OCR Interpretation

Lewisburg chronicle. [volume] (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, April 03, 1850, Image 3

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Iba Car ssT
Arm's CstaaT Pctobi. W would call
lis sileii'iog of our reedera to Circular enclosed
Id il.ia day's issue of our papsr.which ia itself it
n rstiificste of character and tbe intrioaie worth
uf the preparation it goes to rHammisil Read
it it ia worth reading.
Tbc di.tineui.bsd name lant in ita fkvor ara
dtficiem aaauiaoea of ila value, and tba madieina
i .elf ahooa that it ia woribjr of lb baat codidm.
dation bestowed upon if.
Wnen such men in oar own country as Prof,
"illimsn of Yale College, Prof. Hitchcock, the
venerable Presilent of Amharst College, Prof.
Beitlet of Transylvania College of Medicine, Dr.
Val.-i.tme M.xt or N.Y.City, tba leamad Editora
of the Boaton Medical It Surgical Journal, tbc
Southern Medical Review, the Western Lancet,
die &e .aa well a man; bigh medical authorities
in foreign euun'riea. give their evidence ao
strongly in fetor uf tbe Cherry Pectoral, that we
eoulJ nit doubt ita efficacy, atari if we had not
he eaioVnco of our own eiperience in ila favor.
No medicine could have better frieodo, and car
uwnly bone deserve thaa.
Wm may then aafely congratulate tbe public
on (he possession of a remedy that can be relied
on for reA'f from tbe ecourge and terror of our
c'imate dteraeee of the lunge.
For sale by C W SCHAFFLE, Lewisburg ;
J II Ce.low. Milton ; Isaac Get bart, Seltnfgrove,
auil tj Druggists generally
Correct -l thi Day.
( -rii .........
1'ried Apple. .,
Butter . . . . .
. ..1(10
, 7
8 Bacon 0
In Lancaster, 5ih til'., by tbe R-r. II.
rlarbiiugh, JoBFrl W. ftoEEl'BT, of Phll
aur'phm, ai,d Mi-a Kafk Ht?JaKlf, of
Nijri?iurr;ber!aiii1. Pa.
I raw two clouJa at morning
Titled i b it.e ii.in aun.
And in U.e A iko they i.iatad aa
Acd nuiiglctl imo our."
In Ncrihun U-rlai,d.a4lh ult.b? Rev.Mr.
"SierliHtr, of Wnr-ji trt, Daxiat SShbcKLBK
and M -s Mabt Ann iiBMiame, bulb of
UjiiJlue Valley, Union rouoty.
In M m nbura. '23d ult., Eiuaiibth W.
wiTe of Tho'a G. Lehmao, aged 27 years,
-3 uuiti'hs, and II dava.
In Ciintun T, 2fiih ult., aged 96 yeara
and 19 da). M ilium Fmstmum, a
oldier under Col. John Kelly, aud also
uodr-r (trn. Sullivan, in the KolutKn.
in Huntingdon. Pa., 24th ult.. Dr. Joan
iiaalKaoJ. eied 6 year.
Spring & Summer
JUST received, and cow opening at
ecmtd diior east of Kliue'a Hotel, a new
Splendid Assortment of Goods,
tunable for this and the approaching sea
son, rnnsiaing of
Ladiea' Dress Gooda
of every style and variety new atyle
Pursue. Lawns, Armure Delaines, Ging
hams. kc.
A crei variety of styles Chints, Cali
coes, &c.
. A iH HUiiful assortment Ladies Pnran!a.
Monaco and Kid SHOES and GAITERS
lor Ladies and Children
AUo a choice selection of
St.c.&:.,all of which are oflV-red remarkable
low tor Cash or Country Produce, by the
Lewithurg, April 3, 1850
fttet of Uttttv
li Poat Oilice, March 31, 1850.
A r p Isaac, Abel Jacob
Baler Jacob. Uair Charlea, Bmwa Cba L,
Barbniau J.4in. Ilrbr Call. Bud'l John, ttaaon
W F. Uloin J.Aii Erq Boris Elijah, Brown
Jacrb. htU ( aa 8. Kegel Joe, Bllcr Joa D far)
1'aruilrera Sarah D Mm
Uuik Fr rtklin. Dull Joa C
I'oi Henry
(iiuudruni Wm. Glraaon John, Gilbin Win
Ilariman John, Huler AUin, Hummel Henry
Imeraon L A Eq
JaireU Wm
K'ncaid E Rev 3. KincaiJ Cornelia Miea,
Kelsry John W. Kelley Catharine Miea
lyhark Edwin
M..yer Daid 3, Mrttger H Eaq, Marahall
Edward. Meiiel Harriet Miea
I'.N.ney MD. Pawling John, Pazton C H
nbwlt J.ibi.; Kicba.d Ellen Mia. Koyer Phi
lip. Knyer l)id. Ruhl I'hilip
fib ui E'taabeib Miae, Shatter Abrrn X Steana
Wm. Sanders Geo, Kqiith Jacob, rlnler John K,
mnb liaviJ, 8u Jared, ooyder Sarah J Mi,
tkhrack Beirevitle 3
Weogeri Hei.rv. Walker laeae, Wond.G W.
W. Ili.ee Mary. Wolf Peter. Womlling J.ekaon.
Weigtl Uavid, Witrr er Peter, Wbilakar Tboa 8,
Weikel Maria widow. 71
I'erMMi inquiring for the above letter
will please say they are advertised, other
Im they may not Bet them.
HAVING lormed a Copartnership ia the
Mercantile business, nnd enlarged the
Smreroom lately occupied by S S.Bartoti
opposite Kline Hotel -are now opening
well selected and extensive atock of Mer
chandize, consisting of
Brn aois, QJRHf-
Carpenters' Tools, Queensware
Furniture Mourning, Glassware,
Window GLASS a general assort ment.
Bar, Rod, and Hoop Iron, Nails,
and Spikes,
Tinware, Klieet Iron and Metal
P.ma, and a more general assortment than
is usually found in country stores which
they pledge themselves to aell at tt
low price. .
Person al a distance will find it to their
advantnue to buy for Cash or we will
take in Exchange fur Goods, Wheat, Ry".
Corn. Osl. Buckwheat. Iimuthy and do
ver Seed-i. Butler. Kjjita.Tallow.llard Snap
BeeswaB, Feather, and all kind of trade
or rnuntry produce.
The patronage of the publil I respect
lull v solicited, Hnd every assurance fciven
that nothing ah:tll be wanting to reader
enttte satisfaction.
Lewisburg, April I, 1850.
Up, I. KM3iS.ES
RHjipectfulty announce! to hi Irtendo and
he public generally, that ho ha removed
hi residence to Isaac S. Sienier'n boaiditig
hnuee, on Market St.. north side, 4 dr
ea.t of Fourth Su Office. Col.M'Faddin'a
new brick buiiding, nest door above C. E.
Bowea' Store.
LewtiiburK. April I, 1SS0
TAILOR, his removed hi Shop to the
building (one door a'rove LyndaliN) lately
occupied by John B Miller, where he will
be happy to fit his cuioinere both old and
new. '1'he
Fashions for 1850,
Spring and Summer just received.
Jwiburvt April 1, 1850
- t
Has removed ht Offire to his Dwelling
the jirtt door brio Kline's Hotel, room
over Forster aStnre where he will wait
on all who may dea. re his ner vices, accord
D)( to previous arraos'ein,ot.
Lewisburg, April 9, J 850
TAILOR, respectfully inform, b.s patron
and the public that hi Shop u now at hi
house the new brick opposite Mr Jame
P. Ross, on Third St., where he wit.' be
happy to wait on all who nay honor him
with their patronage.
Lewisburg, April 2, 1850
Justice of the Peace,
Has remover hia Office to Market St.. in
the room recently used by Dr. Locke, one
door below the Printing Office.
Lewitburp, April 3, 1850
Thompson's Susquehanna
Philadelphia, Sunbury, Northumberland,
Danville, M-lton, Munry,
Wiiliamsport, Le-iburj.MiHIinburg,
He Berlin, and belinugrove.
Leaves the City every Thursday Morning.
OfRen in Philadelphia:
For Packages and Ligtt Goods Al Livingston
A ..' Eiureas. DeooJ 43 South Third 8l.;
And for Heavy Articles AJ B.-icbH & Co.'a,
Uep.4 owner or oroaa at
Ordera attersled to if left at Jk.irg ' with
Mr Kline, Mr Weideneeul. Mr Ltuda..', Mr
Forster, or Mr Sbeller Jsuuary 1. J850
TTTflTJLD inform the uub'ic. that thev
VY have opened a shop on Fourth alreet
,.f S. W. Wi kofPs old aland.
fVJ W galas - " J -----
opposite Hunter Pardoe'a shop, where they
keeri on hand or make to oroer avx
Fancy and Oommoo Chairs, si
Koston KneRing snairs niw
Bureaus. Tables, Beds'.ads,
,,,,,,,s nC various kinds. i
si oeiinea, w ott.-. ;
All work in our line warranted to be wel
made, and on the most reasonable terms.
House and Sign PAINTING
attended to by the subscribers no the shor
test notice and in the best style.
Country Produce and Lumber taken in
payment and Cash not refuaed, but rather
preferred. "
The subscribers intend to be strict in the
fulfilment of all their promisee aa regard
work and ao doing, hope to receive a
liberal shite of public patronage.
. JOHN N. wvKorr.
Lewisburf , Nov. 1849 ; . .
Appeals- -Taxes.
Buffalo Jsrnes MVreigbVs 8th April
Kelly widow Laweun'e 9th April
White. Deer Jarne. Adam lOih April
Leais urg Cha'a D Kline 1 Ith April
Eat Buffalo D mid Mook U;h April
New Berlin Commissioners' office 13th April
AT a meeting ol the Board of School
Directors of the Borough of Lewi
tiurg. held March 23, lfl50.it was resolved
to commence Three Public School on the
1st day of Miy nest, to continue Five
Vlonihs. No scholars will be admitted
into these schools under See nor over nine
venrs of aoe. All scholar admitted du
rum the S immer Term, will bo refuaed
admission into the Public School during
the neat U'iuter Term.
vVi be received by the Board, from thi
date until the 10th day of April oegt, for
Three Female Teacher to take charge of
th above-named School..
By ordjr of the B wrd :
WM. WILSO.V, Prts't.
JnB!f llotTOIITOR, Suc'y.
Mirrh 13. 1850
IHE Co-Partnership heretofore eiisting
between L. Sterner and I Sanderson,
trading under the hnn of Sterner 4 ua
dtrMon, wii this day dissolved by mutual
consent. The Books and Accounts are in
the hand of L. Sterner, to whom they
have been transferred.
Lewiabun;, March .6. 1850.
N. B. For past favors, the subscriber
re urn hi grateful think, acd hereby
iiiHka known that be still carries on the
business of
Tanning and Currying,
nt the O.il S and. Determined uot to he
outdone in the manufacture or finish ol his
ork, he is bound to have the beat work
men and materia', and to trent tho.se who
have ao liberally patronised ia well a
those also who eMail be pleased to patronise
him) with that attention which lie. hopes to
insure him a full share of public pntronnge.
All kind of Produce taken in exchange.
Hide and Uirk not refused, for which the
highest market price will be paid in eah
or in exchange for leather.
March 95. A D. 185'J
AN the 15th April, 1848, 1 purchased at
V Constable's Sale, aa the properly of
Akdkkw Black, a span of horses, with
heir collars, bridles, and gears, and a
oaenn. The public are hereby notified
that I have again loaned them to said
iilack, for one year from this date.
JOS. Y. DF.ttR.
Lewisburg, March 28, 1850 pd
Muncy, Lycoming Co., Pa.
aVt. joine FMAI LTT, A. PlISCrMb
all. M. a SMALLKY. Assocuta Pacrcwsl.
aaaiarso at two viii o.ctLina tsscbbbs.
rilHIS eminary is designed to afford as good
I an education, in hoib the solid and omam-
nial branches, aa can be obtained in any school
in renn.yltsnia. tlenee, insiroction will he
given m all the brenchee usually taught ia lbs
highest order of female schode.
The Bummer Mession will corn n rocs on Waa-
saasv the lal day of Mar. 1850, and continue
fits months. TEEMS.
For Buardins, and Tuition in all ths English and
Scientific hranches.togeiher with Drawing. Pain
tin, and Embroidery, per Session $60 00
EXTRA. Instruction on the Piano, with
Dee ol Insirumsnt. per aeaaion 30 00
Latin. French, Was Flowere, each 5 00
Washing, par session 4 00
(7Tbiriy Dollar mu.t be paid in adtsnce,
and the remainder St the close of lbs Sessioo.
For further psitirnlsrs, addraa Rev J.Smalley,
Munry, Lye. Co., Pa. 3pd
,ot the MariVe,
THE subscriber avails himself of the col
umns of ths Chronicle in publishing to
the citiaens of Lewisburg and vicinity that
be baa opened a BOARDING HOUSE in that
large and comfortably arranged boose, formerly
kept as a Temperance Hotel by James K- Hy, two
dour east of Hi Franklin House. Market atreet.
He is prepared to aay ibal bis Table sball have
die bel the Market can afford, and the Lodging
of Host del aball be aa comfortable as csn be
desired. I. S. STERNER.
N. B. A team and carriage
will be kept la convey passengers t and from the
Packet B rata. Lewisburg. March 18, I860.
T I IK Town Council uf the Borough of
Lewisburg met March 19, lCfiO, and
passed the following t trdinances, to wit :
Whereas, there are a number ol Trees
upon the Pavements of said Boro planted
at auch distance inside of the curbstone a
to lorm obstructions upon the said pave
ments or sidewalks ; it is iherefore ordained
by the Council aforesaid.! hat all such trer
planted n ore than one fixrt from the ou'side
unP ol the curbstone, shall be removed
w iihin twenty days from the date of this
And furer 'l 's ordained by the autho
rity afore.said.thst all pavements eitending
outside of the line tff the width allowed by
the Bye Laws of saiJ Borough, ahall he
removed before the 1st Jar of June, A D.
,S5- i, i.
The Street Commissioners .r hereby
authorised and directed to enforce and car
ry into effect the forejjning ordinances.
By order of the Council :
March 1. 1850 3w Clerk.
Pablic Sale.
THE Brd of Trustees ol tbe University
al Lewisburit, will offer for sate, on
Thursday the 18th day of April
neat, a number ol handsome BUTLDIIsTO
LOTS plea-antlv situated on the University
Farm, between the Cemetery and Lewis
burg also some Lie o 'he River Ko-d.
. Sale to commence at 1 oVIoeB, P. M.,
w ben conditions will be made known by
the uid TRUSTEES.
Uwahorg. March 0. 1M0.
Tbe Summer Session of tbc .
XI TIM. commence on Mosaav the 29lh of
f April. Innrurtkm wilt be given, a for
merly, in all branches nrceaaary to a ihr uh
Academic coura Our endeavor shall ni be
aimj.ly to coinmunicate knowledge, but to eicile
the youthful mind to act for itself. When this
ia fully attained. I be progress uf the alud. nt
beeomea at ones certain and rapid. The kind of
learning which mo.t f our youtha in ibis country
need, ia that aolid literature, which, while it
matures ihcir ininils, prepares them also for t! e
practical duties of lite.
Compoiiion and Declamation wilt recite their
full share of attention pari rularly tbe former,
't he Primary Department aball hate our sperUI
care. From the iti-oiiitiin maoifeeied tosusuin
the Institution, the subscriber fccls stimulated to
renewed exertintia.
'I he Besaiun will consist of two Term of I I
weeks each a abort vacation intervening. Tui
tion $6 for the common branches, $4 for tbe
higlier Engli-h. an J $10 for Lauguagca, per
Sosai.in per Term, one half.
March S7, 1850. Principal.
Wear llartleton. Union Co., Pa.
THE subscriber, thankful for the liberal
patronage bestowed on his old estab
lishment, begs leave to inform his friend
and the public in general, that he ha now
removed hi Machinery into hi New Mill,
(ttto mile aftwae Hirttrton.nfT the Turn
pike, which has been bunt ana nttea up on
the mot improved plan, snd will have oa
bv the middle of April an entire new sett of
in addition to his already good aetl. which
will make it the largest and best fitted-up
establishment within 100 mi'es of it ; and
with the advantage of one of tfcsi bel wa'er
poers. tie leeis sate in saving i.t-i nn
estnblishrrient is not and shall not be sur
passed bv any in this part of the country.
lie ha engaged a co-'d M,( "f workmen,
and is now prepared for manufacturing
Broad ani Narrow CLOTHS,
Cassi meres, Tweeds, Satinetts,
Jeans, Flannels, Blankets, &c.
in the best manner, on the shortest notice,
at reduced prices. fC7Fr the accommo
dation ol customers, Wool may be left at
tha folio tog
Depositories :
New Berlin : E Wilson's Store
8linsg love : Davis dt Schnore- do
do John Hartman Jr do
Fraebnrg: O dr. P C Muyer do
Middtrburg: SwengtsdcHassingerdo
Adsmsburg: Henry A Hmiih do
PentisVslleyNarrowe : Mrs Moats do
Mifflinborg : Henry Gael do
East Buffalo : Samuel Reber'a Tavern
BufTsinX Roads: J M Creight' 8 lor
Lasishurg : J Hayes ct Co do
do Rebar dt Idding do
West Milton : John Dalesman do
Milton : Maeteller at Swenk do
do Sweeney dr. Hasg do
Liberty P O : Wru Dsle'e H.ruse
Limeeton : Weidenhamer Slora
Pottagrove : Jama Reed do
A good assortment of Cloths, Satinetls,
Casainierea.T weeds, Jeans, rlannels.lilan
kets. Stocking Yarn, &c always For Sale
or Exchange for Wool or country Produce
at the New raetorr.
CARD1SG and FULLISG a usual.
Winfield Mill. March I, 1850
't'ht subscriber offers for sale a large
assortment of choice Fruit Trees such a
Apple trees, 7 to 10 feet hiuh, 40 varieties,
all warranted genuine Peach trees, 20
varieties; Tartarian Cherry, Nectarine,
Prune and Pear tree, together wnh some
6 or 8 varieties of Grape Vine of the best
native and exotic varieties, irrnamemat
Trees, such aa the Paulonia. Linden, &c.
The above trees can be seen by the 1st uf
April, on the premises of the subscriber.
one square aoove ivDrisl 61 airaaJins
N. B. Persons wishing to procure a
quantity of the Fruit tree, are requested to
make immediate application to the subscri
ber, in order to procure the varieties and
sise wanted. H K. NOLL.
Lewisburg, March 4, 1850.
Hot only in California, but alto in Lwiburg
A good assortment of
Watches, silverware and Jewelry
of fin quality and at City pike.
Hatfield k Thompson
Respectfully inform tbe citiseu of Lewisburg and
vicinity, 'hat ihev base entered into Partnership
al lbs OLD STAND on Market 8U. opposite J
Hayee & Co'' Store, prepared to eieeute every
kind of work iu their line in the best manner
Tr.ey carefully selected of the best English and
French maletiale. Mainsprings f Cylinders Eeripe.
whes'ls, and a variety of W itch Jewels, and fljiier
tbemlves that ibeir kuoarMg and skill in the
business will enable iheso to give ausfseiion to
sll whi. mavfitor them ith pslronaje.'
FINE WATCHES, soch a Duplet. E-vA
capements, Lepine. Anehar. Deischrd. XJj
Pslent Lever, Repeater, and Musical Watches,
eke neatly repaired and warranted
Also fur esle, a variety of Gold snd filter
Watches, Pslent Lever, Anrhare. Detached. Le
pinea. Quartiers. and Eugli-b Watches, (iolil
Cbaina. Hreaia-pm. Finger and Ear rings. Gob
and Silver Belt elide. Bracelets, Gold and Silver
Pencila and Pen, do Spectacle,
yjr HaCgilver Spoons. Susar longs .t'omtst,
4e 4e. in abort, a litlle of every thing, snd
anything else, not mentioning knick-knack.
alsrsys on hand or got to order
A variety of Bras Clock for $3 and upwards
at wholesl and retail
Persons desiring is get things right, would do
well by giving ibe subscribers a call
Eiperience tel: as that the Credit 8yattn can
not afford a living. Tbereture, in order to "puh
along and keep asoving,' the Cesh 8ystem must
iMweasarily be enforced. Feb S3. 1850
Old Dr. Jacob Townsend's
aead'a Sarsaparilla for aw by
Dr. Thornton it Baker.
SCHOOL-TICKETS prittH tfrj for
aala at Ma cdwsw.
. -.-' - " ' " " si ' ' '
FOR SALE.' " :
rpHE Lumber Yard aud Office, late the
'property of Iosepii Cashob dRcenseJ,
ia Lewisburg, en the corner of St. M try
and Water streets. It i a full Lot. ami
ha a Wharf attached. This valuab'e
Lot will be ofTered at Public Sale on 3at
vbu&v the 20th April best, at 2 o'clock,
P. M., by
March S3. 1850-
4 MEETING of the Boartl of Trustees
j. of said University, will lc .eld at the
Acaieir.ic Building in the B trough of Luw
isburg, Union county, Pa., on Tuttday the
1 8th of April rjeil.rit 10 o'clock, A.M.
" ti. F. MILLEK. Seo'y.
lewisburg. March 13. l-50
Beware of Impo3ters.
'IM1E PUBLIC are hereby informed thut
a Patent ha b-en issued tiy the ('ni ed
S'Hte to Str-phe;i Crane lor a Wah M i
lure, iind the u'idersijiiied i a joiul inen
t'ir, and bold the Patent lift hi for IVno
svlv'itiia. A certain person who hhs been
selling rights is neither inventor or propri.
etor. and will I prosecuted, a ith all others
violfltini! the pateait.
tZT WANTED Good Agents. to cm
vass the Slate.
I. M'VtlV. Bsltimore, MJ.
Pehrusry 10. l-5tl 3t.
"ANTED, linrnetlta'ely, liv tll s i's
I cribers, ! work in their IVai-yard.
To faithful liitmls, constiinl e.np!o nunt
aud libernl wage will lie oiwen
Iwiburtf, F.-o. 12. 1!5'
rIIIE suTscribcT3 would call tlic attention
L of 1'riiitfr.i to the greatly reduced pri
ces of their present list. The, now olTer
Pica at
Small Pi
11 prirsvr
43 "
Vinton at 4 oeT.ta.
or!.aiaU S
A:tu IS
lVsrl 1 OS
U snuvnd 1 GO M
rvtrrminM to spare no expr-nae in Disatng Uiotr cata
blisluaent ss rsfuet ss pssiMf, tfa'j hsto g.x up a
eonvelete art oT the just!? .Icbrated Scorca ccr Larru,
from triamontl to English, to wbich th.y psrUcuiurlj
iavite attention.
ITsTiae lately moos toarftv rnna aiMttlAns tn thvir iruk
of Fancy Typ, Bord--rs.om.vn. nl. Ar thir s.s.nm.:it
Is Dos unriTallitl in thr Vrm.tl .stt ajit their iuiitrvsl
m- ttv-1 oT rwtlrj. amt of pxvewg m.-tsl. enable LVin
to furnish orders ia s mana- r u in.nn Mair.rM-.i4n.
I'rintiiur Frssss, Css.si. tuxta. Chasca, isll-ys, Prin
tias las. ami stery srtirl us d in a pruiurijr-oliice,
aonatAiitly on hsnd ai the lnwtt rales.
aVcoKil-'hiwiit ftrvaM.s, aud Type tist-d only Its it raotyp
Ina, at rv-liu-1 prirvs.
Books, PuophU-ts. Music, Labels, sc. le, st-rso'-ypnt
with rorrectni-as snd deppatrb.
N. B. weiuv.n Books will be snnt to Prr.ti-rs who
wish in mki- ..H rs. L. J.iltN" k V ,
Jsuoary i, lfM. Xo. , &uuom Sirvi.
"J"0TI"E is hereby giten lbs! the partnership
1 la ely eubaiating belsrren J. L. Ever an t
Wm. Tuomuson, un.lrr the firm uf Eer &
TbomiMHm, is this ily dismlved hv mutual con
sent. All debt s due to the ssid firm are to be
rreeivstl by the raid W . Thompson : and all
uunands ou lh aame will he ps! by him.
Lewisburg, Jan. 33. 1840
4 LL persons indebted to the sjWriber,
are earnestly n-queaied to call and
make settlement without delay, ns I nm
desirous lo have my old B ks ched up.
AH those ne'eciino; this notice, can not
compltiin if their accounts are left for col
lection, as a very loni credit has been
given. James ha yes.
Lrwishura. Jan. 28. 1830
1"10R HALE by the subscriber
' lot of Frame Sltilf. saued or hawsj.
Joists snd Sluddine-, snd
S00 I'osts of a good quslilv.
Lewisburg, Jan. SI, 185i)
THE subscriber has a H TIIA W XT Cook,
ing Suite, which he will sell reaonbl.
also a frw snides l Mahogany K! 'RXITUICE,
and CARPfM'8. which ill tm sold io-t. Kn
(juire at tbe Drugstore of Dr Timru'nn .V B iker
I HO S A. H. THORN l'.V.
Store Light!
THE subscribers have receive J a lot of Can
delabra of various patterns also Pine Oil
and Fluid Lamps of ditferent si, ail of which
Ihey offer at Philadelphia price..
HMIE subscriber still continues to keep a
1 large stock of Lumber in his Yard for
sale, comprising the following, viz.
100 .0110 feet good'dry Pine I'cramnn and Pan
45,000 Isei Joist and S.taniling. nel B ranis,
1U.U0II fert gno.Jsdry Poplsr and Llun Djarda,
30 0110 Joint and Lap Sanigtee,
33.000 sawel tVihng l.xth,
I'ine Rdls and S tuare Timber,
Maplfl nd Poplar canlltne.
Weathsrbttaid-i ami Pine Paling,
S tll, Nails, ami Slone Coal,
Oakum, Tar and Pitch ; ,
all of which he will sell at fair prices.
Lewisburg, Jan. 2i, 19M 3n.
DBS HAYES Ai DAVIS h;.v ing entered
into partnership in the practice of
Medicine- offer their professional service
lo the inhabitants of Lwisturg and vicini
ty. Ihey may be lound at nil times when
not professionally engaged, at Dr. Hayes'
olhe. Lewisburg, March I, 1SS0.
OLD DR ad & r. roivysEyD's
compound syrup of Sarsaparilla
JUST ree'd from ihe old Dr. a large and
fresh upply of his celebrated medicine
from ihe principal Uepol in new lorR.
' Persons wishins to nrot-ure Sarsaparilla
can have either the old or young Dr'. gen
ome and rresh, by caning on me Aent,
Lewisburg. Jane tS C W WHAFFLE
OVG Buatrev and Seit of Haraesa,
One Two Horse Wagon,
One Trock Wagon,
for ' MP SWlff
Sears New l'ktorial Family Magazine,
IOR 184'J Einlre'lislied with numerous
Eiigravin l'ri-e l,0(, or Hi crs
per Niimher. .
This work H pnrlty on the pi in of the
En!ih Penny' M.t)ine. l'ub!h.h-d at
128 Nassau street. New York ciiyi eJired
by KoBttKT -Skau. It ia inttuded to fur
nish, at a chedji rate, a variety of pli-asing
and instructive ina'.ier lor persons of diH'.
rent classes an J ages, psrticularly in those
departments of RorfLEuoit which aie ol
must jenernl interest and concern, and are
best calculated to enlarge the mind, gfntily
aiul elevalo tha tasie, direct to the useiui
occupation of time, end intprove the char
actvr. E rj thing of ori or poi'ts t n-Jcucy
wiil be carefully excSudei. T!.o "jfintents
consist of a variety oi articles oil 'he fol
lowing su'-jects : Ue!ul nrU, cariosities,
natural biiory, sfience. liiera'u.-e, juveiiiie
uistruc!i o. travels, anliuines, jiucirv, inc.
The recent inullipUcaiioii of vurious pub
lirntioris. ir:iiTiilrl v i.f citrus .t.,.lu m.rl
: licentious works ol u Lad moral lei.Jcr.'jr ,
i has justly nlarmed the liientls of virtue.
j good or Ii-r, and the laws ; !or it n evident
j that their infioence must be e.vensive ,
1 proportion to th' tr circulation o.J this is
i knovl II to be UCiforlUnately tfreat. Tisi ollen
. . , r . ,
It IS Hie I.U'l. thnt even good men, llO ptr-
cei.e someth.n- of their evil tendency, lend
incir countenance to inm.o'.ii orn v i v j'ur- i '
chasing and reailing ihem. bit ev-n by ad- !
milting them intothfir famt i'. The excii.-e
their countenance to them, not only l y pur-
hit often been nvtlle, that they are enliven-
ient an i cheap, and that such publications
as thev would approve are rarce.
It is ihe great object ofS ar-.' New Pic
torifl Family Mag;.ziu," to si.'pp'y t';
want ciinji! lined of, and nil tiie n.i;ier it
cnlttins. v.h'tlier orio':nal oe sete.-ted. is
drsigned to attract, instruct, and improve.
The papier is white, the Ivpc tleur, mid li e
nieclia'iK-al ejeeuiion very in h'. '1 li size
U lroe imperial octavo, double columns.
40 or 50 r-es to a number
ft ri j l.tj-in
j h..lty occupied' v7:'h reari ng im.tter an i
i eleoorit wootl eiiorav inus t'T" 'e eaciusioii
of advertisement) affords mi uiiuau.':'''
help, pleasing, and intructive family
Dr. John Lcckc,
St KG Et
his li
l!tl I)F. TIsT i.i.er; ullt inf. rma
rienua .i .l lh.- until c in a; m t.l. Ih n
! he litis conrbidrj lo nuke l-it'tlig bis perma
nent I'lscir l rrMitcnce Dr. L. his I. km room
on Msrkri t-qu i'e, first door helo Ite Pouting
ililire, which ht has diled up l operate in. he
idence al Kline's Hotel. ? 1'be third rrk
week in etrry ra-oilh, he way be lum.d at Eck
tren's II ilrl, in Milton.
Dr. L eke is a regular graduate of tbe Balti
more College of llrlital 8'jtgery. besides hiih
ijtl ililic.tion be has had tba ad.aniat:r ot five
yetirs eiperienre in thepriciice of his profe.sHMi
in Priiiiayltaiiia, Ohio, illiuoia, Wisconsin, and
ihe city of Bjlumore, Md.
Dr. L. takea all ihe J turnata of the dsy whir b
cont.iin new and useful information in ths line
of his profession ; and from hia arrangements
with the best nianufscturers of U ih, gol.l toil.
Ac. will always keep on hand for the accommn
itaiion of bia ensto ners the very he-t iiuality of
slf the materials ueu in his butner.
Persona wishing Denial operslinhs peifirmed.
will find ii to their advantaee to eite him a call,
sa be is determined not to Ire surpassed in the
bcsHtv and luraLiIity of hia operations by any one
Person for whom J K.IIol Sll iiirrtterl
Teelh snd iLo n'av l eed repairing
done, are inforrmd that I hatr ihe Cttsirls el
thnir mouths as prepared by Mr.tlcurs-I. ami con
sruuenily can do ihrir rei-eirina at a lover isti
tbsn it csn be done tor eisewhrie. ss il sate ihe
trouble in uiany cases of makine a nrs rr.rx!ft.
Lewisburg, Oct. 17, 1619.
The subscribers rospt't't-
fu'ly inform the citili its
ol Lewisburg and viciuity
that I hey have coineneed
the atsive business, al M.
Mate's old h.m nn .-eonH
u,ne soio .nop onc.coiia
u'h ol -uuii.l!, here thev
t. one stitiure sou
are prepared In Iron lljgi -sor U'aooiis,
iriJ o nk ail articles in t n ir business in
the mot worknitinlike m tnner, at prices
which they hope wio indui-e those wKhtno
nytliin done in their line to call and
j'ldon themselves befrtre gtiing elsewhere.
Impairing done on the shortest notice
nl on reasonable terius ul.so Shoeing
wnicn is a very important mat
ter lo those thtt hnve va!ush!e
horses, and shooM heentrus'ed
only to persons ol known skill.'
We flatter ourselves thnt we are ab'e to
compete wi'h any person in the country in
Sht?in lbr-es : we ask only a trial, and
let the work show lor itself.
All work warranted. Iron and all kind
of country Produce lakrn in echnnoe.
We hope by strict a tent ion to btisnie.
and a determination to suit alt, both in
work and price, to receive a liberal ahare
of public pntrooaiie.
Lwi.riiirg, May 22, 1819
MIE stiiicrihers have associated under
the Firm of
S. & J. WOLFS,
for the piirpuse. of carrying on a
Wholesale Grocery and General
Co.innission and Fi-rwarding-
busme l.thr-inl advance will be mnifr
on all kinds of Country Produce. Pince
of business, new Warehouse on the Wharf
immi'dialely below the Bridge,
Lewisburg, Ta. Aug. 7, 1819.
JlIST received a genuine article of Cod
f.irrr Oil lor wholesale or retail. .
Nov 1 -'I Dr Thornt. n &. Bsker
m.....!-,-. for Justice and ConsUldra.oa
(1 II n.nj ror rae tfit
printed according to order
JUST received, at porster'a Store
50 sacks superior Liverpool Groord
do i dairy Salt, f A'um Sii't.
which is riT red cheap. .. Dee.. 11. .
K CI fT never refuaed at tlie office
tlkJll ofthaLewisburgKhrontele.
-- TO ?. ftSMi.
ill ill SliflfiiiM!
Bo-ta. Btosk. i
LIFE ui UEILI1I ttre ia the BL60I. ;
Vktmt. Piriff. ess Jlemlile tht CimlUtou. east
Me W lix'f rul h-i hra'th. Tie wl wusstsraf
s mil rrmr l.es U prnthie mc a rrmtt. at
Ytv. ail d.r- T?TBfJ: Nori tftemrj will h ymdaemd Sf
r&Ss ... of a Mn .!Ur truau'l-ln ol this gTaTrrna ltwJi cata b
IB rbti WtrlJ- (. -r our rumttw i pr"-" j
Til. Is5raii wkriitj .Tpvt;tt frvm Vrritmlin,
b trwrjat. mcU aysV-TBiaXr, area urn nmnami
Wl. it suni, wi-irun, as-ses bsw,
! ws,;sssaitaaae.sssajs.wasa,tivato
brants ri'RiPiER roua Tlatta CHKAfM
E It A R'8 WORTH '
j rf j, tgtet . 1PM-r rf IMr8 .sk
1 ws-snis. or say h resseiy. ao Bisner bow "
i is-r urir b-sues asy se. insssse-iasi fmmmmm wn.
l niwntoirmiir.ii.iiswa-slsniidsiJS
! i'J
I avssfa ii.sVw. as cured, sntiua Ujs is- year.
liiD.DDO Ftrsnni er Impnre Bload Oiiecwt, .
mil 21,030 Cut wgrt cafbiiierta Inrorablif
J sssome or p-trnt--aediriae mea are is the habitat' asy-
in;, tf r abtjaiti my tu, wfa wtrtilsi faelgg ?
httmevrr, wm du , and ataivi trmay to orvtm bv r
winm. Uurt Eaawt' Nboiczmb hav wk9w.u.d ctareti ml
fgwire draesr uvifttj houaa b'Jaa), th psTsst yr. tbmW
mj tther reitavdy in vrnvtemom tftui iiruTf Us wm tiiaraa.
Hvr mach will wvtn. CUft E P
7Wri Urgm. derp t'Um wmn tmmi bjMnf tWa lraTfcrg
Tb ftrl'owiv ia ibc nod wnedafrfhl a&ii Mttwliifif trvja7w
tsWat wm rKX mSveted vm m luinaa, bmia. my mm
Ilorrid ScroAila Cored.
Mb. J B. HAn. of Bnmm, OrttnJ O. T., errt1hm
lWemSt JOtn. tb-st hm4 been 1lK--fi w-th taaa. ,
WVV A fsuur aatl tint IfnH JT rtm&ad tu hit trJ. wtlaa
twkti; imrtte. mWo. iiekmxm Llcjcbv hsi bsa Br-ki
j eUa-ii arnuad ifm ear to ear ojm wm jb4vb
t gnroui'n ou ptpc so uim oat tytrainca urmn m
J htyif ti ia er wm sTM-arly dWaroygrf -tae aaa ol bu via
: wtta wiiu.!T drwtrtjfi d uii an lrt:er tasoVr tb Mia. m
I larrrr; u a man' bHBL farad Rear It cateti ttrovra Mtt km
, Lun-f th-'l ttr had aafi all kin.la tf riaVJUATAaULLA Mb4
av4r mfdicimes, to no bentjit. mxi tuat be M not ujsiLHal
rcc frtttit-fumr hatrg wwn bar cmrBBjard BaAjvT
Nt'CAV''iTim KarrmACT- that nrxu mrTLmm o4 th
kirVIX.; EXTAACT sWslsaW od rairW SKvBirrKaUf of tb
tWftjtT I'li-s-ra fasad wii' B be cnors-ei mam$ it, mad)
that a btUea toot" td m 9trKt?r cv. For tuil
larti. uurw if LUA, UiU ttat hcT miimT mnk Btm MM
This Wmmdrrfmt mm4 AmfmMimg f
tius-a not tw i a-'ntja a mvnammt of thm trrtmt ificmim
' at bust, rc.inas. iur u "e .s
BV-.I :i:crr- ot otm-r cur-s, me'l .xttSas. tf Bus i
SowiSVd. Vliis f.ure is sttrb.-d to by
Fourleea Kespectablc Witnesses.
By Doer. Trios. Wiu.i. ooeof the moat r-epeetaht
ptiycmna ul' K.Mntiy M ei a Bta.sr-t. 4r. Lwiraasa,
wtautewls sn-t rvt ol drufji'i- "J Mr. G. H. Biusrx. ura.
untor ui l k'-rx r ot liw Wkt toB Uorab sod LJ
slasss sia-r wtHtrm.
Brant's Indian Poriflsr
cores mil imiisFS distn uf tbe b'on t tlx. : S&tlltmi
SaU-Rfutm. Rmtwtmrir. Eruptia. Pimpi ss ISs 'sss
file. biU, linn. Cue ist M-rcurial Daemtt Lmtr
C--4ur. Pmitt m lac Stc., StJt, sod Lrmte, Bask af.
asssSas ss H.nii etc, sic
Tut. R.l-am poc. 2 the e'nmfimr ss9 pm'yraf
Virtmn ot Ike ahnsruuBmi ITiiroa UruiT. iL mitm
MMftw iw-.i-r other vr Axanoa. f-m.-f sr-l frc
i, V ikl.ntrd H ran. t Ot l.llS wd I O.NL'Ki'ilO.Si It
Btil ui't'ca I'unt t. rsc l.sf. ssd wlfw'arm irsal
1,. nMd tt asd ss ssatly as ass BmnJx kxtne$ Wjs
as i curp. rxf w.uj,.
Trt'CtssKS of cor, ss tb- aiMt kofelsis Cansumptiaa
AiTly rwe iri 'm'M minirs'on. rfk y ib mii diasss af
rk LLXtiS. TUKOAT. acd BUAdT.
Ws it. rhs fcCowias nrrkScsts aa a tact of care, whisk
goes to tirote lb poaror tu m iiia. etvn wbes the seiso
mm to i. !h -TJ '.t Mmtf ti .iicSiwkrs iMl
tmt:n rVHMfy Bi-mm V aiiiiiisi.-eTed e
VV ts tbc ful ow at ao: tacnre as a fat-t of eorv whls
grs-a tu oru. UV uttwer tussnr tUc.ctcM srtisa She p. r,m
secuia ki bt- is thM t-ry Ijtat atis-s or esifScnce. wr.
Bsar r Iniian tulmumm y iiaraaw to sdmuuaSrssd Tr.M
aaae d.k-. b4 i:.t m.H coul 1 .r' wsst C?i-
as mrseljK Mii.t armdtvs-sst ksadrsJe ol koptitm
sasn& sod ilnM.SJ ol i cm.-d CVXaUHr TUjS.
THib rtKK w.. ecrod oif tbe wih. ttf Sir. Zr
Dtaawas o. t,n- Jews or' Ballton, Smareura Cs. .V T.
Mr. lr. k as n wm pnmouoced djluw. and Mr. llykesiaa)
sr-st to life; ttnr- of Mr. jmh VV Air a sitfnssst ctA uir
s 9krvj4 .el rtker trimt mmttrmia, exuHco bis wi'o
wnstd mmi d a ebe sriw in lh- star acscc ot ius dist-sasi
mtu-M 9pprtfrtl nod eutrrtgtj -.ihI to rv ir.t? t-r
r"m "" Md mt-tu a - puiom sue map. Mr.
a. m m w-. i--r.il to z li.r M.-m ol - BKAM'S
IMIIAM PULMONARY BALrfAM." Ik- took tbr dm turn
h".m'' t-v- 'browl. . portion t, lu i: ;k
I h. e.t rrord to t. a sstu - r.ot, rs4
'"" "S't-rn. suit rm b.. ra,n...imU rrncurif ss
ft rt9At lor p m.-o arj.
Mr Dri-iu .wi.r- ki rtic :..Te facts orrw Taoa (X
Trsn, Emj, uf BaUKn Spa. -ih Aprii, le4.
Tw. U ti ot-.xo, t.af, Jtnke, rbJcs thnt be hss
fcsowtt Mr. lit . m n u .ty y;,r? n-t CjM be is one of
k. tr so irrky wi nrpeetaiiU cuam u-l Jfr. Joarn
Wjir. ki no. r.-!t;Uit -Th.k- n at b -. 4o cMjl to Uss
fwl cheerier ol Mr. 1'yteman. mod Ho tw w.J
C(i.i't. J w t ! mil iur met, kutma beard tbeoa slisu spsa
sa l by I f'mmn
Brant's Pulmonary Balsam
sores COMSTMPTIOX. Cmmke. Oofs. .V'fffcor ef
bi-trliMg mt tW Lmitt. Pmim tit s nms ukl tuU. ,vu,
Snsxa, .trrou CdBt'fanls. PmlfUanmm its Mssr.
CWa s-l,!, jfs'-y. 8-rmmer CmmplmiiUL md ALt
fMMAUi U AiL.'M.t..i. KKkmml nm Jmmmmg s taliaw
BuL'KIRS iVB rilVSllll'tS RtC031E.D.
Tits loiluwinaj-n .rncd Ihntarm wi Pkuiictmm bats) kUSV
CT-orom. B led HMANVd MtLrK.I.Ntd -Dr.
N. lirUPAKtt. Mmhnl, t'ona.
Dr. J. . pari II. V.Krtuita. N. V.
Pr. KO.MAN. 132 Henry tr.-et. Braoklra, M. f
tic T at ni'v-r i... v
I'r. GK.l. HI .V( is MMdlotowm I
Dr.liBO. i. KUTIEK. a.lh.N. T.
lr. a. HiTE. rr-iUmn a. lr.
Ir. C. B. GAI.KNTINK. Byroa. H. T.
Dr. J. O. Mill MAN. r.yrtfe.uV, S. T.
Dr. J. SRINNKK. Miiry atm-t Rrookin. f.
Dr. U biUi'JUS. CanUad, B. I.
lie ware of countfrfeiis !
Tbrie is no Brart's mrdirimw genurne. bat
surb hoiih-s a are put rip in a sqosr pack
or shape, and orr one square of tbe package is a
Ishel i u abi-h is rcorescuud a yourg quaw,
and under where sh.s simj. is a Not of lisud,
wbirh ies'ls ss follows", vi.
We hrrebi prartiee. for value reetired. fe rny
lu the bcanr hereof Osa Ct, oh dtmar.j oi
mir Medicine fci.Ty in the City of Bn.nKl"i,
X Y. iMitfd at B-nwMyn. 7A April. 19ta'f
(hich note is srgiitd with (.en and red A
.U.WV. WJLLAfU 4 I i ,'
None gennii- bnt nch as ba the not sa
the libel signed ss above.
For sale bv Thornton & Baiter, Lewia
bora ; Edatd Wilnin, New Ureba; b J Craft's,
Schij(r.)ta ; ( oc F (7 Mover, Freebcr ; H N
Bicfchaue-, Midjlcl nr ; ti!l & Eitert, Hsrtls
-Ion : An'es Jk Mench. M-itRinbur
AH letter.t snd oiders must be ajd-rssoi I
Wadticc A Co. ICR. Ur.vnlnay, New Vock
Foil sale.
"pnn suWriber rfjers for safe the g ol
X Mtbs'ant'iiil Brick JWellfEfJ. with re
eessary ror-buitd:ngs. handsome. y silLatrd
on Thtfd street 10 ihe Bjru' of LewtsU r.
now occopted bv bin'.
Also Twelve Acres of LAlD 'o.""r1
in Kelly lowo-hip. itiin a-1 of a little i f
said Rorotigh. in a gnrd state of rn't.va.
lion. For terms, app'y in
Lewistdire. t)ee. If, 189-
AILS and IRON for saV bv
. -mil
Bebsr lditrgsr.
n unai St r'n l T '
. I
: 4,

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