S Kann Sons Co
Opsii Late Tonight
Your headquarters 3 on will lniw
hospitality of our house We bha
lion jou lciiiiLI tluough the agi
we ltae l Mib station and thcP
Canada and Europe is also lor
eon quick sen ice and ery ir
Fvlens inaf
full Dress Shield
at --
We have better ones also
If iou the correct
for the Inauioirul Dall
wear one of our Barat
Ties they are the only cc
scarf and cost but
The absolute and corrr
hhlrt extra long ami
we can give sou them
cuffs or the Kind wit
we have two prices
s100 and
Our Wlusic D
We sh vll distribute today from
cal programmes of the Inaugural Ba
ona latent Intermezzo b Loralnc
Houe per copy I3c
All music plajcd at the Inaugun
a plavcr in attendance w ill render
China C
White China Chamber Set
pitcher and basin chamber
mag and soap dish comple
Chambers sets of nine V
large size finest quality pe
c shape nicely decorate
colors regular price J21
at -
White China Tea Cu4
Saucers large size et oi
Special lot of dark blue u
China Meat Dishes small pu re
cake platev cups and saucers irc
and vegetable dishes each v
White China Water Pitchers
holding two quarts lin t IAC
ity each
Crjstal Glass Table Tumblers Qc
finest qualitv large size G for 7
Glafcs Table Set of covered Butter
Dish sugar bowl cream pitcher and
spoon holQer cut glass patterns 1 QC
per -
Rogers silverware plated on white
metal every piece stamped with the
name Rogers Al
Tea Spoons w arrant ed set of six
for 4Kc
Table Spoons warranted set of six
941 Penna Ave N W
Optn Saturday Eunlnjs
A IIrrroann 601 503 Sivtnth
it cirucr at I tFic rt
Complete Home Furnisher1
CaJl or Credit
Egg Coal 6
2d and Fla Ave N E
C27 6
PlinrtP 71 vi ll I1 bottlei cf the Waah
For Reer cciiicn Hop uttn tat it Dc-
I Ul uttl
Uruti is DElattercd aioi
No Cjloael Aloes or Oplatn
Miusag Yellow Tiblcti Core
Sci al Cr Skkocn Heilscbe
Brain and Nertc Took 10c
lusaa lirowo Tablets Core
Bllioas find Liter Troubles
O K U tbc morolof 10c
Masons Kel Tablets Core
Broscbllls Bit Breath
Sore ol a oljt fs rcit 1 6c
S Kann Sons Co
Always the best of everything for the least money
Closed All Day Monday Msrch 4
If sou vvih a correct jrulile or Washington dont for
cet our little booklet entitled The Capital In a Nut
shell Its one of the most Interesting souvenirs p
IMieJ 12vcrj body Is entitled to a copy free with
compliments To be had at the Book Department X
ment nnex
if You Wish
ing Si
avo Just received 200 dozen In
itlon Neckwear for street wear
lad them mide up in all the lead
shapes the silks are exclusive
the patterns seltcted speclil for
come In u beautiful line of
iht and medium ifTects and are equal
1 make to th 51 quallts the CnC
4rice for nils occasion is Jvf
50J lien s Tohled Imperials English
Tcck and the new long Four-in-hand
Scarfs maue of yieau de sole silk In
black red crimson blue and n CC
other shades J
The Sweetest and Most Attractive not Is Our
Candy Department
Wc handle nothing but pure swets They are fun
have made extra preparations for this great Inaugur
orders for over 30000 pounds to be delivered each da
2000 lbs of fresh vnnlli
lows delicious and tooth- IOC
some per pound 15
3HW lbs of chocolito vanila IOC
Peanut Tudge per lb 15
Genuine home made pure QAC
butterscotch Wafers per lb
JOji 1 lr
ed Choc
ptr b
of t
Cardav Department First
illy We
e placed
y be
fresh assort
special Q AC
s of Chocolate
II the different
ire equal to any
In the clt
irtment complete
c Concerts free
Judiciary dinner White
sale at special prices and
ible IVrks w vrranted per set of
rnble Knives warranted set of six
Grav v Iadles warranted each ZOc
Soup I idles warranted each J1C0
NIckle Alarm Clocks warranted for
one ear special 9c
The Enterprise rood Chopper best
make complete with four cutters
regular M IS value special at 1 13
White China Tea Plates each Zc
White China Breakfast Tlates each
White China Dinner Plates each 5c
W hlte China Fruit Saucers each 2c
White China Vegetable Dfuhes each
White China meat Dishes each 7c
White Chini Siuceboat3 each 10c
White China Toilet Pitchers and ba
sins complete 4c
White China Soap Dishes each 5c
White China Chambers large size
Pepper and salts with plated tops
each 4c
Fruit Bowls on high foot cut glass
pattern 10c
Glass Fruit Saucers cut glass pat
terns each 3c
The Bill iT IlxfeiillmiN Sleneil bj
Justice L IlllilliiKh
James Iincktnn who orae time ago wai
convicted of manslaughter was jeMcrdav
granted an appeal to the Court of Appeals
for the District Justice Clalnugh who
presided at the trial of Lancktou jester
day signed the bill of exceptions contain
ing the grounds of appeal The prisoner is
now In the District Jail where he has
been since March 29 lvn when he was
arrested fin the charge of killing Mri Uet
tie I Wrenn The testimony given at the
trial showed that Lanckton rented a room
at Mrs WrennK home and th it thev were
to have been married in M ij 1901
Ianckton It Is said became Jealous of
Mrs Wrenn lecaue she received atten
tions from another roomer and on March
12 1900 In a lit of Jenlousj and
he assaulted her It w is claimed l
th Government that she died as the result
of wounds Inflicted bv Itnekton
Grinul Ofiern llciuite auil Columbia
I li4 llreM lo Hi lrMed
Two mass meetings for men will be
held tomorrow afternoon under the aus
pices of the Young Mens Christian Asso
ciation The meeting at CI me a Grand
Opera House will begin at 3 JO oclock
and that at Columbia Theatre at 413
oclock The same programme will be
given in both ilnera Mr Tred B
Smith the Chicago evangelist will speak
at both meetings
Tho Park Slsterr of New York well
Fashions for Starch awaits your calling This mag
azine stands second to nenc and Is entitled to as much
priie as the Home Journal or any other
periodical If ou live out of tojyi well send
Su the entire saries of twelve Issue for 21c In tamos
visiting frieends are entitled to all these little
Matoos While Tablets Cera
Toeallltli CoKa
kedace lailtmiiutloo 10c
Maiwos Cream ot Ollrea ores
Croapr Ploples Ncorsltta
Jams lad Pllea ZSc
All Dronlla or mailed lor price br
121 Arch Street
Philadelphia Pa
iake the Lead j
met Home
ie IJusy Corner We extend to one and all the
checkyour parcels gheyou any desited
jieau of Information jieou poitofliee facilities as
ph which tends messages all over the United States
ur Lunch Giotto will bene you light dainty lunch-
The New 1901 Hosiery
For Spring Wear
Our spring Importations of foreign
Hosiery are now on sale and Just in
time for tnl1 Inaugural event All tho
litest deigns patterns and newest
colorings in cotton lisle and silk In
lace open work boot patterns verti
cal strics printed stripes and other
novelties We itemize a few specials
which will bo quick sellers
Womens full regular made Imported
Hose In fast black witli spliced heels
and toes fast colored tans Itlchelieu
rib fancy stripes and boot pat- 1 QC
terns per pair 7
Womens full regular made fast
black cotton Hose spliced heels and
toes fine gauge three pairs for 1 QC
50c Per pair lO
Womens full regular mnde Imported
lisle thread Hose spliced heels and
toes Itlchelieu and Rembrandt rib
liermsdorf black and fast colored
tan also one lot of flue gauge
cotton It fancy prints and ex- n CC
traUed stks per pair D
Womens four thread lisle all over
lice openrork Hose double heels and
toes Hermsdorf fast black full
regular made all new designs A CC
per pair tJ
First Floor Section E
Womens Gloves
1O0 piirs of womens genuine
French Km loves ciace with Paris
point backs in black white and colors
we have nil izes in this assortment
although worth 11 W per pair we
shall offer them todaj Ct rr
at the special price of IUU
Wc are showing our new spring
waah ible suede IMe thread Gloves for
women two clasp in black white
mode braver tan and grey shades
n verv stjllbh hand covering they fit
like 1 genuine kid glove the- CfiC
price per iulr DU
are and Housefurnishings
Glass Water Set of 1 2 gallon pitcher
and sit glasses Including fancy tray
complete for 25c
The brightest ami bet Oil Stove
with 4 Incli wick and Iron oil tank
regular price 5c nt 2Sc
iNa 7 Wash Boilers with cover
made of heavy tin CSc
Garbage Pails with cover holding
14 quarts made of galvanized Iron
regular c value for 23c
Galvanized Iron Wash TlVb fam
ily sire 37c
Square Bread Boxes nicely Japan
ned and decorated with gilt special
at 19c
Imported Salt Boes with covers
stronglv made special 7c
Knife Boxes strongly made of
hardwood and nlicl varnished so
cial at 9c
Step 1 adders strongly made and
extra light 4 feet high 23c
1C In Feather Dusters best quality
long handle 25c
Dust Brush and Pan best quality
Grey Enamel Dish Pans holding 14
quarts sllghtlv damagtd regular
price 48c special at lSc
Grey EnamU Tea Kettles No C
special at 23c
Grey Enamel Saueipans two quart
S17C 19c
KAmm sons l oo
An exhihit of beautiful and
cxclnshe textile cieatioas in
mens woolens fioin the best
looms of Ameriva England
Germany and France
Suits and Overcoats
to trdw
1550 to 40
Trousers 3 50 to J0
Iru can crdrr lj mail
V ri lor our SI rnt PalwinMi
Eighth and EVIarket Space
known to Christian Endeavor conven
tions and slmil ir gatherings will render
Instrumental selections and aid In the
leading of the singing Mr Charles S
Clark will direct the music at Chases
Grand and Mr Percy S Foster nt Colum
bi i Theatre The association orchestra
will asMst at both mtetlngH Mr J D
McFall will sing a solo accompanied b
the orchestra
The tickets will be good at either meet
ing Thev in be obtained at the asso
ciation lutfldEng at business houses and
hotels Admission will be strictly by
The Jeorge A uhIiIiikou Mcmorln
Afthoeiiitlon IlleN luc oriioritloiL
Ill Iters
The Board of Trustees of the George
Washington Memorial AvsocI ition ves
terday plieed on roe on a certificate of
the Incorporation of that organization
It is stated that the object of the asso
ciation is to endinvor to carry out the
recommendations of George Washington
as expressed In his will looking to the
establishment In Washington of an In
stitution affording the highest opportuni
ties for education The Idea Is to found
a college or unlvtrsitj where the gradu
ates of other institutions of learning may
pursue the study of any and all branches
of learning In the highest degree
The trustees mined are Charlotte IJv
erett Hopkins Helena IJ Wnleott Mary
J McSweat Susan th Phelps G ige Sarah
Hubbird Bell Kmllj Neville McGulre
Mary Louise Mattlngly Hannah R Ash
ton Kate II Wtad and Phoebe A
Nerve force means strength
The loss of it eeniuaHy means Dypspepsia lie in to
tone the licnes feed them gradually invite Unit hi ray
itality hack o the stomach net that organ in condition
to do its work banish heaviness body diig indiges
tion Jleieisasafe Minnie nofeithe means which will
neer fail ou
Reasons YELLOW Tablets cure DYSPEPSIA
sen ii nd Car sleUuesn Henditrlic Ilrllln nml Verve In v iKOriitor
Aon Illvltnnl Colbert linn Hnterril
4ilt for lesrnl epnrntIo
Because Richard Colbert fears that his
wife Frances Colbert will kill him he has
filed a petition in the Supreme Court of
the District asking that he be granted a
legal separation from her Ahen he was
married less than a car Colbert de- 1
clares that his wife assaulted him with a
hatchet while he was asleep In bed She f
Inlllrted a deep wound upon his head I
which ho said fractured his skull When
his wife found that she had not killed
him Colbert states that she threatened
to kill him the first time opportunlt was
given her j
The parties were married in this city
In April JU6 and in aiav of the following
year Colbert sajsrsneuiaeKeo mm wun
the hatchet
Judce Olloniell Crltlelix mi
tome During the Tijlor Trlul
Judge ODonnell who occupied the I
bench jesterday In the United StatesJ
branch of the Police Court took occasion
to criticise the conduct of the lawjer who
unwarranted- attacked reputable wit
nesses in that court anl administered a
rebuke to Mr Jones an attorney The
rase under consideration was that of
Trunk Tavlor colored who was charged
with assaulting Frank Scagnelll an Ital
ian fruit dealer In Fourteenth Street
The defendant was released on his per
sonal bonds 011 account of the severe
beating which he received from Police
man ates while resisting arrest but the
court held that the policeman was justi
fied in using his club fretlj under the cir
cumstances and wtmeil Tavlor to refrain
hereafter from resisting an officer
mt ig vim
Wontlier lnillii4lmti
Ceucralh fair with lower tcmin raturr Uh1j
hight to frtsli Mwtcrly wlnd t Tuiiiurrow fair
Ulphcit trtnpfraturc C p w
Lowest temperature 3 a m
Swn xttw
iloon rote
Hicli tide
Lou tide
C 33 M I Vun Mts 3 53 V M
iloon UU i U CM
02 M anl fi 21 IM
IJ 3 1 M
Umpa lit todaj f 31 IM
Limps uut tomorrott j 3D K
National 1 S illanlf rtptrtoirr afternoon
nd evening
Colurrbia t aj Harbor aittnioon and even-
Cliaw a Ner Grand Polite audcvillc aftcr
nonn and etnncr
Lafajfttr Cam lie afternoon and prnmK
Umdcinj IIipKlns aticmoii and cven
Kernans aint Fair HuHespure aftfrnoin
an epnint
Jtijou I nnch Ufautlcs Uurlc iucr afternoon
and funing
A Soi lnl Cliil Iifrrnli
K certificate ot tlio incorii ration ot the I mon
Soial Cluh was plactil upon rcconl vcbtmbj In
the ollite of the Hfcordcr rf llcciR Hie naines
ot the lnwriMratort are John I White I rank VI
Hallo llavM Hill laulS IwrU Jlnl lmw
I- htngcr
Iijureil lij ii fall
C W Ilallerj kilty eir M anl liiing at
23i Strett northwcflt fcll at tlie comer of Vw
Jertrj Avenue jnJ O btreet nurtljurst ilenlij
atternoon ctittim hi Itwltl He n rcmoid to
th aiultj lluital In the ucth pniinci tatrol
Vnlmililc IropiTl VlurlKiiK it
A ltetl ot trust a put on rcc nl itleriby
bv lister A Harr and 1m nitc Mmcila ltarr
XilciUihc lot 0 in quart 217 to becure the jai
ment of Hi iiromL torj notes jnrniatiis m
IKiO 11 II Warner ami Clareme It Hheani arc
named Ai InultsN The proH rl iilulgul U lo
rall on Vlasatliutlls vtnue near rhotnas
Hnrr InKC IIcvhmi
llarmsc liceni were i siieil if trnla to Harry
StalToril hooncc and Ulna Pauline lli nkle both
of Clurlftlonn a rraiik M Ilirnml anl
Htm Nails lohn M Mcearrj District of Co
lumbia ami irti lde Clark llattiniore Viiifiatm
haclie rhiladelpliia Pa and viae llaiN rrinir
William ount a I rank l flinrMnii and
Mrllnda Jamei T and Hiiabcth
Ti ft Hone lo Secrcl SuclpliiK
The ill of lloldcn F3n ilatol IVlinian SO
lait wa hied ietenlay for protute He dn rcts
tlut ii real relate MiljlotSS in Kjuare iu K
old ami the proceed 1 dnldM npiall amoni
lapa UNltfi Vii Jlasoni ItUiiuc IaxIrc
No V5 tlrand 1 nitid Order of Odd Iclloni anl
Kmhtot Jermalim Vo 7 UN rt ronal piop
tTty he vth t dMdeil ainona Mania vnn Tan
troge llarv ami Mile Uftcrlr
Safe in lie and bursLir pmof tjuKii for rent
i jtar up Lnloii Tnut and Storage Lo III t
Commencing Today we shall place on sale a special
assortment of Mens High grade Suits
Overcoats and Pants
At Half and Less Than Half the Regular Prices
Special Values Mens Suits
Satin lined Cutaway and Sack Suits
elegantlv tailored For dgf 7P5
merlv sold for JT NowPIIb J
All wool Stripe and Ilald Saek and
Cutawa Suits Finely trimmed ami
finished Regular lG50gj7 C
values 1 iO
Cheviot and Ca slncre Suits In sin
gle and elouble breasted
stvles Tonncr prices dfl dfci
were J12 Now- JJ9HrJ
The Choicest Panis Values
A nobbv lot of StrtptB llalds Wors
teds and Casslmerc OR
Pants worth 6 Now iJyJ
All sizes Miens Black
and Biuo Cheviot Tants gs QQ
Uorth tt Now 55IOC7
130 lalrs of Mens good wearing
Pants Worth 2 and JX GRc
Biggest Bargains in Mens Overcoats
fine Kersey Vicuna
Qv ercoats that for
merly sold for
and Melton
Oxford Grey and Beaver Overcoats
great winners former Qffc
prices were JI5 Ntnrsfwiw
Headquarters for Inaugural Paraders
Mens Mackintoshes 150
Strong Umbrellas 69c
Mens Raglan Rain Coals 890
75c Fleece lined Underwear J 7
II SO All wool Natural Grey 7 CC
Underwear O
Mens Mackintoshes 480
Double brcastcil stvles In Black
Blue and Grey shades velvet collars
vulcanized rubber seams C9 OTt
Begular flO Coats S0W
23c Suspenders
10 cases Sample Derbvs
ii ifi
i toRRHf
Frederick Iontf SayA III Wife Ile
inoveil the lliiunelinlil PiriHure
Trederlck C Long in a petit m for di
vorce filed jesterday htates that on the
night of January 1 1K while he was ab
sent from home his wife Maggie Iong
removed nil the furniture and household
effects and deserted him Iong Is m
emploje of the Fire Department and Is
permitted to bo nt home for only one
hour each day Under these circum
stances he expected his wife to prenare
his meals for him but she ho declares
refused to do so and he was obliged to
prepare his food himself or get his meals
It is stated that the parties were mar
ried on November 16 JS3S In Baltimore
and immediately returned to this citj to
Best Fresh Groceries for
Inauguration Buyers
Best Potatoes
59c Bushel
EfifiQ 1Qic
UUW 1 10
Best Hams-
t Best Tomatoes
Gallon Syrup for
t Gallon Molasses
Gallon Vinegar
Good Butter
Good Rice
iu lbs Oats iui
The very befct and freshest near by
country csg only 194c real value 23c
flic lb
64c can
Its a fatal mis
take to allow a
Cold or Catarrh to
stop up the ikm
trlN Ittlup cold
jlr on the chest I
respon for
mum fatal dis
eases A fewi5ippll
catlons of Crown
Catarrh Pon der
will alla the in
flammation and
stoppase of the
nostrils and cure
the dleae Bes
remed for Catarrh
Wr kale b ifflnk
liO Pa ave nw
Eatprday N J ave
and I st nw Ko k
7th and Ma ave nu
22ic lb
7ic pkg t
6ic lb t
25c i
Piilsburys Flour 525 bbl t
Boneless Codfish 6ic lb
Sugar with Coffee 3ic lb t
3 lbs Ginger Snaps for 12c I
17 lbs Gran Sugar 100
Sugar Corn 7ic can
729 and 731 Seventh Slreet N W
Tin Denth Hecnril
Tlie following deatlu were report ctl to tle
Health Department during the twenty four hours
I ndlnj at nw n jtirdai IUty Tailor 71
vears Marv IHvelin 7 nan llcnn llerchn
7u vears Catherine Mlti n rt vears dney
1 IizaWlh avoj W jcars harles U Whm1 2b
vcars rthur Akldev w jeara Carn rpps 5
lean rlam Iuttir 7 Anna M chillir
2 jura Minora Hmt 1 viar Vlevn Itcaiti
liar vlarr It Ituas 1 jcar Iiiwph Hale Ii
il Ira lleikctt C daj IMlliani I Hod0e
jrf i daj
MIhh lliltln lo lreiiiIi
Tie ltn Ma C llnltin of Itostcn one cf the
nirt5t illutlle women jreachir of the c ouutrl
wil irca li toinorioir niurnioir ut tlie Church of
Our t athir rinrteenlh and I Mnels nortliucst
MiSN llultin 1 in the ntl for inauguration Ut
the Riiet of cdonel and Vlri ltount nt The
Oaks in Lcorgetown Mie will preucli in Uiv
luornlna upon Cod in the Image of Man and
wilt te i recent at the cienlnir teiicc to deliver
an address in connection ilh the serine u hi
the jastii lohn an jr who v topic la
Mutntia Viott the and the Idea for
Which - Mood
iith t Hun MI Mulil
Tor the accommodation of the croud that
will be in the citj to attend the inaugural ccrc
luonic the Washington Traction ami Htctru
ompan lia arranged for an all night iar serv
ice en the right of Sindai Monday and Tue
dai JIarcli 3 I and 5 hen from 12 3i io 4
oclock in the Homing Hie following schedule
will pcvail I Street fifteen minuten and a
car on Coune tkut vtnue to c onnect at Im
ifont Circle Ninth Street fifteen minute Co
lumbia twentr minute Manlaiid dllision
hckington tuenty minute-
FifU vears of bucccbs crovo theso
trochei the slmplcat and best remedy
for Ccughs lloaraeness Bronchial
end Lc ng Troubles
fit b txos never said In bulk
I nitant nellcf Curo In 14 days XeTerrerurna IwUI
pUdij ind to fcnr utrrrr In a iJaln tealM enTelopr
HtluFa prrstrlplfoii th full dfrecUona for quttk
ur for list Uaiihood Mjht IN Jervoua
CiiTato mall Weak lurXt aricocele rtc dtlre
G a WriRht Musc Oealcr Box 782 Marshall Mich
1 -5-S
7S a pleasure io know that you can purchase furniture here
at cash prices and pay a little at a time for It
NiIvm Isi yrj
A Special AVhlte ninmeled Bed
vttluea heavy pillars q t tT
brass trimmed Cash or cj UK
Bins Fur Felt Telescope Fe
doras with silk band and raw
edge pearl and cedar Reg
ular 150 quality
for 100
Full line of Cloth Tanis in
all the latest col
ors 50c to 100
702 Eleventh Street N W
The Sort of ALE Youll
rAIXASTlNFS aoId at Ehooiraterl
liht wholesome a delicious appetlier a
iienlid tcrlc for the cocraleacbff
1 a dozen bottles
1331 E Street N W
-a m All the OfWrtt tad mon
lcPOPnT jtiraciive ttjles Id
lvw6111 shoes UlarLi unt pit-
r rnt leather Equal to any
Shoes r250
043 Peiuisrlvniila Aicnnc
IK jou ue one If not pet one
and youll isave mune A Js
Ilealrr ronsumw the cheapest fuel
Suull we oun lf trouble LcauM
tlirrc u no stoc to reparp no
aslies to r takni out no ilutt ttc
Hn jour at llratrr hvre -an c
tfiTne line of Oas He iter as
LogvF ttc at the rtlit prices
A Simple Home
Trraltrcnt for pains in the Lick scaldln pufl
inesa and all tjmptoms of Kidney disease if
Warners Sale Cure
EGZEfVtJi and similar troubles can be
reached oiilvtnrousiii me moou s ancumi
izes the add itchin 1 unior and Q O Q i
thus brings relief snd a cure C3 w C3
ITnra Va SonToreit PhlIm CwMr Colcral Spots ltieiCU
UaC 15a son Ulcera in th Mtl Hur rafiicg Write
for proofs o care We solicit the xnort obstinate
ctutn W e bare cured the wont com in 13 to S3 days
CapitallMOOOi liXVpagR boob NohranchoBcea
1651 Masonic Temple Chicago Ill
An exceptional Couch value largo
size full tufted covered In fine ve
lour all colon north 112W for
cash or Ofedlt JT93
A sulmtantlil oak frame Couch
covered In velour Cash or Credit
In Our Clothing Department
AW nro hIumtIi k nilnnce prInK ntylcn la Tnllor mnlc
buitH klrt uit U AVnlwts
nml noliliy Idenn In Mcnn Clothlnff uU Toiioontw and
Trunneni iold on termi to nult
415 417 7th Street
Specials in Boys Clothing
Overcoats of tan brown and
Oxfoul frioze bine kereys and
double faced coverts for ages 3
lo 17 years Sold as high as 10
Choice at
Odd lot of Bojs Suits in all
styles including Russian blouse
also a number of Reefers
sold as high as 7 Choice at
Special lot of Ulster Collar Reefers of blue chinchilla and
Oxfoid frieze
4 for those that sold at 6 I 5 for those that sold at 7
Specials in Boys Furnishings
Bor Natural Wool Under
wear of the celebrated Wrights
make For sizes G to 11
j ears Regular 75c qual
ify for 50c
Extra heavy Black Ribbed
Hose such as sell eery
where for o5c AVe say 25c
Ios regular 25c Heavy
Black Ribbed Hose Spe
cial for Situidiy 10c
Bos Scotch Wool Gloves
75c kind for 55c
Boys Ribbed Fleeced Union
Suits for 5 to 10 year sizes
Regular 1 grade Re
duced to 50c
Boys Kid Gloves and
Mittens ileece lin
ed 50c and 75c
Mothers Friend Shirt Waists
for boys of all ages of extra
fine percales in most desirable
100 grade reduced to 75c
75e grade reduced to 50c
New Styles in Boys and Childrens Hats
B03 s Raw edge Rough Rider
and Golf Hats of fine fur felt
shown elsewhere at 150
We say 100
Special offering of 15 dozen
Boys Cloth Golf Caps
Regular 50c kind at 10c
Head-to-foot Outfitters Pa Ave and Ninth St
ite k Coal
Tif if if
lllO tl
Direct Brerjc1 ot Factory
J C COMJFF Manaier
Excelsior Diaries and
Calendars at Cost
Fred U McIioIn A Co 13 E St XAV
One pound Weddlns Plate Note Paper
15c m3
Uncle Sam Dont Wear
X lrua but hr carrlca the AM
pt0 Ctuhion Truia ail ortr the United
States Men womeo and children
near and UVe them The Air CuahJon fad bolda
with cow4irt nothmz clae will Consultation
and two uceka trial free Ijlj in attendance for
ladies Ufflce parlora waltn and consultatiou
rooms on the tame floor Cata ociea free TUS
V it n Id Soor mhtO tfm
arrow Jiseue fcaiita JUem
BTT Slaepleunetw tt caaMid by over
worK ana inaiscreiioni iw tuicaiv
ttntl Murlu rtKtont Lot Yitalltr In old
or joanz and lit a man for atady boil-
cea or nleasara Prevent Insanity and
kContmniDtioa if taken in tlma Thlr
De ibowsicundlat improvement and effects CUKE
where a1 I otbers fall lacitt nronhanDgthegrsnalne
AjaxiftDaeis Acejr nT enrea tnoasanaa aaawiu
en re 70a W bItb a posit We written guarantee to ef
f ct a cora in each case or refund the moner Price
Cflnfe tCT rackaKn or ilx package fnll treat
wwbldi mentjforjs SO by mail in plain wrapper
upon receipt of price CIrcnfanitraa
For tale in vahmKtcn D C rjlvrard
Stevens 0th st and Pa aTe tAlmonda Wil
liams 3d t and Fa ave It L Eliot 1017 SI
at n anil W a DnVett SV50 Pa aie
3 - OHctai and Only Gennlae
f J
wiili blue ribbon Takenlher KeftaM
Iaascroaai nbtUntlODa and J ml to
Uwn ray ar your Umjglt orratte la
nj IlelUr for lMdltuutfr bt re
InniMall lILflUIITmniuniii tuii
n Drtjjjut hlt kfcr lirnileal lw
Motion thU pprr
aiaiMn Hqun r IJ
Until March I
All Our 25c
Mens Wool Sox
6 Pair 70c
fuerbach 7 H
Tie Knit Jsclet and
Sweater Spccialiit