OCR Interpretation

The times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1897-1901, March 01, 1901, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

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Numihr 249S
m mm of i surrender
Negotiation AVith Itotlta Said to
Jc Still Pending
Reports HeKurlInc He We Give Llt
tlc Information as t His Where
about Mure lrlnnrr Captured
by hmltli IJorrlen ami French
LONDON March 1 The latest variant
of the Hotha rumor Is contributed by the
pro Boer Daily Nevis which sajs It
learns that General Ilotha offered to sur
render on certain conditions but the ne
gotiations have not teen finished It adds
it is likely that Mrs Ttolha who recently
visited her husband carried to him Gen
eral Kitcheners oiler which ia the basis
of the negotiations
The most recent reports of General De
IVet add nothing that is definite to the
rumors concerning his whereabouts They
say that the continued Hooding of the
Orange Ttlver prevents his crossing lie
has been Joined by Commandant Herzog
and their combined force numbers 200
men They have many bpare horses The
party Is moving toward Colesburg and
was last heard of east of Phldpstown
The whole neighborhood Is p warming
with British troops Rains that are al
most tropical In their nature are falling
and these are makinjr terrible work foe
the horses and are hampering the move
ments of the troop
PREUiRtA Feb 28 General Smlth
Dorrlen hab captured east of Amster
dam a large numbe of cattle sixty
horses forty wagons and eighty pris
General Trench has taken fifty more
prisoners In addition to a quantity of
stocic and n number of wagons
CAPE TOWN Fill 2S A number of
nllesed colonial rebels who are being de
tained at Beaufort West Cape Colony
by the military authorities today applied
to the Supreme Court for their immediate
liberation The prisoners live in Allwal
General rorestler AAalker the base
commander at Cape Town opposed the
application for their discharge on the
ground that the district is in -disturbed
condition and also because a commando
is reported to be about seven miles from
Beaulort AVest
The CnnnI Treaty Reported Rejected
by Lord LnnHilorrfic
chester Guardians New York corre
spondent has- cabled liis paper the following-
regarding the Nicaraguan nego
T am able to state on indisputable
nuthority that Lord Lansdowne has re
fused to accept the amended canal
treaty and that Ambassador Choate has
to Informal the State Department Great
Britain objects to one amendment whch
Is dangeroubly vague and Is wholly un
able to admit the Senates right to abro
gate the Treat by a
mere amendment to another treaty
It may be asserted confidently that the
State Department expects the treaty to
Changes to lie Submitted to the Cn
unUlfin Parliament
OTTAWA Feb IS The Prime Minis
ter at tonights session of the House an
nounced the Intention of the Government
to make nn important amendment to the
Canadian alien labor law It is under
stood that this amendment will remove
certain impediments tr the Application of
the existing law which hab been found
Inoperative In many respects This will
be remedied and the proceedings under
the Canadian alien laws will be simplified
and made equally as checthe as the alien
laws Of the United States
The Man Arrested In lenim Admits
- Tnklng Ic welr
VIENNA Feb The man arrested
here jestcrday with jewelry valued at
X5O 0 In his possession who gave his
name as William Adolph Morley and
asserted that he formerly lived at 211
West Thirty seventh Street New York
has confessed that his real name Is
Henry Wolff and tint he Is a resident of
II was liberated from ail m London
in Decemhjr after which he secured in
payment with a man whom lie subse
quently robbed of the Jewelry
The Kaiser Cnrrlngc Striick
Iij n Electric Cur
BEHLLN Feb 8 While Emiror Wil
liam was driving In the Opern Piatz this
afternoon his carriage had a narrow es
cape from a collision with in electric tar
which had become unmanageable
The horses were stopped Just In time to
prevent an accident
A erlna Outbreak In the French
Ior Count Colon
PAIUS Feb 25 The Eclair st ites
that a berious relelliiin has broken out
in the Frcncn Ivory Coast Colony in the
neighborhood of Itaule
d French force which was sent to re
connoitre was driven hack with loss
Turkish TroopN Ordered to the Ilul
gnrlnn Frontier
longed unrest In Macedonia owing to the
agitation of Bulgarian committees has In
duced the Porte with the Sultans ap
proval to order lift- thousand troops to
Bulgarian frontier near Kustcndll
t Is understood that this action was
en in response to the representations
the Powers regarding the growing dan
rs of the situation
wo Towns Suffer From n Itnlil hj
MANILA Feb 2S Seventy Insurgents
rntered the town of Snog Luzon recent
ly kHIed one native anil nliducted live
others On the tame day at midnight
they attaeked the town of Santa Murla
burning fifty houses
The Insurgents were repulsed by the
Americans who hat one man wobnded
Oc native cout and two civilians were
hilled The insurgents retreated to the
mountain closely pursued Their losses
ore not known
Ionir Ileum Front Sampson
S rretary Long received yesterday a let
ter from Hear Admiral Sampson In which
the latter said he did not know- how the
application of Gunner Morgan for promo
tion and his Admiral Sampsons endorse
ment of It had got to the newspapers The
Secretary bas not heard from Gunner
Morgan who has been asked also If he
knows anything about the way the two
olllclal papers became public
Plenty of Hoards nt If I A per lOO
q ft to for best by F Llbbe li Co
The Urnlli of hiiitsiK K Gov ernor
Reported in Mimiglinl
SHANGHAI Feb 2S The North China
Djhy News savs that Viceroy Shen
Kan Ins been informed that Yii listen
the ex Governor of Shensi wlvose decapi
tation was demanded by the Ministers
for the part he took In the massacre of
missionaries was executed at Lanchau
on February 22
The llcmnrkiihlc Mary of n French
Hotel Keeper
NEW AORK Feb 28 A man who tells
a remarkable tale of slapping the face of
the American Minister Mr Conger while
the British Legation at Iekin was be
sieged bailed for France today He Is
Augvst F Chinnot He and his wife and
their nephew arrived In New York from
San Francisco on Tuesday
Charmot Is a citizen of France and his
wife i ran American Charmot says that
for many years he kept the Hotel de
Pekln at Pekln He said
After the city was besieged the order
was Issued to disarm nil the Chinese with
in the citj limits The order was ixe
cuted but In some wav a hostile China
man had been able to keep his rifle My
wife took It awav from him giving a
receipt to him
Tbe Chinaman reKirted my wifes act
to an American missionary who report
ed It tii Minister Conger Conger came
along Just as my wife was putting the
gun away and demanded it My wife re
fused to give it up whereupon Conger
rudely grnfibed it away from her aril 1
promptly slapped his face He paid no
attention to me
Charmot told how for his heroic ser
vices in supplying food to the beleaguered
garrison within the British compound
during the siege he had received notice
that ho had been decorated by nearly
every sovereign In Europe and by the
Sir ThomnM Upton However ut
Grumbling at the Conditions
LONDON Feb 2S Speaking today of
the action of the New York Yacht Club
on the request forwarded by the Ilovnl
Ulster Yacht Club for certain changes in
the conditions governing the races for
the Americas Cup Sir Thomas Linton
I am sorry the club did not grant a
flying start which Is the general custom
here and In most of the races sailed in
America but I do not complain or
grumble The conditions now arc prac
tically the same as in the last races
Sir Thomas will start for Glasgow to
night to Inspect the Shamrock II which
la being built there by the Dcnny
Charles Pride more Killed li Gen
eral Turner Friends
PINEVILLE Ky Feb 2S Charley
Pridemorc was shot to death and Mike
AYelsh was seriously wounded In a fight
at the Quarter House a saloon in this
count- last night Pndemore and his
friends were in the saloon when General
Turner who figured in the Turner Colson
feud entered with a number of his
Turner acctibed Prldmorc of siding
with the Colsons and soon the slnotlng
began There were several witnesses of
the light but none of them knows who
fired the first shoL Prldemore was found
dead after the smoke had cleared away
and Welsh was wounded
General Turner Is one of the characters
of Bell County He Is said to have Killed
several men and is both feared and ad
mired wherever he goes
When ex Hepresentatlve David C tol
sons brother who was sheriff of Bell
County was assassinated two cars ago
It was thought to have been the work of
the Turner faclton
No arrests have been made
UnKlinhlneii Itefciilent In JVevv A iirk
Mgn n Memorial
NEW YORK Feb 2S The address to
King Edward II prepared in accordance
with a resolution adopted at u meeting of
British residents on January 21 is now
ready for signatures ct the British con
sulate The list of signatures will be
clojed in ten davs
The address sas among other things
that the signers on behalf of the British
community in the elty of New- York de
sire to tender to Your Majesty the as
surance of our heartfelt sympathy In view
of the great sorrow which has befallen
jourself and vour royal house In the
death of Your Majestys revered and lie
loved mother To this our expression of
svmpathv we would add our respectful
congratulations on Aour Majestjs acces
sion to the throne and our praver that the
Great Ilulcr of the Universe may be
pleased to vouchsafe to Aour Majesty
such a measure of health and of wisdom
as will cause your reign to lie rtmembered
In history as one which has contributed
to the glory of the British Empire and
to the welfare and proiM ntv of the
A TexftH 1oiiilllst Taken to nn Vk
I li for Treatment
AUSTIN Texas Feb 2S - Marlor AMI
liims of Georgetown Texas for bevcral
years one of the most prominent leaders
of the Populist party In Texas las been
declared of unsound mind and has been
ttkn to the State Asjlum for treatment
He Imagines ever one be meets is AVil
Ham J Bryan
Mr AVlllIams was strongly opposed to
the action of a faction of the Populist
party In endorsing Bryan for thu Presi
dency and It Is asserted that his lnsiulty
was brought about b brooding ovr tills
The Alurderer of an ExpreiM AIeseii
ner II m b Uleelrlellj
CCVUMBUS Ohio March 1 I a in
Posslyn II lerrcll the murderer of
Cliarles line the express messenger on
the night of August 10 last paid for his
crime with his lire in the ele ctrlc chair
a little after midnight tonight Ferrell
was engaged to be married to Miss Lilian
Costlow a beautiful young woman of
thU city He was too proud to let his
fiancee know that he was without means
and planned this murder and robber to
si cure funds to make preparations for bis
approaching marriage
He killed ltne In eolil blood and stule
J1W from the safe In the eNpress ear
For two da i the crlire remained a mystery-
Four Children Burned to Death
OWEGO N Y Feb 2S A house oc
cupied by a family numcdUall nt Litch
field Centre Pa was burned this morn
ing Four children were burned to death
Their grandmother Mrs Ball was se
verely burned
12 to nnltluiorr mid Kelurn a lu
II S O Sllturdil ii ml Mindn
March 2 mil 3 good for return until following
Monday TieV tU good on all trains except Itojal
Qnntlt In Lumber counts with all
good Inner who dial with u at ttli and S
A ire
Heir Stein Openly Admit a Desire
to loin icrinniiv
LenliliKs Iiunril ltssln oleed b
llerr Mlrnr Spokesman for the
Orelin Deputies Hand Taunts
AVhlle a llih Hon In Protests
VIENNA Feb 2S Obstruction again
prevtntcd the transaction of business in
the Heichsrath today -The dialogue
bandied between two of the members
Ilerr Sileuz Czech and Herr Stfcln Pan
German was significant of the existing
political and parliamentary conditions
Hero SHenz tiunieJ the Germans with
squinting toward Germany whereupon
Herr Stein shouted Wc do not squint
we look AVe wish to go over to Germany
as ou do to Bussia
To this Herr oileuz replied
lhat is why the German Emperor re
cently said he hoped to establish a great
northern Kingdom on the Elbe
Herr Stein retorted I he German Em
peror is rigi 1 declare openl that we
wHh ti Join the German Empire
Herr Sllenz Austria has not gained
any advantage by her alliance with
but she might profit mueh by a
rapprochement with Bussia
Jfcrr Pteln Sa openly that ou wh h
to belong to Bubsia
Herr Sllenz We remain good Aus
Herr Stein An body remaining a
good patriot nowHilas In Austria Is a
The Ministers listened silent and the
President did not check the speakers
Meanwhile IOOO unemployed men made a
demonstration outside the building shout
ing Down with Parliament Down
with the Czechs Down with the Pan
Germans i he men inside are paid and
do nothing Ae are starving and want
The Prime Minister is negotiating with
the various parues He confers almost
dail with the Emperor who confides to
the Cabinet that he does not wish to be
sacrificed to the obstructionists
An Explosion in the Illfllll A Hand
Powder AVorks
PATEKSON N J Feb 2S An explo
sion occurred at the I irlln Band Pow
der Works at Pompton this afternoon
and John Duffy a foreman was killed
Josiah Smith Bobert Blggls and Joseph
Harvey were It is thought fatally In
Duffy and his threo assistants went into
the ilrlng room twenty minutes before
the accident It Is believed however that
Duffy was the only one actually in tre
building when It was blown to atoms His
head was found a hundred feet awaj from
the Jiouse
The works are Jn the Pompton Moun
tains Each powder house Is secluded and
Is several hundred jards from the others
so that an accident In one will not affect
the others The explosion today shook the
mountains and the houses for miles
The company makes gun cotton for the
United States Government and the drying
room is one of the most dangerous parts
of the works Any lurtlelc of foreign
matter or the least friction causes an ex
plosion and It is supposed that something
of this kind occuired today The Ahree
men who were Injured were unconscious
and could not talk Blggls and Smith are
In St Josephs Hospital here this evening
Harvey was taken to hls home The dry
ing housiwas set on fire by the explosion
and burned to the ground
In the fall of 1SDS four men were killed
In an explosion at this powder works
There was an encampment of soldiers on
the grounds at the time guarding the
works against Spanish spies
Three Penn lanla Coneerns to
Compete Willi the Trust
ported here tonight that the Pennslva
nla Steel Company the Cambria Stcl
Company ami the Bethlehem Steel Com
pany will establish a community of In
terests for the better protection of these
concerns In competition with the United
States Steel Corporation The three con
terns have a combined eipital of nearly
EHlngham B Morris of this city has
confirmed the report All tint now re
mains to have a closer understanding
among the companies Is the election of
Mr Morris J Lowlier AVelsh and E T
Slotesbury of this city mt mbcrs of the
board of directors of the Icnnslvani t
Steel Company The are at present
mcmBers of the board of directors of the
other two companies
Mr Morris has stated that Messrs
AAeltJi anil Stote sbiiry have been men
tioned as possible numbers of the Penn
slvania Steel Companys board ThU
company will be reorganized on March
Jr ut which time the capital stock and
tin- membership of the board of directors
will be Inert astd
Steel Coiiipaiilen Reported Agree
ment on the Merger
NEW YOBK Feb 2S The boards of
directors of the companies going Into Un
united States Steel Coriioratlon It was
reported in AVall Street today have for
mally approved the merger terms offinsl
by J Pierpnnt Morgan Co
Trading In the steel stocks fell off In
volume today and this was looked apon
as evidence thit the readjustment of pro
portionate values on the basis of the mer
ger terms had been nearly completed In
the curb market United States Steel com
mon closed ut 3G 3 1 and preferred ut M 1 2
Theie was a report that President E II
Gary of Federal Steel would be the
Chairman of the United States Steel Cor
poration and F T F Lovejoy Secre
tary It Is also believed by man that
Charles M Schwab President of the Car
negie Steel Company will be president of
tbe new corporation
The underw rltlng It was said lias de
veloiiesl a considerable demand from
abroad for participation
ll the IIuhIiimk Houses of Diuieail
I P Iliirnc d
DALLAS Tex Feb 2S Bock Island
Ballroad ofllclals tonight received reports
of a lire at Duncan I T a station on
their line which occurred this morning
Sixteen business houses nil thcro were In
the town were destroyed
The btss Is estimated nt JIODOOO The In
surance Is believed to be small as the
town hid no organized Hie department
Scotch Iron Prices Fall
GIASGOAV Feb 29 The price of Scotch
Iron has fallen to 52s Cd Steel plates ure
down 2 from the top prices
Safes in flre and liiirslar nroof vaults fur rent
5 ear up Union Tn t A Storage Co HI I F
ev FInorliifr Lumber Ifl
per inn ft and all one r idlli I Libbej
k Co
A SiirfmnuN Hesitation Cntmed the
Iim of Alnnj Lives
lingson a Norwegian who has served
for seven ears as a surfmau of the Fort
Point life saving station and was on
dut at the station Just above ihe fort
on the morning of the wreck of the
steamer City of Bio ele Janeiro today
confessed that he henra the steamers
signal whistle but did not report them
as he feared to give a false alarm This
fear arobe from the fact that several
times he had given alse alarms and
had been reprimanded for his lack of
sense by his captain
Elllngson Is said to be an excellent
sailor but very stupid Th man says he
heard several whistles between Land 5
oclock then about 530 atvhlstle that
lasted probably ten seconds but there
was nothing about it to rrtalce It alarm
ing He heard nothing molt till about 7
when he distinguished the Vound of the
steam launch In the fogi -and made out
what seemed to be a womarf In the stern
Then he telephoned to tlu main station
He d clares positively Nat he heard
nothing of the calls of a soldier who was
on guard dut below him anil who claims
that he shouted to Elllngoon when he
heard whistles and cries of distress from
the buoy This confession makes It clear
that stupidity of this life saving guard
w as responsible for the heavy loss of life
on the Illo
All who were saved say that many rose
to the surface after the ship went down
and called plteously for help but no aid
came until an Italian fisherman learned
of their peril The lifc savfng station Is
only three quarters of a mile from the
scene of the wreck and boats could have
reaihed the spot In ten minutes had El
lington turned in an alarm -
Gold medals will be given lo the Italian
fishermen who saved tho lfvesormost of
the survivors of the Rio uiitl a fund will
be raised for use In suppprt ot them
selves or their families In case of sick
Divers began work today preparatory to
exploring the wreck for th purpose of
becurlng the liodles treasure ami malls
but nothing could bo don because of the
swift current
Two PnNMeiige rs on the Teutonic Je
erelj Injtircfi
NEAV YORK Feb JS Thfwhlte Star
steamship Teutonic reached thin port to
day with two of her passengers in the
ships Infirmary seriously Injured as the
result of a phenomenal wavewhlcb swept
over the ship last Sunday morning off the
Grand Banks
John Mlchalsen a Swede had his left
foot torn off and his leg was no badly In
jured that the lower part of It had to be
amputated It Is doubtful If he will re
cover The other injured passenger Is
Stanley C Ayilson a first cabin passen
ger who suffered a fracture of the jaw
The wnve that swept the ship rose out
of a -comparatively smooth sea There
was no wind to speak of ahd on the prom
enade decks a number of passengers were
tnklhg the air The sea ro ahead and
curling over the port bow rr hed In a tor
rent upon the forward p e C deck fill
ing the space from rail to rid It deluged
the cabin pissenger deck in - whole
length of the ship and poured in n cat
aract into the after steeragelcck
MIchaNen the Swede wss In the for
ward steerage deck How his foot was
torn off Is hot known AYJwn the wave
had passed hu was found lying uncon
scious against the starboard rail and his
foot was gone Mlehalsen was carried to
the infirmary and Dr RD Doble the
ships surgeon assisted by pr Mott of
Kansas City a passenger amputated the
stump of the wounded lerr which was
badly torn
From then until port vvtis reached to
day a physician was In constant attend
ance on the Injured man It was found
that blood poisoning was threatened and
Mlchalsen was taken to St Vincents Hos
AVIlson the other injured passenger was
on the port side of- the Bhifi when the
ware struck him He wax pltkcd tip car
rlfd lnlf the length of the ships side and
thrown against tho rail rrclvlng a frac
ture of the Jaw The bone was set and to
day AVIlson was taken to thu 1 ong Island
City Hospital J
The other passengers who were on deck
when the wave struck were drenched but
none except the two was Injured No dam
age was done to the ship ns the wave
broke before reaching the spar deck
where the lifeboats urqstowed Two
temporary ladders forward wero carried
The wave is said by tb ships ofllcers
to have been a tidal vvavV It was of
great length and olumc nnl had It struck
the ship a minute earlier serious damage
would probably have been cajised tut the
boats and deck fittings
AAhen the news of the iccldeut to
Mlchalsen reached the first cabin a sub
scription list was started and this morn
ing the amount of mornry collected was
more than ICW
Precaution in Illinois to Prevent a
15 nchlng
SPRINGFIELD 111 V li Governor
Autis before starting forAVusblngton to
night authorized the catling out of the
State troops tt prevent Ue threatened
lynching of Albert ShenkV who will be
placed on trial tomorrow In CarrolUon
Green County charged will assault com
mitted on Grace Miller n ear old
girl In Whitehall last Oiriblmas night
Four companies of the Filth Regiment
will go to Carrollton on i special train
from Springfield nt t oclock tomorrow
morning On the train guarded by the
troops will be the prisoner Slieikle who
has been confined In the county Jail here
since the first of the year
An llcgcil AVlfneSH to the lneen
dliir AAork
MATAWAN N J Felu SS Last night
a letter came Into the hards of the au
thorities of this place which was address
ed from Allentown Pa 1itd slgiud John
B OBrien The signer alleged to have
Information that would lead to the con
viction of the Matavvait llrebugs and
O Uriel atntis that he wlllcome on fo
JT or JH as he Is too poor to pay his own
The wilier goes on to nay that he was
the main witness to the btartlng of tho
fires on the night of Jinunty 27 and was
paid to keep his mouth sblt At last
Sunday nights lire he wa tut pa Id and
therefore he will uowglve li men away
The parties are prominent saS OBrien
The authorities have- ilaiic nothing In
the matter
IhroiiKh Inrlor Car ro vtlnntle Citj
Ala IcnnsyfrniifK ttallroail
Cunuurnisiig Iriiliv Milrll tlirmigh Pullman
buffet arlor ur will be Optra -d bctwrn Vah
ington jni Atlantic Citr i Ing vvailinton
lJtv p in ilJilv except Smnlay and arrlung
Atlanli Citj 525 p hl Ktiming lumiueailiis
Vlardi 0 have Atlantic Cliv J M a m week
daiii irriviiig aliiitott 0
Good icradrM In Liimlii r nlvvajs
and low price Duvr Jl t It auJ h A ave
A Freight Deliberately SAvitelietl
to Ex press Track-
Ihree Men Killed nt Coal Aallcy ln
in the- Crash Tlint Followed
FlnmCH From the Huins Nearly Ile
Ktroj the Aillage n Clew Found
McKEESPORT Pa Feb 28 A train
wrecker at Coal Aallcy on the Monongi
hela division of the Pennsylvania Rail
road caused a fatal wreck on that roid at
503 oclock this afternoon The Union
town express dashed Into a heavy freight
train immediately In front of the Coal
Anliey station
Three bodies have been taken from the
wreck and the- smashed and broken cars
of both trains were burned Railroad of
ficials say there are no other bodies In the
The disaster according to the story of
AAilllam R Bird engineer of tho freight
was the work of a man who threw a
switch and turned the freight train from
the track It was on so that It was di
rectly In front of the express
The express wai bound south and leaves
Pittsburg at 420 It was due at Coal Val
ley at S03 and was on time to the second
running about forty miles an hour There
are three tracks nt this point Th
freight was running north on the mldJle
Bird says his train of sixty cars was
running slowly as It neared the station
nt which point there Is a switch Just as
lie neared the switch he saw a man run
to it and throw- It open so that the
freight would pass to the main track At
the same instant he heard the whistling
of the express He shouted to his fire
man George Ilyers who leaped from the
engine and ran forward to flag the ex
It was impossibe to stop the heavy
freight and It rolled out on the main
south bound trnrk Just as the express
roared around the curve only a few rods
away Before Frank AVhltc the engi
neer of the express could reverse his en
gine if struck the freight and the two
trains were plied up In a heap Almost
immediately fire broke out and In a few
minutes the cars were burning furiously
It required the efforts of all the citizens
of the town of Coal Aalley to save
their homes from destruction The burn
ing wreck fired a number of the buildings
and only the hardest work of a bucket
brigade saved the town Engineer Frank
AVhlte ot the express was instantly
killed He was found pinned In the wreck
of his engine his hand on the throttle
Charles Shaver his fireman was picked
up on the track with his back broken He
died soon afterward Milton Thompson
mall agent on the express was found un
derneath his car with both legs ground
off He died on the way to the hospital
The passenger cars were all full but
the railroad authorities say that no more
bodies are In the wreck and that all the
passengers are accounted for
No orie knows the Identlly of the man
wlio threw open the swltclu No one saw
him but Bird atd his flr man Bcrs
Both say they would know the man again
If they saw him
Coal Aalle i a little mining settlement
on the Pennsylvania Railroad eighteen
miles south of Pittsburg
Governor LoiiKlno TnLcK Action In
the criiuon Affair
NEW ORLEANS Feb 2S Governor
Longlno will make a determined effort
to bring to Justice the members or th
mob that lynched John Knox a Canadian
at Scranton yesterday When Informed
that a lynching was probable the Gov
ernor telegraphed to the sheriff of JacK
bon County In which Scranton Is situa
ted to summon a posse to protect the
prisoner and to uphold the law He rc
clvcd a despatch soon after from the
sheriff announcing that It was Impossible
to check the mob and that Knox had bwn
Governor Longlno telegraphed today to
have affidavits made against those Impli
cated In the lynching and asked Judge
AVood the circuit judge of the district
to hold a preliminary examination at
once He has also telegraphed to promi
nent citizens In Jaekson County to sus
tain the authorities in enforcing the law
The message ended
The Governor can accomplish nothing
without the earnest and fearless co-operation
ami support of the law abiding
people there and I beg through you to
enjoin upon our people the Importance
of giving him their support
A Bank nptiircil Through n
Partners Treaeberj
TOPKKA Kan Feb 25 Sheriff Finley
and two deputies had a desperate strug
gle with a bank robber at BHey this
morning at 120 oclock Frank AVharton
the robber was captured The arrest was
brought about by one of AVharton s part
ners a man named Johnson who gave in
formation of the Intended raid to the olti
AVharton Is nn experienced cracksman
H cojne to Kansas some time ago and
planned With some local characters to rob
the Riley Bank but one of the men weak
ened nnil kept the ofnceis informed of all
the plans This morning was agreed upon
as the time f i ha nld and the sheriff
and his depin ed themselves In
the bank build is
d li
AAharton pi i
Johnson was a l ti ru f
use dnamlte ti otseeiy
then appeared alter a
desperate fight
utiia were strui l i 1 1
wielded an iro -
seriously Injun
1 JAiL
Citizens of Aslllcj 111 Inr al
UCI1 111
CHICAGO Feb 2S Edmond Palmer 1
President of the private ban1 - -
Pint lies and Ashley III unt
Inci which are In financial
was arrested at his home In
yesterday has been taken In
Sheriff A H Cohlmecr of V
County and removed to Nashv
the county seat where hu is locked up
Sheriff Cohlmcyer said-
I am afraid to take Palmer back to
Ashley for fear he may bo lynched The
people of the town billeve he looted the
bank and the are correspondingly an
gry A few days ago depositors to the
number of 100 held a mass meeting to
talk over the matter and It was said by
certain ones tint they would do Painter
bodily Injury it he was brought back to
Ahley When l left there 1 was advised
by a committee not to bring Palmer 01
vrect to Ashley ns It had been agreed on
to settle the m itler regardless of law
Norfolk A Washington Strnmhimt Co
Delightful trips dal at 030 p m from foot
Tlh St to Old Point Comfort Newport Ntws
Kiafoll and the South For schedule set i aire n
Fates in Imrfljr procf vaulls for rtnt 1 jcar
up Union r mid btorase Co lilt V
MlllnorU and
45c U r Libbty k Co
The Contentions Action on the lle
lntlonn Anrlonsiy Ate rved
HAVANA Feb 2S The action of the
eonstitutlonal convention on the matter
of the relations with the United States
Is the subject of general discussion by
the press
The DIscusIon a revolutionary organ
hail foretold the action taken by saying
that a mere diplomatic request by tht
United States would not be sudlclent and
If the United States wanted the relations
they had asked for they would have to
appeal to force
The Union Espana a Spanish paper
sas that the United States wished to
gratify their own ambition by making ac
complices of the delegates but the latter
refused to fulfill the part-
The Dlarlo de la Marina which prob
ably has the sympathy of a majority of
the Spanish element and also a majority
of the Conservatives regards- the requests
of the Administration as equivalent to a
plan for a protectorate It sas the Ad
ministration should have declared Itself
two ears ago
It would also have been easier for the
convention to deal with the question If at
the same time the Administration had
said what It was prepared to offer tcr
Cuha If the convention agreed to the re
lations suggested It says that the an
swer of the convention was not prudent
and that It does not settle the question
though It was natural and consistent with
the character of the delegates who are
A prominent delegate to the convention
says that the resolution regarding the re
lations was carried by a vote of about 17
to 10 He considers the action of the con
vention us not being practical as it ex
poses the Cubans to a rebuff which might
have been avoided
He declares that the normal action of
the delegates was disturbed by Insinua
tions from outside parties of Americans
who buoyed up the hopes of the delegates
by assurances that they would win in the
end He also said that the method of ar
gument adopted In the preamble was
Spanish namely to raise a cloud of dust
to obscure some of the points at Issue
The convention argued that all of Secre
tary Roots requests could be boiled down
to a suggestion that all the United States
wished to have was an assurance that
Cuba would always be a free country
whereas the fifth request clearly said that
the United States wanted coaling stations
n Cuba as well for their own defence as
for the defence of Cuba
It Is the general opinion of the- news
papers that the convention could hardly
have acceded to the wishes of the United
States as the delegates werd elected by
theextremeradical element There Is some
little talk of resistance though this does
not seem popular During the time the
convention was sitting no interest was
shown by the- people at large in the pro
The sessions hail a small though regu
lar attendance ns a general thing but
at the reading of the final project the j
signing of the constitution and the read-
lnr of the relations the attendance was
poor llany per3on3 Infer from these
facts that a majority of the people take
no Interest In the constitution
Governor General and Mrs AVood gave
it lawn party today in aid of the Army
Relief Association at the arsenal
Lleivelln bovvers omliifitrd by Re
publicans in AInlnc
BANGOR Me Feb 2S The Hon
Llewellvn Powers ex Governor of Maine
Was today nominated by the Republicans
of the Fourth Maine district as Repre
sentative in Congress to succeed Repre
sentative Boutelle whose resignation has
alread been made to take effect on
March I There were five candidates and
Mr Powers had 316 votes of the 431
The convention was the largest held
hero for years The election takes place
on April Ex Governor Powers served
the Fourth district In Congress from 1S78
to 1S7S being defeated In the latter year
owing to the Greenback agitation that
swept over the State
The eiiaforlnl Caucus Gocm Over Un
til Aevl Tiicsdn
LINCOLN Neb Feb 28 The Sena
torial caucus was seven short of the mm-
ber necessary to nominate tonight and an
adjournment was taken until Tuesday
By that time it Is hoped to perfect a com
bination that will name Thompson and
Bosevvater kept his men out of tonights
caucus for fear that a combination would
be pushed through
It is sad that he hopes either to disrupt
the present caucus or to get some one
friendly to himself named
Arsenic Found in Ihe Drink of n Actv
York Ilroker
NEW YORK Feb 2S Dr Ernest J
Lederle the chemist of the health board
today made a report on his chemical
analysis of the coffee which made Jacques
S Halle a broker of 52 Broadway dan
gemuslv 111 on the evening of St Aalen
tlnes Da The chemist reported that In
the three ounce sample of the coffee so
lution flrnlshd him he liad found a
considerable quantity of arsenic
Dr Lederle said that he would soon be
able to make a chart with the exact per
tentiges of the Ingredients found In the
fluid From this statement it may De
judged that the arsenic was found In a
After reading the report Health Com
missioner Cosby told Mr Halle today
that the arsenic was put in the coffeepot
a his house as It hail been proved he
rd a doubt that the coffee when
i V t the grocers contained no
o substances
fcorT Slrfkex w 1S Autemtmellts
Kroiu ke V
ki1 a r
ol eI r i - i
Hi i i
I irt 11 ti n i - i l e
12li atneniiimi a-
t h
be subnicu - n v i
wi application i
The amendments i i ia
side remarks by conn
made by the court in the s
Ineuxs trial The convicted ii i mii
sei fought hard to have1 them rt
In lhe record
The llnllot at Helena
HELENA Mon Feb 2S Todas ballot
for United States Senntor resulted Car
ter Rep X Frank Detii 29 MacGln
nis Dun 12 scattering 19
Ocean Steamship Mov emeiits
NEAW YORK Feb 23 Arrived Tcu
tonle from Liverpool Rotterdam from
Rotterdam Bovlc from Liverpool Ar
rives out 1ennsvlvanLi from New
Aork at Hamburg Majestic from Ken
Aork at Liverpool Potsdam from New
York at Rotterdam
XtJZZ To Baltimore anil Return 1I 7i
Via Feniisj Iv aula ltallrouI
Tickets on aale Saturday and Sunday March
2 and 3 good to return until Momli larih 1
All train uupt Conjresaoual Limited
Hoards of all kliidn ver low
dressed or rough 125 and up at Cth and
S Y ave
xjy yiftrsfgsssfx
Price One Cent
The Passigc of the Anny
Plcaxes Keiiiililicnnt
The Administration Leaders Already
AlnppInK Out a IrtIKrnmiie tndrr
the Spooiier and Ptntt Amendment
V Hint of Cubas Annexation
The President the Secretary of AAar
and all the other members of the Cabinet
and the leaders of the -Republicans In
both Houses of Congress are exultant
over the sltualea resulting- from thcr
passage of the Army bill with the amend
ments rrlatini to the Philippines and
Cuba They sould have- been better
pleasedIf the Hoar amendment prohibit
ing the granting of franchises In the
Philippines had not been adopted How
ever they do not regard It as fatal to th
success of the plan for Inaugurating a
civil govcrnmnt In the Islands under UK
Spooner amendment
The President has- no thought of veto
ing the Army bill as lias been reported
because of the adoption of the Hoar
amendment and there will be no extra
session of the Fifty seventh Congress at
least not at present The administration
Is not at all disturbed by the situation la
Cuba and the President and the Secrc
tary of AVur are sanguine that under th
legislation Just enacted It will be possible
to settle the Cuban question harmonious
ly and satisfactorily
There is smooth sailing ahead for tho
remainder ot the legislative program
nnd the Fifty sixth Congress will come
to a close at noon Monday with less
rush and confusion at the closing hours
than usual
There Is one little hitch In the pro
gramme growing out of the temporary
failure of the House managers yesterday
to pass their proposed special rule for
accepting the Sejjate amendments to the
Army bill en bloc so that the measure
would not have to run the gantlet of a
conference committee but there will be
no difficulty in putting this plan into
operation today as all the Republicans
wllf be present In response to the call of
the part- whip sent out last night It is
not Improbable that the programme may
be changed nnd the Army bill sent to a
conference committee where It can be
scrutinized to make sure that none of the
amendments passed in the cI6stng hours
of Wednesday nights session or the Sen
ate injuriously affects the provisions ot
the Army Reorganization bill recently
passed and under which the new army
Is now- being officered and recralted
If the House should adopt all ot the
Senate- amendments without question It
might lie found too late that some un
desirable phraseology had crept Into the
bllL AVhatever course is agreed upon
however the bill will be passed substan
tially as It stands and ma lie EigneiFby
the President today or before the close
of tho week
The tactics of the Republican leaders
In the Senate which resulted or breaking
down the- Democratic opposition to the
passage of the Army bill and in expos
ing the utter demoralization ot their po
litical has been
the subject of general comment
Tbe fact that bluffing was going on -was
publicly demonstrated when Mr Allen
called for volunteers to filibuster the bill
to death Nobody responded The truth
being that all of the Senators on the op
position side Including those who made
the loudest boast of their unalterable
purpose to filibuster were under pledge
not to do- so la order to not endanger the
passage of legislation in which their con
stituents are more deeply Interested
There is some difference of opinion
among Republican leaders as to the result
of the legislation with regard to Cuba
The officials of the executive branch all
feel confident that the Cuban people will
accept the terms laid down by the United
States and that under them a suitable
government will be properly set up There
are some Senators however who fear
that the legislation just enacted will lead
in dissension and turmoil among the po
litical leaders of Cuba and that trouble
may follow
In a certain Senators opinion it is pos
sible that the of the United States
may not be enforced In Cuba without
bloodshed but he said esterday that If
sucli Is to be the case there could be no
better time for trouble than now while
the United States has 6X troops In
Crba to enfon e Its laws Nothing worse
would follow an Insurrection he said
than annexation which he thinks Is
bound to come under any circumstances
within a comparatively brb f sptce ot
Under the new law President McKluIey
will appoint Judge Taft Civil Governor of
the Philippines and the work of bring
ing the Islands under the benefits and the
blessing of civil government will be
pushed rapidly forward In accordance
with the terms of the Spooner amend
ment The President and the Secretary
of AAar sit itopriul mat both in the Phil
ippines and In Cuba peace and prosperity
wlll result from the legislation enacted by
the Senate
The Necretnry Hopes for nix Under
stitiiiliuir AAith Russia
DAYTON Ohio Feb 2S Mr Chamber
lain of the Dayton Board of Trade re
cently wrote to Secretary Gage asking
what was the best means ot procedure to
have the Russian trade discrimination
against American goods removed and he
received this answer
In reply to your letter of the 20th In
stant relative to countervailing duty on
Russian sug irs 1 have to inform you
that after careful consideration of tue ef
fects or the Rubsian law and regulations
upon the price of the commodity for
home consumption and the price for ex
IMirtatlon as exemplified In reports from
our consular othcers In Russia this de
partment has arrived at the conclusion
that Russia indirectly pays or btstows a
bountv on the export ot sugar within the
meaning of scctlot a ot act ot July 21
lf and consequently that it was my
ilutv under the law to proclaim the net
i -counts of such bounties for the assess-
f ir additional duties which was done
ent circular No It of
t r - d that the Russian
have eon-
b -It of a
- 1 nst us-
a - o r re
i - i i f i
i m
i T
-id Sts
gatlui -
unfounded m
coming from
tries such as France v
gium the Netherlands etc are subjv i t
Ljiuultionai uuiies unuer sau bc iii uiu
frliat unless the ibove stated conclusion of
this deparrffient Is reversea Dy a compe
tent tribunal the exemption ot Russian
sugars from additional duty would rightly
be regarded by the otherAounty paylng
countries ns u dlserimatitlon against
them in favor ot Russia
It is hoped that ujKin a proper pre
sentation of the matter to tho Russian
Government by our Department of State
the order or the Russian Minister of Fi
nance will be revoked Respectfully
Flynns Business College Sth nnd Iv
BtbineM Snorthind Typewriting 523 a jcar
to bids on lists of cottaee ma
terials c can supply everything nrfarr
F Libber Ca

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