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I American Birk Ctitz&&:m H " y TXjEm ' ' ' '' jH H VOLUME XI AMERICAN IJIK, UTAH SATtfA JANUARY 3, 1014. - -NUMM 38 ' WMmM jf ' y ?J'iirK--' I ' " ' liH I Gasoline Cars I January 20th H IiitcrnrliaH lo bo Hauling l'asNcniters H Iletwcmi American Fork and Salt H Lake Cllj, before the end of H the Month. H President S. L. Chlpman attended kWd a meeting of the board or directors H of the Salt Lake'& Utah Railroad H Co. held in Salt Lake City, Tuesday, kwE The format transfer of a lot of prop H erty lying between South .Temple and H Sixth South streets to the Intcrurban H Terminal Co. was accomplished. This Mmj. company is formed to tnke curd of tho mWA terminal facilities for both the Bam mWA borger and Orem roads. The pass mWA cngcr station for tho two roads will mWA be located on Plerpolnt street between LwA Second and Third South streets and mWA leading from West Templo to First LwA West. H The thing of interest that concerns H tho people hero most was tho dls H decision to rush the work, and It was H given out that gasoline euro would H bo put on tho road and be carrying H passengers by January 20. They H will have a capacity of 70 passengers Hcach, and will run every two hours H during the (lay and evening. H While it was not given out, "ft is uuderstood from another soiirce that Bthe rare on tho new road will be 2V6 1 cents per mile, which would make Hthe price from Ameilcan Fork to Hsalt Lake City about 80 cents. TIiIb Hwill bb materially reduced by pur H chasing family milage books, H The company will electrify the road H soon as tho weather will permit and H predicts the operation of electric cars by April H o Dim At Hospital Mrs. Elizabeth Hobbs Taken to Ilos. H pltal for Operation, but Died lie H fore It Could be Perforaed. Hr TMra. Elizabeth Hobb3, of Highland, Hdled at the L. D, g. hospital Monday.' HMrs. Hobbs was taken o the hospital m-uivatVon'tLritoirCh trouble HSundny evening, but died before tho operutlon. She was nbout CG years f age and an old resident of High iand. She loaves a husband and Ave children, the two oldest daughters H being married. B Funeral services were held from Hthc Third Ward meeting house Wed Hueeday, Bishop J. R. Hlndley prcsld Hing. Musical numbers wore furnlBh ed by the ward choir. Tho speakers Hwere 1211 U. Hawkins and Bishop J. Hn. Hlndley. Interment in tho city Hcemctory. 1 DEATH OF 11A1IY. H The nvo months old bnby of Mr. Haud Mrs. Jan. Chadwlck or this city, Hdled of bronchitis December 2Gth, Haftor n short illness. H Funeral servlres were hold from Hthe family residence Sunday morn ing at 11:30 o'clock under tho dlrcc tlon of DlBhop W. 1J. Smith. Tho Bspeakers wero Samuel Greenwood, HWm. J. Chadwlck and Mrs. Melissa Hpreenuood. Membors of the Fourth Ward choir furnished tho music. H Sine Month Old llnbe. Tho nine month old baby boy of Hplr. and Mrs. Roy Thompaon died HBunduy morning after a brier Illness Kf n complication of diseases. Tho unornl was held from tho family B'clock and everybody Is cordially In Hvbel presiding. H The singing was furnished by mom Kcrs of the Third Ward choli The Bpeakors worn John lluutcr, Edgar Vospaln and Kit O. Hawkins. u H:uneral Services For H William Dunn H Funeral serlce8 for Win, Dunn Hvoru hold from tho Fourth Ward BicetliiK house Saturday at 2 p. m., HilBho)) W U. Smith presiding. B Musical numbers wero given by hu ward choir and beautiful solos ftere rendered by Miss Cdlth Hlndley, Blrs. Ron Hnllldny, Mrs. Agues Aus iu Huyes of Salt Lake City, u muslc l selection by Miss Ida Smith. B Tho sp(nkerBwero W, S Robinson, Vltnn Orcenwood and President S H' Chlpman, who spoke In tho highest Kurms of the deceased and comforting H-'ords to tho family There was a Harge ntt'-.dunco of relntlves and Hrieuds, and the llornl offerings wore Binny nud benutirul. Soma of tho out Hf town people to attend Ihu funeral wore: Mrs. Agnes Hayes, Miss Eramn Austin, Mrs. Selena Hall of Salt Lake City, Mr. N. Crookston of -Logan, Mr. J. J. Petors, Hannah Diinkley, Fern Peters and Fred Stubbs of Provo. SECOND WARD HOY SCOUTS VISIT SALT LAKE CH'V Thirty-two boy scouts of tho Sec ond Ward of this city, headed by Clifford E. Young, spent Tuesday (n Salt Lnko City. During tho morning hours tho boys wero entertained at tho Chamber of Commerce by Sec retary D. F.'Collett of tho Utah Man ufacturers' Association, who todk them through the dlsp'ay of Utah pro ducts, and explained everything to them. In the afternoon they visited the DCBerct 'Gymnasium, Desoret Mus eum and the Temple grounds, whore they wero shown everything. A special organ recital we given tor them In the tabernacle at 4 o'clock in the attcrnoon. Tho trip was thoroughly enjoyed by all prennt aud tho boyB will re member tho event as long as they live. Young Man Losess His Hind Cones Near Shooting Children Is Taken to Mental Hospital. Frank A. Jacobs, a young man 29 years of ago und living In the north part of town, lost tho balance of his mind Monday attornoon. With a shotgun and a box of shells he start ed on the war path 'and Had not tho mnrshnl arrived just In tlmo thero would have been somo fatal results. Ho took ono shot at a young boy nnmed Mood who happened to bo just out of range, and as he was sneaking up on a number or small children with his gun In position and his fin go r on tho trigger ready to pull, Marshal Chlpman came up from be hind, knocked tho gun from out of his hand and with the help of John S, Miller and Arthur Hawkins over powered tho Insane than and, took hlni to a cell in the city jail, , ; Itappears.OHrt Jajgbs,' shoutMhrfee years ago," vvtitfelvTng' In California) got up one night to get a drink of wator. Ho fell and slightly fract ured his skull which resulted in a partial paralysis of his body and the entire loss of his speech, Tho puralyslB later disappeared but his speech never returned. Several days ago tho neighbors noticed that ho began to net queerly, throwing stones ot pcoplo, etc. Monday ono ot tho Wood boys called for n younger brothor or Jacobs to go hunting. Frank ovldcntiy Im agined that some harm was Intended his brother and followed with tho loaded shot gun. Young Blood, when ho Baw him coming suspected that tho domonted man was after him and commenced to run. Jncobs opened flro on him but hlB intended victim was 75 yards away, jUBt out of rango or tho ordinary shotgun. Neighbors who saw the Incident sent In a hurryup call for tho mar shal, who nrrlvcd Just an he was sneaking up on a bunch of young children. His gun was In position and .his flngor wnB on the trigger, nud so Intent was ho watching tho' children thnt ho did not notico tho marshal. In tho scufllo that ensued the mar shal unlocked the breech from tho barrel and the shells fell out. John S. Miller and Arthur Hawkins ar rived JUBt then nud helped to over power Jacobs. When they arrived at the San Pedro tracks on First West street Jacobs wont limp ns a rag and thoy loaded htm on a hand alcd and easily took him to tho city Jail. Hero, however, his strength returned and It' required four Btrong men to get him in tho cell, ny this time he Jiad become a raging mnnlao and It was with great difficulty that thoy got him In Jail, hi tho coll ho divested himself of all clothing aud was about to do hlmsoU bodily hnrm when the mar shal nud others put his clothing on and strapped him down. Tuesday mornljig ho scorned nbout normal and readily accompanied the officers to Provo In an automobile Ilowovor, when ho arrived at the sheriff's olllto ho went to pieces again and It roqulred tho sorvicas ot a numbor of men ror un hour to qulot him. An olllclnl examination was mado and Judgo Morgan committed him to the state mental hospital. When tlu' American Fork people left lu tho afternoon, he seemed plonsed with his aurrdundlnga nud wns ttr x laughing Jnod, with ap parently nothing tho matter with him Bie Real EsfKi'Dni i - i .- v ' Which Means That ThelrWH! Be An other Mercantile ' E(H(nwt For AmertowfFurky- One of Iho most Important real ostnto deals that has been consurt mated In American Fork for many' years, was completed tho last day of tho old year, 19J3, between Clarke ft Hickman RealEstato Exchange and David W. Jeff, tho president? of the Phavant Landcompany of Salt Lake City. The property sold Is known ns the Progress building located on tho cornor of Main and Church BtreotB, and belonged to Peter Adam; son, and was sold for tho sum of $14,000 00, so our Informant states. f Tho Information la also given, us trom tho same reliable source, that Mr. Jeff, In. connection with other business'' men, anticipates putting In one of tho most unique and up-to-dRte mcrcnntllo establishments In thta s tou of tho country. J o " New Cityjppotatiwrts;'; Tho now mayor and city-. councll( will assume tho reins of , tho cltjr government next Monday at noofi. Incidentally the- old administration expires at tho Bamo time. -' The chief Interest now centers In who will nil tho appointive offices. Tho mayor has not. taken us Into 'his" confidence', but from tho long Hat published in our last Issue we will venture the following guess: Marshal Arthur Hawkins or John O. Adams. " Justtvo of. tho Peace Adolph Niel sen. J City Attorney J. W. Waitecotto. Road Supervisor Johnny. Stegglew City Physician Dr. J?F. Noyet Dr. Robinson. fjy ', Sexton M. H. Fltzgwildr '- f Tho night watchman 'JrflV be nfe( pointed after tho marshal Is chosnJ Some of these may fall to lavdJ but we will wager a year's;sulcr'!M tlon on a' majority of them. ffriMP 'ffriOT IN FOKEHKiaSR" NeVJlPa was shot In tho forehead, but "lor seriously hurt. It appears that Le Grnnd Noyes had a 22 rifle and shot at a post. After hitting the post the, bullet glanced and struck, young Hal liday In the forehead. The bullet either fell out or is now imbedded against tho skull, ! Sunday KTcnlng Meeting. Tho following program will be giv en in the Second "Wnrd chapel Sun day evening, under the auspices of tho Mutun) Improvement Associations ot tho four wards. Lecture Clifford E. Young. Lndlo's Quartette First Ward. Reading Lorcttn Nlclson. ; Violin Solo Prof. Chns. Hopkins. Lecture E. A. Morgan. ' ,' Quartette H. V. W. P. The meeting commences at 7 rosldenco Tuesday Counselor Q, E. vltod. y Musical Company Go Broke In Ogdcn .Tho Colonial Music company, which wns billed to play Klnj: Ko Ko here tonight, wont broke In Ogdeu 'last Monday. This Is the second tlmo this company has beon billed for "Ameri can Fork; and failed to put In nn appearance. District Court Calendar Tho following ensos or Interest to tho north end or Utah county have been set tor hearing In the Fourth district court: State ot Utah vs. Almn Bourno, grand lucony; pleaded not guilty, Jan. 8 sot for trial. Amerlonn Fork City vs. Oliver SJostedt, being intoxicated; plea of not guilty, trial sot for Jan, C. Lohl City vs. Thomas Woodhouso, selling Intoxicating liquors; plea of not guilty, trail set for Jan. 7. Thomas J. Chlpman, et. al., Vs. Amorlcan Fork City, et. nl.j sqt for Fob. 12. Mrs. Annona Greenwood vs. S. P. L. A. & S. L, R. R, Co., sot for Jan. 11. Salt Lnko & Utah Rnllroad Compa ny vs. N. H. Helsolt, et. nl.; set for Jun. 24. Mark Bezzant, ot. al vs. Pleasant Grove City; Bet fov April 3. Mrs. Edith Lnwhor.n vs, Znchrlah D. Lawhorn; sot for Jan. 12. Salt Lnko & Utah Railroad Compa ny vs Josoph II. Adnms, ot nl ; sot for Jan W. T J Chlpman, et al , vs. J R Al len, et al ; sot for Jan 10. i I ""; EO0K FCS&fswB i : I IKEnP ROflNMJTS, I m . ' ' f ' --'" H ODDS and "ENDS' "5r? t'M I ALL KINDS OF INTfER GOO -; WQ ' h " ' - , x $, M Mifi nlH M ' II WE ARE TAKING -STOCK-'' ? ' 'b:." :Z M J' January 7, 1914,, I jl I '' '"" f?- ''I ' ' ''AM X J ' www &We will sell these odd lengths, these m odds and ends, these remnants at prices I that will astonish you; prices that every- "4 j one can reach with small amount of 1 1 means-WATCH FQR OUR M V ' ANNOUNCEMENT- , I - fc'iir ' '- A'i fir K H !?' SS WM Chipman's Eiig Red Store II (. iBg J2ssi Chipman's -. .. .Vl f Bargain Basement k ' 1 American Fork, Utah 1 :" I I , iiMHiMMMiM MMTmmim 1 1 IIIIBIII JB