Newspaper Page Text
t ire In Xntcnt, J lire occureu in ivartucx uniler me lull, on t . 1 . Ht-. t . . . .. Wednesday afternoon, about 4 o'clock, which des troyed mi entire square containing 12 houses. The loss is estimated at $-.'9,800. No Ices than a;x attempts have been made to assassinate Louis l'hillijij'O, since bis elevation to the throne. The Mint of the United Sluice In sold to bo en gaged in coining t new dollar. It is if small, r ill tnensione than the Spanish dollar, an J is ultogeilur 1-cltcr executed. The Dalliuiorc American says : Some twenty thousand bushel of Wheat, mostly Pennsylvania, were sold In this market yest rdiiy morning. It is computed that the Emperor of Russia's an nual expenditure in England, for horses, equipage, Ac, it 100.000. It is stated in a Boston paper, that the ship Delhi, from the East Indies, whose cargo is now telling in New Yoik. will tealhte a clear profit to ber owners of 250,000 dollars on the one voyage. Dual. A duel cqim off opposite Virkshurg, on the 6th int., between J. M. Chilton and H. E. Har ris Harris received the ball of bis antagonist in the thigh, on the first fire. Chilton was unhurt, Tbo parties crossed the river from. Yicksburg. CoBTaaiT. One hundred dollar bills of the Corauicrcid D ink of I.ske Erie have been counter feited, and are in in Gie. n county, Ohio. One peen by the. editor of the 'J'orchliglit, was of the description, Letter A. No. 433 ; January 10, 1839, payable to R. Window. The engraving is tolerably good, but the paper is dark and greasy, and the tilling up budly done. The signature of I. P. Handy, Cashier, is bid, ai.d the name mis-gpel led. Electricitx. It hus been asct Mailed from careful and often repeated experiment, that the e lectiic iluid travels at the astonishing and inconcei vable velocity of two hundred thousand miles in a single sec and of Imc ! IS that if a wire were pas si d around this globo of ours, this subtle agent would traverse the circumference (about twenty-four thousand mites) in about theiighth part of a se cond. Coot I.MPKnrixtni'E. Culling at the Cleik's desk and inquiring who is the author of an editori al anide. We now say once for all, that any ioi jtknstmt article, not written by ourselves, is from the hand of IV rick, a very stout Iri hmaii iii our press room A'ciw World. .V A It H I E it , On the 27th ult., by C. Bowrr. Esq.. Mr. SAM UEL SHAFFER to Miss MAU V MOWRER, ull of Augusta township. On the 14lh iliat., ly the same, Mr. PETER K FIMIEU to Mis MARGARET WElTZEL.all of Augusta township. sanssaaaBSBMOsamKBSBBBSBBsasaisBssBsaaa Dii:ii. In Augusta to-vnship, en the 1 9th inst Mrs. Kr.iirKa. consort of George Reefer and daughter of S.imm l I ,antz, ageil 35 year. 5 is a a n "!- T r arte. i'Un amount of coal curried on the Danville and Pottsville Kail It'iad ti Sunbury for shipping, du ring the wcik ending on Nov. 20, is 77(1 Tons. Per lust report, in,ia Total, 14,013 JOHN HUDD, w. m. 77 rim . ii iTfcrrjTjK " THOSE who are sulT'-ring from vu.'ioiis disease incident lo the I uman f unity, would do well to procure 7r, Ibtrtich's Campmmd Mrtngthening and Herman Ajurittit I'M, which ire so pre eminently recommended fur Dyspepsia, Liver Cim1atut. aii:s in the side, back mid breast, Ncrvinus Aff-cl.ons, Head-Ache, and all the dis-eau-H ot the Slomirh and Howl. 1'i.niplil.U may le obtained gratis, which contain full and cxplicite directions for Using. The reader is referred to sev eral very inleres ing certificates of eures in this paper, which may be relied upon, as they are token from lha originul. For sale at No. 19, NORTH EIGHTH street, Philadelphia. HENRY YOX 1'HKIMER. October 24 . 1840. jttfrn. Jonathan 11. Water' Efttatc. 'M'OTICE ia hereby given, that letters of admin tsiratl m de bnni nnn upon the esta e of Jo nathan R. Water, late of Khamokin township, Nor thumberland cou-ity, dee'd.. h.ise this day been gra Hed by the Register of said cojnly to the sub tcribers. All r-ous bav ng eUints or demmds a .gainst the a id tie. eilent, are requested to aske S.110WI1 lUesdine to them, without delay. VAI.ENVINE KLASE. ELEANOR WATERS, Khamokin, Nov. 7. Ot. Adutt, fa. p'jblici salt:. tN purauanc of an erji r of lh Orphan.' Couit of Norlhumlicrlaiid CuUnty, i!l be eipo e.l to alo by public vendue or ouury, mi Saturday the Sli.h day of December next, at the pah'. me house of 'il'iin Farrow, in Snyih rsiowu, a cenhaiu tract of HILL LAND, situ, to in Rush t .wnslup. Nor thumln rl.unl co., nJj i.nii.g land of (ridfrey Rock tf. Her and others, und conlaiuing Ibnty-fjve acres, mo-e or less. Also, a cer am lot or pu ce nf CLE -RED LAND, near Suyd. rsiowu, )ii Shaumkiii township, uiljiniiing land of John Uoughnei, Win. uters, nnd oiheia, containing seven an es and one hundrid and twelve pen lies, late the estate nf Jonu than Waters, dee'd. The last mentioned lot will be sold either in lots or together, a may suit puicba ser. A druft of the lots will be eihiblted, and the conditions of the .ale will be made known on tho day of sale. K lo lo commence at 10 o'clock. VALENTINE KLAsE, ELEANOR WATER, Khamokin, Nov. 21. ft'. 4uW, 4)c. ESTATE Or ELIAS BREWER, DEC'S. NOTICE is hereby given that letter of admin istration upon the i state ot said dece..ed have lcen granted to the su! senhers, by the Reg'uier of Northumtoilartd county. All p rsous having demands against said e.ta'e, wi'l pietent them, pro Hily authenticated lo either of the utcnlr at thoir residence in Augusta lown.biii. HENRY IIREWER, ? . , . AUKAHAM HUEWER, J AU",," ' Noviui'.ti It, 140. t V a it I Shoe. large as'oil- IT merit, m Siierm Oil, best quality Hooks, of all description. Silks, black and coloured. Stair Carpeting. Cotton Carpet. Carpet Chain, of all colors. Saddlery, a general assortm.-nt. Eliptic Springs. Coach Lamps, Carriig Hind, Br.iss Join's, Brass Das!irrs. Patent leather. Just received arid far silo si he store of . H MA US EH, November 14, 1-410 tf .iREsH Ciutili-rr c. just rec -ivtd and for sale H ' Iiv II. U. .HASbK. iXovcmber 14, 1840. if INFORMATION W A NTED. ANY person having any information concerning Bryan Shechy, a native of Ireland, aged from 1 9 to 22, ot lino complexion, will confer a favor by informing his brother, Rodger Sheeny, by letter directed to Ilarrtshurg. I'e. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NEW ENGLAND OIL COMPANY No. 2 North Water Street, Thila. "M V A N V FA CTL'R t RS and dealers in Oils of 1B every ditcripli.n bo:li for burning and iiiHiiuloc:urina purpose, which will be sold much lower than they cm to prH-urHl e'm-wheie, and warranted in quality to equal any in the city. Any oil stdd by 'he compai v not proving as ie; r-sented, may lie returned without any ripensn to the pur chaser, and the money will to refunded Their stock now in stoic consists of the following oils, viz: 30,000 gallons Winter H leached Spcim 5 Ull, 6000 do do do do do do do C. lo less Oil. Full and S,riin Sperm Od, Winter Sea Elephant, do Piesed Wlinle Oil. Summer do do do Common Whale Oil, 3 15.000 10.000 20,000 6000 15,000 "00 Uaricls supenoi Smuts Oil, 300 do Cod Hank O.I, 50 do Nenis Foot O I, 75 Casks Olive Oil, Tar:ncr's ills 3 3- (f VThis Company has a number of Vis. Is en- gace.l in the Cod Fishery, and Tanners may icly ujkiii pet'ing at all I meg Oil as pure as importe I. I'liil iileiptua, iov. 7, I Mil. ly. Jacob Fi-lMiiiutli & Sou. SPECTFL'LLY iulorms their friends and acquaintance geuerully th it they ti I con tinue to kntp at the old staiij. No. 216 North 3d strett, Philadelphia, nil kinds of TOBACCO SSVFF ASD SECARS. Which they will sell on the m st ace munodating and teisonablo terms. N. H All oois ,o!d will lie su.irant"cd, an 1 ull orders prompt y attended to. Philadelphia, November 7, 1M0. ly. O. -W. St. L. 3. TAYLOR. FFER FOR SALE, nt the South Est for- ner of Fifth and Murlut S.'tcets, FliUmhl- pliui Mens' Calf-skin Hoots, stitched warranted. do do !o H'i:ged do do do water pi Oof, do djuhle s iles do niutcd and Uouu e upper, do Cult-fkiu do do and lipers. do Heavy Water L-'ntlu r Hoof, do do Niats do do. do High quarter S!IIH?s, Cull-.kin. do do do Croc)-era lo do Fine M.'iirocs warrau'e.l. do do do do do do do do Kp do ; If do Coase do do Shoes Fine do Kip do do do do do do do Calf and Seal Sk'n I'uinps. L st Si cks Hid vvuliout soles. do Cariet d i d il.i do Patent air.ti.tej Wat r-pn'ot'Mocc sins. Iidies' do do do da L itln' tanned In.lia Ro; ir ili.i i, (eiitemen' tlo ( ver sIhm-s Wnh every other desc iption of Imsou uiid sIkm. Fur Ca uf every tloscriptio'i. 'Travelling 'Trunks of every doser plion. VeiiTlian Travelling Uaga. Patent Uum Elastic Khoe lllaeking. UontKits nf all kinds. Palm Leaf Hats. Phil Mlelphia, November 7, 1H40. ly. ATTE1TTI01T. IHE sptcial aneniitin of buyeis from the aou'h . and west, and for the state trade, ia repwtfol ly invited to the Miowing assortment of GOODS, which ihe subscrii-er will dispow of at suth prices as will anqily lepay his f' lend for railing and ex amining bis stork. To CASH purchasers, at the pre.-ent time, extraordinary inducements will bo of fered 200 pieces heavy vstiegstid Spanish matting. 500 p.rces Canton mattinj, aitcd 4-4, 5-4 and 0-4 white, clicked and fljwercd. 1K)0 health r:-,K, a letutilul asso'tmi nt f Wil ton, Il"i.4el, 'Tufttd, Turkey, and Hemp rugs. 200 pieces woolen, w usted, cotton, hemp, in grain, Vciiftiin and bi s k C irpciins. An elegmt variety of illon, Uiussrls, Scotch ai d E.iglish, Vet e-ian, Dniiask, tVc. Ac. 1000 dozen men n I tioys caps, comprising a great vir.ety of Fur, Krai, Nuiiia. MusWral, aivl Coney, Hair Konlctte and Cloth Cnps. 100 dozen AUicant Mat, assoitvd sizh. 100 do Maiulli do do do f0 J j Kliet p-skin do do do 'M Ualt s French 11 .sku s, contpriting every de aeripii m. 600 pjir Veiieiian, a Vd fiuiea ai d roloi. 'J'JliO pat lit do do do 1000 i.e.ts I'abas r Satchels ttss'd, eintiOMied leather, straw and ml i ,il . ftOHO dt Z'-n Joinlw, sorted tortoise shell, lira. r l iuii do horn, ivory, brass and cmprisiiig a large BHsoiiiiieiii oi riety varieiy. 3000 doz -n Whips asoited wagon, gig, car rug, sulky, plainer, drover or liding, of gut, tliei ami thread, with Ircituau silver, gilt, itory and bone mounting. 1000 dozen piinied pu U, Wilson's brind. HliiO nest ced .r Tubs and Duckets j also, Churn, I'iggius, Wstci Cans, &.c. 'The aliot e together with au exlensivo assoitmral of Lucy g.akls, lir.l ma and lleiman silvt r ware, feather uud I littite lSrushs, Looking lilusos, Ma hogany and (dt Kiamis, of every i7.i anddest rip lion, ure uiauulaclured, importetl, an 1 selected ex (Tcssly (oi lliu southern, v.etcni and sla e Had . J. MONEY J).LS, No IN North 2d slreet, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, November 7, HJlO. ly. -r1LM ELASTIC CITV AUCTION and commission store. XuiiiIht 29 Surlh Third Street, I'hiUidelphia, 9)UULIC 8 ALE 14 of Dry (J.vxls, Hardware M. "' lUtlery, Hooks, St itionary, IJIothing, Hoots, Khoi a and Ha's. and in short nlmosi eterv descripiion of go.Nls, are held at this cstnblisbuient every ctenliia. are ol.-o sold at pnva'e sale during the day at the enrage auction rices. Siorc keejKrs auj iratlers will find it lo their adtan age liy attendiiig the sales. V. C. M Vl'KF.Y, Auctiotirc. Philadelphis, Novemb r 7, 1H 10. ESIIIsRICK, 1IANSELL Sc C'O'tS. WXtOLESALB DRY GOODS STORE. No. 1-2 Market Street, l'liila. (liil.iw F,fth S,,uth;dc ) A LVV'AVS keepnn hand a full and gcuiral a strtmentnf Ho'iery, I, irv, n d Fmty Oools, Coutitry M'-rehan'a are respee-fully reipie-tetl to give them a call sml examine lor them elv.-s Philadelphia, November 7, 1840 ly. SPEIUNG, GOOD Sc CO. No. 1UM Market Street, Philadelphia TNVri'E the attention nf Country Meiebant to their extensive a-orlmenlol B'i'ih rroih and American Dry t.ovd. which they ..ffer foisde on the most reasonable trrms. Phil..d. Iphia, Novrmltrr 7, 1840. ly. PETEIt DEWEES, LAST SIASEXl, No. 74 Callowhill Street, Philadelphia, ( Three dwin abort SretmJ.J SHOE Findings always kept on hand, which he oilers for sale on the lowe-t trrms. Country Mcrrhinfsare particularly la call and judge for I hem-elves. Pl.ila.lel, bis, November 7, 1310. ly. OLIVER N. TIIACHElt, Agt. MANUFACTURER Or ILATS, CAPS, &C. No. 40 North Third Street, Phila. (Ofpi,ii-ie tht City Hotel. J HATS, Cjps and Lndio' Furs, of every d" srription. manuf tdured at very low priees, and Country Mercliants Mipi-lied at ahoit notice. Philadelphia. Nuvenib. r 7, 1840. ly. LOWER Az RARRON, Importers and Dealers in Korein and Domestic Hardware, No. 174 Nonrii T'n i it i Stbi.zt, 1'iirL.tiir.Lriui ADHERE th. ir friends and customers will always lind a larae and general assortment of Foreinn and H.Mii.stic ll.iid.vare, w hich they will sell at the lowe-i prurs. Philedelphia, Novrm'trr 7, 1UI0. ly. J. W. SWAIN, Virihrella and Parasol Manufacturer. ,V. 'Ji -jtifh 't'nr.l slri-il, tivn .r lulow the ('it it Hntil, 1'hiinrlitiiu. COUNTRY Mcn-haui and other?, are solicited to examine Lis ussoiliueiil In fore pucliasing elsewhere. I'hilu.VIjihi.i, Novrmbtr 7, IS 10. ly- w holesale and Retail Shoe, Bonnet, ami Palm Leaf Hat Win chouse. .Yo. lifi th S. r,'tt, a f it' Air aliuve .lrrh l'itiliitU;)i'-:d. A I.SO Trunk, Ca-pei U irs and V aliees, . f ev try', r.ll of which he ifl'ei for sale on the mow reus liable terms. Philadelj l.t.i, Novc-nber 7, IH40. ly P. vt A. UOVOlMiT'S China, Glass and Liverpool Warehouse. Ao I4 Xir.'h Third ttrttt. th'rd dmir Mui:- lVit tlrrtt, I'htintU !i!iiti. TUVAU Ihey const .ntlv k rp on hand a lari;. ' nssniuueiit of Chins, tilass m,d LiverNx. Ware, which thry wdl dispose of on the most rei sotiab'c terms. Tbil.'delphu, November 7, 1840. TIIEOPILUS CULP. Manufacturer and' Imporrer of Sad dlery, Hardware, &c. A'o. 5 SvHlk Third ttrrrt.fmtr dtw bewt V rkft Fhilmlelphia- KEEP constantly on hind a large and general assortment ( oach Lnmps, tlarri ige Itaji ls, AiL. Anna, t'l.ii h. ....... I'... .,i t .k.u a.. . - , . .. . mm . , k r . Country Merchants and sbiidlera will besupplitd m ull lim.. ..a. . a I . . , ,''" iimssi ivistiiai.r leillis. I ncy WUI find it to their advantage to nil and examine bis aasoitm.'iit b, fore purchasing etsewhere. PnilaJelph.a, Noveuilier 7, 1840. ly. No. V' Chenniit Street, Philadelphia. VI filO constantly keep in hand a lirge assurl- nwut ol Law, Mcticil. 'Theotog ral, Hcho... ami Miscellaneous Uo.s Ulank liovks, ami all kinds of summary Countiy customeis uii.l otlu rs supplied on the most'lu terms. Philadelphia, November 7. 1640. ly. J. S. lrIEDi.?.i., Wholesale ariety and Trimming Store Tioith Fourth urur Arch street, l'h htiltlphiu. V Til EKE Cuntry M.-ulmiiia ami other, ca.i b ' ' u. pli d, st tt time, wnh a large nsrutrtini lit ol Hoi. ry, (i.oves, Merino, t'olton, in id Wo, lev Shuts ami Disweis Spool C .foil. Paient Tlneail. Clum Ct.ula, l!u tons, Tapis, liind ugs, Hook and Eyes, Pins, c. And a general vsii. ty of use ful articles, which he off rs for sale at the Itiwe.-l prims. Pbtlide'phia, November 7, 1810. 1 y. REYNOLDS, Mi FA RLAND jkT'i ). Wholesale Dealers in Foreign Uritish and Ainerican Dry Goods. Ao 10A M :rket ttnet, I'hitad, Ijdiia. "10PNTRY Merchant', nnd others ran be sup- -. y . tt'o i .1:1 umca Willi an exkiisii-c of the best and most f.t.hiou d.le (Joods upon llttf lort-fl ........l.c. .... - It. It-lltl-, PUiLdelphis, November 7, I10. ly. .Hit AVt.ivcr V Hon. BOPS MAKERS a SXUP CIIANDLSRS. A'o. 1 3 i,rfh Wnter turret. Philadelphia. HAVE rinsianlly on hand, a general assort ment of Cor.lairc, Heine Twines, (Ve , vir. : lard Koies. Fisl ing H .p.... White .iiea, Manil 1 1 Ropes, Tow Lima lor Canal 11 .at Also, a complete assortment ol Kino Twines, Arc. sneli n Hemp Shad and H. rrlng Twine, llesi Patent (Ml Net Tnine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twine, Sh,j Tbresds, eVr. Ac Also, Red Co d'. PI ugh Lines, llrdters.Tr Ci-s. Colt n and Linen Ctrjiel ;ii ,tos, Ac. ull ol which they w.ll disp. se of on ie muble teinif. Phil.Je'pbii. Novind?! 7, 1840. JEREMIAH VAST INK'S i:(a(t'. "TOTICn is hereby niven lint the R. gistei of Xl the County ol Norlliumlatrlsuil, has tin- day I'liuited letters l.ttani. n ary to the sulntciiber Upon tlie rst,,te of Jeiemiali Vas ine, of Ruh ..wnstnp, in the siid c.Minty. All ersons having demnnds or claims t ihe.aid decedent are rrquesled In muke known tliesam.i lo them with.Hil delay. ELIZ ARE TH VAN CINE, ., , THOMAS R. VAMTINK.i -WILLIAM LEI! HOC, Point. Novemlr3, 1840. 6 sr. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNER SHIP. iTOTICE is hereby given that the partner-bip J. heieiof.src rusting undo tlie firm of . A. Mnner V Co., is this dsy dissolved by niutlial roiisef it. 1 he hooks. ntHes. Ac,, will be left f r a short lime in the hands of H. II. Masser, fm rolb-r-lion an I st lllemenl ; after which, if unaMrn bl to, they wi.l le placetl in the hands of a preper ollicer lor li.e al.e puri.s., Noteo.lKi 1, I8t0. II. R. MASSER, Will continue in Irasiness st the old stand, and respeiifully invites his frier-d and cusionsws to a Inrgr ass.irnn. nt nf New Goods, jut tecrived. Noveiu'-ei 7, 110. 1TS7T GOOUS. frs p deceived Merino, llroche, and Chenille Hhawh. .-c.i Otter. Xeal ami Sealette Cape. A I uite ass .rnpenl of l'wk Chinixes. French and Eulish Merinoes, Ar. For silo nl he store uf . H. M lSSEH, November 7, 1810. tctjw coons. I'sT UKt.'l.lVED a nctvaiul splendid assort ment nf Calicoes, Muslins, Ar. For sale at tlie sto c of HENRY YOX Till MER. Octolr 31, 1H I0. tr. vmli: OIH. OF the latest nunulaeture, consisting in pirt nf a great vsiieiy of CI 'th. Cussimeirs, Sa'li r.i its, Mriin.HK, Flannels Motiseliu de I. tines, Ac. Just received and for sale nl ihe store of HENRY YOXTHEIMER. Oct literal, 1H50. tf. CarocerirM. 51 S T RKCrJIVEll a l.rge and ceneval assor' inettt of li i oceiii- Inpiors Ac. F s ile at the store t f HENRY VOXTHEIMER. Oe. ohrr 91, 1840. It- DRUGS, INTS. mid Hye Mulls, a fresh supply just receiv d uud lor s de at ihe st re nf Ilr..Mti V l) 1 11 bl M tit. Ot-lo!s-t31. IS40. tf. A IYIILLER & FARRIER AY hesrof a giksl situation, liny mil.t. iroin Sunbury, in a new settle. nent, whire he not. I.I o'.lain a long lease of a a nail Oust Mill, and have a Farm uiljoining, by i..iuiig nf THE PRINTER. Octolier 1 Ot h , 110, Ot LOST. WHEEUIiARKOW w..s taken from the I tltior ol tlie suliscrila-r. Any s?ison who has in sseHi. ii, will please to letum it, or in lot in die sohscrilH'r where he cm get i'. Fifiy cents lee.ard will Im- given for ai y inf. rma tion iu relation to the same. JOHN DKIJINU Octolr3, IS 40. tf, iahiiii.i:t lawn. THE Pamphlet Lawa. for the session IH39-40, have been irreived at thia otls-e, ami are now icKly fur distribution to thus, eniule.1 to rereie them. SAMUEL I). JORIIAN. Prolhontary's oftVe. VnttK'y. Sunbury, 8ept. 21, H4. $ !'olicc. ALL ACCOLNT8 reinainino In my books pre. loos Ui tlie Arst of Aptil 1810, will be left in the hands of a Justice of the I 'esse fin rolleeiion. HENRY YOXTHIMER N. B. Orain of all kinds will be taken on old accounts. Kept. 13, 140. If. FOR WAKDINti AND COMMISSION MER CHANT, CHrsxr-r tTtir Whims, IIiaisara, IS prrpared to ta.-eive G. ods and P.odues at the urw warehouse, which his arranseun'iits will ena ble him la forward with ihsp.vih to Philadelphia, 1'uul.urg, illiamsiiorl, ilkusli trie, l-.'lunihla. Lvneosier, or any o'her point mi iImi I't nny Iv mis and L'nion ('anuls and the Penny Ivauia and liar rUhuig and Lancaster i all roads. (no Is from Philadelphia for Harrisl u'a, Carlisle. Chnnihersburg, Ac. Ac, forwarded with cure and expedition. l ovi, Plxotkh, Salt and Fish, constantly for sule. Set.l. 0. ElViHotuL 11 O o K-ll I IS" I) E R Y. THE iiii.lcr ine.l h ivo the gratification of in fornii'.g tlie pu'ohe, thai iml wiil.stuiidi' g II. ey w.te so U'-t 'ilouute as to have their huideiy hteri' .!,., n, in March last, they have os ne.l u veiy extensive one, in Locust street, in l'e new building diroeily opp ..ite Oieiui's Hotel, slid in c piepan d lo execu e nil woik hi llteir lino with desputeii, and in a aii poiior style. Their lU'l.IMJ APPARATUS and other Miuhiuery are new, and of the first order and latest improvements ; und they feel a confi dence in thi ir facilities for givinu perlccl sati.-f.ic-lion to all who miy lavor them with thtir orders. Dank, County otl'iee., Meicluuil. Meehanie. and niliois. rari he supplied tv.t'i 111. NK UOOKS of tvery dtseriptinii, which for neatness and dura bility, will be ripisl to any inndo hv ihe l'niled Mtaie.. HICKOK A CAN 1 INE, , il viuusbl kit;, a. SHAIVIOKIN COAL. OF a very superior iualily, em ls had at any tune, by application to Ihe sul.scrit.ers, in lots to suit purchasers. They keep large, egg, broken, nnd fine coal, fit for burning lime. J. II. PL'RDY A Co. Hunbury, Sept. 36. if. 3KtH'KmKM.. firth supply of Orocerirs just received und f. r sile by HENRY YOXTHIMER. 8.pu 12, 140. if. Kiqi OltS. fresh sutply of Ilrnndy, fiin, Pint, l.i-ltun, Tei eriir-, Mvdeira and Sherry Wines, just received and for sale by HENRY YOXTHIMER. Hrpt. 12. 140. tf. Wf 'A,.V.V. A new nssortment of 7-4. 7-H ai.d :l-4 ysid wide Mulm. just tecrived nnd for sole by HENRY YOXTHIMER. fepl. 12, t840 tf. C.II.ICOKS. -A new a-sottmet.t of Calicoes just rcceivetl and for -ale hv HENRY YOXTHIMER. 12, 1810 if. I RW.V A good sssortmenl of Dsr Iron, jut received and for sale by HENRY YOXTHIMER. 8ep. 12, 1840. tf. MIsT. 250 barrels and sacks of Sjlt, just received and for sale by HENRY YOXTHIMER. Hi pi. 12, ItUO. tf. C.t.OI HS. A general assortment of Cloths and CasMineies, constant y on hand ot the store of HENRY YOXTHIMER. Sept. 12, 1940. if. 11', itl'E. C'.V and all other kinds wf (liaiu sud Seed will be taken at the high est pric. a in exchange for goo a at uNesUxe of HENRY YOXTHIMER. 8pl. 12, liiOf-tf. MACKEREL- A few barrels of M ckercl for sa'e at a low prxe by H. 11, MASTER, rVpl. 12, IS 10. IRISH SALMON. Ol the brat qual.ty. con stantly on hand und for sale by II. II. MASSER, Sept. 12, 1810. MADEIRA WINE. First quality Madiera Willi;, f. i sole low by II. 13. MASSER, Sept. 12, 1810. FOURTH PROOF URANDY. A article always on hand and for sale by H. 1). MASSER Sept. 12, I e 10- HOI.LAN1I ii I N, Of the best quality always on bund nnd for sale by II. U. MASSER. Sept. 12, 1(510. LOAF AND LUMP Sl.'HAK. Alwaya on hand sod for sale by H. U. MASSER. H, t. 12, is 10. HUSTON SYRUP MOLASs-Eci. Of a aujic tir .pitittiT, for sale ty II. U. MASSE It, S.pV 12, 110, NEW ORLEANS SUOAK HtH'sE Ml I. ASSES. Oi the bObt ipiality always on hand ai d for sale by H. U. MASSER, Sept. 12, 110. UllOWN SUUAR. Of a tpj .bty. for sale low by 11. U. MASTER. Sept. 12, 1840. LIQUORS. Of all kinds and of the l-ot quali ties, always on hand and for sale by H. U. MASSER. Sept. 12, IS 10. ORE EN AND ULACK TEAS. Of the beat quality always on hand ami for sale by H. U. MASSER. Sept. 12, 1810. t'OKFI E. Java, Rio a'.id Laguira Coffee, con stantly on baud and for sole by li B. MASSER. Sept. 12. 110. SPERM Oil.. Winter and Summer strain. d SHim Oil, of the lest quality, always on hand and for sale by H. I), MASSER. Sept It, 1810. STEEL. Curt and lllister St.-. l. for sale by H. IJ. MASSER. Sept. 12, IS40. KPRINO STEEI- Of vaiiou .izes for Eliptie Sia-ingi, for sale by II. U. MASSER. Sert. 12,1910. I.AROE QUARTO EIULES. For sale ut very reduced pricca by II. 0. MASSL'Ii. Sept. 12, 110. ULANK BOOKS. Of ull kinds, for sale by 11. II. MASSER. Sept. 12, 1840. Ill.ANK DEEDS. Rooda, Mortgage. Ac. for sale by 11.11. MASSER, Sept. 12, 140. "JUSTICE' BLANKS. for fsle by II. B. M ASSER. a-,.t. 12, 1840. - I CLOTHS, Blur, Black. Invisible Green, Ac, fur side by 14. B. MASSER, Stpt. 12, 110. OASS I M E RES AND IMTtTeTTS. For ulf very low by 11. B. MASSER. Sept. 12, 110. C A 15 PETING. EorTale" cheap by IL B. MASSER. Sept. 12, 1810. BLANKETS For sale cheap by II. B. MASSER. fcpt. 13, It. 10. I'.NBLEACHED MUSLIN- For svle by II. B. MASSER. Scplcinhrr 12, 1M0. u COT TtN YARN AND COTTON LAPS For sale tv H. B- MASSER. HeptrmUr 12, 1840. HEMP AND COTTON TWINE. F. r sale by H. B. MASSER. Sepiemlier 12, 1910- TOWING UN EsTcVTr DS AND ROI'EJW For sale hv U. B. MASSER- cHj'Uiubrr It, 1040. Transiiortation Line TO B A L T I M O i E. , (via una wath caai ) Wttrthoute fool nf Chernut Sftett on ll.t 7Vn. $iflnr.iia Vanr.l. A BOAT have., the wharf oi the sn'.s ribef evt ry mornii g at o'clock, running through lo Ba.t; more in Ihiee da. Coiisigorii: nl ot pr.slu, e, ir.m, Ac, will receive a t's -pole a by this lin-, which has not hitherto Is. en rq'ialleJ by sny otnrr. Kl of freight ss low as by any o'.her regular line. Ecfcrenrrs : JOHN W. BROWN, "I BTTCK A II KIIH, I n , . KERN AN A STILLNIGER, -B""nof-J. A A. II. II ERR, J (looils intended fur Pittsburg, or any on the Pennsylvania Canals, will t shipped wi hont del .y on their snivat at Harrisburg, as this con nects wil l the Noi'h Auicriran line of Poitabht B.ints to Pittsburg d die, and with the Susquthnn na Packet Lire to Niirthuniberlsnd, Williau.spurt, Wilkcsbunr, and U ioterii.etlia places. GKOKUE W. LAYNG. Harrisbu g, S. pi. 9, I H4 (I. WorJas oi" ."Vain re. IN a st.le olhialth th : inlestin il caml may ba compared lo a rivet wlio-e w..te flow ovtr the d joining land, through the channels n.itil'e or art has made, and improves their qualities; and to krp up the comparison nf the river, so long as it runs on sino, tidy the channels are kept pure sr.d health-; but if by some cause the roume of the iivensie ped, then the water in the catmls i lie long, r Lie, I ut soon becomes slaguant. There is but one latv i'f circulation in rtutu e. Wh.n tlnr- is a sus r nbuii.liiiic.' uf humorial fluid (arrtrily) in the inir tmal tulM-a, and costivenes takes place, il fl ws back into the blool vessels, and inCbralea itself in to the circulation. 'To establish the free course of the river, we must remove th ol slructioii which stop its fiee roure. and tho e of it tributary s.'resm. With the body, follow Ihe ainie natural prinripcl ; r. move, by thai valuable purgative medicine Bran dicthjt Unirerial Vegetable Pills, which are an T f. rftial assist inre of nature, the super ibundatifce .uf humors in the intestine canal. By per cverii g vt this practice, the wsya of the circulation wi.l Hi- ii be lestorrd to the full exercise oi their naturil flec tion, and a state of health wiii be fum'y eti.hi I. . rd Remember, nevor .ullVr a d'op of bko J to I a taken from you- Evacuste lha humors si i. ft i and as long us they are degemr tteJ, or as lorg i s yon are sick. Dr. Hrandieth's Office in I'hibJ'.'Ipr.ia. is t No. R, NOR TH EKiHTH ttrect, whne his piINcatt l o had ut .5 cents per hoi, w ith full dircclions, fJy"Oiily acenl in Sunbury , is II, B. Mauser L.qr. Sunbuiy, Sept, 9, 1810.' (Trrlificatc oTAscacy. THE following are the duly sppoin'.! ajents in their rrspe. live counties, for the sale of Brandreti.'i Ytiltliilde Uitiirral Pilh. Nonhunibe.lar.d rountv i Milton Maekey A Ch niilM'ilin. Suu'iury H. B. Masser. M'Ewers villc Uedd. s. Green A Walla. Georgetown i". Mulling. 'r A. Ca. Union rou ot y : Lewishurr; Walls A, Ged 'e. M 111 nburg Pellmin A Ueekly. New Berlin. John M. Il. iifer. Seliusgrove Eyic A Co. Mid ill. burg I-aac Smith. Lycoming county : Williamsport John Smith. Newberry M. A J. C. Funston. Manor W. A. Peiriean. Jersey Shore James H. Htburn. (Columbia county : Dan tile T. A E. B. Re; -mild. Cailawtssa C. A. Brobts. B. rw rk Slv m in .V Riltenliouve. Blooms'iurg-Jobai R. M yr . Sunbury, Sept. 9, ISlO. THE CAUSE OF DISEASE. Nearly all classes of disease, are rausd by m irn oltstrurtion in ihe system, which prevcrt the reo Inr and wholes, me opt r. lion cf the amnal fin--lions. 'This sta'e of ihe sysiem, is i).cae, vtLi 'i is manifested in a variety of f.irinj, nioir or ), s ni il gnnut in their rhir irle'. To r store -.he .est. in to a auiir of heal h. then, it is oulv nece sury t i. . iiiovo ihe cause of di-ea.e, suj lht tr.,1 is i, fin . p ished. 'The cause is i fi.-.t in o .icwhi ru I I. a can l rem.ved by puigitiun. whici is he m.l means that should be res .(lt d to. because, su-icts d by reason, and by nature, lb. H libel,'. Si.ei gi k. ening and German Aperient Pills, are allontt) U t lha thousuuds who have iwJ llitin, lo l the K-st pU'gatite medicine in existence. Because, iht-r not only remove all obstructions, and purge H e , . tern of it impurities, but, Itecause, and which is tremely important, strengthen and give pron i i.m to 'ho stomach, and produce a healthy action nl atl the part. Besides, they are so mild and genii in the ii opera'ion, as is irnd. r them at all limes s p. fectly safe and desirablti remedy. Tue afH c. .1 vvoul.l do well, then, to purchase a box or two of ill's invaluable medicine, and give it a fair trial, ii . at. ad ef diHtroyiug ihe.r sy .tenia with ofi-iepea.t J d. se of calomel, uii i o'her u'r g, so injurious t huoiuii life and happiness, fee above nn decire fr s.'e at the PruR s'o'e of HENRY Yt)X Ml ELMER. Oct. 31, 1840. .Intnl. TO liiU VOMMVyiTV. THE success which has a'.lrnJtd Ihe oe of).'. .irVA. tZtrmnn A,tr.nt .nirt..,. A htrciiiflhenioif Tonic , iV, is truly osioi.i hio(. h I is no vain U-sst to ssy thi medicine ha pr v I by its happy in the i ure of a ra:i If cf disca-cat ' to hu h the human frame is li!e, lo b? vj I so ; perior to the many pieuaiaiiona Ufore th pnl. c. i Many of these pirp.istions are C"mpt''Ui.i!rd by in- thviduiils who sr positive y ignorant i f Ihe iny.t, . riea of ilie I u an system, and mere is I medicul knowledge. Dr. Harlirh, Wowever, is cvh- h.a'ed among the Gt rman f tcol y as a man ef th highest scientific altammviit-, and iqually tlistin. guieht d throughout Europe, as a auccrssful mabcl practitiianer, spent in at of the y.ars of a useful iifo Hi the aquisilton of such knowledge as might prova ben.aViai loins tfllnw riealures. In the pil a whkfx lie iiiveiitrd, aud which bear bii name, the pub c are assured ut an si tide that posse.-e more tin.. o.dinary virtues. From ihe senowU Jgetl la a .la of ibis inventor, nothing less than a (rood w.kI could lie eaperiad t and the ixierieuce cf ms.iy years hss alf.rded demonsirslion of tha r.rlues cf bis meiiicioe. lo Germany and other prt t.f Eu tope, il r ut a i ion is ert ll s'.e.i. In ttis c untt into whit h it bus b'll hetn reieiuly ii.tiotlu. t d. it is rapidly naiiiing the ino-ttob tantial tepulaliass 'Tl.o nuin lou-eerl tK-tes of run s of it.e muni ab-in aim d.e a. st ff.i-ted by tlie use of Htrlich's PiMs, wh cil the propri. Vtr ia tot.-tant.y rsceiv np, is proof ul ihv fact. Day alter day be receive i w leii notn'. a of ihe.r i t)i:ary, aud wet k slier vrr.k inrrease t'.a demand foi tbrin. 'I'M U n tt n.sre assertion ; I.. tivinriahle cert lieates sr open for t'.a liisp-clicn ef tbe pu'. bc, and the d tulV.a ef any who arv sk. pre I. can Ie irin. vej by rxiutitiing litem at tbe i ffi-e vf Hie pr rH'lor. We Uke the til f vty, then, of soggesiing to every family, that ihey make use of Dr. HsilicL'a Pills. It tin iu iet f sopt'ly constantly on baud, lo Ihb ust J whru Mccas.iu dtatsads and they wiU nrasve the msMl otut,ivoi proofs if uiiliiy. Ihfiatr. Pininpsl ffi-ell tbe United States, Me. 1 Nartri bigbth sue. t, Phils Irlphia. Western Drool. No. 41. K t;ialr atreet. Pit, burgb. HENRY YOXTHEIMER. ' OcioUr 31, lto ,f.j.