NuMIlER 2509 MB HARRISON NO BETTER The Crisis in His 1 Hue- Thought lo He Approaihiiifr 1IU lli lul i Infiiri itll Tlull 111 I Iff liepclliln II le ciilcil lliilliRC n III Condition rimiililiil KlI Itlilit lit the IJeiiernls INDIANAPOLIS March 11 The condi tion of cx Presldcnt llirrison seen through the statement of his ph siclans tlocs not show anv material change but the fact tint despatches have been sent to his children salng that unless there is a decided change soon lie cannotrccov i r indicates that the doctor and the il are viewing the case as graver than a crisis in his disease Is neir at hind Tills is admitted when Dr Jameson is pressed for a fuller expression of his patients case and it is a fact that he dos not bellev o that Mr Harrison s con dition warrants the belief tint ha will ever recoer lie Is at his bedside almost constant arJ when force el to leave another phjsl clin is placed In the room with instruc tions to inform him ir case of the indication of a change When seen tonight and asked for a statement of the condition of the patient Dr Jameson wrote out the following During the earlier part of the da Mr Harrisons condition was practically un changed from jestcrda Mnce 3 P in it has not been quite so favorable not tint he Is materially worse but is a little more restless and his pulse Is a little quicker This however might reasonably be ex pected Inasmuch as he has been contend ing one day more against the disease The phjsical examination this evening reveals no evidence of the extension of the inflammatory process but on the contrary there are slight indications of resolution or subsidence of the Inflamma tion His condition though Is still ery terlous Telegraphic messages were received to day from all parts of the country enquir ing about Mr Harrisons condition and expressing hope that it is not serious HARD WORDS FOR COLVILLE The Question of IIIh Retirement Din cussed In lnrllnmcnt LONDON March 11 The question of Major General Sir Henry Colvllles en forced retirement from the army was raised in the House of Commons today Mr Brodrlck Secretary of State for War denied that he had acted on his own initiative in the matter or that he had been influenced by aristocratic members of the Yeomanry whom General Colville had not aided at Llndiey Mr Brodrlck declared that General Colville was responsible for tbe Boers capturing General Broadwoods guns at Fannas Post He did not go to assist General Broadwoods shattered corps Which was two miles distant from him He similar Ignored General Spragges request for support at Ltndle Hurl Boberts reported that General Col vile had shown want of enterprise and Judgment and had set an example which if It had been followed would be fata to the army in the field He hud been treated far more hnlently than would have been by a court martial The discussion was then adjourned General Colville was in the gallery Tvhllc It wns going on A SPIRITED BOER ATTACK AHcednle stntinu llie Seme f De termliird rinlitliiK CAPE TOWN March 11 -A small com mando believed to be Krltzingers made a determined attack on Shelton Station thirt miles north of Alice dale Junction Jesterda The rallwa was torn up the telegraph cut and the station looted An armored train from Port Elizabeth drove fie Doers to the east THE PLAGUE SPREADING Ciisph Si mi pmiirliic Anionc the Ilcltijr ClaM of niirupeniih CAPE TOWN March 11 -To date the tntal number of deaths resulting from the plague is 23 Cases are now appearing among the better class of Europeans liv ing in healthy parts of the city The Government has secured the Im perial Yeomanry Hospital at Maitland three miles from Cape Town for Euro pean cases CASUALTIES IN THE FIELD llie Ilrltiili Clllice Issues n Re port on South Africa IONDON March 11 Tile War Office prints a list of casualties in South Africa recentlj which shows that a captain of Kitcheners scouts was killed and four nipn In the same commandwere Indly wounded in a light on March S at Stel lcnboch Vlel A number of Brltinh prisoners w ere re leased at Flclfcburg on the same date 0nitJiiUt nt was rirubr wounded irlda 0ranBe Rlvr Ccon last SUFFERING AT CAPE NOME flu- Cold ttuio Mi 111 lo il lt Wuct ICiiiiii ii A ICTOIHAB March II -The steam er Darubo wh h arrived this morning lirjught from Dawson telegrams to March 1 which stated that the mall from Nome lad readied there and gave news of many deaths from freezing and great suffering lit Cpe Nome The cold wave was the worst ever Ucwn Tent had been blown down and thr Inmates suffered severcl One man lrt Nome on December and two hours lifter he wtnt a party corning in found Wot and hit two dogs frozen The wind had covered them with a snow blanket nnd their bodies were only found by be Jg stumbled upon Other deaths were lei orted Business nt Nome was reported very elall Several stampedes took place and In nearl ever instance good strikes vere Inade Old miners were predicting big nds for next season ivorfoll Vi WnnIiliiKiim Mmiiihnnt Co DtllRhtlel trips ilailr at I JO p m from loot 7th et to Old Point Comfort Neuport tows Ncrfolk sail tho boulu Per schedule tec page 7 lire THE TREATY REJECTED EllKlnuiI llefum H to Krrr the iueniliiM utK Jord 1 iiinccfolc the British Ambassa dor npiKirod at the State Depirtnvnt vesttrda and handed Secrctar Ilaj a memorandum embracing Instructions from Lord Lirslowno the British Minister for I Foreign Affairs in res ml to the launcclote 1 Mil ml in Can il Trial The memorandum explains C cat Bri tains reasons for not accepting the Sen ate lirendmcnts to the treat and ex presses rigret lint the negotiation should hae been brought to such a con ruslon Tnere Is nothing in the British answer to suggest tint a reopening of ncgotla tioi s for a now treat wouki be welcomed by Great nritan In fact the answer In dicates that the S ilsbur Cabinet lc girds the iiuestion of arranging a eonven tlon to tike the place of the Uulwcr Cla ton Treat as ended 1 here Is no uoubt tint from the tone of the British the public Is permitted to know and that j reply an attempt to reopen negotiations mist le intlaled bv the I nited States Fo oad luse statements nothing eouid the extmt and character of the British ansu er ENGLISH PRESS COMMENTS Opinion n iiP itcjceliiiii of the I renlj iiitniliueuts LONDON March 12 The comments which appear here this morning on the rejection bj Great Britain of the amend ments to the lJa Piunccfote Treat are iiininl reproductions of the opinions ex pressed at the time the- amendments were presented to the British Government for action thereon Tho rejection was generally regarded as a foregone conclusion and no resent ment Is expressed against Senator Mor gan and the other extremists who are not regarded as intluencing American opinion Desilte th lire eaters sas the Standard the Americans will lie able to keep their ngagements knowing well that any equitable proposition they inak will get a read and cordial ic sponse The Telegraph dees not doubt that an honorable compromise will be found but sa it Is for the United Stales to make the next sugestion The Dill News while declaring that nobody doubts the existence of rights under the Cla ton Bulwer Treaty sas the are no longer of overwhelming im portance to Great Britain That countr has no sound reason for placing obstacles in the way of the wish of the United Suites to construct and fortify the canal It hopes that the matter will soon be re sumed It suggests that the Cla ton Bulwer Treaty be eiuletl abrogated by mutual consent The Chronicle regards the rejection as a dignified rebuff to the Senaloral Anglophobes It holds that President McKinle s lack of firmness is partly to blame for the Incident Great Britain it sas ought not to make counter-proposals but should await the next move or the United States llegardlng the text of the Marquis of Lansdownes reply to the United States nothing is detlnltel known but the Morning Post snvs it learns that It Is discursive and adduces arguments to convince the United States of the Impos sibility of Great Britain accepting the amendments THE SIROCCO AT TRIESTE Tropical Hcnt Ircvnlls nml Sitml InllK TRIESTE March 11 The sirocco which has bein prevailing in Sicily and south ern and central I till lias reached here The wind has caused the temperature to become of tropical warmth A quantity of sand has fallen ENGLAND BEHIND THE TIMES A s4llln rrlilleet sij M Amerlen LcnilK In liu lit liulldlni GLASGOW March 11 In a lecture de livered at the universltv here John Howard Biles consulting naval archi tect contrasted British and Ami rican jacht construction He said that Great Britain had alwas beer several jcar3 behind the United Stales The plea that British achts competing In the United States were obliged to cross the Atlantic had served as an excuse too long There had tieen a steady develop ment in the direction of lighter hulls and more sail but the British were ct behind the Americans The problem was to decrease the weight without reducing the strength TO AID GERMAN SUGAR llie Gov eminent to forbid the Tie of Ann Inl Prinluc tN BERLIN March 11 According to the evening papers the Governments litest step to aid the sugar Industr Is a pro posal to forbid the general use of sac charine and other artificial sweetenings The draft of a bill dealing with the sub ject which has been s ibmltted to the Bundesrath establishes the prohibition from April 1S02 except In cases w here health forbids the use of natural sugar The sale of the artificial products will be limited to druggists and other author ized persons A consumption tax of no marks per kilogram will be Imposed on these products A BEGGARS WILL CONTESTED JiiiiKloivlcr Left Ills rnrlime to round a Tnlt ersllj VIENNA March 11 Ix gal action lias arisen over the will of Andres Jungko wrz a misshapen beggar who for thirty four ears frequented the pavement In front of the Roal Hotel nt Budapest He lately died at the age of eighty four jcars Subsequently bonds to the amount of SoOyjO crowns were found in tho gariet where he had slept He left a will be queathing his mom y to tliu city f Prcis burg to establish t Hungarian utiveitit His relatives who are all poor lisputu the will The ease is being beaid nt Lud apest A BIG TELEGRAPH CASE The Appenl of n Suit Inv ult Iiik IfO 000000 ill Steurllles TORONTO March 11 An Interesting telegraph case will come up before tho Qourt of Appeals here this week and will occupy the attention of nearl all the prominent legal firms in the city The plaintiff is George Morrow a Bos ton broker and he is suing to set aside n transfer of stock In the Montreal Tele graph Co ny to the Great Northwest ern Telegraph Company whereby the Western Union Telegraph Company se cured control of both companies He failed before Justice Meredith It Is said thai J200O0 of securities arc directly and vltillj Involved in the result of the action and appeal It Is claimed incidentally b the plaintiff that the Great Northern Company Is not earning the S per cent dividend it pays annually lo the Montreal Telegraph shareholders and Hint tho Western Union Is making up the deficit and rhnrslns I against the Canadian companies VASni2sTGTO TTTESDAV EATtCII 12 1901 CHINA LIKELY TO AGREE Determined Demands Iticnkiiig Dvn Resistance Mr Omcrr snrM mi IIIh Wiij Home Tin- site for I In- I liKed Stalls Icgrntliin tni rlcnn SiiIiIUts Ii eimriuK to Hie Clt IEKIN March 11 It Is understood that the Chinese commissioners will sign the agreement with Russia respecting Man churia within ttn das The Chinese re spect a strong and determined neighbor though her demands injure China The prefer to grant favors to such a Power rather than to others professedly gi ner ous but whose object Js uncertain China is convinced that no Power is reallj fricndl with her Hence the jlelds to necessiti telieving that the ad vantage granted to Russia Is better than an attempt at resistance The site for the new American legation be learned at the State Department of tbe purchase of whch has been ized b the American Government is situ atcd in the sojlhwest section of the Inter national legation eiuirter ndjolning the city wall It will rcejulre special meisines of defence which means an addltiornl expense if the extensive plan of fortfl catlon contemplated is approved The other legations Insist that all shall share In tbe expense of the fortifications In pro portion to the space and positions occu pied The American milltar contingent Is taking the first steps to evacuate the clt The have removed a large part of their electric apparatus from the Temple of Agriculture Minister Conger left here toda on his way home He will visit Canton and will then sail on the steamer Nippon Maru for the United States There was a large representation from the diplomatic body present at the rall wa station Cordial greetings were ex changed with the American representa tive when he arrived and he was bidden a heart farewell Prior to leaving the cit Mr Conger re ceived a letter from the State Department expressing approval of his entire conduct here and refuting the sensational charges that have beer made against him by cer tain writers He stated that he expects to return In September He is much gratified by the progress alread made In the peace negotiations and is hopeful of a speed settlement of the Important points involved but he ex pressed solicitude for the autonom of the empire Minister Conger has left Pekln to re turn to the United States The Depart ment of fatate esterda received the fol lowing cablegram from him iekin March 11 isl -I leave Pekln today for America Squiers Is left In charge CONGER The State Department has designated the standing of Mr Rockhlll the Presi dents special commissioner to China and Mr Squiers Secretar of the Legation at ivkin respectivel for the period of Min ister Congers absence Mr Rockhlll will conduct the negotiations In behalf of the United States with Li Hung Chang and 1iince Chlng the Chinese plenipotentiar ies appointed to arrange with the Powers the- terms of settlement of the Boxer troubles Of all other diplomatic business and of the American Location business generally Mr Squiers will have control acting In Mr Congers absence ns Charge d Affaires The- Secretary of War has approved General Chaffee s plans for the withdraw al of American troops from China nnd or ders have been Issued for part of the rresent force to embark on an army transport at Shanlnlkwan General Chaffee k recommendation that a legation guard of only two companies remain In Pekln haa also received the approval of the War Department information Just received from Pekln is to the effect that a detachment of troops has left Iekin and will be follow ed gradually b the withdrawal of oth er troops It Is probable tint the lega tlin guard of two companies will be re duced to but one eompan late In the summer or early next all I he troops withdrawn from China will be sent to Manila and as soon ns the withdrawal is completed General Chaffee will also go to Manila to relieve General MacAtihur APPLEGATE NOT MURDERED The Parmers Dentil Irobnbl Due to nn Arclilent TRENTON N J March ll Corjner Bower and a Jury went to Extonvllle to day and visiu d the home of the late Thomas a wealthy faimer who was found diad In his barn on Sun day morning undi l circumstances Ulilcll caused suspicion of foul day No tiutop sy was performed but a fcuperflisl ex amination showed that the skull had been crushed In and that the bodv wis a maid of bruised with a numbi r of i uts about the head in addition to the one which broke the skull and v as the Im mediate cause of his diath The date of the Inquest has not been fixed as vet but a burial certificate will be issued tomor row hat cauoe d th suspicion that Apple gate had met foul play was the fact that he not onl received athreatening letter but in actuil visit from so colled White caps n few weeks ago and that he has said rcpeatedlv since then that lie expect ed to be murdered Neverthiliss the gen eral lie lief is that he was not murdered but was killed b his horse while Intoxi cated ills sis she was the victim of his abuse for thrte ears nnd this was the cause of the visit of the Whltecaps On Saturda lie went to Bordentovvn nnd when he got b ick late in the after noon he was more Intoxicated than she remembered seilng him In a long time hen he started for the stable he was reeling from side to side MURDERED IN HER HOME A A liliivv llrulfill Ili nleu e llr Mount Vermin 1 MOUNT VERNON N Y Mnrch 11 The mutilated bod of Mrs Sarih Jane Hes an ned widow was found this morning In the kitchen of her little home at Bladcnsburg a small hamlet southeast of this clt b a neighbor who Iited the house The womans brains had been lieuen out with a club and her face mutilated with a knife almost beond recognition and her arms and shoulders were hacked Foot prints evident made by a man of large size led to a woodpile and showed where the- murderer hot his weapon A CASTLE LINER ASHORE GroumleVl mi hhiclc on llie Jceille llKlillniiitti LONDON March 11 The Castle Lino steamship Klnfaus Castle Is ashore- on the Shingle bank off the Neidlcs light house She grounded during a heav fog lherearo ninct lvp cabin passengers on the boat Tugs have been despatched to the- assistance of the vessel foe lo Ireland I ONDON March 11 The Duke and Duchess of Manchest r have- gone to Tanderageo Castle lle duke- r se it In Armngh Ireland Ho said toda that the breach of promise suit brought against him by Miss Portia Knight was quite un justllled ami lie believed thai ll had been dropped since the writ was served upon him TO SECULARIZE THE FRIARS reblilsliop Clinpelle Snlii tt Ijmir Tills solution NEW OBiEANS Marcu il Iteane who has been in the Philippines with Archbishop ChnpeUe arrived here toda direct from Manila rather Renney reportid Archbishop Clnpelle as looking careworn but being In good health A hen he left Manila the Archbishop was pi panng to start for Rome on the way home to New Orleans but he Is convinced tot events which have happened since then will render a departure from Manila cur ing March Impossible 1 lie Arehbis tip had lost the easa tS the San Jose College the medical college to which the Catholic Church laid dalm Father Renney said the Philippine court had decided against the claim of the Church and In Tavor of the Cover lmcnt ownership of tho property Archblshoo - i in I cnapciie naa nimsii pn auiu inu tre court assisted oy Arcnoisnop MKuima of Manila An appeal would be taken to the Su preme Court of the United States but lather Reane did rot think there was niij clmce of that tribunal reversing the decision of the Philippine court On the other hind the Archbishop had gained the point of having the Church catechism used in the public schools rather Remey thought that llie ques tion of the expulsion of the friars would be settled In the secufarizatlon of the re ligious orders nil the priestly members of the religious orders being allowed to avnil themselves of the privilege granted b the Catholic Church when the occa sion arises of becoming secular priests This would keep the friars in the Phil ippines but as Catholic priests not as members of a religious organisation Archbishop Chapelle approved this plan ns tho best wa to settle the problem in asmuch as It would leave In charge of the Church men who understood the lan guage customs and manners of the peo ple If the friars became secular priests they would stand in the same atltudc as the ministers of other sects and religions and could not be expilletl from the archi pelago DRIVEN OUT BY FLAMES TcunnlK of n Jen lork llnt Ioreed to Ilee NEW lORK March II One hundred tenants of the Winchester apartment house at the southwesf corner of Ninth Avenue and FIft seventh Street were driven from their beds by fire this moriv Ing Most of them reached the street by means of the elevator which made flying trips under the guidance of James Shaw the night engineer of the Winchester Shaw becime unconscious owing to the elense smoke In the halls and the police called for a volunteer Jaek Collins a pugilist promptly en tered the car He made five or six trips and did not stop until there were no more passengers to be brought out of the building Collins had a rain coat on and he cov creel his head with It while riding up and down the elevator shaft Allen Sangree wns almost frantic when he was led from the elevator He sail that he had Just finished the last chapter of a book dealing with Lis experiences In South Africa Ho said that he had grabbed the manuscript wheiihe Hi Uii room but lost It somewhere He Ai led to return for It but the poj em i Jicld him The fire caused Jin nr amounting to iVAOO COMPASSION FOR PLATT Allowed In Himself AVitli IIIH Inenrie NEW YORK March 11 Senator Piatt remained In his room at the rifth Avenue Hotel all this morning and neglected the express business in order to examine State police bills ancient and modern submitted to him by ex Judge W M Co hen and other experts who are trjlng to solve- the problem of turning over the police of New York City to the Repub lican machine without violating the con stitution He examined the original Met ropolitan Police bill the Constabulary bill which Governor Roosevelt tried to put through the Legislature and various other measures on the same line which have been offered to him b Iawers who expect to gain favor b solving the prob lem for him but it nppeired that the Senator was not satisfied with any of these efforts to get around Die constitu tional provision concerning home rule When asked whether he had selected a bill which was tu go through the legisla ture he repliesl I have nothing to com municatenot a vvprd None of the Republican Senators or Ahsembbmen of this cit cjlled on Mr Piatt toda to give him pssurnnccs of support All of thorn are known to be opposed to the constabulary scheme Tliev do not criticise his position how evir One of the Assembl men expressed the general feeling when he said- The old man Is amusing himself and Is not hurting an bod mere was a note of compass on In the comments heard toda on benator Piatts talk about a State police bill Last week he declared positivil in Washington tint such a bill would In- passed within a wek i roni tins position he gradu ill receded until cstcrdiy he- was quoted as saviag Senator Raines tells me that vvlienver I givo the word a Ktnte nnllre hilt wilt be passed This de pendenco on inform i tion from Raines b a mall whose orders used to be obeed without question causeel remarks b old time followers of the Senator which would not gratify him If he believes that he still retains absolute control of the machine - On thing seems to bo settled nam ly that the R lines Constabular bill has been abandoned Whether a compromise measure which will avoid the constitu tional pitfalls can bo constructed re mains to be seen A HEARING IN ANNAPOLIS I he Iteforni Ie nKue Irnlesls Auniimt the llllllnl IIIH ANNAPOLIS am March 11 Represen tatives of the Reform League were In An napolis today strongly protesting against the pissage b tho General Assembly of the proposed ballot law which means dis franchisement of 1 literate white and col ored voters Ex Senator Arthur P Gorman Is on hand to push along the bill ns speedily as possible Active Republicans are- also looking into the measuii with much con cern A hearing was given tod iv In the Sen ate chamber lasting nearly four hours The Reform League speakers wero Intro duced b Clurlis J Bonaparte of Balti more n lendir In the movement It is evident the Senate Is acting cati tlousl One of the Senators has said tint his white friends vvoald ufrer by the bill Several lively tilts oicurred during the several hours debate In vhlch n half dozen spoke for and ngalnst the bill V lrnlluer Manifesto PARIS March 11 The d legates f the Luropenn and American pro Boer com mittees In conference here- have drafted u manifesto protesting agilnst the vio IMian of rights of map bv he British m South Africa and appealing to tho Eu ropean nnd American Gcvrnnients to mediate to Up th war and preeerve ine indcpenlic of the South African li publics Union Trust and storage Co Kile deputlt boies J5 ear up 1IJ1 1 st rents MANY DEAR IN THE RUINS Nine Hndies Taken From the Wrecked Chicago Laundry Oilier Victims of the Holler Explo sion Ire Suppose il In He llurli il 1 mler the Debris The Ilfse nerH II ml First In Untile Willi Flames CHICAGO March II A boiler explosion in the Doremus Laundry 4CS to i62 West Madison Street at S H oclock this morn ing resulted in many deaths among the empIoes Nine bodies had been recovered from the ruins up to tonight Tent slx other persons were injured several fatlll and a number are missing It is believed that bodies are still burled In the wreck The majority of the vic tims were girls The west wall of the Wavcrly Theatre building now occupied bj the Volunteers of America adjoining the ruined struc ture was knocked In and the auditorium of that building filled with debris Inspector Shea has given orders to hold In custody A F Doremus the proprietor of the laundry until the mstcr concern ing the cause of the explosion has been cleared aw a Doremus said that he bought the boiler four ears ago It was thoroughly overhauled and in spected at the time he sas and has been regularl Inspected ever since It was fif teen leet long b five feet In diameter and of slxt horsepower Doremus also told Inspector Shea that he paid J12 a week to the man who attended the boilers That amount the Inspector said will not pay the- wages or a competent engineer to run such a boiler The dead are JIVrtTIH JvCOW twentl one rears old liUSK II VMS MI Mm hrLH Ijumlry girl BFJ SIE MVVHE flltem Mrs old worked in drv room of laundr llMr OLSfJi thirt six Trars oil HHlt Illll engineer in hundrv EMMV HimSKV eighteen jcirs old lanndrr girl Two unidentified todies at the morgue There are three bodies in the ruins which van be seen but owing to the con dition of the debris they cannot be re moved until later The missing are Willie Dean ten ear old vno was in his fathers restaurant next to the laundry building when the- explosion occurred and is thought to have been tuned in the ruio Rate Walsh Cregier Saliarcoui Colbert Vlmldi Jonet IX Elizabeth street eniploved in dry room The seriously injured Mamie Bums internal injuries arms crushed and cut on head will die I I7zi rhirraiiyh taken from ruins unconscious will die Fdon badlv rnihcd alwut the head and body will die William It Raephel tlety two years eld lntcmil injuries will die Jlary llloko b3 Frje Street both arms trufihed and severe scalp woundi condition serious Joseph Ortsel ler twenty years old C Vbenlewi ctreet internal injuries and body badly cnihed will die The explosion destroed the barracks of the Volunteers of America a confection cry store a fruit store a baker a butch er shop and a saloon In addition to the launflr Over ninety people are supposed to have been in these places at the time the accident occurred The explosion was one of almost unpar alleled severity For nearly two blocks up and down Madison Street buildings were shattered by Its force Practcaily every window in these two blocks was broken nnd the list of persons cut by flying Glass will amount to fifty or more Persons who were In bed In the vicinity sa they were hurled from their beds Passengers Jn street cars were thrown violently from their seats Hundreds of men and women nulled Immediately to the assistance of the vic tims Orders were sent to nil West Side and North Side police stations for am bulances and patrol wagons to assist in carring away the dead and Injured The lire department was at once noti fied When the first apparatus arrived flames were shooting up amiu the ruins It was feared for a time that fire would add to the horror but quick work stopped this danger and the entire energies of the department were directed toward clearing away the debris rescuing the wounded and taking out the dead The cnuse of the explosion Is so far un known The engineer who is a Swede known as George is missing and he is supposed to be one of the victims He had been in the employ of the company for a number of cars It was stated that he was not a regular engineer but was considered competent to fill the position owing to long experience Pieces of the bolcr were found in Jack son Boulevard three blocks away From the appearance of the ruins the boiler went almost directly upward There were many thrilling rescues and heartrending scenes William Nugent who was one of the party to first reach the scene bald I saw half a dozen women on the floor of the laundry Two f us carried out a woman and a girl Both of them were in a dead faint Then others came and we got four more women and girls out Only one of them could talk They were apparently unconscious from the shock Andrew Riley and John Gambon two firemen did heroic work nnd saved a little girl from death The fire was rapidly eating Its way toward the girl who was held down by a mass of timbers nnd brick Into the midst of the fire th two firemen hewed away with axes until the girl was rescued One man and two bos when rescued were Insane One boy who was about seventeen ears old was cut about the head and neck and his legs were broken He ellcd and fought with the firemen to get back to his work llie man who was about forty ears old had one e0 gouged out and his body badl crushed but he managed to free hinistlf from a policeman nnd fireman nnd attempted to crawl back Into the ruins SMELTERS INJUNCTION DENIED Victory for the Mnjnrll Stockhold ers in the Vlerser Suit NEW YORK March 11 Stevens In Jersey City this nfter noon denied the application of certain mlnorit stockholders for an injunction to prevent the Increase- of American Smelting and Refining Company stock for the absorption of the Guggenheim properties The merger had been vottd and Is now theiefore effective A MOB SEARCHES A JAIL llie Irlsoner Tliey Souitht However A lis ol There AUSTIN Tex March 11 Governor Sajers was advised this evening that a mob of 8000 people have gathered in Corslcana to lnch the negro John Hen derson the nlleged murderer of Mrs Younger If they can la hands on him The J ill was searched b the mob but the prisoner was not found Excitement is running so hUIi that It Is feared the mob may attempt other acts of violence If affairs do not cool down the State militia nnd a force of State rangeis will be sent to Corslcana to disperse the mob Tho negro prisoner Henderson Is said to b In Jail at Hillsborough He was to hive been brought to Corslcana tola for prellrnlmr examination and this caused the mob to assemble WATER FOR NEW YORK The- Henvj Ilnlufnll ItcKiinlril In the IlKlit of n lUcKniiiK NEW YORK March II The best rain storm that New York has had for more th n a year came last nbjht and kepi pouring water ill over this region for more than welire irs Fiom 2 o clock to 7 this morning it wns a perfect downpour and when It wns through all Immediate danger of a water famine was over The total rainfall was 2M Inches As the ground was frozen beneath the sur face and as the rain came with an tin usjal hurr the water rushed Into creeks and found its way Into the various reser voirs instead of being absorbed In tho earth It was still necessary for water carts to he used In the highest points in the Bronx because of the limited capacity cf the WIIHamsbridge conduit which will not allow an Increase of more than t four Inches dall in the WillUms bridgc distributing reservoir In a few das there will be pressure enough to carry water into every house In the Bronx FLOODED BY HEAVY RAINS Willie IlninH V V Iteslilenlii Resort III ItOVTllOlttN WHITE PLAINS N Y March 11 The rainfall last night and this morning according to Frederick Sejmour super intendent of the waterworks system was the heavlest In this section in 15 years Measurements showed a rainfall of 3 SS 1W Inches and at 1 o clock this had In creased to 4 1 2 inches More than a hundred houses In this vil lage were surrounded with water rang ing In depth from 3 to 5 feet Several streets were submerged and the only means the people had to get out of their homes was by rowboats The Harlem Railroad officials say that there were forty washouts on the line between Scarsdale and Chatham and traffic was delayed all day TWO DAMS CARRIED AWAY A Woman Drowned In Rhode lMlnnil PROVIDENCE R I March 11 The Canada and Randall dams at Wan3kuck burst early this morning earning awa two wooden buildings containing nln3 persons oil oi hr2 have been accounted for excepting one Emily Whlmpcy who was probably drowned Th5 upper Canada dam gave way first The flood camo down with a rush and swept away the lower Randall dam with in a few minutes Over this dam wero two wooden buildings each sixty feet square and three stories in height run as a cotton mill by George E Wceden The dam was carried away with the buildings Nine of the occupants were soon strug gling in the current They clung to rafts trees and whatever else came within reach and firemen with ropes tied around their bodies waded into the water and succeeded In rescuing all but one of the party ladders weie spliced together making bridges across plnres which could not be wader and thus the im periled ones were drsgged to safety The whole country below the dam presents a sene of desolation A hole eight feet deep and three and a half wide was discovered by a track walker in time to prevent the wrecking of the 10 12 a m passenger train from Boston to this city A FLOOD IN ITHACA IHsTli Wnter Cnuned b ndi ri In the Cltj ITHACA N Y March 11 The fair grounds and the lower part of the city of Ithaca are completely flooded with water and Ice as a result of the recent rains The warm rain has completely thawed the ice in Cascadlila and Fall Creeks and floating ice has blocked the streams at the bridges of some of the important streets Between Tioga and Aurora Streets last night Cascadilli Creek was full of ice and at 5 o clock this morning the watT ilowed over the banks causing considera ble damage DEATHS IN THE STORM FlltnllUes Reported Xriini Arknns is nml W est Tennessee MEMPHIS Tenn March 11 Reports of damage by Saturday nights storm are coming in from the countr slowly as the telegraph and telephone wires are opened Mail and wire reports to date indicate that no less than ten persons and perhaps more lost their lives in West Tennessee and Arkansas Around Forest City three people J A Wooley aplanter and PInkey Watson and one of his children were killed out right The Wooley home was literal carried away and the inmates all more or less hurt At Rockhlll Mrs Mollle Davis an old lad was Instantly killed Oscar Rob erts a guest at her home sustained In juries from which he died At Jackson all of the houses except one were demolished Charles Beasllng was killed and other casuiliies are supposed to have occurred In that section and at Cov Ington Tenn AV att Smith colored was killed The farmers have sustained very heavy loss OIL FROM THE LUCAS GUSHER Ihe First shipment lo n 1Iilln ilclltiiit Firm PORT ARTHUR Tex March 11 The first shipment of oil from the great Lucas gusher has just been made from Port Arthur It amounted to six thousand bar rels of the crude oil and is consigned to parties in Philadelphia who will use- it for fuel The pipe line built by Messrs Guffey and Galley owners of the Lucas well will soon be In regular operation and the prodact will be sent direct from the well to Port Arthur a distance of eighteen mc3 COLLEGE BUILDINGS BURNED A Dc Mtriicllvc Fire nt llie Lnlversilj of lunii IOWA CITY Iowa March 11 With wind blowing lift miles an hour fire started at 2 iO oclock this morning In the medical building of the State Universit and lort minutes later it was In ruins It was built In 1V0 The south building one of the oldest In the State caught tire and is a total loss with no insurance The loss will reach upward of 2D0003 V lendiii Mellimllsl Demi LONDON March 12 The Rev William Arthur one of the oldest and most promi nent Methodist ministers died at Cannes Saturda His obituaries stnte that he traveled extensively In the United States where his advocac of the North during the civil war gained him remarkable pop ularit among American Methodists Double Ilnllj Frist Trnln service li H ilTnlo sin Ieiius Ivnnln ltiillrnml Iteglnrlng Marih 1 leaving VYavhinston 7 jO a m and 715 p m tUIh arriving Buffalo 8 p in and 733 a in daily Pullman larlor ears dining ear and coaches oil day cvpress Pullman buffet sleeping cars on night cxprKj through solid vestibule train Price One Cent BOUND TO BE BEtMIZED Coal jliner Not Satisfied With the Operators Tenin The Convention Delegnles Take a Vi vv Hew of llie situation In the Antlirnclte Ilelils The Dnueer of n nic strike lij No Mean As cried WILKESBARRK Pa March Mitchell of the United Mine Work ers and the officers of this district start ed this eveninvi for Hnzleton and with them were nearl v w of the delegates of the district Ihe men from the Seventh and Ninth districts will be on the ground tonight or early in the morning The majority of the men admit that they have been instructed to favor any measure compelling the operators to rec ognize the union and they mean to use their best endeavors to bring this about President Mitchell would not commit himself I am hopeful there will be no strike he said but thp miners are net satisfied with the offer made by the operators It Is presumed the delegates from other districts are also under orders to voto for the recognition of tho union and If this Is carried as it apparently will be the danger of a strike will be very real A canvass today of the operators head ing the largest companies showed them to bo a unit against attending the joint conference or recognizing of the union The say that recognition would be a onc sldeit agreement benefiting the union only and that while they would be held responsible for any promises made to the union that organization would bo entire ly free to do a3 It pleSsed They admit ted that if the union was Incorporated they msht recognize it as then It could be got at if It failed to keep its promises They point to the fact that the union cannot control Its own men as evidenced by the numerous small strikes that have caused the operators considerable loss the best argument In favor of its being nn irresponsible body and declare It would be foolishness to bind themselves to an agreement with such an organiza tion Most of them do not believe there will be an strike saying the miners have not enough to gain to warrant them striking the jiowdcr the company store company doctor and semi monthly pay grievances beln r granted at the end of the strike last fail These were the chief grievances The say there are two demands which if made by the miners will precipitate a strike an Increase In wages and the rcognltlon of the union HAZLETON Pa March 11 Presld nt Mitchell s remarks that the agreement of the coal companies to continue for another ear the present wage scale was not at all satisfactory have been followed by a marked change In sentiment of the labor leaders here on Saturda when the notices wero posted they felt and many said that this action on the part of the companies was equivalent to a recognition of the union and that it settled definitely primary Is sues This question being disposed of the prospects for satisfactory settling the miners grievances were very promising- Mitchells utterances which are taken as declarations of a policy to be followed by the other officials produced a remarkable change - These men now sa In effect that the offers of the companies are not satis tory and that recognition will be insisted on The convention will open tomorrow morning and there will be besides the officers of the Mine Workers Union 500 delegates from the various locals present but there will be no Joint convention be tween operators and miners That was definite settled by the companies no tices National Organizer Schlosser said to day There will be mar things to oexon sidered b the convention besides tha companies offer to continue the present wnge scale for another ear One of these is a uniform wage siale At present there is a wide difference In the prices paid for labor at the differ nt collieries for the same kind of work and that matter must be taken up sooner or later In reference to the companies notices Mr Schlosser said The offer of the companies Is not satisfactory It is re garded with suspicion and Justly so FOUND DEATH PREFERABLE V Veternu Commits Sniclde Iluther Than Intlerge nn Operntlon ST LOUIS March 11 Louis Grand former assessor and collector of water rates and department commander of the Grand Army of the Republic committed suicide today using a shotgun He was a native of Germany and was flft tive ears old An affection of the blood destroeel the use of his right leg His ph siclans said that the amputation of his right foot would be necessary and rather than un dergo the operation he took his life A FATAL VISIT TO THE MAINE Dentil of a Diver Who Examined the SiiuUen Wreck NEW ORLEANS March 11 Edward Andrew Conrid one of the best known divers In the countr died here today after a brief illness When the Govern ment advertised for bids for the removal of the wreck of the Maine from Havana Harbor Conrad was emploed b one of the bidders Moses Schwartz of this city to Inspect the hull Conrad had been sick but he undertook the work His examination resulted In the discover of the cable extending from tho shore which fired the submarine explosive that destroed the ves el Conraus ex posure to the poisonous waters of Havana Harbor brought on a relapse He returned from Cuba In a ver critical condition Conrad was thirt nine ears old a na tive of Boston He entered the nav and became one of the most noted expert div ers in the service He left the service sixteen ears ago and has ever since been a diver and wrecker ANDREW DOUGHERTYS WILL The Cutholle lnlersll Gels n of frOO NEW YORK March 11 The will of Andrew Dougbert of plaiig card fame was tiled for probate todav Bequests cf J3000 are made to the Roman Catholic Orphan As lum here and the Catholic University nt Washington The rest of the estati Is to be divided among his sons and his daughter The value of tho personal estate Is put at IGOOOO That of the realt Is not given Ocrun Sc miuhi1i Mov enieiils NEW YORK Starch II Arrived La Champagne Champagne Hnvre Graf Waldersee Hamburg Arrived out Rot terdam from New- York at Boulogne Kaiser Wilhclm der Grossc from New iork at Southampton Columbia from New York at Hamburg FIjlins Business Colleue Htll nml IC Uiuincss Shorthand 523 a year