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tho support of the government of thin common wealth, passed Feb. 7ih. 1814, be, and (he m in hereby revived, to lake effect from the S5lh day of D.r-mher, A V. 1838 Anil on ihe question, will the house agree to the me 1 The yeas and nays were rrqnlicd by Mr. Fcgelf and Mr Miller of D iks, nnd are follows, viz: YEAS. Mwi Brittain, CraMi, Fi-hr, Hamlin, Htoti, Hulchina, Laverly, M Clnran, Ne-hilt, Sheriff, O II. Smith, T. S. Smith, Watts. Wll.ox. 14. NAYS. Messrs, Anderson, Andrew. B irslnw, Broilhoad, Bruner, Butler, Ca. others, Carnvntcr, Casscl Cle, Colt, CoollMUgh, Crrey. Criin. J. Cunningham, T. . Cunningham, Dorr, D llcr, DoiicI.ib. Khr roan, Evans. F it' ly. Field. Flcnni'iin, Fo-tcr, O r en, Craw. H EG INS Hrlff nsh in, U. O. Herr, J. Herr, Hill of Be Its Hdl of Westmoreland, Hoae, James. Jons, Keim, Kcndig, Kerr, Keltlewell, Kin xlc, Konigmachcr. I.on j, Loneaker, Love, Lny, M Done I, M-E'wee, M'Kmstry, M.Mitdius, Morti mer, Morion, Morrison, P.irk. Penniman, Penrose, Tray, Piirviaiice, Ram-cy, Richardson, Ritler, Ro lierts, Ryan, r-'s'iirrncr, She irer, Smith of Franklin, Munwden. Slroherker, Walborn, Way, Woodburn. Yost, Zeilin, Hopkins, speaker. 74. Thia was the finnl voto on the question, and it hna never since bii'n ngitatcd in the House of Re presentatives. ' LIBERTY rOl.E. . A libryty pole was raised in Tuibiit township, on Sa'uulay last, by th Van Bonn men six cheers were given for Van Bujcn and Johnson and tlvrtt fur Horton. . Sunbury Gazelle- The above ia from the la-t Sunbnry Out itte. Even Horton, It seems, could got three cheers, but Gov. Porter wan allowed jusl none at all. Such little things will sinetinvs leak out, and bIiow which way the wind blows. Almost any one can see that Horton and hi friend arc opposed to the Governor and the true democratic paity. Commun tea fori. Tlie Forks. The Ft rks have had within a fc.v yea-a, the ft.l lown g named public ollkcrs, to wit : Two rheiilTs, Henry Reader and Hen'y Go-sler. One member of cnngriM, R. H. Hammond Thrre prothonota rys.E. Y. Blight, DhihI Brautk'um and S.D. Jor dan Two county commissioners, F. Bitkenbine and Joscih W.t'is. Three i otmys public, John Frick, C. W. ods and John isenrina. One col lector of tolls. One as ociate. judge-, John Mont gomery. Two supervisors on the canal, John Shrincrund Henry R- edcr. Two depuy v rsha Is, Win. Alhtight and George Wilson. All the lock tenders. Several large appropriation to the Nor thumberland academy, th stale, which they say they will convert into a couit house, when the seat of justice ia removed from Siinbury. Two bridges across tLe branches. One bank. In all, upward of twenty efficers on the cither side, within the last few yeara. Now, what have the peoi le on thia fide ! Why one member of assembij? and a court house, and they want to take them both from us. Communication. Mimiii. Editors: I have been credibly infor med by a person of g od autho ity, who can prove the fact if neceasaiy, that during lie recent camp meet ng in Augusta township, JefaeU. Horton was frequently p'csenl dui'mg the religious ejeicisea; and, on one oct anion on h i way thilher from Sun bury, he met u numlwr of young men somewhere " on the Shomokin HilU, aa they were returning from the meeting to Snydcrntowu, and after some con versation shout the election, he hindid tliem a but tle col mining ardfiit spirit, that they miglit regale tlienie'ves with him on the highway, nnd ihu on their return from the p'aee f worship, drown every goad impiCKion in the iutirating IhiwI. He then puraoed his way toward the meeting, und they to .hill homes. These are the fuel wliVh, as I have mi I, enn I sul st intiated on oulh What are the rcflccti ma which must fill the bie.nt of evny pirerit, and ol eveiy virluons man In the commun:tv 1 Truly "there ia a Lion In the way a l.ion in th.' s trvrts." Will not a monl and religious community sluink with abhorrence from the suport of one who thus dcfl'es the veiy roal to tl e house of I is maker, de secrates the ceremonies and ordinances of our holy religion, and lo gain vote, sets such an aboininn ble example of levity and hypocrisy in sacred things, bt fore the youth of cut country t Think of it, fal low citizens; a candidate (n the high and respom-i-blc office of legi-lalor, going to ramp mrciing w'nh bottlo of intoxic iting drink in hi pos-cssion, and dealing it out by the w y-s:d ! I ppeal to every voter whe.her ruch conduct shoulJ not be stinied with the seul of virtuous ii dignsticn. not on'y by vo'ing sgaiiut the perpetra tor of this outrage upon morality, temp ranee and religion, but also by exerting every i trot lo di feat hit election. Turn out then ftUow cit a ns This appeal is made to toe friends of decency and order ; and theqii'Slion is humbly put lo every conieoti ous voter, whether it is not incumbent on him to proceed without delay lo the ilU h 'rge of bii duty to the public, and prevent Mr. Horton from creep, ing through uih degiaJIng th iiinels to high pli ccs. AUGi:8TA. An Act, , For the regulation of the several Bank, Savings Ins'iluiions and Loan Companies of the Com monwcalth. Ssctio t. If any banking institution with'n thia commonwealih shall at any lime after the I6itt Janunry, 1841, refuse lo redeem any one of its notes or bills, or pay any of its deposits or other li a! ilitics in gold or silver coin, Its charti r lnll le foifiited; and it may and shall be lawful for any petsou or jieraoiis, i r ihc agenls of any body corpo rate, who aha!l have len ielOs.d gld or sibcr in paytneut an afore id, to m ike mi oalh or affirm lion, uef ire any judgn of any couit in Iho proper couivv, of the fact. l'hi t 'clion defl iei. the minle of procieiling- to forleit the clmrerj and provides for t' e apHiintmeiit of trustees lo tuke clistge of the efll'c'a of the bank Skc S ProviJia tlnit the Iruateea may use tli Corporate name of the bank, for the pur,.oe of settling is aflTiirs. t?c. 3. Provides the mannnr in which the ttus t es shall make a itlcmmit. Skc. 4. Provid a against the fraudulent ron -cal menl or any of the funds of the bank, by t,ic resi dent cashier or other officer. Sic. fi. Provides for tho refusal or neg'ect of the tiH-iecs to rxecitte their duty, .V Skc. 6. That the reveral courts of common plena of this commonwealth shall have the Hiwer nnd jtir s lietion of couns of equ iy, o far relaies lo the m.niiigenien', cm.tiol anl restraint of banks; and in case the assets of nny hanks i e ii,-ulli.;ien to pay the bills and other Jelits thereof, the s id conris are au horized, and it ii hereby male their duty to render decrees agiinst the directors and stockholders then of. for such win or sums of mo ney as shall he autlicient to ro.leem said bills, and liquidate the just debts ol the bank. Sr.c. 7. Provides theminner and order in which te trustees shall pay the dcl-H of the bank. Ssc R. That from and fter the pvsngo of this act, it ahull not be lawful for nny flock holder of any bank, savings in:iiuuon, or bun company within this cotnmonw ulth, to vo'e at any election for di rectors or nlfi cri of (he same, except in bis or h r own proper person, and that any set or acts of s sembly heretofore passed, authorizing the stockhol der of Siich banks, savings institutions and loan companies, to vote by roy ol such t ic. lions, be, and it is hereby repealed. j Sir. 9. It t-hnll not be lawful f r the director rf any b.iik, snviugs institution or loan company oft this commonwealth, to deel r a !iileiid ol more ' than eight per rent, per annum on iho cap til ac- I luollv paid in, or arcu nul .U as a eiHilmgent fund j more than five per c nt. per annum upott iheir siid capital , and all the annual rolils arising from any of such instiiulions, over and almva the raid eilil I per cent dividend, and the a d five per ecu', c it.? j lingent fund, shall be paid hiiiiii illy into the lr.'n-e ; ry for the use of tho commonwealth : I'ruvidrtl, J huwrvtr, that when the said cuiitingeiit fund n- :eds twenty per cent, of the amount f the capital actually pad in, the eiee-a shall be paid into the state treasury. Sr.c. 10. It shall not lie lawful for any bank within this commouwialth to purchase und bod any bmkor o her st.nk, except their own. or the slock of Ibis sixtc, or . f the United Mates, and the amount of such stot k s i parch ised an I liebl, fha.l at no time exceed ten per cent, of the capital stock of such bank actually paid in. Sec. II. That from and af'er the first day of January next, cveiy bank within this common wealth shall nc. ive t par the notes of a'l thn char tered specie paying banka Within thn same, mid no hank shall pay out at its counter any thing but its own notes oi sp cie. Skc. I'i. No hank shall tsse notes in the firm or similitude) of b ink notes, payable t.i a foiuier day, usul'y called or denomina etl (ai.t notes. Skc 1 3. Provides for inon hly statements by the banks. Src. M Tho st orkhnlib rs of each and every bank, s ivings insti ttiion and lomi c nip my in the commonwealib, nhall 'be- -ptnmnablif Imble for the redemi tion ol the I II s and note", and payment l the ju-t deles of such bank, savings instilnlioii and loin eoinpany and such iHT-on'il lial iliiy m iy I enforced in the manner presenh d in ihe sixth rec tiou of this acl. And it shall be the duty of the pr anient or cashier of every such bank, saving insti tution and loan c mpany. on ihe firt Mond iys of J nuary, April, July and Ocm'hm in each year, to fnroiih on nilh or ulli'm tion lo the pioihiiimtary of their revective count es, a complete lis', of its stockholders, wi h the i uml er of alia e held ami owned by eai h, winch said li-t raid proth uiotarv shuli ti e in his (Vice wi hout charge, su j -el to the inspection I nil eraona, lor the fee which ia now pui I fo a search. Six. 15. 'I hat if any t anking tm'iiiition, loan coin;iaiiy or sivinga institution sh.ll, when not re deeming their notes snd Ii ics i i sjM-cie, declare any dividend ol profits or a leged pinliti among Ihc storkh Iders the i relaratmii or saynient of such di i 'en I sh. ll ipso f .no work a farteitu e of the elarter Skc. 10. No director or any other officer of any bank, shu I directly or indirectly procure any In n Tabid of FJrctlon. The M owing table will be found handy and use ful as a matter of reference. It has been compiled with great care, and U bclievej lo be acrarate i rrenidctlial NnfE- New Hampshire, Connecticut Rhode. IhI ami, Virginia, 1 miisinna, A I ibnma, Kemucky, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Tennessee, Notth Carol na, Veimoiit, Maine, " ' Oi-orgia, Maytand, 8 uth Can lin.1. Penns' Unnl.l, ' New jersey, Ohio, New York, Mis-isipi, Michigan, Arkansas, M iks icliiisctts, Delaware, The tie .tors meet at tho capilols of tho icaj ec liva States in which they are chosen, on iho secot.d day of DecoioUr, a id give in lluir ballots for Pie sident and Vice rrcsiJent, M'opular IWr of Ihr Prcntdtntfat Medio Election. lectin t. ? lovernlier 2 7 3 8 - 13 4 - 8 3:1 3 6 . 9 7 8 15 h a S 5 . m 4 19 15 - ' - 19 15 - "1(1 7 . 10 . . II . . 3 10 Legislature. 1 1 October an ':io November 6 fl 0 21 . ' 3 4'i "24 "23 2 9 14 10 3 SHAXrlOKXN COAXi. OF a very sup. rior qu.dny, cm be had at any lime, by application to the subscriber, in lots ti suit purchase-a. They keep large, egg, broken, and fine coul, fit for burning lime. J. II. PURDY A. Co. Siilibtiry, Sept. Sfl. if. JttOVKHIt-:s.-.. fresh supply of Giocencs jul lecived und f r s de bv HE .RV YOXTIHMER. Serb 12, 1S40. If. . T,lqVtHlS. fiesh su.ply of Dniudy, Gin, Pott, l.i-bon, Tri erifT , Madeira and Shcny Wines, just received and fir sale bv HENRY YOXTIHMER. Sept. 12. I SI 0. .in Wf'.Vf.V, A new arsornnent of 7-1, 7-9 ai.d 3-4 yard wide Muslin, just received nnd for salo bv HENRY .'YOXTIHMER. Sept. IS, 18-10 If. f 1 l,lfOKS. -A new assottmei I of Calicoes just received and for sale bv HUNRY VOX I'll IMKR. is, is io r. LIST OF CAUSES ""OK trial ill the Court of Common I'lens of Northumberland Countv, to be held st Su. bnrv, on ihe first Mond iv of NovemlHr tied, being the 2d. . vs Martial A. Stock, vs Thomas Allen, Vs Jackson Nesbit, v- R 11. Hammood, vs Willi .m M Caity, Solomon Dunkleberger Vs Solomon Mcngai, v G. I,( irennng, in 1830. . , l uil Puren. . Whittff Hurritim. Maine, 22,900 15,239 Now Hampshire, 1H 722 C.224 Massichuset s, 38.501 43 0D3 Rh.vle Maud, 2,901 2,710 Cenn.cliiul, 192:14 . 18,406 Vei mont, 1 4 037 30,91 I New York, 100,815 I3X.513 New Jeisi-v, 20 345 20.HH2 Peniisvlviinia, 91.475 87.111 Delaware, 4 1 55 4.73 Maryla. d, 22,167 2ft 8o2 Viminia, 30,201 Norh Cirulina, 25 839 22.(172 Geotgii, 22.120 24.93U K. ntneky. 33435 3?. (HI 7 leouessie, 25.120 35 902 Ohio, 04 94S 105 405 1. U'sianv, 3 654 3,38.1 Mssirsippi, 9 979 9,0x8 Indiana, 32 480 41,281 Illinois, 18 1197 14.93 Mi.b iuia, 20 531 15 (,:)7 Mi 8 mi, 11.995 8,237 AtliMM, 8,400 1.238 Michigan, 7,300 4,080 South C .rolin i, (elects by I-giklature ) M Mrt.V- A good assortment of liar Iron, just n ca ivrd aod fir sale bv HENRY YOXTIHMER. Sep'. 12, 1810. tf. S.1I.T. 250 barrels nnd sacks of Salt, jusl TceeiveJ an., for sale by HENRY YOXTIHMER. S.p. 12, 1 S 10. if. Cf.t1It$. general assortment of f.'loihs and Ca.-imeie, constant v on hand tbeUiro nf HENRY YoXrilIMEIL Sept. 12, 1910 If. 10 . Same 1 1 Wm. P Brady 12 Chilslaiu Heikeil 13 E. Y. Ilri ht 14 Hugh Be laa 15 Joseph Gosa 10 James llillmurne 17 Peter K.fff 18 Michael M'Csba 19 Wm. A. I.lovd 0 John A, I.lovd 21 Ftlimit's adm'r. 32 Win. A. I.lojd f.r John A, I.lovd 23 Hcorv F irk 21 Coiu'lti ol lVnii'a llWf;.r, ItVK, 'i.V and all other knds of Giain and Seeds will be taken nt the high e t pric b in exchange for g io 'a at the store of HENRY YOXniIMKR. Sept. 12, 1810 5-f. M ACKKREL A few birrels of M ckerol for sa'e at a low pr (e by II. B, MASTER, Sc(l. 12. 1810. IKI.-JM SALMON. Ol the Inst quality, con S'an'ly on hand ami for solo bv 11". U. M.VSSER. Sept. 12, 1910. -rust (ina.llY Mai'iers H. B. MASSER, Yutei nfthe Elcc'ornt Colleen, 1S30. Martin Van Iluien had of electors, 170 Wm. H. Harri on, 73 Daniel Yv ebaler, 1 1 II. I.. VVnite, 20 Van Buren'a msjority over Harrison, 96 Welter, 157 " - White, Ml " all, 67 Tub Paasinsacv. It was frankly stated by J. Ij. Adams, in one of his Cor gre-si on a I Bx--chefc. that the four years during which he occupi d the Piesidcti'ial chair, were the most unhappy four yeais of his life. Sir Roller t Pi el, speaking ol Lord EKlort, r. -marked, that u even his failings leaned to virtue's ride ;" upon whii h a gent'eman observed that his lordship's fiilings rrsi'mbled Ihe leaning tower of Pi'a. whrch,in spite of its long inclination, had never yet gnne oivr. Coal Trtitle. The amount of coal carried on the Dani'lo anil Pottsville Rail R-ad to Sunhurv for shipping, du ring the we k ending on Se t. 23, ia 283 Too. Per last report, 8.531 Totil. 8,811 JOHN BUDU, w. m. The I'ririHl of Van lSuren and Johnston. WILL bold a comity meeting, al the Couit Hou-o in Sunbu y. on Saiuiday, the 18th d-iy of It is exis-eted that rev. r al add easi a MADEIRA WINE. Wine, f.-r silo low by Sept. 12, 1840. FOirilTII PROOF BRANDY. A n.nuu. art cle alwavs on hand and for sale bv II. II. MASS LR Sept. 13, 18 10- HOLLAND GIN, Ol the U-rt quality ..Jwtys on hand and for sa'o bv H. B. M.sER. Sept. 12, 1810. LOAF AND LUMP M'G.VR. Always en hand slid for sa e by If. B. M ANSER, Sept. 12, 1S40. BOSTON SYRUP MOLASSES. Ot a supe- ilor quatllv, for sale by 11. B. MASSER, Sept. 12, 18 IP. NEW ORLEANS MJGAR HOLE MO LASSES. Oi lliu beat ipitlily ulways on hand in d for sale by II. B. MASSERR, Sept. 12, 1910. BROWN Sl GAR. low bv Sept. 12, 1840. -t if a go-si ipj dity. for sal H. U.MAS El(. LIlJUORS. Of all kin Is and of the U-,t .(uab ties, always on hand and for sale by 11. B. MASSER. Sept. 12, 18-10. O t dtcr next, or discount therefrom, ami no I mil or discounl shall i will be delivered on the occa-ion, and that oil who The Hanks. We publish, tolay the fdlowinj bill, restrict ing tho banks, passed by the House of Represen tatives on the third of Ap il last, together with Ihe yeas snd nays on the pss-ae of the bill. We do this for the purpose of shewing how little rt-lianev can 1 placed in the assertions of Ihe M'ltnn Ledger and Sunbury Gazette. So far f'oni opposing a reform of the present banking sysirm, Mr. Ilegins votrJ for jti-t such res'ric ions on the hanks as the people desire, anJ e psk them to read the bill and judge foi themselves. It will lie recollected that this bill passed two weeks before iba Legislature first adjourneJ; plenty of time for the Senate to We passed ths bill, but diJ not ef proper to dj it. lie niado by any h ink, exec, t by ihe board of direc tors, a maj' rny i f whom shall be necessary to con stitute a qnorum for that pr . S:c. 17. Prmldcs further ena'ties sgiin't the viola i -ii of tho acl 'ii n lo an ill rules, Skc 19. The wilful and deliliarate false rwe ring l y any officer cr other person, lorn hmg nny atate ment made or other duty enjiincd by t' is r-cr, shall be (beni d peijury, a J punish il-lo as such; I ut til - solitary c- u ii.e a eut io any such a-e sha.) noi be c-s th in one nor n.oto t' K ve.irs. Si t. 19. The provisions contained in the fo e HO'.ttg acl, shall not be coi.strund as leg d xi-ig ihe sus ensiou of rpci ie payni- nt-. by H e b tl Ws of t' is prin.m inWeal U, or my otlur art or sets c mmiiled by them, or i of them, in viol: tion of the luw of thiscmni nwe.ilth. or the provi-xi scoutsimd in tltlr acl nf inc rp..rjii-m resicivelv. Sic. 20. Tbu I. gis'a'iue reseives full piw-r to make such nlteration", proviious and ieiiiei'ni,s as it rmv at any lime think pro aer to enact, f.r the regulation of the banks, savings institutions and loin comwni a wiih n this commouwea ill, and shall be liul-lo to such tax, as are now in f rce, or the legist -lure nny i,t ai.y ime In re. ft. r impo-e. S.c. 21. That si much f any law as isilnnd n.l supplied by thia s i.l act, ia her. by reM led. A ad on the question. h..ll the Lilt pass I The yeas and nays we e irqirn-d by Mr. Pa.k and Mr. M'Kinstiy, and aie a, lollows, v' : YEAS. M.vsrs. Ander-on, Andrews, v, Barvtow, Henner, Dons .11, llroidlieid, II uner, Vim, Chandbr, C do, Co.ilt.augh, Cratili. Crispin, Field, Filbert, Flannery, Fleniok -n, F ii k, Fotel. Ford, firilfill, (.r.fl'ubs. Hamlin, Hartshorn-', II KG INS ,,f Norihuiiiberlnnd. Helllenstein, ILnry, H err, H.I', Huge of Mercer, Hoge if (ireene, M-.l.ii. s, Hot cu stein, Hummel, Johnst-n J.u es, Ka..(l'.nan, Keim, Kinzle, Kni.igiiiachcr, Ku z,, l.ovr, I, .j, Lynns, M-Clure, M Kinn.y, M K nairy, rg n, N. IT, Kill, Park, Pcnuiman of Alb gheuy, Penrose, Kilt, r, Itota-n, Hnodora's, Snowdeu, Snvder, Slioheeker.Hwayne, Wilcx, W i son, Zeilio, Zim merman and Hopkins, Spuker bd. N AYS: Mes-rs. Burden, Caruiliera, Chur h,, Firher, Gr i . Iliggius ol Hontiu Ion, Hi n Icrn, Hinchintn, iiutehms, l aw, Morion, Smith, hmy vr, r-j loll slid WaHt 111. sre in favor of Denvvralic men and meisuies wi.l be recent. Tin apj.nwhing political ciile-l for the Preadency is an iiiior'aiit oil', and while our po'itic I opooents are vigilant and active to put down Van lluren and John-oii, an I with them the principles by which the DemiKra'ic pirty hae al ways b-en governed, snd ihe interests of the cur iry ma.u'aiii d, iho Dein.iciacy of Noitbumbcrland niiiiy, it is bnM I, w ill manifest their roal bv in ret. ing in enun'y conveuli n, on iho day i.b .vn m.-ii-linncd. GIDEON LEIsEN RING, WILLI M FU AGLY, A. JORDAN. ktandinif Commitles. The memtiers nf ihe standing committee, vh.fee n un. s me mentioned ah !. have not hid an op por unity it cn-uliin-4 with D.v.d B. M uiigo ineiy aiul .1. J. Miles, l'si., li e oiln r members f the c niip.ti.e. bin res'iuv ibey wi'l agree as lo thn ropnety ef ihe altve call, and the lime liej. G. L. W. F. GREEN AND BLACK TF. VS. tlf the best quality alwivsou hand audf -r sale bv II. B. MASSER. Sept. 12, 1910. COFFl- E. Java, Rio and Laguira Golfee, con stautly on bind and for sale bv U. 11. MASSER. SepL 12, 18(). SPERM OIL. Winter and Summer strain. SjM'rin Oil, of Ihe test qual.ty, alwavs on band nn for sale bv II. , Al ASUlt Sept 12, 1810. STEEL. Csl and IJ.i-tei Steel, f. r s ale by H. B. MASSER. Kept. 12, 1810. SPRING S I'El L. Of vai ions riies f..r Elipt Spring for sale by II. B. MASSER. Se,-t. 18,1810. BIBLES. F.r sale II. B. M ASSER. -Of all kin 's. (or sale by 11. B. MASSER. Run'mry, Of t ,'3. IR10. A.J. Jacob Shalltr ' IMalf. kiioaviug themrrlve. in tented t iIim is.a e ol Jac b bluller, laic ol Augusta iow,.iiip Noithumlrfiliiid county, ilec'd., aie In ie by r- iju i-1 si to ui..k' pay ent on or before the 3 Irl day ol Octi.b. r, inrt., slid llio.e havihi a'c -unt-uga list .ii, I rstsie, wi I make llimn known, properly authenticated for toitluineiit. JOHN BLOOM. Oct. 3, 1 St 1 0. if. .i.(ii' LOST. WIIECLsliAltilOW w.s taken from the SL """ of ,rlH sul.soiih.-r, Any peiron who I. as ii in saae al li, will p -a- lo iciuni il, or inl-.nn the subcriltr where he C ill grf i. JOHN DERING Ocoler3, 1810. If. lAtHHMJT LAWS. IHE Paiep'.le Laws, for ll.e sorsiou 1839-40, baval Is en n ee ve.l al thisoince, and art) now la.jy for di.iiibiit.Oii Jo iIiomi enlt.lid lo recti vo (hem. SAMUEL D. JORDXN, Pii'tho'ii Urt's oll'ico. i'n-M'y. tuului, -J. pi.".':, 151 '. $ T LRGE (jlTARTO very rjJuced prices by Sept. 12, 1610. BLANK BOOKS. Sept. 12, I8l). BLANK DEEDS. Bonds. Mnrtc . Ate. for rale by H. B. MASER, Sept. 12, 1810. JI'S'I ICES' BLANKS. for sale bv II. B. M ASSER. Sept. 12, 1840. I Joseph Tregn 2 Ge..rgn Wcishaiise 3 Christ or. Ncsbit 4 George Liwrence ft Henry W.Snyd. r Adam Mil ler Harner for Rouah 8 K rkpaliii k A. Son 9 Dr. Win. Henderson vs Henry Hr -wn, Va Shiprrun At. Groenouith vs Thomas Grant's ad.u's. vs Frederick Hcckerl, vs J. C. B' Nuuise, vs Wm. M Car.y rt al., vs Dr. RoWri Phillips, vs Dennis Water--, vs ll.nry Baidshcr, va J.J. Caul rt al., vs Wm, Foray t hj, vs J in s L'6, v. John Fi he rt, 5 John DimMe K Milton H r. ngti v Wm Wilson, jr. vs 11. L. DirlTciil.auoJi. Vs Weaver, Lloyd and Ro bins, vs Robert Mack, vs Jaco i Wheel.ind, 7 Groves for Hart & Co vs J in LeisenriiiK, 8 J.rrcnh Vlarn'e's ex'r v John K tier et a I.., 29 Porter for Yoxtheinii r vs Thomas Cow .n, 30 Peter Wary vs jobn H. At Co. SAMUEL D. JORDAN, My. Prothonot iry's Ollico, i . . . . Su bury, Sept. 17, 1 8 to. """ last n6txcb. A LL those ii.dul.ted to th lale brni of 1 hn'ch- A er and Thoinps -n. aru hereby n-.lilieJ to ca I uml selilc Ihrir accounts, as they will be left in tl;f hands of a Jus tco for c I'ee i n, without respect to parsons. 8AMIKI. I'll A rt HEK, MAM I I ItU.ul olLv. (f'T The b...ka will nmiiiii in my hands un il Ihe 3 1 at of October next. SAMUEL THOMPSON. Sunbury, Sept 19. 5v notIce. CREDITORS TAKE NO 1 1GB that we have spiled to (ho Couit ef Common P.'eaa of Nor:h um'.H'rluud eoui ty for ihe lx rnfit of the Lw nude for lie tcl ef of insolvent do Oors; and that the Ju.lgis of the said I'ouil have upK)inted the fust .Moo. lay ol ,ovemls'r ntxl, to dear us ml i-ur cnilil-.m ..t ti c Court House in Sunbury, when und where you may ttt'en.l H ymi think .f..pcr. I IHIMAS I'OYEK. JOHN JONES, his JOSEPH r-1 POYCR. niaik HERMAN YEIGH, ROHIKP SMITH. Sunbuiy, Sept. mU-r 13, 1810. Aolicc. AI L ACCOUNTS remaining in my books previous to the first of Ainil 1810, will bo left in the hands of a Justice of the Peace for eo l. ctinn. HENRY YOXIHIV1ER- N. B. Grain of all kinds will be taken on old accounts. Sept. 12, 1840. tf. Public Sale .Balliino.-e. CLOTHS, Blue, Black. Invisible (Jr. en. .Vic, fors.lebv H. I). M VSEi;, IS. pt. 12. 1810. CAsiMKRES AND K.TTI. ET I'S. id- very low by 11. U. .MASSER. 12. 8j;l. For CARPETING. Eoi raV cheap by II. B. MASSER. Sept. 12, 1810. BL ANKE'l'S For sulo cha,i bv II. P. M .jaHER, Sq.t. 12. 1810. I NBLKxCIIED Mi:sLIN".-l'or sile by II. B. MASsEIt. September It, 1H'. COTTON YARN AND COT'f'.'N LM'S Foi..lby 11. B- .MASE. September 12, 1840. HEMP AND COTTON TWINE. F. r silo by IL B. .MAssEK. Kepemlier 13, 1810- TOWING LINES, CORDS AND ROPES For sale hv I. U. MASSt'R. t-.-ji.Uibi i I", 1 8 10. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Conrl of Noribuinli. rlsn.l County, will he expo ed lo sale by pulibc vendue or ou'erv. on Monday, the VJtk day nf October nejrl. al the Court Mou e in tho B .rough of Sunbury, a certain Island in ike River Su-qtiehamn, in Augus- t.i Townshiii, Northumberland county, c-n'aii.tng ten a. r-a in. re or less, late tho estate of Jacob Seashol'z, i!et d. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock of said day, when the conditions will le ma.lo known bv Fr- ib r ck L nus, Adminis'r .tor, dt hinii nnn A-c. of said dice.'ei.t. JOHN G. YOUNG l AN. Sunbury. Aue. 29. Cl'k. O. C. T i a ii i o r I a tion Ia i n c TO BALTIMORE, (VH HUE WTK CaJIJIL ) Wiirciiiiie fxt of Chmntit Street on the Pen" tyfriwiit CuvtiL A BOAT l.we t!;e wh'irfof the subs rils'r e ve. ry mornii g "t 8 o'clock, running through to lla t.- liinre in lliiee ilava. t.oiiBignmenlB ol protlu.p. iron, Ace., will re. rive a de-patch by ibis line, which has nol hitherto been ouailod hy any Iiaie i o I fn-icht as low as by any o'her regular line. References: JOHN V. BROWN, BUCK . II ERR. KERN AN A. STILLNIGER. J. V A. H. IIERR. GimkIs inli nded for Pitihlhirs, or any o let on the Penttsytv u.ia' Canals, will le sliipisd wi houl del v on their arrival al Harrlsliurj, as tins con nects with the Notth American line of Poilabl. Boats to Pilisb urj d .il v, an I with the Suuinban. na Packet Line to Northumberland, W illiamspon, Wi kesbane, snd all intermediate laces. GEORGE W. LAYNfi. HarrUhu-g, Sept. 9, 1810. ICt'inoval. 11 O O K-B INDERY. THE Htiderslgne.l havo rhe gritiricailon ef jr. f.-rmi g the public, that uotwilbatan.lii g tl-ey w. ie o tii.f ittnnsle as to have their bindery I.Urnl J.ivn, in Match lat, Ibey have opened a very et'ciiMve one, in Lncut street, in tl e uew building diioctly opp m-iIo G rini'a Hotel .ti.l aie piep ir. d lo ex. cu e all woik in their line with d. spalcli, and in a sit l.ior sty In. Their RULING APPARATUS aii l oil cr Ma hi.. cry uie new, and of the lirsl order and latent io.provt nn nls ; und they d. nee In tit ir facilities f r ivi;ig perl'.cl sati-fao lion lo all who in .y la .or tbein with their orders. Banks. ('. u..iy olbcea, Mo chai.t-, Med si.icr and oil eis, can be supplied w la BLANK HOOKS nf rverv ib seripiiim, which for rieilnest and diini biliiv, will le equal to any made by Ihe UiiieJ Si.lcs. HICKOK CANIINE. HARKISBURG, Sep . 9. .a ... .1. ;siilii,iiii ajs,s.ifciilT1 terpr'r.s an.1 Im'u t.y, which mny well excitu itio ast iiishmeut ol th so who are unacquailitej with hi r iiirxhsosiii'lvdrpo-itea of co d and iion. Hrr rugged hi N and solit iry wistea, hereinfore woilhiess, are now eagerly sought after lor the coal and iron which lh"V contain, (he most v luable minerals in nature. It his been slid that England owes her present p wer and wealth nine lo her coal a .d iron than lo all oiher catiso- com bined. If so, then Pennalvania has within her own l or.lcrs inn rual resources anil powers of wealth utisurpassed by tho wh- lo Union. I he rslnim .kin roil rrgiou, connected with tins pl.i.i! by a r dl oad 20 miles in length, which a feiv years mice was a sobt.ry wild, untrodden by thn foot of Dn.n aav the solitary pursuit of gmie, ifrnow teeming with busy and iudualiioiM population. I he town of Sliom. kin I.KBted in tlm Coal re iion, a new vi luge cont lining shout omi hundred houses, bis sptung up as if by magic, sime that These improvements which are but a eommrn f - merit i.f a aeii.a of woiks upon a large scale u v ill progress, iixut as they are, hae already gi'l a new lie and impetus to this section of our county. With the m views and under tbes) consider t toliS sc, in common wiih uisi.y of our most . -teemed fellow citueus, cauceived lliat wall mil dueled jouru-il, if proetIy encouiaged, could ! remlered h'gbly tervicoalde to the coiunittnry. I ho progre-s ol iinpiova.tieiit and the rapid increase i l population, iud. ed iciuue that'ttio i res sh uld ti.-t only keep pace with the spirit of enleiprin and in dustry, but as a pi.tncer lead th w ay and siimuta i to t-xeriloii the cnterprixmg and wealthy capitalist. I he ertabliahment of a new press in this pt r.i has freipioully been spoken of, snd was loiigsiuv.i in contemplation wlieoevij a opjioriu iy h .u'.li ccur. e believe lliat pei lod, haniow r rived. Our dedgn ia to make the American a p -r-matM-nt and uselul jourual, ronvey lug useful and inton sling iiilotuiatioii to all classes of icaJct.i Conducted wiih the utmo.l decorum, its to.ic .ti.l sentiments shall at nil tim?s be such, that t' c not rupulmis parei.l may place it in the h-inds of x y memlsfr of his Ismily with perfect impunity. L i sctini.ity and violent personal ahuse hail l-e - fully ixcluib-d from its co'uuius. And wLil. oo rh .11 always be ready an.l prompt in tho expressi u of our opinions upon matters of public policy, v. ah .11 always endvaor lo preserve that liccot-ii.i and extond that curtesy towards our cole m pur... i. a ann otneri, trial o .e gcuile.n. ti bas a ngU'. t ) exj . t fr. m another. To the interests of the farmers and ctiltivad r o f (he soil, the bone nnd sinew of our country, who. in an agr.cul ural point l View, form the ba.i ..f all trade, commerce und manuluciun s, wo ah- h . vo'c a portion of our columns, and snread Iu .h ihetn such mailer as siiati t)o oolh u-cl'ul and . n- t. rt.ituuig. To tho tn-hanic ai d nil o'lurs, we tm-t . o shall be able to uiake the Ainiricau an iuien;i..g an.l li.struciivc jou n I. In politics wc shall, as wo h ive alieadv an nounced, support the general and state admitih-tr lions. In advocating the r. -clntl ,n uf Mnr. VlK Ul HL! and KltHiBI) M, J..llt0. to ill l high stations wlvich thoy no.v uccui y, a id wh i.i they have filled with such dittinguislied abilitt. . we shall c urine ourselves to mca urea and Co principles upon which they are gioun.tcd. Rocri . inaiion ana low ncrsonjl ubuae which the laon-r of j!iiitat Wi.-faie never ful to p roduce, hi. I wnicn we reg-et to any is m.lnUrif in to an aim . t unlimited extent, by the pariizin presses of side, we! shall catelully avoid, deeming it not on! ilemoraliting to the community and derogatory i me nign cnsricur ol tha press, tut unwise, iui- pu.ittc an.l unjust. I'm our fcirloaa and naiilotic Governor Djvid R. Pol. r, who has thus fai identiliecl himsulf wnli the true in'ere-U of the state, an 1 whose wise a A alu a y measures haVe received the appro' ation ..' every hoiiert .d l.lairal min.l, we siall ex'end o i r m sit ror.lial supts.rt. We have therefore pi . .1 bis name nt tho head of our columns, fully coi.i . dent that the honest ye imnmy of Pennsylvn.. n win always te munn sustuimng nonesty or purp .. . and in'egrity ef conduct ill a justly p.iblio s, rvant. H. B. MASSER. JOSEPH E1SELY. Sunbury, Sept. 19, 1810. TO Till'. ll JtL.ll', In fmbmittina to tlio pu'dic tho first tm n'ers i f the "Aineiican,1' il may be deemed incumr-ei t on ua as noces-ary and proper lo make a few observa tions in r. latino lo tbr establishment of this pr. as, and the e..i,r.e which its ronduclors int. nd lo pin sue in its put.ticalion, Thei g- in which we live h b bo- q t rut v styled iho if, wlmh no power on tar Ii canarie.-t in its piugies. The applies! cu of steam to the various ptrpoaas if si', and thd more roienl discovery of aim li ng iron wah snilnsrne coal, promts to I rnnsyl vauu results that cauiiol bn tou bi,hy c-ti-in .( d. The great valley of the r'urjuuharin L soon rje. t:i:id lo b io.i.s tad lbs is ul a nciv sc. u vf si.- BOSTON NOTION. THE L4ROEST.1XU CHEAPEST NEWS- PAP EH L THE WOULD. rilHB spirit of ihe age is utilitarian. Impro'." L ni nt is stamKl upon the face of every thn i;. All tl.e useful arts sre procr.;ring with unpauail. i ed rapidity, and the Art of Printi. g is coming i t f.r it-i lit I t-hire of tho commo i improvement. Deto.m ed not to be outdone in any thing that pe. tains to his profession, where there ia a fair cban. o for exertion and enlerpriie, the undersigned has de le, mined upon issuing a aluet twice iho six; of tho B.isti.n Weekly Tun s, (a id is to take the pla. o of that paer,) and w II contain sight columns more, miner thin the Bro lirr Jonathan. Ths shoet wi: be cslbd tlie BOSTON NOTION, an.l it is d. termitted thai il shall sust .in a cognomen s fn'l of meaning, ami interwoven with the csta'u-liih.-d char ictrr of our Ys .kve cily. Il w ill be ti.a Lau.-k.sT NrcwspieER is thk Would with n exception and will he punted on a sheet thirl), a. ven by fif:y.two inchiv. it will be filed entirely w th rtading ni .1 er, an I will contain Tlnco 'Phou san.1 E.l.t Huuditd and Eighty Eight .piaro inches, oi Twen'j-ivi ii rq.mre fee' of print in ti o ypi! and a single n'ltnlwr will eot-tiin more read ing thin an o .liuary book nf Three Hundrc l pages. Tiles, illiim. a o .a wdl i n il le t!ie pubh.-her to largely upon llio ino.t popular periodica' of the dav.liolli Ann r. i an and Foreign ; and at tho selections will hs made with great care, it is believ ed psrrr ui'i be a welcome Notion to every I n. oly, BesUis a full synopaisoi ihe current new of ihe tLiy,) as pubti-heJ in ihu Bitu Daily 'Punes.) it w.l e n'sin Pm-try, Popular Tales, Theatrical Criticisms, Police and other Court 1U-p-.rt.. llun.o--.ius Aitu-U-s, A.C. Ac. The wli. le wo Id of Li era' ure will be ransacked to fill il. From the s'udy i f tho ptiilosophti dow n to tlie po'i.e courts, through all regions of reasou, poe:iy,, wil, and the ample record of folly, w aUa I fctcin fium ll.e pistrnd the present and fioin all na i"ns, to as plea.iug and useful eiiu.binaiioii f recorded lU'.ught and current hi toiy, as iba wo. Id cin tippy or iudustry p-uduct'. This n our "Boston Norms. m This giet amount of wisdom an.l fun of wit and philosophy ol' novo ties and antiquities wa a e bb'a lo ulKy, wetkly lor six ciiti per copy, only six rents! ai.d we rsti tl i it lu causa of tho lav li i s of our ! as and dlka, and the conuectioit of dii'y and weekly publications. For tiibki nui lims wa can svll a year's vo, U.. in quantity of nintt.'i. with every varl. ty a s., l. 1 if y-two Yo. uiim if Novels, ticti aa are iaauJ fio. ii I'io pr. n i f h s day. F.fl.'-wo Uie Vo'uisi f rj Tbaa Do Lr. ! Effoctedad by improved ni -chin. iy, sr. 1 by ad tr.i.ina ion that we will not 1 outdone i enleipi x-i and u-trfu'rH'st. TtUMS. Tn Don. mi a year, s!way in dva' ce no i.ide.a, u in. to r from what souco, will be ail nd(l to u. le.-s acc uipaniej wnh ia CAML can,'1 cu, i six c.-n.a t-cli. 'Put M tiis ur i!,j rs r.-ii.itm.g Tanuty Dot. la.ashsl haee I ighl e pies --nt to such persjna and u'it'ee as they ne.y oe ignatc. GtOiiOi; feOHEUrs, ruWislm.