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BBb. iHrnL '""v ' , BBBI I American Ffrk Citizen 1 BST """ AMERICA FOnKWMATU jJBiriiliAnY 7, 10H , WOMB& I Btierurbin Depot Probably Located K(rm Shovel Loading Gravel 1'nrm m Homl to American Fork SoW BBB , to (Jo Into Commission. H OfllclnlB or the interurban railroad Hvcre in Amcrlcm Fork this week and Khrough tliu linn ofClurk & lllckpinii Khoy tied up Uic Flrmage propyl ty on Hrialn Btrcut, opposite the Orient Brhcatre. While tho deal was not act Hually consummated, tho tying It up Ylnthe form of fin option probably Hmcans that this alto haa liimUy been Klccldcd as the location for the tttulloii Hfor this city. 1 Mr. W. II. Done, construction man Mngcr for tho lntorurban railroad, was Hlu town Monday making arrange Hmciits to ballast tho grade, from Jor Hdaii River south. .Where' the. toad passes under tho D. & 11. G, tho track Hwas covered with u foot of Ice, which Hluid to bo cut away. BBf The ballasting Ib 119W completed Hiom Salt Lake City to tho NnrtowB, Haiid a big steam shovel is dally load-Hltig- ears, which arc now ballasting Htlfo road on Bouth. In u few days the H grade should bo in condition to rc Hcclve tl'o new gasoline cars that are Hnow on their way from Sail Frnu BBl clsco. BJ A temporary depot la now being H built at tho terminal In Salt Lake City H Stations at the towns to tho south H will not bo creeled for several BJ months, BBJ According to Mr. Dond, cars will be iH put id operation soon as Tho road is .H ballasted to American Fork. The H track laying machine' will then be put iH to work laying the rifllB from Amcr BBl lean Fork to Provo. BB o H SHERIFF AND CLERK VISIT AMERICAN FORK B Clerk Robinson Aihiniccs"Noiel Ideas BB on Solving the Indigent Problem. Sheriff East and County Clerk Jtob- 'BB inson were in American Fork Wed- BB ucsday, the former Bcrviug civil pa- BB pcrs and the latter pu business per- BB tainlng to the widows' pension fund. BJ Mr. Kobliison, who has tho dlstrl- BJ butlon of the peiiBlou rund, personally BB makes an Investigation or every up- BB plication. Tho last legislature pro- BB vldcd for an appropriation or $10,000 BB for. this purpose, but Mr, Roblnsoiv fl says that if all -tho applications foi BB holn were u' lowed that liavo been Bfl made it would have required an ap B proprlatlon or over $50,000 last year". BB Widows sppllcd for holpy that, had Bfl lli6i'snndir"flf H)irar79 loanetrtfWitMKi Bfl Interest, and Borao that owned due Bfl farms. Help Is only extended where Bfl It Is actually needed, and then only fl In sums or ?5, $10 or ?1G per month H He says the rund has a tendency to fl cnuBO relatives who formerly helped fl tho wldoWB to ccaBC and expect the Bfl county to afisumc tho burden. The Bfl county Is taking care that no one wlm BB really needs help fallB to get it. Bfl Mr. Robinson advances the idea that BB ir there wcro no rebates or widows' Bfl taxcB there would bo an abundance fl for taking euro or tho Indigent. Of H course he docs not think that the fl widows should pay taxcB and get nc fl help, but he thinks that the Indigent flj should pay tuum the samo as other people. Then they should grt Jiolp H frnm Mm cnimtv. which flllldH should B bo taxed against the property. When tho owner dies his property should be BB iiold, and If llinro Ib any over after BB the county has been reimbursed for BB expenses In help extended, then the BB balaueo should bo divided among the BB heirs He thinks It unfair for the BB county to help an Indigent who has BB property, and then at death have the BB property divided-among iclntlvca who BB refused to help their benefactor. H ABOUT OUR SCHOOLS B Memorial nonlcen were held at the IB) High School on Frldav evening under BB the direction or tho School Poind and flfl teachers or both High School and BV grades. In honor of the late state BB superintendent or bcIiooIh, Mr A. C BB Nelson, BB State Superintendent or Public In- BB slructlon A C Mnthenon came down BB from Salt I-nke City through an Invl- BB tatlon of Principal Irving h. Pralt and BB gave an addreas upon the Life and BW Charaeter of the late Snpcrlnteudent BB Nelson The address was listened to B ti Krent IntercBt and wan enjoved BB b all An excellent program was BB carded oi't ca follown- Opening Clients. "Abide. With Mr" BB Pupils nf tho Seventh Crude ,BB Prayer Pilncipal Inlng I.. Pratt BB riioniR -"iiiiIIb or the Klchth Crado BB Opening Addicas Trustee Kit J. Clay BB sou BK ('nurlctlr -High School. BB Iteadliic. "Oh' Captain, Mv Captain BV MIkh Fdua Hull. High Selmol BB Sour Vlaa Fdltli Hlndley, Orado Rnlinnln AddreHH. "I Ife and Character ir the BB Late Supeilnteiident,i,A C Nelson' BB -Superintendent A. C. Malheson, BB Salt Lake City BB (Juaitetle ."The Teaeher'a Work la Done" High School. BB Prayer President S. 1. Chlpman. BB Afu-r tho exereiseB State Buporln- BB tendent MnllieKoii and many of th" BB school p.'itronn visited all parto of our BB boautirul High School building and BB hpoke In glowing terms or the beautv BE and ronvenlence or the building Sup- BB erintemlent Mntlieson stated that he BK had not 'seen anything to HiirpasH thin BT bulldlnr, and that It wua certainly a BJ credit to Amerlfnn Fork, to l'tah County and to the State The great Auditorium of the High School was filled with patrons or the schools, and friends or the lato Sup erlnteiidnnt Nelson. Upon tho platform sat Mayor Karl. Greenwood, President S. L. Chlpman Trustee 1311 J. Clayson, Principal Charles W. Whltakor or the High School, Principal Irving U. Pratt of tho Grade Schools and members of the inculty of both High School and the grades. The members of tho Sprlngvllle School Board, Mrs. Mary Flnley, Mr. Olid and Mr. LowIb J. Whitman, with the superintendent of schools or Sprlngvllle, Mr Harold Alllman, who la also the jnnyor of tho city, vloltcd tho American Fork schools on Tues day. Tho forenoon wiib Bpcnt In tho pri mary and grammar grades, vvhero the regular work was going on. The vlsf ors ucrc very well pleased with the work or tho gradcB and particularly the good dlBclplluo or all tho departments In the urtcrnoou a lire drill lor 1110 Forbes building was given by request of the visitors. The pupllB, about 300 In number, left the building, which Ib b very unhandy building Tor the best marching, In one minute and twenty cccoudB, On former drills the pupils have, all left tho building In one min ute. In one minute and thirty seconds oil pupllB wcro back In their scatB and at work. There was not tho least confuulou or excitement, and all marched to tho music by Miss Hazel Aydelottc, In tho best of order, at double-quick time, The afternoon was spent at tho High School visiting the classes and In specting tho building. Tho visitors oxprcsocd themselves nB very well sat isfied with the work done In our dis trict, which speaks well for tho tcach era, piluclpalB and the school board of our city. ' MR. AND MRS. JAS. OHIPMAN TAKING THEIR HONEYMOON They Arc Kovr on Their Wny. to , Panama. James Chlpmnn, 8r., who was mar ried December 16 to Mrs. Selena Puzoy, Ib now on his honeymoon on tho Atlantic ocean. A Wireless tele gram received this week by Ills Amer ican Fork relatives read: "Feb. 2, 1914. Dadlo SI, Moro Cas tle, la Tampa, Florida. Thrco days 611 feca from New York, Both sick! Feeling better. Telephone Salt Lake; frlonds. Janica Chlpman." The ship, Moro Cnatlo, on which Mr. and Mro. Chlpman arc sailing, Is bound for the Panama Canal. It will touch at Tamplco. Mexico, whero Mr. Chlpman owns n lnrgo ranch. If the rebellion Is not too intense at Tam plco. Mr. and Mrs. Chlpman will prob ably make a brief Btay thoro. If con ditions uro not satisfactory they will go on to Panama. ) AN IMPORTANT ONE Nod lVIIde Comes Ont of Canyon on Snow Shoes. Ned Wlldo came down from the canyon mines thla week on biiow shoes. Ho reports six feet or snow on tho level nnd ns much ns thirty ,rcct In tho gulches. Slides have come In many places. In tho Mary Kllen gulch there Ib over thirty reel or snow al most as solid aB Ice. JIc reports tho Btrlkc In tho Dutch man mine as being one of great pro mise. He has taken out several hun dred sacks of high grado lead car bonate ore' and thinks that tho strong vein which he and his companlor leasers recently discovered will prob ably develop Into one of great pro mise. He will return soon as th snow aeltlcB hard enough to travel on It. When the last strike was made the leasers had about become discour aged and wore preparing to abundon the property. Ttumor has It that Important nego tlatlona are In progress that will mean much tn the development and produc lion of the Paclllc mine, owned bv American Fork people. o - ( I AT THE THEATRES I A big audience greeted Carlton Hal ton's preductlon or "Lena Illvera' last '.'llday evening In the Opera House and received their money's worth. The play wob good, tho acting rnlr and nothing hut pnilso was heard rrom those who attended Mr Pelreo or the Orient Theatre had II special attraction Tuesday and Wed nesday nights or n three-star vaude ville company, In hlgh-clasB musical acts. In connection with his regular motion picture program, and they wrro appreciated bv large audiences Moth houses arc giving up-to-date Mleiure shows every night. Their pro iranis will be found on another page. Mr Heck Informs ub that after this eck the Opera Hoiibo will have ex clusive control or the films handled bv the (lenernl Film company In this fllv The pictures from this compaio aro the ones all largo picture houses 1160. "Kiiuto Knutson," tho funny Swed ish comedy, la billed Tor the Opera Mouse Monday nighty The management of tho Opcro Monoe, In consideration or the liberal patroniigo received rrom tho public, Iimvp decided to glvo an Invitation to nil people or our city, 70 years oT age and over, to como to all picture shows ulven In the Opera House ror tho next thirty dnyn-KHBB QRAT1S, Anniversary Of . I Wm. HemChipmin 12X Descendants Gathered at the Apollo Hall Last Monday- Sketch f ls Ilfc. Boino 125 of tho dcscen-dantB of William Henry Chlpman held a fnmlU reunion ut t'hc Apollo Hall last Mon day evening. Tho first In order was. a delicious supper served, followed by the. reading of tho biographical sketch by MIsb Myrl Chlpman, n solo by MIbb Edith Hlndley and n reading by MIbb M, Rova Beck. It wns decided by those prcBcnt that n gcnenloglcal record ; would bo kept and that these nnnunl rcunloiiB would continue. Quo mem- ' bor from each family was chosen as a committee to prepare a program for tho reunion of 1915 Mro. Alice IJunk- ley, Mr. T. J. Chlpmun nnd Mr. War- rcn Holey. I After a grand march by nil present dancing wnB Indulged in until mid- night. I Following Is tho sketch : I William -Henry Chlpman, whoso birthday anniversary wo havo met to commemorate and colebratc, wns born February 1, 1833. Today, If ho was living, ho would havo been an oven 81 years of Tigc. Wo aro happy,thls oven- Ing to meet, which fact la evidence that wo still honor our father, aire and leader. In tho year 18C5, when ho wub 22 years of ago, ho todkjto him a wife, Martha Smith, who wiib born In Weekly County, Tennessee, In 1836, she being 19 years of ngs. ThlB noble woman, who believed the Gospel to bo the revealed word of nod, became tho I mother of two beautiful daughters I Mallssa and Martha; tho lnaUnatntid, when only six weeks old, the" mother I passed from this life, October 29, 1858, I at tho age or 22. 8ho had received I premonition or this (separation and I sccmcu recoiiciieu 10 mmi du uj.-"" tho will of God. In the year 1858 I William Henry Chlpman having found I It necessary to marry again, both for I tho benefit of theso two children and I hlmseir. Ho consequently married I Eliza Filcher, who was born February I 1, 1S40, In Hanley, Starrordshlre, Eng- I Jand.'' -She boro him nlno children. I She, like many others, had Burfcrcd I mhch helping to earn that llttlo homp. I food and clothing. In tho spring or I 1859 Eliza shared her hUBband with Sarah Bimms, who was born in St. I Louis, NovcmberJ5, 1842, and who is a survivor. Sarah boro fourteen chll? dren, two of which number died whlld Infants. These two women workedi and tolled hard nnd long, and while- often their husband's work wau from Bun to sun, their work was noyen dono, They shared much hardship and manvirialsr sohto llttlo Joyumfflj .muchjKwrow. ,K vssJfpt' .uB ' tKls nfoTbcnig mourned by a husband? a companion wife and a hoBt of chil dren and a multitude of frlendB. In mo Spring OI IOOO nom a 1TO.UUU daughter, Martha, departed this llfo, leaving a husband and three children. This made a total or thrco children deceased two sons and one daughter; twenty-two who aro still living, and tho majority aro hero and represented with Good and honorable tamllles. William Henry Chlpman, with his thrco wives, did much-Ju pioneering this western country. They tolled with this awful desort and It now blossoms like the rose. It Is through their untiring efforts that many of his family enjoy tho bounties or llfo. Our religious rrecdom, our advanced edu cation, our Intercourse with othor stntea, our lovely towns and valleys, aro In a mcasuro due to our parents. U wo were spending our tlmo clearing tho vast acres, supplying an Irrigation project, fighting Indians and earning our bread, theso nnd many other workB employed the tlmo or these noble hands wo would In our souls be better men and women. Wo could find no time for tho grosser things or lire. I bellovo that we should emu late the) lives or theso good spirits moro than wo do. For bo lnrge a family thoro aro few bo good but we could bo much better. Let us then live bo thai when wo reach that goa' whore wo are called to meet our dear rather and kind mothers, wo will meet them with not a rear and blush upon our countenance, but with a glow f" truth and virtue upon our brow that will bespeak our nobli lives. All the hardships Buffered by our piireutH vcro for us and the Gospel Let us then be worthy of tho name Chlpman ainj emulate our parents' rellgloiiB IndiiBtrlouB, God-fearing lives. o S. S. CONVICTION FOIt Tin: Tinu:i: staki:s A Sunday school convention for tin5 Alpine, Ncbo anil Utah stakes will be held at Provo tomorrow, Sunday, Feb ruary 8. The forenoon bcshIoiib will bo hold In tho Hrlgham Young univer sity buildings and the arternoon ses ueHslon In the Jtako tnbornacle. At 12:30 luncheon will bo Borvcd tc all visitors In tho 11. Y. ;J. library. An'excollent program Iiiib been pre pared for tho occasion. o MYIDKMIS i:CLAIIEI) Both tho Chlpman Mercantile com pany nnd tho American Fork Co-opcr-atlvo Institution havo hold their an nual stockholder's meetings. Tho Co op declared an 8 per cent dividend Iupon tho capital stock, payable In cash, Februnry IB. Tho llunnclnl ro port of the management showed 0 m Keep Clean Week 1 I aphis does not mean to keep clean for I I Sp& one week only, but a whole week oi . 1 H Wm articles for keeping cleanly. Displayed I H mm in our big Show Windows. A new .1 WM Broom sweeps clean a special offer J for one week. We offer for one vl I 'MS- week a Broom that is a "Cracker Jack" , M M Wm Only 25c. Some stores charge you Wm 40c for the same thing. A broom is twN? fl BB ;B- a broom but not all brooms is like our SJ mti 25c broom. Made well, Finished 3 9 'mM right and sweeps clean s I llll All our show Windows will jl 1 m be mied with Keep Clean v I m Articles. ! s I B-TJB BJ flBBi "w l H BBbI IChipman Merc. Co. 1 I Pi American Fork, I 1 1 BBBJ bbbbb "dffdffJ KKmae In business for 1913 BwJPjtfcastUecompany dc glnroil nTpeTflBldlvldendi- pay ablo in merchandise, and this after spending some J11.000 during 1913 on Improvements. Their report bIbo showed a largo lncrcaso In business for tho past year. Mr. Jack Ilosscll of Salt l.nhoC'lJ . was the guest of Miss Barbara Holey part of tho week. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson are now occupying their now residence In Uo Fourth Ward. It Is ono of the pret tiest and nentest llttlo homes In our city. Mrs. William Chlpman -jtVlL"?.( a number of friends and relatives at a dinner party at her Homo W iim day afternoon In honor of her fatlicr b, T. V. Tranc, C8th birthday. , Mr. and Mrs. Charley James. vho lived In American Fork fourteen care ago, were In town this week re owing old acquaintances. Mr. James has be come a prosperous stockman in Al berta, Canada. MrB S F. Grant entertained at a children's party at her home Tup winy in honor or her daughter, 0ilcl; rourth birthday, About tc l tU RucBta wcro present and n J8;' lime was enjoyed by all. IMn-Bh-nicnts were served. About thlrty-flvo relatlver, and trio d" of Mr. and Mrs. ThomnH Cod dlngton gave them a very Hjonsant I surprise party at their home Tuesday I evening PAttcr spending .... evening In music nnd various games, a dellc- I Ioub luncheon was Bcrved. I The presidency of the Fourth Ward nollnf society entertained tho girib I who have so5 faithfully worked for so no tlmo gathering tho Sunday eggs oTIhe bonegnt of the stake Urnne P. , at the motion picture bIiow Tucsiiii) evening. I Tho library movement Ib making goo progress. A lot or letters have bee sent to library olllclals and to ,llles who havo Institutions slml ar lo tho ono contemplated here. In r few days a permanent working con -mltteo will bo selected and 111 In "ugurato Btcps that will ultimate!) land tho library Tho stake tabernacle ."u"'""?.0.0, mltteo held u mooting In the tlth n omco Wednesday ovening take un der consideration the sea ng of u tabernacle and tho lustal Ing or "w plpo; organ. Representatives from bunwoody's Fumlturo companj anf McMillan School Supply companr of Salt Lako City wero present nd matter was thoroughly discussed. The meeting adjourned until W(fnetair evening, February 11, when tho mat tor will again be tnken up. i - i SUNDAY SCHOOL EXCUHS10N. 111,1 "-. (.vtifX'j - Tnol'SAltIjAelkwUBfeir special train for tho Sunday school workors, Sunday morning, Feb. 8, to Provo nnd return. Lcnvlng Lchl 8 n m., rare ror round trip, 85 cents. American Fork, 8:06 a. m., faro 75 H PkvttlaeKilC.fare W ceat. I ofurnlni? tlniraelfye't'rSiBo. .T.n.BM p. m. Everybody invited to Join their H friends on this special train. 7-1 1 BJ IBH Opera House I MONDAY I February 9, 14 1 I BIG FUN FEAST J I The Four Act Swedish Comedy I ' I TZNUTE TZNUTSON I I I Concert Band aud Orches- i I tra, a Brilliant Display of r i I Special Scenery and Elect- I1 I rical Effects. A Real Show I: 91 I for Real People. "See I ' I TheGovernment Locks." 1:1 I Watch For The Swedish j-1 I Band on Street at Noon. ! I' 11 SEATS on SALE at AMERICAN I fl FORK DRUG COMPANY I 11 MM