Newspaper Page Text
Coal Trade. The amount of con! carried on the D.irmtle and rottwillo Kail Road to Sunhury for shipping, lu ring the week ending in Dec. 8, it 763 Tone. Per last report, 11,743 T..til. 15,505 JOHN BUDD, w. . JiTA't COMFL.1JNT. THIS disease is discovered by a fixed ohfuve pain in ihe right aide under the hurt ribs, attended with lint, uneasiness about the pit of the stomach; there it in ihe right ride id distention ; the pa lient loses hii appetite, and becomes tick and troubl ed with vomit. ng. The tongue become tough nnd black, tho countenance changes to a pale or witron color, or yellow like tho e iiflticted with jaun dice, difficu'ly of b.v.'thing, disturbs rent, attendee with a dry cohA, diflioul'y af laying n the left aide, the b.-dy icimet weak, otl'l fina'ly tho disease terminates into nno her of a m;re erious mttire, which In all probability is far beyond the; Power of human skill. Dr. ItarVch ' (impound .. ning Tonic and German Anenent Villi, if u- ken at the Commencement of this disease, will -heck it, and by cnniniiing tho use of the medicine i few weeks, a perfoct cure will bo perfotmcd. Thousands can testify to this fact. Certificates of many person n.ti daily I e aoen if the efficacy of this invaluable medicine, by apply ng at the Medical OlHce, No. 19, NORTH SIGHTH street, Philadelphia. HENRY YOXTHEIMER. All Apprentice Wanted. A N apprentice will le taken to the Printinf Bu-ineas, a ll of from 14 to 18 yearn of ige, with a good English Education, will hear of in eicell.nt si uation by applying ut tliit office, oon. CAVE M ihe premises of the subscriber, about ten days since, five cee-e, vir. : Three white males, commonly called sanders, and two grey fe natei. known aimply by the name of - geese." The iwner is hertby notified to come forward, prove property, pay chirgcs, anil Inke ihem iwav. JOHN KAN DELS. Sunbury, Dee. 22, IS 10. HOkTtJC tZB?JK. tZ2 BB3 mm IS hereby given to ull whom it may c. nicer n that I have purclinfi?d at Contallc's Sale, in Au SiMa township, Northumlcrl it.d county, One Mantle Clock, which was koI I aa tho property of lunica Farnswoith. and thai I have loaned the same J the raid James during mv pleasure. F I KM AN FA R.N S WORTH. Augutta, Dec. 23, 1810. A1T1TTJ.L3. OR ChristrmM and New Year's Gifta. BufTiloo Robes. Zinc in sheet. For Bale by II. B. MASSE R. December 24, 1840. Count' Merlins. A MEETING of the Democrats or Northum berlaud county, will be held at the Court louse, in Sunbury, on Monday the 11th day of lanuaty next, f,r the purpose of cbo .sing one Se ctorial arid one Representative delegate to Ihe eon ention to be held in Harrishurgh, on ihe 4th of Aarch next, to nominate a candidate for Governor, o be supported at the next Gubernatorial Election. GIDEON LE ISSN RING, WM. FEAGLY, A. JORDAN. Die. 19, 1"40. Standing Committee. 1, 1 S T OF DATS E S , OU tr'ml in the Court of Common Pleas of Norlliuinlarl ind County, to be held ut Sun- urv, on the lir-rl ju tui iv oi jauuiry next, being '.e'4th: osepli Trrgo Vist & N.sVit ieorge. Law n nee I iiner for R .uh Itrkpatrick & S in lr Wm. Henderson S .m Vm. P. ' I ugh Be'.lat oseph G.res amea Hi.hourn n A. L'oyd 'e:cr Fillet's adin'r -nry Frick I .mm'ih ol Penu'a ohn Dutikle Mt. n B. r ugh &e. i roves for II ill & Co. I'dilger for lijdg r ugh Uelhs S.ime i ndrew Tinbroi k ohn Hagenturn et si. Ititzer & Keber . L. M. Nrsbit lenry Fii k 'hotnao Peny lary Weeks :ivid Faux va Mai tin A. S'ock, vs Jacks in Neshit, vs R. II. Hammond, s Solomon Menna, vs G.dion Li iseuriiiC, vs Henry lironn, vs Siiie.iu hi ti G.eenouch vs Thorn is Grnnt's admV, vs Ffderiek Heckert, vs Win. M'Cur-y el ol., R .b.rt Phillip-, va Deni i Wote.s, vj J .iiiies Lee, vs John Filber', v H. L Diell'enlinrb, Vii Weaver Llovd Si Kodiiu v R iberl Mack, vs Jacob Whet land, v Jt hn Le sen rui a, vs Huali Uell ,s, vs Cbrixiain Houti, v lie iv art, vs Dini I Frymire et -I. s Mus'r Elsten i t si., vs John Vinceiit, &.r. vs Aimer Colings rt al., vs D. Hou'elV Committee vs Fr derick Ujuchman, vs B)eily V HajH, vs JoMph S i)der, v Pifer &. We wl. .olotnon Dunkilberj SAMUEL D. JORDAN. 'rothonotary'a OlTic-, J i'roth'y. Sunbury, D C. 2, 181". S oiiathnn It. WnleiV INtate. yTOTICn is hereby given, that letters of admin ' iHtuii hi df. bonis nan upon the rata e of Jo ithau It. Wuters, late of Sliainokin town.hip, N, r'ierlarid cou ty, dee'd.. h ive this day be. n ranted by the Register of said county to the sub .ibeis. All per-oua baving clainn or demmds a-iin-l the a. id de-edeut, arc requested to make nowu the same to them, without delay. VALENTINE KI.ASE, ELEANOR WATERS, SSamokin, Nov. 7. 0t. Adm't. Ar. FTJBLIS SALE. . IN pursuance ul an .r b r ol Ihe Orphans' Court ol'NorthumUrlni.d County, will bs expo-ed l aw by public vendue or outcry, on Saturday the 6.h day of D.-cemlier next, l the pubi c house of Vil'iani Farrow, in Snydi-ralnwn. a certhaiu tract V HILL LAND, situate in Rush township. Nor lumlierlaud Co., adjoining land of G idfrey Rock teller and others, and containuvj thlrty-Ave acrc, tore or lens. Also, a cer ain lot or. irce of CLE A (ED LAND, near S;,va(rstown, in Sham, kin )rn!ii', i.d j.umg luid of John Boughnei, Wm. Vairrs, and otheia, containing seven acies and one nn.lnd and twelve iMn'lies, late the es'ale of Joiib- nan Waters, dee'd. The last mentioned lot will esold eitner in Iota or together, aa may suit purcha era. A draft of the lots will be exhibited, and ibe ondittons of the sale will be mid known on the IV of sale. Sale to commence at 10 o clock. VALENTINE KLAfE, ELEANOR WA'IKHH, " Miamokin, Nov. SI. 6t. .4W, 4--. HIUM ELASTIC Shoes, a large astoit- Cperm Uil, best quality Books, of all descrip'ion. Silka, black and coloured. Stair Carpeting. Cotton Carpet. Carpet Chain, of all colore. Saddlery, a geneial assortment. Eliplic Springs. Coach Lamps, Can! .g B inds, Brass Joints, Brass Dashers, Patent Leather. Just received and for sjle at the store of II. B. MASHER, November 14, 1840. If CP..1TBEB.PJES. TIREH Cranberries, just received and for sale 1 bv H. B. MASTER. November 14, 1840. tf ESTATE OF ELIAS BREWER, DEC'S. NOTICE is hereby given that letter of admin istration upon the estate of mid dere sod have been granted 'o the subscriber, ty the Register of Norlhumleiland county. All p rmms having demands agiinnt aiid etme. wi I present thrm. pro per! authenticated to either of ihe sub.citbers at their niJerlTO in Auitiita township. ABRAHAM OliCWER, 5 A'1""" Novem'cr 14, 1340. -fit INFORMATION WANT UD. ANY person having any information concerning Bryan Sheehy, a n itive of Ireland, aged from 19 to 23, of fine complexion, will confer a fnvor by informing his brothi r, Rodger Shoeby, by teller directed to Harrisburg. Pa. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NEW ENGLAND OIL COMPANY. No. 29 North Water Street, Phila. M ANUFAC TUREKS and dealers in Oils of every description both for burning and nisiiulaciurinif purposes, which will lie sold much lower than they can be procured e'sewhere, and warranted in quality to equal any in the city. Any oil mild by the company not proving aa i Oj resented, may lie returned without any expense to the pur- cb incr, and the money will l lefuudcd J heir Mock now m store consists of the following nil, viz: 30 000 gitbma Winter Dleacl.ed Speim 3 3" un, cooo do 1o C do Ic-s Oil, do Full slid Spring Sperm Od, do Winter Sea Elephant, do do Piesed Whale Oil, do Summer do do do do Common Whale Oil, 15.000 10.000 20.000 0000 15,000 2 5 5 200 Barrels superioi Straits Oil, 300 da Cod Bank Oil, 50 do Ncu's Foot O.I, 75 Caks Olive Oil, Tanner's 'Mis OCj'This Company ha a number of Vesels'rn ggej in the Col Fishery, and Tanner' may rely upon petiing at ull tunes Oil as pure as imported. Philadelphia, Nov. 7, 1S40. ly. ATTEITTIOIT. riHE special attention of buyer from the south L and wel, and for the state trade, ia respectful ly invited to the following assortment of CUODS, which the aubscriber will dispose of at auth prices as will amply repay his Mend for calling tnd ex amining hi stock. To CASH purchaser, at the present lime, extraordinary inducements will be of fered. 200 pieces heavy variegated Spanish matting. 500 pieces Canton mattinz, a4oitcd 1-1, 5-4 and G-l white, cheeked and flowered. 1000 hearth rng4, a leaulilul nnsoitmcnt of Wil ton, Brussels, Tuflul, Turkey, and Hemp ruga. 200 pieces woolen, woiated, cotton, hemp, in grain, Vrncliin and block Carpeting. An ilegint variety of ilton, Hiusi-eb', Sco ell and English, Vciie'ian, D.unark, inc. &e. 1000 dor.iii men ninl buys rapo, comprising a var t-ty of Far, Seal. Nuirin, Mutktat, and Coney, Hair. Sealctte nnd Cloth Cap. 100 dozen Allicanl Muls, assiiicd size. 100 do Manilla do do do 50 d Sheep-skin do do do JO bab a French B .ske a, caiupriiing every de- s rip'i. ti. 600 uir Venetian Blinds, a.s'd fiuies and eolots. 3000 pat nt do do do 1000 Cabas or S ilcbeU, a'd, en.lio-aed leather, straw and uil l ith. 5000 dozen Combs, a -united li rtoiie shell. Bra zil i hi do b rn, ivory, brass and Mood, cinpriring a large assorim. nt i feicry variety. 3000 doz. n Whips atoned wagon, gif, Car riage, sulky, planters. droersor lidiog, of gut, lea ther nnd thread, with German silver, gilt, ivoiy and bone moiiuiiiitja. . 1000 dozen piinted pa l-i, Wilsi.n's brind. 1000 nests ced .r Tubs and Buikets; also, Churns, I'iggins, Water Cans, &i The above tonether with an extensile assortment of fancy goods, Britiatii.i and Geimau silver ware, feather and I ristle Brusln-s, Looking Gla-ne, Ma bogany and Fianus, of every siz anddescrip liuii, are manufactured, impnrtinl, and si l.c ed ex pressly foi the SLUtUe.n. wesUrn mid ila e trade. J. SIDNEY JONES, No 18 NartliSd atieel, Philadelphia. Pliiladelphta, Noremlivr 7, 1840. ly. G. V. &, L. S. TA7LOR. FFI'.R FOR SALE, st the sutl E-u Co - ncr of Fifth and Market Slietts, i'hiludtl- pitta Mens' Ca!f-k'm Boots, stiudiej warranted, d i do do Jiemjed do d i do do water proof, d ublo soles and doub e upper, do Culf-rkin do do and upr. do Heavy Water Leather Boot, do do Neats do do. do nailed do High quarter Hliocs, Calf-fkin do do do Crockera do do Fine Monroes warranted. do K p do do do do do do do do C If do do Cnaiss do do Jj Shrna Jo Fine da (Jo Kip do .to falf and Seal Skin Putnpe. do L st Socks with and without sole. b Csrnet do d do do Patent WamnteJ Wuter-ptoof Moccasins. Ladies' do do do do I.adns' tsuned India Rubber sinus. Gentlemen do tivrhoee. With every other deac.ipiiun ufliools and shue", Fur Cape i.f evi ry d riptiou. Travelling Tiunks of every description, Venetian Travelling Hags. I'slentGum Elastic Mine Ulacking. Hoimeta of all kinds, I'slni l.eitt lUu. l,lnlidethia,Norntl.ifr 7, D0. It. CITY AUCTION AND COMMISSION STORE. Numofr 29 A'orA Hiird Street, Vliiladclphiu, PUBLIO SALES of Dry Goods, Hardware and Cutlery, Book, Stationary, Clothing, Boot, Shora and Hats, and in short almost every description uf goods, are held at this establishment every evening. Goods are abo aold ut piivaie sale during the day al the average auction prices. Store keepers and traders will Cud it to their advantage by attending the sales. V. V. MACKEY, Auctioneer. Philadelphia, November 7, 1840. REYNOLDS, McFARLAND & CO. Wholesale Dealers in Foreign British and American Dry Goods. So 105 Market itrttt, Philadelphia. COUNTRY Merchant, and other can be sup plied nt all times with an extensive a soit ment of the best and most fashionable Goods upon the mo-t reasonable term'. Pbilade'phia, November 7, 1840. ly. Wholesale Variety and Trimming Stoi c Ao. 44, Tiorth Fourth near Arch tt., Philadelphia. V7'HERE Country Merthanla and olherscanbe suppliid, at all times, with a large ossortmrnt of Hosiery, tJloves, Merino. Cotton, and Woolen Shins and Drawer, Spool Cotton. Patent Thread, Cotton Curds, Buttons, Tapes, Binding, Hook and Eyes, I'ins, &c. And a general variety of uso ful article, which he ofljrs for sale al the lowest prices. Philadelphia, November 7, 1840. ly. ESI1ERICK, IIANSELL & CO'S. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS STORE. No. ICG 1-2 Market Street, Phila. (Belotv Fifth South tide ) ALWAYS keep on hand a full and general srriment of Ho-iery, Lace, and Fancy Goods, Country M. rchan's are rfpec-fully reque.-ted to give them a call and examine lor them elves. . Philadelphia, November 7, 1840. ly. SPERING, GOOD & CO. No. las Market Street, Philadelphia. INVITE the attention of Country Merchant to their extensile a-xortment of Britbh French ii d Amciican Dry Go.hIs, which they oiler fois.le un the mo-t reasonnble terms. J'.iil dilphia, November 7, 1610. ly. PETER DEWEES, LAST MAKER, No. 71 Callowhill Street, Philadelphia, C Three door$ above Second. J Cj4 HOE Findings always kept on hand, which he ott. rs lor sale on the lowe-t terms. Country Aiercnims are parucutaily lo call on. t judge theimelvee. Philadelphia, Novemter 7, 1840. I v. .... ... for OLIVER N. TIIACIIER, Agt. MANXTFACTtmEB OF MATS, CAPS, &C. No. 40 North Third Street, Phila. (Opposite the City llutel.J HATS, ('ops and Lndie' Furs, of every de scription, manufactured at very low prices, and Country Merchant supi lied at khuit notice. Philadelphia, November?, 1840, ly. LOWER BARRON, Importers nnd Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Hardware, No. 171 NonTH Tin Kit Stri.IlT, I'rtiapelfiiia " X ril EUE tin ir ftiend-iand customers will always ' " find a larce and general a-ai irtment of Foreign and Dom stic Hardware, which they will sell at the lowe.t prices. Philid.hia, November?, 1810. ly. J. w Umbrella and S W A I X , Parasol Manufacturer. .Vo. 37. South Third strrrt, two dnnrt Uow the City lloltl, Vhilatlrlphia. OUNTRY Mention's and others are solicited to examine bis is.oitineut b. fore pu-cha.iiig I .where. Phila 'etpbii. Nnvemb. r 7, t10. ly PETE?. C01TCVE3., Wholesale and Retail Shoe, Ronnet. and Palm Leaf Hat Warehouse. So. 66 Xorlh d ttrett. a few doort above .lrch Philadelphia. AI.O Trunk, Caipet B igs and Valice f ev ery de.cuption, ull of which he offers for sale, on the most reus noble terma. riiiladelj hi, Novemlier7, 1840. ly P. & A. ROVOUDT'S China. Glass and Liverpool Wardmote. Ao 1 C I Xirih Third tlrrtl. tli'rd ducr below Vine tti-eit, I'hilaih'pltia. THERE ihey eonstantly k-ep on hand a large ' NKsoiiiiieiit of China, (ilass and Liverpool Wan-, w inch they will dispose, of on the most ret- s in ilile terms. Phil, delpbia, Novemlier 7, 1840. TIIEOPILt'S CULP. Manufacturer nnd Importer of Sad dlery, Hardware, etc. So. 5 South Third ftr-'et.four doort be'oui Market I hiladelpluw ITT" EEP coimtanily on hand a large and j.-ncral assortment Coach Lamps, CairUga Bands, Akin Arms, Elipttc Springs, Pali ;,i leather. 6te. t'nui.try Merchants snd sad. die., will be supplied at bI l ine on the most l irrable teims. They wi 1 find it to their dv-ai 'j, t f dl and examine hia aasoilnient bi-fore. purcharing elsewhere. PinUiUpUm, Nov. mher 7, 1810. ly. XAT & BROTHERS, Xo. l'4'i Clifsnut Street, Philadelphitt. Alf HO constantly keep t n hand a large aort ' ment of Law, Medical. Theological, Hchtu I, and Millaneous Bo(ks, Blank Books, and all kinds of stationary I'ouutiy r.ustoiners and othera supplied on the m.wt leamM aMo terms. Philadelphia, November 7, U40 ly. Michael V.rcnTcr Son, UOPB MAEER3 & CHIP CHANDLERS. So. 13 Surth Water Street, rhitujjpfua. AVE constantly on hand, a general i ni hil nt of (Jordagre. Seine Tulnee. eV,c. vi i lar d Ropes. Fishiint Whim Itone. M....I. la Ropes, low Lines lor Canal Boats. AIo, a complete arsoitinent of Ins Twinea, Ac. auch a Hemp tshad and Hi rring Twine, Bei Patent Gill ISet Twine, Cotton Shad and H en ing Twine, Shoe rhreads, Ate. Sea- Also, Bed Coid. PI ugh Lines, Halter, Tr-cee, Colt m and Linen Carpet Chains, c. all of which they will d.apoaeof au trs-onable tenn. Philadelphia, Novemlier 7, 1840. Jacob Frlitimitli K son RESPECTFULLY informs their Iriemla and acquaintance generally th it IheT ti I Con linue in km p at Ihe old stand. No. 210 Nonb 3d alrect, Phila lelpbia, all kinds of TOBACCO SSVFF ASD SEGA RS. Which ilny will sell on the m at accommodating nnd le tremble terms. N. II Ail eo idi ,o'd will be gu iranteed, mid nil orders proinpt y nttended lo. Pblladi Iphia, Novemlier 7, IS40. ly. J E REMI AH V A S T I NE'S IaMlntc. TSOTICn is heiehy given th .t the Register of the County of Northumberland, has this day Kianted letters tiFtamen'nry to the auhtcribers iikoi Die estate of Jeiemiah Via:ine, of RuhIi township, in the aiid county. All (ersoos having demands or claims og iiri t ihe re d decedent are requested to make known the name to tbem without delay. KLlZBKni VASJiNE, ,, . THOMAS R. VASTINE.S Juth' WILLIAM LECJHOLT, Point. Novcmbor 2, 1810. 6v. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNER SHIP. "kJOTICE is In reby given that the parlnrr-liip Jj heretofore exiting undei the firm of . B. Musser Sf Co.. ia this day dissolved ly mutual consent. The book, notes, Ac, will be lell f r a "hi rt lima in tho hands of H. B. Master, foi collec tion and settlement ; afer which, if una ten lid lo, ihey wilt be placed in the hands of proper olficcr lor ihe above purpose. No ember 1, 1810. II. B. MASSER, Will continue in business at th" old stand, and respectfully invites his friends and customers lo a large assortment of New Goods, just leaned. iNovemlier 7, 1840. . 1TEV- GOODS. JUST Received Meiino, Brochn, and Chenille Shawls. re a Otter, Seal and Sealctte Caps. A large assortment of Dark Chiutie. Fiench nnd English Mennoes, A.c. For sale at he .lore of . B. MASEEH, Novemlier 7, 1840. NEW GOODS. irCST RECEIVED a new and splendid aasori. a)ae ment of iahcoe. Muslin, Ac. l or rale at thestoieof HENRY YoXTiHMER, Octo!r3l, 1840. tf. WOOIaFaX OOIS. F the latest manufacture, consisting in part of a great vaiieiy of CI ths, Cussimeres, Sa'ti- i.i Us, Merinocf, Flannels Moiim'I in de Lames, ic. Just received and fot site at the store of HENRY YOXI HEIMKR. Oct iherSt, 1850. tf. (iroceric. 1ST RECEIVED a l.rge and general aMrs ment of Inoce ics liiiiors ct - r or sale at the l le nf HENRY VO.YTIIEI.MKR. Oc-obcr 31, 1 P10. It- DRUGS, I.NTS, mid Dye Ntufly a fiei.ii tiiply juet received and lor sde nt il r -t .re ol HENRY VC'XTH EIMEH. Octobci3l. 1810. if. AY hear of a good situation, liny miles irom Sunbury, in a new settlement, win re he win 1 1 obtain a long lease of n s i all (i til Mill, and have a Faun adjoining, by i. qui i g of THE PRINTER. October 10th, 1810, Ct lM.UPMIsl.T LAWS. THE Pamp'de'Tnws.fir tim se.ion IR35-10, l.ave liten received at thisotltfe, and are now le.nly for difluhulion to lho eii'nle.l to receive thrm. SAMUEL D. J JRD N. Piothoii'.tirv's olFice. ? iVi.A'.y Sunbury, Sept. S3, 1910. J Notice. ALL At.'t'OUN TS reuiainii'g In my Imoka previous to the fust of Ajnll 1810, .till bo left in the hands of a Justice nf the I'eaee fir eo lection. HENRY VOX I HI V1 Ell N. B. Crai.i of ul! kinds will bo ukcu on old accounts. Sept. 12, 1840. tf. (.eorgc XV. Baaynpr, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MER CHAN T, Cm.sMT Srunr Wmir, Htaaisnrao, IS prepared to re.-cive Goo.! and Produce ht Ihe ni w wn eh iue, which h:s arraiigenien'. will en ble him to forward with d. spa eh lo Philadelphia, Pitlshurg, Wilhamsport, Wnkesbinr, C duinlii L n 'Bier, i r any oiher p lint on tho l'i nn.ylv :',tA and Uni in anal-,and the Pi uny!vani4 au''. Ur. i ij and Lancaster tail roads. from Philadelphia fir Harriahu j, Carl sic, Cliamb,rbiiig, Acc. Ac, forwarded with care and eXieditioit. Cot, pLwm, Sitx Ptid Fisa, conMantlv for ale. Sept. 9. nemovnl. BOOK-BINDERY. THE undersigned have the gratification of in forming the public, lhat notwithstanding ll ey wire sii unfortunate as to have their biiiduy Luiiu don, in March laM, they have oH-iu-d a very n'onsive one, in Locust moot, in the new building dnectly opposite Gleim's Hotel, end hie prep in d to execu o all woik in their line with d.pic.i, and in a su perior slyle. Their RULING APPARATUS and other Machinery are new, and of the first order and latest-iinprnvi mints ; and they feel a confi dence in tliur facilities for giving perfect saUi-far-lion lo all who liny favor tbem with their orders. Banks, County otlice. Merchant", Mechanics and others, can lie supplied with BL ANK BOOKS of every description, which for neatness and dura bility, ill lie equal to any nude b the United Klalia. IIICKOK A ( AMINE. HARRlNBf'EG, Krn.t. e:irTDxnN coal. ty - eiy .-Ui ri ir quabiy, cm be h.,d ut eny 4J? time, hy to the aubscriher-.. in lota to sun purchaseia. They keep large, egj, bruken, and fine coul, fii lor burning lime. J. H. PURDY & Co. Sunbury, Sept. SC. tf. attftC'VIttKtf.. fici-h stipnly of Grucciics JUit rccuvud ulid f r mle by IIE.Rv; YOXIHIMER. Sept. 12, 1940. if. LiqUOIlSS fresh tut ply of Brandy, Gin. Putt, l.i-bon, Tei vrilT , M it'e.ra and Shorty Wines. just received and fir sale by HENRY YOXTIHMER. 8ept. 12. 1910. ir. W7V.V.;.A new assortment nf 7.4. 7.S and 3-4 yard wide Mu-din. jut rocriied mid for '"'. HENRV VOXTHIMER. Sept. 12, 1840 tf. (.1 1.1COF.S. -A new a-soitmci t nf Calicoes just riceivud and for -nlc bv HENRY YOXTHI.MEH. . 8ept. 12, 1840 -f. 1 BO.V A good assoriinent of Bar Iron,jut rrccivtd and fir sale I v HENRY YOXnUV.ER. Sept. 12, 1810. if. K.1LT. 250 barn Is and saska of Salt, Jus! received and fur sale by HENRY YOXTIHMER. Sept. 12, 1840. tf. Visit I US. - A general assortment of Cloths and Caasiinnic;, Constant y on hmd ot the store of HENRY YOXTIHMER. Sept. 12, 1810. tf. nv r.V and all other kinds of Gmiii mid Sends will be t .ken at the high e.t prie a in xchanr;e for g m s at the store of HENRY YOXIHIMER. Sept. 12. 1640 -if. MACKEREL A law barrels of M ickerel for aa'e at s low pr ce by H. B, MASSER, Sept. 12, 1840. IRISH SALMON. Ot tho Ust quahly. . atantly on h ind and for sale bv H U. MASSER, Sept. 12, 1810. MADEIRA WINE. Fist quality Madtera Wine, f .r s ilo low by H. II. MASSER, Sept. 12, 1810. FOURTH PROOF BRANDY. A article always on hand and for sale bv II. B. MASSER Sept. 13, 18 10- HOLLAND GIN, Of the best quality always on hand and far sa'e by H. B. MASSER. Sept. 12. IS 10. LOAF AND LUMP hand and for sale by Sept. 12, 1840. SiUGAR. Alwaye on H. B. MASSER. BOSTON SYRUP MOLASe-ES. Of a supe rior quality, for Bale by II. U. MASSER, Sipl- 12, 1810. NEW ORLEANS SUGAR HOUSE MO LAfiSUS, Oi the brl quality ulwua on haud ai d for sale by II. B. MASSER, Sept. 12, 1810. BROWN SUGAR Of a go..d qu .lity. for sale low by H. B. MAS-ER. Sept. 12. IS 10. LKJL'ORS. Of all kin ! and of tho t,t qual ties, ula-.s on hand and f.r '.ih.' bv . ' II. U.'.MASSLR. Sept. 12, J" 50. GREEN AND BLACK TES.Ot tho quilitv alwtjson hand and f r f ile bv II. B. MAS-ER. Scj.t. 12, M40. best Cf'FFI E. Javi, Hi. i and Lauira ("olTee, con stantly on hind and for le bv li. B. MASSER. Sept. 12,1840. Summer uranud Hi'EUM OIL. Winter and S,iim Oi!, of ibe tct, Mlwnxs on hand and for sale by JI. B, MASSER. Sept 12, 1810. STEEL. Cast and linter oietl, for .-ale tiy il. U. MASSER. S,pt. 12, IS 10. Lr Elipiir SIT.tNr. STEEL. Of va.icus ,i iirino, for tale by II. 15. MASTER Sect. 13,1810. LARGE QUARTO very reduced prices by Sspt. 12, ISiO. BIBLE3 For ule at H. 15- MANSER. BLANK BOOKS. Sept. 13, 1810. -Of al for siln by 1KB. MASSER. BLANK DEEDS. Bom's. Mortgages. Ac. for a!ehy H. II. M ANSER, Kept. 12. IR40. JUSltCks' BLANKS. for aie by H. B. MASSER. ti.ui n',-uiur, uiacM. invisiuie ttrren, iyc, for aide by H. B. M ASSER, Sipl. 13. 1810. (!ASIMERES AND SATTINETTS. ale very low by H. B. MASSER. S-pt. 13, 1810. For CARPETING Eor a cheap nv H. B. MASSER. Sept. 12, 1810. BLANKETS For sale cheap by H. B. M ASSER, Sept. 13, 1810. UNBLE CHED MUsLINt.-For s.le by H. B. M ASvER. SeplemSer 13, 1840. COTTON YARN AND COTT N LAPS For wto by H. B- MASEK. Seplemlier 13, 1840. HEMP AND COTTON TWINE. F -r aile by JI. H. MAfSKtt. September 13, 1810- TOWIXG LINI, COHDh AND ROPES. Tor sal bv M. U. MSSEK. - Septinibrr 13, I li JO. . Transportation Liue Tt) BALTIMORE. (via i ins watcb emu ) IVurthvute fool if Ciesnul Street on the Pe.?s. tylvniiia CjnaL A BOAT haves t' whirl of ibe su'ki riler eve ry mond, g it 8 oVlm k, TU'inin ti..o.igh to Haiti more in ihiee ilavs. Cona 'iin. nts nt produce, iron, te., will teceive a depslch by this lino, which has nol hitherto been quilled by any oilier. Rat ol freig.lil low by any other regular line. Referent es t JOHN W.BROWN, BUCK A HERR. I m , HERMAN &STH.LNIGER "B;,!l"nore. i. St A. II. HEIvR. J Goods in'rnded lor Fitieburg, or any it on the Peiiiisvlvaiiiii Canals, wdl le a'.ipwd wi hout del iy on their arrival at Harrisbur, ut this con nects wilii the N'oiih Ameriran line of l o thle Boats to Pitiahuri d lily, and with the Sunqu ban. iia i Packet Line to NorihuinUrUinl, Willijmsport, W Ilk' shire, an J .ill iniirnieijinta places. GEORGE W. LAYNG. Harrisbu g, Sept. 9, 1840. Works of lYaturc. IN a st to ol lira th the iniui-lin d csnil may b compare 1 to a river whose wato.a flow over the ad joining land, through the eh nine's nature or art has made, and improves their cj.i ,1 ,ie-; and to keep up ti.e compare-on nf Ihe rivi r, so long as it tuna on irnn ,tnly the cbunnels are kcpl pure ut.d healthy; but if by sumo cuu- the t wre uf the rivm is stop peil,then the wi.tir in the a, minis n longer pure, but Minn becomes slagnnnt. There is tut one law of ciicnlaii .n in nulu e. When there is a super abundance if hmnorial fluid (s r city) in ihe iffv t nol tuhis, and Co.-tiveness lakes phte, il back into the blooi vemels, and infiltrates itself in to the circulation. 1 o catnbli-h the fioo course of the river, we must remove the ol structions which stop its free course, and tho e of its tributary stieam. With the budy, follow the same natural principal ; r. m ivti, l y that valuable purgaiive medicine Bruit drtth Univcisal Vegetable Fills, which are an ef f. c'.ual asistince of nature, the sujr abundance of humor in the intestine i anal. By per everi. g in this piaetlci', the ways of the circulation wid then be icMored to the full exercise of their natural func tions, and a state of health will be firmly cstabluh. cd Remember, never t tiller a drop ot blood to be taken from you- Evacuate the humors at often and as long as they are degenerated, or aa locg as yon arc sitk. Dr. Brand'cih. OAVe in Philadelphia, is at No. 8, NOR TH EIGHTH Mieet, where his pilUcan be hud ut 15 cents r hot, with full direction. (Jj'ttuly iiccniin Sunhury, is H. B. MasaerEsqr. runbuiy, Sept, 9, 1810. Certificates of Agency. Till following are the duly appointed agenta In their respcetive counties, for the ale of Brandreth't Vegetable Unitrrwl Pill. Norihumbeilai d counlv i Millon Mr.ckey & Nun'mry H. B. Misser. M'Estei.s--ville Geddrs, (Jreen A Walla. Georgetown F. Midbng r ct Co. Union county : Lewibnrg T..lls Sc Grddrsk M fllinburg IMInnr. St Bcckly. New Berlin John M. Bt nfer. Seliiwgrove Eyic & Co. Mid dleburg Laac Smith. Lycoming county : Williamsp irt John Smith. Newberry M. it J. C. Fun-ton. Muney W. A. I'etrican. Jersey Shore Ja nes H. H- burn. rolum'iia county : D.intiMe T. fc E. It. Rev- nnld. Ca:tawissa C. A. Brnbts. B. rwiek Shii- mnii &. Rittenlmure. ltlo misburg. Juhn R. Mover. Sunbury, Sept. 9, 1840. Tin: VAUSK OF DISEASE. Niarly all elates of disease, are cause) by ilium oUtruclion in tho, which prevnt iho lean lar ami w holes, mo operation of the anim d fiim -tlotis. Thiasrateof the ay stent, is dUeose, wbirri is ininifotcd in a variety of forma. uoie or le a g'iniit in their chancier. To rotors (he system lo a slate of luabh, then, it is only nr Ci' to re move il.o i eauso of diei;c, and iho r aceajin. -p islltJ. The cause i4 bbs'ruclion souirHr V.:'l his can be moed by purgation, which ia ihe oiiIt miwnx that sh.u'il. lie rea ined lo. heeaune. si!g? by reas m, and ry nulure. Dr. Hailich's Stie.igth- nirg nud Gmi in Aerienl Tills are alloaed bv i lu th..usan,(s -.vlio have used ihem, in be the bcft pu'gitiee inedicinn in existence. Because, ihey not oi ly ri move all ohtriicliom, and purge the .s tcm v-f it. itnpuritiva, but, hcue, and which is ex l e.nelv important, sticmtllien and give propes bins la ihe rtoiiiarh, and produce a healthy action uf all 1 the part. liende. the are so nnkl and eemU in I 'h''V r?'i""1 ,0i,,J' ' ,,M"" ." a .!- n-..ij rim anu aeMrjnie rsiucuy. I .ie aul dad would do wcl, tbi n, to puiiha.u a box or two of ih;s mvalublile medicine, and give it a fair I rial, in stiad ..f deaiMMitg ll.clr .wli-iu with ofi rouil 'f (atoini'l. uii I other druiis, soii juri us to life and happ nesa, 1'co above nudii-me for sale at the Drug s'orc of rit..ii luxni ELMER. i C.u 31, 1S10. .t-ent. J TO THE COMMLWITY. ! THE success w hich h-a attcn.Iid the me of Dr. I Hirl ch't (irrman Aperient and Comprund ttree;l:rnig Tonic P.lit, i truly ss'oui hmg. It j is no vain o.'ua to say this medicine has jt .ved by j its hap; y in the cure of a vaiuty vf d.Beasra ! to whu li !h.' human frame ia lia'de, lo be au j perinr lo the urmy J ro, ians b. fore the .jblc. ! Many nf these pu p r ,.i compt undeJ by in I uivi duals who ur po.iinc'j i ;n jrant of the myste. j r.psofihe l.u an s-lcm, ;;J meie p.etendeis :o l iitedicu! kn.i I. de. Dr. Horlico, however, ie ce.'o- b a:eJ i mong the Gt r nin fa.uby aa a man of the ; hifel.eel scielit.iic sltan m: tt', and t qually dlsiin I guishid tt.rou ;bout Europe, as a aucccsful u.cJical , practitiontr, kjni m st of toe yrara of a useful life in iho a.,u; of such knowledge at might pro i hem acta! to h s fellow creutur. s. In the pil.s which ne uiviiiiej, ana wr.icn near tu, name, the public are aurid of an article that pusses-as more than o dinary virluta. From the acknowledged talents of ihia inventor, n. esa lhau a good article roulJ b eXK-cielj anj tho ixperience of many years has iilTiri'ed denioos'rsfion of the rtuea vf hii inidiii.,e. I.i Geimany and other pari of Eu ro, c, it, r utation is c.l .bl aln-J, In this c untrv into whuh il has but liein recently introduced, il is r ipidly Ksiniiig ihe ino.-t substantial leputalion. The num. lou.cerl ficatis nf runs of the mo.t otwti.ate doe s flvcltd by the use of Hsrlich's Pills, which the propii t.r is von.lanlly roeeivuig, is proof of the fact. Diy after day l.e receives new testimouuta of the r r tTj -ry, and week after week increases the demand bit lh in. Till is not Diere assertion; in. numuiable cerl.ficste are open for Ihe liisp.x lion of the j ul. he, and the doubts of any who are skeptical, can le rc.D..ved by examining then at lie office of the proprietor. U e lake the li'urty, then, of suggesting; to every family, that they make use of Dr. Hsrlich's Pills. Let ibnu keep supply constantly on band, to I ud whi n oore.iou uVoian.ta. aod Ihey will rrcie the most u.nq dvucsl prxils if utility. MtdiCui D fiitr. I'linripal nfli e for the t'oited Biatrs, No. 19 N'orl i t.ig'iih s iel, Phi's le!ph:s. W.-.iem Itrp l. So. 41. t Clair a'reef, Pifa turgb. lf:.KV ViiXIHriMER. IK ol.l t 140. .V"'-