Newspaper Page Text
aWS Glmita In Olilrn Times. A correspondent of tho Brooklyn Advertiser, n reforriiiif to a Into loctnre "by Professor Silli man, Jr , who mentioned the discovery of an e tmrmous animal of the liturfl tribe, megninjr K0 foci in length, from which ho naturally in ferred, ns no living specimen had been found, that all animals had prcntly derrpnernted in size, confirms tho supposition by referring to tire his Tory of giants in the olden time, of he Tiirniehcs a list. From that, it teems thut we, of tbe pTesent day, ere comparatively dwarfs, when placed by the side of the thirty feet cen tleinen of nntiquity ! The shin bono of "Mr. Keiitolocus Rex,' described below, measured tour feet, and he, accordingtothe Abbe la Chap py, was just the height of a race of people call ed Wotiacks ! Verily there trcre giants in those days !' The giant exhibited in Ruuen in I7:l."s mcu sured over 6 feet. (Joriipius srnv a girl who was 10 feet hih! Tue body ofOrcstes was 11 J feet high ! The Giant Galbara, brought from Arabia to It-une under Claudius O.Tsnr, a near 10 feet. i'unnttinn, who livod in the time cf Eugene ! V I, mrnstircd 11 J feet. Tho Chevalier Scorff, in his voyage to the j Peak of Teneritlo, found in one of the caverns j of thai mountain, lliu head of Gnanch, which j bad W) teeth, ami that his body was not les9 j .thin l"i feet long ! I The Giant Ferrngus, sluin by Orlando, tie-j lievv; to Charlemagne, wsr eighieen feet hinli! ) In 1(51 4, near St. Germain, was found the j Tomb nl the Ginnt Isorct, wh ) was'Jtl feet high! j In 1590, near Rouen, they found a skeleton ! whose sUkII held a bushel of corn, end whose: body must have been IS feet !oig Pluterns, saw nt Lucerne, the liuman bones of a subject 19 feet long ! The Giant Bucart wan 22 f;el high ; his t ones were found in 170.), nour the bauksof the river MordeTi. In 1013, near a castle in Datsphino, a tomb was found 30 feet lung ! 12 wide, and b high, on which was cut on a grey stone the. words, "Koutoloclios Rex." The skeleton was found entire 27)), fret long, li) feet acrasx the should ers, and 3 feet deep from the breast bene to the back. Near Mazarino in Sicily, in 1j16, vvrs found a iulll()fttt high .' His head whs the sizo of a hogshead and each of his teeth weighed 5 minces. (Wonder if the dentists filled in with gulil in his day ?) Palermo in Sicily, in 151?, was found the skeleton of a giant 'M feet liing, and ano ther 33 feet high, in l.ViO. Query ! Iluw much did his tailor charge for his pants? Mr. Morse says in his Geography that there is upon the Rocky Ridge in the Island of Cey lon, a tomb of "iinniente length" but does not my how many feet. ug, ivin'oi uasnans oeusieau, www cuous long, which, acconling to Doctor Adam Chrke, A 1.'' , i Tl- I , l e - I . viia 1j feet. How long did it take him to get fileep all over ! Goliath of Gnh, was six cubits and a span 1 1 feet 3 inches. When the spies wetit to ex plute the country of the Cannanites, they re ported the children of Ana k as giants in whose presence they felt themselves to be but grass- hoppers, and ''just put foot for hoine," fir fear Unit they should all be devoured of the giants, tor the spies had said that they eat up the inha bitants of the laud. The Happy Farmkr. It does one's heart good to see a merry round faced farmer. So in dependent, and yet so free from vanities and pride, so rich and yet so industrious so patient and persevering in his calling, and yet so kind, social and obliging. There are a thousand no ble traits ubout his character. He is generally hospitable eat and drink wilh him, and he won't set a mark on you and sweat it out of you with double compound Interest, aa some 1 know will yuu are welcome. He will do you u kindness without expecting a return by way of compensation it is not so w ith everybody. He is generally more honest and sincere less disposal ti'ideul in low and undei hand cunning, t'latimany 1 could name, fie gives society its best support is the firmest pillar that supports tin; edifice ot government ho is the lord of na ture. Look at him in his home-spun end gray gentlemen! laugh at him if you will but believe nic, he can laugh back if he pleases. A Woman au in it lxi t:R. Thetc is more j reality than romance in the subjoined extract ' from a capital little sb.ry in a late number of tlio Knickerbocker : ! i "It is surprising how a woman w ill stick to I her betrothed 'against the field.' It I knew j that her lover had scraped his mother to death w ith an oveter-sbell, 1 should only make her a : too tor life by the really friendly act of giving the information. A woman in such a case will doubt the testimony of a a hole regiment under oath, and the evidence of her own senses into the bargain. Posides, if you cotild by some miracle, couvincJ her, you would secoiiiplish nothing, for she forgives even more obstinately titan sue behoves, and unless joti cii actually produce beforu lit r eyes a previous living wtte und live ehildieu, (all the trnua Jhle property ot her suitor,') you much b.-lter let her alone." Hope writes the puelry of the boy, but me- ' (uory thut of the mull. Man looks forward with ! Hiuiles, but buckward wtllisiejhs. Such is tho w ise providence of Hod. The cup of life is j ewectest at the brim, the flavour id impaired as j we drink deeper, and the drejrs arc made bit ter that we tnuy uui s'r r e when it is Liken liui.i our l.pu. ' II A TV It XOT1J LIST. n:vsYi.VAiii. The fallowing In! shows the current alun of nil Vnnsylvanis Hank Notes. The most implicit re l.anca miv le placed upon ft. as it iserery tueek -art fully compared wilh at d corrected from UKk ucll't Reporter. ttankft In IMilladclpliln. t Disc. l Viae, liOCiTIOS. NOTES AT TAT!. Bank of North America . , par Bank nf the Northern Lilierlies , . par (5nmmeroinl Hank of I'enn'a. . . pur Farmers' mid Mechanics' Dank -. "far Kensington It ink . par Philadelphia Hank . . par Schuylkill Hank . . . par Snuthwark Hank . . . par Western Hunk . par Mechanics Hank - pal Miinx-facttircrs' !t Mechanics' Dnk par Country Blanks). Rank of Chester dimity Hank of Delaware County Hank of Oermantown Hank of Montgomery Co. PiiyleHfcmn Hank Eas'ou ltiit.k Farmers' Hank nf Pucks ro. OI'i,-e of II ink nf f'eiiii'a. Westchester ('bestir (Scrmantown Norris'own Doj lestown Huston Dristol par pur par par par par par Harrishurg These OlTioo Oflit-e OlhYe do do do N O T E S Lancaster I offices do do AT Heading f do not l.aston DISCO I J issue n. N T. "ink of the United Slates 1'hiladi Iphia 2fi Hank nf I'enn Township . . par Hoard Dank I I Moyamcnsing D oik . nr Hank nf I'etinsv Ivatiia . . par Miners' Hank of Polthville Potisvilla J Hank nf l.eitown LcwiMown 1J Hank of Middletown Middlelown Bank of Northumberland N.irthtinilx-rljud par Ciihituhia Dank & IJridge co. ('olumliia par Carlisle liank Carlisle 1 Exchange Hank Piltsliurp j Dii ib) branch of llil!uluvtnrg j Favmers" Bank of l.nnrHstei l.ancisto par Lancaster t'ounty H ink Lancaster pir Farmers' Dank of Heading li. nding pai Ilnirif-lniiu Hank Harrislmrg ' Ijancas'er Hank Lancaster pi Leliannn Hank Lebanon $ Men hnnts' A- Mauuf. Bank Pittsburg i Hank nf I'iltslmrg 'itlhuig i West Dianch Dink Williainsport lj' Wynining Hank W'ilkeshano 1J Northampton D ink Alrentown Heiks County Dank Heading Oil'iee el Dank of I'. S. I'i!tsl'urg failed l),i do ilo l'rie do Do do do New Hriuhton do Kensinctnn Sav. Ins. A do I'enn Township Sav. Ins. do Hank of Cliamler!iurg Clnmberi-liiirg j Hal k ol (iellyshtirg (nttysl urg Hiink of SiiMjueliaiiiia Co. M.'.nlrose o Krie Dank Eric - Farmer oV Drovers' Dank Waynrslmrg 2 Franklin ttatik 'aohinctoo ILilicsdale ILnik Iloticsdalc 1 Miiiionualielii Dank of D. I trow nsville 1 Voik Dank York N. D. The notes of those hunks on which we .unit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, wilh the exception of those whih have a letter ot N ten nee. n It O K E N D A N K S. Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia Loan Co. ..!,. IL ,11 Siuu I.,.. l'hdadi Ij Ilia failed tubal f.iled failed tlo do DyiHi, prop.) Towund.t Dedford Doavct II ariishurg Wa-liingtou 1Mb finite 1'itisbiog I'nisburg Fayette co. (in eneast c llarmouy Huntingdon Lei istoiv u W .irien Diiudatt' New Hope Milior. Mtadiille I'ort ('uiboll Carlisle Montrose I 'nioiitown tin ensburg ilkesbane .'wmjifim ; Maliua IjBir Dank (T I I'owamla Hank W Alleghany Dank of I'd. D ink of Deaver Hank of Swatara Hank of Washington Centre Dank City Dank Farmer' ec Meih'cs' Farmers' & MccliY' Dank Farmers' ok Mcch'tV Dank Harmony Institute. Huntingdon Dunk Juniata Dank lumbermen's Duk Northern Dank of I'a. New Hope Del. DriJge Co. Northnmb'd I'nion Col. Dk. North Western Da-ik of I) Hire ot Sehnlkill Dank no sale closed t lost-d failed closed l-.o sale failed failed failed no sale no sule no sale failed no s'lle eb.sed no sale closed IV Aur. tV Manuf. liank Carlisle failed Silver Lake Dai k Montrose closed I'nion Dank of I'enn'u. I'nioiitown failed Westmoreland Dank (irtensburg cbi-ed Wilkcsharre Dritlge Co. Wilktsbane nossle fXj' All notes puipoiting to lc on any I'cnu-yl-vauiu Dank not given in the ubove list, may be set lown as frauds. m:iv ji.i'.suv. Hank of New Itiunswick Itelvideiu Hank Hurliii)Mou Co. Dank 'Jommereial Dank L'niuberland U u h Farmers' Dunk Furmt rs' und Mechanics' Dk Fanners' und Mechanics' lik Farmers' und Merehauts' Dk Franklin Dank otN.J. Hubokeu Dkg& ti'ruiiig Co lersty City Dank M eel. auii ' 15 ink Druustvick Delvideie Medf.rd Pi rib AiiiVy llrideton Mount Holly lahuy N. Hiunsu'uk Mi.bliiMuu l'i Jer-ey t 'ity Hob keti Jers, y Cily l:t!ert;Mi IMIetiile Moiristown I reehold Nl Walk l'r nton Ji isiy City failed J par I P" 1 par i failed failed fail, d failed failed laded i failed i par Manufactun rs' Dank Morris County Dank Momnouth Dk of N. J. Mtchutiics' Dank Mechanics and Mnriuf. 111. Monis Canal Slid Dkg (.'. Post Notes Newark Ukg Sc Ins Co New Hope 1HI Dndpe Co N. J. Manufjf. and Dkg Co N J 1'iolecltin & Lomhiiid I k Orange Dank I'utcrsoti Dank Peoples' Dank I'riiicetoti Dank Sulem Hanking tJu Slate Dank I Slate Dank State D ink "I ate Dank of MorrU ! Slate Hank 1 Suit-in und riii'.uj M.iuuf Co Sue Hank ; Trenton Hanking (.'u , I'nion Dank . Wuhing(ou Ilaiiking Co. Newark l.tmbcil-illi) Hobokeri Jersey ( 'ity Iraogc P Jtersoll do I'lilK el.m S ill m Newark faded holed failed 4 par par 1 I i par 1 4 Lliabethtown t 'Hllldetl Mom-town 'J'rentoll Salem Newton Tientou Dover Hackeusaik failed tailed i failod IM.I.OVAItr,. HU of Wihn A: Dramly wine1 ilmiugton par par par par pur par p.r par par I Hank ol ! liwuiv liank of fun ma Do Inaiicb 'lllllll.gtol Siiiyina MiKord Fanner. Dk of "Siute of Del Dover Do brant h Do brum Ii Do I rani Ii I'lliou Hal.k dj- I'niler fi's (j j- On all banks niaiked Wiliuinutoii (t'tllgl tow N W C 1st In llllllliijl.lU thus (') there are i i- i - r eouroorfi it or altered notes ui llm var.uu. J- :. 'Kuiutoi., in i ircula ..ri. OAKLEY'S ii:ri HATIVK svni7i. "11115 vubiab'e properties of Oakleys Depura. I live Svrun of Sarsntnrilla, ns s purifier of the blond, is so well known to tbn public generally, 1 that it is unnecessary to occupy much spare in set- ting forth the advantages to lie derived horn its use ; wherever (he medicine has once been in'ro- I ducetl, it takes precedence oer all others : every onrtliol baa taken it, have derived so fignal bene. In ial rcstdts from it, that it is recommended by j ll.eni with the irmost confidence. Physicians of . the highest standing in the profession, prescribe it : id pa'ienU under their care ; containing nothing j del. (eriotts. but being composed ot the most mild, I et rllic.icious vegetable 'materials, it is otbTed with confidence, aa ihe chenM'st and most ellicient pu rifier of the blood now known. Tho use of a few bottles, especially in the spring months, will be at tended wilh a most decided impinvemenl in the ge- neral strength nf din system, eradicating any ace.U , of disca-e that nay Vive been generatnl. hi sides . giving bealtli and vig..r to the body. For the cure ot Scrofula or Kings Evil, Kheiimattsin. Titter , Dimples or eruptions of the Skin, White Swelling, Fistula, Chronic Cough, Arc. The tiu- li'.erous cenifica'cs in the msessiori of the subseri- brr sim his agents, from physician and others, are ' snilieient to rouv'iice the most skeptical of it su- I perimity over all preparations of Sarsap.nilla. i W..d vbole-nle mid ret ail, bv the proprietor, j tiMMliil. w , ( i . r I I i , i orttt titn street, lien tling, Driks County, and to lm bad of the following persons : In Pt'mttuiiifi-rttinii f'tninty. II. D. M-ff, Sdnbnry ; lieland tV Mixel, Mi Paensvillc ; I) Krausi r. Milton, hi Vniim ('unity. J. Gearhart, Seliii.-grove : A. (iuti lius. Mitibuliurg. In Culumhiti County. 15. W. McCay, Wash ington. Reading, March 11, ls :t. Ma. O.tKtrr: I believe it the utv of every one to do wlo.tever in their power I les.f.u tlip b- ne. j tit of their fellow ma , and having had pn-bive . proof in mv own family, of the wonderful properties of your Depurative Syrup of Sarsnp irill l, I rn st conscientiously recommend it to the alllieled. We , hsd the misfoititue t lose two of our children, by ; the brr-iking mil nl sores that covered the i face, bend and t eik, idllnuiuh we had some nf th I most -cientilic pl:Vsieiaiis to at'etul th- m ami ha. I tried all the known i.''s. iuelinling Stvaim's i Panacea, without avail. Anoilier of my children was iittatkcl in the same manner, Iter face und neck was imii p'eti Iv covered; the dischmge was so oll'eiisive. Hi d the disease at sinh a height, that we despaired ot her life. Seeing tin- wondeiful elli'tts of your Depurative Syrup r.t S isapari: i, we weie iudiicid to make trial ot it. as the last ri s. rt ; it ae'ed like a claim; tlie u'ei-rs commenci d healing immediately , b f w hollies entirely restored In r to her lie dth, whiih she Ins enjoyed uninten U tedlv i ver since. A a puiilier nl the blood, I verily be lli ve it bus not its eipial. JOHN MOVER, Tailor, W all. lit street, lieur Fourth, lira. hug. Doiiglc-sMlIc, April Hltli. Mb. OiKi.rr: My son IMuiund Leaf, had the scrofula in the tnost drcad'ul and di-ties-ing man ner lor three years, dining wloth time be wis tie piivrd of the use of his Itml s hi- lie d and neck weie covered null ulcers We tried nil ihe differ, i tit rctnedi. h, but to no i lb ct, until recoinmt nded by Dr. Johnson of Noriistowu. snd aUo Dr. Isaac 1 1 tester, ot Heaiheg. to Use our lb-putative Syiup ol S.irsaparilla, ol which I obtained sevi t .1 hollies, the use of w hich d-ove t he disea-e eniin ly out of h.s system, the s ue healej up, and (he child was restored to perfect health, which he list enjoyed uninleriiipleillv ev.r slice, to (lie ast. iihin. nt ot many piosous who seen him dii ii g Ins utlliction. I li.ive thoiiuht it tnv ilu y , and send yu this certi ficate that who have a like alP.icliou in the family may know where to obtain so valuable a medicine, Vours ttu! , AMLI.IA D LEAP. S. pt. lfi. t:l ly 4 Ollllt4'l f I If 'l ' DEATH BLOW. rphe public will observe that no Draiultclh Pills are genuine, unless the lm has three li bels upon it, (the top, the si.'e and (he bolt.. in) e o h containiut! a fic-imile signature of my h ind writing, thus It. I! u t nit i rn, M. D. 'I hen-la. bel aie eiiL'raved on steel, hi inil fiillv desiuned, and .ione nt an e.eiise of over f -!.(H'(1. Therefoie It will be seen thai the only thing n.eary to pro ture the medicine in its purity, is to t hscrte these labrK lieinembi r th" top, the side, and the hoMoui. The fallowing respective persons urc duly uulln ri zed, and hold CERTIFICATES OF AGENCY For the sale ol llrantlrrih'i Yenrtuble I'nirirtul Northunibeilai d cotiutv : Milton M icVey A Chainhcilin. Suubury II D. Masser. M'Enens ville lii liiidAc Meix. II. Noithuin' ci land Win Pursy III. Georgetown J. & J. Walls. I'nion tJ unity : New Iterhn Ilog u A W n tcr. Seliriscrove deorge (lUtidrum. Middle. t'lire Isaac Smith. Deavi ri'twn David llubh-r. I Ad onsburg Win. J. May. M itlluisbura Mensch ' iV l!ay. Ha'tlclou Diniel Long. Freiburg ; (i. F, (. Mover. Lemintnirg Walls A; (irein. : I'olumbi.i coi.uiy : Dautillc E. D. Keynolds. iV Co. Derwiek fhuinaii & U tteuhoiise. Cat- , tauissa C. !, Diobts. Illounsburg .lollil It.: ; Mover. Jeiey Thwii Levi Disi I. Washington j : Robt. McCay,' Linie-toiieDatli- V.N'i-cb. j tlbseive ill at each Agent has an F.ngrav.d ir 'i;icstt't Agencv, coniaming a representation of i Or HltANDKE I ll's MaiiiitaeloTy at Sing Sing, j and upon which will irso lie seen enact copies of ; the nnc liitnls now nsrJ the llraiitlrt th I'M ' IlllJIS. I I'hdadtlpl.ia, t.JI'ice No. 8. North Sth street. D. DliANDIiETII. M. D. J June 2ith, IS:t. ( ITY IT UN ITl'IM. Al'CTlOV AND flTIVATK SALT'S ROOMS, .Wis. '-'! ittui .'U .Xortli Tliitd Slrecl, N f r the City Hotel, I'HIL ADEI.i'lHA. f O. MAOKEV, Auctioneer, re peetfnPy in- ites the a'leutioii of pcrs.o . d.siious of pur-iha-iug Fuiuituie. to Ins eiiet.-ive s'din Dooms, (l oth put lie and I'rivat.',) tor every description nl llousih.dd Furniture, wt-o n' tan I obtained at nil (ones, u large assortment of fashionable and wi II manufactured Cxhiiut Furniture, Detls, MuIiiusm's, itr., at vt-rv minced prices, for cash. Sales bv Auction, twice a week. May 27(11. ISIJ. ly WILLIAM .). MAUI' IN, .TTCrslTST AT L.V", SUNBOHV, PA. OFFICE, in tho second story of the building oc cupied bv Dr. J. D. Masstr, oil Muikct street. Oct. 2Lt. I H 1 :f. 1 'liirt'hliiiiu; Mm hi lit' lor Sale. T Mil E subscriber niters f r sale a TH ItEslIIMi MACHINE, new and in good oul.i. The Mat bine ha been tried, and proves to l un eirel lent one It will be sold at a reduced piice, and warranted. Apply to II. D. MASaLH. July 1st, 11.1. ROSX3 OINTMENT, run ti:tti-:k. niNOAvoRsin, riMri.i-:! om tiik fa-k, and otiikk rt'TANKOt'SI rRflTHlSI. CTj" 77i folnwinirrertijicd'e ilrsrrilirxnne nfthe must iriraimlinury cures ever effected by tiny np)ilieiitimu Pin t a nr. i run , February 10, 1 8:1. TJ'OR twenty year was severely afflicted with T:tt:ii on the Face and Headi the disease commenced when I was seventeen years old, and eon.inucd until the Fall of IH:)0, varying in vio lento, but without ever disappearing, lhiring mot of the time, great part of my face was covered with the eruption, frequently attended with violent itch ing; my bead swelled at timrs until it fi ll as if it would burst the swcHini was o g-eat, that I could scarcely get my hat on. During the long period that I was afflicted wi'h the disease, I used a great many a plication-., (among them several celebrated preparations) as w. II as taking inward remedies, including a niirnber nf hot l Its of Sirnlm's Vanacrn. l'.jlrarl if Snrrnjiitrilht, eVe, In fact it would be impossible to ennineiatc all the medicine I used. I was also under Ihe care of two of ihe most dis tinguished physicians of this cily, but wfthout re ceiving much benefit, and I despair, d of ever being cured. In the f ill of ISdli, the disease nl the time , . . . , , being very vtolent, I commenced using the Jtosc , Ointment, (prepared bv Vaugban tV Davis. ) III a f. w applications the violent itching ceased, the swelling abated, the i rm.tion began to disappear, and before I hud used ajar the di-ease was entirely cuted. It has now been neatly a yrar and A half since, and there is not a ve-tige of the disea-e re luninioc. except the scars from the deep pits formed by the disease. It is imp. ssible for me to deseril e in a rr rt ifient the severity of the disease and my svifli ring, but I will be pie sed to give a fuller nr. count to any person wanting further satisfaction, who will cull on me. At the tune I cotiimoi'.ccj using Ihe l!..e Ointment I would have given hun dreds of tlolluts to be rid of the disease. Since u- j sing it. I have recommended it (o ,eviTil a?rs,nis, j (among them my mother, who had the disease bad ly on bet a'lii.) who w. re a I cured bv it, j JAMES DCKNKLL, No. lofi, Dace St. fj' The Hose Ointment is prepared by E. D. : Vaugban, S..i h East comer of Tli.rd and Pace slid f, Phiindi Iphia, sud sold on mi-urv in Sunbu. ry, bv H. D. MAssEH, May 1 1th, IS 13. Airenl I!om' Miitini'iit, for Tcllt'i. A I' ROOF OF ITS FFFICACY. 1'iiii.Ani LPiiiA, May 37tli, 1 s:l't. rP!IIS i- to certify ll ill I was severe'y atlbeted - w ilh Teller in the bands and fi el for upwards of forty J cars ; the disease w as at'i ruled ginerilly w ith violent id hing and swelling. I nppbial to a number of phy sicians, and used a gr. at mat y appli c l ions without etVeetiug a cure. About i V'lt since, I applied ll e Hose Oiiilmeut, which ei.lir. lv to.pcd the itch nit. and a few application- I mined i an ly cured the di-ease, which (here has bien no return of, although I had never been rid of it at uriy time for l.rty years. KICIIAHD S.WACE, I'll ver 1 1 li . below Sp.niv Street, fj" The l!ose (liiitment is prepared by E. D. Vuuthnii, S mill East corner of Third and Kate Streets, Philadelphia, and s. Id on agency in Sunbu rv. bv H. H. M ASSED, ' May 1 till. MCI. Aet. MEDICAL AFrUOBATlON ofihr nasi: (n.TMi:.r,fiir rttr. I. Tilt H'OII the superiorilv of the prcpata'i. n over nil otlu r ix fullv ihe iroiir;e- tors take pi. a-ure in laving before ihe public the following ccnifiea'e from a re-pct table physician, a graduate of i tic I'nitersity of l'eonsy lvani Dr. Duueb, having found in this that relict f-r a letlious and ilisagrec.ible atfi-.-lion which the means I within the range of l is profession failed to afford, has not hesitated to give it bis approbation, alth nigh I the pre juilict-s and interests ol that prok-ssion ate i ppost-d to seen t lleim dies. Pm i. a i a, S. pt. 10, 1 M:in. I was recently troubled w ith a tedious herpetic eruption, width covered nearly one si.'e of my f.ce, und extended over the ear. Mr. Vsiuglliiii, propria -toi of the litise ( lii.tmei.t, oKxvvrtie my face, uirt red on my tryiut! his pn partition, ol which ho han ded me a jar. .-VilMu-jh in common with the mem bers id my profession, I diseounti riant e mid disup prove ol the numerous nostrums palmed iimiii the public by i-jtioi ant .r. tender-, 1 feel in jus ice bound to rxti pt the Rose Ointm, in from lha' c'a-s of me diciiics. and to uivo ll inv spprobalion, aa it entire ly lured the eruption, although it h id resisted the u.-ud iippl.eaiioos. DAM. DAI (.11, M. D. rj'j' The Hose Oinlmei t is prepared by E. I". Vaut:h in. South East comer of Third ai d It ice Streets, I'tii.iule'pl.ia, and sold on iil'i ncv in Sun bury, by 1. D. M ASEIt, May lltb, l.:l. Ainf. Slaver a Snl;. i JOSEPH EL HOVER, Miitnilacliirtr of Wrilin-; mul Indelli bio. Ink, No. DWiNoitli Third Street, six dtsirs below Race, (east side,) PHILADELPHIA, II EI'EC TFI l.LV inlorms cniimry niercbarit. in .1 o h. is. thut ho con-tiii.tlv keeps uu band a large stock of bis superior Hlack, Klue mid I.'. . I Ink. und iilso a sit) enor ipiahty of lutlellp le Ink. ILs ink is put up in bettles vaiy ing in -., fi. in I to H'i ounces, and w.ll be vol. I on n as . liable (mis. Theet.eleit qualities of this ink basso thorouL'Idv fslnbli-'ied its ch tracer, that it Is now ixtinsivily u.-ed (hrocghout i lm coitnirv. , For sale ut the stoic of , H. M iss, r, Sun. bury, I'a. MavS'rih, D-4:l. (y CIlAlvLI'.S W. IIKCIXS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SUNETJilY, PA. SB AS t..ken Ihe oll'.ce lonreilv occupi.d bv tie 3 Hon. I hailes (,'. Dol.n. I, opposite the (Vint House. Ho will aiteiid to business in ihe t'.anl-i of Noribumboilaod, I'nion and Ooluinl.u couiiiies. May SlMd, lU . u N i on 1 1 or kl7" " (Central Staur Oft.rc,', roar H.J" tz LVCOMING COUNTY, IVllllMjIlUllI;!. riMHE Subscriber respecllully mloims his friend. L and Ihe public in general, thut he has (aken (he above I.AIKSV. AM) COMMODIOIS HOTEL, IN THE DO HOC till OF Mi: NOV, and (hat he is now well prepare! to accommodate all who may favor him with their custom. His Si.ii.riKa AriHmrvrs well aiie.l, and comfortable. Ili Ttiu n Dm will uUays be sapplm! with the best the market cuu ullord. His SrtRLiNii, which is gtsd, will Is under the charge of good and careltil hostlers. Ho fu ls confident, by stiitt attention to bu.-iiif.s, and an earnest desire to rn.tler C 'lutorti.ble tbo-e who may patronize him, that he will not l.iillogivcj genelul saiisfaclion. II. D. WLAVEK. Mtiticy, Oct. Ut, IKii. if. ttttiif ill If - i EEILltSAlT & CO., car ' Commission -V. Forward inst Merchants, I'imt of WWnw Street Rail Road, 0!t TH R liri.AWAtlK, TT A VINO associated wi ll them Joseph Darnet, A 1 late of P.astoti, Ph., respectfully inform their friends and the public generally, (hat they have. ta. km that large and well known store and wharf at foot of Willow Stretrt Railroad, lately occnpiel by Jseoti Martin, where they pii'pnc doing a (iem ral Commission and Forwarding Duniness, and fiom the local advantage of the place lving connected with all the public improvements that have their outlet in the city, they flatter themselves they w ill be uble to do business to ss great, if not g eater ad vantage, and upon as reasonable terms as any other house, sud they assure their friends that any con signments made to them shall have their strict at tention, and no exertions spared to give entire satis faction. Thryareolsn prepared to receive and forward good to any point on the Delaware and Lehigh rivers, between Maoch Chunk, Easton and I'hila i!el bia, via Delaware Division and Lehigh Can d; also, to anv point on Ihe Juniata river, or North nim .. ,n. iJMii.i ... p ti .nil .'leUIII IMIIlin lll nl MIIVI. ui ,j ,;Ili()n of f L.,lMnIJ.lUl! , j Tide Waie, ,..! VV. u, tt,,. r .1... w.. t - ..i 1 Canals. For the accommodation of Doa's coming or go leg via Schuylkill and Cnion CunaN. a Str.mboat will be kept expressly for towing b.iata from ihe Schuvlklll around to the Delaware and back, w hich w ill en .bk.' mcichants to have their produce deli vered on the Delaware, and their goods l,ippul at a saving ot 60 t.i 75 per cent, on tlm price f .r hauling acrn.-s, with these advantages they re spictfully solicit a share of palr.Tiace. W. 11 Ell. M AN & CO. I William H. llman, ") William W. Keyser, J 1 i Joseph Diirnet. J, Msy 14, 1M:1. ly J. X8A .yLANE, Jll. c CO. ' Snuli" ittui Tnliacco MannltKiIiircTs, ,Vo. !H) Aori West earner of Race and Third t Strut. j PHILADELPHIA. rPHE urider-igiieil have formed a Co partnership ; 1 under the firm of. I, M A V L A N I) .1 a. Co.. j as successors to the lute firm of Jneah Attiylnnd A Ci,.. und will continue the bustne-s ut die old esta- i Idishnient, nil their own account. In addition t j their own close nttentioti and experience ft many i years, in the manufacture of their celebrated snoll'-, ' iVc, the lot.g experience of the senior partner of the late firm, will also be devoted to the interest of the ! new concern and as no exertion and ca-e will be spared to insure their goods, at all tim s ol tbe ve- I rv best quality, they solicit a continuance of the conl'idenco of the fiiends an I cu-toin'-rs of tbe late i lirtn. THO.M s AD VMS, J. MAY LAND, In. Philadelphia, May Mth. 1 S-1:l. 1 y To Country MERCHANTS. 'IHE Subscriber, Agent of I. von Harris, Hat Manufacturers, for New S'ork, I'hil ulelphia, Daltlmore and nt her lame cities, w ! os- Hut are highly commended i;iid alii ami iluntl.ili!i, has on hand a tir-t rate is-oitni-rit of HATS and OA I'S, suitable for Spriiip s des, wli eh will I e sold very low, fm casli or appioved credit, al the noted r.'inii sfure. No. 4(1, North Third n're-t, upp ifi'e Ihe City Hotel, IMiibi.lelphia. KOHF.IIT D. WILKINSON. Aient. N. II. Orders for Hats in lherni!;4. pro.nplly attended lo. The highest pries iu rusi or trade given fir Fur .-. Phil ulelphia, June 11, ln.--ly UOLTON &. CO. i:-i:tl C'tiiiiilssiiii 1fi For the Salt of 1'inur. drain, Stnl, .yc. yc. jtcii - 1 ) Esl'ECTFI'I.LY ii formiheir friends and ' be Merchants gcncrullv, that they have ta ken thosclarge and coiiimodioiis Wharvs, with two Dotks, north of ('h.siiul street, nn the Del aw ire. j touether with the store No. Ol South Wharves, j wliete llicv would be pleasod lo receive consign : incuts of (iraiti, Flcui. Seed, Whi-key, Iron, oic. i See. Ileing also well pu pated lo forward all kinds I 1 of Merchandise bv the fsohuv'kill and I'nion, or by ; ! the ( 'lie-api uke and Ti.le Water Canals, as low- j boats are kept expressly for the purpose of towing J boats by ci' I. or route. j t Mcichants will pie se be particular to send thi ir ! gei ds desrinrd by oi-bcr c.ii.a!-, to No. I'd S. n th : ' Wl. lives, betw.en Market and Chesiinl str.e's, on j : the Delaware, with dim li.-iis ncconip my ing iliein ' whu li route they wish them to be shipped. J ! Qj l'la.-ler und Sjlt for sale, at tin- lowest mar- ; kit price. DuLToN t"v C'. j March HI, IS:t. No. l'J South Wharves, j ItiMII.UT ( llt l sS. so. i ' PAPER MANUTACTUHEnS, . I. milliard St ret t, Ilulllmore, j HAVE constantly for sale. Printing Paper of al. sizes and toiililies. Can W riting I'.ipir. rubd J and plain. Letter 1'i.p. r. white und flue, ruled and I plain, Hiingiug Paper, flue and common. Envelope . Paper, do. do. medium, doub'o ciow n, crow u and , extra sied Wmpping Papers, ( 'olored M.-diinu and Koval I'apeis, 11. i. met, Hinders' and Straw Hox ' Hoards, Tissue Paper, und all articles in their hue, w Ii it li they will sell on ucconimo.i.niiig terms. 11 ghe-l price iven for old rags. J HODEItT OAKTEIJ V SON, M .rob 19, i;:klon. Md . iiorsi-:, : -Vn. ,:!?, .VorA Third, nbovi Ci.lttiu hill St., , i'lllLADEI.I'IIIA. 5011N Dl'NCAN. late fr the Fennsylva nia Farmer, ail. I Samuel I'.ko. jr., I re of A i nitrican Hotel, Columbus, ( hin. lake ple.ibiiiv in ac ', ipiali iing lliotr tilel.ds and the public generally ill it ; tin y have taken the large and commodious Holt I, tfcitiily built bv tho Missis. II ait, on the same site onio occupied by the old e-t.ililihod Hotel known . as the Hull's Iliad, in Third street ubove Callow- . hill si. sj ! This Hotel is fiiiishod in the very best possible ' manner, and of ihe best ir.hteria's. lis lo. at.on is very desirable, particularly for country merchants; the uiraugf incuts fur healu g ami vennlating sell j room is such as to secure any temperature. The I I t . booms are all light and airy, all luniUhcd in a ! lie it sty'e, so as to in-uie loinloit. 'I'he receiving parlors are uUo fun.ishe I in a su perb style, the w indows are on the French stvle, foiming an entrance to a balcony in front, whivh j makes pleasant recess, I'liiticuhn attt iilion has been given to the leds and bedding, which, with ! ihe furniture, are entirely new, j From year.' experience in bate) business, we ' fust, by ktrict assiduity b businesi, to make (hi- ! house a desirable stepping place. Our table will , alwayi l.e supplied wilh Ihe vary best our market ' can all'ord, and our bur with the best tumors and j wine, of the most appioved bian ls. 1. S. There are tir-t rate .ublina sr.d carriace bouses uli n hi d lo (he hold, i.ti.nde.l bv raicfal and sober hol It is, and our charges will be bw, in siioidanco with the present haid tiii.c. rU.ludt lphia, Oct. 'th, I H IV. ATTOUN V, Y AT LAW, 1 SUNBURY, PA. Dusiness sttended to in Ihe Counties of Nor thuml erland, Union. L coming and Columbia, llefi-r tot I H(l X t II A ItT .V On.. Lnwr.n tV DAnnoft, Hast, Cr.-MMisns V Habt, VhilaJ. HF.t50t.tlS, McI-'ABLATtn &i Co. Spr.niMo, 'Joini cV. ('o., GOL DEN SWAN i3:na s 127 wz u. ' iVo. G!) A'ori Third, above Arch. Street, PHILADELPHIA. accom Mon.tiosi run s.vktv rr.RsoNs. pHAHLES WEISS, lateof the "White Swan," mid "Mount Vernon House," respectfully in tonus bis friends and customers, that he ha become the proprietor ot the abov well know n Hotel. Country Mcichants will find the above Hotel a central I .cation, and the best of fare. Persons tra. veiling with private conveyance will find a lurgo yard and good stabling fot horses, and the best of irstleis. Hoarding f pertluy. May Ulh.lHPI. if. EAGLE j Vcirnrr of Third and Vine Strt cts, j tVIliliXAMSPORT, PA. rilHE subscriU-r n speelfullv niumunei s to the I I public, that he Ins opened a Hotel in the com , modioiis brick building situate nu the corner of 'I hird and Pine streets, where he will be happy to wait np..n those who may favor him wit'i their I company. The Eagle Hotel is lii.g und c. nveni J ent, and furnished in the W-t modein stile. Ii is provided with a large number of well aired and Comfortable sleeping apartments, rooms, firivntn parlors, cVc. Pet sous visiting Wi!liimpnrt on bu siness or p!ca-ure, may re-t as nr-d that every ex ertion will I e used to render their sojourn at tho Eagle Hoti 1" pleasant and agreeable. Ilia Tallin will lie supplied wilh the very lust the market af foids, Slid his I r with -her' oitest wines arid other Injiiors tharges re s.mable. The Eagle Hotrl possesses greater advantages in point of location than any other similar est ibihmenl iri the borough, being situate in the business p.rt nfthe town, and within a convenient distune of tho Court House and Wi'hamsport and Elmira Had l.'o.d D. -put. Sull'icicnt istabhng provided, and good und trusty ostlers always ill attendance. Attentive, uecoii.modHtuig and hone-t Servants have been ini(-boeil. ind notl jna efi und. .ne that will add to the coinlott and accommodation of his gue-ts. Tin re w ill be a carriage alw ays in attendance at t the Hunt Landing to convey passengers to and from the House, In e of t harge. Oil AIM.F.s noHKOWS. Mav Mth. ls-1-2. tf N iirtiee niieiual:e.l or e'euniug and g vmg t - hiiihly diir.ibl id most hu h ml p b.-h to s I- ver. (iertmoi iUer, lir ,ss, O..iocr. lliitl oiia ware. I'm, S(. , , I'titliry, and lor re-toM- g the lusirv on varnished carriaite-, tvc. 'I'iiV IP. Prepared an 1 s Id at wholosa'p and rclai', bv the Susipieh'itui.i Cbrysohtf I'olish L'uiiipuuy, Owcgo, Tioga coiintv, N. S'. M M". FOKSVTH. Agent lor NorthmnM, II. D. MASjsEK, Agnil lor Sunbury. Noeml'r ioih, I S 12. Micli.H'! Wi'nvt'P cV ROTE IMAJtEnS & Sllir CIIxN3LEIZS, ,Vi. 13 Xirlh W'ntr Street, l'hiliitli Inliiii. fi A E coiistanlly on baud, a general :issort M mi nt of Cordage, eeine 1'iMties. tVc, vi7.: I ur'd Hot 'os. Fishing Kop.'s, While Hopes, mil low Lilies for ('mailt. tats. Also, a iissorVuiei.t of Siino Twines, iVe. such a.- . la Hope complete llemii ia.1 and Herring Twine, Host Patent Oilr Net Tw ine, Cotton Shad and Honing Twii.o, Shoe, oVe. cVc. Also, Hed Conls, I'louuh Lines, II liters, Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpet ('lions, tVt. all of whiili they wiii disp.-se ul oil t is-iin.ib;e tciins. I'hil.idc'pbia, NoveinVei 1 1 H 12. 1 y . sim:i:i.c:, cotm co. No. i:s.M;u!t.-t Siit-fl, riii;a.ltli!tia. UNVITE the alter, lion of Coitntiy Mercllallt to their a-sorttr.ont ind American Diy I roods, w hich "ii the m .-I n as.'iia! !, t r it-. of Hrm.-h Frei.i I they tier lor i.ale I'., I'll, A'. : i. Ve .roll i:;. lsl -lv. V A 1 . , rclla ;onl l'nrnsnl M.iiHil.nMnrer. I Sil!l Till'! tll-lt. It,: i l!i".r 1 1 trie ( ill III. Ill, I .'(?,. '..'III. VII . I Hi .Moichiii Is un. I oli.ers are solicit.' to examine l.i-.i ismoh.u nt before pinch i.-o elscw bote i'lula 'el4 hia. I I. :k2. ly. zi. .ytx. to a. a..a "s C T "T )lt -ale a sm-rl Fti'in, c i lainnig about t rn hut, dro I and tin acres, more or le-s, situ ill in P.'ii.t t.'Wiish p. N..r 1. 1. nd i rl.iu.l C 'tiut' , ah m tw o mil. s iiliovo N " 1 1 I ml, on li e m .0 road leading fmni iliat to Danville, adjoiiiuii, luiid- of John l.t'gh.ui, Je-se C. Ilorti.n and other. now in the occupmcy i f Samml l..yne. Al iii foily acres of said tract are rli an d, and in goo slit.- ol cu ovation, on winch litre is a small .i erect' tl, Tho pioperty will be sold on n asonab lei ins. For further particulars, prisons urc toques o.l lo apply to the ml scrile r. II. H. MAS.'H, Arnt, Nov. Viih, I f. tf Siiuleiry. l' LIST OF BOOKS, I'lIU BALK v : r -a NTHON'W Classical Dictionary; l.einpriir' do.; Auisworth's do ; Cobb's do.; English uie1 (ormaii do; Anil V (Vsur; Am lion's (rammer, Anihen's Ciceio; Man's l.a'in Header; I igill y's do.; Andrew's Latin Lessons; Doimegau's Lexicon; Fisk's Ore. k Eu r. - si's; Dav io.'s Legeudei; tirueca Majora; Adams's Komati Antupitiies; I'inuock's ti..dsmit's England; do. (irceco; Lyell's Elements ol Ocology; Mrs. Lincoln's Dotanv; Elements of Dotauy; t! ridge's; Poller's Hht toricul Ki a dcrs; Enn rami's Oeogrsphy and History; Oh.ey'a do.; 1'urliy's do.; Smith's Oratnuiei: Kiikham's do.; Kay's Headers; Cnbl 's do.; Cobb's Arithmeiick; Dike's do,; Emerson's do.; Cobb's Spelling Dooks; Town's do.; Coli'o's Table Docks; Evangelical Fa mily Library ; Collage Dibit-; Family do ; Colliiler al do.; t-mall Diblcs and 'I'ostanienls; Parker's Ex-erci.-es on Composition; Fruit of the Spirit; Daxtoi's S..ini's Host; American Devolution; Mairyall's No vels; Mrs. Phelps un Cbemistiy; Iliad; Catechism of American Laws; Loiters on Natural Magic; Che mistry for Deginners; English Exercises adapted to Murray's iiraminor, Soijuel to Comley's Siolhiig Dook; Ainiricari Class 11. ok; Daboll' Schoolmas lei's Assistant; A great variety ot Dlank Dooks, tVc. August 2, 15LANKS roii KALK AT THIS DlTlCli