OCR Interpretation

The campaign. [volume] (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1866, October 05, 1866, Image 1

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Ill C - ,' V A '
Ti-iia ticket, the whole! tiokbt, anj nothing but Tins ticket."
BLOOMSBU11G, FltlDAY, OCTOBEll 5, 1866.
im ifnui: r.vr.iiY ruiim-, at
,notaisO:N ,nuir,5iN'(l,
jOn Main Street, llloomsbiirg, l'n., by
J' r- MTTI.E. Kditob,
' ii Whom nil letter ulimilrt he nddred.
(,f'.)etTfrllemont, Iniorled nt uiml ruto-.
' Tut noccsidty liiw nrlnon for n pemocrallo New-
piwrat Illooimburg which nlmll ".upport thnenn-
, ilIutHot th party, and oppose disorganisation
auij treachery In Its rank, ltecognlzlui; thin lie-
frnltjr, and desirous of upholding thnl KlorloiiB
.w bf Democratic Government to which the
DToilo of Columlila County havo heen so lone; nml
o faithfully devoted, n number of Democrntlo
4 "
ritlilui lmvo contributed the fundi required for
tu f.
( swUblUhlng uch Nnmipaper upon n polld foun
dation, which liall lmmro Its continuance and
naefulnoM, and have authorized HTEt'Iir.N II.
MILIiKlt, Kaq., of Illoomsbun;, tn roeol-e hub
!W hcTjpllonn and autncrlptlon-moncyii preparatory to
It bmie.
"JM The) publication of the paper will ho weekly, and
"'will Im commenced na goon m tho arranieinc.nt
foyt ran Iw perfected, (and eortalnry hy the-flint
iKovembor), and hi tho moantlino subKcrllxTi
Ayboao namea aro forwarded will be Bnpplled, free
AW ehari, with another Domoerntlc paper of this
H'lUpreflcnUllvo District, which nhall faithfully
Kfctlpport the party and all Its nominations.
"??ho ".obierlptlon prlco for said pnpbr will 1'it &,
r one year, In all cases whore pnyment In made
jjjjtho flrnt day of January next, after which all
a&oscripiions ptua
in auvnnco win no ni mat
arnl those, not paid In advance, at what ever
, tint made, !.V)."rer annum.
- 1
Orphans' Court of Columhla County, In the
InalbT uf tho p.irtitlon anil valuation ot thoes-
tat4t of Clemuel U. Itlcketts, lato of Orange Town
whip, ileemuswd. To the heirs of Mnrah Carlrlnht,
- tlncoM.iKl, Mary M'lntosh. tho heirs of Elizabeth
.lUcki'tts, John lllclietts, ltuth Huber, Nancy
J!uull, Pleasant Hlms.nnd I'.HJah O. Illckelts, Inke
K notice that an lnquojt will bu held at the lato
Uwclllim-houfcC of Ulemuel O. Illeketts, deceased,
-'tin the Township of OraiiKO. County of Cohiuihla,
.fin ."Saturday, tho llltli il.ty of Novumber, Isut) be.
Mtwem tlio hours or o'clock a.m. anil 1 o'clock
t.lcol fcald day. for tho purposo of making parti
tion of tho real estate or said deceased to and
(tknioiu; Ills children and legal representatives, If
,tho teitme can bo done without prejudice to or
polling of the wholo, otherwise to vuliio and rip.
.Mriil.n Itiit inmn ik,iimIIii. In ln.ir. , M'tiL.lt , I ..V ..
'klul nliUMt rim am r,.finlrH tn nttmiil t vrin llilt.lj
j-proper. naui'.ii nis lur.ii, nneriu.
.Aiiouumuurg, ucioocr, iseo.
Aadltor'a Notice Kalnlf of AVIIllnm
j,XAIl deceaseil. The Audltornpiolnted bv the
Orplwns' Court of Columbia County to make ills-
, Uiliutiou of the balance In the hands ol the Ad
Julnlxtrator of suld deceased among his creditors,
'1 mrtll meet thn parties Interested, for the purposn
, M Ms appointment, mt Hutuntiiy, November
'17. l.sc. ut 10 o'clock A.fi.. nt his oillce In
JUooiiisbuii;, l'n.', when und where nil persons In
. tflritsted cun attend If they lice proper, mid pre
(frMnt their claims, or bo debaricd front coining in
iur a nnaru oi iiiu luuo.
r' - C II: UIlOCIvWAY, Auditor.
Huwtte oopy; RciCHt
Hieoased. Tho legatees and all other parties In
ek Jarestcd In Uia estate of I'eter Mowror, deceased,
will bike notice that the uiidcrsltmed, appointed
yf tlw Orphan's Court of 'olumhfa County audi-
tor, to audit and make distribution dfthebalAuco
,tii th hands of the executor, will 1114'ct tll'6 par-
tlas luterosted In tho said estate, at the oillce of the
Auditor ntllluoinsburg, on Saturday, October l.Hth,
at 10 o'clock a.m., when and vhcre all pat:
?ti Interested can attend If they cc- proper
4kud pruscut their claims, or to be debarred from
oominjt in lor a snaro oi me luna
J Upl5 It
ft. It. MTTId-'., Auditor.
it Axdltor'iXatlcrIistiiteor Mary I. Mills
"lata of iladlsou Township, Columbia County,
KTUsooaHjd. Tho legatees and all other nartles In.
" ;ii-vtK! In the estate of .Mary P. Mills, deceased.
wui lauo notice mat tho umieislgiusl, appointed
Tly tho Orphan's Court of said county auditor,
u uuib iuiu iiiaai) uisinuiuiou oi uie oaiilllcc 111
mo bunds of Daniel Ern.nt, surviving executor
JM tun laid Mary 1. Mills, dsceased, will meat the
(l little! luU'riislod lu the said estate, nttheolllcc of
,.,Uie ltoslster of Wills, In and for tho County cf
"CWIunlblil,, at IJloomsburg, on Thursday, the Mil
-tty of November next, when und where nil par-
. Uo4 Interested can utlend If they see proper, and
'Woont Uielr clulius or be debarred from coming
,i tor a snare or tne ruud.
S,plJ-lt. 13. II. IIAI.DY, Auditor.
jjMAnUtor's Notice Tit tlir Orphan's Court
Jkir the County uf Ujlunlbla, ettate of Alexand.tr
.Uxrotsou, deueased. The auditor appointed by
CvurtW make distribution or tho estate of
"Sl'tUsmuder Oarretsod, laid of Columbia County,
ttMsu!J, Id the linials at Jacob O.irrelson, sur-
jjTlvlau necutor of the last will and testauwnt of
jjltt said Alexander (UrrotsOn, deceased, will meet
fplast partins luternsted for1 tho puriioic of his up-
jjjiilnuuejit on Tliursday, October 111, at 10 o'clock
A.u, at his oirico on the corner of Malu and Mur
'kst Htretit.) In the town of Ilhlonhburg,
KOUUlir T, C'IiAHK, Auditor,
w,Viii: menus or Judge Kiweii aro
-tinuklug a vigorous tight in Bradford,
-!nj Sullivan, and in Wyoming HI"
imijorlty In Montour will probably reach
hlx Inindretil Lot uH do our wholo
duty lu this county and victory will be
SSPcJai'TAIK lltiiw J. Miu.Ait has ro-
sfajlve.' tho appolntnteitt df I'ostlnaster
rjuf OraiifcTCVille, ami litis tttkell eliargo of
tho oillce. Cantalit Jlillrtitl biirvcd in
ilie army faUhfully, and richly deserves
pda compliment.
"VVirAT" h Ji'cclous set of fellows the-e
ttleii ttw who got l'
int t .dM 4.i.,ni.i.. a wstem oi irmiiii
-fEiTd ehfatllitj with thu-'i "e L'lcctWl; 1
........ t nnnum in
i"u"-l .
Pi. A uviwwlll-H III tills 1 11 Id I. - vw...v
good thud to ueret usotjeew.
Inn Mnnditv cvenlnr? lit last wtek, n
H)emocratie meeting Was held at the
Ihoujioof b L. Shumaiv, in ueaver. u
Rviis well attended. General I2nt and
E.-n. Ikeler inttlo speeches.
WK are nuthuVtl by John Mordan,
' of Mount Pleasant Township, to
fSkV eli'iif he never wroti" hit nanio nor
ssiuuthorhed' any one ixr writo ids nanio
to TutoV manifesto'.-
On Tuasday evening of last week, n
Imoeratlc meeting was held rt.Maiiv
Vllle. It wnswulrp.i&eil by General Lut,
Z. It. Ikeler. 'Hid oilieiis,
, .Wrlttcjt fr lliftptflWiljyi ,
Tho Roller's Galfloqlty,;
(hum, Is nil my icpuhitlou
In the twlnUlliirt of im eye,
And Ihosii liiik piilttlrlutH
Now have laid 1110 up to dry.
Holt the tlcltet I jrent Jptnlmn I
In a county iiuehns thlsj
I'm nfnild the ltml lmvo (,-ot mo
In a very unly llx,
And this epitaph iiImvo im,
Hlneu thus foolishly I ran.
Will bo rut In lasting tnnrhlo!
"I,evlTnte, n uif d-up-man."
Lottor from Slioriff Gnydor.
HiiKiitrrsOrrirK, I
iitMiMsnt'itn, Kpteinlicrai, itB.
Doctor P. John, Jiditor of (he Columbia
Count llcjittlttlcait :
Sin, In ytitir is-niu of tlio twontlctli
Insttint 1 Hurt tlio following initutrv:
" Why in it tlmt In imblUliltis bi.s oloe
llon iiroulniimtlon'rjlicrllV Snyrtef has
oinlttetl that iiortion relating to ikuerl
cta?" For the information of yourself ntnl
your readera, 1 beg to say that 1 eannot
utnentl my iiroelantatloii for tho reasons
which follow: Slnuo tho passago of the
Act of Asseinblv of the eleventh of
Juno lrust, intended to carry Into ell'ei't
the act of Congre.-a of tho third of
rnreb, 1 BO., depriving certain pcivoih,
called deserters, of a right to vote, the
Supremo Court of thh State ha.j pro
nounced tho Act of Cong-cat of no val
idity. As the opinion of tho eililrt has
not yet been published in your jiaper,
and may not have eomo under your no
tice, I refer you to a portion of It In an
swer to vour inquiry, und in explana
tion of in r proclamation. Judge Strong,
who di liVered the opinion of the Court,
frays :
It rcfirrln; to the Act of Congress
means tl.ut the forfeiture which it
prescribes, like all other penallles for
desertion, must be adjudged to the con-
.1 ....,..!.. I I
vici' ii uui.suu iiin.'i mill iv a cum i-iiiar-
tial an 1 r-entenee approved. Tor the
com.ct on and sentence of Mich a court
then, ea i be no substitute. Thev alone
cutab is'i the guilt of the accused, and
lasteti u ion unit tne hwu con.'eiiucnccs.
Such wj think is the true meaning of
tho act, a construction that cannot be
denied to it without losing sight of all
tlio previous leiiislatlon respeotlnif the
same Mibject matter, no part of v hich
does this act profess to alter.
J.t may Irt; at (led t hut tins const nic-
tlon is not only required by the univer
sally admitted ruled of statutory inter
pretation, out it is in iiariiiouy witu
the personable riL'hts secured by the
Constitution, and which Congress mus!
be presumed to nave Kept in view. Jt
(rives to tlio accused a trial befoiesworn
judges, a right to challenge, an oppor
tunity ol delence, tne pnvillge ol Hear
ing the witnesses against him, mid of
calling witneses in ids behali'. It pre
serves to blm the common law presump
tion ol inni'cencci tint u lie jui oeeii ad
judged guilty according to tho forms of
It elves duality to a Khurlo trial. If
tried by a court-martial and acquitted,
his innocence can never again lie called
In question, and he can be mado to suf
fer no part of the penalties prescribed
for truilt. On tlio other hand, il a re
cord of conviction by a lawful court be
not a prereiuilsite to suik'i-iug too pen
alty of the law, the act of Congress may
work intolerable hard-hips. The ac
cused will thus: be obliged to prove, his
innocence whenever the registry oi me
I'rovost-Jlarshal is adduced against
him. No decision of a board ol elec
tion ollleers wi'l protect liim against
the necessity of renewing his defence at
every subsequent election, and at each
time with increa-ed dilllculty arising
from the possible death or absence of
witnesses: lit many eases this may
prove a pi-OSS' wrong. It cannot be
doubted that In some Instances there
were causes that prevented a return to
service or a report, by persons registered
as deserters by l'rovost-Maishuls, that
would have been held justifying rea
sons by a court-martial, or tit least
would have prevented an approval ol
the court's sentence. It is well known
also that some who were registered de
serters, were at the time actually in the
military service as volunteers, and hon
orably discharging their duties t the
Government. To hold that tho act ot
Congress imposes upon such the tiecesi
ty of proving their innocence without
any conviction of guilt, would be an
unreasonable construction of tho act,
and would be attributing to tho Nation
al Legislature an intention not warrant
ed by the language and connection of
the enactment.
It follows that tho Judgment of the
court below upon the case stated was
right. The plaiutiil' not liaxiug been
convicted of desertion and failure to re
turn to the service or to report to a Provost-Marshal,
anil not having been cn
tenced to the penalties and forfciutrco
of the law, was entitled to vote.
You will observe that tho Supreme
Court of our State, the tribunal author
ized to pronounce the tlnal decision up
on the constitutionality of our laws, de
clares In express terms that an diction
board Is not competent to try and de
ckle upon the question of desertion ; In
other words, they declare that the per
s Mini rights secured by the Constitution
gives to tho accused a trial before sworn
Judges, a right to challenge, an oppor
tunity of defence, the privilege of h cur
ing tho witness against him, and o.'
calling wltnesse.j on his behalf.
It cannot be denied that the reason
ing of the Court applies with the same
force to the act of our Legislature that
It tioes to tho act of Congress which the
Court had Immediately before them.
You will, therefore, I hope, readily
norectvo why 1 have declined in the
eit,;'"ii j:roclaniation to Impose upon
tho Th..rd-ot F.lectlon the duty ol try
ing nllegfH. cascsof deserlion. The Hu
preine Court says tho Kleeiion IJo.trd
has mi such pov.'W or authoiUy. And
until the Court rovci.'w tho decblon I
will fespect it. I have tlisi.osition
U) do anything by which ciMhrn olll
cers may become Involved lu probecu
tlons. A'ery vaspectfully,
Samlmii. rtw nr:it, Hherltl'.
Ov's'Kii.ii 1 -vr and Ctu alll Uroek
wuv'i;r'in adjoining um.i.t.0 laboring
in flm " iriM enuwl.,1
7b t mien of the Jlrivonenlttft Diilrle4 :imnvted
it .' ( tfoi'os o Cliliiitihut Mini .Veaer.
Ix a letter publishrd In ta'J)cmocrat
aiidittttrotihis twelfth Instant, rtridre
ed to tho Democr.itle Standing Commit
tee, of Columbia County, asking said
Committee to nominate Colonel Levi L.
Tab, tw a candidate for member of the
Legislature, for the District composed of
the Counties of Columbia and Monlouf
in opposition to the regular Democratic
candidate, Thomas Chalfant, who was
duly nominated by the Conferees of paid
counties lit accordance with the usages
or the parly. It Is alleged
J'irxt. That the candidate for State
Senate hml been conceded by Montour
County to Columbia County.
tit-mud. That Thomas Chalfant and
his Conferees, J. H. Campbell and John
M'Willliitns, and the friends of Mr.
Chalfant, who were present at the meet
lug Of thellepre.-enltttlve Conferees, had
pledged thenr-elves to secure "beyond
all possibility of doubt," the nomina
tion of lu L. TatonithoDeluocrnticean
dhlate for Slttt- Senator.
Thinl. That this pledge Wits given
in awmhucj with the spirit of
a certain resolution adopted by the Col
umbia County Convention, appointing
John Snyder and It. C. Fruit llepresen
talive Conferees of mid counties.
Fourth. That Haiti Con feres of Co
lumbia County were Induced by said
pledge to give the nomination to Mr.
J-'ith. That neither Mr. Chalfant nor
any person representing him or his in
terests was picseut at tho Senatorial I
Conference (hiring tho two days it was
in session.
tii.ith. That in violation of conceded
claims of Columbia County, and through
gross misrepresentation anil political
ill 1 1 i'lMlt. till. llMlllinnf inn fnr Simn Imi. Iimcj
been given to thesmallest county in the
n;.. ,.!.,,.
W. .JW ....... .1,1.
Jn leply to the' charges the under
signed s.iy :
J'ii: !, That we never conceded to Co
lumbia County the Senatorial Candidate
us a rhjht that wethen thoujhl 'and still
thin.' that the claim Of Montour Coun
ty was as strong, if not stronger (ban
that of Columbia, or any other county
in the District ; Montour County, one
of four counties composing Hie Senato
rial District, having been for ilfteen
years without a Senatorial Candidate,
'ihiie Columbia County has hail the
Senator wai yc.wj out of that fj'keu.
We next deny that either Mr. Chal
f.tlit, hlseonferees or friends, during the
Itopivseiitative conference, or before or
after, "pledged themselves lo.-ecure be
yond the possibility of doubt, the nomi
nation of lion. L. L. T.Uo, fur Sta.e
Sucha pledge on their par!, In tho face of
tho tuition of the r.t'mtout County Con
vention, nominating William A. Dean for
that ollWe, and ape)inting Conferees to
Use ail honorable means to secure bis
election, would have been ridiculous
because it was well known to the Con
ferees of Montour as well as those of
Columbia County: that the Senatorial
nomination was then entirely in the
hands of tiiwdorlnl V0nf,vu:i, who
might or might not, as they thought
proper, vote in the Senatorial Confer
ence, as .Mr. cnaiiant and ms menus
desired. The only luomiso given was
that the persons referred to, would, as
individuals iisotheir influence with the
Senatorial Conference of Montour, to
secure Colonel Tate's nomination, and
that they had no doubt that after sup
porting the nomination of Mr. Dean
for a reasonable time, in accordance
with their instructions said conferees
would vote for the nominee of Colum
bia County. If this was a pledge, then
It was redeemed in both letter and spir
it, a is sat forth hereafter.
We deny that the nomination of
Thomas Chalfant w'.u. made in accord
ance with the letter and spirit of the
proviso contained in the resolution ap
pointing Me-ars.- Ft-Kit and Snyder,
Keprcsfiitative Conferee i. Said 1'rovi--o
was repudiated at the time by the
Conferees of Montour County, as dicta
torial on the part of Columbia County.
The right of Montour County to the
candidate for Representative at this
time, was placed upon the acknowl
edged usages of the party, and the
promises on the part of Mr. Chalfant,
his Conferees and friends, to use their
Influence to secure tho Senatorial can
didate to Columbia County, after hon
orable dibits had been made by the
Senatorial Conferees of Montour County
to secure Mr. DeanV ik mlnation, wen
made with a view to instil e peace and
harmony in the Democratic party, and
not asa confession of riht.
These promises were carried out in
good faith. M r. Chalfant ou his part
mis prevented from attending the C in
tention by sicklies in his family, btitu
we ate a.--ured, others were present at
his instance and icqtust. On the iir.-t
tlay of the meeting Mr. Ltidyand Mr.
M'Cernilck were pruscnt.uml used their
lufliitmco to have th "Montour County
Conferees go for the Columbia County
candidate as toon as un honorable ell'ort
bail been made to secure Mr. Dean's
nomination. Wo know that this was
tho wish of both gentlemen. On the
see ml day of the Conference one uf lib
undersigned, .1. II. Cmipbell audJ.C.
Aiiiiiieri.iaji weioprtaent at Mr. dial
f.iut's instance and earne.-t to picst, for
tl.o ptuposoof Inducing, if poMhlc, out
Senatorial Conferees, to votj for the
nomination of Colonel Tate, in toon ,
an honorable ell'ort hail been made to
a&iirc Mr. Derm's nomination. Wo did
ei-eit nil our liirliioiico with wild Con
ierte to bring abmt till' ieuh, That'
we vre ur.i.j -ceml, is uot'our fault.
Our honest efforts whS all We pledged,
nil that Mr. Tutu or his friends could
have relied upon, ami these honest ef
forts wo did put forth In good faith.
Mr. M'Wllllaius, one of tho ltepre.-.en-tatlvo
Conferees, 11N0, we are Informed,
called upon Judge O.tks, Senatorial
Conferee from Montour, autl urged tip
on hint to vote for Colonel Tate's nomi
nation. Wo prornl this statement td the con
sideration of tlio voters of this ltcprc
scntatlvo District, as a denial and refu
tation of the charges lriado that the
Humiliation of 3fr. Chalfant was obtain
tallied by fraud and misrepresentation j
and in vindication of ourselves, who
are charged with violating or neglect
ing our pledges.
For theColonel orlilsfrletids td illlego
that, we or any oilier persons present at
the Itepresentatlvo Conference pledged
ourselves "tosecure his, Tate's, nomina
tion beyond tho JuiJsilillity of doubt,"
as alleged by them, is simply to stultify
themselves, for they could not but
know, that neither one nor till the per
son? so "pledging" could control the
action of the Senatorial Conferee. All
they could do was to use their Influence.
All Colonel Tateand his friends could re
ly upon was the promise that that inllii
ence should lie exerted, Which Wo aver,
as hereinbefore stated, Was exerted in
good faith. In conclusion we maybe
permitted to express our hope and be
lief that the Denio.'rats of this district
Will not at this Important crisis sull'er
themselves to bo distracted by the pri
vate grief of any individual or individ
uals, whose pe.-sonal ambition or politi
cal aspirations have been thwarted by
tho nction of the Conferee.). Wo make
this .statement to disabuse the minds of
voters, who, by the fal.-e allegations con
tained in the document pttbli-iied in the
. , ... , ,
,', """ ,v(" iuceti to
believe that a wrong had been done to
Columbia County and also In vindication
of our action and the action of other
citizens of Montour County. We feel
assured that no Democrat who is ac
quainted with the facts and circumstan
ces connected with this nomination, will
for one moment withhold his support
from Mr. Chalfant, tho regularly nomi
nated candidate, nor give the least en
couragement, by word or act, to any dls
organl:.liigscheme,concocted for theptir-po-eof
gratifying personal feelings resul
ting from disappointed ambition, which
scheme must, if carried out, prove dl-a-trotis
to the Democratic party, and
which, if countenanced, furnishes a pre
cedent for repudiating any nominations
that may hereafter be made lu accord
ance with the Usages of our party.
Wo invoke tho Democrats of this
Representative District, therefore, to
make themselves fully acquainted with
these facts, and, having satislled them
selves that Mouto'ir C unity was enll
tlnd to the candidate for Representa
tive at this time, and that Mr. Chalfant
w.n ivgulary nominated according to
the usages of the party, give to Mr. C.
their undivided support, and thus se
cure peace and harmony, and also
it-sure the success' of the whole ticket, a
matter worthy the effort of every
Democrat, every friend of bis country,
every ono who desires a restoration of
tho Union.
Josr.i'ii II. ('AMiMir.iii,,
John M' Williams,
Representative Conferees,
William Voiiks, J.U'unSnr.LitAitT,
Witnesses pro-cut at the Representative
7b llf ro',r.i ttvl ffi t mi'ii of iff llrftr; afnt'ilirr Il
U'' 'i'Ot tl ff the OjUiitlel. of (jtntiiOta (lad
Mu'tiu i,
Havincs been regularly nominated
for the ofllce of Representative by the
Democratic Convention of my own coun
ty (Montour), and again bytlie Confer
ees of the District in conference of both
counties composing this Representative
Di-trict, I have bf come by this action
of the party the legu'.ar Democratic can
ilidatu for the oillce in question, and as
such claim the support of tho.-c of my
iellow-citicns wiio regard Its tuages.
This nomination imposes upon me du
ties which must be met In a spirit of
good faith and with promptness and en
ergy. Under these circiiui-lances I now ad
dress you for the purpo-o or saying thai
1 prupo-ti to appear before my follow
citizens of Columbia County at a. many
points as can Le reached before the elec
tion, to confer with them upon thoi.-biics
of the times, and vindicate nsy own
I am induced toadopt this cour-e from
having Just learned that in Columbia
County a volunteer or Irregular candi
date has appeared upon tho scene, and
that an attempt w ill bo liiadu to induce
intelligent and faithful Democrats of
that county to violate their party usages
by voting against the regular nominee
of the party.
A statement of rca-cuiMjfor this tlisor
ganMng project is prtwBnted In a paper
said to buolgnedbyanuniberofthocltl
-.ens of Columbia County, and addressed
to the Chairman of tho Standing Com
mittee. I call your attention, fellow-clllzens,
to the fact tlmt very lew of the persons
white naiiu satv subscribed to that paper
liaveany personal knowledge of any one
of the matters set fortlr as lifts lu that
statement, and also that' the signature
Wore obtained by private, solicitation, on
faleaud unfair representations, without
any opportunity being afforded to me
or my friends to bo heard upon the
questions involved.
This (llnorganteliig prujogt fortlefeut
liig tho rfu!nr Do'nojratjc K'mlmw-if
tho district waseoncocted by a foV mis
chievous spirits! in secret, and sprung
suddenly upon the people without any
opportunity for explanation or defence
on my part.
1 am Informed by Pdveral of those
whose names appear to tills disorganiz
ing document that they permitted the
use of their names under u misconcep
tion of the facts, and am further inform
ed and believe that the names of others
were used without their ednsent.
I oinphullcleully deny, and am pre
pared to disprove, tlio material state
ments contained in that paper relating
to my connection with the Senatorial
nomination, which are matte the pretext
fdr this opposition to me, and 1 promise
them that this shall be done most thor
oughly , for although thn matters al
leged, If true, would not justify opposi
tion to a regular nomination, 1 am de
termined that no Imputation of a single
Improper act, Which Is false, shall rest
upon me.
I did Use my Influence in good faith
to have the Senatorial nomination go to
Columbia County after tho Montour
Conferees should give a proper support
to tho candidate of tlielr own county,
and at my instance Mr. Leidy and Mr.
M.'Corntick attended the first day, and
Messrs. Campbell anil Ammonium on
the second day of the Conference, to se
cure such result. Sickness In my fami
ly prevented my own attendance.
I now call upon my Democratic fel-low-cltlzeus
to stand by the regular
nominations of their party, one anil all
of them, which have been made in ac
cordance with tho usages of the party,
and to oppose all attempts, eomo from
what quarter they may, to defeat any
of the nominees, and to enibaniss us In
our great contest for the complete resto
ration of the Union, and for placing the
Government again under Democratic
control. Thomas! Cualpant.
Iianvh.i.k, September 11, IsiJ'J.
tho Pomodr'ntic! 0itizoil3 of
lumbta Comity.
Wu, the undersigned, not wishing
the Use of our names to give " aid anil
comtort" to the Radicals, nor to a-slst
in destroying the time-honored Demo
crane organization, do withdraw our
names from tlio recommendation of Col.
L. L. Tate for As-embly. While sym
pathizing with him in Ids defeat, wo
eannot permit personal relations to in
tlueiK'o principles, anil cannot see with
what show of fairness lie attempts to
crowd off tho regular nominee for Rep
resentative, simply because he hini.-ell'
failed to receive a nomination to the
Senate. Sumo of our names were ob
tained by unfair representations, or upon
a mi-conception of tlio facts, while
others were used without duo authority.
Thomas Knorr, Ci. W. Manger,
.iu;;usius .iinsoii, is. nionor,
Henry Uliror.
m. I. Siiiunan,
W. T. Wilson,
George Ilas-ert,
George Strieker,
Michael iiea'gle,
Henry liver,
Matthias liyer,
Jacob Kyor,
John liyer,
Anion V. JlesS.
.1. llitgenliuch,
.1. L. (lirto.t,
Joint Scut I,
Joint Dcagie,
Samuel Kvorilt,
Klihu Taylor,
James Welllver,
Wm. Kyor,
in. ueie-er,
muni. BiioemaKer, .i. Ji. I'aruer,
Joseph C. Parker, Thomas Jones,
Hugh M'Rrlde, Samuel Oman,
Alias Cre.b-y, George W. Ctt,
John M'llenry, Sr.jSainuel Johii'.on
John Mordan, William Appleman,
Michael f. anion, and others.
Mil. Uditoh, In a letter addressed
"to the Democratic Standing Commit
teeof Columbia County," published in
the Democrat und Star September 111,
IM!,;, it Is charged that I, with yourself
am! friends, in attendance at the Repre
sentative Conferee Meeting, held at
Iilounisburg, in order to secure your
nomination for Representative, did con
cede to Columbia County the right to
tlie Senatorial candidate, that 1, your
self and friends, had failed in our
pledge; to secure tho nomination of
Levi L. Tate, as the candidate for State
Senator, and that we hail failed In our
pledges to appear at the Senatorial Con
loreiico. Mow permit me to say that 1
never, at any time, conceded as a right
to Columbia County, the Senatorial
candidate 1 did promi-etho lteprosent
ativo Conferees to be present at the
Senatarial Meeting and I was present,
and did use my lnihienco in favor of
Columbia County others were present
with mo it is simply lylii; to say I
failed in my pledges. More anon.
Yours, etc. J. IL Camimuill.
Wi:, the undersigned, hereby certify
that we, after giving thought to tho
question as to who we ought to support
for member to represent us front this
District, have no hesitation or reserve
In ,-ayingthat Thomas Chalfant, of Mon
tour, being the regular nominee, shall
base our hearty support; and we fur
ther make uo of tills occa-lon to say
that we feel indignant to all thoto who
have mado tee of unfair means to get
our names to subserve their disorganiz
ing ends; and we will oppose the
election uf L. It. Tate, or any other man
who bolts, by all fair means wo can
command. Wo tiro under tho impres
sion that our Standing Committee have
no right to Humiliate a candidate and to
endeavor to force him upon the people
in opposition ton regularly nominated
candidate; lu short, wo look upon the
scheniu as palpably n';aitit the ii-ages
of tho party, and should meet witu tho
unanimous rebuke of all Democrats.
Uurcroed In, "the whole ticket."
M. A. Aniiiiernian, Jos., Dcitrlch, Jr.,
Cvnis Robblns, Jo-eph Deltucn,
Albert Amnierman, J. C. Ruiiyan,
C. V. Aninieiiiian.
SnxATuit lim.Ai.nw addressed t
very large Deinoeratlo meeting HtHlti.-V.-Mcny
oi. Mmo'I:' 8f'.e;,iOui if.it,
,Wrltleli fpr ths I'ampalKii,
limB rjf a Volitntodr.
llr Thn Itogue'i Mlirdi. ,
1 am njolly volunteer,
Knys Colonel Levi Tiiloj
And Doctor .Toll ii has promised mo
To run lift candidate.
Of course, It Is n secret yet,
What I've encaged to ilo ;
Hut when t net ti Ilarrlsbun;
I'm bound to put it through.
Tlio liiK tor snys that I can bo
Kleclcd sure as ratoj
That all I want Is votes enough,
Ami he can llx It stralRht i
And tflvu me all tho Itudlcnls
If I can only "do,"
Kuoiiah " Irlelc township Polnncrnls"1
To put tho matter through.
And If they wero but half as dumb
As I". .lohu says they are,
'Twould all be right, because us run
1'ho Va'icrn mid .SVfii-.
Put I lmvo preache 1 tho ticket np
1'or ninny, many years,
And lioctnr, dear, I know tho fato
Of Jolly Miliinteers.
Written fur tho Campaign.
Nov Paper'. - .
Uv the prospectus published In anoth
er part of tills paper, it will boseen tlmt
it Is tlio intention of tlio present pub
lishers to establish, on n secure and per
manent footing, a Democratic newspa
per tlmt cannot bo subsidized or bought.
It will be published in the interest of
tlio whole Democratic party, and will
bo above tho roach of any individual,
or clique, or faction. When nomina
tions are mado they will bo sustained
and supported ; and tho paper will not
bo Used to control or In any way Influ
ence them. Tho present erisls warns
i s that something must bo dono to pre
vent Its recurrence, and to preserve the
trength, purity, and honor of our party.
lliUAK Cukkk, October 1, 1SCD.
E. II. Littli:, Esq. ) Sir, lam
highly elated witlt your littlo sheet,
vindicating truth and Justico against a
foul faction, central in its nature, liovor-
ering around tho county seat, determin
ed to rule If it oven end in ruin, which
it will as surely as they persist in tho
course they aro pursuing. Wo havo
had enough centralism in tho past six
years to satisfy tlio Democracy of Co
lumbia. It Is now timo they should
bolt against tlio Bolters, and crush tlio
central faction who have undertaken to
overrule party rules and regulations.
1 lmvo carefully examined Colonel
Tate's charge against Thomas Clialfant
and his friends, and also Mr. Chalfant's
defence; anil am satislled Mr. Chalfant
and ins friends actetl honorably and in
good faitli toward Mr. Tate, and that it
is he, Mr. Tate, that is acting a most
selilsli and dishonorable part, which
will be as wormwood and gall to him if
he does not recant.
1 would say to tho Democratic voters
of Columbia, bo careful how you cast
your votes against tho regular nominee
for a disappointed aspirant, who is now
trying to disorganize and demoralize
the Democratic party. 1 havo always
be"n a political friend of Colonel Tute
but il lie persists In the course ho Is pur
suing, 1, with many others of his friends,
will have to sacrifice him.
Pleasosend meeome tickets. I think
I can iito them to good advantage;
Rrlar Creek will do her duty and render
a fair account for Mr. Clialfant. Let tho
other townships tlo likewise, nnd his
election will bo sure. There is a reac
tion taking place, partly caused by your
sheet and partly by tho " sober second
thought." Yours, truly,
Mosi:s Davis.
R JllltsmilO, Coluber 1, 18G5.
E. II. Lt r I'LL, Eq., J)Mr Sir, As
It is claimed by tlio friends of Mr. Tate
that I couutcimnoouud sanction lib (M-;
Tate's) coarse, and urge his (Mr. Tate's)
election, I take this occasion of declai
ing that 1 am decidedly in favor of M
Clialfant, oar regularly nominated can
didate. That nty nanio was published in tho
list recommending tho nomination of
Mr. Taio J do not deny, but that it
was given lu tiu absence of many of
tho facts connected with Mr. Chalfant's
nomination, after repeated appeals to
my eou.ity pride, is soma extenuation,
at least, for its having appeared there.
I support Mr. Clialfant becaima ho is
the Doinojratiu Candidate, and because
the " Rollers," with tlielr allies, tho
Radicals, favor the election of Mr. Tate'.
.Yours, etc.,
Gr.our.i; W. Utt.
I-ctt.sT Pai.i:, September a, 13.
Colont.w L. L. Tati: btated yesterday
to mo that ho was sure that the opposi
tion party would not bring out a candi
date for as-enibly. Therefore it looks us
If ho is their member; and I would nil
vise all Democrats to stand by the full
ticket, as it was n'miinntod. Any spilt
will bo to our injury, and wo bail to
sull'er enough from tho split in lfeliU
about the President. Simon Cnincroir'
is left In the water again, ami some
members might get tho olfer, as Mr,
Iloyer, to catch tho fish. Inmandwns
over a Democrat.
I'll.- It'.- WOIILKOHTU.
Rlxto.v, October 1. lSOH.
To the alitor q Cumimtni
Silt, Under a mistaken Idea l was
induced to sign my nanio to a paper ear
ned through tho County by Colonel
T.tte. After giving the matter my atten
tion, I havo determined that 1 will have
nothing to do in t?upj ortlng a candidate
except tho regular nominee anil tlio
whole ticket throughout,
Wm. Ari'.r.MAx.
Tun Rloomsbiirg Democratic Club,
was addrcwM' I on Saturday night by'
Colour! Freeze, In vovJow of Marcur's
vni-waionnl yccortl.
-J. '.- jJ
"it 23-
Illcstor Clymon
Ansdcildii judges of Vic nevcrat Courts df
Columbia Count,
Iram Dorr.
Totcr 1C. Horboiru
William Elwelii
State Senator,
Goorgu D. Jackson.
Thomas Clialfant.
J'rothondtary and Clerk ri thi
tcvcral Courts
Jesse Coleman.
llegislcr and lleeordcr,
John G. Freeze:
Montgdmory Cdld;
John Ilannaii:
iilostcr Clymer
tls&ohdc -Judges of the nevcral Chert d
VSlumbia County,
, Irani Derp.
Peter K. llcrbelni
William ElwoU,
Slate Senator,
tloorgo D. Jackson.
Thomas Chalfant
J'r'dhOnotary and Clcre of the
neveral Courts,
Jesso Coleriian.
itegisler and Jlecorder,
John G; Freeze.
Montgomery Cold;
John lionnan.
Iliestcr Clymw:
.lisdclate Judges of the several Ctntrts df
Columbia County,
, Irani Dorr,
l'fcter K. Ilerbeln;
William Elwell.
State Senator,
Gcb'rgo D. Jackson.
Thomas Chalfant.
ProthoHolary amt Clerk of Ui4
several Courts
Jesso Coleman.
Jtegisrr and. Recorder,
John G. Freeze
Montgomery Colo,
John llahnnn.'
Illwter Clymdr;
Asioolafi Judges of the, ecvei-al Cturts of
Columbia County,
Irani Derr.
Peter K. Hcrbeto.
William Elwell;
Slate, Senator,
Georgo D. Jackson.
Thomas Chalfant.
Prothonotary and Clerk of (lid
several Cburtt,
Jesso Coleman.
Jieghter and lleeorde)',
John G. Freeze
McttouHry C'olev
Jo. a IUivn.-
... v

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