Refuse to Bo Appealed by the
CJrand Marshal Oiler
General Sickle Icltrr of KcxlBiin
tlon Iccepted Invltntlon to Kide
In tin- IniMiRornl Pnrnde Also Ite
Jeclcil IIUtrilMidon of IIikIrph
Tor the present a deadlock in the vet
erans appears to have been
reached The veterans have flrraly de
clined to accept any proposition other
than their original contention that they
serve in a body as nn escort to the Presi
dent This conclusion was convejod to
the Or an Marshal In a letter slgnci by
General Sickles and endorsed by the
leaders of the local veteran orpanizn
tions sent jesterday afternoon to Gen
eral Greene The letter was a reply to
General Greenes proposition that a
guard of honor composed of twenty
members from each of the local posts
be formed to escort the President to the
Capitol on the morning of March -1 Tne
Grand Marshal falls to comply with this
The door has been left open for the
ctcrar 3 to reconsider their expressed
determination not to parade under the
conditions imposed by a suggestion from
the Grand MarshI contained In a letter
written by his direction in reply to the
veterans pronunclamento nearly Identi
cal with the plan of the guard of honor
but couched In different terms The
Grand Marshal states in his letter that
he is willing to arrange a gunrd of honor
composed of 500 cterans who may es
cort the President to the Capitol The
privilege of selecting the members of this
escort and of its commander is tendered
to General Sickles In the same letter
the Grand Marshal complies with General
Sickles request that he be relieved from
dutv as marshal of the veterans dlxision
The communication to General Sickles
written by the direction of the Grand
Marshal is as follows
Headnuarters of the Grand Marslial
Feb 2S nn
Maj Gen D n Sickles U S Army
Sir 1 am directed to acknowledge
receipt of jour communication of this
date and to state in reply that it Is
not practicable to hav e so large a body
as jou indicate to form an escort of
honor to the President Arrangements
can be made for su h escort not ex
ceeding 500 veterans of the civil war
to be selected bv jou and under com
mand of such ofllcer as j ou may
It Is understood that jour own po
sition will be as part of the Presiden
tial party in carriages and in conse
quence thereof and In compliance with
your written request of the 27th Inst
jou are relieved from dutv as marshal
of the veteran division Very respect
Chief of Staff
The Grand Marshals communication is
in to the followimg letter received
earl- in the afternoon jesterday
Washington D C
February 2 19M
A Noel Blakeman Esq Chief of Staff
Sir I have the honor to acknowledge
the receipt of vour communication of the
27th Instant and to acquaint jou that I
have conveyed through the deoartment
commander to the ollicers of the Grand
Army Posts In the District of Columbia
jour intimation that if these posts should
npplj to headquarters of the Grand Mar
shal for permission to detail men
from each post to formon escort of honor
to the President the application would be
fuvorably considered
I am requested by the Department
Commander of the Grand Army to in
form jou that the posts in his depart
ment will not ask leave to send details
from these organizations to take part in
the Inaugural parade They are unwill
ing to seek an honor In behalf of a small
part of their membership from w hlch the
main of their comrades Is excluded
Moreover they cannot help feeling that
should not consent to a suggestion
which overlooks other veteran organlza
tolns in the District of Columbia such as
the Union Veterans Union the Union
Veteran I egion and the Spanish-American
War Veterans
If an invitation were given to all of
the veteran organizations in the District
of Columbia including visiting veterans
c X4X4e
I Crounses
I Fresh Eggs I
Id Cents
mw dozen
CSI cents
aBW bush
2ic takes of Chocolate for
3 10c cans of Cocoa for
Best N O Molasses per gal
Good X O Meilasses per gal
ooou Porto Jllco Molasses pi
10 lbs Rolled Oats
10 lbs Buckwheat
8 lbs best Codfish
Good Codfish per lb 7
3 lb cans Baking Powder
3 10c bottle Vanilla
25c cans of Soup
S 10c bottles Catsup for
13c cms Peaches for
3 cans Good Pears for
Gallon cans of Tomatoes
6 lb Jars Good Jelly
5 lb jars Good Apple Butter
10c packages Boiled Oats for
Macaroni per pkg
Spaghetti per pkg
Cornetarch per pkg
Picked Up Codfish per pkg
Full Cream Cheese per lb
Golden Grain Sugar Corn 6c
Evaporated Pears per lb I0e
Evaporated Peaches per lb 914c
20c Lajer Figs per lb ishc
20c Ijiyer Italslns per lb lue
12c pkg Raisins per lb if
Good Coffee
No meal is complete without it
All ol the following Coffees are
lrcsh roasted and guarantied
strictly as recommended
Bert Mocha and Java per lb 30c
Good Mocha and Java per lb 23c
A fine Blended Coffee for 2oe
Best rtio Coffee Jpr He
All 60c Teas at per lb 50c
Dont fjrget that your friends
may want something in liquid re
freshments I am sole distributer
An eight-year-old Whlskv Pint
Wc quart II gallon J375 Other
Wines and Whiskies at popular
95b Louisiana Areine
i of the army and navy residing elsewhere
to rorm an escort or nonor 10 ene
Under my command I am author
ized to btate that such nn Imitation
would be cheerfully accepted-
In brief the Grand Army Posts will
take part as a body in the Inaugural
ceremonies associated with their com
rades of the Union Army and Navy and
wi the veterans of the Spanish-American
I must nt fall In conclusion to rectify
your statement that the veterans de
manded precedence In the parade On the
cot trarv I proposed to the GranJ Mar
shal last Sumiaj with the concurrence
of all the veteran organizations In the
District of Colurrbia tint they be left
out of the parade altogether and be as
signed to duty early In the dav as an
escort of honor to the President from the
Executive Mansion to the Capital Tills
oner was rejected bv the Grand Marshal
because as he said the cadets from est
Point and Annapolis had been designated
for that dtiij and It would bo Inconve
nient to modify the order 1 may add
that this suggestion was made bj me
to the President and received his sanc
tion Verj respectfully
Major General I S A retired
The foregoing communication of Ma
jor General Daniel E Sickles voices our
unanimous conclusions Evcrj word of
It meets our heart j approval
Commapdcr Department of Potomac
Grand of the Republic
Union Veterans
Colonel commanding Encampment No
Cit Union Veteran Legion
Senior Vice Commander Spanish War
Veteran Corps District of Columbia
This letter v as the result of ni dt lib
erations of the vcteri 1 leader i and Gen
eral Sickles held in the rooms of Capt
II A Castle in the Posioill c hJilJirv
The proposition made bv General Greene
for a guard of honor composed of twenty-
men from each local iost was under
General blrkles stated last night tl at
the communication he hid rtciiusl would
not affect the stand taken by the vet
erans at their meeting jesterday Ha
If the Grand Marshal thinks that all
of the veterans are too many then neither
50ft nor even one will take pfrt in the
parade 1 do not lielleve In discrimina
tion Wc will all march or none of us
I shall not ride In the parade In a
carriige I do not care to be the only
Grand Army man In the parade Since
none of us are to march I shall certainly
tane lio iiart in the escort
General Greene and Chairman Edson
of the Inaugural Committee dined to
gether afternoon when the
question of the Grand Marshals change
of the route- of the1 inaugural parade
from the plan as arranged by the inau
gural Committee was dlscused Later
in the afternoon Mr Edson stated that
a compliance with the arrangement of
the Inaugural Committee would not be
General Greene said jesterday that
he had considered It advisable to shorten
the parade In the lnterestof the march
ers on whom the additional half mile
would entail unnecessary fatigue He
added thit there were others to consider
in the organization of the parade than
the property holders In the two blocks
which have been deprived of tTie benellt
of the procession The endurance of the
marchers he believed was of p lme Im
General Greene reviewed the situation
with Mr Edwin and apparently the ex
planations were satlsfactory
An oiNTJiFvrs or aides
General orders No G announcing the
naxneb of appointments as aides were
given out jesterday at the hcadouarters
of the Grand Marshal The aides follow
I AdJlton Cuk George B Anew X O
K Y Francis II Applctcn Albert K Archibal
Colv 1 F ArmMd U S V Hohtrt Ilicon tA
viard Iltrr Major fl Jl Barry L g V Pay
master tteorpe Ve F Itarton late V S N Col
VV O BatPd N O X V Capt J I llrnlapd
X J X 1 Charles A Benton John llindley
Col Theodore A Bingham U P A On A U
Booth Prof John V Brathear Col John P
Brail I S V Capt II II Brockna Ord
Cuard X V Capt A Jlct Brooks I V
Capt Oeooje C Broome U S V E C Browcr
G V Capt K F Brush V O V Y
J I Buclianan Capt R E Burdick C it V
Harry T ftiuenag S i X V Hobcrt J Cald
well fi X Jamc d A Cameron N O
X Y Oen Howard Carroll X O A If
Caarflman Capt Lewis U Clarke 1 X Y
Capt Henry Clans Irwin B Cochran X G X
Y I F Cole Robert Coot Charles Curie jr
X I X Y Major H C Cuthbtrtiion I b V
John F Daniel X G X 1 Capt James O
Day X G X lrCapt E A Dm Marin U
S Major D C Devlin X C X v Col
Goree E Dewry Peter H Dtyo X G X Y
VVarren T Dlcfendorf Charles R DouglaiB Col
William it Dows V S V Col George It Dyer
X G X Y Capt ilium E I nfrliiA I b
V Capt Dettitt lalle X C X Y Lieut John
S IiJie X I X Y Hon Webster Flanagan
Li ut William U Flanagan X O X Y Capt
John P Foley X C X 1 vujor S V Foun
tain r S A W X Frew Oil C W Fuller
Col Harry S Fuller David Galloway X O
X Y Harry A Cardeld Col James It Gilmorc
U 5 Lieut William McU Goodruh U R
V Major F A Grant U S V Cadet U S
Grant third U S il A Col William E
Cnfmh U S V Col IU A Gripp JaniM M
Guffey Thoman J Halowell Lieut CoL It B
llairnon V s V Capt Idwin A Hartshorn
I S Lieut Col O Hayes I S V
Adrian A liegeman X X 1 Major II 11
Hcrwy V S V Thillp Hexamrr i onte II
Ilildrtth Jlajor John Vn K Hofl V A
Lieut C F Holm X G X Y Major F I
V Ilopptn X G Major J t Howard
X G X J Dr Dwijrht B Hunt Capt Edgar
Jadwin lT h A B F Jones Col J A Un
cry V S V Col II Lancey V b V
Lieut Leo V Iannen George M Lauzhlln Dai Id
A IIperanee jr Hon Fdon Lewie Major
W II Linwin X G X Y James 11 Iock
liatt Capt F II Ixjrd I b V Major Georse
T Loriean G X V Lmil V Tauchert
X G X Y ol George r Tailor U 8 V
Ucut 11 V Theall X G X Capt J 11
Tliompxin V G V 1 Edwin II II Toer
LieuL C O TousMint X G X 1 Col A C
Tyler I S V I nsijni Aaron Vanderbllt late
V S V eorce H Van De Water U b V
James C Maclin N O X J Capt I
Maeumlsrr X 1 X Y William F Mahoney
Col Scj incur Vlandrlbaum Henry C K MattiHln
Major J H lafield U S A Cadet DoukUss
MacVrthur I S M A Gen 41 II McKlbhin
I S Henry A Miller Hon Hus h Gordon
Miller Capt Motwn Morns X G X Y Col
entire M Moulton V S Lieut E M
Muller N G V V Major Albert J Mycr L
S V apt J W Myers X G X Y Alfred
Mcoloiluu N G X James J OBrien X
G V 1 lion John C OConnor II W liner
L M ONeill apt James Parker late U b
X Gen Henry S Peek L b V Everett leet
N G X Y Major Richard 11 Pratt I h
A Andrew Roberts n eorre I Rumc1I Ool
Wllliam 1 X G X Y Capt AKCTon
Sartoru t S V Vlajor b Vheilmn X G X
v r t hwab Col Horace M beaman U
S V Lieut M hejlned V G X v Charles
H bhaw Cadet Phillip 11 Sheridan IT ft VI A
George Shira Ueut Oil C C niffen I 8
K Capt C C t piecr li b V W H bpooner
CoL Frank II fcterena George S bteienkon X
J X Y Capt W H Albert T
btrauh Capt I lllvan X G X E
A uninir Major Ivan Tallol V b v Major
W A Wadsworth V K V Manl II Walker
V G X I James Weir Ensign II W O
Welling late f b X Otto F Witters X G
V V Llrut Col A A Wiley U V
Hon Hill I W iln Jin C Wintjen William
Wltherow C ol Willard Young V S V
A reconstruction of the Civic Grand Di
vision of the Inaugural parade Is Wing
arranged bv the Chief Marshal B H
Warner Wallace Donald McLean Chair
man of the Intercollegiate Committee has
been appointed adjutant general on the
staff of Gen O O Howard Marshal of
tho Third Division Alexander G Bcnt
y a graduate of Yalo class of ISM has
been appointed chief or staff to General
Howard In the rearrangement of the
civic inrade the colli ge boys have been
assigned to a position behind the Union
I euguc of Maryland which has the right
of line In the Third Division first bri
gade Te position In the column to
which the college boys havo been as
signed will permit them to sec the greater
part of the parade before they are called
Aoilce to Hie Public
Ml baggage arriving in Washington via Penn
sylvania Railroad Socliern Railway Chesapeake
and Ohm Railway Mlantlc Coast Line and bea
bnanl Ajr Line will be dellwrcd at Irclght na
tion Ninth btreet and Maryland Avenue March
1st to 6th Ineluslie Checks tor Incoming bag
cage thould be presented at that point
Awful aniMy waj lelt for tie widow ol the
brave General lluniharo of Machlat Me when
the doctors aald ht would dt Irom Pneumonia
before momii g writes Mrs S II Lincoln who
attended her that featlul night but she begged
for Dr Kings Xew Discoiery which had more
than once saved htr life and cured her of Con
sumption Alter taking the tlept all night
Further ute entirely cured her This marvelous
medicine Is guaranteed to cure all Throat Chest
and Lung Diseases Only Wc and 1 00 Trial
bottles free at Henry Lvana drug itcre 322 F
trett nortlincst
l neiiinnt Simple Jlut Stl nd Ef
feelnnl Lure for It
Catarrh of the stonfach haB long been
considered the next thing to incurable
The usual symptoms are a full or bloat
ing sensation after eating accompanied
sometimes with sour or watery risings a
formation of gises causing pressure on
the heart and lungs nnd difficult breath
ing headaches fickle appetite nervous
ness and a general playtd out languid
There Is often a foul taste in the mouth
coated tongue arid If the Interior of the
stomach could be seen it would show a
slimy Inilamed condition
The cure for this common and obsti
nate ttouble is found in a treatment
which causes the food to be readily
thoroughly digested before It has time to
ferment and Irritate the delicate mucous
surfaces of the stonnch To secure a
ptompt and healthy digestion Is the one
nccerjry thing to do and when normal
digestion Is secured the catarrhal condi
tion will have disappeared
Apivirillnc In Tit 1 f n rlii nuoil the SlfCSt
and bct t treatment Is to use after each J
meal a tablet composed or uiasi ise
Aseptic Pepsin a little Nux Golden Seal
nnd fruit acids These tablets can now
be- found at all drug storesunder the
name of Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets arid
not being n patent medicine can be
used with perfect safety and assurance
that iicnlthv appetite and thorough di
gestion will follow their regular use after
mcitls -
Mr N J Booher Chicago Ill writes
Catarrh Is a local condition resulting
from a neglected cold In the head where
by the lining membrane of the nose be
comes inflamed and the poisonous dls
chaKe therefrom passing backward Into
the throvt reaches the stomach thus pro
ducing catarrh of the stomach Medical
authorities prescribed for me for three
vcars for catarrh of stomach without
cute bjit today I am the nippiest of
men after using tonly one box of Stuart s
DJspepsli Tablets I cannot find appro
priate words to express my good feeling
1 have found llesh appetite and sound
ret from their use
Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets is the safest
preparation as well as the simplest and
most convenient remedy for any form of
Indigestion catarrh of stomach bilious
ness sour stomach heartburn and bloat
ing after meals
Send for little book mailed free on
stomach troubles by addressing F A
Stuirt Co Marshall Mich Tho tablets
Can be funnel at all drug stores
upon to fall Into the column The School
of Jurisprudence H20 II Street north
west his been selected as the headquar
ters for the Intercollegiate Committee for
March 4 Final orders will be Issued
from there for the parade The order In
which the colleges will march in the
Inaugural parade with the dates of their
charters which determines their prece
dence in the column follows
IfSG St Johns Military Academy Annapolis
lid John It Caulk Cadet Major
1T4G Princeton Unnerfiity Princeton X J
Gal lord It Hawkins Commanding
i Charleton College Charleston S C
JTS0 Georgetown Unnersity Georgetown D
C Janes P B Duffv Commanding
1811 L nil ersity of Went Virginia Morgan
town W Va James It MoreiinJ Cadet Major
ISil Columbian Lnhersity Washington D C
Adoiph EW Johnson Commanding
1M7 Mercer University Maccn Ga
1S33 lrginia Military Institute Lexington
Kl Gallaudet College Washington D C
Gecrge G W Andree Commanding
1SC8 Unherwty ol Kan as Lawrence han
ISC8 Maryland Agricultural College college
1ark VId William W Cobey Commanding
1S36 InlverFity of California Bcrke ey Cal
1S38 Iowa btate College Ami Iowa
lSTfi Johns Hopkins University Baltimore ML
C Abncr baylcr jr Commanaing
1ST9 Grove City College Crove City Pa S
II Gardner Cadet Major
lTO Carlisle Indian Industrial School Carlisle
Pa G Thompson Commanding
15SI West Virginia Conference Seminary
Buckhannon W Va
1S1 Xational Lnhcrcity Washington P C
Ibyl Vlomingslde College Siouv City Iowa
lo9 Inited States College of Veterinary Sur
geons WaiJiington D C
It is understood that police orders
will be Issued for the arrest of any per
son offering for sale any programme
other than the programme published un
der the direction of tho Inaugural Com
milteo purporting to be an official pro
gramme The official programme has
been completed and appeared yesterday
for the first time on the streets where
it was offered for sale
The Court of Honor is to be Illumined
tonight for the first time The electri
cians the Norden Electric Works who
havo the contract for the illumination
will complete their work by 2 oclock in
the afternoon They propose to try tho
lights after dark probably between S and
S 20 oclock
Colonel May commanding officer of the
First Itegiment D C N G who has been
under suspension and lately reinstated by
order of the Secretary of War will march
at tle front of his command In the Inaug
ural parade Colonel May Btated yester
day that he had received his orders from
the headquarters of the National Guard
r orcernlng the participation of his regi
ment In the procession
To settle an election liet Mark Lullj of
Arizona and a couple of trained bears
will appear in the Inaugural parade next
Monday Lully and hla bears reached
Washington Wednesday from Nogalcs
Th bet was between William M lloey
collector of customs at Nogalcr a Be
publlcan and Thomas Tnggarl of Indian
apolis Chairman of the Indiana Demo
cratic State Committee Mr Tag rirt
agreed that if McKinley were elected he
would pay the expenses of Lully and his
bears from Arizona to Washington to
that they might participate in the Inagu
ral ceremonies The bears were captured
by Lully in the Santa IUta mountains
about a year ago and have been taught
several tricks
A pleasant surpri s was arranged for
the members of the Commltteo on Pub
lic Order by the Chairman Blchard Syl
vester who distributed to everyone present
buttons The buttons
ent as a souvenir sleeve
used the department
tons are similar to those on
partment uniforms A vote of thankB
was accorded the chairman and secre
tary by the committee
Tb members were sworn In as special
poll e ollicers and police badges were
distributed among them he badges and
medals of ths commltteo and badges
designating the sub commltt es were also
passc d about to those entitled to them
The bervlec of the members of the com
mittee as members of tho municipal po
lice commences this morning and expires
on March 7
The Committee on Illumination Chair
man Ciorge GlbBon pr siding met last
night in the rooms of the In tugural Com
mittee Badges and medals were dls
tiibuted and a full attendance was pres
ent to receive these souvenirs of the Inau
guration The sub committees charged
with the duty of soliciting residents along
the line of march to display electric Illu
minations during the nights of the inau
guration ceremonies reported a general
rcsponte nnd promised an elaborate Illu
mination on the Avenue Among those
who will make especial efforts to gain
the pnz s of 100 M nnd 23 offered for
the best three displays are the Columbia
Phonograph Company Gerstenbcrgs the
Post Lunch Booms Warviltks aim
The thanks of the committee were veiteil
the chairman the vice chalrmnu and the
tecretary for their conduct of the duties
of the committee The thanks of tne
committee were also voted to the Sub
Committee on the lllumlnitinn of the
Court of Honor for the excellent results
assured by the plan of Illumination
No further meeting of the committee
will be held until aftur the Inauguration
when the committee will di termlne the
award of prizes for the best Illumina
tions during the Inauguration
Badges and medals were illstribued in
the meeting of the Carriage Conmlttev
A Vctcrnnn Story George lewis cl
Shamokln la writes I am eighty years ot
age I have been troublrd with Catarrh for filly
years and In my time have used a great many
catarrh runs but never had any relief until I
used Dr Agnewa Catarrhal Powder One hoe
cured ire completely W ccnta Sold by F S
Williams Ninth and F Streets and Fdmonds V
Wllianu Third Street and lcnusvhania Ale
mi 1
All Hats Trimtnect
Free of Charge
IP I 1
Ladies spring hose
up to 75c for 33c
Weve closeel out from an Importer
all his samples of Ladles high grade
Hosiery from which he hai been tak
ing orders for past few weeks They
embrace Lisle thread and mercerized
silk hose In handsome stripes boot
patterns dots and plain colors In pas
tel shades and are Wo and 75c Hose
Choice for 33c All on centre tables
Blankets and comforts
and bedspreads
10 quarter heavy blanlf ts -with f Q c
colored borders 17
10 quartcr honey comb bM sprcads
good size and extra heavy weight QC
for - 7
10 quarter extra heavr double bed
size bed spreads in HirselllesQ Qc
patterns for O
Double bed Comfort extra
weight and good filling I
I2jc and 15c linings 7c
Lot of remnants of Dress Linings In
good lengths in grey and black sell
oft the pleco at 12J4 and 15c for c
19c hair pins 10c dozen
Tortoise Shell crinkled and plain
held yesterday afternoon in the rooms cf
the Inaugural Committee Chairman Wil
liam S Knox presided
Members of the committee till be on
duty at the headquarters of the Inaugural
Committee between the hours of 0 a m
and 1230 p m today tomorrow pnd Sun
day to distribute tickets for private car
riages which will be used in attending
the Inaugural ball Owners of private
carriages arc requested to npply for
tickcts at such time which will entitle
the holders to tho special conMderallon
provided In the rules adopted for the ap
proach of carriages to the Pension
The western entrance to the Pension
building will be used as a private ap
pro ich for carriages ot the President the
Vice President the memlvrs of the Cabi
net the members of the Supremo Ccurt
tho Liplomntlc Corps nnd the Governors
of States The npproach to this entrance
will be by way of V from Seventh Street
crossing the lawn at the northeast ccrner
of Firth and I Streets to the entrance
After the passengers are dlKCharged the
carriages will continue eastward through
I south on Fourth Street and parking
on the west side of Fifth Street lietAen
1 and F Notllicatlon will be given to
those entitled to this distinction by the
Chalrm in of the Tloor and Prome iade
Committee The drivers of thce car
riages are to be distinguished by rosettes
to be prominently dlsplas ed on the occa
sion Badges aro to be distributed among
all other carriages to distinguish their
character nnd the dlspohltlon to be made
F B e n - Safest surest cure for
lirK III S I throat and lung
troubles Peoplcprai
Cough Syrup SZSS5Z
Refuse substitutes Oct Iir Bulls Cough Syrup
Heres an Interesting Bit j
oi uioining news iui
the Men and the Boys
Bona fide values thatll prove
mom v savirs to ou Remember
we alnajs charge jour purchases I
Mens and Youths Suits J
There are Just 175 In the lot con-
slstlng of blue and black cheviot I
Scotch goods and worsted Suits I
Single and double iireasieu eu ie
Bold up to 5M Bargain A C ft
Mens Pants
A choice lot of blade cheviots In
plain and striped effects Worth
up to u 5 Bancalu S i fl ft
lridiy AUU
Entire stock of Mens and Hoys
Hats In Derbies and fedora All
the latest stjlcs that
sold up to Utn liar- 1 ftn
gain Irldaj IUU
Childrens Suits
1 Jl Childrens Double br
I Suits In worsteds ax
I Scotch goods Oxfords ami
and black cheviots Sizes fi to 15
jears Sold up to 1 1 Qfl
Bargnln Prld iv IVO
Knee Pants
dozen ChlldnnM Kino Pants
the- kind to knock about In ITC
33c values Bargain Irldaj
Samuel Friedlander Co
-Seventh St 416
of them in approaching and parking
The members of the Carriage Committee
will be asslgnetl to dutj nt the three ap
proaches to the Pension building on the
night of the ball Of the twelve members
of the committee four will be assigned to
each of the three general entrances Al
ternation shifts of one hour each will
permit the members of the committee an
opportunity to participate meanwhile in
the Interior festivities The members of
the committee will report for at 730
oclock on the night of the ball
At the meeting of the Banquet Commit
tee Chairman Devlne presided Badges
nnd medals were distributed Mr Devlne
nnnounced that Mr Itauscher the caterer
selected to furnish the banqaet at the
Inaugural ball who hns been verj HI Is
Improved nnd will be well enough to take
charge on the night of tho ball
It Is urged by the committee that pur
chasers of ball tickets also their tick
ets to the banquet with the cards of ad
mission to the Pension building AVith the
arrangements that have been made ou the
present occasion over 10 persons can
be served In the banquet hall at one time
The last meeting of the Music Com
mittee until tho final concert nt the pen
sion building on March 5 was held jester
day afternoon In the Washington Loan
and Trust Building The meeting was
presided over Chairman W II ICnplej
Mr stated that the meeting was
called for the purpose of winding up the
affairs of the committee which up to the
present time has proved a success The
work he said was well In hand and the
results have been most gratlfjlng to htm
as chairman
Mr Hobert reported that the
matter of arranging the details of the
bands for the organizations in the parade
had been taken up General Greene
Orden and Instructions he said had been
lssuid to the bandmasters and the mut
ter was now entlrelj In their hands At
the conclusion of Mr Caverljs remarks
Mr King moved tnK a vote of thanks
and the expression of the committee te
tendered to Mr Caverly for the Interest
he had dlsplajed in his work which was
Dr Franklin T Howe Vice Chairman
of tho committee ptld a high compli
ment to the cl ilrmnn for the excellent
manner in w hlch ho had m inaged the
affairs of the Music Committee und his
loresiht In st lertlng such a competent
commlttie to h indie one of the Import
ant features of the Inauguration of a
President lie slid better n suits had
been attainml bj the present Music Com
mittee than at inauguration since
Lincoln was Instilled- In olllee
Chairnun Itapley itpindcd In a verj
modest manner and spok of the great
pleasure it had afforded him to be the
chairman of such nn excllent working
committee He complimented the mem
bers of the comniltte for their line at
tendance and the lnteret they had taken
In the work and the results which had
been attained bj the qo operatlon of the
At the conclusion of his remarks the
chairman ami si eretarv distributed th
medals iMid bulges to the members of
the committee
A reheursal of llalejs Orchestra which
will render the dunce music at the In
augural ball will be hId In the Pension
building on Sunday next beginning at 11
oclock A rehearsal of the Inaugural
chorus assisted by the Marine Band will
be held ou next In the Pen
sion building nt 11 oclock
At the rrcetlng of the Committee on
Military Oyanlzatlons -ml Veteran Or
ganlzitlons Chairman Geirge M Harrli s
presiding held in the Hoard of Trade
rooniM badges and medalrf were dlstiib
tited Members of the committee were
assigned to meet Incoming organic itijns
proposing to take part In the Iimigual
Special TriiliiN to Ilrluu PnrtlcN to
the Iiinugrtirntloii
CHICAGO Tib 2 The special train
that will take Governor Yates and staff to
the Inauguration at Washington will leave
here at 1 oclock tomorrow afternoon and
Is expected to arrive at Washington on
Saturday evening
Nearly 200 members of the Hamilton
Club and their friends will start tomor
row noon on the clubs Inauguration spe
Ijllr to llnttluiore nml ltctiirn - In
Saturday and Jlarcli 2 and t
Kings Palace Dept Stores
810-812-814 7th St and 715 Market Space
Domestic bargains
Mill ends of Llnsdale cambric
jard wine 12 l lc quality
Tea toweling free from
dressing and absorbent for JB
100 dozen fringed hone comb
towels good size and with C3C
ored borders U4
00 dozen pure linen huck tow
els 11 oy 20 Incnes in size with col
01 ed borders slightly imperfect
uncvn at edges regular 15c QIC
sort OS
Ture linen damnek fringed
napkins good size colored A7C
ders for B
Extra largcslzc linen damask
Kins witn colored ooruer us-
ually 10c for
Colored do lies In all patterns rc
good size ja
Extra heavy weight pillow cases
with hems 15 by 35 Instead of OJC
15c for 75
Corsets 49c
Lot of straight front corsets made
of goftd routll and trimmed with lace
one side steel and one large gore
over hip size IS up In white and drab
for lc
10c barrettes 5c
Lot of 10c Tortoise I3nrrttes In oval
and square shapes Cc instead of 10c
Premium Stamps
With Every Purchase
Green Ticket Sale of the new March
comes in like a lion
We have mustered together a solid front of Given Ticket values for our weekly sale today which make the strongest bar
gain offering we have ever asked vou to Many of theextraordinary values below seem almost incredible but jouU find them here
exactly as represented If ever jou have had any doubts as to the leadership of the great Kings Palace organization smely it will
he dispelled now
200 usual 69c wrappers 39c
Two hundred colored percale wrappers in figured and striped
patterns in light and dark grounds made good width and well
finished the best C9c values Choice iJc
300 usual 1 and 125 wrappers 58c
Three hundred colored Hannelette wrappers those left from
all the high grades of the season trimmed with fancy rufllesand
bretelles have knee lloimces large assortment 38c instead of
1 and 125
New waists 198 to 5
Several sDeelal lots ot new Spring Waists go on Bale today In Nuns
Veiling Albatross and Henrietta In large assortment of styles and In light
blue old rose tan reel cream black reseda green nnd lavender some soft
effects vlth fine cordiback and front finished with new Persian trimming
with tucked sleeves and with Uishop cuffs also colored albatross waists with
white tucked fronts nnd stitched scalloped edges as well as other stiles
J19 to J5
29c for 59c flannelette waists
Iot of Odds and Ends in Ladies Colored Flannelette Wntsts In dot fig
ured and striped patterns In navy blue light blue black and other shades
the usual 59c waists for 23c Only small sizes
Green Ticket values in muslin underwear
ICO dozen Ladles Muslin Drawers x
uith oke hands deep hems with
tucks above extra well 114C
made Instead of 10c for 12
5 styles of Ladles Muslin Gowns
some with hemstitched vokes others
with V neck and embroidery trimmed
and Empire styles also C0c jiiC
and Wc value for
One lot of Indies Umbrella Drawers
with ilve lncn ruffles with four tucks
well made and Mulshed with 1 LC
yoke bands 25c usually for 1
23 dozen Childrens Muslin Drawers
some with umbrella stjle with
ncs diners witn Plain noma nnei
tucks and buttonholes lac val
uesto go fur
39c mercerized pongees 25cs
Elegant assortment of new rrcerlzrd pongees go on sale today at 5c
which are being sold nt 23c everywhere This splendid clinging fabric la very
stvllsh at present In lavender reseda green medium and light blue tan grey
pink C rano foulard patterns and plain colors and dots 25c Instead ot 9c
69c foulard silks 39c yard
Beautiful assortment of 21 lnch wide Foulard Silks in rojal blue reseda
green old rose lavender tan grey figure and poka dots 9c yard liistcad of
200 ladieswspring suits 12 to
18 values to go at
New belts 25c
The new IAlglon and Gilt Belts
with medallion and fnncy Buckles
with chenille ends and gilt and oxj
dlzed spikes for 25c Instead of 49c
49c ties 25c
New LValglon Ties In all shades
spiked velvet and lace trimmed Ren
aissance lace ties 2 yards long In
cieam and white 23c Instead of 49c
Childs I9c hose 8c
Lot of seconds in childs fast black
ribbed hose seconds which are Imper
fectthough which in no way In
jures the wear 19c values for b l 2c
Fortunately for you we have secured 200 sample suits vhlch we can offer
at a fourth to nearly half their worth prices There are no two alike and
consist of cheviots broadcloths pebble cheviots in black and every new
spring shade they have blouse tight fitting and single and double
breasted Eton Jackets trimmed with gilt braid satin and taffeta silk lined
The skirts are The new flare sort nnd many of these suits have the new pos
tillion backs they represent suits which sell for J12 to JIS therefore at J9KJ
they are great bargains
5 and 6 silk waists 348
The values are the greatest without exception that have ever been offered
They are all of the highest grade of taffeta Mile In black and every shade In
cluding pink light blue roynl cardinal lavender heliotrope white grey red
and cerise have Frederick the Great and bishop sleeves and are beautifully
trimmed 3 IS all Jj and 0 values
12 and 15 automobile coats 598
Wc are selling more Automoille Coats than any other two stores In town
That Is a fact And we are selling them because we are showings the biggest
values ever offered Handsome black Hue tan and castor Kersey automobile
coats with Hare cuffs high and notch collars ard strap seams lined with Ro
manic silk
248 for 4 rainyday skirts
Elshty flve fashionable and exceedingly serviceable Black and Blue Ilaln
day Skirts heavily stitched around the bottoms and fancy finished pockets full
and the newest shape backs all 1 values to go on sale at J2IS
298 for 5 dress skirts
Lot of the new grey cheviot dress skirts with Counccs and trimmed with
taffeta silk bands J5 values Today 12SS
Advance ftjles of spring millinery a re ready and we 11 be pleased to have
jou see them
25c veiling 12c
Tuxedo and plain mesh Veilings
Willi velvet and chenille spots latest
spring effects 12 l c ard Instead of
25c embroideries 9c
Lot of Hamburg Swiss and Nain
sook Embroidery with Inserting In
wide narrow heavy and line open
and closed patterns in matched sets
which cannot be equaled anywhere
under 25c jard will be rut on sale to
today at 9 l 2c jard
Tabic Ic notions
2 Tapers Invisible Hair Pins 2 pieces
Twilled Tape 2 pieces best make
Darning Cotton all colors 2 dozen
China Buttons all sizes 2 dozen
Hooks ant Ees with or without
hump 6il nch Tapo Measures Box As
sorted Black Pins Aluminum Thim
bles 1 yard silk stitch Bone Casing
2 papers crinkled or straight Hair
Pins for lc
The Leader for
Shoe Value
Men appreciate the value of this shoe They see
the 3 worth of quality thats in it
they realize its a value worth con
sidering at 255 The style is there
the fiualifv is there the fit is
there Nothing better was ever
offered to Washington at S3 t
Its our regular 255 line a f
line that represents i
ands of sales to us every
month AH leathers
all styles and sizes
High Shoes and
PJm90O MjjW
31en of Hie Tenth Infiinlrj Lnnded nt
Aevvport Veui
transport Sedgwick arrived here this af
ternoon from Matnnzas Cuba with the
second battalion of the Tenth United
States Infantrj The battalion Is In com
mand of Major White and the regiment is
commanded by Colont I Ewers
The landed hero consists of iJS
men and thirteen officers There Is one
carload of horses and eight carloads of
S 1334 F Street j
iiiiiiininiiim in milium --
ii nn
stores all of which will g with the tren
on the special train that is to leave hero
tonight over the Chesapeake and Ohio lor
San Francisco
The transport Rawlins which was
0 land a regiment of native Porto
lllcan troops at this port will take them
direct to Washington She is expected to
nrrive on Sunday
The Dixie Hit llonte to UNlilrKton
The Dixie which Is coming here to par
ticipate in the inaugural ceremonies ar
rived at Fortress Monroe morn
ing She left Immediately for Washing
Its a habitand a
Constlpition dulls bodj nnd brain The reguU
works harder does more lasts longer than the t
You must remove the poison of clogged bowels fi
Heres Isufs and certain means It insures rcgul
ments Has no calomel aloes or opiates Gently s
liver keeps tho bowels regular clears head Insures ht
Masons BROWN Tablets cure Constipation
llllinlis nml Ilvef Trouble Iluil Hrenth O K In the morning-
N Calomel Aloes or Opiates
Masons Wlo TableiaCnre
Sa anJ Car Slkotts Headache
Brain and Nerve Tonic IOC
Masons Brown Tablet Care
BIlloJS and Liter Trouble
a K In tbe raornlor 10c
Mien Re4 Tablets Cure
Eroocbltls Bad Breath
Sorjola slthti rest IOC
Masons White Tablets Care
Tonsllitls Colds
Reduce InnsBsstloD 10c
Masons Cream ol Olh es Cures
Cnup Pimples Neuraliti
Barns and Piles 21c
All Drztlsts or mallei tor price tj
21 Arch Street
Philadelphia Pa