Newspaper Page Text
important proofs. Of tlu ejicaey of Dr. llarlich't Celebrutcd Mali cities. The following certificate was sent by Mr, 15. D. llinmnn, igcnl lit Cincinnati'!, Ohio, There run I f no mistake in 1', as the pnitiea are will known. Mr. IVkiel Rgdon, of Anderson town h;p, Hntniltou county, Ohio, was&eveial days t rear del wilh lull - u affections, acidity of the stomurh, ttl tcnded wilh the usual ymptoiti4 of 1y iu, and having msdo tiiul of varum medicine w.lhuut finding relief, wa cut cJ ly Ihe above nied.rinrM. Attest, K.KIUDON. CiticiiinntiJune30lh, 1840. VET LATER, Mr. Vance, or Wa-hingnn county, wri'ci a follows Dear Sir Dr. I lai bib's pil'sare performing some of the m.wt wondoiftd lure in id's vicinity evet lirnrtl of. They were iutroduc d here about six months ago, by t.f my neighbors, who bought a halfdi.ziw pueknges from ihe Piltshung office I om aware of f tor rwa in thin place where complete cures luvo been per. f irmed, one of severe rheumatism, two of dyspepsia, a"d one of a most sheckiug and aggravated net vous complaint, of ten or twolve year standing I send you enclosed five dollars ) p'care lo fow ml pills for thbt amount by the boaror, William Ward, Attest JOHN VANCE. July 27. 1810. N. U. The above certific itcs, compared with the cry many already received, ceituinly must con vitice ihose similarly Billeted, that thry can yet bo relieved by the use of these Invalua'lc tncdxims. iflke, No. 19, North Eighth slice! Philadelphia. Fi r s do bv HENRY VOX l'H ELMER. October 24, IS 10. Agent. DYSPEPSIA ! DYSPEPSIA ! That troublesome and pence-Jest toying disease. Thousands and tens of thousands Miller from common distressing complaint Ditpepsia is frquen:ly caused by uvrrloiding or distending ihe stomach by excessive eating or drii k;ng imlij si i' e and aciid substances t.iken into the or 1'inin long continued constipation of the bowls, a sodeiit.ry life, fear, grief, anxiety, a copious draft of cold water, drastic purgutire medicines, tlysui lery, miscarriage, intermittent and span nodi.: aC f cti.nis of the stomach and bowls, iiregular in -als, l.ito hours, and loo frequent uso of s,iiituous liq'iors. The symptomi of diP'psiii m y be desi ribed as a want of appetite, or an un'tntiiral or voracious one, nausea and sometim s AAoui vomiting, sud den and transient distensions uf l be Minn itli ufcr eating, aciid and putresent eruetatiui.s, wuier brash, pa'n in the region of (he stomach, c suvi n ks, pal pitation of the heart, dizziness and dimness nf the sight, di.-turbed rest, tremors, mental ilespoml. ncy, flatuleltcy, spasms, nervous irrilibibly, elnl i e-s, sallowness of complexion, greit i ppreion afier eating, languor and general debility, sick hed a he, &c. CURE At the head of all iemai!ir stands l)n. IIaiii.icii's Com en tn S rnr.(o I hk.mno To mi: ad (iKinct.i A i'feki ent PlLts, which net great ly upon the pciisttiltic motion of the intestines, thereby producing regularity of the, bowls, at li e same time improving the functions of the dulihta cd oiguns, thas invigorating and restoring the di gestive organs to a healthy action. Th.s ineilic lie seldom fails in producing relief. Full and cxplicito ilneclions accompany the bove medicine. Likewise a pamphlet whico iK scribes iliseises, the manner of treating, &e. Principle ollico for ihe LJuited Moites, No. 19, North EIGHTH STREET, Philadelphia. HENHR YOXl'HEIMER. October 21, 1810. Agent. FEMALES. WHO are troubled wilh sick headache, pain in tho side, breast, and tack, loss of appetite, flatulen cy, lotvtuva uf spirits, palpitation t.f ihe heart, luiut ings or giddiness, sirkne-s at tho st unach, bil ons atl'ections, tightness at the chest, nausea, v.imiiins, nuue in the stomach, flushings of heat, tn.d vliil i ncss, iIim'hs. s of the nerves, i nd organs of digest lu, &c. vc, those who may be thus sfficlt d, slionl I not n. e'eet to procure Dr. Ii:trlich' Commit ni Strengthening Tunie and German Aperient ;'. which, tire watrauted to give iiiinii rebel'. TbnusunJ i'o we almost dull v behold, whcin? i oihi tenances mid p ile emaciated el.teks bear i ceular witness to siiknc.-a utid t.lUietion. Could ttio e periods be ptruadid to use this iuvidusblu inedi iine, liny would soon fi:id their we..k and tie' ili u lid frames slrensihteneu, tlieir minds cotnp sed. nj all pain, and di.-trcj ill iven from the syneiu, when tho bi.dy will ajain r. new its lost vigor, and ut mi a ' new lite," slid death for a while bo de. i-iived of its prey. What h a I but Ho's glad to beholil t..cir near relatives and dear fiiei ds. sna'ched as if by magic from ihut fatal dett oyer Death ye who arc laboring under dis bms let not another day cr niyht pass witl.out procuring this insdieine, will in a majority of eases itFict a pcrmairint cure, lici.eiulier diliyi me dangentun and if dmase is iieIec'id, its rvag s will doubly in crease. (j Piinciie OiTu-e for the United States, No. 19. NORTH EIU11TH street, whete riceoiniiica d.oioi s of hui.dies of persons may b M'eu, uil of which been cuicJ or Icinli.ted by the medicine. HENRY YOXIHEIMER. Oc.ober 21, 1810. j.'t;i. SICKNESS. I THERE tire many iei.ins that we d uly 1m hold, whoe Counti timires ai d frail limbs ilenoie i fll c tijti' which we fitid has piiuiipally org niltd from neglect of puiper lemudies al the couim. iueinent uf sickness. Al first the patient com; I oim of bile on the stomach aUeudeJ n th .cAriw, cont.'vcn-t, 4c, he neglicts ta procure proper m Jitiue; at leu h be complains uf pain in the side and s ornach wilh sour eructations; his appetite iinpuirtd, his lest troubbvoir.e, his mind L.rassr-d, snJ all things a ound appe. r not in their proper slation. He still i eglects himself, wt.en in all probability the disease msy at tenth besj fast siated that no ie.e aid will replace him again. At the first attack of wi knew there should be no lime lo-i" in procuring Dr Harhch's sthhsotii Ksiu etunT riLLs, which immediately ic li.oves b:tc from the stouiuch, obviate cortiveness. remove disotders in the head' invigorate the mihd, Mrengiheii tho Insly, improve the memory, mid ei Jiveti the, imuninaiion thus resloiit g the body agin to i's pmpcr lui.ctiuns. Princip'e (dlico, Nu. It), NORTH EKJI1T1I street, J'hl'adelphis. HENRY YOXniEIMER. October 21 , 1810. A.nt - TO THE AFFLICTED. THOSE who are sufii g frdm various di -eases incident lo the f umnu family, would do well to procure lr. llarlich't Conifiouiid Striugihtning uiul Utrinun Aperient PiiU, which i re so pre imiiirnily reccoinmended for Dyspepsia, Liver Conipluinls. uius in Ihe sido, back and breast, Nerviuus MY. ct'ons, HaiVAehe, and all ihe dis cuses ol Ihe Stomach and Bowls. Pamphlets may be oUuine.l gratis, which contain full ai d explicile directions for u-ing. Tlie leader is referred to sev eral vrry inn resting ccrtilicates of eurts in this paier, which may be relied upiat, as they urr taken from tha 5r;gintt. jfor sile at No. 19, NORTH tJUiri ll street, Philadelphia. HENRY YOXIHEIMER. Oclotcr 21, IS 10. Agent. mo hi-: positive v it oofs Of the tffirnffi if Dr. IfarVch't Cnmpmnd Strengthening and German Aperient P. Us, Ai.uoumr, Jaii.8, 1810. ToDr II hI'icIi'h A 'cut Sirs I wish to sta'r for the benefit (,f tho r who may bo alllicled. that Dr. lUnLicii's I'm have cniiiely cund me of Dys M ia, of wh i ll 1 have been ofll cted for many yurs. I list d b..ih kinds, the Aperient and Strength ening, and t am constrained to sty, that tiny sea v double di e.ivrty, tin I act upon the system mildly, l ul very i irociu illy. I found the 'Panic pills to quicken the circu'Htion and cause a dt termitnition to the surface, scd to stniglhrn the we k . tom.ich ami incieise iis powers. The Aperient p I s are ihe brst cathartic I ever ucd. I am conlldeiit all Dy peptics would do Vve I to make immediate Ir ul and be r lieved. A ny one c in call nt my house and be satisfied uf the ubovu ot pleasure. DAVID K. POPE. N. B. The original certificate may be st co ar the .Micc of the " Spirit of theTimiS." For sale at No. 19, North Eig'ilh street. HENRY YOXniEIMER, ' October 21, 1810. . LIVER COMPL.11ST. THIS diseas.1 is discovered by a fix.d oblue pain in the right side under the short ribs, attended wilh hea', uuiaitiess about the pit of the stomach; ih- re is in ihe ritfbl side also a distention ; the pa lii nl loses his appetite, and becomes nek ai.d troubl ed with omit ng. The tongue becomes intigh and black, tho countenance chanues to a pale ot citron col r. or yellow like llio e nfllii ted iih j iui. diee, d-lfieully of breathing, distutb d rest, ullendee a dry cough, dilfioulty of laying on tho left aide, tho b. tly becomes weak, an J fi ia ly the disease terminates into mio her of a mote nrrious mtuie. which In nil probability is far beyond the power of hum in sliill. Dr. Hurl eh (impound Strength ening Tonic and (Ionian Aperient Villi, it la k n at the c inmeueemeiit of this disease, w ill cheik it, ai d by cmi inuing the use of the medicine a few weeks, a pel feet cure will be perfoimed. Thousands can testify to tins fact. Certifieaiea . f many persons may daily be se n ofthecllic cy of -his invaluable medicine, bv apply ing -at the Medical Office. N. 19, NOR I II EIOHI'H Micct, Pliila lel, hia. HENRY YOXTHE1MER. O.tobei 21 , 1810. Ajial PRINCIPAL REASONS Why Dr HAKI.ICH'S Compound Strencthen- ing and Oerinati Aperient Pills i re umI by all elas ses of people, in pr fennce to ii'bcr M-dicims. I c cauio ihey a o prepired from a pu c eztract of neru.t, a wiioiesome meiiieine, nnlil in Its operation and pleasant in its effect the most certain preserver oi neattn, a sale auj elli-c iul cure ot Uyspepsia or Indigestion, and all stomach complaints, a resrrver a. i:i puiiiiei oi llio whole system. Uevaine t'.ey soothe tho n.-rves of sensib::iy a d fortify the, nerv.s of motion, imparling to their in st subtle fluid its pristine lone, thus (jiving strength ami clearness ol tn nu. Because they never destroy tho coats of the sto mach and bowels, as all strong purcativi s de. Uu ause science and experience teach us that no mere purgalivo alone will cure the disease of tile s-t iinach and tier vis. Weaktns is the primary c m-e of a host of diseases, and, by c.oi'inu dlv ic sorting to Drastic purgatives, you make the disease much worse, instead ot I elt. r. liecause Dr. Harlii h's Med cities arc nut no ui on the com non sense princii.le, to "cle .use and sirenglben," which is the only course to pursue to elleet a cute. lastly. liecause these Medicines really di cue the dis- eae for which they arc it commended. Priueiial I till o for the United States, is at No. 19 Noith Eighth strict, Philadelphia. HENRY YOXIHEIMER. October 21, ISiO. Agent. TRUTH WILL PREVAIL. Dr. llarlnh's medicines are daily iucreas'ng in pnb ic favor, and want from any but a f ir irtal to etablih their worth. We have a commuiiicat.n in our columns to-di.y from a p rson long nwieted, w hich is but one of many vouclurs for this metli cine. Spirit nf Ihe Ttmes. BOSTON NOTION, THE LARGEST. IND CHEAPEST NEW S. PAPER IN THE WORLD. rilUE spirit of the age is utilitarian. Improve L mint is stamped upon the face of every thinu. All the useful sits are progr-ssiog with ui.p irra'lel ed rapidity, and the An uf 1'iiiiti g is coining in for its lull bhare if the com mo i improvement. Determ'cd riot to he outdone in any thing that pei t tins to his profession, where iltere is a fa r c'tanee for exertion and eulerprze, the undersigned has de termined upon issuing a shtul twice the siz ' l ihe Boston Weekly Tiuns. (and is to lake the pi ice of that paper,) and w ll contain e ght columns morematttr th in the Uro her Jon. .than. Th s sheet will be call d the BOSTON N )TiON. ond it is determined that it shall sustain a i oguomen s i foil uf maanini-, and so iuleiwoven wilh the est ah lisli ii charaeti r of our Yankee city. It will be tie I.aitoLiT NiwsriPkn im thk Wohlu wilh no exception and will lie piioied on a sheet tliir j s. veil by fifty-two inches. It will le fi.led entinlv w th radiug in tier, and will contain Three Thou sand Eijdit llundrtd and Eihiy Eight stpmrc inches, oi Twen'y-Scvc n rqoare fie' of print in li. o lypt ! and a single number will rni ton more re. d nig than an ordinary book of ' Three Hundred panes. These dimensions w II m b!e the puldi-hrr to diaw largely upon the mo t popular periodical of the day, both American and Toreign ; and u the selections will be made with great rare, it is btli.v eJ this paper will l a welcome Notion to evtry family. Besldi s a full synopsis of the current new of the d iy,) as published in the B stm D il Times,) it will c main Poetry, Populu Tales, Theatncal Criticisms, Potico and other Court Re port'. Humorous Ailiclcs, oVc. Ar. The wo. Id of Li rru ure will I c ran-acked to fill it. From the study of the philoso her down to the police courts, through all ngioua of ressi.n. poelty, romance, wit, snJ ihe smple record of fjly, we snail giean iioui uie phi ana ti e present and fiom sll ns inns, to present us pleasing and useful a combination i f recorded thouchl slid current hi,. Inly, as the wodd can mpp'y o' iuJusliy piuduce. This is our 'Uosrtm No run." This great amount of wisdom and fun of wit a ml pliltosoptiy ol novelties ami antiquities wo are able to oiler, weekly for six ckvts cr copy, only tix cents : and wo ran U t it liecause ol the facili i s of our press and 1 1 lice, and the connection of daily and weekly publications. For tiiuci dol lies we can sell a ) ear's volume, t qu . I in quantity of matU'i, with every vari. ty a'so, to f'tfiy.iwo Vol ume of Novels, such as are issued fiom the press ot this dsy. Fifty-two large Vo u nes fir Three Dolir! FH'oeiedall by improved in chin ry, and by adeivriiuiiaiion wa ,lM outdone ia euteipniH and ust-ln'iicss. ll.I'Vtv. . . , ......t uotttas a year, always in ,lu ui nu i troui what source, win u ait riiau n unless, aec .iiinai.ied with Use w.-cm. irinie coj les six cenis ch. Post Masters or others reiniltu o Twi ulv D luisshul have Figh.1 i. pies ictil lo such rons siiiu fiuics an uiry iusy ue tuaie. i;EtUCiE RlUJERTs, PuhluJicr. The riul;uhlp3.ia C.iskH. UNPARALLELED SUCCESS! PROSPECTUS of a hkw Volumi!. The great increase in the subscription list of the Casket since the first of the year, warrants the most extensive improvements on the first of July next at which lime a new volume will be c tin mcuccd with increased vigor. Nothinir need lie said of the firm bnh on which the Casket stands, i' being abc idy tho oldest m ignzinc in the country. TYPE EMBELLISHMENT.. Tho Ca kct is printed with a cl ar and silvery type, upon the finest white paper. The illuitrutious are not surpassed bv ihose of any periodical at home or abroad and Inside the ruonlbly steel en gravings, a quar crly p ate of colored f ishlons has lately lieen added. The style of thtse embellish- uicnls is unequalled, and th y are always accom panied with an appropriate sketch. No wood cuts disgrace the wok. Whatever nppcars in the casket is of the first older of the ait. ' LITlRARY CHARACTER. The literary c.ha'i.ctrr of the Ca-kcl is well kn nvn. It is wholly origin d, ff the h ghest ouh r, imil sustainol by WRITERS OV THE FIR XT RANK. Essay Tales, Sketches, niyl Tnvels, coinpoe Us promuiPiil prose ailiclcs; while the poetry is rqimll d ly that of no other magazine of like chniacter. 1 ho variety for which Ihe Ca kel is celebrated, shall hiIT.t no diminution; but on tho contrary, every cxettion shall be made to in crease its iutercM. SEVERAL ROMANCES or Tin REVOLU TION have already appca'ed, and others shall follow in the coui-e ef th volume, pre nting when finish ed, n Complete picture of the nia'Mier-, and a h s lorical aiciiiit of the great battles at that lime. Thus, the Ca-kcl, instcul of being fried with sickly sentimentalities, aims at 4 true d: location of human naliuciii every vari ly of passion TIME OF PUBLICATION. The Casket is published on the first of the month in evety ipjariei of the Union The most distant aubsiiU'is consequently recti I ve it i n t'mt day, as well as thn.-e who reside in Philadelphia. In all the principal cilice agents have been csnib lidted, by which means t-ubsrilrs can obtain their copies fno of poMage. FASHIONS. The f tsh'ons are puhislnd in the ( otski t quar lirlv.or a' of en ai imy really nt w sl) les arrive fiom Paris. The enrawugs iir. colored, mid executed from original designs No old, Wurn out plates ire retouched and then publish,. d ns the latest fashions. The titith nf our designs may be tested by ci mpi'ing Ihern wi h tbo latest de.-dip'ion of drefs s from London and Puri-. TERMS; Tn a k s Dollar per annum, or two copies for Fivk Dolliks. Published by CEO. R. ORAM AM. 36 Carler's Alley, Phil.d. 1 II O V K C T U S or tiii JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MLK SO CIEI'Y, AND RURAL ECONOM T. KOITI'll DT OlltCOX B. SMITH. THIS Journal was established bv the Aincrcan Silk Society, for the purpose of d llti.-ing practical information on the i i-lti ii i t silk hi ihe United Sia'es. Ii has now bet n published one yiar, nnl may be c tisidi ted a work offtandurd t hiti.e'i r. The first year's publ.calion, ctmptising the first vo', a mas. of valuable into. lusiioit, and it will be tho o'j cl of tho editor lo make the aecoi d eq.iul in nil resHs, if not superior, to the fust. The iuiortanl fact is now esta1 lislu d be yond any q icstion, that the peoji'c ol the i.tiited Slates can mske silk cur.rm utid ak-rrka than any other nation Oon earth. It has been proved by unimpeachable test'mony, that the inlite cost i.f producing silk ready for ma kel, does not exceed two nonius a.iii Twr. r nil i-Kji rs run poi nd, and its lowest value is rot a iiollihs amii nrrtr cksts also, that om ii ik of ground plant id in uinriH muliicaiili-', will produce ihe fust year the trees nic planted, Foi'irrx-KititiT riuiids ur silk, leaving a e'ear profit to the producer ul (ink tic miiii t:n amii r holla kh 1 Ii has oho been proved ilia' the cliildi. n and f. males i f any firmer f mil v ran, w ith the gn ate t Hssibb ease, protliiee Ir. ni li It y to a bundud p u ids nf silk ivtry ye without uuy cost wh.tuvet to Ihe rxieosea ol the farm the tnes a.e plained; nd ih.r fore, that ihe whole amount of .-ilk Will l so mot li clear g in, sty fri in f i'i't lo f 1Mb lib these facts we sul in I loan luted g'-nl ptsiple we her it is not a gnat and important object for lliem to introduce ihe ttt! lure of silk in cvt ry f timer's family in the l iiio.i. I o inside till nur lartiiers to make si k. the 'Jot it xal or tiis Ait it i c a Silh Soci kt x was st b- lis!:ed; ii c oitaius lain p aeiical directions f. r ci l- ti v ati no thk ruii.s, ru in no . ml iii.aui mi si lk woiims, ii t.i lino tiik silk, and preparing it f..r miikel, Ac. besides ull ntlnr iiif.rinution that ran he r qu red to enable any pi rs ai lo outer ep u ihe business, fiihtr on a lurg.t or small scale. Leiy liieinl 1. 1 his c unlry, Ii to wh se nam s this paper may fa I, will be d 111;' a patr ol and plnlan hr q.isi i work I y inducing his friends ai d in iglilu uis to cu It r llieir names ii on ihe list of sob. criliers. '1 he Journal i f the Ameiit a'i S.icicly is t ul bsln d mouth y, in pa t.pliU t form ; icli nuiul er caituins thiiij two octavo apes, piiuled en n. wiand l.ainJsoine p iper, wi h a pruiuu c lured cover. Ti lt MS : Two dollars a y. ar, r r s'x copies for It n i'o 'a s, a ways to I pud bet re the work is sent. All suhsrnptio! s to be 'in with the fust nun.. her of the year, ami in no case willt'c woikU-enl lo any subscr.ber longer than it rhall have le.n jiaid for. Cj-Xr.w si u-ciiiiii;ns, who take the fiist und second volumes, will be charg. d only Tuhxc Dol laiis for the two years. AVofKi of .a uro. IN a st le ol hea th the iiilestin il canal may be compared lo a river whoso w..te s How over the ad jo mng land, through the ch mnels iiatme or ait has in tde, and impioves il.eir qu dilie ; and to ket p up the comparison of ihe riv, r, so long as it tu'is on srno tlily the channels are kept pure slid health) ; but if by su.'ne cause the course nf the liver is stop ped, then the water in the t enuis is ue long, r pure, but ,oon becomes stagusnt. There is I ul t no law t f ciirulati n in tiaiu e. Whin there n a supn abun. lance of Uumorial fluid (s Mrity ) in the Ihic t nal tutxs, and cortivet ess lukes pi ice, it fi ws back into tho bloo I escls, and infil rales inell in to the circulation. To establish the free course of the river, we must temove the o strut tioiis w hicli stop its fiee course, and tho e of its tributary slieam. With the body, follow ihe same natural principal ; r m ive, ly that valuable piiruiie medicine limit dielhj Univeimtl VtgttuLle Pills, which are an vf f ctual assistance of naluie, the super .luudaiice of humors in the intestine canal. By tt otering in this piacl'ce, the ways of the circulation will then be lestored to the full exercise of their liaturtl func tions, and a Mute ol health will he fi in'y establish ed tic member, Inner still', i a drop of bloo I to lw luken from you Evaruale the humors as o lie n and as long an they are degenerated, or as l o g as you are sick. Dr. UrsnJiclh's OlTice in Philadelphia, is ut No. A, NOR IH EllHi 111 stieel, where hi. pills can be had i.t 25 cents per l-ox, wilh full diieclions. QTj-Only scent in II. B. Msscr Eqr. bUlibuiy, Sept, 9, 1810, ASTO.V 1 S II I X ii I Xi II U 4 s i:. FOUR THOUSAND NEW 8UDSCRIBERS IN TWO MO.N PUS! !! Wur.!i we fust purchascJ the old an ) well known establistiment of l .e Saturilay I'vcnliii? I'osl, we s'a e 1 that Ihe paper circulated so widely a mong the ttendy, reading portion of ihe United States, that we entered upon our I. bore wilh full coufid nclof the future. Our success has since been bey o id our most sanguine expectation, as our weekly nctipls overbalance those ol any cotentpo tary ap.r. Our .,t has continued to swell tip, with unexampled rapidity, and we have Ihe confi dence, that al the present rate oriticreas', we shall be enabled in a few months to boast of more th in 35,000 subscribers ! When we commenced our lab .ry, we announced distinctly, thai the tone of the paier should be decidedly moral, and that nothing shou d be athn tied into our columns, which the most f is iJious father could disapprove of. and dc lerm nd that ns an approved Family Paper, it should not contain a paragraph with Ihe spirit of which a parent would not wish to have a daughter familiar, und we therefore, with Ibis view, announ ced thai no theatrical notices should appear in our culumns, and that we should be npisjeed to theatres us ibingt calculated to injure the healthy action of an honest mind, as crentivo of exhibitions demo ralizing in tendency, and fearfully pernicious in I tct. i h re were not wanting blusterers, who made a great parade of opposition, and Cro ikers, who predicted our 8eedy downfall, but wo threw ourselves upon the sober, rational and experienced po.tinn of the people of the United State for 8U pott, and we have been nobly sus'ained. We thought and expressed the opinion, that howtver careless many might laj upon this subject, that few, even if tl cy did not ci.liiely disapprove uf such entertainments, cared al out having the gross details forever pniaded before the eyes of llieir children, and Ir.o sickening and nauseating eulogy nf all kinds of characters made familiar lo their nin ds. We d-tennined also, ihit while Ihe paper con linu. d under our coiitr, I, it should be str.ctly neu tral in politics, and ibat as news and literary jour nalists we had nnth ng lo do with Ihe In titer ; this del. run at ion has been strictly and rigidly adhered to, and wh lo wo shall continue lo give our re .ill rs such public document as may Ik deemed of inlc rest to all, and such a history of the progress of political events, as are strictly in keeping Willi our duly, and tho character of the paper, we shall stu- t!i .tisly and thoroughly avoid any conlaiiiiualioii of par iz ii publics. 1 he paper H now printed in a new and beauti ful type, has received the praise of many editors of taste, as 'Ihe handsorneM lannly sheet in lh. Union. Our clTorts have bet n directed to the combining of bi auly and simplic ly with utility and taste. 1 be I'osl ia printed on a stout white paper, ren dering it neat and durable lor liling. In iid I it ii mi to tll'irls toward perfect on in tho mechanical department, and exit rior ot our pa per, no labor, and no cost leeu spared in tho de- velopcmerit of intellt ctual sir i ngih. The present vatiety of inleics mg tales, original, from foic'go and domestic magazines, together with the vulua blu cotitnbu ions of our own circle of literary friends will continue to give interest lo ihe paper, while everything, important and worthy ol note that nappens in the O d World or the New, ahull lie co. b eted and collated lor the taste ot out rea ch rs. The Ladies' Department shall always be choice and stlect, and shall receive strict attention, while such things as may luteiest our juvenile traders, i nd lliat iinKiilant end large class of our readers, Ihelaim.r will not bo overlook, d. In order to gratify, as much us possible, the l.tudible desiie of our country readers, a portion of our attention will l-e devoted to the Collecti. n and dill'usion of such News, Memoranda, Tables, Facts, Hints, &r. as may seem important to agriculturists, and llio p q ulutioi1 resident without the confines of our great cities 1 he stale of the maikets and the ductus tint s in Ihe prices, will be regularly and what is of more moment, c. rtccily given. e have t vt r been npp se l to the constant bluster and parade made by some editors, about the rxcelleiice of tln ir pspets, and have resolved that ihe Salurd y Evening I ol, shall be conduct ed, as to sis ak for it.t lf. Our renleis will ulwavs fi. d in its columns the esrl est and tmt authentic information, rs well as the most choice and t lileitaining liteiary muter We hive totally d scalded the syrtcm ol filling Ihe p tier wi h quack adveitiseinei.ts, but prefer giving uui re dt is Irom week to week, eiilertain ug n ad- log mailer. And we f el a urr J that we shall he no losers tin but few readers cue about having a pq er fi led with descriptions of tin so nauseating com pound-!. The Saturday rcniiig"Post, will he furnished for f'i per annum in adv. nee, or one copy three years f. r $5. '1 u those who wish lo subscribe for a Philadelphia Magaxin'-, we will furnish a copy of ihe I'hdade'plii i Ca k t, und two cot ies of the I 't si for one year for f 3 free of pastago and dis count. No New Suhscrilicr received without tho Money. To those who wi-h to sub cribr, we wuu'd say th it llio sale-t plan is to enclose the money in letter und dincl lo us. Most postmasters will frank their b tiers if relating to nothing but the bus mss of the oilier, and all postmasters who will b.i kind enough s j to do, we shall be pleased lo at knowledge ss agents. " ss 'JEORC5E R. OR A II AM & CO. No 30 Caiter's Alley, Philadelphia CVrliHtales of Ascnc . THE following are Ihe duly appointed agents in their respective counties, for the sale of israndreih VcgclubU Universul Pills. Norihniiiheilai d county : Milton M nkry i Ch uilH'ilin. Sunbury H. B. Masser. M'Ewens ville Geddi s, Gieeu &. Wo lis. Ueotgclowa 1' Mnl bnger cV t o, I iiioii county : Lewisburg V. lis tV (led les. M filniburg Pcllin in & Bet kly. New llerlui J dm M. Hi nfer. Selinsgrove Eyie&Co, Mid ilh burg l auc Smith. Lyccming county i WiHiamspvrl John Sinilh. NewU-rry M. tc i. C. Funstou, Muney W. A. IViriran. Jerst y Shore James IL H "i burn. t.'oluniliis county : Danville T. eV E. U. Key. nobis. Cmlawissa C. A. Broi ls. B. rw.rk Shu m hi .V. Rillenhouse. Bloomsburg-Juhn R. Meyer. Sunbury, Sept. 0, 1810, dit'orgc AV Layii, FORWARDINU AND COMMISSION MER CHANT, Cuts kit SrnitT Wuahf, Habririuro, IS prepared lo receive floods and Picsluee al the nrw wauh iue, which his arrangements will ena ble him to forward wilh dispi'ch to Philadelphia, Pillsburg, WilliamsHirt, Wilkeshirte, Columbia, L oieasier, or any oiher point on the Ptuiisylv mis and Union Canal-, and ihe Pennsylvania and Har lisbuig and Lancaster tail roads. Goods from Philadelphia for Harrisbu'g, Carlisle, t'bamli, r.burg, eVc. &c, forwarded wilh care and expedition. Coal, Plastlh, Salt iiJ Fish, constantly ( wlo. t(,j.t. ", THE MOST POPULAR .IND RF.ADAIILI' PERIODICAL OF THE DAY! IlurtoiV. iTInffnJiic, (THE GENTLEMAN'S,) AND AMERICAN MONTHLY REVIEW. ILL pr. sent iu Sixth and Scvrnth Vol- umos lo the poblic during the course of the year 1810. Terms, f 3 er annum, in advance, or ?.a lor two years, or two separate Subset ipl ions, or len copies for f Printed iu large octavo, white thick paper, good type, etc. Each number contains as much matter as volumo of a novel; iho il ustrations are of the fi st quality. Duiing ttio past yeir nearly filiy or Ihe most i'lpenor Engravings, including; Ihrce of 8artiiin's srdendid Meziotinls, were engraved express y for this woik. Each ni'inlier contains two or mora Fngiavings. New Designs, extculed on steel, by the ii:st Artists, are in progress for the coming volume. ihe list of cunt ribulors embraces the names of most of tho principal writers in Amer ca.wi h a le s,-claMc sprinkling i f Enalish authors. Oiiginal srticles have npieaird during the last year fr-.m the issns ol the foilowinc Professor Ingraham, author of La Filte; Pro. John Frost, Philadelphia; I'ro. 1M.U. llronks, Baltimore t Pro. t . r. Wines, Philadelphia, Author of Two Years in tno Navy; Captain Marryatt, Author of Pe er Simple, etc. ; (Jeneral O. P. Morris, NewVork; Le'gh Hunt, Lugland; Mis. r am y Kemble Bull r, Phil.; Puik Benjamin, New York ; Douglas Jerrold, England; Joi ph C. Neul, (Charcoal sketches,) The Ameri can Box; James F. Otis, New York; R S. Elliott, Editor t.f Hnrrisburg Intclligvncer, Pa; D.vid HolTman, Baltimore; Chailcs West Thomson, Phil adelphia ; Judge Trrmpcr Dresden, New York ; J. din Du Solle, Editor of Saturday Evening post ; Orenville Mellen, New i nrk ; P. B. Elder, Editor of Columbia Spy, Pa ; The Author of "Stanly,' M:b. li. Sigourney, llarlloid ; Misa Uathertno 11. Waterman, Philadelphia ; Mr. Ann Siemens, New Yoik; Ilen'on Hill, England, Editor of the New Monthly Mug zine; Dr. J. K. Mitchell, Phil adelph'a ; James Moii'g imrry, Englan l; A. M'AIakin, and E. Holden, Editors of Salurd iy Cou rier, Philadelphia ; J. Beauchamp Jones, Bal imotr; ti. Dow, Washington City; Mrs. h. t , t. lift, Boston; Dr Thomas Dunn English, I'hiladelpliiu. 1 he Steel I Iatt s reatly for the r sent vt lumc, are Five Ebbing by the celebrated Ciu'kshank. A Portrait of Mr. Vandeiiholr, the tngcdinn, in the charaetet of Adrastus. A Likeness nf Miss Van- denhoir as Juli. t. The Ocm of Hudson, one of the choicest specimens of American See: cry. A I oitrait of W illiam (sullen Uryant, the American Poet. Another of Sartain's exqwi ite Mtzzo'iuts, of equal beauty to his plate of '-tiis puts," given in the May nutiilx r of Burton s Magazine a plate a knowlcdgt d to be superior to any other illustra t on ever given in a pci iodic) work. O her En gravings of le a value accompany every number. d i 1 he public is requested to observe that the articles appearing in Burton's MagRz'tue are written expressly for that work, and ore nut st le.ted fiom daily tr weekly pupeis. 1 lie nates are also es- ecia ly engraved, and arc not the worn-out refuse uf Annuals, either English or Amcricm. All letlcrs sent, post paid to W . L. Button, Dock street, opposite the Exchange, Philadelphia. 1 o accommodate our country f. tends who may wish to subscribe for our wolk and any other Phil adi Iplua iH'riodical, we will receive a rive Dol lar Bill, postage free.f.r one year's subserip'ion to Burton s M g tzme and liotley s I, idy s Book (also three dol'ars a year) or the Salurd y Courier, or ihe Saturday Chronicle, oi Alexanders Weekly Messenger. WILLIAM E. BUKTON. Publisher and Proprietor. Tills Ai:V WOULD. THE LARGEST. CHEAPEST. HANDSOM EST, .IND MOST COMPREHENSIVE NEWSPAPER IN THE UNITED STATES. kihtxd ar rxrtK bxijanux asd sres lAnoisT. WITH multiplied reaiurera for rendering the Nr.w Woiiiii more valual le than ever as a couiienilious newspaper and r-qusilory of elt g ml literature, we enter upon lliostcond voleme (tolio) on the 2-lth f Oelotx r, d esscd in a liei.u'iful garb of neio type, cast cxproaly f .r Iho purpose. It will then loie lie a rnuug time to commence new subscript'!. n, as well as for the renewal of those whu h may ihcn exptre. Duiing ihe first year of tho eiis'anco of the Nkw Woblh, it his aeviuired a repuiaiion and circulation superior lo any weekly piper in the country ; and has furnished to its subscript rs, duiing that peri. d. (Iiesides a I the cuneut news of the day, domestic and foreign') new and va'uable w. rks by Talfouid, D israeli, Tlmm is Moore, Mirs Mitford, Mrs. Jameson, C. Dickens, Ainswoith, Know its, Bulwer, Many at, and others woiks, which in Lon don could not be purchased for fifty times the amount of tho subsciiption price of tho New Woild. In addition to works of interest by these eminent authors, it has contained the cream of the periislical literatuie of the day, as well as original ailiclcs from the pens of some of the most popular writers nf America, a nting whom we may mention Miss Sid,wnk, Orville Dewey, Piofessor Longfel low, the author of 'Yankee Notions," Sun ins, Street, Ate. tSiC In politicks we shall, as hitherto, maintain an arme.l neutrality. Our columns as heretofore will lie unol jeciionabte in a moral point of view. In criticism we shall, iu justice to the public, manlain a peif. ct iudepen lence, even though we incur the vengeuce uf all the dunces We shall, in conclu sion, earnestly sl.ive to render our sheet not only worthy of the unparalleled favour it baa eiperisncd. but of a continually extending circulation. While we continue to furni-h with all possible promtitude the most attractive liter ture of tho d iy, we shall, as nur means enlarge, afford that compensation lo na'ive auttiota, which may induce ihctn to uijke ihe New World Ihe medium for presenting to tha public their best produ lions. Out excellent Lon don corresponded will be continue.1, and due at teuti'iu w.ll be paid lo the cumercial, agricultural mid uews departments of out paper, A QUARTO EDITION Of sixteen laige pages was commenced in ihe sixth of June lust, in older to meet the wishes of large number of sutiseribers, by giving lb. m its lich in J vsrie I contents in a suitable form tor I i ding. This we have done without having enhanced iho price, so that new subscribers, and others on Ihe renewal of previous subscriptions, can take their choice be tween the Qui'to and Folio fi rm. QT Mut a ft w sets of the tjuurto, Totu No 1, now it main on hand in the oilier, and we shall therefore, not tie able long to supp'y them. TERMS: Tubus Djllabs a year in advance, for either edi.ion ; or Fi va Dollihs for two copies. In ull cases letters inust be tiee, or post paid, oi they will remain dead in the poa'-otlice. fXj All IVtmaMeis who will act lor us are our authorized Agents, and may retain 2A per cent ou the subsciiption price, (fi.) for commissions, if re mitted in New-York or Essleru ouey ; or 50 cvtils on each, if iu notes of other solvent banks, which nay be at a discount here, (Jjy Editors and Pul lisheie who desire Ihe con tinuance of an exchange, w ill please copy the above three oi more tines, or otherwise nolne the contents, aud (end us a marktd paper, Leliers n-la ite to lite cditoriul deptrln ent inu.-l lie uJdiejsed to Park IUsjamis cV Erts Sasolst, Editors: tlio.-e relative to the I uiriiu-s dep.ul ininl, lo J. WINCHESTER, Publisher, No. dO Ann kiKvl. t 'I'hc Hrotlicr Joiinllinn. I HE largest and most beautiful itewsnaner in lite world larger by fift anuare inches than anv other newspaper in ihe Untied 8iates. Published Saturdays, at 162 Nassau street, New York. I rice three dollars a year two copice for five dol lats. rr Tho proprietors of this mammoth sheet the "Great Western" among the newspapers have the pleasure of spreading ts-fore the reading public a wci Kly periodical containing a g res tor a mount and variety of useful and inten atina mis cellany, than is to be found in any similar publica tion in Ihe world. Each number uf the paper contains as large an amount of leading matter as is found in volumes of ordinary duodecimo, which cost $2 and mure than is contained in a volume uf Irving a Colum bus or Bancrofi's History of America, which cot $4 a volume and all for Three Dollars a year. For f.y two copies will be lorwaidcd one year, or one copy two Since the publication of out original trosnoclus, the Brother Jonathan has been ENLARGED and its size, amply before, tins lieen sj much increased, that much more than the former qiiintity of the most interesting liteiature of the dsy is embraced in iis immense capaslty. S, lect ons from all tho most prominent and celebrated writers of the day assist in swelling its contents; and whatever is new, rich, or rare, is iinediately transferred lo its columns. All the contiihutions to -periodicals of American writers nf repute appear in its pages and the issues of the foreign press are laid under contiihutions, as soon as received in this country. To the miscellaneous and Literary Department, the closest attention is paid; and in all the selections und original contrihu lio s, strict caro is devoted lo avoid all that may touch upon the opinions of any party in rclgion or polities. Ex, eriance having tatlght Us that we had mark ed out a path for ourselves in which all sorts of people dejights to follow, Iho Brother Jonathan shall continue, as it begun, to be a bold, gentle, weighty, light, grave, merry, serious, willy, smooth, dashing, interesing, inspired, and incomparable iicwspaior. Il shall lie a stupendous minor where in all the world will slann ri fleeted. It shall con tain the tn isl beautiful of Novels, Romances on.l Stories for bolh sexes Fai y Talcs for lovers of the marvcll ius Legends for antiquaries Pasqui nades for wit mongers Nuts and raisins for short wind tl readers-Serenades for musical lovers Son i.ets for Ladies Sentiment for old bachelors Sil astics for politicians and Lectures, Sermons, Criti cisms, Epigrams, &c, etc-, etc, for all the world. Letters should headd'essed to Wll.S.iN & COMPANY, Publishers nf the " Brother Jonathan" N. Y. NINETY-SIX pages of leading matter, by ou ihors whose names stand among the foremost in the literary ranks of our country, as follows: Essayist. Vsa Mary W. Hale, Professor Walter, Mrs. Holland, Mrs. Sigourney, Mis. Hale, Mrs. E. F. El lit. V. Miss Mary R. Mitford. Miss C. II. Wa terman, Eliza Eaile, Miss II. F. Gould, Mrs. Si gouiney, Mrs. F. S. Osgood, Mrs. C. Buron Wil son, Wm. Cutter, James T, Field', Isaac C. Hiy. J. S. Dusolle, James Montgomery, Miss Juliet II, Lewis, Miss A. D. Woodbridge. Novelists. H. W. Herl crt, Professor Ingraham, Richard Peon Smith, W. Landor. Writers of Tales. Mrs. Seba Smith, Mrs. Em ma C. Embury, Mrs. Ca'nline L. Hentz, Mrs. Ma ry H. Parsons, V.iss A. M. F. Buchanan, Mrs. IL Beerher Slowe, Mrs. M. St. Leon Loud, Seba Smith. Of the above eminent writers, celebrated in out own, and most of them well known in other coun tries, each have hud an article either iu the January or February number of ihe BHk. It is unneces sary for us to say that no such an ay of names can l e shown by any other magazine in this country, of any pa ice. We give three times as many eml lltshments as any other mng zine, and each plate is equal, if not superior to the one of any cotem) orsry, and yet the price of the magazine is not increased. Our e lis Lion is inimcinc, lln rt fore we are enabled to go to a grea'er ex pi use than any other (mlilislier. A better return may therefore be expected for the p.ico paid for subscription. In the two numbers just published we have gi ven four Flairs of Fashions, containing eleven Fi gures. One Uautiful specimen of Lace work. One splcnd d Steel Plate beyond compare, the best line engraving ever published in an American AIu gazine. A new emblematical eover. In addition to our usual well arranged embellish ments, we always put lish steel Liilo pages twice a )er. Ti e whole amount of engiavings and emMlish ments of various koids that the book contains, or will contain this year, may be estimated ut ubeul sixty, A new scries nf papers of gteat value has been I ttely commenced by Mrs. II tie. The Domestic Department." This during ihe year will compo.o a great amount oi usual matter. For enterprize at least, we think we deserve some credit ; we have been the first lo give to an Ames rican public original ailiclcs from the pens of Mary liussel Mittord, author ol "Our illag Mrs. C. Baron Wilson, editor of London La Belle Astern bice, Mrs. Hi. Aland, author ol several useful and valualde works; James Montgomery, author of 'Ouinipresence of the Deily," Ate; Thomas Miller, author of Fair Rosamond and Roystnn Gower ; Ebencexr Elliott, auth r of Coin Law Rhymes, We do not particularly mention these carries be cause ihey ail date from Lon Ion or object only is to show thai where there -.; ,r it.le. ,0 had, there will we a',-;. N0 author of any repu tation in our tfvrn country has ever sought admis sion tg ijle Book" in ain. GonVy'e Lady's Book is furnished at f 3 per an num, Ihe money invariably to be received before a single number is sent, 'i he foil wi. g system of clubbing may answer the purpjte of many wishing lo subscribe, CLUBBING. Walter Scott's Navels and Lady'a Book, ono y"'. jsio Maryati's Novels, and Lady'a Book, one year, . . 5 Miis Austin's Noveli, and Lady's Book, one year, ... 5 Lady U cssiogioH's Novels, and Lady's Book, one ) ear. - . . . 5 Pickwick Papers, &e. Ae., and Lady's Book, one yetr, . . . 5 Miss Ishe's Cookery, and Lady'a Book, one year, .... 5 Two copies Lady'a Book, one year, . ft All otders to be addressed to L. A. GODEY, 211 Chesnut street, Philadelphia. D- The public will please be careful of tra velUngimposters. HAZ Alt l V UNITED STATES COMMERCIAL AMI STATISTICAL doc uments, facts and other us. fill inf niatia. illustra tive ol the histoiy sud resource of Ihe American Lnion, and of each State 1 euAbracina; conwitriee m iuuloclu-es, BgtieuHure, internal improvements! banks, currency, finance, educaliou, etc. &c. F.di. ted by Samuel Hazard. PuUi hed every Wednes.lay, at T9 Dotk. siirel. The wk-e lo subscribers is S irr annum, pay. bio 011 the lirst c( January 0 each yr, N MiluK-rip-liiMi loceived lot less th.ui vear. Kiil,,..,!-... ... 1 uf the prim ipl ciiii la pay in adtanre.