v itllUS OF THE Mil Ever a Brave -Adjunct fo America righting Frcc lleeer Pill in tho of wtmal Conrnirc nml Jnc rtd Dn o tloti lo HI ciniitrjH KIhr hen It Inlls Hint Into tiitt Prowe During In- War With tin- Spanish Since that world startling event in Ha vana Harbor when Order Private Wil liam Anthony of the Marine Corps qnl tl made the niemorabe announcement to his commanding officer Sir I Lave the horor tion by the United States Marine Corps As It was it only took two days further to arrange accommodations for iSe addi tional two companies- and on April 22 or f our dajswrf U General Hejwoods arrival in Sen York the entire battalion aceom penied b the navy jard band which had been loaned to escort It to the pier and greeted on all sides with the heartiest en thusiasm marched down to where the good ship Panther la and embarked for Cuba In regard to the fifing out of the troops with all needful requirements General Hey wood rendered due tribute to tie ex ertions of Major F L Denny the quarter master of the corps and Capt C L Me Cawley the quartermaster of the battal ion After leaving New Tork tho Panther proceeded to Hampton Roads for the pur pose of awaiting a convoy lo Cuba which was obtained under the United Slates Jor Ilcarj CooJ Sergt Chuths M Smith i dki wiMilr tuuri4rilt i tltluo Ul1 111 I Duniphj and Private Jants MiCuH an I j AS a rPSult Of tile bUCCCES nf ihls j pedltlnn of First Marine Ilatt i on tbe following were rfdvauced or brvttod Lieut Col It v Huntington was slip unt ied coonel for rnilmrt ami conspicuous conduct in battle Capt G org F Elli- ctt was advanced three numb is on the list of captains for like distinguish d con duet First Lieut W C Neville sa ni2de 1 captan for the same rea on S cond Lctit Louis J Maclll was appointed ciptoln by brevet ard Secord Ucut Ihllip Jl I non Oust lieutenant hy brivet For some time said General Hewcoi after the establishment of the lie Naw it was a question whether or not it woIdJ De am liable to station marines at tbe rapid fire ird secondary batteries I main tained that the men of the corps cculd do this work end do it well as the marines are thorcuglilj trained as shaipshojters and it has been demonstrated that a g oj marksman with a rHc is a Rood Runner to report that the ship has been Wo mi up and furthermore many of the men are and Is cow sinking the American p ople thoroughly drilled at ha small gun be have become aware of the general braver fr oir1 board ship accordinel urged that the marines jfniim o f th f - - -- - - ---- shown oe given a trial at these guns naval service to whch Aathonj bclo g d Afver due consideration the Department Not alone the people of this counr but acccped mj suggestion and inaiuded in j of the world at large Lave acknowedped tlls regulations orders to station them t the coura8e and etficiencv dinlaved in ac- at thc batteries and rapid fire guns By the reports received after the I Intyie and Battle Orderlies Rail and s i ere so near ieornan Ellis when he was killed that the vere bespattered with blood Tbe music boys Drummers Weisenbcrg and Filer Stewart were stationed on the main and gun decks respectively to sound trumpet calls and behaved manfully None THE TDIES WASHINGTON RUMMY AUGUST - 1900 IE im If 11 Ilnniincnl JUMtleiits of tlie City in Years Long Joiic I5y Tin- Inrrlnsro of tlir loiitlifnl MIxh VaHIIiihi in the Rniinii MiniHtrr Tin ron llodiKot Crm nil Tribute- lo lit r IJcuut j t lie Hmi ilnle Rt tnlr IrcIrirnlN of the Itcvotutloii -Almost two centuries ago Dumbarton Rock above Georgetown was crowned with a -wigwam In which dwelt Celtc Bell and his Indian wife The joung white settler had won the heart ot the Indian maiden and thus they lived In pas toral simDlicity founding the well known Georgetown family of the Beales The Heishta aboe the to An were long known as the Tudor estate In memory of the royal line of England Among the well known people who have lived in this beautiful localilj were the battle of the 3d of Jul when the Spanish j Peters family who were related to the anu me present occasion oi tne amen fleet cfT Santiago was annihilated and tions of civilization uniting against a com- j the reports of the Spanish officers who icon foe has furnished fresh opportunitys for this general appreciation Before adjourning Congress had the goo 1 judgment to increase the force of the marine- to f COO men and to rapidl has the work of recruiting progressed that onl about 200 arc lacking of the entire ru cber provided for About 1200 of the corp3 a e now in China and it will depend upon fu tures ents as to whether more will ba sent to that quarter of the world To the marines belong the honor of be ing the first ot the American forces to lard on Cuban dl after the declaration of war with Spam The organization of the batallon winch -won this distinction was the work of Commandant General Charles He wood who in accordance with erbal instruction from the Secretary of SVar usued orders on the 17th and 16th of April 3K38 for the immediate assembling at Cew York of detachments of men from all tie Eastern costs of the corps and receiving stops On the niirht ot April IS General Hevwood left Washington for New York for the purpose of personalis r upen Icing the organization of the corps and rendering it efficient for nctlie serv ice in this task were united the require ments of celerity nnd forethought The situation called for immediate action as well as owing to the climatic and other conditions existing at the seat of war complete provision against the danger of disease the natural features or the coun try and the peculiar tactics of the ciemy That all these requirements were suc cessful met by General Heywcod In his organization of the battalion subsequent facts testif In regard lo the first and most important conslderaaon the preserving of he he i of the men in a foreign and tropical cli mate it may ie instanced that only 2 per cent of the entire battalion v ere at any time incapacitated for duty on ac caunt v sicknes a reo d which compares favorably with that of other branches of the service In seme of which an eppalling camber were rrade ed hors du combat tfcroj gh indispo itlon aoae nnrlM il Wire IIirrlt r Moreover as a provision against the sometimes effective obstruction of barb d wire fences employed by the Spama ds General He wood supplied ever tenth man of the battalion with a pair of nip pers capable of cutting the stoutest wire a precaution which furnished a Ten valu able example to our army organizations The battalion thus formed consist ed of 23 commissioned officers ard CI3 enlisted men under the command of CoL R TV Huntington U S M C Be tides Colonel Hnntington commanding the battalion was officered as follows Major P C Pope Jdajor H C Coearane first Lieut H L Draper adjutant Capt C L MeCawley quartermaster Surgeon John iL Edgar U S X First Sergt Henrj Good sergeant major First Sergt R J Limerick The six companies composing the bat talion were officered as follows Compaa A Captain Allan C Skclton first lieutenant F J Moses and second lieutenant L J Magill Comrany B Captain B R Russell first lieutenant C 1 A Ingate and sec ond lieutenant M J Shaw Company C Ccptain G 1 Elliott firt lieutenant L C Lucas and second llec tenant P il Bancon Company D Capt2n TV F Spiccr first hentenant W C Neeville and second lieutenant Newton II Hall Company E Captain H IC White firt lieutenant J E Maaonev and second- lieu tenent C S McLemore Company F artiller Captain F H Harringtcn first lieutenant C G Lons and second lieutenant TV N McKelvey Color guard One sergeant and two cor porals Before leaving Washington General Hey vvood way Informed by the War Depart ment thet the commandant of the New Tork Navy Yard Rear Admiral F M Bunce had been directed to fit out the transport ship Panther to accommodate a v ere on board these ships it was shon that the greatest damage on the enem s I vessels resulted from the fire of the sec- onrar batteries and the rapid fire guns this fire being so effective that by it the enem ere driven from their guns As a great number of these guns on the ships t engaped were manned by marines I feel I safe in asserting that the Dcpartmen did I not malve a mistnkp when it directed thit the small guns should be manned by ma rines tourape firrnlcr Tlinu MmrtniiN The following description given by Bre vet Major Paul St C Murphy U S M C of the conduct of the marine guard of the flagship Brooklyn In the battle of Santiago ma be taken as typical of the naval service rendered by the Corps on ever American vessel engaged The men sajs Major Murphy who was himself advanced from the rank of captain for gallant conduct in the action were full of enthusiasm but there was no ex citement or disorder and apparently no concern for personal safety Tne battery was handled with admira ble coolness and deliberation Greater care could not have been taken in setting sights and aiming if the men had been at target practice and each striving to make a record score Considering the fact that the enemy was within eftectivc range during tiro greater part of the action the fire of the secordary batten must have been most destructive to his men and material and contributed its full share to bringing the battle to an end so speedily and with so little los3 to ourselves Where all did their dut manfully it is a difficult matter to select individuals for special mention There are some how ever who dc ene notice b name for con duct that displayed In a conspicuous man ner courage intelligence and devotion to duty During the early part of the action a cartridge jammed in the bore of the star boad forward six pounder and in the effort to withdraw it the case became cWachcd from the projectile leaving the latter fast in the bore and impossible to Xtract from the rear Corporal Robert Gra of the port gun asked and received permission to attempt to drive the shell out by means of the rammer To do this it was necessary to go out on the gun and the undertaking was full of difficul ties ard ciancer the latter due In a great measure to the blast of the tunet guns firing overhead The gun was hot and It was necessar to cling to the Jacob ladder with one hand while endeavoring with the other to manlnulate tbe long rammer After a brave effort he was forced to give up and was ordered in Quarter Gunner W H Smith then came sent by the ex ecutive officer and promptly placed him self in the dangerous position outside the gun port where he worked and failed as the corporal had done Neither had been able to get the rammer Into the bore and tl ere seemed nothing left to do but dis mount the gun At this juncture Private Macncal one of the crew volunteered to go out and make a final effort The gun was so important the starboard battery being engaged that as a forlorn hope he was permitted to make the attempt He pushed out bold and set to work The guns of the forward turret vere firing the blart nearly knocking him overboard and the cnemjs shot were coming with f requeue into his immediate neighborhood It was at this time that Chief Yeoman Ellis was killed on thn other side of the deck Macneal never paused in his work The rammer was Snail placed in the bore and the shell ejected The gun was im mediate put in action and Macneal re Waslunctons and the Lees Protestant Thuldklll who gave Archbishop Carroll of Baltimore the ground now occupied by Georgetown College also rtsided on the Heichts During the Administrations of Tolk and Buchanan Georgetown was adorned with some fine mansions and became the scene of man elegant social affairs There lived in the town at this time a oung lady of great beaut and accomplishments the daughter of an obscure but highly re Epectabie gentleman Mr Williams At the age of sixteen she was married to the somewhat elderly Russian Minister Bnon Bodisco who was said to have been at once the richest and ugliest man in the Capital At this wedding there were cght bridesmaids Miss Jessie Benton the first walking with President Buchanan The bride wore a rich satin brocade with veil of Honlton lace her Jewelry merely con sisting of a pearl sprig and pin She was given aw a by Henry Clay Madame Bodiscos beauty was for a long time a never faillag subject of in terest and sensation to the people of Washington and Georgetown The Baron her husband sent to his home in Russia for the family jewels with which he in tended to adorn his wife These Jewels as they appeared upon their fair wearer are described by Mrs Tjler li a letter written in 1S12 I very seldom writes Mrs Tyler go to parties but of course I could not refuse Madame Bodiscos in vitation Her ball was expected to be the grandest affair of the season Madame Bodisco looked lovely anuwas attired in pink satin with lace flowers and such splendid diamonds stomacher earrings breastpin bracelets I never saw such beautiful diamonds Most of the furniture was of European make and the house was filled with a variety of curios and works of art the china service un surpassed the plate magnificent The most sumntuous fete even given in the DlEtrict up to that time it is said was held at the Bodisco mansion in honor of the birthday of the Emperor Nicholas of RLSsia On this occasion S00 guests were invited all the foreign Ministers Vith their attaches in court dress being present It was an ordinary thing for people to line the streets on the occasion of a Presi dents reception principally for the pur pose of seeing Madame Bodisco pass from her mansion to the White House If the weather was fine and warm she was vis ible to all in her open carriage in her favorite costume of creamy white satin and rare old race When adorned with her jewels which in the aggregate were worth more than half a million dollars an escert of mounted policemen at tbe request of the Baron followed In her train The people used to ray Old Bodisco is afraid some one will steal hla wife hut he was following a practice customary in Russia The estate of Rosedale near George town was Ions one of the hospitable man sions which if not in the town proper was within easy distance of it Tke Rosedale mansion was built by Gencrtl Forrest a veteran of the Revolutionar War His wife fnee Rebecca Plater of Rousby Hall Maryland was a famous belle in her da v having been once toasted in England as one of Americas great beauties General Forrest died at Rose dale In 1E03 One of his daughters mar ried John Green of Maryland who was for many jears an LfflcJent clerk in the Navy Department and who with his wife succeeded to the estate One of Mr Greens daughters married Don Angel de Iturbide the son of the ill fated Emperor of Mexico Don Augustin I When the partisans of the then deceas ed Emperur again came into power Don sume1 his duties as eooliy as if what he Angel was appointed Secretary of the Mex lean 1K C had done was a matter of everyday rou tine The battle orderlies well merit a place amorg those whose conduct is worthy of special mention They were on the move constantly bearing battle orders to all parts of the ship and in no instance did the fail In the prompt and Intelligent performance of their responsioie amy ini Ligation and It was while holding this position that he married MIsa Green They had a son Don Augustin who was about seven or eight years of age when Maximilian at the instigation of the Empeior Napoleon made his disastrous attempt upon the crown of Mexico Max imilian esteeming it wise to make him self popular with the people he was about r r v V IVLI ESi SB PM r exposed position ern revived to heir adopt joung end Angus tir IncreBBa lne oepanmcnl Ej during the action and rendered excellent the addition of two companies Admiral service Signal haljards and numbers Bunce rendered valuable co operatloa with I battle flag- and speed cones were riddled General He wood and had It not been for by small projeetiles and fragments of the subsequent addition ot the two barsifng shell casualties that show n what nies to the original battalion the shin t m nf nnar i iik i vould have sailed in two days from the their duties Signalmen Coombs and Mc- geuerai e arriTi in jscv ioriv tin Iturbide as the Austrian Archduke made promises of great ith showed more unflinching courage than the I but was refused a personal interview wi nrm in the military tops who stood by e Emperor of the 1 rench Jei aft their guns delivering their fire with un erring precision undismayed by the pro jectiles living about them end striking in their Immediate vicinity Private Stoct bridg the only man on the sick list climbed into the main top at the signal for bittle where he remained to the end of the action doing good work at his gun TrllinlrN IVnm Adiiilrnln Admiral Cevera after being taken prls orer acknowledged that the secondary bat- son under these cdsdltlons they were by Maxiuillans order banished from Mexico They again returned to Washington and called upon William II Seward then Sec retary of State to ask him to mediate be tween Maximilian and themselves This Mr Seward said was Impossible as tho country was then at war but he urged Madame Iturbide to go to Paris see Na poleon himself and lay her case before him She followed Mr Sewards advice er she had put ber case before the Imperial 1 Iotentate In writing he refused to Inter fere and Madame Iturbide returned to her resid ne at Rosedale I Afti Maximilians failuro and death Augustin and his parents were again uni ted and oung Iturbide after receiving a j I good education in this country returned to Mexico The Rosedale estate was pur chased a few years ago by ex President Cleveland wbo changed the name of the I propcrt to Oak View The beautiful state of WoodlC wa3 Eteamehip Montgomery Arriving at Kev i les ad rapid fire guns manned original owned by Judge Philip -Barton West Tla April 29 the men went into camp at that place to await further orders It was not until June 1 1S9S that the Pan ther left the coral Island for Santiago do Cuba and on the afternoon of the loth tbi shore of Guantanamo Bav lined with their dense tropical undergror th camn Into Mew The marines landed and at onre went Into camp their only enemv apparently the scorching heat of the day and the Bwarmn of injects and land crabs that In fested earth and air after tbe sun had sst in all Its radlact splendor of green and crimson and purple and gold A Murlc ftir SjiiiiiIhIi It was not until they had been In camp four davE or on June 11 that the dense thickets surrounding them oa three Bi s buret into deadly flame In an Instant ccry man was In his place and the greatly superior Spmsh force was repulsed as wag every like at tack of the enemy Thus ever surround ed b the danger that lurks in the Tfls of the sharpshooter did the marines hold the Important position of Guantanarro Bay from Jine 10 untl August C During that period the loss sustained was one officer and five men killed and eleven seriously wounded Tbe officer killed was Assist ant Suigcon John Blair Glbbs United States Navy who fell by a Mauser bullet said to have been Ertd at a range uf from 00 to SCO yards Besidbg Dr Glbbs were killed Sergt Ma- guarded to the troops Thence ho was sent to Admiral Cockturn7 ship and into rigorous coahneme t The whole countr was aroused and as soon as steps could be taken Francis Key the intimate friend of Ir Beans was sent by President Madison with a flag of truce to get him exchanged When Key reached the British Deet at North Point they were about to attack Baltimore and though hewas courteous ly received and invited to dine with Cock burn he was informed that he must re main on board till affer the bombardment of the city He shared his friends un comfortable quarters that memorable night at sunset seeing the Star Spangled Banner waving triumphantly from the ramparts of Fort Mcllenry When the morning dawned after that night of battle lit at intervals hy the lurid flashs of exploding bombs and made fearful by tl p thunders of cannon the mist was too dense to discern wheth er the flag or the red cross ot St George waved from the fort in the direction in which the two watched through the port hole trembling with suspense Presently there was a ripple on the water a soft sough In the fog and like magic It rolled away revealing the American flag still floating defiantly from the staff above the ramparts The patriots fell on each oth ers breasts weeping for Joy Mr Key then drew a letter from his pocket and on its back penciled the first stanza of the celebrated national After the bom bardment Dr Beans and Mr Ke were sent ashore in a skiff The song was first published In the Baltimore American Some of the older residents of George town remember when the famous Holland House was considered suburban property That was in the 40s and many distin guished people have been entertained be neath the hospitable shelter of the old mansion since then Sundays twilight says Mrs Lockwood In her Historic Homes in Washington has brought sage and philanthropist under this roof and over the simple tea situations have been ilsussed and plan laid plans that years ave matured and time ripened into full fruition from which the world has been benefited and humanlt blessed Charles Sumner William H Seward Wendell Phillips William Lloyd Carrison and a host of others whose lives are pages of national history havo met in social con verse at Holland House It Is mentioned by the Swedish writer rrederika Bremer In her Homes of the New World written after her return to her native land These are but a few of the memories re called by the old residents of Georgetown and suggested to them by the many historic homes with whose stories they are so fa miliar BIDDING MBSGODFBEY GOOD BY Good Intentions roroltrn In the Fnrtlnir Ifonr From tbe CMcaffO News Do we ever say more idiotic things than when we go to railroad stations to see our friends off Do our faces ever look more vacuous than when we hurl our last im becile remarks in at the car windows Do we ever make feebler Jokes or more Im brue our advice la commonplace I think not Mrs Godfreyis a charming woman and she has been hKird to say that she was proud of herfriends but do not think she was proud of them yesfrday when they gath ered in the union station to bid her fare- ii ntt tiAfipo cKn ttft frtt 1 Vin ilit 1 1 TottVi lar lustre We were gathered in the wo mens waiting room when she came in After she had greeted us all bought her ticket and sent a man down to check her baggage a most aprjalling silence fell on the group Youll write to me before you get to San Francisco wont you Margaret Dcane said with the most Intense fervor Oh of course Mrs Godfrey answered Thereupon six other friends exacted the same promise Another silence felL broken by Mac Donald Will you have to change cars he asked anxiously MacDonald thinks no more of crossing Hie continent than he does of buing a ciar but he added Its the deuce to change cars you know No I dont have to change cars till I get to Frisco Mrs Godfrey said This remark was hailed as a Joke and we all laughed uproariously You are the jolllest woman little Wakefield said admiringly Well all miss you awfully A chorus of regret arose Mrs Goifrey said that we must remember that she wa3 coming back In the spring And then youll be our Honolulu queen the Infant said Now dont get the plague sweet old Xrs Chisholm said and have you got my belladonna plasters for seasickness And have jou got those tablets The are so good it jou if sou feel bilious and Mrs Godfrey you ought to have some dried beef to chaw If you get seasick Macdonald said Ever body now offered a sure cure for seasickness and Mrs God frey pretended that she would bu them all In San Francisco Another eileace fell on the company I wonder what time you get to Omaha Margaret Dcane asked Mrs Godfrey didiTt know nor carf but Wakefield and MacDonald got a folder and spent several minutes in filing the exact minute We then held a short argument on the best position for a berth Before this qursJon in which nobody felt the slightest Inter est was settled Wakefield discovered that on which to erect a suitable penitentiary for said District Congress at the same time by an act approved May 20 1S2G appropriated J400CO to defra the expense of erecting the building The commis fiontrs appointed for the purpose selected the peninsula between James Creek and Potomac River and began the building of the penitentiary house at a location where Delaware Avenue extended met Four-and-a-half Street This made two straight roads to the penitentiary one from the Capitol and the other from the Cit Hall While the building was in progress and ncarl completed the following report in the proceedings of a Prison Reform Asso ciation at New York summarized the sit uation This institution owes its origin to the exertions of the Hon Alexander Thomp son a member of Congress from Pennsyl vania With the zeal and humane spirit of a Howard he visited the abodes ot wretch edness In the prisons of the District and bent tbe force of his mind and his unre mitted exertions to effect a reform in the county prisons and to establish a peniten tiary Mr Thompsons views were met by Congress with great liberality in the ses sion of IS J and with uncommon unanim ity an appropriation was made for building a penitentiary prison ot 1C0 cells of the size of three and a half feet wide seve feet long and seven feet high A site fcr its location was selected by the Commis sioners appointed under the requirements of the act and the Architect of the Capitol was sent by the President of the United States to examine the best prisons then un der occupation A report was made ot his proceedings and a plan prepared the re sult of actual Inspection and of the best information to be obtained from Elam Lnds esq generally considered the fath er of the Auburn sjstem The principal building has been erected in the most thorough manner under the immediate in spection ot R Leckie esq It contains nearly one hundred and sixty cells a few In the upper story having been enlarged to accommodate such prisoners as might it was time to go down to the train bo sentenced to continued solitary confine The women all sgucaled aC this an- ment Tvo buildings are also finished as nouncement the men fought courteously wings one intended -for the keepers house power and wealth to the parents of the iiC1 m701 TXi V i WZ hcnen 0I Eoy and upon their surrendering their I n usf J a ln T Vi bshL S I v uuuu k tiaiucu aiu uvaiu ui msiJ iuura uhvc Mrs Codfre and the women kissid her been appointed upon whom It will de olve uampl between sols no do write to to mak us all Mrs Chisholm said and remem ber about the belladonna plaster Yes ao write often and about the Sandwich islands the chorus cried Good by good b We filed out of the car and then gath ered in a knot under Mrs Godfreh win dow We wiped our eyes and smiled out Dont get married while you are gone the Infant said in a sudden accession ot idlocj Mrs Godfrcv laughed and Wakefield and MacDonald looked at tbe Infant as If they desired ardently to cat her bones picture hat and all Mrs Chisholm slid that marriage was a letter Nobod dis puted this and Margaret chanced the sub ject by asking If Mrs Godfrey was sure she had her ticket and her check The traveler showed them to us It was time for the train to move We all said again Good by be suro to take care of jourtclf Dont forget to write and those other senseless things that pally by marines wrought the greatest Key who after distinguishing himself in j pie say through car windows damage to his fleet Admiral Dewey enthusiastic on the con duct of the Marine Corps cabled on March 3 1SS3 a request that a Lottallon of 2J0 f bp eent to gt rrlson the naval station at Cavlte Accordingly by the directions of the War Department a battalion cosslsting of 13 officers and 2G0 enlisted men was assembled at the navy yard New York undfr the command of Col P C Pore Captaim H C Haines C G Long Bnja mln H Fuller and A R Davis First Lieuts S D Butler Henry Leonard G C Reld C S Hill R M Glkon and R II Dunlap This first tat tsll on has since been ro enforced and tbe work performed by the orgauizatlon In preserving order in the Islands as well as the gallantry it has displaed In action have won universal encomium Tho British Admiral Sir Charles Seymour in particular was warm In his praise of the United States Marines the English Arm p lor to the Revolution ary war refused to bear arms against th colonists He afterward became celebrated as a lawyer and was the uncle of Fran is Scott Key author of The Star Spangled Banner A circumstantial account of the latters writing that celebrated fo m i3 givci by Mrs Dorse grandmece of Dr Beans Mrs Dorsey si3 Trancis Ke in 1810 lived in George town Dr Beans of Marlboro a surgtoa In the United States Army was atte d United States Marli c Corps The other ing the disabled soldiers when Commodrre officers of this battalion were Major W r Itarnes flotilla was attacked or the Pa Srlcer Major C I MeCawley Assistant tuxent The British Army on thIr rnareh Quartermaster First Lieut G C Thorpe to Washington bivouacked on the planta Battallon Adjutant Jlsslstant Surgeon J tlon of Dr Beans wbo though detesting R nggener United States Marine Corps i them treated the ofiiecrs with true land hospitality A few das after their departure while he was at dinner with some friends a slave brought the news that the British wero mnrching back to their boats Full of glee the party went to a spring on the estate with lemons whisky etc to drink to the confusion of perfidious Albion Three tired English soIdlerB coming for water were made prisoners b the patri otic American gentlemen and marched off to the county Jail The men wore missed from the ranks and a detachment sent In at Cavlte That they were the first of the j search of them traecd them to Marlboro American forces to participate In the pres ent Chinese troubles together with the bravery manifested by them at the battle of Tientsin has but added fresh laurels to their already honorable crown where the terrified Inhabitants betrayed who were the captors The men were re covered Dr Beans was seized at mid night placed In ills night dress on the bare back of a mule and taken closely Mrs Godfre smiled and said Good by good by The train moved out of the shed and we were turning away when tbe Infant had a gleam of lucidit Why Mr MacDon ald ou forgot to give her that box of cand and Mr Wakclhid has got his roses in his hands yet The two men looked first foolish then vicious Mrs Chisholm dived into her reticule and set up a loud wall And I forgot to give her the belladonna plas ters She turned to the Infant Here dear ou take them The 11 be real con venient when vou go to school this fall Thank jou the Infant returned She looked hopefully toward Wakefield and MacDonald cxpeeting them to follow suit with tbe Mowers amj candy but they onl glared at Uer and ent up the step3 to ward the street The rest of us followed Somehow we all felt that we had not dis tinguished ourselves In the parting hour V lliririj soul irom Harpers Magazine lUanelugMit rridik 9 over lite lunula of a laitie concern when vwtors conic mrrely out of cun usit mid it is Ins duty to tliow them aLiut One du lie had ben pirticularly polite in ex plaining tilings to a iarty uf geutltmcn and on ot lljtin FugcMtid aa tlcy were leaving tlut IlannHii Kan ehould accompany them and have s methlng w Ilannelugan fluok his head Sadly Sure sir he Bald oi cant lar me iofct of juty but he added afl a bright liVa occurred to him ir moiglit lave thcr proice of It wld inc sir the necessarj subdivisions of tbe I ard and to build workshops suited to tbe species ot the worlk Intended to be carried tell ui all on The whole country nas an Interest in I Washingtons Historic Prison on the Potomac ItanLs A lliiiue for Iclnn Dnrius Convicto Mnde Mioes for Soldiers jind Snllom Ofllclnls CImincii on Political Account Lin coln AMnnsnlns UvcoulPii There The District of Columbia had a pi niten tlary house of its own from 1S29 to 1SC3 At all other times It has boarded nut its convicted felons In some one or other of the btate penitentiaries Punishment by confinement with or without work was at the beginning of this century a compara tively new Idea The deterrents from crime were whipping branding cropping cars or death the latter of which was Inflicted for thefts forgery and other of fences against property Not infrequently the stocks the pillory or exile were made use of as punishment Changes In these mthods had begun in England when John Smith sailed up the Potomac but It was not until 1S0O 1812 that practical and skill ful use began to be made of the theories that the punishment ot a criminal should contain in It the seeds of his reformation and In 1812 the British Tarllament au thorized the establishment of the Peniten tiary House for London and Middlesex at Miibank on the Thames from designs by Jeremy Bentham In the same year Con gress authorized the erection of a peni tentiary at Washington on the Potomac enacting that the Board of Commission ers or Levy Court for the county of Wash ington in the District of Columbia be and are hereby empowered to erect and maintain a penitentiary to be erected at such place as the Ma or Aldermen and Common Council of the city of Washington shall designate This was good enough as far as it went but It did not go far enough It made no appropriation and the corporation of Washington had no notion ot taxing the citizens to build a penitentiary There was no litMo complaint for twen ty or more years that Congress did noth ing toward the prisons of the District On the Maryland side of the river sveral temporary prisons were used On the Vir ginia side the use of the Old Colonial Jail built In 1736 at he market square con tinued until in ISIS the grand Jury ot Alexandria county presented the Jail as a nuisance and thn the United States hired an old warehouse at the river side foot of Wolfe Street ind fitted up a prison there Agitation for a suitable penitentiary was kept up and in 1K6 Congress en acted that the President ot the United States be and he hereby is authorized and required to appoint three commis sioners whose duty it shall be to select er did she herself shine with any a proper site in the District of Columbia which was for very many years part of the popular gossip of the District and it may bear a narration An old Virginia gentleman soma of whose family had done good service for their country and whose family connection was large was a special friend of President Tolks friends and was armed with en dorsements which he declared were plen tiful a water and hot as brandy What do you want major queried the President I want sir a position a sine qua non A what A sine qua non sir a place where ou do nothing and get pay You have many ot them in your hands Oh you mean a sinecure Oh yes thats it they told me I was to have a where I could have assistants to do all the work Colonel Walker who was present sug gested to Mr Polk to make Major DaJe warden of the penitentiary There Is sail he so much local dissension over it tlJt It would be well to make the appoint ment at once and save all fighting So Major Jack Dade became Warden ot the District Penitentiary One ot the unpublished Incidents told In Alexandria is that of a master mechanic of Alexandria who accompanied Jailer Nel son Steele with a convict to Washington and went with them to the penitentiary to see the method of Incarceration The con vict was spick and span In his dress but the mechanic had always been careless about his costume Just as tbe guard was about to take control Mr Steele was called off by the warden The guards seized the wrong man and despite his protests were about to put him Into the bath when the convict ran up the corridor shouting Mr Steele Mr Steele Mr Steele until he gained the ear of the Alexandria jailer and released his friend from serving a term unsentenced The service In the penitentiary was not hard on all convicts as the writer had oc casion to observe while engaged on one of the Washington dallies in the fifties The pollco reporter Mr William Tucker had prepared an article upon the Washington crooks who were doing time In the penitentiary One morning the writer saw him bring in through the yard two men cleanly clad but pale and having the gen eral appearance of having come from a bake shop Tucker gave them scats beside his table and read over to them the article to which they suggested several correc tions After fifteen or twenty minutes he said I dont dare ask you to drink Oh no that would never do responded one of them Well go back Yes when you get out the gate you axe on Eleventh Street you had better go straight across the Mall and report before half past eleven And out the back door of the of fice the two pale men went Who were thco men Tucker queried the writer Convicts They are trestles and were allowed to come here and help me out with my article And a most readable cowspaper article It was The local Democrats had nearly nil tkx advantage of the penitentiary offices The T4lrBn T- n tfoncuu idu rmren i oiK iierce ana criD But the time came in 1S63 when tie Government needed the penitentiary for military justice There courts martLU sat and there were hanged Payne Atzerott Heroid and Mrs Surratt Afterward ths middle portion of the penitentiary where the cells were lo cated was torn down The houses at each end still stand but have been handsomely remodeled as officers dwellings and all that 13 left of the old penitentiary Is now devoted to the military service of the United States FACTS ABOUT CLOTHESPINS A Log Comlntr S Will Hake 100 Worth of the Article From the Chicairo Tnbure The longer you llf as a philosophic German once remarked the more you findt by chimineddy oudt For instance theres the common every day clothespin on which no man has ever been able to improve any more than he has improved upc the wheelbarrow or the old fashioned wooden rolling pin Who would imagine that there was anything about the clothespin thtt was worth finding out The writer was passing a little grocery where a box of clothespins was among tha things displayed outside How much for clothespins today hs asked of the grocer Four cents -vas the reply Four cents apiece Apiece Great hickory no Four cents a dozen Are you a good judge ot clothespins I should say so Ive made more than a million of em replied the storekeeper Ive followed the clothespin sir in all the processes of its evolution from the growing tree to the polishing box Say exclaimed the dealer to look at that pin youd scarcely believe that the manufac turer could make and sell twelve of them for a cent and have a profit of more than 50 per cent at that wouIJ ou But he can do It He can whittle out clothespins at the rate of eighty a minute How Easy enough All hes got to do is to take his maple or birch log and go to work Say his log is ten feet long and a foot through He wont have to pay more than 2 for It If he pays any more than that he dont know his business That log will whittle up into 12000 clothespins It will take the man two hours and a half to chew that log up into clothespins which is at the rate of 4SC0 an hour IUu when they are all cut out the are worth J9C40 to tne maker He will work ten hours a making this establishment as perfect as la i lle is smart and will get away with possible it ma be expected to serve as a model for others which may be built in future at the South and West It is there fore respctfull suggested that before any additional buildings are undertaken the warden and some of the inspectors should visit the prisons at New York and epe ciall tint at Wetherstleld in Connecticut for the purpose of becoming better ac quainted with their discipline and of as certaining tho best construction of work shops and of the apparatus of a kitchen which is reprei to be at Sing Sing the most perfect plan ever yet executed The rules enacted by Congress for the government ot the penitentiary provided that it should be exclusively appropriated to the confining ot such persons aa ma be convicted of offences punishable with imprisonment and labor under the laws of the United States or of the District of Co lumbia The salar of tho warden was fixed at 1200 per annum and he was di rected to see that the labor of the convicts should pa the expens s of p nitentlarj or more The convicts were allowed to be bird to labor but on one occasion onl did Congress direct bow that labor should be empoed In 1S62 an act of Congress directed that the warden shall as far as practicable tmplo the cenvic e In the man ufacture of shoes for the arm and nav orders to Le made as the War and Navy Depirtment should direct The penitcntiar was for more than thir ty j ears the most prominent object on the river front of the city of Washington The long wiie high slate roofed building whee iron barred windows left the be holder In no doubt of Its character over looked a somewhat restricted yard which was surrounded b a high wall with small guard towers for the guards at the corners and at intervals along the wall The first board of inspectors was composed of John H Ashton Thomas Carhar and William O Neale of Washington Thompson F Mason of Alexandria and James Dunlap of Georgetown The officers of the penitentiary were at first all active Jackson men and as times changed and Presidents changed with them the best of tho spoils especially for South Washlngtonians were held by the ward politicians to be places in the peni tentiary Some of those places were pop ularly reported to be sinecures and this led on the incoming of the Administra tion of President Polk to an incident lour of these logs It a easy figuring to find out that he will then have on hand 4SO0O clothespins worth 2Sa CO if the re worth a cent The lumber for those pins has cost rnly IS providing the man wasnt stuck In buying it Now if that was all the ex pense a man with a clothespin factory would be a blamed sight better off than if he owned a coal mine But these logs have to run tho gantlet of a good deal of machinery before they are full fledged clothespins A saw separates the log into lengths of sixteen inches another ore saws these blocks Into boards three-quarters of an lncu thlcl and a third saw re duces the boards to strips thrce nuarters of an inch square These little strips are pushed to a big wheel which hurries them to a gang of other saws where they are chopped into clothespin lengths quicker a sausage machine can chop up a pound of meat These lengths are carried by a swift moving belt to a machine that grabs them and sets them In a lathe The lathe gives them their shape in the twink ling of an ee and throws them to the man who feeds them to still another saw which moves backward and forward as if it were madder than a snake This saw- chews out the slot that the washerwoman is to shove down over tho clothes on the line one of these da s and the clothespin is read all except kilu drylng and polishing Kiln drying knocks tha sap out ot the wood and the polishing Is done b letting the clothespins rub against themselve s in a revolving iron e Under All these processes cost money and when the manufacturer comes to put up his goods for -ale he finds that his profit on the 4SC00 i ns or a days hard work Is only abou Ill 3 I pay the manufac turer 1 cent a doen or about SI cents a thousand and realb I am compelled in these tight times to sell them for 4 cents a dozen or 3 30 a thousand which wouldnt be so bad if I sold a thousand even hour or so But with care a thou sand clothespins will stay by mc for a month or two and I even have had them with mo a whole vear Chinese cheap labor is pelting the life out ot the clothes pin trade for Ling Slug and Wun Lung dont use clothespins in their laundries and the re washing about all tho clothes that aro washed It seems to me nowa days D1BRELLAS IN ALL AGES Pioneers of Comfort Dnrisg Many Centuries Gone Bv Their Artvrnt nn Adjunct to the Iamnliernnlln of Fnslilon Its Evo lution rrnin a PnnderonM Roof lo Il Presrnt Genteel Style Once Considered a Slsrn of RoynHj The umbrella that oft borrowed and seldom returned article rarely perhaps appeals to its owner pro ten In- the Hsht of its past hUory unlefts Indeed that light reveaU itself through one or more holes In the upper portion or the absence of a handle forces the fact unpleasantly upon the attention that that particular Implements usefulness is in fact confin ed mainly to former days in which case it usually again becomes the property of Its original owner But what is meant by the history ot the umbrella is not confined to that ot any par ticular umbrella but embraces the entire genus so to speak It is not necessary to go any farther back than the last century to appreciate the fact that the evolution of the umbrella Is a remarkable one In the Cr3t place it is difficult to realize at tho present day that there was requlral no little exercise of courage and contempt of popular prejudice on the part of the first Englishman or American who made use ot the umbrella even on the occasion of a violent rainstorm The luxury of thus pro tecting ones self against the Inclemency of the weather was held in England and the Thirteen Colonies to be the exclusive privilege of the female sex In 17C2 Lieutenant Colonel afterward General Wolfe the hero of Quebec writ ing from Paris says The people here use umbrellas in hot weather to defend them from the sun and something of tha same kind to save them from the snow and rain I wonder a practice so useful 13 not Introduced In England At about the time when this was written a bold pi oneer cf the public comfort did exercise the moral courage to use an umbrella in the streets of London He was the cele brated traveler Jonas Harnvay who had just returned from Tersla and the only justification which was accorded him for his action was the fact of his being In delicate health at tbe time In a news paper of that day it Is mentioned that a parapluie defended Mr Hanways fac and wig For a time now other than that exag gerated type of fop of the period termed Macaronies carried umbrellas and Buchanan administrations cove Pd most of anyone so doing was sure to be hailed on the time during which penitentiary the street as a mincing Frenchman existed The Harrison ministration One John Macdonald a footman who en ftni3hed by Tvler and the Taylor Admin- flched posterity with his memoirs de istration finished by Fillmore were scribes how as late as 1TT0 upon his ap broken interregnums which gave the peanng with a fine silk umbrella which Mnlgs a short stay at the Government he had brought from Spain he was ed with the cry of Frenchman why dont you get a coach During the whole of the eighteenth cen tury however persistent efforts must have been made by those who had more respect for their personal comfort than for public opinion to introduce the um brella in defiance of Anglo Saxon prej udice It seems that in a famous Lon don toffec hous patronized by the wits and litterateurs of the day as early as 1709 an umbrella was kept on hand by the mistress of the establishment for the use in emergency of any gentleman who cared to employ It That few availed thme3elvea of this privilege is attested by the following newspaper notice which appeared in tha jear above mentioned The young gentleman belonging to tha Custom House who In the fear of rain borrowed the umbrella at Wills coffee house in Comhill of the mistress is hereby advised that to be dry from head to foot on the like occasion he shall be welcome to the maids pattcn3 The umbrella of the la century was a ponderous article very different from the slim walking cane affair of the present day It had moreover the disadvantage of being very difficult to open and when open was almost Impossible to cloze These Inconveniences were cau ed prin cipally by the use cf oiled 611k which stuck together especially when wet or damp and which in that condition must have had a very bad effect upin the tem per ot our forefathers Tiyse old um brellas had a ring at the eop by which they were carried on the finger when turled and bj means of which they could be hung up within doors It is related how in a certain town there were at the beginning of the present century but two persons who carried umbrelas One belonged to the clergyman who upon pro ceeding to his duties hung up hs um brella in the church porch where it at- tractd th wondering gaze ot the -rural congregation That the umbrella was in use among the most ancient nations Is attested by the sculptures and paintings of Egypt The p ssion of colored races for the umbrella dates from the remotest times to judge from the delineation on the wails of an Egyptian temple of an Ethiopian princess traveling in her chariot through upper Egpt to Thebes wherein tae car is fur nished with a kind of umbrella fixed to a tall staff rising from the centre The recent discoveries at Nineveh show that the umbrella or parasol was a sign of royalty being carried over the head of the King in tirre of peace and even in war In shape says Layard it re sembled very closely those now In common use but it is alwaS seen open in the sculptures It was edgd with tassels and was usually adorned at the top by a tlower or some other ornament On the later bas reliefs a long piece of linen or silk falling from one side like a curtain appears to screen the King completely from the sun The parasol was reserved exclusively for the monarch and Is never represented as borne by any other person On several bas reliefs from Persepolis the King U represented under an umbrella which a fe male slave holds over his head The umbrella was in common use among the ancient Greeks and Romans and it Is related that among the latter when the awning of the circus or amphitheatre could not be raised the women and more effem inate of the men made use of the um- braculum or umbrella of the period It is probable that the Italians have al ways continued the use of the contrivance and that from that countrv it was grad ually introduced among other nations ot Europe Itriihm the Mniclnti From the London ClirouicI1 Vienna a city where music Is always appreciated1 gave Brahms a welcome and there the creative years of his life were happily pent It was in 16S that he wrote the Deuches Requiem which made his name familiar all over Europe and which was played in almost every church throughout the Fatherland when services in memory of tha soldiers siain in the Franco German war were held a year or two later Personally Brrhms was a delightful man with a reen serse of humor and the courage of his opinions He never married and when as often happonet the ladles of hi aequalntance used to tnlt him on his lonzly life his in variable reply was- It Is m misfortune to be unmarried Thank God Ills dia lVe of flattery was quite as pronounced as his love of Independence Once dining as was his custom in the summer In the open air at a restaurant In Vienna w th some friends he asked the head waiter to bring forth the best wine Tresentlj with a low bow he returned Hre he ex claimed is a wine that surpasses all others as much as the music of Brahms does that of all other composers For a moment the master was taken aback then he said archly Well then take it away and briDg us a bottle of Bach C