Newspaper Page Text
tMPORTANT PROOFS. Of the efficacy of Dr. Ilnrlch's Celebrated MaU- Ctnes. ' -Thi following certificate was sent by Mr. K. B. Hinman, agent at Cincinnati!, Ohio. Thoiccan le no matake in it, as the parties im wi II known. Mr. Etckiel Rigdon, of Ander-on lown-hip, Hamilton, county, Ohio, wasscvcial days troubled Nith bill-u affections, aridity of.lhe stomach, nt- "t ruled with the usual symptom of dyspepsia, nnd having maile trial of various medtcipc without finding retief, was cured by the above tried Tines, JUest, E.RIUDON, Cincinnati. June 3')tii, 1840.' YET LATER. Mr. Vance, of Washing'on coun'y, write as followa Dear Sir Dr. Harlnh's pll.sare peffotmUig'snme of the mt wonderful cuics in th vicinity ever heard of. They were Introdtie d here about six mnntha ago, by one of my neighbors, wlio bought a half d. cn puckages from the Piltshung olTicc. I 0111 aware of four e iscs in thi place where complete curea hve lie-en per formed, one of severe rheumatism, two of dyspepsia, H"d ono of a moat aheckinrx and aggravated ner vous complaint, of ten or twelve year standing I send you enclosed five dollars; plrare tifoiw.rd Pill for that amount by the bearer, William Ward, Attest JOHN VANCE. July 27. 1840. N. B. The (iliove certificates, compared with the very many already received, ceitainly muKl eon- vince ihose similarly afflicted, that thry can yet be relieved by the use of these Invlilua lo mcihcince. Piiiiiipd elfiee, No. 19, Nortli Eighth street Philadelphia. For a do bv HENRY YOXITJEIMER. Ot-tober 54, 1840. ' Agent. DYSPEPSIA ! DYSPEPSIA ! Thit Iroul lesome and eace-des!roying disease. I'housanda and tens of thousands stiller from ' that common distressing complaint. Disptpsia i frequently caused by overloading or distending ihc stomach by excestive toting or diiiiking imlij ib'e and acrid substance t ike'n into the stomach, or from long continued constipation of the howls, n sedentary life, fear, grief, anxiety, a copious draft of cold water, drastic purg dive medicines, dy si ti lery, miscarriages, interninient and spasmodic af fections of the stomach and bowls, irr. meals, late hours, and loo frequent uso of spirituous liqilnrs. 1 ho symptom' of dwpepsta may up dese rilJ as a want of appetite, or an oiiinttitral or voracious one, nausea and r-ometiin a bilious vom't.'ng. sud di n und transient distentions of I ho slonucti ut ir eating, aeiid and ptitrrsent cructntioi s, water brash, pain in the region of the stomach, c a ivt n ss, pal pitation of the heart, dizzinct.8 and dunne-a ul l In sight, disturbed rest, tremors, mental eh spondi nry, fl itulei o; , spasms, nervous irrilihihly, chili e s. aallownrss of complexion, i ppress-;ou e.itmg, languor and general debility, sick hrud a he. &.C. CURE At the heid of all rema.lies stands D.i. IIaSLICh' CoMKiC.ND Si nKB I IIKlll TllMO a Tin Ukiimam AerkinsxT Pills, wliic i at great ly upon the pciist.dlic moti. n of the intestines, -thereby producing regularity eif ,the bowls, at lie same tune iniprovii.g the functions of the delimitat ed o. guns, thus invigorating and restoring the di gestive organs lo a healthy action i'li s medic no seldom f.iils in producing relief. Full and ixplicite di.eclions accompany the above medicine. Likewise a amphlel which di scr.b s iliacasc. the manner of ire;. ling, An. Principle eillice for the United States, No. 19, North EIGHTH STREET, I'hiladclpha. H EN UK VOX 1H ELM E R. OcIoImt 24, 1840. Agtnt. . FEMALES. WHO are troubled with sick headache, piin in the side, breast, and back, loss of appetite, flitulen ry, lownn-s of spirits, palpitation of the heart, faint inga or giddiness, sickne-s at the stomach, bibous aflertions, tightness at the chest, musea, vnmitin;, noise in the toinnch, flushings of heat, nrd chilli nesa, diaeusea of the nerves, and cugans of dige.-ti n, &c Ac, those who mav be thus altec'id, annul I not nrg'ect lo pr cure Dr. Hnrlich't Cmnxiiind i Strengthening Tome and Oerman Aperient 1'itlt. which nro warranted to give immediate relief, j Thousands i'o we almost daily Itfhold, whn-e cour. tenunccs and pile emaciated cheekn bra- eceular wilner to aicknei-a and slllietion. Could tho e persons be persuadid lo uae this invnluubla rned: cino, they would oon find their weuk and dc' ili a led frame strengthened, their ndnds enmp Bed. and all pain, and distress driven from lha system, when Hie body will again r. new its lost vigor, aud jut on a " new life," and death for a while be de- lived of its prey. What h at but bels glad to behol 1 1: eir near relalivea and desr fiiei.ds, snatched as if by magic from that ftl dest oyer Death ya who are laboring under dia.-ase lo. not another day or night pass without procuring this mvdicine, s it will in a majority of esseselTei l a pcriiinti mt cure, liemember diluyi ure dtingeroua ; and if ilijea-ie is neglected, its r .vag s wdl doubly in crease. (Xj-Prineii Is Office for the United States, No. 19, .NOKI'H EltiH TH a'rret, wheio recounn en da inns of tiuudie.'s of persons may bo een, ull of which hjve Uen cuied vt benelittcd by the medicine. HENRY YOXrilLLMER. Ociuber 24, 1840. Agent. SICKXESS. .THERE nro many persons. that we d ily Is hold, whoea couuti nuuees si d frail lunlia iiiote i 111 e liin' which wo find has piinrip'tlly oug n itid tVoin ni'tilvct of prOier lemadies ul the conimeiuenii iit i f siekness. At first ih patient coiii ;mn of tilt on the stomach at:cuded Wil'i tickiuet.cotliven h, ha i.eglicts 1 1 procure proior in dn iuc ; al len h he complains of pain in the side and sumach wi.h a. ur cruclationa; his appetilu becomes iuipairtd. his rest Iroiible'omc, his mind Imrassed, aud ail things aioui.d bun appei r not tnlhtir proper siatiou. He art til licglecls hiiusilf, w hen in all probability the disease may at lentil beao fast seated, that no medical aid will replace him again. Ai iho t'usi attack of sickness there hould bo " no lime loV in procuring Dr' Harl ch's cuvirouNn sTHnerH miNo apkuiext riLLa, which uuinediulely le moves b.te from the stomach, obviutn corlivem as. nmoveiiisnrders in the head' invigorate the mihd, streiigltun the body, improve tl.u ineuiiiry, und en liven the imaginaiioii thui lesioiii g tliu body guiu to its proper functions, Princip'e tHiice, No. 19, NORTH ElflHTH street, Philadelphia. H E.N BY YOXTHEIMER. OctoUr 24, 1810. Agtni. TO THE AFFLICTED. THOSE who are sutT-ring from varioua dis'ases incident In the I uinnn family, would, do well to iir.K-ure Dr. Ilartich'i Compound Utreni'lheiiina end German Aperient Pills, which ir eo pre eminently receoiu mended for Dyspasia, ,ier Comilaliiis. 1 sins in ihe side, buck and breast, Nekton Aif rlioiis, Head-Ache, and all the ebs cases ol the Htoinach and Bowls. Phmphjet may ha obtained gratis, which contain full at d cipl.cite directions for uting. The reader ia ref. ried to set. eral very interes ing certificate of runs in tliis paper, which may be relied upon, as they are taken from tha original. For sale st No. ly, NOR I II EIGHTH street, Philadelphia. HEN BY YOXTHEIMER. OotoUi 24, 19(. AgtHtt MORE POSITIVE PROOF Of the efficacy if Dr. IlarlieJi'i Compound Strengthening und German Apericid I'M. . - Ati.r.oimit, Jan. , 1840. ' ' ToPr II irlieh's Aaent Sin t wish to state for tho lienelit of (ho c who may be alllieted, that Dr. Hn Lien's Tills lnvo entiirly mrid me of Dys pepsia, of wlvrh 1 have been nltl cteJ for many years. used both kinds, the Ac.riiil and streugth eninff, and I nm toiistiained to any, that tiny n e a valuable dicuvery, an I act upon the system mildly, but very rlT.c'iinlly. I found the Tonic pills to quicken the circu ation and cause a determination to the eurfjee, aed lo tt engthen the wek lomach and iiicrcoje its powers. 'J'ho Aperient pills ore the best cathartic I ever I am confident all Dys peptics would bi we I lo make immediate trial and bo r lieved. A ny one c m call at my house and be salirfud of the above tit ploasure. DAVID R. POPE. N. D. The original certificate may be seen or the flice of the ' H,,ir.t of the Tums." For sale at No. 19, North Eighth street. HENRY VOX l'HEIMER, October 24, 1840. Agent. LIVER COMPL.11XT. THIS disease is discovered by a fix'd obtuse pain in the right side under the short ritis, attended with hca', uuea-iincss about the pit of the stomach; there is in the rinhl siJe ido o distention ; the pa tient loses his n i petite, ond becomes ick and troubl ed wish vomilng. Tlic tongue becomes lough and black, tho counli nnnce chanites to a pale or citron c.'l'r, or vcllow like tho e ulllii ted niih j iuu- dice, d llieuliy ol b e itliing, dintuib d rci-t, nttendee with a dry twti'!i, dilbculty of Inyttil on tho h it aide, the ! dy iiecomeii weak, and tiua'ly the disease le-iniuatt a int i i no her of a more icrious niturc, whirh In nil probability is far beyond the power of hum in skill. Dr. I Inrlich ' mnp tund Strength ening Tonic and Unman Aperient PiH, it ta ken at the c .mini'i'ccmciit of this dis hse, will chci k it, si d by con inning the use of the un dieii.e a few weeks, a p.-ifeet cure Bill bo perfi'inud. I can testify to this Tact. Certificates f many perruns n ay daily be sc n oflhecllic cy f bi- inva'uahle medicine, hv apply ing Bt the Medual Olliee. No. 19, NOlMll EirjHTH street, rhila.le.Miia. HENKY YOXTHEIMER. O.tober 21 , 1840. Ajtnt 1' RISC 1 1' A L li El SUSS Why Dr HARLICH'S Compound Strengthen ing and tierui in Aperient PilU re ii" il liy all cla?-n-ci of p.ople, in priference lo o'ber Mdieiiiis, I e- cause ihey are prepared from a pure eztrarl of herbs, a wholesome medicine, mild in Its operation and pleasant in itsrlfccl the inoit certain niewiver of health, a safe and elb c u il cure of DyspepKia or (ndigention, an I ull stomach complaints, a presmer and puiiliei of the whole rystciu. liiHMU-ie tl ry avothe the n' rvcj ofscnibil'ty a d fortify the nervi s of molinn, impurting to their in si subtle fluid its ritline tone, thus giving strength and dermics of in lid. llecause they never ilci-troy the coals of the sto mach and boweU, us all strong purgstives dir. He ause seienee and experience teach us (hat no nicro purgative alone will cure the dn ease of the tl miach and nervis. Wcaknes is the primary cause of a host of d'senses, and, by continu illy le soitii.g to Drattic purgatives, you make the disease much wori-e, insteud of Lett. r. Because Dr. Hailich's Med cinrt are put up up on the common sense principle, to "cle inse and strengthen," which u lha only course to pursu to elVecl a cure. -Lantly, Dccauso these Medicines really d cure the dir cafe for which thry are n commended. Principal Otli. eforthe United States, is at No. 19 Noith Eighth street, Philadelphia. HENRY YOXriIEIMER, October 24, 1840. Acnt. TRUTH WILL PREVAIL. Dr. HarUih's medicine are daily increas:ng in pub ic f.ivor, and want from uny but a innl to establish their worth. We have a communication in ourcolu nn to-diy from a pirson long awicted, which is but one of many vjuclurs for this medi cine. Spirit of the Times. BOSTON NOTION, THE LARGEST AD CHEAPEST NEWS PAPER IS THE WORLD. riHE spirit of the age is utilitarian. Improve .1. mint is stirpped upon tho face of every thine. All the useful srts are progr essing with unp .rrallel ed rapidity, and the Art nf Priuli. g is coming in for it lull share if the cnmino 1 improvement. Deteim cd not to be outdone in iuy thing that per tain to hi profession, where there i a fair chance for exertion and enterprizo, the underpinned ha de termined upon issuing a sheet twice the six ' of the Bo.-ti n Weekly Tmvs, (and is to lake the place of that paper,) and w II 01. tain e ht columns more matter than the Brother Jonathan. Th:s hcet wi l be call, d the BOSTON NOTION, snd it is ditcrmined that it shall ausl tin a cognomen so fii.ll of meaning, and s interwoven with the oatieb Inln d chararur of our Yankee city. It will be the La ho 1st Ni.wseAPia jm thk Woulii with no exception and will be piinted on a sheet thir y a. ven by fifty-two inches. It will le filled entirely w th r-ading in it er, an l will contain Three Thou smd Eihl tlundrid and Kih'y Eight s'qunrc inches, 01 Twcii'y-Sevi n sq 'are be' of print 111 fine type ! and a single n.imher will cont in read 1114 than an ordinary hook of Three Hu idred pages. These dimons ons w II in ibb'the pu'oli-hi r to thaw largely upon Ihe ma t popular periodica of the day, both Amenrau and foreign ; at.d m the sehelioiis will be made with grra' rare, it is bili. v e l t! is p:ip.-r w.ll l e a welcome Notion lo every fami'y. Bol l s a full synopsis of the current news of the diy.)as publuhed iu the B bt ai I) ily Tunes,) it wdl c n'uiu IVetrf,' Popultr Tale. Till aineal Criticism. Police mid i thei Court Re ports. Humorous Articles, Ve. Ac. - , The wh. lo world ef Li era'ure will I e ran acked lo fill it. From Ihe s'udy of the pl.K.w q hoc down to the police courts, through a: noi 01s of r ns m, poetiy, romance, wil. and lha ani lo record off. Ily, we shall glean fi. on the pi t ai d li e present and fiom ull na ions, to piesei-t a p'e iting und ust ful a combination e l reeordt d tin. eight snd current hie t oy, as the v. 01 Id cm upp y o' pioducc This i our "Boston Noi-iuv" l liis gienl amount ol in and run or wit and philosophy of novelties and uuiiquiiii wo are able to eift'er. weekly for six r:vrs er copy, e.nly ix cents! and we ran d 1 it U'caue of ii:e facih 1 a of our press mid iltu e, and Ihe connection of dutly and wee klv puhliciliou. tor tusks hol la as we can sell a ) eai's volume, e qu I in qo mlily of matter, with every variety u si, lo Fibynwo Vol ume ul .Novels such as are issued from the press nflhisday. Flflx-'wo large , Vo u ue fr Three iJo ur. : luiectcd all by loiproved in chin ry, and by adslvriiiinmion thai w will 1.01 bo outdone u ciiteiprixx und ufu nes-i. i' L I , tj. jt.ii.ii-. mass UoLitaa a year, always in suva-jce nu eiieieis, no nmi. r Iroin w hat snurce. will lie all iieieiU l ui.le.s ,c mpai ied willl the v.-n-n. .1111410 e-upi.-s six cents te.ich. Post Ma-ters or either reinitlina Twenty Do1 lar sha I have Eight copies sent to Ue li prrsotis auu iiacrs vney insv uc-iK'iaie-. ISEORlii: IKJBERTS, PublUher, Tlic Philadelphia 1 aUcl. . - tfXPARAbLELEI) SVCCESS!' PROSPECTUS or a hiw Volvmk. The great increase In the subscription list of the Casket -sines the first of the year, warrants the most extensive improvements on the first of July next at which lime a new volume will lie c m nienced w'nh increased vigor. Nolhiuir need be aaid of the firm haM on which the L'n-Uct stands, it being ahcidy the oldest in ignzinc in the country, j TYPE EMBELLISH. ME N Tf. Tho Ca kot is printed with char and ailvcry type, upon the finest white paper. The illustrations are mil aurpasrrd by those of any periodical at home or abroad ( and licsule the mommy bicci en gravings, a qiisnerly p ate of colored f ishions ha lately been added. The style ol ineso eimu itisti ments is unequalled, and th.y are always accom panied with an appropriate suctcn. m woou cms disgrace the wmk. Whatever nppears in the taskct la of the first order of tho art. LITERARY CHARACTERS. The literary cha-octer of the Ca-kct is well known. It is wholly oriisin d. i f ill.! Irghest nid. r, mid sustained by WRITERS OF THE FHUT RANK. Essay, Tales, Sketches, and Travels, compose it prominent prose aitiehw j while the poetry is equalled l y that of no other n1.1ga7.ine of like chniacter. The variety for which the Ca ket is celebrated, shull Mill'ir no diminution; but on the contrary, every cxcition shall be made lo in crease its iutcretd. SEVERAL ROMANCES or tuk REVOLU TION have already appealed, and others shall follow in the course of lha volume, presenting when finish ed, a complete picture of the manner--, aud a his torical account of ihe great haltliM 11 1 that time. Thus, the t'rkol, insteid ofhiing li led with riikly sentimentalities aims at t Irun do iuea'.ion ol human iiutureiu every vri. ly of pa-siou TIME OF PUBLICATION. The Casket is published on tho fin! of the month in every quarter of tho Uni n- Tho most distant aulxiiheis consequently receive it 1 11 I .at day, as well as thore who residi; in I'hil ulelplna. In all the prii cinal cil c. agents have b.-cn esinb- li-hed, by which means rubsriter can obtain their copies fice of postage. FASHION-?. The f ish'ons nro pub islml in the Cnslii t qmr tirlv, or of en a any really new styles arrive liom Paiis. Tho enn,rawng sre colored, slid cictuled from origirrd designs No old, wi rn out laics are retouched and then publislud as the lalii-t fashions. The ti uth i.f our designs tuny be tested bv C"mp ing them wi h the l.ilisl dcrciiption ol dress- a from Lmidi 11 und Pari-. TERMS: Thkb Do 1.1 Arts per annum, orlwo copies lor Fivk Dllh. Published bv CEO. R. (iR VHAM, 3G Carter's Alley, I'lulul. 1 El O 1 I' V T I' S or tus JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ILK SO ClEl'Y, AND RURAL ELONOM'ST. ClIITin BTtHi:0 H. SMITH. THIS Journal was established by Ihe American I Silk Society, for the purpose, of d iVu-ing practical informalion 011 the ci i.Ti nr. or siik in tha United States. It has now bci n published one yi ar.nnd may be c hsideied a work of siamhtrd character. 'J'iie first yeur's publication, cunpiising the lirst volume, cont. lines a maasof valuable iiiloimslioii, ami it will lie the ot i -cl of the edil..r to make ihe second enoal in all resin K if not superiut, to the first. The important fact is now eta' Indie d lie. i vond any miration, thai the people ol tho United j Stales can make silk chxapkh and hi.ttf.ii than any other nation upon earth. It baa been proved by lo lest'inony, that the tntite cost if producing silU ready fir ma-ket, docs not exceed TWO HOLLAS AJIII TWr.HTl FIVE CE1TS PKIl i'ocn, and its lowest vulue is ruin imun ash nrrr cstiTii; alen, that om ai hk of ground plant ed in morue niulticaulis, will proelue-e the first year tho tre'es ate planted, roi 11 ri-i lou r eoind or SILK, leaving a clear profit to the producer ol oxi HL'XIIKKD All I.IOIIT IIOLLllls! ll has sl.'O been proved that the childiiti and b males if any f..riner' f.mily can, with Iho gnate I possil lj ease', ptoduec fr. m hlty to a hundred p u'u.s silk ervciy year, wiilioul any cost wnatever to ttie iXjcnscs 01 ine farm nf cr ihe tries are planted; 'lid itnr fore, that the whole amount of silk wdl I so clear g in, siy fr.m ?2-J." lo J450. With these facts we sub- m I lo an intcll cent pe'ople v.e her it is not a gr. at and import ant object lor them lo introJucc the cul ture or silk in every tanner lamiiy in me euio.i. 'I'o e-nahle all our farmer to make si k. the 'Jov SAtfiF tub Amine Silk Socif.ti' lished; it contains lain piarticol dirrctions forci-L- TIVATlXO TH R TlllkS, rxl'.HIXU ..nd BKAMINO SILK wouM. nxi.Liteo the siik, and pre paring it l. r rnaikel, cVc. beside oil ultnr inf rimelmn that can be r eiu're'd to enable any pi ran lo enter upon the business, eilhrt on a largs or amall scale. Eeeiy liieiiel of his Ci untry, into wh set hands this paper nisy fall, v. ill be d ing a patriot and plul hi hr ipurt's work ly inducing his Irund and iiiig!il..ut to cu te r ihrir nanus upon the list of subscribers. '1 he Jjuinal nf the Amciira'i Society is published monih'y, in pa i.phb I f.mri ; racli niiuil er c. n'uins thiity two octavo paces, piinted on in w type and handsome paper, wi b printed Colored cover. Tkiius : Two doll irs a ynr, rra'x copies for i-n elo 'a s, a'wnys to b pihl be f ro the work is sent. All subscriptions to bein with the first num ber eif the year, and in no case will the wmkbetrul 10 any sutisrr.ber longer than it ihall have lc.11 paid for. (7'Nkw srnseiiiin.iis, who lake the fimt and Kceoiid voIuuiim, will be ctiatg el only TiiHi r. Hol la us for the two years. W orks olWiidu c. I.N" a stite of hca'th ill-' iillcsliii il canal may be romp ired to a river whose w..te.a How ovr the ad ji ntn $ land, through the e h nil. el nstnte or art ha m ulr, and ininovrs tl.eir qU-dnie; and to ke p up H e comparitou e f the river, so loiv as it run on smo the channeld are kept pure and hrulihv ; but if by some csuse ihe course e.fthe river i.-sto -jie.', then the w.ite r in Ihefauids i-i no long, r lire, I ut on becomes ttaijiisnt. There is I ul 1 lie law 1 f e irculati 11 in 'tutu e. Winn tin r is a supe 1 shuii'inncc i f humonal lluid (. roeiiy) in iheiu'es I nal IuIm s. and Hikes i l ice, it II ws birk into Hie utooi ves.e.s, mi l nun rates itseiii 111- MORE CUXl'l U.SIVE PROVES, 10 the cirrulslion. To estahh-h the free course of (- (fu fi' , 'ltr '.iw.W ctUbrattd Mcji- the river, we must remove the strui tioim wh eh J m 3 j st pp. fiee course, uud Iho e ol its tributary s'ie. hfkn , . j WM sflbcted with a bilious and With the h-dy. foil, w Ihe sum- natural pr;,-c,,u ; m,rxius ellsease lo a ve.y al inning elegrte, with r, m ;ve . l y that valuable purant-y medicine Urun. I M ,hi, ,,., w,.h so frequently ellecia a re d,rlh,s Universal I t-elalde 1 . which aie an i f- UxvA j,,,,, x l . gi.tdincss III lbs head, viol n f.ctiislas.-isl,iifee.f noiure, the super . I lindane of . ,., f,ilines, wi'h a fixed pain in ihe light humor in the intestine 1 anal. By per eicring 111 . . i,..;,,,, ,.,l ..,,1 ru.iiv.niss: indeed I this piact ce, the ways of the circulation wnl ihen beVe-lnri-d to the full exe rcise e l iheir n eluril func tions, and s i-t itx ol heslth will I'e fl m'y cstalilish cd ReinemU-r, neier enll. r a drop ot bbod lo bo taken from you' Evacuate Ihe humors a often and a long a ihey are dceucutt-J, or as loi.'g ss you aie sick. Dr. Brandrelh'sOnVe in Philadelphia, is at No. 8, NOR I'll EIC II I'll stie. l, uhere hispilltiuu I had it "S cents per box, with full directions. (j'j-t inly atseul in Sunbury, is II. U. Matser Esqr. Suubu-y, Sept, 0, lb 10. Asroisiii.t.JMiiniii:. FOUR THOUSAND NEW SUBSCRIBERS IN TWO MONTHS! 1! Whk we fust purchased the old anl well known establishment of t e Sal ur day evening Post, we sta'cd that the pa cr circulated so widely a mong Ihe iteady, reiding portion of iho United Slates, that we e!itered upon our lubor with full tfonlid nci of ihe future. Our success has since been bevood our most sanguine expectation, as our weeklv riciinta overbalance those ot any cotempo- tary 1 apcr. Our list has continued lo swell up, with unexamined raniditv, and wo have Ihe confi dence, that at tho present rale of incrensf, we shall he enabled 111 a few months to boast of more than ;br,000 subscribers j When we commenced our lab rr,w-- announced distinctly, that the tone of the paiier should be decidedly moral, and that nothing shou'dbo adm tied into our columns, which the most fas iJious father could disapprove of. and dc. term ned that as an approved Family Paper, it should not contain a parngrspb, with the spirit of which a parent would not wish to have a daughter familiar, und we theiefore, with this view, announ ced that no theatrical notices should appear in our Columns, and that we should bo opposed to ihestres as thing-i calculated to injure the healthy action of an holiest mind, as creative of exUitiltmna demo rali.ina in tendency, aud fearfully pernicious in fact. Tin re were not wanting blusterers, who made a great parade of opposition, and Croi V.ers, who predicted our speedy downfa'l, but we threw nurfolves upon the r-obcr, rational and experienced poitioli of the pc ple of the Unilid State for sup ppit, and wo have been nobly sus'iined. We thought and expressed thtt opinion, that however c .reloss many might be upon this subject, that few. 1 veil if ll.ry did not entirely disapprove of such cntcilainincnts. c.ired about having Iho gross details forever paraded before the eyes of their cbi'dren. ami the McKcmng auu, nauseanng eulocy nf all kinds of characters made f.iinihar to their mind'. We d.-terminid also tint while the pnper con tinued under our c.mtri I, it should bo Mr ctly neu tral in politics, and that as news and litera'y jour nalists we had ni th ng to do witli tlic nuticr ; mis detirini ation has In en strictly and rigidly adhered to, and while no shall continue to give cur re id. rs such puUic document as may be dicmed of inte to all, oud such 11' I Utnry of the progress nf I old c d events, as aie strictly in krfpitig with our dniv. uml the eharaeti r of the nipt r, we fhall stu- ili ii'isty and ihorougbly avoid any contamination of par i. 11 pnl tics. The paper i' now pr'.nlcJ in a nrw and beauti ful t' e, has received the praise of muny 1 ditor ol taste, us -the handsomest family heet in ill.' I nion.' Our rirrts have been diircted to the combining of beauty and simplic ty with utility and ta-te. The i'ost ia printed i n a stout white paper, ren dering it neat and dur,ib!e for filing. In ad lilion to i flirts toward pei fiction in tlic mechanical department, and exli nor ol our pa- .1 : .1... .1 . u r, no lutmr, ami no ci eeeii sp.uni m mc ur vi lopement of intellectual stnn'h. The pre-cnl va ie'v or intereving tales, original, from foie g i and d. mewtic magazines, toge ther with tho vidua- ble ions of cur own circle nf litemiy friends will ronliiiuo lo give inteirst In the paper, whi'e every thing important and worthy ol note that nappciw in ll.e O:d World or the New, shall be I -,,.i,.,.lr. Bn.l collated for the taste of uui rea- j j, r , -yc Ladies' Dep-ulmrnt thall alivay be choice a)1j gl j,ci a, t a receive strict attention, whil? such thinirs as may intcicsl our juvenile iea.1. rs, and that impoilant and huge class of our readers, the Fatmi-r will not be nvrrlookid. Li order to grulify, as much as possible, the laudible desuc of our c-mntry readers, a portion of our attention will be devoted to the Cidlecln n and diffusion of such News, Memoranda, Tables, Facts, Hints, &'. as may seem important to agriculturists, and the poi uhition resident without the confines of our great cities The state of the mukels and the tluciua tioua in the price, will be regularly and what is of more moment, c. nccily given. Wo have ever been opposed to the constant bluster und pa red. 1 made by somtt editors, about tho excellence of their ape rs, and have resolved that the Saturd .y Evening Pon't shall be conduct ed, as to speak f r ilu-lf. Our routers "ill always find in its columns the earliest and niCft authentic information, rs well a the most choice and 1 ntcitaining literary matter. We hive totally el.searded the system ot filling the pipe r wi ll quack advertiscmci.ts, but prefer giving 0111 re idi-is from weik to week, entertain ng read ing matter. And we f el ns-urc l that we shall be no losers thereby, as but few readers c ue about having a p i cr filled with descriptions of these nauseating com pounds. Tho Saturday F veiling Pus', will be furnished for per annum in Jv..nee. or one copy three years t. r 5. To those who wish 10 subscrilie for s Philadelphia Mag -mine, we will furnish a copy of the I'hil.iuV'phi.i Ca k. t, and two copies of the I'e st for one year for Jf 5 free of p istagee aud dis count. No New Subscriber received without the Money. To thoeo wh wi-h to subscTibe. we would siy, ih it the fiife-t plan is to eneloso the money in a lelti r ond direct lo us. Most postmasters will frank their letters if relating to nothing but the busines of the ntlirr, and nil postmasters w ho will In kind rnotitih so to do, we shall be pleased to ac- kniiw!cdsj! 118 DCll'. Ad.lnsi GEORGE R. OR A IT AM A: CO. No 30 Caile.'s Alley, Philadidphia, xt'crtilicntcs of Agency. THE following sr' the duly appeunteel agents iu tl.e ir respective count ic, for Ihe wile of Hi andreih's 1 1 -jr ; Universal Pit's. ' '. " Norihun.betlat d county : Milton Mai key elfc Ch niheilin. Sunhury H B. Masse-r. M'Etsena viilo Cedibs, (iieen iV Wul:. lieoigetowu F. Midbng-r iV. Co. Union county : I.cwisbitrg V..!s oV Onl lcs. M lll'iibiirg Pcllman ft Bee-kly. New Berlin J .hn M. Benl'er. Selinsgrove Eyie A Co. Mid dhbrrg l-aac Smith. Lvcnming county : Williamsp ir' John Smith. Newbe rry M. & J. C. Funslon. Muncy W. A. Pe'trieau. Jersey Shoie Janus II. II burn. t'oliiinhia county : Duivillo T. iV U. B. Rey nolds. Ca'lawia C. A. Brobt. II rw rk Sliu 111 in Ar. R tti nUou.e. Bloomsburg-John R. Meyer. Sunbury, Sept. 9, 140. j WM'ill n,i,e;l,l,e c,,dili.ui. I had tried iniinv remedies, but found no permanent lei ef un til I had pU' chased Dr. Hnrlich't com pound strengthening and German aperient Pills, which fr. m their supeiior vi lue. I wac completely coied, and am al lo to pursue my employ muni, free from pain and diease. (signed) JOHN BOLE". Dated Xenia, Ohio June 7 , 1840. Prii.e pie itll'n e for Ihe I'nited State, No. 19, North EIGHTH STR3ET, Phil.delphii. HENRY VOX l'HEIMER Octabcr 21, U lU. Ag nt. TllE MOST POPULAR ASH READABLE PERIODICAL OF THE DAY Ittii'toiiN Int;aziiir, (THE GENTLEMAN'S,) AND AMERICAN .MU.TIILY REVIEW, mTILL prisent iu Sixth and Seventh Vol- nine to the puldic during the course of tlm year 1840. Terms, 3 per annum, in advance, or $5 for two years, or two separate Subsciiptions, or ten copies tor $30, cash. Printed in large octavo, whito llnik paper, oood tynr, etc Each number contains a much mattit as a volume of novel; the illustration are of the fi st quality. Duiing the past year nearly fifty of the most aoperior Engravings, including three of Sarlain'a splendid Mezzotints, were engraved express y this woik. Each number contains two or more Engravings. New Designs, executed on steel, by the fiiat Artists, are in progress for the coming volume. The list of contributors embraces the names of most of the principal writers in America, vvi h a le apectalile sprinkling of bnglisn authors, unginai articles have appealed during tho list year fr. m the pens of tho fodowinir. Profcsior Ingiaham, author of La Fine; Pro. John Frost, Philadelphia; Pro. IN. C. Brooks, Baltimore; Pro. t . r. Wines, Philadelphia, Author of Two Y ears in tne Iavy ; Captain M.irryjtt, Author of Peer Nimplc, etc. ; flencral (5. P. Morris, New York; Le gh Hunt, England; Mis. Fanny Kemblc Bull, r, Phil.; Pink Benjamin, New York ; D.' Jrtrold, England ; Jo ph C. Nen I, (Chaicoal sketches,) The Ameri can Box; James F. Olis, New York; R 8. Elliott, Editor of Hurrishurg Intellinecr, Pa; D.ivid HolTman, Baliimnre; Cliailes West Thomson, Phil adelphia 1 Judse Tremtier Dresdm, New Yoik; John Do So'.lc, Editor of Saturday Evri(ing post ; CrenviPc Mellen, New Yr.rk ; P. B. Elder. Editor of Columl ia Spy, Po ; The Author of "Stanly," Mis. L. S irourncy, 11 irtlo d ; Mnss Uatli'rino 11 Watirmin, Philadelphis ; Mrs.- Ann . Sleohens, New Y'lvk ; llen-on II all, EnsUnd, Editor of the New Monthly Magi zine; Dr. .1. K. Mitchell, Phil- adelph a ; James Moirgomiry, l.nslaii t; A M'Makin, and E. HoMen, Editors of Saturd iy Cou r er, I hiladelphia; J. Bcaurbamp Jones, B.d imore; I.E.Dow, Washington Ciiy ; Mrs-. E. F, Elht, B .stun; Dr Thomas Dunn English, I lu'udolphiH, The Steel Plate s ready for the n sent Vi lume, are Five Eli bine by t ie e-elebrated Ciu A Portrail of Mr. Yandciihnfl ihc tragedian, in the character of Adrsitus. A Likeness of Miss Van denholV, as Juliit. The tiem of Hudson, one of the choicest specimens nf Amcncnn fcoi.pry. I'o'tiait of William Cuden Bryani, the American Poet. Another of Sartain's exqui-ite Mi 7Zu iuts, of equal beauty to his pl ite of "tiii pets," given in the May nuinbir ol Burton's Magazine a pla-te a kii'-wleiluul to he superior lo any oltn r illu-tra-t on ever tiven in a peiioi'.ical work. O her En gravire ol l s value aecompar.y every number. (Tj The I ublic is requested to obsi-rve that the nrtieles appearing in Burton's Magnzuie are written! expressly f. r lht work, and are iii.t si le.ted liom dadv i t weekly paiiM. ihe riatia ore also cs- enuraved. i.nd are rot the w ni-out refu-e ! f Annuals, either English or Amenciii. y ji , u,.r(I .,.!, p ls.t pjj to W. E. Buiton, Dock . firi e,t opposite the Exchange, Philud.dphin. ; 0 nrcmmo late our country fiicnds who , nmv w,s, ,i subscribe for our wOtk and any other ! J',i,,, Iphia perio-bcal, we will receive a Five Do'., j iir t p,,,tige frec.f. r one year's sulmerip ion li lo Burton's M c.izine and (Sodey's Lady's Baok falso three elol'ars a year) or the Sjluid .y Couiiur, 1.1 j the Saturday Chronicle, 01 Alexander's Weekly Messenger. WILLIAM E. 11UI.TON. Publisher and Proprietor. tiii i:v voiei. THE LARGEST. CHEAPEST. JIASDSOM EST. ASD MOST f'OMi'REH E SSI I SEWS'A'ER IS THE U SITED STATES. eiiiteu at i'ahk nr.!jAMis ami rrr.s SAnr.IIT. TPCTni miilliplie.l res .urrrs for remleiing the t IS.1.W Won lii more valual lo than ever as a compendious newspaper and repository of cl g .nt litera;ure, we enter upon the strond volome (I.1110) on tho 24th f OcIoIht, d. eased in a beautiful garb eif mir type, cast expressly f r the purpose. It will thereloie bo a lining lime lo commence new subscriptions, a well a for the renewal of those vvhith may then expire. Dining the lirst year of Ihe rxis'anco of the Nrw Woulii, it has acquired a reputation and circulation superior to any weekly piper in the country ; and has furnished toils subscript r. eluring that pen. d. (besides a I the current ne ws of tin- day, domestic and foreign) new and va'uable w. rks by Tulfouid, D'laraell, Thi-maa Mix ire, Miss Mitt" ltd, Mrs. Jameson, C. Dickens, Anisworlh, Knowles, Bulwer, Many at, and otheis woiks, which in Lou don could not Le purchased for fifty limes tho amount eif Iho subsciiplion price ef the New W01I.I. In addition to works of interest by these eminent authors, it has contained the cream of the periodical literatuie of Ihe day, ts well as original 111 tide fr.un tin pen of soum of the mist popular writer of America, among whom we may mention Miss Si-dwiek, Orviile Deevey, Piofessor Longfel low, the author ol "Yankee Notions," Sirnn.s, Street, eVc. vVc. In po it cLs wc shall, as hitherto, maintain an armel neutMlity. Our ceilumusa horetofore will tie uuol jeciiona'ilo in a moral point of view. In criiie ism we shall, in justice to the publ'c- nuntairi a uif, ct iudepen, even though we incur the vengence of all the dunces We sliall, in ti'onclu siuu, I'ltiicstly tli ive to re nder our sheet not only worthy nf the unparalle led lavour it has eiue rianc.-eii but of a extending circulation. . h.lo wc con 11. ue lo furui-h all possit le prom'iludo t!ie ineial attractive liter turj e.f ihe d iy, we slia'l, a our means enl ng-', afford that c inpe usalion . 10 u r ie at I mis, which may it em to in ke iho New World tho inejiu 11 for presenting to tl.u public their bel tia is. Oji eicell. nl Lou don curie, ondeiit w II he coolinueid, and duo at tention w.ll be paid to the coinerc.ul, agricultural and news department of out piper. A QUARTO EDITIOS OiVitecn la. go psg' s wa comniciiced e n the six'h of June last, in oid -r to meet the evishe's of lare number of nilacribers, by giving tin ill it lie!) mid varied contents in a suitable form for I i - ding. This nit have done without having enhance.! iho price, so that ikw sub crilK-rs, and 1 thets on the r. neivul of previous subscriptions, cau take their ehetiee lc twenn the (Junto und Folio form. (j' But a fiw seta of the (Joarto, foil No 1, now niiiiin on hand in the 1. lii e, and we shall thcrclorc, not be al.lo long to aupp'y them, TERM.: I iiur.x Dollars a year in advance, for either e, In ion ; 01 Fivk Doi.lahs for two copn In hil case letters must ho or post paiJ, 01 they wdl remain ded in the pot'-ollicr. iXj" All Po-tniuHets who will aei for u are our auti.oris. d Ageins, slid miy retain i5 per cent 011 the huh-ciij lion price, (3.) fr wtnin twion. if r milled in New-Ymk or Ete)rn " m'y t or 60 e-cnta on each, if in noiee of i.llier .oivent baesk, whieh may be at a discount here. (Jj EJitor and Put lisher who desire the con tinuance ol an exchange, will please copy the above ihrne or more limes, or nthi'rwie notiee the contents, and tend us a MarkrdteT. Letters rein ive to the evhtorial drperlmeut mu-l I adibesse-d lo Pask BsNJAni v aV Err.s SAaotST, Editors: those relative lo -the hiii-ncss dcp.ut mint, to J. WINCHESTER, Publisher, No. U0 Ann :rcl. Tlic lti'nllicr .Tnnnf linn. THE largest snd most beautilul newspaper in tha worm larger ly fifty square inches than any other newspaper in the United States. Published Salurd iys, at lf.3 Nassau street, New York. Price three dollars a year two copies for five dol lars. fXj" The proprieto s of this mammoth sheet the "Orest Western" among the newspapers have the pleasure of spreading before the reading public a wet kly periodical containing a greater e im unt and variety of useful and inter, sting mis cell .ny, than is to be found in any similar publica tion in the world. Each numlM-r of the paper contains as large an amount of reading matter as is found in volumes of ordinary duodecimo, which cost $2 and mora than is contained in a volume of Irving' Colum bus or I) ancrofi's History of America, which co-t (3 a volume and all for Three Dollars a year. For $5 two copies will be forwaidcd one year, or one copy two ye ir. Since the publication of oui oiiainal rrosnrctus. the Brother Jonathan haa been ENLARGED and its size, amply before, has been so much increased. Wat much more than the former quantity of tho most interesting liteiature of the dny ia embraced in its immense capti ty. bcli-ct ons from all the most prominent snd celebrated writers of the day os-e'st in swelling its contents; and whatever is new, lich, or rare, is imediately transferred lo its columns. All the contributions to periodicals of American wnters of repute appear in its page; and the issues of th" loreign pn's afo laid under coutiibutions, as souu as received in this country. To thej miscellaneous and I.ilCTary Department, ihe closest attention 1 paid; and in all Ihe selectiona and original cemtribu- no s, strut care is elcvDted to avoid all ihat may touch upon the opinions of any, party in relgionor polilu a. Expcrianre having taught ui that we had mark ed e.ut a pa h f ir ourselves, in which all sorta of people d. libt 10 lollow, ihe Brother Jonathan shall continue, as it bcjpin, to be a bold, gentle, wci .hly, light, grave, ineriy, serious, witty, smooth, dashing, inle-res ng, inspired, and incomp erable uewspaprr. Il shall be a stupendous minor wheic In oil the world wdl stann r fleeted. It shall con tain the m .st be-auiiful of Novels, Womance an l Stories for both sexes Fai y Tata for lovers of the marvtll -us Legends for nut Pasqui nades for wit mongers Ntns and raisins for short- wind d readeis S reuades mu-ical lovers Son nets for Ladies Sentiment for old bachelor Sta tistics for politicians and Lectures, Sermons, Criti cisms, Epigrams, etc., etc., &.e ,fbr all ihe world. Let era should be. add essrd to W I I.S IN et COMPANY, Pubf Jitrs of Ihe " jVoMcr Jonathan," . Y. "OllKVl7AIV'lI100k." NIN ETY-M.V 1 Oj-e of trading matter, by au linos who- name Maud among the foremost in the l.ler.irv ranks of our country, as follows: lisnauhts. Miss Miry.W. Hale, Professor Walter, Mrs. Holland, Mr. Sigourney, Mis. Hale, Mrs. E. F. E'.M. JWs.Miss Mary R. Mitford. MissC. H. Wa terman, Elir.i Eaile, Miss It. F. Oould, Mrs. Si Kourney, Mr. FS. Osjoi.d, .Mrs. C. Uaron Wil son, Wm. Cutter, J.sme T, Field , Isoac C. Riy. J. S. DusoUc, J.iinc-i M ontpO i.cry, Miss lulicl 11, Lewis. Mis A. 1). Weiedhridge. Sorelifits. H. W. Her' crt, Prof.sor Ingiaham, Richard I'enn Smitl. WvLandor. U7cr of 71.' -Mrs. Sehi Smith, Mr. Em ma C. Embury Mrs. Ca-oline L. Heutz, Mrs. Ma ry II. l'arsons. V.iss A. M. r. litic'.ianan, Mrs. It. Becehei Stowc, Mrs. M. St. L.'on Loud, Scbj Smith. Of the above eminent writer--, celebrated in ou own, and most of them well known in either couu trie, ojch have had an article either in the January ur February numbe-r of the Book. Il is unneces sary for us to say that no such anay of names can I e shown by nuy other magazine in this country, of any poicc. c give three times ns n auy emlie llishmcnts as any other mag .ine, and each plate i equal, if not sujieiior to the one of any cotcuij orary, and yet the price of the m gazine i not increased. Our edi tion i iintr.rn-r, til re fo.o we nro enabled to g to a gri a er expense thnn any oilier publisher. A heller return may therefore b.' expected for the p. ice paid for subscrlp ion. In the twj numbers just published we have gi ven four Plates ol'Fa-hions, containing eleven Fi guies. One beautiful specimen of Lace woik. Due spbndtd Steel I'la'c beyond compare, the best line engraving ever published in an American Ma gazine. A new em! lematicsl cover. In addition lo our usual wellarnnged embellish ment, wc aUays put hah steel tide pages twice a year. The whole amount of engtavings and embellish ment of vinous k nl that the book contains, or will contain this year, may be estimated ut abcut sixty. A new scries of pipers of value has been lately commenced by Mrs 11 tie. "The Domestic Departinerii." Thi during the year will compo.c a great snn.unt ot usual matte r. For enlcrprize at le'at, we think wc deserve s.ime creelit ; we have been the first to give to an Ames rienn public original at licit s from the pens of.Maiy Russet Mitford, author of "Our Villag-" -M r. I'. Uaron Wil -on editor of Iondon La ltele Assem blee, Mrs, Ho IH ind, author ol several useful and valjsble works; James Montgomery, author of "Oailiipre-nc f the liy," cVc ;"Thoinha Miller, author of Fair Rosamond and Royston (i iwer ; Ebeiieix r El iott, auth r of Corn Law Rhymes. We elo not particularly mention these names be cause ihey ad da'tp from Lon hip our object only H to" ahbw thai whe.e thee are goe-d ar.icles lo be had, there wi I we apply. No author of any repu tation in our own country ha ever sought admis sion to "The B a'U" in ' am. (i.k'.ey's Lady's Book ia furnished at f3 per an num, the money invariably to be reveived before a single number is sent. The fll wi..g system of clul buig may answer the purp jte of many wishmj 10 subsciibo, CLUDBIXO. Walter Skull's Novels and Lady's Ilook, one year, . . J 10 Mury.itt's Novels, and Lady's Bauk, one year, .... 5 Mi s Aiistli.'s Novel', snd Laly's Book, one year, .... 5 Lsdy B rssitigton' Novels, and Lady's Book, one v ear. 5 Pickwick Papers. cV. cVc, and Lidy's Book, one ye 1'. - . 5 Miss Leslie's Cioki ry, and Lady'a Bok, o:ie year, 5 Two cojiie Lidy'a Bivk, one year, 5 Ail oidoia to be addressed lo L. A. GODEY, Ull Chesnut street, Philadelphia. N. B. The public will 1 lease be careful of tia ve I nn; imposters. m ' II .1 A IC Ir ' K 'A It Ift ' l-.MItU SPATES t;ti.MvlERCIL AND STIIsr,CAL RECISI ER. Containing doc urnenK, fact and other ustful ii f nuation. illustra tive of the history and resources of ihe Amcrie-aa Union, and of rich Slate; embracii g ceuumerce, inunufuctu'es, aitiiculture, inte rnal iiuproveineMiiJi, banks, currency, li laiire. education, tic.'ic. Edi ted by S eniuel Hazarel. ' Puhli-lusl eve ry Wed:ieslay, at TJ Dock street. Tho pries lo subscribers is $5 icr annum, payable on the lirst of January of each year. So suhscrep. lion received for li s ilun s year. Kuhscribers oul of the priiieipal cities to pay in advance,