OCR Interpretation

Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. [volume] (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, July 03, 1841, Image 1

Image and text provided by Penn State University Libraries; University Park, PA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85054702/1841-07-03/ed-1/seq-1/

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m:iuis or the "amuucuv
s roi
josenr eisei.y.
Prni.tRnr-.as aku
. .It.lSSEit, r.ditor.
orrici i mtT btrket, niar Bi.ru.)
THR ' AMERICAN" is published every Pnlur
.lay nt TWO DOLLARS per tnnmn In lie
aid Imlf yearly in advance. No paper disoouiiu
jcd till ALb aires ragis are paid.
No subscription received for n less period than
ix mostiih. All communication or l-Hrr on
ausincfis relating to (ho office, lo insure attention,
must be POST PAID.
'J'lic following exhibits the genius and talent of a
mis port, of one who is destined to render himself
inmortnl by his inspiration. There is a moral lo
t, an inspiration, winch should stir up the aoul of
very lilwral minded and iiil?lligenl being i lUmtvn
Advantage of taking IVewspnper.
I know (wo friends, M much ahko
As e'er you sew two stumps;
And no phrciinlog st could find
A dillcttiicu in tin ir bulling.
One took the prtpers, and his life
Wns happier than a king's')
Ills children ull can rend mid write,
And talk of nit u and things.
The other toidt no papers, nnd
W bile strolling tluoimli the wood,
A tree fell down tipou his crown,
And hull him, us it should !
H id be been rcmlinir of the novva
At home, like neighbor Jim,
In t u cent tins nee-id. tit
Would not befallen him !
Absolute acquiescence in the decisions of I he
msjori'y, the vital principle of Republic, from which there U no npp. at but to fore-, the vita! p,i. Ip nnd immediate parent orde,p,(iHm.-JrrSHS
Siinbuo, oiUitJinhrMaiKl t o. VkU sulimlay, July , lis II.
mmrTmmfmmmmmmw,mwitmn mm utm u mii4 wn
Vol. I Au. LI.
Here cnurj a pause, nnd the brother said
"Well, why won't tliey associate wilh her, Anna,
I hope she has not lircp gu lly of impioper or-im-moral
'O, no! nothing or that. I never heard the
slightest reflection on her charaeter," replied the
sister. "Uut, then, gonleel young ladies don't
woik in Ihe kitchen; and she does. Anil, besides
this cull on her where you will and rhe ia always
doing something. Why, 1 have been lold that she
has even been seen at (ho Chamber windows,
tvill be considered on a level with her. I w.nil.l
ill? any thing to oblige you, but, indeed, I would be
ritkiuir, loo much hoie "
'Vou would only be breaking I misc," replied the
brother, "from the slsvory yon are now In tn false
notions of what is tuily genteel. If any one esteems
you less foi being kind, attentive nnd courteous, to
one against whom no suspicion lias ever Jjrcd to
bii iillic a word, mid whose vt bole life is a bright
rxnippte of the pure and high-toned principles
that govern her, that one is unwiolliv of vour re-
: nierdy in a studied uud artificial elegance of bclu-
er fays that she saw her once wall the ; vmur. hut in tmvar.l nmiiv mi. I ii,. ir..n
sense of wh it is tight, and xhibiiii themselves
From the l.imhviHe City 'Vo:
A Kldillr,
It's said I am Hot lawful,
Vet lawyers nnd judges uto me.
It's said 1 am not pious,
iStill most of clergy choose me ;
Most men call me n dainty thing,
Forsooth ull latins dun me.
Ami young men say I'm plentiful,
fnill suuie gills ahum to liuu me.
I am young, I am old,
I am timid and bold.
And u fiiend or a luo
Wheiever I go.
From what I've said you will perceive,
All kinds of treatment I receive.
The young and ol.l, the good and bad,
Too often vex and make nic mad.
But soon seain, wliene'r I speak,
A auiile ol pleasure decks tlio clioek.
I can't but tlouk there aro but few,
Who do not know me wi II.
Concerning you I know ils true,
Then lore my name ph ase tell.
fronting on the public street, w ith her hrnd tied up gard. True gentility docs not exist, my i t. r,
sweeping and making tip the beds! And Claiis
sa Spi
patlor windows open, sweeping and ducting like a
i-eivant! rs'o Ixnly is going lo associate, or be seen ill their nnturul cxleiii I expresnion. The real
in street with any one that hain't the spirit lo lie lady judges of utheis from what lliey niC, and neg-
almvc the condition of a hireling. And beid. s j ba ts none but the v. iilul y ilepi.aved. '1'iuo, thcie
this, whenever she was invited to ba'ls ur panics, , ore .lin iuetions in sm ieiy, and there are lines of
ho never would stay later than leu or cloven o'- j social deinaicatinn and all this is tight. Hut wo
clock, which every one knows to be vulgar. Some, j should be rar.ful into wh,t soci.d sphere wo nre
body had to go home with her, of course ; and the drawn, and how wc sull' r ourselves to he iiilluoncc.1
choicest beau in the company was almost sure to j by the r.tso Lotions of leal worth whic i prevail in
have his gooil nature uud his politeness taxed f.M- ! s mie circles ih it pn.fesj a high d -gtce of gentility,
this purpose. Once I heard her soy, that -ho con- j f hoM that every one. no mailer whit may I his
sidered the theatre an unfit pi ice lor any young la- j or Let coud.lioii in lite, ful tj act a true put it
i'y ; she olleudcd the whole company, and ha-, nev- j not engaged in doing something uneful. Lri me
ei been invited lo a patty among gcntnl peoi le put it tn yout natural rooJ sens-, which d,i you
j think the most deserving piaue, C.iroli.ie Murry,
"And is that ull!" said William Unfit IJ taking , v. ho solids her time in "doing s.niM'thinn usciul"
a lour; breath. j lo her own family ; or your friends, the Misses Eh-
' Ves, and I should think that was enough, in ell , 'ly and I'lliivilliams, and those con-tiiutina i1k;t
c.O!icii iiee," repl ed ihesct.r. : pjrticul.ir circle, who t tprct seivicc frnni ulher,
should I, Arnu, to make me icpctt hct." . but never think ofrendcing sov, and who car-v
their prejudkes .o far as to i:oe n ho woik'"
Anna did n,.t ui-'y, nnd h-r broltu r s.imI
"Neither," replied Anna, promptly.
l int is only jumping the quo-tinn," ho (aid,
smiling. "Uut to comer you so that lln io cm Ih
no escape, I will confers that i have made up my
mind to mariy one of the llnee. Now tell mu
which you would r-ther it w..uld be."
"(.'aiohno Mmry," -ial Anna, emph ilieallv,
while her rheeks burned, and her eyes betsiuo
sightly Mill used.
Wll'iain Eiifu ld tli.lnot leply to the h p d for. j
1 lie tirvM MVI11 Case.
W u lojirii from a London papor, that
llit: will of James Wood is still in litiga
tion lotwt.-tMi llio heirs nnd legatees un
der tlio will, tiiid ccrlain persons who
claim to In; legatees under a paper pur
poriiii to lie a eodicil to his will. The
eusts incurred in (ho I'celesiastical
courts, exceed .l.'."0,OfM. Tliu costs nf
t'Ru r.s or aim r.m i3jC.
I situare 1 insertion,
1 dn 2 ; do ")
I do 3 do
l-'verv atihsrriuent in -rrli, n,
fri 50
0 75
1 no
o as
lie; i.eii'liii'' ant'cal hefure the trivv
.i. i i ... . .. ..t . .
io ii is.ncr uiiex.oeel.al a.lui..on, Lot sloop., g ,;rnJMnl will lie eilOVIIloll.-i. The lees
down, he kifatdhei giowi, tbeek, uud whipeud a lone' w liich have been Lrivcn (it the litl
III liet ear
Then sdio sliall be your smier, and I know you
will love one miolln i."
memos counsel, with their briefs, a-j
mount to belwtcn 5,00(1 and 0,000!
pmiii'K j iirj Attoriiev dencm! s liriet
Yearly Adrrlis.?menl, fwith the rrivilrre H
allerutiofcV one column 5 half column, flS,
three s.piares, Iwo Bqunrut, j'J ; one square,
So. Without tlie mi legs ui alteration a hltral
diremml will be inadei w-
Advertiscmrnta left wlthntit directioha an to t!;
Icn-lh of limotlic nre to bo pub i-he.l, will be
continued until ordered out, and charged accord
irigly. ; "
Cj"Sixlccn Hires mnkn squire. : -
Short Patent Scinitm.
' At the particular request tf the cdi
tor of the Kahway Herald, 1 vjH
preach, on this occasion, from the fob.
lowing text ;
If yotl aie hnnrtt honorable men,
O.i ye tti.d pay the printer.
If you ate dishonefct, low-minded sons
ol JSiitan, I don't suppose you will ever
pay the printer as long as you have no
reputation to loose no character to
sustain and no morals to cultivate.
But. let me tell you, my friends, that if
you don't do it, your paths to the ton, b
will be strewn with thorns: vou wiil
lie s.,i,i in.lv. i..i,, i if... ; ...i.,.i man .t- i t,-.. i "iive to sawier your uaiiy ti.od lroin
ol.ne Mur.y as his brido, and he, good Seine, and ! ton's !00 i-uinen"; Sir V. Vnllock's T.dO fT'''3 .V0Ur II"I,J: VV.lh
winning gentler ,.f cl. .racer, i.uluenoci An,,.,. ' .:i,.fis . Si,- Wm IY!ots'. Dr. J tle Jytary, Dm . Vcu youre! vos .11
nnd eiitetuuliy counter n te J the fal-e notiou- winch J moi'e's. Dr. Addnms's, and two or three
were iMginning to corrupt a goo I he irton I to me'-' nilicrs, I0() frnineri"? caeh : and tin ad
shadow a sound jn lgjinit. It n t bma U'lor- d iii.ivi I fee, (called a "refresher,") va-
she was fully sei.s.blc of the leal duf r e i ich , i' iter from 1 0 to 1 5 fuincas, is daily
;iven tn each counsel during the inqni
rv. The amount of interest w hich has
'Why VY ilium!"
"Why, Anna !"
")3ut seriously, William,' you cannol be m ear
ned!" "And seriously, Anna, are you in ean.cat !"
"Of course I am."
"Well, sister, I'm airsid mv nld-fsshioned ni-
Frtim the Lmli's Jtjak.
G i:tii.itv.
HIT. luriiua.
j "I am V farncM, filter, h u I ray, tint you
I Cannot confer a -ireatcr favor upon your h oilier,
j lliun logo with him t ee Caroline Murry. Can
Dot I induce you to comply nh my wn-he.t"
I will go," bin, replied to this anneal, and then
turns, for such 1 suppose you will call them, and j hurried away, evidently no little di-mrbid in her
your new fancied nution, for such 1 must call j feelings.
them, will nut (.'mine well together. All lhat-1 j In half an hour she was r.-ndy, and, taking hei
have hea.iii you allege against Caroline Murry, t brother's arm, wa suou on the way to Miss Erne?
tnises instead of lowering her in my estimation, So tine F.berly's icsi.leiicc. That young ladv icceived
far as a gentle, nnd truly lady-like deportment is them with all the graces and fashioua' le airs she
concerned, I think her greatly superior lo the two could usume, nnd eiiieilaine.l them with an occ
Iriends you have named as pinks id gentility. Menial spice of envious end ill liatuud remaik.
Anna looked into her brothci's fice fr 8l)rnr ; "owing that her biuther was a clo,e d.sc.imiiia-
moments her countenance exhibiting a ti.inghal ,t)r' "lul hl" J" ' " ""'"l" l'rcpo-re,scd in
expression of surprise and diMippoiuliiicn'.
"Uut you are not goina lo walk with her in the
strret any more, I hope," .-he at length said.
'And why not, Anns ?"
"Deeause, a I have said before, she is not pen "
"fieiiteel, you were g.'ing to any. Out ihat al
legation, you perceive, Anna, has no weight wi:h
nic ; I do not consider it a true one."
'Well, we won't talk any more about ii jost now
for it would be no use," said the sister, changing
there was bele, u t;;r i h ir icier of hei two lian.ls
nnd lit Jt f hei bioth-i's wife; and nisi Ivtvv.ci
true and latse eou'ili y. A!th n?h I'.roliii.- Muny
ha I been prosriihcd by a cc.lain cncle in v hieh I .-e
pnde, iiiht.-ad of pimc p!e, tv is the goveliiing uioiive.
lie had still li. cti t. -teemed iiinong thorewhn kn.w
how In I mk la yond the siiifjee. As the wile of
KnfiolJ, -he nt oinc tiok n Wloit in eir b s where
tho..e who had p isse.l her by as unw .rtliv wood
have soii 'ht in vain for admission, a' .! in lho-e cii-
cles fho (.hone a. a bright partieu'ar st it.
never enjoy the blessings of health. I
once called on a sick person wheui the
doctors had (riven up as a rione cae, I
asked liim if be had made his peace w 'uh
his Maker, lie said be thought he had
s'juaied tip. I inquircJ if he liaci foryi
II hi enemies, lie rc.hed, e?.
I I .1 v i it uii un -lVllll;. lit iv,i;in.u, ii.,
acc u n i ateil on the oronertv " I lv the . .. ' , ', .
. , . . I i ; J , ,.:irv,, ,1 llicu askeu nun it lie had u.ado ina
ie-taior s nice ins t eat l, exceuti j.vrw,- . . , . . . Ir , . . .
r . ., ., peace vttli Ins printer. Hi hesitated
0un. f Alb. Adv.
A Nut ron 1?otmt. -It is related
peace villi ois printer, lii .icsilutcit
for a moment, and then said be believed
ho owed him somethinir like about two
dollars and lift v cents, which he debit ed
A Ilo) ul Dinner.
II s Mainly was not a gross h itler.
II. b muftis
. r . . . 1. a r .
m n I.ue io e.n pnper, mat a t.cr.tiu., , . . , , , , Lf0oJ.,,.. .
.11.1 , i ii. i . i .
nm wuuu. ins uiMiL ;,s immiiuai.
ly gratified ; and from that momet.t l.e
became convalescent. lie v how Lv
imr in the eniovmcnt of health and u-
i . . i . . ..
ooiamt. in s t in i itii'j iiu' ie-'.-e'iiii.i- j wurJ
nicit tne r.nnsii t oiony to me owttti
Kivpr, diseoveretl there a plant, the
llower of which, wanned by the rays
of the un. rrave out at intervals, a
, . .: .1.... ....!...!... I u.. ...
were aci nded bv the "Nan7 ," o, sie srd of the P"1" tmnu in i uu cmi.... u pui -
i, ,.....i. 1 1 ...i,.. . i . . ..r sons who smoke tobacco. 1 ho learn-
them.md is nnvwera'.le for toeir tie.ng unmix al w l'i
cd traveller was at first verv mm h a-
larmed when he saw the smokins; llow -
phed on t ie trav.are sealed by j :,,1'J thHl?M He lia.1 lallc.l into an
amuuscaue oi savage.
"Did'nt I see you walking p.st the stieet with a
young lady, yeMeiday, William !" said Anne F.u
fuld to her lumber, who had but a few days before
relururd fiuin New Voik, alter nn ab ei.ee ol some
"IVihaps you did ; I was in cirnpiny with a her voice and manners ; and so I will change the i ,i,timn oul lt ne PxMnseot I'sroluie Mu
voung ludy in the afterno u, icpbctl too orollier, suoj.cl. I want you lo muLo ut .lloi two wan me
"Well, who was she! I ilid not m'k ou until this morning
vou had passed the store I was in, uud lueii I dil 1 "On whom!"
her liieud's favor, Anna Iicim-I; observed her m..re
narrowly, and, as it were, with hieves. It seemid
to her that Mi-s llbeily iiev.r w.isao uninteresting,
or so m il-ajnopos in w list she said. The call on
pbeiine I'it.ivilb nns came next in lurn. Scan
t.iiig her also with other ey.s than hei own, Anna
was disappointed m her very drnr fuen.l. tshe
looked thioiigh her, nnd was pained 1 1 see that tln-re
was a hollowness and want of any thing like line
strength oi i xeellnice of character about her. Par.
tirul ar!y w as site d splesseil at a Rraiutious sneer
ry. And
j now, with a relu' -lar.ee which she could not over
' come, Anna tinned iih her bioiher tow-aids the
Covers, bein
the "XaU7.it," and he ficcompanirs thein lo the
royal presence; being placed on the "sofrj," which
is a shawl, on the ground, be bre ika tho sesl, nnd
then his Msjesiy dips his fniDrrs in the cl.i-ln-s
Having s-ceitaiiird tl.e r qinlnv, he luiies his
kuuikles in the 'chilou,' or mountain of rice, ol
which he is veiy loud. ISotlnng mu-t I e served that
rcq'iiies csrvitijr. tx-vond pu hu; the liiu'o ol ( owl
with the (inr'r., foi even Majesty never eleiyiia lo
use a spoon, f.uk or pla'e. Al a respectable dis
tance stand- the 'llakeen bashee,' or chief hvsi
cldii, to natch the royal feeding, and o prekTialss
an in-tant remedy th-nild his Majesty choke biin-i-ell,
ureal anything to diai-rre with him. The
hour of dinner is between eight and nli.e. 1'oiv
Ict's Three Yenrs in Peisis.
Iloirli I.ait ls.
W'c publish for the inspection of out
Pi.orKS'ios l Orrici !tv. Among
the persons arrested by the London po
lice tast year, it is o'licially statetl, there
were 'JS' lawyers, 7'J medical men, t3f
musicians 1 1 1 1 painters and 5!t) prin
ters. The singular tlisproportion exhi
bited here, can hardly be explained, ex
cept that w ;tnt begets crime, and artists
nre often anion": the needv and necessi
rvvers arc as charv
of tl
not eo her f,ue.
"It was Carolino Murry ; you know- her I sup
pose." "Caroline Murry! Whv, brolli.-r what were
you doing in her i-ompany and Anua'o lace cx
prcrscd unfeigned ustoiit.hinent,
"Why, you really, surprise nic, sister ! t hope
theie is no blemih on her character, lint what is
the matter! I feel concerned to know.
"Tlieie's nothing much the matter, brother ; but
then, Caroline Murry is not genteel. We di.fi't
think or keeping her compiiny.
"Indeed ! and you don't associate with her lie
cause she is not getiU-ol. Weil, if 1 am any ju Igo
of gentility, .una, Caroline Murry is about as
genteel ej lady like as any girl 1 know alwavs
e,e,(iiing, uf couisc, my own dear sister."
'Why, lumber, how do you talk ! You don't
cettainly pielcnd to compare her with Htucsiinu
Y".berly and ".eplnrino Kiizwilliains, whom you
have seen hcie several tiines !"
"TS'ol do not," replied the brother, emph.ilie.dly.
1 " Wi II, they're what t calt genteel j uud Caroline
Murry wouldn't bo tolerated in ilm soe'ety wheie
tl.ey v i-.it."
'And why not, sistet 1"
"llav'tit I told you ? Decause she is not con-
udercd genteel ; and that is the leason."
"Hull don't unih'istand what you consider rn
teel, Anna. If I know what gentility means, Car
oline, as far as that i concerned, is in every way
mfcrior to Ernestine JSbcily and Zepherino Fit
Williams." " ".Vow, William, that is too bad If any other
man had said so to me, I would never have spoken
to him again es long as I lived."
"Dili seriously, Anna, what do you mean by geu-
tiiuy V a. ied thcbiolhir.
"Thai's a question more easily asked than an
swtcd; but you know, as well a 1 do, what is
Uieunt by gentility. I'oery body knows."
'I know what I mean by it, A una. And it deems
that we do not ague nu the subject; for I coll
Caroline Murry genteel, ami you don't-, so you
ee that different things may be called by the same
name. Now, what I wish lo know is, what pre
cise meaning you attach to tha word ! or, why
yuU do not ihink Carolino genteel !"
Why in the fiisi place, she don't go into gen
te'.l eoinpmv. People oflhefiist lank won't a
sociaie with be.,"'
"On MUt liberty, and Mi-s Fiizwilh.tms. i
"It wouldn't 1 e right for nic to do so, would C !
You know I don't eonsidei them 'etiteel," said the !
binthit with ullicle.l gravity. '
"O, noliseuHQ, biollitr ! why will ymi Irille so V I
"lint seiinu -ly, Anna, I do not ronidi r that ih.u-e .
young Uilies have any more stmiig claims to g.-n. ;
lility; and, like you, 1 have no wi-h to aociale
wilh those who are not genteel."
"If you talk ill thai way , William, I shall g I ;
angry with you. I cannot hear my moNt iuinii ate :
fiiends spoken of so huhlly J and at the same tcne,
accused of a want of gentility. You must lenn ni
ber that you io rellocliiig upon your sister's asso-ciaies."
You must not, and I know you wiil not, get aligiy
re-iilonee i f the young l.i.'y who bid lost ca le, la:
e.iuse lle bad good sense and wns iinln-triou-.
"I know my si-'.ei's lady I ke cliai.icti r will prompt
hei to right action in our ueet call," sa d the brother,
looking into Anna f ice wilh an encourjping smile.
Xhe did not replv, et she felt so.nrhow or other
pleased with tho remark. A few minutes' walk
brought lliein to the d.i r, and they were preserit'v
uidicicd into a neat parloi in whi 'h was the young
lady Ibey Were seeking, lie sat near a window,
uud was sewing. She was pliiuly dressed ill com
parison with the voting I ulies jut called tipnn ; bill
in neatness, and in nil that constitutes the lady in
uir and appearance, in every way tiiet" stipeiior.
"I lalieve you know my ai-tet,"said Kufnl.1, on
presenting Anna.
i law as physicians are of their own m
! dicines.
Tho uichmond fctarsays: "A gen
tleman, lor whose wont we vouch, has
just returned from C'hKli'lottsville, and
informs us of the extraordinary fact,
pcrity at peace with his own cip
science, his Cod, and the whole worlJ.
,ct this he an example for you, my
friends. Patronize the printer; tui"?
tho pajiers; pay for them in advance ;
and jour da swill be !.n upon 1. c
earth, and overllow wiili the honey i f
iIy hearers! Tny all your d'jbts ai d.
keep an honorable reckoning w ith yc-i.r
fellow men ; but above ; !i keep pay i: y,
by daily instalments, that everlastir 4
debt of gratitude which you owe to him
from whom you obtain capital siifficiti.t
to bei;in the first transaction of life; t-o
j that when you Come to balance ar
j cou.nts at the day of general settlement,
1 all tJiiivTs may appear fair above board.
fSo mote it be !
Dow, Jn.
?dr. the well known delineator
of Yankee character, has been lectur
ing in IJostun on the manners, cusiorr.i
j Aie. of New Jnrrhnd. In one of hs
.I! .... l. .1.. t .1.. (...! .. .
,1,... .1....... i. i;, i... il.;.t ..l.i.T. :. oiMiiuiscs 1:1; U1US I lOtllO II I C V, s i y a 1 ; uu c s
relets, the lollowing extract Iron, the , wm, 4,ue ,lumlVcJ arlJ I to Jonathan's capability of turning Lis
uonaou un. 11 is wonuv oi caiciui. . ....... i i,; inienis io acrowni mi an suuauons ;
.M-wthoVhor thud set o'f teeth. JSLe ! ,;n ? him on a rock in the
..ie 1. I,...- ,1 v.tiii.. r.,.i -..,.1 i nudst ot the ocean, with a pen4;nife
..IIW.4.J, I... J ...HIV., .... I.t 1, -I- 1 I ..
aim a Dunots 01 sninr'ie?, ne MOiiici
perusal. 'I'bere are many such places
in our own I'eiinsylvani.i, that are now
(nnsideted of hltle alue. l'or our
selves, we ihink were we lo pureh tse
lands 111 iViuv U ania now, we wemld
senrch for the hilly and louoli country,
as the tlav is A far distant, hen near
ly all our elevated trotiiids will be
found to be tiili'd with cual or iron.
Tho Kail IJoads and (Canals of lViin.
svlvauia, ihiilv brings our unuuitain
lands nearer lo a market. 1 his slate
h iinU'ittio new front teetli: a most ex
traordinary circumstance, but of its
triuh there is no doubt."
Tiik Wm.sii PoKcinF. Yovtii.
This woiiilerlul production ef nature,
-ays an Knglish paper, is now "exhibit- j
in the town of ivtnhin. His name is j
'l ttomas Jones ; be is about 10 years of 1
1 4c oi iieaunv appearance, arm 01
manage to work bis way on short.
He sells Salmon from Kennebec to tbo
people of C!rarleston ; haddock " froth
from Cape Cod," to the phntcrs of Ma
tanas; raises coffee hi Cuba; swap
mules nnd horses for molasses in Porto
lico; retails ice from Fresh Pond, in
Cambridge, in the East Indies nitittun
from liiighton at Aew Orleans ar.d
will embra.-e much ol the rich co il and , apt rchetis'ion. three feet three in- i !s",'lr',I A,11"r ' ; niaiwlaaur -ur-iron
i.-Moti .f Amertca. Seulmel. 'i aml w), js h(((,Vt uith lje cXm j us Multicanhs lor the Governor ot Ja
A very cTtr.oi.s ilocument has. w ilhn. j u,Jt)i Wl6 fiU.c IU1J lho of lis 5 con.cs an adm.ral in lorp,g?
"..... ,1...... U...... . ,...,m i.rK. 11 . ' ....... nltlillw ttnil.: in ;i fr.r .: K.slir I ii"!
nnd the coiitra-t was 111 no vvav Ijvoial.le ! iho hit-
' let. Tl,e conveisatl.-ni wss n lop'rs of or tini'V
I inleie-l, but did not oik e degerter ale into fiivohiy
with me, sister speaking plainly ; afid speaking us 1 ''v '"w iin" " '"l'1''
I do. I am in earncsU And, you must aUu .e j pteasanl, utiembsr assed smile, exituding at iho
member, that, in saying what you did of Caroline name lime her hand.
Murrv, you spoke .f one with whom your brother ! Miss Knf.etJ lisak the etfered hand will, less re.
has associated, and with whom he w .nil willing to lclanee th in alie had imagined she eouid hula few
associate " ' ',,m'" '"ef.re. Noun how 01 oilier, I.' in.lnie scrmed
Anna looked very seiiotis ut (his, 1101 could she 1 to her lo lie very much cbaniie.l for the letter 111 mai.
fiatno in he. own mind a iu,.ly lltat wu to.l.alory ! n.-r nnd iippenrances. And .-he could not In Ipdui
lo her. At laal she said ing nil the visit, .haw ing e.-nuasls iK tween In r and
"Uut, seriously, William, wou'l you call 011 the two very .loir Ir ends -he bad ju-l called upon
1 hose young ladies with me !"
" if, on one condition.''
"Well, wbst is thai V
"NMiy, ouconJUmn thai you will, al'lerwaids, ' or reiisorioiisnes. I ion I seu-e n.aiiileslcl is If in
call With nte, and see Cii.ihi.e.Muiry." : a'mo.t cverV M-ntenee thai Caioliue uttered, and llii-
-1 cannot do lhat, W illiam," she replirj iti a a-so appar to Ann 1 lb .1 -he could n .l help
positive tone. ' f''juciiilv no'ieing tnd invuluntiuily aj proving i'.
"And why not, Anna 1" j "W hal u pity," Am " om e or twice remsilcd lo
I have already lold you." ; hcisell, that she will be so .uij-ular."
"I cannot perceive the fore of that .eison. An- i 'ihc call w.i hut a briif one. Anna p.rt.d w.l'i
na lint, if you will not go with mo, I nuiKlilrcliiie ! v'ar.dine under a dilfeu ul impies-ioii of her eb.r
gotng wilh you. The aoe-U-ty uf Miss Muny can- " tei than flic had ever l elore enlertaiiiril. Al.er
nol be more repulsive lo you, lliun is thai ol tin. : lu r n tu.11 v. id. hei l i.oli. 1, he asked her this s'mipl
Mis-ea Khcrly and Fiiiwilliainslo mo." -ruitiou:
"You dcti't tinow whal you aie talking aOout j "W hich of the young ladles, Anns, of the t'.iee
William." w called upon ibis looming, would you ptetei to
these lew nays, nee., uisco.cu a- ,,.1ldi is CIllllL.v tx.erc.l with thick
mongst the ancient reeoids at (.1.; .Shall. .(my tiloniS sim-,.ir to of a .,or.
II IS a eoillliici llittue; ncinvLii iiuiiss
I. and his Privy Council 011 one part,
and the corporation of the city ot Lou
don on th'j other, in which the King
makes over in mortgage to the Corpo
ration several far tracts ot I rown i
hinds in the counties of Northumber
land. I3urii.im, York. occ. for certain
loans of money lo him. amounting to
irurc than JJ;I0i,0iK of the then cui rcn
. .. . ...ii 1 . .
ev. tint 1111: umoriunaie iUon.it en ik
nations; utarta in a cocivle-Fhcli trait
of lifleen tons, loaded with onions, mac
keici, and other notions, (too ncmercua.
to nicniion) Jor A ulparaiso ; I nits bis
cuiiino or Ledirehoir. lie sheds them
I ....tl.- n..i I'mole 1t.tl1r.11t rii.-
illUUU.VHV, IJ-'I. ,1 MII..II.II ...tv-v.. u.., . . . . . . , ., ,
pan,; and the foots remaining in the i ral,s 011 v.er' matches w.l.I
It, . 1 1.. .11.. 11". c...... i boasts m Africa for Alacomjr Cc Cos
IJV.-I1. j1 1 ' li,,llJ . s 111.. ....IVj
lcn::ih and hardness. He is born of
Welsh paicnts, in the parish of Ivilrbe
din, Pcmuto-ihire.
Hvj'i.oi noi iA. The Xew York Son
( iiand Caravan ; seiis lanite on eon
traet to rcbuihl .San Juan de I'lloa it
ready, like Ledyard, to start for Tim
bucloo "to-morrow morning; cxilr
himself for years from home, to yketch
. it..,;.- .... .. ii.ni,...:i i .. ....
. , . . , 11 i- .1 111 me n en vv urn: ue,, uivj vv uu 11, t
nnbtishes he ie-lowing recipe lor the -., , 1 1 . 1 .
,. , , , . .1 .. ,t ,,., of the woods, and astonsihes letu.-.d
, , , . . C L O o II l O I o I liioi 11. oil u.t ti'.iu ie'i 11 1 . ., . 1 . e
ver havmg had the power 01 ivueem- a u ,u u sll,.CL.ssfl;iv j oPe with the secmaig presence .f
ing tliese l,i, s they bc'.oac Ws us,,,l1(V s,Vt,,, and w 1,., states I "i Tyvt 'l
part of the Ciiv etal'js; and see oral ' ,, ., n,.;mni I Aletternich, ho asks lurn, "WhatslU
v....rs i.li.Tev:.ids. lindiii' that from , V , , news :" says, -how do vou do, marn,.'
- - - - - . : uiiici! was 011::'. 1 v a 1 u 1 o'. vv ue 1 , -. . 1 r
very wo .nit ,1k.,I. Tl..- no. i-ii.u..n is lbs. I
I 1 . . I 1 ... 1 1 1 1 . ,t..e.v. t 111 I ..... I I
"ITin't is my own impre-aion abeul ymi. Uut
come, novs', sister, let us be rational leeael. either.
I am willing to go wilh you, if you will go with
Yea, tnit, William; you don'llefleet, Ihsl in do.
ing as you desire me, I will las in danger of losing
call your sittei 7"
Aiiiiu looked up, bcn ilder.Nl and surprised, into
the face ofln r brother lor a fe.v momeuts, and the 11
"I don't undeistand you, Im other Willi 1111."
"Why, I ihoughll a Jvsl a . pi on u..tiou
my piesenl position In aoeiety. Caroline Murry I Put 1 will make it plainer. W hi. h one f 'he
is not esteemed genteel in the circle iu which I Ihiee young holies w ailed nmlhis morning,
more, and if 11 should be kno.vn that I vuil her, 1 J would you aJoss wc to 1"
mu atioi. dLsooM-'d oi the citv interest in
r- .
them to the aneostors of tlie great co il
fiol.l proprietors, n't eif ciiur-e haeing
the .slightest idea that they Were throw
out eif their bands the riche.-t an I
llriMnir.K. An elderlv contlpmin
1 I .... J c
e'leoamp'ine out poun-i gra- s travelling in a stftge coach, was amuse-l
boil il iu One euai t of mdu I Kv ,.,ov i;Uit fire of words kenl nn I v
hre; to io two ladies. t)ne of th.em at last ka;.i v
taken at three doses one on getting 1 it M-tii rerl if tLHr conversation did 1.. t
t"J f.ue
ter nail an hiiur oera slow
out of bed 'each' morning for ihree
most profitable m I ,ng an.!, w iie.,1 ,,.,., f:istill., u,r tuo or ihree bom s
would long since have producer! them .- .Josc'
a net pioiit of above .C ldO.ntiO per an- ' ' '
num. The document is nuite perfect, Smxr.R Act. A Alan iu tho Alms-
make his hed tu be w hen heanswti.
ed with a great deal of naivalte, i
nittdam, 1 have been married twe-ntv
ei"ht ears."
md is very well wiilt-n. The King's j hou-c i:i Uoxbty v. (Aiass.) reeont.y , -That's a 111-sMoJ.aiion of the Snb-
signature-, Charles U. is m a inn; nee
band, and the signatures of the inein
hers of Council at the fool vf the deed
are easily enciphered, but are remarka
ble for the diversity of the baud writing.
That of PueLiftgham is tjuite dillercnt
from the others ; it very free, but in
god taste. The Koval beal is afliscd
ti. the d. ed, and the f'eaU of tbf signing
Privy Councillors are appended b!.c-wiiC."
hlleei hioiselfby thrusting a broom atiok j i)alh,- sai.i laht .Sunday, ns V
down Lis t!iieat. 1 MW a n;ul. tarry ir. g a Lig iidiile into .1
Tin liostoK Atias, tiuUdiiig tho Jelita duitu I Cilllt'cll.
The oiu Lein'a WniKi.. Ah ! Jerry,"
a goinl inairon to her son, iben an eiaineiU Judge r-
a neig'.bo ing State, ah. Jerry, you needn't de-p.
the wheel, jr I spun many day to ceuj you t
J'.TTts-TsTrii. Jamea '1 itilu was married '.
, Susju'l'atel, iu JScivbuiypjil, Mis-, lha oihet d.f.
the isliil-luJiiiicnt, wassuld l iu new proprietor for
fr.J.CuO. In a ptcuuiaiy point of view, it djuU
lestaisoueof the U101I dii14 eslebiislum i.ts in the
Sirmrsni ru said tote living In preal ohsru
il .111. 1 want in London. TUa way of lh Irans
gt'stot is haiJ.

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