Newspaper Page Text
-Ll.jl'1.' muzzle the press, nnr prevent men from imei g ( accubly I ) diacut the mi.-rim of the candidates bo fote thu ifeople fur office i till, we cnntiut as d.m.i trots, approve of the bitterness and slander characterize too many of the leading federal paper in our country, and not a few of the great men here, and elsewhere, to tlrvato Ocn. Hairiaon. When we talked of the military fame of Oca Jacks n, and referred to hi signal service during the Inst war with England, political enemies repliod with a sneer, these do not qualify him for thn presidency, and it ia dangerous to the liberties of the country to elect military chieftain j and Henry Clay, the great champion of the parly accking for power, wi wil ling that hia country should lo visited with "war, pestilence and famine, rather thin that a m'litary chieftain thoulit Jill the presidential chair .'" Now the mouths of the e men are filled with the military services of Gn. Hanison, and these, and those alone are to entitle him to tho suffrages of a free people. We contend for principle not men, and without wia'.iing to detract aught from the reputa tion of Gen. Harrison, we do not believe tint his principlea are democratic, or that he Is qmlified for the high elation to which he aspire. The recent election in Pennsylvania, show that sgnin the Key state will du hei duty. Her democratic citi sena have buckled on thi'ir armor, and are prepa ring for t!io coming contort, and the 30ih of Octo ber 1840, will witness them in solid columns, main tai ing the principles of the Father of Democracy. Therefore s . . Resolved, That our emfi.lence in the wi dom, firmness and pitrintism of Martin Van Burou, re miina un-hakc.i, and drat we will with one ni'iid, sustain him in hi prestni high and bo.or.ihlc sta tion. Resolved Th it Richard M J -li'ison co itinucs I deserve the coiifi Ici cv ml I support of the demo cratic party, and Pt.1111sylv.1nia wi I h tnor him with her upp r. Reso'ved. ' h..t Gjvo n r Porter ha shown himself emineiit'y wot 'by of the h gh .nisi c mli ded 1 1 hiui ly t it- Keys. one it ite; nisindep n dciit and manly c ure, has g airud fn him t.ic ap prohitiun of even his political enemies. Resolved, Thit the Ho.,. J ,mes tfuihiniu has in theStnale of the United M ae., t l qucntly and ably defended the adminis ration f.oiu tho uttack of her i ncmici, and that while Pennylvi ii has such men to lepiesenl her, her hit' recta mid th- int. reals or the country will be maintained. Resolved, That the deinocr tic del gition in the last Congress of the United State-, claim, for their strict adherence to the principles of the parly, the thanks of tlioir constituents, and. that posterity will approve their acts. Reiolvcd, That the th inks of the meeting b ten dered to the tcvcral gentlemen, who have addressed the meeting. Resolved, That the pMcocdings of this meeting be published in the democratic paper of this coun ty, and of the state. SAMUEL AWI,, Pieident. SAt;iL IilITI, ""I PSTKH PcilStl.t., i It. H. Him... ... p Jont W, Mil.. , J Pre.-idetitk. II nru V Thmnn. ? s Samuel D. Jirdiin, ) ' ."iccretartcs. Itcaiitirs of the Fodrral Appor llonmnit Hill Th' county of Philadelphia, which is democratic, polled at the recent diction about Twrsr-ri-Two ThocsaM) votes, and elected Eioiit meinliers of the Legi-lature. Tho eity, which is federal, polled Er-tvi thousand votes, and elected Seven mem bers, within a fraction as many as the county. Ii requires therefore Two ilemocrutic votes in the county to equal the vote of Ox it aiistocrat in the city ! ! ! Democratic Colombia has polled more voice in tho recent content than federal Adams, and yet Co lumbia has but Owe Representative in the Legisla ture, and Adams has Tw o ! ! ! It ia by means of such a law, that the democracy of Pennsylvania has been cheated out ot it right. Democrats recent the invas'ou ujion your privilege by a tush to the ballot boxes on the 30th ! I Wi'h a clear and undisputed majority of more than 15,0110 of the popular vo e agaiiut them, the fcdeialists in this state i.evcrlhvlei.s c'aim to have elected a majority in I oth brunches of the Legisla ture. What but a fraudulent, unconstitutional ap portionment bill could thus pu' the minority in pow er ! The baro mention of th: fact, is sufficient to arouse the honest indignatiou of eveiy trui-hesrtid democrat, and ii.cite him to re-nerve his arm for the great bailie of the 30 h. Never in any country under the sun, have a people's lights been mjre laringly trampbd under fiul, than bave the right ' of the democracy (f Pennsylvania. Sfig'ciun. MCLiMllOf.Y. We learn I'rom tU II dtimore Kepublican of Moll diy, that the Hux, Wm. S. Hamskt, uieinliei of I'oi'gio from IhjiiiI c.I on) couiit), Pu., chu c hl ih'Hth on Suoi'lay evening, in his rmnu at Darnum's Itoitil, trm Iho ilirluirge uf a i.l l, the oouU nls ofwh'cl eiiieied hi- to ad i mediately Mow the Ic leve. . The jury, we tiiider.tand, wire unable to Sitree wl ether .e cnue to bis death by aeci lent or dcinu," Mr. II. wa.- a your.g nun, un votaly beloved by his numerous (mlmcl fiiends, -Mid bad jnst been tr'ni'i. phaiitly re.vlt cted to cotiRress. He cul biin. Ifi-tt in the very lime f hi I fo nt having reached 33 year if x .ihut ij;niog any cae for the e mimis.-i a uf so lerrirle an set 'Vtnn, R-purltr, Schuylkill ltank. ., . . Mr. Wm. Newell, of Philadelphia, bus puhbshed a counter statement to the one recently iwued by the Board of Diieclors, and .lii.U the us, ouihility of Levi' disappearance from his shoulders pieliy u-et .full . It is evident (row Ihe slainiituls of lnh j Jtiii j, ;:.; J,i v'..' j : -ei r j : ii..! t ite a- t,lllH I OB in;clrai ul lilO vc.iuv k t i Ul.k, it t iu Miai now ending betweeu that insiilutioQ and the Batik of Keniiky. There is eviden ly something wrong in this business, mid we are sure tint the public will iiever be sstisAed, unt.l every thing con nected with the return of Levis, and bis second di appenrance, is fu'ly and satisfsctoiily explained. Slinen Journal, The Nevr.i. We have again news from Eurepe by Iho way of Boston. It is certainly uf less impoitance than it was suposcd the inte llgcnce would be. Beyrout has fallen by a bombardment from Bri tish ships of war. Th King of Holland has abdicated his throne in favor of h son. The cauo is his attachment to a Catholic lady, whose religion was bar to the marriage uf thu King. The Princess Augusta, of England, wh has hern a long time ill, died on the S5ih of Sept' tu be r. The rumor of ihe atta k upon, and destrucdo.i of, ihe Fort of Bogus, at the rntiauco of the Bocca Tigris, in China, by the British, is impoilaut, es pecially as it ia accompanied with a promise th it thn attack upon Canton will immedistely follow. This, if true, will not be without effect upon the view s and profits of those in this country who hold large quantities of China produc '. Our thank are due to a friend for a copy of the Bodon Times Extra, containing the above. f. S Gui. Tabic of laectloii. The following table will lie found handy and use ful as a matter of reference. It has been compiled with great care, and is believed to bo accurate i rretidiHial IS'i. of E Election. lectin t. New Hampshire, . Novmibar 7 Connecticut H 2 8 Kuodu Island, "13 4 Virginia, 2 24 1 nuistann, 3 5 Alnbams, "97 Kentucky, - . " 8 15 Indiana, "2 I linois, . " li 5 Missou i, . 2 4 Tco itu-eo, . "19 15 IS'onh Carol na, - lu IS Vennot.t, 10 7 " Maine, " 2 10 (Mia, . 2 11 M.i yUinl, . . 2 10 S utli Car. lorn. . . Legislature. 11 Pe .n Wunia. . . October 30 30 New Jersey, - . Novemlr 6 8 Oiiio, . o 6 21 New York, . " 2 42 MU-issippi, - "24 Michigan, "23 Arkansas, . "23 Massachusetts, . " 9 14 Delaware, . " 10 3 The eie'tors mev at the capiiois of tho icycc live States in which they arech -ten, on ihe ec.i d day of Decern! 1 r. aod give in th i, b Ho a for Pie sideiit and Vice President. l'ojtular IW at the JPrertdtwial Election in 1830. Van Burrn. Whitest Harrimn. Maine, 2i,900 15,231 Naw llaniihtr', 1H.7S2 6.22i Massieh'is. t s, 3S.MI1 43 (l3 n:.ol(. I, 2,ii01 2,711) Ceim cticut, 10,2 '4 18.1(10 Veimnnt, 14 V-M 20,9$ I .New York, 100.815 13H.513 New JVis-.-v. 20:45 26.K93 Pen s i..ina, 91 175 67,111 Dv aware, 4 IS5 4.73 Maryland, 22.1G7 25 H.'2 Vii-ii.ii, 30,-iril ' 2 .l.3Gi .North Csrulina, 25.P I9 22,07 (icorBi.i, 2i.l25- 24.93(1 Kentucky, 3:1.435 37,097 'rc, " 20.1 Hi 35 982 Ohio, 64 918 105 405 L 'Uisiana, 3 65:1 3.3S3 MusiNiippi, 9,970 0,Gk8 Indiana, 32 4H0 41,281 Illinois, 18.097 14,93 Alubaii.a, 20 531 15 H37 Mi 8. (111, 1IJJ5 8,237 Aryans, 2,400 1.234 Michigan, 7,300 4,080 South C iloliin, (elects by Legislature ) Vote nf the Lcc'orul Colleges, 1&'30. Mar-in Van Buicn had of electors, 170 Wm. II. Harrison, 73 Daniel Webster, 11 II. L. While, 2G Ysa Buren's nmj.irity over Harrison, 90 " Welwter, 157 " Whae, 144 " all, 67 Coal Trade. The amount of coal carried on the Danville and Pottsvdle Kail Road to iSuohury for shippinR. du ling the week ending on tSepL 23, is 283 Tons. Per Un r. jKirl, 8,531 Totvl, 8.81 J JOHN BUDD, w. Mm MORE COSCLUSIVE PROOFS, Of the ticaey of Dr, IMieVt tchhruUd Medi cine; Dmh Sir: I was afflicted with a bilious and n rvioU tliaease to o j alaruni'g deiriee, wi'h all the symptoiun which an frequently tlfec a l- In led condition, vii eiddin III the head, viol, ni tremor, chillineas, wiib a fixed pain in the liht side, cximpleiiou bad, and cokiiveuts; indeed I was in a m t mim rahlo cmdiliou. 1 had tried many remedies, but found 110 permanent rel.el un til I had uichaed Dr. ILirlch't tnmjio.ind ntrtnglheninx uni German aitrifiit I'i.k, whrh Ir m their suneiior vi tuts, 1 w.u: coinp'e ely cured, ami am aide 10 pursue my employment, free from pain and disease, (huh. d) JOHN UOI.E4. Dated Xenia. Ohio June 7 , 1840. Principle OHice fur Ihe Untied Slates, No. 19, N.h Eighth street, pi.iui.iphi. HENRY YUXrilEIMER. October 24, 1840. Ag.nt. Jacob Shatter' IMnte. ALL pe ..ns knowing dieiniclve- iu i t ted t the isia'e of Jacob hhalfer, laic of Au.usia township Noithumherland county, dec 'd, ar o e by r. queht si to umke psycneni on or b More tti 3tt day ol r, inet., vnd thoe bavilu a r 01. 1 aga'nst a. ! ii.taie, wi I make them k 1 w , ; t- v aitli 'L icaied for vtuemeiit. JOHN BL011M. Oct. 3, 1840. If. MmintHrutar. SHAIM02IN COAL. F a ety superior quality, Can be had at any time.'D applieat.on to the aiilmcrilM-ri-, in lots t xult purehssets. They keep large, egg, broken, and lino coal, fit Tor burning lime. J. H. PUBDY & Co. Bunbury, Sept. 50. tf. t)aoCEtttES.A fresh supply of Groceries just rvc .vod and f r s do by HBNRir YOXTHIMER. Sept. 12, l40.if. liqUOW9.K fresh supply of Brandy, Gin, Port I.i-lton. Tri erifl . Madeira and Sherr Wines. just received a d for saV by IIKAKI X UA1H1M EK. Sept. 12. 1810. - if. WCHI.T.VS, A new assortment of 7-4, 7-8 ai d 3-4 yard wide Muslin, jut received and for sale b HKNRY YOXTHIMKR. pJppt. 12, 1840 tf. t.thtCOES, -A new a-aoitmei t ofCulicoe. just teceived and for -ale by HENRY YOXTHIMER. Sept. 12,1840 if. HO.V A good assortment of Bur Iron, just received and for sale lv HENRY YOXTHIMER. Sept. 12, 1840. tf. t,T.-S50 barrels and sacks of Salt, just received and for sale by HENRY YOXTHIMER. Sept. 12, 1840. if. ChOI ItS. .. -general assortment of Cloths and Cassirneies, constantly on hand ot the store of HEMtY YOXTHIMER. Sept. 12, 1840. tf. WJIE.IT, ItM, COKA and all other k Hds of Giain and Seed will be taken at Ihe high est pricis in exchanfo for at theatore of HENRY YOXTHIMER. 8ept. 12, 1840 $-lf. MACKEREL A few barrels of Mickerel for saV at a low price by H. B, MASSE R, Sept. 12, 1S40. " HUSH SALMON. Ol the best quality, con stantly 011 hand and for sale by H. B. MASSE R, Sept 12, 1840. MADEIRA WINE. Fiist quality Madiera Wine, fir etle low by II. B. MASTER, Sept. 12, 1840. FOURTH PROOF BrTnDY. A genu nr art cle always on band and for sale by H. B. MASSER Sept. 12, 1840- HOLLAND GIN, Of the best quality always on hand and for sa'e by II. B. MASSER. Sept. 12, 1840. LOAF AND LUMP SUGAR. Alwaya on hand and fir sale by . H. B. MASSER. Sept, 12, 1840. BOSTON MYRUP MOLA3SE i. Of a supe rior quulity, for sale by H. B. MASSER, Sept. 12, 1840. NEW ORLEANS SUGAR HOUSE MO LAnnES. Oi the hct quality tdwsys 011 hand ..I d for sale by II. B. MASSERR. .Sept. 12, 1810. ISIiOWN SlUAR. Of a goal qu litv, lor .. low by II. B.MAS-EU. Sept. 12, 1840. LIQUOUS. Ot all kin Is and ol the t.e.l quali ties ulwajson hand and for sale bv H. B. MASTER. Kept. 12, 1840. GREEN AM) BLACK TEAS. Of the best quality alwavsou liulid and f r sale by II. B. MASSER. S'(,t. 12, 1810. COFFI K. Java, Uio and I.auira ColTee, con stantiy on hand and for ssle by 11. B. MASSER. Sept. 12, 1810. SPERM OIL. Winter and Summer strain. d S pn m O.t, uf thu ' est quality, always on hand ai d forsnlMby II. II, MAbSsliU. Sept I'J, IS 10. STEEL. Cat and Bli4ei Hu-el. for sale by H. B. MASSER. Sept. 12. 1840. SPRING STEEL. Of va ious -ii.-. for Eliplie Si ring , for sale by' H. B. MASTER. 8eft. 12,1810. LARGE (JI.'MMO UIHLES. F.r sale ,t very raduccd piictsby II. B. MASSER. 8,'pt. 12, 1840. BLANK BOOKS. Of all kinds, for sale by II. B. MASSER. Sept. 12, 1R40. BLANK UEEUS.-ltonds, Mortgaae-. Ac. for a!eby H. B. MA-SSER, Sept. 12, 1S40. JUSTICRS'li LAN KS. for ala by II. B. MASSER. Sept 12, 1810. CLOTHS, Blue, Black. Invisible Oreen, &.o, for aa le by H. B. M ASSER, Sept. 12, 1840. CASS1MERES AND SATI1NETTS. For ul very low by II. B. MASSER. Sept. IS. 1810., CARPETINii Lor ale , heap by 11. B. MASSER. Sept. II, IS 10. B L A N K CTS Vut .ate cheap by II. B. MASSER, . Sept. 12, I b id. UNBLEACHED MUSLINS. For sile by 11. B. MASSER. September 12, 1640. COTTON YARN AND COIT' N LAPS For sab- b . H. B MAsSER. . SepiLinbcr 12, 1840. HEMP AND COTTON TWINE. F. r sale 0 H. B. MASSER. Sep eiubtf 14, 1810 TiUM.Ntl LINES, CO::!; AN'Ii 1.'V.. i o. sale by ij, jj J'.ALR. Ueptciubesr 12,1844). JL'-U1 JL 1 J . J, . ,. A MILLER & FARMCR MAY hear of a good sitnaiion, tiny milos Iroin Sunhury, in a new aelllemort, woere ho would ohlnin a long lease of a small Crist Mill, and have Farm adjoining, by inquiring of THE PRINTER. October I Oth, 1810, 6t LOST. A WHEEL-BARROW was taken from the door of the mibaeribcr. Any peison who has it in possession, will please to return it, or inform the subscriber where he pan get I'. Fifty cents reward will be given for any informa tion in relation to the same. JOHN DERINO October 3, 1840.-tf. IiilIifE'FiZiws. Tni'I Pamphlet Laws, for the session 1839-40, have been received at ibis office, and are now en,y lor distribution to those rritillml to receive ibem. SAMUEL D. JORDAN. Prnthonotary's ollioe. "i 1'mth'y. Sunlury,tiepi.22, 1940.5 LIST OF CAUSES fOK in the Court of Common I 'lens of ' Noribumbeilaiid County, to he held at Sui. bury, on lh firal Monday of Notetnlwr next, being the 2d. 1 Joseph Trcgn , vs Martin A. Stock, 2 tteerge Weishsnse v I 1 Allen, 8 Christ (c Nei-bit"" y Jacks n Nesbit, 4 Oeore Liwrenco v R II. Haiiiniond, 5 Henry W. Snyder vs Willi in M-C.nty, 6 Adam Sbider vs S. bxnoii Du, klebt rger 7 Hanu r for Roush vs Solomon Menai, 8 K rkpntiick & Son vs (1. LeiKenring. 9 Di. Win, Henderson v.s llrnrv i r nn, 10 Samo vh fh pm in A (iro 'l.ou ! II Wm. P. Brady s I'l.oni s (Jr nit's a I u'.. 12 (;h is'ain Heekoit vs FresJ. riek H.ckert, 13 E. Y. BrLht vs J. C. NotitHe. 14 Hugh Bel.ia vs Wm. M Ca.ty et al., 15 Joseph (joss vs Dr. Rowrt Phillips, 10 James Hillhiurne vs Dennis Wuier-, 17 Peter Ki If.-r va II nry Baidahcr, 18 Michael M'Cah vs J.J. Caul et al., 19 Wm. A. L'oxd vs Win. Fornyib.o, 20 J .hn A. Llovd vs J .rn a 1,-e, 21 Filbert's adm'r. vs John Fi.bert, 22 Wm. A. Llovd f .r John A. Lloyd vs Wm Wilson, jr. 23 Henry F ick ' vs II. L Diellenliuucb, 24 Cm'th of Penri'j v VVeavwr, Lloyd and Ro- I ins, 25 John DnnUe s Robcrl Mack. 26 Milton Bomut;h vs Jaco i Wbeelar.d, 27 ( iroves fur II irt & Co vs John Leisenrii'S, 2M Jia-ph Msrple's 1 x'r vs J, ho K'lfer et al., 29 Porter for Yoxlheimer vs Thomas Cow .n, 30 Peter Wary vs John II. Pur ly &. Co. SAMUEL D. JORDAN, 1'iut'u. I'ro honot.iry s Oilier, Su .bury, Sept. 17, 1810 LAST NOTICE. LL those ii di I'teil to ih laie linn ol Tlx eh ir and Thompson, are hen ly 11 t lie ' to cs I 1. a seide iheir accounts, as lhy w ill be !! iu t'.e hands of a Jus ice for c Her ion, w thout rva'cl 10 persons. SAM I 'El. THAI" IliiR. SAM I EL THOMIXJN. (Tj"'riie bo. ks will nmain in my l.m.ds u j. the 31st of October ncv. SAMUEL THOMPSON. Huubury, Hcpl 19. 5w NOTICE. CREDITORS TAKK NO rum il.m h h sppl eil o tho Court of Common ..f Nor h uiuberland county for the b tofii of the l.,w. in le for Hie rel ef of insolvent de ior; a d t 1 1;. Juilg.sof the said Court lav. ,. it.-! I. .Moo. lay ol io.n.!er 11, x , 1. u- 11 1. redil. rs t t' e Cour. i 00s.. 1. i. . 'ur ..when jiid where you max st en I 1 o . 1 an-. ; r ,.ci. I iiOMAS I'tJ, JOHN JoNE, his JtisEPil X POYEIH, in ok HERMAN YKIf.'H, KOIJKRI' SMITH, JOHN UATIOIfF. DXN1KL HALUY, ANDREW CARO I HERS Sunbuiy, Sept-uiber 12, 1840. iYfifirsv ALL ACCOUNTS re,.!i,!,n In mv boola previous (! llie Inst or Apnl 1.410, ilt le left in the hands of a Jua'tee of the Peace for eo'lection. HENRY YOXnilMEK N. B. Grain of all kiuda will bo lukeu on old arcounls. Stpt. 12, 1840. tf. 1 11 b 1 i c Sale. IN pursuance if 11 order of the. Orphsos' Court id Noiibuinberland Coiimy, will ne upo ed to ale by public vendue .Ti u'en, on Monday, the 1 9 A dot if Oct'jbrr vert at th Court !lou-e in the B iroj jli of Sunhury, a c. it iiii Ul .nd in .be River S.i qui huim 1, m Ango la Township, NortliuinlK-rland comity, c n ni n g i n 1 r--s in rc or Ics, l ite hu enatj f Jucoli s asli ' :ec'd. ftl- to commence hi 10 o'clock i.f j.d day, when lb: coiidrions will ee ma.lo knoAii by Kr ib L ixou- Ailmi.i r.t .. dr Lu-i .. ' . . o. suid d.t;. e.u. JOHN U. Oi :.V, Sunbuiy. Aug. 29, Vis. O. l VI alial lll- tl -sCf.iiJ. T1JE folloiAii.g arc 1 Ii, api oinied a .' ts in Iheir respective counties, f.r the r-u!o of Dfani!ri:h's Vegetable Universal Pifx, NonhunibeiUi d county : Milton Mickey fi Chioiheilin. Suu'ury H B. Masser. M'Kwei s ville Gi'ddvS, Green Sl Geo. get .w 11 F. Midlmg ! A. Co, 'Union eouoly : Lewi-buru W I's A. (1 d Y. M fllinhuig Pellin cV Bei'k'y. New I'eilirt J din M. DtuC-r. Selinsjiove Eic & Co Mid dlcburg I-aac Smith. J.ytomtng county j Wilii .insp .rt John Smith. Newberry M. A J. C. Fun-t 11. Mu icy ,, A. Pcrican. Jersey Sh e Ja in s II. II 1 burn. Columbia comity : Dnilie T. it E. B. Rev. Holds. Ca'tuwia C. A. UroMs II rwek Shu 111 .11 A R'tteuhouse. Blocmsburg-J bn R. Mi yer. Sunhury, Sept. 9, IH40, a : .2 a r- a . Jlcuiovnl. U O O K-B I N D E R Y. THE uudrrined have ibe gratification of in forming iLe publ.c, that nolwnhsiauding H ey w. re so uiiloiluiialo as to have their bindery burnt do n, in March last, they have ojietied a very ei tensive 011O, in Lnaajst street, in the new budding diievily opp ikile Uiviiu's Hotel, ud si piepan d 10 f ieu e all work in tlieir linr with ib spato.i, and in so pe.ior stjla. Their lilH.INt) APPAK', li'- and od ar Ma hiorry iiew.:J -olral o.. e a ,d 1jIc1 -i .pi v 01. 10. ; ....J l:.ev I. ( I a . ; Q dilice in tii.ii ficiblies l l ivi , p. ri -n .1 I . lion lo ull who imy lavor ibeui wi.h iih r o h ... Banks. County olfices, Me.chanl-. and oil ei, eai Ussn didw.tti UL NK tlt'K ot' . very A etr h fr ne.'i.,.- and Iuim hl'.i . , . il! I: i. j I .11. y in .de Iv 1 - U 'it 1 atat'ei. Hli Koiv L. CAN ! IN E. HARRISBURO, iSepi. 9. Transportation iLiuc TO BALTIMORE. ' (ft "run cairai, ) tVareAouie fool of Chetnut Street on the Penm tylvunia VunaL A BOAT have the wharf of the subs, riber evo. ry morning at 8 o'clock, running through to Ba'ti more in three days. Consignmi nls ot produce, iron, eke-, will receive a despatch by this lin", whleh has not hitherto been equalled by any other.' Kate uf fieiuht as low as by any other regular line. References ! JOHN W. BROWN, BUCK & HKRK, I . . KERNAN St STILLNIOER, f-u"f J. & A. 11. HERR. J O ud inti ndr d for Pittsburg, or any pnint on the Pennsylvania Canals, wdl he ahipped wi.hout dd ..y on their orrival at llnrrisburi;, us this con nect with the North American line of Po tuhln Boats to Piltshurj daily, and with the Busquiban. na Packet Line to Northumberland, Williamspuri, Wilkesbnrie, and all intermediate pliers. GEOROE W. LAYNO. Harrisburg, Sept. 9, 1840. Ccorge W. jLayntj, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MER CHANT, CnrsncT 8tiit Witir, HaanrsBune, IS prepared to receive Goods and Pioduce at the new wi eh uae, which hia arrangements will en : I I him to forward with ilespa ch to Philadelphia, Pittsburg,. Williamsp.n,, Columbia. Ij ncaster. r any oiher point nn the Pennsylyinia t.J Unbn: ('anal -, and thn Pennsy ivania and liar risli'jit! and Laneaslcr rail roads. Goolsfmm Philadelphia for Harris' u g, Carlisle, ' hainb rhurij, ft oic, fjrwurJed with care and expei!il,.iu Coal, PiisTMi, Salt end Fisu, cortinlly fir Ble. Sept. 9. Works of IVatrire. IN s ft .te ol the intei-titul c.iml may be compared to a river whose Wate s iluw over the ad jo in tiii land, thrui';!; ;lin ctuniiels nature or art has uncle, and improves iheir quel. tie-; and to kei p up tt e comparison nf the nv. r, so lon as it runs on sino the channels are hep- pure and health); but if by mm.' csuse ihe cour.e i f the river ir stop ped, then the water In the ta ids is lie long' r pure, I. ut oon becomes stagnant. Th. re is but 0110 law f circulati n in latu e. Win n thire is a super ahuudanc.' i f buni orial floid (s. rocily) in the inles tnal IuIms, and cotivencss takes place, it Q ws back into tho blno I vessels, and inGI rates ilhell in to Ihe circuhit'.on. To establi h the free course of the river, we must remove the ol slructions which step its free cour-ennd tho e of its tr butary stream. Wnh the body, follow the same natural principal ; r m ve. by that valuable purgative medicine Bran iiefu L',i.versul Vegetable Pills, which are an ef- f cmnl assist nee uf nature, the superabundance of humors in the intestine canal, liy per cvenrig in this pisetic -, the ways of the circulation will then lie leiorial In Ihe full exerciao of their natural fuiic- tioi.s, snd 1 state of heslth will be firmly establish id Ri member, never MjlV. r a drop ol blooJ to lie taken fi on you Lvacuate the humors as often in. I as long as they are degenerated, or as locg as ou e.u .it. Dr. Ilrandieih's OlTice in Philadelphia, ia at No. 8, NORTH EIUII 111 street, where his pills can be iad nt "6 cents per box, with full directions. iXj" uly scent in Hunhury, is U. B. Masser Esqr. .-unhuiy, Sept, 9, 1810. MORE POSITIVE PROOFS Of Ihe efficacy of Dr. Jlarlch's Comptund Slrenglhcning and (Jerman Aperient P. lis. Allfouesv Jan. 8, 1840. Tn Dr Harhch's A :ent Sir: I wish t.'staiefor the hem fit of Itm e who may be afllicted. that Dr. Hahlich's t'ms havo en'i elv enrid me of Dys peps a. nf wit:, h 1 been afR cted for many y. ". I used k ith kinds, the Apeiicnt and Strcng'.h enioi', and I am consti lined to t-ay, that tiny a e a v In th e di-ctvery, an I uci upon the system mild y, I'Ut v. ry Ib-ciually. I found the Tome pills lo (fun ki 11 ihe eirco ulion und cause a d. teriimiatiim to I o- surlace, ard to .l engthen the we k -toin icll a'. I i's powers. Tho Aper.eni pit s r the ls eathariii I ever used. I am confident all Dy a'.ucs would d 1 we I to make immediate and lc r lieve.l. Any one can call ut my house and be siti tlad of the above at pic n-nrc DAVID R. POPE. N. H. Toe original certificate mav be seen ar the Ulicf ol the spirit of the Tim. a." For sale at No. 19, North Eighth s'reet. HENRY YOXriIElMER, October 24, IS 10. .igeut. LIVER COMPLlINT. THlSdiwaS' is discovered by a fixed obtus.' pain in the riithl si 'e under iho short ribs, attended wi'h heat, umasiness about the pit of the stomach; ill t is 1 . h ritiht M.le . l.o a ilit 'n ion : the in. tii.11' I s his ui peti'e, a id tarco.iies ick ai d troubl e 1 wi ll vomit iig. Tiie tongue U cmc. rough and bl irk, tho count' riaii. c chan rej to a pale ot ci.roii el r. or yellow like tlio-c ; iUu ted ni.h j un dice, d flicu'iy of b eathin, distu b d re-t, sltendeo w.tlt a i!ry rorrA, difficulty of laying on the left an e, the t dy c 'inc. weak, auJ 11 la'ly the disease te-mt'oiu s i:.t -no her of a in ire ious n .tuie, vhi'h 1.1 nil prohabdi'y s (ar beyond Ihe power of hum 11 sk II Dr. ll't'l'ch s ' ompuund Strength' i en. iff 'fume und Hitman Aperient itlii, ll ta ; V 11 ..' he r mill'ine 1 uf ibis dis hsc, will c.i k .t, in .1 iy c 11 ni'. 11 g Iho use ol the medicine a K. vi ik a p. feci cure ill be per fnl rued, i'.i ,i.s o s cj.i t rt.Jj to ha fact (.'. ii ii j is . f ma. ) peions n ay daily las se. n I'flii. e.'.K i v , f hi . mvaluahlo medicine, by apply. UK at the' Medical Ollice. No. 19. NOK1H ElG.i Til kt.cct, i'lnla lei, hia. HtietKY YOXTHEIMER. O toJer 21, 1810. Aent Uriscipal REASONS Why Dr HAKLICH'S Cmpuud Streiigthen in . ui-1 Germ . 11 Apcucnl Pills . r- us. d by all clas ses f p op e, m pr fer. m e la o her Medic IV s, la. cue they a e prepirud from a pure tz tract of kerbs, m wboltsoluc ine.ilcine, tudd ill its operation and pleaMiut in il etVi ct lire mo-l certain preserver of health, a safe and rlkc uil cure of Dyspepsia or Indigestion, and all stomach roinpUinis, a rcwrver an I poiili.'i of (be whole system. llecnu' t ey aoothe the nerve of sensibility a d foitify the in rvi a of motion, iinpariiini to their m ail auhile fluid its pristine tous, thus giving s.reuglh au I clearness of an ual- Betau they never de,l.y the coa'a of the sto. m ich and bowels, a all strong purgativea do. Because science and rxpurience teach u that 110 meie purutivo alone will cuie he disease of the tt much and neivis, Veaklie is the primary oue if a hosi of diseases, and, by con'initdly ia soiling to Drastic purgiuia , you make the liiaeaae I ' uinrb iw, I stead ol U ll r. U.'...ii-4' Dr. iiailich's MsJciiu's are put up up mi , thu sens.' prom, le, to "cle use and 1 . 1. .,;:''. 11," hich 1 tlie only course lo pursue to 1 itVi' ' c ie. Lastly, ' Uecauws t'.irkO Mo Jit. ties really da C U t lb d ' 1 a r o wUic'a n.ty are .vied. Principal 1 tli . i'n '.hi; H . ...J lt oe is al .So. IU N :til . J-.'..;i. - 11.1t, VW-,.!!.. i.. i'.ENUY YU.iiii;.Mfc Oi tols r !, 110. Agt. IMPORTANT PitOQF. Of the tjlaxy of Dr. llirlSt CU -fa Mj& 'ij. ilg re.1 ilojft wsS rjt by Mr. H. !?, Hiiiman, g'vot st (ononrnitti, Obi'. Thnrtiin l.o no m stako iui', a thn pa'tie are w II knowo. Mr. Kc kiel U gdon, of Ai d -r-on lin hiy. Ham Itoti'y. Ohio, ws s reial 'djys tr ,u 'ni with hdlm afTiK'tiona, acidity nftht st nuach, at t. ndo.l with the usu .1 y .np'otm of dyae,;, an J hiving male trial of vnroua ms-l cine w.lV,ut flodnig reli f, wa cu e.1 t y the above m"d cn". Alst. E.RIUDON. C't elniistl. Jun- 8'Jth, 1840. YE T LATER. Mr. Vanee. nf Washing on cuoy, wri'es a fol' Dear Sir Dr. Ha.lirh'e p I s ar- peToiming oria of the rn 1st wonde.fut eu'es in th s yiHnt y i-wr bearj of. They were introduced here ab iut six months agn, by ot f my neig' bor. wi o bought a half d ten parkngoe from ihe Pntshnng offi.e. I om aware of fmr itse in this plioe where eimp'ete cu es hive been per forme J, une of severe rheumatism, two or dyspepsia, d one of nns shocking and aggravated ner vous complaint, often er twa ve years stnmiing I send you enc!os.'d five dollars; p!ra-e t iforw.rd pills for thut amount by the boarer, Wiilia n Ward, Artist JOHN VANCE. July 27. 1840. N. B. The above certificates, compared with the very msny already ri'cetvad, certainly must con vince those similarly affl cted, that th y ca yt b rebevrd by the use of tliesn Inv d inMc. mr"!'i).ii. Piimipal ifllcn, No 19, Noit'i Eii-ti. stut PlllUdclph a. Fr snln by HENRY YOXriEIMI.R. Oclolier Si, 1840. .4.1 D YSPEPSIA. ! D YSPLPSlA. I That troublesome end peaco-Jestroyin ihsisa. Thousands and teu of thousands sutf .. f.o.;t that common distressing complaint. D.t; tyt a in tViqwndy caused by wverio iling or .i'end ti -, iho stomach by executive toting or diink ng 1.1. .ij a. ib e and acrid suhsiai ces l .ken int.) the stomach, or fimu loiiii continued constipation of t'.'.e bowls, a sosJent.ry life, fear, gr;e suxtety, a copious draft of Cold water, drastic purgutivc medicitits, dyseti teiy, miscarriages, interim lent and spai.vtiidio af f. clions of ihe somiach und bowls, iireftnlar meals, I. ite hours, and too frequcul use of spirituius l.quois. The symptoms of ditpp.iia may be described a a want of appetite, or an unnatural or voracious one, nausea and sornetim s bilious vum'Jing, sud den and transient di-lenxioiis of the stomach afer eating, ac id and putrcsrnt eructations, water brash, pain in the region of the stomach, c. suvi n ss, pal pitition of the heart, diuinexs and dimneu of tho sight, disturbed rest, tremors, ment-il despondency, flatulci cy, spasms, nervous irritibility, chd ioe-s, salio-vutss of complexi tn, gre.t ippreiaion after ating, languor and general debility , sick Lead a. ho, 6lc. CURE Al the head of all rema.'ics stands Da. HaRLICn's CorilC5D 81 Toxiu asu GkHMAS ArratiiKtiT Pills, bic 1 act grnat ly upon the perist.iltic motion of tlie intestines, theieliy producing regulirity of the bowls, at the sumo time improving the' functions of the dohil.tat- ed o gans, thus invigorating and restoring tho di ge.tivu organs to a hea thy action. This sc. dom fails in pro iuciug rebel. Full and explicilo direction accompany the above nudhine. Likewise a pamphlet which dc acr.b s iliseases, ihe manner af treating, &e. Principle ntl'ics for the United 'b;s. No. 19, North EIGHTH STREET, Philadelphia. HENRR YOXl'llKIMER. OctoWr 24, 1849. 4fif. FEMALES. WHO are troubled with s'tk headache, pain In the side, breast, and hack, loss of apel:tc, tlitulon cy, lowuesa dl spirits, palpitation of the heart, faiiit iints or giddiness, sickiio-s al the stoiii'ich, bil.oas alf'ittons, tig'ittieas at the chct, inua, Vnmiling, noise iu tho ktomnch, flii.hiiigs ol heui, ai d child lies, diaesses of the iieivcs, 1 n.l organs uf .!; -rti n, vie. dec, th..' who mav be thus nlTVcvi!, shonl I not in g eel to procu o Dr. II irlich's Compound Strengthening Tonic and Cerinan Aperient Pil!s, which sro warranted lo givo imnudiate relic'. ThouatiJa i'o we almost daily ta hjhl, whoi-e ou;. teitaiices and pale emaciated cheeks bear cceul ir witness to sickne.-s and uQlu'tioii. Could tho e peisoiis be per.uadi J to use tbia inv..luublu inixl. ciue, dicy would soon find their weak and Jo'.ii.'i'i tisJ fiames slionghlenrd, iheir mind, comp oed. and all pain, and dislresa driven fro.n the system, when the body will again rmew i s Iot vi,;jr, aud I ut on a new life," and death f r a while bo de I lived of tie prey. What h. at but fiols glad Ij behold t eir near relatives and dcr friends, snatched as it by mag.o from that fatal dc-t oyer jDvf,i yo who are laboring under dis. ase let not aootlicr day or nijht pa without procuring this midicine, asil wilt iii a maj inly of eae. i ll. ct a pcrman ti.t cure. Remember delays art dunftrous , and if dioia-e is neloc ed, its r..vag a will djuhly iu . Cj-Principle OlHro for the United C:..t a. N .. 10. NORTH EIGHTH sueot, wl.01 danons of bundie. s of persons may bo e. tii 01 which have Ueu cured or U'iiid:.vJ by tho lUodlCIUJ. HENRY YOAr;irl..i. Oc.ober 24. 1S1U. SICKSESS. THERE are many persons that we d o.hol I, wh i countenance, a: d f' ,.t C o.e i fli c lllii' which we fi id has principiity uug n ud f.u.u neglc'cl of proper lie at tha co i.m ucrnidui . f a cktie. Al first the ,n tent coi, li ... ul 'tile mt the kioiaacha'ieiidoj w ta cXiuts. s,Jie.,. he i.e4 ic's t pro urc propor m dt ins ; a. en h hei complains of pain in the aide snJ s omacti wi'h s mr eructations; bis appetite bcvones i upair d, bis iet trouhl.-o ne, his miud b .rasd, uuJ ail thins a ound bim app.'ur not in their prop 1 .i iii 111. II ' lid neUvU himsilf whe 1 in nil prolvsiiilily ll.e disease may at le oth be so fast a. aled 1 h it ua ine hc il aid will repJacsj him again. A. the fiist atta.'k of sickness there sh u!J bo " no lime loal" III procuring Dr Hsrbch's cuxrooo srHsnorB kmss Art.Hii.sT fills, whioi iinmcdialely is moves b tc from the t imach, ohviat4 cautivencaw. ivmove disorders in the head' iiivigjrato the ruihd, ktrungthi 11 the Nfcly, improve the iu. niory, and en liven the luiaiiiuiioii ; thus ivstoilug the body ng.'in to i a proHr function. Principe OlfMi.., No. 19, NORTH EIGHTH street, Plinadelnhiv HENRY YOXniL'IMEU fVtolsr ?t , IS 10. Agent. TO THE .tFFUCTED. THOSE who are sulT ring fr m vs-i.ius dirasee incident lo th bumn family, woal.l do well f procure Jr. Harlich'i Camptiund Stringthtning aft German Aperient Pills, which re so j re mine ov reccoramenjsd fer Dyspepsia, l.rver Complaiius, 1 sins iu lb aide, buck and b eskt, Nvrvious A if cl ons. Ilea I-Ache, and all ihe dia raaea ot tbe Sio nich aid BowU. PaaiphloU may 1st u .Isiusd gratis, which contain full a .J txpii(.v A r. cuous fw u iug. Tbe rcadi r is li b r.ed to svv tral very vmeres iig cert fl. ale of cures u this) p. er. which may be rtlwd up.01, a th'-y ar. tka frmi 'hiorlgii el. For tils st Nn. 19, NUklH I'lGlll'tl sir. el, P.iila lolphi.. hlnky yhxm:-;- k. tV-o'er laid. 44