Newspaper Page Text
IMPORTANT PROOFS. Of the efficacy of Dr. ltartich't Celebrated Mi di einrs. The following certificate was sent by Mr- F.. B. Ilinmau, i gent nl Cincinnati!, O'.iii. Thciecan Ic no miatake in it, as the patties nre will known. Mr. Ki'kicl Rgdon, of Andcr.on township, Hamilton county, Ohio, wasseveint days troubled with bill-u affections, acidity of the i tmnch, nt trnded with the usual symptoms of tlya sin, and hiving mado liiul of various medicine Without finding relief, wa cured by the above mcd cities. A tipt, E. RIG DON. niricinnnlt. June 30th, 1810. Yl'.T LATttlt. Mr. Vance, of Washington ceunty, writes na follows Dear Sir Dr. Harlich's pil'i! an; peironning mmo of the most wondi'iful cuica in lh;a v'u'iniiv evci heard of. They wero iiilro lnc tl here ah.nit ail monlha aso. by one nf my tn'iglibora, who bought a half d. ten package from the Pntsbting office. I om aware of four caaca in thi nl ice where eomplcte cure htve been per formed, one of acvpre ihpumatism, two of tlypepaia, and one of a moat ahcckinir and airravatrl tier voux comiilaitit, often or live'vo ypara laiulini I Hcnd you enclosed five dollars ; plrare to fo'W .rd pilU for that amount by tho be.irer, William Ward, AlUat JUUA VAINUB July 27. 1840. N. 1J. The above ccrtific te, compared with the pry many already received, eeitainly muni con vince ihoao similarly nfll.cted, that they can yet be relieved by the use nf these invnlua In m- tbcint a. Prinripd i flice, No. 19, North Eighth atnet I hiludfll'llia. r ir aaln by 1IKNUY YOXI'IIEIMER. Octolier 84, 1810. Agent. DYSPEPSIA DYSPEPSIA ! Tint troul ft'.l disease. riu-ua.tuda and Uik of ibousamU ulT.'r t'roin that common distrinat complaint. Ditpepsia ia ficijU'-inlv roif d by (..ifrlo.iding or tlistcndiin the f.toin.ii h by f.tct.v.:tv crling or drinking im'ij. a ib'e arid acrid aubslan a t.iken into the atmnach. or from Ion? continu -d constipation of the bowls a aj.lentiiry life, fear, rief, anxiety, a copious draft of cold water, ilra tic purgutivc rnedieinet, lj aw n tery, misenrr'mgei, intt run lnl and apatini'dn: af fectioiia of the aiomach mid biiwU, ii regular meals, late hours, and loo fiequenl use of apiiituous liquors. Tho symptomi of dupepsin m.iy be dtwrilwd as want of appetite, or an unmitural or vurjcinus one, nausea and fometim a biliims vomiting, mid den nnd transient distentions of the utoui ich bfer ealing, an id and putrpsei.t crui t.itioi b, water branh, pain in the region of the stomach, c suvui p.. I pit ilioil nf lilt) heart, diz.;nes and diiunc.-H o," the sight, di-turhed real, tremors, menial tltsMindi ncy, flatulency, apisms, iiervous irritiiiibly, t sallownes of complexion, gie it i pprefion eating, languor nud general dilility, sick hi-ad a he, &c. CL'HC At the he:.d of ull iemai'ir st-mds Da. HaHLII'h'm OoMPIUINII tl HKVrtlllKMtMl TllXIC aud (bnii AerntiSNT Pills, which tut great ly upm ilio perist.iltic motion of the tiiicsiiiies, thereby producing regiil irily tit' tho bowls, nt ti e aame lime improving the functions of the debtlila'. ed o. gans, thus invigorating untl restoiiog the di gestive organs to a healthy action. Th.s medic lie seldom fails in producing rebel. Full and rxplicite directions accompany above medicine. Likewise n pamphlet whicli acrib 's diseases, the manner of irei.ting, &. Principle ollice for the United States, No, the d.- 19, North EIGHTH STKEET, PhiU.lelph a. M KM Kit YOXIHEIMER. Octolr 24, 1840. Agent. FEMALE. WHO are troubled with sick headache, pnin in the side, breast, and l ack, loss of appetite, flatulen cy, lownes of spirits, palpilatiO'i of ihe heatt, faint ings or gidi'iness sit kne-s at the stoimcli, bibons aflections, lightness ut the client, nausea, voinitinj, noise in the btomach, flubirgi of heat, aid chili Hess, tliseiisi i of the neives, and nig ins of diguMion, etc. &.c, thes. who ruav bo thus alliciiil, should not nrg'ect to proruie Dr. Ilitrlirh'a Campimnd Strengthening Tonie and (Jermm Aperient l'tl.v. which arc w.nrauled to give iminediulo relef. Thousands i'o we almost daily behold, who-e enuii tennnccs and p ile emiu i ite.l cheeks Ix'ar i crnlur witness to siikne.-s and stlliiiion. t'ould tho e persons be pruuadid to use this iuvhlimliln medi cine, they would soon tintl their wenk and tic' ilra ted Ironies trenghtt;iitM, llie r minds pomp sod. and all pain, unii dihlr. s tlrivpn from the system, whrn the bedy w :'! : :.:im r new is lout vigor, aud i'. "M a n:;iv In.-.'' ii.l dc.ilh for a while lie dc jjived of ila prey. U b it h u I but fie s glad to Li'lio'i t eir near rt lativt s nnd ilear liiei.ds, sua died as il by magic from fit . I ile-l oyor Dtath yo w ho arc laboring under Oik ase lui not another day er night pass wiibout procuring thi' mdieine, as it will in a majority of u' illei t a per man Mil cure. Remember Lluy urc dangerous; and if iH-ira-o is nclecied, ita r va' s wdl doubly in fXj Piineile Oiruo for the United StuU a. No. . 19, MOKI'II EIU11TI1 si'eei, wheie recciimn en tln'ions of hutulic.'s of persons nisy be -t on, all of which have been cuiel or beiieiitied ty tho medicino. H KN R Y VOX r II EI ME R. October 21, 1840. Agent. SICKbES. I THERE are many persons that we duly In hold, whose countenances at d frail limbs t'enoie ffl c .i.;..i. .. c,,.i k.. ;..n .; .,..! r. neglect of proper .em.Ji.'s at the cou.mencpmpiit of ? . r. . ... . ........ i. ,.r :. H-lkllao. . . . i.iv. iiv ii ii v . .iiiiii- vri c k t., the stomach at'eudc I w tli liekmss rattivenm, Vc, li neglicls tar". M-. n-opcr m Jitine; at len h be com; l-iins of pj n in i in side and a oinach wiih a ur rroc'aiiona; I, is i i.,stite beeomos impairtd, his ret tr. nllr. onie, lis mind hirussed, an. I all tilings a-riiimi Mm uppr-ur not in their proper station, liu k'lll neglects himsilf, when in all probability the disease muy at louth beao fist si-sted that no medical aid will replace him again. At the first attack of sickness there nhould be " no lime lost" in procuring Dr Harbch's cowroi-xu sTadvorH bxixg AfKHiriT pills, which irninediulely re moves bite from the hl.oi ach, obviut ctiveness. remove disorders in the head' invigorate the inihd, strengthen Ihe Ifxly, improve the memory, and en liven the imagina'ion ; tliui restoring the body again to i's pn(Mr luucnons. Principle tMlieo, No. 19, NORTH EIGHTH alrec t,tPbilailelphi. HENRY VOX I'llEIMKK. Octols r 24 , 1810. Agent. TO THE .1FF1.1CTED. THOSE wl ,o ors ull'Tii'.g from various di-Tawn iiici.lei.t 'o the I um ui fnnily, uould do well in procure Dr. llarHtli'i Itumpound Strengthening unit (Jtrmun Aperient I'i.'n. wbieh ire so prv. riniiiently rereoinuiended for l))sis, I .iter (!oiiipluliila. sins in ihe si.le, back and breast, Nervious Atrclions, Head-Ache, and all the dis eases nl the Ktoiirirh and Howls, P..mplilcts may lie obtained grill", whkh contain full ai d eiplieile directions for uing. The reader is fi lmed lo set. eral very iuti res ing ct ililicatea of rnrra in this paper, wtorh may lie n lied upon, aa thry arr t .ken from tha original. For aal.i at No. 19, NOKIII EIQHTH atreei, Ph ladelp'iia. HENRV YOXniEIMEIt. OctoUr 24, ism. Azmi. mo ui: positive proof '! f.tJi'" V f Dr. Ilarl'eh't Compound Strengthening ; Carman Aperient 1'ilLi. AtLr.nnitT, Jan. 8, 1 841. ToDr H.irlirh's Aitent Sir: I wish to sts'e fur the benefit if tlio r who mnv be afflicted, that Dr. Haiilicu's Pills have cmiicly run J uie of Dj pepsin, of wlnrli I lidvo hern n fil cieJ fur many years. I used both kini's, the Aperient nnd Strength ening, end 1 urn constrained to Bay, that tiny a e v.tluab o ui-c ivi-ry, an I net upon the system intld'y, hut very t Ifcciu.iliy. I found the Tonic fills to quicken the circu iition unit cause a dvlermiualinn tit the surface, ned to slicugthun the weiik stomach ami increase it power. '1'ho Aporieni p'.l's nro the bill cathartic I ever used. I nm confident nil Dys peptics would li wo I to make im:ni'tiinto trial nnd be r. lieved. Any one cm call at my house untl bo stlirfiad of the ahuvd t plcarture. DAVID R. POPE. N. D. Tho original crrtiflcate may be seen or the t dice of the Spirit of the Tim. a." Fur sale at No. 19, North Eighth at net. IIENRx' YOXTHEIMER, Octolicr 24, 1810. Jtgtnt. LIVER COMPLAINT. THIS Jiaeaac ia discovered by fixe J obtuse I'oin in the riaht side under the ahorl ribs, attended with heat, uneasiness about tho pit of the stomach: there ia in ihc right sido slso a distention ; the p tienl loses hieapictile,and Itecomeitick and trouhl eil with vomit ng. The tongue becomes lough and lil irk, tho counti nance chanties to n pale or citron color, or yellow like tho-e n 111 it ted with j.ur. dice, il in. u fly n( breathing, disturbed rest, ntlenileo with a dry eongh, difficulty of laying on tho loft aide, the bi.dy I ccomes weak, ond finally the disease tc.mtnatra li t ) ami hrr of a moie terioua nstuie which In all probability ia Tar beyond the power liumin skill. Dr. Itarlich t f onipound Strength eninp Tunic and German Aperient Villi, it la km at the commencement of thia disease, will check it, acl by continuing the une of the mpdicii a few wevka, perfect cure wilt be pcrfoimcd I houaan'la can testify to una fact. Certificate f many persons n ay daily l ae. n of the efliccy of ihn invaluable medicine, by apply mg at the MtJiral Office. No. 19, NORTH EIGHTH street, I, hia. HENRY YOXTHEIMER. O.tobel 21, 1810. A?cnt PRINCIPAL REASONS Why Dr HAIH.ICH'M Comnoun.l Strengthen ing nnd ( Aneiient PilU : re by all t lati n's of people, in prifcruice lo oilier M'diciuis, I e-eau-o they a-e prepired from n pure tztraet nf herbs, a wholisomi' medieine, mdil in ils ner,iiioii nnd pleasant in its i If tt the nut it rtinn piehciver of health, a sale nnd ellrp nil cure of Dyspepsia or Indigestion, an I all st ni.trh couipbiulf, a j resrreer and p nifici of the whole tysteio. Uccause t' ry soothe the n.rrcs of sensibility a d fortify the nervis of million, imparting to their ui. st subtle fluid ita pristine tone, thua giving atronglh in I clearness of m tid. iieeauso tliey never destroy the coots of the ato mach and bowels, as all strong purgatives do. Uoi ausc science and exeiience teach us that no mere purgative alor.e will cure the disease of the t. mach and nervis. Weakness ia the primary cuin-e nf a host ol diseases, and, by coniiuudly ie soitii.g to Vrattie purgatives, you make the disease much w ofre, ini-tead ot 1 1 it. r. liecause Dr. Harlii h's Mod cines are put up up on the common sense principle, to "cleinseand strengthen," which is the only course to pursue to rtli'cl a cute. Lastly, iieeauso theso Medicines really d eure the dis ease for which thry are n commended. Principal Un e for tho Uniud States, is at No. 19 Noith Eighth stieel, Philadelphia. HENRY YOXIHEIMER. O.tolirr 24, 1840. Agent. TRUTH WILL PREVAIL. Dr. Hurlich's medicines are daily itic'caslng in nib ic f.ivor, nnd waul from any but n f ir mat to p.lahlUh their worth. We h.ivo a comiiiuuicatioii in our columns to-dt.y from a parson long owicteil, which is I ut one of many vouchers for this medi cine. Spirit of the Timet. BOSTON NOTION, THE LARGEST. 1ND CHEAPEST NEWS PAPER IN THE WORLD. rilllE spirit of tho age is utilitjii .n. Improve- JL mint is stamped upon the fare of every thing All the useful ails are progressing wilti ui.p .rrallel ed rapidity, and the Art of Pnnti g is coming iu for its lull share i f tho con-.ino i iiiiprovemenl Dctorm ed not In be outdone in any thing that per turns to his profession, whero ihe re it a fair chance for exeilien and entcrprizo, the undersigned has de termined upon issuing a shrei twice the six' of the Boston Weekly Tinvs, (and is to take the place of that paper,) and w It contain eight columns more mailer than the tiro' her Jon. .thin. I h s sheet will he call- d Ihe BOSTON NOTION, and it ia determined thai it ahall suslnin a cognomen a full of mesmng, and so interwoven with the ratab lirh' d rharartt r of our Yai.kee city. It will be the La no iT Nt-wsfArm in tub Woiiii with no exception mid will be printed on a sheet thirty s.veu by fifty-two inches. It will te fi'led entirely w tli nailing m .tier, and will contain Three Thou aaml bipht uunilrcd anU ii, hiy r-itr. t square inches, or Twcniy-Scvt n rqnare bo' of print in fine ! .nJ nurohc-r will tM.uM moro uii than an ordinary book of 1 bree Hi read lug than an ordinary book ol three Hundred pages. These dimensions will en .hie the publisher lo draw largely upon the mot popular periodical of the day, both American and foreign ; and a- tho selections will be made with great care, it is txlicv ed this paier lie a welcome Motion to every family. Bealdt a a full syuo-uiis of Ihe current news of the day,) as published in the liitn D ilv Times,) it wdl c iiiain Poetry, Popular Tat Theatrical Criticisms, lj!i-j and olhet Court Rt- ports. Humorous Articles, Ac. cVe. The wh.'le wo Id of Li eia'ure will Is? ran acked lo fill it. From the siuily of tho philosoj hei down to the police courts, through all r. giona ol ri ason ptieliy, roin ince, wil, un.l ihu amplti record of flly we shall glean from the pn-tand li e present and from all na ions, lo present as pleasing and useful a combination of recorded thought and current his- toiy, na the world can upp'y o- indusliy produce I hia is our "llosTtia INoriox. This great amount of tul in and fun nf wit and pbt'iMophy ol nnveltn-a an. I an'upiiiies we are able to oiler, weekly for six cevts er copy only six pen's! anil we ran d i it la-cause of I lie facdi i sof our press slid Diet, and the connection of daily and weekly publications. For thhkk imil labs we can sell at, ear's volume, i qu.. I iiiqusntity uf matter, with every variety a so, tt I'lfy-iwo Vol ume of Novels, such as are issued from the press of ibis day. Piftyvwo Urge Volume fir Three Dolir. ! directed all by i uj roved uiiiliin ry, ami by determination that we will not 'te outdone iu eiileirixn nud iim l'u'ues. TERMS: Tu am buuim u year, always in advai ce no mdois, no ui..tu r from what source, will be alt l. did to iinlivs see .uipanied with the CAM I. tSngU) co ii s six cems ..cli. Ptl Ma-ters or others r.'iniliios Twenty Do! lurs sbs I bsve Eight copies eni lo such ht.oIis ui d t'laits a they in iy tie inul.'. liEOIIlit: IHMJEKTS, Publisher. The riiilnilclpliin 1 aslat. UNPARALLELED SUCCESS! PROSPECTUS of kw Volumk. The great increase in tho aubacrlption list of the Casket since the First or tho year, warrant Ihe most extensive improvements on the first of July next at which limo a new volume will be Com menced with Increased vigor. Nothing need bo aid of the firm basis on which the Casket stands, ' being already the oldest ortagatine in the country. TYPE EMU ELLIsH M E NTf . The Ca kcl is printed with cl ar nnd silvery type, upon the finest white paper. The illustrations are not surpassed by those of any periodical at home or nbroaJ t and beside tho mommy ateel cn gravjnga, a quar'orly p nte of colored fishions has lately Issen sdded. Ihoaiylojl tntse embellish. menta is unequalled, and llipy aro always accom panied with an appropriate sketch, tia wood cula dUgraco the work. Whatever appears in the casket is of the first order of the art, LITERARY CHARACTERS. The literary character of the Casket ia well known. Il is wholly origin il, of the highest oider, and sustnineJ by WRITERS OF THE FIRST RANK. Essays, Talcs, Sketches, end Travels, compose its prominent prose articles ; while the poetry is rquallnl l y that of no other magaxine of like character. The variety for which the ("a ket ia celebrated, shall sutler no diminution ; hut on the contrary, every exertion ahall be made to in croaso ils interei-l. SEVERAL ROMANCES or ntx REVOLU TION have already appealed, and others ahall follow in the couise of the volume, presenting when finish' ed, a complete picture of the manners, and a In torical account of the great battles nt that time Thus, the Ca.kcl, instead ol being filled with sickly (sentimentalities, aims at a true delineation of human nature in every variety of passion. TIME OF PUBLICATION. Tha Casket is published on the first of the month in every quarter of the Union The most distant aubsiibers consequently receive it rn that dav, aa well aa those who reside in Philadelphia In all the principal cities agents have been rstab-lii-hod, by which mean ubsrilrs can obtain their copies fiee of postage. FASHION'S. The fishions are pub ished in the Casket quir- li rly, or aa often as any really new stylus arrivo from Paris. The engravings are colored, and executed from original designs No old, worn out plates nre retouched and then published aa the latest fishions. The truth f our designs may be teste bv compa-ing them wi h I'io lalrsl description ol dref-s. a from London and Paris TERMS: Thhf.k Dollahs per annum, or two copies lor t iv a 1'ollar. rutnistieii iy lKl. K. UKAI1AM, 30 Carter's Alley, Phil nl i ii s i i: a t i s or THI JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ILK SO- CIEry, AND RURAL ECONOMIST. xniTrn ar oidcoh n. bmith. THIS Journal was established by the American Silk Society, for the purpose of d (fusing practical information on the ci-ltux or silk iu the United States. It has now bet n published one yi ar, and may be considered work of standard character. The first esr'a publication, compi icing Ihe first vo'ume, enntames a mass of valuatilo inioimstion, anil it will Im Itia ol I ct uf ili hIIiuc iu uiaki the second equal in all resptts, if not superior, to tho first. The important fact ia now et.V hsht d be yond any qocstlon, that tho people ol tho Lnited States can make silk iuxapih and mkttkh lhaii any other nation lijion earth. It hns been proved by test niony, that the entire cost of prinlucing silk ready for ma ket, does not exceed Two iiollabb ab twuti riva ckhts rr. nii'itti, and its lowest value is rui n iiollaus ash nrrr cists; also, that ess acre of ground plant ed in mtirus muliicaulis, will produce the first year the Irera aic planted, yoi'urf-xiuiir round or silk, leaving a clear profit lo the producer ol ol ncKORKn sun r.iniiT uollaks! Ii has also la-en proved that the childien and females t f sny firmer s f.mily can, with the greale t possible esso, produce fifty lo a huinlred p uoi-'a of silk tvny yctr, without any cost whatever to the exjei seB til the farm after tho trees are planted; and ilu r.foro, that the whole amount of silk wdl be so much clesr g .in. siy from $22') lo $150. With these facts we sub m t to an iuiell gent ppoplo wether il is not a great nnd important object for ihem to iutiodure the iul- r .ii : r i ;i 1 - lure Ol sua 111 trvriy miiirr 1111J17 in m. n,n. To enable all our farmers lo iniike si k. the Juua irtitir th AMrnicAW Silk Socir.Ti' waa t at ib lisheil; il ciniains plain practical directions f. r cl-l- Tl V ATI SO THI THUS, ritllIKO nd RKAKiao BILK waist, bxklims thb silk, and preparing il lor market, &.c. liesides all olbt r information that can be r quired to enablo any ptrson to enter epjn the business, either on a large or email scale. Etery friend of his country, into wtl ae hamls this paper may fall, will be doing a patriot and philan hropist's work I y inducing hia friends and nnghbouis to en ter their names uon the list of subscrihera. '1 he Journal of ihe American 8,ciety is published mon'h'y, in pamphlet form ; each number contains thiiiy -two octavo pages, pi inted on new type and handsome paper, wi'h a printed Colored cover. Tihms : Two dollars a year, or six copies (r len do'la-a, a'ways lo be paid Ufom ihe work is sent. All subscriptions to lie,; in with the fiist nuir- Ur of the year, aud in no case will the work be sent 10 any aubscr.ber longer than it thall nave l e. n paid for. rrVNaw ai'BscRiacaf, who take the first and second volumes, will be clisrg.d only Taana Dol lahs for the two years. Works of IVatiire. IN a attte of health ihe intevtinal canal may he comparej lo river whose wutcs flow over the ad joining land, through the channel natuie or art has made, and Imptovcs their qualities; and lo keep up the comparison of the rivi r, so long as it tuna on smoothly the channels are kept pure and healthy; hut if by some cause the course of the river is stop ped, then the wuter in the canals it n longer pure, I ut soon becomes stagnant. There ia I ut one law 1 f circulation in natu e. When there ia a sutier abundauco of humoriat fluid (s nciiy) in the imer. t nal lubes, and coslivei ess takes pUce, il Jl ws biek into the liluo I ts-sc!s, and iufiliralea itself in in Ihc circululion. To rstatdnh Ihe froe co urse of the river, we most remove the ohiliut lions which stop its fiee rourse.and tho e of its tributary stream. With the body, follow the sunn natural principal ; r. ni ivo, ly lhal tnlnable purgative medicine Itnm. dieth,t Vnivtrmtl Vegetable Pith, which nre an ef I. dual assist .lire of nature, the suer iliuinlance of humors in the intestine rannl, Uy per etering in this pract'e.', the ways of the circulation will I lien he inslnred to the full exercise ofibeir n iluril func tions, and s side ol health will t-o li m'y cstabli.h ed Remember, never tult'i r a drop ol tiloo l lo .e taken from you' Evaru it the humors as often and as long as tliey are degenerated, or aa loi'g aa you are aick. Dr. Hrandreth's Oifiee in Philadelphia, is at No. 8, MlR I'll KItill I'll street, where his pilNcsnbe had at 'iti cents per box, with full directions. rj j Only ajenl in Munbuiy, is II. U. Maxcr Esijr. rtunhuiy, Spl, 9, IS 10. A STO I S 1 1 1 ti 1 C II IM si:. FOUR THOUSAND NEW SUBSCRIBERS I.N TWO MONTHS I !! Writer we fi st purchased the old anJ well known establishment of t' e Saturday Evening Post, . we sla'eJ that the patrr circulated no widely a mnng the itendy, reading portion of ihe United Slntes, that we entered upon our h bora with lull confid. ncn of tire future. Our success has since beon beyond our most simguine expectation, as our weekly riCt lptn overbalance those or any coU nipo. tnry nprr. Our lot hna continued to swell up, with unexampled rapidity, and we bavo the conli dtnee, thai at ihe present rate of increas", wo shall be ennhlcd in a few months to bonat or more llinn 35,000 subscribers! When we ommonccd our labors, we announced distinctly, that the tone of the paper should be decidedly moral, and that nothing ahou'd bo odinitted into our columns, which the most fas I Jious father could disapprove of. and d term ned Ihnt as an approved Family Paper, it should not contain a paiagrnph, witli the spirit of which a parent woulJ not wish to have a daughter familiar, and we therefore, with thia view, announ ced that no theatrical notices should appear in our Columns, and that we should be nnposed lo theatres aa things calculated to injure the healthy action or an Im nest mind, aa creative or exhibitions uemo- in tendency, and fearfully pernicious in fact. Tin re were not wanting blusterers, who made a great parade of opposition. anJ Croakers, who predicted our speedy downfall, but we threw ourselves ut-un the sober, rational and experienced portion of the people of the Uuittd States lor sup port, and wo have been noMy sustained. Wo thought and expressed Ihe opinion, that however careless many mighl be upon this subject, that few, even if they did nol entirely disapprove of such entertainments, cared about having tho gross details forever parnded before the ryca of their children, and the sickening and nauseating eulogy of nil kiuda of characters made familiar to their minds. We drier mined also, that while the paper con tinued under our control, it should be strictly ncu tral in politics, and that aa news and literary jour nalists we had nolh'ng to do with the milter ; thin dcurini ntinn has been strictly and rigidly adhered to, and white we shall continue to give our readers such public document as may Ik deemed of inte rest to nil, and auch a history of the progress of political events, as are atnctly in keeping with our duly, and the character of the paper, we shall stu lioualy and thoroughly avoid any contamination of imr. ii ,ii politics. The miner it now i.rinted in a new and beauti ful tye, has received the praise of ninny editors of t.iste, as 'ihc handsomest family sheet in thr Luton. Our tlfir's have been directed to the combining of beauty nnd simplic ly with utility and taste, The I'ost is printed on a stout white paper, ren dering it neat and dur.ibie lor tiling. In rol lilton to these tlforls toward perfection in the mechanical department, nnd extthor ol our pa per, no labor, and no cost been spared in the de- vtlopement of inlclliclUBl strength. 1 lie present variety of interesting tales, original, from foreign and domestic magaxine, logtther with the valua ble contributions of our own circle of literary friends will continue to give interest to the paper, whi'e everything important and worthy of note that happens in the Old World or the New, shall be collected and collated for the tasto of out rea ders. The Ladies' Department shall always be choice and srlect. and shall receive strict attention. While such things aa may interest our juvenile teadtra, nnd that iinpoilnnt and lurgo class of our renders, theFa.m. r will not be overlooked. In order to grntify, as much as possible, the laudible desiie ol our country readers, a portion of our attention will le devoted to the ctller'.ai.n and diffusion of auch News, Memoranda, Tables, Fac's, Hints, &c. as may seem impoitant to agriculturists, and ibe poj ulation resilient without tho confines of our great cities The state of tho maikois and the fluctua tions in tho price', will be regulaily and what is of more moment, crrecily gien. We have ever been opposed to tho constant hlus'tr nnd pa rude made by some editors, about the rieellpnce of their papers, aud have resolved that ihe Saturd y Evening Post, shall 1 conduct ed, as to sjirak for itself. Our renters will alwave find in its columns the earl est and mctt nnthen'ic information, es well aa the most choice and entertaining literary matter. We hrvn totally discsnled the syttcm ol filling the p.. per wi h quack adv. ttiemoi,ts, but prefer giving oui re dcis from week to week, entetlaining read ing matter. And we f el assured thst we shall be no losers thereby, as but few readers cue about having a p"icr fi'led with desiripiions of these nauseating com pound. The Saturday Evening Poet, will ho furnished for $2 per annum in ad. nee, or one cofy three years f. r ?5. To those who wish lo subscribe for a Philadelphia Magaxine, we will fumish a copy of the Phdsde'phia Ca ket, and two copiea of the Post for one year for 5 free of postage and die count. No New Subscriber received without the Money. To those who wish to subscribe, we would say, that the safest plan ia to enclose the money in a letter nnd dirtct to us. Most postmasters will frank thiir b tiers if relating to nothing but the bus in s4 of the ntfice, nnd all postmasters who will b kind enough so to do, we shall be pleased to ar know ledge as agenia. Address OEOROE R. GRAHAM St CO. No 36 Catlei'a Alley, Philadelphia, Certificates of Aprency. THE following are the duly apKinted agents in their respective counties, for the sale of Urandreth't eeetubte Untvertal J'lllt. NonhumlMiilar.d county t Milton Mackey Ac Ch imbeilin. Sunbury H. D. Masaer. M'Ewens- ville Gcdd. s. Green or. Wall. Georgetown F, Midlinger &. Co. Union county : I.ewisburg Walla t Geddes. Mlfllinborg Pellmvn ct Berkly. New Beilin J.din M. llenfer. Selinsgrove Eyte A Co. Mid dltbulji l-aac Smith. Lycoming eouniy : WiHiamsp.irt John Smith. Newberry M. tk J. C. Funston. Muncy W. A. Petrican. Jersey Shore Ja.nts If. H-burn. Columbia county : D 'nvilte T. cV E. B. Rey nolds. Caitawisaa C. A. Broils. Berwick Shu man .V R tienhouse. Bloomsburg-John R. Meyer, Sunbury, Sept. 9, 1810. (aeorge W. liiiyu, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MER CHANT, Ciiravi-T Stkixt WuARr, HiaaisRunn, IS prepared to receive Goode and Piotliice at Ihe new wmt'house, which hia arrangements will ena ble him la forward with despa'ch to Philadelphia, Piilsburg, Wilhaiiispnrt, Wilkeshirre, Columbia, Lmeasier, ur any other point on the Pennsylvania and Union Canals, and the Pennsylvania aud liar risbuig and Lancaster tail roads. Goods from Philadelphia for Harriahuig, Carlisle, Chaiiib. rsburg, tSiC. Ac, forwarded with care and expedition. Cual, I'las iau, Salt and run, constantly for sale. Sept."t. THE MOST POPULAR AND READABLE PERIODICAL OF THE DAY! Iliii'ton's Magazine, (THE GENTLEMAN'S,) AND AMERICAN MONTHLY REVIEW, WILL present its hixth and Seventh Vol umes to the public during the course of the year 1810. Ttrms, f 3 per annum, in advance, or f 5 for two years, or two separate Subscriptions, of ten copies for 550, cash. Printed in lare octavo, white thick pnjier, good lypi-, etc Each number contains as much matter as a volume of a novel; ihe il list rations are of the fi st quality. Duiing mo lbsi jC'ir near v nrtv ur the most sonenor Engravings, including three of Sartsiu's splendid McMotintB, were engraved exptess y f r thia woik. Each number contains two or mors Engraving. New Designs, cxicutcd on atetl, by the fust Artists, are in progress for the coming volume. 1 he list of contributors cinhrncea the names of most of the principal writers in America, wi'h a te spectalilc aprinkling nf English authors. Original articles have niitiearctl during tho last yrar Ir m the pens of the following Professor Ingraham, author of La Fitter Pro. John Frost. Philadelphia Pro. N. U. Brooks. Baltimore: Pro. I . F. Wines, Philadelphia, Author of Two Years in the Navy ; Captain Marryalt, Author of Pe er Simple, etc. ticneral 11. P. Moms, New York; l.e-gh Hunt England; Mis. Fanny Kemhlo Butb r, Phil.; Park Benjamin, New York s Uonglas Jerrolil, England Jos.'ph C. Neat. (Chaicoal sketches,) 'The Ameri can Uoz t J nmes F. Otis, INew ork ; It H. blliott Editor of Harris!. urn Intelligencer, Pa; D-.vid Hoffman, Baltimore; Chailes Weal Thomson, Phil sdelphia; Judge T Temper Dresdin, New xoik John Dit Sollc, Editor of Saturday Evening post Urcnville Mellen. New Y'ork t P. B. Elder. Editor of Columbia Spy, Pa ; 'The Author of "Stanly," Mrs. L. Higourney, Hartford ) Misa Catherine II Waterman. Philadehihis ; Mrs. Ann Stcohcns New Yoik ; Bcn?on Hill, England, Editor nf th New Monthly Magazine; Dr. J. K. Mitchell, Phil adelphia ; James Montgomery, England; A M'Mnkin, and E. Holden, Editors of Saturday Ceu rier, Philadelphia ; J. Brauchamp Jones, Baltimore; J. E. Dow, Washington City ; Mrs. E, F, Ellct Boston; Dr Thomas Dunn English, Philadelphia The Steel Plates ready for the present Volume, are Five Eti hings by the celebrated Cruikshank. A Portrait of Mr. Vaudeiiholf. the tragedian, in the character of Adrastus. A Likeness of Miss Van- detihoff. aa Juliet. The Gem of Hudson, ono of the choicest specimens of American fcct.ery Portrait of William Cultcn Bryant, the American Poet. Another of Sartain a exqui-ite Mi woiinta, of equal beauty to his pl ite of "tub rRTa, given in the Msy numb, r of Button s .Magazine a pin: a kiiowledifi d lo be superior lo any other tllu-tra t'.on ever Liven in a periodical work. O her En gravities of le s value accompany every nu nber rcj The ublic is requested to observe that ihe articles apiieuring in IS niton's Magazine are written expressly for that work, nnd are uot stle.ted fiotn daily or weekly pspeis. The Plates are also es I ecu ly engraved, and ore not the worn-out reluse uf Annuals, either English or Americtn. All Liters scut, post paid to W. b. Uurtotl, Dock street, opposite the Exchange, Philadelphia. lo accommodate our country fnends who may wish in subscribe lor our work and any oiner Philsdtlphia periodical, we will receive a rive Hol lar Bill, postage one year'e eubscrip'ion to Burton's M gnzine and Godey'a Lady's Book (also three dollars a year) or the Saturday Courier, or the Saturday Chronicle, oi Alexandtr'a Weekly Messenger. WILLIAM E. BUhTON. uii'jAcr nnf Proprietor. TI1K 1K1V WOULD. THE LARGEST. CHEAPEST. HANDSOM EST, .tND MOST COMPREHENSIVE NEWSPAPER IN THE UNITED STATES. rniTtD nt park iitiiiiix nt iris saroint. WITH multiplied res lurere for rendering the Ntw Won lii moro valual le than ever as n compendious newspaier nnd repository nf elt g mt liter l ure, we enter upon thestcoud volnme (folio) on tho 2 till of October, d' cased in a beautiful girl, of flew type, cast e i pro sly f r ihe purpose. It will thereloie be a filling time to commence new subscription as well as for the renewal of those which may then expire. During the first yrar of tho eiia'anco nf tho New Wohld, it hia acquired a rvputmiou and circulation superior to any weekly p iper in the country ; aud has furnished to its subscrita rs, during that period, (besides a 1 Ibe current news of ihe day, dorecstic arid foreign) new and vs uablo w. rks by Talfoutd, D'lsiaell, Thonua Moore, Mits Mitford, Mrs. Jameson, C. Dickens, A ins worth. Know lea, Bulwer, Mairyat, and others woiks, which in Lon don could not 1st purchased for fifty limes the amount nf the subscription price of tl.e New Wuild. In addition lo works uf interest by these eminent authors, it has contained the crtam of the periodical literature of tho day, oa well as original aiticlca from the pens of some of the mast popular writers of America, n nong whom we may mention Misa Sedjwiik, Orville Dewey, Professor Longfel low, the author uf "Yankee Notions," Strains, Street, & p. tVc. In politicks we ahall, as hitherto, maintain an arme I neutrality. Our columns as heretofore will I unol jeciionabla in a moral point of view. In criticism we ahall, iu justire to the public, mnntain a peifcl indfjien lence, even though we incur the vengence of all the dunces We s'lall, in conclu sion, earnestly strive to render our shoot not only worthy of ihe unparalleled lavoMrit but of a continually extending circulation. While we continue lo furni-h with all possible promtitude tho most attractive liter lure of the d iy, we ahall, as our means enlarge, afford that compensation to native aufiois, wbisb may indoce them to in ke the New World ihe medium for presenting to the public their best prndu lions. Our excellent Lop- don correspondent wdl be continued, and di'6 si. tention will be paid to the comercisl, agricultural and news departments ol out paper, A QUARTO EDITION Of sixteen lage pages was coninenccd tn the sixth of June lust, in ord tr to noel the wishes of large number ol suhsenhers, by giving Ihrro its itch in I varied contents Ui a suitable form for l j. ding. 'This we have douo without having enhanced ike price, so mat new suhscihera, anil others on the renewal of previous subscriptions, can lake their choice be tween tho tin nto and Folio form, (rj- But a ftw seta ol tne iuarto, ion io i, now irmun on hand in tho olfioc, and w shall llierelore, not be able long to auppy Ihem. TERMS: I n h us DoLitua a year in advance, fir either edi.ionjoi Fiva Dollahs for two copies. In nil ciws letters must le tree, or hjI paid, oi they will remain tlead in the poa'-oifice. fXj" All Po-tiusMoia who will act for us are our authorised Agents, and may retain M per cenl on tha subscription price, (3.) for coin missions, if re milted in New-York or Ksslern oney ; or 50 cents on each, if iu notes of nlher solvent banks, which may be at a discount here. fX7"EJitors and Pul liahera who desire the con tinuance of an exchange, will please copy ihe above three or mors times, or otherwise notit e Ibe contents, and tend us a marked paper. Letters rela le lo the editorial ileturlirenl must headdiessed to Pabk Dsn jam is & Erxs Sabuckt, Editors: I bote lelilivo to th bui-utsa dopAit- incut, to J. W I.M MC I KK. J'ulliUer, . No. 30 Ann aiavvt, T!;c llrnlliri .Tntmllimi. HE laruesrt and most lieautilul newsnsuer in llm world larger by fifty square inches than any other newspaper in the United 8latns. Published Saturdaya, at 163 Nassau street, New York. Price three dollars a year two copies for five dol lars. err The proprietors of this mammoth sheet the Great Western" nmong the newspapers have the pleasure of S reading before the reading puhnc a we. kiy periodical containing a greater a-, mount and variety of useful and interesting mis cellany, than is to be found in any similar publica tion in Ihe world. Each number of the parer contains as large an amount uf leading matter aa is found in volumes of ordinary duodecimo, which cost $2 and more nan is contained in a volume uf Irving Colum bus or Bancroft's History of America, which co-t f 3 n volume and all for 1 bree Dollars a year. For $5 two copies will be forwaided one year, or one copy two years. since the publication ofoui miainsl rrosnectus. the Brother Jonathan hns been ENLARGED and its size, amply before, has been an much incroaard, thut much more than the former quantity of Ihe most interesting litctaluro of the dsy ia embraced in its immense capasity. Selections from all the most prominent and celebrated writers of the day aasist in swelling its contents; and whatever is new, rich, or rare, is imptlialely transferred to ita columns. All the contributions to periodicals of American writers of repute appear in its page-; and the issues uf the foreign press are laid under coiitiibuiions, as soon aa received in thia country. 'To the miscellaneous and Literary Department, the closest attention is paid; and in all the selections and original contribu tions, strict care ia devoted to avoid all that may touch upon the opinions of any party in relgiun or politics. Experiance having taught as thst we had mark ed out a path for ourselves, in which all aorta of people delights to lollow, the Brother Jonathan shall continue, aa it begun, to be a bold, gentle, weighty, light, grave, merry, serious, witty, smooth, dashing, intereaing, inspired, and incomparable newspaper. Il shall be a stu pi ndous minor where in all the world will stann reflected. It ahall con tain the moat beautiful of Novels, Komanaea an l Mtoriea for both sexes Fai'y Tsles for lovers of the marvcll .ua Legends for antiquaries Pasqui nades for wit mongers Nuts and raisins for short, winded readers St renailes fur musical lovers Son nets for Ladies Sentiment for old bachelors Sti tistics for politicians and lectures. Sermons, Criti cisms, Epigrams, etc., tVc, &c , fur all the world. Letters should headdiessed to WII.8 N A COMPANY, Publishers nf the " lirothcr Jonathan," X. Y. ii O li I. Y'NJL All V'SBOOK." Nl.N L TV-IX pages uf leading mailer, by au thors whose names stand among the foremost in tho literary ranks of our country, as follows: EiMtyisI. Miss Mary W. Hale, Professor Waller, Mrs. Holland, Mrs. Sigourney, Mis. Hale, Mrs. E. F. El lit. Poet. Miss Mary R. Mitford, Miss C. IT. Wa terman, Eliza Eaile, Miss H. F. Gould, Mrs. f i goumey, Mrs. F. 8. Osgood, Mrs. C. Baron Wil son, Wm. Cuttor, James T, Field i, Isaac C. Ray. J. S. Dusolle, James Montgomery, Miss Juliet H, Lewis, Miss A. D. Woodbridge. Novelists. H. W. Herl ert, Professor Ingraham, Richard Peon Smith, W. Landor. HriVer of Tatet. Mrs. Seba Smith, Mrs. Em ma C. Embury, Mrs. Caroline L. Hentx, Mra. Ma ry H. Parsons, Miss A. M. F. Buchanan, Mrs. H. Beer her Stowe, Mrs. M. St. Leon Loud, Seba Smith. Of the above eminent writers, celebrated in our own, and most of them well known in other coun trie, each have had an article either in the Jsnaary or February number of Ihe Book. Il ia unneces ary for us to say that no auch array of namea can I e shown by any other magazine in this country, of nny paico. We give three times sa many emb llishrnents aa any other mag zine, and each plate is equal, if not superior to tha one of any cotemj orary, and yet the prico of the m .gnzine is not increased. Our dic tion is immense, therefore we are enabled to go to a grio er expnise than any other publisher. A IwMter return may therefore be expected for the p. ice paid for subscription. In tho two numbers just published we have: gi ven four Platea of Fa-bions, containing eleven Fi guies. One beautiful specimen of Lace work. I tne spltndid Steel Plate beyond compare, the best line engraving ever published in an American Ma gbzine. A new emblematical cover. In addition to our usual well arranged embellish ments, we always pu'.lisli steel lulu pages twice a year. Tl.e wholo amount of engravings and embellish ments of various k nds that the book contains, or will contain this year, may be estimated at abrut aixty. A new aerica of papers of great value has been lately commenced by Mrs. Hale. The Domestic Department." This during the year will compo-e a great amount ol uaual matter. For enterprize at least, we think we deserve sovne credit; we have been the first lo give to an Ame rican public original articlt s from the pens of Mary Ruasel Mitford, author of "Our Village" Mrs. V, Baron Wilson editor of LonJon La Bcle Assem ble, Mrs. Hoffland, author ol several useful and valuable works; Jsmes M on 'g ornery, author of 'Omnipresence of the Deity," &c.; Thomaa Miller, author uf Fair Rosamond and Royston Gower ; Ebeneez r Elliott, auih r of Corn Law Rhymes. We do not particularly mention these names be cause they ail date from London our object only is to ahow that wheie there are good ar-jc!es lo tas had, there wi l we apply. No author of any repv tation in our own country has em sought admU sion to "The Book" in vain, Godey'a Lady 'a Hook ia furnished at fS per an num., the. rn- ey invariably to lie received before a "";.i number is sent. The ft Honing system of clubbing may answer the purpote of many wishing In subscribe. CLUBBING. Walter Scott's Novels and Lady's Book, one lib year, - Mary alts Novels, and Lady a Hook, one year, - - . Me Austin's Novels, and LaJy's Book, one year, .... Lady B'essington's Novels, snd Lady's Book, one ) ear. . . - . Pickwick Papers, Ac &e., anJ Lady 'a Book, one year, . Miss ltslie's Cookery, and Lady's Book, one year, .... To copies Lsdy'a Hook, one year, . 5 5 .Ml oideis to be addressed lo L. A. GODEY. 3 1 1 I'heanut rtrect, Philadelphia. N. B. The public w ill please be caieful of irs. veiling impostera. II A Z A IC l ' S UNITED STATES CoM.MEKd IT. tvn STATISTICAL REGISTER. Containing doc, utnents, facta and other ustful inf urnalion, illustra tive of the history and resources of ihe American Union, aud of each Stale; embraciig commerce, manufactures, agriculture, internal liipramenU, banks, currency, finances, education. Ae. Ae. led by Samuel Hsxvd. Pgbli hed every Wednesday, at 79 Dok street The price lo auhscribera is f 5 er annum, payable! on the first of January of each year, fio auhscjin. lion received foi lest than a year. Riilu-..i ....I of the pnmijml ouut lo pay in advice,