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KlfiillT OR WRONG. WHIS RIGHT, TO BE KEPT RIGHT, WHES WIIOXO, TO BE PCT RIGHT. EBCASIIIKG: TUURSDAY:;:::::::::::::::::OCTOBER 24. Facts vs. Fiction. Whilst in conversation witfi a gentle man a few days since, he remarked to us that, "the great forte of Charley Murray, as an Editor, consists in this, whenever facts fail him, or do not exactly answer his purpose, he is ever ready to supply their places with the creatures of his own imagination, and so happy is his faculty of substituting the false for the true, and of weaving the two together, when neces sary to his ends, that he is often very apt to deceive those who do not go to the trouble of making further inquiries." We submit this definition as meeting the case of our neighbor with i precision that borders on to ninety. But candor com pels us to say, that the forte is not credit able to any one it is ceitainly not to an editor whose writings are scattered broad cast amongst the rising generation, and whose profession above all others, the ministry excepted, requires that he should at all times speak and write the Truth. We have been led into these reflections by the fact that in his last number, the editor of the Democrat & Sentinel charges us with having called R. L. Johnston, E. It. Donnegan and C. L. Pershing, Esquires, "uncircutneised traitors." Now every reader of Tlie AUeghanian knows that this charge has no foundation whatever, in fact, and yet our romancing neighbor parades it in two or three places in his paper. Wo admit, that, in speaking some time ago of the actions of the Loco-Foco Con vention, held at Ilarrisburg, on the 22d of February last, and at which these men were delegates, we called the leaders of that mysterious body, "uncircunicised patriots." Surely there is nothing objec tionable in this. Our neighbor himself says that as Johnston, Donnegan and Pershing are not Jews, he admits the first part of the proposition ? But why docs he make patriots read traitors ? It is bimply because he wants to make a little capital out of it. He knows that our pa per cannot follow his everywhere, to con tradict his shameless fabrications, and he hopes to injure us by garbling and perver ting our language. This is, to say the least of it, both mean and contemptible, and can only find its parallel in the past conduct of the individual who now resorts to it. We entreat our neighbor to confine himself hereafter to the facts. "Educational.'' Uudcr the above euphonious title, our neighbor up-strect last week informed humanity that the Ebensburg Borough Schools had been opened under the charge of four Teachers three males and one female. This, as a matter of news, was all very well, and would be especially gratifying to all who didn't happen to know the fact before. But it is certainly strange, passing strange, that our neighbor could not indite two sentences linger so comprehensive a title without going off into a tirade of personal abuse against our worthy Board of School Directors. What, pray, is the crime for which our whilom friend arraigns these officials, who lire so unfortunate as to be serving the dear people without" reward ? Why, it seems that these men actually had the effrontery to appoint the Teachers without first consulting him ! This is the head and front of their offending, and they richly deserve to be severely castigated for the same." We trust that in future they will govern themselves accordingly. The Board of School Directors are fully able to take care of themselves. They need no vindication at our hands, and we refer to this matter with quite a different purpose. Out auiiable neighbor tells us that one Mr. E. D- Evans was an applicant for a Tcachership, and that the fact that durin the last two or three years he had been in the habit of voting the Democratic ticket constituted the sole and only reason of the Directors refusing to appoint him. Now, have not one word to nttcr against the qualifications of Mr. Evans as a Teacher. Ho has taught school, iu this burough for somu year past, and, as far as wc know, has given vniforni satisfaction to both pa rents and pupils. We would have been perfectly satisfied had he been chosen. But we do say that the Directors had tho undoubted right to use their own judg ment in the appointment of Teachers, und when Carl Dizzard Murray sets himself up as a sort of fugleman and undertakes to charge this respectful body with ostraci zing Mr. Evans on account of his political principles, we deem it our duty, as a pub lic journalist, to insinute that he lies (under a mistake.) We know that the gentlemen representing the majority of the School Board would scorn to do the deed imputed to them. But, good neighbor, do you not put Mr. E. D. Evans in a very awkwaid dilemma, when you assert that he has been in tho habit of voting the Democratic ticket, the last two or three years? There is surely something wrong here something ','rotten in Denmark." A great many have supposed that he still claimed to be a Re publican. We know that within the last two or three years he has been a candidate for divers nominations in our party. In fact, he was such no later thau the cam paign of 1860. Surely after that he wouldn't vote against the nominees of the Convention ! Consider the matter, neigh bor. A great many Republicans are firm in the belief that Mr. E. D. Evans rolled up his sleeves last fall, and did all he could for "Linking, Curling, Mulling and the hull Countj Ticket." Can it be that the E. D. Evans you mean is not the one wc mean ? We didn't promise, in our last issue, to lay before our readers this week the epitaph of the defunct irresponsible editor of the Democrat A Sentinel; but here it is : Fa in a Semper Vivat. Stop, friend Traveler! top and think! Before you further go ; For under here ' a nice, keen slink, . As all who read may know. Carl. His first name was Carl, And he could drink a barrel Of any sort of liquor ; But, alas for poor Carl ! He got into a snarl, And he went off quicker. He could open his mouth wider, And drink more cider In one mortal minute, Than you could in a whole year. But tanglefoot and beer Made him mighty quick shin it. So now he lies here, Aud you ought to drop a tear, To the memory of Carl. For soon he'll be forgotten, And his carcase will be rotten, And Cnil will be marl. Dizzard. His second name was Dizzard, He was "scaly" as a lizard, And was very smart and knowing; But he wasn't quite a wizzard, If he could tell A from izzard: Yet he alwaj s kept "a blowing." He wrote much for the papers, And cut many funny capers, . And was very self-conceited. But, alas! alas! poor Dizzard, Death shot him through the gizzard, So the Devil wasn't cheated. With his corpus in the ground, He can't hear a single sound, - Nor can he strike a "blizzard Then stop and shed a tear, And take some good small beer, In memory of Dizzard. Murray. His other name was Murray, And he undertook to eurry An editor ycleped Barker ; But he was beaten ir, a hurry, And put out in quite a Hurry, And after that he kept darker. But his life began to mizzle, And so out he had to fizzle, And he got to Styx's ferry ; But old Charon didn't know him, And he wouldn't over row him Alas Carl Dizzard Murray! So then take some Tom and Jerry, To the memory of Murray ; And here then heave a big sigh For lying he was dying, And dying he was lying, And even dead he here doth lie. gesWe duhit promise either, in "our last issue, to lay before our readers this week, tlie "nigger sarmint" on the defunct irrcspojisiUe editor of the Democrat & Sen tinel; but here it is: A sarmint delibbeted on dc occasion ob de drf of Mister Charley Dizzard Murray , de frend ob Slavery and de villijire of de tngger. liy de Jleverend Mister Sambo Saffron. Before de cullnd pteple of Hard Scrabble. Bellbbf.i) Bkedoeux: It fords me much pleasure to form yon dat de individooal you see layin yander is ded agin : an it am my doot3" as your much respectable pasture, to say a few words on dis melancholic occasion. Sum ma think I ort to pass sich a small mat ter ober in silens, but to all sich let me sa, in de langwidge of de pote : Let vdder peeple do as dry will, I trill do my dooty still. Udders ma think dat dc deceast was so grate an individooal dat I ort not to spread mj-self on dis occasion. But dat is only dere pinion. Dey will excoos me if I differ wid dcin on dis pint. I would jist like, dereforc, to ask all sich, whedder Brutal didn't preach Julicum Cczar's funeral sarmint; an also whedder Theodosicum Sparkcr didn't sa a fu encoura gin words when Daniel Webster breaved his latit? Ob course dey did. Sol will per&ec on my pcppergrain. Dis am a day long to be forgot. Dc deceast hab traded dir world off fur de next. He dide eevral days go, more or lessnn now presents a humUious spectacle. For he was a orful sinner, de chief nruung ten thousand, and de one altogedder ugly. I hab heerd it se'd dat he war born a fcood niany years ago, but 1 harly tink it is so long as all dat comes to. It am a doutful pint at de best. But dis am sartin. He got himself bornd in dis county, and Ebensburg hab bin hi3 place of stayment de Lor nozc how long. He fus larnt to be a doctor, an then a lawyer. But de principal posish he eber had was de writer fur de Democrats an Senticles. ne oilers were de inweterate enemy ob de cullud man, fur he were a orful sinner, de chief araung ten thousand, and de one altogedder ugly. Breddern, de deeesthate a brack man like a brack snake. He were bery fond ob de abomible si3tem ob Slabery, bat he despise do nigger clean out ob sight. He war de par tickler friend ob de slabe-driber, and wrote and print ebery ting in his favor. When de nigger war dry, he wouldn't give him nufiin to drink. When de nigger war hungry, he would luff him starve. When de nigger war naked an a shiverin in de cold, he wouldn't give him his old cloze. An when de nigger war runnin off from bi3 cruel master, or his driber, de deceast wood radder ketch him an take him back to de chains ob Slabery,' dan help him git under de spreddin branches ob de bressed tree ob Liberty. Whedder dis pe cooliarity in de deceast was becos ob de col or, or whedder becos ob de smell ob de brack man, or de wool on de top ob his head dese are eubjecks dat I will perseed not to discust. Sich, den, is de caractur ob de deceast, he bein at de same time drefful fond ob de in tocksicatin bole. But prehaps de less sed bout dat de better, for if he did hurt heself at dat bizness, he war nebber cotched axin any one else to " Dox likewise." By which affectin lines I mean dat he warn't in de habit ob axin oder folks to take nothin spiritule along wid him. But I must commens to quit. My hart am bery full, and it am clear to ray mind dat I wont stop till I quit: Dereforc, breddern, I hab kum to de kunklusion to perseed imme jutly to kunklude dese fu breef remarks. De end of de deceast ort to teach him a vallera ble lesson, an at de same time it ort to be a warnin to de rest ob mankind or enny udder man. ne war 6trongly spected ob habin ces sion perclibities, an de udder nite he onfortu nitly fell into de hand ob a lot ob unrooly niggers. Dey didn't gib him needer trile nor jury, but weut an got a big Columbusdad gun weighin bout sixty-four poundser. Dey im mejutly loded him into de dig gun and shot him out gin a big spruce stnmp. De result war dat he got blowed all to smash. He sol emly protest gin dis hole prosedin ; but we hab dis happy rcfleckshun dat his latter end was pieces. I will state in kunklusion dat de deceast "was also bout half-shot before he got put into de big gun. Breddern, you will please quit laffin at dem puns. Dis am no laflin matter. You will perseed to move de karcus irumejutly, while we sing de follern hime : Wid rapture we Delighted see De cuss removed. The Next Legislature. We have tried our utmost to present a complete list of the members elected to the next Legis lature, but the returns come in so slowly, and the votes in some counties are so very evenly balanced, that nothing but an offi cial count of the army vote next Novem ber will decide the result. The following will be its probable complexion, however: SENATE. Republicans, . ... 23 Democrats, . . . 10 13 58 42 1G Republican majority, . HOCSE OK KEPKESKKTATIVES. Union, . . . . Democrats, . . . Union majority. JB Annexed is the official vote receiv ed by Judge Taylor in this Judicial Dis trict the military vote not being counted: Cambria, . . . 2,338 Blair, . . 3.490 2,581 8,403 Huntingdon, Total: Our Army in the Field. No statement has come from the War Department of the number of our troops in the field, and the difficulty of compiling such authentic tables without access to its official documents has, moreover, hith erto prevented any one from undertaking the task. The following compilation, nev ertheless is made up from a careful peru sal of all the Messages or documents of Governors or Adjutant-Generals of States which have been published during a month past, as well as all letters, without excep tion, from army correspondents of all the leading newspapers, and of the telegraphic dispatches to the Associated Press. This statement, accordingly, of the number of troops now in the field or in camp oi bar racks to be put in tho field by the first of November, is as nearly correct as anything unofficial of the kind can possibly be made. We have omitted from this table the District of Columbia, Maryland, Dela ware, Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri. Michigan, California, Oregon, and the Territories, because we have fouud nothing eufficieotly authentic re specting them. It will be observed that the sixteen Free States enumerated below will have three, hundred and sixty-two thousand troops ready for the field by the 1st of November. The States above named would probably raise this asgregate above 400,OOU. Maine 12,000 New Hampshire 8,000 Vermont 7,000 Massachusetts 28,000 Rhode Island 4,000 Connecticut 10,000 New York 78,000 New Jersey 9,000 Pennsylvania 54,000 Ohio 51,000 Indiana 32,000 Illinois 40,000 Iowa 11,000 Minnesota 3,000 Wisconsin 10,000 Kansas 5,000 Total 362,000 JC2" The uncontrolled command of the army on the Potomac has been given to Gcu. M'Clellan, so that henceforth all the responsibility rests with him. THE NEWS 0JF THE WEEK. Latest From Washington. Washington, Oct. 22, 18(31. Gen. Stone crossed the Potomac thii morning, with one portion of his command, at Ed ward's Ferry, and another at Harrison's Island. Skirmishing began with the en emy as early as nine o'clock in the morn ing, and continued without effect until five in the afternoon, when large reinforce ments of the enemy appeared on our rig ht. which was commanded . by Col." Baker, Senator from Oregon. The Union forces engaged numbered about 1800, and were attacked by from 5,000 to 10,000. "At this juncture. Col. Baker fell at the head of his brigade, gallantly cheerfng his men to the conflict. In consequence of confusion created by his-death, the right wing sustained a repulse, accompa nied with considerable loss." The left wing retired in good order. Strong rein forcement will be sent forward to Col. Stone during the night. Later: No more news has transpired. The information thus far. received is not entitled to full credence. The remains of Col. Baker were to be taken to Washing ton. Handsome Union Victory. . Baltimore, Oct. 1C, 1861. ' ; A gentleman from near Harper's Ferry furnishes the particulars of a fight between six companies, consisting of parts of the 28th Pennsylvania Regiment, the 3d Wis consin, and the the 13th Massachusetts Regiment, under command of Col. John W. Geary, and 3,000 Rebels. Early yesterday morning the Rebels showed themselves on Bolivar JTeights, at Harper's Ferry, and commenced an at tack with artillery upon three companies under Major J. P. Gould, stationed on the north side of the Potomac. A constant fire was kept up for some hours, when three companies of the 3d Wisconsin Regiment crossed the river, formed into line, and drove the enemy back, and succeeded in capturing one of their heavy guns. They were, however compelled to retreat, which they did in good order, to the river. Here they were re-entorced by three other companies, and they then, with Col. Geary at their head, marched upon the enemy, and, after hard fighting, drove them from their position and recaptured the 32-pounder, a colum biad. Our forces had but three pieces of ar tillery, and these were fired from this side of the river .until the enemy retreat ed. The enemy had seven pieces of artillery and 500 cavalry, together with their in fantry, and were completely routed and driven back some three miles. Our loss in killed and wounded is not over seven, while that of the enemy is at least one hundred and fifty. Col. Ashby, who was at the head of the enemy, is among the rebels killed. Presentation or a Regimental Flagr. Pittsburg, Oct. 17, 1SG1. Gov. Cur tin and suite arrived here iu the midnight train, and were escorted to the Mononga hela Hotel by Gen. Negly and staff, aud Capt. M'Nulty's brigade. The object of the Governor's visit was the presentation of State regimental flags, which took place this afternoon iu the presence of an immense concourse of peo ple, and was quite imposing. Tho Brigade, numbering about 3,000 hardy, well-disciplined, and well-equipped troops, marched from Camp Wilkins, through the principal streets, to Allegheny Common, where the ceremonies took place. - . Gov. Curtiu, in presenting the flags, made an appropriate and patriotic speech, which was neatly responded to by Gen. Negley, after which there was a grand review. The Brigade left the same night on five steamers for the West. tie at Lynn Creek, Jllssouri. Syracusk, Mo., Oct. 20, 1SG1. It is reported that Acting Brigadier-General Wyman, who left Rolla seed days since with about 2,500 men, has arrived at Lynn Creek, where he dispersed a body of reb els,, killing a considerable number, taking over 200 prisoners, and capturing eighteen loads of goods, belonging to M'Clurg & Co., whom the rebels had robbed. A later dispatch confirms the report. The place was surrouuded on the 14th by Major Wright's cavalry, the same that routed the rebels near Lebanon, and a company of rebels under Capt. Robbins and a number of other prisoners, including the Sheriff of the county. A rebel cap tain and lieutenant were killed in the af fair near Lebanon, and Lieut.-Col. Somers taken prisoner. All the prisoners taken at both places, 74 in number, have arrived here. Recapture of Lexington. Jefferson City, Oct. 20. A special dispatch to one of the St. Louis , papers says : Major Milne of the 1st Missouri scouts arrived here to-day on the steamer Sioux City, and reports that on the 10th 250 of his regiment, under Major White, surprised the rebel garrison at Jexington, and recaptured the place and all the sick aud wounded, together with a quantity of guns, pistols and other articles which the rebels threw away in their flight. Two pieces of cannou which were in the fort were also captured. Skirmish in Missouri.' St. Louis, October 20. In a skirmish near Lebanon on the 23th inst., between two companies of Major Wright's cavalry and about four hundred rebels previously reported, the latter lost sixty-two killed and twelve wounded, four mortally, and thirty-six taken prisoners. Wright's loss was one killed. Recruiting---Tlie Demand Tor Soldiers. . From the Ilarrisburg Telegraph. Many people imagine that when the loyal states have all filled the quotas de manded of them by the federal authorities, that the business of recruiting soldiers will end. In this they are mistaken, as soldiers will be constantly in demand, to keep tho companies, regiments, brigades and armies of the Union up to their min imum standard. There are a hundred casualties which diminish the force and numbers of companies. Sickness and death come without tho effects of powder and shot so that even while au army' is in camp, unexposed to the assaults and "destruction of an. enemy, it is diminishing in numbers and loosing in strength in the ways and manner we have described, so that recruiting becomes constantly neces sary, and the organization and discipline of soldiers, a work in which every man can engage with profit to his country and benefit to himself. As our army moves from Washington city, it will not of course leave the posts it now ocupies unprotected, while at the same time it would be bad policy to leave any of its drilled and effi cient force behind for this protection. Therefore men will become necessary for garrison duty, for duty in the entrench ments, and for the safety and protection of the immense military works erected by our army of occupation all over the country. At this season of the year, the work in the agricultural regions of the western and middle states leases. Thousands of able bodied men are thus thrown out of employment, while they will be unable to make engagements in other business that usually went on after the harvest was gathered and the thrashing finished. In the lumber region, for instance, of this and other states, there will be little if any labor performed during the coming season, a fact to which we have heretofore re ferred, and to which we now allude as one of the conditions of northern society, out of which we will be able to organize a large and effective force for field operations. The material in this particular is the very best for the creation of splendid military bodies, simply because the men are in ured to hardship and understand the bus iness of self-preservation and self-attention. All that these men need to render them good soldiers, is a knowledge of the man ual. They already have a practice in the use of arms they understand the necessi ties of long marches, encumbered with burdens equal in weight to the contents of a knapsack or the heft of a musket and, therefore, so far as the hardships of the service are coucerned, this class of men would be fit for the camp immediately. There are other classes of men, engaged in other pursuits, all of whom have some peculiar qualifications for a soldier's life, and all of whom need that proficiency which is acquired by exercise and practice iu the manual. In view of the necessities which will undoubtedly arise and the demands which must grow out of the in vasion of an enemy's lines, the loss by battle, the decrease by sickness, and the thousands of casualties by which the in dividual force of an army is lessened, we repeat that we must expect to have con stant drafts made upon our communities, and that the active men of the loyal states must hold themselves in readiness at any time to be summoned to the camp and the battle field. When they become con vinced that this necessity is absolute, aud that the duty which they owe to their country is paramount, supreme and supe rior to any other obligation under which they may rest, they will discover the im portance of rendering themselves efficient before the appeal is made for their servi ces. This is easily done, if attempted in the right spirit, because there is in every American citizen the dormant spirit of a soldier which only needs development to render it powerfully effective. On this account, wc suggest that the military spirit and ardor which now pre vail in all parts of Pennsylvania particu larly, will be cultivated and increased. Our force in the army must not be allowed to grow less in number or effectiveness. Fer every man that falls another must be ready to take his place. He must be ready to take his place. He must be ready also to perform his duty by disciplining him self now when time is afforcd. All this is important and should not be neglected. Col. John W. Geary. Col. J. W. Geary, who commanded the Twenty eighth Pennsylvania regiment, has fig ured extensively in recent national events. He commanded the Second regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers in Mexico, and was noted for great firmness and the rigid discipline to which he subjected his men. When he first went to the war in that unfortunate republic, he was Lieutenant Colonel of Roberts' regiment of Pennsyl vania Volunteers, and at the battle . of Chepultepec, where he held chief com mand of his regiment, wa3 wounded, but notwithstanding, led his mtn in the ter rific battle at the de Belen gate just pre vious to the capture of the city of Mexico. For his gallantry on that occasion he was promoted to the rank of Colonel, his com mission bearing date November 3d, 1847. He received special meution at Cerro Gordo. After the war in 1748, he lived in San Francisco, of which place he was appointed Postmaster, and was afterwards elected the first Mayor of the City, hold ing his office for two or three terms prior to the organization of the Vigilance Com mittee. He was afterwards Governor of Kansas under the Buchanan regitne. J&oSTSee new aJvcrtieciaeats. wu.mus AGO. Six mm.,i Sumter fell into tie Cd,h A Fort Sui rebels, a Green Monster of JeaW r. a of the honor of our Rreat Republic What has been done since tht The largest army that the coZr erer seen previously has been called 1? orgamied, equipped, served three wL!J and been disbanded. Three o?t2?? an army of over three hundred Q men has been raised, organized transported, and drilled readv f!?ttlpH . Thirty little battles have been fo? and about two thousand men have 1 killed and twice as mac j wounded A fleet that was spread OTer the w of the entire globe, has been ealled hn repaired, an4 is in active- service t? ' Navy has been weeded of traitora.', work in itself. a Seven new slooops-of-war have I built and are now afloat, and thirty erful new gunboats will soon be readr service Besides this seventeen Bteam rl have been ; altered into gunboats schooners have been likewise altered Two fort , seven hundred prisonerg t hundred and three prizes have been 't tured by the fleet This is but a tithe of what has been done whilst our army w&I in a state of disorganization, and oar government affairs in chaotic confosiou What can we do in the next six mojl&5 with perfect order, great power, great leaders, and a great cause ? Shall not the anniversary of the fall of Fort Sumter show us the fall of the so. called Southern Confederacy ? Houston. The Richmond Enquire of a recent date contains a letter from Sani Houston, dated September 18, which m written for the purpose of defining hig Eosition, and in answer to an article which e saw in the New York Herald, about the 15th of August, which stated that General Houston has no sympathy with the rebellion. He says that previous u the act of secession by Texas, his opposi tion to it was open and avowed ; tut since then he has changed his opinions, and now with the South in all her movements. He declares that there is now no Union sentiment in Texas, however strong hmay have been at one time, and that "the Spartans were not more united in defence of their country and liberties than is Tex as united in support of the Southern Con federacy' It will thus be seen that old "San Jacinto" is in full communion with those who are seeking to break up tie Government." Completing the Quota of 500,000 Men. The exigency of the case demands a vigorous effort now on the part of theme States that have not sent in their quota of the volunteer army. The Government needs and wants to-day the last man cf the 500,000 in the field. No matter if we arc deficient in Enfield rifles for all. The deficiency will soon be made up, ml in the meantime recruits can be drilled with inferior old muskets, or, as in the South, with hickory poles, aud thus b prepared for active service. Our batdet must be fought, and our victories won; and the earlier we have a full army in tie field the easier will be our duties. The Federal Forces in TVestzbk Virginia. Generals Rosecrana and Cox are at Mountain Cave, only thirteen mile from Gauley Bridge, with only six thous and troops who are able to perform active ' duty and are available. Between Gauley Bridge and Camp Lookout there were on Tuesday last one'thousand 6ix hundred and forty patients in the hospitals pros trated with the camp fever. At Cross Lanes, near Carnifaz Ferry, and ahout twenty-eight miles from Gauley Bridge, are one hundred and sixty patients. A Large Contract. Mr. Stephen Cromwell, of Camdem, Ohio, has made contract by which he is to furnish one hundred and fifty thousand cords of wool for the Ohio Central Railroad company. The magnitude of this contract can be understood only when we take into con sideration the fact that it makes a pi'C four feet high and not less than two hun dred and fifty seven miles in length, od requires the delivery of nearly fifty cor& a day (Sundays excepted) for ten years- It is said that Mrs. Jeff Paris wrote a letter to a colored woman in Washington in which she stated that before the end ot July the rebel government would w inaugurated in Washington, and ehe installed as mistress of the White House. The object of the letter was to assure tw colored woman that she would be safa remain in Washington, and to "y" services when Mrs. Davis was called w dispense the hospitalities of the Execute Mansion. B. Gen. M'Clellan has detailed sou six hundred liemtenans, to scrVe as sp nal corps, in case of night marches, will prevent collisions between WM. W. FRY, with pT c, MOORE, LIGGET Importers And Jobbers of r(! HOSIERY, GLOVES, TRIMI1,;5' NOTIONS, ke. -No. 22a Market Streetp Oppositeank rtcA ConRflttvreceivinc Goods from Tbil- adelphia and New York Auctions. Oct. 24, 1861-tt WILLIAM S. CROSN 4j Lumber, Stave and G COMMISSION MERCHANT, Comer East Falls and Eastern A""eyp. Will attend to selling all "'Jr'JJie SUtm, Shook, Grain, Ac.,o4 ujct2iyJ fur the Siiuc. Six Months