OCR Interpretation

The times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1897-1901, March 02, 1901, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85054468/1901-03-02/ed-1/seq-2/

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The G A K Veteraiw to Appiitr iu
the Inaugural Parade
Tho rrenlilrmn A lull Itrmlllr alc
Hiieindeil to li the I piirtnicilt
Cinimniiilc r Oreli rie ItctiHHiRiiinir
the OrKniiizutlnii Giscii it
The eter ins ulll net as nn escort of
honor to the President from the hlte
House to the Capitol on the morning f
I irch 4 liy the express direction of Mr
JIcKlnley lhe Secrctarj of War has con
ejed the wish of the President to the
Grand marshal and has notilled the et
crans of this action in a communlcatlcn
iddreSd to General Sickles
General Greene and Cleiur il Sickles
were the jrueEts of Secntarj Root at
luncheon jestcnHy at the Metropolitan
Club The con creation seems to ha e
leen tho means to cone the dc sire of
the President to General Greene that the
veterans should be accorded what tbe
demanded in the way of special dist no
tion In the inaugural ceremoniis Gener
al Sickles stated after the luncheon tint
the Secretary of War had etpicsseJ the
opinion that all of the arm forces and
State National Guard troops could be sent
away without damaging materinll thi
Inaugural ceremonies hut that the -veterans
could not he dispensed with udcr
anv circumstances General Sickles con
vejed the Impression that there was but
one side to the discussion and that the
Fide which he represented Follow ins th2
luncheon communications as agreed uiion
were Kent b the Secretary of War to
General Sickles and General Greene re
pectitl The letter to General Sickles
follow s
JlaJ Gen Daniel H Sickles II S A
Dear Sir I am directed by the Presi
dent to advise jou that he has re
quested the Grand Marshal of the
Inaugural parade to assign the Union
seterans of the elvll war to act as
his personal escort from the Kiccu
Ute Mansion to the Capitol Building
on the occasion of the approaching
Inauguration and to ask jou to con
vey to the several -veteran organiza
tions an expression of his wish that
the should act in that capacity
Very respectfull
Secretary of War
The ltter despatched to the Grand
Marshal at the same time follows
War Department Washington
March 1 rmi
Sir I am Instructed by the Presi
dent to request that the ITnlon der
ails of the Mill war should bo assigned
as his iersonai escort from the Execu
tive Mansion to the Capitol Building
on the occasion of the approaching
Inauguration Very respectfullv
Secretary f War
Major General Francis V Greene
Grind Marshal of the Inaugural
Parade Washington D C
Gt neral Greene expressed himself as
amenable to the wishes of the President
Il the following to the communica
tion from the Secretary of War
Inaugural Parade of March 4 190L
Grand Marshal s Olilce
Washington D C March 1 Wl
Sir- I have the honor to acknowledge
the rtielpt of jojr letter of this date
and to state that It will give me great
pleasure to carrj out the wishes of the
President In ever respect
Verj respectfull
Grand Marshal
Hon Ellhu Root Socretarj of War
Washington D C
Appaiently by an agreement reaehed
nt the luncheon no communication was
nddrcsxed by the Grand Marshal to Gen
eral Sickles announcing his compliance
with ti Presidents wishes General
hickles later in the afternoon sent the
following letter to A Xoel Blake man
Chief of Stan tendering the services of
the ietran organizations as the personal
escort to the President
A Hiakeman Chief of Stafl
1 have the honor to state that the
Hon Se cretarv of War has informed
me of the vvslt of his Excellenc the
President that the Inlon veterans of
the tiv il war shall act as his personal
escort from the Kxecuthc Mansion to
the Capitol Building on the occason
of the approaching inauguration In
compliance with the President s wish
I havp conveved to the Eeveral veteran
organizations a request that the
Should act In that capacity
In bhalf of these organizations I
am authorized to tender their services
as the President s personal escort 0
Monda next under m comm ind and
1 have the honor to await jour orders
After a conference this afternoon
with commanding officers of the sev
eral organizations m belief Is that
between WW and 1M0 eterans will
report for duty The probabilities are
in ievv of the lateness of the notice
the will receive that not more than
law will parade
Yours respectfull
Maj Gen U S A Retired
The following orders
governing the es
cort of the President to the Capitol and
arrange d to carr out the plan prescribed
by the President vere Issued last nteht
by the Grand Marshal after being Ki
mitted for the approval of Geeral
March 2 VJA
General Orders Xo 7
The President of the United States
hailnsreinicje d to the Grand Marshal
his wish that the Union veterans of
the civil war should be assigned as
Ms iei sonal escort from the Executive
Mansion to the Capitol Building so
much of General Orders No 5 as pre
scribes that the corps of cadets of
the 1 nlted States Military Academ
and the corps of cadets of the United
States Naval Academy shall perform
this tint Is hereby revoked These
troops will lie formed on the right of
the First brigade First division on
Tiftetnth street and Pennslvanla
A enue
Ine escort will be formed as follows
MaJ Gen I Sickles U S A re
tired In command
CoL J W Clous U S A Chief of
Capt II A Castle U S V Assistant
Adjutant Gen ral
Gen Honitlo C King Aide-de-Camp
C cn St Clair Mulholland Aide-de-Camp
Cil s E Chamberlan
CoL Uesirge il Patrick Aide-de-Camp
Union Veteran Jjrlon
ol J Ed win Browne Commanding
Ppartment of the Potomac G A It
Ucn Israel It Stone Commanding
Union Veterans Inlon
Cen 1 T Dyrenforth Commanding
Tlio escort will be formed In the
order above Indicated from left to
TO PREVENT I nn citir
Laxative BromoQuInine removes th cause
00000000 fll3 IBBu
for cood
ivann durable and per
fect fitting tailor made
clothe Is something
Tri n U n fl rl every man realizes and
1 IlC tlCCUi pir o t the
m pr taunt time
The Place
of all place
to have Just such
tlotbe made is at 9
The Place aimeb
The Price
that depends
entirely upon how much
you want to pay Eco
nomically Inclined men
Mf that they always
Thfi Drift ft r Money by hiinz
I IlC rilUUi their clothes made by
Mertz Mertz
T5 o0 o o o o 906 908 F St
right on the north side of
liiia Avenue its left opposite the east
gate of the ivcutlvo M inslon and Its
right in the ilcinlty of Seventeenth
Street The escort will be organlzetl
In companies of not Hss than sixteen
nor more than twent hies front and
will be so formed tint in wheeling to
the lift the right will be in front the
escort will be In position not later
than 10 15 a m March 4
The President preceded b Troop A
of Clevelard Ohio will be received
In the escort as he conies out of the
eat ate of the Eecutlve Mansion
and as he passes along the line each
organization when Its right flank is
uiieiieied will wheel b companies to
the left
Tin- escort will then m irch in col
umn between the two brigides of the
I irst division followed by the Presi
eential pert in cirrlagcs in th m
I I r specilleel in General Orders No 5
On leaching II street north side of
tie Capitol the escort will continue
Its march tl rough II Street and
through Man land Avenue northeast
where it will b dismissed bv its com
manding ollcer
At 1 p in the escort will be again
furmid on Executive Avenue west of
the executive mansion and will be
marched into the grounds of the Ex
ecutive Mansion where It v Ill bo
formed on the drivevv 1 for special re
Mew bj the President after the con
elusion eif the parade
So much of General Orders No 5 as
relates to the reiurth division is here
by revokrel the Spanish jr Vet
erans under the command of Leo M
Upscomo Senior Vice Commnmler
will take the pi ice in the parade here
tofore assigned to the Fourth division
of the Mlntar Grand Division
By oreler of MaJ Gen Greene
Chief of Staff
The following response to General
Sickles letter tendering the seta lees of
the veterans was sent to General Sickles
accompanied b the draft of the orders
arranging the details of the eseort
Ileedquarters of the Grand Marshal
Washington D C March 1 191k
Gen D E Sickles U S Arms Ke
Sir I have the honor to J
edge receipt of votir letter of this elate
and to state In repl that the Grand
Marshal has received similar instruc
tions from the In esident nnel will take
pleasure In earrjlng out the Presi
dent s wishes
The services of the ctcran organi
zations under our eommard as per
sonal escort to the President are ac
I am directed to submit to ou the
enclosed elruft of the orelene which
hav e Iwen formul ited to carry Into ef
fect the President s wishes and to ask
if the meet your approval and If not
to request that vou suggest any
changes that ou mty see proper
lours trulv
Chie r of Staff
The members of the Union Veteran Le
gion vlme representation In the p trade
will numlter aliout 100 men has been se
lected by General Sickles as his personal
escort The Union Veteran Legion is the
veteran organization whiLh has a
music corps attaches to It and on the
present occasion will be preceded b the
drum corps
The elerans will not parade by posts
Each orgmization the U V 1 the I V
L and the GAR will march In three
separate organizations The U V L will
be In command of J Edv in Browne the
G A It posts In command of Gen
Israel W Stone Comininder of the De
partment of the Potomac the U V U
Department of the Potomac will be In
command of the commander-in-chief Gen
It G Drcnfortlu
The following order to the members of
the II V U his been Issued to the local
command by the elepartment commander
Comraeles Our lieloesl comrade
William McKInle desires that his
comrades shall eseort him on Monda
next to the Capitol where he will be
Inaugurated President of the United
Therefore the members of the Union
Veterans Union the stanch old battle
men present In AVashinton will as
semble at 10 o cloek on Monday morn
ing next the 4th instant on Seven
teenth Street south of the Avenue
The comrades will appe ir iu uniform
as far as possible wearing black felt
hat with conl anil elark overcoat
ortcers with sidearms
Ever comrade will full inder
stend that the vcterens are placed In
the peist of honor b the President
nnel each man will show his apprecia
tion of the distinction b being pres
The Spanish war veterans eliminated
themselves from the situation Thuisda
nicht The following letter represents
their position
Washington Tebruarv 2 It00
MaJ Gen Daniel E Sickles United
States Armv retired
Sir As the representative of the
Natior tl Armv ef Spinfsh War Vet
erans I liave the honor to withdraw
my reetuist that our organization be
nccordeel position iu line as a part
of the Presidents esceirt to the Capi
tol on the morning of the proximei
A situation has seeming arisen
which makes or may make our in
corporation into the veteran celumn
a source of e mbarras sment in the s
lution of the pending epucstlons as to
assignment to position in the lnat su
ral ceremonies
1 eleslre to express In beh tlf of the
National Army of Spanish War Vct
erins mv gratitude to ou and jour
associate representative of the veter
ans of the civil wai em the nejbl at
titude assumed tov ard our organiza
tion In - e pending controvers
With affectionate regard I luve the
honor to remain erv trul jours
Senior A ice Commander Spanish War
Veterans Corp D C
General Sickles In commenting upon
the action of the Spanish war veterans
Vxpresseel the highest admiration for
tyclr local commander Captain Lipscomb
ad complimentcel him upon his appre
ciation of the situation and grs ceful with
drawal when their co epcration tended
to lnder the negotiations
CtJonel Pennington and Captain Kings
bury representing the Fourth Regiment
Mar land ffetlonnl Guarel were In the
city esterdax and took charge of he
quarters provldeel for the troops at Sev
enth and L Streets Ti mpnrarj counters
where meals will be serveel to the men
have been ertcte d and the hail Ins been
tastefull decorated A ceimmlssary force
accompanied the officers and will be pre
pared to subsist the members of the regi
ment upon their arrival In tlio city
The Committe e on Me elals and Badges
have completeel their work with the ex
ception of some small eli tails where the
committees have been Increased and with
the exception also that all the meilals
have not jet been distributes The dis
tribution will be completed tomorrow
The committee followed some preceelenls
and separated the me dal from the badge
this plan seeming to the ceimmlttee the
most fitting The view of the commttee
was that the medal In such cases is this
Is struck slmplj to commemorate the im
portant event
The following Is 3 list of visiting civic
organizations propeislng to partlclpite in
the luiuguml parade with the number of
men in each delegation the officers in
command the quarters assigned in the
city and the cities to which they are ac
Young Mens Republican Club Wilming
ton Del lSu men Major E Mitchell The
O A Hobart Association Newark X
J 125 men W O Kuebler
FrellughUsen Lancers Association
Newark N J 150 men Jesse R Salmon
Lamcnn Hotel
Topeka Republican ITambeau Club To
peka Kan 50 men Capt II I law lev
Continental Club 76 Philadelphia Pa
100 men John Jorelan Howard House
Bloomington Zouaves llloomlnjftnn
Ind UO men A C Bandy Lawreneo Ho
Republican League State of Georgia
Atlanta Ga 1U0 men Hon J F Hanson
vestibule train
Minneapolis Republican Flambeau Club
Minneapolis Minn CO men Frank P
Xantz First and B Streets southeast
Amerlcus Republican Club Pittsburg
CUA JM D la set rtcommendKl tot
TT everything but ll ou Lavs
lnflT klelner liver or Lladder
tJJ 1 trouble It will U found Just
lbs remeefr tos need At drugguta in fill
ecnt and dollar sisss You msy have a eaniLilt
bottle of this wonderful new iUcvrtTf by malt
bee also pamphlet telllnff all about U and Itl
fieat cures
aVddreaa Dr Klines et On Blnctimtoeu N T
Pa S00 men W W Covllle Columbia
Harrison Club of Philadelphia Philadel
phia Pa 150 men Alex Crow Jr Ebbitt
C P Huntington Republican League
Club Newport News Va 150 men John
Oast Johnson Hotel
Virginia Republican Association Wash
ington D C 1J5 men J II Harrison
Carlisle Indian School Cadets Carlisle
Pa 200 men W G Thompson return
same evening
Roosevelt Republican Club St Paul
Minn 150 men N C Robinson Harper s
II S Scott Seventh Ward Republican
Association Philadelphia Pa t3 men
James Scott
J L Good ill Itepublitan Beneficial As
sociation Philadelphia Pa 100 men
1 rank II Burton
A C Harmer Republican Campaign
Club Ihilndelphli Pa U0 men I D
Hetzel National Hotel
Third Congressional District Republican
Assorluion Biltimore Mil KO0 men F
G ichtcr return sime evening
Cadet Battalion Mar land Agricuilurai
College College Park Md 120 men W
AV Cobe ret irn same evening
Hamilton Club of Chcago Chicago 111
200 men W Fleldhouse Raleigh Hotel
Rallsplittc s of Toledo Toledo Ohio
EC men Gcogt N Roulet The Cairo
Lincoln 1epubllcan Club New York
Cit 300 men George Grcgorj Riggs
Freemont lowi Association Des Moines
Iowa 1W men G Folausbee Riggs House
Phoenix Republican Club San Trancis
co Cal Jules Kahn Riggs House
Roosevelt Mirchlng Club Minneapolis
Minn CO men George IC Belden Harper
General Grai t Republican Club No 1
St Denis Md 40 men Thomas Slmm
Taylor District Republican Club Union
ville Va CO men A C Walter
Union Count Republican Club Eliza
beth N J 230 men II F Kean
Blaine Invincible Republican Club
Washington D C 12a men J M
Sjracuso Eacort Syracuse N Y 75
men A H Gutseadt 62S Pennslvunla
George H Harris Republican Club At
lantic Cit 75 men George H Harris
Frico Line Cowboy Band Mullhall
Okln Ter Zack Mu lhall
Freichman Republican Club Cincinnati
Ohio 75 men R Mooie
Unior League of Maryland Baltimore
330 mr i J Stuart G A R HalL
Stamina Republ m Club Cincinnati
Ohio E5 men 11 J Pfelster Lawrence
Active Mar land Republican Associa
tion Washington D C 500 men F A
Grove Cit College Grove City Pa 12
men b H Gardner 461 C Street
United Republican Club Philadelphia
Pa 5fi men G E Fisher
Republican Glee Club Columbus Ohio
100 men George D Fre eman
Corps of Cadets West Virginia Unlver
slt 15 men J M Burns v Loul laui
Storm In the Neirthvvetet Mnj Reticle
llNliilixlon em lleimln
A storm is coming and according to
careful observation It Is due to urine In
ashineiton on Monda Inauguration
Dav unless it Is intercepted and retarded
in its progress To dea It to counter
act it er chanse its course is now the
great aim and ambition of the authoritli
at the Weather Bureau v bile the
would not make an official statement
cither that there would or would not be
inclement weather on March 4 it is a
fact nevertheless that the are fearful
Chief Moore expects to be able to state
with a reasonable degree of accurac
after the observations are made tills
morning Just what the atmospheric con
ditions will be on Inauguration Day It
Is the practice of the bureau not to make
forecasts for more than fortv -eight hours
ahead as It cannot be done with any
certainty for a greater period of time
The fact is that the great Storm King
has marshaled his hosts far out In the
Northwest in British Columbia north
and west of Montana and is marching
them on In a southeasterly ellrectIou
Computing from the velocity with which
storms travel at this season of the year
and considering tho existing conditions
unless Intercepted the are due to svoop
down upon the Capital of the Nation Just
at the time when Old Sol should be show
Ins his shining countenance above the
eastern horizon Should tint prove to be
the case Jupiter ll mills will christen
the second four years reign of William
McKInle with a downpour of rain and
baptize the legions hre assembled with
an unwelcome and untimely shower
Againrt all this thcro ie however a
ver favorable condition which portends
good weather for inauguration and had
the meteorologists of the Weather Bu
reau power over the elements the would
augment the force of this condition The
barometer is rising In Manitoba and there
are Indications of a gradual rise today
and tonight through the Dakotas and Ne
braska If this rist proves of sufficient
magnitadc It will be able to do battle
with the oncoming storm as It advances
ami to stay its progr lor a da at least
In that case on Monday the sun will shekel
Its radiance over tho nations Capital
Should the barometer f ill nothing remains
to be done except the purchase or m ickiu
teishes umbrellas anil gum boots There
Is nothing In the Mississippi and Ohio val
leys or the Iike regions which can com
bat and thwart the advance ol the storm
The prclictions for today call for slight
ly colder weather with a rise In temper
ature on Sunda when it will be lair
balm and springlike but there remains
a big ejuestion mark after Monda
Willis L Moore Chief of the Weather
Bureau has Issued a statement eontalniug
tile following resume of weather on In
auguration das from 1S73 to 1M7
March 4 l5if Very eolu eler weather
with brisk norther winds Maximum
temperature if minimum temperature 4
No precipitation
March 4 1877 Drizzling rain from mid
nUht of the 2d to 7 07 a m of the 4th
Weather clear during the forenoon with
high northwest winds A lower tempera
ture In the afternoon Maximum
71 minimum 5 Precipitation OL
Mireh 4 ImI Itiin continued from the
previous ila and ended at 10 10 a m
Fresh to brisk northwest winds followed
in the afternoon by lower temperaturb
M ixlmum temperature a minimum tem
pi ratine1 JM Precipitation 41 Inch
M irch 4 1SS5 Wtrm and pleasant with
gentle south winds Maximum tempera
ture Ik ir inimum temperature JL No
M treh 4 ISiS A rain disagreeable tie
wiih northerl winds Haiti ceased onl
from C 10 a m to S 50 a m Maximum
temperature 41 minimum temperature
31 Precipitation H
March 4 1M3 lhe day opened with light
snow soon changing to heavy snuev with
brisk northwesterl winds and ripldly
falling temperature -Snow ended at - 50
p m Brisk high northwesterl winds
during tho nfternoon with freezing tem
perature Maximum velocity of the wind
C miles per hour Maximum temperature
J2 minimum temperature 21 Precipita
tion 17 Inch
Mtrch 4 1K57 Clear day with fresh
northerl to northwesterly winds shifting
to south and southeasterly in the even
ing Maximum temperature 47 minimum
temperature 31 No preeipitutlon
rI nil us to Mount Vernon
Tor the accommodation of the many
visitors to tho National Capital duiing the
inaugural festivities the Mount Vernon
and Arlington Railwa corner of Thirteen-and-a-half
Street and Penusjlvanlit
Avenue northwest bus announced th it on
the 5th and Cth of March the grounds and
mansion of the old home of Washington
at Mount Vernon will lie open to the
pjbllc from 10 oclock In the morning un
til 4 In tlie afternoon Trains of the com
pany will leave the station every hour
from i a m until 3 o clock in the after
noon on the dates heretofore mentioned
All other dns the hours of atlmlsslon and
the train service will remain the same as
usuaI namel from 11 n in until 4 p m
the trains running hourly from 10 o clock
until 2 The compan has also announci d
that nn Sunday next tho regular fare to
Arlington will be re duccd ceistiug only 15
cents for the round trip Upon this d ty
trnlns will leave this city ever half hour
from S n m until 3 pm
Ililives Jllon Open n Safe
RICHMOND Va March 1 The safe
of the Kejstone Conl and Iron Company
at Big Stone Gap Va was blown open
by burglars last night and WJ tnken
site Laxative Dromo Quinine Tablet All
dtuftzlsts refund the ironey If It falls to cure
E V Croves surnsture U on each Los zSo
treat Ciowitd Arriving for lie
Inaugural Festn itio
The Facilities of the V iirlous Itnll
rtiiiefs lnxeil Prepurn
IIoiim fr Inking- Cure of A llter
Ae winimdndniis nt Hotels
ThejvtTlval of isltore to attend the
Inaugural Veleliratlon exceeds that of any
previous inauguration for a score or more
of jeers This statement was made list
night i prominent railwa official
one who has liecn connected with the
railway passenger service In this city
since the Iniuuritlon of Piesident Grant
nnel who has been assigned to the eluty of
li milling the crowds expected at the
Pcnnsjlvanit station
During the earlv hours jesterdny the
Incoming trains although In double sec
tions indicated that the rrowd would be
very slim About 5 oclock however the
excursion trains begin to arrive and
within a ver few minutes the depots
were so elensely packed by newcomers
and their friends that It was almost im
possible to gtt either in or out of the de
pot it took tho united force of several
large and husk patrolmen to make a
passage -about two feet wide through
which persons arriving might make their
waj to the street This condition pre
valleel at tlio depot during the evening
and until the arrival of the lite trains
from the East A similar condition ex
isted at the B illimorc and Ohio station
The members of the Committee on Pub
lic Cumfort luid been complaining that
thej had nothing to do This however
was before 5 eiclock in the afternoon
From th tt time on they hsd no cause to
worrj They had all they could do but
not more than thev were willing to under
take Thev were here there and every
where Should a stringer iILght from a
triin and look out In n bewildered man
ner one of these red ribboned gentemen
with Committee of Public Comfort
printed across the fact of the badge
would Imnrtdiatei espv him and enquire
where he was to be located In the city for
the next few dajs If he did not know he
was lmmediatti taken under the protect
ing wing of the committee and piloted to
a bnnrdlrg Iiouh b a uniformed messen
At the Sixth Street station those on dut
were A B Cuppcs Dr F F Repettl Wil
liam J M J Griffith James Col
lins Edward Volght George F Lewis
The Hiltlmore and Ohio contingent in
cluded James Forsv the Alphonse
Glroutrd William Bostow M A Ljnch
J P Rudd John Alhfrt Dr Rice J J
Tuller C W Smith W W Williams E
II Tucker C P Calvert
Seventv llve Gonzaga Cadets acted as
guides untl iih escorts to those desiring
lodgings Th members of the Committee
on PubUtvCoiiifort and the eatlets will re
main on dut at the stations until late
Mondij afternoon
The railwaj officials have now made
arrangements to handle the crowd with as
much cxneeljtijin as possible The pre
vious arr tngements were to establish the
outside station either today or earl to
morrow morning Tho Indications of a
heavy traffic however compelled them to
take action bo that esterday afternoon
both the jliUmore and Ohio -and the
Pennsjlvanla Ralljvay companies put a
force of men at -work at the two branch
stations where all local trains will arrive
and depart- -At the Baltimore and Ohio
outer statlem all incoming anil outgoing
Western trains are to make their termi
nus Trom theye points also all organiza
tions will lruiu the train and proceed to
me quarters arranges tor tnem in tne cit
bj theur advance representative Only
through trains una the special excursions
vlU arrive and depart from the two main
depots Both companies have Ine eased
their forces in this cirv from outside sta
tions several men having come from Phil
adelphia and several from Pittsburg The
will assist the local men In handling the
increased business-
Ncar b counties In Marjland and Vir
ginia are exii cteel to send into the cit
earlj iuimda morning near their en
tlr population The Southern has ar
ranged a most convenient schedule of
trains on the Round Hill Division so that
all the residents of Dun Loring Fails
Church Waterloo and other stations
farther along the route m tv reach Wash
ington In time for the escort to tile
Capittd anil leave almost whenever the
lhe Pennsvlvanli will run locals from
Biltimore as frequentl as Its llock ss
tern v ill permit Half of these specials
will make stops 3t Odenton and ail other
points this 3lde of Annapolis Junction In
t lulling Magrudtrs and Bennlng The
Chesapeake Beacli IJne will run several
specltl trains across from the ba and
transport all the residents of that sec
tion of Marjland Both branches of the
Baltimore autre nlo will be taxed to their
greatest capacity for specials during the
morning of Inauguration Diy the Balti
more lint running through trains from
Baltimore even h tlf hour or oftener
From OaUhersburg and Rockville the
lecal stops will be few as the Interme
diate traffic s reasotiabl well taken care
of b the aer early trains and the
towns are supplied bj an elictrlc railwa
si nice as wll as the Baltimore and
Ohio Frederick Point of Rocks Har
pers Fern and all other stntlons with
in half a days reach on th Metropolitan
Br inch will be given two or three trains
Monda morning each train being in two
or three sections of course In all prob
ability htlf the lsltors to the city will
arrive on thes ocal excursions
East of the OUIn luver it was possible
to take advantage of the sped tl rates
and reach the Capital Cit last night
This Is the explanation of the sudden In
llux after about 1 n clock In the after
noon when both depots were crowded
with the incoming vliitors Philadelphia
sent a large deltgttioii and in in points
between hero and tint place and even
as far west as Pittsburg were well rep
resentee Those lesldlng in the Western
States and at far E istern points will
begin to arrive earl tomorrow morn ig
ind will continue until late Monday
At the hotels active preparations are
being made for the reception of the Gov
ernors eif the different States who arc ex
pec teel to take part In the inaugural
iiarnile Governor Sh tw and stiff of
Iowa ie srheelulcd to arrive at the Nor
mnndle earl this morning Ills quarters
hive ien arranged for and It wits an
nounced that he would arrive In the cit
last nislit There was some elela In the
departure of the trains hovvewr and the
hotel mainguiK nt received word that he
would not be heie before this morning
Hon limothy Woodruff Lleuten mt
Governor of New York and Mrs A ootl
ruff aimed nt the Arlington cstcrday
aftcTnoon I hey attended tho theatre
last nljzht Thev will rem tin hero until
after tie Inauguration ceremonies
Gov George I McLean Col Joseph T
Robinson and C61 Philip Montgomery
of Conncctluttt are qu trtered at the
Miorehnm lliey arrived In the city yes
terda evening and last night called on
friends in tile city
Mauv of the Ginernors have arranged
for hotel accommodations and will ar
rive in the city within the next day or
Two Governor McLetn and Lieutenant
Governor Woodruff however are now
the onl State representatives who have
Governor Odell of New York and Gov
erpor ates of Illinois will bo loeut d
at the Arlington They will arrive In the
city tomorrow Governor Hiclnr Is and
staff of Wyoming Governor BLss and
staff of Michigan Governor Stone anJ
staff of Pennslvanln and Governor
Smith and stuff of Marlaud will be
located at the Rnblgli They aic ex
iieetid in the city tomoirow Governor
Nash of Ohio nnd start are expected at
the Ebbitt this morning
Governor Bliss of Michigan will be ac
companied b a delegation of some 300 or
400 Mithlganders A special train Ins been
arranged and this will carrj the Gov
ernor his stuff and the Michigan dele
Governor Ann Sttiidt of Minnesota Is
also expected on Sunday He -will be ac
companied by the members of his stafi
the St Paul Republican Marching CIud
the Minneapolis Flambeau Club and the
Minneapolis Roosevelt Rough Riders
Governor Smiths Journey to this city
Iiinuitnrnl IroKrainiiio
Official order of procession as announced by
Msjor General Gieene Ceremonies at the Capitol
lencral information as to lnauicurul cereinonie i
Published br Darlif Pllntins Co I uitciiU
st one tloor south la an Tileo IU
will be enlivened by the members of the
lourth and Fifth Maryland Regiments
and n compan of cavalry
Among the organizations which are ex
pected to arrive In the city early this
morning will be two companies of the
A aine State militia and one company of
light artlllerj They were to nrrive last
night but Tnlftsrel rnnnpftlnna nt Tsrw
rYoric The Grove City College Cadets of
Pennsjlvnnla and tho rindlay excursion
ut uniii are also expected tnis morning
While there are now several thousand
strangers in the cit the grand rush will
not begin until tomorrow Iast night
however no stranger could secure quar
ters In any one of the hotels for a longer
period than one night M in of tho hotels
turned nvvay guests Trom tomorrow until
after Monday accommodations cannot be
secured at anj of the public hotels
The TrnlnliiK Milp Fiaxt n the Mud
Off llnrj litntl Point
The United States training ship Dixie
coming here Tor the Inaugural celebration
grounded lato jcsteiday afternoon of
Mar laud Point liftv miles down the Po
tomac It Is thought the damage to the
vessel will be slight and nn effort will
lie made this morning nt high tide to
Poat her and bring her to this city Tugs
left the rlty last night to pull the ship
oft the shoal and It Is probable today
will -witness her arrival
The Dixie passed In the capes
early esterdny morning and pro
ceeded up the Chesapeake Bay and the
Potomac Tho Hartford famous as Ad
miral Farrnguts old flagship had pre
ceded it while the Iancnster Is elite at
Alfxandrbi tomorrow and the Topeka
has jet to enter Chesapeake Ba Of
ficials are liourlj expecting news from
the latter vessel vet there is little doubt
that she will arrive here in time for the
ceremonies Monday
A telephone inessuge to the Navy Yard
officials conveyed the news of the ground
ing of the Dixie nnd steps were lmme
diatelv taken to relense the ship and
bring her to Washington Acting on
orders from the Navy Department the
tugs Tocumseh and Triton started for
Marjbinel Point It was the intention of
the crew of the Dixie to anchor below
Alexandria last night because of the nar
row channel to this city nnd to proceed
up the river this morning
It is intended to permit an inspection
bj the public of the Hartford ami possi
bly all the vessels during thearelebratlon
During tlio time the Hartford Is here sev
eral hours ever afternoem will bo desig
nates for the reception of the public and
Commander Howard of the monitor
Puritan lias announced similar arrange
ments for his vessel which has been
cjuig off the Navy liard for several das
The naval battalion In the inaugural
parade will be commanded by Command
er Charles Belknap U S N now In
ch irgo o the Dixie About l3i marines
will be- In line anel a larger number If
tho Topeka arrives In time for the
Siiiin of Tiwt itNliinnrtiiiiifllls v
prentice s on tile Dixie
Among those who will participate In the
parade on Monti 1 are John W Kenney
jr oldest son of Lieut John Kenney of
the Eighth preeinet and Vernon Pette
son of Dr Charles Pette of 1S22 Twelfth
Street northwest
Kcnnej and Pette are apprentices in
the navj and are on the cruiser Dixie
which was expected to arrive at Alexan
dria some time esterdir but owing to
her going aground off Mar land Point has
not reaehed that place
This will be the bovs List visit to Wash
ington for some tlim as the are to go
witli other apprentices on the cruiser New
York flagship of tlio European station
Ill lilltli to Prevent UN Pre sencc
ut the InittiKtirtil Hull
Admiral Devve has written a lettr to
the Inaugural Committee declining to
serve on the Reception Committer of the
Inaugural Ball on account of ill health
He savs hl3 plusieinn has forbidden him
to leave the house for several dujs and
has ordered him to go South when able
to do so The Atlmirul has leeu suffering
from the grip
Lleatenant General Miles is Chairman
of the Inaugural Ball Reception Commit
tee ai Admiral Dewtj was to le one of
the eommitteemi n It was rumored that
the Admiral had declined because General
Miles was given precedence over him on
the committee bit in view of the Ad
miral s statement tliit his physic in had
orderesl him to remain iu doors no im
portance Is attached to the stor
The official programme of the ball is
sued by the Inaugural Committee sajs
that the opening march will be led by
the President and Mrs McKinlen es
corted on either side bv Chairman Edson
anil Lieutenant General Mils Chairman
of the Reception Committee Following
the President ind his part will come the
Vice Prtsidtnt mil Mrs Roosevelt the
members of the Cabinet and their fami
lies Admiral and Mrs Dewey and such
other persons as the President ma eltslg
The Hurt of llcitiiir llltl mliiiite il frr
tin- Iirnt lime
The niagnllicent Court of Honor ex
tending from Fifteenth Street to Seven
teenth Street on Pennslvanla Avenue
was Illuminated last night for the tlrst
time and the brilllancv of the scene pre
sented full mtets the expectations of the
Inaugural Committee The Illumination
was In the nature of a test and so well
satlslled were Chairman Edson and other
members of the eomnittec that It Is prob
able th it tin order will be issued todiy
directing tho illumination of the court to
night for several hours and each suc
ceeding night up to anil Including Wed
nesda night The President lew ed the
splendid scene from the White House
windows and expressed great satisfaction
with Its appearance
The beauty of the court far exevds
that of anv previous Inauguration and
ono of the chief reasons for this fn t Is
that an unobstriieted view of both the
hlte House and Lufa ette Square are
to be qjitalned from Pennsylvania Avenue
Heretofore st inels have been erected dl
rectl In front of the Executivo Mansion
and opposite fronting on the park but
this time acting upon the suggestion of
Chairman Edsou the stands have been
erected in fiont of the Treasury and
State War and Navy buildings Tlio
Presidents reviewing stand Is in front of
the northwest scctioi of the White House
Grounds west of the west gate and
across Executive Avenue
The great white columns thirt -eight in
number which extend along the north
side of the court and about the drive
through the grounds of the mansion are
mounted Tlth a sphere upon which
are fort Iiv Ineindesceiit bulbs nnd be
low these on each column Is a crown of
flfteen incandescent lamps All of these
wero lighted for about in hour last night
and tho elTeet was hUlily satisfactory
Each of tho eight pjlons is surmounted
with n large vase of asbestos and on the
nights of the gre it fetes it Is planned to
burn a non lllumiintlng powder which
emits a steady smoke In the interior of
each pIon Is a 1000 tandle power pro
jector and live seieens of tlllTerent colors
which win be reflected on the smoke as
it arises front the vases A test was made
of the projectors and se reens lust night
nnd showed that the effect would be both
novel nnd lietiutiful Hundreds of electric
lights strung along the reviewing stands
added brllllane to the scene jml added
much to the spectacular effcot Thou
sands of people p tssetl through the court
last night during the time it was Illumi
nated and viewed with wonder and ad
miration the gorgeous displa of light and
Tell Irom n Car
While attempting to alight from a
Drlglitwood car it the corner of Urlght
nood and Howard Aenutn northwesl
Herman Wardig lift enrs old fell and
was badly lnjure d about the facet and
hands He uii taken to lrcedtneus Hos
pital where his injuries were dressed
after which he was sent home The cir
nni In chargo of Ienis AV Weller con
ductor and T C lnis motormnn
Uronchltla Chills Coughs
CoUa DyapepaU ot what
er form quickly cured bj
WHISKEY A tablMpootilu
in xlaisof waterthteetimesa
da All drugclsts and grocer
Beware ol ImlUllooa
The Finest 255
Shoe in America
Well back this line of Shoes to win your favor in
competition with any line in America that
sells within 50 cents of the price not
a style is lackingnot a kind not i
a size and not a leather that I
is not represented in this mag
nificent line of Alens Shoes
high and lowcut Anyone who t
appreciates good workman
shipgood leathers
and good value is al
ready won by the X
merits of these t
EDMONSTW SB34 r street ij
Note the word Pepsin J
Of Course You Do
A mere reminder this that joiir viit will surely be a pleas
ant one if you will keep a bottle of liROMO PELSIN handy
dming our stay It is used in thousands of homes through
out the country and
Physicians Everywhere Prescribe It
Headache Insomnia Brain Fag
Indigestion Nausea Mental Exhaustion
because they know that it CUKES immediately and surely
and becaiihe they know it to be ABSOLUTELY HARMLESS
It is effen escent and delightfully pleasant and refreshing to
take Remember the name BROalO rEPSES and be sure
tou get what you ask for Take a bottle home with tou
All Druggists 10c 25c and 50c Bottle
MEMOULU IFKTIN iu honor -I the late Col
11 C Inscremll will he held at the V It
Hall 1112 luiinrlrani i At enue on the I MIN
ING OF MItCII 7 1901 Fminent orators will
par tender tribute to the distinguished dt ad Spe
cial music ml
specie noticl
Lirerjmen that I are agreed to pool their car
riages for the return ol tlicir patrons who go to
the inaujrural ball Tickets given bj them en
title the holder to the first carriage at the G
Street door ol the Pension Office No waiting
or calling number The price ol each carriage
witli return ticket is 10
J J Uowen ET N V arc nw
J E herrr ltalenh Elbitt and ttillard
Hotel Stable
K BurRdorf 416 SLh Ft ntr
A L llrooks Dranejs Mablcs elj X 1 are
F W llehrens 413 tli st nw
Wra Chambers 17 It tt nw
n L Cooper alley between 13th and Htn II
and I and 1CG5 O st nw
I L Cocn 23 O st nw
Urn F IVeffney 1824 L it and Ncrmanute
Hotel i
P J Devine Tli8oa House Stables Till and
1 sU nw
W E Duller 12 3d st ne
J II Oheen 7 G st ami 1111 P t and
rear ot 3118 14th ft nn
Thos Carey Jctkson alley between 3d and IS
st and Pa are nw
F P Hjekney 2f Pa are off
U P Hazel 3141 O St nw Ceorjtetnwn
Z M Honey 311 6th st n National Holel
n F McCauley 1327 II tt nw Vrhngton
Itljrgs Houie Gordon and Barton Hotels
1 D Kc billion 813 19tlt st nw
It J Stllman rear of 172b P st nur
B F fehate between C and C ew Jertey are
and 1st t se
L G Thomion Johnson ave between It and
S and Htb and 15th its nu
O B i an Nest 1235 12th st nw 1520 M st
Shoreliam and Cochran 3trtronoltan Club
C Wllet 42T 8th st nv
J F White 321 Sd st se
inson A Perry B3 t ne
W C Williams 1IJ4 G t nw
0 Woods corner 12th and Q sts nw
C P Zuthorst 203 3d tt and 211 I t se
m2C 0
TU01KS DOW LING CO Auctioneers
By Tirtue ol a deed of trust dated February 23
1SS7 recorded in Liber No 1239 fotio HI ct scii
of the land rcconls of the District of Columbia I
Mill sell at public auction on the premise on
IfjOi AT 4 SO O CLOCK P 3 the real estate
lying in said district by said deed eonieed and
described as part of a tniet of land called
aron situated on the Jlarlboro Road east of
the Tastern Branch of lhe Potomac Rher it be
injr the same tract purchased b Sajles J Bo Ten
of Thomas Talbert as per deed elated March 13
1S66 recorded In Liber It M II No 11 toUoi
2S9 and 230 and also that tract of land ailioin
ing the above knovtn as part o lots file and
eleven 5 and 11 in the sub dimon ol a tract
called Nonsuch purchased b said Bonen of
Wakhlncton V ounn and Hugh Turing as per
deed dated Slay 31 1ST2 recorded in Liber No
CSI folios 2311 etc of said land records refer
ence bcinc had to said deeds for a more particu
lar descnntion both tracts containinit about
forti file acres more or less and being the same j
lanu coniejeu vy it imum i wic aim n
Ceowe B Starkwrithcr by deed dated february
23 1S7 and leeorded In Liber No Ii39 folio
100 et seq
Terms of sale One third cash end the bahnce
in one and iwq years secured by the notes of
the purchaser drawing C per cent interest slid a
deed of trust on the property or all cash at pur
tliaters option A deposit of 300 will lie required
at tlma of sale If terms of pale are not complied
with wiihin fifteen days the trustee resenes the
right to resell on file days notice at risk and
cost o defaulting purchaser Conveyancing
stamps and recording at purchasers cost
c20JtiU Offlce 321 44 St N V
sWl FLhA DICGS lwlorcil datijiler
of James Dikes nl niece iiu teptoe de
parted this life Thursday lebruary a lOI at
12 P m
Funeral from Pljmoiilli Cunicrffiatlunal Cliurih
Saturday March 2 at 2 oclock p in- ml
Unlstrillj Athletic
Cotienllon Hall Sat March 2 7 So p m
ent the
o need to lay out the full value of
the extra bedtlm and furniture you will
need for inauguration
Cots Pillows
Bed Clothing
Bedroom Furniture
Parlor Furniture
fVlarcus Notes
1218 1220 F St N W
Is Beneficial
To all It is a rich and nutritious food
Our ZinUUCK is the real Imported
man ZWILBCK It is prescribed by
Bhyslclans ZttlT BACK Is a datntr
2 crisp food It Is sold at high- ir
j class grocery stores Try a pountL Jjt
Uv our method of laundering
can truarantee that ourflan
nei irill NOT iirtnk o ue tak
ing chances when we offer you m
certainty with our GUUEWTKK
Cor Sixth C Sts
Telephone 657 East
a vrhlaXy of known merit SI qt delivered
Ell J QUINS 604 Pa Ave
Equity Duildin 319 4Vs Street
Collections Jtotary Public
Undertaker and Livery
t32 Fein Ave V W Wathlnctoc D O

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