Newspaper Page Text
VOL. 5.-M 11. BY S. B. KOW. CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1858. f i : i 1 2 TERMS OF TI1E JOURNAL. The Raftshas's Journal is published on Wed 'nesday at $1,50 per annum in advance. If not 'paid at the beginning of the year, $2.00 will bo eharjrcd. Advertisf.mexts' will be inserted at 51,00 per square of 12 lines for threeor loss insertions. For every additional insertion 25 cents will be charg ed. A deduction will be made to yearly adver tisers. No subscription taken for a shorter time than -six months, and no paper will be discontinued un til all arrearages arc paid, except nt the option of the publisher. - S. D. KOW. , E07ESSI0NAL & BUSINESS CASDS. D R. 15. I". AKELY, Grakamton, Clearfield coun ty, Fcnh'a. . April 1. 13 0. CROUCH, Puvsicias, Curwensville, Clear . Celil county, Tenn'a. . May 14. TJ. CRANS. Attorney at T-sw and Roal Estate J. Agent, Clearfield, "Pa. Office adjoining his ruiiilencu, on Second street. , . May 1G. ( EORGpTTcHUIrZE, Bor and Sooe .Maker, opposite tho Jail, Market street, Clearfield, I'a. lie sells low for cash. Nov. 10. "A I TI 1,1,1 AM A. WALLACE, Attorney at Law, V Clenrfiold, Pa. Office, ono door north of the PostOffico, on Socond street. Sept. 1. JOSEPH (tOOX, Manufacturer of Hoots and Shoes, Shaw's new row, Market street, Clearfield. Pa. Made up work always on band. Aug. 14. ROP.EKT J. WALLACE, Attorney at Law. (and District Attorney.) Clearfield, Pa. Office in Shaw's new row, Market street May 23. H RICHER SWOOPE. Attorney at Law,CIear . field. Pa. Offct in Grnham's Row. one door east of the 'Kaftsuian's Journal' office. Sor 10. L) W. BARRETT. Justice of the Peace. Luthers . burg. Clearfield co.. Pa., will attend prompt ly to all business entrusted to hitn. inar25-tf ri1H"MAS (i SNYDER. Merchant. Dealer in Saw L ed Lumber. Shingles. Square Timber. Ac Ky- lertown, Clearfield Co.. Pa. Jolyl-'57-tf. 11 T1LLIAM V. IRWIN. Mrkct street. Clearfield, fV Pa.. Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Mer chandise, Hardware. Quecnswaro, Groceries, and family articles generally. Nov. 10. MERRELL & CARTER. Dealers in Stoves. Tin. Copper, and Sheet-Iron Ware, second street, Clearfield, Pi. Ilou.e-spouting and Roofing dffue to order, on short notice Nov. 1. G1 I'ELICII k LEANER, Manufacturers of all IT kinds of Cabinet-ware, Market street, Clear field. Pa. They also make to order Coffins, and attend funerals with a hoarse. Nov. 10. TOSH I" A S. JOHNSON, Cabinet Maker, Market J street. Clearfield, Pa. lie will also attend fu nerals with a hearse, when called on; and make eolfins to order, on short notice. Nov. 10. HF. NAl'GLE. Watch and Clock Maker, and . dalcr in Watches, Jewelry, Jfcc. Room in thaw's new row, Market street, opposite the Kaft.i m-zn't Journal offico, Clearfield, Pa. Nov. 10. I) LACKSMITHING.-Jacob Shunkweiler. thank J ful for past favors, would respectfully solicit a continuance of a share of public patronnge in his line of business. Shop on Third st. Nov. 10. .J.Br M ENALLY, Attorney at Law. Clearfield. Pa. Practices in Clearfield and adjoining rounties. Office in new brick addition, adjoining he residence of James B. Graham. Nov. 10. 1 .FREDERICK SCHMAEL. Clock and Watch Ma- ker. Cherry street, (one door east of the Meth odist Church.) Clntrfield, I'a.. will repair Watches, Clocks, Ac , on short notice and reasonable terms. JARRIMER A TEST, Attorneys at Law. Clcar J field. Pa. Will attend promptly to all legal and other business entrusted to their care in Clear field and adjoining counties. August 6, 1856. jas. h. LAnrcmm. i.kaki. test. rpHOMA.S J. M CULLOl'ti it, Attorney at Law, I. Clearfield. Pa., may be found at hi office on Market street, on1 door west of Richard Mosop's store. Deeds and other legal instruments prepar ed with promptness and accuracy. Feb. 13. .J OWN RUSSKL k CO.. Tanners and Curriers. Pennville. ClearGcId Co .Pa. Keen constantly on hand an excellent assortment of leather, which they offer for sale at the lowest cash prices. Hides of all kiuds taken in exchange .falyl5-54. J' f OSEPn PETERS. Justico of tho Peace. Cur wensville. Clearfield county, Pa., one door east of Montolius fc Ten Eyck's Storo. All business entrusted to hicu will be promptly attended to. and all instruments of writing done on short notice. VMLKOTVPES P. C. PURVIANCE, Professor of Photographic Chemistry. Gallery at his residence -on Second Street, one door South of Merrell A Carter's Tin-ware establishment. Clear field, Pa. rjDays of operation : Friday and Saturday of each week. junelS'56 J AMES IJ. GRAHAM. Dealer in Sawed Lumber, Squared Timber, Shingles, Boards, kc, (iru- liamton. Clearbelri county, t a is prepared to till, on the shortest TM'noe, all orders forartioles in his line of business, on as reasonable terms as they can be procured in tho county. Jan23-'56-tf. DR. M-. WOODS, tenders his professional servi ces te the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity. 'Residence on Second street, opposite the office of 1,. J. Crsna, Esq. Office, the same that was recent ly oecxpicd by Hon. G R Barrett, wbero he can be found unless absent on professional business. DENTAL CARD A. M. SMITH, offers his pro fMionaI services to tho Ladies and Gentlemen of Clearfield and vicinity. All operations upon the eeth executed with neatness and despatch. Being familiar with all the late improvements he is pre pared to make artificial teeth in the best manner. Office in Shaw's New Row, Clearfield. Sep. 15. VLOCP. TLSSJI ' DR.- A- M- HILLS, desires to 'L arinou'neo to big friends and patrons, that he ; ;s now dovoting all of his time to operations inDen ' tUtry. Those desiring hisserviccs will find hiin at "his office, adjoining bis residence, at nearly all '" tioios, and always on Fridays and Saturdays, n .lcss notified otherwise in the town papers the week before. All work warranted to be satisfactory. TAGON . MAKIXrt.-rTho undersingned an I nounce to the public that they manufacture Waggons of all descriptions, Buggies. Slods, Ac, at .their shop in New Salcni. Brady township, Clear field county, which they offer for sale at as reasona ble rates as can be purchased elsewhere. They res pectfully solicit a share of patronage CAMBRIDGE JOia'STO.V, Octl-'56-tf WILLIAM LEWIS. BOOTASHOEMAKING.-Theundersigncdbav. ing entered into partnership in the above bus siness, at the end of the new bridge, 1 miles a fcovo Clearfield borough, are prepared to do all kinds of wotk in their lino cm the f hortest notice and most reasonable terms. JOllS S, IIOYT, . . A. (. 1IOYT.. V B. AH kinds of country produce and hides akeu in exchange f,,r work. Jnue2.'5, For the "RafUman s Journal." MY HEAVENLY HOME. BY LOGAX. I have a home not made with hands, In heaven eternally it stands. Surrounded by angolie bands ; O, 'tis a glorious home. Far from that home I here remain J ' I toil and suffer on in pain, Until that heavenly rest I gain; My dear and happy home. If I had pinions like a dove, With steadfast eye on things above, I'd mount upon the wings of love, ITp to that blessed home. My Heavenly Father to adore, To shout and sing forcvermore His praise, with those who've gone before To their eternal home. Loved ones are there, to me most dear, I knew them well when they were here'; They sing in God, thi Father's ear. Their God's, who took them home. I long to join that glorious band. To find my place at God's right hand. And aing with those who round him stand In their celestial home. I'm nearer now that holy place Than ever since I knew God's grace; And I shall soon behold his face In joy and peace at home. And I draw nearer every day, More earnestly I watch and pray ; I'm waiting now to hear him say, Coine share thy Saviour's home. Dear Saviourive us heavenly grace To fit us for that holy place, And help us still to run the race That brings us to our homo. 0. there shall we most happy be, From ev'ry sin and sorrow free, And all our bliss will find in thee, Our dearest Lord, a home. Arch St., Philadelphia, Ore. 23r, 1S53. THE REWARD OF COURTESY. A TRIE ACCOUNT. A-few years since, on a radiant spring af ternoon, two men, who from their conversa tion appeared to be foreigners, stopped be fore the gate of one of our large workshops in Philadelphia for the manufacture of loco motive engines. Entering a small ofKce, the cider of the two men inquired of the super intendent in attendance if he would permit them to inspect the works. "You can pass in and look about if you please ;" said the superintendent, vexed ap parently at being interrupted in the pcrsuu! of his newspapers. He then scanned the two strangers more closely. Tiiey were respecta bly but plainly clad, and evidently made no pretention to official dignity of any kind. "Js tnere any one who can show us over the establishment aud explain matters to us V asked Mr. Wolf, the elder of the strangers. ' Yon must pick yourowu way, gentlemen," repliod the superintendent, arc all too busy to attend to every party that comes along. I'll thank you not to interrupt the workmen by asking questions." It was not so much the matter as the man ner of his reply, that was offensive to Mr. Wolf and his companion, it was spoken with a cettain ofGcial assumption of superiority, mingled with contempt for the visitors, indi cating a haughty sellis'i temper on the part of thespeakcr. "1 think we will not trouble you," said Mr. Wolf bowing; and taking his companion's arm they passed out. "If there is anything that I disliko it is in civilly," said Mr. Wolf, when they wero once in the street. "I do not blame the man lor not wantingto show us over the establishment; he is no doubt annoyed and interrupted by many heedless visitors; but he might have dismissed lis with courtesy. lie might have sent us away better content with a gracious refusal than with an ungracious consent." . "Perhaps we shall have better luck here," said the other stranger ; and they stopped be fore another workshop of a similar kind. They were received by a biisk littlo man, the head clerk apparently, who in reply to their request to be shown over the establishment, answered, "Oh, yes ! come witli me, gentle men. This way." So saying, he hurried them along the area strewe with iron bars, broken and rusty heaps of iron, and fragments of old cylinders, into the principle workshop. Here, without stopping to explain anyone thing, he led the strangeis along with the evi dent intention of getting rid of them as soon as possible. When they paused where the workmen were riviting the external coating of a boiler, the clerk looked at his watch, tap ped his foot against an iron tube, and showed other signs of impatiunce. Whereupon, Mr. Wolf remarked "Wo will not retain you longer sir," and with his lriend, took leave. "This man is an improvement on the other," said Mr. Wolf; "but all tho civilty he basis on the surface ; it does hot com lroro the heart. Wc must look further." The strangers walked on for nearly half a mile in silence, when one of them pointed to a locomotive with a train of cars underneath. It overtopped a small building, not more than ten feet high, communicating with a yard and workshop. "Look," said the observer, here is a machinist whose name is not on our list. Probably it was thought too small a concern for our pnrpose," said his companion. ".Nev ertheless let us try it," said Mr. Wolf. They entered, and found at the desk a middle-aged man, whose somewhat grimy aspect and apron around his waist, showed that he divided his labors between the workshop and the counting-room. "We want to look over your work?, if you have no objection." "It will give me great pleasure to show yon all that is to be seen," said the mechanic with a pleased alacrity, ringing a bell and telling the boy who entered to take charge of the office. : He then led the way, and explained to the strangers the whole process of constructing a locomotive engine. He showed them how the various parts of the machinery were man ufactured, and patiently answered all their questions. He told them of an improved mode of tubing boilers, by which the power of generating steam was increased, and show ing with what care he provided for security from bursting. Two hours passed rapidly away. The strangers were delighted with the intelligence displayed by the mechanic, and with his frank, attentive and unsuspicious manners. "Here isthemanwh" loves his profession so well, that he takes pleasure in explaining its mys trrics to all who can nnderstand them, thought Mr. Wolf, a . "I am afraid wc have given you a deal of trouble,"said the other stranger. "Indeed, gentlemen, I have enjoyed your visit," said the mechanic, "and shall be glad to see you again." . "Perhaps you may," said Mr. Wolf, and the strangers departed. Five months afterwards, as the mechanic whose means were quite limited, sat in his oflico, meditating bow hard it was to get bu siness by the side of such large establishments as were his compeditors, the two strangers entered. He gave them a hearty welcome, banded chairs, and they sat down. "We come," said Mr. Wolf, "with a propo sition to you from the Emperor of Russia. "From the Emperor I Impossible!" "Here are our credentials." "But gentlemen," siid tho now agitated mechanic, "what does this mean 1 How have I earned such an honor 1" . . "Simply by your straight forward courtesy and frankness, combined with professional intelligence," said Mr. Wolf "Because we were strangers, you did not think necessary to treat us with distrust or coldness. You saw we were in earnest in acquainting our selves with your works, and did not ask us, before extending to us your civittiea, what letters of introduction we brought. You measured us by the spirit we showed, and not by the dignities we could have exhibited." The mechanic visited St. Petcrsburgh and soon afterwards removed his whole establish ment there. Ho had imperial orders for as many locomotive engines as he could con struct, lie has lately returned to this country, and is still receiving large returns from his Uussian workshop. And all this prosperity grew out of his unseifish civility to two stran gers, ono of whom was the secret agent of the Czar of Russia. Webster Matched by a Woman. In the somewhat famous case of Mrs. Bod gen's will, which was tried in the Supreme Court some years ago, Mr. Webster appeared as counsellor for the appellant. Mrs. Green ough, wife of Rev. Wm. Greenough, late of West Newton, a tall, straight, queenly looking woman, with a keen black eye a woman of great self possession and decision of charac ter, was called to the stand as a witness on the opposite side from Mr. Webster. Webster, at a glance, had the sagacity to foresee that her testimony, if it contained anything of impor tance, would have great weight with the court and jury. He therefore resolved, if possible, to break her up, And when she answered to the first question put to her, "I believe," Webster roared out, "We don't want to hear what you believe; we want to hear what you know" Mrs. Greenough replied, "That is just what I was about to say, sir," and went on with her testimony. And notwithstanding tho repeated eflorts to disconcert her, she pnrsued the even teror of her way, until Webster, be coming quite fearful of the result, arose appa rently in great agitation, and drawing out his largo snuff box, thrust his thumb and finger to the very bottom, and carrying the deep pinch to both nostrils, drew it up with a gusto, and then extracting from his pocket a very large handkerchief, which flowed to his feet as he brought it to the front, he blew his nose with a report that rang distinct and loud through the crowded hall. Webster then said, "Mrs. Greenough, was Mrs. Blodgen a neat woman 1" Mrs. Greenough "I cannot give you very full information as to that, sir ; she had one very dirty trick." Webster "What was that, ma'am 1" Mrs. Greenough "She took snuff." The roar in the court house was such that the "future defender of the constitution" subsi ded, and neither rose nor spoke again until Mrs. Greenough had vacated her chair for an other witness having ample time to reflect upon the inglorious history of the man who had a stone thrown ou bis head by a woman. Cause and Effect. The Philadelphia Enquirer, commenting up on the Ute horrible massacre of a whole fami ly in New York, by a son and brother, very properly, in our opinion, attributes the mur derer's acts to the scientific construction of ardent spirits to the infusion of the most dan gerous and insidious poisons into liquors sold as beverages throughout the country to the formation, from subtle drugs, of essential oils and liquors, by which the commonest alcohol is converted into imitations ol distilled spirits, which are sold in every part of tho country, and which wil account for the peculiar features of many crimes which jave attrac ted the public observation during the last few years. We have noticed, too, that the deleterious effects of liquors made by modern processes are not wholly confined to spirits, but they arise from many of the wines in com mon use, and eveu from ales, through the lat ter of which, coailus indiJus, maddening poison, frequently used to intoxicate fish, is often dctlused not only in Great Britain, but in this country. That tho law will have to play its part eventually, to control the rapa city of men to make money out of such murderous ingredients is certain, and if socie ty have any regard to its peace and security, excise laws will be a necessity. The subject is one of great importance. The Tare Polict. The true policy of a town is to support its own mechanics and bu siness citizens. Permanent prosperity can on ly be secured in this way. If our business men, who pay our taxes, pay license, and keep the machinery of business moving, are ne glected, and purchases made at other places, we can never expect to have a home market worth anything. Too many of our citizens are i'i the habit of buying articles of merchan dize and mechanism in the cities, which can be obtained fully as cheap at home. Our me chanics cannot be excelled, and if we would prosper in business and wealth.we should make it a point to "support our own," and by so doing give employment to our people, and keep our monev in circulation at home, instead of sending it abroad, to line the pockets of city merchants, and manufacturers, wno con tribute nothing to advance the prosperity of the "country towns." B patronizing the mechanics and business men in our town, capitalists do but contribute to their own in terests, as the prosperity of a place always enhances the value of property. A committee of an agricultural society ont west, award a premium to a "fine cassiniere goat." It must be a great curiosity. . Avoid, as you would a pickpocket, the man who says "the world owes Mm a living." . Mil. BROWN'S MISHAPS. ,. : Mr. Eliphalet Brown was a bachelor of thirty five, or thereabout ; one of those men who seem born to pass through the world alone. Save this peculiarity, there was nothing to dis tinguish Mr. Brown from the multitude of other Browns who are born, grow up, and die in this world of ours. . It chanced that Mr.' Brown had occasion to visit a town some fifty miles distant on mat ters of business. It was his first visit to tho place, and he proposed stopping for a day, in order to give himself an opportunity to look about. Walking leisurely along the street, he was all at enco accosted by a child of five, who ran up to him exclaiming : "Father, I want you to buy me some candy." "Father!" was it possible that be, a bachelor, was addressed by that title 1 lie could not be lieve it ! "Who were you speaking to, my dear ?" he inquired of the little girl. "I spoke to you, lather," said the little one, surprised. "Really," thought Mr. Eliphalet Brown, "this is embarrassing." "I am not your father, my dear," he said. "What is your name 7" The child laughed heartily, evidently think ing it a good joke. "What a funny father you are," she said ; "but you are going to buy me some candy ?" "Yes, yes, I'll buy yon a ponnd if you won't call me father any more," said Mr. Brown, nervously. The little girl clapped her hands with de light. The promise was all she remembered. Mr. Brown proceeded to a confectionary store, and actually bought a pound of candy, which be placed in the hands of the little girl. In coming out of the store they encountered the child's mother. "O mother," said the little girl, "just see how much candy father has bought me." "You shouhl'nt have bought her so much at a time, Mr. Jones," said the lady, "I am afraid she will make herself sick. But how did you happen to get home so quick t I did not ex pect you till night." "Jones I madam," said the embarrassed Mr. Brown, "it's all a mistake; I ain't Jones at all. It isn't my name. I am Eliphalet Brown, of W , and this is the first time I ever came to this city." 'Good heavens ! Mr. Jones, what has put this silly tale into your head ? You have con cluded to change your name, have you 7 Per haps it is your intention to change your wife 7" Mrs. Jones' tone was defiant, and this tended to increase Mr. Brown's embarrassment. "I haven't any wife, madam ; I never had any. On my word as a gentleman I never was married." .-"And do you intend to palm this tale off upon me 7" said Mrs. Jones, with excitement. "If you're not married, I'd like to know who I am 7" "1 have no doubt you are a most respectable lady," said Mr. Brown, "and I conjecture, from what you have said, that your name is Jones ; but mine is Brown,madam, and always was." "Melinda,"said her mother.suddenly taking the child by the arm, and leading her up to Mr. Brown, "Melinda.who is this gentlemau 7" "Why, that's father !" was the child's im mediate reply, as she confidingly placed her hand in his. "You hear that Mr. Jones, do you 7 You hear what the innocent child says, and yet you have the unblushing impudence to deny that you are my husband ! The oice of nature, speaking through the child, should overwhelm you. I'd like to know if you are not her father why you are buying candy for her! I would like to have you answer that. But I presume you never saw her before in your life." "I never did. On my honor, I never did. I told her I would give her the candy if she wouldn't call me father any more." " You did, did you 7 Bribed your own child not to call you father! O, Mr. Jones, that is infamous! Do you intend to desert me, sir, and leave me to the cold charities of the world 7 and is this your first step 7" Mrs. Jones was so overcome that, without any warning, sho fell back upon the sidewalk in a fainting fit. Instantly a number of persons ran to her as sistance. "Is your wife subject to fainting in this way 7" asked the first comer of Brown. "I don't know. She isn't my wife. I don't know anvthing about her." "Why", it's Mrs. Jones ain't it 7" "Yes, but I'm not Mr. Jones." "Sir," said the first speaker, sternly, 'this is no time to Jest. I trust that yon are not the cause of the excitement which must have oc casioned your wife's fainting fit. You had bet ter call a coach and carry her home directly." Poor Brown was dumbfounded. "I wonder," thought he, "whether it's pos sible that I'm Mr. Jones without knowing it. Perhaps I'm really Jones, and have gone crazy in consequence of which I fancy that my namo is Brown. And yet I don't think I'm Jones. In spite of all, I will insist that my name is Browne" "Well, sir, what are yon waiting for 7 It m necessary that your wife should be removed at once. Will you order a carriage 7" Brown saw that there was no use to protract the discussion by a denial. He, therefore, without contesting the point, ordered a hack ney coach to the spot. Mr. Brown accordingly lent an arm to Mrs. Jones, who bad somewhat recovered, and was about to close the door upon her. "Why, are you not going yourself 7" "Why, no; why should 1 7" . 'Your wife should not go alone; she has hardly recovered." Brown gave a despairing glance at the crowd around him, and deeming it useless to make opposition where so many seemed thoroughly convinced that he was Mr. Jones followed the lady in. "Where shall I drive 7" said fhe whip. "I I I don't know," said Mr. Brown. "Where would you wish to bo carried J" "Home, of course," murmured Mrs. Jones. "Where is thai 7" asked the driver. . "I do not know," said Mr. Brown. "No. 19 II street," said the gentleman al ready introduced, glanciDg contemptuously at Brown. "Will you help me out; Mr. Jones 7" said the lady. "I am not fully recovered from the fainting fit into which your cruelty drove me." "Are you quito sure that I am "Mr. Jones 7" asked Mr.. Brown with anxiety. 1 "Of coarse," said Mis. Jones- -'.' - "Then." said he resignedly, "I suppose I am. . But if you will believe me, I was firmly convinced this mornlDg that my name was Brown, and to tell the truth, I haven't any re collection of this house." . Brown helped Mrs. Jones into the parlor ; but, good heavens ! conceive the astonishment of all, when a man was discovered seated in an arm-chair, who was the xeryfac simile of Mr. Brown, in form, features, aud every other respect ! i "Gracious!" ejaculated the lady "which which is my husband 7" An explanation was given, the mystery cleared up, and Mr. Brown's pardon sought for the embarrassing mistake. It was freely accorded by Mr. Brown, who was quite de lighted to think that after all he was not Mr. Jones, with a wife and a child to boot. Mr. Brown has not since visited the place where this "Comedy -of Errors" happened. Ho is afraid of losing his identity. Sir Gore Ousley. Those persons who were at a loss to know what this emissary was about when he was manoeuvring around Washington, last winter, have an opportunity now of gratifying their reasonable curiosity. It w ill be remembered that Sir Gore was a sort of household com panion of the President, and a centre of at traction to the toadies who followed in the train of Mr. Buchanan. Well, the gentleman has turned up at last, in a rather startling char acter, which shows that he was up to snuff at Washington. A correspondent says : Thc British government seems disposed to relieve ns of any trouble in asserting the Mon roe doctrine, by ordering a fleet down to the waters of Central America as an advance guard to Sir Gore Ousley. After eighteen months of hobnobbing at the White House, during all of which time he was in constant and confi dential communication with his own govern ment, the mission of Sir Gore, always myste rious heretofore, is at length revealed. He succeeded in pulling wool over the eyes of our very astute diplomacy mongers and having acquired all he wanted to know, drew out his stakes, and parted very affectionately, from his dear friend, Mr. Buchanan. The first notice we get afterwards is that a British fleet is to be dispatched to Nicaragua, under the pretence of keeping out fillibusters. Well, we shall see that our Monroo doctrine demo crats, who are so clamorous against British in fluence, while consorting with British agents; making homage to little British titles, without pedigree or property, and adopting British policy as against American progress and indus try, will swallow this precious pill. We had a sample of the same sort of tactics in the case of Sir Ilenrv Bulwer, but the Bourbons who are now in power differ from those whom Talleyrand knew, inasmuch as they forget ev erything and learn nothing." Law for Dinner Parties. . And be it enacted, that dinner parties gen erally shall consist of two sects of persons : 1st. Those who know ono another; and 2nd. Those who wish to know one another; where by awfnl pauses may be chiefly avoided at table ; and that seven o'clock shall in future signify that hour, and not a quarter to eight ; and that guests bidden at that hour shall as semble within a few minutes of the same, un der the penalty ot having to carve the most popular side dish ; and that certain nicknacks, and illustrated works, be put about the drawing-room tables, not in the notion that they will really amuse any body, bnt that they may form, as It were, harbors of refuge for the gapers, yawncrs, and unintroduced, who will then appear occupied, and not stand in painful and silent expectancy, or ask if there is any thing fresh in the evening papers, or scrutinise the lustres, and find that they have not the full compliment of candles, or peruse the card bowl, and dig up undesirable ones from the bottom thereof. The Social Parliament, by Albert Smith. Massacre or Americans bt Mexicans. The editor ot the Providence Post, who has been shown a letter from Mr. John D. Austin, assis tant superintendent of the El Paso and Fort Yuma Wagon Koad, says : Mr. Austin reports a horrible massacre at "Dragoon Springs, one day's travel this side of Tuscan." A party of four Americans and three Mexicans were em ployed there in building a station for the Over land Mail Company. The Mexicans made an attack upon the Americans on the night of tho 12th of September, killing two and wounding the third so badly that he subsequently died. Mr. St. John, of New York, in charge of the party, was also so badly injured that the am putation of one of his arms was rendered ne cessary. When Colonel Leach arrived at Dra goon Springs, four days after the occurrence, ho found St. John sitting by his dying com panion with his diary in his hand. Neither of them had been able to get even jl drink of wa ter from the time of the assault. Their suf ferings were very great. " Hopes were enter tained of St. John's recovery. Sekixg Fair Plat. Strolling leisurely a bout Uncle Sam's big ship yard, in Washing ton, the other day. we observed a regular hard-weather sailor-looking chap, from a man-of-war, who in turn, was watching two men dragging a large cross-cut saw through a huge live oat log. .The saw was dull, the log ter ribly hard, and there they went see-saw, see saw pull, push, push, pull. Jack studied the matter over a while, until be came to the conclusion they were pulling to sec who would get the saw, aud as one was a monstrous big chap, while the other was a little fellow, Jack decided to see fair play ; so, giving the big one a clip under the ear that capsized him end over end, he jerked the saw out f the log, and giving it to the small one, sung out : "Now run, you beggar." Babies. The local editor of the Buffalo Republic has made hi ni so If one of the immor tals by the publication of a discovery, which he has made, of great importance to mothers; it is an infallible means of keeping babies, from two to ten months old, perfectly quiet for boors. The modus operandi is as follows : As soon as tho squallcr awakes, set the child Hp. propped by pillows if it cannot sit alone, and smear its fingers with thick molasses; then put a half a dozen feathers into its bands, and the young one will sit and pick the feathers from one hand to the other until it drops a sleep. As soon as it wakes, more molasses and more feathers; and in place of the nerve astounding yells, there will be silence and tn joyment unspeakable I " :. - . IIOW COAL WAS MADE. Geology has proved that at one fwriod, there existed an enormously abundant land vegeta tion, tlie"ruins or rubbish of which, carried into seas, and there sunk to the bottom, and afterwards covered by sand and mud beds, be came the substance which w now recognizo as coal. This was a natural transaction of vast consequence to us, seeing how much Util ity we find in coal, both lor warminj our dwel-' lings and for various manufactories, as well as the production of steam, by which so great a mechanical power Is generated. It may natu rally excite surprise that the vegetable remains should have so completely changed their ap parent character, and become black. But this can be explained by chemistry; and part of the marvel becomes clear to the simplest un derstanding, when we recall the familiar fact that damp hay, thrown into a keap, gives out heat, and becomes of a dark color. When a vegetable mass is excluded from the air, and subjected to a great pressure, a bitu minous fermentation is produced, and the re' suit is the mineral coal which is of various characters, according as tho mass has been originally intermingled with sand, clay or oth er earthly impurities. On account or tho change etldcted by mineralization, it is difficult to detect in coal tho traces of a vegetable struc ture ; but these can be made clear in all except the highly bituminous caking coal, by cutting or polishing it down into thin, transparent slices, when the microscope shows the fibre and cells very plainly. From distinct inso lated specimens found in the sand stones amidst the coal beds, we discover the naturo of the plants of this era. They are almost ill of a simple cellular structure, and such as exist with us in small forms, horse-tails, clubs masses and fens, but advanced to an enor mous magnitude. The species are all long since extinct. The vegetation generally is such as grows in clusters n(tropical islands ; but it must have been the resuhof a high tem perature obtained otherwise than that of the tropical regions now Is, for the -coal strata are now lound in the temperate and even in the polar rcnions. ' The conclusion, therefore, to which most geologists have arrived is, that the earth, originally an iucadescent or highly heated mass, gradually cooled down, and in the car boniferous period, it fostered growth of ter restrial vegetation all over its surface, to which, the existing jnngles of the tropics are mere liarrenness in comparison. The high and uni form temperature, combined with a great pro portion of carbonic acid gas in the manufac ture, could not only sustain a gigantic and, prolific vegetation, but would also create dense vapor, showers and rain ; and these again gi gantic rivers, periodical inundations and del tas. Thus all the conditions for extensive de posits of wood in esturies would arise from this high temperature; and overy circumstance connected with the coal measure points to such conditions. ' ' Rrssra. A gigantic fraud tpon the Govern ment had monopolized attention. The Gov ernment had paid twelve millions of roubles overcharge for constructing the St. Petersburg"' and Moscow Railroad, the contractors having charged for a much longer line than was laid, down. The rolling stock was furnished by an American company, according to distance, in volving a fearful overcharge on this bead also. Many influential persons are compromised by the transaction. Tremendous fires are report ed to have occurred at Orel, and five hundred buildings are said to have been destroved. Affecting Incident. A New Orleans paper says, a gentleman entering the city from. Osyka, found himself In company with four youths from Kentucky, going to New Orleans to seek their fortune. He endeavored to dis suade tbem from going io consequence of the prevailing fever, and advised them to takw the return cars for home, or they would soon le tho ocenpants of a grave-yard. They re fused to return, saying that tbey would' die first. They arrived in New Orleans, and, shortly after, three of them were buried, and tho fourth was not expected to survive. Another. II cm big. A new body of reli gious enthusiasts, called "Congreprezites,". have established themselves about -70 miles north of Council Bluffs, Iowa. The society comprises about 800 members, and all their; property is held in common. The sect profess to believe in the Bible as the word of God,but. also that it is in a measure done away with by a new revelation made since the year 1848, by" "the voice of Baneemy, through tho medium of the Chief Apostolic Bishop." The new revelations are styled "the law and Covenants of Israel." Prepablvo to Rkciivk Us An English of-, ficer direct from Paraguay reports that Lopes is preparing effective modes of resistance and defense by building fortifications and obstruct-' ing the navigation of the river. He has placed chains aud booms across, and proposes sicking light vessels in the channel, in which event our expedition could not ascend. Several' Belgian and Hungarian officers are engaged in directing operations. Fkxales Impriso.vld for Lire Mrs. Lydis Studley, a woman of sixty-five years of age, has been convicted in Rhode Island of the murder of her husband by the administration of poison, and sentenced to the State prison for life. Mrs. Gardner, convicted of the mur der of her husband, at Ilingman, Mass., by poison, has been sentenced to the house of correction for life. - ; . A celebrated Spiritualist, Dr. Randolph, has openly recanted. In a lecture at Utica, on Sunday a-week, he stated it as his candid o pinion, founded upon his experience of nine years as a medium, that spiritualism was one third imposture, one-third insanity, and one-' third diabolism. Dr. Randolph declares that insanity is the usual fate of trance mediums. Newton said that the comet of 1680 after its nearest approach To the R 11 n w tvA f hnn- sand times hotter than red hot iron. Be also" calculated that if it was as large as our earth, and possessed the quality of cooling one hun dred times faster than red. hot iron, five nun-' dred years would be required for ito Wsa the neat it uaa acquired from the sun- "John, what is the, past of see"' "Seen, sir.". , : . , "No, John, it is saw." ' ;Ypr ii nrl ir mfih swim Tit ma it becomes a scar-fish, when it js past and caa't D set. - s-..i..