The Maximum Temperature Readied 101 Degrees rVnliliiBloii Inlk Crow AVoHry Un tler tlic IlurnlnK Sun Cloi Inff of JIunincxN HclIeieM Sswclter injc Clerks An U vtiiliiM From tlie CIt Cooler AVontluT IroinItiI Yesterday brought the sixth round of the great fight that has been raging for n week between the citizens of Washington and Hot Weather and at the end or the round Hot Weather bad tho residents of the Capital City decidedly groggy All previous records were broken Even the mercury at the Weather Bureau which lias persistently ranged In maximums about S6 and 37 when nearly everyone In Elated that it was ICO or over took a run tip the tube and recorded a maximum of 101 shortly after 2 p m the highest that lias been recorded this year At Afflecks all records were smashed Sweltering persons stood around the big tuba and observed with well founded ap prehension the mercury fairly spurt up to 101 at 2 oclock That was the point reached at the same hour on Friday and tho optimistic ones began to entertain hopes that yesterday would be no hotter But they wero doomed to disappointment The top of the red streak kept on rising till at 4 oclock It touched 103 a figure that has not lieen approached within 1 1 2 flegrees this year Then it began to slow ly decline end at S p m marked 92 A brisk wind wa3 blowing all day but It teemed to have little effect on the general torrldlty save to act as a means of evaporation for the thousands of beads of perspiration that stood out on thousands 6f brows On the streets tho sun beat lown with tropical vigor Even In places Kbere tall buildings cast shadows there rras no relief for hot blasts of air from Ihe scorching pavements swept Into every took and corner Business enterprise was at low ebb and residents were so listless that Suburban to talk of the injustice of1 a ouble fare The early closing hour in rogue on Saturday enabled many business nenr and clerks to get away to cooler ilaces than desks and counters Street ars en route to suburban resorts wero irowded nil the afternoon Railroad ticket 31ces that advertise special rates to sea ihore and mountain points were besieged sy people anxious to get away over Sun lay Those persons who had taken early sum mer vaeatlOES cursed the luck that com piled them to remain in town at present High temperatures prevailed all over the East but In no place was it as warm aa nt Washington Philadelphia sweltered vtth the mercury at S7 and Atlantic City twept though It Is by ocean winds sent in o the Weather Bureau an official record j M 88 There is reason to believe however j that the hot weather will soon be over In a special forecast Issued by the Weather Bureau last night the following statement Is made The extreme high temperatures that have prevailed during the past week from the upper Mississippi Valley to the At lanti Coast were brcken Saturday in the upper lake region and the upper Missis sippi Valley During Sunday the coaler weather will extend over the Ohio Valley New England New York and the lower Jake region and will overspread the Mid dle Atlantic States Sunday night end Monday The regular forecast is For the District cf Columbia Maryland and Virginia Gen erally fair Sunday Increasing cloudiness and possibly showers and not so warii light to freth westerly winds Following -is the tchle of for the ending m 3tidnight 77 12 noon rB J a m 71 2 p m 10O 4 a ffi 7S 3 D in Id C a m 73 f p m lW Si m SI 6 p m 1 10 a m S3 8 p m SS 10 p m c2 Maximum 101 minimum 73 Temperature same date last year Maximum 91 minimum 72 Two cases of heat prostration were re ported to the police last night Shortly after noon near the City Hall Leslie Da vis thirty years of age was overcome The Sixth precinct police sent In a call fcr the ambulance and Davis was removed to the Emergency Hospital He lives at S03 R Street northwest Miss Mary C Chase lives in Chestnut Street Anacostia She was at work in the attic of her home about 3 oclock in I the afternoon when she was prostrated Dr Pyles was called and treated the young woman Charles Chevls about thirty years old was overcome by th heat at the corner of Eleventh and P Streets northwest last night A citizen In passing discovert1 Chevls In an unconscious condition Wright of the Second precinct station was called and the man arc re moved to a nearby drug storo After treat ment hej Revived and was taken home in a carriage He lives at 1641 Tenth Street northwest THE EOT WAVJ3 BKOKEN A Thunder Storm In lllluoln toiioin mid Intlinnn CHICACO Aug 11 A violent thunder storm broke over this city at S oclock tonight bringing to an end the longest sustained hot wave ever inflicted upon this region in the history of the Weather Bu reau Despatches from points in Illinois Wisconsin Indiana ind Michigan ihow that ihetfstorm is general within a radius of 2o mUe3 of Chicago nau tne stern rea or tin miantgnt tne oighth Oj have bt vlotts rtc beet reb ate caes corded 75C larly a these SI OOF qualities thai and J2E0 SI 48 Is on qualities 2f0 weather would 1 breaking all pre- days In that time to sunstroke have rHce while nearly on have been re- Tho death rate for the week has been enormous and doubtless much of the in crease apart from sunstroke may be charged to heat exhaustion Owine to the fierce heat this morning 3000 men employ ed by the Pullman Palace Car Company in the machine and blacksmith shops quit work It -was reported tho men had struck and police were hurried to the scene but there was no trouble the men simply re fusing to work Work was also suspended in the steel mills in South Chicago and otlwr manufacturing districts throughout the city Acting Mayor Walter today or dered the entire lake front twenty two miles In length be made free to bathers as long as the excessive heat continues and he also ordered that bathing in tho park lagoons be permitted IQNITED BY THE HEAT A Truck- Ionil of PlrcivorUii Set Off the Sun TRENTON N J Aug 11 A truckload of fireworks ignited by the Intense heat of the sun exploded in the baggage room of the Pennsylvania Railroad here this aft ernoon and Baggageman Robert Bonhart was severely Injured The station took flro but the flames were extinguished before the fire department reached the scene The truck had been standing in the bitggago room for two days The thermometer registered 120 in the baggage room SWELTERING HT NEW YORK The Mercury HelHtcrH the lllgjivtft Tcmxicraturc of the Summer NEW YORK Aug 11 Today was not only the hottest August 11 on record It was also the hottest day of the summer For three hours the mercury was bubbling around or slightly above 95 degreas Thl3 was away up in the Weather Bureau headquarters Thermometers on the strict shone J from 100 to ICC dejrees A gocd breeze from the west saved the official mercury from breaking the August records early In the but it 103t a bit of Its cooling force later and at 315 the thermometer bioke the summer ieord by registering 9fl degress Then the mercury slowly got below tue 35th bar The percentage cf humidity fortunately was not high otherwise there might rave been many more deaths and prostrations Thousands of persons shept on fire escapesnnd on roofs tonight cs they hit the night before A multitude sought re lief at the seashore but found mighty little as the wind was off shore At S oclock tonight the official ther mometer registered 18 degrees which was se eral degrees hotter than the record at the same hour the night before The Weather Bureau this evening held out a dim indefinite hope of better condi tions tomorrow THE APPEAL OE NEELY The Department of Justice Surprised t - ly the Move The Department of Justice Is completely taken aback by the news of Neeljs cp peal It was suggested to the Attorney CcneEllareday3 ago that -this might b5 the defendants next move but he waived the ddea aside on the ground that there would be nothing on which the dfenc2 couldtas a habeas corpus application tl 1 Judge Lacombes order had been slgncJ placing Neely In the custody of an officer who was to take him to Cuba The papers in the case have not reached here yet so that it U impossible for any j authoritative opinion to be formed at the j Department es to Judjc Wallaces reason for entertaining the application at all even i to deny it and thus establish a ground for j appeal It is thought in some quarters that the application may hava been made to relieve Neely of his present detention on the plea that the United States Govern ment had simply locked him up on the charge which it had no intention of prose cuting in order to hold him for extradi tion en another charge and that this W2S a frivolous proceeding interfering with his liberty for no sufficient cause The Attorney General was out of tawn jesterday l Lest Days of Our i J t t 27X H 3S1 tB m m anx hr hi p B iH liffs bt itt Hi in jtv rff r49 m tH ri j t 3 v our closing out price Ladies Tan and lack Laced Shoes that sell regularly for 21 to and S qualities in Tan Shoes tho newest and most popular shades and shapes all sizos cholee tomorrow for Remdmber these are the last days of this sacrifice sale and an hours delay may mean disappointment Come early tomorrow 3S0 and 312 Sevesiih St uigii lysaii b o G i o During the next six days we propose to make a clean sweep of all broken sizes in Ladies Mens and Childrens Shoes Trofit and even COST shall be ignored until this is accomplished Heres just a hint of tomorrows bar gains 50C drens fit you 98C more i these a 198 Tomorrow and while they last for choice of broken sizes In ladles and chil a grand bargain If we can For choice of actual Jlr0 and tl qualities In Boys Solid Leather Shoes no like them at the price whon are gone Tomorrow for choice of Ladles Tan Laced Shoos complete In all sizes and all shapes of toe our regular 3 valuer While they last for Ladles High and Low Shoes quali ties that we have sold regu at 1 50 a pair Be quick for tomorrows bargain price for Mens Low Shoes In tan and black we have sold for XI THE TUIES WASHINGTON SUNDAY AUGUST 12 1900 I MfflOT POWERS Prosecutions Witnesses Contradict Material Statements AccnNeil Allowed to llnw licen nt Ii- Miltclioue on lie Afternoon or Jnnunry 1K7 Snore Tlint lie Vm in So Kh PrniikCinl nt Tliut Time Adjournment Until GEORGETOWN Ky Aug 11 The prosecution entered upon rebuttal today and It was shown that Caleb Powers did not spend the aftcrnooa of January 25 in his boarding house as Irs swor he Cid Some weeks ago Noake3 testified that he had two talks with Powers on the after- pioon of January 25 In the statehouse jard Powers to offset this snore tfcat h2 was not In the statehouse or yard that after noon Today It was proved that he wag in the yard and near the statehouse ubaut i oclock that afternoon which leaves him in a bad plight as to credibility The testimony to the effect that Wharton Golden exhibited a roll of money and said it was a part of the 100000 reward was also positively contradicted A L Reed of London Ky said he heard Attorney Sparks say Gocbel would bo killed and that Taj lor would pardon the man that did it What did you say when Sparks ead that a6ked Colonel Sims I said It would be a low trick to have a man killed and then paidon the murder ers answered Reed Zepsania Settle of Landon said he heard Attorney Sparks say Friday before Goebcl was shot that Goebel would be killed and that Taylcr would pardon the man or men that killed him W C Lutkomcler Joseph Gobbcr W T Reading and George Shaw merchants whose stores are on Broadway fronting the Statehouse Square all testified that they saw a number of people on the street just after the shooting but do threats anl no evidence of any sort tf violence and neither of them knew or heard of lhelmo crats having 2000 guns or any guns con cealed around Frankfort Prcs Thompson a saloonkeeper on the same street testified to the same thing Mace Williams chief of police Austin Robincon and Zach Thompson Frankfort policemen said they hsl good opportuni ties to learn of it If tbejguns were there but had never known or heard of 2000 guns or of any guns being held or con cealed by Democrats Fiauk Kavanaugh Assistant Stats Li brarian swore that he Saw Caleb Powers on January 25 In the afternoon standing near the legislative building talking to Charles Flndley and Wharton GoIJen after 3 and before 5p m This testimony was extremely lmportanl because Powers testified that he spent the whole after neon at his boarding house in South Frankfort Kavanaugh remembered It be cause it was tho day the big crowd of men was there because he walked hmr with Miss Hardin the State Lltrranat that afternoon on account of the big crowd and because he spoke to Findley as he passed He described minutely the posi tion in which the three men stood Percy Haley of tho House of Representatives corroborated Kavanaugh and said he left the contest board about 420 that afternoon and saw Ppwers Flndley and Golden talklt to gether at the same spot -named by Ilava naugh George Barnes testified several days ago that shortly after Gcebel was shot he saw Fred Gordon with a gun running aboutila tho crowd on Broadway Gordon wa3 put on the stand today and said he was at Flat Creek nine miles from Fracuor when Gocbel was shot and did no get back till 3 oclock and never had a gun in his hand that day lV At 210 this afternoon Mr Franklin said the prosecution desired to adjourn over till Monday to get witnesses to rebut the questions asked today about boxes of guns being carried into the Stateprlsop The request was granted SAD CASE OF A YOUNG WOMAN 311s Lney niitchi II Thoncrlit to Hnve Lout Her 311ml A sad story is behind the Incarceration last night of MIsa Lucy Mitchell daughter of Mrs R E Mitchell a native of Vir ginia and a resident of this city Miss Mitchell Is lodged at the First precinct station in charco of the matron She was brought here from Falla Church Va She is though to be Insane and step3 will bo taken today to enquire Into her mental condition Mrs Mitchell came to Washington with her two daughters the Misses Mary and Lucy several years ago They were Joined here shortly afterward by a son of Mrs Mitchell and for a time all went well Mrs Mitchell secured employment In tho Geological Survey Miss Mary Mitchell also entered the Government service and the on went into business Miss Lucy re mained at home Domestic troubles arc said to have be gun a few monlbs since and there are In timations that financial difficulties added to the alleged misfortunes of Hie family A short time ago the Mitchells gave up their homo at SIS Massachusetts Avenue northwest Since then Mrs Mitchell has lived with a friend on Rhode Island Ave nue tho daughters and son finding a home elsewhere Miss Lucy Mllchell has been ill for tome time Friends of the family at Falls Church were surprised yesterday morning when she suddenly appeared them going to tho homo of Dr J B Hodgkln Sho is said to have developed on acute mania to have exhibited suicidal tenden cies and In a rambling statement made serious accusations against friends here Last night Miss Maud Hodgkln who is connected with a Virginia training school drove to this city together with a friend with Miss Mitchell In charge They placed the unfortunate joung woman in charge of the police and she was lodged at the sta tion HOW HE AVOIDED AHEEST lunlfor Committed Suicide- Junt ni Warrant Wn Suom Out NEW YORK Airg 11 Frederick Grimm fifty five years old Janitor for the apart ments at 511 East -One Hundred and Fifty fifth Street committed suicide some time last night by hanging himself from the transom in a vacant room At tho time almost to the hour that the mans body was being cut down Otto Volkenlng of 4S Ea3t Sixtieth Street who own3 the houses in which Grim acted as Janitor was in the Morrisanla PolicoCourt obtaining a warrant for Grimms arrest The affidavit given by Volkenlng was to the effect that Grimm had collected rents to the amount of 50 and failed to account for the sum to the landlord When the warrant had been obtained Patrolman McAndrews went with Volken lng to the house to servo It When Mrs Grimm caught sight of the landlord she became almost hysterical Three times I have warned you she screamed that If you persisted In get ting a warrant for my husband he would kill himself You are responsible for his death Counting the Chinese rrom the London Daily Mail Xo man knom tlia exact population of the Chintt lipre but it is belleted to conftUt of bfctucen four and Are hundred million prraofH If a census were taken by compellirtr the Ctlcs tiala to nte pjst tho cnurarralor In sinKlf tile three ftct apirt ct the rate of four milrs an hour thj pic uM ioniume about eight yara thlrtv -oven days six hours forty th o minutes ami thirty and a f faction seconds allowln two day for Icjp jtaii Get the Washington Mirror this morning VISIT OP THE CUBAN TEACHERS rlmiH Outlined the entertainment Committee The committee on entertainment of tho Cuban school teachers who will visit Washington on Friday Aujust 17 held a meeting yesterday at noon In the Board of Trade rooms The plait of entertainment adopted sev eral days ago will bo carried out with one exception The reception at the Cor coran Art Gallery will be abandoned and Tomorrow in s stead a reception will be tendered me visitors at uien icno on aaiuruay evening the ISth inst Other featurcs cf the two days stay In Washington will be a reception at the White House visits to the various Government buildings and trolley excursions to several of the sum mer resorts j The conjfoittef made provision fcr guides bothladtes nnd gentlemen to meet the three trains on which the teach jrs will arrive In Washington Friday night The guides will direct tho visitors to their hotels and make every provision for their comfort In the excursions vrnund the city tho teachers will be divided Into groups of fifty The number of tho party Is close to 1400 Tho teachers arc while In this country the guests of Harvard University and the expense of he trip Is being borne by that institution ana tne city or uoston The entertainment committee of which Mr John Joy Edson Is chairman will hold a meeting early this week at which the plans outlined will be perfected and va rious sub committees appointed The teachers after leaving Washington will go to Philadelphia where they will be entertained by the citizens of that place YACHTS SAIL BACK TO NEWPORT CSrt Amir Prom Vineyard Haven In n Frexhciilnc Itrec zc VINEYARD HAVEN Mass Aug 11 Tho harbor fronting this quaint old town presented on animated appearance this morning when the sun roso over the Xew York Yacht Club cruising fleet lying at anchor here It is not often nowadays that more than two or Ihreo yachts are an chored here at one time and merchant ves sels only come Into tho harbor when seek ing refuge from storm In consequence the natives and summer guests here rose up as one man and extended welcoming arms to tho yachtsmen but at the same tlmo they did not hesitate to take advantage of the hospitality of the visitors All sorts of sail beats put cut to the anchored yachts this morning and those who had not friends aboard cruUed about the flet pay ing special attention to tho yacNs the names of which have frequently nipeared as cup winners In former regattas Cottage City Edgartown and West Chop were not one whit behind Vineyard Haven however and the trolley lines leading from these places to the harbor were taxed beyond capacity Practically everyone around here went down to the New York Yacht Club station last night and In honor of the assembled yachts the trolley cars were gorgeously decorated with colored incandescent Most of these lights were arranged on the roof3 of the cat3 and when they shot along through the darkness at full speed the effect was striking Almost all the motormen wore golf or bicycle suits Whether however It was In honor of the yachts or whether It was their or dinary working garb could not be learned A band was brought down to the harbor front last night but the musical treat did not take place because some one forgot to put electric lights In the stand which had been erected for the occasion The band returned to Cottage City a very dis gusted crowd of musicians The yachtsmen were congratulating themselves last night on the splendid run from Newport tB this point The wind blew steadily from the south southwest and the racers made the Vineyard light on one tack It was beautiful reaching md there was not one of the racers titat did not finish BegrtfS oclock The only unpleasant incident of the race was the foul committed by- the Virginia which caused her to be disqualified after she bad outsailed all of her competitors The trou ble was that she crossed the line on the wrorrs jldopf the stake boat It was a serious mistake nnd cost Mr W K Van i derbilt jr a race wbichhe had won quite handily The cup was awarded to the Mtneola wlrlch finished second Tho Vir ginia showed thai she could foot as fast If not faster than any of the seventy-footers 7 Mr Vanderbllt did not know that he w disqualified -until after tho race When hu ii iCl the news he appeared much sur prised The wind was blowing from the south west this morning It was not particularly strong tutlino prospect for improvement appeared good ATJGUSTE VICTORIAS TRIP Incident of the Aurthlnnd Voyncc Told the Cnptnlu NEW YORK Aug 11 The Hamburg American Lino steamship Auguste Victoria arrived at her dock at Hoboken today br first across the Atlantic since her re turn to Hamburgon July 2G from tho annual trip to the North Cape The fol lowing account of the northland trip was furnished by Captain Kaempil On July i the Auguste Victoria started to the North Cape with a large number of American passengers All cabins en board wero taken The weather was very fine On the trip up excursions were made to Odde Jlolde Naes Trondhjem and Tromsoe la which almost every passenger took pare On July 13 at midnight the steamer dropped anchor off tho North Cape all the passengers going up to the cape The next morning at 6 oclock the voyage was con tinued to Sultzbergen The same night tho passengers went hunting and made ex cursions Into the mountains The hunters shot a laige number of reindeer and polar bears Between Hammerfest and North Cape a large number of whalers and whales wero seen The return trip was begun on July 10 by way of Dlegermulen Bellsund Naaock and Gudwangen At Dlegermulen tho captain of the Auguste Victoria re ceived n telegram from Emperor William inviting all tho passengers to visit him on board the royal yacht Hohenzollem at Molde On July 20 the steamship arrived at Molde Emperor Will am visited the Ait gusto Victoria and chatted pleasantly with tho Americans and again invited the pas sengers to his yacht AH tho passengers at onco took advantage of His Majesty3 invitation On July 2S tho Auguste Vic toria arrived off Hamburg LABOR UNIONS TROLLEY LINE St ImilH StrlUcn Form n Comiinur r Their Own ST LOUIS Aug 11 Articles of Incor poration were filed yesterday by tho Labor Union Street Railway Company Its capi tal stock Is placed at 3000 and Its officers are named as follows j President Thomas B Edwards vice president Simon O Collins secretary William D Benson treasurer John A Roof Messrs Edwards and Benson con stitute the comSnttea recently appointed by tho local strel railway union to organ ize a ccrporallonto enter the street rail way business In this city A mas3 maeln of the local union labor organizations wijbe held tomorrow night at which the project will be formally launched Phone C3I Xrllrlcion Hottling Ct for a case of Ilt itriihs Maerzen Senate or Laifer the but and piirc t i f aUHtr in -the Unitrd Statra IT intlKI WIX I5ATTII S Tvrntr nne tSMrs and men wrote from the It it in Far Ibat for scratches bruise out v undi icro fort aad tiS joints Bucklen Arcn a jive ii tle Jrt in the world Some for iTmrji I sMn eruptions and piles Twenty fur I i Ijoa jPure ffuaranteed sold by Henry Drugs it r r Street northwest THE- DISTRICT DEMOCRATS nnuhl tin in the Outc ome of Kfictlotml nlfTerencrs What will be the outcome of the row be tween the two factions of the District Democracy no oie In authority seems able to tell From tvst to last the Norrls fac tion which wanted to run things whether or no received no encouragement from tho National Committee As Is well known the antl Norris delegates were recognized at the Kansas City Convention the Na tional Ccmmlttcc deciding that half a vote should be accorded each faction Of course this was a practical repudiation of Norrls whose election It was allege- was not strictly In accordance with the rules that should govern the primaries Tho recent action of the Democratic Na tional Committee In Indlanapoli3 which was In effect that the quesion of selecting a representative for the National Commit tee from the District should be left to the District Democrats was a disappointment to the followers of Norrls for they felt confident that the question would be de cided by the National Committee which would elect him The Holmead people it Is said are satisfltl with the decision of the National Committee and are willing to have arcther prln arj which shall be fairly and squarely conducted at which only Dis trict Democrats shall vote to decide the question The antl Norris people say that If an honest expression of opinion Is had It will be at least 10 to 1 against Norrls Ac cording to the gossip in Democratic circles last night Norrls Is said to have Informed Senator Jones that It the question was referred back to the voters of the Dis trict he Norrls would receive an over whelming majority Senator Jones Is re ported as siylng that If that were the case then he Norrls could have no possible ob jection to another primary There seems to be no hurry on the part of -either faction to take the initiative and order another primary as suggested by the National Committee It was said last night that unless some action ls soon taken It Is not Improbable that Senator Jones as Chairman of the National Commute will appoint a new Central Committee and di rect it to hold a primary to elect a mem ber to represent tho District en the Na tional Committee There Is a strong prob ability that some decision will be taken In the matter within the next ten dayr AXTAR IK A PRIVATE HOUSE MNi Klley of llrooUIyn to Be rled in Her Home NEW YORK Aug 11 Under special dispensation from the Fop6 in altar haa been erected In r private chapel in tho hoiise ol Major John D Kelley 212 Cler mont Avenue Brooklyn and there by spe cial permission granted by the Pope the majors daughter Miss Helen Mary Pla Kciley Is to be married next Wednesday to Alexander M Sullivan of Dublin Ire lard An altar 1J a private house is an unusual privilege lq this country and the permis sion to have a Marriage ceremony cele brated at such an altar Is considered an unusually high lionor Once before in Brooklyn was this privilege granted and then the daughter f John Loughran Pres ident of the Manufacturers Bank wa3 married at his home 4 South Portlan I Av enue Cardinal Gibbons Alio was a guest at Major Kellcys houe fcr a week recently Is to return from Southampton L I where he Is spending the summer to cele brate the nuptial mass next Wednesday Bishop Benjamin B Kelley of Savannah an uncle of the bride Is to perform tho ceremony The Bishop of Richmond Va the Bishop of Detroit and the Right Rev Monslgnor McNamara Vicar General of the Diocese of Brooklyn are expected to be present Only members of the family have been Invited The bride Is to sail with her husband on Wednesday for Ifuhlln In which city her home Is to be Mr Sullivan Is a barrister there He is a scr of the late Alexander M Sullivan M P and a nephew of Timo thy P Sullivan a former Mayor of Dublin No formal annour cement of the wedding has been made and members or the faml lysay they regret that publicity has been given to It as they Intend It to be strictly a family gathering A Korean In n Strnnjie Land NEW YORK Aug 11 Lee Chung K3n a Korean about tventy elght years eld went to the Outdoor Poor Department yesterday nnd asked Jor aid He arnvrd onthe Doric at San Francisco on June 00 and came to N3w York bringing with him two chests of ginseng worth J 100 and had considerable money He could not make himself understood in Chinatown and ne wanted Superintendent Blair to send him home Mr Blair will endeavor to sell tlu root for him and wilj send him hack to Korea Who brews the best beer Ask any of your friends and they will pive you a positive answir that lleurich beers are the best Thone C31 Arlington Rottling Co for a case of Maerzen Senate or Laper RlSSELI On Saturdar Augiut II iwtft aftfr a short illness at her residence G02 K Street couth eat MAKY J the bclotctl wife of tbe late Thome P Russell Xottce cl funeral hereafter Davenport Iotra papers please copy It imXS On Friday August 10 1900 at 250 p m CHAKM33 J WELLS In h ality fifih year beloved hiuhand of Jane Well Funeral from his late residence 229 F Street rtorthuct Monday August 13 1900 at 2 p m It linXDEnSON In fond remembrance of my dear eUter MAGGIE who died three jears ago todjy August 12 1S97 Until the shadows from thU earth are cast Until lie gathers in his sheaves at last Until the twilight eIoot be overpast Until we meet again before this throne Clothed In the spotless vbe he gives his own Until ue know even as we are known Sleep on sleep on It -BROTHER WILL COLLIXS On Friday Aiust lOlflOO at 830 a m at hi residence b C st nw iiArif 1 j the beloved and eldest son of Michael T and Mary Collins aged thirty two 3 ears Funeral frcm his late residence Monday Au gust 13 at 330 a m thence to St Aloyfius Church where requiem mass will be said for the repose of bis soul at 9 oclock Friends and rela tives respectfully incited to attend ltem UMJUIlTAICUItS J WILLIAM LEE Undertaker nnil Livery IS5 Pecn Ave Jf W Waahincton D CL special xoTcns IP ELDERLY LADY THROWN FROM Metropolitan car Thursday August 9 at Louisiana Avenue and Fifth Street north west desires sho cau obtain list of wit nesses to accident by addressing Box 704 this offlce Item HERMAN BAUMGARTEN Rubber Stamps seals Stencils Fos Tyiewriters E25 Seventh St it W Phono I0J2 EDUCATIONAL ST MARYS ACADEMY Alexandria Va Hoarding1 School for girls Large grounds am ple equipment terms im derati Classes will be resumed Thuitday September 4 auli lroo SPANISH 513 13lh Street nw If iou like to learn Spanish in a quick nay call at 513 13th st day ald nght lessons au5 lmo Walters Headache Powders Have you tried them Sold by all drujinits JUk for them 10 cents au9 tf ROYAL Baking Powder Highest of all in leavening Strength U S Govcri bent Report J I I t 4- jC 2 Ci TH i a d sr C7ZZ2t Pennsylvania Avenue 3nd Seventh Street 20c a yard all on tables by themselves for choice to morrow at that bate 5c Clearing he Ribbons Ladies Pure Linen Hand kerchiefs 5c We can warrant every thread of these to be pure lnen feud xhcer linen too with hand drawn hcmititching Not more than enough fcr a dajla selling Japanese Fans 3c Worth 5C to 10c They are Folding Fans in quaint Jap decoration and queer colorings Rcauty in their oddity Breeze stirring strength in their spreading fold Clarks Cotton 3c -200 yard sjouli Wm Clarks is excellent fcr machine seuing because it is smoothest and strong est full 200 yard to the spool Angora Binding 8c 5 yard pieces Any color you want anil as m ny pieces as ou want tomorrow of Angira bkiit Binding for c each Talcum Powder 7c 1 2 lb can Wcrth 15c a can for it ia both and borated put pp sprinkler top cans I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I---- Sf ysjfcSf us 1 11 Mis Lot of fine Madras Cimjhams clelce designs new colorings the last - an enormous Yarierjr of patterns Ererj jard fully worth 10c but we offer the choice tomorrow A and they- cannot last lonjer than until Tuesday for 5c at One Sweeping Redaction Thousands of yards of desirable colorings and wldth3 and qualities tvIII be on the special tables when you come tomorrow AH Mk Taffeta Kibbotts In numbers 40 1 Satin Ribbons in all th normhrw and GO that sell everywhere at from 17c to 29c a jard good assortment of shades Choice No 40 No CO He a yd Ifc a yd Double Faced Satin Ribbon in most desirable shades of the present 8eamn In numbers 5 7 9 and 12 selling regularly at from 10c to 20c a ard according to width Choice for any shade V A and any width - Ju Dinner 495 They are full JOO piece Sets and com posed in combination detail that- they may answer alike for breakfast and tea as suitably as for dinner service decorated with bright Cowers ia natural tints and richly sold lined AYfi want to sell about 20 of thee Sets to lighten tbe stock be fore inventory TRatsreawn enough for their bein so cheaply sold Plain White Cups in three shapes worth 5c each for Plain TVhi te Saucers to match the Cup3 worth 4c each for Hi 2ic lie White Plates plain or with fancy edge in all sizes breakfast tea dinner A cr soup north 8c each frr T Adjustable Window Screens with stel rod will fit any window up to 30xS regular price 45c End of the sea- r C con special t ings and U idtls Trom number 5 to 22 always eellins at trora 9c to 25c a yard Choice Xos 5 7 and 9 3 yd CEcice Xo 12 lfl and 22 C 3 yd Lot ot Fancy Ribbons that have been excellent sellers because they are the moet striking- novelties various widths and qualities from SDc to SI I a yard all reduced now to y Ju Toilet Sets S 139 Heres a price that is sure to be a great surprise Full size 10 piece Toilet Sets of strong and tough porcelain hand somely decorated in Nymph patterns good shape and a very extraordinary Set even at the 235 we say they are worth Stock taking does play havoc with proSts and losses Jelly Classes with tight flitt covers very clear crystal regulation J J size worth 3c each for 2w Water Tumblers clear glass with fluted bottoms worth 3c 1jr each for 2 Alarm Clocks nickel pated warranted for one year usual price 75c A n r Special TL Screen Doors strong- and ffchtly com plete with all fixtures for properly hanging worth fL23 Special end- O Qp of tte scaon pric OL Is the Magic Price in Shirt Waists This Week And the choice is of what remain ot those last great purchascsL Waists that are worth and have fold up to 2 and 250 each This is the stroke that caps the climax of Shirt WaUt selling this seasoiv here or anywhere else Its the lowest price that has been named for sd unquestionably choice effects and quali ties Slany fancy some White Sizes well assorted still Tooth Brushes 4c Worth 10c Iure Dristles and bone handles aswitid sizes and kinds genuine importer Japan ese Tooth Crushes Thurstons Powder 7c Worth 13c Everybody Inons what Thurstons Tooth Powder is and that 15c is the druggists price NickNacks in Jewelry worth Just a clearinc up before the taWcjr of the Inventory You haTe choice cf any plera of Jraelry on the special countns and they will hold Xw Style Eancy rtelt Lacklra Rabbits Fettaiver mounted Uorv Shoe Brooches Cood luck Brooches Pulley Rmjs Hat lira Stick Pins Hair Pins Baby Jars Pearl headed Pin Salt and Pepper Sets with Sterling Silver topi Ebony Manicure Pieces trimmed with Stttoas Siher Shel Hair liroochca Mena Silk Watch Cordj Etc Etc r t i Next Palurday closes up the six months business rec ord The inventory will be completed The inventory sale will be over Uut betwrvn now and then we shall cut en tirely Iqoso from every lormer price anchorage TheseH be the six biggest bargain days of the six months You Can Buy Lace Curtains at About Half Now 2i mirs rtufflcd Mulln Sash Curtains 28 inches and 3 yards long Afl rclucsj from ft a pair to OUU 200 pairs Handsome American nude Lace Curtains full length and width and in the most correct and consistent ialtatioa ol genuine Urassels patteriu reduced from 175 and 2 a pair to 500 Curtain and rorfiere roles S feet long in Wal nut Mahoffanj Ash anj Oak complete with brack ets ring and ornarnen tat ends worth 25c each 14c 125 300 pairs Fine American made Lace Cur talM also in Brussels patterns Try attractive effects reductd from j fi 3 a pair to ZUU 21 pairs Fine Snowflalce Stripe Curtain dainty colorings and original effects reduced from 2S a C Lot of those 44 Inch Crass Extension Itoda for sash curtains com- plete with fixtures 200 St inch Drais Exten sion Curtain Hods com plete with end and brackets worth 23c j Qf each for lt Final Clearance of Colored Wash Goods Every yard of TrinteJ Irlh Dimities English natistes and the Figured Strip ed and Flowered Xoveltle the last of the seasons exclusive patterns been selllnjr from 11 l 2c to I J J I T 2 III if I Durinp this month wo closoat5 pm Saturdays at 1 pm 8 Ask Yourself Whothor it would rot bo worth while to make sorao slight present sacrifices to gain substantial futuro benefits Wo aro making all sorts of tarsaii s this month a3 wo know that wo shall find it difflcul to properly display all our eoods noxt month Isnt it worth your whilo to buy whon you can savo from 25 p9r cent to 50 por cent on tho cost of tho goods Especially when wo aro willing to assist you by arranging very easy terms of credit without any additional oxponso Not ony havo wo cut prices on all summer goods such as Bofrigcrators Eaby Carriages Mattings Gardon Seats ote but wo havo mado imra jaso reductions in Chambor Suites Parlor Suites Sideboards Extonsion Tables Dining Chairs Book Casos and all other goods that ako up any considerable amount of space HOUSE HERRMANN 901 903 Seventh Street Cor of I Eye St