Newspaper Page Text
fHIJBSPAY::::;::r.::::::::::QCTOBER 20. LOCAL AMD PEtoOMlT EbENSBUEO AND CBJBSSON RAILROAD. 0n and after Monday, May 16, 1864, trains on this road will run as follows : Leave Ebensburg At 7 00 A. TC., connecting with Bait. Ex press West and Thro' East. At 6.40 P. M., connecting with Mail Train and Fast Line West and Ex. East. Leave Cbesson jit 10.45 A. M., or on departure of Thro' Accommodation West. At 9.15 P. M., or on departure of Fast Line West. Etchings. -The Johnstown Tribune last week made its appearance enlarged and improved. It mw contains seven columns to a page, each column consider ably longer than before. It is one of the largest papers outside the cities, and, see iag that Messrs. Swank and Elder are its editors, we are confident it will be one of the best Success to it!.. .A man named Samuel Shaw, of Juniata township, Blair county, a deserter from the United States', army, was shot and killed at his residence on the 11th by a detachment of the pro vost guard who were attempting to arrest Mm. In a disturbance thai ensued, a cit izen was slightly wounded by the guard. ...At no time within the recollection of tie "oldest inhabitant" have chestnuts been plentier in this section than the present fall. The trees absolutely groan with their luscious burden, and the ground underneath is covered therewith. People tn rather them with great market U UUt baskets, with three-bushel bags, and some times with horses and wagons. From appearances, we would say that Cambria county would be fully able to eupply the demand of the rest of the State for the luxury. They sell at 2.00 per bushel. ...We are glad to see it announcod in the daily papers that Capt David Fox, of Co. A, 55th P. V., has escaped from Charles ton prison.... Corp. Ed. Rodgers, of Co. F, lS7th P. V., and Georgo Williams, of Co. C, 19th U. S. I., have returned home, the former on a ten-days furlough, and the latter by reason of expiration of term of ervice. The 187th regiment, in which are quite a number of Cambrians, is now stationed in Philadelphia, and will prob ably be distributed throughout the State on provost duty Mr. Win. A. Leavy, of Co. A, 55th P. V., was at home for some days past, on sick leave. Yours, Truly. We have received a letter from a particular friend, of which the following is an extract : Oil Citt, Oct. 6, 18C4. Dear Alleghanian: I don't see knives men tioned in your "benefit" bill, but thinking that perhaps one of Wostenholm's best would prove not altogether unacceptable, take occa sion to "celebrate the anniversary of the 'bornatlon' of The Alleghanian," the sixth, by making the tender of one, and send it with the hope that The All eg. may continue to live -on past a thousand years and still live on I Thank you ! thank you ! We were just out of a knife when this was received, and didn't exactly know where and how to get another. Which renders the gift doubly valuable. The failure to mention pocket cutlery in the catalogue of things by us receivable as a "benefit" was a clear oversight on our part, and does not pre vent us from being glad at the omission being thus practically brought to our no tice. We would here say, that any of our "numerous friends" desiring to press a souvenir or gift upon oureonsidcratioa are not obliged to confino themselves to the list of articles enumerated by us. On the contrary, they are at liberty and are hereby requested to patronize a list of their own, and make their own selection?. Again, thank you, kind friend I thank jou for both the knife and the good wishes. You are one of nature's own noblemen, snd we are yours, truly. A Squad of Cambria County Men Captured. On the 3d inst., a skirmish took place between a battalion of the OA liL r i T ir J A T U .vtiu regiment X . . anu j.xuscujr d sum- "toand, near Manassas Junction, Va., therein Lieut. Hay and thirty-three pri vates (all Cambria county men) of Co. D, ere captured. Co. D had been detailed s skirmishers, when Aloseby s cavalry toade a sudden and unexpected charge fcpoo them, and gobbled them up. The following are the casualties and missing 13 the company : bounded Lieut. David Hutzen in thigh; Corporal Joseph Hutzen, right shoulder. .ssmg first Lieut. John B. Hay, sergeant Fleming, Sergeant Joseph Luther, Cor ral Peter Beemish. Corooral John Luther. pcra: John Heckman, Michael Berry, jwrij, Conrad Eicbenaayer, Geo. Fisher, "vi Forber, John Forsyth, Levi Horner, j,v"' uariman, uenoen u oilman, mom. J. igbeg, Adam Kerary, Samuel Kern, John h0, William Luther, Anthony Miller, Wm. pry. Ferd. Newkirk, Ed. Page, John MUlth f - TTT! . TTT mr FROM JOHNSTOWN. THE SLECTIOS RESISTANCE TO TAB DRIFT IH RICHLAND TP. ONE MAN SHOT MILITARY MR. GEOftQE D. BERLIN HIMSELF AGAIN. Correspondence of The Alleghanian. Johnstown, October 17, 1864. The election passed off remarkably qui etly here. The vote falls short of that polled at the Governor's election. In the 5th ward and Millville boro. there is an opposition gain, while in Conemaugh and Cambria boros. they fall behind consid erably. Barker leads his ticket in four wards Johnstown and in the first ward Conemaugh. The largest vote polled is for Engelbach. On Monday night last, a squad of the cavalry stationed here proceeded to Rich land township to arrest deserters. A fam ily named Fox, two of whom had been drafted and failed to report, attempted to resist the squad, and at least one shot wa3 fired from their house at the soldiers. Th e fire was returned, and John Fox, who is thought to be the one who first shot, was struck in the back by a bullet, which penetrated the lung, inflicting a mortal wound. The father and two sons, a man named Baumgardner, who has been draf ted three times, a man named Kroft, and another named Horner were all subse quently arrested and brought to the mili tary camp in this place. Horner was subsequently released, as it was found he had never been notified of the fact that he had been drafted. The others were sent to Provost Marshal headquarters on Wednesday. The wound of John Fox, who was not removed from home, must prove fatal. Mr. John Ryan, a worthy citizen of Cambria boro., was also arrested on Mon day, but upon producing proof that he had reported vand had been exempted, he was promptly released. A number of Capt. Bon acker's compa ny, 54th P. V., arrived home here last week, their term of service having ex pired. These boys have seen some pretty active service latterly. They are all loud in praise of their gallant Colonel, John P. Linton, who is expected home the present week. By a letter from City Point, Va., I learn that the 21st Pa. Cav. aro now in camp near that place, and that they will be remounted as soon as they can be sup plied with horses. This regiment has been through several severe actions in front of Petersburg, and mourns the loss of many of it? members, among whom are some brave Johnstown boys. Standing at the depot one day last week, I was agreeably surprised to see Mr. George D. Berlin, agent to recruit negroes in the revolted States, step off the train. It was currently reported and generally believed a lew weeks- ago that the guerillas in Georgia had gobbled him up, and, in accordance with their usual custom, had strung him up to the nearest tree. But it appears the story was a ca nard, and I am glad of it. Home-made Tar. It may not be known to some of our readers at a distance, nor even to many at home, that a good quality of tar is manufactured in the mountains of Cambria, Somerset and ad joining counties out of the knots of the pitch pine. Such is the fact. The man ufacture of this substitute for North Car olina tar is carried on quite extensively, and has already considerably depreciated the price of the latter article. "We believe itjmswers nearly all the purposes of the original. . So says the Johnttotcn Tribune. Over ! The election is now over, and we feel safe in saying that fully one-half the candidates are also over the left ! Summer is over, and the season of balmy zephyrs. ' The rebellion is the next thing to over. Speaking of the rebellion re minds us that incontrovertible testimony proves that the rebels are illy clad. . If they only lived here, they might easily remedy this misfortune by going to J. M. Thompson's cheap store, Ebensburg, and buying themselves each a suit of winter clothing. October. It is October. In the ripened field A goodly harvest waits the farmer's hand ; . In gen'rous showers the stately orchards yield Their mellow fruits, and over all the land A bounteous Providence has scattered good. O, richest month of all the changing year ! Thou comest not with penitential tear, But steps of ling'ring flame and hand of blood. Thy breath has touched the woods, and day by day The grand old trees take fire, and burn away ; In showers, like sifted gold, their yellow leaves Fall on the reapers as they bind the sheaves ; But thy soft gales cold wintry winds betray, And in thy glory something breathes decay. Frank K. Hettinger, of this county, now a soldier for the Union and stationed at Camp Cur tin, called to see us last week. He was looking well as usual Coojish; the weather, Utterly. FROM OUR SOLDIERS. LETTER FROM CO. 0, 209TH P. V. PLEASANT WEATHEH WHAT THEY ABE DOING) A MAIL AT LAST ALL WELI PANT. -MUSTER BOLL OF COM- Correspondence of The Alleghanian. Bermuda Hundred, Oct. 10. One-third of October is gone, the time of the "sere and yellow leaf is here, and yet the sun sends his rays with a heat that is far from comfortable to those who have be'en fanned the summer long by the cool breezes of the Alleghanies. .While with you the Frost King has begun to nip, and earth is disrobing herself of her green, with us the flics still gather in swarms, the grasshopper jumps from be neath the foot at every step, and the mus-. keto bites with a frequency and a keenness that are far from comfortable. Nature would still triumph in her summer glory had not the necessity of war disrobed the earth of her beauty, and left the beautiful places desolated. Our object here, is to hold a portion of the line of fortifications extending from the James on the right to the Appomattox on the left. Our principal duty is that of picketing. On, the picket line is no fi ring, though the posts are within easy hailing distance. ' On Wednesday, the 3d instant, we re ceived the first mail had since our depar ture from Harrisburg. Since then it has come regularly. The health of the company is good. But two were reported this morning to the Surgeons, and only one each day for several days past. None ot the company either aro or have been "dangerously ill since we left Ebensburg. The muster-roll of the company is as follows : Captain Robert Litzinger. Lieutenants: 1st Samuel W.' Davis. 2d Hugh Jones. Sergeants : 1st Samuel Singleton 2d Alex Jones. 3d Elbridge Stiles. Corporals 4th Ed. J. Humphrey 5th Edward Owens. 1st Flory H. Barker. 2d Thos. J. Evans. 3d Richd. W. Pryce. 4th Wm. II. Davi3. 5th Jos. A. Elliott. 6th Wm. T. Baum. 7th G. W. Gissioger. 8 th E, E. Scott. Privates : Christr. C. Adams, M'Ginley J. Adams, Reuben Brown, Thos. W. Brookbank, Thos. Bumford, . James C. Burtnett, Hartman Berg, Wm. Clement, Wm. II. Clark, Rodney Charles, Terrence Delozier, II. W. Delozier, John Diffey, John E. Davis, Joshua J. Davis, Thos. B. Davis, Thos. D. Davis, Jack Davis, Henry Darr. John Darby, Uriah Emigh, Hugh II. Evans, Evan C. Evans, Thomas E. Evan3, Peter Earhart, James Farley, ' Edward Francis, Jacob Fuimer, Richard Griffith, John Gittings, Ed. W. Humphreys, Henry Houp, Thomas L. Jones, Robert A. Jones, Deserters. Truly, .... Jonathan Jones, John A. Jones, Evan S. Jones, William A. Jones, William W. Jones, Daniel T. James, David J. James," William M.' James, Thomas Jervis, John Kelley, -Jackson Lamberson, G. W. Lamberson, Richard D. Lane, Alex. Leslie, James Lee, Francis Murray, John Morgan, Wm. II. Montague, James Myer9, Peer S. Myers, James O'Brien, David Powell, Jr. John Rager, John Scliwauster, George Smith, Gordon Sinclair, Arehy Smith, Wallace S. Stiles, Wm. Stonebraker, Adam Shinafelt, Thos. R. Williams, . Peter Wagner, James Yinger. Gamma. 6i Q Queries.' Do the opposition of Ebens burg intend having a bonfire and torch light procession over their lato "victory" at the polls ? If so, who will pay for the tar and oil 1 Will they bet, and how much, that M'CIellan will carry the State by "50, 000 majority ?"- ' ' Did they, or did they not, mean "Good boy, Barker!" when they said "Good bye, Barker"? Are they still able to exclaim "Thank God ! our country is saved I" . ... , - How are you, Ex-tray I AUDITOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Cambria county, to report distribution of the funds in the hands of M. Hasson, Esq., Adm'r. of the estate of John Brown, late of Washington tp., dee'd., upon his partial account confirmed . by the Court at the September term, 1864, hereby notifies all persons interested in the distribu tion of said fund, that he will attend to the duties of said appointment at his office in the borough of Ebensburg, on SATURDAY, the 12th day of NOVEMBER next, at one o'clock, P. M., when and where they can appear or be debarred from coming in on said fund. F. A. SHOEMAKER, Auditor. Eben3burg, Oct. 6, 1864-td. F M.PIKE, (SUCCESSOR TO OltEEX A BEO I LUMBER MERCHANT, PLAXING MILL. ... SASH AND DOOR FACTORY, Chest Spbings, Cambria co., Pa. t&m Flooring Boards, Sash, Doors,. Vene tian and Panel Shutters, made to order and constantly on hand. June 9 1864-ly LOST. At Harrisburg, durinp last month, a PROMISSORY NOTE for $350.00, drawn in favor of Daniel Loug by Wm. Berkstresser. All persons are cautioned against purchasing this note as paymsnt has been stopped on th same, DANIEL LONO. Sept. 22, 1864-4t UICK SALES, AS ; , rSMALL PROFITS l". 1S64. THE LATEST ARRIVAL 1 ' A. A. BARKER, ... . . . Ebessburq, Pa. The subscriber takes pleasure in announ cing to the people of Ebensburg and vicinity that he has just received, at his store, on High street, the largest and most complete assortment of Summer Goods ever before brought to this county, all of which he is determined to sell cheaper than the cheapest. DRY GOODS, -In endless variety. DRESS GOODS, . Of every description WOOLLEN GOODS, A full and complete assortment WHITE GOODS, Embracing all the latest styles : EMBROIDERIES, Handsome and of the best quality. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, Of all sorts, sizes widths and prices. . HOOP SKIRTS AND BALMORALS, ' The latest and best styles. READY-MADE CLOTHING, A better and cheaper article than ever befoi . offered to this community. BOOTS AND SHOES, Of the very best workmanship. HATS AND CAPS, . Fashionable and of durable material. MILLINERY GOODS AND NOTIONS HOSIERY AND GLOVES. BUFFALO ROBES. Hardware, Queenswaret Groceries, Flour, Bacon Cheesef Syrups, Molasses, Mackerel, Her ring and Cod Fish, Iron and Nails, Cedar and' Willow Ware, Drugs and Medicines, Carbon and Fish Oil, etc., etc., etc. These, and many other descriptions' of Goods, too numerous to here mention, con stantly on hand. Not to mince matters, he keeps a FIRST CLASS COUNTRY STORE, where anything or everything a person may need or desire can be obtained. By buying a large stock at a time, and pay ing for the same almost entirely in Cash, the subscriber is . enabled to sell considerably cheaper than other dealers in this community. To be convinced of the truth of this assertion you need only call and examine his Schedule of Prices. NO CHARGE FOR SHOWING GOODS. Customers will be waited upon by accom modating Salesmen. ESf The Public is requested to roll in the more the merrier and secure Bargains. A. A. BARKER. LETTERS remaining UNCLAIMED IN THE POST OFFICE, Ai Ebensburg, tate of Pennsylvania, October 1. 1864. Geo. Andres, David Brandlinger, Maggie Cramer, Thos. Dodd, Mr3. Liza Davis, James Fox, Sebastian S. Fry, Miss Kate George, Miss Eliza Glass, George Hoy, George Ilorle, Miss Mary Jones, Mrs. Mary Jonef, Mrs. Elizabeth Davis, Miss Sarah Jones, Miss Sarah Williams, Miss Lizzie Jones, W. C. Kinger, Ras. Litzinger, Miss Mag. Milvickle, Miss Pamila Moser, Robert Plender, Thos. L. Reese, Thomas Rager, Miss Matilda Rager, Miss' Cathern Shoe maker, W. I. Fiffing, Mrs. Susan Qitu, Mrs. S. A. Thomas, Mrs. E. T., Chas. Mile. To obtain any of these letters, the appli cant must, call for "advertised letters," give the date of this Hst? and pay one cent for adver stiing. If not called for within one month, they will be sent to the Dead Letter Office. Free delivery of letters by carriers, at the residences of owners in cities and large towns secured by observing the following rules : 1. Direct letters 'plainly to the street and number, as well as the post office and State. 2. Head letters with the writer's post office and Slate, street and number, sign them plain ly with full name, and request that answers be directed accordingly. 3. Letters to strangers or transient visitors in a town or city, whose special address may be unknown, should be marked, in the lower left-hand corner, with the word "Transient." 4. PlaceAthe postage stamp on the upper right-hand corner, and leave space between the stamp and direction for post-marking with out interfering with the writing. N.B. A request for the return of a letter to the writer, if unclaimed within 30 days or less, written or printed with the writer's name. post office, and State, across the left-hand end of the envelope, on the face side, will be com plied with at the usual prepaid rate of post age, payable when the letter is delivered to the writer. Sec. 28, Law of 1863. JOHN THOMPSON, P. M. October 6, 1864. rVU'IIANS COURT SALE. V By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Cambria; County, the undersigned will sell, on the premises, on THURSDAY, 27th OCTOBER, inst., at one o'clock, P. M : All that certain FARM, 'situate in Cambria tp.,two miles East of Ebensburg, containing 140 acres, 100 of which are cleared, under fence, and in a good state of cultivation, having thereon erected a Hewed Log Weath erboarded Dwelling-House, Out Houses, and a Frame Bank Barn, with a large Orchard of different varieties of fruit. (The grain in the ground is excepted.) Late the estate of Evan II. Roberts, dee'd. TERMS OF SALE: One-third of the pur chase money to be paid on confirmation of sale ; one-third in one year thereafter ; and the balance to remain a charge upon the premises during the life of the widow, the interest to be paid to her annually; the sec end and third payments to be. secured by the bonds and mortgages of the purchaser upon the premises, with interest from confirmation of sale. - HUGH H. HUGHES, Trustee. Ac. gbensburg, Oct. 6, 1864. HIGHLY IMPORTANT TO BLACKSMITHS. . Four-fifths of tims and hard Libor saTed oy using - ..." ISAAC C. SINGER'S NEW AND COMPLETE TIRE AND BAND BENDER, Patented March 10,iS63. Its chief advanta ges aro - us'....- . 1st. Havirg' strong gear wheels to obtain jower, one man -can operate it to bend cold wagon tire, any size'iindet.l by 4 inches. 2d. Having movable collars, to hold the bar square on the portable rollers, it takes all twist out of the bar, while bending in a regu lar circle. 3d. It can be 6hiftedto bend to any desired circle, from one up to twelre feet, in one minute. 4th. Having a movable centre post, which can be quickly taken off, tires and bands are. easily taken out. 5th. The upper ribbed roller will always draw the bar through. 6th. Being guaged and numbered, a card with directions accompanies it. The Machine in good (oil the journals) running ordtr, bolted upon a strong piece of timber, without legr cr crank, for $25, or with legs and crank for $30. All cash orders promptly attended to. 5S5 State and County Rights tor sale. ISAAC C. SINGER. Ebensburg, April 14, 18C4-tf. TAYLOR & CREMER, AT THE HUNTINGDON NURSERIES, IICKTISGDON, PA. Sell Fruit & Ornamental Tress, Vines &c. ot better growth, larger size, and at lower prices than any of the Northern or Eastern Nurseries and warrant them true to name. Standard Apple trees at 18$ cents each $16 per 100. Peach trees, 15 to 20 cts each $12.tO to $15 per 10 Standard Pear trees, 50 to 15 cts oach. Dwarf Pear trees, 50$ to$l each 20 to $8 per 1C0 Dwarf Apple trees, 50 to 15 cts each Standard Cherry trees 37i to 75 cts Dwarf Cherry trees 50 to75 ets. Plum tree3 50 cts. Apricot trees 40 to 50 cts. Nectarine trees 25 cts each. Grape Vines 25 cts to $1. Silver Maple trees C2 to $1. European Ash, 75 to 1. European Larch, 75 cts to 1.50 Norway Spruce, 50 cts to $1. American Balsam Pine, 75 ct3 to $1.50 American & Chinese Arbor Vita?, 50 cL $1.5 Strawberry Plants, $1 per 100, ke. c. Huntington, Jan. 25, 1860.-tf.. Q CIIOOL BOOKS ! k-J STATIONERY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. The subscriber invies the attention of the public, and of Country Merchants especially, to his large assortment of SCHOOL BOOKS, WRITING a LETTER PAPERS, ENVELOPES, BLANK BOOKS, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, SLATES, and STATIONERY of all kinds. A complete assortment of.MUSIC BOOKS can only be found iu the citv at the subscri ber's. All goods sold at the lowest wholesale cash rates. B Call and examine before buying else where. CHARLES C. MELLOR, 81 Wood st., Bet. Diamond Alley and 4th st., ang4,1864-3m - . PITTSBURG. w OOD MORRELL & CO., Jaw v ctw- T . " nuuijoAiiiii as u Kt l Al u DEALERS IS ALL KIXDS OP MERCHANDISE, Keep constantly on hand the following arti- clc5 DRY GOODS, HATS AND CAPS. CARPETINGS, OIL-CLOTHS, CLOTHING, BONNETS, ,?.II0XS HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, PROVISIONS, BOOTS SHOES, FISH, SALT, GROCERIES, FLOUR, BACON, FEED OF ALL KINDS, VEGETABLES C. JEST Clothing and Boots and Shoes made order on reasonableterms. Johnstown March 1 186D-tf. I'ATItOXlZE TOUR OWlV'I The rtvtection Mutual Fire Insurance Co., OF CAMBRIA COUNTY. LOCATED AT EBENSBVttO, PA. THE above named Company, organized April 6th, 1857, will effect insurances on property at safe rates. Being particularly careful in the risks taken, this Company pre sents a reliable and cheap medium, through which persons may secure themselves against probable losses by fire. Office on Centre Street nearly Opposite Thompson's "Mountain House." JOHN .WILLIAMSPrest, D. J. Jo.nes, Sec'y. & Treas. A. A. BARKER, Agent. THIS WAY FOR IX)RETTO, CHEST SPRIKGS & ST. AUGUSTINE 1 The subscriber, having purchased the entire stock of Horses, Hacks, Carriages, Ac, of tho late firm of Ryan & Durbin, bgs leave to inform his friends and the Public iu general that he is now prepared to furnish them with every accommodation in his line of business. His line of Hacks connects with all the trains on the Pa. R. R., allowing passengers uo delay whatever. Calls always Promptly at tended to. joy. v'r.TTi'UTV AUDITOR'S NOTICE.- The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Court of Common. Picas of Cambria county to report distribution of the proceeds of the real estate of John M'Gough, sold by the Sheriff of said county, at the suit of Wm. II. Gardner S: Co., and others, on Vend. Ex ponas Nos. 9 and 22, June Term, 1864, here by notifies all parties interested in said fund that he will attend to the duties of his said appointment at his office, in the borough of Ebensburg, on WEDNESDAY, the 16th day of NOVEMBER next, at one o'clock, P. M. JOHN E. SCANLAN, Auditor. Ebensburg, Oct. 6, 1864-3t. UDITOR'S NOTICE The undersigned Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Cambria county to re port distribution of the funds in the hands of Catherine M'Glade, (formerly Catherine Cas sidy,) Executrix of Lewis Cassidy, deceased, upon her third partial account as restuted bv an Auditor, hereby notifies all persons inter ested that he will attend to the duties of hi said appointment at his office, in the Borough of Ebensburg, on TUESDAY, the 15th day of NOVEMBER next, at one o'clock, p. M. JOHN E. SCANLAN, Auditor. Ebensburg, Oct. 6, l864-3t.