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Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. [volume] (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, October 24, 1840, Image 1

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E. B. jmJSSEH, Editor.
orrici tit M4KtT ithkit, xr nets.
THE AMERtO .N" is published every 8atur
day at TWO HOLLARS nor annum to be
pnid half y curly in edvanre. No paper discontin
ued til all arrearages ate paid.
No subscription received for a lens period thin
six mohthh. All roinnuiriirati'ti or loiters on
busine relntintr in the office, Id injure attention,
von thi amcrica.
An Autumnal Sunset
Ave Maria ! ble-eed le tbe hour,
The time, the clime, the spot, wiiere I ao oft
Have felt th tt moment in ita fullral powei
Sink o'er tlie earth, ao beautiful ami soft."
Not ih fair Qreecc, that blight and favored dime,
Where rose Olympus home of Gode sublime ;
Where Sol hia golden aplrndor richly gave.
To duck the earth, and gilJ the ..Ear an wave;
Where all of grandeur, glory, and of art,
Mingled, their richest beauties to impart;
Could softer tint, more gorgcoua huea be given,
Than glow in ihia fair acene, and yon bright heaven 1
What though no classic lore haa hsllow'd here
Thia Western land, ao beautiful, and dear ;
Nor modern banl, inimnrtal numbers mng,
Nor o'er each spot such deep enchantment flung,
Ita native tpkmhirs, thrill the inmost aout.
And oVr the spirit shid their sweet control.
Oh ! fr a ray of g nius from above !
To speak ihe ruptures, in the soul thai move,
While gazing fr -m this eminence I view
The atnkiag aun, the mountain's purple hue,
The broail and noble 8uquchann's tide,
Now rolling silv'ry through ihe valley wide;
The rich au umnal tints, that clothe each bill,
That rents in meetly, ao culm, ao still,
While d.ep'ning twilight inks upon the earth,
And in the vault l Heavn, the stars come forth
'T II fioui yon testcrn height, the moon, fair queen,
Casts tu t pule mantle o'er the magic acene.
And filling glories, sadly, sweetly te.l,
That eve has come, and day lia add farewell.
tt It-at tceues ot Nature, in this holy hour,
Ye come upon the heart, with thrilling power.
And lift the soul beyond the glowing sky,
To bold communion with its God on high.
lVa 1st den Deutschen Valeriana
Where ia the German's fatherland!
Tbe Prussian land 1 the "wahian land 1
.Where Rhine the vine-cl id mountain Uveal
Where skim the gull the B.iltic waves 1
O no! O no! O no! O no!
He owns a wider fit hoi land
m Where is the Got man's fatherland T
Ua'aiijn land ! or JStyrian land !
Where sturdy pearmnta plough the plain !
Wheie mountain suns bright metal gain!
O no ! dec.
Where is the. German's fatherland t
The Saxon hilUt the Zuyder atiand!
Where sweep ild wind ihe Bandy shore
Where I od the rollii g D mule roars 1
O no ! &c.
Were is ihe Gennim's fivherland 1
Then name, then nutne the mighty la d !
The Austrian I .nd in fiht renowned t
The Kaiser's land with honors crowned 1
On.! O i.o! O no! (In.!
M i not th' G' nimu's fa bcriind.
Where is the Gef nan's fatherl ind t
Then nam", then nam- ihe mighty land ;
The land of II der t land of Tell!
This land I know, and love it well ;
But no ! 5cc,
Where ia the German's fa'herland 1
lit Ida Ihe p iced a I id puc he I lind 1
Where pirau -princes rule t A Rem
Torn I'm n the empire's dis U m 1
O -.o! O mi! () no! O i.o!
Sucl) is no German's i"ailietla id.
Whre ia the German'- fu'h tland 1
Then name, oh, n .rue th. mighty land I
When 'er ia beard the G. rman tongue.
And Germ n hymns to Hod are u g 1
This is the land, the Hermann's land ;
This, German, ia thy fatherland.
Thia ia the German's fatherland,
Where faith ia in the p:igh'ed hand,
Wheie truth Uvea in each of eye blue.
And every heart ia staunch and true
Thia ia the land, the honest land,
The honest Geimau'a fatherland.
Thia ia the German's fatherland,
That acori.a tbe stranger's proud command ;
Wh-ne frirnd ia every good and brave,
Whose foe is every traitor knave
This is the land, the one true land,
The German's one true fatherland.
This is tbe land, the one true land,
O G.mI, to aid I ill ou at hand!
And 'lie each heart, and nerve each arm,
To on I I our German h .m-e from burnt.
To shield the laud, the, one true laud,
One Deut cbland and one lathi ilaud.
Hotel H jaaaar. Mr. Joel Atkins, a boarder
t the Washington Hotel, waa surprised on Saiur-
diy morning when he got up, to find bimatlf mi
nua upwards of $300, which bad been atoUn fruat
his pocket during the uighl. On looking round
the room, he thought he dicovereJ eomelbiag
at rang nbout be vallanee of the bed, and
lifting it up, diacov, red pair of UooU not biaor.-n.
He buiuediaiely went out, and locking the door
. after him, slaimed the bouse. He returned, ae
companied by aeversl otheis, and dragged the d
liiiquent from hia biding place. Uj n hia person
were found $20 of the stolen nouey, and the aest
waa found ia the water jug. Ioforinatiou waaaent
to the police office, aad offioer Tsppau waa forth
with despatched for bim. The priaonet is young
tnn of most respectable appearance, and bad beeaj
boarding at tbe hotel day or two previous. Us
gt a hia name Chaa. Wm. Smith, ia 18 years old,
an J a na'ivaof Burlington, Vermont. Ha was fully
lomuiittej. ZVorVf AnathaHi
Absolute acquiescence in the decisions of ihe
By Dlattscr & Elneljr.
M-.liuitfH . A m,,mm, ..
From the Knickerbocker fur October.
TUB cnjivo.y FJiPEns,
bt waiainsTnn taTiire.
, A Seminole Tradition.
When the Florid as were erected inlo a territory
of the United Stale, one of Ihe earliest carve of the
Governor, William P. Dutai, a directed to
the intrucion and civiliaitton of the native. For
thia purpose he called a meeting of the chiefs, in
which he informed them of the wish of their Great
Father at Washington that they should have
schools and teacher Among them, and lint their
children should be instructed like the chi dren of
white men. The chiefs listened with their custom
ary silence and decoium to a long speech setting
foith the advantage that would accrue to them
from Ihi measure, and, when he had concluded,
begged ihe interval of a day to deliberate on it.
On ihe following day, a eolemn convocat on waa
held, at which one of the chiefs addressed the gov
ernor in the nam of all the rest : M My brother,"
said he, we have been thinking ov.r the prop ai
tion of ourcat Father at Washington, to send
tenchera and set up schools among us. We are
very thankful for the inter, at he takea in our wel
fare; hut after much deliberation, have concluded
to decline hia t.ffor. What will do voiy well for
white men, will not do for red men. I know you
white men aay we all come from the same father
and mother, but you are mist ken. W.e have a
li edition birld doVn from our forefathers, and we
believe it, that the Great Spir t, when he Undertook
to make men, made the black man ; it waa hia first
attempt, and pretty well for beginning but he
aoon aaw he had bungled ; n he determined to try
hia hand again. He did a, and ma le the red man.
He liked him much better than the black man, but
stilt he was not eiactly what he wanted. Then
he tried once more, and made the white man; and
then he waa satisfied. You aee, therefore, that you
were made last, and that i tbe reason I call you
my youngest biother. .
M When the Great Spirit had made the three men
he called them together and showed them three
boie. Tbe first waa filled wt'h hooks, and maps,
and pspers; the second with bows and arrowa.
knives and toraibawks; the third with spades, axes,
hoe and hammer. These, my Bon. sai 1- he,
are the means by which you are to live ; choose
among them accordine to your fancy.'
'The white min, being the favorite, had the first
choice. He passed bv the box of working loots
without notire ; but when he came to the weapons
for war and hunting, he slopied and looked hard
at them. T he red man trrmMcJ. fur he had set hia
heart upon that boi. The w'dte nan, however,
after looking upon it for a moment, paaed oh, and
choose the box of books and paper. The ted man's
turn rame next ; and yoa may l e aure he aeixed
with joy upon the bows and arrowa, and loms-
hnwks. As lo the black man, he had no choice
left, bul to put Up with ihe box of tools.
" From thia it is clear that the Great 8ptiit in
tended that the while man should leam lo re id and
write; t undera and all about the moon and alara
and to make every thing, even ruin nd whiskey.
That the red man should he a first rate hunter and
a toighly warrior, but he waa not lo learn anything
from hooka, aa the Great .pint ha I not given htm
any : nor aa he to make rum and whiskey, lest be
should kill himseif with drinking. Aa to the I lack
mm, as he had nothing but working tools, M waa
clear he waa to work for the white and red man,
which he ha continued to do.
We must go according to tbe wiahea of lha
Great Spirit, or we shall gel inlo trouble. To know
how to read and wiite, is very good for while men,
hut very bad for red men. It makes white men
better, but red men worse ; aome of the Creeks and
Cbefokrea learnt lo read and write, and they are the
greatest ratcils among all the Indiana. They went
on to Wabington, and said they weie gjing lo see
their Great Father, to talk about tbe good of the na
tion. And when they got there, they all wrote
upon a little piece of paper, without the nation at
home knowing anything about it And the first
thing the nation at home knew of the mailer, tl.ey
were called together by Ihe Indian agent who
showed them a little piece of paper, which he lo'd
them waa a treaty, which their brethren had made
in their name, with theii Ore it Father at Washing
ton. And aa they kni w not what a treaty waa, be
held up the little piece of paper, and they looked
under it, and lo! it covered a great extent of coun
try, and ihey found that iheii brethren, by knowing
how lo read and write, had sold their house, and
their lands, and lha grave of their father ; and
that the white man, by knowing how to trad end
write, bad gained ihsm 'IVB our Great Fa her at
Wahingion, therefore, that we are very orry we
cannot receive leacbera among us j for reaarmg and
writing, though very good tot white men, ia very
bad for Indians."
Miuiiis Ca4mt. fcrguson, who recently
murdered hia wife by shooting her, in Exeter, New
Hampshire, baa Wo caught in tbe woods, and
conveyed to jail.. The unfortunate woman was
well educated and amiable. She was grand.
daughter ol Timothy Dexter, famoua in (he annals
of Newhuryport fur h a wealth and' iuaane extra
vagancies among which v. as insisting upon being
rilled Lord I imotliy..
mnjority.jhe vital principle of Republic, from Which
Sunbury, IVortbumberland Co.
Testimony of a lirlUsh Naval
The annexed waa addressed by captain Stoll. of
the British Navy, to iho lteV. Dr. Hodskin, of Lon.
d.m. ar,3 a copy of it waa transmitted by a friend
to Dr. Proudfit, secretary te Ihe Colonisation 8oci
ety in New Yoik.
PicCiiiiLLt, July 17th, 1840.
Mr Dim Siat I had not returned from the
country at the time your meeting was held, to which
you were so kind as to invite me. Thi will ac
count for my silence, and I am sorry that the presa
of affiira on ma at this moment, should interfere
wiih my contributing my mite for the African race,
in case I houkI not meet you before leaving Lon
don. I shall commit the following facts to paper.
all of which are from my own obseivation relative
to the American Colony of Liberia, in which you
are ao much intmated, and justly ao. My opin
ion, though not of much value, is, thai it promise
to be the only successful institution of the sort on
ihe coeet of Africa, keeping in mind ita objects,
namely, that of raising the African alave into a freo
man, preparing Tor the exercise of civil liberty in its
vsrious branches from the Governor to the laborer,
the extinction of the slave trade, and last, though
not least, the teligioua and moral improvement of
Africa at large. First, then, from the carriage and
conversation of the emancipated slave, you perceive
that at once he feels himself a free man. They one
and all told me, they were men now, which they
never were before, and had a prospect foi their chit.
dren, not in Ihe least regretting their departure from
America, on the contrary, desirous ofgotting their
relations over to j' in them. 2. The affairs of the
col n.y are conducted, with tbe exception of the
Governor, entirely by colored men, chiefly by liber
ated alivca; and Mr. Buchanan, a moat able and
xcalous friend of the African, sssuird me that tbeii
judicial administration would do credit to any elate
in America, nd that Ihey were moat reasonable in
a'l their propositions and d bates in their House of
Assembly. They are all quite aware that nothing
but industry can conduce to their wealth and com.
fort, and practice it. Even the Africana captured
and watched by the American Government, have
followed tbe example set by the eolonUU, for when
I vi.iled them about 3 P. M., the hottaart pail of tha
day, I found them all at work on their farms. 3
No one in the remotest degree connected with the
sieve trade ia allowed ever to communicate with Li
berie, muuch less trade, and fioin a little affair wiib
myself and occular proofs, ihey are alwaya ready to
join in any expedition for the destruction of al.v
factories. 4. They are preparing Missionaries from
amongat themselves, and have attempted it on a
small scale, but with what success I am not ready
to say, not haing had an opportunity of personal
inspection, but their schools do them credit, more tt
peeially when their means are considered.
The colonists, with low exceptions, are all mem
here of churches, and I can most safely testify tha
a more orderly, sober set of people I never met with
I did not hrai an improper or profane espiesMon
during my vikit. Spiiila are excluded in moat
not all the settlements. They have formed them-
-Ivea into varioua societies, such as agricultural,
b 'tanical, mechanical, for promoting christian know
ledge, also a Ladies' aoriety for clothing the poor,
tfc. The aurrounding Africana are aware of the
nature of the colony, t .king refuge when persecu
led by ihe few neighboring slave traders. Th
remnants of s tribe have lately fled and aettled in
the colony on lands granted ibem. Between my
two visits, a lapse of only a few days, four or five
alavca Bought refuge from their master, who Waa
about, or had sold them to lbs only factory on that
part of ihe coast. The native chief in ihe neigh
borhood have that respect for tha colonists, that
they bate made treaties for the abolition of tbe
alave trade, aa also constituted the Governor Judge
iu the diaputea smongbt themaelvea, and a rsmarka.
ble instance had occuned only a ft days previous
to my visit. One chief submitted lo the arbitration
of Mr Buchan n, though contrary lo hia own iJei
of right and justice, and paid ihe fine imposed upon
i coulJ aay much more, but my lime Joes not ad
mit, and I must conclude this rambling and bur
ri d account of my visit to Liberia, with thia obser
vation, that I went there unbiassed, and left it with
a conviction, that colonies on the principle of Libe
ria ought to be established aa aoon as possible, i
we wuh lo aavs Afiica, and lbs materia,! for such
colonies, ( think, can only be procured fom alavea
in the United States. I am not disposed, from
what I have seen and known of our Imlia blacks,
to select thttin for the great work, if for no other
icaeon, lha Amu lean black apeak pure English.
Excuse thia hasty production with its faults, bul
rather than break my word, I aend you this, and
wiih v ry wih for yourself in your philtnihropic
exiruona, I remain, my dear sir,
Yours, inokt truly,
J. 8. 1L S l'OLL.
Taa RxeiBTSATioa. Tbe day of Registration
in sw-Yoik closuJ on Satuiday. Tks eX)ra
says about 4,uOO votes have been registered,
lb Ah ward 3519 weie down on Saturday.
Ponrtuss.Henry McCoure, Gsrdener st w
Brighton, Stalest Hand, has raised this yeas' from
on seed 098 weight f pumpkins, weightyHso
ry DsrieU, wrigher. On purikin wtigftftasjrOj
there is no appeal ,ut to force, Ihe vital prhtiple and
Pa. Saturday, October 34, 1840.
Antltraclte Iron. ,
't'he nronrittlnra nf lha Crnlon work in New
Jetsey, have receutly discovered the mode of t- fin-1
ing Iron with Anthracite Coal, and have made an
experiment wiih several tons pig mcUl, obtained at
the Crane works, in which the whole process from .
the or to the bar, haa been effected with Anthra
cite Coal, to the refining procem, th result a
aaving of about 30 per cent., notwithstanding th
coat of the eeal war about $1 26 par Ion. The
loaa of weight in the firat proceer w.is Rout two
tliiida, and in the aecond about three-fourtha kt$
than in the ordinary mode with charcoal. Thia
fact, with the exce'lent quality of the Imn, proves
the superiority of tbe fuel, snd xlso establishes the
fact, that the coal region ia Ihe place wheie the
smelling and refining can be catried on to the grea
test advantage. To miirb the ore, cost sboul $1
per lon, snd the coal, in Borne l.caliohak would not
exceed 75 cent. But the proprietor of the Dan
ville woika, having made . the discovery, they have
determined upon constructing their rcfineiy in the j
&e! region, and from the abundance of ore that is
found alongside of the coal, it will not be long lc
fore the entire istablishments for smelting and re
fining, will be found st tbe mouth of the mines.
Ptnn Inquirer.
All coriect. The coal rcgina where the ore and
coal is found lying contiguous, is tbe only proper
plais foi the l.cati,,n of extensive iron wo ka. Af
ter the ore ia converteJ into pig metal, there ia no
more ore required in manufacturing iron but it
will rrquiro at least three tone of coal to convert pig
metal into a ton of good bar iron. Here the Fur
nace, Refinery, Rolling Mill, and Factory for work
ing up the m tal into ell the various purposes for
which ilia required, can be located at ihe mouth of
a drift, fiom which the ore and coal can be tun
into the tunnel head of th Furnace, refined and
mmufacturrd on the spot, without any transporta
tion, except transporting the manufactured article
to a market, which can be done throughout the
wh le year by means of the Canal or Rail Road.
Miner i' Journal.
A Shark Story.
Aa an offt to the ship news given a few ka
since, fiom the bow la of John 8hark,lhe New Or
leans Picayune tells the following story :
Once upon a time, when the packet ship Corio
lanua waa returning from Liverpool to New Voik,
the carpenter, a very worthy man, wss taken sick,
snd after a brief illness, expired on shipboard. He
had an intoreating son, whn waa hia assistant as
ship carpenter, and the boy loved his fa'hor with
the moat tender and filial afTection, The poor
youth's heart was almost broken at the lots of hia
parent, and no persuasion coulJ induce him to
leave the body.
The usual preparations for a funeral at aea were
mado ; the poor carpenter waa mwoJ up in hia
winding sheet, and wiih htm waa put an old grind
atone, hatchet and chisel, to carry him down to I.U
long rest in the ocean. The poor boy grew Irantic
when hia father waa about to bj committed to the
waves, and was obliged lo b. held off by lha Bailors.
At lenglh, just aa the fatal lurch of the ve;el waa
taking place, thoboy with the a length of a maniac,
broke from the sailors and dashed himself upon the
body at the very moment it Waa si ding over the
ship's side. Il waa too late lo save b in. vnd ding
ing wildly to the dead body of his father, Ihe hap.
les boy was seen to make one swill plunge, and
disappear forever down, down into the eternal ca
verns of the mighty ocean.
This was in lat. 07 long. 79, which was duly
eriti red on the log book. The Coiiolanus arrived
atNsw Yoik, completed all ber bu.iness prepara
tory lo her uext trip, and Sided sgain for Liver
Take in a long breath, reader, iia coming.
When in lat. 69 long. 48 au euonu iu shark
wjs caught, and when hauled utmn dek a moat
extraordinary n ise teemed, lo proceed from the
huge mooter's atouuek. The creature waa Ojened.
and there waa the father, the sou, the grindstone,
Ihe hatchet snd lbs chisel O, if it uint Hue, than
nevsr msy another Bh story be believed ! The
poor carpenter bad not dioJ, bul was only in a
tranre when they buried bim, and there be wss
Jtarpening hit hulchet, while the son was turning
tht grindtlone f they having resolveJ to cut iheii
wsy out of the shark's stomach I
Cottlx Fia. Tbe noise of thi fish on being
draggsd out of the water, rose rabies the gru.tling of
a bog. When tbe male is pursued by the sea
wolf, or other ravenoua fiali, he shuns the dsnger by
stratagem ; he squirts his b'atk liquor, aometimea lo
lha oiuntHy of a drachm1, by which the water U
come as Uict as ink, under abetter of which ba
bafqVe tbe pursuit of Li cnem. Tola bit, er black
liquur, bas been denominated by M. le Cat, atAop
aniiiiat, and is reserved in s particular glalrd. ft
may aeive either for writing or printing in the
former of which Waya the Romana used it. Il is
said lobs a pi jncipsi ingredient in the couiposiliorY
of Indian ink, mixed with rite.
Istssss Amorioa. Csptsiu Beaver of tbe
NiafsreMMiaa, was possessed of duck so muck)
attached lo bim, that the poor animal eefuaJly
plucked end roasted herself for bis dinner. Lev.
Itig prsw
ously estsa quantity of tsge end
immediate parent of deepilis
Vol. TI.
T Aksmca Mmsraa to Evblaxb. His
Excellency the American Minister and Mrs. 8te
venson left their residence Sept. 6 h, for the Isle of
Wight, and purpose making: a tour of visits into
Devonshire, Wales, and the north of England. I
His Excellency will be absent for five or six weeks, I
Governor Porter has signed the death warrant of 1
Robert M'Conachy. of Huntingdon, who for the
Sake of a few dollars murdered lb whole of the 1
Browne family, six In number. He is to be exe- i
cuted on tha fith of November. I
On Sunday l ist, the Rev. Mr. Curry, pastr of
the Catholic church at Providence. R- I. admin- I
isterod ihe temperance pledge to three hundred and
tixty of the IiUh who attended that cburcn.
An jsngineer on ins rmisuetpnia ana neauing
Rail Road, had both hia legs cut off on Sundsy af-
ternoon, by th ing thrown fiom the Engine under j
tbe wheel. Am. Sentinel. t
A young gentleman, lately bathing in the Missis
aippi river, on observing some ladiee suddenly ap
proaching, Instantly drowned himself from motives
of extreme delicacy.
A Taaivis Vmet. Th Michigan Tem
perance Advocate, published at Jackson, siys, " We
have in th's village one distillery in operation, and
one in the rogreas of erection one ball alley,
three billiard rooms, fifteen places for retailing spiri
tuous liquor-, snd the state pison."
Ott TaADi. The New York Bun states, lhat
during the month of September, there arrived at
tbe various ports of the United States, ten ships.
one berk, four brigs, end e schooner, engaged in me
!y. a3?
oil. vv unin me laai urea moii.ua ptivevuv nm.u
of whale oil ha been exported from New Bedford I
at a go d profit, to the North of Europe, and $T0e !
000 cf sperm, oil lo Great Biiluin.
a era 1 1 .1
tASUiosa.-L.sai Duuoam morning, a
i.minir Liitu n.a taen wendins her nitr lo church
j .a j . -
with JLUler buttona on net wrists, anu a now aa
big aa a ninepence in the hetl of her itocJung t
says the Providence Republican Herald.
A horae on Friday took a fancy to dance through
a milliner's window in the Bowery, and succeeded
in breaking the whole sish out, snd killing himself.
He plunged through, pushed backt and fell dead on
iho walk. The lady who was st ranging thing in
the window at the time the aau!t was made,
sprang back and left ber new customer to try on
what be pleased in hi own Way;
tiruthcr Jonathan.
Tns ErrrcT or TAsjBTATio.-John Grady,
who waa ttan-porlcd a boyj to Sidney, New South
Wales, fifteen jeire since, has purchased there
300 seres of Isnd and 6(X. worth of cattle, and
baa written for several members of bis family to be
seut out to bim.
ErncTS or tss Pssat Postaos. A fins stag,
a ptesent fiom the Marquis of Bresdslbane to her
M ijesty, was forwsrded by th mail last wetk to
Windsor. DunJee Courier.
A Rxrosi PaotkSkioXAL. -A Physician, pa-sing
by a Blouc-iuufion, bawled tut to bim, " Good
morning, Mr. W : hJ el work, I ace i you
fiiii.h vour craveslone as far as 'Iu memory of,'
and then you wait, I aupprise, to see who wants a
monument next!" Why. yes," replied tue old
man. restina for a moment on bis mallet, unless
eomebjdy ia sick, snd you ere doctoring bim, then
I keep tight on !"
Ccatocs DtriiTTo!r or a Kiss. Extract
from a L v Letter, written in the year 1679, trans
lated from the German.
" What is a LUa 1 A kis is, ss it were, a seal
expreing our sincere attachment ; the pledge of
our future uuion ; a heart ; a present which at the
aatu time that it is given, is taken sway from us ;
the impression of en srdent attachment on an ivory
coral press; the striking of two dints against one
another; a crimson balsam for a love-wounded heart;
a sweet bite of tbe lip ; and ailecuona'te pinching
of (he month a d licious dish which is eaten with
SvAtlet spoons ; sweeirnea. which does not satisfy
hungei i a fiuit which is planted and gathered at
the ssme time r the quickeat exchange of questions
and answers of two lovers ; the fourth degree of
Facts. Ons of ih most popular living novelists
of France, Paul do Kock, says : Little men love tall
w.e-ren, anJ lilUs womwn lov tall tVisn; tafkstive
piuipUi prvfet those of a laciturn character ( gour
iiijnds make better dinner in ths society of those
who eat bill li(:fe; (be strong ally themselves with
the wesk ; men of geniua choose domesticated
wives r suthorsaaes generally espouse lool proud
individuate cannot endure those lhat are jroud also;
rogues seek lbs society of hone.t men r lbs most
dissipated womsn loves the men who detest her
vices, and lb good man generally adoiee lbs most
libertine fctnals. Tbe seducer runs sfter lbs young
fnnoant, and lbs young innocent succumbs to tbs
wiles vt the aiducer. Extreme meet contrast
approBih each other snd in tbe daikest shsJes the
piinter discovtr th fiutst colors.
rmtn or Anrnnnnno.
t cqaere 1 insertion,
1 do S do
0 60
0 7ft
1 00
0 11
do 9 do
L'vary tuhiequent lnerli, n,
Yearly Advertisement, (with the privilege of
alteration) one column $23 ; half tolumn, $ 1 9,
three aquarea, $13 j two equare, f 8 j one tquata.
$S. Wlthdut the privilege of (tlteiaUort a liiierai
dlrcounl will be mado.
Adveitisemonta left without dircctiuna aa to th
length of lima thof are to be published, w ill U
continued until ordered out, and charged accord
CjSnteen line make a square.
One of the latest touches of the exquisite in lite
r,urt e find in lbs Isst Boston Evening G alette.
lnatd of saying II that dances should pay the
fiJJIer bat paper has It, " He that dances shoull
ompensite the viohmat."
The very latest in however, In the Boston Con
'''f " Tell Chapman to Crow, is a saying whioli
D for some time psat quite current In the
PI't'cal papers. But the language is now consid
ereJ quite uiipoliahed ; therefore tt is pnpossJ thai
intteaJ i f using that eoarss dictatorial blunt ex
preeaion, " Tell Chapman to crow," we ahould ar
indicate to Mr. Chapman lo officiate at cocked
To apeak of divorce, says the New Orldane
Picayune, now is vulgar. The phtasj subalituttd
foe It la A ranaat nf tha TTnlnn
Taa RsXAtire or Napomos-Ws learn bt ihi
arrival of the brig John Gilpin, from 8t, Holeua.
that 4s tht vessel was leeviua- nort on lhsl. t
August, th French frigate Belle Poodle, with tbe
Prince tls Joinvlllo and suite on board, entered the"
harbor. Every thing had been in readiness fir
some time previously to remove the remains of Na
poleon without lost of time, and great preparation
were making to receive toe Times end tratuKt
thou charge to him.
A Qvxti Naxs. Among the subscriber U a
Baltimore publication, is (he name of " Origin .1
Herring." Th Boeto i Transcript recommends
tbsi if he wants mile be should look in or ne r
Tnunton river. He is ceriml an original no .-
inslly so, at least a'id, therefore, should not be
passed off as aecond hi nd furniture.
w- Corporation .gain's, a
men for s lliog meal out of the maiket and not a
man could be found to ait aa a Juryman, giving a
an excuse that their minds wore alreaJy made u4"
Tbe case was therefore sJjourncd.
c , . , , . ,,
I ... ... ... .... . .
I ngruer mat i exas ever naa, IB repouea to baie
gjn All01, dn ,he ,6lh u,f
Well, ibis bests me out," as the ry said when
the follow hammered it over tbe head with tLe
Tbi Siamese Dxcatoors. it may not bo un
interesting to the reaJ.-r to have introduced the
8iamese ten fcommadmeots, found in tbe sacred
books of lbs Budhists; the first five being obligator-
upon the people, the last five upon the ft let..
hood only.
1. Do not kill snimils.
5. Do not steal.
3. Da not commit aJultry.
4. Do not tell lis.
6. Do hot drink ardont spirits.
6. Do not eat any thing from mid-day untill
7. Do n .it sleep on a place more than a culil high.
8. Do hot anoint your body with fragrant oil or
0. Do not kiss another man's wife.
10, Do not look at a female, nor at theatrical
rt,v's 'Flag Ship.'j!Mt fullithcJ.
Alienors or Braxs. When Robert Baths
WM erJ '"ff IJ. be happened at an ale bouse
t0 U 'ilo a company censie'iog of seveta! recta
''" members of Ihe episcopal snd preshyt.
cburch. When warm With potations, ihey
enU!leJ 0Pn len Jel'4l bou reapeclive
persuasions, and were upon ihe point of using sr
gtiraents more forciblo than wotJa, when Burns
saiJ, Gentlemen, it haj now been twke my hsp
lo see the doctrines nf peace maJe the cau.s of con
lenti m; I must tell you how the matter wss set
tied amongst half a djen of honoat women, over a
cup of caudle, arur a baptism. Thuy wars ss iif
ferent in opinion snd each as tough in dispatatioa
as you are, till a wife that bsd iiid not worJ.
spoke op' Kimmers, yo are a' for letting folk bse
but sne rosj to heeven. L's a l;ir place tbst bag
iKit sne gait lil'L There's mnre than four gsiu to
ilk bothy in HighUnds or LowJarvJa, and its DO
canny to say titer's Lot sne gait to the m msione of
ths Lies d.' " I'b di'putsnu of the sle-housa
were silenced, and Burns led th conversation
to the merriment ef cartings of f their cups of
A Qcintof If your tnuhei's meiher wg
my mother's sister's sunt, what relation wotiij your
gtsst grand I'atbsr's uncls's nephew Is lo my elieg
brother's first couiiu's son-in-law !
If you intend mar tying for love,- pay yonr
diessee to the lady ruraelf ; if Ugscree comt those
who are to luavs thm ; and if for OviZiiiexiun, court
the whole family. . ' -
Tbi following flight of fancy " is the hortii(Sl
of unassisted nature, from (be tongue of ibe bars
of a debating club" Yes, Mx. Cbslrman, 1 do not
believe tbers is a man, woman, or child, ia thi
house, who baa arrived sit ths sge of fifty years and
upwards, but what has Hit this truth ibjudiluif
through tbeit brain for centuries."
Tbe Ysvsj Time is a post liar is hit latest
Tavere's nsughi ia Ihi wid woiLj or valley so s
A- s good pI3uaipUn with, luau o. U.

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