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The Union. [volume] (St. George, Utah) 1882-1898, May 19, 1898, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058012/1898-05-19/ed-1/seq-3/

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- ....
, If. (Srorge Union.
I'Tk ' The m ill from the north arrises fvery Any except
'J t TtioMl:iy.
T Tne mail from I'inc V.vllcy and the South -arrives
I every TucsJuy nnd Saturday and liuvci on Mon
' dav utitl Kiidity.
The itliceisutiin from 7 ;i m. to 7 p. m. every
diy -xcept Sundays ami holidays when it is open
f friM. to S i). in.
M.."' order and Registry department open from
S u. 111. if 5 p. in.
JOHN' l'YMH I'ostmahter.
May 7 dS8, 1144, 8, d86, 1143, 9
dSo, 1140, 10 CI92, 1143, 11 CI92. 1145.
May Dale. Day. Nihgt
Iforcury was: 12, 9-4, 'J 9.
13, 87, 50.
. ' 14, 67, 59.
1 ' 15, 73, 40.
1G, 61, 41,
17, 6G, 44.
18, 80, 4G.
h ' Rainfall 19-100.
. - Thursday, May 19, 1S98.
George L. McAllister is still in
a precarious condition.
It was by mistake that we re
ported brother George "Wood
ward ill last week.
Mrs. James Booth, o this city,
will still bo found at the old stand
f dispensing Merchandise as usual,
, and thanks all her Patrons for
' thoir liberal Patronage in the past
and trusts that they will still con
tinue to show their gonial faces
whenever they are in need of any
&' kind of Merchandise.
'i - Respectfully,
P Amies Booth.
' Mary Ann Wallace Woodward,
wife of George Woodward, was
' . , born at Erie, Pa., November 17,
1 1841, and died at St. George, Utah,
-, jWay 14, 1893.
- She was a laborer in the St.
George Temple and was a faithful
Latter-dny Saint.
The Cottonwood Canal is now in
excellent condition and its water
will be running in our city soon.
- ; Bees have been swarming tin.,
spring, enthusiastically, and those
i who havo clianced to be on hand
in season have increased the num
ber ofjjhives on hand, but when it
has be.-n othenviso, the new
swarms have taken for the hills.
Those who have not yet got the
top boxes on, will do well to attend
to it at once. We believe the,
honey crop will bo much larger
this season than it was last year.
: t We had rain Sunday riighb
som on Monday and Tuesday, and
A .a little" last evening and ' today.
. r
During nearly all the rain here,
the high surrounding mountains
were covered with snow, but it
soon melts oft' on the lower parts
of the mountain..; and foothills.
Our citizens who are lovers of
flowers should prepare, during the
summer and fall, for taking care!
of their plants in an economical!
way by erecting a green house, ,
which is an easy matter. The
other day we visited one that has
stood the test the past winter,
which was built of cloth, by
George F. Jar vis, of this city, and
were highly delighted, with the
fine array of various kinds of
flowers collected is so small a
place. It will rmy anyone to visit
thisgroenhouse and they will be
sure to want one themselves.
Edward A. Dodge, son of Wal
ter E. and Eleanor C. Dodge, was
born March 10, 1861, and died
May 13, 1893.
The funeral services wero held
in the St. George Tabernacle on
the 14th inst. Elder James G.
Bleak, and David H. Cannon, !
Prest. of the St. George Temple, 1
were the speakers, who beautifully
Porrtayed the plan of Salvation
that has been given by our Heaven-
ly Father for the benefit of all tho
human family, not only those who
live in this gospel dispensation,
but also'2has rjrepared a way where
by those who did not have the pri
vilege of hearing the gospel in the
flesh may be redeemed, thereby
showing his loving kindness equal
ly to all His children. Spoke of the
blessings of tho marriage covenant
that this brother and his affectio
nate wife haA'e received for them
selves that will last forever. Ad
vised all to be kind to this young
widowed mother who is left to
provide and care for the six father
less children, all of whom are left
to mourn his loss.
- - -r
A Remarkable Cass- !
Annie Elmer was born at Eoxford,
Suffolk, England, on the 71I1 of June,
1844. She became a member of the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday
Saints, bv .baptism, when 8 years
old; emigrated to Utah in 1866; was
married to Wm. W. Smith on June
20, 1870. She started to work in
the St. George Temple, officiating
for the dead, March 1. 1877, and
thereafter continued to labor for the
'dead as opportunity and her health
would permit, so that she officiated
fjr '539 deceased persons during
her life.
For years she has been a great
sifferer from dropsy and has been
tapped by D. F. Clift 23 times, as
Date of tapping. Amt of fluid, pints.
Sept. 22, 1895, i6 "
March 1, "96, 1SJ6 "
June 2, " i42 "
Sept. 13, . " '15.
Nov. 18, " 15'
January 4, 1897, 15 "
March 6, " 14 ,f
April 17, " " 15 "
May 20, " 16 "
June 15, .15
July 12, i3 "
August 5, " 16 "
August 21, - 19
Sept. 25, " 19 "
October 27. '; 19 "
Nov. 22, " 19K "
Dec. 19, " 20 "
January 10, 1S98, 20 "
Feb. 1, 16 "
Feb. 19, " 19 " i
March 10, " 18 " j
March 28, " 13 "
April 10, " congealed and be
came solid.
She lingered on, a severe sufferer,
until April 21, 1S98, at 11:30 a. m.,
'when her spirit passed to that great
beyond. Her funeral was well at
tended and all present were encour
aged to emulate her good examples.
1 .
All who hive used the Schuttler
Wagons concede them to be the
lightest running and best wagon
made, but it is not generally known
that there is an agent in this vicinity
who can supply the public with this I
class of -vehie'e".. m. H. Thomp
son, of this city, is agent and,'wili be
pleased to sell you a Schuttler Wag
(on, or a Solid Comfort Sulky Plow,
of the Latest Improved Style, at the
.Lowest price possible. Be sure and
(give him a call.
1 1
I Say, why don't you have ' that
aching tooth pulled? J. M. Gates,
will attend to it for you.
Jjet every reader of The Union
preserve this Cor future use.
It ij well known that dyspepsia
or. indigestion is very prevalent
among the. people and is also very
! annoying. There are a giat
many cures advertised and sold,
often of no avail, the purchasers
almost, if not quite, throwing their
, money away, as far as any benefit
, to thomselves is concorned. Now
1 will give you a receipt that sel-
dom fails, and one we havo used
'for 40 years. It is well known
1 that a chicken will digest almost
J auy thing and the work in perfor-
medjjin the gi&z ird, and it is tho
inside lining oH tho gizzard that
does this duty. Every one that
oats a chicken can have the cure.
When you kill a chicken, take tho
gizzard and cut it open and lake
out. the inside lining, cleanse it
carefully and lay it up to dry,
then when dry lay it carefully a-
wny until you nead it.
1 in H
In case of indigestion, pulverize. I
a piece of it and mix it dry with
sugar and eat it. As it 13 .almost .1
tasteless any one cau take it with- ,H
out any trouble, and tho result will H
be very gratifying to all who' will fl
test it. Now don't think, because aH
this costs nothing but a little trou-
ble, that it is of no avail, but try H
it and bo convinced of the benefits
to be derived therefrom. M
If you want first class lime call on fl
Edward Christian, this city. M
The editor in St. George is con- H
sidered a patriotic man; and yof M
they say he is trying "to sell out H
Tho Union." Progress. H
Two women aro said to have
died at San Juan out of sheer fear M
of bombardment by a suspicious M
looking vessel at sen, and there has M
been a suicide at Aguilerada for M
the same reason. Tribune. M
iPA. P.T.L, I
The ican Protective Tariff League H
national organization advocating H
Protection to American Labor and H
Industry" as explained by its constitu- H
t.on, &s follows :
" Tlio objoct of tliio Lpagua shall be to protect
Amoncan labor by a tariff on importu. wh.ch siinil
ecJeqtMtely soeuro Ainarican industrial prcduct) H
ajja'io - tho compotition of forsfgn libor. " - - HH
There are no personal or private M
profits in connection with tho organiza- M
tionand it is sustained by memberships, M
contributions and the distribution of its fl
publications. M
FIRST: Corrospondonca is solicited regarding B
" Mombership " and " Official Corroopondonts." H
SECOND: Wo nocd nnd welcome contributions,
whothcr email or e.rga, to our causo. H
THIRD: Wo publish a largo line of documents H
covering all phases of tho TanKauostion. Com- H
pl?t9 sot will be mailed to any address for 50 oonts. H
FOURTH: Send postal cird request for frco
ample copy of tho "American ETconomist." B
Address Vilbur F. Waleman. General Socretary, M
135 West 23d Streot. Now Ycrk. M
Pymm House H
St, George, Utah. flH
I'd eals Reasonable, fl
John T. Morse9. I
Satisfaction guaranteed -and prices H
reasonable. Produce Liken at a 1
TonsoirsaS - l Artista B
Can Slmvo )-ou or OutAYour H
Hair in imy style ofthu day. El

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