Newspaper Page Text
- .THE JOURNAL - CLEARFIELD, PA., OCT. 20, 1808. ---i Caiacit .DedicatiosI By-:DIvine -iiermisi tioa, the new Baptist church in the Borough of Clearfield will be dedicated on Sabbath, the 24th October, and Ilev. J." II." Petersrof Philadelplna.andothermThisTer'sTJrcm" adls lance,1 are expected to be" in attendance.; Services to commence at 11 o'clock A. M. T ho public are cordially invited to attend. FataiWccidl.nt. We regret to learn that, cn Sunday a week, a young man named Kcp Jiart. was killed in Decatur township, by a tree, which he cut down to procure chestnuts, Jailing upon hlin. . ' " ' ' ' E. S. Dcxdy, Esq. As our readers are al ready aware, this gentleman went from here to Nebraska Torritory about 18 months ago. A number of his letters have been published In our paper, and read with much interest. At the recent election in .Nebraska, he was a candidate for the Council, which is an oflice similar to that of our State Senate. He had a small majority, but the return judges refused to count the votes of one precinct, 53 in num ber, on account of some trivial informality, mid thus gave his opponent a majority' of 9. Mr. Dundy, at the meeting of the Territorial Legislature, which convened a few weeks since, contested the seat, and we are gratified to loam that it decision was unanimously made in his favor, and he has accordingly been worn in. Dundy is a good fellow, has clever abilities, and will make a good member. "Long may he wave." , The following resolutions were passed at the Teachers Institute held at Xcw AVash iTigton a few weeks since : : Resolved. That it is the duty ol every teach er to maintain order and obedience, in school, and it all other means fail : to resort to coi jioreal punishment. ' . Resolved, That we recommend tho reading, ol a chapter, without note or comment, from the Bible,every morning upon opening school. Rerohfd, That we deem it tho duty of pa rents aud directors to visit their school once a month at leait. Resolced, That as parents and teachers of the Common Schools of Clearfield county, we can look with great pride and satisfaction upon the condition of our schools under the able supervision of our worthy and efficient County Superintendent. Dk Savtt ami the Cable. There is, says the Richmond Dispatch, a wise and self res pecting Englishman, by the name of De S4'ily, -who has shut himself up in a small box at the Trinity liny cud of the Atlantic cable, and will not let anybody come inside. A gentle inan, who had traveled a long distance to cx ni'iNo the telegraph ..prodigy, was only per laittod to rlatlcu liis no so against the windows, whore ho could see nothing but Do Santy, holding on with composure and dignity at the American end of the Atlantic cable. Week after week, and month after tucnth, there De Santy sits, a more pntieiit angler than Isaac Walton ever dreamed of, with his long line iu hi hand, fishing for electrical indications. Every once in awhile he gets a bite, and tbco hoists Lis window and tells "Peter Cooper," of N'ew York, that he has just had a glorious nibble, orcatchts "a small current," as be-all it, and snds it oil" to the aforesaid Peter tiv the next express. The cable is a heavy and taciturn article, but it does not coin pa re in jionderousness with the dignity of De Santy, nor even in silence with his majestic reserve. He is believed to be the wisest Ioikingand biggest man at this time on the American continent. It would not be at all surprising if thr smart fellow bad been all this time re ceiving intelligence from England, and mo nopolizing it for the aggrandizement of his intellect. We insist that the telegraph of fice shall be opened, and De Santy dissected, o see whether he has surreptitiously stuffed himself with wean telegrams, cable currents and electrical indications. Tub M lk C-onth acts. The Washing ton cor respondent of tho New York Titnts, writing on the 7th hist., says : "The Board of Officers appointed to investigate the matter of appeal from the decision ol the Quartermaster at Fort Leavenworth, relative to the purchase of mules, hare made a report. Tho Secretary or War has decided to allow the contractors ten dol lars per mule additional to the price allowed previously." MARRIED: On the 23rd Sept., by Rev. Samuel Miles, Mr. C. P. M'Mastkrs, of Chest township,'to Miss C.itharixk M. Bareett, of Ferguson township, this county. On the 30th Sept., in Bcllefonte, by Rev. C. Totzcr, Mr. Fbkierick Schxars, of Karthaus, Clearfield county, to Miss Si sas E. Kratzeb, of Penn's Valley, Centre county. On the 17th inst., by Ceo. B. Goodlander, Ts.i., Mr. Wm. T. Hamilton, to Miss Jane E. Wimok, daughter of Andrew Wilson, all of Bradv township. On Oct. Oth, at the residence of G.W. Cald well, M. D-, in Glen Hope, by Rev. Thomas Van-Scoyoc, G. B. Nevliso, Esq. and Miss .Sarah A. Conrad, both of Beccana township, Cleaitleld county. With the abovo notice, we received a gold dollar, for which we tender our thanks. May liic happy couple live a long, pleasant and prosperous life full of sunshine and felicity .and may they never have cause to regret their union. On the 19th, by Rev. J. M. Galloway. Mr. Johv McGavuuet, to Miss Cauolike H rig rr.T, daughter vt James Wrigley, Esq., all of this Borough. DIED: -On th6 11th Oct., in Philipsburg, David J., son of Jacob and Catharine Pyle, aged 9 years, 11 rnontlm and 13 days. r In Lawrence township, on the 13th Oct., of croup, GtioiLGE Fhasklis, sn of Zehulon and Either Lawhead, aged 1 year, 6 month aud ;t days. On the Hth Oct., Rebecca, wife of James Broivrij of Lawrence township, aged about 36 ytrs.x J"P''Com i n x Wm y. Irwin's ruwr goods. ' lp'LickeJ sagacious Robert's "-old soldier of 1 i 2 ? v.v. . - i. o . -i .1 :; .-. n. .;s. : J5"Great Britain has now an' army of 80.000 luen in India. . - f .. I"cThe actual length of the Great Wall in Chi na is 15.001) mile?. f-EiBaid to be without a lawyer Cape May co., N.-J.- A lucky people. . .f, ' . LSF'Dog Stealing in the Second Degree Hook ing Bolognc Sausages. ; 1 Li"The yellow fever has almost depopulated Yicksbnrg, Mississippi-. '-' - LtIndemand splints, tostrengthen knee joints. Scotch wood, preferred. Unchanged the name of ; James lecompton Gillis to James Licitd Gillis. . tEmployed ninety clerks, in the Chicago Post-office. Keats ours a few. tT5Were issued 1,007 bounty land warrants, during tho month of August. U5fVcak at the knees the Lecompton crew. Need something to stiffen 'em . - r E"" Victorious the People in the Blair district. Where is Ctitn-berry now, Robert '? CEstimatcd tho loss, by the burning of the j Crystal Palace in New York, at 51,783,000. j7""Orfhography revised De-moe-ra-cy has recently been rendered Dem-knocked-erazy. UiNumcrons the wiseacres, who knew all a bout the result of the recent election, long ago. E"5?3Iade a misdeal the Lccoinptonitcs, at the last election The Pcoide held a full hand, that game. CThe last proposition is to lay a gutta-percha speaking tube along sije of the Atlautic cable. What next? !"s?"A great ''Federal gnll-trap" James Bu chanan. The People laid it low on the 2nd Tues day of October. n-Made a good haul If all in the Clearfield district. Old l!uck"s horns -giu"? out, and Gillis is a dead sncicr. tJ'-Cesar, what's become of dat darkey who stole' de taller?" ''He has been taken up to de sperm court to hab it tried." JJA correspondent of the Picainiir prophe sies an immense sugar crop in Louisiana this sea son say 400,000 hogsheads. Slf The latest achieve mcnt of chemistry is the convi'isiun of coal into bread, equal to that made of the best wheat. W-h-e-w. Occurred a tremendous Huh sturm. in the Centre and Clinton district, "i'ffas very destruc tive to Lecompton candidates. !""l'nderstood that the Locofocos are about organizing a new und. In connection with the old jfuoz-pipe they will use the Scotch water pipe. r.Mrs. Partington thinks that old Mother O cean is no better than .hc ought to be. or else she would not allow the Atlantic cable to lay in hor bosom ! J"c""ieuiarked a Berks county Dutchman: ''Tt ih a great pity dat t'lunct-y Chones ish beat: he i.-h a coot man : he i.-h du CoinmUtca on de Chair of Mean Ways." I Thc -.Scientific American"' says lockjaw in horses can be cured by wrapping them in blank ets which have been wrung out of water of two hundred degrees temperature. "Wouldn't go down the story of the with drawal of the Scotch watcr-pipo contract, with the people. The English swindle is too fresh in their memory to be again deceived. rirDid all the mischief on Tuesday the Tar- j iff! the Tariff! nothing 6ut the Tariff! So ex claimed '-our own Bigler." And '-Lecompton." dolefully chimed in One of the faithful. T?Digby uat a long time very attentive, con sidering a cane bottomed chnir. A t length he snid : -I wonder what fellow took the trouble to find all them holes aud put the straw round them .'" I'yOiie thousand sheep in fine condition, impor ted from the Handnriuh Islands, arrived recently in California. The amount of wool exported from California in twelve months was 7U0.0U0 pounds. t"PM. Crepin. at Lyons. France, who was fur nished with two mealrf a day. by an old widow, for thirty-five centimes, has left his fortune. Jthree millions of francs, to this guardian angel over his misery. ly.t Crockett. Texas, butter is ten cents a lb., beef three cents, hacou twenty cents, flour six dol lars per huudrcd pounds. Oats, two dollars the bushel. They cat beef for breakfast, dinner and supper. "5Tivc hundred bushels of potatoes were sent from Bock Hill. Conn . to Nov.- York, one day last week. The crop is said to have been so plenty, in East Hartford, as to sell for tho low price of ser tiitifu ci litis a bushel. I""The Milwaukie Srntinrf. of 2-!th Sept.. snys the freight train on the Milwaukie and Mississippi railroad, on Wednesday, consisted of one hnn-iml ami our r-rr, all loaded to their utuioM capacity, and most of them carrying wheat. t'"At the recent fire in the State House of Ohio, at Columbus, the only set of public documents, from the organization of the Territorial Govern ment to the present time, in the possession of the State, was burned. The loss otherwise was trilling. "Bayard Taylor says that ''official corruption is as prevalent intircect? as in the I'nited States." Ahem ! gncris that means they are getting to be as fast" boys in Greece as we are! Shows there is at least some vanity yet left in that once classic soil. fVCool tolerably. Not long ago n married woman in Xcw Orleans eloped with a clandestine lorer. taking her three young children with her, and leaving a note for her husband, saying he need not worry about tho babies, as none of them belonged to him. ixfExpected a rise in leather. Two pair of shoes were lately made Iiy a shoe manufacturer in Lynn, to fill au order for a southern plantation. They are intended for a slave, and it is stated mea sure nhirti-rii iiml a half inches in length with a corresponding width. t"5The number of letters containing money, re ceived at the lcad ICtter Office, for the year end ing Sept. 30. was 12.102. The amount of money in them was $f1.23'J 72; an averageof more than $j a letter Over nine-tenths of which has been restored to its owners. JThc cost of a thirteen inch shell, na it flies through the air. is from ten to twelve dollar. The estimate cost of firing a thirty-six inch bomb is nearly one hundred and fifty dollars. Thcse fig ures afford some idea of the '-shelling out" to which warring governments must submit. J.iOn hand again the only really independent publication in the foiled States, The tfraljict. If any of our friends desire to read a good journal, and ono that pitches into quacks generally, we would advise them to send for tho tyralirl. It is not n medical work, but ono that is intended for the People, exclusively. 1'iicc 1 a year in ad vance. rpIeasures arc about being taken, through the naval expedition to Paraguay, to introduce in to the United States, the nnte., or Paraguay tea; also, a valuable medicinal plant called prl. be lieved to be a sure specific against the bites of ven omous insects or reptiles ; and a peculiar kind of honey bee, which builds on branches of trees, in stead of in hives or in trunks of trees, as with the common bee. f- 1ST OF Jl'KOKS, for the ADJOURNED i COUKT, commencing Nov. S 2d Monday. Chest. Bazel Diinond. Itobcrt Miles. Clearfield Bor. J. H- Jlillburn, JUnry Stone. Covington James .Mullen. Francis Mignot Curweusvillo Bor. James Thompson. D. Beams. Bcccaria. Jacob Buiugardner. Bell. J. Newcomer, Arthur Bell, T. Campbell. Bradford. Abraham Tcarce. Geo. Bowcrsox Brady. Frederick Zeiglcr, John Hoover. Burnside Mussel M'Murray, Israel Rorabaugh. Girard. Thomas II. Spence. Goshen. George A. Morrison, Jacob Kuhns. Graham. Daniel Wilhclm. Huston. Warren Bliss. Knox. Jacob Arnold, Wm. G. Bell. Lawrence. Q. D. Goodfcllow Morris 31 Brown, of J, Dan. Beams, D. Flegel. Penn. Jonathan Evans. Pike Eli Bloom. James Hiles, David Ross. Union. John Potter, jr.. Emauuel Doncy. Woodward. John Coulter. CLIPPINGS AND SC7M8BLIMGS. DU V A L IV' S J A IiVANIC OIL I'rofrxAor IT. Du 'tt, after twenty-five years labor in experimenting upon the whole cat alogue of mcdicinos, has discovered 1ZLECTRI CITY in a positive form.' and that agent is put forth to tho world in his UAhVAXIC OIL, and is now the only medical preparation that will pos itively cure all Sore ami 1'tUnfnl Di state This Oil is rendered electrically positive, and acts on tho system by imparting to it electricity in the Galvanio form. It is expressly recommended for all sore and painful diseases, as the following: SVeitmlffia in all its forms, gives relief in a few minutes. Pain tit the JJaci, Breast or Sulr.Rheii mirtisiii ami all painful diseases of the Sloni'irh awl Votrrls. In short it will relieve pain wherev er loeated All that is asked, is. try the Galvanic Oil for the cure of any disease of tho aboe class. J. 1). STONF.UOAD, Lcwisto'wn, Pa., Proprietor, to whom all orders must be addressed.' . " ' For sale by-Moore & Etzwcilor, and Becd A Weaver, Bowman A Perks, J. B. Graham. E. Wil liams, C. Kratzer, Irwin & Son, A. B Shaw. James Forrest, A. Montgomery, Wright A Hagerty, and by country merchants generally. Iswistown, August 2j. 13 03-y. F ARM LANDS FOR SALE 25 miles from Phil adclphia by Railroad in the State of New- Jersey. Soil among the best for Agricultural pur poses, being a good loam soil, with a clay bottom. The land is a large tract, divided into small farms, and hundreds from nil parts of the country are pow settling ami building. The crops can be seen growing. Terms from 515 to 20 per nere. paya ble within four years by instalments. To visit the place Leave Vine St. "Wharf nt Philadelphia, at 75 A. 31., by Railroad for Hainuionton, or address It. J. Byrnes, by letter. Sec full advertisement in another column. Sept. S, 1S58. FARM LANDS FOR. SALE 25 miles from Phil adelphia by Railroad in the State of New Jersey. Soil among the best for Agricultural pnrposes. be ing a good loam soil, with a clay bottom. The land is a large tract, divided'into small farms, and hundreds from oil parts of the country are now settling and building. Thecropscan be seen grow ing. -Terms from S15 to$20 pcracrc. payable with in four years by instalments. To visit the place Leave Vine St. Wharf at Philadelphia at 7i A M. by Railroad for Hainmouton, or address R. J. Byrnes, by letter. See full advertisement in an other column. - Sept. S, lK5S-."m. CO CUT PROCLAMATION. WHKRKAS, the Honorable JAMKS BURNSTDE, Esquire. President Judge of tho Court of Common Pleas of the tw enty-fifth Judicial District, composed of the counties of Clearfield. Centre and Clinton and the Honorable William L. 3Ioore and Benjamin Bon sall. Associate Judges of Clearfield county, have issued their precept, to mc directed, for the hold ing of a Court of Common Pleas. Orphan's Court, Court of Quarter Sessions. Court of Oyer fc Termi ner. and Court of General Jail Delivery, at Clear field, in and for Clearfield Co.. on the Third Mon day, the 15th day of NOYEMUlilt next. NOTICE IS, therefore, hereby given, to tho Cor oner, Justices of the Peace, and Constables, in and for said county of Clearfield, to appear in their own proper persons with their Rolls. Kccords, Inquisi tions, Examinations, and other Hemembraiices. to do those things which to their ofiices, and in their behalf, pertain to be done, and Jurors and Witnes ses arc requested to be then and there attending, and not to depart without leave, at their peril. GIVEN under my hand at Clearfield, this 13th day of .Oct. in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight, and the eighty first year of American Independence. JOSIAIl R. REED. Sheriff. T VKi: NOTICE ! TAVERN KEEPERS aud the public, that Gro-? A Knnkcl, whole sale Grocers, Canal Street Wharf, Harrisburg. have on hand a large lot of Liquors at reduced prices, by the barrel or otherwise, to suit pur chasers, consisting ot tie lollowing Pure Brandies. New England Rum, Lisbon Wine. Pure Holland Gin, Rcciified Pitts. Whiskey Port Wine. Maderia Wine. Pure Holland Gin, Domestic Gin. Old Rye Whiskey. Domestic Brandies, Munongahela Whiskey Blackberry Brandy, Peach Brandy, Lavender Brandy, Cherry Brandy, Scotch WhiAkcv, Aud other Liquors. Gcslcr's Pure Champagne, Ac., Ac, Ae "jr0rJcrs proinptlv attended to. GROSS A KUNKEL, Wholesale Grocers. Canal Street Wharf, between Walnut and State Streets, Harrisburg. Pa. Marl0-'38-ly. CLOVER. II ULLEKS. The subscribers take this method of informing the Farmers of Clearfield county, that they manufacture at their shop in .Mill lleim, Centre county. Pa., the cele brated Iliiiiiecier's Improved I'remiitm Clover II tiller. These Hullers can be attached to any power for cither 2 or 4 horses, or water power iu mills; are warranted to work well, and with good seed will clean from 25 to 30 bushels perday. Any person wishing to see one of these machines, aud learn more particularly of itsopcration.will please call with Mr Wm. A." Reed, farmer, .' miles cast of Curwcusville. who purchased and had one in use last season. Machines will be delivered at Curwcnsville. if desired. For further particulars in.iuire of Wm. A. Reed, Clearfield P. O.. or the subscribers. S. A S. jlAUPT. .Mill lleim. Centre CO.. Pa , Sept. 15, ISjS-Siu. N. B. All orders promptly attended to. Lb WANTING TO E.MKJRATK to a mild climate, good soil, and fine market, see ad vertisement of llaminonton Lands. ALL WANTING to emigrate to a mild climate, good soil, and fine market, see advertisement of llaminonton Lands. Sept S. 1S5S. ALL WANTING to emigrate to a mild climate, good soil, and line market, see advertisement of llaminonton Lands. Sept. 8. 1853. ALL WANTING to emigrate to a mild climate, good S'jil, and fine market, sco advertisement of Jlammonton Lands. v Sept. S, 1S58. ALL WANTING to emigrate to a mild climate, good soil, and fine market, see advertisement of llaniiuontoii Lands. Sept. 8, 1S5S. ALL WANTING to emigrate to a mild climate, good soil, and fine market, sec advertisement of jlammonton Lands. Sept.8-'aS-3in r 0 CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser hav-M- ing been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years with a severe Lung Affection, and that dread disease, Consumption is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it ho will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge, with direc tions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure Cure for Consumption. Asthma, Bronchitis. Ac. The only object of the advertiser in sending the prescription is to benefit the afflict ed, and he hopes every sufferer will try his reme dy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will please address REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Scpt.29,'5S-3m. Williamsburgh, Long Island. F Ill .ST IK, FIRST SERVED. Boots & Shoes always on Hand, (of our own mate.) JOSEPH GOON, thankful for past favors, and grateful for future prospects, de sires to inform the citizens of this vicinity and his old friends and patrons in particular, that he has removed to the FIRST ROOM in the EAST HXD of .SLIIK'.S NEUr ROW. the first door west of the Mansion House, where he has on hand constantly, a largo assortment of every variety in the BOOT AND SHOE line. Custom work attend ed to with dispatch. The very best of stock will be used and no pains spared to make neat fits and durable work. All of which can be obtained of said J. Ooon, very low for the Ready Rhino. Clearfield, August 14, 1858. CAUTION. All persons are hereby caution ed against purchasing or meddling with the following property, to wit. 1 dark bay mare, 1 mare colt 2 years old, 1 red heiffer 2 years old. J red steer 2 years old, I black hciffor 2 years old, 2 red heiffers 1 year old, 40 doeen rye in the barn, 30 dozen oats in the bain, 1 red oow. The above named property is now in the possess ion cf Wm. Stewart of Besaria tp.. and has only been left with him on loan, an.l subjeot to niy or ders, HENRY HAGLRTi Smith's 3fills, Aug. .11, 1853-sep8-3t- A LARGE STOCK OF NEW GOODS, at the eof ncr store, Curwcnsvillo, October 6, 1853 W3L IRVIN. . c OFFEE. aud Molasses, by the Bag and Barrel for tale at the store or Oot.G. WJ4. IliI,curwensviiie LATEST STYLE" of Fall and Winte BonrVs.'a? the corner store of ' W.M. IRVIN. ; FREDERICK SCIIMAEL, CLOCK AND WA1CH MAKER, Cherrv street, (one door ca of the Methodist Church.) Clearfield. Pa-.-will repair Clocks, Watches, Ac, on short notice and reasonable terms. ' - Sept. 29, 1S53. ' CAUTION. All persosare hereby cautioned against purchasing or meddling with One Dark Brown Horse. 4 years old, past, in the pos session of Thomas Dixon, of Boggs township, as the same bejongs to ma. JOHN M. CHASE. ; Woodward, Sept. b, 1858 scpt23 BARBER AND HAIR DRESSER The undersigned takes this method to announce to the citizens of Clearfield und the surrounding country, that be has opened a Barbershop, on Market street, in Shaw's new row.where he is pre pared to accommodate all who may give him a call, and hopes to receive a liberal patronage. , Oct. 6. 1S58. JEREMIAH NORRIS. GLORIOUS K EWS ! NATIONAL EX CHANGE Tbc subscriber having taken the above well known stand, in Curwcnsville, Pa., is ready to accommodate all who may favor him with their patronage. ' His table will always be supplied with the best the market can afford, and his Bar with the choicest liquors. His stable will be under the caro of attentive hostlers. DAVID SMITH. Curwcnsville, April ft, 1S58. INDIA N A SEMINARY. FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. J. Wn.tis Westlake, A. B. R. T. Coiinwkli., i PniN'CIPALS. The first session of this Institution will commence on Monday, November 1st, 1358, and continue 22 weeks. N.B. Special attention will be given to the training of -Teachers. For particulars, send for a circular. Address cither of the Principals, Indiana, Indiana co., Pa. Oct(i-'5S-4tp. AMBKOTYl'ES FOR 50 CENTS!! The undersigned would respectfully inform the Ladies and Gentlemen of Clearfield and vicin ity, that ho has fitted up rooms in the iieir rata of Judge Shaw, opposite tho '-Raftsman's Journal" office, where he wilt remain for a fw days only, prepared to present pictures to all who may favor him with a call which will exceed the expectations of the most fastidious. Photographs of every des cription taken when called for. Secure the shad ow ere the substance fade. A. M. HALL. Clearfield. September 29. 1S58. BIBLES. The Bible Society of Clearfield Co., hereby gives notice that their books, name ly, Bibles and Testaments, are deposited in the of fice of James Wrigley, Register aud Recorder at Clearfield. The books arc of various sizes and a daptcd to supply either private individuals or Sun day Schools at very cheap rates. Very substan tial bibles can be bad as low as 25 cents apiece, and testaments as low as fii cents apiece. Tho people of the county generally are also in vited to lea. e with Mr. Wrigley any donation they may be pleased to make in aid of the funds of the Society. Signed by order of the Executive Com mittce. ALEX. 3ICLE01K President. HALLOA! NEW WAGON MANUFACTORY'. The undersigned would respectfully an nounce to his friends and the public generally' that he has opened out a new Wagon-Making Es tablishment in '-New Salem City." Brady town ship, where be will at all times bo prepured to manufacture, on the shortest notice, all kinds of Wagons, Carts, Wheelbarrows, Ae. The best ma terial that can bo procured will be used, and his work will be made in the most substantial and du rable manner, such as will bear the test of strict examination. By a close observance of his busi ness engagements, and by disposing of his work on tho "most reasonable terms, which he will do for either cash or approved country produce, be hopes to merit and receive a liberal share of pub lic custom BENJ. RISHEL. New Salem City. Jan. K, lS5ii. CL E A R F I E I.D ROOT AND SHOE 31 A N U FACTOR V .A W O R D TO A LL Th e subscriber takes this method of informing tho citizens of Clearfield and vicinitT. that ho has LOCATED himself on MAIS STREET op posite the Jail, and is now prepared to wait upon and render general satisfaction to all who may fa vor him with their patronage. lie feels confident in Faying that never before has there been offered to tho public of this section, such inducement' as he offers. All articles purchased at this establish ment will be warranted, and if proven not to be as represented, will be made good without extra charge. His work cannot be surpassed, as he is determined to use only the very best materials in their manufacture. The "world and the rest of mankind" are requested to call and satisfy them selves of the fact, that his articles arc of the best and most durable materials. GEORGE SHCLTZ. Clearfield. March 17,1358. riIHE HAMMONTON FAR3IER, a newspaper X devoted to Literature and Agriculture, also setting forth full accounts of the new settlement of llainmonton, in New Jersey, can be suuscrib.u lor at only 25 cts per annum. Incloso postage stamps for the amount. Address to Editor of tho Farmer, Hanimontoii, Atlantic county, New Jersey. Those wishing cheap land, of the best, quality, in one of the healthiest and most delightful climates iu the Union, see advertisement of Hammonton Lands. Sept. 8. 1853. Tub Havmoxton Faiimfr, a newspaper devoted to Literature and Agriculture, also setting forth full accounts of the new settlement of Hammonton, in New Jersey, can be subscribed for at 25 cents per anmnn. Imdose postage stamps for the amount. Address to Editor of the Farmer, Ham monton, Atlautic county. New Jersey. Thoso wishing cheap land, of the best quality, in one of the healthiest and most delightful climates in the Union, sec advertisement of Hammonton Lands. Sept 8, 185S.-3m. 7"ALUAIJLE FARM FOR SALE. The V valuable farm, of the undersigned, former ly the property of John Antes, dee'd. containing S"cventy-fivc acres. Fifty of which are cleared, is offered" for sale upon reasonable terms. This farm is beautifully situated, two and a half roilos from Clearfield boro', and one-fourth of a mile from the Pike leading from Clearfield to Curwensvillo. It has upon it a good bouse, a large spring-house with fresh water constantly flowing through it. It alsj. has erected thcraon. a good log stable, an out overi, and other out-houses, necessary for a coun try resilience There is upon said farm, a bank containing the best quality of bituminous coal. Also an orchard of choice fruit, consisting of ap ples, peaches, pears, plums, Ac, and other requi sites for a good home, too numerous to mention. Now is your chance to purchase a home, for you and your children, that in your declining years, you may sit down by your own peaceful lire-side, and enjoy all the comforts of old age. Oct. o, 1853. WM. M. M'CCLLOUGILSr. THE ''BROADWAY OMNIBUS," THE GREATEST PAPER OF THE AGE! A beautifully Itlt'itrated Monthly sheet, and a Pa per that is a. Paper, A budget of Wit, Hjimor, Facts, and Scenes drawn from life 'Here yon are, ri"ht awrrv, ri?ht airau, Broculimy, Iifoa'ticay, riht t'p!" Only Fifty Cents jump in and take a ride. Once seated in our "Omnibus," we will endeavor to both amuso and instruct you, and give you. in the course of the year, at least fifty cunts worth of Fan and useful information. We will show you up Broadway, d. wn tho old Bowery, through Chatham and "the other principal streets, giving you ample time to see the Elephant and get a good peep at the Peter Funks, Confidence Operators, Ac. We will show you the city by day light, by gas light, by moon light, by candle light, by starlight, and will drive the "Omnibus" to some parts of the city where there is no light ! We will endeavor to post you on all the tricks and traps of the great metropolis, and also amuso mauy an hour with interesting reading matter. "Throw physic to the dogs." If you hare tho Blues, the Dyspepsia, Gout, Rheumatism, or are unfortunately troubled with a scolding wife, we will guarantee to make you forget your troubles, laugh almost against vour will, and grow fat. Ev erybody should subscribe to the "Omnibus" at onoo. The "Broadway Omnibus" will make its appearance on tho first of each month, filled with amusement and instruction for all. Price, Fifty Cents a year in advance three copies to ono ad dress, One Dollar; the cheapest paper in th States! Who will get ui two subscribers and receiteone copy free ? All communications should ie ad dressed to . CHAS. P- BRITTON, - - . Editor "Broadwav Omoibns, tept. 23, 1S5S 6t. 27 Tearl street. N. Y. RAIL ROAD HOUSE. CORNER OF Main and White Street. BROOK VI LLE. Pa, Feb24. R. R. MEANS. Proprietor. DR. LITCH'S PAIN CURE1U ANTT-BIL-' IOUS REMEDY, and RESTORATIVE, for Colds. ughs. Creup. c.j sold afJoscph Gonn's Shoe Shop, Clearfiehl. Pa" - - ' ' '- Oct 28. PLASTERINO The subscriber having lo cated himself in the Borough of Clearfield,' would inform the pubtic that he is prepared to do work in the above line, from plain to ornamental of any description, in a workmanlike style. Also whitewashing and repairing done in a neat man ner, and on reasonable terms. April 7. 1S5S. 'EDWIN COOPKR. COAL ! COAL ! ! The subscriber rcspoctful ly informs the citizensof the borough of Clear field and vicinity that he has taken a lease ot Judge Moore's Coal Bank, adjoining the town, where he will keep constantly on hand a full sup ply of the article, cither lump or mixed, to suit purchasers. Persons in town can be supplied with it at their homes at six cents per bushel, or at the bank lower than ever A share of public patron age is solicited. PATRICK Ml'LVANEY. Clearfield, Sept. 1,185.3. T71XCELSIOR MARBLE VARD. The undersigned hereby announ-li ces to the citizens of Clearfield county, that be is still engaged, at his old stand iSk.-Jt in TYRONE CITY, in erecting MO.XCME.XTS ami BOX TOMBS. Also Head and Foot Stones of the latest and most approved styles, and on the most reasonable terms. All orders promptly at tended to. Address, ISAAC BERLIN. -Aug. 25. lS5S.-dec23-'57. Tyrone City. J71ARM AND TAVERN STAND FOR KENT. The undersigned committee of George J. Kyler. offers for rent the largo larin in Bradford township, at the intersection of the roads from Grahamton, Kylertown. 31orrisda!c, Phillips burg, and Clearfield, consisting of 2l'0 acre, over 100 acres cleared with a large and commodious House, a large barn and other buildings thereon. Aslo a large orchard of choice fruit trees Any information can be obtained by applying to II. R. Swoope. Esq., Clearfield, Pa. or to the undersigned. July 7, 1858. ROBERT 31ITCHELL. I PROFESSOR D U V A L L ' S, TASTELESS GALVANIC PILLS. Prrpired Originally hy Prnf. I) it rail, formerly of the College of Surgeons. Paris, is now offered to the public for the cure of all those diseases in which alteratives and resolvents are indicated. These pills are rendered void of taste by which means the most delicate stomach can take them as well as the smallest child. From three to five boxes will cure the worst caso of Scrofula. From two to four boxes will cure the worst case of Salt Rheum. From two to 3 boxes will cure the Ring Worm. One box will cure Scaly Eruptions of the Skin. From two to four boxes will cure all old Ulcers nii'l Running Sores. One box will cure Humors in the Eyes. From one to three boxes will cure tho mjst in veterate case of Nursing Sure Mouth. From one to two boxes will oure the severest case of scabby head in children. From three to six boxes will cure the (common ly called) thick neck or Goitre. From two to four boxes will cure the Dropsy. From one to three boxes will cure Juandice. From two to six pills will cure the Sick Head Ache when accompanied with Billions One box will cure the Fever and Ague. For all diseases arising lrom an impure state of the blood, and bilious habits, the TastrhssO ifnn ie Pills arc the best pills ever known in the annals of medicine. 25 rents ;rr Box Any agent on receipt of ifl will send four boxes to any part of the United States, free of postage. J. D. STONEROAD, Proprietor, aug25-'5S-y Lewistown, Pa. For sale by Moore A Etrweiler, Clearfield, Pa., and by country merchants generally. THE MONTHLY .MASONIC MAtI A ZINE Of TMK AOK. IS KNTITI.ED "THE AMEIUCAX FREEMASOX.-1 It is devoted exclusively to the Instruction and Entertainment of Freemasons, their Wives. Fam iies, and Friends. Each number contains Por traits of distinguished Freemasons, and other En gravings, by the best Artists; and the articles by Dr. A. (r. Murlrey, Rer. (ieorire Oliver, t Sites F. Yates. Allrrt Pike. Rob. Morris. John Dove. J. Theo. Holly, and others, comprise 3Iasouic Law. History, Jurisprudence, and Belles Lettrcs, from the Pens of the leading 3Iasonic Authors of the present century. Asa Masonic 31onthly Magazine it has no equal, either in beauty of Mechanical execution, or Value of its articles, in the World. Each mothly part contains as much reading mat ter, not to speak of the costly engravings illustra ting the same, as all the other monthly issues of the 31asonic Press in America, rolled into one. It is acknowledged to bo the Monthly Magazine of the Age. TERMS TER ANNUM. Single subscriptions, 1 year, postpaid, S3 00 2 years, 5 00 Clubs of Two to Eight, each 2 50 Clubs of any number above Eight, each 2 00 The Cash in all cases must accompany the or ders. The subscriptions for eaeh year commence with tho first (January) number of that year, thus supplying the subscriber with the 31asonio Ro mance series complete. But the work being ste reotyped, any number or series of numbers will be mailed, postpaid, on receipt cf tho price, 25 cents eaeh. Address J. V. BRENNAN, Editor and Publisher. July 7, 1858. Louisville, Ky. 'A Caxlet of (ferns of Wit and IFYWow." A THOUSAND AND ONE STORIES, -OL Of Fart aid Faitr-y, Wit and Humor. Khyme, llrason, and lloin-a itrr. edited nr S. G. i:ooti-.H-u (iKTF.n PAULEY.) One roirme, large. t)ct(tro. ho n totitfl ij honud in ml mororro, irith gilt sideytml Lack ; containing 7 ii) page, and Il lustrated hi) .10(1 lieantifid Engrarings. The de sign of this book is to bring whole libraries into a .-ingle volume to furnish a mental meal for every day and every hour for every taste humor, age, caprice a book for tho grave and gay, the old and young; wo have, therefore. Science and Phyloso phy, Rhyme and Reason. Wit and Wisdom, Fact and Fancy, which, put together as they come, pro duce a sort of intellectual plum pudding, inas much as the whole is peppered and spiced with puns, conundrums, and drolleries, to say nothing of a garnish of three hundred engravings. In these pages are given the essences of thought and sentiment from Goethe, Sydney Smith, Sam Johnson, and many others: clerical anecdotes. Hi. bernian eccentricities, Wcstorn extravagances, gathered from the fonr vinis of the Press; out lines of the tales of Don Quixote and Gil Bias; of the Fables of Flavian and Lafontainc; of the epic poems of Jerusalem Delivered, Telemachus. Or Isind Furioso. and others; of the Life and Sayings of 31rs. Partington and the Widow Bedott; of the Bunsby Papers and the Green 3Iountain Girls; of the Life of Sam Houston. Gerard the lion-killer, Cummins the elephant-destroyer, and Livingston the giraffe-chaser; of Stevens' Travels In Egvpt and Palestine. Paul and Virginia. Alexander Du mas the Swiss Family Robinson, Mr. Gliddon and Sam Patch; with Fpicy citations of prose and po etry, from the master-spirits of the day Longfel low, Bryant, Bayard Taylor, Dr. Kane, Commo dore Perry, etc. It furnishes also, a fund of in formation for the serious the Natural History of tho Bible, which is a subject of exhautlcss inter est ; atriking fj(j.'ts in Astronomy. Chemistry, and Natr.ral History; remarkable Biographies, "inter esting Travels, and Wonderful Discoveries in Art and Science. V Peter Parley, the editor of this book, has a world wide reputation, as an arthor his writings hav ing become familiar as household words wherever the English language is spoken. This is his last irori. and we predict for it a popularity equal, if not SliWrjor. to that acquired by any of his form er putrHcations. VSTl his work will be sold er rlnslrfJ,y subscription, at the low price of S3 50. Agcnti wanted in all parts of the country to ob tain subscribers for it. Specimen eopies will be sent by mail, prepaid, to any address on receipt of the price For full particulars address DERBY A JACKSON, Publishers Aug. l!-'5t; 119 Nasu St.. New-York; TOBACCO AND CIGARS. An assortment just opened and for sale at the store of November 23. W3I. F. IRWIN. FLOUR. .Oats. Rt. Ac., for salt at the cheap stop? of JOHN PATJON, Curwensvin?. AT. SCIIRYVER has resumVd the practise of medicine, mmd will attend promptly to all calls in his profession.- by day or night. Resi dence opposite the Mcthoiist church in tha Bor ough of Clearfield. . May 1201353 ft CS7Ti IRON CITY COMMERCIAL '" COLLEGE. . Pittsbiroh, Pa. ; : ; Chartered, 195a. o00 Stiulcnts aUending Ja.nna.ry, 1858. Now tb largest and most thorough Commercial School of the United State. -. Young men prepared for ac tual duties of the Counting Boom. -. C J. C. Smith. A M..' Professor of Book -keeping and Science of Accounts. , .. t: A. T. Doituett. Teacher of Arithmetic and Commercial calculation. J. A. IIctdrick and T. C. Jenkins, TeacberHtf Book-keeping. ... n . ... A Cowlkt and W. A. 3Iille,' Professors oi Penmanship.- SINOLE AND DOUBLE ENTRY BOOK-KEEP- ING, as used in every department of business. . .,; com n Eitn al ARrrn vetic it Arm bi'sixess WRrrise- Ii:Ti:CTIG roCSTKRFEIT OKBT-F.RCA!tTn.K COW- KESi-osnKxt E-cojmERCiAi.LAu-are taught, and all other subjects necessary for tbc success and thor ough education of a practical business man. - 12 PREMIU3IS. Drawn all the premiums i Pittsburgh for the past three years, also in East ern and Western Cities, for best Writing, NOT' ENGRAVED WiRK. IM POKTAN TIN FOR 31 AT ION. Students enter . at any time No vacation Time unlimited Re view at pleasure Graduates assisted in obtaining situations Tuition for Full Commercial Course. 535.00 Average time 8 to 12 weeks Board. S2.M per week Stationary, SO. DO Entire cost, 50.00 1 ; 570.00. E"?3linisters' sons received at half price. ; For Card Circular Specimens of Business aul Ornameutal Writing inMose two stamps, and ad dress F. W. JENKINS. September 1, 18jh. Pittsburgh. Ta. J R O S D Ei'OT. KEPT B V MEKKELL A- CARTER. ON SECOND STREET, CLEARFIELD. PA., Is the place Where all the following articles can' be had at reduced prices : Bar Iron of all sixes by the small or by the quantity; Cast Steel, of vari ous sizes aud best quality; a large assortment of Stoves, among which will be found the XEW' WORLD COOK. OAK PREMIUM. GREA T REPUBLIC.. BUCKS PATTE.XT. and tk EU ruled Minnesota. ALSO, a large assortment of Nine plates and Parlor Stoves, and Air Tights of various patterns. ALSO, Plows of tbc best and latest patterns. ALSO, of theirown man ufacturing a large assortment of Tin-ware, Stov pipe. Sheet-iron pans of ail sizes, and all articles, of the kind in their line kept always on hand. House Spouting done to order, and Tin Roofing' Hono with !wriAtrll At f ) lAr.A ..anrlmnnl ,,r -II kind, of house V. imC;k .M1i.mir ff.n lmn.l :!' STKV SUHflltVTS.r.;.,. i - . . vit-d to call, as they can be accommodated at very low figures, with anything in our line. All orders will be thankfully received and promptly attended to. U. B. 35ERKELL, L. R. CARTER. N. B. They irill also receive every variety of articles on commission, at low rates. M. AC. . "JVEW STORE ROOM ANEW GOODS!! 1 SPRING AND SU3I.MER STOCK Tbc undersigned has recently fitted op a room fuc door west of bis old stand on 3Iarket Street, Clearfield borough, where be has opened a new assortment of seasonable and fashionable goods. ? His stock consists of a general variety of the best DRY GOODS. GROCERIES. HARDWARE, Q TEENS WA R E, HATS A CAPS, BOOTSiSuoes. and all other articles usually kept in a country . store. Among nhich can be "found the following ; CLOTHS. CASSI3IERES, SATTINET.S, TWEEDS. JEANS. FLANNEIJ5. GINGHA3IS, 3IERINOES, CASHMERES, LUSTRES, CALICOES, . . MUSLINS, and ail artie'es gencraly used by housekeepers. 3fy former customers, and the public at large, are invited to call and examine the goods and judge for themselves of the 'quality and prices, as " it is my desire to sell at rates to suit the times. Remember that the newly fitted up store room on Market Street, (opposite the Clearfield House and one door west of his former location.) is the . place to buy goods low for CASH, as many of tha articles have been purchased at reduced priies. This is the place to receive a fair equivalent for your money, these hard times. Country produce taken In exchange for goods 3lay 2i. W31. F. IRWIN. GIFTS! CilFTS! UIFTS!!! GIFTS:! SPLENDID GIFTS'.W At 439 Chesi-' HHt Street. The only Original fit ft Boot Stor. G. G. EVANS would inform ts friends and the public that his Star Gift Book Store and Publish ing House is permanently established in Brown:s splendid Iron Building, 42'. Chestnut Street, two doors below Fith. where the purchaser of each book, at the regular retail price, will receive ono . of tbc following gifts, valued at frdiu 2a cents to One Hundred Dollars. WoBTH EACH 550 Patent English Lever Gold Watches, $100 00 . Sort Patent Anehor " ' " . - 50 Jff 400 Ladies Gol.l WaMies. lSk. eases. ' ''.9tS COO Silver Hunting Watches, warranted, la 40. 500 Parlor Timepieces. , .. 10 Otf T 500 Cameo Sets. Ear Drops and Tins, " 10 OttC-' 500 Ladies' (."old "Bracelets. 5 00 to 12 tM -. " 500 tJents' Vest and Fob Chains. 10 60 1 IM HI Gold Lockets. (large size double case.) 10 00 2000 Gold Lockets, (small size.) 3 00 1000 Uold Pencil Cases, with Gold Pens. 5 00" 1000 Extra Gold Pens, with oases and holders. 3 5i 2500 Gold Pencils. (Ladies'.) 2 00 2-U0 Gold Pens, with Silver Pencils, 2 bO ftilHJ Gold Rings, (Ladies,) 1 00 2U00 Cents' iiuld Kings. 2 5V 2500 Ladies' Gold Breastpins, A 2 6 3500 Misses' Gold Breastpins. I 50 1 2'(0 LaJicsGoId Pens, withcascs and holders, 1 50 3000 Pucket Knives. 1 00 t'tlOO Sets Genta' Gold Bosom Studs, 2 50 2000 Sets Gents' Sleeve Buttons, 2 50 2000 Pairs of Ladies" Ear Drops, 2 50 St'00 Ladies' Pearl Card Cases. 5 00 15000 Ladies' Cameo. Jet. or .Mosaic Pins, 5 00 2500 Ladies' Shawl and Ribbon Pin. I 50 50U0 Articles of Gold Jewelry. Gift Books. Ac, not ' enumerated in the above, Worth from 25 cts to $23--"' Evans" new Catalogue, which is sent free to all Earts of the country, contains all the most popular ooks of tho day. and the newest publications, alt of which wiH be sold as low as they can be ob tained at other stores. Agents wanted in every town in the Union. Those desiringso to act, can obtain full particu lars by addressing as above. N. B. Being largely interested in publishing books, and buying from other publishers in im mense quantities, for cash, I am enabled to make larger discounts to Country Agents and Book Deal ers than can be had at any other house in the coun try. ET"Any book published in tbcUnited States, -the retail price of which is one dollar or upwards, will be promptly sent. Gift included, on receipt of publisher's price. 4An extra SI Book and Gift gtven lo any persou ordering ten books to be sent to one address. Send for a Catalogue. Address, G. G. EVANS. Publisher. A u g.25, 15S. ."iu 439 Chestnut St., Phil'a. HO! FOR Cl'RWESSVILtE!! ' JOSHUA E. BAKER informs his old cus tomers and the public generally, that be has ta ken entire control of the CAISIXET MAKTXG SHOP formerly occupied by Baker A Rex, where be is prepared to furnish Tables, Bed steads, ire., at all times. ALSO, COFFINS made to order, and burials attended with Hearse. , , Country produce of all kinds taken iu exchange for work. Shop on Walnut street, opposiie Gates' Blacksmith.sbop, Corwensville. Ang-l-'aS-St ' A BLACKSMITH desirous of doing a Roa ' business, can secure a shop with a large custom, by applying immediate! r to WILLIAM IRVIN, September 1. 1858. Cnrwensville. ' LADIES' -M ANTILLAS. Shawls, lWnelsTSkcf eton Skirts, and Ladies' dress goods or all kinds fur sale low by JOHN PATTON. Curwensville, .May 12- 1S58. FLOUR, Just received SO barrels Extra Kara- i iiy FJour, which will be sold low for cash by December 2, . RICHARD MOSSOP. IARPETS, Oil Cloths, Window Shades, Ac, can i j be procured at the stor of - -Myl 2 JOHN PATTON', Cur wensrill. if J'.' If