OCR Interpretation

The times. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1897-1901, March 19, 1901, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85054468/1901-03-19/ed-1/seq-3/

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lathered About
the IiiMiict Hoard
frnHttit spece li VlnUfiiir mill lioiip
MxirU tlie Ocenlnii Miui Trlliuifs
tn the Kmoriilil IhIc nnd Her sciiih
Tlic Tonst nml the Hchioiicm
Some seventy five sons of old Ire lanJ
gathered at Itauscliers last night to cele
brate the mrmor of their patron Mint
with the Soclct of rricnuly Sons of St
Patrick The affair took the form of n
reception and banquet and was altcnOeil
by man of the most prominent Irish
Americans in the citv -An cnjovable
evening was had Among thoe who re
sponded to toasts irc Senator Hiwlo
of Connecticut Corporal Tanner Itcv
lr D J Staffoid ltcv Dr Shahan Jo
seph H Slurphv and Ilev F V Hooker
Dominick 1 Murphv ex Commissioner of
Pensions was toast master
The exercises were stamped with the
true spirit of lovalty to the ould sod
and cverv reference to Krin was greeted
ilth prolonged applause The banquet
was opened with the toast The Immor
tal Memorj of St Patrick which was
drunk standing and in silence The ban
quet hill was tastefullv decorated with
Mowers pi ints nnd palms with here and
there a bunch of shamrocks
At 730 oclock the reception began the
Committee on Arrangements introducing
tach member and guest While that was
in progress a mulcale was held in the
parlors the orchestra rendering nppro
priite jron airs
The banquet began at S Ml The table
was laid In the form of a huge horsc
Ehoe with D 1 Murphy In the centre
The walls of the hall were hung with
American and Irish Hags gracefully
draped and festooned In the centre of
the horseFhoe stood a handsome por
trait of Hobert lmmct draped In sham
rocks and Irish Hags The portrait was
presented by John It JlcLean to the sa
tiety The tables were arraed in white
and green with the latter predominating
1 ong lines of smilax intertwined with the
hhamrock Even the butter sered was
t rcen and served in the shape of a coll
ed snake
After several songs had been rendered
Toastmaster Slurphv arose and stated the
object of the gathering He said the cel
ebration of the death of St Patrick was
the greatest annliersarv in all the holi
daSj and that It had been celebrated for
over 1000 j ears
He then introduced Ite Thomas J
Shahan D D of the Catholic rniversitv
who spoke on Ireland the Iand of Our
Dr Shahan said that Ireland was well
Into the eighth centurv of its political
lilstorv He said that all history had
been changed by Ireland s protests
against the efforts of England
That protest continued Dr Shahan
gac the democrao of England cheap
bread it sent new men to Australli and
caused Washington to cross the Dela
ware It has cause el this latest phase of
freedom the lioer war The little hand
ful fighting for life has tonight our svm
pathy Applause
Xo wh is this nationalism among
the Irish It Is the con lotion that Ire
land Is a nation and rather than have
her become a slice of England we would
have her disappear The word Ireland
ran arouse applause an where It is a
talisman The lovely green land na
tures only emerald Its Aery antiqultj
has about It a sacred something which
makes us reverence It Its golden vales
are not unworthy of Paradise It was
made for a happy Innocent race and it
should be so today
Ireland has had her share of the glories
of history In past decades her hosts
made history Home never dared Invade
her Since the world became Christian
Ireland has held her place She has done
her share to preserve the vernacular of
the past But I speak not of her past
I want to refer to the Ireland of today
There Is no people so kindly so simply
human as the Irish Ireland stands
among the svmbols of doggeel resistance
to harm and she always holds a welcome
for her exiled sons
The Idea of a nationality is part of
the blood of the Irish people We see
that the population of Erin is dwindling
This Is because Irishmen are fighting
Englands battles while Englishmen stick
to their money bags There are 2000J0K
Irishmen throughout the world There
are few at home Yet all love to bellve
that they retain their nationalism Tor
the right of nationhood the struggles of
a century have been fruitless We Iipvc
tried ever thing and today we stand just
where we stood when Robert Emmet
the scaffold But we will chTish
forever the hop of national Independence
and we will have It In the end
We see the brutal scene in Soutn Afri
ca and can hope for no Immediate suc
Franklin Granulated Sugar
if Per
f2 pound
J Big Reductions in Canned Goods
T 10c Can Cream Corn
Dozen for 80c
I liar bind Fancy Sugar Can Corn
l 7c
4 Dozen for 75c
Large Cans of Tomatoes
t 8c
Webbs Maine Corn Can
Dozen for f 110
Shrlvers Silver Ijbel Peas can
Dozen for Jl 10
Rosebud s Sugar Peas can
Dozen for C0c
Bushel New York State Potatoes
-Our Fish Department
Fresh Roe Shad
40c and 45c each
All kinds of Fresh Pish
Meats Fruits and Vegetables
The best selection In the city at
the most reasonable prices Call
nnd let us convince you
T H Pickford
9th and La Ave
Phone 1550
Austins Dog Bread
1 a t ood -medicine and tonlo comlinL
cess We ire asked to belle c in the
principles of rederlck the Grait llTe
In Ameria we may hope and pray for th
end of the worlds greatest plrii latlou
We must trust l America inj thould
she fall us there Is no hop Toll we
ore content to bland in h ompirv of
men who mrilyi spect us lVe ihi lite
Benjamin Harris in Our pi tin OUv to
ward Ireland Is ic to give p the
ship We mjst still nope and IM I It
Is essentiil that we should not ichi We
have no ill will tovnnl the plaii inlc
of England Tney are our friends Hut
we want to grow mr lowers m out own
girden IrL as po lint vv ill ever
again resort lo frce W luve the bat
tlefield of the mind and we van Jieceed
there There is a public opinion and we
can depend upon It
Semtor Hawlev of Connecticut was
then Introdueid nnd spoke on The Uni
ted States Mr lliwley said that this
was the home of civil anl religious liber
ty lie said tint he hid alwavs been a
friend of the Irishman not for ills vote
but because he was right
If I have anv Irish friends he con
tinued it Is because 1 never told a He
to down an Irishman I hope that the
United States will nlwas be the home
of frre dom It Is toda and I see no
reason whj we should go baekwnrd We
have plenty of room We can feed 10
GOCifm of people on our ierrltory
I see no reason to be sad over Ireland
She ean die if nnd be vet her name will
alwavs live We should take this Into
consideration I am glad that this Is the
home of religious llbertv nnd 1 hope it
will alwavs be so We care not for creed
it Is the man I have seen Irishmen
die on the batttlelitld cheering the Stars
and Stripes
Th sav that there can be no union
between church and state We do not
want It 1 call jour attention to the fact
that pravers are p iid in ever legislative
bod in this countrv et there Is no
union between church and state Look
at the De clirallon of Independence and
OU will ste that we believed In God
there This is nil
Let ten- of regret were read from Vice
Presldtnt Itoosivtlt John R McLean
and T V Powderly
H I e t responded to the tcast The
Press and assured those present of the
friendship of the American newspaper
anil the American newspaper man
The next speaker was J J Murphy
who tpoke on The Day We Celebrate
Mr Murph referred to the resplendent
past of the Irish people and dwelt upon
the reverence of the Irish race for their
patron saint
Our people said Mr Murphy have
kept hurniig the light of learning Their
memory shall never dim Their contribu
tions to the worlds history have been
poetry and idealism The Celt has
was been the character of loaIty He
delighted in half tones In shadows in
legends His literature is the record of
his own life Let us hold sacred the
graves of our honored dead Let us not
forget their services
Hon James Tanner was the next speak
er and responded to the toast The
Brotherhood of Man He helel that
cree d had no place In this country and
that no soldier asked the man nt his side
if their creeds agreed
Rev 1 Z Hooker D D spoke on
Irishmen in America He related the
estimation In which all Irishmen held the
blessings of freedom received in the Uni
ted States and applauded their faithful
performance of the duties of citizenship
Rev Dr Stafford spoke briefly stating
his pleasure at being present-
The gathering was not dispersed until
nearly 1 a m and a hearty round of ap
plnuse was given to Mr D I Murphy
and the balance of the Committee on Ar
rangements who were as follows
12 A Moseley Vice Chairman William
II DeLacj Secretary Dr John F Mo
ran Treasurer Rev D J Stafford D
D Charles Davles Donatus OBrien
Michael Scanlan Patrick 0rarrcll Rich
ard Campbell
The MMiinr of Irelniu Pntrim
Siilnt littliiKl Vlel ruled
When Tom Moore wrote the lines
Co where slory waits tlire
but uhile time elates tlire
Mi then remember me
he expressed the sentiment of Ireland
to which her loil sons responded last
night at the dinner given at Grand Army
Hall under the auspices of the Shamrock
Club In honor of Erins pation saint
In poetry song and story the ancient
traditions and cherished recollections of
the ould sod were told by those who
know them best and left no doubt that
the remembrance of the land that pave
them birth is as green In the memory of
Irishmen as are the verdant shores of that
much loved Isle And naturally so for
the surroundings were such as to recall
to mind ever bog and every by way from
Dublin to Kildare and to Kilkenny
Draped side by side with the Stars and
Stripes was the ever green flag of Erin
beside each plate was a sprig of sham
rock plucked from Its native soil and with
green flowers and green banners green
viands nnd liquors of the same hue there
was that atmosphere and environment
which carried the exiles in spirit at least
back across the waters lo the sacred spot
whereon they llrst saw day
While pledging anew their devotion tn
the country of their adoption these sterl
ing pons of Ireland bespoke again the
love which they still have for old Erin
Orator Mowed as freely as did the spirits
from the cup which cheers and not one
opportunity was lost to twist the caudal
extremity of tho British lion or to laud
the virtues of the heroes and patriots of
those who have fought for the rights of
I reland
While the honors were to St Patrick
and his well remembired deeds praise
nnd glory were alike showere d upon the
O Connells the Emmets and the scores
of others whose achievements have
brightened the sad page of Irelands his
About the festal board were gathered
the representative Irish Americans of
Uashlngton P T Moran was master of
ceremonies and Introducisl Col M Em
met Urell as tho toastmaster In doing
so ho paid a glowlrg tribute to Ireland
and her sons
Ihls da he said wherever are
found the exile and the Immigrant driven
from home by Drann they are cele
brating the memorj of their patron saint
Wherever the llag of liberty is raised
vhercver men are lighting for freedom
the Irishmnn are found in tho ranks and
every battlefield In America Is watered
with their blood Irishmen have been the
bravest of the bravi The have alwas
been to the front but must it alwas be
so Must their valor never triumph for
their native land God of battles God of
hosts God of the oppressed forbid God
grant that bomo day Ireland may yet be
Colonel Urell spoke briefly In assuming
his post as toastnmster He referred to
tho fact which had been mentioned that
he had fought In two wars and said he
onl hoped that the day would come
win n having fought for the land of his
adoption he would et have an oppor
tunity to boar arms for the land of his
birth and of his fathirs
The toast Ireland ns She Is was re
sponded to by the Rev Patrick O Don
nell of Kerr Ireland He said th it
through the never ceasing efforts of
Irishmen there had been many Improve
ments In recent years In educational po
litical and religious lire In Ireland He
said educational advantages had been
augmented and under the leadership of
John Redmond the Irish party had again
become reunited Industrial conditions
however he bald formed a dark page In
the story of Irinh life There was no
reason he declared why Irish industries
should not flourish save that the Govern
ment did not take an Interest In Ire
land Under American sovereignty he
said Ireland would be lone of the richest
countries In the world One factor of
Irish life the speaker asserted had nev
er changed their aith and the Church
In the twentieth century he contin
ued it Is the- sam as St Patrick had
planted 1100 ears ago It Is the one gol
den chain which links the present with
the past which has survived lived and
grown during all tho turmoil the strife
and changes of centuries nnd yet no
has suffered more for their rellg
ous belief than have the people of Ire
Tho remainder of tho programme In
cluded good old Irish songs by Arthur T
Delvlgne J A Duff and John Handl
boe a toact to the IrUh language by
Patrick Herllhcy The Irish Americans
responded to by M F ODonoghue and
the Battle of Fontcnoy recited by M
1 Ilolloran
A VI IIenl Dlncoier Tiuit Kffectanl
I Cure IMIcH In Kverj lurm
Tor many ears phvslclans have expe
rimented In vain seeking a remedy which
would effectually cure piles nnd other
rectal troubles without resorting to a
surgical operation Mnny remedies were
found to give temporary relief but none
could be depended upon to make a last
ing sitisfactory cure
Within a recent period however a new
remedy the Pramd Pile Cure has been
repeatedly tested in hundreds of cases
and with highl satisfactory results
The first effect of the Pramid Pile
Cure Is to lnstantl remove the pain and
Irritation generally present and from that
time on the eure rapidly progresses nnd
before the patient is hardly aware of it
he is entirely cured The remedy seems
to act directly on the nerves and blood
vessels of the parts affected as It comes
into direct contact with them and sets up
a healthy action which In a perfectly
natural wav brings the parts to their
normal condition
The remedy does Its work without any
pain or Inconvenience to the sufferer and
is Justly considered one of the most meri
torious discoveries of modern medicine
Piles is one of the most annoing and
often times dangerous diseases with
which humanlt is afflictl If neglected
it frequently devidopes into Fistula or
some equallv fatal and Incurable trouble
whereas bv the timely use of this simple
but effective remed no one need suffer
a single da from an form of piles un
less thev want to
The Pjrnmld Pile Cure is perfectly
harmless containing no mineral poisons
and Is also very reasonable in price cost
ing but 50 cents a package It is sold in
drugstores everywhere The manufactur
ers of the remedy are the Pyramid Drug
Co of Marshall Mich who have placed
this e xcellent preparation before the pub
lic onl after giving it thorough and re
peated tests in the hands of reputable
phsicians The results in hundreds of
enscs have convinced us that it will not
disappoint ou
Tlir GeairKlu RepreieiitnUi c SiuITer
Ingr Prom Hie Grip
ncprcrentative Livingston of Georgia is
seriously 111 at his home In this city 2103
O Street northwest He was seized with
grip last Wednesday nnd Ills condition
has grown bteadlly worse He is now
threatened with pneumonia At times he
has been Jellrious Yesterday he had a
compamtlvel quiet day Many friends of
Representative Livingston have called
since It became known that he was HI
but none has been permitted to see him
It Is believed Mr Livingston contracted
the grip during the Closing das of the
session of Congress Ho was In constant
attendance on the sessions of the House
and was also on several conference com
mittees on appropriation bills He at
tended the Inauguration exercises at the
Capitol and it is thought he took cold
at that time
A Full Quota of Dilenter From Af
flllittcd Orjriinlzntliinn
At the meting of the Central Labor
Union held last night at T pographlcal
Temple there was a full quota of dele
gates present from the affiliated organi
zations and President James L F eney
was in the chair It was reportetl that
local Union Xo 1 of Carriage and Wagon
Makers had received a charter from the
international organization of that craft
and that the charter of Union No 29 had
been revoked b the national bod
The Chairman and Treasurer of the Ex
cursion Committee made their final re
port of the outing given last Labor Day
to River View It stated that the gross
receipts were JS11 and that the net pro
ceeds are 194S
It was also reported that all the local
brewers have signed the contract sub
mitted to them by the representatives of
the Brewer Woilcrs Union In accord
ante with a resolution adopted the sec
retary of tho union was Instructed to
communicate with the Governor of the
Soldiers Home and protest against the
violation of the eight hour law In connec
tion with work being done at that Insti
tution The organizer reported that the
refrigerator engineers arc being organ
A letter was received from the Upper
Iowa University asking for replies to the
following enquiries Do Illiterate for
eigners make good trades unionists Do
ou favor the educational test The com
munication was referred to a committee
composed of Messrs Mllford Spohn J II
Lorch and John H Brlnkman with In
structions to communicate the lews of
the union on the subjects
A resolution was adopted Instructing
the Legislative Committee to draft a
bill to be submitted to Congress as a
substitute to section 157 of the building
regulations of the District The section
referred to relates to the protection of
workmen while constructing or repairing
buildings in the District
Geriuuii KiiiiiKcllcnl Soclet AVnntn
n en Cemetery MnmiKeiiieiit
An election of officers of the German
Evangelical Society of the Prospect Hill
Cemetery will be held today between th
hours of 3 and C oclock p m at 511 Sev
enth Street Voting will be by ballot
The society Is the one which controls the
Prospect Hill Cemetery There is at pres
ent a hot fight on between two rival fac
tions each of which has a ticket in the
Hold nnp fnctlon Is comnosed of the
present officers of the bociety and their
adherents and the other faction Is com
posed of a number of the members who
are displeased with the present admin
istration on account of what they charge
has been extravagant management of the
affairs of the cemetery
Mr Fred Imhof Is the present Incum
bent of the office of president and is a
candidate for re election Mr George
Wagner Is the opposition candidate In
addition to these officers there will be
lected a secretary and a board of direct
ors The faction which is supporting Mr
Wagner has Issued a printed circular in
which Is briefly ket forth the objections
to the present administration It Is as
serted in the circular that a surplus of
1510 which was in the iensury four
ears ago has dwindled through loose
management to a sum aggregating about
32UUU at the present time
Ordered In California
By direction of the Secretary of War
Major Charles NVwbold Pa master U S
A of this city has been ordered to San
Franclseo for temporary dim in the De
partment of California
Ami Uverj Word a Worth n Gold
lle ee
When an old experienced druggist ad
vises a man to throw medicine to the
dogs and use good common sense and
the right kind of food the advice Is worth
An old friend of mine whom I knew
to be net only a lirst class druggist but
an honest man as well advised me In
order to cure my dspepsia which I hid
suffered with for twelve long ears and
spent hundreds of dollars In order to get
well to quit meat of all kinds and make
my meals on Grape Nuts Food and cream
with cooked fruit and Postum Cereal
Food Coffee
I took his advice and In a few das a
great change had taken plactI was no
longer troubled with pains in the side
smothering spells palpitation and pilns
about the heart and when night came 1
looked forward to n good nights rest 1
was also free from headaches and sour
stomach that had been with me for ears
before- In fact I was a new man and
Improved so rapidly in health that 1 went
up to lif pounds
I am enjo lng as good health as 1
evr did In m life and no healthier man
can be found I firmly believe
During the past winter 1 was out of
doors ever day and we hail some ver
severe weather Those who worked with
mo and used coffee and tea and other
kinds of liquid beverages were constant
complaining of the cold 1 did not suffe r
In the leabt nor did I contract a bad cold
during the entire winter
1 know a lady In Pittsburg who suf
fered from dyspejisla as much as I did
She was a Jerrible sufferer She had a
deathly color but she went on Grape
Nuls lood and Postum Cereal Food Cof
tee nnd gained twenty three pounds In
less than three months She lost the
greenish color of her complexion and now
her cheeks are as rosy as a school girls
and her eyes bright as a dollar
1 know when 1 nm wiill off nnd stick
to Grape Nuts ani rostum Food Coffee
Trouble Brewing at lie Govern
ment Priiitinp Ollice
Coercion ClinrKril Asrnlnul the re
mule llrluieli of the ltrJitlierhooil of
Bookbinders I lircnts iinlil tn llni e
Bern Made li In Ion Inrtlsnns
Uomcn emploes of the Government
Printing Office are engaged In a contro
versy said to involve the iositIons of fe
males not members of the Womens Bin
dery Union No 2 a branch of the In
ternational Brotherhood of Bookbinders
Two factions appear to have arisen In
the office and now It Is said war Is on
in earnest between tho female workers
Ihc troublo seems to have arisen be
cause certain women emploed In the
binder lo not care to Join the union
1 here are now about Turt members of that
body it Is said and those outside claim
that coercion is frequently used to force
them to Join the organization A hether
this is actually the case Is uncertain but
It Is certain tint a feeling of unrest per
vades nil quarters of the big Government
print shop One woman at least goes
so far as to say that she was threatened
with the loss of her position unless she
agreed to the proposals of the majority
and became a member of the union at a
considerable cost to ler Others ay they
feel unpleasantly the pressure of the or
ganization In one way or another but
fear to speak lest they Incur organized
One of the woman emploes talked with
a Times reporter last night She said
that she had been subjected to unusual
pressure to Join the organization and
her position she claims has been put in
jeopardy because of her dttlination to do
so She has been in the binder for aboat
live earsf and has s en various changes
including the passing of Public Printer
Benedict and the Induction into office ot
Frank W Palmer the present chief
According to this woman the Womens
Bindery Union has been In existence
about six ears At first but a few women
Joined and for a time the organization
appeared to be such In name only As
time went on however the union became
larger causing some factional feeling to
arise between members and those rot
members of the bod v When Mr Palmer
look charge of the Printing Office the re
porter s Informant believed the union was
not known to him or if at all onl in a
vague way She said tie demands of the
union Increased until within a few weks
past not alone herself but others have
been warned to join the union or take the
consequences Just what these conse
quences will be Is a bit doubtful but a
number of positions may be affected
The president of the Womens Bindery
Union is Miss Kate V Smoot living at
3Ja E Street northeast She was attend
ing a meeting of the union at the po
graphlcal Temple last night when seen by
a reporter for The Times
We have just sworn In fifty new mem
bers she said The organization has
been in existence about six jears she
continued and is doing very well Miss
Smoot appeared disinclined to talk about
an charges brought by those not In the
organization but finally said The Wo
mens Bindery Union Is conducted solely
for the benefit of female cmploes of the
Government Printing Oiilofe There are
of course skeptical women who do not
want to join and these il not have to
do so It Is true we have attempted to
persuade such womento join us to point
out to them the advantages to be had
from the organization but beyond this
moral suasion neither I nor any other
connected with the union has gone
Miss Smoot said emphatically that there
was no such thing as a throat being madc
by rn member of the uplon She ex
plait ed the benefits of joining the organi
zation In case of death Miss Smoot
say a payment of ITS Is made to rela
tive by the association where sickness
causes absence from work 13 weekly Is
forthcoming from the funds of the so
cietv These amounts are divided and as
sessed and paid separately according to
the exigencies of the individual case
Mr Palmer Public Prtnter was seen
by a reporter last night at his home 1333
T Street northwest He said he knew of
the organization among women of the
binder but nothing more regarding it
He was not acquainted with its work
ings he said You can say for me
said Mr Palmer that nobody has au
thority from me to threaten dismissals
from the Government Printing Office
Such dismissals could not be made with
out my knowledge and personal action
Should nny well directed complaint come
to my notice of unjusv action by mem
bers of the womens union I should cer
tainly take steps to bring the matter to a
fair and equitable settlement
An Cihlnit Delights Pa
tron of the Klnjrn Pnlnce
Kings Palace 810 Si2 and 8H Seventh
Street nnd the branch store 715 Market
Space are especially attractive at this
time to worn n am Irls The spring
ope nlng of milliner id ladles dress
suits began esterday nornlng and all
da both stores wcie literally crowded
with satisfied shoppers Kings Palace
has for many ears been recognized as a
leading suit house of the District and
that it has lost none of Us old time and
well earned popularity was fully shown
by the demonstration esterday The
opening will continue today and tomor
The stores are elaborately decorated
with roses and palms and their tints
blending with those of the ribbons satins
and silks makes a pretty picture Indeed
Especially Interesting of course to tho
numbers who thronged the stores ester
day were trimmed and untrlmmed hats
The firm has never offered Its patrons a
more desirable stock in these lines There
is quality nnd effect to suit any and every
taste and the prices arc within the reach
of all
A charming feature of the opening at
the Seventh Street store Is a window ex
hibit representing a rose arbor Thou
sands of roses are dellcatcl entwined
over an arbor shaped frame while just
within the door appears a maiden a
modi I of fashion and beauty The picture
wns greatl cnj0e d Jiy the crowds who
viewed It esterday
IlenrliiK of the Case of Hills AKnlnst
the Baltimore mill Ohio
Hearing In the suit of William r Ellis
against the 1 timore and Ohio Railroad
Compan to recover POj0 claimed as
damages for personal Injuries was be
gun esterda before Justice Cole sitting
for civil business
Ellis states In his declaration that on
the night of Jul 2 lSJ while returning
as a passengi r from Bay Ridge aboard
one of the cars owned Jhd operated by
the defendant company he was thrown
from the pi itform Ad ft result of the
accident ho sas his right hand and left
should r blade were broken his left ankle
sprained and his had severely cut He
also declares that the mupcles of his left
arm were shattered nnd that he was
otherwise serlouslv Injured
Ellis also claims that ns the cars mak
ing up the train on whicf he was a pas
senger were crowded he vvas compelled
to stand on the platform He is repre
sented by Attorneys John C Fay and
Charles S Wilson and tlijC railroad b its
counsel Messrs Hamilton and Colbert
lliinie From tile Philippines
Sjiire inqiilrj li2 becncauicd by the oniithlou
cf tlc name ol Monroe C Ille from the lUt
ol Washington bo who arrived on the trans
port Iliifonl from the Uiibppines The lather of
Moilil uai at the War Departnuiit eiterdjv
and iound that hi tons name had leen left out
throuRli a mUtale in tin rolls The bos will
Is imitteml out on the 1st of rll
In Construe n Will
Binjainin Chambers llrsan jcslcrdaj flVd nut
against Crurire Pierce Frames llrjan ateMood
and others for the purpose of bavins the Dur
construe the will ot ilary It llrjan It is ex
plained that the complainant wan named as eee
utor ot the nlll and Ceorge leirte as trmtee
under s certain d ed ot trust exeeuted b llarj
I llrjan
Fllll DlsBUNtlllK II-
lurrli Does our head aehct Have you pain i
over your ijcs Is tlure a constant dropping In
the throat Is the breath cCensiiet These are
certain mptonn of catarrh Dr Agncn s Ca
tarrhal Ponder will Hire most stubborn cas in
a marvelous short time If vouve had catarr i
a week its a sure cure If its ol Iy J
standing its Just as effective Sold Dy
Williams Ninth and F Streets Kdmonds i Wil
liams Third Street and Iennsjlvanla Avenue 1-
ETiTij IliifH
t llw Mflijfl
Hifl jPf i pw wv - S
AgciaulePrcparationibr As
similating ihcFoodandRcgula
ting the Stomachs and Bowels of
Promotes DigcslionCiieerfur
ness and Rest Contains neither
OpiiimMorphme nor Mineral
So r Nar c o ti c
Jlfjjrrmmt -
ftavxfd Aignr
hmhtyfmn Tatw
A perfect Remedy forConslipa
ness nnd LOSS OF SLEEP
Facsimile Signature or
si 1 W Af Tj J J II
3Iillioiib Required to Cancel the
War Revenue Issuer
Trcnitir Dciiiirtmeiit OHlelnli Ire
nnrliif to Mrrt tlic HeiiiilrementH
of the- Lilts Which VUK Into Klli et
Jul 1 V MitteiitiMit to tlic lnulic
Vhen the AVar Reienue Ilceluctlon act
goes Into effect on July 1 next there will
probably be oer 112000000 In revenue
stamps In the hands of bankers mer
clnntp manufacturer and others In all
parts of the country- Inasmuch ns there
will be no need for revenue stamps on
checks and other documents after that
date the officials ot the Internal Reenue
Bureau of the Treasury Department are
making preparations for the redemption
of unused stamps It will probably be
no less than six months before all the ac
counts In connection with the redemption
are completed
In order to give the general public In
formation lit reKard to the matter the
follow lnsr statement has been Issued by
the Internal Itevenue Bureau
AH documentary and proprietary
revenue stamps In the hands of pur
chasers on and after July 1 1901 will
be redeemed by the Government under
the provisions of the act of May 12
1900 Such stamps should be presented
for redemption by the owners thereof
to the collector of Internal revenue
from whom they were purchased who
will supply the applicant with neces
sary forms and Instructions for the
preparation of his claim It is prob
able that regulations will be prepared
and Issued providing for the redemp
tion of Imprinted documentary stamps
without requiring the destruction of
the checks or drafts on which they
are Imprinted
That part of the foregoing statement
regarding the redemption of internal rev
enue stamps Imprinted on checks and
other documents Is of Interest to many
who have their check books prepared in
this manner They will be enabled by
order of the Commissioner of Internal
Revenue to have their Mamps redeem
ed without the checks being lestroved
In order to do this without delay the
collectors of Internal revenue In the vari
ous districts throughout the United
Only 1700
Tor a beautiful 5 pIece
Parlor Suite covered in excellent
quallt damask The regular price for
this grade Is U
Only 1600
For a Solid Oak Chamber Suite of 3
pieces er massle unu hanomei
r -
We are Rolnp to maintain tc repu
tation we hae won In iTeIom j irs
for haIng the best assortment of
Mattings In the clt hae bought
Tho Kind Ton Havo Always Bought nnd -which has bear
ia aso for over 30 years has homo tho sipnaturo of
States will be instructed to nncel un
used stamps on stationery submitted to
them Vn aeco jnt will be tik n by the
collector of tho amount nnd denomina
tions of the stamps tanfeled Such ac
count will be forwarded to the bureau
here and will bo consulted v hen the
claim from the owner of the stamps ar
rives It will be necessary for all rea
sons to forward their claims to Wash
ington as the olletors will not be au
thorized to make payments for the un
used Btamps
It la not necessary to wait until after
July 1 to make claims fr the redemp
tion of stamps Under the provisions of
the act of May 1- 190 unused stamps
may be redeemed at any ime However
as long as there is need for the stamps
there has been little Inclination to mike
claims for their redemption
it is almost impossible to estimate nc
curatelv the amount for which claims for
redemption will be made At present
many banks have six or eight months
supply of unused stamps on hand The
assertion has been ventured however
that the value of the stamps on hecks
and documents from which the tax was
rcmovfd will aggregate 11500000 This
estimate is based on the assumption that
the public villi have one monthssuppIy
on hand on July 1 next
By far the greatest amount of stamps
will be redeemed as a result of the pro
vision of the War Revenue Reduction act
which provides for a decrease In the tax
on articles of various kinds In this case
the redemption will take the nature
largely of an exchange Stamps of one
denomination will be exchanged for an
equal number of those of another and
the difference paid in cash The esti
mate of the amount which will be pre
sent for redemption basetl also on the
assumption that dealers will have a
months supply on hand follows
Checks and drafts W00uO documents
J100000 proprietary JI00O0 tobacco and
snuff 3500000 cigars and cigarettes 2
00000 beer JC000000 Total JUO
The UIxIfh Hull tot Injured
The Navy Department jesterday re
ceived a telegram from the commandant
of the Norfolk Navy Yard stating that
upon ixamlnation It had been found that
the Dixie had sustained no injury to her
hull by reason of her grounding near
Maryland Point on March 2 while en
route to Washington The vessel is now
in dry doek at Norfolk
Wilcox CoInK to Hnvvnll
Delegate llcox of Hawaii will leave
for Honolulu today He will return to
Washington In the latter part of May
Only 1050
For a handsome 3 piece Reception
Suite well made and covered In ex
cellent qualit damask
Only 2500
n iirv ATPllpnt Chamber Suite
caed and beaded 3 drawer dresser oIirt oak neatly carved Ilh brass
and combination commode Ulff alue trimming swell top dresser and beei
Only S49S
Tor a full size 5 drawer Solid Oak
Chiffonier a high grade article at a
low price
Only 850
For a hindome ItanRe nickel plate
trimmings smooth tastings first class
In every particular und warranted a
Only 850
Tor a 100 piece China Dinner Set
tastefuly decorated
Dinner Tea and Toilet Sets at all
prices Full line of Tinware Wooden
ware Willow -ware Cutlery c
puie mirror
Only 8600
Tor a fine lsrge slze Couch spring
edge all around button tufted excel
lent qualit
Only 1375
Tor a magnificent Gondola Couch 6
feet 8 Inches long 29 Inches wide S
rows of tufting rich velour corerliig
fringed to the ground
Only 375
For an excellent White Knamel Sfrel
Bed brass trimmed better grades at
slightly bigger prices
Baby Carriages and
Co carts
ami nas Dccn mauo under his
- sonal supervision slnco its Infancy
svl Jl linger nv Ann flnintn - t Ttt
-- v vuv w uei iu jou ate wtia
All Counterfeits Imitations arc bufe
Experiments that triflo with and endanger tho health oC
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment
Castoria is a harmless snbstituto for Castor Oil Pare
goric Drops and Soothing Syrups It is Pleasant It
contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Karcotia
substance Its ago is its guarantee It destroys Worms
and allays Fcvcrishncss It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic It relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation
and Flatulency It assimilates tho Food regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels giving healthy and natural sleep
Tho Childrens Panacea Tho Mothers Friend
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
Iairgest lie tMs Jity
h ht mrterrs from fclr or the
iuiRhU tlmiifh rnrcfnllv Wp hive nmm4icnt marmiucrcrVs and
good pitterns and plenty of them anl the Drices for the we offer
our prices are as low as our qualities C Ln nwn
are h Kh are uwuuu i v - -
11 DcnnrtineuiM Well stocked nt the
Saks Opcnlnic
Of particular Interest to feminine shop
pers was the spring opening at the Saks
stores jesterday From the sidewalk out
side the show windows to the very top
floor of the big building there was all
day on eager and delighted crowd of
shoppers AH that Is best In all depart
ments of the Saks stores was dlsplaved
in a manner calculated to please the most
artistic eve The success that has at
tended and followed the annual spring
openings of the Siks stores in vears past
has given them a great reputation fully
deserved The present opening Is no ex
Of course vv hat most easily catches and
holds the attention of women at this
season of the vear are the new spring
dress fabrics silks and milliner The
line of goods displaed at the Saks stores
rivals in variety and beauty any ever
seen in the Nutional Capital The buyers
for the Saks stores for months searched
through the metropolitan markets for all
that vvas desirable in their respective
lin s The dress fabrics and silks are the
products of the greatest designers In the
world and the variety of shades and
patterns is bewildering So complete In
the line of goods dlspla ed that the most
fastidious cannot fail to be fully satis
The approach of Easter makes the mil
liner exhibit one of especial Interest
The stock of milliner displayed Is com
plete In ever- detail The hats and bon
nts are reproductions of the most prolific
Imaginations of Paris and New York mil
linery experts The trimmings and other
accessories are of equal quality
One of the largest stocks of ladies
ready to wear tailored garments ever dis
played In the city delights the hearts of
those whose tastes run rather toward the
simplicity of this modern attire In fact
every detail of womens wardrobe has
been provided for in endless variety
The wants of men are never forgotten
at Saks The elothlng department is
equipped better than ever before to sup
ply masculine needs This is especially
true of the merchant tailoring depart
ment A wide range of fabrics both as
to quality and pattern is displaed The
furnishing goods hats and shoe depart
ments are also supplied with large stocks
of the latest styles
1or Woman JjutTrnKC
Articles of Incorporation for the District of
Columbia Woman Suffrage Association were
filed jeterdar In tlie office of the Hrconler of
DeI The object of the corporation li stated
to be to secure the full right of suffraje for the
women of the United states- The incorporator
arc Clara VV MsVaughton Miry L Talbott tl
lrn roell Thompson Helen It Tindall Clan
Bewick Colby Kate VV Burt iara A Haslett
Carrie E Kent and Beka A Lockwood
4i UCn T CI I IT i
Possibles esterdays glorious weather might have had something to do with the great amount
of business we did but uehac a strong suspicion that the unusual values we announced were
We have
inainlv responsible Anyway we arc encouraged to oner anoiner strong iim iur tu uav
nrltirr diieinncc lltlrlpr ntlfl
11 ti 11 tnn tln tmtc mr VVI nri reVltlV
manv goods uiat wewouiii use iu sen uciuit t opinio I
to make it well worth our while to take them off our hands They are not shopworn or old stjlc
goods in the least but we have so many new things coming in that we shall- be obliged to sacrifice
something to make room t
We are always ready to arrange terms of credit that shall be entirely satisfactory -to you with-
out additional cost y
Only 1250
For a handsome Solid Oak Sideboard
golden finish heav plate mirror
pretty carving and decoration
Only 495
For a thoroughly good White Enamel
ed Steel Crib exceptional value
Only 11 00
ror a handsome Bed Lounge covered
in pretty patterned velour J18 Is tho
usual price for this grade
Only 1600
ror a splendid bent end China Closet
heavy plate glass solid oak frame
Only 850
For a fine double door Wardrobe solid
oak pajeled front and side shelf
and hoos complete
Only 95c
For a Solid Oak Dining Chair with
cane reit and brace arms high baek
splendidly made
We are sole agents In Washington
for the Leonard Cleanable Itefrlgj
rator and Into every one of these re
frigerators Is put the knowledge ana
experience of more than twenty years
Leonard Refrigerators carry a- guar
antee that no other maker offers
Send for our little book Cold Facts
and see what this guaranteo Is ana
learn a whole lot on this subject
901 903 Seventh Street
ouse Herrmann cor i ceye street
aw v w v --

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