OCR Interpretation

The times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1897-1901, March 16, 1901, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85054468/1901-03-16/ed-1/seq-4/

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Patent Leather Hoots
new nobby
Wombs tan and blank fine Vlcl Kid Hoots 30
Womens hand made kid and guaranteed ratent
leather Oxford Ties 15 spies
Mens tan and Mack serviceable and dressy laced
Shoes 11 new shapes
Mens stvllsh Patent leather Oxfords
Spring b l awl heelless soft
duraWe Vict Kid Laced and Button
kid or patent tiwed turn or e
Stees 1 to S i CC
Introductory Price 4 D
Our famous Wear Proof Shoes
fw Hovs and Oirls nave no equals
at w aftMn r sow auw tv4
IS style tan or utack
Introductory Price
Nol Patent Kid Dress Shoes
for Misses and Bojs Shoes jou
cant buj an where under Ji50 a
Introductory Price
omens Famous Shoes
To Start with a Rush Today
Our biisiuts nicthods nro aggressive each season MUST show an incieae of sales
over the preceding out therein reducing the cost of Mioes to the consumer fiom car to
We contracted many months ago not only for the largest Itut also the linest and
hwellest new Spring Shoes Washington has ever seen To dispone of this immense stock
we shall have to push the volume of our sales wav ahead of any of our past big records
Even if jou arent quite readv to lmv vour new Spring Footwear we want ou to see
our splendid new styles the SlECIAlOXE DAY 1NTHODUCTOKV 1ICICI2 we shall
quote will niuKc it interesting enough for you to buy today
Were Prepared for Big Crowds Today
These Prices Will Surely Bring em
S250 grade Mens and
Womens splendid new
Spring Shoes
Introductory Trice
The reputation of our great W
Health and Beauty Shoes is well deserved They
are the eolutlon of ov er SO ears shoe experience
ami without a doubt the best Shos on earth sold
for JI or ev en IZJji
17i Style of Hoots at KSOO
3 MjIc h of Oxford nt
Guaranteed Boys Girls
and Womens perfect fitting
Introductory Price
Splendid 1 quality Kid Oxford
Ties with stout extension soles
kid or patent tipped low or Cubev
liec b - new Khapts 0 J Cl
Introductory Price iJU
25 new stle fine hand made Sur
pass Kid and Patent Leather Boots
and Oxfords cant be equaled for
an where OCX A J
Introductory Price Z 4 3
Guaranteed Pitent Leather J
grade finest Dress Slices A rew
isdr FIlii2 for any iair that
breaks before first sole is through
lutroduclorv Price
Iniiotluclorr Price
best j ijhocs
Introductory Price
Hoys Mack and Ian genuine Vici Kid solid sole
spring heel Ires Shoes
Hoys heeled Sterling Cult shapely Shoes
Misses and Childs fine Vicl Kid laced and button
Shoes 6 t les
Childs hind sewcd latent leather cloth top but
tons sizes 4 to S
Womens guaranteed Vici Kid Boots Z stjles
Moot durable and best fitting
Casco Calf and Vici KM Shoes a ou
mit bought at tz are hero to-
dai In It new
st lea f j if
v Price 143
Just to introduce them c shall
offer 5 new stvlcs line hand made
Velvet Calf and Vici Kid S3 grade
Hoc lrcncli Patent Calf J1M
quality Knell shapes of I aced But
ton ami UMoros siiiu mui iuts
Mens Unsurpassed Shoes vO0J
Are unexcelled ly any P Shoes for Stylo and com
fort they hae no erpials for wear at any price
Each pair sol J Willi this guarantee A new pair
IRUn if ti pera break before first facile is
A for livery Tne
A Tit for An Toot
Three Reliable Shoe Houses
Cor Seventh and K Streets
1914 and 1916 Pcnna Ave
233 Penna Avenue S E
Woodwards Views on the
Prevalence of Smallpox
the Aiimber of fines Treated SInee
1 miliary 1 Hovr the IJii enne
Mirends Irom Centre of ContnK
iou Use of the Contlnuc nt lund
The records of the Health Office show
Fomc interesting facts about the preva
lence of smallpox In the city Thanks to
our neighbors the States of Marvland
nnd Virginia not to mention North Caro
lina and West Virginia Washington has
not been without smallpox for a period
of more than nine months Despite the
care taken by the Health Department to
Keep the disease In check It is imported
ljiom the outside and scattered broadcast
among the colored population
The records show that there are at the
present time eighteen cases under treat
ment In Uie hospital and something like
forty people are in the detention camp or
In quarantined houses awaiting the de-
elopment of the disease in case the con
tagion has affected them The greater
numb r of the patients under treatment
were removed from houses in the eastern
section of the city though the Northwest
Is well represented The eighteen cases
developed in ten premises which at the
present time represent the possible centres
of contagion Only two of the eighteen
cases developed in the detention camp
nnd two were imported
Since January 1 of this year the Health
Department has treated thirty two cases
f smallpox at the hospital The dis
ease is of rawer a mild type and in
the majority of cases iclds to the usual
treatment There have been no deaths
Of the thirty two cases three only were
w lute iieople and in two instances the
lni iector has not been able to trace
the disease to any known source no that
It Is assumed that the white people were
exposed to the disease by contact with
colored persons in cars or otherwise
Dr William C Woodward Health Offi
cer in speaking of the matter esterday
said that It would be difficult to stamp out
the smallpox in the District until the
States ceae to send new cases here and
until the colored people learn to take core
of ttemelves Dr Woodward called spe
lial attention to the fact that two cases
j ui In the hospital were brought in from
the outside and that nearly all the cases
t incc January 1 are traceable to two
sources of contagion both of which
liad their origin from imported cases
H appears from what the Health Officer
said that a large percentage of the cases
treated wen traceable to John Hamilton
Ho came to the ell November 21 of last
ear and vl llid a sick cousin at 3J
a sea
Wilie Court northeast There he met sev
eral friends and from this source the
Health Office has traced more than thirti
es ses through the Brent Browns and
others Hamilton lived ut Halls Station
Md and his lt to his couin ns the
Health Officer expressed it left behind far
reaching consequences
Another source of many cases wa the
outbreak of the malad in two houes on
the New Cut Bond Several have de
veloped in persons who visited the sick in
one or the otlier of thene houses
Dr Woodward saia that mere nau oeeu
no general recourse to vaccination and he
did not think there would tie While
there has been a good many cases the
he said had not spread widely He
could sec no possible cause of alarm In
preaent conditions and the fact that it has
not gone beyond the limits of certain well
deDned centres of contagion he thought
ought to assure everybody that tho trouble
is being eriiclentl dealt with
In speaking of compuKon vaccination
Dr Woodward stated that it had ken re
sorted to in the past and would be again
whenever It should be thought necessary
The course to be pursued he iald was for
the Health Department to call the atten
tion of the Commissioners to the blef of
the office that general vaccination was
necessarv In the interests of the publlo
health The Commissioners then have tha
nuthority he explained to order compul
sory house-to-house vaccination b stn
eral proclamation
Dr Woodward stated that he believed
the publication or the facts nJalinc to
Jill easel reported to his office had a
bencnclil effect He is of the opinion that
suth publication in the napers warns h
ple away from the infected localities and
in that way prevents the spread of the
disease Dr Woodward is thoroughly op
posed to the exploitation of Sfiisational
paragraphs calculated to frighten the
timid but he liellcves the people of Well
ington who read the nespaier should
be informed every time a ease of small
pox is leported to him Concealment of
Ui plain fartx he regards a serious fault
of public administration
Dr Woodward stated that there were
probahl some eases of the disease which
are not reported to the Health Office The
disease is of sicli a mild tyue that a
physician is not summoned and those
who have it wander about and expos
uthcrs In this way the Health Office
accounts for some of the caseb the are
unable to trace
George II Hurries commanding the
mllilU of the District of Columbia lias
written to the Commissioners renu sting
an expression of opinion be solicited from
the Comptroller of the Treasury concern
ing the following proposition
Can the National luaid of the Dis
trict of Columbia purchase coal out of the
appropriation for cleaning and renalting
uniforms arms and equipments and con
tingent expenses under the head of
militia of the District of Columbia
The reasons which prompt the foresi
Ins request nro itated as follows
The commanding officer of the Naval
Battalion of the District of Columbia Na
tional Guard has submitted a rtUlltl in
for fifteen tons of coal for uso on board
the United States steamship IVrn and
informs me tliat the coal supply is nearl
exhausted He further states that in or
der to properly care for the ship and tin
large amount of Government property
Gone for good
Dipeijsja with all Ite attendant rni of nausa icM toniach
1 n i id rre t Iip irt action poor appetite disturlKd si p -unstrung
erves -and a debilitated body If von use n tonic which will re new
our uppi tdc remove nuus a and flitui lice reduce andlt of
h qui t Vwjr ne rn e give Jem in acofnl slrep and Increase d vitalltv
Ufc will be a pleasure not a burden if 0U use
fvlasons YELLOW Tablets cure DYSFEPS5A
rn mid Cur llcUiieos Hcitdnc Iic Urnin mid crvc Iinjcorntor
K Calomtl A or Oplilts
Mussi Yellow Tiblcti Curt
SamlCir SktocM lloJicht
Uriln cJ Nerve Thk 10c
Miki Drawn Tbeu Care
BHiosi and Urer Trouble j
O U I ike roorior Jte
Mkoh Ked Tableli Core
Brouliltli Bid Urtalb
Scrt oi slthti rest IC
Mnons While TibttU Care
KriacelnlUDmatlon 10c
Hjscbj Creim el Olires Corel
Crp IJirfJei enrat
I orns tai Tiles 25c
All Oninisti or nulled lor rrlce kr
HI ArA Street
PtUtdclpkk Pi
stored therein It Is absolutely necesairy
that his requisition bo honored at once
The allotment to the Naval Battalion
out of the appropriation for rent fuel
light care and repair of ships having
lieen exhausted 1 am unable at the pres
ent time to devise the was and means
necessary to overcome the difficulty
The Capital Traction Company through
its president re cently nslccd permission
ot the Commissioners to paint a strip
white twelve Inches wide between the
slot rail mid the track at such points
as have been designated as being the
common runs of the Tire Department
By a recent order of the Commissioners
It is made eibllgatory on the part of the
company to stop its cars at these points
nnd the request Is made as a matter of
convenience to the motomien so that
the y will not be compelled to carry all
these iKilnts in their head
The Engineer Commissioner Ill consid
ering the matter recommended to his col
leagues that the request be granted ex
cept that the strip to le painted should
lie made red instead or white as in his
opinion the reel color would le less
llkel to frighten fractious horses than
the white
W II Stoutcnburgh Intdident of the
Washington Aslum has addressed a let
ter to the Commissioners reepiestlng that
the Attorney for the District be asked
to rcmler an opinion relative to the com
putation of time of prisoners sentenced
to serve terms in the workhouse He sas
that in v lew of ouestlon of difference
lu computation of time of prisoners so
Mitenccd he- would like to have the mat
ter of the fractions of a dav settled He
asks that he be informed whthcr in de
termining u prisoners t rm of servitude
he should be credited with the day of
anlval and the day of release as full days
of service
II I Bust of WS Fourteenth Street
northwest lias requested iermissIon to
pa water main assessment on lot S
block I 10 Droit Park without interest
ami penalt
II H Darneille the Assessor In report
ing upon the matter states that his rec
ords sliow that sub lot 25 etc is as
sessed in the name of Joseph C Johnson
trustee now In the name of lrank Ba
con assessed December 3 11C for
main laid on Hare wood Avenue be
tween Him and Oik Streets As this
case comes under the Burgdorff decision
the Assessor recommends that the water
main assessment be received on tender
of the principal against the lot etc
Annie Cavanaugh of H9 rourth Street
northeast recentlj made a request of the
Commissioners that she lie ierniitted to
pa the third and fourth installments of
water main tax against lot 43 square S0j
without interest and penalt
In this case the Assessor lias reported
that the ri cords show that the first and
s coiid Installments of the tax in question
have been paid As tills case also conies
under the de clslon In the Burgdorff case
the Assessor makes a recommendation
similar to the toregoing
Henry M Hot President of the 1U
form School for Girls lias asked the Com
missioners to approve the appointment of
William II Bowles ns laborer ut the
school vIcp lredeiick Collins resigned
the appointment to into effect March
1 lL
Going Vhroml for Ills Health
Gen Theodore Schwan retired and
Jlrs Sclivraii will leave Washington in
a few dts lor New York General
Schwin will sill on the North German
Ijlojd steamship Barliorossa Thursdaj
ni st for Bremen General Schwan who
c unmanded n number of expeditions
m llost the riliplno insurg nts is in poor
In iltli nnd will mako a tour of Buropc
visiting Uussia and the Medilerranei i
llentli of lllhrrl AVIIUe M
Gilbert Willes a grandson of the late
Bear Admiral Wilkes died last Jdomla
at Denver Col He was formerly an en
sign In the navy nnd during tho Spanish
Ann rican war served atKiard the lo
semltc as commanding officer of the
Michigan Naval Beserve He married a
daughter ot Mr Charles Denby former
Slliilster to China
In ever- rnrouiler it rer iirr brsln nr
brawn llfurHhit Ik cm will found Inrohiahle
Iiione West 31 Arlington ilotllins Co for a
cjso of iiacrzeii Senate or Iuer
sr In
f cli
J liael been a sufferer for many years
from nervoiisuessvuth all its symptoms
and complications writes Mrs O N
Fisher iS5t Lexington Ave Nev7 York
S Y I was constantly going to see a
physician or purchasing medicine In
the spring of iSoj my husband induced
me to try lit 1ierces Favorite Prescrip
tion After taking one liottle and fol
lowing your advice I was so encouraged
that I took five more bottles and then
stopped for several v eel as I felt so
much better but still I was not rout
plclfly curta I commenced taking it
again and felt that I vias improving
faster than af first I am not now cros3
and irritablej and I have a good color in
my face hive also gained about ten
pounds iu weight and one thousand
pounds of comfott for I am a new
woman once more and jour advice and
your Fav orile Prescription is the cause
of it coupieu vvsui me relicts
which nre not to be dispensed vv itli I
took eight bottles of the Prescription t
the last time making fourteen iu all 1
and will not take auy more unless you
6o advise for I do not sec as I need it
WmiSq u TtfiyrmK
1 Pants up to 650 for 250
i Today we offer you the choice of any pair of mens winter-
jj weight pants in the store for 250 which sold up to 050 This
offering includes every pair mind 3 on and we emphasize this
T point because of the practice of many clothiers of picking out the
T popular patterns when such an offering as this is made
T Any of the above may be bought and charged and paid
4- for as suits your convenience
I Sale of new shoes for spring
jf Special lowered juices today for the new spiing styles
X in ladies mens and childrens footwear You should appreciate
the bargains which sue thus made for they are all worthful
standard qualities which wear longest and hence give the grcat
X est satisfaction
c pair today for misses and childrens vici kid lace
T shoes with the new patent rubber spring Leels which prevent
noise and piolong the wear Otlier shoe stores sell shoes of
5 equal value for 17 and 10 S1c pair for sizes 3 to 11 Doc
6 pair for sizes 1H to
X otic pair today for little boys vici kid spring heel lace
X shoes sizes to Vl which are bes t tISc values you can buy
T tISc jiiiir today for outhV and bois satin calf lace shoes
T with horse shoes quilted all over the soles made of extra quality
X sole leather and with strong back strajs regular 2 and 175
X values USc for sizes it to 2 fl2 for sizes 2 to 5
i e pair today for ladies fan and black strictly
X turned Southern ties which area big bargain at 1
X 1 89 jiair today for ladies patent leather lace shoes
with extension soles and made on the new style toes with Cuban
heels a full dress shoe and made to sell for 50
i23 a pair today for lot of mens strictly hand sewed
X welt liusiii calf hhoes in tan and the new shade of wine which
X sell evefy where for Ino
X -S pair for lot of mens jiatenl leather lace and
J button shoes strictly hand sewed welts modern toes- fully
X worth J
4 J i
X 2ol black vehet ribbons in
j 10 vard pieces 2c instead of
t We
J RJe pair for childs 20c black
ribbed hoc
121c pair for ladies lace rib
4 hose usually 25c pail
Infants coats SI98
It of Infants long nnl short Bed-4-
forti floats will lj closed out today
4 ut 1JS
Corsets SI
X Kv er thins Rtralslit front Corsets
and military effects in all mikes
Childs reefers SI98
A lot of Childrens pretty tan red
and nary doth Iteefers trimmed with
vvhite hrniil on deep collars and in
t LSSt0 10 Cars wl e cIsl out
Mens 15c collars 5c
We are t losing out one brand of col
lars to mike room for another to sell
at loc a letter collar than weve ever
Known of mens store selling for
1c I1 nre up to the standard
Ik ph used to nnd are In uli
sizes and etleH 5 cents
10c iorchon laces 4c
lfmO yards of linen Torchon laces In
widths ranfrins from i to 8 inches wide
and which ns jou know sell usually
for 10c 1 jird villi he offired for sale
toda for 4 1 Ic a yard
IiilrntliiiN ti IOHtmnNteri ni t
Tlii lr IliilorNt inent
W M Johnson First Assistant Post
master Gtneral referrmc to tin order is
sued by him to the postmasters reRird
Ing the return of umnailable matter said
esterday morning
Attention has been called to tlm fact
that postniAxters iu niany cases have
been In th habit of m irking letters un
claimed when the persons to whom they
are addresstil have declined to accept
them The department Hslsts uiMin post
masters endorsing in a proiier manner
upon the envelopes the reason for the
non dtliicry of letters
Letters nhieh have been refuwd bv
tho addressees must 1 endorsed refusiil
instead of unclilrred Tin- depaitmint
desires that as far as possible postmas
ters slate the exatt reason fur the non
delivery of mail The word unclaimed
should not tie used as the reason for fail
ing to deliver K Iters if any other or more
specific reason cati lie given
Conditions of M - injured in the
Hold i lrp
Stephen R Collins and W IS Ketchum
who were injured in the lire at the Mer
chants Hotel 4s5 Pennsylvania Avenue
northwest yesterday morning were rest
ing comfortably last night at the Emr
genc Hospital and thire is no reason to
expect otlier than a rapid recovery in
either ease
Jir Ollins the proprietor of the hotel
was -the more scrlousl Injured He was
bad biirnesl about the hands forearms
neek and face- He has also several cuts
alMiut the fae e aud head Inflicted b fall
ing glass
Jlr Ketchum who is Mcntilied with the
Springmnnn Kxprcss Company fractured
the bones of the left leg in his jump from
a socond storj window and also sprained
his back and receiveil several bruises He
will be unable to get about again until
the hours of the leg knit
The Imdj of James AV Donolioo who
mt t death in the burning building was
remond from the morgue j esterday af
ternoon to the undertaking establishment
of Joseph A Itepetli S17 Ie imsjHania
Avenue southeast where it was prepared
for burial Later In the evening it was
taken to the late home of the deceased at
417 Xew Avenue The funeral will
take place at 5 oclock Monday morning
from St Ieters Church eornir of Sec
ond and t Streets southeast where mass
will Imj celebrated b the Itcv lather M
J Oltrieii pastor of the church the in
terment villi lie at Mount Olivet Ceuic
The nall beari rs liivo not vet been se
lected hut It Is said that the will in
eluile members of the Carroll Council
Knights of Ciiluuihur of which the de
ceaseel was a mi mber and his most inti
mate Knuaiutances in the Pension Oillee
where lie was cmploved
Mr Donolioe lived at the Xtiv Jersey
Avenue house with his step children
Nora M and J Itajmond He
wns aland sixty enrs of age and a native
of Xew York lie eaine hero with ills fa
lliir in IW1 and until he Pe cured a posi
tion In the Pension Office nlHiut ten ears
ago lie had been connected with some of
the prominent hotels from time to time
in a clerical capaeitv
The numerous visitors to tho scene of
tho conflagration e terday commented
upon the absence of tin- escapes to the
building liuililing Inspector lrad stated
that an tflort had In en made to compel
the proprietors of the building to place
lire i scales upon it The law provides
a means to nforce the placing of tiro
i seniles upon buildings llftv feet in height
or more but the Merchants Hotel when
miasuiisl bj in agent of the Inspectors
olliee proved to be Just one and
inches within the height men
tioned in the law Thus the llulldlng In
spector li id been unable to compel the
placing if proper safeguards in case of
TcciiiMutliiu It iisloii Ofllc e
The work of teiring down the covered
was and sluddlngs erected on the out
side of til Pension Ofiiio prior to Hie In
augural ceremonies is being rapidly
I pushed and even now the adjacent grass
plots are covered witli an assortment or
lumber The palm garden so well known
to man VAusliluglonlans lias been
in its former position Y sterday
it was stilted that the handsome fountain
in the centre of tho building would be
turned on and the goldfish replaced
The 3iiiioeil lnsnne linn hent liouie
o Aeir York
Jeremiah Murphy who stated that he
came to Washington on the afternoon of
March 4 last from New York for the
purpose of discussing the financial ques
tion vvitli President McKinley was -3 es
terday permitted by Justice Cole to re
turn to his home
On the afternoon of his arrival in the
city Murphy acted so iiuecrly as to at
tract the attention of detectives at the
Pcnnsjlvania Railroad station It was
believed his mind was unbalanced and
he was taken into custody and sent to
St KUzabeths Insane Aslum The con
dition of Murphys mind was a subject
of enquiry j esterday afternoon liefore
Justice Cole sitting for probate business
After hearing the testimony ot the phy
sicians appointed to examine Murphjs
mental condition Justico Cole decided to
nt ut
TtttiT T T
n u irn i X
A blaze of bargain sales today to wind up the
busiest week of the present season
aiid the privileges of our charge system cheerfully extended those who wish to
make purchases yet who lack ready money
Today we shall sell all that remains
of winter suits up to 25 for 10
inil we liave really iiiiliuletl all the finest suits of fancy wor
sted and cassimcre many of which aie medium weights which
may with comfort be worn all through spring It is an extraor
dinary thing to do but it is in puruance of our steadfast policy
of not carrying clothing from one season over until the next
Youve neer iu your life bought suits the equal of these for io
500 1250 springweight overcoats 750
This week we secured a lot of H00 mens spring weight over
coats from the best clothing maker in New York under the usual
juices These we put on sale today sharing our good for
tune with you They consist of tan coverts and Oxford cheviots
and aie the usual values sold alln by all clothiers At 750
theyre magnificent bargains
You cannot afford fo delay now if yon want a 5
or 6 flannel waist at 198
The unprecedented selling has made an enormous hole in the
purchase of ladies all wool French flannel waists which were sell
ing at l9S and we warn you to come in at once if you wish to
take advantage of the enormous values The assortment is yet
good and includes every stylish color as well as black and white
some trimmed exquisitely
1650 for womens spring suits up to 39
The complete overstock and all the sample garments of one
of the foremost makers in Xew York consisting of pebble cheviot
in black brown and blue and Venetians and broadcloths in
black blue and every stylish color The jackets arc in Eton and v
tight fitting effects lined with taffeta silk and faced with pean de
soie Some of the jackets have the stylish corded silk vests and X
some of these suits are trimmed elaborately with satin and i
tsi and black and gilt braid and gilt braid and buttons The skirts T
are full flaring and have flounces and the stylish girdle are lined X
with percaline and have best bindings They are marvelous X
ues at 1050 because stores about town arc selling them at 25 x
and 30 f
Black wide wale cheviot skirts 275
The very fashionable wide wale black cheviot skirts which
cost 450 and 5 elsew here here at 275 full seven gore and have
grosgrain silk belts and are percaline lined
Lot of rainyday skirts for 198
Rainy day skirts in three shades with three button side fas
tenings and eight rows of stitching at bottoms and with gros
grain silk belts in all lengths and all sizes for liS today
39c for mens 1 striped laundered percale shirts
Last week wc secured from the best maker of mens shirts in
the world an immense lot of laundered percale shirts which was
his overstock which he made up for spring They are all neat
black and white stripes made open front and back and the best
percale We put them on sale Monday intending to announce
them last night and they have sold so rapidly that there are no
jiizes left under 10 but there are plenty of 1C 1CJ 17 174 and 18
and if your size is here you get the best bargain in -x fancy shirt in
your life Had not the stipulation been that this makers labels
were to be rijiped out and we were privileged to mention his
name youd appreciate the extraordinary bargain at once Iut
if youre a judge of shirts youll certainly recognize their worth-
fulness when you see them Choice for 0c
50 dozen soft bosom percale shirts for 39c j
will also be ready for sale today all have laundered neck-
bands and one pair of detached cuffs worth much more than
Mens and ladies 50c and 75c summer underwear 25c
You may put this sale down as the frreatest underwear offering you have
ever known Hundreds of mens and womans summer underwear of moco cot-
ton Cioptian BalbriRpin and Lisle thread which are the very best values
possible to liny for 50c and Tic a garment selling for 2c and right at the be-
ginning of the season half price and less than half price No need for you to
Know why such a bargain is possible we can say that we had to take an
mous lot to eet it to sell at 25c
2 lots embroideriesless than
Lot One
2000 yards of edglnc and insertinc
two three and four inches wide
which usually sell for 15c and fi if
c jard to go at the S-
lous price ot J
Lot Two
1GO0 jards of cambric and nainsook
embroideries and insertions 3ome In
match sets which sells usual- ft 1 T
ly for as high as S5c a yard Xy
to KO for J
513 515 Seventh Street
i i rn
postpone final action In the matter until
Friday next Murphy however stated
that he wanted to return at once to New
York where ho claimed his wife lives
and incidentally mentloncr that he was
well acquainted with Senator Piatt Ha
was about to add something more when
his remarks were cut off by Justice
who told Murphv he might return to his
home If he would leave the city-yesterday
evening stated that ho
would leave on the first train
in the case of Richard Welsh who camo
here to witness the Inauguration parade
and who was alleged to be insane tha
proceedings were dismissed
Those who were committed to St Eliz
abeths Aslum for care and treatment
included Amelia J Hawk Hffle L
Clancy irglnia Eldndge George Diggs
and James Murdock
Their lliinl Cnlne Tuuiillit
The basketball teams of the Cibraltai
Athletic Club and the Potomac Boat Club
will plav tonight at the Washington Light
Infantry Armory It will be the last time
the two teams will meet this season Hay
will begin promptly at S0 oclock
A Strong szmi3
i m
Sleep dwell upon thine eyes peace in
f nean
This quotation can be aPDropriatelv ap
plied when speaking of Duffys Pure Malt
whiskey It brings refreshing sleep to the
weary and peace to the diseased tired brain
The following letter from the Rev B Mills
was written in ansuerto a criticism and
query from one of his church members
He says JJuttys 1ure iviait Whiskey
is a blessing to mankind
Meade Center Kana
Sir Dear Bro Your f ivor with the in
closed slip 13 at hand The facts are these
mj vvue was an luvaiici xor several y ears
unci on uur pujsicxaxi a
mcnJation used a certain preparation with
very great bcnctit 1 am a
Uoctorot UiTinitynot of Medicine but
1 am not afraid to ay that PuHy g Formula
and DiuTyn Pure Walt VV hiskey are the purest
nnd dost effective nrenaraefnn ncmnainnr
know of and ray experience It a large one IraJ temperate man and neTer ucd and would
never ad iic auy man or woman to im any intoxicant as a beverage Jiy recommendation ot
lufljrs Formuin and hislcy was made alter a thorouKh knowledge of thcirgre at value as medi
cines Tlie st itcnieiit was made deliberately aud based upon facts and I do not hesitate to stand
by It 1 In- many temperance me u who h ve w rittcn me on this subject do not feem to realiie that
wnsatcmiicruureniJit before many ol tlicra were lorn Sincerely yours It ill LIS D D
Itisthcoiily Whlsfccy taxed by tho government as a medicine This is a guarantee iiesilro
you get the genuine KcnacsuUiitutes Thereisnone just as good as Busys Alldrucbts
and grocers or direct JL0O a botUe
1 1 ou arc sick and run down write us it will cost jou nothing to learn how to recaln roal
health eucrRV and Tltality Medical booklet scut free - b
CtEiEE To any reader of this papervho will vritb us vrevrill tend free two of our patent
r Hi G b Game Counters for whist euchre etc bend four cents In stamps to cover
postage ihey are uninuc and useful DCiFT MALT AUUSKtY CO lioctcster

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