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Sunbury, Northumberland Co. Pa. Saturday, November 11, IS 10.
Vol. Io. IV.
Cj's-ixteen lines make a square.
roR thb iMiaii-m,
Ob there are mem'rics bright, that come
With rop'ure o'er the lonely heart.
To bring back gleams of joy long fljwn,
And e'en t sorrow light impart.
A something namelcas. undefined,
Felt in th' spirit, but ne'er express'd,
Comra with itt magic o'er the mind.
To mako u feci we have been bleat.
How oft amid the gayest train,
Where pleasure danced in joyous round,
A word tone has thrilled the chain,
That mem'ri spell had darkly bound.
And slumb'ring thoughts, that could not diet
Enraptured hours, A Ins! no more,
Rurh'd o'er the hrart, and dim'd the eye,
To ft el those joy a forever o'er.
And ere there only joys that rise 1
Has grief no record to unroll t
Oh ! yea remembci'd agonies,
Start into life, and rend the soul.
Oh ! there are nvmi'iics dark that come,
Te blight and chill the lonely heart,
To wrap the spirit in their gloom,
And bid each brighter gleam di par'.
But wou'd we thrn, the boon forego !
And quaff oblivion's dcad'uing stream 1
No! there's a luxury in woe,
Dearer than pleasure's brightest dream.
Suubury, November 6th.
The swilling waves of sorrow roll
Within each friendly, fet ling breast;
While, from the eye s'euli nut the soul.
And tells the bo-oru's deep distress.
For Urce, dear friend, the rhrystnl tear
tihall stream from friendship's glowing check,
Each countenance, impress' J with c ue.
The melancholy truth doth speak.
Though thou, dear Mend, to realms above,
Far from all worldly ilU hast flown,
Where reigns such sweet celestial love,
As m rtal hearts have never known
When glitters bright the midnight sky.
And nature stilly sleep around,
Full many a friend shall heave a sigh.
And bathe with tears thy hailow'd ground.
10th Month 28th, 1840.
Tit 1.1 I, OP EL li RID UK.
The trial of Dr. Eld ridge, for for
gery, is still in progress. Thc two
eminent Counsels for thc accused, W.
L. Hirst, and David Paul Drown,
Esq's, have occupied most of thc time
during the week past, in the delivery
of their speeches. I hey have made
great exertion on behalf of the pris
oner, and all that legal ingenuity, wit
and eloquence,, could do, has been
brought into requisition on his behalf.
On the other side, however, stands an
array of eminent counsel, the solici
tors for the various banks that have
been defrauded, who arc untiring and
vigilant, rendering, it would seem,
escape impossible. We shall be able
possibly in our next, to give tho ver
dict. Tho mass of irrelevant testimony,
and the number of minor issues, which
have been forced into this case, have
unnecessarily consumed tho time and
money of tho Commonwealth, but with
tho number of lawyers engaged, it
could not be otherwise. Every man
must have his say, and will endeav
or to show how fierce a lawyer he
is, to the gaping crowd of idlers, who
throng all tho Courts of Justice,
while perhaps the families of many of
them, are in actual suffering for the
nccessrrics of life.
Saturday Evening Post.
Professor Arndt.
Professor Arndt, after being shut
up in a fortress for twenty-one years,
his struggles, his sufferings, and his
name almost forgotten, has, we learn
by the German papers, been restored
to liberty. Young men will ask, we
aro afraid, in Germany as they ask
in America, who is Arndt? Four or
five and twenty years ago a profes
sor of his name was thc terror of tho
German Government, lie was impri
soned, not for misdeeds, but his pop
ularity. The students sung his hymns
to lilterty, repeated his burning words,
and frightened Kings. Ily the patri
olic exertions of the Germans, the
French were driven across thc Rhine,
and when tlicy claimed their promis
ed reward of a liberal constitution,
they were answered with stripes, dun
geons, and fetters. Arnt, we believe,
was one of those who felt most deep
ly the faithlessness of the King of
Prussia, and most loudly and elo
quently expressed his indignation. For
that he was imprisoned, and for that
he has been kept i prison for twenty-one
years. The present King of
Prussia has the merit of releasing him,
of restoring him to his professorship,
and of compensating him for a part
of the pecuniary loss he has sustain
ed by his imprisonment Dut the ty
rant who confined him could no more
restore Arndt tho years of which he
deprived him, than he could restore
the dead to life. Arndt has been rob
bed of his fame, past all human pow
ers to give him redress. For twen
ty one years he has been dead to
urope, and he comes lorth Irom his
dungeon only for men to ask, " who
is Arndt T London Sun.
Quick Way to Get Itlch.
A Miss Ingram, of Pontcac, some
time since was perusing a Texas pa
per, and observed among the persons
that bore a prominent part in thc af
fairs of that government, a man bear
ing her own name, and jocosely re
marked to her companions, that she
had found a namesake in Texas, and
intended to write to him and claim
relationship. This resolution, more
from curiosity and a desire of novel
ty than from any conviction that her
hopes would be realized, was carried
into effect. She wrote him a respect
ful letter, giving him a history of her
family and parentage, and suggesting
that as the name was not as com
mon as most of the names of our
country, the probability was strong
thnt n rolnlionebip U.xistud between
them. She received in reply, a friend
ly and affectionate letter acknowledg
ing her as a cousin, and expressing
an earnest desire that thc correspon
dence might be continued.
This was readily acceded to, and
it was carriep on agreeably and sat
isfactorily to both parties, until very
recently, when she received intelli
gence of his death, and information in his will he had bequeathed
her the handsome sum of 820,000 in
gold and silver, leaving his personal
property and immense landed estates
to his relatives in that country. A few
days previous to tho reception of this
joyful communication, she had con
ncctcd her fortunes with those of a
Methodist clergyman, and hould their
deeds of charity comport with their
means, the widows heart will he Idled
with joy, and many an orphan live
to implore blessings upon the heads
of their benefactors, for their deeds
of benevolence and generosity.
Michigan Northern Advocate.
Romance In Real K4fe
A romantic incident has just occur
red in thc Marylebonc Infirmary.
Ann Dempsey, a young and interes
ting girl, who had been the support
of an aged mother, had gone into
thc infirmary for the purpose of un
dergoing an operation for thc remo
val of a dropsical complaint, which
had assumed thc form of a largo tu
mour. She was warned of the pain
ful and even perilous nature of the
operation, but she expressed her res
olution to submit to it, owing to the
ardent wish that her life might be
spared for her mother's sake. The
operation was accordingly performed
in tho presence of her mother and
several eminent medical men. It
lasted two hours and forty minutes,
and thc magnitude of the tumour
taken from her may be imagined
when it contained no less than two
gallons and a half of water. Not
withstanding the long and painful
operation, singular to relate, this he
roic girl never uttered a single cry 5
but at the conclusion tears were oh
served rolling down her checks, and
being desired not to shed them, she
replied that they " wero tears of joy
at her freedom from tho incubus
which had so long alllicted her."
As she appeared to be in a sinking
condition, tho medical gentlemen up
on a consultation, deemed a fresh
infusion of blood into her veins abso
lutely necessary. On making inquiries
as to whom they could procure to
provide the blood, it was ascertained two men wero in an adjoining
room, one 25, and tho udier between
30 and 40 years of age, anxiously
awaiting the issue of the operation.
Believing them, in thc first instance,
to bo relatives of the poor girl, they
were ushered into the room when it
turned out that the eldest was her
employer, for whom she worked at
shoo binding and thc other a jour
neyman in the same employ, both
devotedly attached to the unfortunate
girl. On being made acquainted with
her state, and what was required to
bo done for thc patient, they both
simultaneously volunteered to supply
tho blood from their veins. Much
bitterness of feqh'ng and contention
between them ensued as to which
should do so, which was put an end
to by the decision of thc surgeons in
favor of,- tho youngest, who, baring
his arm, with great energy exclaimed
" that he was willing to lose thc last
drop of his blood to save her life."
The blood was then carefully infused
from his arm into thc veins of the
poor sufferer, till thc youhg man
fainted from his loss. On this taking
place thc cider lover implored per
mission to supply the remainder, but
thc girl recovering, it was deemed
unnecessary. The oor girl Itcgan to
improve and great hopes were enter
tained of her recovery, but unfortu
nately those hopes were blasted, for,
unknown to the surgeons, she was
found to be indicted with a severe
diarrhea, which increased until it be
came a confirmed case of cholera,
from thc effects of which she died
on thc fifth day after the operation
She was scnsiblo to thc last, and the
i . i ,
acaiii oca scene is represented as
truly affecting. She expressed a wish
to sec the young man who had lost
his blood for her, kissed him, bade
him cut off a lock of her hair, and
begged ol him to be kind to her mo
ther. She then entered into prayors
with lo Kb. Mn JluwUj, tlil'lnlj-
lain to thc workhouse, and in the
midst of it expired.
Thc Kopewalk at tho United States
Navy Yard, in Charlestown, is said
to lie tho most pei feet establishment
of the kjnd in the world. It is U)00
feet lonu, with cranite walls, slate
roof, anil iron window shutters. Tl
work is done with an enormous steam
engine, by which thc hatchelling,
dressing, spuming, and almost every
other operation in making a rope or
cable is done. About otic hundred of
the spinning, hatchelling and dressing
machines are in one room, in opera
lion by steam. By thc spinning o
hemp in a machine, a more even
thread, and consequently more per
feet ringing and cables are formed
At this rojHjwalk, we understand, the
principal rigging of the navy is or
can bo made.
' Population and Property.
Thc books of thc several marshals
employed to take thc late census in
New York, present an aggregate of
313,0'.), ot whom 111,3'J1 are white
males, and 153,530 aro white females
The colored imputation amounts to
15,075, of whom 0,037 arc males,
and 0,038 females. The increase
since 1835, has been about 43,000
The value of real and personal pro.
perty in thc city assessed this yoar,
is 8187,121,101 real, and 05,72 1 ,u!)0
personal; total, $253,(113,1 08 lieing
a decrease of S1 1,028,207 from last
year's valuation.
Accident. On Wednesdjy evening
about dusk, a colored man whs se
vcrcly injured at a store in Chesnut
near water street Philadelphia) he
was assisting in lowering a hogshead
into a cellar, when one of tho guide
ro'rcs slipcd off the hogshead and
precipitated it upon him ; tho end of
the hogshead lull tin one of his
legs, which severed it from tlto body.
A movement of considerable inter
est is in agitation in New York. It
relates to the propriety of granting
thc Catholic Societies a separate por
tion of tho Common School Fund,
lor tho education of their own secta
rian schools. It was discussed in the
Common Council on Thursday even
ing, in thc presence of an immense
crowd. Bishop Hughes took part in
the diseussion, and Mr. Sedgwick re
plied in opjKtsition. No action was
Saturday livening Post.
Improved Chimneys Economy of
By very simple and cheap Improvement In
chimneys, the largest dwelling houses may te made
comfortably warm, in the most inclement weather,
by single fire of Schuylkill oal, and one-half the
tr utile of keeping rooms and furniture in order
voided. An inginious friend of ours, two years a
go, caused to I erected a fine three Mory house in
the front part of the basement ha had placed a grate
of the ordinary site and style f t rooms of similar
dimensions, through which three cast iron tubes of
two inches diameter pawed from an under cellar,
one to tho second, and the other to the third story,
etch ending in a handsome mouth projecting a li'
lie way from the chimney into the room for which
heat was required. The currents of healed air thus
roduced, were found lo answer all the purposes of
separjte fires, and tho trouMc of du-ting furnituie
two or thr c limt s a day, and thc Cost uf purchasing
it anew before it had seen h ill its appropriate ser
vice, were no longer to be incurred. When it u
desirable to moderate thc heat in any of the upper
rooms, a cap is placed on the lowir end of the tulw,
snd ingrefs of air p evented. Every housekee
per who? furniture bus been spoiled, and every
person whose health has len impaired by cod fires.
will appreciate the advantages of thin kind of chim
neys, which, if known, would lie generally intro
duced. Xrw Yorker.
Curious Cil illation.
An account was taken on tho t Oth of Aufil-t f
the iiuiiiIm r of rarii.ic". of various description,
which p"fcd King William ct'cct, London dtiilni
from right in the morning till eight in ihe t-whiui;
From t ibl lo hiiie o'clock, 003 ; from nine o t n
097 ; from ten to eleven, Hllft ; fioin eleven to twrlv,'
1,HIA; from twelve to one, JSl ; from one lo two,
H06 ; from two to thr-e, 1105; from three to four,
'J?5; from four to five, 1,003; from five to six, S 12
from aix to seven, 771 , fiom seven lo tight, f'Jl
total, 11,010. Th e avcriiges 037 an hour, oi l.r
in rveiy minute ; aud it is fair to preomne thai thete
is no street in the woild where so many carraiges
pai-s and repass in one day. On September 1st, sr
vithI ieisons were engaged in order to afCuUin
(he number of foot pasM-ngera whiih iasi! the
same place Irom eigui in the morning lo eight in
ihe evening, and the result was as follows: From
eight to nine o'clock, 3,000; fiom nine to t n, 4,460;
fiom ten to eleven, 4,3"0; from eleven lo twelve
4,020; from twelve to one, 3,000; from one to tno
3.810; from two lo three, 4,200; fioi.i three to four
4 4 SO; from fitirtofite, 5,''S0; from live lo tii
l.lSll; Irom six to seven, .1,0 lo; fmni seven lo
eight, 0 7-0: lolul, 53 509. 'J'liw sluieiueiit will
be found cual in iiuii.Iht lo 1 I'i.'iJ j rr hour, ,
74 every minute. The nuciil er of perm n supp
sod to pass in Hfid will) carri igu, (averaging two
to r ai It) nmouiita to S2,0S0, which, added lo ihe
b vf, inukes a total of (5,o0.ri pateugeis
twelve hours.
One of the meat euy, the most connno-i, im
perfectly foul kti lliirg-) in the woild is lo (piarrrl
no matter will; whom, man, woman er child; or
upon whnt pretcme, provocation, or orenxion what
soever. There is m kind of nrcrsxity in it, no
manner of uc in h, and no species ot degree f lie
nefit to be gained by it; and ;et, atrange as Ihe
fact may be, theologian quarrel, and poll Icisns,
lawyers, dor tots and princes q turret, the ('(lurch
quarrels, and I he Slate qu irrcU t nations and tribes,
and corporations, men, women and child. en dog
and ea's, birds and besot', quarrel about all manner
i f things, and all mannet of occasions. If there I
any thing in the world that will nuke a man fee!
bad, except pinching his fingers in the crack of
door, it is unquestionably a quaircl. No nun ever
f.iils to think leas of himself after it an he did bvf re
one i it degrades blm in his own eyes and in the
ryes of others ; and, wh;t is wurr, blunts his sen.
sihdiiy It disgrace on thc one hand, snd Increases
Ihe power of sionVe irriisbili y oh Ihe other.
Tho truth is, the more quietly and peaceably tse
ill get on, the better ; Ihe Ik tier for ourselves, the
better fur our neighbors, In nine caws out of ten,
the wit course is, if a man (bests you, you quit
(leslinff vviih him if he is abusive, quit Ins corripi
ny ; if he slanders you, take care lo live so that nrv
body will believe him. No ni.itter who he Is, or
how he misuses you, the v is. st way i generally
just la let him alone; f r there is nothing better
than this cool, t aliii, quit I wsy uf dealing with the
wrongs we meet with
in I'nibrrlla.
Veslerdsy evening the ligc-l umbrella raid In
have been ever made, el least in this country, was
finished in the manufactory of M m. Win. IJ.irr
and Him, F.drnund street. The ciirnnifercueo of
tlie slick, or handle, ia four inches snd b .If, an I
the height eighteen feet, mounted with a balloon at
the lop, paiitltd with red and criiu.oii tipes. There
are ttveiiiy whalebone litis, e. eh one hiiudrtd and
ten incites long, It u teventi cn teet in diameter,
requiring sixty-two yards of damask ireiino
to cover it; to which is appended a yellow flings,
with twenty tats. Is. There are fifty jxiyuds weight
of brass work in the runners, tips, and iiocbrs,
bieb have leeii admirably executed by a man
named Joseph Davis, employed in ihe above estab
lishment. The s'rclchers weigh lime qu triers of
huudied, and are nudu of j.ipaiimd iron. It haa j
btt'u l lire weeks in process of uiauufattuiin,
and r qtl:red the close attention of six men and six
woman. The totnl weicht N four hundred and
a hnlf. tt was ordered by a sea captain, who de
signed it as a present for an African prince. The
price will be about fifty guineas b'o admiribly is
the work executed, thnt one man can put it up and
take it down without tho least difficulty. It is al
together elegantly finiithed, and will, no doubt, con
tribute materially to rnhnice the glory of his sable
majesty whom it was intended. Ulrmlng-ham
Economy ia one of Ihe chief duties of a sta'e as
II as of an individual. Il is not only a great vir
tue in itself, but it is the parent of many others. It
preserve men and nations from the commission of
crime and the endurance of misery. The man that
lives within his income can be just, humane, ch iri
able and independent, ile who lives beyond it be
comes, almost necessarily, rapacious, mean, faithless,
contemptible ; the economist is e-asy and comforts
le ; the prodigal, harrsssed with debts, and unable
to oh'aiti the necessary means of life. Ho it is with
nations. National character, as well aa national
happiness, has, from the beginning of the world to
the present d.ey, lieen socrifieed on the altar of pro
There ia not a shrub, vinv, plant or tree lo W
found in our lb-Ids and forests, thnt is not iu.ce.ti
b'e of a high degree uf impr ivement, if luken up late
in fill or early in ihe spring, properly trimmed, and
Irsnspl inted into g.iod rii h Anil near our dwellings
Their charge f ir thc better soon bir imeg apparent.
Take, for iiihtanee, young chrxnul tiees fiom tin:
mountain, lop off as much of their top as you
leave of the root ; set them out as you would your
apple trees; not dt per in the soil than tliey have
stood. Thry then have a iatid growth, and if we'l
preserved, v. ill spread and l-ir p o ifieallf, pr.nlu
cing a nut three times the site of ihoae generally
brought to market, and of xVrr d ivor. The hicke
ry Ine will do the same. All will liear grafting as
well as the icar tree. Lvp rimeiila in this line cost
but tittle.
Tlie llrltle.
The writings of Wa hinglon I r wing aliound in
pictures, which, I'.ir delicacy, tiste and truth, are
not Mirpasscd by any writers in the Hnglish lan
guage. The following is a i exquisite passage from
a chapter in his Rrnrebridge Hall :
"I know no sight more charming and touching
than that of a young and timid bride, in her rob s
of virgin white, led up trembling lotlie ultar. When
I lt.u behold a lovely girl in llic tnnbrnrst of her
year-, friking the lviio of her fathers, and the
home of her childhood and, w ith ihe ini lieit con
fidence, and the sweet telf-alnrid inmenl which lie
(org in woman, giving up all the world for the man
of her choice ; when I hear her, in the grxsl old
l.uiguse ol the litunl, )i Iding herself to him 'for
belter, for woise, for richer, for poorer, in sickness
and ill health, to rove, honor, a. d obey, till death us
do pail' li brings to mind the beautiful and rftl' e
ting devotion of Ruth. 'V hither thou gm-sl I will
gi, and where ihou li dgest I will lodge ; thy people
sh.ill be my people, aim tny u.l my ttoj.
Anicrlmn Copper.
A lute number f tho Wisconsin Kmpiirrr says,
Ihat M c4rs. W. Alford ai.d P W, Thomasof New
Ualtimore in that territory, have met with complete
success in iheir exptrimenls on smelling copper
ore. Thi y constructed a very simple furnace which
ritttt only ten dollars, in which they smelted on the
28th of September last, 2..100 pounds of ore, from
which they obtained nearly 700 pounds of good pig
cnpier, pronounced, by competent judges, to I e su
perior to the Kouih Ameilcsn pig copper. Th.'
lime occ jpied in procuring from the ore the above
amount of copper, was only nine hours. Neither
Mr. Alfotd nor Mr. Thomas hod any experience in
ibe business of smelling, snd the result is justly
deemed metier of great consequence to that lerr
lory, whieh abounds in rich copper ore.
4 Shocking Rail Road Arrldrnt
We learn from the Ujston Advarliter, that ae
lioua accident occurred on the Worcester Itailroa I
on Haturdsy last. A worn in, wh le walking over
the eai al brulge, on ihe Worcester Roilroad, where
ihe Iravk is double, unexpectedly met the train, and
probably ling confused, and not knowing which
track the ija n was on, ahe fell, and throwing her
arm across ihe rail, it wait cut entirely vS by the
engine. The engine man Use I cvrrv eflort to stop
the train, snd had neatly sue ceded. The woman
immediately received evi ry .lienlion which her si
tuation requ red.
Tell me nolot the inui, pieciariy strwimul hoovs.
here tin re aro no children 'tvbeie,' the goud
lieiinuil bus it, 'the lly lljps bat g traig!it mi i
wall,' tell me nut of lliO fever disturbed liivliU
audd); of the tranquil, anuona hi S'l-, where
cbddreu are nut ! I cure not for the things. Sod
sends cliildien for another purpose tliatt men ly to
keep up ihe race lo enlarye our hearts, Ij make us, and full of kindly sympathies and slice
lions to give our souls higher snus, and o II out
all our faculties lo extend enterpiise sud exertion;
to bring round oui iiroide br ghl faces and hsp-
j.y smiles, and loving, lender hearts. My oul LU
see Ilia (inat Father every dny. that he his glad
dened the eith with little children ! .Vary ILmiitt.
Population of rittsliurg.
The popul lion of Pittsburgh, including depen
dant villages in the vicinity is computed st 60.000;
places of religious worship 60; schools 100; pa
pers SO; banks and insurance companies 0, employ
ing a capital of p3,000,000; daily lines of stage
coaches and canal boats SO; tingle and double lines
of canal freight boats 11; annual arrivals and depor-
tnres of steam vessels engaged in the river trade,
2,1400 ; annual amount of manufactures and me
chanical productions, f 12,000,000; annual as lea in
Ihe various departments of merchandise, $13,000,
000; annu il amount of freight on merchandise and
produce passing through the account of non-rcsi-drnt
owners, $3,000,000.
MtvvAcTrjniso Lorisv ills. Collon pooja
manufactured in the neighboring towns of Kcn
turky, are sold annually at Louisville, lo Ihe a
mount f 1,000,000. In 1836, in a year of limited
activity, there were sold in Louisville, brown cot
ton lo the value of $249 821, cotton yarn to th
va'ue of f 224.S26, bleached cottons lo Ihe value of
f 80,Po9, and checks and ticking to the value f 6.
180, makim; in all the sum of $978,773. Louis
ville also distributes the iron mnnufjc'ures, tool',
machinery, cVc., oVc, manufactured in the sjiiio
iiif-'(lntc or Patrick Henry.
" When the celebrated I'a'rirk Henrv of Virion
's, was the c'o-w of bis life, and in fnelile hniltli,
he I. iid bis hand on the Hitile, and addressing hi
oi l friend who was with him, "Here is a book."
said he, worth more than all others ever printed ;
yet it is my misforiuno never to have read it wit'i
proper attention mid feeling, lili lab-ly !" About t' e
t.tine lime, he wrote lo his daughter-' I lie.ird it
said )'. have claimed me ! The thought g.ivo
me more p.lin than the appellation of Torv, f . r I
ron4dt'r religion of infinitely li g'.ur impirianco
than politics; and I find much raue to rejrojc'i
myself, that I have lived so long and given no de.
ci ded arid public proof ol my biiug a C'hiisiian."
Too timm to aa 1-ost. The following humor
ous a peal was made by an Irish lady, in behalf of
a husband, who was taken b' f ire the Mayor of Si.
Louis for whipping her, is from a St. LuuU
patier :
'Thomss McCarthy, g.4 drunk and whipped
his wife. His Honor gallantly defended the honnr
of the sex ; said that he was ihe protector of all th
married women in tho city; and gave p.t r
M.t'arthy one of his driest lectures ; when lo f up
steps Mis. McCarthy herself, and begged that " Hit
Honor would lave go her poor dear husl and lor
th s Wunst, as he nevct did tho likes afore, and IM
he sworn yt-'r Honor's nhurship, Ihat he'll never
do il sgsin, he sure he wont. He's thc smartest, el . .
erei-t man thai evekit a woman, saving your river
encr ! and it's met If ihit's baste, and ihe dirt t
blagi;srd ill the whole world saving your womhip
pi le rrinn him up in this way Ik fore ye'r Honor.
ul'le court. Oh hunney ! it's me and me lite cliild
hers that is nupeiug for what I've done. Thorni
mo own beautiful boy. (a great red-headed Iiishniaii
ful if whikey aid potatoes.) forgive mo tliu
wutiM, my darhnt dear, and ye shall have os mucU
whiskey toddy, as cvor ye likes, whesj ye'r ai k
wuh Ihe r'jmaiis, and it's mci-clf that will mix it
for nic own de ir husband."
Jerry Snow, vciy early in the morning, w.t
awakened by his companion, who said M Come
Miinw, day is breaking." "Well," said Snow, Itt
it break it don't owe me any thing."
A man who had a scolding wife, being willing'
to her failings, when ealkd upon to give
some account of her hubits and character, said slin
was pretty well in gener I, only subject al tirue)
In breaking out of the mouth.
A young mm stepped into a booktoro anil
said he wanlcj In get "A Voung Man's Compan
ion." Wt II fir," said the bo. k -teller, here,
my daughter."
A I ball lately in Kiehrnond, a dime belle a-tedi
e country rustic, who stood nigh her, in compact
ring four or five t'ecp, gaxing on pair wad,
ing, Tray, sir, htw do you like the waltx."
" Madim," (siid the qusiut gentleman,) I liL
th hogjin part very well; but I don't like lha
whirlin round. When it comes to hoggin IM
fatt er stand still."
Milton w akcd if he iutendud In instinct hi
tUoghur in ihe dirleienl Imguiiges to which ha
replied, No, sir, one tongue is auificienl foe a
fconi ladt. it'ihk il an awful thing for genlle-
intoi t rq'iivz.-their h and. Now, dear ladies tha
v.a tveio .kst it, tlie in in who will nut .jiii i.'
your Inn I whu'i he g ts bold nl I', di'se not c"e
srvctnh.voa bA in h's uion. B oilun
"Oh Jus. ! dei ! what a' lui.ti'if ueci.leiit
Little Kenny lias fa h n fr s Die (h ioihrr win
dow, right in it a la.ket or cge. and ruined th
ho Iml"
"Tl.e.esi lls reis ot' uiatr.iiiouy ." ss rhr
nisii said ten Lis vilu ihtcw tLe tuuar bowl at
his bea I.