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L MBBBMHOHIff. t 5 -V, N 5 L f"!- rJ f f -: 4 i4 v. .. " 5 1! in 1 r if !2i! ,tJiiiea IrieUiuiite with i;ricfif..aj. p' . ;; eOt; my.poun hostility Dalei a- -.t.: t .. I'Vl aJ at 1 3-'! '-!- ".: ,:r Vi sm! vt-: ,T'it':Tow1heUtl-fd'scTTo3!rtns .NeatTa tlic iicen iaAUii flowfjfr .vVJo-'3.?.. -cJlcf cheks tbat'OB.urgliAr.e.d J .tritiu t,'-With thv'rasoi-tintof-bealtb: v ; an Br 1 hehir4 JrTijease- had tiirn'dd jpaltf j And the ftrofftAlAiro tas Svl i.'i?-.- I go,' she said ..;--.j-s K , tu .iui:rtK "-To the land 'of tlie hlevU I-''i7 i'- " And 'ere strength1 shiill fail ! 87 iYou must lay poor. LiJIy-iJe n,. f-i ?. fri-:.Oii Ltllvj jsvreet Lilly u) -.vJ.-.ii-i j & oj TheTeilav-pocTXiUly Dale .--. .. i-.t ! nOlj.rlH'lv; ,wtetLilIvildaiLillv.lalet s t,,;'i Xow "the -wild-rose blossoms .-":!-;'. V" i-'-ToVr hev little 'Erecri gitve V;';1 ,.t .;.Tfe!a.ta! thejivees in tlie goyr-'Vale ;' .n-.r:' ANVv Ituiupslilreledi letting lour,' indulging id- .liort napJ Ms aire't'hbsfractet fforrf pockct i 6Q0 of tliligtiTiJS ugered ' gentry',.;;. Tlie Lief i was s-di.!2t.'d with ttve result 'oY Iris'yploi't J it.hat .)i.relurueujb espjW, (6 the: ' address rwrit tori inside'tlje waHet;vith the ibl- 'Yonra miserabil skunk hears youtfijickip TW'fc?! 1 tropin kceii nd sicj,"'iF6f'.a-Tnafi fites m 9-A ,5W a i-fi tt o, roun4 v,;iih a jvil-! itt-n-tttr-wothffl? 1n if litit ariA"tf :!iK!--raj)e'r' &SrWft 4ssrom, aerpuJ rctur, is: a contemterable nnpusition on the public.: As 1 hear yJArU J if b 1 , r-1 tl r h. V o uf t r!ni s h ,' , . J . Anotuee ''JjOXv r-A Inyiteiiou-s iox lately' arrivedat the Tonnsylvauia Kaikoad - Depot, n Tnttsbnr.qwhexeit'la urtfilntfnrSvjjs attracted by a horntle"steireii. ivsuii rliKaa iC '! -The May ovi 4ht for ; ; t b: Tox Ti'b 'Apbhed .fu he pr fterird told ?tU wlid inqnired about "the-hist tJvtUat:tJiC3TcoW.uit ascprtaitt.y hat, Ayas ia he"box,"oTingt tlig' Wnhand lliefeOnse Huencew;4S. ilie,deioi yas visitedby jiuatlixlils of: persons ifnxi ous t 9 learrt theiparticulars of lie in rsterl on s. aflfliit 3 t'AS' Lathes SrTrTjpfc? In answbr to tritis jCiupsfloi'11he'j'rinhdeipln iiaa bt't-n vigwrousiy jopp'jaed in its attempt to ritrodftce '-"feTii'ales.' 3s "compositors, remarks as 'Several of ihem are ivow retnrloA-ed in:th Job; Printing, depurjiueut .of the .Reutei V eg. tablishmeut'. ' Thev have learned ia a' tow Vek;a mich.$''&j-s TifcOalTy. do' rna'itj fttaiths; tor the rcasoii 41tafc:they are? itter prepared ;bg, education and ;tast.! ' In 'six uonthatl)ey.w ill earn more than any' one of the female teachers In our Pablie Schools, and with leas fatrgue bbth'of.mind tind body,"! . , ...iflV ruiLOt'ni,-,l tyrtv. a pale, tuou titer stand -hetidiifg-CTcr Hk3 tomb,- and his tars XelXfost and often.' As he raised Li's Vhiipi id eyes to heaven, he eried . .. -.u ;.. . .-.-. . c J "5f y brother t brother 1" ' ; .'. t-A sage pasaol that w ay and said ; " I"For"whom dost thou mourn V - ' ; -,,'iOnc," said he',""whonk I did not Aufliclont ly lore while living; but whose inestimable worth I nowfeel.'J J -c 1 ' '.' .;yjit woiild'sf thou4o ifjie.we'rtj reitottid to thee?" 1 - -; ! v - ','.' : f ' The mourner replied ' that' : he"-' w ould lake every occasion to show his friendship if lie eonld come back to his fond "embrace. !"ThenVaste no tiraoin useless" grief,'- said the 6age, "but1 if thou hast Triends -gr.-and cherish' 'the living, remembering that , they will die one d;iy also." - .jl -,i ; ' r " " " ,:,-.Aj(0iUi)n, i-, KyowOToTiiLSG VicroBx.-Aa. electioa lias jnst-e-erf held 5n Texan for local ' - 1 ' .'..''J'l3 - .p-1-.' . .... i . ., offiOeri. . f Imj liiporlaut question of pas&ing.a latr prohibiting tlKJrsat!e of ifpirituons liqnora lu;1c?5 aiiAu.tities than a ju'a'r,V "as'Taiso. 'sub mitted to a popular vote? midasfar as beard lromt tliq 'temperance si;le., has prevailed. In the city of Galveston, a large majority of the voteswas Tcasrin favor of the law.- The Know JfOihlng ticket for local officer' was also elect' id by a HmUar. majority, as it appear that the party; supp'orfed the temperance law ; ; " C7A bashful fellow who wns nbon't' to g'ef ju.uut.-u lj miuiMcr who 1 ciiuireu responses, resolved to mako- himself perfect in the res ponsea of the marriage 6ervic;jlitit by'mis- takeeornmitted -t o memory dljq ,AAf av-s o baptism : so when the clergj-man asked hiring p ilt thou have this woman to' be thy w ife," &c, the bride-groom answered in a -very sol emn tone ," ''": --'- . ' - :.-. 4 -.,.. .1 ? . t - . . -,- 0 .-. ... t , .. fl renpunce themall.": 1.. : .'..- ...... " The astonished minister" said; 4I Ihink you are a ibotT' ' ' -To which herepifed: "All thia I steadfastly believed .a::! Kdi lit 1 ;Ti!?rf r- li Css-Qoeatiori-fori the spike ebciety, "TTould the devil Teat his' wife, if he had Guess not--forthe women. Cenerall-r hont. l.'-J.?.t J .'--" . t'i ijcuin.:! ;;, tl Ajttd'lh'eVslieaii' iiieVrtf irotU (h? Where the. bird? haif WvatLw . . i ody ot'a m tirdprcd-er in A advanced ntnte a . C5 " - 1 H iof Ss examined t'dtlier aV fc'efofe'wf- i PUf.covrt3.ji. Wauxlu3;tefitiiy.'ny;ui ; !i,i:.efc str, Robert lunkey.V ,0 ..Sii;,.,1h ''"Well, Mr. FlunlteVj yeu sfty the defendant 'Cause, ait'-f he ,tway 3, Saj .t hink'5?ou when I handjiiia in.ut4t!reh(p ,tr:eve7i m bit of bread? '--?riw a: real. sk'&aft nervf'Uocf this, but hollers' o'uJier,3yVg moi A Surgeoh in-the- United State -army ijtfehf desire"jinoy '.te. raot. 'c'fliin-;.oausi.s of enlistments, s, By ptrinlsiiokfofdlie taptiihi, a eprapanr.' c6nrai-hflng;,'5fTrsiKT xrfmjned-thi writer pledged never to disclose the naiuC:.of tiny-dfllcer or private - etept.H) physrd;'X or .ruejaphysical , factrrr41ie',ii;ii4 ', history, a-t oijX tained of everv man. On investisratfon.' it 'appeared that niiiet'.enlTi'j enlisted on' "accouni xf sorac femiklq ditiiculTy-.T hitleon of them 'hadf cliaifieh 'txhelrtnawiean"iefc'i!rVink;'bi partially! the tiaicof; biai.'-'iliotltitul.f-4 Most of them Avere'meB' rf fintf fa'Hnt 'krii ljarijjns .ai'l hoiit:one-th.U-d..had.uiy:e-.oeeii in, vley;if-d itnatiPi!Si,i; RTtJ.".-'i'on! had "eii :::.! .l-!i:.:;.l v I :-. ;r ! .t-f. t i'L i .4aYJ"1?.VtifSfa'iV1.!5.i1''u: tvfj( lnrUiijstefs-j j ifiScvLES or Jtrrxet;j---A 'iadyoiico-oons.iiltcdj I.r'J OhnTtpn thSJre" J&rj4'tde to ' b'ei .Utached. to l;er.fcOJi!'s robbtng'au orchard, .. I Tjyc,'JI.Adanie, -&Jitn?it, all. dejvcnJ.s upon tha wejgltt of 1 tUo. lH'y..-; I rem.eBbv'r njyi sclioolfelloir, '-David1 GaTrfck'4.who': vras ."ways a. LtUe.,fcllav-rTryobuig,.a tao.e of .or chard with iippHTiitj';- but t lie -Very: fiust time; T. blimhtd u'rifh Rpp? t.ree' fijj jva heavy. by ,.;.witli . iue,. and. it' .Tray Called a5 j!?aer?enf i'-f-snntKise' ' that' ''Is: v.hy:.jn4;cs; Is? represeitetV - a . .pair', of sO&le." 10" the AJari u. Ihey -wero at -first made vf lenflK''-'al'tervanlfof brnsS ar3' iron, "and Hvc'rc proof .against, both cut and. JJirusUrlt was i'roni this that Ijomer calls the Greek brazen footed. . Fornu-lly,'' in France, a great 'foot was-amieh esteemed- cud tbe : length - of the ;i'vre, in the fourtdbht!l-VenturS:,ai'''A murk of; -diiitiiiotion.- The shov! of a rincc we're two feet and a half long; those ' of a ' lr'no! twf) ,feet, thos'! of a '-.u"I-ht eighteen jnche 'Jong.' rSir,":8aid -one I of. twu.;antagonists, with digpify to ! the oilie.VjlvrTSg-isptitfc iivk ey;.-eo;i&.m.?i-. tv-jtvords, '-vou me a scoundrel and a liatj-'you "'V,i?Jis in,-ti j-3 K-f j i Toil nzye i. . . . . ixvicc'A I h'ope y&tv- ,d H.' iicfr ;flt fehip : tifVirrV iluVariy fiirthtrVof if'4lNwV!llarVHi the sleeping liotl m-iiiy Jbreasfy.iand l ciiiieM tell what nuv b;; tile eonoaiicn.-' A .' ' T'.' " irv-ii J':. . : ' :i'. -.'jts- CC?" Philadelphia is not-wit boat its - nrirt!jii ticsfThe Sun e.OpiOS tvi-o sfgiiS' It i.a! discov ered there .One t. plainted-iu red ifaliesa"ud reads thus:' ! ; -;;! " '' ; 1 h-K .f. ''SUIHrri.UbVTAtfcKIK JJKKJC.. I -,. -A t This, we1nk if, s f.rf th'-MnVfit '-TbAeh.i lors: Ti.eef.d:1;;;';;;..; ,-77; t . "'lla.ND ."iVA.vrTO wokk'ON Bos'iM.'c ; ; FoVwhose bciiVnnXUiat'?"' 3'-'T'i",V' CJ7 "In short, ladie and:g'ntlemon'i said :l7VrfT'i'ir.'ft,i"5 'I. can. only 4say--I beg leave to add f dire ts iissureyo.u.that I 'wish I had a wind 6w in 'rYry lisonl 'thst vtn might se the einoiiojur cfmy .heart.'' .. ( Vi;l gar boy from the galler'.)--'' Virjd!nt'a pane in'ywr stbamcVdv jij3;iinw f'-; : '' '" ! a j - -v. -i - . --'j. " '?'' Aii irishm?iri: vyririn ;ft-pH Ohio," 'siiys it is-'fha'r'uif'iliiivU jdaWThtfie' WoilJ." 'The-first. three- weeks.' lie say, ''you are boarded gratis,and after that you are charged nothing at all, at kIL,. '.Cojjy.t abijg aidbring the chiidher.'"'. iK.r4 .- ,' ' 1 K?". t"1,.,73?,cA ?d'.af 5y mp.i t hi z ing neighbor to. a' friend, i-what 411. iluiwprld :," iui , m:i t rimo- nv into vour hpad"?"' ' " ; -' '"' - ? vlVell, the fact is,' 1 v as -getting ' short of shirM !"' ' :.?:?: ,-.: .-..' ;..-:.-n vToiirii"1ni,i..ii run tp, the.' itol,c ,and gefeme iomaSutrar."' '. 1, . "lici,sS2ii!2 m-.v, Tarn somewhat indisposed tliii moru iug,U fatherwiy-i k kiiiu tolf ig me a phignf tobacco." tai K?. A minister at "a camp 'meeting said, ,if the; lady 'with, tup. blue Ji'it. -and, re d hm :j and cross-cy.i, d 01 1 -t Vtop talking,., she'i'will '.' pointed put'to.the cOugrc-gation.' ;.VrI.'4.,,v;'Ji,1; -'-t Th ' f nHt hr-r-y hR she instils the lesson of pietand litial tdd'rgifon, jy, thc. h?jirt.f lir BiawtoniidioubApA-ivys teel that her lal.r ia TT Experience ' to. .mos'j ii?ctt';ii: like ' 'the' siern-jj; lushed a. slop, illunm;Ming;-.tiie', pace; gone over."-"-1 - -e----M..-. i ' e iv-b c-.- ,-. - " : - , r -:. tT) man like.vrhcn he poji the rpiestion Acqui escence; :" - :' tiz-'u fcrfl Lii.s?;. "TT Dr. Franklin usol, lo.aV f hat ncliivvioi ows wero thdot'ily piece of second-hand goods that sold at prime cost. lilL'"'!" ! '.'DMrs. nollyhock thinks U.V'ratucr,iuofr that the rising -of a little quick silver "n aglassr tube should make- the ; weather "so awfitl ' hot.' rrT" When a Teunsssee girt isAlyfi- Kissed; 1 she puts on a frown and says, "Put that article right, back, sir, whereypu from;,,.i ". ".trr-The, b human brain is the "twenty Vibtif- VV, - " , '- nc.lwcuty-eighUr. A rWki V ttllih tnfl nr'iin fn r r 1 x part of the body but the brain of a horse is but a 400th .-; a. i 3- -- 1 KVWTiy is a widower like a house in dilajv; idation T l-.' lr- ;... .- 'imauM 1 L,i4 u:z:. ecarrae a, s-, ia i- i to oe . repair-. ton choPrW, I will throwtM, Jper at IoiSt iii' , jfof head-?: tf Yen cun'j. jleetfvf; xde vij-h li i fronbth:k'Dowi4alcuu.c2' Ws euutritiutora.-tital h pentleman -ouV "rstip'Cause-whfrh t i teyvtit3cat as jaonr; jad fcriihJ 'r . ,V-v.'f-- ..j , ... . .. . , I iei-s (o in.s r-:-t-lerj:iiaa v;.palhtnt3cn of Hie tlav. rnare-associatetl tritlf too waWor tncnv ar ti: .hI 'rfiWH fecrjbotMvihi-'aitstUrio n GRAHAM'S ..SIAGZIXIJNF.W VOI re ceivc orders f.ySryrwV(r1tiVucr1h editor -loafe not know he his rny rrry hrilliant iJoas hott out in Jare'cavItaJii ty ,Jazlc,.pco)i;-'- eyes Graham wiiT bp-grotty"KLat 1 has bMr :tnaa,ivw pages 01 matter, and,tr.? reaaers t-i 'hanj'1, mar rrly vi-irh -pre at conME(j nfon thl .riiia.vry best x.-rtlilitr jimtU'r jthat -cauiial" ciis? I.Att.Vh LI.L t'.. V , .1 .' . 1 i 1 l .rtiie;viift wtas!.-.L nrir I of :tie editor t ill be. to piocuiw.jt pul V'llUi.' tim Jo Jime (kt?!os: j from .:;irtUthi:oiitburs. 'iid 'trfttijilttUwJili m.Ri itiie bcit. Cicrireia iainlril Toiktli :w:rttfM.n-j(vuieU. tU jiiet- above ;DCTcr holiire peered in pruuiii tU-iueiWrT.I Iwfraya tai impdri ;taiit l'.iiiii3il bi!xts!.-i.ii . iikctriio-E:eritl; aud eriUfisios on ild 1itrrstarc f ofc Amcrifit .aj ;tlw (ioovemeuJrt- of the A kft". I: (1 Ji e: l.orti'W; J )e par tr -tttpM't. im WMick.fc-IarBnd-lthiiriUlivpiriioofiiarit-l ieisin will alav.-!n.- Hiij laisedjo ill b pxx?nledi r "or ihs d(fnocf Aaui;ksjttt:)tteratLceL.tkt)?trUiot mil auvs'vS-belready':? ttte-tiiiU:tsiinuns)oF-au:cr reet tone ia llw.ulna?;i;ie.-ie wiih a:'- piwible. bo still iaor.'witkluk;'. ". ' j i . .J. j TINE STKEL rr.ATK T.V APrTTir.TTTO THE CHOICE wksios Au"Kxauivis'i;d of devei:cx. who will supply il ll. iatifn)i.tW i h -7i ii -tha body of the boyU.- '; niin t'tb-fi tor 'will - no? bp so HO. li tvinorCf..Atlilv)Ciiftr bis rnrav. nips. .as' tj si cisrolir -th.0' publishes ''the wt most tinujitit'd artHfft-an ve thefci -for eoiaiucii wood-cuts aro m ta.ilwjiiultip)iod, that t-.i vr.i inJ iflVrent publication may Aintyitr.k hi droafy ilis-i piny itbcx-boieosf pt-rioiiical. M . 'i'-'-' r.-i- '..' . j ThpKiripr ks? no tct. 'frSat vith ' hk eva 'te::- ders. Iib'eaniiictnu hi? )iijis i. I'os.ft ,' in-f sidling on any very gttat mprioiriry 'f ir-ah'sHiiil over ?ever;d:iinitar pubtifciUirtnB, but thinks lie! may saftly 5ar,fii W in rbcir' 1'rieiifVihij. f.r tht-' Ma.tfaztne.-aiil in ifF piitlnanagemen':-r its pre-; .nt list, andaiioh5i.i-ios. as naturalfv jrrows' at' of a v'x tendud .circulation, iii a- eou.iti-y wlu're'' readers nrc multiplying .o rapid ly'.'V-K j At' the .laLnary uunibov first .vHtlonVUi W 30.0l.!0 eopi'; ami .tho J.iUn-rrrt-l hmtdd - ft M ds! wiLhbe so protMpt i: rf iu-K-iiitt elnb, . iid tend ins the luf imwoiiif -iuwotxW tllfcth first: aditiaii ehnlbMi ta alt'UltV!Ktli -rHr-l?l-:il- tLaiatclioi.tuIjI.!l. ::i'the'rt VuWiipnt ek-i-i!; "Urahiuu." .otU 3 !..-..' -v .'1 . PoSTACE-Subsf rilHUS in int ipt f tlu t'nib d States may i:om -rcec ivo tbr JAlHWiiv. by- tfiil. at three et'nt3mitUf,f-fiiirtv-si- eonrs a year' ostiio. payable at;tha ru3&iaiue where it is" re ceived. ;: ... , . .j.-istwiutexasiiul, J.iit.iv nil.avw the -L'niou, are;uuiy ie(IiK-.-:tt.a to act as Aienu forthe JtW lumc. . - i .n-' :.. 'I :.?.:::' - ... v : Tehms .The' Tei'iwti,; .yrahum " , ma -Three IkilUrs fvr single iideriberr,.:it paid in advance. For six dollars in advance. one?.py i. 'ut three years. We continua4he f.dlfwing' liw terms fur Clubcto bo sent iu thevify to ou u.ddrei-s. uiul 'i in the country, to Unc J.'ust-ogieo. .. .., ' .... - -R : 1' copies,- . . ' .' '.-r V-.-: " .', '.if. iH:-r an. ' (and one 1 to the jrettr uj.) Jl'- the money fL,r ciob, alwayj sLwald , be t-eiit in ndvaiiue. .ubsriutii.ns jua'v be itnit. our risk. ben the sum Ju.lare. . draft fthoub in.- ni-oenred if possible the tost of whicli may .kdueted from the amount. V( .., .:-?'.v Jcr,ii aImu-oiis of. receiving, uliiv" af "a sample, can J.f aeeommodated lv notifyiu- -Sbr J-.ditorl.yiuA.r..(bo4-ujf).;;r;v-,. "; Auuiiss, always P".-t-p.iidl ti fU L. K V II 4 11 A M . "JM i t. r. .SA!'3'-n3' T:K-!I0';.Pi;HaV,!;I,hi!lelphU. . .JIAT.i-AN' JJE GOT i'OJl 3lITbVn-. ' "ersiued baivviKgt-l-liiMu ariap-jpumjit liv WbK-h.thcy aCtv tiutni-it.thB K,,KvViKcKeri agaaie.mtniiiil.v.Jtho tlt'UM-r'JuurrtaJv (weekly;) and the Maial ,V or.Ui and -Times; (weekh.)Vto liew .-Hd.i.-cribt-rs.-ut the Terv m;ei-jiui-i .'," dollars, a year stir the Him- .;i.'i :aii.'.i:j ; alt or" UetVj viich.shtlittt .HHKHmt UJyT,A-WiU.-V-i:i oe!i; 1 - aifenite l to J 1 ij.Ul.UiJ I llEUXOii.A I'til.Uslier of: the K a ickerin.iker ' r.lUiUUS A V,'lLLl.?w;j - ,. . ..-.s I'lddishti-sof Ihu jtvme. Journal: . Ai.lU jvv 1 1 1 - ,r ; - 1, ,v -6f0 iH!t,Jf:tttlthvi-iAUid World -nd TiMtes. .ST.l h'foadviav. 'Xon- V.irX- i K.M idl l-R.A i; V,-A- 1 -Ait'l IfcTi C-.- t.V.MUll ---.'fr.W -i'enH-itf.f J. tive. teeil tia.ltf; i. tarnish the .im rw,... ..Liiiiii-, i,ie Jimiie .) ...ln-id.- and uu.' Ae-.f- 1 Mi.K. ,i, ik,ivh( ,M oridN;ir'. i.i im.-.v;. to new ?W;rVT;.tr.lJr;..d.Urs,'yer.-.. This h ulioan 1 '".-'rti!'.. J :!'- x me ii.;.iex is , pvr ailini-ii li,u ji,,;j,e nab- 4:!-.nd 'tho ,vusu.a. v,-una an-i jihw. 5uiiVu t.a yt.,r u? ":v J.""'s- . iuttur-..clf Avorks ean. be ...jiumh-.i 4vr v .fMinrs a faetariv.irl.r my -11c v atone ait., uln.- 1 is ms!.i.m.- ! K-iBjr nsh- ..v w p e ecuca u(l, Jiic Jl,. Jourmd,.utii Je, by Geo. P. ilbrris, arid X. ;P, Willu;.,.. well known as f be best family' newspaper in Amvvi,;;. tind the World and Tiiues, edited by Richard Storrs with r.ov.. !rr;w' 11 Thomitg Haitings, Wm, 'PA P.i adbu'i v, Cm." r. i-noi, Mm (jiii-.j- iuusieal writ er eu:: t ril -a ti nV md which vTVes.' Vi oilier 1 1 ii in '-.-.. s.-'". worth of uiu--ie. and. a full -course, of ii.'.,i.V,i bennony "a any a Uv , Ath ye.y Vest, : musical Jour nt ever pubbsbct. Tlicse tbret- paLlw.nL.ns" will post a fairly up iu reanl. ; Vmarlv- . cvervthu; worth kn. -.vim --Arf. Scivi.i-e I i'l'r.ii,.,..- 't...;,f Paiutirii.-c'u!r.!iii-e: Invetitii.Ti, t : Ji:ifU-. i yney,. Stntiim. l.t the X.-w.-sf "p..,!,.,. paml other atti actions iorLydics ; Choice Xeiv .iiul ic ior tne JNitrOutii. the Ciiumh. jn.d tl.n s;r.-;.i,.. vviews and Criticism of .Musical Works. Vr for mer and Pcrformant-er ;'.jiibi L the vcrv pick and cream of Xoveltv. f iieiiitid. TlivtorT- i:.-o. ...I... ..!;.. , . . 7 ....a- ' Ait- Literature and Science; inclu-jin'"-wiiat-r enri b; giveii in jiidic.Us to .proiaeto iltby Amnsemcnt and .-olid liislrm-tioa iu ihrt ever. riicanny .imnseincnt and .m i. 1 n-i;i n.-f 1,:, r .'m r. , 111 , - . AAV rimily iuid help.-to mako it . Uct.'cr, Wiser.' and iJlappjer, may be now obtained for . 1 ve Vkui.l iks Address DYE 11 & WILLI.-. 27.TUroadifi.i-. .' " :! j-.anors.p.upliuaiji: th.e abov--. three .ti,m - a'ud s.bding fnp papers Hdit;.iuiiig it to Ever A Wilii.v ;wid receive the three works named. Li- f.j vcar . Aug., 23,ii.. ,..;.:;,:'....;.,;..' , II MAGAZIXK AT ; sj l'KU VIUjWv thoso w ho read th.e.seruij so 1-romptly issu'vl, ;vrV . Iiekt-ns,. with. .thoughtful appreciation. mwleru jouriial for the people, devote! to coin 116 subject unaniui.oitly treated,, excellunt- in ftyle-' neiuns, in,uniini-, aiid:,,womierluUv feiti! iui subject, The pieces .are -.the , right Jen 'th- thev eiLibit.wwidtrfid.arietj,-.. irul, Hriv. attuued' to .H uaunoDiou-s vey .and- riiithuW nnWv V i ..f ,.fl'.,. , fAf - "W-Wt equal. of.-JTcAlso-. bold. W tnu i'ajuiijf jwfjmb.; Pleaaant to--" -'Wuli knowledge. gnKet'ul.aneo-lotqs, hanu 'Ug.e"sa.ys. 'ajter4i.ite iu, iw, raaosd It- in .i.ot.-al. wliyoonycntent-logecurc a copy of .the, weekly issue on tbij arrival of a steamer; in-order to enjoy regularly this delightful work.' wciidi i ders .to possess themselves of the handsom month ly reprint of McElrath ,fc linkeri; Vboig.a.t' buf 'diPUiMthold Words ' with oonmicndable iumtuali. t Now'rVork- ; Frederick Parker, iij Washing., ton street istbo boston arcnt.--7;o.(o -Tram-criptl i ,'t' '. ?''. i The articles, both in tyl nd. thVmgbt, arefar superior to tb trash that occupies tlie-pat'e. of o many of Tbart pfpIar' .1 giim:X-li-2' rirt AtlaiA . : -14.11 '; Us- I -The above are but a few extraets frft n,...-: noticM of the press lately reeeived.' These' who wis.' 1IoW rdff wiilreeeive it monthly -hy ail upon remitting the subscription priee. Spe- i m 11 nntnniiia cant .-v . ; x r . . cimen numbers sent on reoeipt of fire red nota-e stamps.' 1 . -x : ' ' 0 stamps. MeELRATII & BAKES,' Publishers, ; " 17 Spruce st.T'ew York. Aug. 23 1 00 Blirrels FiHhj for gale at the Cbeao "glri MHrkT'0-!ier .:l"iii.'iin . by; Lewis , lijiylord dark.-it ia.' liw,,,;, ?pra7c. , l-or.nV,,t;.rwiir.-i. it h::s .boon- tbo'ui. gennil7l.uiH,.r,..r,-, uml'spmy -nionihly": L,.th world: and .the present volume will 1... l-lft,.- 1, ... rt3csriiTir ata ivrruDasikiA i eisoh K J coming ree ommed44 a-f?oo.i workman ia the above businSfQj Onn. got a Ftoj and eo'r rlptc set o.flts,-wub, ,yrtb.,arVb . A,Svvd-r W-eation:, beiLg'Td' townsbtp, "fit " IM' T.rm of the snbicriber?, tlii8bep'2iylng:f od in operation for some three yeirs. doimi a large besiness. Tor further partirlais.eaatiir ff - xfTr ; Ji VlXTlIAL f; PPO. j J;.iprotk CSXOC1C 'OPr rOVLTRY. !?IIAXGHAIS. A-wMiiber of the pure blood, and of the Ivdf. brod of trhnnyhai fowls for sale f the PouitV;-Vw'-t'Of ,"'., if.iiyH-., Curwcnsvillc Pa. Ttte"!reJR.wt."afeT for their mild And idIjioslielLsbtJitK.ii. their lavi ines. " Xot one of thek -Mi-, die ! or been ?K-k this suiiiiner. ,U; i Jl I IJiJ.V Ju!y l.i. 1854. Great EciJat.-rrSaitll4.?i.'Aa2oaneenient, rgH.AT te 1itr4st, cheapest, and lest aovtmeiit -.1.5 f (Wotlieyer brought iht Sfarfiel.leiiv hve!vrived, and fire oCVfc.-f fetsal.-a; tho Iifw t'toniv t2:e fub?eribcrs." neart'th'- Jtirirutt 09i.;e:'t'l.'.vi-eld. Pa. Xr-v-'fiefere hafc: aP-'mord brilliant. fani at the faiun time a'1eliflftf1r',Iit 1 5 nods bcii-offered to this,--'f h-'v'&avtj all been tUHeetcd with u view to tbJ'rtnts niWne- eessitk-a of the m-opJe-t-thU partieular locality! after lo.-i e.xpvlciM.k Jiliiy idifcub fe i--eiu;;'n?ar:-!-o w ilh'tjvei r -Titled niMSiffiPtmcet ion?. 1'rv O'-wltf every variety, JWsSWAo-l Ol-5tlisj ('u.-simcr?i ftnd CMbiiig; I.'uota And ?rb)M-.' Itats an-1 Cap:i -Bonnets and Fhaxtts. together ith ; lare and sidendid RAsortmerit of ' yuei.avarei Hardwned-aud Groceries'. " " :-:.' Jefyinf all eosnpetiftrvn-. thov solicit their friend aii.l the publia gii-iilthjiw ia jaiU and ex:tmim their tto.-lc'.rv-: rno teMuS.SOP A POTTAKFF. ! vkme 12. 1S5J. ly.i".": f;.3flI Lai m'.' .... i -. .'-ii- i-i iil j : 55 CUKAP AS Till-: ClIKAPKST. AS-Ui jffcXJOO; AS Till-: J'i:iT. M'liOLiii AidiT AMJi IUvTAIL. Isaac .Iounst. wotdd reypeuti'iijiy a-; feliii his friends 11, d tl;e public .jrenaraUy that ho biUhist returned lVomdhi-.Kd-4.: fcen'-lm-basoini- Alu-rt;aiLimr.L.-jiirndidjjj:UjJiviuiJi M'oes ever brbuirnt to tilenrUtdd. i.verv variety UiiLi of Ladies shprjLf:.!i)Kr.f-pAiliVps. Ac Ac. Meii fancy shoes. u't MiU-r.4 w vki excellent assort-! ment of heavy stock, all adajited to the wants ot the people of-Clesrlicld. - . . -- - -- -:- ., ; lo" hopeElds'frienilfj will ciw-liln eidl nil his : si ore in j-blm w ''11 pw ' " and exu-Ii u his toek.Li : 5 ; r" ?VvffiticatA?il upertrtl Si'ew-' nii-T-.nTeridrd"' tiWibt-nt ' of 1 l'uui;:?. .'it iiunr ."ihn m tirffiWiir.i.'.TniirT. f Lad i es Dres iioE li3 iiJCibUI 1 iuj re si 11 aid w'cj QooLUus:ajpo.:tiroooiJc.. iSeoia.r btieP. Oils.' l'Siiitsi smd crerj-ritiiut arrielo usaally -k-cpfr-ia-- eWiWry: tore. n hore Abey ioffet, JV.r ais -as obeap. i? noii cheaper than any other More in the County. All kinds of produce anil lumber taken ih t-x"tftJii? for 4-oods.-- -- - j All of tr. Wini-'J fsmffv nreftieines fof : :rril .i-i '1 vJ? : ,v M.-fiHAIIAM. - ; i v. ,t.--! hi-.kt:-,'. .-rJA..'E. WATFOX." - -lMlrtimtrtVJi&-14. JT)4.' ' ' -: ' : . PJ.KKa FflSAl.wnuH.'Til AN-.A .-KOWKV Hmi-H :; 1 t'i.n and Oi iianieui;il Painreri. 517.i rs.' Chair makei.,. and PapbV's-'!hviers.'i'fi"er their scr- iAi'-tiu-j.tJiu.eii -or - L n-ailseia au.i vii-inifv. Shop nc.vt door to the Jew's J!tfrc.-" : . - 'fhev-kei-p roiistjtntly on ban-l.. nnd make, to or der -ia fe yjr v.i ri oty of'l.'nni rs.'TMi u e-.Vc fe s;,.. .4 . ?liuiriO.'ud V?'- made in beau'y to ar.y that hii. beobtaiued ' from the' City; and more durable! in worktiiKRshin and materl.tb ' ' - ; , '-' ; JOHN TKOl-TMAX. 1:oj;eut itnvn. .Tune VUV,iHr f 1UH iiOQU iNTi-:''f HU'JKfk and Stae Mn.-e. -i- -'ariteimi!!.''. Pa.. 'ihersiteriKet Would -in-JViriiB lcfrienrdnd the public that .fro. htmjut re .Ctted Rii.ii'C-t'nrnisIiuI lii? house and is- pr' -to reiuiensn-tn-Viat tcntion-to tho ravelHni e -.mviu-nily. . T liiiwbia-&ii tains' li.iuors of th) firT: rta-itli v' iod 1 : . . .. 1 1 . . . ... u is laoie n ui m w:iys be .;ujj. lied with the Ix-sl -in ili.rptfallwdie1f.ihi!.fi-ie" and otlicr-" to five him a call. 'M. 1U FLKMM1 ftrt?-14,-t. -- SS.'-in-- Hm Hi)f4.-i t?!earVM; P.-,.; A rtiff- 1 ' - einl Teeth. li nr Y.r.r'f v Mt. Ti.Aiin- te.r iii theimJst Rp'i:nv..-d-mfjilFii i: Vbv''-' 'Fill ins. Filing; and- Cle'iiiiinir ooiie-' wh 'V-.ii, uiid neatnes. - n Jeeth e.vtrnc.ted with all the care and dispatch: rtio'lorn seiom-e'eiin furnisli.' ' ..-: v . liil.-itlbbS.; .i.m always J.! found at. Ins l.ffcp -b ij now" devoting- . wlmle-! hltention'f--.1 h?s: rrr.t ;r;r:,n. : : ; - tj,,,,- ; 1 'j : '..TJijne I J. 7)J.: "Tt I Ji"S CaCiJA! KI'T AL HOTEL. Xa; TR.'.'Wu .viAttl i-r., r,!-.oe.!i -ii tr-eimaricet. lie ie?r.ei-tfnll--jirili-- v-ns niu-iarjto eu-viLM-t Lis Me.irt.el J: fiii-Trds ;-3 '-i ye una a cuu.wJicn ttoov visit the it-j -- 'n----d lo -i; .a? --JA'.'." -tj ; .-.-tiitte io.J..ju--l t.-.o; -.j . 1 1 - . lTEV,: flil"ji--ii-r)'.,; imwi-ik -omi; j. 1 linorm llie .null ic tiiat r!i.r li , a new aod .splendid assortment' of (Joods of-every -uij, in 1.1c o.a stand ot 11. it. I'atto.n'- ut Cnr . - . . mT I''l1ItJl HI Mil' -Vi Uieir Store hn f I ..1 . nuapieu tome wanL and neeewsities ol iuv; to nc. 01 iuis resrioti . 1 ir.CJ ...... i . 7 J.aees. t. loves. Cloths. Casstmnres: Cl i'hinn- "l- joois. onoes. m.iac.i, :tti.-m o.. .i.f 1 ,r.. 1 . : . . , i-.ii.i- .1 w ai- frrs:ent ot hir. n: -.., .ift-t i roct-i ic?-. -. in-1 mine no r.ersrms to i-a t - ..n r..i ,i.MHM Aliev-wUl le able to r.-rdnr ntvr. .; - .1 - 751 . t.Mli.l 11 i. fasUOB;:., . If TS'l ,V " -V - ' - J - -'.T.-H. SIbLWKU!. .. Curv.eiiBVille. Juno 15, J 854-1 1-.. r J - . TUllX 11; M'JKIIOW, Cabinet Maker, Shop oppo. Mto M. E. Churobi Clearfield. Pa. stautly oahand and makes to order, all ksnds.of uruimre, sucn as lea Xa hies.;. Card Tables, Cen tre Xublfft' rfs.,iring Seated vChnirs. Iiedsuiis, bureaus., V. S St wlh,; X'upboards. Safes.' Ac. Ac. - h . vuonin uiauc on uie -simifest notice, and . Funer- t miiaen. ? . oi.(.; ty yoiix .11. m now. t.Wuiiu 1, 15jL ly.-; r-si-; .-- :-, .. 1 a? c2i:e,- just reo'oivod an J. yu, at. X.iy Stoio of !i; j A. M Juno 11, l: ,-. , . . ....';, . and for rsiilo jULUS. . fit "J i HO (1( 1 rH tp 1 :.v j 0 ji smx a lks );'l of 'q't dity. for sale at the .Si-n of tho Ked Flng." 'Price ?3.59pcr th6uaiid, " -- .InncST", 1?34: .' -' ' v. : " G' 1i:okc;k w. colladay. conviH;; and Ln'n-l Atfenf:- S n' - i3r,1.i.,?.i.'.. !... Pbil.Adefpbia, wjll I'aTthTullv attenrl to hit H,irjl -Tiinr 7 1 KA S 't1?XAtor.y-at.IJliQrflujtl.rr .ti. wdl ayend -all prefessional Itu suiyss entrusted to his evteSt (Jiiuv l-SM.-iy, ,1 i T- -.IfisALLl Attorney. ,at ,Tw-..-.Oniee '"ly oppoiite Jud.e. .Wrijtbtr Store, Cletr Uc.g, a-.prac in- Utarfiold and -adjoining ..I i.lJ "o 33, 'Oi.-ly, j? C'-!! C;TWA W.of Cheap (ifo-' " - " iuwrr'trr a, ru a . MOS B!f" AKmVertia:care for Wic ly?cnf!lry, for sale by" 1 ' ; -il?; J?! 'H "' Wt'P PJTTARFF. .TIT'" ;V FRANK, JPSTICE OIIETACE XJt. tleartleid, Pa., Office in Sliaw'a i;W ." )T WWWV1 4.-. ' i , .. e--l '.-.- -.: It; 9 PEACE. Curwensville I'., I)ffi Au ' Good Intent Hotel." ' ... . I - ... v.-.-, UllllUPilt) 1IH June, ia. 1854. T' ACKSOXCUAXSAUorney tLaw, - Of play 23. '54-iv ' ; ' 1 -"-'I'H-.pjii.t, !io sit.-ci ifr- -u-a .-t..a good maxim ttmt pwofde Jihould pur-hase tecentiy wdar-jd ana- fitted' H?,'his hovse.-' find is' g' '-'! ? where ver'ihey p!.:ase'.' Kut ihey .-i.o'ild not i-y,v eiiabJci t.-t5:wete suetespfullr, wiMi any e'- i 1,,!,v .,f" ?Hlv: n-for they neei'tabi ber- th-v tsblisbiuent: in-the City. His rm's are V-v.-:,rr-!i "'! l-sl-' (i d.' I T-oalil 'most 'r-pn."Jfnt!-'in-Abeuid wvil Ventilated, and bin tabr,.' fiint A.,.,) 1 vHe:iU'bMKH?'iti rt '4uIr.-i ,.tt il "'..., B TAMEfcR!ItAHAMMereUant and ten"sj7e x.F ,JKWl.) - .dealers in .'lumber Grahamnton, V O riea, w j-i-tj.-A i sel! tfvurA.ra !v'?t. ttV f3OIiNO ITAWtfih.--Tfae unWei'iiacdhaf f ANTlTjnfir.lTVlTe hutTif ?Fl,av:" ti-t-by i,at:bin ftwaa,t;atcs ptetsiwe inauJ-..;-r-iiir rrtUt, d end lt-fariii.-he.l ;t ia such a "Tini " -v h fvJvad-f.aud ih'tt -r..Vlie,- gviHiail'y ti-stf- -hv ):ts prie with any- hVuV -tn'thc cn'nntv 'rcjrortfnif J jvi-f received fioti ti-e.i'y. .1 tpluui-j ,a?-rUuviit lijits a libexel'fcH.rd 4Cbti 'aaf-oiii.'- t- V" of Prv Go9.1.Hrtrdwafe ti.VeeuiVl-t;ir::' ntl attention will be rhown t 'top-iL- .M'" Car.Uo&a!d fclioes, an1 Ciry-tJ-.ii etse-t.-iilil- (.J5Jtu;, and u uir.Fwiil bV-silr 1 ly kept B-' eon Wry rtore-. Person winning lo buy 1 make t hem 'i:feel at nome."" - - - - -u a' 1 10, thnpAJiJ trMiJ Goods1 should - not idrsft ibkthe 13 dctermiiicd. not to heo firier ild .byaiiy 'Wore-i 11 in the countyi;.llis.tabtto js-'-a-nitible jrtiiv arath er than a ydvivrHsnqnoc v;,j V. vt j rutin-i.xi Ptiti iiK i;niBTin 11 ni-oi- i-Tfto &he -tftH-f il't lJifftil the -1 ic- (3vrJt i Mie'haaJtistebUplwed;!tLu-gotv.-.-buibliBr-jonJl!p j-Swjth-JC e?vnd:,r;;..cAr.tieId!-pa,i.:wJ,8 !i i be has furnished and fitted up jnAi:v,V'n.'!i- hie manner forjae ion of travellers and permanent His charges will le M.Hratr ar.d his house com cucfTa;ui.v3iie(.TnM sow-rnsroTdcTtyainiiiieit It K I rTdSHTSSEf,L!&''co ---T- y 'fin ! j ' Hi; jfr- F KHK, Per.nsvirre. Otampian ,lffli.Vtca'fiid Co.,- P.i!'. 'kepl'otitant!y on hand ahx'.k;Ment'as acutiBont of leather. wliicbAbiy fiiritafe.iiCllie lowert tsah'prirw-.-Oaskpabt fVyr. Hides jr.,: ,? j c-;4dij b -1 ll s cl i'.-:;ii 1 x:i -o-:-; T ; ? 'Jr.:5'r- UWIiW:) iUOTIIA; STOItE -JlH t X 1 1 il.vrW-vbi inform:tbi'j'ublic- that -b' ,lai pnenej.a, new and spbicua aortiiteiit cl y loiumg, f r the'best quality at'ii lowcJ priees.r':if. hi;; StArej next doer to the 'office of-1. .f : t"ra-.:.V.' -fc."' Clea'rj neia. i'a. ' Erryvarmiv C CM-hing.. UaMyCi,Tadan: r eyarcde4''He'wi'l5elt-hcapef ,Uan'ai:vortier".tore rfrtfue counfv. 'lie detie,--ompefiCiOH. Call and r'.'effcf.fsfo.!'1''.' '"v'' , i,';T.';f --2"'.'1 : p11iatu.-fif prietH paid for lii-i-rkii.s: ' "! i ft .June l&4.3rao. j ;.?'G T - ; L r-rr -r -: ' ... u.. . ;-.,.f e . L 1.- i-c-J J,li"ittill.-,; liVEi . KAliE.liAlAll . 4- ,-JIO-i r JL. . tiO U . itould. jnforut tLe. vmLlic- timtr thoy v, ill '. have . f ifob ,.v;f fr,abv' 'Vry : Tuesday uhd fSarhr'dA-V iiioruliitf at o'cToik at "the Market House JClearfield.Pn.' - : ' . J-Jnly 15. 11., 1 "klSNOLU TlO. tP PAltl3 EKSIIlT- A--Thn pardicrebip lu-retvi'vre. esh?tiiif .betwoen l$r.S tPatciux it Joh..aVAx, .xun ler ,tiie stylo ttr i nun ot I'ateniu A hwan. was Itiii day dissolved hy niutual consent, and the books are left Tor collec tion in the- lmHAo.i-e.4J,4'klii. Those persons knowing !icjut;cl ves indebted t.a tioj lirint:v-iil eal , iinitiediaji-lyiindiiettle up', or.' they ' w ill have the- d'easwve-of paVhig c'osts.1 ''" t''t''' '.-"- '-'- ' : - : - X r . . 1 k. -r PATrsil.V, :" : '!:(-li-a IEope,:Jnly LS51.- 5"y"IEl, KEXX Kit, ;"Cabiet . -muker.. Shop' 't?; same' as. formerly occupied by Iiavid .Saekets. CJe.-iVfield'Pn..-" ke'ep's'eoiistan'ily. on bai d at his Fui-nitufc -Ware'-reims.;Arid "manufactnrc? to order ' at-City prices. iill klndfol Cabinet ware.THnfng and "Picf tables. lres3inr "eufl-3. Cupln":d.i-Eelsfeads, -.Wash JtalJ -5i?rig. bo'tjjtucd Chair a, .Sofas. .Safes: bureaus. Marble Topped Escrirors. Ac., its. ?.- ' Coffins made, and funerals attended on :ie sliort- ef-t notice. "June 27, 18S4.--lVi-roy .:.' '' -::"' ;PLExi,i'. :m:w;tok k.--jl ui jt' V .C0N have jiir eh'.ru-d from the cf v , witli 'iin ctifi-'encw stock' t.f Good?, which 'they vSef for svl - en.tlie rei-y !orf btrs.'st the bid -taml latefv' o.dpied by A: t. fri!ls..!Wr end of the Minsii.'ie 'HoiMc, Clinrfubt.- t'a. L Their stoek of ;-'A.- ds hnv . been atk-cUd withf grefab .tar, and.- a, oheaperUf'9orUucntasi toier brought into tTeitr--: lieJd county-: .. ... . 7 ... ...'. ':lf ' . T Ley defy ili v.-.ia.pciiUOn,. aild ii:.;iie .ot- ..puV l"u- to call and cxaminy their j;oods ',' E. eiy ' ru t -cle is entirely 'iiftf, 'arid as cbenp-'iV' Hot cliVajrer'' thai; can be purchased elsf-w liere. - i . : . , : . II-11 AW. - ii. - JA r iv . iJ.U'1 J(JE:-H e tbe rubi intend . , 'Otuatv itppucatmn H;tiie -next I,egisl;nre .ufe Foinu.vmveal th r f Penii.-yJ vani.i for an Atft1 ",-Yi'TI'i"1-if ""Wp'U'Bte 11 Ear.hiii- .CorapajiT. .iMih i::'T.kiiiir..aiid -iis;-oiinUn pri ilexes,' o be: c 1II0 1 ' t!ie:.-'.-ariK-!d ' I;ak'r and loci-.i-tl' fe-! boi-mjh of ( !eaVfie?d,,:wi:b a capita -'of ore. -h'hn-: v JC..WK!Hr, . r. J.jii s.T. L&.uaK '" i!Ata;;"i!AM-, ; -'-.Ta;i: B, Git ah am :wr.TH!t rJojS-Ti'rv: '" Ei'i is IiirV WkavhI!'.'1'"'-:,'": .1. w'"pMit: - vf ; ' ' - -'-J -Btd-'E-SA! rv Juce-27; -1:-!',. - i-- Vf '! : : .. uiri 1111111AJ1111 -'.-MFILi-.a mi. S : ADI .-V N A Tfii -I KX l bcl ie e t."re and cvkdibc lii splendid ..s.tortnteat t f t int Ji.e excclle4jjj. this scelion of country lor eE-.vxcss. durability or 5tyie. Tiiev consist . '-'i!,m1- s-iJOMs-it all;d.feHfiot.i'.nd pri er. TL idlos ;tiid -?en:lliM-ii irhfers of the latest -style. : iio.vs and t li-ls'lvonts. shoes and' sititer. -;.,-;Cliildj;e Of all iigtj-j caifi by rc.u:iuodted. ... :ri;.?;jj-;xxAX. ...Jur.Qrsoj 'TArES ElTr)Ll GOUDOX Attorney at 9 has rciuovod his office to the room adjoin! iue j.a. me im rtore ot Or. II. Lorain, and will devote his aticntion to the ma- tico of hi profession, .lie may be consulted in F,-ewt and irsrht'iii. : r.ii. it ?., 1.. '.'j-'i.' r... A -snperi..r article ot Jt a'r iTiamts rn -ft-ress patterns, at 25 crni per yard, never ..old in this eountv before for les man on cents, at...- , 5I'rSS0P-A POTT-VRFF'S June 1.?,. '51 ... r , W A: WALI-"At.trAnntxE'Ar law ,! Tr,T1;J. nry' oppt)Si.t,.(li Court House - atlend faiU.fuUy to all bnaines T H, LAR ITii UU-AtU rney prd Conr.selJor at 1 11 JeVnth. J,Ln J' Cuttle.-Eri-nest duor to Dr. II. Lorrcin s lmir Slf.r ei..Uc..i.i .l-i.-da - ' May 20, J54-ly O ivui :h pi I -;-'v.iVl ;s ,yAiiit... Hardware Store. Xo i itiiiiKet f-tre r. lli . In.l; i.i, :.. Iron.Tails,-,fce?..f ayery desriii-n - f V.-. ii Tunc 15. 1S54 f , , - -x ,;, - , .,r,j ' (rfEAV CO., No. 19 North Wa V." ter Street. Philmlelidsif, ; l..i . main, 1 ar. ALiimlla .nwi II Clothemes, Ac, ig.;. . Rune, 15, 1S.V4-1 y. rS1A,i;'riTbt amlcrsigned has just received and Wii.' keep for sale,: At bis shop on third street cnri.i i.. r. : 1. r i . ' - . . a superior article of tar. GEORGE OUR. I learfield. July 5. 1851 TT-ir i.t-..t-.. lu.vlrr. ' - II juvijiii i-M.Ail'li Attorney at Law. Fur . merly of the" firm of -Seotf '' it.. timi-diiTiJ 1 run.,,: a .1.-. . vi- , - "--- '" Ai, uoor 10. ant over r.squire riglcy's; Clearfield, Pa. " May 26: '51-fv.1 Of) Parrels Xew Orleans fiagAr4 at Sixpemper "- peund, for sale at the Cheap Store of ... ; A. M. HILLS. "WEA W' ; 1I0-UENACK. Hobensack's June Id, J s ; . . y iy . ,ilOS"0 P Ar 1'0'1'TARpF. 1 HO Sni Salr Ju?t" ri-eeived at the Cheap J vVf Store of vi.i.ijpr)SSOP A POTTARFF. Jane 14, -'14.-. r .. j-. BKOOK.-TVSOX -A -I1KIIX WholeMle, -Prv Oood's Storer-o. 1 Id. MnrketStrent, I'iiil.olJl GLARE A 1TESSER," Not" lS.T3.Vulh 4th Street PhilsdHpKiit: elteiisivb' dealers in Rooks and Stationary. . Jp no 15, 1354-1 .y.-v DUY BEEF Of .'th quality jusC received and for sale at Wm. Fi Ikwix's Cheap Stoic. .- June 14. '54.-r ... o . . - --, . - STONE M ARE, of everv variety. cliap for ra.-h" . at thf 8f.or Of - - HTMPiriA' TF.;irtviN )vntiHU 4v.ifaj;d peace ITng pf oyle ivlnt : - ; . i. ..11 c .. 1 - 1 1 .dA..?2d,AVvltaon r:' -.flfr3 -J.tirfr'r ';.TJi ba? is widi Fnrt4h,f 1.... and sc-srs, and thta!b3..wiU at all tim ij" plied with the best in the market. ' - He would respectfullv"Tnvit tiir pnMi?t--Vmn a call -ai .i i- ..JOXIN. UVlXOlav" fflin? "KKl-"-TLAt-J VICTtKKr?tL BlnTj .-JLil)tLd J?n8el4:Min triitmph it-V-Cr nn iStoiT.''. wLere.A. JIil-ls ha last otrntH cfsospesfhnd tno?t' jdrndid Assortment uf vet diqdTTCii bi foj-eJhicj.nuir.iauy;Und sc" adapted to their many and TarK-us noctssj-j;. Kvery variety of Ildf."' Cap.Cftciiiiprs, Pof .e !?lioes. Cloths. Oassiiurrr: and all other kin, i!V 't ! ,try-jroods. that , are nnnpproacb.ibb. by an J rVfnkiTar anicleK.Mihbr in teantr-of stvto. "imaUiv Also an excellent, assiirtme'nt of Groceries. I.!r,'j. v.are, Ftone and Queeusware, with fancy ani'V if! ' tfiiiitu in . r - P'de-nea eip4HkB". ABd -iimtS all peruj1? Xive-iiittt feal tho tJeruer," uhkh li tn: ly become the P.azarr' of Clearfield. Every attention will be shown to customer ar,.j visitors, and no .pain-will lx spared to -iid :t flStiliiigaway, lojuied with his buantiftd -' ble govds, never surpasse.d ..Clearfwdd.r-. . - w ', - . . . A M. mu: Clearfield, Junel.r, 1S51-1J-J -: J .T. . '; 'VEW GOODS ' AT' TUE"cASli s'TOUk ZtX. A ;l subsi-nber bas Selected stock of GO' t)S of almost t-rrrr .1.... Hon ?m 1 1 a ble- t o t h e season , w b ich be- i? . 4 H ff at extreme lyjvw. prices, die resitfoliy imj.aJ th attention of.all who wish to buy ;roodV.ood t the loAcst prices, to call at tbesitrn of'the-Chesr est tools."? ..- -.;:c , -- . t 011 n try produce of almost every discripiion U-kt-n at market pricci in exchange for gKJ,i. . ... Persons wisliiir' to nurehaso. jinil r.,-..;r. , t- equivalent for tboir money, will d'tH ,i uiiu a -can,; . - - , . , .Remember Uie, sign of the CUKAPK3T iiVnuU on 3Iarkef street, Hnd call and be convinced tb.t th ra is tnuh in the words thereon inscribed K. AVKLCH; Silversmith S ail'I Jeweler, npi-tiloor f. tlsoiVst C'iBce. Clenrfield. Pa. j. Watches cleaned and repaired iTui gooa watclies waiT.inted for tli Vpsce-f.f on year. Jewelry. Aecordeans and other mu.deai in Friimenls repuired ou the shortest notice, and mon re;ison.ibb. term. 1 lum.- lj. t. v HOKSES AND IU'CCC.'IES FOR III UK. JAME CKU WTliEU would inform his friend and the r.ublie generally, that he keeps for li ire' horses"- "ugies, carriagcsAc, on the mot reasonab.. tcrm.. at his Livery tumble in CurnTniTilK.. -. Ictpiirc at the snio Oftior1 lr'iemmin'i ll..ii June I5th. l.'.l.- ' i - ' " - : - . rjtvito.NE ciTVi DKUt oni-n X undersigned having, purchased the emir-stu.-,k of Jfarlim woiill take this methyl 4 lqformini; the "X'atives.-and the public generally, that lrns ami fHtnilv medicines of all kind n.) in i.ict every .thing, that in. generally kept iu a J.iiib' .-tore.can he had at this establishment ch-ar.. er than at any other in the country: This etut lishmeut will be -.under -th management .fae that has experience, and is well acquainted wi;h mi -dicine, and is also eoiupetant to pre- ril-e f. r H tbovo thatm.iv refiuire the advice of aPliv:. wn-;;;,.,' - , ; JAMES M. MAhTI.N. P .--.-V private Office' attached. DlSJsOLPTIOX OF PAKTAEItSIHP Xotice is. hereby iven to all whom it n ay concern1 that tho partnershiu heretofore ei.tii c between th under5ijrned is this dy dissolved bv mutnal eoioiitv The iKXik. of the "firm are left m the hands of (Jcarjre W. Orr. by whom li tho nr. counts are to U- settled, he having purchased the .Interest of, John Kltuger in the outstanding c-aiii ii. Y. rr will Fettl" .-ill the tirm deCt. "' ' -'- - . - (;!-:. At": fiRli: ' M ..::;; ; , " . JUilX KLIXULK. CJea: field. .llv S. lji,L -. - l!iisiioss will be carried ou by "flon.- Orrar the old stand, who invites all his old eutomer t ve him a call and as uiajiv netv ones as can it convenient. - GEO. W. nKR Clearfield. Jiili" 25. 1554' - g 1ST AKHIVJID the splendid stoek'of a"t!ii. Cassinieres. Vivtinjis. Trimminirs. . . "rwntlv puix'Lased by the Sub.-!cribr, which be will sell or make up to order, in the most fash ion.iM and du rable manurr.'at bis store in -Shaw's Row:" Th material and -fits' warninted Xo charge forshon ing his cheap and beautiful jroods. ile would inform the trade in Clearfield, that he is -the-authorized aent for Hcveres Indon and Paris Fa.-Lion.-i. . . THOS. SliFA June 3T.1S.S4-. : .- . LR. CARTEI! De.ilei in stoves., bar-iron. nails, and easting of all kinds Also plow-, and other agricultural utensils. . On Secxtud Street, under the Republican Office...,..., Sune 15, "54-ly. HARRIS. HALE A CiV-Wiioi.F.sAi.K-DKrc. JTST?. Xo. 259, Market Street, North side b-.-ttreea sixth and seventh. Philadelphia- . Prills, Medi cines. Cbemicals, Patent Medicines. Surgical In struments, lirnist's Glassware, Wiudow Glass, Paints. Oils. I yes. Perfumery. Ac , Ae. . , . - JO flX IIAIIRLVM.' p " - J. SHARSWOOIi. ?- ;.-' . ', . JOHN M. PALE; . E. li. 0RD1S0X. " June 15. 1754-ly. C1H AULES WI.Nti.VTE, Dealer in IWmuet. Mioes. Po-its. and Palm Leaf Hals, 'No. IS, North Fourth Street. Philadelphia; Second St-re below Commerce StreeL; .- plunela, lS54-ly. IEIPLEMAX1 A ITAYWARD Wholesale Grt 3 eers. Tea Dealers, and Commission Merchants Xo. 273. iMarket Street. Philadelphia. 1). RE IDE LM AN, A. 1IAYWARD ' June 15. lSi4-lp. : - .TfLLIAM ?: HAXSELT,' A' SON. Mannfaa- tufero and Importers of Saddlery, -and Sad dlery llardwrr.o. 2 Market Street. Rb Mad cl phia. " Saddles. Rridles, Harness Trunks.. Whipi. Saddle Rar. Uridle Filling. Rjts.'Stirrnp. Ruckles. Carpet Ra-js. ect. June 15, '54-ly. ITIOR SALE7 Three Lots of Ground, No. 24 - 25. and 2V. in thyiossop plan. i the boroutk of Clearfield,-all enclosed.. For terms, apply to . - ' . WM. M. REEDV. CurTTt-Ui-ille, June-2. 155L ;'...,r.' : . HOOD A C Extensive Dry -goods Dealers, No 137.' Market St., Philadelphia, keen constant' ly on band a Iare, splendid, and cbean t,ek of the most. fashionable and elerant goods. - They in' vlfe Country Merchants to call and examine (heir .sp-lciidid assortment, before purcbasin elewhere- juuo. 1 j.-iv-J-i-iy. . .... . CALEB COPE A OK No. 13. Market St., PbihT deIibia.,Dealor3 in Lineas . Wbito nmids. II- iery. French. English and German Silk Goods, La es. Gloves. Bolting Cloths, Jdne 15. '54-ly. VT. LAXE A CO. M hole&ile Clothing Store, No. 171, Market Street. Every variety of ready made Clotbincr. in the most fashionableTstvl es-. constantly on hand. -, . Jane IS, .'5 11 j.; IS A AC M. ASIlToiv. Hat Sdorv.-NW 1 Market St., Philadelphia. . Jlats, Caps, Para, Ac, of every variety, and the best quality always on hftndr -. - 1 TJune 15, 1854-1 v"" rilO SHOEMAKERS. A fine lot of Spanish Kips. Ji- Men and V omen s .Morocco r.tnk trimmings, and Sole Leather, for sale cheap, by- s - Jtino lS, :5L MO.MSOF. VTJAV.F 7TASHINGTON Lf BE A I) I N , -A ttok ne v . 'at Law. t. btJr-fouta ij:th st.r rUiladelphia. n V. ' k ' ir n