The LlflM lock.
There in * little myotic dock
No human eye hw open,
That beafrth on, end beOtclh on.
From morning uni
And when the soul i#wrf jxd in deep,
All silent Mid alotifk
It ticks nd tick* thllM| tu#ht.
Vnd new runneth dorß.
01 wondrooo i* that work of Mi
Which knoll* the pawbif hour:
But rt ne>r fennel m* mind conodtcd
The Wfe-elock's magifl ptowcr,
Not Oct in gold, nor docked with K*ui.
FT wvwlth nd pride WHMMWI ;
Bt"rich or poor, or 1. gh or low,
Each boor* it in hi* Erea*t,
Bnch i* the clock that wciwo* life.
Of fl**h and |>irit blended ;
And thus 'twill run aithiii the breast,
TJfl that strange life U ended.
Tkf Perplexed Hon* keeper.
I wiah I had a dozen pair*
Of hand* tin# very minute;
rd M* put all these thing* to right* -
The wiy dotn* i* in it.
Here'* a hi* washing to ho dona,
tine pair of hand* to fe> it
Sheets, shirt* and steel inga ocat* and paota—
How will I eVr get through it T
Dinner to get ftir alx or more.
No loaf left oVr from Sunday,
And baby CNN a he can lit*
He'* afwava ao on Monday.
And there'* the cream, 'ti* getting ermr,
And BUM) forthwith ba churning.
And here'* Boh want* a button on- -
Wluoh way ahaU I he turning ?
"Ti* time the meat was in the pot.
The bread waa worked for baking.
Tlie clothes were taken from the bod -
Oh dear! the baby's waking !
Oh dear! if P—— eomew home.
And An .la things in this bother.
He'll just begin, and tell me *U
AWW hi* tidy moth
How nice her kitchen ueed to be,
Her dinner always ready
Ftartly when the dinner Wit rung -
Hush. hush, dear little Freddy
And then will come noiae hasty word.
Right out before I'm thinking
They aav that liasty worda froiu wives
Set aober men to drinking.
Now btTt that a great idea,
That men should taka to sinning.
Because • weary, half-sick wife
Cant always tuuile to wintung 1
When I was young I owed to n
My living without trouble ;
Had clothaa and pocket money too,
And boors of leisure doubt .
I nev.-r dreamed of anrh a fttte
W hen I, ti 'tis* .' waa courted—
Wife, mother, nurse, eeamatnwa, coofc. hou*>-
keeper. chambermaid, laundreaa, dairy wtv
man, and acrnh generally, doing the 'work
id six.
For the sake of Using supported.
I was on nv way from Fam to Rotuv,
and one morning in Mar found utyvnf in
the City of Marseilles, where I had made
up tax miml to take the steamer fhr Italy
l"he vessel I had intended to sail in had
departed the day previous to mv wriral,
so there was nothing tu d hut to aaucct
the next beet and crwnro .nee my jo arts ey
After toting the offers £ the various com
panies. I finally settled upon the Central
Abbertoci, of the Yakrv Line, and after
seeing my aboard, and looking in
vain for some owe to whom I might say
good-by. 1 followed suit, and was soon us
the deck.
I h v<ked around ine at our pavwnget*:
■ev jf *--,* there a greater mixture of
aauuws. 'French, Spanish, and above all
Italian, TO heard on every side, but 1
listened m vain for a sound of our good old
English tongue. After numerous leave
takings and ksssiurs. such as only a for
eigner ran indulge in. we managed to get
off. and steamed from the harbor with a
light breeate following, and as happy a com
pany as was ever got together. Tnere were
several notables on board, the Consul-
General of France to Rome, and hie wife,
an accomplished and elegant woman: severr l
Secretaries of Legation, besides many
officer* of the French Army, who, with a
company of troops, were on their way to
relieve a jart of the garrison at Civita
Veer hi, then held by the French. As we
saihd along raatsv small boats followed us,
the occupants scouting and waving their
good-byes until we were out of sight.
Could they have seen what the next
twenty-four hours would produce; could
they hare known that their pood drew were
indeed farewell* to those who, before the
morrow's son, would be in eternity, their
gladness would have been changed to sor
row. and their rejoicing to tear".
As I said, we sailed on the morning of
the 7th of May, 1809, and nothing occurred
to mar our voyage up to 8 o'clock that
night, when the wind changed, and a bead
sea aet in, which quickly drove all the
ladies and most of the men below. As for
myelf, (baring spent nearly a year at sea.
and neTer suffering from that malady called
sea-sickness,ll walked the deck for soma
two hours, partly for the fresh air, which I
could not get in the saloon, and partly be
cause a feeling of uneasiness and insecurity
had taken bold of me. which I endeavored
in vain to throw off. There were good
grounds, however, for my feelings, for I had
not been half an hoar on board before I
noticed a lack of discipline among the offi
cers and crew, which boded no good in case
of accident, and which was afterward fully
confirmed by their conduct. We were
also heavily laden, including among nor
freight a deck-load of petroleum, upon the
barrels of which the troops lay or sat
smoking. I endeavored in vain, by signs,
to make the Captain understand the nature
of such inflammable material, but be treat
ed the subject with the utmost indiffer
ence, and, shrugging hu shoulders, went
into bis room, as if the fate of over sixty
lives were of no possible consequence
Havinz remained on deck up to nearly
11 o'clock, I went to my room and Lay
down, taking off my coat merely, tor the
horrid presentiment that something would
occur still clung to me, and made my sleep
anything but quiet. 11 was about 1 "o'clock
when I was awakened by a fearful crash,
followed instantly by two more shock*
repeated in quick succession, while at the
name moment shrieks and cries burst from
all parts of the cabin, where terrified
women and children were rul:iag madly
hither and thither. Sly first thoughts
were that we had struck upon some hidden
reef or shoal which this part of the Medi
terranean abounds in, but on reaching the
deck I soon saw my mistake, for a large
brig, whose outline* I could justice in the
darkness, was slowly drifting away from
us, and I knew in a moment that we had
crushed into her, and the only question
now was, were we sinking or wm she ?
Every one was now on deck, and the
confusion and excitement wis dreadful.
Men called aloud for their wives, and
mothers for their children, while others
on their knees called upon God to save
I went to forward part of the ship and
there saw enough to convince me that an
hour would soon decide the case for us ill,
for our bows, which were made of ixon, (in
fact, the ship was iron, and Clyde built.)
were all stove in, and the water last pour
ing in in great volume* at the apertures.
But another sight I saw, which, for cow
ardice and unsailorlike conduct, could
hardly be equaled. The Captain and crew,
with only one or two glorious exceptions,
had seized the only boat left uninjured,
and in the indistinct light I saw them pull
ing away from the ship, and leaving u* to
our fate. I rushed back to the stern,
where the passengers, who had now caught
sight of the boat, were vainly stretching
forth their hands and begging for the love
of God to take them in. The Consul,
whom I have mentioned, shouted a reward
of two hundred thousand francs, would
they but take his wife. In bit agony he
beseeched and prayed them, but money in
that hour had no temptation, and his word*
fell on ears deaf to a'l mercy.
Seeing one of the sailors, "who yet brave
ly stood at the wheel, I asked, by signs,
or life-preserver*. He shook his head :
hey bad none. I then tried to get two or
hree men together, who would help mo
wrench off doors or cut away the scat* and
benches which ran along the upper deck
for a raft, but they would not stir; either
they could not understand or fear had
paralysed them. And now the ship was
settling by the bows and rapidly sinking:
already the water was nearlv amidships,
and almost up to the fires. The engine* r
had left his post, with the engine at full
sped, ami it was pushing us here and
there, as chance directed. I now began
to look around to see howl might save
myself. The time had passed when we
might have passed together, and everv one
for himself was the thought of all.
it 41 it i < t;. g y4l'4
FRED. KURTZ, Editor and Proprietor,
Having taken vtf tuv clothing. I seized a 1
tntafi tVf it Wire utmost good fhr noth
ing a.i a Host, yet more than our attempted
to take it Irian in#, ami it tva* only bv
thrxatrtiitit* them *ll with my knife that*!
Ptmltl keeppossession. I knew that it wa* a
chance, it it would hold but one, and life'
wa* too dear to |rt with lightly.
A* the water reached the boiler*, the
•team poured .ait m vvltiiie*. <ttd i#auv,
thinking u* Usee on tire, added to the
*oem\ by their era*. 1 had made up my
mitui to throw my settee overboard, and
w a* about to put it into execution w hen tuv
atteutcui was drawn to the brig, whieh
was approaching again with the evident in
| taut ion of affording help. The ship had
now sunk *. far that her "tern wa* rawed
i -erne thirty ieet tlmv* the water, and
: only the mizxen ina*t wa* clear of it.
Krery mouieut, we could foci her settling
i lower and lower, preparing for her tiual
; plunge to the bottom. We were all hud
dled together in the stern, anxiously look
ing fur boat*, or at least a I mat friun the
brig, when the Captain hailed as asking
what nation the alup -. He -poke in
French, and we eriesl back : The tieueral
Ahbertoci, Italian; we are sinking. can
you save ti* ! Tien a silence runicd. and
mother* hushed their children, and we all
waited the words—the word* of life or
death. The answer eaiaa back clear and
distinct: We cannot help you, we are
sinking ourselves. t>|i, the agour of that
moment. Vat there wa* no wore frantic
crying, but men grasped each other* hands
in a farewell grip, and a dark, settled dre
pair war. mi the lace of all.
1 now oncmiiwd to reach the brig or
pegish attempting it. for I saw there wa*
no hope for us, ami I reasoned that the
brig, being a wooden vessel would bobl
| >ut the longest, or at least afford mean* of
I building a rati, at anv rate it wa* death to
*tay where 1 waa, tor I kmw I ab-nild be
drawu fnVv the suction wheu she sank.
j So. gra-ping my watch, am) what mom-} 1
! had with me, which I had taken from my
1 vest, I went up the rigging, and a the
brig sank on the nfdK Ijumpcd dOV9
. and across. The exact distance f sprang I
' : could not say, but I struck her gunwale
' (and fell in the (wssagc way. between it and
' . the after-cabin. I lay for a urnmeot
stunned, and then springing up I •*UH
' amidships. Here everything also was iu
' 1 confusion, our steamer having struck her
'j on the atari*<ard side near the bow, cutting
'; a hole in her to the water, and carrying
! J away a good part of bar rigging.
1 i The Captain and -ailoi* numbering
j about ten men. were endeavoring to get a
: r i small bont. which lay keel upward on her
i i deck, free from the entanglea rigging, and
; launch it. It was only after working with
j a will that we were enabled to get it over
the side, and jumping iu a- best we could,
j wc palled away from the brig toward the
steamer, but we daw not approach too
: n-ar for fear of being drawu in, hut shout
,cd for them to jump, and wo would try
and pick them up.
i ft wa- too late. I'ne awful scream, one
| cry of agony— such as I pray I may never
hear again—as she plunged to the bottom;
[ and of ail those cabin passenger, 1 alone
was left. The waters met and closed over
her as peacefully and calmly as if nothing
had ocvured, and nearly sixty souls, men,
women and children, were in eternity.
The day haul fairly broken now, and
wrth the new- light we seemed to have new
• hope. Finding that the brig, which had
drifted some way off, was still floating.
! we sheered for her, anil, clambering up,
i threw ourselves upon the deck worn out
, and exhausted. I think, had our vessel .
than sink that not a man could have saved
himself, so utterly were we used up.
But help was near at hand. We had
J discovered, while in the boat, the masts
and spars of a ship looming up on the,
horizon, and now she was in plain sight, j
; We hoixted our flag as being in distress,
and shouted, and almost cried with joy, as
we saw her return the signal, and then
came bearing down toward us. As she
i passed where the steamer sank, she put
out her Umta and picked up two posseti
-1,1 gers, and then came to us. She proved to
be 77/e King bound from Norway to the
coast of Africa. Her Captain, a bluff old
I sailor, !>ta kiad-liwrtediriait, ifter a cpn- 1
aulfafroirsihth tlie Captain of our brig, told
him he would help bim into the nearest
port, which was Leghorn, or, as he called
it, Lirtano. Our vessel,although severely
damaged, would still float, for Wine, a
' sailor- have it, only in ballast, via. hav
ing no cargo we were enabled hv constant
! pumping to keep the water out until we
' had staffed the rent full of old cordage, j
sails, 4c., and nailed a large lot of canvas
oxer the side.
The Captain of The King had also pick
ed up the Captain of the steamer and his
crew in the boat which they had taken so
basely, and. Wing rather short of pro
visions, with so many more thrown on
his hands, all that could had to stay on
: the brig.
We found by observation that we wete
I about 100 miles from Leghorn, and turned ,
! our prows in that direction ; but n >w. one
of these calm* so frequent in this sea set
'! in, and it was oalv after three days and
| nights' increasing iaWr at the pumps that
■we reached the port. The ship, mean
1 ; while, kept close by ti<, and at night our
lamp answered each other's welcome
N hght, while deck-watches oP the two
j vtsH-lii sent across the water the joyful
, cry of '• All's well." I was quite used up
and uaftt for doty after the second day,
for my feet were swollen and purple, and
my left wrist sprained from my jump, but
1 it was not until cramps set in that I gave
up taking my turn at the (tumps, for there
was many- a poor fellow worn: than 1.
The moment vre arrived the news spread
like fire, and soon a crowd of many hun
dreds were about as asking questions and
pressing upon our acceptance food and
- money, and in tact, like many others of
. our species, we needed both, for a more
'' sorry looking crowd it would be bard to
1 find. < 'or wardrobe was made up of tlie
' odds and ends belonging to the Captains
iof the two vewln, and was anything but
I comfortably but v little thought of that,
1 for life h*j Wn spared ill, *hile so pi any
had met a watery grave. Of my journey
to Rome, and the reception I received
there, I will not speak—suffice it to say
that a more kind-hearted jsnplt* than the
i Italian*, or ones more ready to help those
jin actual distress, do not live. 1 made a
statement of the affair tieiore an Ameri
| can Consul at Leghorn, and have since
' learned that the Captain of the Ahbttiw f
is serving out a term of eighteen years in
the Government Prison f3r not having his
I lights oat, and cowardice in leaving hi*
II vw*el.
; | Nearly two year* have now passed since
I [ that night, but I can yet see those pale
> facets, and hear the shrieks a# they sank.
(It will cling to use while I ejdst. for I am
§ue 1 can never forget while memory lasts
1, —my leap for life,
waukee papers note the death, on the sth
inst., of Capt, Dennis Mcßride, one of
'■ the earliest navigators of the Lakes, who
was wheelsman n the Erie, iu 1841*
when that steam-boat was burned on
Lake Erie, by which memorable disaster
—the first of any magnitude to occur on
• the Lakeß—nearly 400 persons lost their
■ i lives by burning or drowning. He has
| served as Captain for twenty-eight years
( ; and navigated one steam-ship." the
■ Detroit, across the lake between Mil
' waukee and Grand Haven 2,752 passages,
• without the loss of a single life or acci-
II dent to the vessel Indeed, he n°ver
[ (lost m psseenger nor met with any serious
i accident while in command. /
I ; ■■■ ■ ■
i A Boston man disposed of sn estate of
' over three millions in s will consisting of
| eleven lines.
** The Birds are Coming."
Wltou Hortbern winds blow let all the
southern bird* sing ! Wheu the late
snow* drowse through the air, let *ll the
bird* elnji their wing* and plume theii
feathers. It is the old battle of the birds
again*! the wtml.v Irest autumn birds
were driveu away by the winds, but it
wa* not till they lunl forgotten to sing
PnwperitT hud made the bin!* gross and
songle*w, tutd the wind* prevailed. But
now it is spring. The bird* have found
their voices. They are coming every
day in royal array toward* the north to
avenge them -elves upon the di*]wscv.
tug wind* that drove theui away. The
battle of the bird* and winds! Siug,
victorious chairs 1 sing till nights grow
short, tiU loug ilavs are full of heat, till
the meadows are full of fragrance, and
the Uvea of hlowsom* ! t'ouie, all of you,
and bring all of your relation* ! t' me,
sparrow*. blue-birds, and robbm*, ear
liest of all content ! Oouie, black bird*,
those with red ejmulet.* on your should
ers. and those without ! Come, lark*,
W iiod-threshe*, bobolinks, bullets. Illlt
hatchera, warbhra, tly-catchers, flre
birvl* and orioles! Come, hungry
hawks, and solemn old crows, dapping
funeral wings to keep time with croak
ing song t'ouie, everything tlie-, uu l
sjiiders to eat them ; squirrel* ami owls
to catch them ; worms ami limiting bird*
to catch them. Wake on all ls*-tle* and
droning iuse-ta and fat larva?—tlie birvl*
are coming, and you tuuat bo reotlv to le
eati'ii ! And ao the world rolls on.
The winter consumes the autumn, the
spring devours the winter, summer eon
snuie.- the spring, and autumn run*iek*
the siinnuer. Insect* are the foxl of
birvl*. and birds are devoured by stron
ger birtl* and auimals, and both by man;
while Time, the great destroyer, con
sume* lw >th man and !x-ast. Only <iod
is young and unchanged. "Of old hast
Thou laid the foumlatiou of the earth,
and the heaven* are the work of Thy
hand*. They shall jwrtsh. but Thou
shalt emlure. * * As a vesture shalt
Thou eluinge them, and they *hail be
change*! th-u; but Tboti art the* same,
and Thr v.-ars shall have noend.-/A -v/.cr.
*eek*Tle Social*.
A correspondent of th>- St. Louis hV
pwVicKM. writing from Macou, Mo., aav*:
A somewhat novel entertainment under
the above head, took place in MIUMII
City last evening. The mt*ins opcrom'/i
of this exhibition, and which doubtless
rendered it more attractive, was the fact
that the ladies, one and all, wore a calico
apron, and from the same piece and pat
tern was made a gentleman's neck-tie,
which was placed iu an envelope and Je
poaited with door-keeper or tioket-oeller.
The gentleman attending, upon paying
th/admission fee of twenty-Ave cent*,
was presented witli an enveloja* contain
mg one of these calu-o neck-ties, which
he immediately opens, and UJM> enter
ing the hall, proceeds on a hunt to Ami
the yonag or old lady, as the ease may
happen, that sports an apron matching
his neck-tie, which lady according to
announcement, is to be his jartiirr for
the evening ; and who knows but what
it may in some instances result in a life
affair. We have heard of huliea holding
the sterner sex in many different way*,
but this is the first instance we have
ever known of a neck-tie lieiug both an
introduction and a i<a*sport for un
evening's entertainment with a lady that
perchance von liave never seen before
or ever will agaiu. Your correspondent
was afraid, for sundry reasons. to ven
ture on auy such a 1 venturous affairs,
for I never liad any luck iu gift enter
prises, and in such a one as this, would
certainly have drawn one of the oldest
and most imperfect of her sex in the
assembly ; hence I did not invest. All
ladies, of course, are beautiful. but some
are much mure so than oth rs, and I per
fer some other lea hazardous method of
obtaining a fair partner. A very pleas
ant evening, however was pa* d, the
only objection Wing thai the ohl men
succeeded in drawing a majority of the
young ladies, while the spruce young
men in mauy instances had to, like good
Wvs, and for the way of a change, enter
tain their dear mammas for an evening.
Upon the whole, the young men didn't
draw worth a cent, and express them
selves a* oppoaed to a rejs-titi* >u of Br
anch kind or lottery.
Women Gamblers,
The Kansas City Neva says: " A
woman went through on the" Kansas
Pacific train a lew evenings since, aho
was pointed out to ns UA out* of the cel<>-
hrated female fan >1 milkers <>f Denver.
.She was dressed tastily and quietly in a
gray AI{MCCH traveling suit, with gloves
i und trimmings of hnt to match ; nan of
medium stature, well- formed, and not
[ more than thirty-four or thirty-five. Her
\ face was not at all an unpleasant on--,
mart have been very pretty, some tinn,
I en* so many tell-tale lines wen* drawn
upon it; and, what is moat unusual in
women of her class, the Complexion was
good. Hhe was on her way back front
Si. Louis, where she went, NO our in
formant stated, to place a young boy nt
school. Tlicirfaro-buuk at Denver has
j been in fall blast for some time, ami the
two proprietors an* reaping u rich har
; vest. No fights or disturbances of any
kind have evpr occurred at their rooms,
and the women conduct the game with
till the suavity of ex|H*rien<*d profes
inionnls. Several lights of the gnmliling
fraternity were at the de}>ot, and seemed
1 much interested in in'inirirg after her
, welfare.
Hint* to Poetical Advertisers
" The f Laneui in lAIU<UM iSociWi/ has
a new idea : Advertising, as an art, is
at a very low ebb among ns ; and though
we have imported certain wrinkles fnun
America, much remain* to be done.
1 Poetical advertisements §eom to have
died out with Warren's blacking, hnt
they might be made very effective and
i the products of the day would offer ex
} eellent subjects. Thus :
I' I ld .. my darling. •* I'm K nia to I*ll von
Tto mraatOK ol jruu r, saatows to know:
I TfeouffU .vow 1W<1 immi Ituit nothing would Impel too
; To vk itrti of n#bl lhl tout nM to mm* ,/ foul
i let riara SHOe ruttoMty ftrtM votir bmta.
' Dndwlafcly ntadln* no utokrr. It
W -mid to crtn l tn me to Kfttat- in vinUln
| What t nndentand by Oxokerlt."
' Or thus:
• Kw* M vwrtona.
tome* ni) Baartioa.
Jt<; iiwlsltn*
Offer to me t ,
Talk ol the town, ob !
Poland and Brown •<
All their renown, oh!
' Darling. lo tbw I'
Or thus :
| • Breathe three, with emil ao dead, a man
i Who ne'er need libra' " Kaffir Ksnne r* •
THE New Orleans Picyunr SAYS this is
! the style in Havana: "Whenever a
carriage arrives the jaunty footman
jumps from his seat, springs to the door,
and doffing his glossy beaver with his
| right hand, opens the door with his left,
' and stands there a miniature Beau Brnm
| mel. Just as the ladit s rise to vacate
the carriage the driver {sitting bold up
right in life seat,with reins in his left hand
| nearly on a line with his chin, and whip
i perpendicular in hia right), suddenly,
and with military preciseness, places the
whip in his left hand, and taking his
beaver in his right holds it at a respect -
i ful elevation."
j EDWIN P. WHIPPLE says that the taxa
' ble value of all the property of the Uni
ted States in 1860, was in round num
bers $16,100,000,000 —a rate of increase in
ten years of a fraction mora than 126
I per cent
Hutmlng n Newspaper.
The Memphis .Iro/fMc/o lias the fol
lowing suggc-tive (wtrugrapU, which
sliouhl IH< carefully read and pondered
ov-r by u witiviu ebvs* of iewspa|er
•• Hv some utiaivouuiable misappre
hen-ioii of facts, there is a large class
of p<oplc in the world who tluuk it iwts
nothing to run a uewspajK-r, and if they
buy a copy from a uewsboy wlien t<** far
from the ofHiv t** Ivg, think thev are regu
lar patron*, ami entitled to unlimited fa
vira. Men call every day at the oftlee
to get a copy of the ptqter, jut from the
pre**, for iiothiug, who would never
think of lagging a ptwket haiidkerchief
from a dry goods store, an apple froiU a
Conf>cti oner, even oil the plea of old ac
quaintance, or having bought something
One jmper a duv amounts t<> nothiug,
but a hiiudrt*! a day amount* to *oni
thing in the course of time. But thi* i*
a sindl ilruin cunqrered with the free inl-
Vertisiug a new*pap-r l* expeetevl to do.
Huure men who have jmid two dollar* for
an ailvcrtim-meut worth four or five ilol
lars, up|*ear to think thev are *t* khold
er* in the e*tabli*huient /or lib*. They
demand the publication of inairiogea
aud futu-rul Uoticeo, obituaries and fam
ily episodes, for the next forty yearn.
Speak of (my and they grow* indignant.
"Don't I jHitronizey iiirpaixr *f " " Wft,
but you receive the value for wliat you
paid." "But;" sav* the patron, "it
will coat voit nothiug to put tliis in,"
which is just aUmt ui ridiculous a to
ask a mmi to griud your ate on a grtnd
stoue aud U>ll htm it wout cost him a
It take* money to run a trew*|Ktper a
well a nuy other !>u-ine, and no ]apcr
stux-vssls financially tliat carries on a
deavl-head system. Any mention of the
people's afihir* they wnili to tree in print,
i* worth juiying for, and when printed is
geuendly as good a* any other iuve-t
--tucut of the vttuc amount.
ne uewwpapcr btiMuew ia very cxact
ing oil all eonuectad with it, aud ttie pay
is oomjMrutivcly sm.ill, the proprietors
risk more money for smaller pro tils,
and the re}>orteni arid editora, and print
ers work harder and cheaper than any
other class of uie.i requiring Uie given
amount of intelligence, training and drud
gery. The life lias its charms and pleas
ant associations scarcely known to the
outside world, and nntiethw, and hour*
for exhaustion, which, likewise, are not
known to Unas- who thiuk the business
all fun. The idea that ucwspaperdotu
is a charund circle, where Uu- im-mlan*
lead a life of ease, are free from cart*,
and go to the circus at night ou a free
ticket, and to the Springs iu summer 011
a free ticket, ia an idea which We wish to
explode pruerieally and theoretically.
Business is business, and the journal
that succeeds is the one that i t conducted
ou a square business footing the same as
banking or building bridges, keeping a
hotel or running a liverv stable.
The ( rj ptogruui.
The Cincinnati Tiwnw n*fer to a let
ter recently written by Horace (ireeley,
proiMMing New V*rk city as a site for
the national capital. Tin* pajwr stab-a
that it ia a little difficult to decipher the
letter, but (ireeley rvideullv " 1 SUM'S
hi* of the fifteenth masting codfish en
rnmU'ra of Cincinnati ut twenty-five
cents per pound." The body of toe h-t
--ter is given u* follows: "ft is not possi
ble that I should ever *{,!• Uietu again.
As pudding i* a reproach to comic sec
tions, the vi-rv caveat conveyance* of our
an- untrue, ami pramia are Ivinkrupt.
Swill your nicest ea:it loujx-* in Wash
ington until it swim* in un unfortunate
location. All the MrtWtbyx are lurv to
he veneered unless they ae ejit moral
polecat*. I bought four of the earlioat.
and I suffered fearfullv uudeltiable cress
*ut saw*. Who tmught all the nnta and
Inrcogu* of the Ecumenical C unci! ?
The lube of the Federal parentage ia
the Itcarer of it* two-horae lumber wag
on. It Mptcalctl when *urreumhd by a
dose <f Widow Cliqnot. Experimented
on by the population of rein-nting voter*
in mvrinda to the defeat of nautienl an
chovies and tondoea It swelled to a
forest of artichoke* ; and amid the soli
tude of resin Isurel* thus inviting the
lki* de Boulogne. and accommodating
the formation of cheese fivctorie* through
out the civilised world."'
TUM V OP NAILS.'—An English inventor
ha* taken out a j*at<-nt for a new method
of making nail*. From his sjiccjfica
tion we 1.-uni that the uietlusl i* sutv
*tanttally a* follow*: The inventor
forms flat Iwira <ir strijw <>f wrought iron
in the o nil nary machinery. While the
hare or strip* so formed are still hot, he
pa**. # them between a jwiir of *hnping
rolLi. Due of these roll* i* a plain
cylinder, ami the other roll ha.-, the gen
eral figure of a cylinder with a series of
incline or steji* made on its cylindrical
surface, the .said incline or step* of the
roll having such a conformation that the
bar rolled Is-tween it ami the plain cylin
der roll ha* in longitudinal section the
figure of a aeri. l * of headless nail* joiuevl
together slumk to jioint. tVhile still
hot, the shaped liar or strip i* slit into
nail rod* bv a series of circular slitters,
the whole bar Wing simultaneously slit
un by the said slitters into nail rovls.
These nail rod* when cold ore fed into a
heading machine, by which the nails ait
headed nnd cut off from the nnil rod.
The heading nnd cutting off machine
which he employs differ* in no essential
rcsjieet from other machines commonly
used for hemliug and cutting off nails.
A i Kin AIN Maaaochnaetta farmer, a Uun
penuice man, bv the way, who is justly
jirond of his fine im|K>rted stock, re
cently fancied that one of his la-st milk
ers wa strickfii with the cattle disease,
and rent in a great fright for the village
farrier, a ne'er-to-do-well sort of a fellow,
whom he harl often lectured for hia tip
ling propensities. IHck came, exHmined
tlie animal, looked grave, luid raid,
•• Have von anv whiskey or brandy
handy ? " " No," raid the farmer. " Pat,
run tin thedruggist'a ns WKIII ON jHn-iblfl,
and tell him I want a quart of brandy
for medical purjioses." When the bot
tle arrived, I'ick took it and uncorked
it, siuelt of it. and taking a good drink,
put the bottle in his jiocket, saying,
" Your row will hi* all rigid presently;
I have pulled a thorn out of foot," and
walked off.
BAIMNO VESSELS built in the United
Stntra during the year ending June 3*l,
1870, are officially reported to number
81ft, of which the shijm are forty-one,
of 57,107 tons, and the schooners 619,
of 56,908 tons—showing the coasting
trade very near the foreign shijijung.
The steam vessels nuinlicr 290, of 70,-
890 tons, there tieing six oewui sb'amci s.
eighteen for the lakes, and 966 on the
rivers ; tho barges rejiorti d are 182, and
the canal boats 512 ; or a grand total of
vessels bnilt, from ocean steamer* to
canal boats, of 1,418 ; tonnage, 276,953,
HEAVY LOSS.—The Rothschilds i\ie
said to have lost from 850,000,000 to
875,000,000 by the result of tlie Franco-
German war. They all believed at first
that the French would be victorious;
bat two weeks after tho Germans had
crossed the Bbine, they saw their mis
take, and made new investments which
prevented them from losing thrice as
much as they would have done had they
not corrected their blunder in good sea
A Feeding Xaekine-
Thetw has recently been invented ami
tit now nt work in New Yurk City uu im
proved fetsliug and registering machine.
Tlit* invention eouibimse uu automatic
feeding apparultt* W itli UII adjusting at
tachment, by which it (wrin't registry is
twcuml. It i constructed tin follow* ;
A movable table, ou which the |uq>er in
laid, *cillatw IwkviM ami forward by
menus of a cam, working from the main
cylinder, Directly above the table i* a
Miction !|.|urttii, consisting of an oa
cillatiug pipe, with a eerie# of *upa or
abort tube*, with uUii(ii< edges At
each upward movement of the tabic the
air i* exhausted froiii the |ij>* bv a com
mon air pump, tool by reason of the
vacuum the toy hot ia sucked up from
those beiu-ath, and adheres rWljf to
the mouth* of the etipa. Owing to the
ineliuatiou of the cupa only a magic
sheet In allowed to adhere ; the front
edge of the ttllie being above the |Mprr
at an angle of 4o degree*. To complete
the operation. a aeeoud tula* ia placed
parallel with the om-ilUtiug pipe, and ia
provided with several perferatioaa opj
site the table, fnn which current* of air
jams uudt rueath the rained sheet of |a
--ta-r and separate* it from the other sheet*
lying uu the table. At thin umlaut the
-netion of the pipe oeases by the action
of a cock cutting off the communication
with the vacuum chamlww, and the j
jn-r in nloawtl from Ute cup* and deliv
eml to tlie adjusting apjwratiu. The
latter consist* of a nrriea ui gripjsr* aud
clump* by which the sheet* are adjusted
and delivered b the printing press with
out manual aaatstalice. The sheet in
seized by traveling carrier* moving hor
izontally, and if oblique, or out of place
on the lawk table, the front edge ia
drawn squarely up to the gauge# by
ui'-aus of guide*. while at the nam* time
aide-cramp*, acting at right angle* to the
carrier*, seize the lateral edge of the
sheet and adjust it according to aide
guage*. A rent bar preveuta the edga of
the |>a]>cr from curling up, and the sheet
in delivered to the grippers of the print
ing cylinder. In thin way, printing pa
per of any size, placed in any oblique
}*>aitiou ujnui the oscillating feed-table,
i perfectly adjusted and delivered to the
pre**. T&e machine i nelf-feediug and
self-adjusting, and requirew 110 supervi
sion whatever. The ap|taratus is not
adapted to printing pr-**e* alone, but
tear le ned in connection with rolling,
folding, cutting, and all other murium*
which are fwd with |a|ier. Its speed Is
*J,5< O ab> eta an hour, which fully equals
the ew|aunty ot any rotary press. —„V. Y.
7Wfoms, M-ircM li.
W hat Becomes af the Cat a.
In the reign of Darius, gold was
thirteen times more valuable. weight for
weight, than silver. In the lime of I'ta
to, it was twelve times as valuable. In
Uiat of Julius Ca-sar, gold was only nuie
times more valuable, owing, jicrhap*, to
tiie quautitn * of gold seized by hitu iu
his wars. It is a natural question to ask,
what has I worn** of the gold and silver ?
A jsqwr ri-ml l-fore the Polytechnic
Association, by l>r. Ktephena, recent br,
ia calculated to mart this inquiry. He
savs, of the annual goM imwlnet, fully
fifteen per cent, ia melteddown for man
ufarture; thirty-tivo par cent g* to
Eurojie ; twenty-live per cent, to Cuba ;
fifteen per cent." t* Brazil; five |s-r cent
direct to Jajiau, China and the ludu- - ;
having but five jmt cent for circulation
in thisconnlry. Of that which goes to
Ctilw. the West Indies, Brazil, fully fifty
j**r cent fitida its way to Ktuope, where,
after deducting a larg- |*-re-ntge used
in manufacturing, four-fifth* of the re
mainder is exported to India. Hen* the
transit of the precious metal ik at an
-ml. Hen* Ui*< supply, however va-t,
is alsiorlicd, and never return* to the
civilized world.
The Orientals consume but little, while
their productions have ever been in de
mand among the Western nation*. A*
mere recipients, these nation* have ac
quired the desire of ai-cnumlatioii and
hoarding, a passion common alike to all
classes among the Egyptian*. Indian*.
Chinese and Persian*. A French econo
mist ststiw tliut in hi* opinion, the for
mer nation alone hide away 82UU.0U0,-
UUU of gold ami silver siuiually, and the
present Emperor of Morocco is rejstrV-d
a* so addicted to hi* avariciou* mania,
that he Its* filled seventeen clnuubee*
with the precious net ids. The pa**imi
of princes, it i* not surprising that the
same spirit i share*! by their subjects,
and it is in this predilection that we di*-
1 cover the solution of the problem a* to
| the ultimate disposition of the precious
metal*. This absorption by the Eastern
I nations bus been nnintemiptedlv going
on since tl> most remote historical jie
riod. According to Pliny, as much as
9100,000,(NX) in gold wua. in his day,
, annually exported to the East. The
' linlauce of trade in favor of those na
j tions ia now given u* $80,000,000.
A singular Duel.
That infraction of tlie code did not
necessarily involve sociid ostracism it
evident from the fact that I> • Witt Clin
ton left the held with impunity, while
i Swartwout, his opponent, was prop sting
he was satisfied. After the first shot the
latter demanded n second, and after the
secimd n third. Neither wras wounded.
"1* votir principal satisfied ?" asked
Hiker. Clinton'# second.
"He is not." replie<l Smith. after con
sulting Swartwout.
The fourth shot ww> then exchanged,
! (lin ton'a ball entering the enlf of Swart -
wout'a leg.
" Is vonr princijial satisfiisl now ?" de
manded Hiker.
is not," replied Smith.
HhoU were exchanged tlie fifth time,
and again Clinton's lmll entered Swart-
I wont's leg.
Riker again asked the question, "I*
your princijial satisfied, Mr. Smith t"
After a moment's consultation with
Swartwout, who, standing while the tair
j geon extracted the bullets from his legs,
manifested great fortitude Smith re
jdicd that he was not.
" Then he may go to thunder, for I
will fight no more !" replied Clinton, and
immediately left the field.
A aovruc in Dubuque have managed
to get through the winter quite pleas
antly. The wife gave out that her hus
honil lunl gone to Wisconsin, and that
she wns left with the several children to
get along the lm*t she might. Tlii*. of
course, exeitvsl the compassion of all the
, benevolent people at the town, and she
lias been supjiorUd by the iliflereiit
churches during the jiast winter. The
1 other day a benevolent lady visited the
woman and ojiened the <t<*>r without
knocking. She was 'somewhat surprised
j to see a pair of boots disappear under
the lied, and still further oatonished
when she discovered that the owner of
tho boots was the husband, who w as sup
posed to be in Wisconsin, but who, in
reality, had lived comfortably on the
fraud lie had been perjictrating through
out the entire winter.
Fredenea Myer, at Sing Sing, a few
week* ago,sud liaa been indicted for mur
der, baa so far recovered from the ef
fects of the wound inflicted by himself
on his own head by the discharge of a
pistol, us to be considered entirely out
of danger, although the ball has not yet
been extracted. He speaks freely on the
subject of the lste tragedy, and still ex
presses, his regret that he did not suc
ceed in taking his own life as well sa
! that of Miss Meyer.
Women lecturer*.
Vet there remain* in many court*<u
and generous mind* the oil prejudice.
A women should not sfa ak in public,
they say. (lo tf you will, and enjoy
listening if you can ; but e will stay
away, for we do lint think it feminine.
Vet tin* god friend who says this went
with delight to hear Jeuny land; and
pay* for himself, Mis. liieud, and the
two Misses l'rieud, si*tvu dollars to
hear Nilsson ; carriage, four dollars;
gloves, and incidental et|**usm, five
di.l'ar* a u< ut sum tobtl twenty-five
dollar*. He likes mimic, she i* a sweet
Ntuger, ami it is cmnac it htu( to hear a
famous prima donna. Certainly the
Fiasy Choir does not quarrel with those
who like to hear musicaud sweet singers.
Hut we were sjieakmg of pnqiriety. Now
why is it not as uuf< murine for a woman
to *iug U)MIU a platform in a public hall
a* to ajM-ok o|m*U the same platform ?
If she sing* badly, certainly she ought
to I** severely discouraged ; and if she
sp<-k* twdly, let her-we say it "in a
spirit of love"—hold her tongue. Hut
then, in the aoine spirit, we sav tin- mine
thing U* singers aud oratoi* w ho are not
wituicu, I* it ptv*|*>r aud manly and lie
iviming to hi* st-x that a man should
wing or speak who has no talent far sing
ing or s|ieakiug ? it is not this Easy
Chair which assert* it
Hut when tlie woman ha* a noble tal
ent for soug, exquisitely cultivated—
when Jenny ljuu stands before us.
with her luiud* resting one upon Lite
other, and with her very soul sing*, " I
know tliat my H**h*-mer hvetliis it
uupro]*-r? Is it unbecciuiiug ? Is it
uuiemiuine ? Why. uttr good friend
himself goes home a better titan, liecause
a m re Iwlicvnig, for tliat marvelous
soug. Hut sup]MMk- tliat instood of aing
ing those words she had read other
words from tire lhblc, with ewruustneaw
and conviction and power that they
•bone with new light, and illuminated
duty, would it be unfemiuine or improp
er that ahe alHiubl do it ? If a Woman is
evidently ahailow and vain, and ia plain
ly more concerned with the eflect Uiat
Iter toilet will produce tliau with Uiat of
ber word*- -if what ahc aaya ia evidently
aaid for sensation—uo man aud no wom
an will care to bear ber. But there are
women a* intelligent, who think as
much and fuel a deeply, a* Uie la-si men;
and when one of them, feeling the in
fluence of eertaiu customs and laws in
society as no tuau can feel them, ap
peals soberly and eloquently to the
judgment and COUMMM of society, it
is a peculiarly l*eommg, ami especially
feminine, duty that she doea, - -£xrA-mjg,
Close ({warier* with a Heajal Tiger.
Air. Felix McDonald, a wild beast
tamer, had a narrow escape fnuit a
frightful death at Louisville. Ky.. a few
days since. H< ming's menagerie is
" wintering" iu Louisville, and several
of the animals, including a pair of royal
lU-ngwl tigers, an* quartern! at a livery
stable- iu this city. Such is the savage
dts|MMition of tliew animals tliat uo cue
can approach them except Mr. M. He
is iu the habit of entering the den rv. ry
day for the pttnxiM# of cleauiug it, and of
keeping the tigers under control. A
few days ain-r he cntere t the dens as
tutnd. armed only wit t a heavy whip.
As soon a* he • ntera, tin* door of the den
is closed and locked. The moment lite
inn doorchwed upon Mr. McDonald the
largest of the animals, which is called
Frank, without a single warning growL
sprang upon Mr. M. with all the natural
ferocity of the tiger in his native jungle.
Fortunately, Mr. M. was thoroughly
acquainted with the diap wilion of the
animal, arid was on the alert. As the
tiger Jaahed at him lie stepped quickly
aside, avoiding the onset, aud reversing
his whip, (h-alt (he tiger a furious blow,
momentarily sluuuing him. Tlir tiger
sprang at him again and again, but le
--wildcml by the rapid blows of the dar
■ug man. rendered desperate by the terri
ble danger, lie retreated to the corner,
when, bv the aieu**tnnee of the men
employed in the building, who came to
the aid of Mr McDonald with iron lara,
he waa enabled to entirely subdue the
tiger. As it waa, he narrowly ramped a
horrible death.
A f-.KXMiu-r. PUOTUST.—A New York
lady pr<>te*t* in one of the morning pa
per* against long ilrera-* for street **-
tnniiw, from which wc infer that trials
an* again coming into fashion. The
short walking-vires* f the last one or
two year* i* at once so pretty and sen
sible that w.- hojvc it i* not going to be
discarded. Trailing rot*** arc very
graceful—-wo will not *ay convenient, in
a diawing-1-ooui, bat they are detestable
out of door*. If we could get at the
ntimber of women who have caught
their deaths by walking in ilamji skirt*
we xhonld probably have very curious
and startling statistic*. We quite sgive
with tne l.aly referred b> in wishing to
have the milijc't * talked of that * wo
man would I*' mortifiv 1 to I*- seen
sweeping the -idewalk* anil the erosaiug
witli her drajH-ry.
TKACHINU Hownta.—ln teaching a
vouug horse ti drive well, do not hurry
to see li<iw fact In- can trot. Keep each
pace clear ami distinct from the other,
that is, in walking ; make hiiu walk, und
do uot allow him to trot. Wliile trot
ting, la* equally careful that he kei'ps
steady at lrri sjiace, and Jo not allow him
to slacken irto . walk : the rein*, while
driving, should le kept sung, and when
piifdicd to the top of lu* sjiced. keep him
well in hand. Unit be nuiv learn to laar
in*>n the bit, so that when going at _s
liigb rate of spaed he can lie held at his
pare, but do not allow liiui to pull too
iiard, for it is not only unpleasant, but
make* it often difficult to manage him.
Tux H\in.—Chatelaine braids arc as
iKipnlar brai<l* sml a* notable a* ever.
Tie- false one* are fasteued on the toji of
the lieavl and looped under below. Those
jMsueaaing hair of their own of moderate
thickness* and length deftly plait a fal*e
braid beneath their natural hair, making
the braid* more ponderous, nnd nt the
*ame time give* a natural h*>k to the ar
mngement, which i* si save all things
most to be desired. Curls are worn
down the centre beneath Uie braid*. The
hair in fiont is *lightlv Waved, and is
becoming, brushed bock over a pomjis
dotir roll. __________
WHEN rabbit*, mjuirrv-L*, ami various
other gnawing animal* are fed on soft
meats, their teeth often grow so long
uml so crok*l a* to prevent them from
taking food, ami instances have occurred
in which, to pre* rve life, it became
ueccMHary to break otf or *-xtnct the
| teeth. Dr. Darwin, was of the opinion
that if a deaf person dreamed of hearing,
th iutcruid jvart*, cs*>utial to the func
tion, were unimpaired. The Mime re
mark, Kitys Dr. SmiUi, of Boston, is
applicable to the blind. "1 have invari
ably found that the incurably blind never
dream of seeing or hearing.
THE SPANISH troops took the oath of
allegiance to King Amadous and the
Spanish Constitution. The Tolunteen
only took the oath of fealty to the King,
omitting that to the Constitution, be
cause they all are a jiermanent Cuban
force, aud "the Spaniwh Constitution does
not rule Cuba, which is governed by
Rjiecial law*.
There has been a curious breach of
piomise action in London, the converse
of the usual ease. The plaintiff had been
jilted by a lsdv of fortune, being himself
dependent on his father. The jury gave
him 7*o.
( ondKUn of the Pfrgaaa.
The present condition at lite Piemn
Indiana, comaarniug whom ao little has
been heard since the tnooNM're of h*t
year, is thus reported by Colonel John
CJIMKIU, conuwimdlng at Fort hhaw,
in a letter:
I a<x*umpiiied tire officer to w iUres
the distribution of annuity good* to the
Indians, ami found assembled there tome
aix huudred ImUutis. men, wotni-n, and
children, principally of the Piegan and
Hl<mm] trims Aribwi of the Hkrek Feet
Nation I uever heard Indians talk more
|M*cnbly. Birvl Chief, an "U1 man, who
wa* in trie fight with ColoiMl Baker hod
year, said he luul not had a gre*! night's
slt-'P since that fight, ami liad ever since
I* <-n moving from phe-e to tda**-, ex*
IH* ting every day to be attacked by some*
UkIV. he did not know who; tliat they
all wislred to lite at peaoe with tint
whites now, and hi have no mure tru ible.
A uumlwr of other* sj>k>, all in tire
same strain. They all WWWod jdiws
nre in having an agent living among
them. They all se<-nil *ati-fi*l with
their present agent. Major
and said that I would I** atirprtscd if *
could compare the pruaent issue of good*
(with which tlrey seemed very much
pleased w itli former issue*. Peace with
tire Piegan* i* much to Ire desire*! oiul
cau Ire easily msintaiire-l, provided they
can Ire dealt witli justly. The agent
complain* that of thr #SO,WW uppr*pr*-
ted by Cong lea* for the Piegan* only
t17.01 id worth of good* lure vet rendu*!
him. 1 Ire Indian* *iq*-are*l very dewti
tub- and aoure brtwdstn#*, coffee, and
sugar should be aeut to them without dc
BaMe* aad Keedtag-llattb -.
The London f'kemitf amd IhrmfyiM ay:
Tin- latest h-aJ-toiJoniiig s.-tt nation, Ut
which o-rtAiU laicr)-*.! chemist* aw
r* klHiiinlblc, reveals the horrible fact Uiat
we an? now training our ladiins to the
uae of tl.ts addition t. their nutriment.
liv feedhig 110-m through tuls-s composed
of "india-rubber dissolved in ten jew
cent, of bisulphide of mrlmu and thick
ened with while load, resin. and Home
times oxysulphurent of antimony, from
bb'b, alien it com** into contact with
the milk, *ulihurrtted hydrogen i*
evolved, and lactate of lead funned in j
the stomach." The fact thai aevcral
millions of infanta liave not only mrrived
this treatment, but have to ail appear
ance* thrived on it, somewhat diminish
ing the homir which we ought to experi
ence on learning thia rejawt. But we
remember, and now fr the ftrwt time
intelligently comprehend, the touching
American epitaph in a graveyard a very
long way out Weat:
-OtUB Anoii bu taken 'tarMae UlU* iwrry.
Tti# es <4 Iwgi W4 Sreums BoseU
Srvrs <Uj. U mSW *WI >- dywwtory
Xd Mm* h- e-rUIwS 11)1 fa is turn tm**U
Most likely M was wwaiat m)iu4 Ms * Jsvry,
trie bud* sesBe V San Sl* srssVt We
Mat >tk U U ll tut i sod meriy
fur there • ia, ksrslai u-lties wheir he's (Ml ,**
The fact that some millions of infants
have thrived on one form or another of
feeding bottles, ia indeed capable of af
fording consolation, but the comfort we
derived from that reflection will be
materially diminished bv calling to mind
the mam millions who have perished.
much, MTI Dr. Lfwit Our American
system of diet ia lad Tlai* ia too
great a variety ; the food is too rich;
the .x-iking i* bad ; wc eat too often,
and we eat at the wrong times. I>r.
Lewia gives an account of a dinner at
the house of a lady who i* reeoguired
as standing at the bead of the intellec
tual aristocracy of a most intellectual and
refined city. The plaU- and crockery
were most beautiful. Hie dinner con
sisted of four little courses i fat, a
small glass of lemonade; 2nd. a bit of
melon ; 3d. roast lef and sweet pota
toes ; 4th, ice-cream. Nothing should
lie eaten after dinner, and dinner should
lie taken early in the day. not later if
possible, than 2 o'clock. Eat nothing
between tnoaß not even an ajple or a
pewch. Avoid cake, pies, all sweetmeat*,
nuts, raisin*. and randies. Wine and
liquor* l)r. Lewis will not tolerate, and
no young woman who is ambition* of a
clear, tine akin will drink tea. Tea com
promise* the completion, probably by
deranging the liver. "Hie l*-t plan i* to
drink nothing lmt cold water, snd as
little a* possible of that, eteept that one
or two glasMW nu lying down at night
and on rising in the morning will be
fouud uaefuL
AN ACT tip HUMOIHM worthy of witle-
Hpreavl mention ami ommeo.latHin was
recently jierfonued by a woman in But
hurah. "New Brunswick. Hh- WAS a post
mi*tre** of tlie town, ami a fire broke
ont in the building in which tlie post
ofltw was kept, and in which she also
lived and carried on business. When
the alarm was given, although her own
pronerir, including a stock of goods
und all ber honsehtild furniture and snje
plies, was in danger of lieing destroyed
ltl a feW minute*, she neverthcle** first
of all securevl the money, the account*,
ami all the letters ami j*|-re ia the
office ; and it was only when these had
lieen collected with the greatest core and
pine,*! in rea|siti*iWe hands, that she
turuevl her att ntion to saving her own
eflvS'ts. The result of. this devotion to
duty was a great saving to the rublic,
but a great jx-enniary sacrifice on her
own jiart. M bother or not any eonipeu
satiou wiU be made to her by the
Colonial Government we are not inform
RK PEA LINO Drrm.—A resolution was
offered in the House bv Mr. Hale, of
.Maine, repealing the duty on salt,
w hich waa finally adopted, 145 to 47.
A reeolutiou was offered by Farns
worth. of Illinois, rejiealing all duties on
coal This was sdojib*!, 132 to 57, Mr.
Randall, of Pennsylvania, then proposed
the repeal of the untie* on tea and coffee,
which was agm-d to, 141 to 49. Mr.
Wilson, of Indiana, offered a resolution
declaring that the Thirteenth, Four
teenth and Fifteenth Amendments to the
Constitution have been duly ratifi'd. and
that C*tugre*shas a right to iuijxise their
ratification as a condition precedent to
reprraentatioo in Congress. The vote
on the question of su*jeiidiug the rules
and adopting the reaolntion was 110 to
75, leaa tlian two-thinla in it* favor.
A IIEAVT CLOUD. —Old Captain Blank,
of Btonington, relates the following re
markable incident that occurred while on
the j storage from New York, some years
ago. He ohacrv*l, one summer altcr
nouu, a heavy doud arise from the land,
and. to hia great aurprie, apjiroach the
vessel. Suddenly it broke near him, and
miliious of moaquitos Covered the deck
of the vessel to several inches, wliile jairt
of tlie flock went through the mainsail,
leaving nothing but the bolt ropes idly
hanging to the sjaira. (Virrotiorative
evidence to tbi* astonishing tale was
found in the parson of a down-east skip
per, who beard tlie story, and who, on
comparing date* with the narrator, de
clared that two days afterward his ship
was hoarded by a part of the same flock,
and tliey all wore canvas breeches.
vania has had sixteen Governors since
1790. Of the sixteen five are now living
—WM. F. Johnston, residing in the
western part of the State; William Big
ler, in Clearfield oouuty ; James Pollock,
director of the Mint of Philadelphia;
Andrew G. Curtin. Minister to Russia,
and John W. Geary, the present Gov
TKRMM ; Two DoUr> a Yaar, in Advance.
A Mrgv,
Mm k Inug
With Wr litis span,
Mm U JJ ma
Of • brutes hsart.
KUr i gufog
To i.-r littai tmH.
Lrth Is growing
torn within bar brwat.
tie U *kfiUig;
Nhv ha* wwilMd her issl.
White joil'l* wtwoang,
Ulu to bMvm be paawd.
A t enretentlMis Thtet
Bum who do not know me unay |wr
haps Mtove the following story Tbo>>
who do know me will not. Htiil it to
quite true. iLgjnaid was • ptewuemt old
Kfiitleiuaa with a fine muwmi of humor,
lie had oonaktenibto projivrty and lived
on Wiuiblwloßu C-utntnoe. He had one
Wautiful itoughter—but that to not to
the point. One afternoon, a* Old Regi
nald waa rending Ikkilu is hi* drawing
room, it was announced to him (bat a
i'< million Man dwiiwd to apeak with him
He gave order* that the < Man
idiunhl be admitted. Ami admitted the
Common Man waa. H- was a very Com
mon Man indeed. A tall, sltanibliug, 113-
luuking fellow, with an hrwolnte man
ner and a sbrinking eve. H- waa dre-aed
m when fodiowing their
" What to vour ptoasuiw, good sirt"
said Old iteguudd.
" lteg pardon, guv'am-," said the Com-
UKIU Man. " I hipe you won't be hard
on me."
"Not at aU. replied Old Bi-ginald.
"I'm— I'm a Imrgtor," aahl the ten
in u Man.
"Indeed r said Reginald. "Takes
"Thank ru, kindly, guv'nor," said
he, " Iwt I'd rather stand.
And he did stand.
Bo far there to nothing very incredible
in my story. But it gets more remark
able "as it goes on.
•• How do you like your profireaion V
•aid Old lUginald.
"Well, guv'nor," said tin Comioon
Man. " 1 don't like it noway*, rod that'i
it. '
•• Tfiafs what f
" That's why I'm hero. I lickings to
s gang of twelve wot'a working there
parts just now. We crock* cribs by
turns. It's—it's my turn to-night. *
And the burglar wrpi like a child.
"This I presume to Remorse," mid
Ohl Reginald.
" No, guv'nor. it ain't Remorse," said
the InugW. " It's Funk "
" Ihe Hum thing," said Reginald.
"It ain't the being a 'mrghur that 1
object to. It's the having to commit
burglaries. 1 like the credit of it, sir
it'* the danger I object ta"
"I see."
" Now, by the tow* at our gang, we're
loond to crack cribs in turn. That i* to
asy. one of us cracks tlie crib wliile the
other eleven stop* outside rod gives the
" I thought bnrgtors always worked
ia two or tiirecs ?" said Old Reginald.
" P'raps I ought to know beat ?" *ug
grwted the burglar.
" Perhaps you ore right. Indeed, I
am sure you ought What arib do yon
propose to crock to-night
" This here roe."
• Miuef
And Old Reginald prepared to ring the
" Please don't do that guv'nor. Yon
ain't never agoui* to give me into
custody f"
"I think I had lietter.''
•' No, no, guv'nor, don't do that lis
ten to me first I ain't again' to hurt
" It's my turn to crack your crib to
night Now, will you hvlp me ?"
" I hardly aw my wny." said Old
K'-ginald, th<-ughtfully, "StiU, if I can
be of any use——"
" Look here, guv'nor, each member of
our gang to bound to get tiftv pound*
worth of swag from each crib he crocks, i
if he don't, he's shot Now. 1 see a
handsome silver salver and cofifcc-pot
rod •ream jug as I caaie in here. Wot
might be the value of that handsome
silver salver and coffee-pot f
"The cream jug to electro. The coffee
pot. with sugar burin rod salver, may be
north five rod forty pounds."
" That's near enough. 11l take 'em.
Here is a flimrev iur fifty quid."
And he lu.tided Old Reginald a bank
note for that amount.
" Htill lAm i quite understand "
" I want you, pviv'nor, to be so goral ;
as to leave your liedroum window open !
to-night, rod place that silver and them
silver traps where I can get 'em Imndy. J
I shall have cracked my crib, bagged my
-wag, and made myself sale until my
torn rrote round again."
" Certainly," saw Old Reginald, hold
ing up the note to the light. " But let
me x-k. how cau you afford to pgy so
handsomely for your depredations ?'
" There was a" down on us. sir. Eseh
of ua. cracks a crib once fci four months,
rod eech swag* at toast fifty pounda
worth—often more, but at least that
After each plant the profits are divided,
land quartet the twelwe cribs cracked
brought us ui eleven bitudxed pounds—
that's ninety pounda odd apiece. When
my turn comes I pay a fair price for the
fifty pounds worth I swag (for I have
hew honorably brought up), and 1 gets
forty pounds to the good. And forty
pounds a quarter to a hundred and sixty
pounds a year. And 1 lives on ft, Some
times it's more—uow and then it's toss,
but whatever it to I lives on it,"
Aud the honest fellow took a receipt
for a note rod departed.
Old Reginald was aa good aa his word.
He toft lus bedroom window open, rod
placed the salver where the Honest
Burglar was as good as hi* word, and at
two o'clock in the morning he came rod
found it. Bo far, all was simple rod
straightforward enough. But howc*onus
the curious rod incredible part of my
story. The fifty pound note was part of
the proceeds Ot a previous burglary. The
number of (lie note was known, and
traced to Old Reginald, who had to ac
count for its I icing in his possession.
Now the twelve burglars had in the
meantime been arrested by the police
(this is also incredible), and were con
demned to penal servitude for life. So
Old Reginald had no hesitation in stating j
the facte as I have stated them. No one
believed him, as no one will believe me.
So he appealed to the Honest Burglar to
corroborate hi* story. But the Honest
Burglar, having discovered the whole
tiling, coffee-pot, salver, rod aU, was the
commonest electric, was so shocked at
Old Reginald's dishonesty that not only
did he decline to corroborate his story,
but actually, and I think very property,
identified him aa an accomplice. And
Old Reginald was also sentenced to penal
servitude, and he rod the Honest Burglar
worked for many years together on the j
same works, ami had many opportunities i
of talking the matter over from ita moral,
social, and political points of view.—
London Fun.
MaxiSQ lent—'The New Orleans ice j
factory runs six machines, each costing
in gold, and freezes sixteen tons
of ice daily. The water to pumped from
the Mississippi, purified, rod frozen into
blocks three inches thick, and twelve by
twenty-four inches is area.
WHS HMI kwil Mm w*. to mmf diMh , E *
1 1 t til ■, w, ji'iighi , .A 'htmi in. iiH mlir-1: tfjjlfc?'!- ■* .. 118 L.x*.rfMfcHMS* SaUsi
4 ill- UKOW M *fSl*wywit- woMMT UKVWV wwrn
In I h* !* tartan Mitii to ibtvffte I
H#< hctt murnt- lajfrftre litssh in Vi lis W
|jr'.t mini, m aliwiV ur fiveriagt item—
Ma tin* weak huff* at Ui matutfefW pita*,
vi.l,vital* rtliklaut mm (to stirta* draw* war, .
But to Itto MKtoul if sanest wwils ufiMMfcMta*
■ Willi weds *odbn<W n* 'put toata*Mswap.
And toads (1M mmmmm an from day tote 1 .
Earth'* thousand tribes tahta® w Mw*l
' And work, and wait, and with stperiaat mi
' Look tor tba mrnmrmA htoatoac torn ito
Fade and Faaele*.
1 . Th< fiicur oldest Congregational paatora
am in Massachusetts.
A qntot mind, like other bleata* is
! MOW mrily lent Mian gained.
No gifts, however divine. profit thoae
• j who street to outlivate Chest.
A mail of saittw may disdain artifice aa
, a rich mm ma y wear a plain ooat.
The iron product of the United Stetea
for the y*r li *■ 1,062,647 ton*.
There am about H1,§70 Baptist ebmdbes
i in the world, with 1,382,034 member*.
Frt- maw subdue, bat lore gains;
1 and be (hat forgives first win# the laurel.
| _
MaoT Into* bare mow appear
atiMM of tratb (ban thing* (bat lie most
I A Mil t* fiM'flittftlt fiifniliil r>^ ;i *
' baa beam defeated in tna Itfaaaaoboaetto
! Henato.
At table, be aa biting of roar food aa
won ptaaae, but dost be biting in yosr
; remarks.
Frieodsbip is the sbadow of tba even
ing, which strengthen* with the setting
ami of life
ban Ckmatw, Maes.. raised 36,000
barrels of union*, waltaad at •100,000,
last season.
Three thousand applications www mada
,for cirfc in a now bank iweeiat Jopenad
-in Phi luiffphi*
|i It tarns oat that the woman wbohasn't
, spoken to ber bnaband for twenty year*
never bad one to spank to.
Threw are osndidatos for (ha Pre
sidency of Mntoi .vlresdy in the field,
and two other* are tfcreateaad.
H. W. Dale, an old printer of Monti
cello, Miss., claims to have invented an
improvement on the hand-ore*.
At Booth Bond, lad., now Jacob
Mcthuaatoh. died of lannbtor, iwemitl.r.
at Mime droll story told him by a friend.
The steam ploughs nsed in the United
State# aaw made in England. and inpoti
d it i ooat of about £IO,OOO in paid
Aiming the totoWimt effects of tight
kdng is the eaHmatod fact that it aawwa
the cuntrw over £2,000 annually in
Tba actual profit of the bnainetn dona
bv the Onondaga Bait Company, organ
ised in IMb. to the present time, la
■ "The prisoner baa a very smooth
oontitommce." "Tea, be was ironed
just before be was brought in. That a*-
coanto for it*' *
A aii&'-fal which perform* all the du
ties of soap and baa an aromatic odor,
bus been discmcnid in exbamitiess qma
tarn near lowa City.
Two bftlr Km were arreatod in Qoin
cv. HI. for trriog toaet ftrc to aC3nir*h.
They wanted to bum the eborob to
avoid going to banday School.
Fear governor* are now on trial for
impeachment Holden, of North Caro
lina : Bntbr, of NVtoaAa,; Clayton, of
Arfctma* : and Bead, of Florida..
Tomg ladies fmmenade smto of
striped -ilk aw very much in iavor.made
! with plain round underskirt with van
dyked oretakirte wiaborwtefy trimmed
A woman in MbwiMppi hut season
cultivated, with the help of a mala, taa
acres of corn, ten acnes of wheat, and ton
acres of cats, making a dear profit of
TV* was a huie jai
And he had a cart
Hurt bang ntu tem ea.ber towhmd
And wbewato **• gwd
the was very, vary gwoaL
Bet wton am was tod, she was IkxxML
j An lodiaaajiolir man went down ewl
l.-r and shot aarro balls at once into
|—a pork barrel. Beeaoae bis wife did
not acaaam, call in all the ncigbbora, .
sad then swoon awgy. be went ap atoiiw
and thrwsbeil ber.
Uroarh Radcwarlerite, formerly a mp
twin in the army, and latolw a letter
carrier in New York, who bad pltedod
IgvDtv to embemding a letter, wwa mm
enrod to threw roan' imprisonment in
the Albany Penitentiary.
Mr. Hyde and Mws Taller, of Oohan
boa. Ohio, having been married, md the
i •• fatted cwlf " killed in their honor, giwro
the tsvoieviUe an oppor-
Gututv to air a joke aboat ** killing onttlw
far the sake of the Hyde and Taßer. M
A dialer latdy took two samples of
gin from the same cask, rod flied the
arte* of one st JQ 75 per gallon, and the
.fiker at 13 30. Invariably upon b. iwrng
: l*th. the latter would be chosen, at
thonrb indentknl in quality with
•• What do yon mean by a eel ami dog
life add * huabrod to bit wife.
j "Look at Carlo and Kitty asleep onthe
rng! I wish men would live half so
peaceful!*- wito their wivea" "Stop,"
naid the* lady, "tie them together and
sew bow they will fight"
No opportunity ta toot by Chicago rod
Milwaukee papers to have their little asy.
Chicago has the tost word, aa follow*:
: " The body of a man was seen Boating
) in the river at MUwaukee on Fridav. bat
! as his etotbiw tbdnt seem to bold any
valuables, no efforts were made to recov
er it"
The " dramming" business appears to
be industriously prosecuted out WA
A correspondent writing from Maoon,
Missouri, my* that in one dsjr he
"counted four from Chicago, two from
Boston, one from Philadelphia, two or
three bom New York, rod 'one from Bt
A wife in San Fmneiaro lately put a
petition for drroree in the court on the
ground that her husband was a " con
fouiulcd fooL" The judge, who was an
old bachelor, would not admit the plea,
because, he said, every man who gets
married would be liable to the same im
A Providence man. about aeron year*
ago, was persuaded to take some stock in
a fancy corporation for a had debt, rod
reoently some of its creditors, finding
his name in the list of stockholders, com
menced suits against him rod obtained
judgments which have thus far amounted
to $25,000, rod the end is fiof yet
Teaching Eagllsb.
In a volume printed by Senor Jose da
Fonseca. with the avowed object of
teaching the Portuguese to%p*ak Eng
lish. the happy reader will find matter
that would provoke an anchorite to tough
until the rocks ring. The following is a
sample :
Dialogue I&—For to ride a home.
" Here is a horse, who have very bad
looks. Give mi another, I will not that
He not sail know to march, he ia pursy,
ha is foundered. Don't you are ashamed
to give me a jade like that ? He is un
ahoed, he is with nails up, it want to lead
to the farrier. He go limp, he is disable."
" Let us prick. Go us more fast nev
er was i seen so much bad baaat; she
will not nor to bring forward nor to put
"Htrek him the bridle hold him the
reins shortest Pique strongly make
march of him."
" Go down, i shall make march."
"Takeeare that he not give your foot
" Then be kicks for that i look. Look
; here, if i knew to tuna him."
) A Wilijams Common student who
I went to Fittafteld on a "spark," the oth
j ear day, had occasion to get a check
1 cashed at ihe bank, but the cashier didn't
i know him, rod demanded identification,
i He bethought himself of the mark on
ids underclothing, Unbuttoned his ooat
only to disclose in plain letters on the
I band of his shirt the name of his chum,
who had lent him fhe garment for the
1 occasion.
NO. 13.