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Number 2010. WASHINGTON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1899. Price Omb Curs. DETAILS OF THE BATTLE "Waite Forwards a Report of the Blandslftagtc Engagement. ?A 1'erce Under KchithI French Mev te AttaeU the Borrx Entrenched in H Strong: Poxltion OiieHins: Hie Ilatrlc With Artillery Fire, the HBcmy Retire IIcfrc Hie Hrlii-h Infantry A Brilliant Bayonet Ckarxe L"i the Hilt tu the Burjchcr.s' Cwi UnrkHos liHrts HuMiliteK VHv OMetxl AevMHHt Killed and "U"HHIet The tlweeM' Sympathy. CAPB TOWN. Oct. 22. Yesterday, act ing voder orders from Sir George White, a seree voder Major General French, consist ing of the Fifth Lancers, the Imperial Light Horse, two field batteries. R and L, itw MaiKi Field Artillorv th Ttovomihiro Itegiment, half a battalion of the Manches- I ter Regiment, and half a battalion of the .Gordon Highlanders, moved out under or ders to attack and carry the enemy's po sition at Elandslaagte. General French discovered the enemy to be of greater , stIon and agaJn took up U)e fight For a sucasth than was expected, and in a po- j fu), faour th(jre yna a terrfic sustained ton of great natural strength, strongly fire upon h!, jmd tho &QpQ whwe oatreacfaed. The enemy commenced the the Boors wcre awaiting attack. It ls action by artillery Are from an advanced Monderful Low tney withstood such an aw poattton. Jailing back quickly, however, j fu, fire but they brought their Maxims upon the advance of the Knglish troops in , to bear an! kept up a steady fire ajso. The battle formation. The English artillery j BriUsh however, had splendid cover, of played on the guns of the enemy, which j which they took lne fuilest advantage. -were bravely defended. The Boer gunnsr j tj, never Lalled again unU1 they reached were driven off several times, but returned 4 a ug shoulder, a third of the way up. Here when the opportunity afforded and re- ( they rested under shelter until the final opened their Are. Late in the afternoon j charge was ordered. Meanwhile the Hus the English infantry pushed forward on sars had left camp, worked round the hill the enemy's left and secured possession of ' and taken up a position ready to fall on strong high ground, forcing the Boers to the Boers when they fled before the storm jiettre. This involved a very long flank ( ing parties. .Mounted infantry were also Movement The infantry also attacked the enemy's right, which held a very strong position, which was well defended until a dank attack was made and the wain position was carried with a rush, though with heavy lose. The Boer camp, with wagons and guns, was captured as daylight, failed. The battlefield was very rough and stony, and with the enemy's resolute resistance the victory was a fine feat of arms. There were continued heavy rains during the en gagement Among a considerable number at Boer prisoners taken are General De Kock and Commandant Schiel. General lie Kock, who was a member of the exec utive council of the Transvaal, has since died from the effects of a wound. Colonel Schiel was formerly an officer in the Ger man army. The Flank Atiapkv. The Gordon Highlanders, the Manchester regiment, and the Imperial Light Horse made the flank attacks, while the Devon shire regiment attacked in front The Orange Free State Commandos were cou ceatrating near Ladysmith in large fotce, and this Mow at one of the enemy's main farces was most important. Despatches from Glencoe camp state that the main Barthern column of Boers under Com mandant General Joubert made an attack Saturday on the British under General Yu lee, who occupied a good entrenched po sfcftsa. Advices received yesterday from Ximber ley were to the effect that on Monday last Its 'Boers were investing Harries' Farm, sine miles from Kimberley. Only a local itfie earns of 100 men were available for the defence of the place. The wires to Khaboriey were then open and a despatch was sent asking for instructions. A leply wu received stating that Kimberley was surrounded and that it was impossible to sead help. It was advised that the de fenders fight to the last The captain of the tine corps, in order to avoid waste of life In an impossible struggle, resolved to narrender. Nothing further is known con cerning the fate of the place as the rider -Mho brought the news left Just as the telegram was received from Kimberley. A despatch from General White, dated yesterday, states that he has almost Joined with the Glencoe camp- He has Che railway beyond Waschbank. It looks as though Commandant Viljoen 's miasm was thus caught between two fires. ILater despatches, however, state that Gen eral Joubert is renewing the attack on Bteacoc. which puts the latter between Geaeral White and Commandant Virjoen. SUtrmlKk Near MafeUltigr. Am osacJal despatch from Mafeking. dated October 13, says: "A fight took place today a mile outside the city. We bad an armor el train, a detachment of police, and two anaadroas of cavalry. We lost two killed aad fifteen wounded. Spies state that the liners tost fifty-three killed and many This is probably an exaggera- A letter from Ladysmith says that one of the Gordon Highlanders says that the battle of Dargai was child's play com pared with the fighting at Elandslaagte. The Boers must have lost 400 killed. A tonrteen-year-oid bugler belonging to the rata Lancers, shot three Boers with a re volver. He was carried round the camp when the troops returned. Everybody tes. tides to the splendid fighting and stub born bravery of the Boers. They were sur mised by the good shooting of the Eng Hahssea. Describing the bayonet charge at C:1S. when the artillery had ceased firing, the writer says that the Devonshire reg- de a superb dash against the body of the Boers in face of a with- erfac fire. They were twice checked and the advance quivered for a moment Then, -with a ringing, roaring cheer, the regi- hurled itself on the enemy like an av- It swept over the Kcpes, bayon eting the broken enemy in all directions. The Seen were overwhelmed and as taaaded. They paused, and then retreated, astd later raised a white flag and surrender ed. Two or three hundred broke and ran. flw Fifth Lancers pursued and charged I1trtit SltMt at CIhmi. The first incident of the battle of Glencoe mmnmi at 4 o'clock is the morning, when jlhtfaraati exchanged a tew shots two sattet uatiilt the easap. which all night had been waasal vtve. At : the Beers fired tsst opening shot treat a battery an the to; fell in Dttadee. but I4 nc damage. Then all the Boer guns got to work. Shell after shell whizzed into the camp and town. The range at first was good, but none of the shells burst, and no one was injured. The British, meanwhile, stood to arms or lay prone on the ground. At 5:40 the British battery opened fire and planted shell after shell among the Boers Each exploded to perfection and wrought havoc The Boers' range and aim steadily became worse. The artillery fight was most unequal. The Thirteenth, Sixteenth, and Sixty-seventh field batteries have no su periors in the British army. The range nt first was 5,(MK) yards, yet scarcely a shot failed to reach the top of the hill. A ma jority burst right on the mark, and the best-discipiined troops in the world would have been tried to the utmost to withstand such a lire. At 6:15 several of the Boer guns had been silenced, either put out of action or deserted. In another hlf-hour all were silent The Boers could be seen mov ing over the crest of the hill, but a majoritj remained protecting the probable lines of J assault. i General Symons now ordered the infantry to advance. The King's Royal Riiles and I the Dublin Fusileers took the lead. Mean- hileth.?re,.was a tDge lu,!,in battle. i The British covered two miles of broken . ground and then rested for five minutes on a foothill. They then started on the J stiff ascent The Thirteenth and Sixty- ! ninth batteries wpro mnv'wl in n now nn- hidden in a plantation on the Boers' right. ready to fall on retreaters on that side. The Crucial Moment. Then came the critical moment on the hill. The artillery ceased, the charge sounded and the infantry fired two vol leys. Then, with wild battle cries, the intrepid Irishmen found vent for the pent up emotion and energy in an irresistible rush and swinging charge right into the enemy, without check or halt. For fifteen minutes there was bloody work at short range and then at close quarters. There was gallant work on both sides. Scores of British fell within 200 yards of the enemy. Then the Boers broke and fled ! disorderly, closely pursued by the infantry and mounted infantry. As they stampeded down the hill they found to their dismay that the Hussars had forestalled them. The Hussars captured many horses and stampeded the rest. They delivered a fusil lade and the Boers swerved. Some surren dered there and others made for Hattings pruit and others for Landsman's Drift, all closely pursued by the cavalry and a field battery. The cavalry charged repeatedly with desperate ferocity. Many Boers final ly flung away their arms, making no at tempt to fight or escape. Many fled two on a horse. The artillery and cavalry re turned after dark. The pursuit was con ducted through a very heavy rain. The Boer loss must have been over 1,000, but they were scattered over such a wide area that it Ss difficult to compute with accu racy. General "White's Despatch. The following despatch from Gen. Sir George Stewart White, commanding the British forces in Natal, has been forward ed to the War Office in London: "There was an action at Elandslaagte yesterday. The troops engaged were: Cavalry, the Fifth Lancers, one squadron of the Fifth Dragoons, the Imperial Light Horse, and two squadrons of the Natal Carbiniers. Artillery, the Twenty-first and Forty-second field batteries, and the Natal Field Battery; infantry, the Devon shire Regiment, half a battalion of the Gordon Highlanders, and half a batta'ioa of the Manchester Itegiment. The whole force was under General French. Colonel Hamilton commanded the infantry. I wag present in person from 3:30 to 6:30 p. m., but did not assume the direction of the fight, leaving it entirely in the hands of General French. Though there was desul tory fighting earlier in the day, while re enforcemetits were arriving from Lady smith, the real action did not begin until 3:30. "The Boers then held a position of ex ceptional strength in the rocky hills a mile and a half southeast of Elandslaagte station. At 3:30 our guns took position 4,100 .yards from the enemy, whose guns immediately opened fire. This was gener ally well directed, but hit somewhat high. Contrary to previous experience, their shells burst well. The Imperial Light Horse moved toward the enemy's left and two squadrons of lancers toward their right. During the artillery duel mounted Boers pushed out and then their left en gaged the Imperial Light Horse. In a few minutes the Boer guns ceased and our ar tillery was turned on the mounted burgh ers opposed to the Imperial Light Horse, which immediately fell back. "After the artillery preparations the In fantry advanced to the attack, supported by the guns in the second division. The Devonshire regiment held the enemy in front w'hile the Manchester regiment and the Gordon Highlanders turned his left. The Boer guns, though often temporarily silenced, invariably opened fire on the slightest opportunity aud were served with great courage. After a severe fight the infantry carried the position at ti:30, the enemy standing his ground to the last with great courage and tenacity. The Fifth Lancers and the Fifth Dragoons chaigtd through the retreating Boers three times in the dark and did considerable execution. We captured the Boer camps, with tents, wagons, horses, and two guns. I.Oh-teM 11 Itnttle. "The Boer losses were very considerable, including a number of wounded and un wounded prisoners. Among the former art General De Kecke and Piet Joubert, a nephew of Commandant General Joubert One goods train for the Glencoe camp and nine Knglish prisoners were recovered. "Our loss. I regret to say. was heavy Roughly estimated, it is computed to have bora Mv killed and wounded. The collection of the wounded over a large area in the dark Do jou liti) lumber i 1 i., L .; . "i iiU 1 arc. and the making of arrangements to send them here have hitherto occupied our time and attention, but n full list is being pre pared. Our own and the enemy's wounded are being brought here on a train. Be sides Boers, many of the enemy consisted of Germans, Hollanders, and mixed nation alities. The behavior of the troops, im perial and colonial, was admirable. "WHITE." LADYSMITH, Oct. 22. The Boers are shelling the town of Dundee at long range. Their fire is ineffective. LONDON, Oct. 22. The Queen has sent the following message from Balmoral to the Marquis of Lansdowne, Secretary ot State for "War: liy lieart is bleeding because of those dreadful losses again today. We haic won a great suc cess, but I fear it will be very dearly bought Would jou try to comey my warmest heartfelt sympathy to the near relations of the fallci and v.oumied, and my admiration of the conduct of those they Ime lost. A'ICTOlUA, It I. In response to an appeal rom the Duke of Cambridge, formerly commander in chief of the British forces, the lord mayor of London will open a fund for the benefit of the widows and orphans of tboee killed in , South Africa and also for the relief of the sick and wounded. William Waldorf Astor has contributed o,000 to the Windsor Red Cross fund. THE BATTLE OF GLENCOE. Vi.z.iiK Feature of That ISiikrkc uieut Explained. LONDON, Oct. 22. Much that was puz zling concerning Friday's battle at Glen coe is now explained and light is es pecially thrown on the reasons why the Boers, with such' an army in that district, apparently had only about 4,000 men en gaged. Their plan was really devised with ! considerable skill. It contemplated a sim ultaneous attack on Glencoe by three dif- I ferent columns aggregating 9,000 burghers. ' The first column, under General Erasmus, I left the great Boer camp on the Inghagane I River and halted at Hattingspruit on the 1 main road between Baunhausen and Glen coe, on Thursday. The second column, which was the largest and most powerful, was commanded by Gen. Lucas Meyer. This column made a long detour and took up a position on Smith's Hill, command ing Glencoe camp. The third column, con sisting chiefly of Free State burghers, un der Commandant Viljoen, marched from Waschbank, on the railway, south to Glen coe. This last column destroyed railway and telegraphic communication between Glencoe and Ladysmith. General Joubert's instructions were that General Erasmus should lure the whole British force on the northern road toward Hattingspruit. While the British were en gaged in the apparently easy task of de stroying General Erasmus"' forces, Viljoen and Meyer would attack their Hank and rear and annihilate them. General Sy mons foresaw what was intended, and took measures accordingly. The plan of the Boers failed, however. They lost tele graphic touch between the three columns, which proceeded regardless of time, with the result that General Meyer precipitated nattle before the column from Hat tingspruit was even in striking distance, while Commandant Viljoen was a long way south. Thus Meyer's 4,000 men, with six guns, bore the chief brunt of the bat tle. With the other Boer columns in view, only half of General Symons' 4,000 men at tacked the hill, the remainder being in po sition behind the camp watching events. After two and a half hours' firiitini.'. ad vanced detachments of the Hattingspruit j column were seen lining the hill west of j the camp. A battery behind the camp ! opened fire, and made good practice, scat tering the Boers. Thus the Hattingspruit column really did not get into the action, : except as it was fired upon by the artillery and later when it came in contact with the Hussars and mounted infantry, who were pursuing General Meyer's column as the Boers fled from the hill. A TRIUMPHANT TONE. I'rcHh Comment in Loudon on Glen coe and ElniidcIaaKtc. LONDON, Oct. 23. The press comments on tho battles of Glencoe and Elandslaagte are congratulatory and triumphant, but the extent of the British losses has deeply im pressed all the newspapers. They pay a tribute to the courage of the Boers and do not entertain the idea that two victories will anything like end the war. The "Daily News" says: "Having chased 4,000 out of the 20,000 Boers In Natal it would be folly to supposed that we have relieved Kimberley and Mafeking, con quered the Orange Free State and the Transvaal or dictated peace. The natives are threatening a resort to arms. An army corps must go and it will have ample work still to do." The "Times" says that the British have destroyed the Boer's plan of campaign and rendered its further prosecution on its original lines hopeless. With reference to the courage of the Boers it says: "They stood their ground to the last with a cour age and tenacity that deserve high praise when their previous training and the na ture of the ordeal is borne in mind. They were exposed -to a modern artillery fire, and the attack of disciplined troops Jidmir ably led. Hour after hour they stood the test like men. We never doubted their courage." The "Standard" says: "The moral ef fect of the battle will go far beyond South Africa. Foreign cities will no longer be able to indulge in their favorite gibe that the English can only fight Africans and Asiatics and are no good against whites." NEW CASES OF FEVER. Fifteen Reported at Key and Five at Jnek.soii. JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Oct 22. Key Wrest reports fifteen new cases of yellow fever today and one death. Dr. Porter's report from Miami ls not ready, but the diagnosis made by Dr. Horsey, as to tho one death being from yellow fever, has been confirmed. No other cases have dsvel oped there, but quarantine is being strict ly maintained. JACKSON. Miss., Oct 22. Five new cases of yellow fever were reported to the State Board of Health today. Mrs. Henry Bailey and Allen Stockton, stenographeis for the Stale Board of Health, are two of the victims. A Wo in a 11 '. IJodj In a Sunken nnrj;. NEW YORK. Oct. 22. It is believe! that in the cabin or a sunken barge in the East River, near North Third Street, Wi liams burg, there is a human body. When the I vessel sank a week ago yesterday, after having been in a collision, there was at least one person on board. The roof of the cabin at low tide is three feet below the water. Nobody since the boat went down has called to claim her or to give aiy information about her. Some men ot Fri day evening and again jester day under took to find out what was in the c;bln, bjt the entrance to it was se-urely fastened. A man put bis hand through a side win dow and caught hold of what might be a woman's dress. He was unable to detach it from some object. As near as it could be made out. the name of the boat was Ranjcand. She hailed from Amboy. ItedutM ioHh In twdwrtn and lihrjrj furniture. W. B. MuMft A Nn-. K utiK't, mi m 1 llih HE ATTACK OH OCEANIA Lieut Col. Guy Howard Reported Anion": the Killed. iA Hot Encasement Between the Amerlenns and IntfnrKrentH The Onslsi UK'it n Parting SnrpriMe to the Yankee Ttuojih Great ilmvery 011 the l'art of Ofttcers and 3Icn. MANILA, Oct. 22,TBe insurgents yes terday made a fierce attack on Ocranla, and a hot engagement ensued until the re pulse of the rebels by repeated rallies from the American lints. -Thja aftack was sud denly made, finding our foreo3 in a meas ure unprepared, but the battle order was ! quickly formed and the- onslaught of the j enemy received without a, quaver of the' line. The Americana, took aim deliberately and fired coolly with perceptible effect Of ficers and men behaved wfth great cour- i age and bravery, finally driving off tho ! insurgents with heavy losses. Among those reported killed is Lieutenant Colonel j Howard. Ocrania is about midway be- j tween Arayat and Cabiao. Advices have been received here stating that a battle has occurred between the rebels and the Americans in the Island of Negroa, and that Lieut. Hayden Grubbs, of the Sixth Infantry, was among tho killed on the American side. Lieutenant Grubbs was a Kentuckian, only twenty six years of age, and had served with dis tinction in Cuba. The Rio Grande is rapidly shallowing, and this delays transportation. Most of tho gunboats are compelled to stop at Candaba. Engineers are building a ferry at Cabiao. A company of the Thirty-fourth Regiment has been organized as scouts, and will be added to the two companies o Macabebes, who are acting In that ca pacity. Lieutenant Ferguson, of the Thirty-sixth Infantry and twenty men, while scouting yesterday, had two fights with the insur gents near Labao. Six of the enemy were killed and eight captured with ten rifles. The Americans suffered no loss. HIS FATHER NOTIFIED. Gen. O. O. Howard Hears of Hi' Suii'k Dentil. BURLINGTON, Vt Oct 22 Gen. 0. 0 Howard received a telegram this afternoon I from John M. Woolworth, of Omaha, an nouncing that General Howard's eldest son, Lieut. Col. Guy Howard, was killed in action on Saturday in the Philippines. The news was cabled to Mr. Woolworth, Colonel Howard's father-in-law, by As sistant Adjutant Edwards, of General Law ton's staff. Colonel Howard entered serv ice by direct appointment on the recom mendation of General Sherman in 1876. He had, therefore, been in the Army twen-ty-threo years. He served as lieutenant in the Twelfth Infantry ?t different posts, and was adjutant of his regiment. He served on Gen. O. 0. Howard's staff. He was in battle in theNez Perces war of 1S77, and in several battles with his father. He was promoted to a captaincy on the staff of the Quartermaihcrlt Department about nine years ago. Ht s&wed in the Quartermaster's Department in the war with Spain, and was promoted to a lieu tenant colonel in the volunteer army, and was afterward ordered to Manila. Colonel Howard became General Lawton's chief quartermaster. He organized the transpor tation of Lawton's advance. The last let ter received by General Howard from his son came about four days ago in which he spoke of his work and good health. OMAHA. Oct. 22. Guy Howard, son of Gen. 0. 0. Howard, was killed yesterday on the firing line in the Philippines. A private cablegram to bis wife here to day announced the sad news. Guy Howard was a general favorite here where he was well known in social circles. He married the daughter of Judge Woolworth, of Omaha. Mrs. Howard is now visiting her parents here. She is Confined to her bed as a result of the sad intelligence. THE MINERS ORGANIZE. New I'nloiiH Kormcil in the Lower Anthracite Region. SHAMOKIN, Pa., Oct. 22. The lower an thracite region district of the United Mine Workers of America was organized in Mount Carmel last night. One hundred and six delegates, representing 20,000 miners of Northumberland, Schuylkill, Columbia, and Dauphin counties, being present. John Fahy, of Pottsville, was elected president for the ensuing year and a resolution was adopted advocating strikes only as a last resort THE NEW EAST RIVER BRIDGE. Preliminary I'lan.s for the Structure Have Ueen Completed. NEW YORK, Oct 22. Preliminary plans for the new East River bridge which is to cross Blackwell's Island, about oppo site East Seventieth Street, have been made by Chief Engineer Probasco and Engineer Buck. The bridge will be more than one and a half miles in length. There will be three enormous cantilever spans, and the width of the structure will be more than 100 feet. The height of the towers above low-water mark will be about 350 feet. From the terminal in New York city the bridge will extend over a series of arches to the East River front Then a canti lever span of 1,050 feet will be built. Next comes a cantilever span of COO feet across Blackwell's Island, aud a 900-foot span across Hell Gate. The new bridge will accommodate two railroads, two double trolley tracks, paths for bicycle riders, paths for foot passen gers, two roadways for heavy teams, and roadways for lighter vehicles. It will be constructed of iron and steel, and the height of the roadway above the pier line will be 122 feet, with an in creasing elevation of 135 feet. The founda tions will be of concrete and stone. The approach to the bridge on the lxng Island City side will be built over the marshes 3,000 feet. Tills will be the long est approach to any bridge in the world. The estimated cost of the bridge is 95. 740.000. If the t-onstruction s begun sim ultaneously at both ends it can easily be finished within two years. An Alleged Korxer Held 1h GerNMtay. NEW YORK, Oct. 22. Isoe tor John D. King, of the postofitee iwpe-tors' bu reau. receHed a despatch yesterday front Inspectors Ashs and Weer, who went to Germany to bring H. Oe Sehtemang bark to this country. The deapafl states that the German Government prerers ex traditing De Schiemaagk after trial (pr a. burglary commltied the: The despatch has been referred to Washing'oi. D Scblemangk Is wanted here on a coarse of forgirg two money order rer-eh ed for uni forms from Dr H. P. lwandowtki. of 17 West Eighth Street while the latt r wa, organizing a company fof so vice in Cuba. He vu ornpted and released 'n $2 500 bail whuh was i'fterwaid finfe.ted. Will you liny Hoards? I t Ua- f . "-1 , ,it I- 1 ') ( ' LOSS OF TEE IODENE. The Crew Saved by the A.s.itstaiiec of the l'hilntlelphian. BOSTON, Oct. 22. Reports of the sink ing of the bark Iodene, bound from Ivigtut, Greenland, to Philadelphia, reached here today, upon the arrival of the steamer Phlladolphian, of tho Leyland Line, which rescued the crew and passengers. The Io dene left Ivigtut on October 4, and had good weather up to October 16. when it en countered a terrible gale, which developed into a hurricane. On the morning of that day two of the crew, John Petersen and Louis Thomson, of Sweden, were swept ovfi board and lost. During the storm, in which the vessel sprang a leak aft, the water pored In fast, and for forty-eight hours the entire orew of nine men, together with four Danes, who were working their passage to Philadelphia, were kept at the pumps continually. The Phlladelphian, Captain McCullam, sighted the bark on the morning of October IS. The Iodene was flying a distress signal, which was imme diately answered by Captain McCullam, who sent boats to the rescue. The storm had abated at this time, and the transfer ring ot the crew to the Phlladelphian was made an easy matter. The crew were nearly exhausted. The Iodene sank just as the Philadelphian got under way again. Vessel and cargo were worth ?150,000. VICTIMS OF THE EXPLOSION. No Explanation of the Cause of the Rockland Lake Accident. NYACK, N. Y., Oct 22. The death list of victims at tho explosion of the stone crushing works of Foss & Conklin, Rock land Lake, which occurred Friday at noon. Is growing. The dead of yesterday and last night numbered six, and one more died today, making the whole number of dead seven. The dead aro Frank Sublitskie, forty years old, unmarried; John Harrie kell, thirty-five years old, unmarried; Hugh McCue, thirty-two years old, leaves a wife and five children at Rockland Lake; John Kubinuts, unmarried; John Somolone, a wife and three children; Mike Cornoric, a wife and two children, and John Sero uick, a wife and five children. The injured still alive are John Kublcka, who may die, and Marrin Jurkmich, who may also die. The cause of the explosion will probably never be explained, as nearly all the witnesses are dead. No dynamite was known to be in the shanty which was blown up, as care was always used to keep tho building clear of explosives. It Is be lieved that one of the men must have taken some black powder Into the house, which became Ignited. Dr. Virginia M. Davies, of Congers, assisted by Father J. A. Nagelisen, worked nearly two hours with the injured victims before tho arrival of six other doctors from Nyaclc and Hav erstraw. EMPTY HONOR FOR FARQUHAR. Disintegration of the Squadron AVhen He Tukes Command. NEWr YORK, Oct. 22. Rear Admiral Norman II. Farquhar has come into empty honors. The ink is hardly dry on the of ficial orders designating him as the "com mander in chief of the United States na val forces on the North Atlantic Squadron" before the ships which would, in the ordi nary course of events, make up the squad- peii;- are ordered away to the Philippines, 1 Admiral Farquhar made a splendid record during the Civil War as a "youngster," and now that he is rounding out his career, naturally expects something more substan tial than the empty honcr he is receiving. As long as Rear Admiral Sampson was in command of the squadron a fairly respect able showing was kept up, but with the hauling down of the flag of that officer there has come these changes: Armored cruiser Brooklyn, detached and ordered to the Asiatic station, sailed from llamptuu Itoads on October 17 for Manila. Protected cruiner New Orleans, detached ami ordered to the Asiatic station; now en route to Manila. Unnboat Nashville, detached and ordered to the Asiatic nation; sailed from San Juan de I'orto llieo on October II for Manila. Gunboat Marietta, detached and ordered to the Asiatic station; sailed from Hampton Hoads on Ootolter 19. to fit out for the vojajre. Uunboat Machias, detached and ordered to the Asiatic station; arrived Boston navy jard on October 11), to fit out for the voyage. Unnboat Bancroft, ordered to the Asiatic sta tion; fitting out at the llfwton navy jard. .uihary gunboat Scorpion, ordered to Norfolk navy yard to fit out for service on Asiatic sta tion. Battleship Indiana, ordered to the Brooklyn navy jard for suney and repairs. Armored cruieer Netf York, and battleship Mas&achui'ett", ordered to proceed to sea for the purpose of conducting tests of the Marconi sys trtn of wirclesj teleKraphy. Battleship Texas, ordered to Norfolk navy yard for repairs. As will be seen, there will be but two ships left available for cruising the New York, which will continue as the flagship, and the Massachusetts nnd their time is to be taken up in scientific experiments in going over the same tests that have already been made in the British navy. Nor Is there prospect of any addition to this force until February next, when, it is possible, the new battleship Kearsarge may be placed In commission. There will be no squadron maneuvres this winter, nor will it be possible to carry out the usual plan of squadron cruising in the AVest Indies during the "Winter months. There is talk of the squadron (if two ves sels can be so designated) taking part next summer in exercises at Newport in connection with the Naval War College. The Indiana's return to the squadro.t Is apt to be long delayed. Of the other war ships now nt Atlantic coast navy yards, the Chicago Is under oiders to fit out for service in South American waters; the Amphitrite, Annapolis, and Vicksburg are employed in the training srrv.'cs; the San Francisco. Atlanta, Olympla, Raleigh. Cin cinnati, Puritan, Terror. Miantonomoh, Columbia. Minneapolis, aud Katahdin are out of commission and under repair; and the Dolphin and Slyph are at Washington for the use of the President and the mem bers of his Cabinet. The Dolphin will go to the Caribbean this winter to make some surveys. Thai gunboat Vixen is being kept on the Mos quito Coast to guard American Interests there, and the Detroit is stationed In Ven ezuuelan waters because of tie revolution in progress In that country. The naval force on the Attaattc has been steaJIIy depleted because of the continuaaee of the Insurrection in the PaUtpptaes. and this condition of things will rontisue until all vestige of resistance to American rule is the East is stomped out And so, while the greatett lUet of war ship la number of vessels, si ! -that ever sssemMvd under tb ;ars sod Strtp con t trues to patrol the PhiH,.piB(. Rear Admiral Farquhar, "Cmmander-lB-riiif of the roiled 3tatF Naval Purr on the North Atlantic Station," will float hit tu ataried flag our a coram nd that lacks one veasrl of ih:- aumbes rcqutstt? to cntUK It to be designated as a etiuadron. I.I HM CTMMI KotMwtttI!. TACOMA, Wash.. Oct. 22. -Mail advices from Tientsin, via Pekin. announce the re instatement of Li Hung Chang to the Vireroyship. This appo.ntment may have an important effect upon the rolitical fu ture of Chins. Plyiin'K HuxInehM Colleuc. Mh and IC. Buiniss, aborilumd. tp -itins 113 a iear. Hue j our list llprnreil Ion ., -lit., 11. il v i .. Lin ului N "i ..e. A CLASH WITH MEXICANS. A Flcht in Arizona Itesults Fatally to Five Men. EL PASO. Tex., Oct 22. War between the American and Mexican residents broke out again this afternoon at Naco, Aria. Naco lies partly in Mexico and partly In the United State, and has a mixed popu lation. Bad blood has existed between the Americans and Mexican omcials since the recent disturbance wherein a party of cow boys rescued one of their number from the fell serosa the border. Just as a baseball excursion from Bisbee was about to leave Naco, Mexico, a flght started between Mexican guards and Amer ican cowboys and as a re3uk four Mexican guards were. killed and one seriously wounded. An American named Ryan was instantly killed and a Bisbee miner was shot through the leg. The flght resulted from a row on the Mexican side of the line between Americans and Mexicans. The guards attempted to arrest the Americans, who retreated toward the line. Just be fore they reached the line the guards opened fire, which was promptly returned. A battle occurred, lasting fully fifteen minutes. Over fifty shots were exchanged. Cowboys from this side rushed to the aid of their friends, and opened lire serosa the line. Dan Burgess, a bystander, was shot in the leg, and Ryan, a freighter, was rid dled with bullets. Montgomery, who was with Ryan, Is missing. One cowboy, Joe Rhodes, was arrested and jailed on the Mexican side of the line. Excitement is intense, and a posse is forming to rescue him. STILL BENT ON VENGEANCE. Another of the Gnmhrcll Murderer Killed ly a 2Ioh. ST. LOUIS, Oct 22. The burning at the stake of Joe Leflore Thursday morning lot the murder of the Gambrell family at St Anne, Miss., was followed late Friday night by the capture of John Oliver Gray, impli cated in the crime by Leflore. Gray con fessed his guilt, and was hanged and shot by his captors. Five hundred armed men of Lake county. Miss., are In pursuit of the other members of the band which mur dered Mrs. Gambrell and her four children. Two negroes were arrested yesterday In Yazoo City, who had in their possession gold cola identified bv Mr. nmhrn part of the money taken from his home the day of the tragedy. Bob Smith, the negro rescued from the stake after bis legs from the knees down had been burned to a cris$i, Is still alive, but cannot survive. In his confession before being strung up Gray said that Mrs. Gambrell was brainel with an axe. while offering resistance; that her two daughters were similarly dispose J of, and that Maywood, a lad of twelve years, was knocked senseless. The baby boy three years old was killed by one of the men taking him by the heels and dash ing his head against the floor. Then the five bodies, securely bound, were piled in the centre of the room, saturated with oil. and the house was fired. Negroes are co operating with whites in the endeavor to bring to justice the murderers. A RAILROAD STRIEE PROBABLE. IJi;? Four Trainmen and Operators Prepare to Co Out. CINCINNATI. Oct. 22.-The outlook for a satisfactory settlement between the "Big Four" and its telegraphers is not bright The men are said to have voted- unani mously to hold out. A despatch from An derson, Ind., says: A committee of "Big Four" trainmen and operators was in conference here on the question of a strike at noon. They con ferred with the chairman of the federated organization at Indianapolis, ami were ad vised that a strike will probably be declared next week. Conductors, brakemen. firemen, and operators will go out on Wednesday over the entire system of the "Big Four" If no increase in wages is secured before. They say their committee could get n consideration from General Manager Schalf at Cincinnati. Operators Fahnstock and McCuIIough were discharged without a statement of the reason here today. AH wire communication of the men is being conducted by telephone. They say some telegraph operators are acting as spies along the "Big Four" lines. THE SHERMAN ARRIVES. The Thirteenth Infantry In ftnarters at .Manila. MANILA, Oct. 22. The Thirteenth In fantry, Colonel Gardner commanding, which arrived here yesterday from San Francisco on the transport Sherman, was landed today and took up quarters at Ma late. A battalion of the Nineteenth Infantry will sail tomorrow for Hollo to join the rest of the regiment, which is stationed in that city. Colonel Thompson, with a signal outfit, will join General Lawton tomorrow. He will connect the troops engaged in lhe operations in the north with their base at San Isidro. A BIG BROADWAY BLAZE. An Harly Morning Fire "With K.stl- maieil Damage of LNM.OOO. NEW YORK, Oct. 233 a. m. The five and six-story building at 390 Broad way was discovered to be on fire at 1:30 this morning. The blase be gan in the rear of the basement, which was occupied by Selchow A Rlchter. dealers in toys and games, who also occu pied the ground floor. Above them were D. W. Shoyer ft Co.. knit goods. The rest of the building was occupied by M. R. Schoening. a dealer in musical instruments. Before the Ore was extinguished it did a damage estimated at I2OV.M0. A DOU3LX TJLaSsOTY. KHekHfr MoKe Kits Kin WMms LAWREXCEBIRO. Ky . Oct .-Tbs people of this city ?re given a great shoes yesterday. when it made kaomn that Buckner MeKee. a prossiBrat trntrntr of this county, had shot asd killed Mr. John M. Wlteee a widow of tats place, aad the emsalttd icida by hie teg out hi owe brains. The stti, of t double tragedy s by the ftlde of tb rounty road, a tsn miles from this place MKe and strs Wilson wore imag together yes terday aft rawis an ! h hiuilag a evi dently dose is e jrday evening. The roan had b-t pias a-tention to Mrs Wil-oii or a fr Tht coo5r rendered s verdu; tf mur!r unl -utcide. V auaejt H . PARIS. Oct 22. PriJe Ouroussoff. the Russian AmDuMAdor. IH give a banquet In honor of Count Muravieff, Radian Minister of Foreign Affairs, who U now in this city. The French Ministers, the Russian Princes, who are now in Paris, .ind the former Ambassadors of Prance to Russia, will be present lletiMetivti.t In bedroom and library furniture. o. un-. F sirut. uriier lltli W . B. tfMCS CASTRO ENTERS GAEACAS A Trinroplial Mart h Int tile Capital at tbe Head ef His Amy, The CoH()iiPrr Taken rwwiN et tho I'reoiilent'i OtHefnl loiljrn(e Great lEHttRlRm Ahjr the LI Be of March RetlriscHez Twrivt Over the Control of Affnlrs The Irlevola fIoary LalerN IttteHtton to Wrw a Stronjc GeveraiHeHt AHlrlc- A (I'm in lit rati en HatteHlir mt tion f the Liberal TMe l)vi ed OMuiHl'.H limn t KMMU. CARACAS. Oct 25. Geo. Cfpriano Cas tro, the successful rtToratiooary loader, made a triumphal entry into this chy to day and took possession of the Te.w House, the official residence of tho Presi dent. Geaeral Castro rode at tho head of the conquering army, and much ntlmatasm was displayed as they canto into Ike city. Tonight there was a display of grower fca in honor of the success of the revolution. Provisional President Rodrlgues aad his Cabinet, which was appointed today, will at once turn over the control ot affairs to General Castro. In an Interview General Castro declared that the acts of the deposed President, Secor Andrade. proved that he was Incap able of administering the affairs, oft tho Government His adminhitvkMA was causing general mitt and hMnfl' tsfi dissolution of the Liberal party, jjfenersl Castro added that it was his iiiliiilplt to use the beat elements of the counR ir respective of party, in forming a CabfassV He solemnly promise4 to form a strong Government The troops are la excellent eoaditioa. No atrocities have been committed. Former President Andrade has written a letter to General Matos, former y Minis ter of Finance, advising him that ho will go to the West Indies, and declaring that he will return with warships and setd&rs to overthrow General Castro. HOSTILE TO JESUITS. Law.t Rcllsrloits Rtlie.H to Be Ifinforeed in Frauee. PARIS. Oct 22. M. Mi lerantt the Min ister of Commerce, and M. Baudin. tho Minister of Public Works, the Socialist members of the Cabinet, made sp.ecbes at Ivry today, in which they declared that the Government was determined to plotted en ergetically to enforce the laws against re ligious congregations, especially the Jes uits. M. Baudin was particularly violent in his denunciations ot the eoagregatlona, declaring that they were at tho bottom of the Royaiiat conspiracy, and that they wero a veritable danger to the maintenance of the Republic. FORMOSAN REBELS ACTEvTS. JajiXHesc Troops IWta; Attacked at ttvery AvaMaMw rtftntv TACOMA, Wash., Oct. 22. Fornsown rebels are attacking the Japanese troops at every available point, according to mail advices from Yokohama. About 3 ban dits under lo Kinshun, a rebel leader, at tacked the premises of a commercial firm at Rokuta last month, and thirty Japanese were wounded. The troops garrisoning Kelung were sent against the rebels. A Taipen despatch ot September to to The Government states that en that day the men belonging to the garrison at Man ka, eighty In number, engaged in the con flict with a parry of sixty mounted rebels. Fights of this kind are of daily occurrence. L.R30" TRANSPORT SAEEv The Senator, "With Iowa. Velanteers Aboard, at San FrHiiice. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 22. The trans port Senator, for the safety of which fear has been expressed by former Minister Denby and others, arrived today from Manila, having been exactly thirty days on the trip. She was in charge of Colonel Loper. and brings the Iowa volunteer regiment, forty-nine officers and TS9 men. For two days the Senator waited at Yo kohama for the typhoon to subside and only encountered the fringe of the great storm. Only one death occurred oa the voyage. B. D. Kissick, of Company F, succumbed to typhoid fever. Cweaty-two men are in the hospital, but all are in fairly good condition, and will be trans ferred to Presidio tomorrow. The lowans had a great reception at Yokohama and Nagasaki, where the Ameri can colour entertained them in royal style. If signs count for anything they should have met disaster many times, as they left Manila on Friday, arrived at Yo kohama on Friday, and had two Fridays, one October 13. at sea. owing to the ehaage of time. The regiment will be landed to morrow. The Senator dropped anchor near the battleship Iowa, aad the lowans had their first sight of the big ship named for their State. They cheered aad shouted, aad ad mired the fine fighting machine. Oae pa thetic home-coming incident was anted oa the deck. The father of Wade aad Svaa Bvaas. of Company M. two boys under twenty-one. died last Wednesday. It had been arranged to spare the sews off the he. reavement aattl toasorvow. but sees of ficious persoa blurted out the sad iateUi gence. aad the hoys cried like little ehtt drea. Brig. Gea. M. L Loddtagtoa. Qestfter atastcr Geaeral of the Army, received a telegram last ahjjhl anaoaaciag the ar rival at fiaa Praadsco of the traaoaort fieastor. The despatch brought great re lief to General Laddiagtoa's miad. a there wer fear that the Senator had beea lost la the typhoon. Despite the storss. how ever, she mode remarkacle good ttr e. having left Maaiia Just one month 30 yesterday. The Iowa regiment sailed ,m San Francisco on November 3. ISSfi. wfc a total of fifty osscers and l.W cults n. aad reached Maaiia December 5. as not dtM-mbarked t Manila, but was - to llotlo soon after it reached the "? , piaes. Owing to the objeetfoa of taw ...i thorittes at llotlo to the madias; of tb troops the Iowa regiment was kept on board the transport for a long period. It w.i finally sent back to Luzon, where th? mn set foot on land for the first thae since leaving the Vnited States three moatha he fore. The regiments went to the fighting line immediately, and participated ta the Luzon campaign. yte, MrxeKtlMilr' Cofrrift'ItM. BALTIMORE. Oct 22. Little or no change was noted in the condition of Ott mar Mergeathaler today. Hw' physician consider" him still seriously ill, and hold out no hope for his recovery. Luuilirr and nilllworlw C 11 .. k-. 1 .w- 1 - .1. asd X. T 1 ISiiy lowest and best jBlfMdlMK JHllJ? Do jou Know Doors ait 1 j ;! f.r car -j i Co. id K 1 a. H r. Y. a v.?