Newspaper Page Text
Tabic of I -lot t Ions. The following table will be found handy and use fut s matter of reference. It has been compiled with great care, and ia believed to be accurate t Prrtid ntiul Na.ofE Election. lectins. New Hampshire, November 2 7 Connecticut 2 8 Rhode Island, . . 13 4 Virginia, " 8 2:1 1 ouisisn.i, "35 Alabama, "97 Kentucky, 2 16 Indiana, " 2 Llinois, "25 Missouri, . "24 Tcniiessco, . " 19 15 North Carol'na, 19 15 Vermont, s "10 7 Maine, - 2 10 Oeorgio, 2 11 Maryland, . . 2 10 S.iUtll Carolina. Lcgi-lnlurc, 1 1 Pennsylvania, - . Octolrer 30 30 New Jersey, November 6 8 Ohio, 6 21 New York, . - 3 42 Mis-dssippi, 3 4 Michigan, 2 3 Arkansas, . "23 Massichusolt', 9 14 Delaware, "10 3 'J'lio eleslors meet at the cspilols of the rcapco tive Slut.' in which tltey arc ch men, on the second day of Decemla-r, and give in th. ir b .Uo.s for Pic tident and Vice Prisidcut. l'opular Vole al ttw i'rrMtn'ial Eltcliim In 1810. I'tin Unren. White i llurritnn. Maine, 22,900 15,239 New Hampshire, IS 722 6.22.S Mass-ichnset a, 38.501 43 033 Khode Maud, 2.901 2,710 Connecticut, 19 2)4 18,160 Vermont, 14 037 20,0t I New York, 106,815 13,5I3 New Jersey, 20 345 "M.HOS Pennsylvania, 91475 87.1 It Delaware, 4 15 4.733 Maryland, 22,107 25 852 Viiginia, 30.201 23,308 North Carolina, 25.839 22.072 (eotgii, 22.121 21,930 Kentucky, 33.435 37,097 Tennessee, 26.120 35 903 Ohio, 64 918 105 405 Louisiana, 3.0.53 3,383 Missinippi, 0 079 0.688 Indiana, 32 480 41,281 Illinois, 18.097 14,93 Alabama, 20 531 " 15,637 Mi soiiri, J 1,90.1 8,237 Ark a: fag, 2,400 1,238 Michigan, 7,300 4,080 (South Oarolini, (electa by Lenislaiurc ) Vote of the Electoral Colleges, li16. Martin Van lluien had of electors, 170 Wm. II. Harrison, 73 Daniel Webster, 14 II. L. While, 20 Van Buren's ranjority over Harriaoni 90 - Webster, 157 - - White, 144 all, 67 Coal Trade. The amount of coal carried on the Danville and rottaville Kail Road to Sunbury for shipping, du ling the weik ending on Nov. C, ia 652 Tons, Per last report, 11,890 Total, 12,443 JOHN VJJVD, w. . THE CAUSF OF DISEASE. Nearly all classes of dist al, arc caused by aume obstruction i.i the gysttm, which prevent the lobu lar and wholes mo operation of the animal fttne lions. This slate of the ji:fra, is disease) which is manifested in a variety of forma, moio or less mal gnnnt In their character. To restore tho system to a state of hcalh, then, i. is only necc-sary to ic inove the cause of disea-e, anJ iho end is accom plished. The cause is oba ruction somewhere. This can be removed by purgation, which is tho only means that shou'd be res ir.ed to, because, suggested by reason, and ly nature. Dr. Hulich's Strength ening an.l Germ in Aperient Pills, are allowed by thj thousands who have u-ed them, to 1C thu best pu g.nive medicine in existence. Ilecnuse, they not only r move all obstructions, and purge the sys tem -of its impurities, but, because, and which is ex tremely important, aiiciiithen and give propti tone to the sto.iiach, and produce a hr.dihy action of all the parts. Besides, they am so milJ and gcntlo in their opera'ion, as to rend, r them at all limes a per fectly safe anJ desirable remedy. The o 111 cled would do well, then, to purchase a box or two of th's invaluable medicine, and give ii a fair trial, in St, ad of dtstroying their sy.tcins with ofi-tcjieaicd doses of calomel, anil other drugs, so injurious to human life and happiness. Pee above midecine for sale at the Drug sioro of HENRY YOX I'll ELMER, Oct. 31,1840. .ittnt. Jacob' Fi lsiiuilU & Soil Tn ESPEOTFULLY informs their friends an.' JtlU, acquaintances g-'licially th it they ti-, con tinue to keep at the old stand, No. SIS ;orU 3d sireit, Philadt Iphia, all kinds of TOBACCO SXUFF AM) bEGARS. Which they will on lUe, -ccjiumodaling and n dli N. U. All poods i-old will bo tuirantecd, and uli orders prompt y all-nded l.i. I'lilladelpUia, Novem' er 7, 1810. ly. liclinrl AVeavcr X, Son, HOPE MAKERS & SZIir CHANDLERS. JS'o. 13 Xurth Wulcr Slrcet, Fiiliidefjtiia. TTWAVE constantly on hand, a general assort H nvnt of Cordaijfl, Seine Twines, cVo, viz: 'i ui d Kopcs, Fishing li .pes While Ropes, .Manil la Ropes, 'J'ow Lines for Canal 11 als. Also, a complete assjrtmei.t of S ine Twines, ic. such a Hemp Miad and H.rring Twine, Deal 1'utent (iill Net Twine, Cotton IShaJ and Herring Twine, Tlireails, &c. A.c. Also, lied Coids, l'. ugh Lines, Halters, Trac a, Coil in and Linen drput Chains, Ac. all of which they will dispose of on res enable teim. 1'hiladelphia, Novembei 7, 1810. NEW ENGLAND OIL COMPANY. No. 29 North Water Street, Thila. irUINfj, Fall anJ Winter Sperm and other, '1 Double Kefin d and llleat-Ued. Also war ramcd I'ure btraita and Dank Oil, for Tanner's use Ncats Foot Oil, &e. (Ij This Company has a number of Vcsscla en gigej in t'.ia Cod Fishuy, aiid Tanners may 11 ly U.U11 Bulling at all times Oil as pure as iinjiuiieJ. I'bilide Ij-hia, NV. 7, 1 40. I y . CIT'V AtrOTION AND COramiSSION STORB. A'amkf 29 North third Xtrcef, Philadelphia iUDI.IU SALES of Dry (Joods, Hardware and Cutlery, Hook, Htlion4ry, Clothing, oots, Hhoea and Hals, and in short almnslvety description of goorls, are held at th;s ostablishinent every evening.-Ooods are al-o aold nl privaie sale during the day at the average auction prices. Store keeper and teachers will find it lo their advantage by aitoiidhg the sales. C.C. MACrtEY, Auctioneer. Philadelphia, Novrmb r 7, 1840. USI1ERICK, IIANSELL & CO'S. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS STORS. No. 1G0 1-2 Market Street, Phila. (7?(7.w Fifth South tide ) LWAYd ke.tpon hand a full and general a scrtmcntof Ho iery, Lace, a id Fancy Goods, Country Merchant are retpec-fil'ly reqtio.-tod lo give t!i ni a csll and examine lor (hem elves. 1'hiladelphia, Noveuiber 7, 1340. ly. SPEltlNG, GOOD & CO. No. 13S Market Street, Pliilatlelliia. fXVITE the attention of Coui.try Merchants to the'r extensive a-ortmct!t of H iii-h and American Dry CoihIs, wliiej they tflfer forade on the mo-t rrnsonrdrle t rms. riiil.d. Iphia, November 7, 1840. ly, PETE II DEWEEi, XjAst maseh, No. 74 Callowliill Street, Philadelphia, ("Three dourt above Second J Tl!IOn Finding always kept on band, which he forsalo on the lowe t term. Country Merchintsare partiiul illy lo call onljadc f.f thcnuTlvcs. Thiladcl, hia, November 7, 1910. 1. . OLIVER N. TItACIlER, Agt. MAKUrACTURER OF HATS, CAP3, &.C. No. 40 North Tliird Street, Phila. f Opposite Iht City Hotel J MATS, Cn s and Lndirs Furs, of every dc-s.-ription, nianuficlu.ed at very low priors, and Country Mcrrhantx snpj !i''d at short uo'.ic -. FhilaJelphiu, Novemb r7, 1840. ly. LOWER & BARRON, Importers and Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Hardware, No. 174 North Tiiihd, I'miinrtrHia. IT7HERE their fiiends and customers will always find a larjie and general aortment of Foreign and Dom'ttic Haidare, which tltey will sell at the lowext price, rhiledelhis, Novemlr 7, 1810. ly. J. W. SWAIN, Umbrella and Tarasol Manufacturer. So. 37 Nooth Tfu'rrl slrrrt, two tUnrt bctulO the City Hotel, Philadelphia. COUNTRY Merchants and other are solicited to examine his as oitmcnt Inforo pn chasing Isewhere. Phila :clphla, November 7, 1840. ly PETER C01T0TE3., Wholesale and Retail Shoe, Bonnet, and Palm Leaf Hat Warehouse. .Vu, 66 Xorlh id street, a few ilvun ulove .Irch, Philadelphia. ALSO Trunk', Carxii Uagsand Valkc, "f eV efy dof.iiplion, all of Which ho idler for sale on the most reaa nalile terms. Thiladel, hia, Novo.nlier 7, 1840. ly P. & A. ROVOUDT'S Cliina, Glass and IJvcrpool Warehouse. Ao 164 North Third tlrret. third door IkIu. Vint sine, PhilMltlpltia. ITHlERn iliey eonstnntly k cp on hand a large uas.iilmeut of China, (lists ai.d Liverpool Ware, which will dlspoao of on the must rei s 11 ihlfi terms. rhiUdelphia, Novemlier 7, 1310. T1IEOPILUS CULP. Manufacturer and Importer of Sad dlery, Hardware, &c. Aj. 6 South Third street, four duort bc 'uiu Market Ph'kdilj.'Hu- "H"T EEf conrf intly on hand a laro tmJ R, nera'i Mvk. as oriiinnt each Limp, 'arri ig bands, AxlArms, Lliptie Springs, Valent Leather. &c. Country Mrrchaols and s'.ddlers will be supplied ai sll t ines on t'le mcs' ics.onaMa teims. 'J bey wi I find it to their ndva.tage 1 1 call and examine hie assortmnr.; W(Jie purcha-in 1 1 Ise where. ?'.dadciphJa, Novtuiler7, 1810. ly. KAY & SP.OTKES.Sa No. Chesnut .Street, Philadelphia. XTIK) conslaiillv keep i n hind a lrge anoit, Medic il. Theo! g'cal. Helm 4. and .Iicellaueous llooks, Uiaiik U.-oks, uud ull kinds of stationary Country ensto. nets an J ulh. rs supp!iod 011 the most reai.a''le ti:riB. 1'hilaJtlph a, November 7, 181 J. ly. J. S. 1CEEAP.A, Wholesale Variety and Trimming Store Kurlh Fourth near Arch stnet, Philadelphia. VI Tll E KB Country Men hauls and others can be supplied, at ill limes, v.ih a large assoilux nt of Hosiry, Oloves, Merino. Coiton, und Woolen Hhnls and Drawers, ISpiK.1 Cllua. Talent Thiead, Cot on Cords, Uu loua, Tapt-a,, Hook' and Eyes, I'ins, Ac. And a general va:i ty of use ful ariiclea, which he olTrsfar sala at the lowest prices. rhiltdelphia, November 7, 1810. ly. REYNOLDS, McFARLAND & CO. Wholesale Dealers in Foreign British and American Dry Goods. Ao 105 Market street, Philadelphia. COUNTRY Men haul-, and others can he bup plied at all times with an extensive a soil iitextl of the best and iiol fashionable Coodj Upon lh inoU leasonabla U iru . rJidelphia, Nou-iubrr 7, 1810, -ly. ATTENTION SUNBCRY'GRBYS. ssw oil iiiv iiirn'i-,i v iiii;e .0, jj parade in Si uket-eUire, Sun bury, at eight o'clock A. M. of Sa turday, the l4th day of November, in Winter, each Member to be provided with 12 rounds of blank caitridge. By older of Captain D. wart, J. II. ZIMMERMAN, Orderly Scrg't. Nov. 2, 18 10. Military Aolicc. THE Indeprnlent Bati'dion of Voluntd 'rs will meet for piiade and drill at (lie hrtnc of Jo seph Mitman, in Dry Valley, Onion county, at 10 o'clock, A.M. of Saturday the 14ih day of No vember nex', c icl metibcf to be fully ciUi-r e l and provided with 13 rounds of blank cartridge. Ily order of the Maj ir. JOHN EM MIT, Adjutant. October 25,1S4. G. V. & L. 3. TATLCP. FFF.R Ft)U 8 ALB. nt t'ie Nul'i E.1 Co -ner of Fifth und Market Sliects, Philtulrl- jiIiiii Mens' Calf:kin Ilonts, sticlied warranted. di do do pegged d' d do do Water proof, d. uMc soles and diiuh'e uppers. do Culf-rkiu do dj da nailed aril upi'e. do He ivy Waler Leather Uoot. do do Ncats do do. do !l!g!i (J.lartei Caif-Wiil. do do do Crockcrs do do Fine M-.nroes warranted. do K p do do do C If do do do Coftisc do dil do do Shivs dil do 1' mo do do do Kip tlo do do Calf and Seal Sk'n I'uinps. do L si with and without soles. do Carpet d I d do do I'ntent WarranteJ W'ut. r-proof More.isius. Ladies' do do do dj L idn s' tanned India Rul'ber thm . (ient'eineiis' do 'vrr shoes. W'i h every other desc lotion of boots and shoes Fur CaW i l'en rv description. Traveling Trunks of every dem'r lion. Vei.etian Travelling Hags. I'a'ent (ium Elastic Hhoe l!laik'nj. U mills if all kinds, I'nlm Leaf Hals, l'hd idelj bia, November 7, 1S1J. ly. ATTEITTIOIT. THE special attention of buyers fioin the sou h and west, ai d fur the stale trai'c, ia re-pe I l ol ly invited to the following assortment of GOODS, which l he sulscri' ef will disove nf at suih prices as will amply lepny his friends for calling ind ex amining his stiKk. To CASH puicliasers, at th pre-eut limo, extraordinary inducements will be of fered. 200 pieces heavy variegated Hpanish matt'ng. 600 i:rces Canton mailiiu, assoited 4-4, 5-4 and 6-4 wliite, checked and flowered. 1000 hearth rng, a lemtitul assortment f Wil ton; ljrusiN, Tuftid, Turkey, and Hemp rus. COO pieces wo den, w irste.l, Cotton, hemp, in grain, Venetian and block Carped iga. An elcgu.l variety of Wilton, Uius-ilx, Scotch aid Uuglisb, Veneiian, Damask, cVe. eVc. 1000 dozen n.en Mi I bova cap, comprising a g'C4.t var etr of Fur, Heal. Nuiiia. Muskrat, ull J Coney, Hair Sea 'cite und Cloth Ca. 100 di tl AlllC int Mats, asnted '. 100 do Manilla do dt) do 60 do Hhcep-skin do do do 30 baka French U .ke s, Computing every di' scripilin. f 110 p dr Vene Ian Dlinds, a-s'd ft jurea and rotors. SOliO pat lit do do do 1000 nests Caba or HalrheU, ns.d, emlio s.-d, straw and oil il tit fiOUO d. ll Cuniba, a-surted toftoi.-e sli II, Bra z 1 lull dob rn. ivory, brass and no.-d. cmpribiug u turns asnrm nt f eery variety. 3000 do Wh'P a-sorled wigon, gis, car riage, anlky, plun'ers, drovers or illiiig. of gut, Iim ll'ei ntnl threaJ, vtit'j Ooiutan nlvir, gilt, ivory and bone mountings. It'll) iloton piintrd pads, U'lls.iti's briud. 1000 lie is ced r Tubs a d Uuikets; also, Churns, I'lgins W.ter Cam, The a!ioe together wi h an extensile nMortm'iil of fancy g sj.Is, ltr. llai.ii and Ueiuiaii silvi r wure, f. athcr Mid t'tirtlc Urus!n, Looking daises, Ma hogmy and Cilt 1'iaiins, if every s amides, rij lioti, aie uiaiiiifai lured, import.d, and s. 1 cled ex pritslx foi ilu' jull.e:n. wisti rii mi l via e irud.'. J. MU.NEY Jt).M, No 10 NoitU'i l street. Philadelphia. Philadelphia, November 7, 1840. ly. J E R E M 1 A II V A M T INK'S lTO riCE is ho.cby g'veu th .t t!ie Ri g'sie of the Coiinlv ol Nonl.uiii'rerlau I, h as tin- day y anlid lilleis t' tt mi ll'OI v to the Mu'ocribers tip ni tliC e-i ili ol Ji-rein all V. s iii', of llu-h t wusl.ip, in the said c -luuly. All ersons havjn d. -. or claims ug.iu t lliu il are icipii siud lo make t esarn.- lo It e n williool do ay. Ll.iAUEI'il VASI'INE. ) ,, , Tiiu.MXS It. VASTI.NE.S WILLI AM LElillOU, Point. Novein'ci 2, IP 10. 0 . DISSOLUTION OF PARTNER SHIP. TOTICE ia hiriby e'neii that lbs iailnri-liip heierofore i xUluig ui del ihe firm of H. li. Muster iV Co., ia iliis day dissolxcd l y en a ii. The book', noli s, Jtr... will 1m li ft f r a li it limo in tho haiuls ul K. 11. Maar, foi cod. c iH ii an I s. Illeiiu'iit ; ul.ei which, if una leu bd lo, they wi I be placed in tho bands ul a piitr lorilio !sie purimsi', Nuvsiulxr 1, 1810. II. li. MASSER, Will eontiuue in business tt l!is edd stand, mid respectfully invitishi fiiei.Js and customers lu lare ajsorim. in of New Isouds, just iccmed. Njvein'ier7, 1810. 1TEW GOOED. JL'ST Received Mi lino, Ilioche, and Cheuilla Hhawls. e-ea Otter, S.u and Seal. Vo Caps, A laige assoilment of fail Chimses. Fieneh and English Merinee., Ac. For ale at the store of i n M.iStEi, Nownilfi i, I Si", ts 1 'ALllEUT Is la II 31 OPTICIAN, (FROM PHILADELPHIA) 1IT ESPECTFUI.LY Informs the cititens nf Mj unbury and its vicinity, that he has 0K-ii. d a room in the f miu building Joining the rcsideine of Edward IJoliln, E-q. (m arly opins:te th C urt House) where he will ulfor fir said for a few da;s v v r.i c JL j: With Vo;d, Silver, and Tortoise-shell Frames Wi h a in w and improved asioilment cif Clas-.Cs ol his m ni.if.n lure. Tliose Ua-s Siiruf ihe be t kind for preserving and improving the sitihtin continued reading or Wiilin;, wlierein th y ilo not toe Iho eye, but sireiigtlicu and improve liie visi in, Ti ey am nroiiiin i.dcJ by lliu m st cclelir.itej Doctors an I Proles ts. Al.-o, liy f-V.s'f.t, of every so .Hid ii lily ; -'" 'K-' fi'"i f'l'uisrs, of every desiriptiou, Micros (ipis Villi ilill'erilit inngiiiljiug power., together with h Variety uf u l.l. s in the hue, not lllelill ill ( t),. Ileal, mi l oilier Iiis!ruinenls, and (ill a a, prnmjiily mil curelnlly u pa. ltd at tl.e .-.lioraat no li cei lie c in always el it (ilasses lo soil the siuht ol per-oiM, as so u as lhy sou ilir.n, tip u lliu lirsl :r'm'. H- w.II remrn in Sun) uy bul f.r a shoit lime. t)ct ber 31, ISlit. 2t. Na M. .11 A S ., SURGEON DESNTIST. E."Pi:CTFL'LLV olKrs his si ivicis to the Xj Liiiioiaud G. iiiluineii ul Hur.bury ai.d iu vicinity, m all tlie vaii ius o er.uioiis of Dentistry t s-ch as Filiig. l'luging C anil g and Exiracii. g leetli mid stiini,iK, und Sit ing incoirupiiblu Tieth on stumps or lit'-, from a sinlu i n.r to a w!i..le set, in a ne it nud elegant nl.iinn r, at l!lo Hotel of Mr. Hiram Price. (jjr 'Ladies waited on at their ie.i dence if ihey pule, it. All opera'ious warraulud. cioUr 31. 1 8 10, NEW GOODS. BlT RECEIVED i new und splendid a-tsori-luent of Cuiicoc", Muslin. Ac. For sale at ll.estoieof HE.NRV VOX PlIIMER, October 31, 1840. If. vooli: oijs. F the latest minu'aciure, cons siiug in part of m n.rt.l Mili.l. nt f'l tl.U ( Il IL.i 1 1 iM f ! Sl'll- " K'-- ...... J V. .......... ..... - .. in Its, Merimw, r tunnels Mntielin uo 1. allies, eve. Just received and lor site at 'ho M-reof HENRV VOXIHEIMER. OctobcrS!, if. i;T RECEIVED a Lrge and general a-sor- J? nieiil of Ciuce.ies liipiors cVe For aile nt the cVe I'm a ile nt I iOXIHEIMEK. si. re 1. 1 tl c. .v it 1 Oc ober 31, 1840. it- DRUGS, P AINTS, Hiid Dye Stuffs, a fresh supply just rectiv 1 uud lor s de nl il.e i-t ru ul HENRY VOX 1'HEIMER. OctoVi3l, 1840. tf. A MILLER & FARMER MA V liesrof a good situation, liny miles Iruin Hunhury, in a new sellleiner.t, win re he wouiJ obtain a long lease of a a nail dial Mill, and have a Fault adjoining, by Lqubi 'g of JIIE PRINTER. October 10d, HI0,--Ct LOST. A WtlEEL-UARb'tlVV was taken from the door ol Ihe sulwcrils r. Any eion win) has i in Kse-ai n, will 'is-e lo leiurn it, or iuliiim the snli-crilKT where he can get i'. F.fiy cents it-ward Will I hi given for any inf rota tion ill itlatiou lo tliC eSUie. JOHN DL'IUXO OctoUr 3, IsiOi tf. THE Pamphlet Laws, for the a.-osion lh30-4O, have lieeu icee.ved at ibis ollire; ami are now leijy f t distribution to those entitled lo ireeivu them. HAMULI. D. JORDAN. Pmthou.'t'irv's offieo. I'liilh'y, Htinbury,Hept.2S, lSltl. 5 AoJicr. ALL ACCOUNTS remaining In my pre ions to Ihe first of Apill lSliI, vill be It fi in the bauds of a Jus'iee of ilie IVa.-e f r co I eiiuii. HE.NRV VUXrillMEU- N. n. Ciraiu of ali kinds will 1'-' uu old 111 ('l)tUltl. Sept. 12. 14"!. If. Tra m iorla I i on Is Hie T t) II A I. T I M t) It E . ( I 4 7 I UK WAT Ml riMl) Y,irchau4e foot if I'usnut Street ou the Penit hy'vunia l.iiul. A EOAT b aes tlie h uf of die i ii'ia ribcr eve ry mini g .1 tt o'clock, ihrongli to Da t more in lloee dats. Co.iS gonr n's ol e, iron, A;e-, will re eivn a ile palclt by :ln iin , v l.i. li has i.ol latin rlo Ucn iqiit'lul by i.ny oitu r. Rale ol t'eilil us lo.v ni by any u.hcr nultr hue. Iteli rem es : JtlllX V. IKtOWN, " lilllK cV III i KERN AN & .sTILLNLIEK, f -UalUii.oic. J. & A. II. HERK. J 4.i.hIs iii!t nd. d lor Pit'shur;, or any i4 t on the Pt'iinsvlvaiiia CauaU, will l esiiipped wi hout on their an iv ol al liurrisburj, i.s this can liecls willi the North Ameritan line of I 'o. table lioats lo Pitis'.iur d .ilv, and with the Huhipiihun I'H Packet Lii.c lo Nmlhuiiilwrlaod, illiamspjri, llkesb.trie, uud ull Inlrrine.lia'e 1 1 .t". -'. tJEuRtiE W. LAVXO. Huni.-.bu g, Sept. 9, 1810. It O O K -11 I N D E K Y. THE undesigned hive the gratiliealioii rf ii. fotiniog the public, Ibut ni.lwiibsian.lii g H.ey w. re so unf iitoiiste s lo have llieir bind, ly ho nt dotvu, in March la.-l, they have ovin d a very ex-etiMve one, hi L.K-ust stn-cl, in tne new Hoildiug directly opposite tJIriin' Hotel, snd aie piepan d lo fiecu.u all wmk in their line iih d. spaicii, and in a su pe.ktr atyle. Their KL'LLNU APPARATUS and oilier Mmhinery are new, and of the IVrsl older and latest improvements ; and Ihey feel a con fi dinee in thrir facilities Io giving ierfiel sali-fac-tiim to all who liny favor them with their oiders. lianka, Coavily olrUes. MeiehanU. Merbanic. and otbr,caubesupplieTwilli 111. VNK UOOK.H t.f tvery dehcnion, which f neatneas and dura bihlv, ill be equal to any made by ihe United Htaies. HICKoK 6i CAN 1 IN E. HAKRUDURC, Heri. 9. SHAIVIOKIN COAL. OF a very sup, nor qualny, tin be hsd at any lime, by apd. ration to the sulwcrilMTs, irTlntn to suit purchasers, They keep arg(j, Cgg) broken, and fine coal, fit for burning lime. J. H. PURDY i Co. 8ulibury, Sept. 80. tL HHOCKHIKS.A frcth supply of Uroceiies juit icctivod and fir silo by HERY YOXl'HIMER. Sept 12, 1840. it, lstt UOftS. A f.csh supply of nmiidy. Uin, Port, Li lion, Tct erilt , Madeira and fchcrry Wines, just received and f..r Fale by HENRY YOXTHIMER. Sept. IS. IS 10. if. Tf '.VfeLVft A neW assortment i.f 7-4, 7-8 ai.d 11-4 yaid wide Muslin, jut merited and for sale by HENRY YOXTHIMER. .cpt. 1 2, 1840 If. 1.1 L.IVOES. -A new axsoitmci.t of Cidicocs just IivuiVcd dud Tor "lie by HENRY YOXTHIMER. 12, IS 10 ;f. 1 KO.'.. gooil tiEsorllncnt of llur Iron, jiisl received and for sale bv HENRY YOXTHIMER. Sept. 13, 1810. if. .S'.AT. 2.10 barrels and satk of Sail, just received ail.i Tor sale by HENRY YOXTHIMER. Sept. 12, ISlO. tf. Cl-O IUS.. A general assortment of Chillis uud Cassiiueie.") co!ilant v on hand nt the More of HENRY YOXTHIMER. Sept. 12, 1310. tf. U'JfK.IT, ItVK, t'Oif.A and all other kinds of (iruin und Seeds will be taken at the high c. I pric. a in exchange for g m Is nt the store of HENRY YOXI'UIMER. Sept. It, 1810 S- f. MACKEREL- A few birrels of M .rkerel for sa'e at s low pr re by H. B, MASTER, Pepl. 13, 1840. IRIjMI SALMON. Il the best totality, con s.aiidy on hand And for sale, by 11. B. MASSE K, Sept. 12, 1840. MADEIRA WINE. qualily Madicta Wine, f,r low by II. B. MASSER, Sept. 12, 110. FOU RTH PROOF BRAN I ) Y .-g wiu".ne ailiclo always on hand and for sale by H. B. MASSER rVpl. 12, 1810- HOLLAND OIN, Of the be. I quality always on hand and for si c by ll. B. MASSER. fcVpi. 12, 18-10. LOAF AND LUMP &LUAR. AlwayTon hand and for sale by II; B. MASSER. Sept. 12, 1840. BOSTON SYRUP MOLASSE3. Of a supe-tiorq-iulity, for sale by II. B. MASSER, Sept. t, 1810. NEW ORLEANS MOAR HOLE Ml). LAssE". Oi the U si iputlity ulwsjs ou hand n d for sale by II. B. MASSERR, Sept. 12, 1810. BROWN 8 UU AIL Of a ro.hI qu , lily, for sle low by IL B.MAS -ER. Sept. IS, lS 10. LIljUORS. Of all kin Is and of tliu l.t qush lies, alisavs on hand and lot sale by H. B. MASSER. sept, ia, isio. CREEN AND BLACK TEAS. ofthT best (juilily itlwavsou hand and f r nilc by II. B. MASSEIL Sept. i2, 1810. COFFI E. Java, Rio and l.auira Coffee, con slaut'y uu h ind ai.d fur sale by 11. B. MASSER. Sept. 12, 1910. SPERM OIL. Winter and Summer alrsined NfMim O.I, of the lest t v, alUavs on hand ai.d for solo bv H. B, .MASSER. Sept 13, 1340. hTEEL. CiA and BIMei Steel, for -ale by II. U. MAssEU. Sept. 13. IS 10. SPEIXtS STEEL. Or vaiiuus tizes for Eliptio Si ring-i, for sale by H. B. MASSER. Sefi. 12, IS 10. LARUE QUARTO BlULES Fur alo al very rodoced prices by II. U. MASTER. Sept. 12, 1840. BLANK BOOKS. Of ull kinds, fir sale by 11. 13. MASSER. 12. nn. BLANK DEEDS. lion 's. Mortem.-, Ac for ale by H. 1). MANSER, Sept. 12. I RIO. "JUSTICES' BLANKS. f.r n!e by 11. B. MASSER. Sept. l i, 110. CLOTHS, Blue, Bli.k. Invisible t.'r.cii, Ac, for bv H. B. MXSSER, tiipt. 12, IS Id. 7'AImT:RES AND HATTINET I's. For -u. very low by 11. B. MAfi?ER. Sept. 12, 1840. CARPETLNU. Ear rule cheap by 11. B. MASSER. Sept. 1J, 18tl. BLANKETS i sale chia . by H. I1-MASSER, 8.pi. 12, IS40. UNBLEACHED MUSLIN. For sih. by II. B. MASSER. September 12, 134H. COT I ON YARN ANDCOTToN LAPS Foi mId by H. B MAt'K. tSeptemJiei 12, 1810. HEMP AND COTTON TWINE. F. r alo by II. B. MASSER. Nrp'ermVr 12, 1810- TOWINO LINES, t tRI).H AND ROrCS.--, Foi sal bv M. B. MAt-SER. tHtvpUUktVl I?, 1810. 'wmmr S S-..j In subirtitiiug to thn pu lie the first nttm' ers . f theAii.eiican," it may be lticuinl-e t on us a ne es a y and proper lo nl tkc a few nbM!rv,i tious in relation inilic establishment of this pr , and the course which its eonduelors inn ml to pur sue in its publication. The age in ne liva has liorn truly slyb-d the age of improvement, which nn power on csr'h can arie-t in tra pr ress. The applicslicn of a'eartl lo the various purposes of ni', and iho more recent discovery nf smelt ing iron with anthracite coal, promi-es lo I nnsl vania results that cannot be too highly ctti mated. The great Valley of the Susquehanna is soon des tined lo b come (lie thearru ol a new scene ,T en lerpr ean l indu -try, which may Will excite tho astonishment of ih las who sro unacrpiainteJ Willi h. r iiifxIiauMil leihpo-iies nf coil and iion. Her rugged hnli und Bolitiry Wastea, hcreloford deemed woa'iless, are now easily sought after for' the ro d and iron Which they contain, ihe most valuable minerals in naturei It has been said tlml England owes her pro-cut p.iwer and weslth mmo lo her coitl and irun llian to ell oilier cause. Ciin. bitied. If so, then Pi-nitsy lvatiia has within ber own borders iuti rnal resources anil povteiaof vvett!i unsurpasH-d by llie whole Union. The Sliam.ikin coal region, conncrUd with lit fit place by a rdl-oad 20 miles in length, which a fe v years Mnce w is a solitary wild, untiodd. n bv iho foot of niun snvu the solilury huntet in pur-iiit of g iine, is now teeming with a buy and iii'Iusiri uis population. The town of Shsniokiu I nRli d in l!io coal ic ;io:i, a new vi I ie cont lining iil.m,t mm hundred houses, has spiung up aj if by inai", s.n.-e that period. Thiivo iiiiprnveiiients which tiro but n cormnrn'-o-meiil of a si ii'-s of vvoiks upon a biric scale n 'W in pr 0risn, teceut as they are, have iilr-aily uLei a new bfc and impetus lo this section o-f our cjuii- With Ihe-rb Views and under th -m consider -lion-sup, in iDmninn Willi mar y of our nusl is teemed fellow citizen", conceived that a well con ducted journal, if properly encoDiaged, could be lendt rcd highly serviceable to the community. Tho pnigrc-a of impiovenicnt and the rapid inert me. of populution, indeed lequiic that the press should Hot only keep pace with the spirit of cnterpiir and it; dustiy, but as a pioneer lead the wuy and slittiularn to eietiioa the en'crpritini; and wealthy capitalist. Tho crt lblishment of Anew presi in this pi no has frequently Uen spoken cf, mid was long since in conti tnplatioii wliencvei a f ivorublu Opportunity should occur. We believe tlnit peiiod lias now r rived. Our de.dgn is to inao the American a per manent ai.d useful jourtial, co.neying useful interi sling inlonn ation lo all cI.uks of leaders Conducted wiih tne Utmost di corum, its tone slid sentiments shall at all times be such, thai the moat scrupulous parent may place it in the hndsuf any me. nber of bis lainily with pi rfect impunity Lo v scuriidiy iand violent personal abuse shall be can fully ixi ludid from its columns. And white wo h .11 always bo ready and prmiipt in thfl ixprtssion of our Dptiiiona upon malters of jniLlic policy, wa shall idwoys endeavor to preserve thot o'rcornin slid extend that c.-urtrsy Inwards our colemporanet and others, that oi.e gcuileuien lies a light to expect fioin another. To iho interests of the fttrniers rnd cullivatorr the soil, the lono and sinew of our country, win., in an nr.ful. poim of view, form Ihe Wis of all Iritdr, commerce and nianulacluies, we shill d -vole portion of our columns, and r-prea I before di- in ufh matter as shall be both u-vlul nnU trr t. ruiiiing. To the mechanic and nil otln n, we l ut wit shall bo able to make tho Ainciuau an iiiteri'Siinj and inalruciivu jouriiul. In politic we vhall, a. we have already an nounced, s'ipp, rt the geiierul and state adiiiiuts'r lions. In advocating the re-rletti oi i f Maktii Yam Bcnkv ai.d Ricmaed M, Joussox to ih high station which they now occui y, a id v j -'i they have Cl'ed wtth eocli distinguishes' iil. . . vie shall a nline oarseives to moa ori s cm) t,t, principles upon which ihey are grtundi d R. cri.r- ii ail-in and lo M3rsou d abuse which the lanror of polricil never fid lo produc, urel which we r-g'i't to say is indul;ul in to an aim .t unlini ted extent, by the par iztn pr.ivis'of i i'l .-r side, we shall carelully avoid, deeinitix it l ot nn! demoralizing to the community ami iliron, t- rv to the liiijli tharactrl of tho picss, but UU.M-, m- politic and unjust. Tn our feirle-s and prt'rioiic. Co error David 1. Porter, Who hua tllll I'll i lli.noel. W.l.j tin true in'erets of the state, an I wh -s- w se ar .1 alu aiy ineaiures havo reeeivid the appro' .V'on of every hone.-t a .d liberal mi 1 1, we g'lall i x d ou r mist cordial suppori, e hav tin rt fie plm.t his naie at the heed of nur column-, lul'y eotit'. dent that the honest ye 'inaniy of Peimsj Ivan, a will aiw ivs be found sustaining fiOrU.-Jy of ,u'c-'-.i and in'i'griiy i f conduct in a jusiry va;u d pubba a. rvaut. IL B. MXSSER. JOsEI'll E1SELY. Suubury, Sept. 19, 1810. TO THE COMMUN ITY. THE suecrsa which h'.s at'ea.'id the ut-c uf Dr. U.ii !.ch's Herman Aperient und Cioiiouro trentrl!itn'ni!' Tonic P its, Is truly na'oi.L-hiug. It is i.u vain Imihsi to ray tins medicine has pr ved by iis happy tlV.ct in tlm i we or a vaii.ty tf disease lo vv lii. U i Ik- hiiiuau fiame is In' le, lo Ihi vas ty su perior lo the in iiiy pruuruiions In fore the publ c. Many of these p-ep nations ate compounded by in dividuals who ur w-iinr'y ignorant of trie myti lies of ihe 1 u an si-teni, mid mere pretend, is o iiH'dical kii'iwtedge. ' Di. Ilarhcli. h .Wcver, is ce'e b a el i.iii-the tiiroiau fat ul y us a mm ol ilia tiis!irsl sL'lenV.l'iC lt:vii.m. il-, and rqilally tiijtii-j-oirhi .l tl.roiighuul Enropr, as a sin-ce.-sful ii'.o.uc .k I rariitiouer, sp. ul in -at of the years o! a uselul h:'i in the iiqu sill ni of such kuovvlcliie m lujl.t proper Ik'iti lienil I h.a f. Ilo t n atur. a. In iho pll.'s vvuicl he inv. nr.ed, and tvlii.h bear hii inn, the pub ic urn uured ol alt ailieh- that p.sses.-s in - I tl.a.i uidiihtry viilues. Fioin lliu acKuowlidcd taientd uf ibis invent . i, n, tiling Itsa than a good artulo could be ex peeled ; and the iXs rieuco of many Cirs ha-ull'irde.1 lU uiolio'ralio'i of the virtues ut" iu-iih dicioe. Li ( imiiny and ither pails of Eu j, e, it r ul ition is e-t,bl shed, lu this c unlry int.. wh.ih il has but bet a rcie.nlv iulr MlureJ, it i- Mpidlv ci.iinng the m r-t ruh-tanllal icpu.MUou. Tim i inn rou.eiil tt les ol cuiisot li e iiio-.t ol-iinuie di e s si tl cled ly the ue. ol llirl'ch's i'llis, u lucl lue piopii-1 r is ionium y reie.vnur, in proof of lLo fact, li iV Ui'ler uay l.ei.i etes nets ttsli.u. .a' uf the r l iii, ami week tiflcr week ii.rsea: iho lot li.. in. Tbl is il l n . usm-riiort; in nuineialjlo e rl iif ale sm oeii f ir lh. inp ctioti of ti.e pu. ke, siid tit.- d-.ulx iifauy who tm ik- H.cul, tail lc it' ll v.d by eijuil,.inj ihtUl ul lh olU-U uf Ihe pr.'pr.cloi. We lake Ihe lit rty, then, of : ousiviing Im avery famdy, that they maka use of Dr. Ilaiheh'a Pills, Uu io ke. y a supo'y cuiiiaiult ou baud, to l a ud when otca tou denuuJs aod ihey wiil rs v ihe most uo. ij .ivoc d roois if uliliiy. 3k J 'eat ptjiutr. " Piwuipid . lu-efor the Uu.Ud Suits, No. 13 North UibMIi s icil, I'lii1 li Iphia. Western Dvpoi. No. 41. St. 1 'lair uel, P.Ra lurgU. HENRY YOXIHELMUit,. OckUi 31, 1S10. .Igt ii.