OCR Interpretation

Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. [volume] (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, October 24, 1840, Image 2

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VAX1A. Pnww CiTtcttvai
The elec Ion which ha jtrt closed,- is bu! (he
beginning of ibe struggle. Federalism with ell iu
immense resource of money on. I trickery is in the
ill IJ in J has done its utmost agiinst tho determined
phalanx of democracy, with litto succoe-. It ia
now reorganizing fur the great national battle on
tho DOih day of this ufonth. l.a enrrgic v. t ( br
eiruine I to the most extreme limit, for it routing
ft power, fur money, for ita very existence.' All
these eortaidcrritiona are involved in tqis Prcsidcn
ttal election, and give to it a solemnity ami an irn
portmce rarely equalled and never surpassed since
the cetsb'ishment of our government. To loe
thie election, will be to all honest, tiue-hesrtrd de
mocrat", the deepest of all misfortunes. It will
proeliale for a timo at least, the great principle of
the parly, in support of which, we have toiled for
year, it will obliterate all truce of the reform lions
effected by Gen. Jackson, and it will peril the very
hopee we indulge, thit our liberty is not to perish be
fore our.olves What f Ironger inducement to arouse
men to action, than thie can he furnished f Ho
who will not . he on the alert at such a crisis,
cither does not appreciito h i own rights, and
those) of his children, or has not the courage to
defend them.
As far as the returns hove come in, an I that is
frntn a considerable portion of the state, tho popu
lar vnte shows that the democratic majority exceeds
wh.it it wa in 1 830, by ttpwtrds of a thous ind in
the same counties, and exec, di the democratic. ma
jority in 1838 by a much larger numb r. There
is not therefore the least cause for apprehension as
to the aggicgate democratic majority in the state,
it cannot fill short of 12.000, although in on
quenco of the unconstitutional and iniqui oua
apportionment bill, passed by the fed- ral hsla
turo in 1636, the federalist may h.ivn a mrjority
in one-or bo h of tbo houses I Lit ikis moti
from injustice, then, stimu'ate cvciy democrat to
Should by chanctf a federal mnj rity hri clcct.-d
to cither branch of tho legislature, wi h a large
democratic majority in the stale, instead i f being
discouraged, it should lire every patriots heart with
:ndignalion! l.ot it not b. said, that in Pennsyl
vania, fraud can triumph over the people ! bet it
not be said that this good old Keystone Mate of
' urs, the Gibraltar of American Democracy, has
Seen sacked and pillogod byour ft. It ral fops, bo
. ausehcr sentinels slepl upon their posts, end did
i.ot adopt tLe ncce.-smy precautions to defl nd her
gainst the attacks of tho federal stppes a .d mi
Arouse, then, Democratic ft I low citizens ! Call
meetings in every county of the state bring evny
"ia i to the polls on the 30th detect the tricks of
your federal advorsariea, and impress ujion you
:' How citizens in every quartet, (lie necessity ol
. epping forward and giving that day to the service
f their country. The federal party are moro vigi
ant than evtr. TI.ey have called meetings to be
!u Id simultaneously throughout the whole state,
-tid ex: ect from this concerted movement, to pro
duce an apparent rxprts-i- n of popular opinion
which will intimidate and etiggei aotne of he less
ardi'tit of our democratic fiicnda. .To foil thes
effora, and turn th-m agiinst their au'hor, we
promis you in a few days, a fu'l and uccorato state
merit of the votes in every c. unty iu the apite,
from which you will see- precisely how the contest
In thij m an time, we again urge upon you the
most determined and persevering activity. Fling
your I aiiurrs to the breeze, inrcr.bcd with the names
of Van bur. n and Job .son. The democracy will
rally round them, and bear them Irimphanily thro'
the battle.
J. l Bcciikr, -
, ' IS f
Bi.wami Pa bet..
Joan M. Fohstkb, y Dauphin.
Jscr.a UaaB,
iiaiuiis AtnicEs,
1'tTsa Hat, 5 il i i . i
Jos.ru C. Nbav, 5 d-ulo.p'na.
David I iwcu, J .
IMl.VAt.A-a.sor, P'l,'W-
The ixrar.nioi s and collapaes of the last ten
ythtt, hive taught this gf m rat on some le.sons
which tiny wi I hardly forget. At one lime, they
who sustained piices by a sjx-oulative furc'ug sys
tem were called hem fucturs. Milhous wcie sup
pi aed to be ssed to the iiation in the price, of cot
ton and flour, by attaining pricis st their natural
point. The eiTjit to keep up 11 ur was certainly
most worid.rfully kucciasTul. Every th ng wa on a
g'tad ca!e in those days ; and it did seem th t Oa-
toia's laws might lie set at defiance, and herself
subdued by her own children. The millers were
eager buyer of wheat, aF ei'iieme'y liigb piices:
and because they were so eager, anj bid so high,
the farmers would not sjII. Cioj s wcie t.u. kept
bark, and a ficiiiiou tcarcity created in the jnidsl
' of real plenty. But the unalterable l.iws of trsdt
have re-assumed their aupremacy. The over loaded
- eyate n hs brok- n down we now h ive a real ur
plus and piiete are too low, probab'y, in tlnir
vibration from the opposite extreme. By this re.
action, mischief has Lecn done w l.ict far outweighs
til the givx of high prices, aoJ people are th rougl
ly convinced that they do most to benefit the c-ui .
try, in Uiis depirtment, who most facilitate the lc
of produce, at whatever price the rcl itive infl uencea
of supply and demand may determine. When we
contemplate these things, how eifrprisingly.wiae
does the greil plan of nature appear I The crops
, Mbb t l squandered n alanae they rannut
reached until thrir time. Wlit-n, by the excesaiv
grasping of nun tbei usekse wealth, the whole
country i prmtrated money, credit, busir esa, sll
gone ihs ( th y.elds her golden lurveU as if
. petaing bad happeii, and by her etcady bounty,
I gradoilly r -lif r the tot Jit of creation fiom the
eonatqueijcosof their folly
iV Y. Jour, of Commerce'
S.ittirday, October 21, 1S IO.
Jamks Clahkr, of Indians, ? o-, ,r,t
Ono. O. Lt.e.a. of Del.w.re, Scn",ori al
12. Frederick Smith.
13. Charles M'Cluro.
Benjamin MilDin.
Frederick 8 tot vet.
14. J. M. Gcmincll.
15. U. M.Hollenl ark.
16. Leonurd Pfouia.
17. John Horton, Jr.
18. William Phil on.
19. John Morrison.
20. Westly Frost.
21. Benj. Anderson.
22. William Wilkin.
23. A. K . WrigU.
84. John Fimlhy.
25. Stephen Barlow
Wm. . Smith.
John F. 'Uiimn.in
John Dunlin,
Henry Myers.
Daniel Jae.ohy.
Jesse Joh.iHon.
Jacob Able.
Geo. Chriftnian.
Wm Hhoener.
H, nrv DehuC
Henry Logan.
Ho.J. C. BrcusrO
Orin F. Jomvso.v,
Bhjamii Piaaa,
Jonx M. FoRSTi.a, V Dauphin.
VI' II I '
Mlcntr.L IUibkr,
Jacob Baab,
Pstbh Hat, ? . ., . . , .
Jo.eeu C..At, 5 h.ladelr.h...
Darin I.tji h, ? ,
H.1I. VivAMaisoaJ
roti earsiBXKT,
Marl la Tan Durcn.
ob Tic rnsinr.?iT,
Richard yi. Jobuson.
ma ooviaxoa,
Con. David R. 1'ortcr
Xj- Having been obliged to have our cflicc pi is
tercd, we wire unable to issue a p. per iat week
Our mliscribcrs will of course pardon hia unavoid
able suftprnsion of out labors. iN'titlier the poo
ler's fingers or bis ink will woik in a cold offic .
fXj" The Democratic meeting hi Id in this place
on Saturday lust was well attended ; able and i-pi-rited
ad Ires-es were made by the Hon John sny
dwr, Mr. James Cameron of Iancafter, and V. W.
ILgina. We refer our readers to the proceedings
publi.-h. d in mother column.
rxj" A Democratic meeting is to be he'd in Milton
this day, Saturday. The Hon. James Uuchan n.
Ovid F. Johnson, Wm. F. Packer, Col. Reah Fra
xicr, and other distinguished individuals are expect
ed to odd rets the meeting. Every democrat should
altond this gathering of the people. It will be a
glorious rally of the Democracy of old Korthuiuber
rf It will I e seen by the returns of the late elec
tion in this state, that the Democratic party have
elected IS members of Congress, an I iho Whig 13.
The Senate atunds Whigs 18, Democrat l5.
Mouse of Re rcsenta'ives, Democrats 50, Whigs
50. The Democratic paily have a m ij. rity of near
ly 10,000 in the po uhr vote, but tl.e vo ee ol the
people has been stifled by Sttvens's iniquitous ap
poitionmenl b 11, passed by a fidcral legislature.
Conerchsloual Election
iNurth'd. Union. Lycoming.
To: a'
Sirider's mnj. 7T8 000 414
Merrill's do- 000 B62 0.0
Mj irity fi.r snder,
The Whigs have csrriej this statu at the n cent
eh etion, by a majority t.f 1,1)75. In 1830 Harii-
n's muj rity was 3.6U4. Fetlerl Iocs 2,000. No
thing to brag ubout, ceitainly, .
Ilitthest Fed. rul vote, 35,847. Democratic vole,
31,033. Federal onjoiity, 3.0 .4. In the twtnty
countba yet t.i be heard from, the dciuocr .tic ran
delate foi (Jovernor lust y,ar hud a omjontj oi 1413
leaving a federal m jority of 2,471.
In 1836 Judge bile bad 24.87C Mr. Van Bo
ren 23,104. Federal nuyoriiy, 2 V 72. .
Ifradfbrd County
The Democratic eoniea.ioial ui joJry in Dri!
fo-d is repoilf! at Fouu Him num. I-i l?36 the
innjonty fir Harrison in th.s county wssTwkrtt
Fivx. Are there no thai gs in Penm-yhaniu f
A PsoMiir 'We will run next ear." -V.-
ion uu'tr.
Very likely, Mr. DietTerihachrr, bui -e have no
doubt it will turn out to be a inn-awtiy, as y .u
were quite famaus for that kind of a run iu Colum
bia county.
Well done Augusta II
This township ia noted for her firm and unwa
vi ring adherence to the principtee of democracy
Al every annual election she brings to the polls h
swerving majoii.y fir demorraiic men and demo
critic measures. rbe is noted too, f r another ster
ling quality that of m vr r deserti g a I lied i.nd
faithful public eeiv ini. Our thinks are due to he r,
for the noble manner in wh;ch she sustained our
late representative, C. W. UrAn. Phe has given
h e legislative eoure and olitu- rincipbs .n cn
dorsemei t whith wi ruuke lh. in pass eurren
whrreevtr I er hou.-t and indusiri us fa.Uiers are
known. Turn o.,l then again on the 30th, old
Aug Jala, and give lh oae who doubt juur democra
ry, an eihibition of yiu: sirtny h.
Election Ilctiirn"br Northumberland' County.
Townships and
Boroughs, '
, 234
Chill squaque,
' 23 "
- 20
Little M ibonoy,
Upper do.
Lower Mahon y,
Whig Cnnd d .tea in Italia.
Our County.
The election lor member of the Legislature in
is county has terminated contrary to our expec
tations, and much aguinst our withes. Every rf-
rt thst c uld be mai'e(was made to defeat Mr.
Hrgins. Two p-essi a in this county pou cd fmth
eckly, column after lolunin of fali-ehood and de
struction, and several presses in the neighboring
Unties wero enlist, d in this dishonorable and con-
mptible course. And ss the last le-ort, the siJ of
the Whigs was invoked, by the publication of a
pcech abuting Gen. Harri-on in tho most scuniious
anguage, which wa falsely alleged to have been
made by Mr. Hegina. The few aprculatois, who
ore deeply interested in securing the election of
ese C. Horton, were prodigal i f the r money in
buying up these publications fi ltd with falsehood
and forcing them into almost every nun's h use til
the county. Tho opponents uf Mr. Hegin', in e
lecliontcring. made use of moms which no hono
rable man would dercend to. In the district in
hich he teaides, however, and where l.ia pjliticul
rinciplea and personal fiine.-s aro well kno'wn, and
those of hia opponent's to, he has Wen triumphant
ly sust lined, bating received a m i jority of 323
i t's nut of the 637 votes polled. I bis distr ct
ives nearly 300 of a democratic majority.
To the Foil I T the Folltll
On the 30th, the gnat ion'e-t which has liecn
raging in the Keystone Mate for the lest six m nths
with so much fi. rcencaa, between the Demorraey
nd the Federal party will he decided. Our oppo
nents are active and untiring in their cfib.U, but the
Democracy of tho Keystone whet roused into ac
lion are indomitable. Tbe returns of Ibe late elec
tion show that we have a majority of TEN THOU
SAND in the atate, and if every dcmocr.it turns
out on the 30th, and dors bis duty, wu can and we
will beat our opp nema front 10 o 20,000. Let
every democrat then come to the polls none must
ay at home. Our siati r counties are preparing for
the contest. The "Sl.r of the Noilh" and of the
West' have marshalled their forces, snd ' O d .Nor
thumberland" must not lag behind. Her democra
cy ure known thioughout the stute, und they must
in ke themsclrea tclt ton, by a majority of 1,000 fur
Van Burin, Jjhnson, and democratic piiucplea.
An Important Correction.
The last Milton Ledger aya,"in the hurry of pul
ing our paper In press last week, several tgrtg'out
emus erc-ped our notice. Among them sie these
n speskii g of Mr. Horton, we say 'that be lias
lined himself from a poor tinge driver to a rum of
espictability.' It shoukl hve resd Mo a mm of
properly.' t eiy corroct, Mr Iiii HciiImcT -cr, even
you h ve s. use enough t kn w that a man of pro
pery i not always a man of respectability. We
adniTo y. ur candour in this instance.
A new Foundry h e been erected in this borough,
y the Messrs. Rnhibach. The m ie.hineiy ia dri
ven by a eto.un engine, fn-m ibe manufactory of
Haywood & Snyder of I'ottavillo. The FoU'idrt
located immediately on the R iil lio.nl. so thai
he c 'si from Stiamokin c n be depo.ited f orn the
M l at the tn-'Uill of the furnace, and in short
time the inn will be furnhcd from tbe fnrhac a
which are n w being erect d in h.nii.ikin. This
will n il lc tlicao geut!em n tt manufacture ca t-
ings as c! eiji as iluy can le made anywhere H e,
I'he cheapness of coul and iron ut this place, ren-
dera it a most f .v.irahle locution f r all kinds ol iron
manuf.irtorv. The raatinga turned out by the
Mersr. H.ilirb.ith aie neat and rub-turitial, and we
hope their entcrpiize may meet with a proper re.
And the Harrlsbtirpr Mretlnar.
hal 'Ofcnamn a lew m unce l notice
this paper for its oiTiclous intermedd'ing in ths w
lilieal aflairs of th s county, and ita mean and aonli.
atrack up- n our late representative, ('. W. Hegina
Tbe State Caiitnl Gaaitto ia one of those musb-
room productions which periodically spring up al
the seat of g .vernirw-nl to subserve t' e purjioa -a
some small, but dehrate ).lilic.. fsctinu, and hav
ing flourished awhilo in an inglorious sph re, they
sink into ihe obscurity fiom which they have in
vaiu struggled to rltvate the small pul.tici na who
surround this I jwest oidei of the pu -lie press. This
paper was starlcd ob jut i ig'iteen ro nittia since the
source from whence the rneinsw-ie ohtiintd i
Lanoie uneurtsiii than ths purposes for w hich it was
istat-lishtd. Anolj cl of distiu.t ol its birth, i
aubaequact careei Las but confirmed suspicion, and
proved it to be a traitor in tbe camp, re.dy, when
ever a fitting opportunity filers, to sttike a blow a
the harmony and integ'ity k f the deiiiocratic piny
At H rris'j.irgit ia will knou to l the orjm c!
f. w dn appointed oilice hunters ami d.air.lcja
e -
i AsSXMBtt,
' AvniTon,
' c
775 :
r 93
2 0
' 32
pirants, whose political advancement has not been
mrnensurMe with their overweening aelf-impor-
nice secretly opposed to Govern ir Porter, the
mask Will bo thrown off whenever their fancied
confCiju nce and imaginary political influence
have reached the climax of rgotisrn and tom-
We are coomicllcd lo notice this print again, for
the purpose of exposing one of the mo t unpnnc
led frauds ever peipetrated upon tbe pu'dic. A
ftw wetks fince the democratic citizens of Harris-
urg held a meeting at Hogau'a. The meeting
w.ia addressed l.y bdwin W. Ilutter, bsq., an I
others. After the meeting had ADJOURNED, a
fellow by the name of llav'lmd, who is dignified
with the till-of Colonel f the better to serve the
purpose a loafer fro.n the polluted purlieus of
'bil.idelj-hi.i county, with a dozen other k ndred
spirits, equ illy as destitute of characrer, moral or
mil l cat, who do the menial work of the faction at
ched lo the State Capitol Gaxette, assembled in
the market hi use and adopted a resolution denoun
cing Mr. Hegins and the Sunhury American. The
Sta e Capit. I G.itette publisliod this reluuou as
part of the proceedings of ihe meeting at Hognn's,
wit'i the name of Mr. Ilutter, well known to the
democracy of this county at the talented editor of
the Magician, and firm fiien-J of Governor Porter.
attached to the proceedings t ) give them weigli',
and afl" ct the then pending election for member ol
be l sj cl iture in this conn'y. Not satitfiml with
tliis publication, hundreds of extr i cop es of lliise
proccedn gs were struck off by ihe Gnxetu enl
up here and secretly distributed a day or two pre
vious to the election, for the purpose uf giving
colour lo the rumor that the administration were
opposed to the re-election of Mr. Hegina. A copy
of the proto. dings was also sent to the Mil on l.ed
gci, and published in that paper, containing the
name of Henry Peirikin, Deputy ISecielary of ihe
Commonwealth, as one of the c immiliee, although
he on the sp.il for.-ade hia name being connected
with tile proceeding in any way, and the Gazette
did not dure to use it, but it was forwarded to the
Ledger to give them additional weight and tho bet
ter to impose upon the people of this county.
The whole affair is a moft disgricelul outrage,
and no conductors of a ublic press, having the
least pr. tension to character or respectabili'y, would
be guiliy of so base an imposition upon the com
We have received a U tter upon the subject from
a (riend in Ilariiaburg, an extract from which will
be found Mow, also one Iro.n Mr. Peirikin to Mr.
Hegina, disclaiming any participation in the af
fair. Extract of a htter, d iled
HABRlsnvan, October 10, 1SI0.
"That rcdoubtnble organ of Iho A nti-Porter dis
organizes (the State Capitol Gazette) of ihia week,
contains Ihe proceedings of a meeting i cently h-ld
at Hog ail's tavern, in this place, at which, it is al-
leged, sundry wi$e and patriotic resolutions were
passed a jan. st the Sunhury American and in
distipprobaiitm of Mr. Heglns' course, as a meiuher
ol the lat legislature. 1 dean it but an act uf jus
tice o Mr Mr. Hegina, to slate the manner iu
which this qi.tvemeut was consummated. The
in cling al Hog n's was held, and ADJOURNED,
uflir wh'th a few individual, (about a d- ten in
iiurnts r) rr, a red lo the mark - t baus snd there
a-lopttd tbe resolutions iu question, and I will v. n
lure to siy, not one man In fifty, evert of those who
attended the iiieeliong, knew anything alaml them.
unl I they Bppeared in the newspapers. That they
d i lint i xpri sa the -eiitiineiils if the ct (ens f
Harm burg is very certain, and at bct it is difficult
ti imigiue, what they have lo do iinuifdi.it. ly or
rem itcly either with tho Sunbuiy Am.-ric in .r
with Mr. Hegina' course as a nvinVr .A the legis
lature. As well might they, in my op nion have
undertaken to d nouuee ''luUa f'utriut" or the
nubhe conduct of Governor Call, of Florid . The
one Ujust ar ridiculous as the other, anJ serves on
ly lo exci'e our lau jht r,
Y.-urs, Ac
Haams ni'ko, Ocloliei 12, 1810.
The Milton Ledger, of 8turdsy last ointaius
the proceedings nf a mtwting held al Haiti. burg, in
which my name apear aa one of ihe coinmi lee
that repotted, among others, the following lesolu-
tion i
Rcvlvtd, That wa louk up n the Sui.bury
American, lately e-tibliahed fit Die spec l puro e
of rtloetina the election uf C. W. Heius lite vul-
unt er Bank eand.date t.i the egi-l-lurr, III o, imi.
tinii lo J. C, Horton, the regular deiu icr.lic cnid..
dae, aa a Wulf in sheep'a clothing, a Iu l-bio nled
f dcral concern of diutilful parentage and sup-
ooit. deserving the couleuipt ol ivery lice ih-mo-
.'f:.l. v.
iusnvil', 1 r. i , -.'j ,..,a - y. : c . e-
aiuve that I bad neither lot or part in concoct u'.tf. o'
repoYin.! any audi resolution. I was not present
either as one uf the comm tie.-, i-r in ny nt . r r
pacity when ihe resolution in question was frame i.
t heard it read in the market house, and having
een informed that I had liociHiamed as one of tho
committee, I ius'anlly advanced to tho Chairman,
Mr. Couleton, and foibade him publishing my name
in connection wiih the proceedings. I also called
on all the democratic editors in this place, snd in
the most positive manner forhado them from pub
lishing my name as one of the committee. On ex
amining the proceedings puhliahnd in this place
you e ill fi.id my name omitted. My name has
been used ag iinst my express remonstrance, and in
c wilf nipt of the most ordinary regard for the co n
in n proprictica of life. I would despise my a If, if
I could, for a mo ncnt, believe myaeif capable f
such d-istardly conduct '.s to attack an individual
some sixty miles or more distant, without a chance
t.i be heard in his defence. I Irusl I shall ever h. id
sccred ih maxim, Do unto othtrt,a you would
xui'-h f e bt done by," and most earnestly hope you
will exonerate me from even ahadow of censure
in Ibe present instance.
I close by remarking that I have a high reg nd
for you as a man of great moral and pol.t.cal wo.lh,
and of unflinching energy and firmness.
I am, with great respect,
Yours, dec
To Charles W. Hegins, Esq.
Members of the House of Rcprc-
Dbmocbatic. Whis.
Ariustroiig 1 Adams 2
Berks 4 Allegheny 4
Bradford 1 Usaver 3
Uocka 2 Bedford 2
Centre 1 Bucks I
Lycoming, Clou fi Id Butler 1
and Clinton 3 Cambria and Sorn-
Colurubia 1 ' erei 2
Clarion and Venango 1 Chester 4
Cumberland 2 Dauphin 2
CrawfnrJ 2 Delaware I
Fayete 3 Erie 2
tireene . 1 Franklin 2
Jefferson, Warren and Huntingdon 2
M'Kean 1 Indiana 1
Lehigh 2 Juniata, Mifflin &
Luzerne 2 Union 3
Monroe &. IS'oithamp- Lebanon 1
ton 3 Lancaster 6
Montgomery 3 Mercer 2
Northumberland I Philadelphia city 7
Perry 1 Washington 3
Philadelphia county 8
Pike and Wayne I
Potter and Tioga 1
Kchujlkill 1
ejusqucbanna 1
Westmoreland 3
York 3
60 60
State Senate.
1st District. Philadelphia city Frederick Fra-
ley, Henry S. Spackman.
2. Philadelphia county M'chacl Snyder, Clu,
Brown, Dinjumin Crispin.' .
3. Montgomery, Chester and Delaware Natha
niel Brooke, Abraham Brower, J. I. Huddleson.
4, Bucks Samuel A Sm'th.'
5, Berks Samu-f Fegcly.'
6, Lancaster and York John Strohm, Thomas
E. Cochran, William Hiester
7- Dauphin and Lee mon John Killinger.
8. Huntingdon, Mitlliu, Juniata, Perry and U-
nion Robe. t B. Mai lay, James Mathers.
9. Columbia and Schuylkill Samutl F. Head-
10. Lehigh & Northampton John S. Gibboiu
11. Luzerne, Monroe, Wayne and 1'ike Ebt-
nctzer Kingsbury, jr.
12. Lycoming, Centre, Clinton and Northum
berland Robert Fleming.
13. Bradford and Susquehanna Eliiu Catc,
14. Franklin, Cumberland and Adams C. B.
Penrose, Thulium C. Miller.
15. Bedford and Somorset Samuel M. Barclay.
16. Westmoreland John C. Plumer.
17. Washington John Ewing,
18. Fayette and Greene Wm, F. Coplan.
18. Allegheny and Butler Thomas 8. Willi
ams, Charles C. Sullivan.
20. Beaver and Mercer John J. Pearson.
21. Crawford arid Erie Joseph M. Sterrett.
22. Jefferson, M-Kean, Potter, Tioga. Venango
and Werren Samuel llayn.
23. In-iana, Anustroiig, Clari n, Cambria and
C!e.irlie;d--i''iW'ay Puttertotu
New niemliers thus Dein.Hrrats 16, in italic
fedeial 18, in R unan.
l'euusylt anlu !lemlrii ol' Con
gress tiHc t, lilO.
Fir -l ili-tr el (.'bail's Brown.
Sin ond John Sergeant, George W. Toland.
Third Charles J. Ingcr-oll.
Fonrth Cheater, Lancaster and De!a AUre: Je
remiuh B-own, Fruneit Jumtt, John Edwards.
Filth Montgomery t Joseph Fomr.iice,
Sixth Bucks: Robert Ranuty.
Seventh Nnrihainpi m, Wayne, Pike and Mon.
toe i John II. Westbmok.
Eighth lliigt snd Schuylkill I Peter New.
hard. .
Ninth B ksi George M. Keim.
Tttitii Dauphiu and Letuuou t Wm. Simwt
tun. t
Ku venth Vork: James Cerry.
Twelflf Adams and Franklin : James Ctvpcr.
Thirueiiih Cuuileiland, Perry and Juniata:
Wm . Ramsey.
Fouries nth Centre, Huntingdon, Mifflin and
t ..si : .',,-.7l:W I'.V.'l.
fee nth-1'.
A. DioUk,
ai'i I-Mit-;
Sixteenth No. tlunriborlanil, Union and Lycoin
hff Jo'i , Snt.lpr,'
rsev. n - i'ii'ii I infi, Dradf.-rd, Muaquelia.iiia.
M-Ktuli i-nd I'ot.erj Davin Dim ,i k. ir.
E ghteent!. Homorsel, Uedf. r.l and Cambiiat
Cutrhi Ogle, jr.
Mneteeuih Wtatmoreland and Indiana t Al
bert O. Marchand.
Twentieth F.yctte and Greene t Enos Hook.
Twenty first W shinglon t Joteph Lawrence.
Twen'y-erOi.d Allegheny t Win. W.Irwin.
Twenty-third But !er, Clearfield, Armstrong and
Jeff, rs n t Willi ,m Jin k.
Twenty-f.iurth IK-sver and Mercirt Jamet
' I'wenty-fifih Erie, Cr.iwfo d, Veo- ngo, War
ren and Clarion t Arnold Plumer.
15 Democrats 13 Federalists. Federalists in
Democratic Meeting.
In pursuance of the call of the stiuding commit
tee, a large and enthusiastic assemtdage of the de
mocracy of Northumberland county, convened at
the Court House in Sunhury, on Saturday, tho 17th
Tho meeting was called 1 1 order by GiJe-in Le"
senring, of Augusta; upon who motion SAMUEL
AVL, Esq., was called to presile, assisted by
Pktbe Pubsill, Hon. R. H. Kamvoid, Major
Saxull Lasts, and Johx W. Milks, as Vice
Presidents, and Henry S. Thomas and Samutl D.
Jordan as Secretaries.
Oo motion of A Jordan, Esq., the following com
mittee were appointed to draft a preamble and res
olutions, vit! A.Jordan, Esq , Ca.'t. Wm. M. Groy,
John Youngman, James Dieflenb ich, Charles W.
Hegins, E-q., Peter VsnJiing, Ahiaham Snip nan,
John Hiiughawout, C. B. Ford, John Smith. (Sha
mokin,) Major Felix Mourer, Valentine Klaze, Ja
cob C!o.
After the enmmitten had letired, the pevple were
ably and eloquently addressed by John Snyder,
(member of Congress elect) Ja ne Ca neo-i. E q.
of Lancaster, who happened to be present. Was then
Cill. d upon, an I dt lighted hia audience wi h a lu.' d
and eloquent apja in behalf of the democra iu
Charles W. Hegins, Esq. next rMpindo-l lo the
call of the meeting, in a ve y spir.ted and glo ving
speech, in the course uf which he allud.-d in a hap
py manner to the Buckshot war, and r. fu'ed in a
clear and conclusive argument, the false accua ions
made Against the administration uf Martin Van Bu
ren, by our opponents.
A. Jordan, Esq , In behalf of the Com -ni tee on
resolutions, reported the follotving, whi h were u.i-animou-ly
a l .pled :
Wa are on the eve of an important po itical con
test. Never, since the organization uf our govern
ment, have we witnessed i-uch extraordinary means
used lo effect a political change, as during tho pr.
sent campaign. All that human ingenuity co-ild
devise, and m ney snd poorer e If o , Utve o -e.i pat
in requisitiuti by our pol ti. al opponents an I hioug -l
to bear against President Van Itur-'n. Arn r
truth hat failed, inisrep-i sen; .u ins !i. ti.- rc--i t
ed to. Tho pnnciiilea and ne u of tit . n .-r s tc
party, which hav.r alw .ys te.'n to t-i ti c n -try,
htvo been peivered, and ttio uu'd.e ni id pre
judiced by professions of ia liilisn mi - i . , j , 1 1 y
for a e-immun ty, alledcd to tie sutfuriug a. id gruan
iug ut dur the wrongs infl c;e I upon th in ny the
ileiuocratic party. The country ha been f ir mo litis
a theatre, on which have been enacted scenes, well
calculated to alarm every friend of good order, a id
every lover of pure republic in principles Federal
presses have been uncasing in their abu e, and f-
di ral men active in accomplishing the overthrow of
measures sanclior.eJ and approved of by tho great
body of the pop e. Even Gen. Harrison, the can
didate for the presidency, has It fi his pe ict-ful an-l
delightful home i.t Noith Bend, to sound alou 1 t'lo
vsloroua deeds he has done, and point ourih- de
fects of the present administration. In almost eve
ry county, in every state of the Union, the pta.se
uf the Hero of the Thiines and Tippecanoe h ..e
teu sung a'ound banners, heaiinj the i iicut us
m-itlo: "Log Cabin and Ha il oiuer, wad ' me
democracy of ihe country have b en qa.etly ait i
peaceably prepaiing lo h r.v their confihncj in iho
nc s of the pre ent ad.nunstr .lion .it iha ballot box
es. Of wlut great p d.iical ios have Matti-i Va:t
Uuren and the de nocrnlic party been guilty, to call
for such ex raordinttry means and measure to pre
vent his re-election! Has he recOinnunJeJ the a
doption of measures to opproat the poor, and in iko
the rich rtt:l richer! Has he not steali'y pursjed
the course of his illustrious predecessor, and main
luiued the prosperity and integrity of our count y 1
By whom i- his re-election oppos-'d, and what is tiie
remedy propoa. d for cutiog the diseases under whici
it is alleslged our Cviuntry is auffirinj t Is it a
Xatitnul Bank 7 L mb around you, and who are
the men arrayed in oppo-iti m to Ma ti i Van Ba
ron ! Tbe aime in principle as tho- wlio hive
often met you on the pol.iictl fid I, an I whom you
have as ofteii conquered. The mime my be chan
ged, but lite r principles do not diJ-r. To ensure
another victory, it is only necessity that ths- tre ik
bcra of the great democratic pvty aSou'd he fix,n
and united We ar n it cont-nibeg fir sha.kiws,
nor for p.'iiieipl. a that the p irty have not alr.iva
helJ esen ial lot'.e perman tie of our f ee inst'tu
llons, and tho pio piitj of our cuuntty, Wit'vut
Ihe moans which tho friends al (i n. llarri, n
soss, we can still co iqaer, and we nee I u t r mind
tha dem tcrals of Northumb.-rland o tu'iiy ul HtMir
duty, when their suiTiages aro requirl ; it nooda
not the meana usJ by the enemies of Ui;iu Van
Buren, to exci e tham lo action. No hirci ng dc
faimrag cabins and bard rider, are poceaaary to
induce t ein lo com lo the tolls. It is enough far
Iheui to know and feel, lhal the struggle ie helwcn
the people, the friends of deinociatic men end otiia
auree, and the parly whose aim is, and always na.
been, the . vertlirow of the dein cra -v f the eoun
t' .. The '!it of exp:cMi:ig i-tr o;.in.)aa dl a..
P'.blie U'OO, ai.d ihcii acts, Hi ttyt tiooted, i'lil j
united vy u lo i tiWiit. We via wwt tPri w

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