recently arrested at Johannesburg have all
been withdrawn, and the affair will be
London, July 23. The Consul General
of the South African Republic in London
has not received any confirmation of the
report of tho resignation of President
Kruger and regards It as highly Improba
ble. The Colonial Office authorities re
fused to make any statement in regard to
the matter.
A Blue Book relating to the recent
Bloemfontalne conference has been Issued.
It contains a despatch from Sir Alfred
Milner, the British High Commissioner In
South Africa, to Colonial Secretary Cham
berlain, in tho course ot which the former
expresses his belief that the British com
munity In South Africa Immediately unan
imously favor his scheme of reform, and
that outside of the Transvaal many of the
Dutch also favor It.
Cape Town, July 23. The report of the
resignation of President Kruger is con
firmed by advices received here this morn
ing. On the other hand, the "Standard
and Diggers' News," the official Boer or
gan at Johannesburg, denies the report
most emphatically.
A despatch from Pretoria says that the
principal cause of the difference between
President Kruger and the Volksraad Is-
the fact that Vice President Joubert and
a majority ot the Volksraad favor the
cancellation ot the dynamite monopoly,
while Kruger supports the minority, which
desires to buy out the company holding the
Another despatch, received from Pretoria
at 12.23 p. m , says that tho resignation
of President Kruger Is not considered defi
nite, since the Volksraad has given as
surances of the utmost confidence in the
A Claim for ',000,001) Indemnity
Filed lit the State Department.
Charges against the integrity of Presi
dent Kruger of the South African Repub
lic, are contained in a memorial and briet
filed yesterday In the State Department by
a Philadelphia firm of attorneys in behalf
of R. E. Brown, a former resident of Phila
delphia and an American citizen, who
claims indemnity from the Transvaal Gov
ernment amounting to $2,000,000. Mr.
Brown avers that the amount named is
due htm on account of damage done to hl3
mining interests in the Transvaal. He al
leges a denial ot justice, and makes the
sensational charge that President Kruger
deposed the Chief Justice of the Republic
because he would not accept Kruger's view
of the law In deciding a case involving
Brown's mining claims.
Very little information In regard to the
matter can be obtained from the State
Department as the claim was only Med
jesterday, and the officials, even were
they willing to talk freely about It, have
not examined the brief and memorial with
sufficient care to enable them to make
a statement that will do Justice to all
the parties concerned. The title ot Mr.
Brown to certain mining property In the
Transvaal was brought Into question
through a law enacted by the Volksraad,
and proclaimed by President Kruger. It
appears from the evidence submitted by
the claimant that "Ootn Paul" endeavored
to have the Supreme Co-irt so Interpret
the lav that Brown's title would be de
clared void.
An account of a conversation between
President Kruger and the Chief Justice
furnished by the latter Is Included In the
brief to show that the Boer President at
tempted to Influence the Supreme Court to
make a decision that would be detrimental
to the Interests of Brown and other for
eigners, whose claims were Involved In
the law passed by tho Volksraad. It Is
asserted by the claimant that President
Kruger, finding himself unable to induce
the Chief Justice to decide against Brown
In advance of the hearing of the case be
fore the Supreme Court, deposed the Chief
Justice and appointed In his placo a man
who was willing to adopt the President's
v lew.
Mr. Brown's raining interests were very
large, and from, the statements contained
in the memorial and brief. It would ap
pear that he has been robbed of a large
fortune. The brief and the memorlil are
voluminous, and It will be some lime be
fore the legal officers of the State Depart
ment can decide what course they will
pursue in the matter. The allegations of
tho claimants are supported by docu
mentary evidence that seems to point to
unfair treatment ou tho part of the
Transvaal Government. It U probable that
the State Department will make a-claim
against the Transvaal for the full amount
named In the memorial.
to Mnirnrn I'alls und Kcturit l?lo
-via I'einiKj Ivanla linllroail.
Special train ot par!r can nd djr courli"
will lesve ivtli Street Matun h 00 a. m . Jutv
-7 Ticket good for ten da3, alltm 9to
over at Buffalo. Hncheter. Canandaisiu, and
WatUns returning within limit.
Carpenters' lists hid ou prompt!
and Lest boards sold at 51.23.
rtnroloil to He the Cnpltnl . Military;
Governor "With n Cabinet of Sis,
Civil O 111 errs The Scheme Ilrlelly,
Outllneil Vpproved by the I'resl
tlent Good UiluentlonnI Tcatarert
Manila, July 23. Pending Congressional
action concerning the constitution under
which the Inhabitants of the Is'and ot N'e
gros shall be governed, which bas been
submitted to President McKlnley, General
Otis today proclaimed a provisional gov
ernment under the direction ot a Military
Governor to be named by the Governor
General of the Philippines, with a Civil
Governor and Advisory Council to be elect
ed. The Military Governor will appoint
Secretaries of the Treasury, Interior, Ag
riculture, and Public Instruction and an.
Attorney General and an Auditor.
Bacolod will be the capital. The Mili
tary Governor will exercise supreme execu
tive power. The Civil Governor will ad
vise the Military Governor concerning pub
lic questions of a civil character and will
preside over the Advisory Council. He will
also grant commissions and attest the of
ficial acts ot the Military Governor con
cerning civil matters. He will draw a sal
ary of $6,000 (Mexican) per annum. There
will bo eight councilors, one for each of
the seven districts and one councilor at
All males of twenty-one years ot age who
are able to read and write English, Span
ish, or Visayas understanding, or are the
owners of J500 in realty, or are the rentors
of $1,000 In realty, and have resided In
their respective districts one" year, are
qualified as voters In the electrons, which
will be by ballot.
The Military Governor will prescribe the
time and place of the elections and all
other provisions. Including the registration
of voters. The Council will discharge tho
ordinary legislative duties. The Military
Governor has the power to veto which will
be final when approved by the Governor
General at Manila.
The Secretary of the Treasury will per
form the customary duties of that office
and the Secretary ot the Interior will su
pervise the public lands, forests, mines,
surveys, and census, together with the safe
guards for the public health. The Secre
tary of Agriculture will study to develop
the resources of the Island, recommend Im
proved methods of cultivation, and intro
duce new products suitable to the soil and
The Secretary of Instruction will estab
lish a free school sjstem. The duties of the
Attorney General and Auditor will consist
of tbe customary functions of those officers.
Municipal governments will be organized
as soon as possible under the supervision
of the Military and Civil Governors and thu
Advisory Council. The Military Governor
will appoint three Judge3, who will several
ly sit at the times and places which tho
Governors and tbe Council shall determine,
and will sit together to hear appeals. The
Council will fix the term, compensation, and
Appeal will be made to the Supreme Court
at Manila in cases ot felonle3 or cases In
volving a sum not exceeding $300, Mexican
money. The Council and the Civil Gover
nor will provide inferior courts. The schoote
must teach the English language. The
Council will devise a system of uniform tax
ation. The Military Governor will collect
the customs and control tbe postal service
and commerce of the island. The secre
taries will receive $300 annually. The
councilors will receive $3 a day with mile
age. The sessions of the Council are limited:
to 120 days. The Military Governor will
settle all other questions. Major Bournes
has returned from Jo!o, to which place be
accompanied General Bates. They arrived
there in the midst of the celebration of tha
feasts and General Bates was consequently
unable to see the Sultan, but be at once ar
ranged for an interview later.
Commercial Compnet With This Gov
ernment SlKned.
Paris. July 23. M. Delcasse. Minister ot
Foreign Affair3, today announced the signa
tures ot the commercial treaty between
Trance and the United States. Nearly all
agricultural products have bsca excluded,
and France receives tha most-favored-nation
Amcrli-nu Objection to the Arbitra
tion Convention Sntlslletl.
The Hague. July 23 The objection of
the American delegates to Article .XXVII
ot the aroltration convention has been ar
ranged. The article has not been modified,
but the Americans will make a declara
tion assuring the desired object. The
proposal vra9 announced to the plenary
conference this afternoon and met wlh
no opposition. The plenary conference
adopted the arbitration scheme without
modification and without debute. After
ward It lengthily discussed the question
whether a country not- taking part in the
Conference would be allowed to accede to
the conventions.
Although the Transvaal and the Tope
were not mentioned it was generally un
derstood that the point mainly affected
them. The question was whether uninvit
ed powers shall bo allowed to adhere to
the conventions by merely formally noti
fying the Government of the Netherlands
to that effect, or shall the assent ot all
the signatories be necessary. Great Brit
ain, Russia, and Italy favored the latter
method. Its adoption would enable Great
Britain to veto the adhesion of the Trans
vaal No decision was reached on the sub
ject. The declaration of the American delegates
was as follows. "The delegation of tha
United States, In sisning the convention
regulating the peaceable settlement of In
ternational conflicts as proposed by the in
ternational Peace Conference, makes the
following declaration
"Nothing contained in this convention
shall be so construed as to require tho
United States to depart from Us traditional
policy ot not entering upon, interfering
with, or entangling Itself In the political
questions or Internal administration ot any
foreign State. Nor shall anything la said
convention be construed to require the re
linquishment bv tha United States of lt3
traditional attitude toward purely Ameri
can questions."
Vttrnetloiis at Iln Illdce.
Cone) Wand weeplrtha-, Ferr wheel, gratify
ralluay, continuous tii oi rnanie at Uljou Thea
tre, (Jennaa nof rarden, wulhoals. bathinir, flsh
n?, arid crablilnHT. and mam other attractions
fur amuseirent ard ttntertalnmcnt. Moaie by
jval Vear'emy Hand, "a food dinner. SO etnt-.
Train In m It. n ilepot, week day. SO
j in acd so p. m sunesi", 9 3S a. m , I 30
and 3.13 p. in. ISatc, M untv for adull. 23
cents for ihlldrtn v
I'rnuU I.lhhej .t Co., sellers ot ?!.2S
boards, at Cth st and N. Y. tre. bw.
General Otis Proclaims a
visional Government.

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