g5wa 3ygg
Number 2500
Senator Chandler Delivers a Sting
ing Anledictory
A rartlnjr Miot nt the Montana MIII
lonnlrc Aiiffrj her n TcIcKrnm
Jleeclied lrom the Copper ICI11K
ill the Time of Ills Own Detent
Mr Chandler last night reopened in the
Senate the contested election case of
William A Clark Senator elect from
Montana lie called up the resolution of
fered a j ear ago as follows
That William A Clark was not
duly and legally elected to a scat In
the Senate of the United States by
tnc Legislature of the State of Mon
Senator Chandler made a long and bit
ter argument against seating the Copper
Jle scored llr Clark for referring to
his defeat tn New Hampshire as the
country is nJ of another scoundrel and
held that the writer was a Montana gen
Mr Chandler was gien the noor at S
oclock and immediately proceeded with
his argument
Sir Alien suggested the absence of a
quorum The roll was called and less
than a quorum of Senators responded
The absentees were called and after
long delay forty five Senators were found
and n quorum had
Mr Chandler then offered a substitute
for the resolution providing that Wil
liam A Clark who obtained a seat in the
United States Senate under color of an
alleged election In Montana was guilt1
of briber and was proven guilty and Is
guilty of having broken the laws of the
State of Montana
Mr Jones of Arkansas objected to the
resolution as foreign to the business of
the Senate
Mr Chandler replied that he was rer
sonally responsible for all that he had to
Mr Morgan said that this was a mean
attack on a man who was not pioscnt
to defend himself
The Chair ruled that Mr Chandler had
the floor
Mr Chandler then read from a speech
made by Mr Clark in Helena in which
the latter attacked him Mr Chandler
These charges Mr Clark made In this
speech must be refuted by me before I
leave the Senate said Mr Chandler as
this rran is going to enter this Chamber
again on March 4 under what I charge to
be fraudulent credentials I deny that I
have ever persecuted this man The com
mittee decided that he was not entitled
to a seat
Mr Chandler then went over the case
In detail and said that the flight- of
Mr Clark had placed upon him a stigma
of criminality which could never be blot
ted out
If he was not guilty said he he
would never have run away from the de
cision of the Senate
He said that Mr Clarks political his
tory consisted entirely of a long round
of attempts to bribe legislators in Mon
tana He reviewed the old Clark Daly
feud and scored the former In ever- In
As a reason for being so bitter against
Mr Clark Mr Chandler read a tele
gram which he had received from Mr
Clark referring to the action of the New
Hampshire legislature the telegram Is
as follows
The country is rid of another
Mr Chandler said that Mr Clark would
be sworn in with honest men on Monday
He referred to the Castle of Clark on
rupont Circle where In the art gallery
Is a picture of a man holding his creden
tials in one hand and an expense account
of millions in the other hand The title
will be not One scoundrel disposed of
but one Montana gentleman not dis
posed of
Mr Chandler then sat down
Mr Pettus then arose and said that Mr
Chandlers Fpeech was a reminder that
when we Injure a man we feel mean and
mad at him because of our own dealings
against him
Let us turn away in silence said he
Mr Jones of Arkansas then presented
the credentials of William A Clark as a
Senator from Montana These were read
and no objection being made they were
placed on file
Mr Jones of Arkansas made a motion at
SO oclock that the Senate take up the Anti-Trust
bill The motion was defeated by
a -vote of 26 to 24
Mr Pettigrew moved that the Senate
consider the bill requiring all common
carriers to put automatic brakes on all
trains This was adopted by a vote of 33
to 21
The measure was discussed for a time
and at 1030 the Senate by unanimous
consent took a recess until 3 o clock this
ULclihond or n Itoud to the Croir
eht Mine
VANCOUVER B C March 2 H is
learned today on good authority that
the Canadian Government has signified
Its intention of granting a charter for a
railroad from the big Crows Nest Mines
In Kootcnay B d to the United States
connecting with the American smelter
sjstem xn the Pacific Coast controlled by
J J Hill J Pierpont Morgan and John
D Rockefeller who have control of the
etock of the Crows Nest Company
Of course the coal and coke will run
past the- Canadian smelters in which the
Canadian Pacific Railway Is largely in
terested The Canadian smelters will be
compelled to shut down
The Canadian Pacific made a strong but
futile effort to head off the American
A Woman Iurx Mom M to Mrerk n
SECAUCU3 X J March 2 Secaucus
has a disciple of Mrs Carrie Nation in
the person of Mrs Elizabeth Wolrzitan
sky who Is now in the Hudson County
Jail where she was sent today by Justice
Grancols of West Hoboken to await the
action of the grand Jury for wrecking
the saloon of William Hose at the Hack
insack Bridge Secaucus
According to the evidence before the
Justice Mrs Wolrzltansky called at
Roses place jesterday looking for her
husband She found him there and or
dered him home at the same time turn
ing to Rose who was behind the bar and
informing him that her husband was too
trpod a customer or the place Mr Wolr
zltansky refused to go home and his
wife walked out
In about two minutes she returned with
n suppiv of stones In her apron and witli
the precision of a rapid fire gun she pro
SSt1 a v cry thing in sight Hose
mid that Mrs Wolrzitanskys attack was
so sudden and fierce that he was unable
to check It especially as some of the
flying stones had landed on his head
Crowds of people today viewed the work
ot Airs Nations emulator and It was the
general opinion that Mrs Nation herself
could not have made a more complete Job
Lnily Me Wet fiend
CAPE TOWN March 2 Lady De Wet
wife of the late British agent at Pretora
Is dead
The 3nrieloUM Incrrnse
In the jpeed of rallaay trains lias placed the
ideal winter rnorta of the South in close t rcxiin
Itr to Washington U the aboard Air Line
Hallway Southern Pmca and linrhurtt are lew
than 12 hours anl Cam Jen It hours ride The
treat Florida resorts arc leu than 24 hours ride
Atlanta and all points South est arc reached
Tia this route Through Iujrran service and tlin
lna cars Office 1434 ew orlc Arenue or Ienn
jlracla Railroad ajenta
Lord Hugh Cecil Opponed n Menaure
Itcgrnrdliifr Colnnl MnrriiiKei
LONDON March 2 Secretary Cham
berlain is angry with Premier Salisbury
son Lord Hugh Cecil a member of the
House of Commons who blocked a bill
which had been warmly approved by Mr
Chamberlain and which proposed to legal
Ire in England marriages with deceased
wives sisters which had beci contracted
In the colonies where such unions are
Lord Cecil is the parllamentiry cham
pion of the extreme High Church party
which has alwajs fiercely opposed at
tempts to make such marriages legal Mr
Chamberlains irritation Is keen because
he has been advised that the new Austra
lian Commonwealth will Insist on the re
moval of the stigma to colonial marriages
of this kind and knowing this the Pre
miers son persisted in blocking the pro
posed legislation which kills the hope of
passing or discussing the bill at the pres
ent session
There Is said to be a considerable ma
jority in favor of the bill in the House of
Commons and the statehmen of the Aus
tralian Commonwealth looked to Salis
bury to secure a majority in the House of
Election Return Si Inr Sliovv Four
teen Additional Member
LONDON March 3 The fifth triennial
elections for members of the London
County Council which were held jester
day resulted In the return of So Progres
sives and 27 Corserv ntlv es a net gain of
14 for the Progressives The returns are
not all in
Precaution Taken nt icrman mid
IlplKlnii Port
BERLIN March 2 An official notice
issued today forbids the Importation of
soiled linen bedding and clothes from
Cape Colony and Natal where the bu
bonic plague Is prevalent
BRUSSELS March 2 Quarantine has
been declared on vessels from South
Africa at all Belgian ports
Coniiiieruliil Import to lie Sent to
Anrlous ConnnlnfcH
UEiLI March 2 The Government
has appointed commercial experts who
will be attached to the German consul
ates at New York St Petersburg Cal
cutta Constantinople Buenos Aires and
other ports and will report on the best
means of promoting commerce between
Germany and the countries to which they
are accredited
Miops Sacked and Troopn Stoned by
PALERMO March 2 The dock lab
orers here struck today and there were
disorderly demonstrations in which ether
workmen Joined the strikers Shops
were sacked the telegraph lines cut the
street railway tracks torn up and the
strict lamps smashed
The troops who were called out to sup
press the trouble w ere stoned by the riot
ers Pour soldiers and several strikers
wire wounded
Ill Majesty Bonnlx n Itojnl Inclit
nt riushlnir
FLUSHING March 3 King Edward
arrived here at 10 20 oclock tonight and
boarded the rojal yacht Victoria and Al
bert The jacht will sail for England in
the morning
That Conntrjn Iollej to lie Inde
pendent of KnuInndH Action
LONDON March 2 The British Gov
ernment recently approached the Trench
Foreign Office unofficially to enquire what
course France would take In case the
United States undertook to construct a
fortified Nicaragua Canal The French
reply was that France had larger inter
ests in the canal question than England
The French Government was however
indisposed to take an initiative thinking
that under the circumstances it would be
better that France should maintain com
plete freedom of action and that Great
Britain should also take its own course
without regard to French policy
Shipped From Cimiidn for xinlntlnsr
the Allen Inlior Invv
ROSSLAND B C March 2 Sixteen
Americans employed here by the Red
Mountain Railway in violation of the Ca
nadian alien law were deported today by
E D Williams of Ottawa the alien law
olllcer of the Canadian Government
He Send IrlendH to Hear M Buffctil
PARIS March 2 M Paul Deroulede
the banished President of the League of
Patriots has a telegraph despatch
to M Galli and M Dumontill Instruct
ing thtm to go to Brussels and see M
Buffet who was banished to Belgium for
attempting to overthrow the Republic
and request him to rewat In their pres
ence the accusations which he has hither
to made at a distance
Should u meeting lietw cen MM De
roalede and Buffet result It would prob
ably be held In Italy or Switzerland
Canada Governor General Invited
i Lord lniincrfote
OTTAWA Ont March 2 The Govern
or General of Canada Lord Miito v HI
attend the Inauguration of President Mc
Kinley an Invitation having been et nl
ed by Lord Paurctfete Lord Mlnto left
Ottawa today for Washington
TriKlifful ItCHUltM of an Explosion
In n 11111
CALIirOLlS Ohio March 2 lho grist
mill ovmil by Jacob Llndemoor of Cre
tizot was blown to pieces this afternoon
by the explosion of the twmty fiv -horsepower
boiler that furnished pcwti for th
Brady Lindemoor Samuel Parker and
a mm of G J Sliicts were killed out
right Bert Iron was also scalded and
his right leg mangled so that he cannot
live J he three killed were terribly man
Bled -
The cause of the explosion In unknown
Iloer rlonir Co to Iortnsal
CAPE TOWN March 2 A Porturriesc
troopship left Delngoa Bay tojay for Lis
bon with 700 Boer prisoners who had
crossed the border from the Transvaal
Cape Colon esv Governor
CAPB TOWN March 2 Sir Walter
Francis He ly Hutchlnson late Governor
of Natal will arrive here next Wednes
day to assume his new duties as Gov
ernor of Cape Colony
Illooil TelU
the crcat blood purifier and spring
medicine at sll ortur tiores or by express pre
paid 1 ir bottle Chemical Coinpanj
HOI llth it nw Washington 1 C
Greeted at the Denote by Admirers
From Their States
The Capacltj or the Hotels or the
Ots Overtaxed li the TlioimandK
or btrnnKers Vluslc I the Mxtj
iilnth JXevr lork ltetrlment Ilnnd
The hotels are now crowded with Inau
guration guests and the capacity of every
hostelry in the city Is overtaxed The
visitors arc arriving by thousands and
those who did not secure quarters in ad
vance are regretting their lack ot fore
sight Strangers who have friends in the
city have been provided for at boarding
houses any private homes Most of the
Governors arrived last night and were
greeted at She depots by admirers from
their States who are now In Washington
The musical organizations accompany
ing the visiting State delegations that are
to participate in the Inauguration cere
monies furnished entertainment for the
guests at the downtown hotels last night
The Sixty ninth New York Regiment
which distinguished itself at Bull Run
during the war of Ihe rebellion and which
made an attempt to get Into the conflict
with Spain during the late unpleasant
ness held a soiree at the Riggs Hoilsc
Under the direction of Prof Bajne the
musical director several compositions
were rendered The crowd that swarmed
through the hotel corridors was not easily
satisfied The musicians made many at
tempts to bring the entertainment to a
close but with each effort along this
line the crowd became more vociferous in
Its demands for more music until the
director in self defence was forced to ex
tend his programme When the crowd at
last became satisfied with the musical
treat It gave three cheers for the band
and then hustled the individual members
away for refreshments
The Sixty ninth Regiment came to this
city with the Lincoln Republican Club of
New York Ponmaster Van Cotfs pet or
ganization The club 22G men strong was
met at the depot by representatives of
the Lincoln Republican Club of this city
The reception was most cordial and the
combined forces inarched up the Avenue
to the Riggs House where the visiting
delegation was entertained at dinner
After the spread there was muuc by
the accompanj irg bands after which the
members of the New York and Washing
ton clubs sauntered away
Speaking of his trip to this city Mr
Van Cott said that It had been un
eventful He had nothing to say
of a political nature Politics he
said can wait Today we are here to
pay tribute to William McKlnley who for
four years guided the ship of state over
a very stormy sea and brought It safely
Into harbor- We are entrusting him with
the tame stewardship for another four
years and we feel confident that Ills
voyage will be conduct d with the same
foresight and shrewdness that charac
terized the last four ears of his pilot
Governor Ode I of New York Is regis
tered at the Arlington Hotel He arrived
In the city yesterday afternoon Accom
panied by Lieutenant Governor Woodruff
he went to the Capitol jesterday and re
newed old acquaintances He had dinner
at the Arlington although It was an
nounced that he would dine with Senator
Depew In the evening the Empire State
Executive spent the time gossiping with
friends in the lobby of the hotel His
plans for tomorrow and the remainder of
his stay in the city have not been de
cided upon but he sajs he will find
enough to occupy his time while he Is In
the city
Governor Nash of Ohio in spite of the
protest of his phj slcians came to the city
yesterday He was accompanied by his
staff Governor Nash has been In ill
health for several weeks When it was
announced that he proposed attending
the Inauguration ceremonies his phjsl
cian entered a viRorojs protest main
taining that the Journey was too long
and that the Governor could not stand
the fatigue Tills however did not deter
the Ohioan from coming to attend the
Inauguration exercises He was in the
lobby of the Ebbltt last nljht and was
apparently as hale and hearty as any
other person promenading tho corridors
He said the accounts of his illness had
ben exaggerated and that he was feel
ing In line shape The Journey he said
seemed to put new life Into him and he
had not felt better In weeks than he did
at that moment He expects to take part
In the ceremonies at the Capitol next
Monday and feels that he will be able
to stand the strain
Governor Vorhes of New Jersey will
not attend the Inauguration He too Is
In ill health and was afraid to under
take the Journey Ho will bo represented
by Col J D Oliphant CoL Charles Y
Flanders and Col E 1 Meaney They
arrived at the Arllnfiton last evening and
will represent the Mosquito State in the
parade and the subsequent ceremonies at
tending the Inauguration celebration
Many of the distinguished persons v ho
were scheduled to arrive in the city jes
terday will not get hero until todaj This
is due to the delaj on the railwajs The
traffic is so tint the schedule time
cannot be made and there is a conse
quent delay of tcvcral hours to almost
ivery train
This Is partlcularlj true In the case of
the trnin bearing Governor Yates of
Illinois and his to Wasnington
The Governor was due to arrive In the
cltj at 1 oclock esterdaj afternoon He
was not rgistired at the Ariirgton Hotel
until after midnight There was a com
mittee on hand to nulie the Governor
and when he alighttd from his special
cir n line was formed and the part J with
the members of the Govtrnors staff
marched to the carriages in waiting Ah
Mr lates procitded through the line of
spectators drawn up on either side he was
grcctfd with much applause
Governor Ililss of Michigan Govirnor
Van Stndt of Minnesota Governor Rich
ards of Wjomlng and Governor Stone
of Pennsjlvania wen all scheduled to ar
rive in the city last night but thej did
not get in and their failure to put in an
appearance was laid at the door of the
railroad companies
Trilfic however is unusually heavy
V the railway officials nre u od tj
the business and have handled crowds oi
other occasions thej at present have all
thej can do night and daj The nectss t
for caution Is responsible for same of
dclajs am ir tnc trains nre run at a
lower speed than schedule time it Is v
cave the railvvaj officials do not wan to
cndinger the lives of their patrons On
all the lines running Into this city th
regular trains are coming not doahled
up as during tho first daj but in live
and six sections All these conditions
tal en Into consideration make the visit
or most ienU nt toward the railwajs even
if lie has to put up v 1th some
mimic and delay In reaching the city
Governor Dietrich of Nebraska nnd
Governor Shaw of Iowa are In the city
The former Is at the Raleigh Hotel while
Governor Shaw Is quartered at the Nor
mandle Both gentlemen unite In the
statement that the present Inauguration
will be one which will be remembered by
all who take part They say that never
before In their experiences and both gen
tlemen have witnessed several Inaugura
tions havo they seen such manifestations
of genuine enthusiasm over the Installa
tion of a President- Neither gentleman
undertook to explain whj this enthusiasm
Is apparent
Among the other notable arrivals In the
city last night were those of Major Gen
eral Brooke and wife and Capt John B
Dean who accompanies the general and
Mrs Brooke They are quartered at the
Governor Crane of Mntuachusetts Is
Arlington nnd Return 15 CIm
Train leaves station 13J4 and Ia arc every
half hour from 9 a m to 0 p ru
among those who are expected In the city
todaj He was unable to start on an
earlj train because of the pressure of
business matters and -will not be able
to reach this city with the Massachusetts
Governor McMIIiln cf Tennessee Is
expected on one of the early morning
trains Governor Heard of Louisiana
nnd Governor Barnes of Oklahoma will
also arrive in the city some time this
morning Governor Smith of Man land
has not arrived although quarters have
been reserved for him at the Raleigh It
is explained that It was onlj a short
ride from the Marjland capital to tha
National Capital and the Governor will
wait until tha last moment
before starting for this He can do
this and then hpvoplentj of time to take
his place on the proramme
Among the organizations that will take
part In the ceremony next Monday and
which are already In tho cltj is Troop
A of Cleveland President McKlnlej s
special escort a cavalry troop from New
Jcrscj two companies of the Maine State
militia and a battery of light artillery
from the same State the Hamilton Club
of Chicago which has a national reputa
tion on account ot tho magnificence of Its
banquets on Memorial Dajs ami a large
delegation of West Point cadets
It was stated at the hotels last night
that although the was filled with
thousands of visitors actual rush for
accommodations will not begin until late
this evening At present the hotels are
crowded with from near by
points and in fact all points cast ot
The excursion rates on many of the rail
roads which connect with tho local lines
did not go into effect until This
will dtlty the arrival ot ninnj thousands
of visitors until tonight and late tomor
row From these -points the schedules
were so fixed that thej would go into ef
fect in time lor the patrons to reach the
Capitol City some time Sunday Owing
to the delay on the railroads the calcula
tions miscarried and a great many will
not reach here until hours after the tlnu
fixed for their arrival In the mean time
all available quarters will be engaged so
that there will be a rush for accommoda
tions Just as soon as these late trains be
gin to arrive As It Is many strangers
were turned away from the hotels last
night The clerks however have a list
of desirable boarding houses and if a
stranger cannot be accommodated at the
hotels he is givn the t ddress of one of
these places
While this condition prevails In all the
hotels of the city the hotel proprietors
and clerks do not anticipate much trouble
They say that the public committees have
matters pretty tbwoughlj in hand that
the resident Washlngtonians are aware of
scarcity of quarters nnd will thus take an
especial Interest in the matter and that
the various boarding housekeepers and
proprietors of temporarj lodging houses
have so arranged their plans that there
will be no dllHeulty Jn taking care of all
who come to Washington for the Inaugu
A number of the members of the Fre
linghjsen Lancers of Newark N J ar
rived last night but the bulk of the or
ganization will not get here until today
Twmtv fivc are now In the cltj and as
a hundred and twmtj five are due todaj
they may be expected to make quite a
striking appearance In the parade Every
member of tho company will carry a large
lance highly burnished while the uni
forms will be both no el and original
The Lincoln Club from New York Cltj
arri vod ov er this road at E 30 oclock J
afternoon It immediately formed
nnd headed bj a large band marchKl to
their large quarters at the Riggs House
The Flelschmann Club of Cincinnati was
also an -arrival of yesterday afternoon It
numbered- seventy three men nnd took
carriages for the- apartments which had
been secured for them
The number of visitors entering the cltj
oer the Baltimore and Ohio route jes
terday was enonnvus Tha bureau of
public comfort wrjt busj In directing
strangers how -id p tcced and In secur
ing tooms for sighpeers
ALEXANDRIA Va ITareh 2 About
fifty members of he Junior Order of
United American Mechanics representing
thlrtj councils throughout the State this
morning assembled In Odd Fellows Hall
In North Cplumbi s Street at 9 oclock
and effected a permanent State organiza
tion The meeting was called to order
by O B Hopklqs Deputj National Coun
cilor who appointed L E Lookablli of
Roanoke temporarj secretary- The Com
mittee on Credentials made their report
after which the fallowing officers were
elected Jr P S C Dr E Heaton of
Waterford S Con E L S Bonton of
Vienna S V C J R Manfieid of Alex
andria S C Sec George B Sprow of
Roanoke S C Con E It Boyer of
Alexandria S C Warden C P Blount
of Lynchbury S C Inside Sentinel B
Cornwcll of Manassas S C Outside Sen
tinel B B BotJ of Burkevllie S C
Trustees J R N Curtln of Alexandria
and Charles Sedgvlck of Norfolk Rep
resentatives to National Council James
S Grocs of Norfolk J E Boehm of
Roanoke and O JL Hopkins of Alexan
dria The session was continued all daj
Tonight at 8 oclock a large assembly
filled the hall composed of members from
various local councils and also several
members from different parts of the State
Major George Lv Simpson delivered an
Interesting addresj on behalf of the city
to which EdwanL S Deemer of Phila
delphia appropriately responded J H
Trimjer delivered an address of welcome
on behalf of tho order which was re
sponded to bj E L S Bonton of Vienna
The permanent organization effected here
today will remain loj al to tho National
Council of that order Some time ago
trouble arose between the State and Na
tional Councils which resulted In the Na
tional Council withdrawing their charter
from the State Council
C M Cuv filler was today awarded the
contract for extending the sewer from
Duke to Pitt Streets Mr Cuvllllers bid
was J2G1 S3 The following were the other
bils received William Travers J2SI M L
Edelln 1279 50
The annual renting of the citys fish
wharf occurred at noon todav in front ot
theanarket building The wharf was rent
ed for one jenr to J T Ballengcr for
The Alexandria Light Infantrv met In
their armory tonlht and decided to par
ticipate In the Inaugurnl piradc The
companj will leave here Mondaj morning
about fortv sticng In command of Capt
James It King ijajor WilllamM Smith
tonight stated that the Seventieth Virginia
Regiment would be in command of Lieu
tenant Colonel Pern of Staunton There
will be eight in this regiment
Five from Richmond one from Freder
icksburg one from Roanoke and one from
Alexandria The First Battalion will be
commanded by Major A S Lanier of
Richmond nnd the Second Battallion will
be commanded by Major William M
Smith of Alexandria The regiment will
be headed by a Richmond band The
Richmond Howitzers will also be present
The eicht companies of the Seventieth
Virgtnla Regiment will consist of about
live hundred men
Harry Cottle the runawnj j outh from
Hajndm Pa t who was arrested jcSter
dav was released tod u
I lie BcrkeItiHrotherhool of th Trin
ity Methodist Erjlscopa Church will be
addrtssed tomorrow afternoon bj the
Rev F II Smith of Philadelphia
P L Itoblrson of the Thi oloical Sem
lnarj will conduct the services at the
Railroad Reading Rooms tomorrow after
noon A special musical programme ha3
been arranged for the occasion
Announcement it is Just been made ot
the marriage of Miss Jennie M Douvrher
tv and Maurice h Fitzgerald botli of
Washington which occurred In this cltv
March 11 li03 lh ceremony took place
in St Marys Catholic Church anl was
prformd by fi Rev II J Cutlar
Mips Rebocka Pollard bj request will
sing the Huiv Cltj at the night ser
vices in the Mfthodlst Ericopal Church
tomorrow nfclit
Joseph Rofiev a cigarmnkcr fell at the
corner of Dakc and llenrv Streets tonight
and had hisrl5ht ankle dlslocatd Robey
was brought tn a wagon to his rooms at
the BraddocK House where the Injured
member was dressed by Dr Miller
WnshluKton Alexandria A Mt Ver
iiun I It
Train etiry ludf hour U Ulington without
change See- advertisement patfe 3
FI mis nuxlnefs Cullege Mb and IC
Iluslncsi Ehorlhand Tjiwwritina 25 a jear
The Corns Asks First Tlacc After
the President
An the Personal Ilepreentntlven of
Their Ilulem Kqrml IliBht With
Mr McICInlcj In Claimed The
Cabinet Willing to Give Wn
The embarrassing question of tho prece
dence of Ambassadors of foreign coun
tries has come forward again In con
nection with the inauguration ceremonies
and the State Department the
of the Senate and Lord Paunce
fote the Dean ot the Ambassadors have
been exhanglng communications erbal
and written for the last daj or two The
Initial movement in the matter was made
by the Ambassadors who through Lord
Pauncefote addressed a note Fridaj to
tho Secretary of State asking what ar
rangements had been made In regard to
thiir participation In the ceremonies at
the Capitol They said also that the ar
rangements in the past had not been sat
isfactory and Intimated that they would
like to be accorded the positions due to
them as the personal representatives of
their sovereigns
Secretary wrote to
Ransdcll of the Senate about It
and jesterday was informed by him that
the Ambassadors would as usual receive
tho post ot honor next after the Chief
Justice nnd Associate Justices of the Su
preme Court
Within an hour or so after Lord
Pauncefote received this Information
from the Secretary of State he called at
the State Department As Secretary Hay
was absent Lord Pauncefote conducted
his business with Dr Hill the Assistant
Secretary A little later In the afternoon
Lord Pauncefote paid a second visit to
Dr Hill No definite conclusion was
reached at either of the interviews but
the matter will probably be adjusted
amicably after Lord Pauncefote has con
sulted with the Ambassadors
The Ambassadors nre not only the offi
cial representatives of their Governments
but also the personal and official repre
sentatives of their sovereigns As such
personal representatives they claim equal
rank with the President of the United
States and maintain that In order that
proper respect may be shqwn the high
rank ot their sovereigns or chief execu
tives they must have a position in pub
lic ceremonials next to President McKin
The State Department admits these con
tentions but it Is understood to be the
departments -view that the Inauguration
Is a domestic and national to
which the Ambassadors aro Invited as
spectators or as the French term Is as
assistants As spectators of highest rank
the Ambassadors will be assigned to first
place next after the official participants
In the ceremonies representing the three
co ordinate branches of the Government
These participants are the President of
the United States representing the execu
tive and the Vice President of the United
States representing the leglslatlv e whose
Installation in office Is the occasion to
which the Ambassadors are invited and
the Chief Justice and Associate Justices
of the Supreme Court representing the
Judicial branch the Chief Justice in addi
tion being an active participant In admin
istering the oath to the President
The Cabinet being a part of the Presi
dents personal retinue and the heads of
thethe executive departments are in
cluded according to these contentions
with the Chief Lxecutlve It Is believed
try the Administration officials that the
Ambassadors will accept this arrange
ment although nobody can say what wl 1
be done as the foreign representative are
ngltated and not entirely satisfied with
the position to be accorded them either
In the Senate Chamber or In the proces
According to the arrangements made by
the of the Senate on
the Inauguration platform the President
will be seated In front of the Vice Pres
ident and will be surrounded by his Cab
inet Then will come the Chief Justice
and Associate Justices and behind them
Lord Pauncefote and tho other Ambas
sadors and the Ministers The Cabinet
members have talked over the matter and
will willingly take places in the rear of
the Ambassadors If the latter desire
A Wiiriilnir to SnlooiiUeepern Gien
lij the Police
jamin Murphy Chief of Police of Jersej
Clty called all the captains to police
headquarters at 10 oclock tonight and
directed them to inform every saloon
keeper in their respective precincts that
any liquor dealer caught selling intoxi
cating beverages tomorrow would be ar
rested The order was the result of a
visit to the chief earlier In the evening
of fifteen young men belonglrg to the
Jersej City Epworth Union who pro
tested against the continued violation of
the Sunday liquor law
Their spokesman said that they did not
propose to demoralize themselves by
going to barrooms to get evidence and
insisted that It was the duty of the police
to do this They also urged the chief to
enforce a cltj ordinance forbidding the
sale of liquor to minors on week dajs
The chief told the delegation that the
courts held th it policemen could not
force their waj into saloons to secure
evidence but promised to Improve exist
ing conditions If possible
A Yonnc Man Comiultk Suicide lrom
a lerrv boat
JERSEY CITY March i John Grlllln
twentj two years old who livid It Twen
tv -eighth Street between Scveith and
Jlhth Avenues New York jumped over
board from the rear deck of the ferry
bo it Princeton of the Desbrosscs Street
line as the boat was entering a slip in
Jtrsey City nt 7 oclock tonight His
body was not recovered
James Griffin of 23S Greenwich Street
said that he saw his brother leap over
the rail but could not explain whj John
MugM dtath The brothers were on their
wa to Jersej Cltj
Selected iim the Itepttlillenii Mnj or
al Cllnilldllte In CIitcitKo
CHICAGO March 2 Judge Elb Idge
was nominated for major by the
Republican cltj convention today on th
Ighlh ballot The rtsult when an
nounced was greeted with cheers and
Representative Lorimcr engineered th
moves bj which the second ward candi
date was nuned The Representative or
dered all his men to vote for oa
the seventh billot and on tha eighth the
machine overcame all opposition It was
moved to make the nomlnatloa unani
mous and Chairman Smjtli declared the
motion enrritd
Judge Hanecy was born in Trenton
Is fort nlne years ago md was edu
cated in the public hcIiooIs of that Stale
nnd at the University of Miivvnultte He
came to Chicago In 1fS and was almlt
teil to til j bar of this Sttc t lx years
The other candidates named nre Adolph
F Gartz for city treasurer C scar Ilebel
for city attorney and Thomas O Shuugh
nessj for cltj clerk
The Uiillot at Helena
HELENA Mon March 2 The ballot
today for United Stites Senator resulted
as follows Carter Rep 22 Fran
Mem 3 Conrad Dem IS s atterlnj
Mlirre It lonelic It IlenlK
7erra Ctira curc i Fczcma and all slim disease
Zcraa Cura Ktircd oinpany llth st and lthode
Island are nKM aUmton D C
LIvrlr Scenes pt the Vnrlonn Itnll
roet Stations
Trom 12 oclock jesterday afternoon un
til long after midnight thousands ot
strangers passed Into the city through
the Baltimore and Ohio and Pennsjlvania
depots Every available inch of space In
the 10 great terminals was utilized to
accommodate the throngs which packed
the buildings from entrance to exit and
the railroad officials assisted by the mem
bers of the Committee on Public Com
fort had their hands full answering ques
tion and managing the immense crowds
of visitors
It Is the consensus of opinion that bj
Monday morning the greatest number of
people ever gathered In Washington at
one time will be here to witness the cere
monies attending the second Inaugura
tion of President McKlnlej
Never before with the possible excep
tion of Mr Harrisons Inauguration has
so much enthusiasm oeen shown over a
similar event From Portland Ore to
PortVnd Me and from San Francisco to
St Augustine strangers are hurrjing to
the Capital and each Incoming train
brings a new delegation The railroads
are taxed to their utmost capacity to han
dle the great Influx of traffic and no re
duction in the number ot strangers is an
ticipated until after Monday morning
It has been found Impossible to accom
modate the rush of visitors at the passen
ger stations and on the Pennsjlvania line
all Southern local and Baltimore trains
arc stopped at Ninth Street and Maryland
Avenue to disgorge their freights of ex
pectant sightseers
With all the bustle and energy dls
plajed there Is no confusion attending
the arrival of Incoming trains The
crowds are handled with despatch and a
great portion of the numbers filling the
waiting rooms Is made up of Washing
tonians eagerly awaiting expected
friends The strangers on their arrival
are taken In charge by members of the
Committee on Public Comfort and those
who have been rash enough to make the
trip to Washington without first securing
hotel accommodations are taken In
chargo by these citizens who wear the
red badges and are provided with ad
dresses of boarding houses at which they
may secure quarters
A Tew Governors of SJates and a num
ber or prominent men and visiting or
ganizations reached the city yesterday
Mrs Vanderbllt and a number of friends
from New York came in on a private car
of the New York Central at S oclock
lost night The party will remain In the
city for the Inauguration Ball on Monday
The Hon William Connell Glee Club
ot Scranton Pa arrived for the cele
bration early In the evening closely fol
lowed by a detachment of marines from
Philadelphia which was disembarked at
tbe Maryland Avenue provisional dpot
The Ilrst Regiment of the Pennsyl
vania militia arrived at the Pennsylvania
Avenue Bridge southeast where the State
troops nre belne unloaded at mrdnight
Ihe First was followed at Intervals all
night by other regiments from the same
State arid by 10 o clock this morning it
Is expected that the entire Pennsylvania
representation twelve regiments strong
will be In the city The Twelfth and
Eighth regiments reached their destina
tion eorlj yesterday afternoon and were
quartered last night In the Navy Depart
ment The remaining regiments will take
up their quarters In Convention Hall
The provisional regiment of the New
Jersej National Guard which w ill repre
sent that State In the Inauguration pa
rade arrived at the Pennsjlvania Avenue
Bridge at an early hour this morning
Troop A of Cleveland Ohio President
McKlnleys escort In the parade tomor
row Is expected to reach the Capital at
7ri this morning The troop will come
la the Chesapeake and Ohio It w III form
one of the most Interesting spectacles of
the Inauguration pageant
Two companies of the Grove City Col
lege Cadets of Grove City Pa
132 In number came In early jesterday
morning Maine with Pennsjlvania sent
the first State troops into the city
The Pine Tree State is represented
by Company- M of the First Maine Na
tional Guard commanded bj Capt J W
Gniham Company C and the Signal
Corps The delegation reached the city
earlj In the morning under the command
of Major Welch The Maine troops are
quartered at the Cutler House
The famous Confederate organization
the Richmond Grejs commande d by
Capt C O Saville pulled across the
Long Bridge at midnight They were
preceded morning by an ad
vance guard which made arrangements
for their reception The Richmond How
itzers another celeoratea southern mili
tary organization drew into the depot
yards at 1120 oclock Company K of
the Seventieth Virginia National Guard
also arrived late last night
Tie Delaware National Guard and the
Charlotte Rifles of Charlotte N C are
expected early tils morning By tonight i
it Is believed tbct all or the visiting State
troops will be qiiartereel In the city In
readiness for the parade bright and early
tomorrow morning
Tho entire membership of the State
Legislature of Pennsylvania will arrive
over the Pennsjlvania at 8 oclock to
morrow morning All other organiza
tions which will participate in the inau
guration ceremonies tomorrow will be
houcd in the city by midnight tonight
Among the delegations which will defer
their arrival until tomorrow morning Is
ont from the Atlanta Journal which
will reach the city Monday- morning in
a special car over the Southern Railroad
The visiting journalists will bring 100
public school children of that cltj
Tho scere at the Pennsjlvania station
last night was strange and variegated
Crowds of people streamed from every
possible exit while a crowd equally as
large on the lookout for frlenls strug
gled to get In All the floor space In the
building was utilized The lone rows ot
benches commonlj seen in the waiting-rooms
for the acommo lation oftrav
tlers had been removed on account of
the fact tht their room was needed
The Committee on Public Comfort
untiringly to pilot strangers to thir
destinations The red ribbons of the com
mitteemen appeared like havens of rest
to the tired viltu3 nnd wherever one
apparetlintlie dense maze its wearer was
rure to be surrounded b an anxious cn
riulrlng throng From noon until mid
night n terrific jam of people struggle 1
madlv In the- waiting rooms The detail
of police with di acuity kept an open ar
terj between wo en walls of hu
manitj through which the incoming pas
sengers were pushed from the gates to the
B Street exit Both sides of the passage
wav were lined with expectant men wo
men and children who craned nrcks and
elbowed nnd Jostled one nnother In des
perate efforts to recognize some tardy
friend or rel itlve
some Ions faces resuitlcg from tedious I
and fruitless waits mere were as many
eager greetings nnd hearty kisses among
others to relieve the monotony
Committeemen who erved at the Penn
sylvania station jesterday were T V
Powderlv Commissioner of Immigration
A A Sellhausen Chirles Ramsdell S M
Yeatman A L Craig Aaron Brndshaw
Jerome F Johnson George F Harban
and B B HarnshaiV
J E Fletcher cltj passenger agent of
the Southern Railway assisted the mem
liers of the committee and straightened
out manj tangles and misunderstandings
A B Coppes chairman or tne nam
more and Potomac division of the
tee was assisted by Dr Reeves E P
Scnwartz II W and E T Ellis A E
Luike Frank Glllam James Berrj John
G Miller John J Dermody John Gallo
wav J W ToIon Charles E Howe Jo-
seph Brennan James fireman J A Rat
cliff Bache Warner II L Atchlnson B
II Fowler Mike McCormlck E R Levy
J E McLean ard P J Walshc
E T Brooks general superintendent of i
Ihe Philadelphia Wilmington and Haiti- i
more Itallroaii arnveu irom l nuadelpnia
jesterdaj evening and assumed charge of
the cowds coming in by his road
to Baltimore anil Itetnrn a In
II X o Snttiriln anil Sunday
March 2 and 3 good for return until followxns
llniir TtrtB trrwul nn nil train tiwit Dnvl
IiuuU1 I
- 1 ijt 4 x
Price Three Cents
Decided That the Parade Shall Go
to Washington Circle
Vcternnn of the Slnnjli merlenn
AVnr Decline to Parttelpntc Id
Mnonted Baton for Gcnrral Greene
The Latent GrnernI Orders
The Inauguration parade will extend to
Washington Circle Instead as announced
in the general orders of marching through
Twentieth and Eighteenth Streets
The Grand Marshal last evening Issued
a supplemental order directing the charge
In the route The extension Is In accord
ance with the action of the Inauguration
Committee nt an early meeting deilnlns
the route to be traversed by tho Inaugu
ration pageant The action ot the Grand
Marstal in ignoring the decision of the
Inauguration Committee has been the oc
casion of angry protests on the part of
the residents upon the Avenue between
Twentieth and Twenty second Streets
Persons residing between Seventeenth
Street and Washington Circle have made
a prodigious effort to make that part dt
the Av enue most resplendent In the char
acter of Its decorations anticipating that
the procession would march to the latter
point as originally arranged by the In
auguration Committee The result of
these efforts Is shown In the wonderful
display of bunting and flags which Is
almost unsurpassed on any other part
of the Avenue
The sentiment of the disaffected resi
dents was communicated to Chairman
Edson ot the Inauguration Committee
In numerous letters of protest and tele
phonic complaints
Mr Edson when plans for the Inaugu
ration were commenced stated to General
Greene tho Grand Marshal that the route
of the parade had been defined by the In
auguration Committee and extended to
Washington Circle General Greene ap
parently overlooked this and later Issued
general orders directing the parade to
march through Eighteenth and Twentieth
Streets Mr Edson at once sent tha
Grand Marshal a copy of the resolution
concerning the route adopted by the In
auguration Committee with a letter re
questing him if the parade cojld be so
arranged to comply according to the di
rection of the committee At the same
time and at odd intervals as such com
munications were received at Inaugura
tion headquarters the -various protests
against the action of the Grand Marshal
were forwarded by Mr Edson to General
Greene General Greene and Mr Edson
conferred and the Grand
Marshal represented to Mr Edson In the
strongest light the fatigue entailed upen
the marchers by the addition of the extra
half mile to the length of the parade
Mr Edson was disposed to permit the
Grand Marshal to use his own discretion
Later however protests Increased
Yesterday Mr Edson met General
Greene at the Raleigh Hotel and the
Chairman of tho Inauguration Committee
was constrained to insist ur oa the exten
sion of the route to Washington Clrc5e
In view of the strength of the opposi
tion General Greene yielded gracefully
and expressed his desire to comply with
the wishes of all concerned in the Inau
guration ceremonies as tar as It could be
done It Is understood that General
Greene had no desire to oppose the wishes
of the Inauguration Committee but that
his action In altering the route was oc
casioned bj a lack of thorough under
standing of the situation
The following is the supplementary or
der issued yesterday afternoon directing
the parade to march to the Washington
Headquarters of the Grand Marshal
Washington D C March 2 133L
General Orders No 8
In compliance with the request of tho
Inaugural Committee so much of Gen
eral Orders No 5 as defines the route
of the parade 13 so far modified a3 to
extend the route on Pennsylvania Ave
nue bej ond Twentieth Street to Wash
ington Circle thence eastward on K
Street to Eifteenth Street This route
will be followed by the civic grand dl
v Ision as well as the military grand di
By command of General Greene
A NUfcJ lilVJvtMAN
Chief of Staff
The Spanish War Veterans will not
march In the Inaugural parade Or
ders Issued last night by the Grand Mar
shal revoking parts of the general orders
governing the Inaugural parade and ar
ranging for the veteran escort of tho
President to the Capitol also directed
that the Spanish War Veterans should be
assigned to the place heretofore assigned
to the Fourth Division of the Military
Grand Division of the parade This posi
tion Is the same originally assigned to all
the -veteran organizations The- senior
v ice commander of the Spanish War Vet
erans Capt Lee M Lipscomb erbaily
informed General Sickles yesterday morn
ing of the decision of his organization not
to appear In the column
Later in the daj Captain Lipscomb ad
dressed a letter to General Sckles con
veying the determination of the
organization represented by himself not
to parade The letter follows
Headquarters National Army of
Spanish War Veterans Corps of
District of Columbia
Washington D C March 2 1301
Maj Gen Daniel E Sickles V S
A retired
Sir I have the honor to acknowl
edge jour erhal communication ct
the 2Mh ult tendering an invitation
to the Spanish vvar Veterans to par
ticipate In the Inaugural parade on
tile 4th In t as a part of tho Fourth
Division While feeling very grateful
to you for the kindly Interest which
prompted jou to secure for us this
hororablo position in the column I
regret to inform you that owing to
the short time allowed me It will be
Impossible to have In line on that oc
casion a sufficient number of veterans
to properly represent our organiza
tion My present embarrassment In
the premises Is occasioned by the fact
that we expected in the outset that
our request that we be lncludeel in the
veteran organization that would form
the Presidents escort to the Capitol
on tho morning of the 4th inst would
be granted Owing to the Grand Mar
shals objection this honor was denied
us and such denial being communi
cated through the pres3 to ad sections
of the country forestalleel the actions
of such of our comrades as contem
plated participating In the parade as
Spanish var veterans Tho Invita
tion now extended to oceupj a differ
ent position In line comes so late that
we are unable to comply with the new
programme Vcrv respectfully
Senior Vice Commander
General Sickles speaklnir of the conclu
sion reached by- tne Spanish War Veter
ans said
The lateness of the orders directing
the Spanish War Veterans to take part
In the parade Is one reason whj thej will
not march A more powerful reason how
ever Is found In tile fact that tha Soat
Ish War Veterans do not wish to pnjj
dlce their position In the future by ac
cepting the position assigned them Le
hlnd the National Guard organization
General Greene has not been notified or
the action of the Spanish War- Veterans
ofllciallj Ho directed attention to the
Tact that the participation ot tho veterans
of the civil war in the Inaugural ceremo
nies as the escort to the President was at
the invitation of the President and that
It was not within his province to extend
the Invitation to the Spanish War Veter
ans when the Invitation explicitly named
the veterans of the civil war as the escort
This condition precludes the Idea that he
has Interposed any objection to the Span-